פסטיבל אמנות למען ארץ ישראל | 12.2018-2.2019

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‫פסטיבל אמנות‬ ‫למען ארץ ישראל‬ Summer 14.12.18 – 9.12.18 Winter 15.01.19 – 8.01.19 Spring-Autumn 13.02.19 – 7.02.19

Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

‫משרד העלייה והקליטה –בסיוע מרכז לקליטת אמנים עולים ותושבים חוזרים‬ Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

‫פסטיבל אמנות‬ ‫למען ארץ ישראל‬ EXHIBITIONS


Summer 9.12.18 – 14.12.18




Winter 8.01.19 – 15.01.19

‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬:‫טקסט‬


Spring-Autumn 7.02.19 – 13.02.19

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest Text: Marina Schelest Biographies: Marina Genkina

‫ אלי רטנר‬- ‫ניהול אמנותי‬

Art-direction: Eli Ratner

‫ אירינה פרס‬- ‫עיצוב גרפי‬

Graphic design: Irina Press

.‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים המיוצגים בקטלוג‬

All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue.

‫ משה שלסט‬:‫תרגום‬

Translation: Moshe Shelest

‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

© all rights reserved

‫גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬

Skizza Gallery skizze.gallery@gmail.com

" ‫עמותת "ארט פרוגקט גירוסלם‬ ‫בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬ ‫ גובה * רוחב * עומק‬,‫המידות מובאות בסנטימטרים‬

Non-profit organization «Art Poject Jerusalem» Jerusalem House of Quality Measurements are given in centimeters, height x width x depth


«Я вижу четыре времени года как символ, отображающий человеческую жизнь, и физическую, и духовную, во всех ее проявлениях…» Марк Шагал Цикличность времен года заложена в человеческой природе: время постоянно обновляется, и нам всем необходимы привычные приметы его обновления: зелень лета, белизна зимы, нежные краски весны и приглушенное золото осени. К этим приметам времени мы, родившиеся в европейском климате, привыкли с рождения. И вот – Израиль: совсем другой климат, вернее, целый диапазон разных климатических зон в одной маленькой стране. Израильская погода радует и одновременно сбивает с толку: зима больше похожа на весну, осени нет вовсе, а лето такое длинное... и при этом может вернуться на пару дней практически в любое время года. Но художники способны создать на холсте или на бумаге, при помощи красок или объектива фотоаппарата свою параллельную вселенную. В этом мире время течет по-другому: здесь воспоминания детства – звук капели ранней весной, шуршание осенней листвы под ногами, хруст снега зимой... запахи, звуки навсегда оставленного, привычного мира, соседствуют с залитыми солнцем израильскими пейзажами, воспоминания детства перемежаются с первыми острыми впечатлениями от израильских субтропиков и восторгом от путешествий в дальние страны. «Лето», «Зима» и «Межсезонье» – эти три выставки вместили в себя целый спектр наблюдений, воспоминаний, зарисовок. Главное, что отличало все эти три экспозиции – свет: теплый и яркий свет лета, холодный и пронзительный свет зимы и мягкий «эстетский» свет межсезонья. Три выставки – ярко-желтая, бело-синяя и охристо-палевая... Три попытки создания собственного мира, в котором привычное соседствует с экзотикой, а экзотика становится нормой нашей новой жизни во вновь обретенном Доме. Так художники и кураторы и попытались рассказать «...о нереальности,

которая на самом деле реальна. Или о действительности, которой нет и не может быть на земле. Но,тем не менее, не исключено, что она – единственно возможная форма существования». (Марк Шагал) Марина Шелест


«I see the four seasons of the year as a symbol representing human life, physical and spiritual, in all its varied manifestations…» Marc Chagall The cyclicality of the year is set in human nature: time is in a constant state of renewal, and we all require signs of this renewal: greenery of summer, whiteness of winter, the soft colours of spring and the diminished gold of autumn. Those of us who come from a European climate are very familiar with these signs of time. And here comes Israel: a completely different climate, or more accurately: a whole range of different climate zones pressed into one tiny country. Israel’s weather brings joy as well as confusion: winter is more akin to spring, autumn is nowhere to be found and summer feels unending... while practically any season can return for a couple of days unannounced. Yet artists are capable of creating their own parallel universe on their canvas or paper, be it with paint or with the lens of a camera. In this world time moves differently: here a childhood memory – sound of droplets falling in early spring, the rustle of leaves under the feet, the crunch of snow in winter... smells, sounds of the world left behind, of the familiar world, neighbouring with the sun filled Israeli landscapes, childhood memories mix with the first sharp impression of Israel’s subtropics and the excitement of traveling to a foreign land. «Summer», «Winter» and «Between seasons» – these three exhibitions have collected in them a whole spectre of observations, memories, sketches. The main thing that differentiated these three exhibitions was – light: warm and bright colours of summer, cold and piercing light of winter and soft «aesthetic» light of the between seasons. Three exhibitions -bright yellow, white-blue and soft-ochre... Three attempts to create a personal world, in which the habitual coexists with the exotic, and exotica becomes the norm in our newly acquired home. That is how the curators tried to say «...the unreal that is in truth real. Or the

reality, that does not exist and can not exist on the earth. But which, despite that, is potentially the only possible form of existence». (Marc Chagall) Marina Schelest


01 Summer ‫קיץ‬

9.12.18 14.12.18


‫ | מרינה בלקין‬Marina Belkina

Summer. 2018. Mixed media, 29х21 ‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫קיץ‬


‫ | שלמה ברונשטיין‬Shlomo Bronshtein

The Secret of the Dead Sea. 2018. Photograph on kappa, 50х50 ‫ צילום על קאפה‬.‫סוד הים המת‬


' ‫ | מרים פייגא בונימוביץ‬Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

My Personal Japanese Pond. 2018. Photography, 50x70 ‫ צילום‬.‫הבריכה היפאנית שלי‬


‫ | גלינה דידור‬Galina Didur

Abandoned House (Montignac). 2018. Acrylic on canvas, 90х120 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.)‫בית נטוש (מונטיניאק‬


‫ | סרגיי חבוסטנקו‬Sergey Hvostenko

Shirt. 2018. Acrylic on canvas, 100x100 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫חולצה‬


‫ | בנימין קלצל‬Benjamin Kletzel

Untitled. 2016. Acrylic on canvas, 60x40 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | מריאנה קורול‬Mariana Korol

August. 2018. Acrylic on canvas,100х50 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫אוגוסט‬


‫ | משה פוטאפנקובה‬Masha Potapenkova

Ships. 2018. Acrylic on canvas, 70x90 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫סירות‬


‫‪ | Irina Press‬אירינה פרס‬

‫‪Life of Trees 1. 2018. Digital Art, 50х70‬‬ ‫החיים של עצים ‪ .1‬אמנות דיגיטלית‬


‫ | טטיאנה רטוש‬Tatyana Ratush

Summer. 2018. Mixed media, 29х21 ‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫קיץ‬


‫ | שמואל (אנטולי) שלסט‬Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest

Chameleons. 2015. Acrylic on canvas, 90х120 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫זיקיות‬


‫ | אירנה סורוצ'ינסקי‬Irena Sorochinsky

Morning on the Lake. 2018. Acrylic on canvas, 60х80 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫בוקר על האגם‬


02 Winter ‫חורף‬

8.01.19 15.01.19



‫ | אירנה אייזן‬Irena Aizen

Januar. 2018. Print on canvas, 50x50 ‫ הדפסה על בד‬.‫ינואר‬


‫ | אנטולי ברטינסקי‬Anatoly Baratynsky

Winter. 2017. Mixed media, digital print on paper, 33x48 ‫ הדפסה דיגיטלית על נייר‬,‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫חורף‬


‫ | לרה ברשטיין‬Lera Barstein

Snowmen. 1999. Oil on canvas, 80x95 ‫ שמן על בד‬.‫אנשי שלג‬


‫ | מרינה בלקין‬Marina Belkina

Haifa, Winter.2018. Pen on paper, 29x21 ‫ עט על נייר‬.‫ חורף‬,‫חיפה‬


‫ | שלמה ברונשטיין‬Shlomo Bronshtein

Winter. 2017. Digital photo, 70x90 ‫ צילום דיגיטלי‬.‫חורף‬


' ‫ | מרים פייגא בונימוביץ‬Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

The Winter Beast. 2017. Photograph, 50x70 ‫ צילום‬.‫חית החורף‬


‫ | גלינה דידור‬Galina Didur

Winter. 2013. Acrylic on canvas, 80х80 ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫חורף‬


‫ | אלכסי דמיטרייב‬Alexey Dmitriev

Untitled. 2015. Photograph, 70x50 ‫ צילום‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | גרגורי חטין‬Gregory Khatin

Winter Still Life. 2018. Digital photograph, 60х41 ‫ צילום דיגיטלי‬.‫טבע דומם חרפי‬


‫ | אינה לסובוי‬Inna Lesovaya

Winter House. 1980. Oil on carton, 60,5x57 ‫ שמן על קרטון‬.‫בית חורף‬


‫ | שמעון לוין‬Simon Levin

Winter. 2018. Photograph, 20x30 ‫ צילום‬.‫חורף‬


‫פאלאנקר‬-‫ | אנה לעייטמן‬Anna Leytman-Palanker

Winter Trees. 2016. Chamotte, glaze, 28х22х12 ‫ זיגוג‬,‫ שמות‬.‫עצי חורף‬


‫ | מאשה אורלוביץ‬Masha Orlovich

Winter Tune in Abuhav Synagogue, Safed. 2017. Etching, embossing and collage, 80x40 ‫ אמבוסינג וקולאז‬,‫ תחריט‬.‫מנגינת חורף בבית הכנסת אבוהבת צפת‬


‫ | טטיאנה רטוש‬Tatyana Ratush

Winter. 2018. Mixed media, 29х21 ‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬.‫חורף‬


‫ | שמואל (אנטולי) שלסט‬Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest

Minyan. From the series «Jewish Cart». 2008-2009. Acrylic on canvas pasted on carton, 60x90 ‫ אקריליק על בד שהודבק על קרטון‬."‫ מתוך הסדרה "עגלה יהודית‬.‫מניין‬


‫ | מקס שאמוט‬Max Shamota

Winter in Safed. 2017. Photograph, 40x60 ‫ צילום‬.‫חורף בצפת‬


‫‪ | Ghenadie Sontu‬גנאדי שונצו‬

‫‪Lovebirds. 2015. Oil on canvas, 50x60‬‬ ‫ציפורי אהבה אגאּפורניסים ‪ .‬שמן על בד‬


‫ | סרגיי טריאיב‬Sergey Teryaev

Winter Morning. 2018. Oil on canvas, 45x50 ‫ שמן על בד‬.‫בוקר חורף‬


‫פיקובסקי‬-‫ | אלינה יופה‬Alina Yoffe-Pikovsky

Snow in Jerusalem. 1995. Paper cut, 27x18 ‫ מגזרת נייר‬.‫שלג בירושלים‬



03 Spring-Autumn ‫סתיו‬-‫אביב‬

7.02.19 13.02.19

‫ | מרינה בלקין‬Marina Belkina

Untitled. 2008. Indian ink, gouache on paper, 29x21 ‫ גואש על נייר‬,‫ דיו‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


‫ | שלמה ברונשטיין‬Shlomo Bronshtein

Untitled. 2018. Photograph, 50 x 70 ‫ צילום‬.‫ללא כותרת‬


' ‫ | מרים פייגא בונימוביץ‬Miriam-Feyga Bunimovich

Searching for Israeli Autumn, 2014. Photography, 50x70 ‫ צילום‬.‫חיפוש אחר הסתיו הישראלי‬


‫ | גלינה דידור‬Galina Didur

Fall. From the series “Seasons”. 2013. Acrylic on canvas, 80x80cm ‫ אקריליק על בד‬. "‫ מתוך סדרת "עונות השנה‬.‫סתיו‬


‫ | בלה גרודינסקי‬Bella Grodinsky

Awakening. 2019. Digital graphics, 40x36,5 ‫ גרפיקה דיגיטלי‬.‫התעוררות‬


‫ | מריאנה קורול‬Mariana Korol

Wildflowers. 2010. Watercolor on non-woven fabric, 134х103 ‫מים על בד לא ארוג‬-‫ צבעי‬.‫פרחי בר‬


‫ | אינה לסובוי‬Inna Lesovaya

Lake. Early Spring. Oil on carton, 55 x 58 ‫ שמן על קרטון‬.‫ תחילת האביב‬.‫אגם‬


‫ | לובוב מינגזיטינב‬Liubov Mingazitinova

From the series «Villa Garden in the Tel-Binyamin Quarter». 2016. Markers on paper, 30х30 (each one) ‫ סמנים על נייר‬."‫מתוך הסדרה "גן וילה בשכונת בנימין בנימינה סמנים‬


‫ | משה פוטאפנקובה‬Masha Potapenkova

Autumn. 2018. Acrylic on canvas ‫ אקריליק על בד‬.‫סתיו‬


‫‪ | Irina Press‬אירינה פרס‬

‫‪Life of Trees 2. 2018. Digital Art, 50х70‬‬ ‫החיים של עצים ‪ .1‬אמנות דיגיטלית‬


‫ | טטיאנה רטוש‬Tatyana Ratush

Autumn. 2018. Oil, pastel on paper, 29x21 ‫ פסטל על נייר‬,‫ שמן‬.‫סתיו‬


‫ | מקס שאמוט‬Max Shamota

Rain. 2018. Digital Art, 50х70 ‫אמנות דיגיטלית‬. 2018. ‫גשם‬


‫ | נקודא זינגר‬Nekoda Singer

The Fence of Four Seasons. 2002. Acrylic on wood, 80x260 ‫ אקריליק על עץ‬.‫גדר ארבע העונות‬


‫"בארבע עונות השנה אני רואה סמל המשקף את חייו של האדם – גם הגשמיים‪,‬‬ ‫גם הרוחניים‪ ,‬חיים בכל היבטיהם‪"...‬‬ ‫מארק שאגאל‬ ‫המחזוריות של עונות השנה טבועה בטבע האדם‪ :‬הזמן חוזר ומתחדש כל העת‪,‬‬ ‫ולכולנו נחוצים סימני הכר להתחדשות זו‪ :‬הירוק של הקיץ‪ ,‬הלבן של החורף‪ ,‬גווניו‬ ‫הרכים של האביב‪ ,‬והסתיו – זהוב ומעומעם‪ .‬אנחנו‪ ,‬מי שנולדנו לאקרים האירופי‪,‬‬ ‫הורגלנו להם זה מכבר‪ .‬אלא שכאן בישראל שונה לגמרי האקלים‪ ,‬ליתר דיוק –‬ ‫מגוון שלם של אזורי אקלים במדינה קטנה אחת‪ .‬מזג האוויר בישראל משמח‬ ‫ובה בעת גם מבלבל‪ :‬החורף כאן דומה יותר לאביב‪ ,‬סתיו אין בכלל והקיץ ארוך‬ ‫כל כך‪ ...‬ועם כל זה יכול לשוב ליום‪-‬יומיים למעשה בכל עונה שבשנה‪...‬‬ ‫אולם האמנים יש בכוחם ליצור – על גבי בד או נייר‪ ,‬בעזרת צבעים או באמצעות‬ ‫עדשת המצלמה – יקום מקביל משלהם‪ .‬ובעולם זה‪ ,‬הזמן זורם אחרת‪ :‬כאן‪,‬‬ ‫זיכרונות הילדות‪ ,‬צלילי טפטוף של ראשית האביב‪ ,‬רשרוש של שלכת בסתיו‪,‬‬ ‫קול מעיכת השלג בחורף‪ ...‬ריחות וצלילים מעולם שגור שננטש לעד – ולצידם‬ ‫נופים מן הארץ‪ ,‬שטופי שמש; זיכרונות ילדות מתחלפים עם הרשמים הראשונים‬ ‫והעזים מהאקלים הסובטרופי המקומי והתפעלות מן המסעות הראשונים אל‬ ‫ארצות רחוקות‪.‬‬ ‫"קיץ"‪" ,‬חורף"‪" ,‬בין עונות" – שלוש התערוכות הללו את מלוא הספקטרום של‬ ‫רשמים‪ ,‬זיכרונות וסקיצות‪.‬‬ ‫הדבר העיקרי שייחד את שלוש התערוכות הוא האור‪ :‬אורו החם והבהיר של הקיץ‪,‬‬ ‫אורו הקר והחודר של החוקף – ולעומתם‪ ,‬אור רך ו"אסטטיקני" של עונת הבין‪-‬לבין‪.‬‬ ‫שלוש תערוכות‪ :‬זו בצהוב בהיר‪ ,‬זו בלבן‪-‬כחול וזו בצבעים של קש ואוכרה‪...‬‬ ‫שלושה ניסיונות ליצור עולם משלך שבו השגור דר עם האקזוטי‪ ,‬האקזוטי הופך‬ ‫לשגרת חיינו החדשה בבית הישן‪-‬חדש‪.‬‬ ‫וכך ניסו האמנים והאוצרים לספר "על אי‪-‬מציאות שהיא למעשה מציאותית‪ .‬או‬ ‫על מציאות שאיננה ואינה יכולה להיות עלי אדמות‪ .‬ואף על פי כן ייתכן שהיא היא‬ ‫צורת הקיום היחידה האפשרית"‪( .‬מארק שאגאל)‪.‬‬ ‫מרינה שלסט‬


Irena Aizen Born 1962 in Russia. Grew up in a family of artist. 1981 – graduated from Yaroslavl Art College. In Russia Irena worked as an illustrator in a Book Publishing Houses. Since 1990 – in Israel. Lives and works in Tiberias. Collections: Hanan Milner Art Gallery, Israel// Museum of Russian Art, Jersey City, USA// Naive Art Museum of Latvia, Riga// Tula Museum of Fine Arts, Russia// Galerie Natalie Boldyreff, Paris, France// Tribes Fine Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel//Art Gallery «Sarah 7», Haifa, Israel// Private collections in the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Russia, Israel, Great Britain, and China. aizenlev@013.net Anatoly Baratynsky Born in 1962, Ufa, Russia, USSR. 1988 – graduated from the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Art Department. Became member of the Artists Union of the former USSR. Since 1991 lives and works in Israel, in Jerusalem. 1992 – became member of the Israeli Branch of the International Artists Association. Awards: 1996 – Shoshanna Ish – Shalom Scholarship, Jerusalem, Israel// 1997 – «Certificate of Merit» Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 1998 – Diploma 1st International Art Annual «Masks in Venice», Italy// 2003 – Medal and Diploma, Tatra Art Museum of Proprad, Slovakia// 2006 – Diploma «Third


International Biennial of Graphics», St. Petersburg, Russia// Diploma «Second Russian Water-color Exhibition», Kurgan, Russia// The Charlotte Chapter of the Interior Design Society's, NC, USA (Third place award)// 2014 – Yuri Stern Award in the Field of Plastic Arts, for a contribution to culture of Israel (Award Ceremony: 2014 February 19th, Tel Aviv Museum, Israel)// 2016 – The winner of the Contest for the Artists «The Wall» declared by the US Embassy in Israel.

Lera Barstein

State University, Faculty.

Born 1961 in Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1981 – graduated from Moscow Art College. Since 1983 – Member of Moscow Artists’ Union.

1992 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Hadera.

Collections: The Art Museum, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel// Natural History Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// Museum of Contemporary Art, Imatra, Finland// Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, Jersey City, USA// Tatra Art Museum, Poprad, Slovakia// Nesterov’s Art Museum, Ufa, Russia// Udmurt Republican Art Museum, Izhevsk, Russia// Dogadin Astrakhan State Art Gallery, Russia// Regional Art Museum, Kurgan, Russia// Fund of Modern Graphics, St, Petersburg, Russia// Design Center, Chelyabinsk, Russia// G.Galagan’s Chernigov Art Museum, Ukraine// Roerich Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine// Uman' Museum of Art, Ukraine// National Art Museum, Baku, Azerbaijan// Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France// Ural Art Gallery, Ufa, Russia// Art Gallery of the Bank Leumi, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, London, UK// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia and other countries.

anatoly8562@gmail.com www.baratynsky.ehie.co

1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Since 1992 – Member of Israeli and International Artists Association. Award: 1983 – The First Prize of Yanush Korchak International Picture Competition, Warsaw, Poland

lerabarshtein@gmail.com www.lerabarshtein.com


Collections: Private collections in Israel, France, Germany, Russia, and Uzbekistan. sh.bron@gmail.com Miriam –Feyga Bunimovich Born 1985, USSR. 2009 – graduated from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2013 – graduated from the Graphic Design Program, Specter Group, representing Microsoft & Adobe in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel. 2010 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Shilo settlement.

Marina Belkina

Awards: 2010, 2011 – Binyamin Regional Council art photo contest.

Born 1970, Leningrad, USSR (now St.Petersburg, Russia). 1998 – graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Theatre Music and Film, Producer's Department. Since 2006 – member of the Free Culture Association, St.Petersburg.


Since 2012 in Israel, lives in Haifa. Since 2009 – Member of the Israel Professional Artists Association (IPAA). Collections: State Literary Museum, Moscow, Russia// Museum of Non–conformist Art, St.Petersburg, Russia// Private collections in Russia, Holland, France, and Germany. alisaprivet2@mail.ru Shlomo Bronshtein Born 1962, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. Graduated from the Tashkent

Galina Didur Born in Kharkov, Ukraine. 1982– graduated from College of Arts, Kharkov, Ukraine; 1988 – graduated from Kharkov Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Department of Monumental Decorative Painting. Since 1994 – in Israel, lives and works in Holon. Since 2011 – Member of Israeli Artists Union. Awards: 2011 – 2nd place in the nomination «Acrylic Technique», International Arts Festival «Transformation», La Ferte Bernard, France// 2014 – Diploma «Gold canvas of 2014», Salon of French Artists «Art en Capital», Grand Palais, Paris, France// 2015 – Paul Pate Foundation Prize, Salon of French Artists «Art en capital»,

Grand Palais, Paris, France// 2017 – Diploma MENTION, Grand Palais, Paris, France// 2018 – Prix G.N. Finez Planard, Prix G.N. Finez Planard, Salon of French Artists «Art en capital», Grand Palais, Paris, France. Collections: Museum of Russian Art (MORA), New Jersey, USA// Private collections in Israel, Russia, France, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Belgium, Kazakhstan. galinadidur@gmail.com Alexey Dmitriev Born 1963, Tashkent, USSR (now Uzbekistan). Since 1973 studied in children Art Studio (Head of Studio Y.L. Frumgarts). 1985 – graduated from The Tashkent National Institute of Theater and Fine Arts, Stage Design Department. During study he worked as a stage designer in the Ilkhom Theatre (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), in the Film-Actor Studio Theatre (Uzbekfilm, Tashkent, Uzbekistan), in Academic Russian Drama Theatre of Uzbekistan (Tashkent), and in Kashkadarya Regional Theater of Musical Drama (Qarshi, Uzbekistan). 1985, 1987 – Tashkent Theatre for Young People, property-man and decorator for extreme operations. 1988-1989 – Chief artist of the theater. 1989-1991 – Artistprobationer in Central Children's Theatre (Moscow, Russia). 1991 – moved to Gorno-Altaisk, Russia. 1993-1997 – Chief artist of the National Drama Theatre of Altai Republic (Gorno-Altaisk, Russia). 1997-2013 – Dmitriev works in various fields: he organizes workshop of Video Art in Crafts

Center «Adamant»// Teaches in the Center of Oriental Studies at National Lyceum Classic// Directs the «Planeta-Service» television studio// collaborates with the newspaper «Postscriptum» and with «REKTAYM» Advertising Agency// Collaborates with theaters in Gorno-Altaisk, Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Vladivostok, Moscow.

Sergey Hvostenko

Benjamin Kletzel

Born 1970, Altai Region, USSR (now Russia). 1995 – graduated from E.V.Vuchetich State Art College, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. 2001 – graduated from The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Born in 1932, Pervomaisk, near Odessa, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1941 lived in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1967 – graduated from Tashkent Theater and Art Institute, Art Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1967 – moved to Samara, Russia. Since 1976 – member of USSR Artists’ Union.

Since 2010 and up to now he is the artist-designer of «Arbor» Publishing Group (Moscow, Russia).


1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem.

Gregory Khatin

Since 1993 – member of the Union of Theatre Workers of the Russian Federation. Since 2000 – member of the Russian Artists’ Union.

Born 1947, Leningrad (now St.Petersburg), Russia, USSR.

Awards: 1995 – Ish Shalom Prize, Jerusalem// 2007 – Jerusalem Olive Prize.

Lives and works in Gorno-Altaisk, Russia. Awards: 1991 – Grand Prix, the First All-Russian Festival of Contemporary Painting «Gold Brush-91», Central Artists House, Moscow, Russia// 2011 – Winner of the All-Russian competition «The Art of the Book. Traditions and search»// 2012 – Diploma of the All-Russian Festival «Art Books. Traditions and Modernity-2012», Central Artists House, Moscow, Russia// 2018 – Winner of International Competition «Image of the book», Moscow, Russia// 2018– Cheltenham Illustrations Award. Collections: A.V. Anohin National Museum, Gorno-Altaisk, Russia// Bianky Biysk Museum, Biysk, Russia// Directorate of Art Exhibitions, Tashkent, Uzbekistan// Private collections: France, USA, Canada, Holland, Austria, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Russia. alexkdmitriev@gmail.com

2013 – moved to Israel, lives and works in Ashdod.

After serving in the army went to Polytechnic Institute. There also worked in the photographic laboratory. Since 1974 – worked in the restoration shop as photographer. Since 1978 – collaborated with publishers «Aurora«, «Artist of the RSFSR, «Art», «Music», «Lenizdat», «Slavia», «P-2» etc. Photographs of Khatin were published in more than 50 albums and books in Russia, which were displayed at various exhibitions books in Moscow, Frankfurt-onMain and others. Was a member of the Gorcom (City Committee) of graphics artists, St. Petersburg Artists Union. 1999 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Participated in the publication of more than 20 albums and books in Israel. Awards: 1988 – First Degree Diploma, All-Russian Exhibition of Books// 2008 – Golden Medal, Photo Contest «Israel in Repatriates Eyes», Israel. Collections: Private collections in Israel, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, USA, Germany. gre –kha@ya.ru

Collections: Art Museum, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Samara Museum of Fine Arts, Samara, Russia// galleries and private collections in Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, South Africa, USA. Mariana Korol Born 1969, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. 1978-1990 – studied in the Plastic Art Studio. Graduated from Pedagogical Institute, Art and Drawing Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Hadera. Member of the Israel Association of the Professional Artists. Work with children: Mariana is leader of the Art Place School in Hadera. 2007 – preparing students for participation in the «City without Violence» – All Israel Project. Students won the first two prizes// 2008 – Children's Creativity International Exhibition, Yad L'Banim Exhibition Hall, Hadera, Israel (producer and curator). Collections: Museum of Jewish


Culture, Bratislava, Slovakia// Private collections in Israel, Russia, France, USA, Germany.

of Maxim Vengerov and Daniel Barenboim).

Inna Lesovaya

Masha Potapenkova

Born in 1947, Kiev, USSR (now Kyiv, Ukraine). 1973 – graduated from Moscow Polygraphic Institute (now Moscow State University of Printing Arts), Graphics Department. 1974 – Member of Soviet Artists’ Union. 2016 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Kfar Eldad, Gush Etzion. Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia, France, USA. lesovoy.arnold@gmail.com


Born in Russia, USSR. 2000 – graduated from Sholokhov Moscow State Open Pedagogic University, Art and Graphic Department. Member of the Union of Abstract Artists, member of the All–Russia Artists' Union, member of the International Art Foundation, Russia 2015 – moved to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. potapenkovmasha@gmail.com

www.inna –lesovaya.com

Irina Press

Simon Levin

Born in 1970, Moscow, USSR. 1995 gratuated from Moscow State Pedagogical University, Art and Graphic Department. 1996 –1998 The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Monumental Painting Department, Brussels, Belgium. 1998 – Member of the Creative Union of Russian Artists, Moscow, Russia. 2017 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Rishon LeZion. Collections: Private collections in Belgium, France, Japan, USA, Russia and other countries.

Born un 1973, Moscow, USSR. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 2013-2014 studied at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, computer design, Tel Aviv, Israel. semalevin@gmail.com Masha Orlovich Born in Leningrad (now St.Petersburg), Russia. 1981 – graduated from the V.Serov College of Fine Art, Leningrad. Since 1990 – in Israel, lives in Safed. Since 2000 – a member of the Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. Collections: St.Petersburg Museum of Sculpture, Russia// Private collections in Israel, Russia, Europe, USA (including collections


ir2370@yandex.ru Tatyana Ratush Born in 1967, Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). 1986 – graduated from Mukhina Academy of Art and Design. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem.

Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia, Germany, Latvia and USA. tatratush.art@gmail.com Shmuel (Anatoly) Schelest Born 1957, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. 1983-1986 – studied at the Kiev Institute of Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 1986 – after Chernobyl catastrophe moved with his family to Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1989 – graduated from The Tashkent National Institute of Theater and Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 2000 – moved to Koblenz, Germany. 2006 – moved to Israel. Lives in Ma’ale–Adumim, works in Jerusalem. Awards: 2012 – «Vera» Prize, VI Moscow International Festival of Art «Traditions and Contemporaneity», Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// 2013 – For the Originality of the Artistic Solution, VII Tashkent International Biennale of Contemporary Art, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Collections: Ukraine National Art Museum, Kiev// Art Fund of Uzbekistan, Tashkent// Uzbekistan Art Gallery, National Bank of Uzbekistan, Tashkent// David Baazov Museum of History of Jews of Georgia and GeorgianJewish Relations, Tbilisi, Georgia// Collection of Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, London, UK// Collection of Annemarie Schimmel, influential German Orientalist, Bonn, Germany// Private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Israel and other countries. skizze.gallery@gmail.com

Max Shamota Born in 1961, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1982 – graduated from Moscow State Art College in Memory of 1905 (now Moscow Academic Art College in Memory of 1905), Graphic Department// 1988 – graduated from Moscow Polygraphic Institute (now Moscow State University of Printing Arts), Book Graphics and Design Department. Since 1988 – member of the Russian Artists Union// 2007 – member of the Photo Artists of Russia Union// 2008– member of the Russian Union of Art Photographers. Since 2010 lives in Israel, Tiberias. Publications: Since the 1990s – published in various magazines and newspapers: «Lechaim», «Ogonyok» (Little Fire), «Novye Izvestia» (New News), «Digital Photo», and others// 2007 – Photo Album «View of Life. Such a different Love» by the «Fotoloft» Gallery. Awards: 2006 – First prize in nomination «Portrait» by «Digital Photo» Magazine// 2006-2009 – Prizes in competitions of various photo portals such as: Photoawards.ru, Photokonkurs.com, Photosight.ru. Collections: The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow, Russia// Private collections in Israel, Russia, France, Italy, USA, Canada, Lithuania, Bulgaria. maximshamota@gmail.com www.maxshamota.com

Nekoda Singer Born in 1960, Novosibirsk, USSR (now Russia). 1980-1983 – studied in the Institute of the Theatre, Music and Cinematography in Leningrad (now St.Petersburg) and worked as stage designer. 1988 – came to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. 1988 – member of the Union of Artists of Israel. 1991 – published «A Manifesto of Neo-Eclecticism» (with Gali-Dana Singer). Award: 1989 – Yad Yosef Prize for immigrant artists. Collections: Private collections in Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, Holland, Austria, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Latvia, Georgia and Russia. nekodan@live.com https://fineartamerica.com/ profiles/nekoda-singer.html nekodasinger.blogspot.com/ http://nekodasinger.blogspot.co.il/ Ghenadie Sontu Born in 1979, Moldova, USSR. 2001-2003 – studied at Invisible College of Moldova, Laboratory of Philosophy, Anthropology and Culturology. 2005 – graduated from Academy of Theater, Music and Fine Arts, Faculty of Painting, Chisinau, Moldova. 2011-2013 – studied at DeVos Institute of Arts Management, Kennedy Center, Washington D.C., USA. 2016 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Haifa. Since 2017 – Member of the Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. Awards: 2002 – Ist award, Arts Contest «Roberto Matta», Latin

Union, 3rd Edition, Paris, France// 2002 – Scholar of Merit of Soros Foundation, the Second degree, Moldova// 2005 – Scholarship, Felix Meritis Foundation, Netherlands// 2008 – Winner of Competition of Art–Expo, International Exhibition Centre «Moldexpo», Chisinau, Moldova// 2011 – Winner of Cultural Diplomacy Residency Program in Art Management, ICR London, UK. Collections: Private collections in USA, UK, Switzerland, France, Netherlands, Germany, Luxemburg, Spain, Israel etc.

Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, A member of the Paper Cutters Guild in Israel. Creates in various France, England, USA, Slovakia. art techniques – painting, graphics, irsoro@gmail.com traditional Jewish papercut, Judaica and ketubboth, graphics for print Sergey Teryaev editions (illustrations for books and magazines). Born 1952, Novosibirsk, Russia, Collections: Private collections in USSR. 1976 – graduated from Art Israel and abroad. School, Krasnoyarsk, USSR. alinapik123@gmail.com 1991 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem.


Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia (Moscow, St.Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo), Israel, Great Britanie, Germany, France, USA.

Irena Sorochinsky


Born in Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1988 – graduated from Moscow Pedagogical Institute, Art Department. 1989 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Rishon LeZion. Member of Association of Professional Artists in Israel// Rishon LeZion Artists’ Union, Israel// The Holon Artists’ Association// «Author’s Manuscript Book» Association, Moscow, Russia. Collections: Gallery 36, Kyiv, Ukraine// Mordechai Gitaot Art Center, Rishon LeZion, Israel// Russian Culture Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Rishon LeZion Municipality, Israel// Daria Razumichina Gallery, Moscow, Russia// Jerusalem Russian Library, Israel// Shlomo Karle Bach Synagogue, Jerusalem, Israel// Tetovo Museum, Macedonia// State Literary Museum, Moscow, Russia// Roerich Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine// Slovak National Museum in Martin, Slovakia// Private collections in

Alina Yoffe-Pikovsky Born in 1968 in Kiev (Ukraine). 1975-1985 – attended N.I.Ostashinsky Art Studio, 1990 – graduated from University of Economy in Faculty of Programming.

the Kiev. the Kiev,

Since 1991 in Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. 1991-1992 – learned courses of different graphic and painting techniques at the Bezalel Academy of Art, Jerusalem. 1992 – a course of computer graphics at the Open University, Jerusalem. 20152016 – Website Design Course combining Design for Advertising and Mobile at the John Bryce, Jerusalem. 1993-2006 – worked in the Israel Antiquities Authority as an artist and specialist in restoration. 20062015 – worked as an Art Editor, Senior Graphic Designer and Print Production, in the Israel Antiquities Authority in the ward of Judea and Samaria publications.


Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

‫משרד העלייה והקליטה –בסיוע מרכז לקליטת אמנים עולים ותושבים חוזרים‬ Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

‫פסטיבל אמנות‬ ‫למען ארץ ישראל‬ EXHIBITIONS


Summer 9.12.18 – 14.12.18




Winter 8.01.19 – 15.01.19 ‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬:‫טקסט‬


Spring-Autumn 7.02.19 – 13.02.19

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest Text: Marina Schelest Biographies: Marina Genkina

‫ אלי רטנר‬- ‫ניהול אמנותי‬

Art-direction: Eli Ratner

‫ אירינה פרס‬- ‫עיצוב גרפי‬

Graphic design: Irina Press

.‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים המיוצגים בקטלוג‬

All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue.

‫ משה שלסט‬:‫תרגום‬

Translation: Moshe Shelest

‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

© all rights reserved

‫גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬

Skizza Gallery skizze.gallery@gmail.com

" ‫עמותת "ארט פרוגקט גירוסלם‬ ‫בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬ ‫ גובה * רוחב * עומק‬,‫המידות מובאות בסנטימטרים‬


Non-profit organization «Art Poject Jerusalem» Jerusalem House of Quality Measurements are given in centimeters, height x width x depth

‫פסטיבל אמנות‬ ‫למען ארץ ישראל‬

‫קיץ‬ ‫‪14.12.18 – 9.12.18‬‬

‫חורף‬ ‫‪15.01.19 – 8.01.19‬‬

‫אביב‪-‬סתיו‬ ‫‪13.02.19 – 7.02.19‬‬

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