Bury St Edmunds Directory May 2022

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directoryBURY ST EDMUNDS May 2022 // Issue 200 FREE Pick me up I’m issues MAYTOTHINGSDOIN HEALTH | HOME | STYLE | FOOD | WHAT’S ON | NEWS SouthgateMoretonHall&edition Community News 200BUSINESSESLOCALRECIPES

airbroadband.co.ukToregister,visitourwebsite From £28 per month Slide into the fast lane with GigafastbroadbandGigabit-speedbroadband that’s actually giga fast — made for people with ambition FREE advanced router FREE standard installation Air full fibre connection is perfect for... • Gaming – broadband performance to knock out the opponents • Working from home – no more frozen Zoom calls halting your meetings and impacting your brand • Streaming TV – goodbye buffering; the whole house can stream in 4K at the same time Register at Airbroadband.co.uk. As soon as a fibre connection to your property can be made live, we’ll let you know. Once Gigabit broadband is available in your area, our customer service team will seamlessly transition you into the new world of broadband. Air full fibre simply smarter broadband *moneysavingexpert.com ** uswitch.com BT, EE and Plusnet customers to see prices rise by up to 9.3% from 31 March.* Virgin Media has announced that it will be increasing its prices by around £56 per year for millions of its customers from the 1st March 2022.** AIR BROADBAND DON'T NEED TO ANNOUNCE A PRICE RISE TO CUSTOMERS – THERE ISN'T ONE!



SEE PAGE 40 FOR THIS MONTH’S RECIPE www.amplifydesign.co.ukDesignPublisher:&Artwork: Bury

Welcome to the May issue St Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE 01284 765092

Another celebration coming up very soon is the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. You’ll see quite a lot of content about that in this issue even though it’s not until June, but just so you have some advance notice about events.

For all the sewing bee’s, Glasswells are running a competition to make your own Queen’s Platinum Jubilee cushion cover. The first prize is a £150 Glasswells gift card! Find out more on page 59.

If you’re planning to eat out in May, Orissa have extended their 50% off your food offer, Monday – Wednesday all through May, see page 41.

We hope you enjoy all the information in this issue about local businesses, news and events. Take care, and we’ll see you again in June, for issue 201.

AMPLIFY . DESIGN & PRINT GET IN TOUCH While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2022 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. ADVERTISING/COPYDEADLINEFORJUNE2022ISSUE: 20th May 2022 Find us on social media: Want to advertise your business? Call ProcterJeremyon: 01284 765092 EMAIL: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk TEL:

This month, we are celebrating our 200th issue! Wow… how time flies! We couldn’t make this magazine without our readers, our advertisers, our contributors, our distributors and our printers, so we just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to you all!

Jeremy Editor

jeremy@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk Great British Scone

And something to keep the kids busy over the long weekend… Michelle at Crafty Foxes shows us how to make our very own Queen, see page 48 to find out how.

79www.hartwellblinds.comNorthgateStreet Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 1JD T: 01284 753310 12 High Street Newmarket Suffolk CB8 8LB T: 01638 665656 Hartwell BLIND COMPANY LTD THE Bespoke, made to measure blinds, for the perfect fitShoplocalFREE no quotationsobligationFREEandmeasuringfitting Friendly, local company (no agents) Over 30 experienceyears Guaranteedfor2years AWNINGS ALSO AVAILABLE BESPOKE CURTAINS CALL NOW OR VISIT ONE OF OUR SHOWROOMS

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MAY 2022 | 7 Bluestone Paving Bluestone Paving & Decking specialise in producing beautiful Patios, Driveways and Sundecks to the highest standards PATIOS | DRIVEWAYS | PATHWAYS | DECKING | FENCING Call for a Free Quotation 01284 716405 or 07766 www.bluestone-paving.co.uk001125 FENCING & DECORATING • Quality treated fencing supplied and erected • Gates and frames • Galvanised gate furniture • Concrete and wooden posts • Concrete and wooden gravel boards • All types of fence panels available (treated) • Old fencing cleared • Excellent quotes returned promptly • Professional, tidy and reliable service Est. 1984 • Interior & Exterior Decorating • Wallpapering • Prompt Quotations • Competitive Rates • Reliable, Friendly & Tidy Service • Many Returning Customers Call David on 01284 706484 or 07930 976824 www.dperrin.uk by D. PERRINGETQUOTEANOW!


In line with earlier articles, our Platinum Jubilee celebrations continue this year. Following Her Majesty’s birthday last month, we will see her “official” Birthday next month, after the lighting of beacons all over the country on 2nd June. There is an official beacon in the Abbey Gardens for Bury and many unofficial ones joining in.

8 | MAY 2022

It has been a difficult month for Ukraine and we continue to do what we can. The issue of visas for refugees is a tough one as we must continue to have a robust system to protect our borders, however it is clear that our system does not have the flexibility to deal with a situation such as this. I brought this up with our local MPs, Matt Hancock for the West and Jo Churchill for the centre and East of our area on 18th and 25th March and there is a massive amount of work going on to accelerate those in limbo. We now receive a weekly update at County Council and I spoke about this issue at the last full Council Meeting in Ipswich.

We are lucky to have a really strong community in Moreton Hall. When one of our own faces a tough time, we pull together. There is a sponsored climb up Mount Snowden on 14th May for the Pitt-Roche family, who have faced breast cancer together for a number of years. Please donate atTREEgofund.me/184de3d2FELLAS

peter.thompson@westsuffolk.gov.uk Mobile: 07810 868986






Moreton Hall

I was contacted by the brilliant Tara Barber at Oxslip House last month who was upgrading some IT equipment. She wanted to donate their outgoing copier to a worthy cause rather than scrap it and I was able to put her in touch with a few different charities (and lend a hand to carry it!) It ended up being donated to the Youth Action Group at the Community Centre, where I was met by Johnny (pictured). Many thanks to Tara and the team at the Orders of St John Care Trust who provide care for the residents at Oxlip House Extra Care Housing Scheme.

As the weather marches on to summertime, we have our annual grass, bush and tree growth. The last couple of years have not been satisfactory, so I have been proactive this year to try and get my ward a bit tidier. A couple of problem trees have


already been felled (one particular one had been leaning over a footpath for some months following a storm) and we seem to have a better schedule. I will continue to monitor thislet me know if there's a problem area.

CRYOTHERAPY REMO V ES UN W AN T E D B L EMISHE S Available in a hygienic salon on Moreton Hall by qualified therapist Sandra Usher WHAT IS CRYOTHERAPY? It is a NEW advanced innovative solution that is fast, effective and safe for removal of skin imperfections. Procedures are pain free and typically last from 5 – 30 seconds. • Skin Tags • Sun Damage • Age Spots • Milia • Warts & Verrucae • Cherry www.skintonesolutions.comSpots NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online. www.skintonesolutions.com HOW IT WORKS A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue. Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. BEFORE BEFOREAFTER AFTER Email: skintonecaci@icloud.com Call: 0747 1940 387 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher Sandra Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner MAY 2022 | 9 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Based in Bury St. Edmunds, we offer the highest quality workmanship. No job is too large or small. CALL TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT T. 07778 477159 /01284 701395 E. stewart.bracey@btinternet.com www.stewartbracey.com STEWART BRACEY Painter & Decorator

sunday 29th may | 10am-4pm Bury St Edmunds Town Centre For more information visit Business Improvement District Brought to you by www.ourburystedmunds.com/whitsunfayre Our Bury St Edmunds Highlights include Flowers, Plants, crafts, and food & drink stalls in the Buttermarket & Cornhill home-made local produce & crafts on Angel Hill Astronomy display with children’s activities Street entertainers (stilt walker, balloon modelling and magic) Fairground rides ENTFREE RY

Tuesday night cash bingo is fortnightly. All premier league and European football is shown on our big screen. We are planning for more events, details to follow. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Memberships are always available, just ask at the bar.




There’s lots coming up at the Moreton Hall Community Centre! the facebook page for all the latest news and events.


MON: closed 7pm – 11pm 7pm – 11pm 7pm – 11pm 4pm – 11pm 12 midday – 11pm 12 midday – 8pm watch media)



HALL FOR HIRE • Children’s Parties • Wedding Receptions • Private Functions • Bar & Staff included • AMPLE FREE PARKING • Conference Facilities also available Join us on facebook for all the latest news and what’s on! Telephone: 01284 763402 Email: moretonhallclub@aol.com Moreton Hall BOOK NOW FOR YOUR EVENT! Community Centre OPENINGHOURS


(But some bank holidays may be open so


We have some available slots for weekday hall hire during the day and Friday evenings are also available for hire. Please call 01284 763402.HIREHALL

Boundary excluding the major part of the Suffolk Business Park Surely the District and Town boundary should coincide and the Parish Review should acknowledge the reality on the ground. Rougham Village is some 3 miles away to the south of the A14 and the area looks to Moreton Hall for all its facilities. Let the Council have your views. West Suffolk council have been

The next Community16thmeetingAssociationResidentsCommitteeisonThursdayJune7.30pmintheCentre. date for your diary



Since 2019 Moreton Hall Ward on West Suffolk includes the Airfield and Rougham Industrial Estate and goes right up to Sow Lane and includes the latest development on Suffolk Business Park. This was agreed by the Boundary Commission in their 2018 report which stated” on our visit to the area we noted that this part of Rushbrooke with Rougham Parish which lies north of the A124 is very different in character from the rest of the parish as it is currently undergoing redrawingrecommendationWhydevelopment.”significantthendoesthedraftsuggesttheWestSuffolk Ward

At the moment the Lark Grange Development is part of Rushbrooke with Rougham Parish Council, unlike the majority of Moreton Hall which is part of Bury St Edmunds Town Council. There is a Parish Review under way and the draft recommendation is that the Lark grange development become part of Moreton Hall Ward and transfers from Rushbrooke with Rougham Parish to Bury Town Council which reflects the reality on the ground and makes sense.


Residents of Lark Grange and the rest of Moreton Hall are urged to let the council have their views. The proposals can be viewed at BurySuffolkGovernanceoremailsurvey30threcommendationsThedistrict-2021-22.cfm.uk/community/cgre-west-suffolk-www.westsuffolk.gov.consultationonthedraftclosesonJune.Thereisanonlineoryoucanrespondbytocgr@westsuffolk.gov.ukinwritingtoCommunityReview,WestHouse,WesternWay,StEdmunds,IP333YU.

Robert Houlton-Hart, Secretary, Moreton Hall Residents Association secretarymhra@gmail.com or https://moretonhallresidents.wordpress.com/contactcliffhind2001@yahoo.co.uk

West Suffolk Parish and Town Council Boundary Review affecting MORETON HALL

14 | MAY 2022

working on the latest local plan which covers the period up to 2040. They have recently published the draft preferred options which go to Cabinet on the 26th April and then to full council on the17th May which will be followed by public consultation. There will be another public consultation in next year on the submission draft followed by sending it to the secretary of state who will then appoint a Planning Inspector to carry out an independent examination then if found acceptable it goes before the Council to adopt.

Let us hope that future growth is balanced by investment in infrastructure before development.

MAY 2022 | 15 VentanillaBlinds Conservatory Blinds Day and Night Blinds Rollers - Verticals Roman - Pleated Wooden & Metal Venetians Sheer PerfectBlackoutRollersBlindsFitPleated,Roller&Venetian Contact Mike for a fast and friendly service 07966 www.ventanillablinds.com371963 JO CURRYJO CURRY JO CURRYJO CURRY Jo offers advanced blemish removal & reduction, effective treatment for a range of skin blemishes including: DO YOU ABOUTSELF-CONSCIOUSFEELYOURSKIN? Thread Veins • Blood spots • Skin tags Milia • Warts • Verrucas • Spider naevus (spider veins) • Seborrhoeic keratosis Xanthalasma and more... WWW.JOCURRYAESTHETICS.CO.UK JO@JOCURRYAESTHETICS.CO.UKFindmeat:IxworthDoctorsSurgery01359230252orTheOldDairy,Ixworth07771706100

once again organised her Easter Egg Trail round the estate which culminated in an Arts and Crafts morning with refreshments, puppets from Southgate Church and Easter egg prizes handed out. May kicked off with the return of the May Bank Holiday Monday Fun Day on the Hardwick Primary School playing field with a Year 1 inter-school football tournament, car boot sale, attractions and displays for all to enjoy.

SOUTHGATE Contact us on 01284 703705 or email: jackie@southgatechurch.org.uk Or visit the centre www.southgatecommunity.org.ukwebsite:

Wow – What a fabulous Easter and April we had at the Community Centre… all started off by Southgate Church’s ever popular annual Southgate’s Got Easter event. Then we had two holiday family workshops run by volunteers from byparents.fromsomefromhome”WoodenFirstCouncillorandspecialistsenvironmentalGreenerGrowthsupportedbyCountyRichardRout.therewasa“BuildaAnimaltotakeandyoucanseetheimagesthereweresplendidcreationschildrenandtheirThiswasfollowedasessionwherefamilies

Now we look forward to June and a momentous occasion for the whole country as we celebrate the incredible 60 year reign of Her Majesty the Queen. At the Community Centre we are hosting a Platinum Anniversary Summer

Community Centre

were able to make silk printed flowers to take home. Then it was over to our events committee chairman Jessica Rudd who

Dance with music from Solid State and a Coronation Dinner prepared by Andrea Davey from Elite Cakes and Buffets. Tickets are just £20 and available from the Centre office weekdays (except Wednesdays) , contact Andy Abbott on

07508 409043 for further details. Finally we are so pleased to be joining in the nationwide Big Lunch event with a picnic on the greensward outside the Church Centre and Primary School. This will follow a special celebration Church

Service and all are welcome to attend or bring along a picnic and join in with a good old fashioned English street party! We are providing bouncy castles, come and join in with a Jubilee fancy dress, children’s races and lets toast Her Majesty!

encourage the growth of wildflowers and ground cover. The Greener Growth project continues to literally blossom - lovely to see the new fruit trees, willow and hedgerow springing into bud and soon we will see the new wildflower beds on the MUGA mound bursting into Hugeflower.funwas had joining the the traditional Red Nose Day fancy dress for Comic Relief and as you can see from the pictures it was a colourful and spectacular day as staff and children joined in the Finallyfun.we wish the best of luck to our amazing Year 6 pupils as they sit their SATS exams and we are sure that they will do well. You have worked so hard, learnt so much, grown so much and progressed so much throughout the school. Do your best, be your best and we know you can achieve your best. You have made us so proud! Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. This is your time to shine Year Six!

Well Easter has come and gone and unbelievably we are hurtling towards the Summer and the end of another school year, how quick it comes and goes.

It was so good to have the return of the Friends of Hardwick Primary School (FoHPS) Easter Bingo and a good time was had by all with everyone going home with at least one Easter egg - and some with quite a few!! With less restrictions it is hoped that the FoHPS will be organising more initiatives with all the money raised being used for the

benefit of the school, as always the Friends are looking for more members, volunteers and helpers so let us know if you can help.

We are continually looking to improve the outside environment around the grounds of the school and thanks to new Governor Abi Smith for joining in with daughter Lorelai and helping clear the plastic under sheeting from the shaded area off the playground during the holidays, this had become a health and safety issue and now gone it should

What’s been happening at… HARDWICK Primary School

18 | MAY 2022

By Daryl Jones, Head teacher & Andy Abbott, Governor

MAY 2022 | 19

20 | MAY 2022 • SAND • GRAVEL • CRUSHED CONCRETE • TOPSOIL • TYPE 1 SUB BASE • ROAD PLANINGS • GRANITE CHIPPINGS • TIPPER HIRE • MUCKAWAY • READY MIXED CONCRETE T: 01284 752688 / 702700 E:www.aaronaggregates.cominfo@aaronaggregates.com AUGUST 2019 | 71 CALL SEAN NOW ON 18438207527BURYS1STSPECIALISTUPVCLOCKSMITHSCHOICE&REPAIRS24-7serviceNo VAT & No call out fee! Locks, Handles & REPLACEDHinges Vetted tradesman! t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs

Turf PetrolMakitaPetrolStumpRotavatorsCuttersGrinders4”ChippersPostHoleBorersCompactionPlatesConcretepokerunitsCementMixersBlockSplittersBlockCartsVacuumSlabLiftersGeneratorsDrills&BreakersFloorSaws&CuttersScaffoldTowersSubmersible,2”&3”PumpssingledrumrollersHiTipTrackedDumpers&MicrodiggersHireTool WE NOW OFFER A RANGE OF SMALL TOOLS FOR HIRE For more information and a full list of tools please visit our www.emmittplant.co.ukwebsite Local delivery and servicecollectionavailable T 01359 251220 E mark.backhouse@emmittplant.co.uk Hinderclay Road, Wattisfield, Diss, Suffolk IP22 1NF MAY 2022 | 21 Find us at: Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3SP 01284 220102 | www.planetlaser.co.uk WE’VE GOT NEW LASER TAG FEATURES IN OUR 6,000 FOOT MULTI LEVEL ARENA AND NEW ARCADE GAMES FOR YOU TO TRY BOOK NOW FOR SCHOOL HOLIDAYS, BIRTHDAY PARTIES, CORPORATE DAYS OUT, TEAM BUILDING, STAG AND HEN PARTIES CAFE AND LICENSED BAR CHECK OUT OUR NEW 360O VENUE TOUR

everything you would expect from your Post Office® letters & parcels travel passportscarbillglobalcashbroadbandservices&homephonedeposits&withdrawalsmoneytransferpaymentstax www.mhpo.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 3pm WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS Telephone: 01284 769841 Symonds Road Bury St IP32Edmunds7EW 22 | MAY 2022

Our April meeting was an Open Evening, and all visitors and members had a fabulous evening in the company of Lucy Bunce, a composer, harpist and singer based in Lucywww.lucybunce.comCambridge.isdelightfuland such a talented musician. She accompanied herself on the harp and treated us to a selection of songs interspersed with anecdotes about her background and how the songs came to be written. Lucy has a beautiful voice, and we enjoyed such a calming and uplifting evening. Lucy is

Prospective members are always welcome, your first meeting is


reach the people who need it. Thank you, Lucy, we had a very special Moretonevening.HallWI meets at 7.30 pm on the first Wednesday of the month at Moreton Hall Community Centre. Our meeting in May will be our Annual Meeting and on 1st June we will be celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and having a go at printmaking with lino cuts.

particularly known for writing Blessings such as her recently released Blessing for Mother’s Day, ‘Come Like An Eagle’. Perhaps her most compositionwell-knownisthe NHS Blessing which Lucy wrote during the first lockdown in March 2020, at the request of Dr Susie Hunt, who runs a clinician support service called ‘Doctors for Doctors’ at Addenbrookes Hospital. Lucy performed this inspirational piece on BBC 1 Songs Of Praise on Palm Sunday 2021 and, due to the media interest, ‘Bless the hands that bless’ continues to


Moreton Hall WI

Contact Alison on 01284 701433 or Annette on 01284 769407.

Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our experienced installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess.

Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up FREE of charge.

MAY 2022 | 23 Suffolk Pet & Horse Crematorium Our Lake of Remembrance is a peaceful place to reflect The Suffolk Pet Crematorium is a family run business with over 20 years of experience in helping pet owners when the time with their pet comes to an end. Please get in touch to discuss how we can offer the most sensitive and caring service to you and your beloved pet. CONTACT US 01284 810 www.suffolkpetcrematorium.com981 Peace of mind at a time of grief

Now garagefifor£895only*afullyttedelectricdoor. WAS £1,354 INCLUDING VAT.

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Forest School Education

If the last few years have taught us anything it is that community can be difficult to find. A place where you can be yourself, develop at your own pace knowing you’ll be back together again soon.

Gathering around a fire circle feels primal, comforting and is often the place where we begin to talk and even heal. At Forest School there is the total freedom to swing high, learn to use tools, run through the woods, cook on the fire or simply lay on the woodland floor and watch the canopy as the seasons

about nature, each other, and ourselves. Something almost magic happens, no matter what our age, when we access an un-hurried, non-judgemental natural environment. We begin to relax, be ourselves and have fun. Surely every child should have a right to access the woods as part of their education. Forest School should be every child’s experience. The norm not the exception. I think the future of our children depends upon it.”

Mell Harrison works at Green Light Trust and has been facilitating Forest School education for over 15 years, training 1,000s of Forest School leaders of the future. She writes about the importance of Forest School here.


“Our children are assaulted by the increasing demands from academic testing, pressure from various media channels and an increasingly urban lifestyle. Lockdown during the pandemic was largely a new experience for my generation but sadly, evidence suggests, not for our children. Lockdown by stealth for children has been happening over the last 20 years almost unnoticed. One survey suggested that 1/5 of children spend less time outside each day than prison inmates and another that 1/5 never play outside regularly. Societal changes, safety fears, technology and increased traffic have all played a part. The long-term consequences can be life changing. Hindering cognitive development as well as the ability to learn how to manage risk and build relationships with peers and the impact on wellbeing cannot be underestimated. Allowing our children to be outside and the freedom to learn and play in a safe woodland environment is critical, I believe, to making sure that our children grow up to be happy people. It is that simple.

24 | MAY 2022

The Forest School ethos is a little bit of magic in this troubled world. We all know as adults that a walk in the woods can work wonders for our own wellbeing. Science has proved it reduces cortisol and stress levels. We all know that if we are less stressed that this improves how we feel and naturally, our ability to learn.

Forest School is based on six overarching principals, located in a woodland setting unconstrained by four walls and classroom bells signalling break time - it is a safe space. We are not concerned with league tables and SATS testing –a holistic approach that addresses the needs of our children is our starting point. I believe, and there is overwhelming evidence to support this, that happy children, who feel safe, can manage risk and build relationships learn best.

Forest School allows our children to lead their own learning at their own pace to make their own discoveries. Taking a supported risk is actively encouraged and celebrated. Children need to take some risks. As parents and teachers, this makes us anxious; we want our children to be safe. But if we keep them in bubbles, they won’t know what they can do — and they may not have the confidence and bravery to face life’s ups and downs. Yes, you can break an arm from climbing a tree — and yes, you can be humiliated when you try to make a friend and get rejected. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try; the lessons we learn from failure are just as important as those we learn from success.

For further information please visit our website at www.greenlighttrust.org or email info@greenlighttrust.org

Mell delivers Forest School Association Accredited Training across multiple sites across Suffolk and Norfolk. If you would like to find out more information about Forest School Training or the work of the Green Light Trust then please contact us at info@ greenlighttrust.org or book onto a course at www.greenlighttrust.org


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You can sign up for the event now. Those taking part do not have to fundraise, but all monies would be gratefully received if riders ask for sponsorship.

distances to choose from means that The Edge is a challenge for all abilities.”

Put your pedal power to good use for hospiceSign up here:


26 | MAY 2022

Sponsored by Atkins Dellow, the event, which features four routes (15, 30, 60 or 100-miles), offers different,wantingcyclist“WhetherCharlieHospicesuitableThecountrysidebeautifulviews.15-milerouteisforfamilies.eventsmanagerDe-Mooresaid:youareakeenorjustsomeonetotrysomethinghavingfour

St Nicholas Hospice Care is appealing for fundraisers to saddle up to help raise much-needed funds.

The hospice’s cycling challenge, The Edge, returns on Sunday, 17 July, and the charity hopes cyclists will pull on their helmets and take part in the ride.

All routes start and finish at Maglia Rosso Cycling Centre in Hawstead.

30 60 100 miles miles miles 15 MILE FAMILY-FRIENDLY ROUTE PLUS THREE OTHER ROUTES Organised by and raising funds for St Nicholas Hospice Care, special thanks to Maglia Rosso and event sponsors Atkins Dellow. ANNUAL CYCLE RIDE SUNDAY 11 JULY Sign Up Online Today stnicholashospice.org.uk/the-edge SUNDAY 17 JULY For more information 01284 766133 or fundraising@stnh.org.uk

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Although designated as a Men's Shed we welcome all who are interested to join us. For further information, please email PleaseMSBSE21@gmail.com.comeandseehow the Shed can help Men's Wellbeing and, if you are able, become part of this new community initiative. Bury St Edmunds MEN'S SHED Officially launched and established from the 1st April the Men’s Shed meet fortnightly at Bury St Edmunds RUGBY CLUB, who are kindly accommodating the meetings. Next meeting dates: Wednesday 4th May • 18th May • 1st June – 7pm MAY 2022 | 29 Ayling Computer Services A friendly local service Mob: 07775 631 628 Email: Duncan@aylingcs.comTel:01284711 540 Web: www.aylingcs.com • PC & Laptop Repair • PC Buying help or Custom PC Builds • PC & Laptop Upgrades • Data Recovery and Protection • Anti -Virus and Firewall Software • 1 to 1 Training • Websites & E-mail Hosting Keeping it simple, just give me a call t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs

With an early sign-up offer of £15 per person valid until 31 May (£20 registration from 1 June onwards) there has never been a better time to register. Walkers should also aim to raise £100.

The occasion is also sponsored by Chassis Cab, Havebury and Greene King.

With thousands and thousands of pairs of feet pacing the pavements over the years, organisers are hoping walkers will be out in force for 2022’s event, which is supported by main sponsor Jaynic.

You must be aged 14 to take part, and those between 14-17 must walk with someone over 18. The walk leaves Angel Hill at 8pm.

30 | MAY 2022

St Nicholas Hospice Care’s Girls Night Out walk returns to Bury St Edmunds on Saturday, 10 September, and walkers are being urged to sign up quick to receive a £5 discount on registration fees.

Sign up now and help light up the town as part of a charity’s biggest annual fundraiser

You can sign-up online at girlsnightoutwalk.co.ukwww.

Kindly sponsored by: gIRLS NIGHT OUT pyjama wALK 11.2 or 6 miles Sign up and save £5 with our early bird offer: £15 before 31 May Sign up wonline ww.girlsnightoutwalk.co.uk Sponsored pyjama walk around Bury St Edmunds in aid of St Nicholas Hospice Care Saturday 10 September

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Buzzing into May


With the warmer spring weather, getting outside seems more inviting to do and gardening is one activity that many of us will have been busy doing. It is important for those with Lymphoedema and Lipoedema to remember to wear gardening gloves and appropriate footwear


LSS will be celebrating the Platinum Jubilee at its 6th June meeting with a cream tea, glass of bubbly plus a game or two of Jubilee Bingo too!

affected area. If you need advice on skin damage then do contact the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service who can advise on the best action to take.

to help protect your skin from getting scratched, stung or damaged. If your skin suffers damage, then treat it straight away with an antiseptic solution/ wipe, a medicinal cream that is suitable for you to use, and cover with a plaster/dressing to prevent any further infection of the

There is no joining fee or referral needed, do come along and find out more about living with, and managing, Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in a relaxed and friendly setting, along with a cuppa and biscuit. Carers, partners and guests are welcome too. Subject to Government Guidelines allowing & observing Hands - Face – Space

For further details on LSS and the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: LSS email: lssuffolk@gmail.com Facebook: LSS@lymphoedema West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: T:wslymphservice@wsh.nhs.uk01284712732


7pm – 9pm in Room 2 at Moreton Hall Community Centre.

For further details on Lymphoedema and BritishLipoedema:Lymphology Society website: www.thebls.com Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website: www.lymphoedema.org Macmillan website: www.macmillan.org.uk

34 | MAY 2022

6th June, 1st August, 3rd October and 28th November

Latest news from


• How will you record your income / expenses?


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• Knowing your target market and having a strong brand will allow you to market your product/service to the right people.


How will this business run efficiently – having systems and processes in place allows you to provide your clients with a consistent level of service, ensuring a higher chance of repeat business and recommendations to your firm. For more information please visit orwww.whitleymorgan.co.ukcall:01284335562

• Will you be doing this alone or will you have staff or maybe utilise subcontractors?

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What steps do you need to consider when starting a business?



Insurance is a way of managing risk. Do you need; Public Liability / Professional Indemnity or Contents Insurance?



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Aimed to protect the business. Terms and Conditions set out your rules (within applicable law) of; what service/product you are providing; for what fee and under what terms.

• Have you done a Cashflow Projection?

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Getting the foundations of your business right at the start is paramount for its continued stability and growth – so what steps do you need to consider when starting a new business?

This is the first step to take and will allow you to formulate your ideas into a more constructive and organised system. Knowing what your goals are, what you are actually going to provide and to who, and also who your competitors are, these are the beginning stages of establishing whether this business idea is viable.


• What do you need to know before using a subcontractor?


Coming to terms with your condition doesn’t mean taking a pessimistic approach to the future but rather taking a realistic view and accepting what cannot be changed and what can. Do not be afraid to cry or confide in others, when you get down, it is much better to let your feelings out than to stifle them.

tell many stories of life, love, loss, illness and growth, recording every bump in the road of our personal journal of life. Celebrate all achievements and be proud. Lift the lid off that pain box and allow the daylight to flood in.

Regrettably the crafty session in April had to be cancelled. The flower baskets will now be made at a later date.

You are not alone

36 | MAY 2022 CPSG quarterly newsletter keeps all members connected, up-to-date and informed. For more details call 07724 187774 or email info@chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk Find us on Facebook or visit www.chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk

Be easy on yourself and be confident. Maintain a social life as much as you are able. Remember that you are much more than your condition. If you keep your positivity and happy spirit you will still be able to enjoy life.

or a group in your locality. By joining CPSG you have the opportunity to just be yourself, meet new friends, be each other’s confidants and cheerleaders. Knowing you are not alone and having someone there for you who is understanding, and caring is invaluable especially when you feel you are completely isolated. Coming together on a regular basis helps prevent isolation and

Coffee Morning is on Monday 9th May from 10.30am at Dobbies Garden Centre.

No referral to join CPSG is necessary, just come along and see if it is for you.

CPSG next meeting is on Thursday 19th May from 2pm-4pm. Running a B&B in Turkey is the speaker

Thursday May 5th is the next session from 1.30pm-4pm.


Reach out to others in times of need, a helping hand can be reassuring and comforting. Join an online support network

Bothpresentation.PCand CPSG meetings are held at Southgate Community ZoomCentre.meetings continue on a Wednesday for art and Saturday for virtual coffee mornings. Both from 10am.

Run by Patients for Patients

Positively Crafty

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Self-employed for past and present members. Contact Kelly for details on 07792 603204. MONDAY 6pm @ Southgate Community Centre Call Jen on 07801757237 (NEW CONSULTANT) TUESDAY 5.30pm & 7pm @ New Bury Community Centre Call Shani on 01842 820001 9.30am,WEDNESDAY11.30am, 5.30pm & 7pm @ Westbury Community Centre Call Susan on 07899 754273 THURSDAY 10am, 5.30pm & 7pm @ Moreton Hall Community Centre Call Julie on 07917 692097 THURSDAY 6pm @ Stanton Community Village Hall Call Shani on 01842 820001 FRIDAY 9.30am & 11.30am @ Southgate Community Centre Call Susan on 07899 754273 SATURDAY 8am & 10am @ Southgate Community Centre Call Kelly on 07792 603204

Visit our website to donate or to find out more.

As May begins we start looking forward to summer here at My WiSH Charity and what better way than popping an afternoon tea with your friends and family in the diary.


The NHS Big Tea is an annual event where you can host your own tea party and raise money so we, your local NHS charity, can continue to support staff and also help enhance the amazing care they give to their patients right across West Suffolk.

Raise a cup to your NHS! We

Join us this July as we raise a cup and say happy birthday NHS!

July 5th will see the NHS celebrate its 74th birthday and, if there is something we have all learnt in the past two years, it’s that we are so lucky to have this institution caring for us.

You can find out more about hosting an NHS Big Tea event/bigteawww.mywishcharity.co.uk/atorbyemailing

are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, @mywishcharity, do give us a follow to keep up with our latest news. www.mywishcharity.co.uk @mywishcharity mywishcharity

01284 811690 / 07899 890765 info@masbathroomsandkitchens.co.uk www.masbathroomsandkitchens.co.uk VinylTilingPlumbingPlasteringElectricalCarpentryKitchensBathroomsTiling MAY 2022 | 39 SPECIAL OFFER £39.99

Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/425°F/Gas 7 and line a baking sheet with baking paper.

1 medium egg

100ml buttermilk, plus extra if needed (or use 2 tbsp natural yoghurt made up to 100ml with milk)


Dip the cutter in some flour (this will make it easier to cut out the scones without them sticking) and stamp out rounds. Gather up the trimmings, press them together and stamp out more rounds.

250g self-raising flour good pinch of salt

50g caster sugar

Sift the flour, salt and sugar into a mixing bowl. Add the pieces of butter to the bowl and toss them in the flour just to separate and coat them. Rub the butter into the flour using just the tips of your fingers, lifting your hands up above the rim of the bowl so the crumbs and flakes of the mixture fall through your fingers back into the bowl. Keep doing this until the mixture looks like fine crumbs – give the bowl a shake to check there are no lumps of butter visible.



Great British Scone

50g unsalted butter, chilled and diced

Arrange the rounds on the lined baking sheet, setting them slightly apart to give them space to grow, then dust them lightly with flour. Bake for about 12 minutes, or until a rich golden brown, then transfer to a wire rack to cool slightly. Eat warm from the oven.

Beat the egg with the buttermilk, just until combined, then stir this mixture into the crumbs using a round-bladed knife to make a fairly soft but not wet dough. If there are dry crumbs at the bottom of the bowl, or the dough feels dry and seems difficult to bring together, add a little more buttermilk (or milk) a teaspoon at a time. The dough should look a bit rough and shaggy so don’t overwork it and try to keep a light Lightlytouch.flouryour fingers and the worktop and turn the dough out onto it. Knead the dough very gently for just a couple of seconds so it looks slightly smoother, then press the dough out to about 3cm thick.

40 | MAY 2022 Sponsored by Get cream tea ready for the Jubilee with these classic scones.

01284TELEPHONE719116 108 RISBYGATE STREET • BURY ST EDMUNDS • IP33 3AA VISIT OUR www.orissabse.co.ukWEBSITE 50%OFF YOUR FOOD BILL WHEN YOU EAT-IN* MONDAY – WEDNESDAY THROUGHOUT MAY NEWLY REFURBISHED NEW MENU book your table! *Terms & conditions apply. To get a 50% discount on food to eat-in (up to a maximum of £10 discount per diner).

The pavilion is now back in operation and bookings are available from Rosie Nunn rosemary.nunn@hotmail.comatPhotooftheVictoryGroundprovidedbyParkerPitches.


The club is running 4 adult teams on Saturdays, 2 on Sundays and a wide range of matches and coaching for under 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 age groups, in addition competitive cricket will be provided for women and girls.

The cricket season is again up and running and at Bury St Edmunds Cricket Club the ground looks in terrific condition for the large number of games, coaching sessions and community activity that will take place. Helped by a dry spring the pitches are in terrific condition in a match last Sunday Edwardstone scored 252.1 and Bury followed up winning with 258.2 with 4 overs to spare.

Every Friday evening starting on Friday May 6th at 5.45pm there will be taster sessions for young players known as All Stars and Dynamos, it’s available for any boy or girl wishing to taste cricket for the first time, come along to the Victory Sports Ground and sign in and sample the joys of cricket.

The club are grateful to all their sponsors, members and volunteers for their support, thanks to the match played against the PCA England Legends and a grant of £10,000 from Bury Town Council the appeal for new outdoor nets is progressing well, more is still required with the aim of the new 3 lane contained to be provided at the end of the season.

For further details go to the website www.bsecc.co.uk or contact President David Barker on david@ejbarker.co.uk

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GET IN TOUCH 07917 /MORETONHALLRUNNERS714557for more information WE’RE GOING TO 2 NIGHTS A WEEK ALL ABILITIES WELCOME Sessions will focus on hill sprints, interval training and running techniques. EVERY TUESDAY 6.30PM EVERY THURSDAY 6.30PM AND

MayWHAT’S ON IN HistoricTheatre Royal Re-StartsTheatreTours for 2022 Please note: all correct at time of going to press, but please check for updates directly with the venue. at St Edmundsbury Cathedral andGloriaVivaldigloriousBach Saturday 21 May 2022, 7.30pm St Edmundsbury Cathedral, Bury St Edmunds Tickets from £17 (under-21s half price) from our website or phone 01284 758000 Rachel Dyson soprano Valerie Reid mezzo-soprano Graeme Danby bass Bach: O ewiges Feuer (BWV34) Bach: O Jesu Christ (BWV118) Bach/Kuhnau: Der Gerechte kommt um Vivaldi: Gloria in D Suffolk Baroque Players Bury Bach Choir Philip Reed conductor www.burybachchoir.co.uk Bury St Edmunds Bach Society, registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation in England & Wales, no. 1181842 Our 90 th celebration continues with… Film (PG)AAbbey:DowntonNewEra From thecinematicmuch-anticipatedADOWNTONmotionFellowescreator,award-winningJuliancomesthepictureeventABBEY:NEWERA.Thereturnofglobalphenomenon reunites the beloved cast as they go on a grand journey to the South of France to uncover the mystery of the Dowager Countess’ newly inherited villa. Find out more at: www.cineworld.co.uk

46 | MAY 2022

Tours are available on Wednesdays and Saturdays, view the website to see specific dates and times. Booking is advisable either through the box office or via the website.

At over 200 years old, Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds is one of the most historic theatres in the East Of England and, after a pause over 2020 and 2021, have recently re-started their well-loved Theatre Tours. These one and a half hour tours give visitors insight into how integral the theatre was to society throughout history and explains how this fascinating building has helped to shape the history of the town and the lives of the people in it. See the stage on which The Personal Life Of David Copperfield (2019) was filmed and hear about how the theatre works behind the scenes with its’ array of fantastic staff and sponsors.

On sale now: www.theatreroyal.org/shows/theatre-tour-2022

Anything is possible, from the smallest path or water feature to a full garden redesign or largest estate driveway. Making your dreams come true... Got a project in mind? Contact us today for a free consultation: T: 01284 724486 M: 07860 577557 E: archleypaving@icloud.com www.archleylandscapesolutions.com GARDEN DESIGN • DRIVEWAYS • PATIOS • LANDSCAPING


Craft Corner

48 | MAY 2022

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Cut a strip of blue card 7cm high and 14cm long and glue to bottom of roll. Place your gem stickers in a row at the top to look like a necklace. Place two googly eyes and draw on a smile in black pen (because the Queen is always smiling!). Wrap some white wool around a couple of fingers 10 times and then stick over the cardboard tube so some hang down.


TOP TIP… You could try the soldiers too. Or Princess Kate! Send me your photos and we might try and get some printed in next months edition.

YOU WILL NEED: a toilet roll (or empty kitchen roll cut in half), 2 googly eyes, some gem stickers, white wool, blue and gold shiny card, some scissors, a glue stick, and some sequins.

Cut a crown zig zag out of gold card. 14cm long and about 2cm high at the tallest bit and stick on top of wool hair. Decorate the crown with sequins or gems and maybe place 3 down the dress like buttons.

Michelle x

Every month I share a crafty activity for you to try at home. Why not like my facebook page www.facebook.com/thecraftyfoxes and follow me on instagram @thecraftyfoxes to find out more about what I’m up to and see crafty videos to try at home.



Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury Discounted rates for separate waste Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill Actively working towards a greener future Skip delivery six days a week Same day or next day service



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n Actively working towards a greener future n Skip delivery six days a week n Same day or next day service Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips t 01449 613824 best value skip hire in the area Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury rates for separate waste transfer service for minimum to landfill working towards a greener future six days a week next day service email us to discuss all your and waste requirements: e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury n Discounted rates for separate waste n Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill n Actively working towards a greener future n Skip delivery six days a week n Same day or next day service Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips n Guaranteed best value skip hire in n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and n Discounted rates for separate waste n Recycling transfer service for minimum n Actively working towards a greener n Skip delivery six days a week n Same day or next day service Call or email us to discuss skip hire and waste requirements: t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskips t 01449 613824 n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury n Discounted rates for separate waste n Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill n Actively working towards a greener future n Skip delivery six days a week n Same day or next day service Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips t 01449 613824 n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury n Discounted rates for separate waste n Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill n Actively working towards a greener future n Skip delivery six days a week n Same day or next day service Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips n Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury n Discounted rates for separate waste n Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill n Actively working towards a greener future n Skip delivery six days a week n Same day or next day service Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips n Guaranteed best value n Covering Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket n Discounted rates for separate n Recycling transfer service n Actively working towards n Skip delivery six days a n Same day or next day service Call or email us to skip hire and waste t 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarket Hedge Trimming, Grass Cutting, Weeding and Tidying Email: tomclarke1987@outlook.com Tel: 07920 145867 TOM’S GARDEN MAINTENANCE We are looking for someone reliable and conscientious for 2hrs per week (or 4hrs a fortnight) on favourable terms to clean our modern home in Sharp Road, Bury St Edmunds. References required Please call 01284 752882 for more information. HOUSEREQUIREDCLEANERGet buzzing…businessyour Advertise in the Directory



Call or email us to discuss all your skip hire and waste requirements: 01449 613824 e www.sunskips.co.ukadmin@sunskips.co.ukStowmarketskipsistradingasSunSkips Guaranteed best value skip hire in the area Covering Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Diss, Ely, Haverhill, Ipswich, Stowmarket and Sudbury Discounted rates for separate waste Recycling transfer service for minimum to landfill







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For our details please refer to our website: www.rctam94th.co.uk E-mail info@rctam94th.co.uk

Mobile 07931 971771

I’ll start this month with two quotes from our Chairman, Graham Sage.

To support the holiday period and celebrations, the Museum will be open for ALL the four days (10.00am till 4.00pm). Everyone is very welcome to visit and view the exhibits. Remember – please come and eat cake!

you next

me to what can you enjoy on your visit? The new display’s, the view from the top of the Tower (imagine what you would have seen in 1942-1945), the Willy’s Jeep, the ‘Gun Pit’ and not least – the CAKES! Yes, I visited to enjoy the ‘brunch’ of a bacon roll and for afternoon ‘Tea Time’, Death by Chocolate (or Victoria Sponge). We’ve already had a ‘professional cake maker’ say ‘exceptional’ – a great compliment. Come, eat, enjoy – you will not be disappointed!

in The Directory.

Hello and a much warmer welcome to month two of our new season.

the up-keep of the site) and to admire his painting handiwork from last week. Just a reminder that we are open every Sunday until mid-October and entry is free, so come along and enjoy the site.”

“We have the pleasure of welcoming the Hertfordshire Home Guard to Rougham on Sunday 1st May, please come along and see the guys and girls display in the grounds around the Tower.”

Thank you to all those who have visited already but there’s plenty of more Sundays to come. As Graham also says, a very BIG thank you goes to all those who have volunteered and helped so far. We have great pleasure in Grahams second quote – welcoming the re-enactment group Hertfordshire Home Guard on the 1st, hopefully you can join us.

Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum

So, we are ‘up and running’ – and with over 50 visitors on week two. Definitely a great start.

Queen’s jubilee 2nd to 5th June.

What a great start!

See month in June, here

Please come and visit us BUT more importantly come - and then tell family, friends and colleagues about YOUR museum. We have already welcomed visitors by car, on foot, by cycle and by air. Yes, aircraft have already flown into

“Fabulous first day of the 2022 season, with 75+ visitors through the gates. Our thanks go to all the volunteers who made the day go smoothly. Bob set up his impressive display again and Vince and Jo travelled from Northamptonshire to help out. Thanks to Paul Butler for the photo’s and to Wendy Sage and Paul Groves for the never ending commitment to the Museum. Dan kept everyone entertained in Nissen Hut 1, and Doreen Nice and Cliff Hall came along to soak up the atmosphere. Richard Phillips counted up the day’s takings (every penny goes back to

the airfield for pilots and passengers to sample the excellent museum history and Andhospitality.thisbrings

Beautiful Garden Rooms

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Our Garden Retreats provide an oasis of calm away from the house whether you’re looking for a more traditional or modern addition to your garden, we can accommodate any requests. Our fully bespoke range means that you can choose the options that work best for you.

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Lyocell: It’s made from wood pulp, so it’s both biodegradable and recyclable and wrinkle free. Just make sure the lyocell fabric you are buying is made from sustainable wood.

Image from Kate Hall


ecofrenzy15 @ecofrenzy /ecofrenzy


EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham. If you have any queries please visit www.ecofrenzy.com/contact-us or email tony@ecofrenzy.com

Hemp: Is this the ultimate eco-friendly fabric? It requires no chemicals to grow, it’s extremely versatile, and can be used to create strong, sturdy fabrics, soft delicate material, or even rope.

don’t need to be treated with antibiotics, and don’t eat very much. It seems they’ve taken the idea of being eco-friendly upon themselves! Alpaca wool is also long lasting, which may help make up for the fact that the alpaca product you buy will likely be imported. The bottom line when shopping for environmentally friendly clothing is to do your homework, or shop at a reputable eco-friendly material supplier.

Alpaca: Alpaca sheep don’t require insecticides to be injected into their fleece, are fairly self-sufficient,

Check to see if a garment is made from sustainable

Last month we had a look at the destructive power of the fashion industry and I am sure many of you were shocked by the extent of the problem. Like so many of these things it passes under the radar and we take it for granted that all is OK. As an individual and family you can help by making more careful choices when embarking on a shopping trip. Here we have a few simple ideas to help you…

Linen: True linen is made from flax, a crop that requires very little pestcontrolling chemicals. It’s also best when it’s a teeny bit wrinkly, so you can conserve energy by putting away the iron.

Organicmaterials.Cotton:not just sustainable and non-toxic but utilises a method of agriculture that’s good for the planet. Silk: Luxury and high fashion junkies rejoice; silk is inherently natural because it’s made by silk worms, not chemical-based synthetic processing and now there are innovative ways to help prevent the death of all the silk worms during production. Bamboo has become a serious player in fashion because it’s easy to grow without pesticides and grows very quickly. Another bonus - bamboo fabric is naturally antibacterial and repels odour. However, just watch out for the processing methods, some can be pretty toxic.


Avoid fast fashion like the plague. This idea of buying a garment on Friday, wear it Saturday and dump it on Sunday is a disaster. It may be a successful business model for many clothing chains but takes no account of the damage it is causing. These brands need to be more responsible for their actions.


With all clothing check out if it is processed using conventional dyes, or treated with chemicals such as formaldehyde to keep it from wrinkling, these materials can be toxic and leave a sizeable footprint on the earth. Try buying clothing in their natural shades and if not look for garments that are coloured using low chemical, natural or vegetable-based dyes or bear credible labels (such as EcoCert) indicating the product is certified organic, sustainable, and eco-friendly.

We have loads more ideas at ecofrenzy.com to help our wonderful world. Remember our mantra at Ecofrenzy is a lot of little actions add up to a big action, this is the perfect example.

MARTYN WEBB PLUMBING SERVICES Fully Qualified & Insured Plumber Over 30 Years Experience No Call Out Fee No Job Too Small Reliable and Friendly Service PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS COMPLETE BATHROOM REFURBISHMENTS WALL & FLOOR TILING • ALL TYPES OF SHOWERS FITTED RADIATORS • CYLINDERS • IMMERSION HEATERS PUMPS • BALL VALVES • SYPHONS • TAPS • OUTSIDE TAPS SERVICE VALVES • WATER SOFTENERS • SINK UNITS COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS Telephone: 01284 852554 Mobile: 07864 712055 Email: webbtm88@hotmail.com Pete ElectricianAustin Fully qualified, insured and experienced electrician willing to undertake both large and small jobs – please contact me for a no obligation quotation. l Complete rewires l Partial rewires l Inspection & Testing l Electrical Condition Reports l Extra sockets & lights l Power to garages, sheds or workshops l External security lights l Showers l Fuse board upgrades l Mains linked smoke alarms 9 Smith Walk, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP33 M.T.peteaustin.electrical@gmail.com2NW01284747284078103584313360500128411 Cratfield Rd, Moreton Hall Ind Est, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7DF GET 10% DISCOUNT Quote Ref: BSEdirectory Email: branch4001@george-boyd.co.uk Do you need… l Lever handles l Door knobs l Hinges l Latches / Locks l Kitchen knobs & handles l Gate catcheslatches,and bolts l Key cutting service l Tools, sealants & screws If so, call us or pop down to our branch, we have fully trained and qualified sales staff for all your ironmongery needs. MAY 2022 | 53

Christ Church

If you would like to know the real secret of how to live a truly successful life, why not take the Queen as your example. She has achieved so much without fault or imperfection throughout her life by relying not just on her belief in Jesus Christ, but also by His living reality which she experienced every day of her life. This living presence of Jesus is something every Christian has and was encountered by people for the first time at Pentecost 2000 years ago and is still true today. You may never meet the Queen but you can meet Jesus in your heart today.

We are now in the month of May, temperatures are rising, things are growing and there is a more positive feel in the air. We continue in our prayers for Ukraine and are greatly encouraged by the number of people coming forward to help in many different ways. Of course, we must not stop praying not only for peace, but for a restoration of Ukraine’s borders and national independent integrity.

Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall

There is much for us to look forward to, not least of which are the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations in early June. The church will be supporting this on 5th June with a special service and, hopefully, by then we will have erected a new public bench outside the church where people may sit and enjoy the garden. This will be a unique feature facing in four different ways and at its centre there will be a tree which we have already planted to commemorate the Queen’s seventy wonderful years.

With every good wish,

Revd. JonathanCanonFord.

54 | MAY 2022


because He is present in their hearts and guides them in their daily lives. This is something that the Queen knows personally as do billions of Christians across the world.

The Queen has served this country faithfully and well and always at the centre of her life has been her Christian faith. She has told many people about this over the years and how Jesus Christ makes a significant impact on her life and has guided her in each decision she has Withmade.this in mind, we look forward at the beginning of June to the day of Pentecost. People seem to think that the Easter event, the resurrection, was a one-off event two thousand years ago. The fact is that, in the fifty days that followed the first appearedencounter,resurrectionJesusmanytimes to lots of different people and on one occasion to five hundred at one time. He then returned to heaven, which we call the ascension, and then He sent the Holy Spirit who galvanised the church into action. Christians know that Jesus rose from the dead

Sunday 8th May

Lots of crafts, games, stories & songs. We hope to see you there!

Stay & Play dates Wednesdays –11th Please8th25thMay,May,Junecontact us on 01284 769956 or email: worship@ccmh.org.uk for more details about the events above.

Sunday school dates

May & June Services Visit our website: SundaySundaySundaySundaySundaySundaywww.facebook.com/ChristChurchMoretonHall/www.ccmh.org.uk1stMayMorningworshipwithSundayschool10:30am8thMayMorningworship10:30amKidsChurch–Thegreatcatchoffish4:00pm15thMayHolyCommunion10:30am22ndMayMorningworship10:30am29thMayMorningworship10:30am5thJuneQueensJubileeServicewithdedicationofMemorialSeat&tree10:30am MAY 2022 | 55

Kid’s church dates

Sundays –1st May & a great opportunity for young people to learn about Jesus and all His values.

5th ThisJuneisbe

ClassifiedsTHE YOUR LOCAL GARAGE EST 28 YEARS VEHICLE SERVICING • REPAIRS • MOTS ALLHYBRIDTECHNICIANSTRAINED Unit 8, Fourwheel Drive, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND T. 01359 271238 E. rmc8fwd@hotmail.co.uk MOT APPOINTMENTSEVENINGAVAILABLE Your local 24 hour locksmith BURY DIRECTORIES 85x124.indd 1 12/04/2019 15:38 TRUSTED LOCKSMITHING SERVICES Call us now on 01284 220180 info@thelockguysltd.co.ukwww.thelockguysltd.co.uk24HOUREMERGENCYNUMBER07761800465lock-outsupvcrepairslockrepairsgaragedpprslockreplacement&upgradesburlaryrepairskeycutting We have the right cleaner waiting to help you. Regular - Weekly - Cleaner 01359 258991 www timeforyousuffolk co uk Are you tired of cleaning? Typically £14 p h 56 | MAY 2022 MORTGAGES | PROTECTION | GENERAL INSURANCE l Looking for a new Mortgage? l Mortgage deal coming to an end? l Looking to maximize your investment with the right buy to let mortgage? Talk to your local mortgage and protection experts, get access to hundreds of mortgages under one roof, get the right cover for you at the right price. Call Sarah Fordham at Castle Mortgages (UK) Tel: 01359 254042 | Mob: 07795 211933 Email Sarah@castlemortgages.co.uk Your repaymentsrepossessedpropertyhome/maybeifyoudonotkeepuponyourmortgage.to arrange a free initial consultation General and preventative Maintenance. Wood and laminate flooring. Plumbing and tiling. Fencing and spraying. Landscaping and ground work. Roofing. PCarpentryaintingand decorating.PROOFchristophereley7@gmail.comMAINTENANCEACE07833148439christophereley7@gmail.comMAINTENANCEACE07833148439

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the item, the price and your telephone number. LAWNMOWERCORDLESS Rechargeable battery. Used once. £70 Tel. 01284 724604 58 | MAY 2022 2 VALE GENTLEMEN’SBRIDGECRAFTCHAIRS vgc. Pale green with gold pattern. £100 each Tel. 01284 764125 ROCES ROLLER SKATES Size 11 vgc. £40 Tel. 01284 764125 HALO BASSINEST SWIVEL BEDSIDE SLEEPER As new , in original box, with 5 free sheets and a swaddle. £150 Tel. 07551 201077 CREAM SINGLE METAL HEADBOARD (Bentley make “Alice” style) No marks or scrapes, used only as spare bed and as new condition. £25 Tel. 07596 949551 (cash on collection)


Do description of

The publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk

you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief


WIN £150

Entries must be received by 31st May 2022 at your local Glasswells store. Our favourite will be announced on Monday 6th June and displayed until Sunday 12th June. Cushion needs to be filled. Please include your full name and contact telephone number. Cushions will be available for you to collect from Monday 13th – Sunday 19th June; any cushions not collected in this time will be donated to local charity shops .


Help us to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee by designing and making your own cushion cover. The cushions will be put on display in Glasswells stores at Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich. Come in store today to see our range of stunning fabrics to help get your project started.


T&C’s: By entering the competition you are consenting that Glasswells Ltd. can process your data to administer the competition, send winner notification, publish winner details and winner photography. You can remove yourself from the competition and withdraw your consent at any time by writing to us at Glasswells Ltd., Newmarket Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3TU. For full details see: www.glasswells.co.uk/privacy-policy.


First Prize | £150 Glasswells Gift Card Runners Up | £50 Glasswells Gift Card

MAKE YOUR OWN JubileeQueen’sCommemorativePlatinumCushion


If YOU can help, please make a donation in the envelope that will be put through your door and return it to the church office in Southgate Community Centre or donate online to the Bury St Edmunds Churches Together Just Giving website. Sorry –we are not able to do a house to house collection this www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bse-christian-aid-groupyear.

Drought floods and storms, intensified by climate change and the impact of the war in Ukraine have affected global food production and prices, drawing families into hunger. Jessica can remember one year when there was no rain and her crops were totally burnt by the sun.

Like many women in rural Zimbabwe 7 out of 10 rely on farming for income and foodshe toils the land but little can grow on this dry ashen land.

For further details of all our activities visit our website www.southgatechurch.org.uk

Christian Aid week 15-21 May 2022

This year, Christian Aid Week is focussing on Jessica Mwedzi’s story. She lives in rural Zimbabwe with her sick husband and young children. She makes a single bowl of porridge for her family to share as their only meal of the day. They often all go to bed on an empty stomach.

With help Jessica could grow drought resistant crops and set up water taps on her farm and learn how to grow food in harsh climate.

You can help this loving mum turn hunger into hope

It is unjust that drought exacerbated by the pandemic and conflict rob Jessica and many like her of the power to provide for their families.

10.30am Special Celebration Service for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee followed by ‘The Big Lunch’ on the green to the side of the Community Centre. Bring your own food –entertainment provided!


Thursday (Ladies) Club

Friendship Club for older people

7.45pm 26th May, ‘The Hijacking of Edith Cavell’ a talk by Tony Diamond


Sundays 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th May


CoffeeStop 10am to 12noon Monday mornings in Church Centre

On Sunday,Jubileewe will be having a special service at 1030 in the morning to celebrate the life of our Queen, Elizabeth and to give her thanks for 70 years of service to our nation. Come along and be part of our community tribute. It will be a lively occasion with the involvement of our young people. At the end – at around 12 noon we will move seamlessly to the big JUBILEE Lunch which the Community Partnership is organising on the green outside the Centre and the School. There will be an opportunity to contribute to the work of St Nicholas Hospice.

10.30am Morning Worship services with groups for children of all ages

2.30pm on Thursdays 5th May –An Afternoon of Music & SongAnd 19th May– ‘Oranges and Lemons’, a talk by Liza Jones

All of our events and services are held in Southgate Community Centre, Caie Walk. Our regular Sunday services start at 10.30am. Sunday Club runs from 10.30am to 11.45am. We have mid-week groups for children of all ages.

Email: Telephoneoffice@southgatechurch.org.uk01284703705

Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and Chat (Not open on Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd May)

What’s on in MAY & EARLY JUNE

This grip allows the shoulders to be a lot more level in the set up position and will allow you to alignment yourself easier with the line you have picked for your putt. Secondly, some of you may find that your lower hand on the grip takes over your stroke at pressure moments causing missed putts. By switching your hands around your will find that this more often dominate right hand can’t influence the stroke as much and improves the success rate of your putts.

Email: adamtrettpga@hotmail.co.uk

Have a great month, enjoy the second major of the year and getting out on course and playing this great game. I will speak to you all next month.

Why not try it in practice and maybe even out on the course if it works, this drill allows you to trust your technique and puts the focus on your target. If your putting is not up to major championship standard when why not try out one or both of these tips, they might just help you get your season off to a winning start.


AT&T Bryon Nelson

Betfred British Masters


May sees us move to the next major championship, The PGA Championship this year being held at Southern Hills GC in Tulsa. So will Scheffler make it two from two or will Rory’s last round at The Masters raise his confidence again in major championships? Only time will tell but one thing is for sure, Southern Hills will make for a stunning backdrop to the tournament.

SHORT PUTTS: We have all missed putts from short distances because we were too keen to see if we had holed it and this movement lead to our downfall.

Welcome back to the 19th hole, after getting major season started in April with The Masters that was won in great fashion by new world number one Scottie Scheffler.

The PGA Championship Charles Schwab Challenge

Think of it this way, would you watch the ball in your hand if you were trying to throw it to someone? No, you would be looking at the target just like in this drill.


62 | MAY 2022

Watching the masters and seeing pressure putts being holed all week, i am sure we all asked yourselves how do they keeping doing that?



Wells Fargo Championship


In this months coaches corner I am going to highlight Jordan Speith and two areas of his putting stroke and routine that help him hole those key putts.

Facebook: Adam Trett - ADT Golf Coaching

Soudal Open

The PGA Championship Dutch Open

To combat this such movement Jordon Speith looks at the hole while holing out on short putts (as the image shows us). This is strange thing to do in competition but it has helped rid his short putting stroke of unwanted movement at key times.

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