directory BURY ST EDMUNDS March 2023 // Issue 210 FREE Pick me up I’m THINGS TO DO IN MARCH HEALTH | HOME | STYLE | FOOD | WHAT’S ON | NEWS Moreton Hall & Southgate edition Community News RECIPES LOCAL BUSINESSES Springtime
Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a friendly and super-supportive group today!
6pm, Southgate Community Centre Call Jen 07801 757237
5.30pm & 7pm, New Bury Community Centre Call Shani 01842 820001
9.30pm, Ixworth Village Hall Call Jen 07801 757237
9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7pm
Westbury Community Centre
Call Susan 07899 754273
3.30pm, 5pm & 6.30pm (3.30pm session full - welcoming new members to 5pm & 6.30pm) New Green Centre - Thurston Call Shani 01842 82001
10am, 5.30pm & 7pm
Moreton Hall Community Centre Call Julie 07917 692097
Recruiting now for this group
6pm, Stanton Community Village Hall Call Shani 01842 820001
FRIDAY 9.30am & 11.30am
Southgate Community Centre Call Susan 07899 754273
8am & 10am (8am session fullwelcoming new members to 10am)
Southgate Community Centre Call Kelly 07792 603204
Join our amazing team and help change the lives of others. Call Kelly on 07792 603204 for details.
eat the f ds y love and sti lose weight!
Welcome to the March issue
It’s March, and Spring is in the air (although it will probably snow soon now I’ve put that in writing!).
If you are looking to eat a bit more healthily in the run up to Summer, you’ll love one of our new advertisers, Sunshine & Green. They deliver seasonal veg boxes either weekly or fortnightly with organic, seasonal, Suffolk grown vegetables straight from their farm in Cavendish, find out more about them on page 9.
Have you ever fancied being a judge for Bury in Bloom? Well, now is your chance! They are always on the look out for people to join the judging team, find out how you can participate on page 10.
With Easter on the horizon, we’ve included a recipe for some delicious hot cross buns, so why not get everyone involved in making your own this year?
Both the Moreton Hall and the Southgate Community Centre have lots coming up, especially over the Easter weekend. It’s a great way to get involved with your local community and have some fun in the process.
We hope you enjoy this issue with lots of info from local businesses, plus all the usual news and events. Take care and we’ll see you in April.
TEL: 01284 765092
While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2023 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories.
Hot Cross Buns
SEE PAGE 40 FOR THIS MONTH’S RECIPE Publisher: Design & Artwork: Bury
3 Field Close, Beyton, Suffolk IP30 9AW
ADVERTISING/COPY DEADLINE FOR APRIL 2023 ISSUE: 22nd March 2023 Find us on social media: Want to advertise your business? Call Jeremy Procter on: 01284 765092
Gemma Jeremy Editor
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Based in Bury St. Edmunds, we offer the highest quality workmanship. No job is too large or small. CALL TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT T. 07778 477159 /01284 701395 E. STEWART BRACEY Painter & Decorator 4 | MARCH 2023 • Painting & decorating • Carpentry & joinery • General & preventative maintenance • Wood & laminate flooring For a FREE estimate call Christopher on: 07833 148439 Or email: Full public liability insurance & CRB checked. General & preventative maintenance & handyman services. Based on Moreton Hall. 10% discount to all NHS staff, service members, armed forces & OAPs. • Plumbing & tiling • Fencing & spraying • Landscaping & ground work • Roofing Jordanna Offers Yoga Contact Jordanna MARCH VIA ZOOM IN PERSON Unitarian Meeting House Thurs 9.30am Hunter Club Thurs 6.15pm Thurs 7.30pm Erskine Centre, Chedburgh Tues 6.00pm Good Morning Yoga - Mon, Wed, Fri 7.00am Sunday Slow Flow9.30am Sleep EasyTues 9pm Email Jordanna to find out more or visit the website:
With food prices increasing rapidly, try our Click & Collect service. Buy single products at wholesale prices.
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Use the code CHECKOUT10 Perkins Rd IP30 9XA *Minimum 1 hour collection time Click off all orders Supporting Bury St Edmunds 7 days a week
Glasswells, for the best choice, comfort & value
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Glasswells has been providing homes with exquisite furnishings at the largest home department stores in East Anglia since 1946.
Whether you are updating one room, renovating your whole house or planning a new build, you’ll find an unrivalled choice of quality, comfort and value. Full of big name brands, discover over 10,000 luxurious flooring options, 200 fabulous sofa collections and hundreds of designer fabrics.
Our grand showrooms in Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich offer a truly special shopping experience, with inspirational room sets and invaluable expert advice, including a professional Interior Design service. There’s free onsite parking for 200 cars and don’t forget to visit our well-loved restaurant, The Place to Eat, for a tasty treat.
Make Glasswells your first choice and immerse yourself into a world of home furnishings, with everything you need all under one roof.
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MARCH 2023 | 7 FENCING & DECORATING • Quality treated fencing supplied and erected • Gates and frames • Galvanised gate furniture • Concrete and wooden posts • Concrete and wooden gravel boards • All types of fence panels available (treated) • Old fencing cleared • Excellent quotes returned promptly • Professional, tidy and reliable service Est. 1984 • Interior & Exterior Decorating • Wallpapering • Prompt Quotations • Competitive Rates • Reliable, Friendly & Tidy Service • Many Returning Customers Call David on 01284 706484 or 07930 976824 by D. PERRIN GET A QUOTE NOW! Bluestone Paving & Decking Bluestone Paving & Decking specialise in producing beautiful Patios, Driveways and Sundecks to the highest standards. PATIOS | DRIVEWAYS | PATHWAYS | DECKING | FENCING Call for a FREE Quotation 01284 716405 or 07766 001125 Or visit our website:
DOWNLOAD THE APP NOW W H A T W I L L Y O U D I S C O V E R T O S C A N T O D O W N L O A D T H E A P P F O R F R E E COMPETITIONS to enter exciting events fun Tours & Trails Digital Loyalty cards money saving deals visitor information FREE MAPS AVAILABLE FROM ALL TOURIST INFORMATION POINTS IN TOWN BROUGHT TO YOU BY
Seasonal veg boxes delivered either weekly or fortnightly.
Our aim is to bridge that gap between the farmers’ fields and your kitchen.
The shorter the distance travelled, the tastier the food.
To order, visit our website
We supply organic, seasonal, Suffolk grown, quality vegetables from our farm in Cavendish delivered direct to your doorstep in Bury St Edmunds. Follow the story of your food from seed to delivery on social media @sunshineandgreen
W H A T W I L L Y O U D I S C O V E R T O D A Y ? D OC D m rotisiv noitamrofni
MARCH 2023 | 9 Bespoke tuition for struggling readers. We teach the way you learn. Contact Louisa 07761 737 649 FACE TO FACE • ONLINE • SCHOOLS @thereadingdoctorburystedmunds
Bury in Bloom Certificates of Merit Front Garden Judging 2023
Bury in Bloom is the only UK group to organise a front garden award scheme on this scale. Britain in Bloom judges asked if residents have to enter – answer is NO as every garden or front of property within the borough boundary will be judged by the ever increasing team of judges.
Next question – how many gardens does that involve?
From 2023 including Marham Park and Lark Grange on Moreton Hall, 20,000 gardens will be judged.
RHS in 2021/22 revised guidelines to encourage more wildlife friendly gardens. This has been reflected in the scoring system. Judges will look at your garden from the pavement or end of your drive so it is important all elements of your garden are clearly visible from the pavement. Judges are looking to award certificates to enthusiastic gardeners who have obviously put huge effort into their garden. Gardeners are encouraged to use wildlife friendly plants and minimise use of plastic.
We are always looking to expand our team of judges. No problem reaching your 10,000 steps on judging days. If you would like more information or are interested in becoming a judge then please email Lynne
For further details on Front garden judges guidelines and points system visit
Join our team Become a Judge
For more information contact Lynne at or visit
MARCH 2023 | 11
From the late 1800s to 1930, the Great Eastern Railway (later to become the London North Eastern Railway) operated three paddle steamers, named Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex. These paddle steamers provided a service on the River Orwell from Ipswich to Felixstowe and Harwich. The latter destinations connected with vessels travelling along the East Coast to Yarmouth to the north, and the Thames estuary to the south.
Ipswich Corporation operated a dedicated tram service to the quayside to connect with departure times. The first postcard is a publicity card issued by the railway, and the second is a view along the River Orwell at Ipswich depicting the three paddle steamers.
These postcards were supplied by our Treasurer, Colin Barker, whose main interest is public transport.
For more information about the Club/Events please contact Sue Rawles on 01284 769480 or email Or find us on facebook: Bury St Edmunds Postcard Club
Moreton Hall WI
Our February meeting was well attended, and it was lovely to see so many members. We welcomed Tony Whittingham from EcoFrenzy.Com as our speaker. After a brief introduction to the causes of climate change, Tony went on show us how to save money and the environment by making small changes in daily life to minimise waste, pollution and carbon dioxide output. Tony produced lots of data to prove that making small changes, such as turning the heating down one degree, can result in substantial
savings to your fuel bill. Whilst the issue of climate change can seem insurmountable, he went on to encourage us all to ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’. The effects of climate change are being felt by us all, but the solutions are there and together we can create real and meaningful change. Whether its swapping glass bottles for plastic milk bottles, shopping locally, reducing food miles and unnecessary packaging, growing your own salad leaves, or choosing to buy fewer clothes we can all start
small, take action and together make an impact, which is what the WI is all about! In February, as part of the Show The Love Campaign, people from all walks of life will use the power of green hearts to show decision makers that we want to see urgent action to tackle climate change, protect nature and bring down bills. We finished our evening with a quick crafting session making green hearts which are on display at the Moreton Hall Community Centre where we meet. We hope they will encourage everyone to think about how small changes to our lifestyle will benefit not only ourselves but future generations.
We are a friendly group and prospective members are always welcome.
Contact Alison on 01284 701433 or Annette on 01284 769407.
success story:
The main reason for joining Eventus was to lose some weight and improve my fitness. I was working too much and not looking after myself. I signed up for the initial challenge and after a couple of weeks, it became clear to me that I really liked the set up.
The sessions are pre-planned so you don’t need to think what you’re going to do, the coaches have taken care of that.
I’m now a similar size to what I was 20 years ago. I have more energy and my overall strength has improved.
Where you can see more and book a call.
testimonial at: results driven, fitness training
Various rooms are available to hire for businesses, local clubs and groups plus a large hall for hire with bar facilities.
Families are welcome in our Social Club!
Bingo evenings run every other week, details of upcoming events can be found on our socials (search @moretonhallclub) and details are also emailed to our members, ask for a form at the bar and our staff will be happy to help.
MON: 7pm – 11pm
TUES: 7pm – 11pm
WEDS: 7pm – 11pm
THURS: 7pm – 11pm
FRI: 4pm – 11pm
SAT: 12 midday – 11pm
SUN: 12 midday – 8pm
us on socials @moretonhallclub for all the latest news & what’s on! Tel: 01284 763402 Email:
Moreton Hall Community Centre
The topic of ‘Status’
Part of the mental health and wellbeing advice series
How do you look after your mental health and wellbeing?
That’s the basis for a new campaign for 2023 which focuses on 12 ‘emotional needs’, one for each month, to bring you practical tips, people’s stories, and support to keep you well.
Be Well, Feel Well: A healthier Suffolk in 2023 is a partnership between Suffolk Mind, Public Health and Communities and a range of community groups teaming up to focus on ways for you to be well throughout the year. Look out for a new article every month with information for how you can keep healthy, get the help you need and even save money.
Jon Neal, Chief Executive, Suffolk Mind
Suffolk Says Thanks
Why not take a moment to share your thank you messages with others to meet their need for status and show your appreciation?
The Suffolk Says Thanks campaign features handy templates to share your thank you messages with others. Visit to find out how and use #suffolksaysthanks to join the conversation on social media.
Top tips to boost status
l Giving people positive feedback for what they have done and telling them why it made a difference is important.
l Feedback must be relevant and describe specifically what they did.
l Acknowledging everybody’s contribution makes a difference. Make it a habit to recognise everybody’s efforts, whoever they are.
Making a difference to lives by saying “Thanks”
It feels great when we are valued by the people around us, but meeting the need to feel respected is about more than lifting our mood. When people show us genuine respect, it tells us something important about ourselves and how we fit into the world around us. How do we know that we are really respected?
It’s important that we acknowledge the things people do for us to let them know that we really value them and that they are not taken for granted. Here are some example thank you messages where people who have gone the extra mile have received a Suffolk Says Thanks badge in appreciation of their efforts.
Where can I find out more?
Cherry Beesley, local photographer (1): Cherry, of Simply C Photography was presented with a SST badge for her continued support of the Suffolk community.
Freddie Alcock (2): Freddie was presented with a STT badge for his fantastic fundraising efforts in support of Home-Start in Suffolk and to the local community. The team at Home-Start in Suffolk felt that Freddie's unwavering support of the community should be recognised and so we recently delivered one of the Suffolk Says Thank You rainbow pin badges to him with a letter from our team.
Gemma Bennett (3): Gemma, Social Secretary of the amazing Black Shuck MCC, was presented with a SST badge for hers and the clubs fantastic support of Home-Start in Suffolk families. For some years, the club has hosted fundraising events, rallies and rides.
Jordan Holder, SCF Trustee, with Jon Neal (4).
Suffolk Infolink (or scan QR code)
1 2 3 4
CRUSHED CONCRETE GRANITE CHIPPINGS MUCKAWAY READY MIXED CONCRETE T: 01284 752688 / 702700 E: AUGUST 2019 | 71 t. 01284 755558 Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs SERVING UP TENNIS IN THE BURY ST EDMUNDS AREA email: or visit ADULT AND JUNIOR SESSIONS FOR ALL AGES AND ABILITIES DHT Bury Directory 58 x 85 QP.indd 1 17/08/2022 14:57 18 | MARCH 2023
MARCH 2023 | 19 Ventanilla Blinds Conservatory Blinds Day and Night Blinds Rollers - Verticals Roman - Pleated Wooden & Metal Venetians Sheer Rollers Blackout Blinds Perfect Fit Pleated, Roller & Venetian Contact Mike for a fast and friendly service 07966 371963 Expert ear wax removal by experienced medical professionals • Safest method of microsuction used. • Highly trained specialists with years of NHS experience. • Catering for adults and children of all ages. • The partners include ENT Consultants, Audiologists and Advanced ENT Nurse Practitioners. Self Centre, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR To book your appointment or discuss your needs please call 01284 598058 or visit
Community Centre
Our super special Community Fun Day this year celebrates the Coronation of King Charles on Monday May 8 - on the school playing field. Charity stalls, climbing wall, bouncy castles, Year 2 primary school football tournament, arena events,
tombolas, refreshments, Coronation picnic and fun for all the family!
stall contact Jackie on the number below.
This is co-promoted by the Community Partnership with Southgate Church and Hardwick Primary School.
If your group would like a
12th May
20th May
Tickets are selling fast so book early to avoid disappointment. £20 - £5 non refundable deposit. We have held the price in these inflationary times!
We are organising a day trip to London, which is open to anyone who is interested in a fun and reasonably priced day out. The coach will leave from Home Farm Lane at 9.00am and will arrive on the Embankment at about 11.30am. You will be given free time in London and, to allow you to catch a matinee performance of a show if you would like to, we’ll be leaving London at about 7.00pm. The cost will be £15 per person – much cheaper than petrol and parking or train fares!
If you have any questions or would like to book places please contact the Community Centre office on 01284 703705 or email The office is open weekdays except Wednesdays.
Friday March 10th & April 14th at 7pm
Southgate Church is presenting its ever popular Southgate’s Got Easter on Saturday 1 April in the Main Hall, 2-4; also special services for Mothering Sunday, Palm Sunday and Easter day. Contact us on 01284 703705 or email:
Or visit the centre website:
IPMS West Suffolk is an affiliated club with the International Plastic Modeller’s Society We’re a small friendly modelling club with a membership of 30+ who attend our regular monthly meetings held at the Southgate Community Centre. We’re always open to new members or people with just an interest in modelling, in all its forms; Our interests are diverse; from traditional modelling subjects such as Aircraft and Armoured Fighting Vehicle, through Sci Fi, Vehicles, Trains, Wargaming and much more.
The aim of the Club is to bring likeminded people together to talk about our hobby, share experiences, showcase what we build, and offer friendship
to those with similar interests. Through the IPMS connection the Club also attends regional modelling events and shows, members attending represent the club and often submit entries into the competitions that may be staged at such. Despite being a small club we pride ourselves in the high skill set represented in our membership, from amateur hobbyists through to those that regularly contribute to the hobby magazines. It’s also encouraging that we have a growing younger membership which bodes well for the future of the hobby. However we all have the same motivation - to enjoy what we do and not to take ourselves too seriously.
We’re also lucky to be supported by our local model shop, Model Junction in Whiting Street. They promote and support our Group Builds and Open Day event and are always there to share experience and knowledge, and their staff are regular contributors at our monthly meetings.
The club meets every second Wednesday of the month. Bring along something you’ve recently built to show us what you like and what you do - we look forward to meeting with you.
Contact Duncan: 07789 816189
All our details can also be found at:
The resident’s association will be holding a spring litter pick on March 25th starting at 10am, meeting outside the youth club. I will have all the equipment ready, look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. I have had three people contact me so far wishing to help out, if you are free please come and join us.
Flying fortress
An update on the refurbishment, I understand that the decision has been made to wait until all the development is complete before doing any work on it, hopefully it won’t be too long.
Residents association
We meet bi-monthly in the Moreton Hall Community Centre at 7.30pm, we are looking for new members and your input would be very welcome; it is also a chance for you to meet and speak to your local councillors.
The next meeting is on Thursday 20th April
It seems like all change for Moreton Hall this year, Tesco is having a new interior and is reopening in the middle of March, we’re looking forward to seeing changes.
And we have a new landlord at Ember Inn. Lewis and partner Paige and little April. Welcome to them and we hope they settle in well.
Of course, we must not forget May is Election month. All those budding councillors and would be councillors should contact the election committee at West Suffolk Council to ensure your documents are in order and on time.
Things have been reasonably quiet on the estate with the exception of some people chucking Tesco shopping trolleys into the pond. There has also been reports of somebody going around trying doors during the evenings, they were seen with a bunch of keys by someone’s personal doorbell camera. Be vigilant, ensure you lock your doors even if are in. Better safe than sorry.
There are a lot of scams going about, I fell for one but luckily, I got my money back thanks to the action of the staff at NatWest.
Robert Houlton-Hart, Secretary, Moreton Hall Residents Association Email
22 | MARCH 2023 Frank Warby, Chairman, Moreton Hall Residents Association Email
all for now, Frank.
Bury Natural Health was established 33 years ago and includes a variety of complementary health specialists that offer 28 different treatments including: Acupuncture, Food Intolerance Testing, Fertility, Thermal Imaging & Breast Screening, Massage, Reflexology, Medical Herbalism, Bowen Technique, Alexander Technique & Counselling
Upholstery cleaning also available
• Deep powerful dry carpet cleaning using organic cleaning compound, cleaned from the base up.
• Safe system for: babies, pets and allergy sufferers.
• Safe for all materials: wool and natural carpet fibres.
• Vacuumed thoroughly with industrial hoover, before cleaning commences.
• Spots and stains removed if possible.
• No drying time.
MARCH 2023 | 23 Giving you peace of mind! FULLY INSURED ATSTORAGE SECURE PREMISES COMPETITIVE STORAGE RATES E: T: 01284 361789 or 07976 353447 CALL US TODAY! 07926 797142 or 01284 361025 Professional Arboricultural and Landscaping service • All types of tree work & care • Grounds and Garden maintenance • Fencing • Hedge cutting • Soft landscaping • City & Guilds Qualified • Competitive quotes LocaltoBury! Give Adam a call on: Eagle House, Sudbury Road, Gt. Whelnetham, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0NU - 01284 760020
Organic Carpet Cleaning
H2No Dry
Call Stephen for a free no obligation quote. 01787 223857 | 07793 153987
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Unique ColourFence GUARANTEE ◆ Virtually maintenance FREE for 25 years* ◆ No warp, crack, shrink, rot or peel ◆ Withstands gusts up to 130mph Why choose anything else? ◆ A choice of styles and colours ◆ Professional installation ◆ Established in the UK for 15 years
chose ColourFence 15 years ago and it looks as good as new.
& Mrs P.
Forget fence worries for good Choose 25 years maintenance free metal fencing*. Choose ColourFence.
25 YEAR guarantee For a free, no-obligation quote, find out more via: 01284 220 094 | *T&C’s apply – see website for details
Brown Cream Blue Green
Turners Decorators is a Suffolk based company established over 20 All aspects of decorating undertaken to the highest of standards • Domestic & commercial painting • Refurbishments • Hand painted kitchens Contact us for a FREE estimate & advice: M: 07785 945 363 • T: 01359 270257 • E: FULLY INSURED • Interior & exterior painting • Dust-free sanding • Qualified decorators EST. OVER 20 YEARS
How Does Cryotherapy Work?
Many common skin imperfections are no longer being treated by the NHS. The Cryopen system offers a quick and effective treatment which emits a fine jet of super cold gas under high pressure. This system is one of the few which allows treatments to be carried with millimetre precision.
The device destroys the tissue by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards and crystals which rupture the membrane, thereby destroying the cell. That means there will be no collateral damage to healthy tissue. It’s so incredibly accurate and practical. The treatment is tolerated well by most clients and there are very few side effects.
Warts are common skin growths and are seen as much on men as they are on women and children. There are many different types of warts which appear on different parts of the body but typically on face and hands. Warts are not cancerous and do not turn into cancer, they are caused by
the human papillomavirus virus (HPV), they are contagious and should be treated with caution when they are discovered to avoid spread.
The photo on the right shows a 2-3 Wart ‘cluster’ which would have spread further had the client not sought treatment. This was an excellent result for this client who had initially attempted assistance from the NHS. The warts needed to be slightly filed before the treatment to remove the coarse covering and allow the freeze to penetrate. These warts were treated robustly and after careful monitoring and several freeze treatments they were successfully removed. See below for how to book.
NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online.
NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online.
It is a NEW advanced innovative solution that is fast, effective and safe for removal of skin imperfections. Procedures are pain free and typically last from 5 – 30 seconds.
• Skin Tags
• Sun Damage
• Age Spots
• Milia
• Warts & Verrucae
• Cherry Spots
A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue.
A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue.
Available in a hygienic salon on Moreton Hall by qualified therapist
Sandra Usher
Sandra Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner
Sandra Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner
Email: Call: 0772 7343 740
Sandra Usher
Email: Call: 0747 1940 387 Sandra Usher
Email: Call: 0747 1940 387 Sandra Usher
Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures.
Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures.
Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures.
26 | MARCH 2023
Improve, Don’t Move! Maximise the value of your home. SPACE-SAVING – MAXIMISE YOUR GARAGE HEADROOM SECURITY-ENABLED AUTO-LOCKING SYSTEM CHOICE OF 21 COLOURS TO MATCH YOUR HOME REMOVAL AND RECYCLING OF YOUR OLD DOOR DEDICATED AFTER-CARE TEAM GAROLLA PREMIUM Increased Security •Double Insulation One-Touch Close £895 COMPACT • UP TO 2.4M 01284 220 189 FREE FITTING PAYMENT ON INSTALLATION Suffolk Pet & Horse Crematorium Our Lake of Remembrance is a peaceful place to reflect The Suffolk Pet Crematorium is a family run business with over 20 years of experience in helping pet owners when the time with their pet comes to an end. Please get in touch to discuss how we can offer the most sensitive and caring service to you and your beloved pet. CONTACT US 01284 810 981
MARCH 2023 | 27
Peace of mind at a time of grief
What’s been happening at… HARDWICK Primary School
By Zara Cowling, Head of School & Andy Abbott, Governor & FoHPS Chairman
Well Spring is in the air and pupils at Hardwick had a spring in their step last month as they enjoyed taking part in sporting tournaments with other schools from around Bury.
As always the Football Club, led by dedicated volunteer parent coaches, were competing every Saturday morning with teams across all year groups - pictured are the Year 2 squad whose progress has been amazing scoring ten goals in just two matches! We then had Year 3 and 4 children enjoying a Dodgeball Competition at South Lee School, Year 6 pupils taking part in a tchoukball tournament and also, after just a few days coaching and practice, an inter-school table tournament at King Edward School. Our Hardwick
representatives were fantastic, showing great charisma and positivity, teamwork, playing brilliantly, supporting each other as great teammates, and showing awesome sportsmanship to other competitors throughout.
Special thanks to the staff who accompanied the children, Mrs Rayson, Mrs Goodenough and especially the hugely enthusiastic and supportive Mr Rampley who organised entry to the events.
28 | MARCH 2023
Bury St Edmunds Men’s Shed (Community Workshop)
The Bury St Edmunds Men’s Shed (BSEMS) has now been established and registered with the UK Men’s Sheds Association (UKMSA).
The management team, under the guidance of Chairman Brian Fell, are investigating possible locations to set up a dedicated base from where the Shed can operate.
‘Committee/Management’ meetings are held monthly on the first Wednesday of the month, with the 3rd Wednesday being a ‘Social event’, venues to be advertised.
ALL aged 18 and above are very welcome to join and membership is not exclusive to men;
PUBLIC MEETING Thursday 9th March
ladies are also welcome. Please come and bring your skill’s, ideas, knowledge, challenges to the group – make this ‘Your Shed – Our Shed’. Help to build a team that expands an already booming national organisation. UKMSA has over 600 ‘Sheds’ across the country, now we have one here in Bury St Edmunds.
We need a home, it could be short term but preferably long term! A building, a plot of land, an industrial unit - if you or colleagues have any ideas as to where we could establish a ‘base’, please contact us.
Please join us at the Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds at 7.00pm – ALL ARE WELCOME. If you can attend, to give us some idea of numbers, please email us at
30 | MARCH 2023 t. 01284 755558 Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs Hedge Trimming, Grass Cutting, Weeding and Tidying Email: Tel: 07920 145867
Stump Grinders
4” Chippers
Petrol Post Hole Borers
Compaction Plates
Concrete poker units
Cement Mixers
Block Splitters
Block Carts
Vacuum Slab Lifters Generators
Makita Drills & Breakers
Floor Saws & Cutters
Scaffold Towers
Submersible, 2” & 3” Pumps
Petrol single drum rollers
Hi Tip Tracked Dumpers & Micro diggers
Turf Cutters
Tool Hire
more information and a full list of tools please visit our website Local delivery and collection service available
01359 251220 E Hinderclay Road, Wattisfield, Diss, Suffolk IP22 1NF everything you would expect from your Post Office® letters & parcels travel services cash deposits & withdrawals global money transfer bill payments car tax & driving licences passports Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 3pm WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS Telephone: 01284 769841 Symonds Road Bury St Edmunds IP32 7EW MARCH 2023 | 31
Drive Vauxhall Bury St Edmunds Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1XP Tel: 01284 603444 Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO2 emissions (15.7)– 85.6(3.3). CO2 emissions: 373– 88g/km. The values do not consider particular use and driving conditions, WLTP. *Drive Motor Retail Limited is a credit broker and not a lender. Finance subject to status. Terms and Finance, CF15 7YT. 18s and over. Guarantee / indemnity may be required. Minimum 30% deposit required. Offer 23 plate Vauxhall cars Across all From only per month* £199 on personal contract purchase 0% APR Representative 23 Plate Available for immediate delivery
emissions (g/ km). Vauxhall range: Urban: 12.7 (22.3) – 74.3 (3.8), Extra-urban: 23.9 (11.8) – 91.1 (3.1), Combined: 18.0 conditions, equipment or options and may vary on the format of tyres. For more information see conditions apply. You will not own the vehicle until all payments are made. Finances provided by Vauxhall Offer available on all new cars ordered and registered by 31/03.23.
23 Plate
Latest news from
So what is Lipoedema?
The West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service also treats patients with Lipoedema. It’s a chronic and progressive disorder that can occur at any age and affects the adipose tissue, over 300 million women worldwide have this painful condition. Because of increased fat under the skin, legs can appear pale and feel cold when compared with the rest of the body. Skin feels fatty or doughy and is often tender and bruises easily. Feet and hands are not affected, although the arms can be occasionally.
Lipoedema is often very painful – women with the condition often complain of
aching in the affected limbs and pain in the knees. Some features of Lipoedema are:
• Weight is gained disproportionately on hips and thighs and below knee, this usually affects both sides and is symmetrical
• Legs are sensitive to touch with deep throbbing pain in legs and pain in knee joints
• Legs feel heavy and swell throughout the day (especially after long periods of standing or sitting) but resolve overnight.
• Fat on legs looks dimpled like “orange peel“ and legs may feel cold to the touch. Lipoedema ‘fat’ does NOT respond to dieting and it is dispiriting for those with Lipoedema to be advised it is ‘just a weight issue’.
If you think you may be suffering from Lipoedema then visit your GP to ask for a referral to the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service.
Further information can be found at: and
6th March, 5th June, 7th August, 2nd October and 4th December
7pm – 9pm in Room 1 at Moreton Hall Community Centre. There is no joining fee or referral needed, do come along and find out more about living with, and managing, Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in a relaxed and friendly setting, along with a cuppa and biscuit.
For further details on LSS and the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: LSS email:
Facebook: LSS@lymphoedema
West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service:
T: 01284 712732
For further details on Lymphoedema and Lipoedema:
British Lymphology Society website:
Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN)
Macmillan website:
34 | MARCH 2023
Need structure to your training plan? FINISH GET IN TOUCH 07917 714557 /MORETONHALLRUNNERS for more information Join Moreton Hall Runners and meet a group of like-minded people who will support and encourage you on your journey to the finish line. ALL ABILITIES WELCOME TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 6.30PM Have you got a race coming up? Are you struggling with motivation to go running on your own? £15 1 session a week / £25 2 sessions a week PER MONTH PER MONTH let ’ s get you to at finish line!
Spring… A time for new beginnings, new growth, renewal, joy all around and creativity. In the darkest times, light seeks to shine. Increased light uplifts the mood and engenders hope. A reminder that there is always possibility of new life.
Spring being a time of new beginnings and opportunities it is an ideal time to be with people who understand the highs and lows of living in pain and reassure you, you are not alone. Sharing your journey with others who understand exactly how you feel can help you feel less pain, lessen your isolation, boost your wellbeing and social network.
When life seems like a journey too difficult to manoeuvre and if you feel you would benefit from what we have to offer please consider coming to a taster session to assess it for yourself.
The group is available to all ages (18+) and genders who lives with a pain condition, ranging from minor discomfort to severe pain. Seeing the person is our main focus, not their condition. Laughter makes us feel happy and helps to relieve pain, it truly is medicine. We can certainly vouch for that!
Positively Crafty - Thursday 2nd March and 6th April from 1.30pm-4pm
Coffee Morning - 6th March and 11th April from 10.30am at Dobbies—all welcome
Regardless of the medium crafting can bolster the mood, improve mental agility and increase happiness. In a gathering of creative minds you are working together at your own pace to achieve a finished piece to take home.
This is our aim at each session that is held. Some materials and tools are provided although you are welcome to bring your own and if you prefer, your own craft project. Either way you are joining in and being with others in a socially engaging atmosphere.
CPSG - Thursday 16th March from 2pm-4pm with a speaker
Meetings are held at Southgate Community Centre.
For more details call 07724 187774 or email
Find us on Facebook or visit
No referral necessary to join the group.
36 | MARCH 2023
Run by Patients for Patients
01284 811690 / 07899 890765 Bathrooms Kitchens Carpentry Electrical Plastering Plumbing Tiling Vinyl Tiling SPECIAL OFFER £39.99 MARCH 2023 | 37
The 5th of July see’s the birthday of the NHS and in 2023 they will be celebrating their 75th birthday That’s 75 years of caring for us all. We have
realised, over the past few years, just how important this service is and how lucky we are to have people dedicated to caring for us from the minute we step through the doors.
Here at My WiSH Charity, we want to share the birthday love with two events to wish our National Health Service many happy returns.
Love dressing up? Then this event is for you!
We are asking you to dress head to toe in your favourite colour or dress as your favourite NHS hero.
Why not pour a cup of love this July with family, colleagues, and friends? Who doesn’t love a cuppa and a slice of cake so bake some buns, pour a brew, and enjoy a natter while raising money to help us enhance the care of patients and support staff across the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust?
Wish you could wear that party dress you love more often? Well now you can, wear it to the office! Love a bit of fancy dress? Now’s your chance to be brave and wear it on a shopping trip! Or wear some wacky socks or tights to school to brighten up your classroom. All we ask is you donate a minimum of £1 to your local NHS charity to help us continue to take care of you all alongside our amazing hospital.
Huge thanks to Josh Wright who raised over £3000 by taking on not one, but twelve months worth of challenges in 2022. This was everything from running and cycling to leg waxing and climbing mountains.
The result is that we have been able to buy a Accuvein
for the community children’s nursing team.
This near-infrared device helps clinicians see superficial veins making blood taking and cannulation easier and will be especially useful to the team as they care for their young patients with complex care needs. to read the full story.
Visit our website to donate or to find out more. We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, @mywishcharity, do give us a follow to keep up with our latest news. @mywishcharity mywishcharity coming up in 2023…
to news at
Josh Wright with Chloe Isles and Jess Fordham.
24 FRIDAY MARCH British Sugar Sports & Social Club, Hollow Road, Bury St Edmunds DOORS OPEN FROM 7:30PM TICKETS £15.00 EACH IN AID OF CALL 01359 230028 TO RESERVE TICKETS OR ORDER ONLINE AT:
Hot cross buns
For the buns
300ml full-fat milk, plus 2 tbsp more
50g butter
500g strong bread flour
1 tsp salt
75g caster sugar
1 tbsp sunflower oil
7g sachet fast-action or easy-blend yeast
1 egg, beaten
75g sultanas
50g mixed peel
zest 1 orange
1 apple, peeled, cored and finely chopped
1 tsp ground cinnamon
For the cross
75g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
For the glaze
3 tbsp apricot jam
Bring 300ml full-fat milk to the boil, then remove from the heat and add 50g butter. Leave to cool until it reaches hand temperature. Put 500g strong bread flour, 1 tsp salt, 75g caster sugar and 7g sachet fast-action or easy-blend yeast into a bowl. Make a well in the centre. Pour in the warm milk and butter mixture, then add 1 beaten egg. Using a wooden spoon, mix well, then bring everything together with your hands until you have a sticky dough.
Tip on to a lightly floured surface and knead by holding the dough with one hand and stretching it with the heal of the other hand, then folding it back on itself. Repeat for 5 mins until smooth and elastic. Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with oiled cling film and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hr or until doubled in size and a finger pressed into it leaves a dent.
With the dough still in the bowl, tip in 75g sultanas, 50g mixed peel, zest of 1 orange, 1 finely chopped apple and 1 tsp ground cinnamon. Knead into the dough, making sure everything is well distributed. Leave to rise for 1 hr more, or until doubled in size,
again covered by some well-oiled cling film to stop the dough getting a crust.
Divide the dough into 15 even pieces (about 75g per piece). Roll each piece into a smooth ball on a lightly floured work surface. Arrange the buns on one or two baking trays lined with parchment, leaving enough space for the dough to expand. Cover (but don’t wrap) with more oiled cling film, or a clean tea towel, then set aside to prove for 1 hr more.
Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Mix 75g plain flour with about 5 tbsp water to make the paste for the cross – add the water 1 tbsp at a time, so you add just enough for a thick paste. Spoon into a piping bag with a small nozzle. Pipe a line along each row of buns, then repeat in the other direction to create crosses. Bake for 20 mins on the middle shelf of the oven, until golden brown.
Gently heat 3 tbsp apricot jam to melt, then sieve to get rid of any chunks. While the jam is still warm, brush over the top of the warm buns and leave to cool.
40 | MARCH 2023
EARlY Bird main course + rice or naan + drink + £15 PER HEAD* 5–6.30 pm TELEPHONE 01284 719116 VISIT OUR WEBSITE *TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY. EATING IN ONLY. eating in
Bury St Edmunds Cricket Club are preparing for the 2023 cricket season and with a number of players joining the club we are hopeful of a season of continued improvement across all the teams.
Our new Club Captain is Josh Cantrell who following an excellent season in 2022 for both Bury and Suffolk, has stepped up to lead the team this year.
Our new overseas Professional will be Nivethan (known as ‘Nivvi’) Radhakrishnan who was originally from India but moved to Australia when he was 10. He made quick progress on the Cricket Australian player pathway and soon represented Australia at Under 16. He continued to impress and played for Australia U19 in the 2022 World Cup. He now has a 1st Class Contract, with Tasmania. He is a top order left hand bat. He is also a genuine all rounder, possessing a unique skill of bowling slow left arm, and also right arm off spin. Nivvi will assist with coaching our young players throughout the season.
We are delighted to welcome back Tom Rash, a highly respected all rounder with vast EAPL, Minor Counties and National Counties experience for Suffolk.
New 1st team squad Member – Will Routledge, an aspiring young top order batter for Cambridgeshire now stepping up to play EAPL this year
New 1st team squad member - Michael Toolis, known as MJ, is an Australian who has been playing in the UK for a some years. Originally from Brisbane he now resides in East Anglia and has a UK passport. He brings considerable high-level professional experience and is an attacking left-hand bat and slow left arm Spinner.
We will continue to run 4 Saturday and 2 Sunday teams plus a full programme of junior cricket and a Ladies team.
Indoor cricket training is now taking place for all age groups boys, girls, ladies and men every Sunday in the Victory Ground Sports Hall again details on the website.
We are very keen to welcome any players who may like to join the club please go to the website for details
Photos thanks to Hedley Wright.
Time for change?
It’s the time of the year when fresh ideas emerge:
Are you considering starting or buying, running, growing and/or exiting your own SME business?
We help the owners behind these businesses, and other private clients, with their personal taxes and other aspects of their wealth creation and wealth protection.
Whitings LLP offer a range of accountancy general practice and related professional services to our clients, including:
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Tel: 01284 752313
Bury St. Edmunds | Ely | King’s Lynn | March | Mildenhall | Peterborough | Ramsey | St. Ives | St. Neots | Wisbech
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Skyliner Way Bury St. Edmunds Suffolk. IP32 7GY Serving the Eastern Region for over 90 Years
Please note: all correct at time of going to press, but please check for updates directly with the venue.
Creed III (12A)
Release date: 3rd March 2023
Running time: 116 minutes
After dominating the boxing world, Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) has been thriving in both his career and family life. When a childhood friend and former boxing prodigy, Damian (Jonathan Majors), resurfaces after serving a long sentence in prison, he is eager to prove that he deserves his shot in the ring. The face-off between former friends is more than just a fight. To settle the score, Adonis must put his future on the line to battle Damian – a fighter who has nothing to lose. Creed III is the third installment in the successful franchise.
Find out more at:
“A far-reaching, unsettling play about legacy, survival and responsibility...deceptively lightly written and often tartly funny”
7.30pm Monday 20th March 2023 Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street IP33 1RH
young Romanian pianist Beethoven Sonata in E major, Op. 109 Beethoven Sonata in A flat major, Op. 110 Beethoven Sonata in C minor, Op. 111 David Earl Scenes from a South African Childhood Box Office • Theatre Royal • 01284 769505 • Tickets also on the door as available Season’s membership £55 Membership contact • Sue Tanner • 01359 230457 • Bury St Edmunds Concert Club - Registered Charity 1050483
Season 2022/2023 Tickets £15 (Students £5)
Cristian Sandrin (piano) MARCH 2023 | 45
A Story of Success
CASE STUDY James’ Story
When James first referred himself to The Green Light Trust his anxiety was at such an extreme that the only way he could communicate with us was via text message or email. James used everything he had to work through this and turn up for his first session at Green Light Trust. Despite this crippling anxiety & depression James allowed himself to be supported by staff and other group members to return to the group each week and slowly became comfortable amongst other people again.
James was clearly benefiting from this new connection with nature and his wellbeing began to improve, allowing him to get more from the sessions, and in-turn enabling him to feel part of the group community. He spoke of sleeping better, his physical health improving, and a want to start taking care of himself again; these changes were visible from the outside too as his confidence and self-belief grew. He even got to a point where he was able to share his beliefs and life experiences with the group during one of the Earth
with us and had started to support other group members in their work too, so the move from participant to volunteer seemed a smooth and natural progression for James who had clearly found his meaning and purpose in life again. He worked hard on his addiction issues and has been open to feedback and support to further his journey with us. James is reliable, conscientious and a complete natural in his volunteering role at Green Light Trust and remains committed to improving himself daily.
the new life skills he has learned have rippled out to his loved ones, friends, and the wider community as he shares his new way of being with others. James has grown immensely in a short space of time. He has pushed himself in areas where previously he would have given up, and despite the continued challenge of his mental health, he turns up for life now, is able to ask for help if he needs it and freely gives to others what was previously given to him.
To find out more about us and the courses we have on offer please visit If you or someone you know might benefit from our courses, please get in touch at or 01284 830829.
Follow us on social media @greenlighttrust
interested in volunteering? Find out more at: or email
46 | MARCH 2023
Photo for illustrative purposes.
Anything is possible, from the smallest path or water feature to a full garden redesign or largest estate driveway. Making your dreams come true... Got a project in mind? Contact us today for a free consultation: T: 01284 724486 M: 07860 577557 E: GARDEN DESIGN • DRIVEWAYS • PATIOS • LANDSCAPING
Craft Corner
Every month I share a crafty activity for you to try at home. Why not like my facebook page and follow me on instagram @thecraftyfoxes to find out more about adult and children’s craft workshops for 2023.
This months make will put a spring in your step as its Easter themed!
Fold the card in half
Place wrist against the fold and spread fingers out
Draw around fingers to be legs and the thumb to be the head
If you can try to separate a thumb a bit more from the fingers
Cut out the shape from both bits of card
Stick googly eyes on the thumb to be the face
Spread pva glue on the body and stick on cotton wool buds
Cut out 2 ear triangles and glue into place
Open up the card and write inside in a glitter pen.
TOP TIP… Make more Easter cards by drawing around every family member’s hands.
See the different sized family of sheep you can create!
YOU WILL NEED: A piece of black card, cotton wool, pva glue, glitter pen and some googly eyes.
Michelle x
48 | MARCH 2023
Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum
Two quotes from our Chairman
“13 volunteers again excelled themselves on Sunday, with a great deal of work being done and some things even completed!.
March will be exceptionally busy and if all goes to plan we may very well be on site every Sunday as well as some week
Also, Graham has posted the following:
“To put your minds at ease, the Rougham Control Tower is Grade 2 listed and has been for several years, that includes all the buildings within the museums fence line. We have a 99-year lease, with about 68 years left to run. Unfortunately, the issue here is between the Rougham Estate and Skyward Flight Training. There are no plans to build on the land for the foreseeable future, a date of around 2041 has been mentioned.
days, if you fancy helping out we would love to have you on board.
Please pray to the weather Gods to keep the days fine and dry. Thanks again all, onward and upward.”
Many hands make light work of these jobs – can you please help?
If anything happens to the Memorial to the 94th BG (H) they will have to contend with several thousand irate 8th USAAF veteran’s families as well as us Brits.”
additional opening dates
Please also remember, we are adding to our Sunday opening, this year access to the Museum will also be on Bank Holiday Monday’s. This will include Easter April 10th, May 1st & 29th, the King’s Coronation (May 8th) and August 28th. These additional dates are for a trial period this season and subject to volunteer availability. If successful we can continue in future years – but we still need some more helpers!
So, our official countdown is 6,5 …..weeks to Easter Sunday 2023. It will soon be here, April 9th.
See you again next month in April, here in The Directory.
For our details please refer to our website: E-mail Mobile 07931 971771
Beautiful Garden Rooms
Garden Retreats specialise in the design, manufacture and installation of superior quality garden rooms with a huge range of options, complete with great service at the best possible price. If you can imagine it, we can build it.
Our Garden Retreats provide an oasis of calm away from the house whether you’re looking for a more traditional or modern addition to your garden, we can accommodate any requests. Our fully bespoke range means that you can choose the options that work best for you.
Brand new showroom now open!
Come and look around at our main showroom: Unit 3, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE
Tel: 01284 700456 Email: Prices start from
PLUS VAT and including installation
I was never really happy with our last website, it was too complicated and difficult to use. Our new site is the complete opposite and allows you to drill down to savings in a couple of clicks. You will be amazed at the savings both financial and environmental. We are still in the process of updating other sections and will add them over the next month. Please have a look and let me know what you think. Happy saving.
Here's how to use the site
We also have a useful calculator, simply enter the wattage of an appliance and check the cost and CO₂ imprint to use that appliance for an hour.
EXCITING NEWS WE HAVE JUST LAUNCHED OUR NEW WEBSITE! ecofrenzy15 @ecofrenzy /ecofrenzy EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham. If you have any queries please visit or email
have loads more ideas at to help our wonderful world. Remember our mantra at Ecofrenzy - Lots of little adds up to a lot.
Click here or scroll down Click here Click here
MARTYN WEBB Fully Qualified & Insured Plumber Over 30 Years Experience No Call Out Fee No Job Too Small Reliable and Friendly Service PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS COMPLETE BATHROOM REFURBISHMENTS WALL & FLOOR TILING • ALL TYPES OF SHOWERS FITTED RADIATORS • CYLINDERS • IMMERSION HEATERS PUMPS • BALL VALVES • SYPHONS • TAPS • OUTSIDE TAPS SERVICE VALVES • WATER SOFTENERS • SINK UNITS COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS Telephone: 01284 852554 Mobile: 07864 712055 Email: Pete Austin Electrician Fully qualified, insured and experienced electrician willing to undertake both large and small jobs – please contact me for a no obligation quotation. l Complete rewires l Partial rewires l Inspection & Testing l Electrical Condition Reports l Extra sockets & lights l Power to garages, sheds or workshops l External security lights l Showers l Fuse board upgrades l Mains linked smoke alarms 9 Smith Walk, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP33 2NW T. 01284 747284 M. 07810 358431 MARCH 2023 | 53 Ayling Computer Services A friendly local service Mob: 07775 631 628 Email: Tel: 01284 711 540 Web: • PC & Laptop Repair • PC Buying help or Custom PC Builds • PC & Laptop Upgrades • Data Recovery and Protection • Anti -Virus and Firewall Software • 1 to 1 Training • Websites & E-mail Hosting Keeping it simple, just give me a call
Christ Church MORETON HALL
Dear Friends
In October 1983 Christians began to gather on the Moreton Hall Estate to worship. There were very few houses; in fact, only two closes and part of Raedwald Drive had been built. The people gathered in homes at first and when it opened, they started to worship in the old community centre which is now the site of the play park at the top of Heldhaw Road. Then in 1987 they welcomed a Church Army Captain, Pat Mottram. When he left in 1990, I was appointed.
By Christmas 1994 we were able to open the main part of our building and by the end of the decade, 1999, we opened our small hall. Since October 1983 we have seen many, many blessings – raising huge sums of money for the building; people being converted; people being filled with the Holy Spirit; and people being healed physically, mentally and spiritually. God has really blessed us over the last forty years.
So, in October 2023, there will be various celebrations to mark the very special occasion of our fortieth anniversary.
For those of you who know your Bibles well, forty is a very significant number. Forty refers to the years the tribes of Israel walked in the desert. Forty days was the time Jesus spent in the wilderness being tempted by the devil and it also refers to the forty days of Lent which has just begun.
As I have already said, we can look back with great thanksgiving and praise for the way God has taken a handful of people and turned it into a church. He has given us all the buildings and resources we needed and enabled us to reach out to our community as it grows.
That is what we are seeking to do even now and that is why on 11th March we will be welcoming Ishmael for a Praise Party at 2:00pm This is a super event for young families and young people to enjoy church in a new, exciting, and positive way. There is no charge for what a spectacular occasion will be, but there will be a collection at the end of the meeting. Light refreshments will be provided.
You will see from the schedule of events throughout March that we will be celebrating our own pilgrimage through Lent, and we are looking forward to the wonder of Easter Day when we are reminded that Jesus triumphed over Satan by dying on a cross and rising again. That is how He gives all of us a second chance and an opportunity to be close to God not only in this life but also in the next.
On what will prove to be a momentous year in the life of Christ Church Moreton Hall, as we give thanks to God for all He has done for us, why don’t you take the opportunity to connect with God in a new way and join in what God has done for us all on Moreton Hall?
With every good wish
Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford. Minister Christ Church, Moreton Hall
Why not bring your mum to church on the 19th March and receive a small posy of flowers
54 | MARCH 2023
The kebab shop are running an earthquake appeal, which we are also supporting. Please, if you can, donate at the collection point in our Church entrance.
March Services & events at Christ Church
Moreton Hall
Creche available at all services
Friday 3rd 10:30am Stay & play parent & toddler group
Sunday 5th 10:30am Family Service
Sat 11th 2:00pm Ishmael Praise Party
Sunday 12th 10:30am Morning worship with Sunday School
Sunday 12th 4:00pm Youth Club
Friday 17th 10:30am Stay & play parent & toddler group
Sunday 19th 10:30am Mothering Sunday Family Communion with Posies
Sunday 19th 4:00pm Kids Church - Fun & craft for families
Tues 21st 10:00am Coffee morning
Sunday 26th 10:30am Morning worship
Sunday 26th 4:00pm Youth Club
Friday 31st 10:30am Stay & play parent & toddler group
Visit our website:
MARCH 2023 | 55 2PM CHRIST
ClassifiedsTHE R&P Build All aspects of plastering including over skimming of artex All property & building maintenance Plasterers / Builders Telephone Paul on: 01284 361397 or 07841 923215 YOUR LOCAL GARAGE EST 28 YEARS VEHICLE SERVICING • REPAIRS • MOTS ALL TECHNICIANS HYBRID TRAINED Unit 8, Fourwheel Drive, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND T. 01359 271238 E. MOT EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE Your local 24 hour locksmith BURY DIRECTORIES 85x124.indd 1 12/04/2019 15:38 TRUSTED LOCKSMITHING SERVICES Call us now on 01284 220180 24 HOUR EMERGENCY NUMBER 07761 800 465 lock-outs upvc repairs lock repairs garage dpprs lock replacement & upgrades burlary repairs key cutting We have the right cleaner waiting to help you. Regular - Weekly - Cleaner 01359 258991 www timeforyousuffolk co uk Are you tired of cleaning? Typically £14 p h 56 | MARCH 2023 MORTGAGES | PROTECTION | GENERAL INSURANCE l Looking for a new Mortgage? l Mortgage deal coming to an end? l Looking to maximize your investment with the right buy to let mortgage? Talk to your local mortgage and protection experts, get access to hundreds of mortgages under one roof, get the right cover for you at the right price. Call Sarah Fordham at Castle Mortgages (UK) Tel: 01359 254042 | Mob: 07795 211933 Email Your home/ property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. to arrange a free initial consultation
Procter on: T. 01284 765092 or E:
Hedge Trimmers
Turf Cutters to Strimmers
Lawn Scarifiers
Stump Grinder
To advertise your business here please contact Jeremy
l Power
l Timberwolf
Scaffold Towers
Concrete Mixers to Sanders
Mini Excavators to Rollers
Disc Cutters to Lighting Towers
Carpet Cleaners
Wallpaper Strippers
Concrete Breakers Thurston Road, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 2PJ Telephone: 01284 788122 Email: PLANT & TOOL HIRE and much more!
l Access
For a free
MARCH 2023 | 57 HJ Hearing - ear wax removal Microsuction & irrigation Registered Audiologist (BSc, FdSc Aud) Home visits available Tel: 07436 104481 Email:
approved drop kerbs and access.
Shingle • Tar • Block paving
fencing • Patios and paths • Concrete pads Footings • Drainage • Fully insured.
quote, call Darren 01449 737164 or 07766 024137
The publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.
List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email:
Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.
NEST OF TABLES IN TEAK Ex condition. £25
Tel: 01284 754295
Very good condition and very sturdy. Height of seat: 44cm
£45 for 4. £50 with seat cushions (very clean) Collection only (from Moreton Hall) Tel: 07590 683031
FREE – Have you got a Canon Pixma MG5550 printer? I have recently changed my printer and have a few black and colour compatible inks for this model I can no longer use.
If you can make use of these please call 01284 702362
Can be sold together (£22) or separately (£12 each).
Height: 146cms overall
Width: 59 cms overall
Depth: 28.5cms overall
Each shelf: 55 x 28.5cms
Metal frame. Very easy to assemble.
Collection only (from Moreton Hall)
Tel: 07590 683031
Tel: 07766 557161
Stylish steel frame, finished in gunmetal grey, with a tempered glass top. The chair seats are woven wicker and all very firm still.
Dimensions are: width of table - 78cm, length - 150cm, height86cm. Seat height is 47cm.
£90 ONO
May be able to help with delivery. Cash on collection. All in excellent condition.
Tel: 07766 557161
58 | MARCH 2023
The best way to care Pet Health
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A prisoner finds freedom in a cell
When he was young, John Yianni became involved in football violence which led him into a life of crime. In 1980, he was arrested and found guilty of 36 armed robberies. For some reason the judge was unbelievably lenient to him, giving him six, seven-year sentences and allowing him to serve them concurrently. This meant that John was only inside for seven years. No one could believe his good fortune, least of all his barrister!
John was sent to Wandsworth prison where he shared a cell with a man who’d committed an armed robbery on a postoffice and had been given 12 years. Interestingly, the people who owned that post office were Christians and they had sent the man a bible. He gave it to John who began to read it. One day John was reading chapter 11 of John’s gospel, which describes how Lazarus died. However, thanks to Jesus, Lazarus later emerged from the dark tomb ‘alive and unbound’. John Yianni said that as he read this, he too felt unbound. He was still in his cell, but suddenly, he felt totally free!
When he came out of prison, John didn’t return to crime. Instead, he worked for the
Shaftsbury Society in a hostel, helping people with learning difficulties. He went on to work as a care worker in a nursing home in Shetland. People are always amazed that John has been given such jobs, but as he says “It’s because Jesus is real and has really changed me.”
Soon, Christians will celebrate Easter, a festival that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. On the cross, Jesus took upon himself the sin of every person who ever lived. An act that cut him off from his heavenly father, to the extent that he felt that God had forsaken him. And then he
died and like Lazarus, was put in a tomb. This looked like the end. But three days later, Jesus came back to life in an event known as the resurrection; a miraculous rising from the dead! Proving that Jesus really has overcome the power of sin and can offer us life after death!
Lazarus and John Yianni both experienced the transforming power of Jesus. In different ways, he brought each of them back to life. But the good news is that Jesus is still transforming lives, even today. Which is what we celebrate - every Easter.
REV MIKE SIMM Minister of Southgate Church
For further details of all our activities visit our website
We are holding a number of special events leading up to the Good News of Easter Day. Come along and be with us for one or all of them!
Sunday 19th March, All Age Service for Mothering Sunday 10.30am
Every lady attending will receive a posy of fresh flowers!
Southgate’s Got Easter, Saturday 1st April, 2pm to 4pm in the Main Hall of the Community Centre. Craft, activities, refreshments. All Free. Everyone Welcome.
Sunday 2nd April Morning Worship Service on Palm Sunday 10.30am
Good Friday 7th April – Procession of Witness
Starts at the Cathedral at 10.30am to Market Square at 11.15am.
Sunday 9th April Holy Communion Service on Easter Sunday
What’s on in MARCH
Friday 3rd March –World Day of Prayer
10.30am service at St Peter’s Church
7.30pm service at All Saints Church
Sundays 5th, 12th, 26th March
10.30am Morning Worship services with groups for children of all ages. Bring and Share Lunch following service on Sunday 26th March
Friendship Club for older people Meet on Thursdays at 2.30pm 2nd March for Craft Afternoon – Butterfly Bonanza
16th March for a talk by Barbara Challis – My Life as a Counsellor
Thursday (Women’s) Club
Meet on 23rd March at 7.45pm for a talk by Lisa Jones ‘The Painted Face’
During term time, the following mid-week groups meet in Church Centre: Liquid, for young people in school years 8 to 13, Mondays 7pm to 9pm; Southgate Parent & Toddlers (SPOTS), Wednesdays 9am to 10.30am; Youth Club, for school years 5, 6, 7, Thursdays 6.30pm to 7.45pm
CoffeeStop, Mondays, 10am to 12noon in Church Centre. Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and Chat - donations to charities.
All of our events and services are held in Southgate Community Centre, Caie Walk.
Please contact Jackie Tooley, Administrator on 01284 703705 or email
Email: Facebook: Adam Trett - ADT Golf Coaching
February saw us golfers have some colder days and also a few very nice ones mixed in to play under some lovely blue skies. This gave me the feeling that maybe just maybe that spring might be starting to appear.
This month we have the clock change to look forward to and that will lead us perfectly into what I class as the start of the season, The Masters in early April.
Now is the time to dust the clubs down and get in some hard work before the season kicks off.
Strike is the most important thing about any golf shot you hit, without good contact between the face of any club and the golf ball it will be very hard for you to be able to control the result of that shot.
In this item I am going to highlight one area that i see a lot when coaching clients in the short game. This month we will be looking at topped or thinned chip shot, this shot will often happen just at the wrong time in your round of golf and will strike fear into other shot of this length or type for the rest of the round.
So the most common problem i see from clients hitting this type of shot is the arms moving in towards the body through the impact area and the right hand (for a right handed golfer) taking control of shot, this action makes controlling the low point very hard and often leads to striking the ball on or above the equator of the ball seeing it run across the green.
The drill below will allow you to practice better technique and achieve a more control and consistent strike on these short game shorts. Building confidence in the area of your game is essential to playing good golf.
Tie Drill - This is a low cost drill that will allow you to say goodbye to those confidence killing thin chip shots for good.
As you can see from the images, you will need to set up to the chip shot as you normally would do. Then with the tie made longer you hold the tie under the left hand on the grip of the golf club.
The tie needs to be pulled torte at the address position, from here you will need to complete the back swing and follow through with the tie keeping the tension.
If you can complete this then your arms wont have lost structure and should allow the wrists to be less involved throughout the shots. Over time and with practice this movement will become more natural and you will learn to trust this even under the greatest pressure.
I hope this section will help to improve your game, but if you are still struggling with this or any area of your golf game, why not contact me for further assistance?
Arnold Palmer Invitational
The Players Championship
Valspar Championship
WGC Dell Technologies
Match Play
Magical Kenya Open
SDC Championship
Jonsson Workwear Open
WGC Dell Technologies
Match Play
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