Bury St Edmunds Directory February 2022

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directoryBURY ST EDMUNDS February 2022 // Issue 197 FREE Pick me up I’m Love is inthe air THINGS TO DO FEBRUARYIN HEALTH | HOME | STYLE | FOOD | WHAT’S ON | NEWS SouthgateMoretonHall&edition Community News BUSINESSESLOCALRECIPES

“More than a letting agent” JUST SOME OF THE PROPERTIES WE’VE... 1aSOLDIN2021LawsonPlace|Moreton Hall | Bury St Edmunds | IP32 www.tennenspropertiesltd.co.uksales@tennenspropertiesltd.co.uk7EW CHECK OUT THE PROPERTIES WE HAVE FOR SALE RIGHT NOW ON OUR WEBSITE OR ON RIGHTMOVE Contact us today and we can help you get moving! Tel: 01284 754950

Speaking of the month of love, if you’re dining in on Valentine’s Day, we have a couple of recipes that might be nice to try on pages 40 & 42.

We hope you enjoy all the information in this issue about local businesses, news and events. Take care and we’ll see you in March.

There’s so much coming up at the Theatre Royal, including some fab music tribute acts which you can read more about on page 24. And the team at Abbeygate Cinema hope you will join them for a season of specially curated classic love stories, to celebrate the month of love, showing on Sunday afternoons throughout February, find out more on page 18.


Well, if the ‘what’s on’ items that have been forwarded to me this month are anything to go by, then the answer is yes!

We just wanted to say a massive thank you to Nick at Woodland Ways who supplied his final column last month. The team at Woodland Ways have been providing such interesting information about the wildlife in the area pretty much since the magazine first began, and that is A LOT of articles! Nearly 200 in fact! Thank you.

beef stew with noodles

GO TO PAGE 40 FOR THIS MONTH’S RECIPE: www.amplifydesign.co.ukDesignPublisher:&Artwork: Bury St BartonUnitDirectories,Edmunds11,RoadRetail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE AMPLIFY . DESIGN & PRINT GET IN TOUCH While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2022 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. ADVERTISING/COPYDEADLINEFORMARCH2022ISSUE: 17th February 2022 Find us on social media: Want to advertise your business? Call ProcterJeremyon: 01284 765092 EMAIL: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk TEL: 01284 765092


Whilst I’m writing this, there seems to be an amazing feeling of hope in the air, with most restrictions being lifted at the end of January... Dare I say it? Can we really be looking forward to a much more normal 2022?

Jeremy Editor


Welcome to the February issue

79www.hartwellblinds.comNorthgateStreet Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 1JD T: 01284 753310 12 High Street Newmarket Suffolk CB8 8LB T: 01638 665656 Hartwell BLIND COMPANY LTD THE Bespoke, made to measure blinds, for the perfect fitShoplocalFREE no quotationsobligationFREEandmeasuringfitting Friendly, local company (no agents) Over 30 experienceyears Guaranteedfor2years AWNINGS ALSO AVAILABLE BESPOKE CURTAINS CALL NOW OR VISIT ONE OF OUR SHOWROOMS

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FEBRUARY 2022 | 7 Bluestone Paving Bluestone Paving & Decking specialise in producing beautiful Patios, Driveways and Sundecks to the highest standards PATIOS | DRIVEWAYS | PATHWAYS | DECKING | FENCING Call for a Free Quotation 01284 716405 or 07766 www.bluestone-paving.co.uk001125 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Based in Bury St. Edmunds, we offer the highest quality workmanship. No job is too large or small. CALL TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT T. 07778 477159 /01284 701395 E. stewart.bracey@btinternet.com www.stewartbracey.com STEWART BRACEY Painter & Decorator

8 | FEBRUARY 2022 February

Starring Halle Berry, Donald Sutherland, Patrick Wilson, John Bradley, Michael Peña, Charlie Plummer, Kelly Yu.

Please note: all correct at time of going to press, but please check for updates directly with the venue. SATURDAY 26th FEBRUARY 9.30am-1.30pm Unit 11 Northern Way Ind Est, Northern Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 6NL Wonder-wool HQ Warehouse Open dayfor one day only! www.wonder-wool.co.uk at St Edmundsbury Cathedral Our 90 th Anniversary concert Bach Saturday 19 March 2022, 7.30pm St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds Tickets from £17 (under-21s half price) from the Apex 01284 758000 or from our website Robert Murray Evangelist Graeme Danby Jesus Camilla Jeppeson soprano Valerie Reid mezzo-soprano Ben Noble Pilate / bass Suffolk Baroque Players Bury Bach Choir Philip Reed conductor www.burybachchoir.co.uk Bury St Edmunds Bach Society, registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation in England & Wales, no. 1181842 St John Passion

Moonfall 12A

Find out more at: www.cineworld.co.uk


A mysterious force knocks the Moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision course with life as we know it. With mere weeks before impact, and against all odds, a ragtag team launches an impossible last-ditch mission into space, leaving behind everyone they love and risking everything to land on the lunar surface and save our planet from annihilation.


7.30pm Monday 21st February 2022 Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street IP33 1RH Programme includes works by Debussy Ravel Messiaen Barber Poulenc Ibert Sponsored by the Countess of Munster Musical Trust Box Office • Theatre Royal • 01284 769505 • www.theatreroyal.org Tickets also on the door as available Season’s membership £55 Membership contact • Sue Tanner • 01359 230457 • sue@tanner69.plus.com Bury St Edmunds Concert Club - Registered Charity 1050483 78th Season 2021/2022 Tickets £15 (Students £5) www.buryconcertclub.co.uk ConcertBurySeries Frederico Paixão flute Mark Rogers piano FEBRUARY 2022 | 9


You will hopefully have read in an earlier article about the great work Turning Point have done with the Recovery’s Got Talent competition in town. This organisation helps so many people. I met with the organisers just before Xmas and there are plans to grow the event to be even bigger this year and help even more people. At council we intend to fund some of the operation costs and are seeking a bigger venue. Watch this space.

Little Pick Me Up

Email: peter.thompson@westsuffolk.gov.uk Mobile: 07810 868986

Talent Night

We have been doing lots of work in the background for many years to improve parking around Moreton Hall. Last month, Birgitte commissioned some more reporting on the community centre and we believe we can put an additional 16 spaces for us. I’ll be able to fund new line painting and we should see some new improvement to signage too.

It’s not often I write about the smaller locality projects we as councillors are involved with. Each councillor gets a locality budget which they can use within their ward to fund community events, projects and infrastructure. As an example, I was able to get playground lines repainted after building works at Sebert Wood school recently, which not only benefits the school but also community groups, sports teams and after school clubs.

As we move through February and March, it is a good time to apply to your local representative if you have any good ideas to help residents in your area, as budgets are reset in Aprilhoovering up the last parts of unspent locality funds could do a lot of good for many people.




Moreton Hall



HALL FOR HIRE • Children’s Parties • Wedding Receptions • Private Functions • In-house Catering available • Bar & Staff included • AMPLE FREE PARKING • Conference Facilities also available Join us on facebook for all the latest news and what’s on! www.moretonhallcommunitycentre.co.uk Telephone: 01284 763402 Email: moretonhallclub@aol.com Moreton Hall BOOK NOW FOR YOUR EVENT! Community Centre theto*Subject legislation.current OPENINGHOURS MON: closed TUES: 7pm – 11pm WEDS: 7pm – 11pm THURS: 7pm – 11pm FRI: 4pm – 11pm SAT: 12 midday – 11pm SUN: 12 midday – 8pm (But some bank holidays may be open so watch social media) COMING UP AT MORETON HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE CLUB ROOM TUESDAY NIGHT BINGO FROM 7:15PM. February 8th and 22nd, with cash prizes to be won! SATURDAY 5TH FEBRUARY – LIVE MUSIC WITH CHRIS WILSON Singing in the Club Room from 7.30pm All premier league and European football is shown on our big screen. We are planning for more events, details to follow. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Please note: Membership and renewals from 1st January 2022 will be £10.00 per adult

Regarding unnecessary idling by parked vehicles,

The council will publicise the review by displaying a notice at the council offices and on the council’s website. The Council will consult widely on the review including with Residents Associations.

The resurgence of the virus meant that face to face meetings were difficult and therefore our committee meeting on Thursday 20th of January was moved to a virtual platform.

Email secretarymhra@gmail.com or



As a result of a decision in 2016 by St Edmundsbury Borough Council this CGR

Robert Houlton-Hart, Secretary, Moreton Hall Residents Associationhttps://moretonhallresidents.wordpress.com/contactcliffhind2001@yahoo.co.uk

HGV TRAFFIC you!thank

In recent years there have been changes to Council boundaries and shortly West Suffolk Council will be carrying out an interim review to consider aspects of community governance arrangements for existing parishes. The review will not automatically mean there will be changes but will examine whether there is a case for change.

If you see a bus or lorry constantly idling please let us have the details of place time date and company, and we will pass this information to the Council for action.

This interim review will not consider issues involving principal area boundaries or any issues which were included and resolved as part of the undertakenreviewsbyForest Heath and St CouncilsEdmundsburyin2017and2016.

I have written to a number of local businesses and services asking if they would be prepared to display a poster requesting drivers switch off their engines.


We would like to thank all those involved with the pop-up vaccination sessions which were held at our Community Centre on Wednesday of each week but have now ceased due to lack of take-up.

14 | FEBRUARY 2022

will consider the parish governance arrangements for a number of locations across West Suffolk including the growth site which is commonly known as Lark Grange and is currently within the Rushbrooke with Rougham parish area and determine if they should be amended now that a significant number of properties are occupied on that site.



The county wide HGV route consultation run by SCC has finished. MHRA submitted a contribution to it, and we await the outcome.

FEBRUARY 2022 | 15 VentanillaBlinds Conservatory Blinds Day and Night Blinds Rollers - Verticals Roman - Pleated Wooden & Metal Venetians Sheer PerfectBlackoutRollersBlindsFitPleated,Roller&Venetian Contact Mike for a fast and friendly service 07966 www.ventanillablinds.com371963 JO CURRYJO CURRY JO CURRYJO CURRY Jo offers advanced blemish removal & reduction, effective treatment for a range of skin blemishes including: DO YOU ABOUTSELF-CONSCIOUSFEELYOURSKIN? Thread Veins • Blood spots • Skin tags Milia • Warts • Verrucas • Spider naevus (spider veins) • Seborrhoeic keratosis Xanthalasma and more... WWW.JOCURRYAESTHETICS.CO.UK JO@JOCURRYAESTHETICS.CO.UKFindmeat:IxworthDoctorsSurgery01359230252orTheOldDairy,Ixworth07771706100

The amazing Greener Growth Environment and Wildlife Project funded by the Southgate ChungSarahCouncillorsPartnershipCommunityandourlocalRichardRout,StampandPatrickhasbeencompleted.

The Dove of Peace has been installed along with insect hotel, bird and bat boxes on trees and around the building. Along with the wildlife mural and stone table, featuring the Rock Snake creations, we have transformed the environment around the Community Centre.

The popular Valentine’s Ball is back on February 12th and we are looking forward to the return of our monthly Bingo sessions. In May the coach trip to London, May Fun Day and special celebrations in June for the Platinum Anniversary of her Majesty the Queen will take place. The future is brighter and we welcome any groups, residents, members of the community that would like to hold events in our fabulous facility. 01284 703705 grass

Inside we are welcoming in 2022 with regular and new hirers and many birthday parties, celebrations and gatherings as it is apparent there is a renewed confidence after the past two years of lockdowns and disruptions.

or pop in and see her weekdays except Wednesdays. SOUTHGATE Community Centre Spring is sprung,The

is ris,I wonder where the birdies and the flowers is. Contact us on 01284 703705 or email: jackie@southgatechurch.org.uk Or visit the centre www.southgatecommunity.org.ukwebsite:

Well at Southgate Community Centre everything is blooming – the bulbs and wildflowers planted last September are poking their heads out of the planters and flower beds as the early spring sunshine welcomes fairer weather.

Contact Centre Manager Jackie on

18 | FEBRUARY 2022

FromFebruary.different decades, and with different styles and genres, all are favourite love stories that deserve to be seen up on the big screen. In fact, all five titles

The team at Abbeygate Cinema hope you will join them for a season of specially curated classic love stories, showing on Sunday afternoons during

have been remastered in sparkling 4K resolution and look as beautiful as the day you first met them. All will be showing on the cinema’s new Premier Screen.

TIFFANY’S showing Feb 13th. Look out for special offers with this one in the restaurant if you fancy a bite to eat with your beau before or after the film! The season finishes Feb 20th with WHEN HARRY MET AdvanceSALLY.booking is open now at abbeygatecinema. co.uk and early booking is strongly advised. BURY ST EDMUNDS, IP33 1LZ www.abbeygatecinema.co.uk


Fall in love withcinema at the

The 1956 version of THE KING AND I screens on Feb 6th, with the perennial favourite for the Valentine’s BREAKFASTweekend,AT

FEBRUARY 2022 | 19 SPECIAL OFFER £39.99 Turf PetrolMakitaPetrolStumpRotavatorsCuttersGrinders4”ChippersPostHoleBorersCompactionPlatesConcretepokerunitsCementMixersBlockSplittersBlockCartsVacuumSlabLiftersGeneratorsDrills&BreakersFloorSaws&CuttersScaffoldTowersSubmersible,2”&3”PumpssingledrumrollersHiTipTrackedDumpers&MicrodiggersHireTool WE NOW OFFER A RANGE OF SMALL TOOLS FOR HIRE For more information and a full list of tools please visit our www.emmittplant.co.ukwebsite Local delivery and servicecollectionavailable T 01359 251220 E mark.backhouse@emmittplant.co.uk Hinderclay Road, Wattisfield, Diss, Suffolk IP22 1NF

20 | FEBRUARY 2022 • SAND • GRAVEL • CRUSHED CONCRETE • TOPSOIL • TYPE 1 SUB BASE • ROAD PLANINGS • GRANITE CHIPPINGS • TIPPER HIRE • MUCKAWAY • READY MIXED CONCRETE T: 01284 752688 / 702700 E:www.aaronaggregates.cominfo@aaronaggregates.com AUGUST 2019 | 71 CALL SEAN NOW ON 18438207527BURYS1STSPECIALISTUPVCLOCKSMITHSCHOICE&REPAIRS24-7serviceNo VAT & No call out fee! Locks, Handles & REPLACEDHinges Vetted tradesman! t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs

FEBRUARY 2022 | 21

It was lovely to see so many members at our January meeting. We started the evening with a glass of prosecco to welcome in the New Year, before turning our attention to the proposed resolutions for 2022.

Our speaker was Sue Stubley from the Suffolk Hedgehog Hospital. Sue has been caring for sick and wounded hedgehogs for 14 years and is the founder of the Suffolk Hedgehog Hospital which is funded entirely by donations.Thehospitaloffershelp,medicalcare,food,

Our next meeting is on 2nd February 2022 at Moreton Hall Community Centre at 7.30pm when our speaker will be from Medical Detection Dogs. If you are interested in joining, please get in touch. Prospective members are always welcome, and your first meeting is free!

Contact Alison on 01284 701433 or Annette on 01284 769407.

who definitely ‘stole the show’!

Sue’s talk was fascinating, and we all enjoyed meeting ‘Greta’, one of her rescued hogs, as

everything you would expect from your Post Office® letters & parcels travel passportscarbillglobalcashbroadbandservices&homephonedeposits&withdrawalsmoneytransferpaymentstax www.mhpo.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 3pm WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS Telephone: 01284 769841 Symonds Road Bury St IP32Edmunds7EW 22 | FEBRUARY 2022

and accommodation to between 2 to 15 rescued hogs a day. The aim is to release the animals back into the wild as soon as they are fit and well again. Hedgehogs are endangered for various reasons. Their natural habitat has been destroyed, they are susceptible to lung worm, which is carried by slugs and snails, and they are vulnerable to climate change which disrupts their hibernation pattern. Although hedgehogs can live for eight or nine years, they rarely survive beyond eighteen months.

Moreton Hall WI

the item,




in the

garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our experienced installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up FREE of charge. *O er valid for openings up to 2.6m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. CALL US TODAY ON: 01284 220 189 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 FEBRUARY 2022 | 23 Saleitems FEBRUARY PLEASE NOTE: The publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller. List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk

Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra

Now garagefifor£895only*afullyttedelectricdoor. WAS £1,354 INCLUDING VAT.


Used twice, 3 miles on clock. Sale due to passing of husband. Cost £1,200 Looking for £800 ONO. Tel: 07871 196430

PRINTER FREE In good working order. Tel: 01284 765674


Do have any nearly than creating clutter? pounds process? include: Brief description of the and your telephone number.


New, still boxed, surplus to requirements. £60 ONO. Tel. 07871 196430

Plus a book on hints for felting £10. Tel: 01284 765674


new or unused items that are of no use to you, other



THEATRE ROYAL BURY ST EDMUNDS Booking is quick and easy online at www.theatreroyal.org or by calling 01284 769505 The Box Office is available to help with any queries by emailing booking@theatreroyal.org



Expect to be taken on a musical journey of George’s biggest hits celebrating his life and generosity.

After what can only be described as unprecedentedan year, the incredible Rock for Heroes is back on the road for 2022; bringing the perfect combination of your favourite Rock songs continuing fundraising in support of the fantastic Help for Heroes.

The George Michael Story –with full live band with video screens supporting the show, including footage of George and interviews with the man Ahimself.funand emotional night culminating in a finale that is guaranteed to surprise & have the audience singing along!!


24 | FEBRUARY 2022




Come and join the greatest party in town as Blue Jeans celebrates 25 successful and happy years on the road. Starring Carole Gordon along with superb singers, dancers and musicians playing the best in Country Music and Rock ‘n’ Roll ! Songs from Patsy Cline, Elvis Presley, Kenny Rogers & Dolly Pardon, Glen Campbell, Tammy Wynette, The Carpenters & Carol King plus many more.

Join Buddy Holly and the Cricketers on their first tour of the new decade as they delight audiences up and down the UK with their dynamic show, featuring authentic arrangements, driving rhythms, energetic performances and skilled musicianship that have audiences dancing in the Ifaisles!you like Rock and Roll you’ll definitely love this. Songs include all time favourites such as; That’ll Be The Day, Peggy Sue, Heartbeat, It Doesn’t Matter Anymore, Raining In My Heart, Oh Boy! – and much, much more.

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26 | FEBRUARY 2022

Monaco, home of the F1 Grand Prix, with a whopping 270.25



speeds up to twice the national average. Unlike other providers, such as BT – who have announced that from March broadband and phone bills will jump by 9.3%, with some paying an extra £3.50 a month –Air has a strict policy of no contract price rises.

Available in Bury St Edmunds and across the UK. airbroadband.co.uk

Air’s cheapest package, you’ll find yourself with download

The report from ISPreview ‘UK Broadband and Mobile Speeds vs the World’ reveals that average internet speeds in the UK have risen from 76.49 Mbps in 2020 to 104.04 Mbps in 2021. Placing the UK at 48th on the list of fastest countries globally— with the top spot going to



A new report reveals that Air Broadband’s internet speeds can reach up to 10x the UK average, which means even those on Air’s cheapest package can reach speeds of up to twice the UK average.Great news for Bury St Edmunds residents!

Broadband’s full fibre Gigabit service, customers in Bury St Edmunds can expect to achieve internet speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps. That’s faster than top speeds in Monaco (well, excluding the Grand Prix of course), this represents a remarkable improvement over the UK

So if you’d like to join other Bury residents and break UK average records with ease, with no unexpected price rises, why not try Air’s Gigabit broadband service?

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Offer valid from 1st October to 16th December. WLTP FIGURES FOR MODELS SHOWN NEXT GENERATION NISSAN JUKE N-Connecta fuel economy and CO2 results (WLTP): Combined 47.9 MPG CO2 emissions 134g/km. MPG figures are official test figures for comparative purposes and many not reflect real driving results. These cars have been tested using the outgoing NEDC testing method (not WLTP). Only compare fuel consumption and CO2 figures with cars tested to the same technical standard. Finance subject to status. 18+. Terms and conditions apply. Information correct at time of going to print. For terms and conditions relating to Nissan technol ogies, please visit www.nissan.co.uk/techterms . Prices and details correct at time of publishing & are subject to change without notice. Finance approved by Nissan Finance Rivers Office Park, Denham Way, Maple Cross, Rickmansworth WD3 9YS. Finance subject to status to UK residents age 18 or over. Guarantees/indemnities may be required. Our dealership introduces customers to a limited number of finance providers including Nissan Finance. An excess mileage charge will be payable if you decide to return the vehicle and the agreed annual mileage charge has been exceeded. Terms and conditions apply. Please note that calls maybe recorded for training and quality purposes. A W & D Hammond Ltd are authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a credit broker but not as a lender. Images are for illustra tion purposes only.

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A 10-12 week programme of meaningful and purposeful activities, including tree planting and conservation and learning new skills, from woodwork to healthy eating, allows participants to put their own lives back on track week by

Green Light Trust has been growing rapidly over the last few years. Although we deliver conservation and woodland management, our greatest value and contribution is about using nature for the renewal of people. We are a charity that supports around 2,000 individuals across Suffolk & Norfolk who are faced with a range of challenges. These people have poor mental health and wellbeing; are recovering from substance addiction; live with the consequences of long-term unemployment or are rebuilding lives blighted by abusive relationships.

of nature and woodland on our mental health and wellbeing has long been known about and is backed up by rigorous academic research. I am sure that, through the deepest, darkest days of lockdown, most of us appreciated our one hour of exercise a day and enjoyed going for a walk.

This is what Green Light Trust is all about. Helping participants to rebuild their confidence step by step. The safe space provided by these amazing woodland spaces that we manage helps our participants on their recovery journey.

There are people even here who lack access to the green space and stunning woodlands that we hold dear.

28 | FEBRUARY 2022 Follow us on social media @greenlighttrust

It would be very easy to take living in Suffolk for granted. The Abbey gardens, as we all know, are a lovely space just to get out right in the middle of town. Venture a little further, and Suffolk has 100s of beautiful walks, open skies and miles of amazing coastline. Sadly, this stunning county of Suffolk that we call home hides real inequality and deprivation.

Who are Green Light Trust?

people in a safe space has helped me broaden my boundaries and taught me that everyone has something to offer and something to strive for, even me.” Jack a participant on the Woodland Wellbeing programme.

The participants that we support fall within the lowest 5% in terms of their wellbeing and the lowest 30% in terms of social economic Sometimesbackground.it is difficult to put into words the impact that the woods and the work of the Green Light Trust has on the people that we support, so perhaps it is better for them to tell the story in their own words: “I do not want it to end. I am physically stronger. Connecting with nature and

If you would like to volunteer to help us in the woods or if you, or someone you know, might benefit from joining one of the courses that we run across Suffolk, then please get in touch. In the first instance please send us an email to info@greenlighttrust.org

Sammidge Stackers Find us inside Guaranteed Motors, 1A Boldero Road, Moreton Hall IP32 7BS Just as you like it! Fresh Filled Sandwiches, Baked Potatoes & Barista Style Coffee Eat in, takeaway, phone orders welcome, for free delivery please call before 11am Call to order on 07521 907551 or 07872Like569033usonFacebook! FEBRUARY 2022 | 29 Giving you peace of mind! INSUREDFULLY ATSTORAGESECUREPREMISES COMPETITIVESTORAGERATES E: info@wardsofstanton.co.uk T: 01284 361789 or 07976 www.wardsofstanton.co.uk353447 CALL TODAY!US 07926 797142 or 01284 www.atctreesandlandscapes.co.uk361025ProfessionalArboriculturalandLandscapingservice • All types of tree work & care • Grounds and Garden maintenance • Fencing • Hedge cutting • Soft landscaping • City & Guilds Qualified • Competitive quotes LocaltoBury! Give Adam a call on:

09:15WEDNESDAYAM–10:30 AM Hatha yoga (Integrated yoga) Level 2 Jenny Ousey

6:15 PM – 7:30 PM Yoga for Absolute Beginners Level 1 Jennifer Golby 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM Slow Flow Level 3 Lauren Leppard

6:00 PM – 7:15 PM Intermediate Hatha Yoga Level 3 Bindie Edwards

11:15 AM – 12:30 PM Hatha Yoga Level 2 Jenny Ousey

09:30THURSDAYAM– 10:45 AM Gentle Hatha Yoga Level 2 Bindie Edwards

07:00TUESDAYAM – 08:00 AM Spiritual Warrior Yoga Level 3 Dawn McNamara

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Tai Chi Level 2 Martin Fayers

7:30 PM – 8:30 PM Pilates Intermediate Level 3 Alison Taylor

10:00MONDAYAM – 11:00 AM Pilates Mixed Ability Level 2 Sharon Calton

10:30 AM – 11:45 AM Hatha Yoga Slow Flow Level 2 Caroline Flack


12:00 PM – 1:00 PM NEW Chair Yoga Community Class* Level 2 Caroline Flack

11:30 AM – 12:45 PM Yoga For those Living with Cancer Level 1 Bindie Edwards 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM Hatha Yoga Balance and Be Level 2 Sophie Lightfoot

09:15FRIDAYAM – 10:15 AM Pilates Mixed Ability Level 2 Sharon Calton 09:30 AM – 11:00 AM Jivamukti Yoga Level 3 Dawn McNamara 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM NEW Energising Flow Level 2 Liz Ford 6:15 PM – 7:30 PM HOT Yoga Ashtanga Level 3 Robin Taylor 09:15SATURDAYAM– 10:30 AM Yoga Graceful Flow Level 2 Robin Taylor or Amber Golden 11:45 AM – 12:45 PM Pilates for Absolute Beginners (6wk course) Level 1 Alison Taylor

New Timetable

Beginners welcome in Level 1 and Level 2 classes. *Community Classes are at a discounted rate, with 8 free sessions available to the over 65s, those on job-seekers allowance or basic PIP.

6:15 PM – 7:15 PM Pilates Mixed Ability Level 2 Alison Taylor

09:15 AM – 10:15 AM NEW Beginner’s Yoga Community Class* Level 1 Caroline Flack

The Self Centre • Drinkstone Industrial Park • Kempson Way • Moreton Hall • Bury St. Edmunds

7:45 PM – 8:45 PM WARM Yin and Yang Yoga Level 2 Carly King

COUNSELLING · THERAPIES · MOTHER & BABY · CAFE Follow us onSee our website for more information. Edmunds • Suffolk IP32 7AR Tel: 01284 769090 www.the-self-centre.co.uk Thu Feb 03 Grounding Gong Bath 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM - Root Chakra Vicky Warner Fri Feb 11 Valentines’ Cacao Ceremony, Janine Leagh 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Gong Bath and Thai Massage and Vicky Warner (clothes on) for couples (6 couples only) Feb 12 - Mar 19 (Saturdays) Pilates for Absolute Beginners 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM (6wk course) Alison Taylor Sat Feb 19 Yoga and Mindful 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Art Workshop Caroline Flack Sat Feb 19 Reiki Gong Bath Meditation 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Monthly Vicky Warner Sat Feb 19 Reiki Gong Bath Meditation 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM - Monthly Vicky Warner Thu Feb 24 Desire and Individuality 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Gong Bath - Sacral Chakra Vicky Warner Workshops SPECIAL OFFER FIRST CLASS FREE IN FEB New to the centre? Try your first class for FREE this February, give us a call or go online to book.

February Car Event We’ll even give you £1,000 on top of your We Buy Any Car valuation* for your part exchange. Order your 71 plate vehicle today

todayEvent Drive Bury St Edmunds, Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1XP 01284 sales@drivevauxhall.co.uk777222 www.drivevauxhall.co.uk

Well 2022 did not start off as LSS would have hoped as we had to cancel our January meeting due to the rising cases of the Omicron virus, but LSS is looking forward to holding its 7th March meeting.


For further details on LSS and the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: LSS email: lssuffolk@gmail.com Facebook: LSS@lymphoedema West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: T:wslymphservice@wsh.nhs.uk01284712732


Exercise really can help with the managing Lymphoedema and Lipodema but in this winter weather we’ve been having it’s not always welcoming to venture outside. Tripudio and yoga type exercises are some of the exercises that can be done indoors and also chair exercises too. The aim is to keep moving, so waggling your hands, feet and toes in circles, not necessarily at the same time!, whilst sitting down or say when watching TV helps with lymphatic fluid and also blood circulation. Roll a tennis ball, or similar, under your foot when sitting, repeatedly making a fist whilst holding the ball in the same hand. Whatever exercises you choose to do, it’s important that you do them safely.

34 | FEBRUARY 2022


but important as this can help to deal with constant and chronic pain. Doing something, like making these sugarcraft trolls LSS members made at the December meeting, can help take your mind off whatever else is happening in, if even for a few moments, half an hour or

For further details on Lymphoedema and BritishLipoedema:Lymphology Society website: www.thebls.com Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website: www.lymphoedema.org Macmillan website: www.macmillan.org.uk

Latest news from

What is a superpower? Is is time travel? Is is having an invisibility cloak? Life throws many things at us and at times it may feel like much seems against our plans and hopes. Taking time out for yourself is not being selfish


7th March, 6th June, 1st August, 3rd October and 5th December Subject to Government Guidelines allowing and observing Hands - Face – Space.

7pm – 9pm in Room 2 at Moreton Hall Community Centre. There is no joining fee or referral needed, do come along and find out more about living with, and managing, Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in a relaxed and friendly setting, along with a cuppa and biscuit. Carers, partners and guests are welcome too.

longer. Getting out for a walk, seeing a friend for a chat, watching your favourite TV show, dancing at home like you just don’t care – it’s whatever works and helps you is the important bit. Feeling hope in times of vulnerability and taking time for yourself is your superpower!

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Monthly coffee mornings take place on a Monday from 10.30am onwards meeting at a local, easily accessible venue in Bury for a catch up over a cuppa. Members, (current or lapsed) their partners and carers are all welcome. The next meet up is on Monday 7th February at Dobbies Garden Centre.


Positively Crafty Calendars were achieved in the January session, as you can see from the picture. Finding something to focus on and become absorbed in can help you to cope and let the darkness retreat enough to allow some sunshine to pour in. It is not about the end result it is about the process.

Run by Patients for Patients

worthy of thought. Adjust your settings as you go along until you find a way that works for you. Never be afraid to ask for Starthelp.each day with no expectations, one step at a time as you are in no rush, you take it as you find it and be patient with yourself. Taking regular breaks throughout the day.

The next Positively Crafty session will be on Thursday 3rd February from 1.30-4pm and the craft will be a Window Card.

Engaging in something creative can improve mental health and ease psychological distress. It can foster a sense of community, improve resilience and increase confidence. Getting creative can bring joy, although not a cure all it can help you find your way through that darkness into the light. Doing whatever brings you joy can work wonders! In craft sessions you can craft and laugh in a community setting and still go home with a sense of achievement.

Take time to think, be specific, set simple realistic ones, use your imagination and be positive, however on good days you may find you do more which can set you back and bad days less, heightening your pain and forcing you to rest more.

CPSG next meeting, with a speaker, is on Thursday 17th February 2-4pm at Southgate Community Centre.

If you go in with no expectations, you might come away the same way, but you might discover something

36 | FEBRUARY 2022 For more details call 07724 187774 or email info@chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk Find us on Facebook or visit www.chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk

5.30pm & 7pm @ Moreton

Community Centre Call Julie

01842 820001



THURSDAY 10am, Hall on 07917 692097


6pm @ Southgate Community Centre Call Jen

9.30am & 11.30am @ Southgate Community Centre Call Susan on 07899 754273

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Self-employed for past and present members. Contact Kelly for details on 07792 603204.

6pm @ Stanton Community Village Hall Call Shani


8am & 10am @ Southgate Community Centre Call Kelly on

07801757237 (NEW CONSULTANT) TUESDAY 5.30pm & 7pm @ New Bury Community Centre Call Shani on 01842 820001 9.30am,WEDNESDAY11.30am, 5.30pm & 7pm @ Westbury Community Centre Call Susan on 07899 754273


Contact us at fundraising@wsh.nhs.uk to find out more.

Visit our website to donate or to find out more. We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, @mywishcharity, do give us a follow to keep up with our latest news. www.mywishcharity.co.uk @mywishcharity mywishcharity

The rest of the year see’s him not only running but cycling, climbing a mountain, taking on a Nuclear Race, doing a month of press ups and even swimming, something Josh admits is not his forte!

Over the past few years Josh Wright has run half marathons, whole marathons, taken part in our Soapbox Challenge and even conquered a 24-hour gaming marathon, all to raise money for his local NHS charity. 2022 see’s him go one step further with not one but twelve different challenges over the course of the year.

January saw Josh run two half marathons in one weekend which should set him up nicely for his February challenge of running 255km! This is the distance from the Bury HS Direct Office, where Josh is the customer service manager, to the Sheffield office. He will

It’s even turned into a family affair. Josh and his dad, Les, have run together for us before and so it seems only right that the pair should end the year completing a double marathon.

What a fantastic year to look forward to.

be remotely running with his Sheffield colleague, Andrew Langdon, over the course of the month before using March as a rest month as he takes on a 24-hour gaming marathon.

Do you have a bucket list of challenges you’d like to achieve? Why not go for it

and help your local NHS charity in the process. Together we can enhance the care of patients and support our amazing NHS staff at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust and you’ll spent 2022 doing something you’ve always wanted to do.

As we go into February one of our fundraisers is already about to take on his second challenge of the year!

We will even give you a coveted My WiSH Charity top just like Josh!

Bury St Edmunds Deaf Association

Friendly, monthly, coffee mornings have resumed at the Deaf Centre on the 2nd Friday of every month at 10.30am. February 11th, March 11th and so on throughout the year. All are welcome. A chance to practice some B.S.L or learn a few new signs. Advice and support on hearing issues if required. Ample parking.

For more information orburydeafassociation@gmail.comemailcall01284361216-answermachine.

The monthly social group, The H0-Ho club, has recommenced for 2022 on the fourth Wednesday of every month 10.30am. February 23rd, March 23rd and so on throughout the year. Speakers and outings organised. Loop system and advice on hearing issues. All welcome. Ample parking.

t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs 01284 811690 / 07899 890765 info@masbathroomsandkitchens.co.uk www.masbathroomsandkitchens.co.uk VinylTilingPlumbingPlasteringElectricalCarpentryKitchensBathroomsTiling FEBRUARY 2022 | 39

28 Northgate Street IP33 1HY

Just before serving, prepare noodles following pack instructions. Drain well, then divide between 2 bowls and spoon over the beef stew. Serve sprinkled with the remaining chilli and coriander leaves, with lime wedges for squeezing over.

1 tbsp

400ml beef stock

100g egg noodles

2 tbsp vegetable oil

2 tbsp coriander leaves, plus extra to serve


250g stewing beef, cut into 2½ cm cubes

1 tsp five spice powder

1 tsp brown sugar

32Ginger,gingerchoppedgarliccloves,choppedstalkslemongrass,outer leaves removed, finely chopped

Lime wedges, to serve

40 | FEBRUARY 2022 Sponsored by

2 tbsp dark soy sauce

Put the ginger, garlic, lemongrass, coriander and 1 chilli in a food processor, then pulse until puréed. Heat the oil in a pan over a low heat. Add the purée and cook for 5 mins. Stir in the beef, soy, five-spice, sugar and stock. Put on a lid and bring to the boil, then lower heat and simmer for 1 hr 15 mins. Remove the lid and cook for a further 15 mins until the beef is tender.


2 red chillies, thinly sliced (leave the seeds in if you like it spicy)



1 bunch of fresh mint extra virgin olive oil

Watermelon & feta salad

1 small red onion

Scoop out and chop the watermelon flesh into chunks, discarding the peel.

Peel and finely slice the onion, crumble the feta, then pick the mint leaves, tearing any larger ones.

Place it all into a bowl and combine. Drizzle over a little oil and season with black pepper.

42 | FEBRUARY 2022


700 g watermelon

180 g feta cheese

2022 and time for change...

It’s the time of the year when fresh ideas emerge: Are you considering starting or buying, running, growing and/or exiting your own SME business? We help the owners behind these businesses, and other private clients, with their personal taxes and other aspects of their wealth creation and wealth protection. Whitings LLP offer a range of accountancy general practice and related professional services to our clients, including:

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Bury St. Edmunds | Ely | King’s Lynn | March | Mildenhall | Peterborough | Ramsey | St. Ives | St. Neots | Wisbech

and EVERY TUESDAY 6.30PM ALL ABILITIES WELCOME Sessions will focus on hill sprints, interval training and running techniques. £10PERMONTHGET IN TOUCH 07917 /MORETONHALLRUNNERS714557for more information

OPENING ALL THE RIGHT DOORS! Unlock your dream home this year. With our professional and personal approach, we will ensure all the right doors are open. 01359 mail@allhomes.uk.comallhomes.uk.com234444 AllHomes_AprilShowers_A6L.indd 1 02/02/2021 14:15 Bury St Edmunds & Farmers Club Wedding licence Choice of function rooms Beautiful gardens . Car parking 01284 750969 reception@bsefc.co.uk bsefc.co.uk FEBRUARY 2022 | 45

Parcel Deliveries

I do not know what is happening with the youth club, there has been no activity since Clive, Patsy and myself handed it over. I appreciate that lockdown did not help. I have been inside the club and all our club equipment has been put in the storage room not in use. It took us five years to get the club up and running and we ran it for seven years, we handed it over in good state and in a financially good state, I have requested information from the council regarding the club’s future, awaiting a reply.

Hedge Trimming, Grass Cutting, Weeding and Tidying Email: tomclarke1987@outlook.com Tel: 07920 145867 TOM’S GARDEN MAINTENANCE - YOUTH CLUB -

Like a lot of estates, the delivery of parcels has been less than satisfactory, parcels just left on doorsteps or in gardens. This added to the number of parcels stolen from houses, left a lot of people without goodies.ChristmasIhadtwo parcels dumped over the back gate, luckily not fragile, it’s appreciated that there has been an overload of people buying online, which added to the larger than usual number of deliveries, but care should always be taken, hopefully things will get better.

attacking another dog while they were out walking. It happened on Tassel Road in January. The injured dog needed medical attention, which in turn cost money - vet bills are not cheap. In this case the police were notified, and they are trying to find out who owns the offending dog.

Sadly,environment.therehas been an incident of a dog BY FRANK WARBY, MORETON HALL RESIDENT DOGS

Please be careful when you are out with your dog, not all dogs are friendly the same goes for some owners. There are a lot of rescued dogs around and they are still getting used to their new

Anything is possible, from the smallest path or water feature to a full garden redesign or largest estate driveway. Making your dreams come true... Got a project in mind? Contact us today for a free consultation: T: 01284 724486 M: 07860 577557 E: archleypaving@btinternet.com www.archleylandscapesolutions.com GARDEN DESIGN • DRIVEWAYS • PATIOS • LANDSCAPING


Then fold in half once more to form a square Keeping the bottom left as your tip of the plane fold on the diagonal both sides And then fold them in half again When it’s all folded up round off the ends to form half a heart Pinch underneath to hold your plane and open out to reveal the heart.

You will need fold in half lengthways Fold in the top points about 6cm down Fold in half so the point reaches the end of the paper

standing behind an imaginary line and taking it

Michelle x

1 Guaranteed best Covering Bury Haverhill, SameSkipActivelyRecyclingDiscountedIpswich,ratestransferworkingdeliverysixdayornext Call or email skip hire and 01449 www.sunskips.co.uk613824 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

48 | FEBRUARY 2022 Love TOP TIP… make

our of paper and card and see which one goes the furthest.

You could take it to school, write your name on the reverse of the paper and then send it soaring, like cupids arrow, whoever it lands nearest is who you will marry!


Craft Corner

YOU WILL NEED: Red, pink or Valentine’s patterned paper. www.thecraftyfoxes.co.uk

Every month I share a crafty activity for you to try at home. Why not like my facebook page www.facebook.com/thecraftyfoxes and follow me on instagram @thecraftyfoxes to find out more about what I’m up to and see crafty videos to try at home.

Try this for a new way to predict the future and send a Valentine’s card! it Set up a family game in the park all turns to throw, see which one lands the furthest.


n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury

n Covering

n Discounted


Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements:



Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury for separate waste transfer service for to landfill towards a greener days a all your best value skip hire in the area Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury rates for waste transfer service for minimum to landfill working towards a greener future Skip delivery six days a week Same day or next day service

n Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill

best value skip hire in the area

www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips 613824

n Same day or next day service




n Skip delivery six days a week

in August 2010 broadcasting to Bury St Edmunds and surrounding villages

n Discounted rates for separate waste

n Discounted rates for separate waste

n Actively working towards a greener future

Every hour from 7.30am until 5.30pm we provide a local news bulletin and live travel updates just for Bury St Edmunds during our Breakfast and Drivetime shows. From it’s early days as hospital radio in the

t 01449 613824 n Guaranteed

n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area


n Actively

Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements:

n Actively working towards a greener future

t 01449 613824 e

n Discounted

n Same day or next day service

e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips n Guaranteed best value n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket n Discounted rates for separate n Recycling transfer service n Actively working towards n Skip delivery six days a n Same day or next day service Call or email us to skip hire and waste t 01449

FEBRUARY 2022 | 49 t 01449 613824 n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Covering

n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area

Tune in every day to RWSfm on 103.3fm, www.rwsfm.co.uk or via the TuneIn Radio App. You can visit our website for a full schedule or simply tune in and hear it for yourself but highlights include: THE BIG BREAKFAST every weekday morning from 7am to 10am THE BIG DRIVE HOME every weekday evening 4pm to 6pm SOUNDS OF THE 50’s & 60’s Mondays 2pm to 4pm THE TOP 20 COUNTDOWN Tuesdays 6pm to 8pm THURSDAY’S JAZZ HOUR 10am to 11am SUNDAY LOVE SONGS 10am to 12pm

n Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill

n Skip delivery six days a week

transfer service for minimum n Actively working towards a greener n Skip delivery six days a week n Same day or next day service Call or email us to discuss skip hire and waste requirements: t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsis t 01449 613824 n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury n Discounted rates for separate waste n Recycling transfer service

t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips

t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips best value skip hire in the area Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury rates for separate waste transfer service for minimum to landfill working towards a greener delivery six days day or next day

Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements:

offers something for everyone. We pride ourselves on being the only local radio station specifically for

n Recycling

n Recycling

a week n Same


e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury n Discounted rates for separate waste n Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill n Actively working towards a greener future n Skip delivery six days a week n Same day or next day service Call or

n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury

n Same

n Discounted

For Bury, By Bury, In Bury Bury Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury Discounted rates for separate waste Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill Actively working towards a greener future

future n Skip

Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements:

e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarket

t 01449

t 01449 613824 e


For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week we provide a mixture of music and conversation

week next day service email us to discuss


n Actively


Radio West Suffolk. that Bury St Edmunds. 1970’s, RWSfm launched on 103.3fm on 103.3fm.

n Guaranteed


and waste requirements: e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips n Guaranteed

n Actively


n Skip delivery six days a week

Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements:

Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: 01449 613824 email 613824 613824

future six

St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely,

t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips best value skip hire in Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and rates for separate waste Recycling for minimum to landfill working towards a greener future delivery six days a week day or next day service


n Skip

us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: t 01449

n Same day or next day service

February is our time of planning, preparation, finding, acquiring and (hopefully) successfully executing the upgrades and changes we need to keep the museum interesting and safe. BUT

Mobile 07931 971771

So, our countdown has started. My common

To include the museum in these celebrations we are currently planning our activities over the holiday period in June. Hopefully we will be announcing our intensions and plans next month. Please watch this space – you will hear it in here!

Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum

we are always very grateful for the present hands who are involved AND new volunteers and very welcome.

SO, We Need You!

How Can YOU Help Us? We Need You!

For our details please refer to our website: www.rctam94th.co.uk E-mail info@rctam94th.co.uk

I was reflecting back on my previous February articles and found a common theme…

During our ‘winter month’s’ our thoughts and dreams are for those lovely warm (and hot) summer days. For our local fields blossoming into a sea of red, as the poppy’s ‘spring’ up to catch the rays. For our wild life to be seen on the airfield.

theme? We Need You!

It will only be a few weeks till Easter – Good Friday is April 15th. We open on the Easter Sunday, April 17th.

Please can you help? A few hours each week, or each month – from the smallest of jobs to the larger projects. We Need You!

The evenings ARE definitely drawing out. Please continue to enjoy the ‘Winter Month’s’. It will soon be spring! See you next month.

Every year we warmly welcome both new visitor’s (plus some who have been with us before) AND new volunteers. We Need You!! Will you be one of our Jubilee Year volunteers? We Need You!!

‘On 6th February this year Her Majesty the Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth.’


ELEVEN WEEKS – yes, 11 till we open! The countdown has started – would you like to join us – with whatever skill, talent, interest you can bring?

Is your conservatory chillier than the Arctic? There is a solution... Transform conservatoryyourinto an extension with a solid roof from ForConservatoriesFramesDirect.aconservatoryyoucan use ALL year round call Your nearest showroom is at Unit 3, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE (Nr Farm 70045601284Foods)Or visit www.fcdhomeimprovements.co.uk



Try and run your washing machine and dishwasher when they are full. A half full appliance can still use the same energy, water and detergent as an empty machine. Added up over a year this can cost £22 and add 33kg to your carbon dioxide imprint.

Every time I turn the radio on, I hear some person or other discussing the crazy increase in electricity prices. Now, more than ever the ideas we give at Ecofrenzy are important to help anyone struggling to make ends meet.

Look at that, with a few small changes to lifestyle you could save £494 and up to 600kg carbon dioxide. Feel pleased with yourself, helping your pocket and the planet.



Tumble dryers are very hungry for electricity. They consume it at an alarming rate. If you can use an outside line (weather permitting) of have space to use a clothes horse inside you can save a lot of money and energy. Over a year it can reduce your electric bill by up to £120 and save 176kg carbon dioxide.

Use your microwave wherever possible to heat meals, cook vegetables, bake potatoes and any other ways to avoid cooking in the oven or on the hob. You could save another £60 and 90kg carbon dioxide a year. Be creative, microwaves are clever appliances.

Unfortunately, high energy prices are here to stay for a couple of years, so please take a look at the ideas below to help you save money with the added bonus of reducing your carbon dioxide imprint.


EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham. If you have any queries please visit www.ecofrenzy.com/contact-us or email tony@ecofrenzy.com

Check that your fridge and freezer are running at the right temperatures. Four centigrade for the fridge and minus eighteen centigrade for the freezer. It’s chilling to think that a few centigrade the wrong way could add an extra £20 to your electricity bill and send another 30kg carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

We have loads more ideas at ecofrenzy.com to help our wonderful world.

We have mentioned this before but reducing a power shower from 8 minutes to 4 minutes can save you a lot of money. Potentially a staggering £272 and in addition 274kg carbon dioxide a year. By the way the author averages 1 minute 30 seconds and I’m still clean!


Over a year many small savings can really add up and may help ease some of the financial pressure you may be experiencing.

ecofrenzy15 @ecofrenzy /ecofrenzy

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Best wishes , Revd. JonathanCanonFord. Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall

on how humans should live, called ‘the sermon on the mount’. After two chapters of wonderful teaching be begins his summary with ‘to do to others what you would have them do to you’ so no one will forget it

As we progress into 2022 many are feeling anxious, or very concerned and rising cost of living is a worry for everyone. There is a lot of frustration and anger still. We all need remember the words of Jesus because if we all do treat each other as we would like to be treated, this world would instantly be a better place, even if we have no faith at all. What is even more significant is the line that comes before this phrase. Jesus is talking about how God treats people and tells us ‘ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find’. He goes on to say that God never gives anybody bad things but only good gifts to those who ask Him’. In other words, on those days when we shout, ‘Give

It is a great sadness to me that over the years I have met many people who seem never to have heard that phrase. Their attitude to shop assistants, or people on the phone who do not give them the answer they want, or to anyone who lets them down in any way, is really quite embarrassing and, in some cases, extremely annoying. I often feel very sorry for hapless elderly pedestrians, bank clerks, and Airline check in staff.

It comes at almost the end of his great treatise

me strength!’ He will give you strength. On the days when you really are in need, He will answer your needs. When you need a friend, He will send you a friend. It is not conditional on us treating him well, He does it anyway. The best response to a such generous God is to treat others as we would like to be treated.

So, in the month when we realise many of our resolutions have already crumbled to ashes and the year ahead seems so bleak, why don’t we try this one radical thought, that from now on I am going to try to treat everybody as I would like to be treated. I am also going to ask God for the strength and the blessing and peace of mind to do that. I am sure as He answers your prayer, strength will be given to you to live as He has commanded us.


56 | FEBRUARY 2022

Many of you will probably have come across the phrase ‘do as you would be done by’. Behind it is the idea that if we want to be treated nicely we need to treat others nicely as well.

Christ Church

So does where this phrase comes from. The full quote is ‘so in everything do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up, the law and the prophets’. The last few words, law and prophets, is a very big hint. It actually comes from the teaching of Jesus Christ.

On 20th February at 4.00pm we have our Kids Church Service. Loads pancakesof with lots of crafts games stories & songs. We hope to see you there!

We are starting a new group for parents & carers and childrenpreschoolon



we plan to reopen ItSundayourSchool.willbeonthe

If you are interested in the Alpha course, we will begin a new one on 3rd March

first Sunday of each month starting at 10.30 a.m. This will be a great opportunity for young people to learn about Jesus and all His values.

Services for February 2022 at Christ Church, Moreton Hall Visit our website: SundaySundaySundaywww.facebook.com/ChristChurchMoretonHall/www.ccmh.org.uk6thFebruaryMorningWorshipat10.30a.m.13thFebruaryMorningWorshipat10.30a.m.20thFebruaryHolyCommunionat10.30a.m.KidsChurchwithpancakesat4.00p.m.Sunday27thFebruaryAlphaSundayat10.30a.m. FEBRUARY 2022 | 57

. Alpha

Price: £2 per family. Please contact us on 01284 769956 or email: worship@ccmh.org.uk for more details about the events

6th February

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on facing page. CHURCH NEWS A HEAVENLY VALENTINE NNAVLETIEFor God so lo ed the world That He g ve His on y Begott hat whosoever Believes In H m Should ot perish But have verlasting life n So

For further details of all our activities visit our website www.southgatechurch.org.uk Email: office@southgatechurch.org.uk Telephone 01284 703705

Valentine’s Day can create a variety of emotions. For some it creates great joy celebrating the love you have for those closest to you. For others, it can cause feelings of loneliness and despair. Whether you are in a relationship or not, God indescribableunconditionalhasandlove for us all. No matter your age or stage in life, Valentine’s Day can be celebrated because of God’s great love.

We are organising a major event at The Apex on Tuesday 15 February with the renowned Christian singer/songwriter. Graham

It will be a very special evening which could change your life.


ST VALENTINE’S DAY… originated as a church holiday to honour martyrs of the Christian faith. It is believed that the first valentine note was sent by a (you’ve got it) Valentine who was in prison for a girl he loved. While the meaning and celebration of the Day has changed, it has remained a special day to shower with love those we hold close.

Head is down, club will work past my body reducing my ability to transfer weight onto my lead foot. My club face control will be affected, this may result in shots maybe not starting or finishing near my intended target.

I look forward to writing March’s edition and being yet another step closer to golf season, see you next month! PLAY WELL – HAVE FUN!

So, is this you? If it is and you feel everything is working fine then great, carry on as there are so many ways to play this great game. However, if this sounds like you and you want to look at ways to improve before the golf season kicks off then please don’t hesitate to get in contact.

62 | FEBRUARY 2022

Thank you for reading the 19th hole again this month, if there is anything golf related you need help with then please get in contact.


Welcome back to the 19th Hole, well that’s the toughest month of the year ticked off and we are all one step closer to longer days and warmer temperatures that spring will hopefully bring with it.


PGA TOUR Pebble Beach


As you can see from the images here this small statement could have a massive effect on our golf swing but not in a positive way.

I hope everyone’s new years resolutions are going well… I have started planning some golf competitions for the start of the season and, so far, I am sticking to my goal of playing more in 2022.

We have seen the return of professional golf to our screens in January and they were back with a bang. Cameron Smith shooting -34 to the win in Hawaii. Those guys are good!




BACKSWING: (Top Images)

Email: adamtrettpga@hotmail.co.uk

Some of these things may have been said to you in the past. But are they correct, and should you be doing them? Let’s have a look! So, you have hit a bad shot (don’t we all!) and a playing partner or friend says one of these statements to you… You lifted your head up… Keep your head down! Such an easy thing to say and do right… but does this benefit our golf swings?


IMPACT: (Bottom Images)

Head is down, which in turn will limit my shoulder and hip turn. By limiting these areas this will shorten my backswing length potentially reducing my ability to produce power in my golf swing and losing me distance.

This very simply piece of advice could have a massive impact on the outcome of your golf shots and could be holding you back from better results in areas such as Strike, Direction and Distance.

Facebook: Adam Trett - ADT Golf Coaching

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