Bury St Edmunds Directory January 2023

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directory BURY ST EDMUNDS January 2023 // Issue 208 FREE Pick me up I’m THINGS TO DO IN JANUARY HEALTH | HOME | STYLE | FOOD | WHAT’S ON | NEWS Moreton Hall & Southgate edition Community News RECIPES LOCAL BUSINESSES Happy New Year


6pm, Southgate Community Centre Call Jen 07801 757237


5.30pm & 7pm, New Bury Community Centre Call Shani 01842 820001


9.30pm, Ixworth Village Hall Call Jen 07801 757237

9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7pm Westbury Community Centre Call Susan 07899 754273

3.30pm, 5pm & 6.30pm (3.30pm session full - welcoming new members to 5pm & 6.30pm) New Green Centre - Thurston Call Shani 01842 82001


10am, 5.30pm & 7pm Moreton Hall Community Centre Call Julie 07917 692097 Recruiting now for this group 6pm, Stanton Community Village Hall Call Shani 01842 820001

FRIDAY 9.30am & 11.30am Southgate Community Centre Call Susan 07899 754273


8am & 10am (8am session fullwelcoming new members to 10am)

Southgate Community Centre Call Kelly 07792 603204


Join our amazing team and help change the lives of others. Call Kelly on 07792 603204 for details.

eat the foods you love and still lose weight! #YesYouCanWithSlimmingWorld slimmingworld.co.uk *At participating groups. Price shown is RRP. Terms and conditions apply. Visit slimmingworld.co.uk/offers for more information. read Joe, Sapphire and Abby’s stories here plus FREE fresh start pack for your best week ever! 25thDec2022to14thJan2023 25thDec 2022 to 28thJan2023 recipe book and 6 weeks for the price of 5 worth £4.95* FREE Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a friendly and super-supportive group today!

Welcome to the January issue

Happy New Year! Well Christmas went by in a flash didn’t it? And here we are in 2023. I wonder what this year will have in store for us?

If you feel like you’ve overindulged a little over the festive period, we have a great detoxifying smoothie recipe on page 40 which might be just what the doctor ordered!

And if you’re taking it one step further and going for a dry January, Verve Bar and Restaurant in town have a brilliant selection of non-alcoholic drinks and mocktails on offer, check them out on page 27.

January can feel a little ‘meh’ after the excitement of Christmas, so why not treat yourself to a meal out? There’s a great early bird offer from Orissa on page 41 which will save you some pennies.

January is a good time for new starts, maybe it’s time to take up a new hobby? There’s so many groups and associations throughout the magazine, there really is something for everyone. Or maybe it’s time to get more involved in your local community via the community centres or churches?

We hope you enjoy our first issue of the year. Take care, and we’ll see you in February! Gemma


Hangover Cure Smoothie

AMPLIFY . DESIGN & PRINT GET IN TOUCH While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2023 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. ADVERTISING/COPY DEADLINE FOR FEBRUARY 2023 ISSUE: 18th January 2023 Find us on social media: Want to advertise your business? Call Jeremy Procter on: 01284 765092 EMAIL: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk TEL: 01284 765092
Publisher: Design & Artwork: www.amplifydesign.co.uk Bury St Edmunds Directories, 3 Field Close, Beyton, Suffolk IP30 9AW
Jeremy Editor
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Based in Bury St. Edmunds, we offer the highest quality workmanship. No job is too large or small. CALL TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT T. 07778 477159 /01284 701395 E. stewart.bracey@btinternet.com www.stewartbracey.com STEWART BRACEY Painter & Decorator 4 | JANUARY 2023 • Painting & decorating • Carpentry & joinery • General & preventative maintenance • Wood & laminate flooring For a FREE estimate call Christopher on: 07833 148439 Or email: christophereley7@gmail.com Full public liability insurance & CRB checked. General & preventative maintenance & handyman services. Based on Moreton Hall. 10% discount to all NHS staff, service members, armed forces & OAPs. • Plumbing & tiling • Fencing & spraying • Landscaping & ground work • Roofing Jordanna Offers Yoga Contact Jordanna jordannaoffersyoga@gmail.com https://jordannaoffersyoga.offeringtree.com/offerings JANUARY VIA ZOOM IN PERSON The best time for a new beginning IS NOW! Unitarian Meeting House Thurs 9.30am Hunter Club Thurs 6.15pm Thurs 7.30pm Erskine Centre, Chedburgh Tues 6.00pm Mon, Wed, Fri 7.00am Email Jordanna to find out more or visit the website:
With food prices increasing rapidly, try our Click & Collect service. Buy single products at wholesale prices. *Order on our website & collect the same day! Use the code CHECKOUT10 Perkins Rd IP30 9XA *Minimum 1 hour collection time Click off all orders Supporting Bury St Edmunds 7 days a week thomasridley.co.uk

Glasswells has been providing exquisite furnishings at the largest home department stores in East Anglia since 1946.

Whether you are updating one room or renovating your whole house, you’ll find an unrivalled choice of quality, comfort and value. Full of big name brands, discover over 10,000 luxurious flooring options, 200 fabulous sofa collections and hundreds of designer fabrics. Our grand showrooms in Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich offer a truly special shopping experience, with inspirational room sets and invaluable expert advice, including a professional Interior Design service. There’s free onsite parking for 200 cars and don’t forget to visit our well-loved restaurant, The Place to Eat, for a tasty treat. Make Glasswells your first choice and immerse yourself into a world of home furnishings, with everything you need all under one roof.

Glasswells, for the best choice, comfort & value
• 250 sofa & dining
• 100 beds to try before you buy • 10,000 flooring choices • Made-to-Measure Curtains • Designer bedding & lighting • Big brand kitchenware • Interior design service • Free parking for 200 cars • The Place to Eat restaurant • Flexible finance options • Lowest price guarantee
Winter Sale! The Glasswells Sale, it’s what your home’s been waiting for! Newmarket Road Bury St Edmunds IP33 3TU | 01284 752804 Ranelagh Road Ipswich IP2 0AQ | 01473 253164 Shop online at glasswells.co.uk Follow us @glasswells for offers, competitions and new styles! THE BIG WINTER SALE Cooper Four Seater Sofa WAS £1399 SALE £699 HALF PRICE Ambleside Double Bed Set WAS £1199 SALE £599 HALF PRICE Bouquet Eyelet Headed Lined Curtains from WAS £149.99 £74.99 HALF PRICE
Treat the home you love to a new look for less at the Glasswells big
JANUARY 2023 | 7 Bluestone Paving & Decking Bluestone Paving & Decking specialise in producing beautiful Patios, Driveways and Sundecks to the highest standards. PATIOS | DRIVEWAYS | PATHWAYS | DECKING | FENCING Call for a FREE Quotation 01284 716405 or 07766 001125 Or visit our website: www.bluestone-paving.co.uk Get your business buzzing… Advertise in the Directory


Eventus22 deliver bespoke, results driven, fitness training programmes. And their new state-of-the-art facility on Moreton Hall is NOW OPEN!

Their success is reflected purely on the life changing, body transformation that their clients have achieved. Eventus22 is designed for small group personal training for committed individuals who want to see serious gains and improvements in their own health and fitness.

Eventus has many meanings but one of them is “TO SUCCEED”. So many try and fail at the whole “gym thing”. We are known as a place where people do actually succeed with their health and fitness.

We EMPHASISE THE E of Eventus as E is the mathematical symbol “to belong to…”. Sadly so many people feel out of place, uncomfortable and like they don’t belong in a gym due to the perceptions or experience of using commercial gyms. We want to become your second home, a place where you belong and are a part of like minded people who support each other.

And finally, our YELLOW branding.

Yellow is the colour of friendliness, something which so many other gyms are not.

eventus 22 –
our ethos
hurry! Act quick to secure one of the remaining spots at our brand new and improved site on moreton hall www.eventus22.fit/get-started join our 6 Week Foundation Program: EVENTUS22 • UNIT 1 BUNTING ROAD • BURY ST EDMUNDS • IP32 7BX • 07868 339871 Follow us on social media @eventus22_fit now open!


helps to support local businesses by keeping the spend local Brought to you by Bury St Edmunds Gift Card To find out where you can purchase or use this gift card please visit: www.ourburystedmunds.com
gift for all
S C A N T O D O W N L O A D T H E A P P F O R F R E E DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW F U N T O U R S & T R A I L S | E X C I T I N G E V E N T S | D I G I T A L L O Y A L T Y C A R D S V I S I T O R I N F O R M A T I O N | C O M P E T I T I O N S T O E N T E R | M O N E Y S A V I N G D E A L S W H A T W I L L Y O U D I S C O V E R T O D A Y ? W H A T W I L L Y O U D I S C O V E R I N B U R Y S T E D M U N D S ?

Moreton Hall

Springing Up!

We had some very good news these last few weeks. After a quite unbelievably dedicated couple of years of work from my colleague, Birgitte Mager, we have had the go ahead to build the Platinum Jubilee Fountain at the Airfield Rd side of the Flying Fortress Park in Moreton Hall. Birgitte had taken the idea from a Facebook group set up by Tara Chandler and had seen the opportunity to make it happen when we were visiting the new Sir Peter Hall School. It is very difficult to find a piece of land in the town which we can develop in this way (for example gaining authorisation from English


At time of writing, I don’t yet know the decision, but the change of use application for the land on which Sport Direct Fitness is close to being rejected for good. There is a request to re-zone to retail use from leisure from the landlord. I have registered my strong opposition to the application

Heritage) and we can get power and water from the nearby school development. We can see a way, with support from Jo Churchill and Karen Cannard, to make it an environmental project with water recycling and conservation as well as being both a great support in sensory and mental wellbeing for the community and most of all huge fun! At Town Council, I have paved the way for us to hold the asset and maintenance liabilities and this is an important stepchange in how we do business there, which may pave the way for more ambitious projects across the town.

with officers and we have formally objected from my other outlet at Town Council. It is important to note that this is a private application from a private landowner and the only council involvement is to ascertain on balance if this is legal and of merit. I believe it is not in keeping with our goals for leisure provision, of which we need more, not less. I am very proud of recent projects I have delivered since being elected in 2015 - we pioneered the 5km run/walk route in Moreton Hall,

delivered our town’s first outdoor gym, improved or have a plan to improve all out outdoor play facilities and we have some of the best cycle routes in the area. I hope we do not go backwards, but we also do not know the background business story to the two private firms involved and we must remember that rejection of the plan will not necessarily see the gym remaining open in the long term. Let’s hope for a good outcome for the members.

12 | JANUARY 2023
Email: peter.thompson@westsuffolk.gov.uk Mobile: 07810 868986
I'd like to wish all readers a very happy New Year!

The topic of ‘Control’


How do you look after your mental health and wellbeing?

That’s the basis for a new campaign for 2023 which focuses on 12 ‘emotional needs’ – one for each month – to bring you practical tips, people’s stories, and support to keep you well.

Be Well, Feel Well: A healthier Suffolk in 2023 is a partnership between Suffolk Mind, Public Health and Communities and a range of community groups teaming up to focus on ways for you to be well throughout the year. Look out for a new article every month with information for how you can keep healthy, get the help you need and even save money.


Control within our lives

To meet the need for control, we need to feel that we have some say over our lives and personal choices. It can be helpful to recognise what we can take personal responsibility for and what we can influence, and accept that there are some things which we cannot control.

3 top tips for control

1. There are plenty of things in the news that may be causes of concern or worry. Remember, you are in control of your exposure to media content, so you can choose to give your attention elsewhere.

2. Some people find getting into a regular routine helps meet the need for control and also the need for security; we feel safer when we feel in control of our day-to-day life.

3. Finally, remind yourself when you need to that it is enough to do the best you can with the information you have.

Practical ways to feel more in control of your finances

“I am a single parent, with two young children. I’m already struggling to stay on top of my household bills, my weekly food shop isn’t stretching as far anymore and my energy bill is going up too. I don’t know how I’m going to afford these price rises. What can I do to stop my finances getting out of control?“

First of all, you are not alone in this and there’s support to help you.  Here are some useful tips to consider:

1. It’s always worth checking if there are benefits you don’t know about that you’re eligible for, including support with your energy costs and living costs. On the Citizens Advice website there’s a benefits calculator, advice on how to reduce living costs and information on other ways to increase your income. You may be eligible for support to make your home cheaper to heat through Warm Homes Suffolk, or financial support through Local Welfare Assistance. Find out more on Suffolk County Council's website - see below.

2. If you’re struggling to stay on top of bills, it’s really important to understand what money you have coming in and going out each month.

Citizens Advice has a budgeting tool on its website that can help with this.

3. If you’re already behind on bills, prioritise paying your rent or mortgage, plus energy bills and Council Tax first. Not paying these bills has the most serious consequences. You should speak to the person or company you owe money to, to see if they can help you repay your bills affordably.

4. Citizens Advice can give you information on emergency support that you may have access to, such as food bank vouchers or fuel vouchers.

5. We know that times are incredibly tough but please remember, you don’t have to face this alone; contact your local Citizens Advice to help you find a way forward.

Visit ‘Suffolk InfoLink’ for more on support with your finances and the cost of living - see below.

Where can I find out more?
of the mental health and wellbeing advice series suffolk.gov.uk/costofliving
Adviceline (England): 0800 144 8848 citizensadvice.org.uk
Angela’s story:
(scan QR code)
Suffolk Infolink

Moreton Hall

Happy New Year to all! First of all, a big thank you to all of our customers for supporting us in 2022.

Community Centre OPENING HOURS

Our World Cup, Christmas and New Year events were especially well attended. If you’ve still not discovered us after our busy festive season – why not shake off the January blues and call in for a drink and a game of pool or darts?

All the big Premier League matches are back on the big screen following the World Cup and our bar staff will be delighted to see you. Better yet, join as a member and start enjoying discounted drinks prices, discounted hall hires and earning loyalty points on your bar spend.

MON: 7pm – 11pm

TUES: 7pm – 11pm

WEDS: 7pm – 11pm

THURS: 7pm – 11pm

FRI: 4pm – 11pm

SAT: 12 midday – 11pm

SUN: 12 midday – 8pm

• Children’s Parties • Wedding Receptions • Private Functions • Bar & Staff included • AMPLE FREE PARKING • Conference Facilities also available Join us on facebook for all the latest news and what’s on! Tel: 01284 763402 www.moretonhallcommunitycentre.co.uk Email: info@moretonhallcommunitycentre.co.uk

Other Room Hire Options

Some of you may not know that we have a lot more to offer in terms of room hire than just our Main Hall (which can also be divided into two smaller halls).

We also offer a Conference Room with big screen smart TV for presentations, our Lounge Bar for smaller meetings and also our Club Room for larger training

sessions, courses and wakes. Check out our website for more information or get in touch for availability and hire costs.

We look forward to seeing you at the community centre soon!
Contact us for availability and hire costs.
CRUSHED CONCRETE GRANITE CHIPPINGS MUCKAWAY READY MIXED CONCRETE T: 01284 752688 / 702700 E: info@aaronaggregates.com www.aaronaggregates.com AUGUST 2019 | 71 t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs SERVING UP TENNIS IN THE BURY ST EDMUNDS AREA email: davidhalltennis@gmail.com or visit www.davidhalltennis.com ADULT AND JUNIOR SESSIONS FOR ALL AGES AND ABILITIES DHT Bury Directory 58 x 85 QP.indd 1 17/08/2022 14:57 18 | JANUARY 2023
JANUARY 2023 | 19 Ventanilla Blinds Conservatory Blinds Day and Night Blinds Rollers - Verticals Roman - Pleated Wooden & Metal Venetians Sheer Rollers Blackout Blinds Perfect Fit Pleated, Roller & Venetian Contact Mike for a fast and friendly service 07966 371963 www.ventanillablinds.com Expert ear wax removal by experienced medical professionals • Safest method of microsuction used. • Highly trained specialists with years of NHS experience. • Catering for adults and children of all ages. • The partners include ENT Consultants, Audiologists and Advanced ENT Nurse Practitioners. Self Centre, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR To book your appointment or discuss your needs please call 01284 598058 or visit www.clarity-ear-care.co.uk

Community Centre


Well, December was a festive whirlwind at our flagship Community Centre, our halls bursting with Christmas cheer throughout the day and evenings.

Our new lights surrounded the Centre as Southgate Church started the month off with its popular annual Southgate’s Got Christmas. There was the first Christmas Market in conjunction with the Light Trail. Then eyes down with a Christmas Bingo, two Greener Growth wreath making workshops and a

Children’s wreath and reindeer making day. Every weekend Christmas parties galore and the highlight a Family Christmas Disco with Bertie Bassett… and of course a chance to meet Santa. So we hope everyone that visited had an absolutely amazing time.

Of course, as we celebrate the New Year we appreciate for many this may be a difficult time ahead. However we sincerely wish you all a good 2023. We aim to be here to make your lives that bit better. Bless you all!


Friday January 13th, February 10th & March 10th at 7pm

The coach will leave from Home Farm Lane at 9.00am and will arrive on the Embankment at about 11.30am. You will be given free time in London and, to allow you to catch a matinee performance of a show if you would like to, we’ll be leaving London at about 7.00pm. The cost will be £15 per person – much cheaper than petrol and parking or train fares! If

Why not start 2023 with a new hobby and join our friendly group who meet on the first Wednesday of each month in the small hall at Southgate?

Enjoy 2 hours of papercrafting, making cards and boxes and learning lots of techniques.

The cost is a very reasonable at £8 and all materials are provided, this includes a hot drink and biscuits. We meet between 10am and 12noon.

email mandyshedden@gmail.com or phone/text 07736 371184

SOUTHGATE Contact us on 01284 703705 or email: jackie@southgatechurch.org.uk Or visit the centre website: www.southgatecommunity.org.uk
SATURDAY 12th May We are organising a day trip to London, which is open to anyone who is interested in a
and reasonably priced day out.
DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES Saturday 20th May So start booking your theatre tickets! SOUTHGATE PAPERCRAFT CLUB
you have any questions or would like to book places please contact the Community Centre office on 01284 703705 or email office@southgatecommunity.org.uk The office is open weekdays except Wednesdays.

The Cathedral Squares

This month’s montage features one of our valued new hirers, the Cathedral Squares, who would be delighted to meet new members in the New Year.

Would you like to try something that’s fun and will make you laugh, as well as meeting new friends, all whilst having a gentle exercise?

Join us and learn to Square Dance at Southgate Community Centre, Monday evenings from 8.00pm - 10.00pm Just give us a try. INTRODUCTORY FIRST TWO WEEKS FREE 16th & 23rd January,
For more information contact Pauline on 07884 078565 or Pat on 01284 747108.
Bury Natural Health was established 33 years ago and includes a variety of complementary health specialists that offer 28 different treatments including: Acupuncture, Food Intolerance Testing, Fertility, Thermal Imaging & Breast Screening, Massage, Reflexology, Medical Herbalism, Bowen Technique, Alexander Technique & Counselling Eagle House, Sudbury Road, Gt. Whelnetham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0NU T: 01284 760020 www.BuryNaturalHealth.co.uk JANUARY 2023 | 23 Giving you peace of mind! FULLY INSURED ATSTORAGE SECURE PREMISES COMPETITIVE STORAGE RATES E: info@wardsofstanton.co.uk T: 01284 361789 or 07976 353447 www.wardsofstanton.co.uk CALL US TODAY! 07926 797142 or 01284 361025 www.atctreesandlandscapes.co.uk Professional Arboricultural and Landscaping service • All types of tree work & care • Grounds and Garden maintenance • Fencing • Hedge cutting • Soft landscaping • City & Guilds Qualified • Competitive quotes LocaltoBury! Give Adam a call on:
Unique ColourFence GUARANTEE ◆ Virtually maintenance FREE for 25 years* ◆ No warp, crack, shrink, rot or peel ◆ Withstands gusts up to 130mph Why choose anything else? ◆ A choice of styles and colours ◆ Professional installation ◆ Established in the UK for 15 years “We chose ColourFence 15 years ago and it looks as good as new. ” Mr & Mrs P. Stringer Forget fence worries for good Choose 25 years maintenance free metal fencing*. Choose ColourFence. Brown Cream Blue Green 25 YEAR guarantee For a free, no-obligation quote, find out more via: 01284 220 094 | colourfencecambs.co.uk *T&C’s apply – see website for details
Turners Decorators is a Suffolk based company established over 20 All aspects of decorating undertaken to the highest of standards • Domestic & commercial painting • Refurbishments • Hand painted kitchens Contact us for a FREE estimate & advice: M: 07785 945 363 • T: 01359 270257 • E: lee@turnersdecorators.co.uk www.turnersdecorators.co.uk FULLY INSURED • Interior & exterior painting • Dust-free sanding • Qualified decorators EST. OVER 20 YEARS
26 | JANUARY 2023 REMO V ES UN W AN T E D B L EMISHE S Available in a hygienic salon on Moreton Hall by qualified therapist Sandra Usher WHAT IS CRYOTHERAPY? It is a NEW advanced innovative solution that is fast, effective and safe for removal of skin imperfections. Procedures are pain free and typically last from 5 – 30 seconds. • Skin Tags • Sun Damage • Age Spots • Milia • Warts & Verrucae • Cherry Spots www.skintonesolutions.com NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online. www.skintonesolutions.com HOW IT WORKS A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue. Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER Email: skintonecaci@icloud.com Call: 0747 1940 387 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher
Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner everything you would expect from your Post Office® letters & parcels travel services broadband & homephone cash deposits & withdrawals global money transfer bill payments car tax passports www.mhpo.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 3pm WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS Telephone: 01284 769841 Symonds Road Bury St Edmunds IP32 7EW
M O C K T A I L S 0 % B E E R
% P R O S E C C O C A T C H - U P W I T H F R I E N D S T H I S D R Y J A N U A R Y P I Z Z A @ V E R V E B S E T O W N C E N T R E

What’s been happening at… HARDWICK Primary School

Twas the season to be merry, jolly and bright and lighting up everyone at Hardwick before Christmas were three enchanting and delightful shows staged by our wonderful children.

Our early years Reception class were simply captivating with their performance of Whoops A Daisy Angel, then KS1 took to the stage with an amazing show Bethlehem Bake Off and finally our KS2 pupils sang their hearts out at their Christmas Concerts.

Such festive enjoyment and huge congratulations to all children and especially staff and support staff for all their intense hard work in staging the shows.

28 | JANUARY 2023
we start 2023 we wish all our Hardwick family a very Happy New Year!
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Latest news from

Happy New Year!

2023 is continuing with this winter cold snap.

Do please take the appropriate steps to remain safe, warm, well and also do please to be kind to yourself and others too.

LSS welcomes anyone living with lymphoedema and/or lipoedema to the safe and

supportive environment of our meetings. Many have said how our group has helped them to feel less isolated and more able to cope with their condition, as it can be very useful to talk to people who have the same condition. It can also be reassuring and helpful as people can air their concerns and tend to feel a

bit better when someone says “oh yes, that happens to me as well” – it means they are not alone.

Experiences, good and not so good, are shared if wanted and, as humour can play an important part of coping, laughter is shared too, along with tips, hints, a cuppa and the all important slice of cake.

Sharon Phillips, Linda Allen and Tracy Phillips raised a magnificent £315.82 on the LSS stall at the December Merry Mildenhall craft fayre.

All monies raised will put towards LSS’s ongoing fundraising to purchase equipment for the benefit of patients, and staff, at the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service.

16th January, 6th March, 5th June, 7th August, 2nd October and 4th December

7pm – 9pm in Room 1 at Moreton Hall Community Centre. There is no joining fee or referral needed, do come along and find out more about living with, and managing, Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in a relaxed and friendly setting, along with a cuppa and biscuit.

For further details on LSS and the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: LSS email: lssuffolk@gmail.com Facebook: LSS@lymphoedema West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: wslymphservice@wsh.nhs.uk T: 01284 712732

For further details on Lymphoedema and Lipoedema: British Lymphology Society website: www.thebls.com Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website: www.lymphoedema.org Macmillan website: www.macmillan.org.uk

34 | JANUARY 2023

Run by Patients for Patients

Happy New Year

Welcome to the New Year and may yours bring you fulfilment and may your goals and aspirations be accomplished. Let your light shine through to enable you to make your way purposefully. Give yourself permission to believe in yourself, to be kinder to yourself and only allow in what truly serves you and let go of all things that no longer do. No life is without its setbacks so don’t be too hard on yourself. Focus on what is worth cherishing and what you can achieve this year such as becoming engaged in an

activity, finding support, positive thinking, doing something you enjoy, keeping a journal, opening yourself to crying and many more. Many powerful tools are on hand to help you, you only have to reach out for them.

Think about joining a support group who can give you support, who understand, who accept you as you are and who can give you much needed friendship. Give thought to joining and come and see if it is for you.

Carers and partners are welcome too.


In the December session a bouncer card was made, as you can see. Materials used were white card, coloured patterned card with border, acetate for the bounce, card topper, sentiments and embellishments + insert/envelope.


Positively Crafty - 1st session

Thursday 2nd February from 1.30pm-4pm.

Coffee Morning at Dobbies on Monday 9th January from 10.30am

CPSG - Thursday 19th January from 2pm-4pm (AGM + Subscriptions). Meetings are held at Southgate Community Centre in Bury.

Zoom art on Wednesdays and virtual coffee mornings on Saturdays. Both from 10am.

Speakers vary from being pain related to non-pain related to being interactive, light hearted and fun. If you would like to be a speaker at one of our meetings, please contact.

No referral necessary to join the group.

36 | JANUARY 2023
us on
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For more details call 07724 187774 or email info@chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk Find
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Happy new year!

As it’s January we thought we would take the opportunity to just explain who we are for those who don’t know, and what our aims are for 2023.

We are different to many charities in that we don’t just support one area of health or wellbeing. As the charity which supports the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, we cover all ages and aspects of health across the West Suffolk Hospital, Newmarket Community Hospital and the community services it provides both in health centres and in people’s home. We don’t do anything that the NHS should do, but we provide the extras and the enhancements that make life a little easier at a difficult time.

As you will know, there are many avenues in which people find themselves needing the help of the NHS and we support every single one of them.

From the moment a baby is conceived we start supporting and we are looking forward to helping enhance the parent craft lessons this year. As with many

services, this was postponed as Covid struck, but now lessons are being reinstated and we are thrilled to help.

This year will see us working with Newmarket Community Hospital as its services grow. It’s a wonderful site and we have already worked with the Rosemary Ward to help them as patients spend time there rehabilitating. And we will be back there in the spring with retired Godolphin racehorse, Papillon, as he returns to greet patients. The last visit was so moving and made such a difference that there was no way we couldn’t repeat the experience.

Covid has seen the Trust start working in many new ways and we have been proud to help with this. From DVD players to physio aids to portable defibrillators and nebulisers, we have provided equipment to help people be cared for in their homes. Not only is this fantastic for the patient but it means a bed is not used and is therefore available for a patient

who cannot be treated at home. With patient numbers ever rising this is a vital part of our role. Ensuring patients have warm clothes and a food pack as they head home is just so important and we will continue to work with the early intervention team in 2023 to help this happen.

Now planning permission has been granted, the new hospital will be on our agenda. It’s early days but we will be working closely with the project team to see how we can enhance this new building in the future. These are just a few of our plans. Our Soapbox Challenge will return in September, we have a fun event in the ‘seedling’ stage for Newmarket and we are in talks with lots of areas of the Trust on how we can help them enhance care.

We are a small team, passionate about your healthcare. We know times are hard, but your donations really do make a difference and we can’t thank you enough for your support. Please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you.

Best wishes, My WiSH Charity

Visit our website to donate or to find out more. We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, @mywishcharity, do give us a follow to keep up with our latest news. www.mywishcharity.co.uk @mywishcharity mywishcharity

Meet the team: Tanya Fifield, Lucy Proctor, Sue Smith, Sally Daniels & Debbie Kent.

Choir performs at prestigious concert

In Aid of ‘EACH’ (East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices)

It is not often the St Edmundsbury Male Voice Choir (SEMVC) has the opportunity to perform in a venue as prestigious as Trinity College Chapel in Cambridge, so this concert was always going to be very special for them. In addition to SEMVC, the concert also included performances from a leading barbershop quartet called ‘Portobello Road’, a soloist – Gemma Alexander and members of the Trinity Chapel Choir.

SEMVC performed a selection of expressive and contrasting pieces to make the most of the fine acoustic at the venue, including folk, classical and popular songs.

They were joined on two songs by Gemma Alexander. Gemma also performed beautifully alone, singing four popular pieces from artists including Eva Casidy and The Carpenters. Portobello Road sang a varied collection of songs and delighted the audience with their close harmonies and comic moves. Completing the bill were 7 members of the Trinity Chapel Choir who sung several festive carols.

The varied line up of performers provided a unique and memorable evening for the assembled audience and significant funds were raised for the charity ‘EACH’.

Why not give us a try?

We welcome anyone who feels they would like to give SEMVC a try and you can come along to three of our rehearsals to see how you get on, without any obligation to join. We do not have auditions and there is no requirement to read music. If you are interested, feel free to phone Nick Gane on 01284 700347 or email him at semvcgane@hotmail.com. You can also visit our website at www.semvc.com for more information. We meet for rehearsals every Thursday evening, 7.30pm at Howard Community Academy, Bury St Edmunds IP32 6SA.

39 | JANUARY 2023
Hangover Cure Smoothie MIX INGREDIENTS TOGETHER IN A BLENDER AND SERVE. Over-indulged over Christmas and New Year? Try this delicious hangover cure you can slurp away to detoxify, rebuild electrolytes, and restore your body’s normal pH levels. INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon coconut oil 240ml Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon chia seeds 1 small banana 8 tablespoons frozen spinach or kale 8 tablespoons fresh or frozen blueberries 240ml coconut water Honey and cinnamon to taste 2-3 ice cubes 600ml (1pt) apple cider 6 cinnamon sticks, to garnish freshly grated nutmeg, to garnish 40 | JANUARY 2023 Sponsored by
EARlY Bird main course + rice or naan + drink + £15 PER HEAD* 5–6.30 pm TELEPHONE 01284 719116 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.orissabse.co.uk *TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY. EATING IN ONLY. eating in
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A New Year offers time for change

It’s the time of the year when fresh ideas emerge:

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Please note: all correct at time of going to press, but please check for updates directly with the venue.


Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance With Somebody (12A)

I Wanna Dance with Somebody is a powerful celebration of the incomparable Whitney Houston. The film is a no-holdsbarred portrait of the complex and multifaceted woman behind The Voice. From New Jersey choir girl to one of the best-selling and most awarded recording artists of all time, audiences are taken on an inspirational and emotional journey through Houston’s trailblazing life and career, with show-stopping performances and a soundtrack of the icon’s most beloved hits as you’ve never heard them before. Find out more at: www.cineworld.co.uk



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Find out more at: theapex.co.uk

44 | JANUARY 2023
7.30pm Monday 16th January 2023 Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street IP33 1RH Winners of the 2020 Kathleen Ferrier Award Programme includes works by Schumann Strauss Wolf Beach Larsen White Box Office • Theatre Royal • 01284 769505 • www.theatreroyal.org Tickets also on the door as available Season’s membership £55 Membership contact • Sue Tanner • 01359 230457 • sue@tanner69.plus.com Bury St Edmunds Concert Club - Registered Charity 1050483 79th Season 2022/2023 Tickets £15 (Students £5) www.buryconcertclub.co.uk ConcertBurySeries Jessica Cale soprano George Ireland piano

New Year New You in Nature

Christmas and New Year can be a difficult time for many. Overindulged on the Turkey and once the celebrations are over the thought of a long cold winter stretching ahead can be depressing.

The days in January are still short and getting outside can be difficult. - Dark mornings and evenings – cold dreary weather –it can be hard to get motivated to spend time in nature.

Research demonstrates that being outside in nature has huge benefits for us both physically and mentally. Start the New Year 2023 with a plan to get outside and improve wellbeing. Maybe even get a little fitter. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to help.

Just get outside

There is no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothes. Wrapped up even if the elements seem to conspire against us, walking in nature just simply makes us feel better. It lifts our mood, and it feels that we have accomplished something. Even better to be mindful for a few minutes. Once outside stop for a couple of minutes and listen to nature. What are the sounds you can hear? What are the things you see? Is what you experience unique to winter?

During the winter months there is no doubt that much of our flora and fauna takes a rest. Plants and bulbs lay dormant while mammals search for wood piles or burrow underground. This is self-care in nature which maybe as people we should emulate. We often ask too much of ourselves especially at

New Year. Very ambitious New Year’s resolutions such as running a marathon or dropping multiple dress sizes are abandoned before they even get started. This year faced with a huge cost of living crisis and worries over what at seems an increasingly uncertain world. Why not make this New Year’s resolution – a 10 minute time out in nature each day - Go for a walk - take a little time for self care.

Who is Green Light Trust?

Established in 1989, Green Light Trust is an environmental charity that believes in the healing power of nature to transform lives. With its head office in Lawshall, near Bury St Edmunds, Green Light Trust runs progressive wellbeing and education programmes in woodlands across Suffolk and Norfolk.

Green Light Trust has a history of developing and enhancing the natural environment

through the planting of trees and the management of broadleaf woodlands. Our woodland conservation work helped us recognise the transformative and restorative impact that the natural environment has on individuals. Thousands of adults and children have benefitted from working with us. Our courses have enabled them to connect with nature for their own wellbeing, mental health and personal development.

interested in volunteering? Find out more at: www.greenlighttrust.org or email info@greenlighttrust.org

46 | JANUARY 2023
Follow us on social media @greenlighttrust
Anything is possible, from the smallest path or water feature to a full garden redesign or largest estate driveway. Making your dreams come true... Got a project in mind? Contact us today for a free consultation: T: 01284 724486 M: 07860 577557 E: archleypaving@icloud.com www.archleylandscapesolutions.com GARDEN DESIGN • DRIVEWAYS • PATIOS • LANDSCAPING

Craft Corner


Every month I share a crafty activity for you to try at home. Happy New Year to you all. As I mentioned in December, not every craft activity has to cost a lot of money and here’s one that’s very cheap and involves a nature walk on a cold January day!

Why not like my facebook page www.facebook.com/thecraftyfoxes and follow me on instagram @thecraftyfoxes to find out more about what I’m up to and see crafty videos to try at home.


A selection of Y shaped sticks and a handful of others, a pair of secateurs or scissors and some wool, and as always, some tiny googly eyes!

Grab your Y shaped sticks and turn them to be legs and a body. Wrap different coloured wool around the sticks tightly either to be individual legs in trousers or shorts, or together to be a skirt and then wrap wool around a stick sideways to create a top and arms! Add some wool for hair and glue the googly eyes on.


Michelle x
48 | JANUARY 2023
This month the fun in this make is collecting the best sticks for the craft.
TOP TIP… Try making a whole stick man family by using different shapes and sizes of sticks. Can you make dogs too I wonder?

Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum

Happy New Museum Year

A very happy New Year – every best wish from the Museum Committee and volunteers for a very prosperous 2023. As the door of 22 closes a new door opens. What will it bring for us and you?

To close the door on 22, a review of our Departures event.

All I can say is WOW and Thank You. Wow, because of the turn out – AMAZING. In the past seven years I have had the honour of leading this service. I can honestly say this was our best. Over 50 people, in very cold conditions, graced us with their presence. It also was, for me, the real feeling of meaning.

Grahams post on social media: “My thanks go out to all who braved the freezing fog today to attend “December Departure”, it was the best turn-out in a long time. Thank you to Andrew Caldecott for taking the service and Rachel Hockley-Warner for playing “Taps” brilliantly as usual. Wendy Sage again did a fabulous job in the Tea Room, ably assisted by Jo and Karen. Rhiannan Sage and

We paid tribute, in a short service, that totally respected our total acknowledgment of all that was given to us by all those who committed everything for us. Moving was not the word – remembrance in its simplest form – Rachel our bugler with the last post, the minutes silence (it was too cold for two!), our prayers. All the elements of respect which were shown with the wreath and cross laying.

Karen provided most of the cakes which were enjoyed by everyone. Also, thanks to the guys from 41/45 re-enactors for their attendance, it makes such a difference when we have US uniforms on parade as well as RAF.

This was the last major event of 2022, we will still be at the Museum throughout the closed season to make improvements to the

Thank you to all that joined us for a very special Departures. We will always be indebted to the few who gave their all.

To top it all – a great buffet spread in the Radio Room (Tea Room), again catered for by Wendy and here team. Thank you all, the soup really warmed us up (oh, and don’t forget the chocolate cake! Thanks Graham).

displays in readiness for Easter Sunday 2023. Thank you again to everyone who came through the doors over the past season, it’s a pleasure and never a chore to pass on the history of this site to you all. Keep safe and see you again in the New Year. If anyone has photos from today please put them on the page, again I was too busy to get my camera out for the important bits.”

We’ve had an exceptional year for visitors. Our attendance figures have exceeded previous years. We extend a very BIG Thank You to ALL who have joined us. Total figures show over 2,500 people have visited us.

We open on Easter Sunday which will soon be here, April 9th.

Please also remember - We Need You in 2023!! Thanks again Graham and all the team, without you all we wouldn’t have a museum.

On behalf of the Chairman, Committee, members, all involved with the Museum and myself – can we wish you ALL A Very Happy New Year

PS. To Amplify – thank you for your support. Without you this article and our monthly updates would not be reaching our local residents and supporters

For our details please refer to our website: www.rctam94th.co.uk E-mail info@rctam94th.co.uk Mobile 07931

See you again next month in February 2023, here in The Directory. a big thank you!

Garden Retreats specialise in the design, manufacture and installation of superior quality garden rooms with a huge range of options, complete with great service at the best possible price. If you can imagine it, we can build it.

Our Garden Retreats provide an oasis of calm away from the house whether you’re looking for a more traditional or modern addition to your garden, we can accommodate any requests. Our fully bespoke range means that you can choose the options that work best for you.

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Beautiful Garden Rooms
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Happy new year and we hope you all had a great Christmas. Like us I bet you are looking at your bank statements with a nervous feeling. We need to find ways to save money and fast. Food is always one of our biggest expenditures and prices have risen at an alarming rate. This month we will look at a few ways to help reduce your food bill.



Online supermarkets and voucher websites can offer great deals. Have a look at VoucherCloud, MyVoucherCodes or MoneySavingExpert.

Comparison websites

Try using comparison sites and apps such as ‘My Supermarket’ to compare the cost of products across the various supermarkets.

‘Best before’ online stores

There are local specialists and even an online store, Approved Food, which specialise in food that is either near or just passed its ‘Best Before’ date. Approved Food has a minimum £5.99 delivery charge, so it’s worth bulk-buying. There are no finite rules on how far beyond a ‘best before date’ it’s still safe to eat products, so you need to make the decision yourself.

Look for reduced price options

There is often a section in your supermarket where they sell products that have slightly damaged packaging or are close to the ‘sell by’ date. Only buy if you really need the item!

Buy ‘Own Brands’

‘Own brands’ may well come from the same factory as ‘Brands’! Take a look online for a whole range of ideas.

Take the downshift challenge

Move down one product level e.g. Premium to Branded, Branded to Own Brand, or Own Brand to Value. If you drop a brand level on everything you can cut your bill by about 30%. If a family’s weekly shop is £100 then that’s a saving of £1,560 a year. Even if you only drop half the brands, that’s still a saving of £780 a year.

Just remember when buying animal products, a brand drop may come at a cost to animal welfare, so think carefully before buying the cheapest meat. It may be better to buy quality meat but less of it.

Next month we will carry on with the food theme. See you then.

Remember our mantra at Ecofrenzy - Lots of little adds up to a lot.

We have loads more ideas at ecofrenzy.com to help our wonderful world.

EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham. If you have any queries please visit www.ecofrenzy.com/contact-us or email tony@ecofrenzy.com

£ £ £
£ £
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Christ Church MORETON HALL

Dear Friends

January 2023 is upon us, but we must first look back with gratitude on how we came together as a community during Christmas. You generously supported the food bank with groceries and the school carol services raised over £300 too. So, a big thank you to Sebert wood and Abbot’s green. It was good to see so many at all the services during December.

However many of us do not look forward to this year with confidence. Strikes, rising prices, fuel prices and many other anxieties beset us. However, there is hope.

The Christian year is divided into sections so that at our bleakest moments we have something to look forward to and something we can trust in. As we enter into the season of Lent, we are reminded that we have Easter to look forward to.

While Christmas is the Christian event that attracts most attention round the world, Easter is at the very heart of the Christian faith. It is at Easter we remember that Jesus died and then

rose again. It is not that he miraculously came back to life, but rather that God raised Him. Jesus Christ, as God’s Son, was His most faithful servant. He never fell into the errors of mankind; He bore faithful witness to His Father; He did many acts of kindness and miracles as His Father would have done; and despite the truth being obvious, even when He was beaten and flogged, He did not deny the faith that we all share; that He is not just a wonderful human being, but He is the Son of God, our close kinsman (elder brother if you like), and also our best friend.

The other part of the hope is that because He did this and then sent the Holy Spirit to us. So when we ask Jesus to be our Saviour, our guide, our help, our strength, the Sprirt comes into our lives in a miraculous way. He comes into both our day to day living and also the circumstances that surround us. While things still remain tough, He gives us the energy and the strength to survive them, and His peace as we go through them, and that enables us to respond correctly to everyone around us.

If you do not know this reality, we can tell you about it at Christ Church Moreton Hall. We can share the experiences we have been through, and we can impart to you that same Holy Spirit which lives in our lives. This has made all the difference to us, and we have seen many miracles and continue to see them.

So, as January dawns, which is often the month of despair, think again and know that in a few month’ time it will be Easter. Because of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we can find the hope and strength we need to face the challenges now and to be assured of our place in heaven.

Come to our worship. Join us on Alpha and on our Holy Spirit Day 14th January You too can enter into the miracle that gives us strength in these dark times. Also come to our Special Family services on the first & third Sundays as well.

With every good wish for the coming year

54 | JANUARY 2023
Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford. Minister Christ Church, Moreton Hall
January Services at Christ Church Moreton Hall Visit our website: www.ccmh.org.uk www.facebook.com/ChristChurchMoretonHall/ JANUARY 2023 | 55 Sunday 1st 10:30am Family Service Sunday 8th 10:30am Morning worship with Sunday school Saturday 14th 11:00am Alpha Holy Spirit Day Sunday 15th 10:30am Family Communion 4:00pm Kids Church Sunday 22nd 10:30 am Morning worship Sunday 29th 10:30 am Free Communion Be assured of a warm welcome this month with hot drinks after all services. Creche available at all services Winter & Spring term Fridays 10:30am-12 noon Price: £2 per family £5 for families with 3 or more children Dates: 6th & 20th January 3rd & 17th February 3rd, 17th & 31st March 21st April 5th & 19th May We hope to see you all for There are things to make & eat served with coffee, tea, squash & fruit juice. 13th January 4:00-5:00pm An hour of fun where we learn more about Jesus. When children and families can join in with songs, crafts & artwork, games, worship, prayer, & stories.
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To advertise your business here please contact Jeremy Procter on: T. 01284 765092 or E: jeremy@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk l Hedge Trimmers l Turf Cutters to Strimmers l Lawn Scarifiers l Rotavators l Stump Grinder l Power Tools l Timberwolf Chipper Shredder l Access Platforms l Scaffold Towers l Concrete Mixers to Sanders l Mini Excavators to Rollers l Disc Cutters to Lighting Towers l Carpet Cleaners l Wallpaper Strippers l Concrete Breakers Thurston Road, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 2PJ Telephone: 01284 788122 Email: info@tbs-hire.co.uk www.tbs-hire.co.uk PLANT & TOOL HIRE and much more! D.J. HAILL Ltd DRIVEWAYS, PAVING & FENCING Local authority approved drop kerbs and access. Tarmac driveways • Shingle • Tar • Block paving All fencing • Patios and paths • Concrete pads Footings • Drainage • Fully insured. For a free quote, call Darren 01449 737164 or 07766 024137 JANUARY 2023 | 57 Daytime Piano Lessons Moreton Hall Beginner and Intermediate Levels Weekdays (during school hours), term time - No after school or evening slots available. 12 years experience, teaching age 8–80+ Always wanted to learn? It’s not too late! Playing a musical instrument relieves stress and aids memory. Ruth Baxter 07751 275354 or email: ruthbaxter4268@gmail.com



List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk

Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process?

Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.


The publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.



Used only once. £40 Tel. 07709 613809



H106 cm x W22.5 cm £8 Tel. 07948 687686



Hardly used good working order £50 Tel. 07948 687686

Can be sold together (£22) or separately (£12 each). Height: 146cms overall Width: 59 cms overall Depth: 28.5cms overall Each shelf: 55 x 28.5cms The frame is made of metal. Very easy to assemble. Collection only (from Moreton Hall) Tel. 07590 683031

Moreton Hall WI

Moreton Hall WI started the festive season in style at their December meeting.

The Moreton Hall Community Centre had been wonderfully decorated to put us all in the mood and members were invited to wear Christmas jumpers or other festive attire.

Our Secretary, Annette, and Tina, another Committee member had knitted a stocking tree decoration for

everyone as a gift and filled these with chocolate, which was lovely. Everyone enjoyed a baked potato supper provided by the Committee before being entertained by the Bury St Edmunds Scottish Reel Club.

They performed three dances before inviting us all to join in, at which point the fun really started! The evening finished with coffee and mince pies and a Christmas music quiz.

We all left the meeting feeling as if Christmas had really begun.

We were delighted to help Bury Women’s Aid Centre by donating hats, scarves, gloves, warm socks and unwanted craft items as requested by the Centre.

We look forward to welcoming a speaker from the Centre at our January meeting.

We are a friendly group and prospective members are always welcome.

Contact Alison on 01284 701433 or Annette on 01284 769407.

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Resolutions – Resolutions – Resolutions

On 1st January, we like to take stock of the previous year.

Then huge numbers of us determine to make changes for the better by making lists: exercise more, get organised, keep to a budget (that might be a lot more difficult in the coming year), learn the piano, and see more of our family. And we’re still at it, despite study after study showing less than a quarter of us remain committed to them a mere 30 days later, and only 8% of us accomplish what we set out to do.

What is so compelling about these lists? What drives us to

take the opportunity of a new year to determine to improve ourselves and our lives? And is there any point if we fail so fast and so consistently?

All of humanity, Christian or not, is made in the image of God. That’s a good place to start in understanding the draw of making fresh resolves. We were made to be holy and in harmony with God, each other, and creation. Our drive to make something of the world around us and to restore balance to our days is hard-wired into us – part of our created human identity. Perhaps we are drawn to the idea that a new year offers a

new start because our creator is the God of fresh beginnings and his gifts to us are ‘new every morning’ (Lamentations 3:23).

Our colleagues, friends, and family members may soon be feeling demoralised by another year of failing to meet their own intentions to improve. We could try to cheer them up by quoting the late American minister Norman Vincent Peale: ‘Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.’ Or we could talk about what we’re all really longing for – the light in whose presence all yearnings are met.

further details of all our activities visit our
website www.southgatechurch.org.uk
We wish you love, joy, peace and hope in the coming year.
Southgate Church’s Christmas display. Let there be Light!


Our ever popular family event returns on Sunday 29th January 2023 between 4pm & 5.30pm. There will be crafts, games, puppets and bible stories.

And a freshly prepared hot meal is served to round off the afternoon.

Book on our website to ensure we have enough food! We look forward to seeing you and your family.


Would you like to attend one of our Sunday morning services but can’t make it in person during the cold winter months? If you have a PC, tablet or even smart phone at home we can link you up to our live transmission via Zoom.

There is also an opportunity to chat to other people online after the service has finished.

Phone or email Jackie and she can get you set up.

What’s on in JANUARY

Sunday 1st January 4pm - Special New Year’s Day All Age Service, followed by bring-and-share tea. Please note there is no 10.30am service today.

Sundays 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th January 10.30am Morning Worship services with groups for children of all ages

The Bishop of Dunwich, Rt. Revd Dr Mike Harrison will be preaching at our service on 8th January

Friendship Club for older people, meets on Thursday 19th January at 2.30pm for a Film Afternoon

Thursday (Women’s) Club meet on 26th January at 7pm for a Fish and Chip Supper and a talk by Andy Malcolm of Fishermen’s Mission.

Messy Church

Sunday 29th January, 4pm to 5.30pm Pre-booking essential via website.

During term time, the following mid-week groups meet in Church Centre: Liquid, for young people in school years 8 to 13, Mondays 7pm to 9pm; Southgate Parent & Toddlers, Wednesdays 9am to 10.30am; Youth Club, for school years 5, 6, 7, Thursdays 6.30pm to 7.45pm

CoffeeStop, Mondays, 10am to 12noon in Church Centre. Free Coffee, Tea, Cake & Chat Please note no CoffeeStop on Bank Holiday Monday 2nd January

All of our events and services are held in Southgate Community Centre, Caie Walk.

Please contact Jackie Tooley, Administrator on 01284 703705 or email office@southgatechurch.org.uk


Email: adamtrettpga@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: Adam Trett - ADT Golf Coaching

Happy New Year to you all! It’s at this time of year that everyone makes a new year’s resolution or two, us golfers are never any different. However, if your resolutions have been made then make sure you have given yourself an achievable goal for the forthcoming golf season. One tip I will give you for these resolutions is to write them down, and either put them on display somewhere or tell someone about it so they can keep you on track.



Do you know any golfer that wouldn’t want more distance from their tee shots? No me neither… so this month I will run you through some key areas of the driver use that could be holding you back when using this club. There is one thing for certain in golf, that is that good strikes alongside good technique produces a higher percentage of quality shots. Unfortunately, many of us golfers don’t make high-quality contact as often as we would like. In this section I will outlined a couple of areas to focus on to help you produce more consistent strikes from your driver.

SET UP – The driver set up compared to other clubs throughout your bag is very different and you should take :me to put these highlighted areas in place to assist you maximising the potential of this club.

- Ball position should be just inside your lead foot (let foot for right handed golfer)

- Feet a fraction wider than shoulder width, this will add stability throughout the swing produced by the driver.

- Your spine should be tilted back away from the target, as you can see from the image this places the right shoulder significantly lower than the left.

IMPACT – As you can see the tilted spine angle at address now promotes the necessary body angle to help us achieve an ascending (upward) strike through impact.

The golf club head, hands and left shoulder almost make a straight line at impact, this position allows us to achieve a consistent impact with the golf ball and again insures that you are impacting the ball with an ascending strike. As stated before its this good impact with the ball that we are trying to achieve so that there can be the best transfer of energy from driver into the golf ball, resulting in greater distance from the shot.

IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT SPEED… you need the strike first!

So with an ascending strike being desirable through impact, below is a drill that you can use in practice to help you achieve this.

PRACTICE DRILL – All you will need is an empty golf ball box (sleeve) and two tee pegs to use this drill.

Place an empty sleeve box between a teed golf ball and the target as indicated. The box should be approximately a grip length ahead of the ball. On a windy day it might be necessary to use tees to anchor the box in place.

If you can hit shots without the club head striking the box, then chances are that you're no longer hitting down on the ball and you should see an increase in both distance and height of your tee shots. Keep in mind that if you’re now doing this drill well and you have an adjustable driver, you might need to alter the loft.

Credit: Andrew Rice. This drill was shown to me by Andrew at a seminar I attended and you can find this and more informa:on at www.andrewricegolf.com.

If you are struggling with this or any other aspect of your game, then I would be pleased to assist you in enjoying this great game more.

PGA TOUR Tournament of Champions, Kapalua

Sony Open, Hawaii

The American Express, La Quinta

Farmers Insurance Open, Torrey Pines CA


Hero Cup

Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship

Dubai Desert Classic

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