Bury St Edmunds Directory June 2023

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directory BURY ST EDMUNDS June 2023 // Issue 213 FREE Pick me up I’m THINGS TO DO IN JUNE HEALTH | HOME | STYLE | FOOD | WHAT’S ON | NEWS Moreton Hall & Southgate edition Community News RECIPES LOCAL BUSINESSES


6pm, Southgate Community Centre

Call Jen 07801 757237


5.30pm & 7pm, New Bury Community Centre Call Shani 01842 820001


9.30pm, Ixworth Village Hall Call Kelly 07792 603204

9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7pm

Westbury Community Centre

Call Susan 07899 754273

3.30pm, 5pm & 6.30pm

(Welcoming new members)

New Green Centre - Thurston

Call Shani 01842 82001


10am, 5.30pm & 7pm

Moreton Hall Community Centre Call Julie 07917 692097

Recruiting now for this group

6pm, Stanton Community Village Hall Call Shani 01842 820001

FRIDAY 9.30am & 11.30am

Southgate Community Centre Call Susan 07899 754273


8am & 10am (Welcoming new members)

Southgate Community Centre Call Kelly 07792 603204



your local Slimming World Consultant and join a friendly and super-supportive group today!
slimmingworld.co.uk Contact
our amazing team and help change the lives of others. Call Kelly on 07792 603204 for details.

Welcome to the June issue

It’s June! And we can’t wait for a bit of sunshine now… Come on Summer, we’re ready for you!

In anticipation of some warmer weather, we’ve got right into the spirit of it in this issue. If you’re hosting any garden parties over the next few months or just want to get your garden spruced up, we’ve picked out some gorgeous garden accessories to set the perfect scene to entertain your guests all Summer long, see page 6.

As we’re entering bbq season, on page 42 we have a delicious burger recipe to impress your friends with. And the ‘pièce de résistance’ – a recipe for mouthwatering watermelon prosecco sorbet slushies on page 40.

And don’t forget, it’s Father’s Day on Sunday 18th June.

We hope you enjoy this issue with lots of info from local businesses, plus all the usual news and events.

Take care and we’ll see you in July.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk

EMAIL: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk

TEL: 01284 765092

While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2023 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories.

Publisher: Design & Artwork: www.amplifydesign.co.uk Bury
3 Field Close, Beyton, Suffolk IP30 9AW
ADVERTISING/COPY DEADLINE FOR JULY 2023 ISSUE: 19th June 2023 Find us on social media: Want to advertise your business? Call Jeremy Procter on: 01284 765092
jeremy@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk Watermelon prosecco sorbet
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Based in Bury St. Edmunds, we offer the highest quality workmanship. No job is too large or small. CALL TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT T. 07778 477159 /01284 701395 E. stewart.bracey@btinternet.com www.stewartbracey.com STEWART BRACEY Painter & Decorator 4 | JUNE 2023 • Painting & decorating • Carpentry & joinery • General & preventative maintenance • Wood & laminate flooring For a FREE estimate call Christopher on: 07833 148439 Or email: christophereley7@gmail.com Full public liability insurance & CRB checked. General & preventative maintenance & handyman services. Based on Moreton Hall. 10% discount to all NHS staff, service members, armed forces & OAPs. • Plumbing & tiling • Fencing & spraying • Landscaping & ground work • Roofing Jordanna Offers Yoga Contact Jordanna jordannaoffersyoga@gmail.com https://jordannaoffersyoga.offeringtree.com/offerings JUNE VIA ZOOM IN PERSON Unitarian Meeting House Thurs 9.30am Hunter Club Thurs 6.15pm Thurs 7.30pm Erskine Centre, Chedburgh Tues 6.00pm Good Morning Yoga - Mon, Wed, Fri 7.00am Sunday Slow Flow9.30am Sleep EasyTues 9pm Email Jordanna to find out more or visit the website:

With food prices increasing rapidly, try our Click & Collect service. Buy single products at wholesale prices.

*Order on our website & collect the same day!

Use the code CHECKOUT10 Perkins Rd IP30 9XA *Minimum 1 hour collection time Click off all orders Supporting Bury St Edmunds 7 days a week thomasridley.co.uk

Set of 6 Solar Lightbulb Lanterns (Sainsbury’s) £18

La Hacienda Cone Chimenea £120.00


furn. Ibiza Outdoor Cushion

£16 Dunelm

Ceramic Planter

£15 B&M

Citronella Bamboo Torch £4.99

The Range



Moretti Round Indoor Outdoor Rug

£38.50 Dunelm

Outdoor Wall Clock

£25 B&M

Terracotta Cylinder Pot

£22 Homebase

6 | JUNE 2023
JUNE 2023 | 7 Bluestone Paving & Decking Bluestone Paving & Decking specialise in producing beautiful Patios, Driveways and Sundecks to the highest standards. PATIOS | DRIVEWAYS | PATHWAYS | DECKING | FENCING Call for a FREE Quotation 01284 716405 or 07766 001125 Or visit our website: www.bluestone-paving.co.uk DECORATING by D. PERRIN Established 1984 Call David on 01284 706484 or 07930 976824 www.dperrin.uk • Interior & Exterior Decorating • Wallpapering • Prompt Quotations • Competitive Rates • Reliable, Friendly & Tidy Service • Many Returning Customers GET A QUOTE NOW! No time to walk your dog? Worried that they are bored whilst you work? Let us walk them for you! Fully insured, DBS checked dog professionals #pawprintssuffolk 07772 141101 www.pawprrintssuffolk.com pawprintssuffolk@hotmail.com We offer countryside walks, beach walks, drop-ins and other dog services. Contact us for more info:
DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW W H A T W I L L Y O U D I S C O V E R T O S C A N T O D O W N L O A D T H E A P P F O R F R E E COMPETITIONS to enter exciting events fun Tours & Trails Digital Loyalty cards money saving deals visitor information FREE MAPS AVAILABLE FROM ALL TOURIST INFORMATION POINTS IN TOWN www.ourburystedmunds.com/aletrail BROUGHT TO YOU BY

Seasonal veg boxes delivered either weekly or fortnightly.

We supply organic, seasonal, Suffolk grown, quality vegetables from our farm in Cavendish delivered direct to your doorstep in Bury St Edmunds.

To order, visit our website www.sunshineandgreen.co.uk

Follow the story of your food from seed to delivery on social media @sunshineandgreen

JUNE 2023 | 9 Bespoke tuition for struggling readers. We teach the way you learn. Contact Louisa 07761 737 649 louisa@thereadingdoctors.com www.thereadingdoctors.com FACE TO FACE • ONLINE • SCHOOLS @thereadingdoctorburystedmunds FENCING by D. PERRIN Established 1984 • Quality treated fencing supplied and erected • Gates and frames • Galvanised gate furniture • Concrete and wooden posts • Concrete and wooden gravel boards • All types of fence panels available (treated) • Old fencing cleared • Excellent quotes returned promptly • Professional, tidy and reliable service Call David on 01284 706484 or 07930 976824 www.dperrin.uk DAOLNWOD EHT PPA WON W H A T W I L L Y O U D I S C O V E R T O D A Y ? S C A N T O D O W N L O A D T H E A P P F O R F R E E SNOITITEPMOC ot retne gniticxe stneve nuf sruoT & sliarT latigiD ytlayoL sdrac yenom gnivas slaed rotisiv noitamrofni

Eventus22 deliver bespoke, results driven, fitness training programmes. And their new state-of-the-art facility on Moreton Hall is NOW OPEN!

Their success is reflected purely on the life changing, body transformation that their clients have achieved. Eventus22 is designed for small group personal training for committed individuals who want to see serious gains and improvements in their own health and fitness.

Eventus has many meanings but one of them is “TO SUCCEED”. So many try and fail at the whole “gym thing”. We are known as a place where people do actually succeed with their health and fitness.

We EMPHASISE THE E of Eventus as E is the mathematical symbol “to belong to…”. Sadly so many people feel out of place, uncomfortable and like they don’t belong in a gym due to the perceptions or experience of using commercial gyms. We want to become your second home, a place where you belong and are a part of like minded people who support each other.

And finally, our YELLOW branding.

Yellow is the colour of friendliness, something which so many other gyms are not.


FREE CONSULTATION: www.eventus22.fit/get-started EVENTUS22 • UNIT 1 BUNTING ROAD • BURY ST EDMUNDS • IP32 7BX • 07868 339871
eventus 22 –our ethos

Everything about Eventus is amazing. My whole well-being has been transformed. It’s been brilliant and I’ve rediscovered an enthusiasm for life.

My ambitions for joining was to lose weight and become fitter and stronger. And I really wanted to re-balance my life and work balance.

The changes I’ve seen have been quite significant. I’ve actually lost 2 stone and mentally I’m not as drained as I was.

Ultimately, I am better because I’m happier.

inspired? BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION: www.eventus22.fit/get-started EVENTUS22 • UNIT 1 BUNTING ROAD • BURY ST EDMUNDS • IP32 7BX • 07868 339871 STUART JONES eventus22.fit/testimonials view stuart’s full video testimonial at: results driven, fitness training success story:
Where you can see more and book a call.



MON: 7pm – 11pm

TUES: 7pm – 11pm

WEDS: 7pm – 11pm

THURS: 7pm – 11pm

FRI: 4pm – 11pm

SAT: 12 midday – 11pm

Join us on socials @moretonhallclub for all the latest news & what’s on! www.moretonhallcommunitycentre.co.uk Moreton Hall Community Centre
club – open to all Families welcome!
SUN: 12 midday – 8pm & venue hire Post office Library
T: 01284 763402 E: info@moretonhallcommunitycentre.co.uk

Sebert Wood Primary School

We marked the King Charles’ coronation in style at Sebert Wood! In the build-up to the coronation, each year group worked together to produce a new coin, inspired by art styles or artists they had focused on in art and design. These are now hanging proudly in our library – we’re sure you agree that they look great!

To mark King Charles’ passion for the environment, and inspired by the book ‘It's Up to Us: A Children’s Terra Carta for Nature, People and Planet’, pupils made beautiful leaves of all shapes and sizes. They worked alongside children from another year group, with each class using different mediums of art. Shabby Shack Trading generously provided the school with more than 50 plants to stimulate our budding artists. It was lovely

to see younger and older pupils working so well together. The leaves were then compiled into a wonderful display at the entrance to the school by our art coordinator Mrs Howell. The children also enjoyed a royal tea party, with red, white and blue cupcakes made by our kitchen team and they sang the national anthem proudly. Each child received a packet of seeds to plant, kindly funded by FOSWS (Friends of Sebert Wood School).

We are currently exploring options for expanding our outdoor provision with a multi-use games arena. If you would be interested in sponsoring such a project, please get in touch with us at admin@sebertwood.co.uk.

14 | JUNE 2023

The topic of ‘Sleep’

Part of the mental health and wellbeing advice series

How do you look after your mental health and wellbeing?

That’s the basis for a new campaign for 2023 which focuses on 12 ‘emotional needs’, one for each month, to bring you practical tips, people’s stories, and support to keep you well.

Be Well, Feel Well: A healthier Suffolk in 2023 is a partnership between Suffolk Mind, Public Health and Communities and a range of community groups teaming up to focus on ways for you to be well throughout the year. Look out for a new article every month with information for how you can keep healthy, get the help you need and even save money.

Top tips

l Avoid using smartphones in bed and –better still – don’t take or charge your smartphone in your bedroom (removing the temptation to look at it).

l Avoid watching TV or internet surfing in the two hours before going to bed.

l Try to do any activities, such as reading, meditation, listening to podcasts etc before bedtime so that going to bed is solely about sleep.

l Learn and practise relaxation exercises to help you to go off to sleep more easily.

l Have regular going to bed and getting up times – and stick to them.

l Cut down on caffeine in the second half of the day.

Why sleep matters

We all need the right amount of sleep in a 24-hour period, which means about eight hours for the average adult and less as we get older. Most of us feel better after a good night’s sleep, but with the pressures of modern living and balancing raising families with work life, lots of us find it harder to get the sleep we need.

Many people suffer with sleep disorders and about 80% of the population feel they aren’t getting enough or the right quality of sleep. Not enough sleep is connected to a range of health issues, from tiredness and headaches to more serious issues such as increasing the risk of dementia, depression and even suicide.

Different types of sleep

There are two particularly important phases of sleep for mental health: deep sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which do different jobs. During periods of deep sleep, reduced brain activity sees hormones released to repair cells in the body, supporting our physical health. Our bodies use REM to calm the brain and support our mental health by burning off cortisol (stress hormones) that may have built up during waking hours. Both kinds of sleep are vital - it’s important to get a balance between the two. When our other emotional needs are well met, things balance nicely. But if things around us change, such as during the pandemic, or we experience stress that affects our wellbeing, the quality of sleep can be reduced.

Take the beep out of your sleep

A regular good night’s sleep is linked to whether we can meet our physical and emotional needs during the day. You can introduce some small changes that will make a big difference. Start by making sleep a priority by creating a distraction-free bedroom environment. The best way of doing this is to remove your smartphone from the bedroom altogether –that includes charging your phone in your bedroom overnight – which removes the temptation to look at the screen, which can affect your quality of sleep. Evidence has shown that exposure to blue light from devices in the hours leading up to bedtime can negatively affect your sleep. Blue light suppresses the body’s release of melatonin, which is a hormone that makes us feel drowsy. This month, we’re encouraging you to ‘take the beep out of your sleep’ by making the bedroom a phone-free zone.

Where can I find out more?

Avoid using phones in bed

Try it for the month of June (including resisting the temptation to have a sneaky peak at your phone on your way back from an overnight toilet trip) and we think you’ll see a noticeable improvement to your sleep. Creating a regular bedtime routine which lets you wind down fully is also important.

Suffolk Infolink Infolink.suffolk.gov.uk (or scan QR code)
• SAND • BALLAST • GRAVEL • HOGGIN • CRUSHED CONCRETE • TOPSOIL • TYPE 1 SUB BASE • ROAD PLANINGS • GRANITE CHIPPINGS • TIPPER HIRE • MUCKAWAY • READY MIXED CONCRETE T: 01284 752688 / 702700 E: info@aaronaggregates.com www.aaronaggregates.com AUGUST 2019 | 71 t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs 18 | JUNE 2023 Get your business buzzing… Advertise in the Directory Tel: 01284 765092
JUNE 2023 | 19 Ventanilla Blinds Conservatory Blinds Day and Night Blinds Rollers - Verticals Roman - Pleated Wooden & Metal Venetians Sheer Rollers Blackout Blinds Perfect Fit Pleated, Roller & Venetian Contact Mike for a fast and friendly service 07966 371963 www.ventanillablinds.com Expert ear wax removal by experienced medical professionals • Safest method of microsuction used. • Highly trained specialists with years of NHS experience. • Catering for adults and children of all ages. • The partners include ENT Consultants, Audiologists and Advanced ENT Nurse Practitioners. Self Centre, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR To book your appointment or discuss your needs please call 01284 598058 or visit www.clarity-ear-care.co.uk

Community Centre WE DID THEM PROUD!

The whole of the Southgate Community celebrated the Coronation with a special Fun Day on Bank Holiday Monday.

The Community Centre, Church and School combined forces to present

a special family event which around 500 plus people of all ages attended from our local communities of Southgate, Nowton and Hardwick.

Our picture montage on the right shows the wide


We have some very flexible accommodation available.

For your party, meeting or even wedding reception. All at very reasonable rates, and customised for your requirements.

Contact Jackie on 01284 703705 to find out how we might be able to help.

range of activities on the day and a small sample of the people taking part. And to cap it all – all the rides were free.

With loads of volunteers helping to make the day special – it was truly a Big Help Out!


Friday 9 June & 14 July at 7pm

Contact us on 01284 703705 or

email: jackie@southgatechurch.org.uk

Or visit the centre website: www.southgatecommunity.org.uk


Coronation Fun Day 2023


As a result of the recent District Council Elections and Town Council elections on the 4th May Moreton Hall Community has new councillors.

Moreton Hall one county councillor on Suffolk County Council, 3 District Councillors on West Suffolk District Council and 3 Town Councillors on Bury St Edmunds Town Council.

The next local elections will be for the County Council in May 2025 and then district and town councils in May 2027.


Councillor Peter Thompson email peter.thompson@suffolk.gov.uk


Councillor Peter Armitage email peter.armitage@westsuffolk.gov.uk

Councillor Rowena Lindberg email rowena.lindberg@westsuffolk.gov.uk

Councillor Birgitte Mager email birgitte.mager@westsuffolk.gov.uk

Residents Association meeting

The next Residents Association meeting is on Thursday 27th July, 7.30pm at the Moreton Hall Community Centre


Councillor Peter Armitage

Councillor Rowena Lindberg

Councillor Birgitte Mager

Bury St Edmunds Town Council has its own website and Councillors have a Town Council email address which is being updated as at 22nd May and will be provided in the July issue.


Frank Warby, Chairman, Moreton Hall Residents Association

Email frankjwarby@yahoo.co.uk

Robert Houlton-Hart, Secretary, Moreton Hall Residents Association

Email secretarymhra@gmail.com

22 | JUNE 2023
JUNE 2023 | 23 07926 797142 or 01284 361025 www.atctreesandlandscapes.co.uk Professional Arboricultural and Landscaping service • All types of tree work & care • Grounds and Garden maintenance • Fencing • Hedge cutting • Soft landscaping • City & Guilds Qualified • Competitive quotes LocaltoBury! Give Adam a call on: BOOKTICKETS NOW THURSDAY15JUNE MONDAY19JUNE THURSDAY22JUNE 20:00 18:00 20:00 A B B E Y G A T E C I N E M A C O U K 4 H A T T E R S T B U R Y S T E D M U N D S ABBEYGATE CINEMA The Bay Tree Cafe is now open 7 days a week! 11 St John’s Street, Bury St Edmunds www.facebook.com/baytreecafebury


” Mr & Mrs P. Stringer

Unique ColourFence GUARANTEE ◆ Virtually maintenance FREE for 25 years* ◆ No warp, crack, shrink, rot or peel ◆ Withstands gusts up to 130mph Why choose anything else? ◆ A choice of styles and colours ◆ Professional installation ◆ Established in the UK for 15 years
chose ColourFence 15 years ago and it looks as good as new.
Forget fence worries for good Choose 25 years maintenance free metal fencing*. Choose ColourFence.
25 YEAR guarantee For a free, no-obligation quote, find out more via: 01284 220 094 | colourfencecambs.co.uk *T&C’s apply – see website for details
JUNE 2023 | 25 • Deep powerful dry carpet cleaning using organic cleaning compound, cleaned from the base up. • Safe system for: babies, pets and allergy sufferers. • Safe for all materials: wool and natural carpet fibres. • Vacuumed thoroughly with industrial hoover, before cleaning commences. • Spots and stains removed if possible. • No drying time. H2No Dry Organic Carpet Cleaning Upholstery cleaning also available Call Stephen for a free no obligation quote. 01787 223857 | 07793 153987 Exclusive pet care service providing dog walking, cat & small animal care in your own home. Let-outs plus bird & fish feeding. 07799 304864 www.paws4walking.info Paws4walkingbury@gmail.com Dog walking and pet home visits Bury St Edmunds & surrounding areas Family run business insured & DBS checked.
26 | JUNE 2023 CRYOTHERAPY REMO V ESUN W AN TED B L EMISHE S Available in a hygienic salon on Moreton Hall by qualified therapist Sandra Usher WHAT IS CRYOTHERAPY? It is a NEW advanced innovative solution that is fast, effective and safe for removal of skin imperfections. Procedures are pain free and typically last from 5 – 30 seconds. • Skin Tags • Sun Damage • Age Spots • Milia • Warts & Verrucae • Cherry Spots www.skintonesolutions.com CRYOClinicBSE Email: treatments@cryoclinicbse.com Call: 0772 7343 740 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online. www.skintonesolutions.com HOW IT WORKS A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue. Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER Email: skintonecaci@icloud.com Call: 0747 1940 387 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher Sandra Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online. www.skintonesolutions.com
IT WORKS A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue. Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER Email: skintonecaci@icloud.com Call: 0747 1940 387 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher Sandra Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner Improve, Don’t Move! Maximise the value of your home. SPACE-SAVING – MAXIMISE YOUR GARAGE HEADROOM SECURITY-ENABLED AUTO-LOCKING SYSTEM CHOICE OF 21 COLOURS TO MATCH YOUR HOME REMOVAL AND RECYCLING OF YOUR OLD DOOR DEDICATED AFTER-CARE TEAM PREMIUM 3.4M ANTHRACITE £1,990 GAROLLA PREMIUM Increased Security •Double Insulation One-Touch Close £895 COMPACT • UP TO 2.4M 01284 220 189 www.garolla.co.uk 9.8 out of 10 4.8 out of 5 BESPOKE ELECTRIC DOORS MANUFACTURED IN THE UK FREE FITTING PAYMENT ON INSTALLATION
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At the Window & Door Repair Centre, we have a huge range of PVC & composite front and back doors, at very competitive prices, inclusive of measuring up and fitting your new product, we have a great aftersales service so you can feel confident your home is safe and secure...

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Energy rated glass units, reducing
Hedge Trimming, Grass Cutting, Weeding and Tidying Email: tomclarke1987@outlook.com Tel: 07920 145867 TOM’S GARDEN MAINTENANCE JUNE 2023 | 29 MARTYN WEBB PLUMBING SERVICES Fully Qualified & Insured Plumber Over 30 Years Experience No Call Out Fee No Job Too Small Reliable and Friendly Service PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS COMPLETE BATHROOM REFURBISHMENTS WALL & FLOOR TILING • ALL TYPES OF SHOWERS FITTED RADIATORS • CYLINDERS • IMMERSION HEATERS PUMPS • BALL VALVES • SYPHONS • TAPS • OUTSIDE TAPS SERVICE VALVES • WATER SOFTENERS • SINK UNITS COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS Telephone: 01284 852554 Mobile: 07864 712055 Email: webbtm88@hotmail.com Castles Slush Machines Slides
30 | JUNE 2023
Hardwick Primary School Gardens Revamp Day and Tea Party to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III – Friday May 5th 2023
What’s been happening at… HARDWICK Primary School

A new home for The Bury Natural Health Centre

The Bury Natural Health Centre has recently relocated to Eagle House, just outside Bury St Edmunds on the Sudbury Road.

We’ve created a quiet, welcoming and relaxing environment, where we are able to provide a first class service for the whole family.

There’s plenty of parking, and a wonderful outdoor area, perfect if you need to walk your dog!

The Bury Natural Health Centre has been serving the local community for over 34 years and our expertise has grown considerably over the years.

Along with Osteopathy, there are over 27 therapies offered by highly trained, registered practitioners with years of experience.

Contact the clinic today on 01284 760020 to ask any questions or to book your appointment.

Bury Natural Health was established 33 years ago and includes a variety of complementary health specialists that offer 28 different treatments including: Cranial Sacral,Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Food Intolerance Testing, Fertility, Thermal Imaging & Breast Screening, Massage, Reflexology, Medical Herbalism, Bowen Technique, Alexander Technique & Counselling Eagle House, Sudbury Road, Gt. Whelnetham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0NU

T: 01284 760020 www.BuryNaturalHealth.co.uk

JUNE 2023 | 31
Drive Vauxhall Bury St Edmunds Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1XP Tel: 01284 603444 Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO2 emissions (15.7)– 85.6(3.3). CO2 emissions: 373– 88g/km. The values do not consider particular use and driving conditions, WLTP. *Drive Motor Retail Limited is a credit broker and not a lender. Finance subject to status. Terms and Finance, CF15 7YT. 18s and over. Guarantee / indemnity may be required. Minimum 30% deposit required. Offer 23 plate Vauxhall cars Across all From only per month* £199 on personal contract purchase 0% APR Representative 23 Plate Available for immediate delivery

emissions (g/ km). Vauxhall range: Urban: 12.7 (22.3) – 74.3 (3.8), Extra-urban: 23.9 (11.8) – 91.1 (3.1), Combined: 18.0 conditions, equipment or options and may vary on the format of tyres. For more information see www.vauxhall.co.uk/ conditions apply. You will not own the vehicle until all payments are made. Finances provided by Vauxhall Offer available on all new cars ordered and registered by 31/03.23.

23 Plate

Latest news from

Giving a different perspective

LSS’s meetings offer support to patients, and their partners, by meeting with others who understand about living with and managing the same or similar lifelong chronic health conditions. Sharing information,

learning new skills and tips can help to boost self esteem, reduce anxiety and help with overall sense of well being.

LSS’s meetings have varied guest speakers to help patients by giving a

different perspective on managing their conditions, ideas to try and also helping patients to take control of how they do this. Taking small steps and making small adjustments can make all the difference and be rewarding too.

Exercise is good for you!

Exercise plays an important part in coping with living with Lymphoedema and Lipodema and with the health maintenance of these chronic conditions. It doesn’t have to be marathon running or mountain climbing - doing housework and gardening count as exercise! However you exercise the important thing is to do it regularly, so Keep Moving. Doing Simple Lymphatic Drainage (SLD) massages twice a day can help to reduce painful fluid retention. Using a handheld roller to massage arms and legs can also be beneficial. Always remember to massage in an upwards direction whether doing SLD or if using a roller (these can be ordered from Amazon, Argos and other similar retailers).


5th June, 7th August, 2nd October and 4th December

7pm – 9pm in Room 1 at Moreton Hall Community Centre. There is no joining fee or referral needed, do come along and find out more about living with, and managing, Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in a relaxed and friendly setting, along with a cuppa and biscuit.

For further details on LSS and the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: LSS email: lssuffolk@gmail.com

Facebook: LSS@lymphoedema

West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: wslymphservice@wsh.nhs.uk

T: 01284 712732

For further details on Lymphoedema and Lipoedema:

British Lymphology Society website: www.thebls.com

Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website: www.lymphoedema.org

Macmillan website: www.macmillan.org.uk

34 | JUNE 2023
Need structure to your training plan? FINISH GET IN TOUCH 07917 714557 /MORETONHALLRUNNERS for more information Join Moreton Hall Runners and meet a group of like-minded people who will support and encourage you on your journey to the finish line. ALL ABILITIES WELCOME TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 6.30PM Have you got a race coming up? Are you struggling with motivation to go running on your own? £15 1 session a week / £25 2 sessions a week PER MONTH PER MONTH let ’ s get you to at finish line!

Do you feel isolated and alone?

Are you finding everyday things become an ordeal and even the simplest things become difficult?

If so, then why not come and share your concerns with like-minded people who are in a similar position to you, giving you the reassurance that you are not alone in your everyday struggles. That you are able to carry on with a normal life albeit a few adjustments. To live everyday and to experience how good it feels, despite your pain.

CPSG have regular get togethers, members support each other and many friendships have been forged within the

group. You, the person are very much the main focus, not your condition. CPSG is not here to judge only give support.

Members enjoy the social aspect the group has to offer and find meeting up together on a regular basis eases isolation and loneliness.

Come along to chat, to laugh, to share, to feel part of something and want to keep coming back for more.

You are welcome to drop in at any one of the meetings to see what CPSG is all about and more importantly to see if it is the right fit for you.


Positively Crafty - Thursday 1st June from 1.30pm-4pm

Coffee Morning - Monday 5th June from 10.30am at an outlet in Bury

Turn the negativity of pain into positivity by crafting at our Positively Crafty Sessions held on the first Thursday of each month. A wide variety of crafts are created and sessions are fun and light hearted. Engaging in a creative activity absorbs your mind and body and helps you to feel more relaxed thus creating a distraction from your pain.

Enhance your wellbeing and take a little time out for yourself.

CPSG - Thursday 15th June from 2pm-4pm Held at Southgate Community Centre.

Zoom-Art on Wednesdays and virtual coffee mornings on Saturdays. Both from 10am.

For more details call 07724 187774 or email info@chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk

36 | JUNE 2023
by Patients for Patients
Find us on Facebook or visit www.chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk Run
No referral necessary to join the group.
Do something each day you enjoy
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Did you know?

Did you know that we support patients and staff across the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust? Did you know we don’t just support you with your general health, but with your mental health too? And we do the same for the amazing staff who care for us.

Donations have allowed us to provide a cancer counsellor and a staff psychologist. Read on to find out more about their roles.


Michelle is the cancer counsellor. We have funded her role for the past 2 years and continue to do so. Since she started in post, Michelle has transformed the service. She not only has sessions with patients on an individual basis, but she can guide them to services and programmes that will help them during and after their cancer treatment including Pilates and men’s exercise classes which are also funded by My WiSH Charity.


The one-to-one sessions are vital to help patients navigate their journey and can help reduce the risk of psychological effects this disease can have long term.

Not everyone wants or feels the need to see a counsellor during their treatment, but we are so proud to be able to provide Michelle for those that do, and we know that she makes a difference to those she sees.

Marianne joined the Trust during Covid to give staff much needed support.

As you can imagine, working in full PPE in such challenging and unprecedented times took its toll on staff right across the Trust. Many had to learn new roles and adapt in ways we never knew would be needed. Nursing staff became like family to patients as their own loved ones were unable to visit. All this while worrying about what this unknown illness could cause.

Thanks to your donations to our Help Your NHS Hospital Covid Appeal we were able to introduce Marianne to the Trust to help and support staff.

The West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust has staff working from all over the world. Covid was especially hard for these staff as their family were overseas. Being able to offer them someone to talk to was vital.

We are so pleased that we were able to bring Marianne to the Trust. She continues to work with all staff who need some support for whatever reason.

We all need someone to talk too during trying times. Even if you have family and friends close by, sometimes you don’t want to burden them or you need someone neutral to lend you an ear. We can’t provide these services without your donations so please do support My WiSH Charity and help us make a difference.

To find out more about My WISH Charity and the work we do to support the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, go to: www.mywishcharity.co.uk @mywishcharity


Michelle Ramrachia Marianne Meadows



The publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk

Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number. TRI


JUNE 2023 | 39 everything you would expect from your Post Office® letters & parcels travel services cash deposits & withdrawals global money transfer bill payments car tax & driving licences passports www.mhpo.co.uk
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WALKER Good condition. £25. Tel.
01284 764125

Prep time: 20 mins

Serves: 6

Watermelon prosecco sorbet slushies

Entertaining in the garden this Summer?

These watermelon prosecco slushies are refreshing with a real kick!


1 watermelon (about 2kg)

200ml prosecco, plus a little extra

3 mint sprigs, plus extra to serve

1/2 lemon, zest pared

50g sugar


Cut the watermelon into quarters and remove the pips using a teaspoon. If you’re serving the same day or next day, keep six wedges or slices back for decorating and chill. Cut the flesh into 3cm cubes (you should have about 1kg fruit, with the rind discarded) and sit in a baking parchment-lined container where the cubes fit snugly. Pour the prosecco over the fruit, cover and freeze for 4 hrs, or up to 1 week.

Put the mint, lemon and sugar in a small pan with 50ml water, and bring to a gentle simmer for 3-5 mins until the sugar dissolves and turns syrupy. Cover and leave to cool completely, then strain.

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Put the frozen prosecco-soaked watermelon cubes in a food processor with the sugar syrup. Blend well, stopping and pushing the mixture towards the blades with a spatula every few seconds, if you need to, until it’s a slushy consistency. Add a splash more prosecco to make a smooth slush. Spoon or pour into six chilled glasses. Garnish with the chilled watermelon wedges and little mint sprigs.

40 | JUNE 2023
EARlY Bird main course + rice or naan + drink + £15 PER HEAD* 5–6.30 pm TELEPHONE 01284 719116 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.orissabse.co.uk *TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY. EATING IN ONLY. eating in


Molten cheese stuffed

42 | JUNE 2023

Take burgers to the next level by stuffing them with cheddar and mozzarella for a gooey centre, and topping them with a dollop of herby burger sauce

Prep time: 45 mins

Total time: 35 mins

Serves: 4


1 1/2 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, very finely chopped

70g smoked pancetta, finely chopped

1 garlic clove, crushed

4 thyme sprigs, leaves picked

500g lean beef mince (no more than 10% fat)

50g fresh breadcrumbs

1 egg yolk

60g mature cheddar, grated

60g grated mozzarella

For the herby burger sauce

120g mayonnaise

2 1/2 tsp English mustard

1/2 small bunch of parsley, finely chopped

1/2 small bunch of basil

50g baby gherkins, finely chopped

To serve

4 seeded burger buns, split

2-3 Little Gem lettuces, leaves separated

2 ripe tomatoes, sliced

Crispy fried onions


Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium heat and fry the onion with a good pinch of salt for 15 mins until soft and translucent. Add the pancetta and cook for 5 mins more, then add the garlic and thyme, and cook for 2 mins. Remove from the heat and leave to cool for 15 mins.

Tip the mince into a large bowl. Massage with your hands for 5 mins to tenderise the meat, then add the cooled onion mix, the breadcrumbs and egg yolk. Season generously. Divide evenly into four, weighing for accuracy, if you like. Mix the cheddar and mozzarella together. Form the beef portions into patties, patting each into a 10cm round. Divide the cheese mixture into four, and, in your hands, form each portion into a firm ball, then press into a roughly 4cm disc. Working one at a time, put a cheese disc into the centre of a beef patty, then bring the meat around the cheese to cover. Lightly pat with the palm of your hand to flatten slightly, then chill, covered, for at least 30 mins or up to 48 hrs. Make the sauce by whizzing the mayonnaise, mustard and herbs together in a small food processor. Stir through the gherkins, then cover and chill until ready to use.

Light the barbecue. When the flames have died down, grill the burgers on each side for 4-5 mins until charred (if you don’t have a barbecue, see tip, below). Wrap individually in foil and leave on the barbecue for 5-7 mins so the cheese centre melts.

Grill the buns, cut-side down, for 1-2 mins until toasted. Spread all the cut sides with the sauce, then fill with the beef patties, lettuce, tomatoes and crispy onions.

JUNE 2023 | 43

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Craft Corner


Every month I share a crafty activity for you to try at home. Why not like my facebook page www.facebook.com/thecraftyfoxes and follow me on instagram @thecraftyfoxes to find out more about adult and children’s craft workshops for 2023.

This months’ make has a Summer Seaside theme. So get yourself down to the beach and start searching for shells so you can make these seaside magnets.


Red (or orange) and green paint and a brush. Assortment of large shells, small pieces of coloured foam, pipe cleaners, googly strong glue and some magnets.

Paint the shells

Cut the pipe cleaners into small lengths to make the crabs legs and claws.

Alternatively cut small pieces of foam if doing the turtle

Glue into place

Turn over and add a small square of foam glue into place

Glue the magnet onto the foam

Add the googly eyes.

TOP TIP… what other sea creature magnets can you make from shells? Maybe a fish, or an octopus. I’d love to see your photos. Perfect for keeping your holiday postcards on your fridge!


Michelle x
48 | JUNE 2023

Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum

80th Memorial

May this year had so much to remember, a very busy month. Three long weekends incorporated Bank Holidays that brought extra visitor’s, all very welcome. The weather has been kind and all seems good.

Sunday 14th allowed us to remember the 80th Anniversary of the 94th Bomb Group, 8th USAAF, arrival in the UK. Thank you to all those who joined us for our brief service and laying of the wreathes. The mist and cloud lifted, the sun shone and a light aircraft flew over, at the end of the two minutes silence.

From Chairman Graham

“Thank you to all who came for the Memorial Service on Sunday, you did the 94th proud. Cliff Hall gave one of his fascinating talks once again and over 70 people turned out in the eventual sun to enjoy the afternoon. Special thanks go to the lads from the New Farm Aviation Heritage Museum (Rackheath) for bringing their excellent display tent, they will be here again for "Echoes of the Past" on Sunday 2nd July. We will be open again as usual on Sunday 10 till 4 so please come and say hello and soak up the atmosphere and history of this site. We are forever in the debt of the 8th USAAF for helping throughout the dark days of the Second World War and we will be here for many years to come to preserve their memories.”

date for your diary

Yes, the next major diary date is Sunday 2nd of July – ‘Echoes of the Past’ day. We look forward to your company. All very welcome, please join us.

Oh, and have I forgotten to mention again – YES, CAKE. See you in the tea room at 3pm, it’s cake-o-clock! (It’s there from 10am, but please save me a slice).

See you again next month in July, here in The Directory.

For our details please refer to our website: www.rctam94th.co.uk E-mail info@rctam94th.co.uk Mobile 07931 971771

Cliff Hall with Chairman Graham Sage
you volunteers and Thank YOU visitors for supporting us.
80th Memorial Wreathes

This month, we investigate the effect of various forms of transport on greenhouse gas emissions. Some of the findings are obvious but some quite unexpected.

In the UK, transport produced about 122 MT CO₂e in 2019 which is 27% of all our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Break this down one more level and we see that 91% of these emissions came from road transport – 111 MtCO₂e, and take this down one more level and we see that of the 91%, the biggest contributors were cars and taxis at 61% of emissions (68 MtCO₂e), next heavy goods vehicles at 18.5% emissions (19.5 MTCO₂e) and lastly vans at 17% emissions (19 MTCO₂e). All other modes of transport make up the other 9% of the total emissions. The best and simplest way to compare the efficiency of a mode of transport is to look at the grams of CO₂e output per kilometre per passenger or g CO₂e /km.

Here is a simple list showing the Carbon intensity of various forms of transport from lowest to highest:

Type of transport Passengers G CO₂e / km per passenger From least to most Total CO₂e per person per journey Land travel Cycling, this includes making the bicycle & food required by the cyclist 1 21g Coaches Average level 26g Trains Average level 34g Nissan Leaf Medium car electric 4 35g Medium saloon car diesel 4 52g Nissan Leaf - Medium car electric 1 140g Medium saloon car diesel 1 210g Air travel Return flight London to New York 11,100km Average level 162g 1,800kg Economy return flight London to Perth Australia 29,100km Average level 172g 5,000kg Return flight London to Rome 2900km Average level 187g 545kg Return flight Bristol to Newcastle UK Average level 340g 272kg 1st Class flight London to Perth Australia 29,100km Average level 515g 15,000kg

The craziest emissions come from a 1st class flight from London to Perth Australia. Shocking!! This one flight is around 1.5 x the annual CO₂e footprint of an individual in UK.

Flying takes all the top spots with large CO₂e emissions and with the current climate crisis this may be a time to consider alternative modes of transport where possible.



On a national level if we want to reduce our overall greenhouse gas emissions produced by transport then we need to look at reducing our dependency on cars, lorries and vans. This we can do by a) reducing our individual car miles and b) transferring more freight to rail.

On a personal level, the greatest impact we can make is to stop flying, but we can we all make daily changes by walking or cycling short distances.I appreciate time and money are important & it is not always possible to take the least environmentally impactful mode of transport but whenever possible give it a go.

have loads more ideas
ecofrenzy.com to
our wonderful world.
EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham. If you have any queries please visit www.ecofrenzy.com/contact-us or email tony@ecofrenzy.com our mantra at Ecofrenzy - Lots of little adds up to a lot.
It’s very interesting to see that coach and train travel has less impact on climate change than an electric car with 4 passengers, and if that same car is driven with just the driver in the car, then unsurprisingly the greenhouse gas emissions leap dramatically.
Note: the figures in the table above are based on average train, bus and aeroplane passenger capacity however if the numbers fall below this level then of course the figures for G CO₂e /km per passenger rise.

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Christ Church

Dear Friends

The churches contribution his month’s issue is significant because the main article is by Sam Reid who is probably better known to you all as the Rickshaw Lady. Sam writing this month’s edition and more over the next few months. On the 8th & 9th July we will be welcoming Revd. David Perrett who will be teaching about the healing ministry. If you have any physical or emotional need then join us for healing prayer. Where your needs will be taken seriously and respectfully, and God’s help will be available.

With every good wish


Is it a good thing or a bad thing to put things off? When I first put myself forward to help our Vicar with articles in the MHD, I just had this ‘Rosie’ picture of me sitting at my laptop typing an article which not only drew people in but gave the word of God through it; what could be simpler! But then you add into the mix that I am following in some very wise shoes who like anyone who has done the same job for many years can make things look easy. While my decision to help was easy, putting it into practice has now given me time to reflect and PROCRASTINATE!

So here goes, and as my mum often told me ‘You don’t know until you try’ and many people have said ‘God loves a trier’ this is me trying to help. June is a month that provides the longest day of the year, it brings strawberries, vegetables and great things we can grow. With the warmth in the air and the Spring turning to summer we can really start to believe the sun will bring us happiness. I have been attending Christ Church for around 15 years now and I love the way each service brings the opportunity to learn new things that don’t just relate to

Christians. ‘Don’t shine so others can see you, shine so that through you, others can see Him’.

This quote helps me as I can often get carried away with enthusiasm for something expecting others to be on the same page, but when I remember we are all different it helps me to be more understanding when others have a different view. As a parent I know I am privileged to have children and share my knowledge to help them, but I am also now learning to listen to their views, sometimes not having the answers to their problems in life makes them value more people’s opinions and answers.

When my dad died in 2004, I dealt with grief with lots of tears and a few screaming moments to God. I felt it was up to God to give me answers, not on why my dad died but how I could live with this whole in my life. I felt that this was the time my faith should have made me strong but instead I felt weak. It was my mum that showed her strength in how she carried on that made me build my relationship with God. Jesus spent his life doing just this. At Christ Church sermons that followed began to bring me closer to God.

I decided a couple of years ago to try an Alpha course. If you don’t know what this is, really it’s a way of understanding more about Jesus, Christianity, and what faith can bring to your life. Even though I had been attending church for many years I still have and had questions about the religious journey I was on. It was comforting being with a group of people as curious as I was about religion. There is a video at the beginning of each session with an open debate about the topic covered often followed with a meal provided by the team at church. Perhaps you feel religion brings more questions than answers and this would help you feel comfortable with your faith. It may like myself cement your feelings that having faith helps you through so many more questions that life creates each day so you feel blessed to be here.

While my procrastination kept me from starting this article, I hope that it has given you strength to do those things you may have been putting off. I also pray it will give you something to look forward to when I try to deliver a new message to you each month.

HALL 54 | JUNE 2023

Sunday 4th 8:30am Holy Communion Service

Sunday 4th 10:30am Family Service

Sunday 11th 10:30am Morning worship with Sunday school

Sunday 11th 4:00pm Youth Club

Sunday 18th 10:30am Father’s Day service

Sunday 18th 4:00pm Kids Church- Fun & craft for families

Sunday 25th 10:30am Confirmation with Bishop Mike Harrison

Sunday 25th 4:00pm Youth Club

Events at Christ Church Moreton Hall

Tuesday 6th 7:00pm Alpha course

Weds 7th 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Tuesday 13th 10:00am Coffee morning

Tuesday 13th 7:00pm Alpha course

Weds 14th 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Friday 16th 10:30am Stay & play parent & toddler group

Monday 19th 7:30pm Youth work Meeting

Tuesday 20th 7:00pm Alpha course

Weds 21th 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Monday 26th 7:30pm Declaration of Ecumenical Commitment meeting

Tuesday 27th 7:00pm Alpha Course

Weds 31st 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Visit our website: www.ccmh.org.uk www.facebook.com/ChristChurchMoretonHall/ JUNE 2023 | 55
available at all services
Services at Christ Church Moreton Hall Creche
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Please note: all correct at time of going to press, but please check for updates directly with the venue.


The Little Mermaid (2023)

Running time: 135 minutes

“The Little Mermaid” is the beloved story of Ariel, a beautiful and spirited young mermaid with a thirst for adventure. The youngest of King Triton’s daughters, and the most defiant, Ariel longs to find out more about the world beyond the sea, and while visiting the surface, falls for the dashing Prince Eric. While mermaids are forbidden to interact with humans, Ariel must follow her heart.

Find out more at: www.abbeygatecinema.co.uk


The Quo Experience

Sat 1 Jul, 7.30pm

‘Rockin’ All Over The World’, ‘Whatever You Want’, ‘Down Down’, ‘In The Army

Now’… just a few of the many hits spreading five decades of Status Quo’s incredible music history.

This show also includes the legendary Status Quo wall of white Marshalls and replica guitars.

Find out more at: theapex.co.uk


Catrin Finch and Cimarron

Fri 14 Jul, 7.30pm

One of the world’s greatest harp players meets wild music from the plains of the Orinoco, in a thrilling global collaboration.

Catrin’s career includes solo performances with the world’s top orchestras and collaborations with some of the greatest global musicians.

Cimarrón perform joropo dance music, untamed music that preserves the spirit of freedom found in one of the world’s most untouched regions.

Find out more at: theapex.co.uk

58 | JUNE 2023


‘The Voice Squad Sings’

Come and join us for an evening of fun for all the family. From show tunes to popular hits, you are assured of an excellent evening’s entertainment.

As part of its Coronation Year Fundraising to support the next generation, St Peter’s welcomes The Voice Squad, the National Award winning Youth Choir based in Bury St Edmunds and Diss.

Saturday 1st July at 7.30 (Doors open 7.10; finish by 9.15)

Interval Drinks

Tickets are £6 and £4 (under 18s)

Available from: ticketsource.co.uk/stpetersthurston QR code below

Or purchase at the Thurston Post Office or Co-op (cash or cheques only) or on the door.

Your contribution will help ‘Nicky’s Way,’ the bereavement service for children and young people offered by St Nicholas Hospice as it celebrates its 40th anniversary.


The scandal of true forgiveness

On 13th November 2004, 18 year-old Ryan Cushing was driving around New York with some friends. For some reason, they had bought a frozen turkey with a stolen credit card. As they were driving along the freeway, Cushing threw the turkey out of the car into the path of on-coming traffic. It went straight through the windscreen of Victoria Ruvolo, shattering her jaw, fracturing her eye socket and crushing her oesophagus. She was in a coma for 2 weeks.

But a year later, when she heard that Cushing was going to trial and likely to get a very long prison sentence, Victoria insisted on going to court. She told the judge that she was a Christian and that she didn’t want this young man to “rot in jail”. She said: “He has done a stupid thing, but there’s no point in two lives being spoiled”. The judge was amazed by her grace and with her blessing, sentenced Cushing to just 6 months in jail with a year of community service. Once the court was dismissed, Ryan Cushing walked up to Victoria with tears streaming down his face

and apologised profusely for spoiling her life. She pulled him into a hug and told him: “Learn from this experience and do something good with your life.” Afterwards, on TV, she said: “Some people can’t understand why I’ve done this, but I feel that God has forgiven me for all the dumb things I’ve done in my life and that he has given me a second chance. I believe that God would want me to do the same thing for Ryan.”

Ryan Cushing served his sentence and did his year of community service. But to this day he still helps teenagers who are on probation. And Victoria Ruvolo still proclaims the healing power of forgiveness to everyone who will listen.

As with any story of genuine forgiveness, there is a whiff of scandal about what Victoria Ruvolo did. Did this young man really deserve to be forgiven? Probably not. But at the heart of this story is God’s grace. When Victoria asked Jesus into her life, God forgave her for everything in her past. Which challenged her to forgive Ryan Cushing.

Like many of you, I have been praying for our new King recently. But this story inspires me to keep praying for a spirit of forgiveness, to flow through every member of his family, and for all those for whom forgiveness could be a great healer.

For further details of all our activities visit our website www.southgatechurch.org.uk

Messy Church is... ...for all the family

This is church with a difference – a time for families to relax together, have fun, learn a bit more about Jesus, and have a freshly cooked meal together. You don’t have to be ‘religious’ to come! Give us a try. A warm welcome awaits you.


Sunday 25 June between 4pm and 5.30pm


Scan the QR code


There is no charge.

See you there!

What’s on in JUNE

Sundays 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th June

10.30am Morning Worship services with groups for children of all ages Service on 18th June includes Holy Communion. Our new sermon series is ‘Kings, Prophets and Baddies!’

Friendship Club for older people meet on Thursdays at 2.30pm:1st June for a talk by Sue & Mike Fahie-Wilson, A Trip to Costa Rica

15th June for an afternoon of musicThe Great American Song Book

Churches Together in Bury St

Edmunds & District, Study & Share Groups

At Southgate Church Centre on Tuesday 13th June and at Whepstead Baptist Church on Wednesday 21st June. Meetings start at 7.30pm, refreshments served from 7.15pm

Thursday (Ladies) Club meet at 7.45pm on 22nd June for a Memorabilia Evening.

During term time, the following mid-week groups meet in Church Centre: Liquid, for young people in school years 8 to 13, Mondays 7pm to 9pm Southgate Parent & Toddlers, Wednesdays 9am to 11am. Youth Club, for school years 5, 6, 7, Thursdays 6.30pm to 7.45pm

CoffeeStop, Mondays, 10am to 12noon in Church Centre. Free Coffee, Tea, Cake & Chat

All of our events and services are held in Southgate Community Centre, Caie Walk. Please

or email office@southgatechurch.org.uk
contact Jackie Tooley, Administrator on 01284 703705


Email: adamtrettpga@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: Adam Trett - ADT Golf Coaching

Welcome back to the 19th hole, how are we already in June? Golf season is full flow now and this month we are looking forward to yet more great competitions including the US Open. The professionals have been entertaining us with their play throughout May including a third US PGA victory for Brooks Koepka. That win netting him a cool $2.7 million and the Wanamaker trophy, and he becomes the first player from the LIV Tour to win a major since moving across from the PGA Tour.


Continuing on the major championship theme, I want to draw your attention to the TV coverage and how the players plan and play this venue.

Course management is so key around any course, pay attention to player/ caddy conversations and the numbers they talk about when planning out shots. Where they are looking to land shots too, to either make an approach shot easier or to allow the player to have an easier putt.

Yes, I know what you are all thinking, they are the best players in the world and they can hit these shots on demand most of the time, so it’s easier for them to make these plans.

You are correct in a way… HOWEVER, if you stand over a shot with a clear plan of what you want to do from tee to green this will allow you to make a fully committed swing each time you address the ball.

After the plan has been made

another area to watch will be the players pre-shot routine. These will be bullet proof, they will do the same thing each and every time they play a shot. If anything disturbs this process they will reset and go through it again.

This allows them to stay committed to the plan they have made with their caddie and instills the confidence to perform the shot needed.

Watch and learn from the best in the world this month!


The Memorial

RBC Canadian Open


Travelers Championship

Rocket Mortgage Classic


Porsche European Open

Scandinavian Mixed


BMW International Open

Betfred British Masters

I hope this edition of the 19th Hole has helped, if you would like any advice or help with your golf game please get in contact. Here’s to a great time out on the golf course, and I will see you next month.

62 | JUNE 2023


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