Bury St Edmunds Directory May 2023

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6pm, Southgate Community Centre

Call Jen 07801 757237


5.30pm & 7pm, New Bury Community Centre Call Shani 01842 820001


9.30pm, Ixworth Village Hall Call Kelly 07792 603204

9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7pm

Westbury Community Centre

Call Susan 07899 754273

3.30pm, 5pm & 6.30pm

(Welcoming new members)

New Green Centre - Thurston

Call Shani 01842 82001


10am, 5.30pm & 7pm

Moreton Hall Community Centre Call Julie 07917 692097

Recruiting now for this group

6pm, Stanton Community Village Hall Call Shani 01842 820001

FRIDAY 9.30am & 11.30am

Southgate Community Centre Call Susan 07899 754273


8am & 10am (Welcoming new members)

Southgate Community Centre Call Kelly 07792 603204



your local Slimming World Consultant and join a friendly and super-supportive group today!
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our amazing team and help change the lives of others. Call Kelly on 07792 603204 for details.

Welcome to the May issue

May 6th see’s the Coronation of King Charles III. Only a small proportion of the population have ever witnessed a coronation, so we’re looking forward to watching a bit of history and the celebrations after!

There’s lots of events on over the course of the coronation weekend, lots of which are detailed in this issue. But if you’re holding your own coronation party, we have a recipe for a good old ‘Great British Scone’ on page 40.

On page 48, Michelle at Crafty Foxes shows us how to make our own mini royal family. She’d love to see your pictures if you have a go at this.

The brilliant news is that there are THREE bank holiday Monday’s in May. THREE long weekends, and with the weather hopefully starting to improve, it will be nice to get out and about in our beautiful town.

The Our Bury St Edmunds Spring Fayre is back on 28th & 29th May. There’s lots of activities over both days, including the popular ‘beach’ - more information can be found on page 8.

We hope you enjoy this issue with lots of info from local businesses, plus all the usual news and events. Take care and we’ll see you in June.





TEL: 01284 765092

While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2023 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories.

& Artwork:
St Edmunds Directories, 3 Field Close,
Publisher: Design
www.amplifydesign.co.uk Bury
Beyton, Suffolk IP30 9AW
ADVERTISING/COPY DEADLINE FOR JUNE 2023 ISSUE: 22nd May 2023 Find us on social media: Want to advertise your business? Call Jeremy Procter on: 01284 765092
jeremy@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk Great British Scone
INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Based in Bury St. Edmunds, we offer the highest quality workmanship. No job is too large or small. CALL TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT T. 07778 477159 /01284 701395 E. stewart.bracey@btinternet.com www.stewartbracey.com STEWART BRACEY Painter & Decorator 4 | MAY 2023 • Painting & decorating • Carpentry & joinery • General & preventative maintenance • Wood & laminate flooring For a FREE estimate call Christopher on: 07833 148439 Or email: christophereley7@gmail.com Full public liability insurance & CRB checked. General & preventative maintenance & handyman services. Based on Moreton Hall. 10% discount to all NHS staff, service members, armed forces & OAPs. • Plumbing & tiling • Fencing & spraying • Landscaping & ground work • Roofing
Offers Yoga Contact Jordanna jordannaoffersyoga@gmail.com https://jordannaoffersyoga.offeringtree.com/offerings MAY VIA ZOOM IN PERSON Unitarian Meeting House Thurs 9.30am Hunter Club Thurs 6.15pm Thurs 7.30pm Erskine Centre, Chedburgh Tues 6.00pm Good Morning Yoga - Mon, Wed, Fri 7.00am Sunday Slow Flow9.30am Sleep EasyTues 9pm Email Jordanna to find out more or visit the website:

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Bluestone Paving & Decking


The South Suffolk Show family ticket competition

We received lots of entries for the competition in last month’s issue to win a family ticket for The South Suffolk Show, thank you!

The lucky winner picked at random was Lynsey Oakley, congratutions!

If you missed out this time, tickets are still available on the gate from 8:30am, or in advance with early bird discounts at www.southsuffolkshow.co.uk - the earlier you book the more you save!

The South Suffolk Show near Bury St Edmunds (IP31 1HU), Sunday 14th May

MAY 2023 | 7
Bluestone Paving & Decking specialise in producing beautiful Patios, Driveways and Sundecks to the highest standards. PATIOS | DRIVEWAYS | PATHWAYS | DECKING | FENCING Call for a FREE Quotation 01284 716405 or 07766 001125 Or visit our website: www.bluestone-paving.co.uk DECORATING by D. PERRIN Established 1984 Call David on 01284 706484 or 07930 976824 www.dperrin.uk • Interior & Exterior Decorating • Wallpapering • Prompt Quotations • Competitive Rates • Reliable, Friendly & Tidy Service • Many Returning Customers GET A QUOTE NOW!
Town Centre www.ourburystedmunds.com Brought to you by In aid of Supported by Beach Flowers Plant and Craft Stalls Vintage Market Artisan & Producers Market Lots of FREE Activities & Games Sunday 28th & Monday 29th May 10am to 4pm Free Entry Scan for more information
We supply organic, seasonal, Suffolk grown, quality vegetables from our farm in Cavendish delivered direct to your doorstep in Bury St Edmunds. Follow the story of your food from seed to delivery on social media @sunshineandgreen To order, visit our website www.sunshineandgreen.co.uk MAY 2023 | 9 Bespoke tuition for struggling readers. We teach the way you learn. Contact Louisa 07761 737 649 louisa@thereadingdoctors.com www.thereadingdoctors.com FACE TO FACE • ONLINE • SCHOOLS @thereadingdoctorburystedmunds FENCING by D. PERRIN Established 1984 • Quality treated fencing supplied and erected • Gates and frames • Galvanised gate furniture • Concrete and wooden posts • Concrete and wooden gravel boards • All types of fence panels available (treated) • Old fencing cleared • Excellent quotes returned promptly • Professional, tidy and reliable service Call David on 01284 706484 or 07930 976824 www.dperrin.uk

Flood Update

We have now completed a huge amount of remedial works on the Compiegne Way section of the A143 which has been plaguing us for some years.

There was crushed pipework, which has been replaced, there are three pump locations and pumps have been upgraded with smarter online tech and have gone from 3” to 4” feed pipework for capacity.

Rail Danger

I have had several reports last month of children playing in an inappropriate manner, mainly from littering or from knocking on people’s doors and running away.

The one which concerned me the most was reports of children on the rail lines which run alongside Moreton Hall. Thank you to those who took some action – I don’t think they knew just how much danger they were in and we must do all we can.

We have cleared underground settling tanks and we’ve flushed and cleared over a mile of pipework which takes the water away. The last works were done in 2019, but now we have placed maintenance onto a 6 monthly cycle to be more proactive.

We cannot control how much rainfall there is, but we can do our best to deal with what lands and I’m hopeful this will minimise any future road closures and flooding.

Crowning Achievements

I just want to highlight the work of so many people across the town with the coronation celebrations. The main town centre events were organised by Bury Round Table and these were supported by smaller and more local events in public spaces and community centres. The service at the Cathedral topped proceedings, which was led by the Lord Leitenant’s office. We now have a new monarch and it has been amazing to have witnessed our little piece of history.

10 | MAY 2023
Email: peter.thompson@westsuffolk.gov.uk Mobile: 07810 868986 Moreton Hall NEWS

I love Eventus22. I just feel so much happier, healthier, fitter and more confident. It’s like a big family, the trainers are so good, they’re very helpful.

I honestly thought when I came here, I’d do the trial and that be that, then I’d go home and be the same as I was before. I didn’t do any exercise other than the dog walk, but that was pretty much it. I felt I just needed something for me.

I found the gym and its been the best thing I’ve ever done. My goals were to get fitter, lose weight, be stronger, and make myself happier. The results I’ve seen... I’ve lost 2 stone, my joints are better and my family see me happier.

Where you can see more and book a call.

inspired? BOOK YOUR FREE CONSULTATION: www.eventus22.fit/get-started EVENTUS22 • UNIT 1 BUNTING ROAD • BURY ST EDMUNDS • IP32 7BX • 07868 339871 LINDSEY WHITWELL eventus22.fit/testimonials view lindsey’s full video testimonial at: results driven, fitness training success story:

Moreton Hall Community Centre

Various rooms are available to hire for businesses, local clubs and groups plus a large hall for hire with bar facilities.

Families are welcome in our Social Club!

Bingo evenings run every other week, details of upcoming events can be found on our socials (search @moretonhallclub) and details are also emailed to our members, ask for a form at the bar and our staff will be happy to help.


MON: 7pm – 11pm

TUES: 7pm – 11pm

WEDS: 7pm – 11pm

THURS: 7pm – 11pm

FRI: 4pm – 11pm

SAT: 12 midday – 11pm

SUN: 12 midday – 8pm

us on socials @moretonhallclub for all the latest news & what’s on!


We have a lot more to offer in terms of room hire than just our Main Hall. We also offer a Conference Room with big screen smart TV for presentations, our Lounge Bar for smaller meetings and also our Club Room for larger training sessions, courses and wakes. Get in touch for availability and hire costs.

T: 01284 763402 E: info@moretonhallcommunitycentre.co.uk

The topic of ‘Achievement’

Part of the mental health and wellbeing advice series

How do you look after your mental health and wellbeing?

That’s the basis for a new campaign for 2023 which focuses on 12 ‘emotional needs’, one for each month, to bring you practical tips, people’s stories, and support to keep you well.

Be Well, Feel Well: A healthier Suffolk in 2023 is a partnership between Suffolk Mind, Public Health and Communities and a range of community groups teaming up to focus on ways for you to be well throughout the year. Look out for a new article every month with information for how you can keep healthy, get the help you need and even save money.

Achieving success

Taking that first step can make a world of difference, giving you an important boost for your self-esteem. There are plenty of ways that you can do something, big or small, that can help you and others. Here are a few suggestions throughout May:

8 May: The Big Help Out

To mark His Majesty the King’s Coronation, local organisations are getting together to offer opportunities for people to lend a hand. From checking in on a neighbour to volunteering for a charity, the more of us who join in, the bigger help we’ll be.

13 - 28 May: Suffolk Walking Festival

With over 70 walks across Suffolk, and potentially new people to meet, there’s plenty to enjoy.

15 - 21 May: Mental Health Awareness Week

Get involved in this year’s event and help others take steps to improve their mental health.

Where can I find out more?


Small steps can make a big difference

What does the word ‘achievement’ mean to you? This varies from person to person and isn’t necessarily about competing with others or about being the best at something. We all need to feel that we are achieving things and growing. Achievements can be small tasks, like cooking a meal, which gives us the sense that we are in control of our lives and managing. Achievement is good for our self-esteem, especially if we are doing something we are good at and learning to improve.

Top tips to boost achievement

l Keep lists of tasks short. Give yourself an easy task you know you can complete in a short time to build confidence.

l Make a list of skills you learnt when you were younger but take for granted, such as colouring-in, cooking, doing a crossword or reading. Put time aside to go back to these.

l Why not try learning something new? There are plenty of online tutorials available, a new hobby or trying out DIY.

l Try volunteering - this be a great source of achievement.

l Why not set yourself a challenge, such as walking for 20 minutes each day, and then doing a bit more over time?

Inspiration is out there

Rock Paper Scissors is an Ipswich-based community arts organisation that encourages young artists to achieve on their terms through exploring different creative processes like collage, printmaking and stop frame animation. By working in small groups on projects that combine innovation and accessible art tuition, young people are empowered to express themselves while learning valuable skills and socialising with others.

Rock Paper Scissors was set up by Lulu Horsfield and Chloe Peacock in 2019 and is run by a team of passionate artist facilitators and volunteers - often in partnership with local charities and community groups. Lulu said: “My art school education transformed my life in a million ways and I wanted to bring this experience to our young artists. The children are in charge of their creativity and use art and the whole experience of collaborating with others to meet their need for achievement. Seeing our young artists make and create at our events is truly awe inspiring!”

suffolkmind.org.uk Suffolk Infolink Infolink.suffolk.gov.uk (or scan QR code) suffolkwalkingfestival.co.uk
• SAND • BALLAST • GRAVEL • HOGGIN • CRUSHED CONCRETE • TOPSOIL • TYPE 1 SUB BASE • ROAD PLANINGS • GRANITE CHIPPINGS • TIPPER HIRE • MUCKAWAY • READY MIXED CONCRETE T: 01284 752688 / 702700 E: info@aaronaggregates.com www.aaronaggregates.com AUGUST 2019 | 71 t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs 18 | MAY 2023 Get your business buzzing… Advertise in the Directory Tel: 01284 765092
MAY 2023 | 19 Ventanilla Blinds Conservatory Blinds Day and Night Blinds Rollers - Verticals Roman - Pleated Wooden & Metal Venetians Sheer Rollers Blackout Blinds Perfect Fit Pleated, Roller & Venetian Contact Mike for a fast and friendly service 07966 371963 www.ventanillablinds.com Expert ear wax removal by experienced medical professionals • Safest method of microsuction used. • Highly trained specialists with years of NHS experience. • Catering for adults and children of all ages. • The partners include ENT Consultants, Audiologists and Advanced ENT Nurse Practitioners. Self Centre, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR To book your appointment or discuss your needs please call 01284 598058 or visit www.clarity-ear-care.co.uk

Community Centre


Southgate Community Centre along with Southgate Church and Hardwick Primary School have planned a huge celebratory party on the playing field at the School.

Our famous May Bank Holiday Fun Day will now be held on the Coronation Bank Holiday Monday May 8th and it really is going to be one amazing Royal party. As on previous May fun days the event will start with an inter school five-a-side

football tournament and we have ten year two teams taking part so there is bound to be some great action on two pitches.

Fantastic news is we have successfully applied for Coronation event funding so all the bouncy castles, obstacle courses and slides will be FREE for families to enjoy.

a table top sale, refreshments, the Southgate Church puppets and activities.

We plan to have a Royal Fancy Dress with prizes, bring along a picnic and and new to the Fun Day and very exciting is that we have live music with the eight piece jazz, soul and funk band The Gray Project performing for us.


Saturday 20th May

There will also be the usual arena displays, stalls, tombolas,


Friday 12 May, 9 June, 15 July at 7pm

£20 (£5 non-refundable deposit)

We are organising a day trip to London, which is open to anyone who is interested in a fun and reasonably priced day out. The coach will leave from Home Farm Lane at 9.00am and will arrive on the Embankment at about 11.30am. You will be given free time in London and, to allow you to catch a matinee performance of a show if you would like to, we’ll be leaving London at about 7.00pm. The cost will be £15 per person – much cheaper than petrol and parking or train fares!




Don’t forget that for the first time you will need photo ID to vote!

The fun starts at 11.00 so book this date as a must in your diaries. Bring a picnic and make a day of it. Contact us on 01284 703705 or

If you have any questions or would like to book places please contact the Community Centre office on 01284 703705 or email office@southgatecommunity.org.uk The office is open weekdays except Wednesdays.

Or visit the centre website: www.southgatecommunity.org.uk

email: jackie@southgatechurch.org.uk



Harping back to March we held a community litter pick. It never fails to amaze me that there are over 6,000 adults living on Moreton Hall and yet only eight people turned out for litter pick. Many thanks to the following who helped collect eight large bags of rubbish, Sue Black, Rita Lawrence, Steve Adams, Sue Davey, Kevin Gallagher, Angelo Farrugia, Erica Robinson and myself. It was a blustery day, but a lot of rubbish was collected.

What a month it will be firstly we have Early Spring bank holiday then the Coronation followed by Whitsun Bank holiday and the Council election. A lot to look forward to, don’t forget your photo I.D. when going to vote, I hope you all enjoy it.


It was with sadness that we said farewell to Trevor who has moved on to pastures new. We would like to thank him for his almost 30 years of service to the people of Moreton Hall both as Councillor and for the contribution he made to the residents association, we wish him good fortune for the future.


It is good to see that the council are catching up with filling in a majority of the pot holes on the estate, there is a way to go but it’s looking better. There are a lot of pot holes around Bury so it will take time.


I am sure most of you will have seen the changes to the parking around the community centre and the church. A vast improvement, and clearing those bushes makes a world of difference – plenty of spaces and it looks a lot cleaner.



And now a plea for people to please slow down driving around the estate. Now is the time for young ducklings to start waddling around the pond areas and they will follow their mums across the roads so take extra care when driving around those areas.

Those of you who walk up Ten Acre field may have noticed we have two new benches. The old wooden slated ones rotted away and the council kindly replaced them with two lovely benches with back rests. I have heard some people have been moaning that they are too low, you can’t please everyone. The dog walkers I have spoken to are very pleased with them, as are the other people who use the field are also very happy with them I would like to thank the council for putting them up enjoy while you can.


Robert Houlton-Hart, Secretary, Moreton Hall Residents
22 | MAY 2023 Frank Warby, Chairman, Moreton Hall Residents Association Email frankjwarby@yahoo.co.uk

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MAY 2023 | 25 Giving you peace of mind! FULLY INSURED ATSTORAGE SECURE PREMISES COMPETITIVE STORAGE RATES E: info@wardsofstanton.co.uk T: 01284 361789 or 07976 353447 www.wardsofstanton.co.uk CALL US TODAY! • Deep powerful dry carpet cleaning using organic cleaning compound, cleaned from the base up. • Safe system for: babies, pets and allergy sufferers. • Safe for all materials: wool and natural carpet fibres. • Vacuumed thoroughly with industrial hoover, before cleaning commences. • Spots and stains removed if possible. • No drying time. H2No Dry Organic Carpet Cleaning Upholstery cleaning also available Call Stephen for a free no obligation quote. 01787 223857 | 07793 153987

Come and join in the fun!

Over the last few months Guides, Brownies and Rainbows have been able to enjoy some large-scale events outside their normal unit meetings.

They enjoyed a special screening of Arthur Christmas, complete with popcorn at Abbeygate Cinema. World Thinking Day was celebrated by the whole division, from Brandon and Mildenhall to Bury and the surrounding villages. Girls particularly enjoyed

learning dances from different countries. Plans are well underway for the Suffolk County camp for Guides and Rangers to be held in Ipswich this summer.

A new Rainbow unit will be opening soon in Bury. If your little one is waiting to join Rainbows head to girlguiding. org.uk and look for 4th Bury St Edmunds or email nwdivisiongirlguidingsuffolk@ btinternet.com to make enquiries.

We still need more adult volunteers for our older girls.

If you would like to work with Brownies (7-10), Guides (10-14) or Rangers (14-18) we’d love to hear from you.

You can register your interest on the Girlguiding website or find out more by emailing bse.district.guiding@ btinternet.com.

If you think you have something to offer why not find out more about volunteering with Girlguiding on the website?


Alternatively, you can contact us at suffolkcountycommissioner@gmail.com

26 | MAY 2023
MAY 2023 | 27 CRYOTHERAPY REMO V ESUN W AN TED B L EMISHE S Available in a hygienic salon on Moreton Hall by qualified therapist Sandra Usher WHAT IS CRYOTHERAPY? It is a NEW advanced innovative solution that is fast, effective and safe for removal of skin imperfections. Procedures are pain free and typically last from 5 – 30 seconds. • Skin Tags • Sun Damage • Age Spots • Milia • Warts & Verrucae • Cherry Spots www.skintonesolutions.com CRYOClinicBSE Email: treatments@cryoclinicbse.com Call: 0772 7343 740 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online. www.skintonesolutions.com HOW IT WORKS A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue. Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER Email: skintonecaci@icloud.com Call: 0747 1940 387 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher Sandra Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online. www.skintonesolutions.com
IT WORKS A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue. Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. BEFORE BEFORE AFTER AFTER Email: skintonecaci@icloud.com Call: 0747 1940 387 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher Sandra Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner Improve, Don’t Move! Maximise the value of your home. SPACE-SAVING – MAXIMISE YOUR GARAGE HEADROOM SECURITY-ENABLED AUTO-LOCKING SYSTEM CHOICE OF 21 COLOURS TO MATCH YOUR HOME REMOVAL AND RECYCLING OF YOUR OLD DOOR DEDICATED AFTER-CARE TEAM PREMIUM 3.4M ANTHRACITE £1,990 GAROLLA PREMIUM Increased Security •Double Insulation One-Touch Close £895 COMPACT • UP TO 2.4M 01284 220 189 www.garolla.co.uk 9.8 out of 10 4.8 out of 5 BESPOKE ELECTRIC DOORS MANUFACTURED IN THE UK FREE FITTING PAYMENT ON INSTALLATION

Nature’s Philosophy BY

Nocturnal birds in sibilant causerie

Forest creatures in distant revelry

While nature's blanket dims their rivalry And stills the air to peaceful reverie

How brief is this tranquillity

As hostile meetings in darkened shrubbery

Remind, if only momentarily

That man alone enjoys in camaraderie


We had a concerned call from a reader this month regarding the bike shed at Sainsburys. One of their family had parked their bike there to nip into Sainsburys.

On returning, they found that someone had applied a lock to their bike which they were unable to remove. Luckily, a member of staff was able to cut the lock off.

Who knows, maybe it was a prank gone wrong, or maybe it’s a tactic for stealing bikes. Please be extra vigilant if you are parking your bike anywhere in the town.


IP30 9SZ

Households around the village open their garages to sell a wide range of items. Others prefer to sell their wares from table tops in the Village Hall, where you will also find further stalls selling a variety of items including white elephants, books, homemade cakes and mouth-watering refreshments. Toilet facilities (including Disabled) and limited car parking are available on the Village Hall site.

Free car parking, Refreshments, Toilets (including disabled) in Village Hall. Village Hall is wheelchair and disabled accessible. Admission: free, maps on sale.

All profits to Drinkstone War Memorial Institute (Village Hall)

(Registered Charity No: 304876)


28 | MAY 2023 t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs Hedge Trimming, Grass Cutting, Weeding and Tidying Email: tomclarke1987@outlook.com Tel: 07920 145867
Blue Light Discount Home Delivery Call & Collect Anglia House, Mildenhall Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 6ER 01284 765683 Raw Feed Advisors MAY 2023 | 29 SERVING UP TENNIS IN THE BURY ST EDMUNDS AREA email: davidhalltennis@gmail.com or visit www.davidhalltennis.com ADULT AND JUNIOR SESSIONS FOR ALL AGES AND ABILITIES DHT Bury Directory 58 x 85 QP.indd 1 17/08/2022 14:57 No time to walk your dog? Worried that they are bored whilst you work? Let us walk them for you! Fully insured, DBS checked dog professionals #pawprintssuffolk 07772 141101 www.pawprrintssuffolk.com pawprintssuffolk@hotmail.com We offer countryside walks, beach walks, drop-ins and other dog services. Contact us for more info:

What’s been happening at… HARDWICK Primary School

We hope everyone had a Happy Easter and unbelievably we are now into the final term as the summer beckons... How quick has the school year flown by!

Before the Easter break there was joy and sadness as we bid farewell to Mr Jones who has been our Head Teacher for twelve years and now moves on to an Executive Headship within the Trust. He certainly left in style with the glitter

waistcoat dusted off it was another masterful performance as he called the numbers at the popular FoHPS Easter Bingo before his final assembly and a gathering of teachers, staff and governors past and present. We wish him well in his new role but will still be seeing him in school as he is staying in the Trust, we also must congratulate Mrs Cowling on her appointment as permanent Head of School.

Before the term ended we also celebrated Comic Relief's Red Nose Day with a Dress for Joy theme and as you can see from the pictures children dressed in red and wore their brightest colours. Finally we must wish our amazing Year 6 pupils the best of luck on the forthcoming SATS exams with the following message: Believe in yourself - You can do it - Try your best - Stay Calm and SMASH IT!

30 | MAY 2023
Drive Vauxhall Bury St Edmunds Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1XP Tel: 01284 603444 Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO2 emissions (15.7)– 85.6(3.3). CO2 emissions: 373– 88g/km. The values do not consider particular use and driving conditions, WLTP. *Drive Motor Retail Limited is a credit broker and not a lender. Finance subject to status. Terms and Finance, CF15 7YT. 18s and over. Guarantee / indemnity may be required. Minimum 30% deposit required. Offer 23 plate Vauxhall cars Across all From only per month* £199 on personal contract purchase 0% APR Representative 23 Plate Available for immediate delivery

emissions (g/ km). Vauxhall range: Urban: 12.7 (22.3) – 74.3 (3.8), Extra-urban: 23.9 (11.8) – 91.1 (3.1), Combined: 18.0 conditions, equipment or options and may vary on the format of tyres. For more information see www.vauxhall.co.uk/ conditions apply. You will not own the vehicle until all payments are made. Finances provided by Vauxhall Offer available on all new cars ordered and registered by 31/03.23.

23 Plate

Latest news from

Spring has sprung…

To help those living with lymphoedema, the Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) has put its Self-Lymphatic Drainage (SLD) techniques on it’s YouTube channel to assist with better management of your condition at home.

There are four videos, which run for around 30 minutes, one each for upper limb, lower limb, breast/chest wall and head, face and neck swelling,

The easy to follow teaching sessions are

carried out step by step. But please note, the SLD techniques demonstrated may well differ from others you have been shown in clinic or by your MLD therapist.

This is because there are several different teaching schools or types of SLD. But, if used correctly and carried out on regular basis, SLD can help to improve lymphatic drainage and help to soften any hard tissue. The videos can be view on the LSN website: www.lymphoedema.org


5th June, 7th August, 2nd October and 4th December

7pm – 9pm in Room 1 at Moreton Hall Community Centre. There is no joining fee or referral needed, do come along and find out more about living with, and managing, Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in a relaxed and friendly setting, along with a cuppa and biscuit.

LSS 5th June meeting

Our 5th June meeting speaker will be Steven Spencer from Tools with a Mission. An Ipswich based charity, collecting tools, refurbishing them, assembling them into trade kits and then sending them to Africa. Creating new livelihoods for others while recycling unwanted tools.

For further details on LSS and the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: LSS email: lssuffolk@gmail.com

Facebook: LSS@lymphoedema

West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: wslymphservice@wsh.nhs.uk

T: 01284 712732

For further details on Lymphoedema and Lipoedema:

British Lymphology Society website: www.thebls.com

Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website: www.lymphoedema.org

Macmillan website: www.macmillan.org.uk

34 | MAY 2023
Need structure to your training plan? FINISH GET IN TOUCH 07917 714557 /MORETONHALLRUNNERS for more information Join Moreton Hall Runners and meet a group of like-minded people who will support and encourage you on your journey to the finish line. ALL ABILITIES WELCOME TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS 6.30PM Have you got a race coming up? Are you struggling with motivation to go running on your own? £15 1 session a week / £25 2 sessions a week PER MONTH PER MONTH let ’ s get you to at finish line!

Positive language leads to positive wellbeing and negative language can bring anyone down enough for them to believe they are that person. A devastating diagnosis is bad enough but that’s where negative language stops, and positive language can begin. We struggle on a daily basis to out manoeuvre the challenges we face but often with help we can find ways of overcoming those struggles. We are not ‘suffering’, we are ‘living with’, ‘impossible’ becomes ‘possible’, and we concentrate on what we can do not what we can’t. We all have our own abilities. Everyone’s pain is real and unique. Pain is a protector, not a detector. Changing your mindset, fighting for

your rights arming yourself with as much information as you can. Knowledge is power so by trying to look at things from another angle may help. If you feel your pain is not being taken seriously, make a fuss and trust your body. You know your own body you are living in it and can feel when something isn’t right.

NEW - Mindful Movement for Chronic Pain with Caroline Flack

I held the first chair-based class for theChronic Pain Support Group in March and several members enjoyed some time to relax with breathing techniques and gentle movement to keep joints active. I will be holding some ad hoc classes due to availability of the venue with a view to providing two classes a month moving forwards.

If you know anyone who might be interested, please do not hesitate to ask them to contact me.

Dates coming up all @ Southgate Community Centre, BSE. 1.30-2.30pm

Thursday 27th April, Thursday 4th May Thursday 25th May, Thursday 8th June Thursday 22nd June, Thursday 13th July

All details can be found on the website: calmwithcaroline.co.uk or call 07834 908936.

36 | MAY 2023
info@chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk Find us on Facebook or visit www.chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk
4th May from 1.30pm-4pm
Morning - Tuesday 9th May at a venue in Bury from 10.30am
DATES No referral necessary to join the group.
Slow down and simplify things that matter. Take a breath Take your time
For more details call 07724 187774 or email
Run by Patients for Patients Positively
- Thursday
CPSG - Thursday 18th May from
Meetings are held at Southgate Community Centre and include refreshments.
01284 811690 / 07899 890765 info@masbathroomsandkitchens.co.uk www.masbathroomsandkitchens.co.uk Bathrooms Kitchens Carpentry Electrical Plastering Plumbing Tiling Vinyl Tiling SPECIAL OFFER £39.99 MAY 2023 | 37

This is the quote we received from a loved one after their relative received a birthday cake when they find themselves in hospital on their special day. Here at My WiSH Charity, we work closely with staff across the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. This not only includes those on the ward, but also our fantastic catering team who bake and decorate a cupcake to mark the patient’s birthday. Along with a birthday card, we hope that this small gesture shows we care.

donation in

A donation in memory of much loved man has come to the stroke unit at the West Suffolk Hospital.

David Cordon, MBE, was the former chairman and director of the Woolpit Festival as well as having had a wonderful career as an actor before settling down in Woolpit with his partner, Stanley Bates, and close friend, Michael Elles to run an antiques shop and tea room.

This donation will allow us to enhance the care of patients on the stoke unit as well as support the amazing staff who care so wonderfully for their patients. Previous donations have allowed us to buy games

and sensory items which help with rehabilitation. a specialist patient slide board which can weigh the patient and a Sarastedy which helps with patient transfer, both of which also help with patient dignity at a difficult time. Donations such as Stanleys, in memory of David, make such a difference to so many.

To find out more about My WISH Charity and the work we do to support the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, go to: www.mywishcharity.co.uk @mywishcharity mywishcharity

“Thank you for the birthday cupcake and card dad received. It really made his day.”
memory of a much loved man
Stanley Bates and Michael Elles, with G8 staff Tracy McCullagh, Maria Musgrove, Stanley Bates, Michael Elles, Princess Neri and Anna Palombo David Cordon MBE
MAY 2023 | 39 everything you would expect from your Post Office® letters & parcels travel services cash deposits & withdrawals global money transfer bill payments car tax & driving licences passports www.mhpo.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 3pm WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS Telephone: 01284 769841 Symonds Road Bury St Edmunds IP32 7EW

Great British Scone

Get cream tea ready for the Coronation with these classic scones.



250g self-raising flour

good pinch of salt

50g caster sugar

50g unsalted butter, chilled and diced

1 medium egg

100ml buttermilk, plus extra if needed (or use 2 tbsp natural yoghurt made up to 100ml with milk)


Preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/425°F/Gas 7 and line a baking sheet with baking paper.

Sift the flour, salt and sugar into a mixing bowl. Add the pieces of butter to the bowl and toss them in the flour just to separate and coat them. Rub the butter into the flour using just the tips of your fingers, lifting your hands up above the rim of the bowl so the crumbs and flakes of the mixture fall through your fingers back into the bowl. Keep doing this until the mixture looks like fine crumbs – give the bowl a shake to check there are no lumps of butter visible.

Beat the egg with the buttermilk, just until combined, then stir this mixture into the crumbs using a round-bladed knife to make a fairly soft but not wet dough. If there are dry crumbs at the bottom of the bowl, or the dough feels dry and seems difficult to bring together, add a little more buttermilk (or milk) a teaspoon at a time. The dough should look a bit rough and shaggy so don’t overwork it and try to keep a light touch.

Lightly flour your fingers and the worktop and turn the dough out onto it. Knead the dough very gently for just a couple of seconds so it looks slightly smoother, then press the dough out to about 3cm thick.

Dip the cutter in some flour (this will make it easier to cut out the scones without them sticking) and stamp out rounds. Gather up the trimmings, press them together and stamp out more rounds.

Arrange the rounds on the lined baking sheet, setting them slightly apart to give them space to grow, then dust them lightly with flour. Bake for about 12 minutes, or until a rich golden brown, then transfer to a wire rack to cool slightly. Eat warm from the oven.

Sponsored by

40 | MAY 2023
EARlY Bird main course + rice or naan + drink + £15 PER HEAD* 5–6.30 pm TELEPHONE 01284 719116 VISIT OUR WEBSITE www.orissabse.co.uk *TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY. EATING IN ONLY. eating in


Join Bury Water Meadows Group and West Suffolk Hive in exploring the past life and present wildlife at the Abbey of St Edmund, the Lark and Linnet riverbanks and associated meadows at the Abbey Alive! event on Saturday May 20th. This is an opportunity for school groups and the public to participate in a day of interactive walks, talks, entertainment, stalls and a bioblitz with local wildlife recorders, enthusiasts and historical organisations. We hope to build on the very successful bioblitz we staged last May when our organised walks were full and we collected over 500 records of our species which share the town with us. This year there will be extra children’s activities including storytelling, face-painting, a pop-up museum with artifact handling, craft activities and a collaborative community art project.

Tickets for this year’s walks and talks are on sale at https://www.westsuffolkhive. org.uk/abbeyalive.html#/

According to the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology

(CEH) and other organisations before them, their research shows that taking part in Naturebased Citizen Science projects, such as this type of wildlife recording we will be doing in the Abbey Gardens, boosts the wellbeing of the participants. Stress levels plummet when we immerse ourselves in outdoor space, be it going for a walk in a wood, watching a bumblebee doing her business in a flower or putting up a nest box in your garden or community space. Wildlife recording also has another benefit, that of providing important data for assessing environmental change and to inform Government on how to protect our wildlife. The UK is one of the most

nature depleted countries in Europe (the area if not the alliance!) and a lot of institutions and organisations are now joining together to help us get wild again to bring back scores of creatures on the brink of extinction. Take the hedgehog and frogspawn, when did you last see those iconic indicators of spring? If you didn’t watch the excellent series entitled Our Wild Isles narrated by our national treasure, Sir David Attenborough, that would be a good place to start to get inspired to spend more time outside, watching wildlife and helping to protect it.

If you worry about the state of nature and climate change and want to get to work making our meadows resilient for our children and their children, do get in touch with us on our website or Facebook page. Better still, come to the BioBlitz we are holding in May in the Abbey Gardens.


FB: Bury Water Meadows Group Twitter: @BuryLung

42 | MAY 2023
Photo: Christopher Cross

Beautiful Garden Rooms

Garden Retreats specialise in the design, manufacture and installation of superior quality garden rooms with a huge range of options, complete with great service at the best possible price. If you can imagine it, we can build it.

Our Garden Retreats provide an oasis of calm away from the house whether you’re looking for a more traditional or modern addition to your garden, we can accommodate any requests. Our fully bespoke range means that you can choose the options that work best for you.

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Glasswells Charity Quiz Night Raises £900 for the East Anglian Air Ambulance

Eighteen teams, made up of members of staff at Glasswells, plus guest teams, met in the in-store Place to Eat restaurant to battle it out for the coveted title of Quiz Team Champions 2023. The Glasswells annual quiz has raised tens of thousands of pounds for many different local and national charities in previous years, with funds from this year’s quiz (the first since 2019) being donated to the East Anglian Air Ambulance, supporting them with their life-saving missions.

This event was a great opportunity for many local businesses to come together and raise money for such an essential charity. “The annual quiz night has become an important and much anticipated event in Glasswells calendar,” explained

Paul Glasswell, Managing Director. “We are over the moon to have raised such a significant sum of money, which will certainly help the East Anglian Air Ambulance provide critical treatment to patients. I cannot thank our wonderful staff and suppliers enough for their enthusiasm and generosity.” Glasswells are taking part in the EAAA’s Trade Up challenge to raise £1000 and this quiz was just one of many different activities. With collection boxes at pay points, an in-store raffle within the Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich showrooms, plus other staff activities. Glasswells are determined to help the charity continue their incredible work for the community.

Zoe Harris, East

officer, said: “The East Anglian Air Ambulance would like to thank Glasswells and all those who took part in the quiz night which enabled them to raise an incredible £900. Thanks to your generosity and support, you are helping us continue to deliver our lifesaving work in your communities.”

Moreton Hall WI

The speaker at our April meeting was Sue Roberts who told us about her career as a lecturer, probation officer and more recently her involvement with the Horse Racing Museum in Newmarket and horses in general.

She is certainly a busy lady because she also supports the Buddy Bag charity providing back packs

containing essential items for children who are taken into care.

She was a fascinating speaker and members went away with much food for thought.

Members were reminded that our Meeting on 7th June will be an Open Meeting when the speaker will be Amanda Sutherland.

Amanda visited us last year and members so enjoyed her talk about fashion that we have invited her back to speak about trends in costume design and fashion. This event is open to all. We meet at Moreton Hall Community Centre at 7.30pm.

Tickets are £5 and are available on the door or in advance by contacting Gwen on 07768 175235.

We are a friendly group and prospective members are always welcome, and your first meeting is free! Contact Alison on 01284 701433 or Annette on 01284 769407.

Anglian Air Ambulance fundraising Glasswells Ltd

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The Green Light Trust use nature to support adults and young people who may be struggling, for whatever reason, to move forwards in life.

Our Earth Rebuild & Support programmes are designed to support the needs of those who are struggling with life progression and wellbeing due to mental health or other barriers. We instinctively know that being close to nature makes you feel better. However, science has now proved this to be true. Studies have shown that spending time in woodland settings reduces stress, lowers anxiety, and increases concentration levels. Away from the triggers of the everyday –people have the space just to be.

Our Earth Rebuild & Support programme is a FREE course that uses woodlands and activities to support long term improvements in wellbeing and outcomes.

Follow us on social media


What is a typical day?

The courses run one day a week from 10-3pm for 12 weeks. A free cooked campfire lunch is included and we will always try and assist with transport where we can.

Participants have the opportunity to experience practical woodland management, nature walks, green woodworking, woodland craft and bushcraft skills.

All activities are optional; the camp has quiet areas if participants want space away from the main group to just relax and take in the beautiful surroundings.

• Improving wellbeing

• Growing self esteem

• Practical work-based skills such as woodworking

• Environmental management and conservation of our planet

• Importance of nutrition and

The Green Light Trust is a Registered Charity Head office: The Foundry, Bury Road, Lawshall, Suffolk, IP29 4PJ. Registered Charity Number: 1000977. Registered Company Number: 02550866. Please contact pecsupport@greenlighttrust.org for more info or to send an enquiry
visit our website www.greenlighttrust.org
Anything is possible, from the smallest path or water feature to a full garden redesign or largest estate driveway. Making your dreams come true... Got a project in mind? Contact us today for a free consultation: T: 01284 724486 M: 07860 577557 E: archleypaving@icloud.com www.archleylandscapesolutions.com GARDEN DESIGN • DRIVEWAYS • PATIOS • LANDSCAPING

Craft Corner


Every month I share a crafty activity for you to try at home. Why not like my facebook page www.facebook.com/thecraftyfoxes and follow me on instagram @thecraftyfoxes to find out more about adult and children’s craft workshops for 2023.

This month’s make is ALL About the Kings Coronation and what better way to celebrate than to make some finger puppets and put on a show!


A small piece of paper, old magazines, glue stick, grey wool, gems, scissors, googly eyes and some fingers!!!!

Cut out a rectangle of pink or light brown paper roughly 60mm wide x 80mm high. Colour with felt tip or pencil crayon, if white

Some red, black, blue, gold bits of magazine paper

Make up your characters as per picture, making sure you concentrate on the middle section, as that will be the front ie. the face.

Once decorated roll up around the glue stick and secure with Sellotape or glue.

TOP TIP… Try making other members of the Royal family. I would love to see your photos please post @thecraftyfoxes

Michelle x
48 | MAY 2023

Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum

The Chairman has spoken!

Writing interesting articles each month is not as easy as one thinks – until someone gives inspiration. This month I’m going to let our Chairman say it all.

Graham Sage has been working (with all the other volunteers) during the closed season to prepare for the first open weekend. Over Easter two contrasting days brought an amazing response from visitors. I’ll let Graham explain.

“WOW!!!! what a fabulous start to the 2023 summer season. Last year we had about 80 visitors through the gates, this year 190+. I can’t thank the Committee, volunteers, re-enactors and of course the general public highly enough for making this day so special. We’re open again tomorrow but the weather will be against us and the re-enactors could only stay for one day, but we still have cake and bacon rolls!. It’s still a work in progress with many more items to go on display directly involving the 94th BG (H), these will be set out and arranged in the coming days. Thank you all again and we hope to see many of you during the coming months.”

But I won’t stop him (now he has started), he then said:

“The year just keeps getting better and better. We had a visit from the Cambridge Car Club. They arrived early in the morning and used us as a starting point for a run into Bedfordshire. 50+ cars drivers and passengers were fed, watered and were on their way by 10:00. The general public followed throughout the day and we welcomed more than 50 through the gates. The volunteers again worked their socks off supplying refreshments and information to the guests, I really can’t thank them enough for their work, we have several who come from out of the county, Vince also supplied the very nice fresh bacon!. Bob the Bayonet set up his ever-growing collection and will be returning again next month. Please go to the web site for further dates of events (thanks to Paul Butler for updating the site). Keep safe and we hope to see many of you soon.”

And finally:

“We are in the early stages of arranging an 80th anniversary memorial event to honour the arrival of the 94th Bomb Group

please remember

(H) to the UK in 1943. This will take place on Sunday 14th May 2023, all are welcome. If you have a military vehicle, are a re-enactor (or group) or any other interested party please come along. If you are traveling a distance we have camping available on site. We will set up an events page asap, before that if you wish to come please reply via email: info@rctam94th. co.uk so we have a rough idea on numbers. Thank you and we hope to see you there.”

Thank you Graham. Thank you volunteers and Thank YOU for supporting us. (Ok, my thinking cap is on for next month’s content – could you give me the next installment with memories, ideas or comments? I look forward to hearing from you).

We will have three double weekends in May - the 1st and 2nd, then the 7th and 8th (the King’s Coronation weekend) and the 28th with 29th (Spring Bank holiday). We look forward to your company. (Please watch the sky’s over the airfield on the 7th & 8th, there may be a few aircraft visiting).

Oh, and have I forgotten to mention again – YES, CAKE. See you in the tea room at 3pm, it’s cake-oclock! (It’s there from 10am, but please save me a slice).

See you again next month in June, here in The Directory.

For our details please refer to our website: www.rctam94th.co.uk E-mail info@rctam94th.co.uk Mobile 07931 971771

I know we have only just moved out of the coldest part of the year and Summer is beckoning but this is actually a good time to check your home insulation and decide if you need to ramp it up.

Over the next few months we will look at, cavity wall, loft insulation and draught proofing. The government have been banging on about improving home insulation all Winter to help us save money, but as we will see in the following articles if you are short of money both loft insulation and cavity wall insulation may not be viable projects unless you qualify for a government grant.

Cavity Wall Insulation

Modern homes built after 1924, usually have a space (called a cavity) between the internal and external walls. This was originally designed to stop rain water reaching the inside of the property, however today this gap can be filled with insulation to minimise heat loss and make your property more energy efficient. After 1982, building regulations changed and required insulation to be fitted in the cavity at the time of build. Recent research, carried out by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), has shown that 70% of all properties with cavity walls in the UK have been insulated. People in the remaining 30% are allowing heat and money to pour out of their homes.

We have seen examples of much higher savings but these tend to come from suppliers with a vested interest in selling their product and so we take an average from many sources to give realistic numbers.

As you can see maximum fuel savings are around £250 per year but this means there is an average 5 year payback before you start to save money, however if you are eligible for a government grant, you will start saving money in the first year.

For those of you without cavity wall insulation, potential savings are as follows:

Of course you will also help the environment by reducing your CO₂ footprint, but it’s important to understand that the environmental benefit of a reduced CO₂ footprint due to insulation only starts once the embedded CO₂ in an insulation material as well as the CO₂ generated during its transport and installation is removed from the equation which can take a year or two.

Government Grants

Many of us may qualify for FREE Cavity Wall Insulation. To see if you are eligible for

a grant have a look at

www.freeinsulationsscheme.org.uk Also be aware a contribution towards the cost may be required.

Finally, please make sure you use a reputable company to install the insulation, there is a growing worry that up to 25% of houses already insulated may suffer from damp. Next month we will move on to loft insulation.

Remember our mantra at Ecofrenzy - Lots of little adds up to a lot.

We have loads more ideas at ecofrenzy.com to help our wonderful world.

EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham. If you have any queries please visit www.ecofrenzy.com/contact-us or email tony@ecofrenzy.com

THIS MAY WE WILL LOOK AT HOME INSULATION ecofrenzy15 @ecofrenzy /ecofrenzy
Type of Property Installation cost Energy savings Detached house (4 bedrooms+) £1000 – £1,250 £200 – £250 Semi-detached house (3 bedrooms) £900 – £1,150 £180 – £230 Mid-terrace house (3 bedrooms) £600 – £800 £120 – £160 Detached bungalow (2 bedrooms) £600 – £900 £120 – £180 Flat (1-2 bedrooms) £600 – £900 £120 – £180
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Christ Church MORETON HALL

Coronation of King Charles III

Dear Friends

What is the most important part of the coronation? Some will say it is the great procession with all the soldiers and carriages; others will say it is the service; still others will talk about the moment the crown goes on the King’s head as being the centrepiece of the coronation.

In fact, he crucial point of the service is in fact the anointing. This is because those who designed the coronation service wanted it to be as Christian as possible and took the example Old Testament kings. The crucial moment for them was not their crowning, because they didn’t have crowns, but their anointing. When the priest poured the oil over the head of the leader God’s Holy Spirit came upon them and made them God’s king on Earth. The Kings anointing is a symbolic representation of a profound spiritual event.

The purpose of the anointing by the hands of the Archbishop, is for the king to both lead the nation and provide pastoral, spiritual, legal, and political care of the people entrusted to him throughout his realm.

Also, he is not just Head of State for England, but also Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and sixteen other countries around the globe.

This is an important spiritual as well as political moment. Queen Elizabeth II and her father, King George VI, both believed that at the point of anointing in their coronations something very special happened to them. I am sure Charles believes this too.

We want from our monarch somebody who will lead as well as the previous two monarchs have done, who in their quiet but determined way have provided inspiration, comfort, and strength for the nation which they are set in charge. In these dark and difficult times, we need continuity in that style of leadership so that we know God’s hand is with us and we will be led through, as we have been previously led through, other dark and difficult times.

This anointing is not just limited to kings for Jesus was anointed by the Holy spirit too. That is why the Church believes that, through the power of the Holy Spirit,

everybody who is a Christian is anointed and given peace and strength as well as love and forgiveness to share not just with other Christians, but with everybody they come into contact with.

On this Coronation Day if you feel you would like a special blessing or anointing from the Holy Spirit, there is an opportunity for you too to turn to God and receive His blessing in this way. This is what we will be celebrating at our special service at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday 7th May when we will gather in God’s church to give thanks for the life of our King and to ask that he would be truly blessed as he seeks to lead our nation.

It is also my prayer that our nation will be led wisely, and more anointed leaders will be found to help us walk, not only in the right paths for ourselves, but also for the world and for the spiritual life of the nation.

With every good wish

54 | MAY 2023

May Services & events at Christ Church Moreton Hall

Tuesday 2nd 7:00pm Alpha course

Weds 3rd 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Friday 4th 10:30am Stay & play parent & toddler group

Sunday 7th 8:30am Holy Communion Service

Sunday 7th 10:30am The Coronation Family Service

Tuesday 9th 7:00pm Alpha course

Weds 10th 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Sunday 14th 10:30am Morning worship with Sunday school

Sunday 14th 4:00pm Youth Club

Tuesday 16th 10:00am Tuesday Coffee morning

Tuesday 16th 7:00pm Alpha course

Weds 17th 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Friday 4th 10:30am Stay & play parent & toddler group

Sunday 21st 10:30am Family Communion

Sunday 21st 4:00pm Kids Church- Fun & craft for families

Tuesday 23rd 7:00pm Alpha course

Weds 24th 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Sunday 21st 10:30am Morning worship

Sunday 21st 4:00pm Youth Club

Tuesday 30th 7:00pm Alpha course

Weds 31st 7:30pm Prayer meeting in Church

Visit our website: www.ccmh.org.uk www.facebook.com/ChristChurchMoretonHall/ MAY 2023 | 55
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Please note: all correct at time of going to press, but please check for updates directly with the venue.


Eurovision Grand Final Live

Saturday, 13 May 2023, 7.30pm

Running time: 240 minutes

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Thursday 11 May

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Find out more at: theatreroyal.org

58 | MAY 2023

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The Second of June 1953 was a good day for me – it was my 6th birthday. And there was jelly and ice cream waiting in the afternoon at a street party for which my parents had been paying a shilling a week. But not just for me, for it was the day of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation and much excitement was in the air.

We all crowded round the only TV in the street and watched a very small flickering black and white screen. Sadly the rain put paid to the street party but we all repaired to the school hall where a good time was had by all – and I won the fancy dress competition as the beefeater on the top of the cake. I am now only one of the 18% of the UK population who were around last time. And apparently 57% of those surveyed recently were not that bothered by the upcoming Coronation of King Charles III. So why should we be celebrating?

The call to service is central to our understanding of the monarchy. King Charles has already responded to this.

He has made a commitment to follow the pattern of loving service that Queen Elizabeth demonstrated throughout her life. As he prepares himself for this lifelong responsibility, we think of the example of Jesus who came not to be served, but to serve. Jesus shows us what we might all aspire to: living for others, seeking the wellbeing of the whole community, and moving beyond self-interest to self-sacrifice.

The Coronation is an opportunity for us to come together as a nation and in our local community.

Come and join us over the Bank Holiday weekend at our Sunday service, and at the free special community eventCoronation Fun Day on Hardwick School Field from 11 onwards. Bring a picnic. And let’s hope that the weather is better this time around. See you there!

For further details of all our activities visit our website www.southgatechurch.org.uk YOUR


What’s on in MAY

Sunday 7th May

Coronation service followed by bring and share lunch at around 1230pm

Monday 8th May

Coronation Community Fun Day –Hardwick School Field – 11 to mid afternoon

Sundays 14th, 21st and 28th May

10.30am Morning Worship services with groups for children of all ages Service on 20th May includes Holy Communion

Friendship Club for older people meet on Thursdays at 2.30pm:-

The annual walk of witness took place in the town on Good Friday preceded by a special unity service in the Cathedral with over 500 people attending, and an open air service in the Market Square. Led by a sole drummer, the cross was carried by a Southgate Church team, led by Akachukwu Lekwauwa, across Angel Hill and up Abbeygate Street to the town centre, with a huge procession following behind. Our own Helen Moore was one of the co-organisers of this poignant and solemn event focussing on Christ’s crucifixion and death on the cross. Later in the afternoon, to the town the image below was drawn in the sky above Bury neatly encapsulating the story of Easter. And the whole event was comprehensively covered by BBC Look East later in the day.

4th May for a talk by Liza JonesBehind the Bathroom Door

18th May for a talk by Tim LovejoyParticipating in Pantomime

Thursday (Ladies) Club meet on 25th May for a Cathedral Tour. Pre-booking essential.

CoffeeStop, Mondays, 10am to 12noon in Church Centre

Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and Chat

Please note no CoffeeStop on Bank Holiday Mondays 1st, 8th and 29th May.


We will be distributing envelopes throughout the area for you to return your donations to us or give online. Sorry, but there will be no house to house collection this year.

Please contact Jackie Tooley, Administrator on 01284 703705 or email office@southgatechurch.org.uk

Photos courtesy of Simon Ladd


Email: adamtrettpga@hotmail.co.uk Facebook: Adam Trett - ADT Golf Coaching

I hope that everyone enjoyed the masters as much I did and what a champion we have in Jon Rahm. Rahm has been one of best players on the planet for the last few years and it was only a matter of time before he won his second major. He followed in the footsteps of past Spanish winners… the best of them all, SEVE, would of been celebrating his 66th birthday on the day that Rahm won. May sees the Majors continue, as we know the majors have been re scheduled and next up is the US PGA Championship. This year the US PGA stops at Oak Hill CC, New York.


This month we look at the short game, often an area that is overlooked during peoples practice sessions. However, this area can really help when you’re either having a bad day and need to grind out a score or your playing well and that one up and down allows the round to continue.

This month we are looking at LANDING SPOTS and LANDING ANGLES, by understanding these two elements you can make a decision on the best way to get your chips closer.

We will be looking at this in a very simple way, I want you to think about having a LOW, MEDIUM and a HIGH shot. You can play these shots with which ever club you like as everyone will and can play them differently.


Landing Point – Close to player

Landing Angle – Shallow, encouraging the ball to roll on landing.

Low flight, the ball Landing in the first third of the shot length and then running the rest of the distance on the ground.


Landing Point – Mid point between the player and target.

Landing Angle – Slightly steeper using some on the landing angle to slow the ball down and then seeing some roll.

Medium flight, the ball landing in the second third of the shot with a steeper landing angle and seeing the ball running a shorter distance on the ground.


Landing Point – Furthest point from the player.

Landing Angle – Steep, using this too slow the ball on landing. High flight, the ball landing in the final third of the shot with a steepest landing angle this being used to slow the ball down resulting in minimum roll on landing.

As I have said earlier, you can play these shots with whatever you feel most comfortable. As I a general rule the low shot would played with a lower lofted iron, working through the high shot with your most lofted wedge. However, these aren’t set in stone and this is something you should experiment with in practice.

If you are still struggling with your short game after this, or any other part of your game then I would be pleased to assist you in enjoying this game more.


Make sure you highlight and mark out your LANDING SPOTS during practice, focus on just hitting this spot and then react to the result by changing clubs for the situation you find yourself in.


Wells Fargo Championship

AT&T Byron Nelson

US PGA Championship

Charles Schwab Challenge


DS Automobiles Italian Open

Soudal Open


KLM Open

62 | MAY 2023


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