Bury St Edmunds Directory September 2022

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directoryBURY ST EDMUNDS September 2022 // Issue 204 FREE Pick me up I’m THINGS TO DO SEPTEMBERIN HEALTH | HOME | STYLE | FOOD | WHAT’S ON | NEWS SouthgateMoretonHall&edition CommunityBUSINESSESLOCALRECIPESNewsAutumn

slimmingworld.co.uk slimmingworld.co.uk CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Self-employed for past and present members. Contact Kelly for details on 07792 603204. MONDAY 6pm @ Southgate Community Centre Call Jen on 07801757237 (NEW CONSULTANT) TUESDAY 5.30pm & 7pm @ New Bury Community Centre Call Shani on 01842 820001 9.30am,WEDNESDAY11.30am, 5.30pm & 7pm @ Westbury Community Centre Call Susan on 07899 754273 THURSDAY 10am, 5.30pm & 7pm @ Moreton Hall Community Centre Call Julie on 07917 692097 THURSDAY 6pm @ Stanton Community Village Hall Call Shani on 01842 820001 FRIDAY 9.30am & 11.30am @ Southgate Community Centre Call Susan on 07899 754273 SATURDAY 8am & 10am @ Southgate Community Centre Call Kelly on 07792 603204


Welcome to the September issue St Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE




It’s back to school for many, some are starting university, college courses and new jobs. I quite enjoy settling back into a new autumn routine. Don’t get me wrong, I love the first few days of the summer holidays, and not having to do the groundhog day packed lunch, but at the end of those 6 weeks, I’m quite ready for some daily structure again.


that both Southgate and Moreton Hall have fantastic community centres. Both centres have lots of events on all the time with something for everyone. The events are a great way to socialise in your local community, so if you haven’t used them for a while, why not take a look?

We hope you enjoy this issue, we’ve got all the usual local information, local businesses, news and events. Take care, and we’ll see you again in October.

Well, that’s the summer holidays over and done with! I feel like they’ve flown by.

SEE PAGE 40 FOR THIS MONTH’S RECIPE www.amplifydesign.co.ukDesignPublisher:&Artwork: Bury



Autumn is also a great time to spruce up the house ready for the cooler months. If you’re looking at doing any room makeovers, there’s an amazing competition on page 4. Glasswells are offering one of our readers the chance to win a £250 Gift Card to spend in store and it’s super simple to

AMPLIFY . DESIGN & PRINT GET IN TOUCH While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2022 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. OCTOBERADVERTISING/COPYDEADLINEFOR2022ISSUE: 20th September 2022 Find us on social media: Want to advertise your business? Call ProcterJeremyon: 01284 765092 EMAIL: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk TEL: 01284 765092

consenting that Glasswells Ltd. can process your data to administer the competition, send winner notification, publish winner details and winner photography. You can remove yourself from the competition and withdraw your consent at any time by writing to us at the address above. For full details see: www.glasswells.co.uk/privacy-policy.

cash alternative.

Please return your completed entry form to your local Glasswells store, or post it to Glasswells Competition, Newmarket Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3TU Alternatively, email your answer, name and telephone number to competition@glasswells.co.uk DUVETCUSHIONCURTAINSCARPETBED WARDROBETABLESOFARUGLIGHTING NameAnswer Telephone CLOSING DATE 30/09/22 If you would like to receive special offers and discounts from Glasswells, please provide your email address:

answer will be selected at random and the winner will be notified in October 2022. Only one entry per person.


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Bury St Edmunds 01284 752804 | Ipswich 01473 253164 | glasswells.co.uk WIN CARD£250AGIFTAT

Glasswells home furnishing superstore in Bury St Edmunds and Ipswich is giving you the chance to win a £250 shopping spree – it’s what your home’s been waiting for!

Glasswells are the largest home furnishing stores in East Anglia, offering everything you need to give the home you love a new look this autumn. Choose from a massive range of stylish furniture, quality flooring, designer fabrics and stunning home accessories, all with fabulous savings.

To be in with a chance of winning, simply identify which word cannot be found in the word search.

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SEPTEMBER 2022 | 7 FENCING & DECORATING • Quality treated fencing supplied and erected • Gates and frames • Galvanised gate furniture • Concrete and wooden posts • Concrete and wooden gravel boards • All types of fence panels available (treated) • Old fencing cleared • Excellent quotes returned promptly • Professional, tidy and reliable service Est. 1984 • Interior & Exterior Decorating • Wallpapering • Prompt Quotations • Competitive Rates • Reliable, Friendly & Tidy Service • Many Returning Customers Call David on 01284 706484 or 07930 976824 www.dperrin.uk by D. PERRINGETQUOTEANOW! &PavingBluestoneDecking Bluestone Paving & Decking specialise in producing beautiful Patios, Driveways and Sundecks to the highest standards. PATIOS | DRIVEWAYS | PATHWAYS | DECKING | FENCING Call for a FREE Quotation 01284 716405 or 07766 001125 Or visit our website: www.bluestone-paving.co.uk

Bus HammerStop,Time!


8 | SEPTEMBER 2022

event to top it all off. I have wrestled with overgrown trees, HGV routing, a local plan consultation as well as the normal day to day councillor duties. We have seen wonderful new post box toppers. Locally to me, I was happy to have attended and supported Sebert Woodstock, a perfect little festival for schoolchildren, and I went to several kids football team prize givings. It’s been a great summer, I hope everyone took time to be positive and rest before we’re all complaining it’s too cold again!

peter.thompson@westsuffolk.gov.uk Mobile: 07810 868986

One of the first things I ever did in public life in Bury St Edmunds, even before being a councillor, was to secure funding for Moreton Hall community centre alongside then MP David Ruffley. That was over 10 years ago and funds were released as part of the building works to the east of the town quite recently. Whilst £200k may sound like a lot, it doesn’t go very far when undertaking big building projects, but people like Nigel at the community centre have been amazing and we saw opportunities to stretch the money with involvement from

Sometimes, whilst obviously necessary, it’s a long and arduous task to get some work completed. It’s very frustrating. One such task was some damage to bus stops in Moreton Hall. The site at Mount Rd took several months for officers to sign off renovation works following graffiti, dirt build up and physical damage, but we got it over the line in the end and works completed by contractors Exturniture have fixed it up. I am working on other stops as we continue to promote public transit.

We have had unprecedentedansummer and there has been far too much going on to write individually here. Whilst we have had the worries of drought and unbearable heat, I hope most of us have had a chance to enjoy some sun, too. There was a huge amount of activity going on. We funded free places AbbeycroftthroughLeisure and lots of local of families were able to enjoy time together and hopefully experiences some new sports. Abbey 1000 held further celebrations and we saw a summer evening



Suffolk Libraries. In August, we were incredibly proud to have opened the first new library in Suffolk for 10 years, right here in Moreton Hall. It shows real commitment in funding civic facilities from SCC. I signed up for a card - if you already have a library card you can use it here, otherwise it’s really easy to get signed up.


Moreton Hall


WANTED only 350 eager, determined bury st edmunds residents, who are frustrated with fitness programmes that haven’t worked in the past… coming downloadwww.eventus22.fit/giftsoon…ourbrochuretolearnmore:

compassion for people in different and circumstances.”difficult

One student enjoyed the placement so much, she has asked to continue volunteering with the Bury Drop In over the summer.

Work placements at the Bury Drop In

We have also updated our website. In addition to new elements, web pages have been revised including a prayer web page added which includes a contact form to submit your prayer request. The site also contains new web pages including ‘I need help’. Ally Gill, communications manager at

The students have been involved in various roles at the Drop In sessions including serving food, registering new guests, giving out donations such as toiletries, and acting as a Sabinebefriender.Dornbusch, general manager said: “The students have excelled in different roles, communicating with our guests, and displaying a great level of empathy and

how much they have learnt, and enjoyed their time here. We hope to be able to do this again in the upcoming academic year. A huge thank you to everybody at the Drop in for taking the students under their wings and offering them this opportunity.”

Bury Drop In said: “Our goal is to provide our community partners, stakeholders, and the public with a simple way to discover more about who we are and the services we offer”. Please do have a look, find out more about prayer and volunteering, burydropin.org,

Four social and health care students from West Suffolk College (WSC) have successfully completed work placements at the Bury Drop In.

All WSC students are required to complete mandatory work placements as part of their studies. Work placements have several benefits including increasing skills and clarifying career goals.

Hannah Swallow, work placement officer for health and social sciences said: “It has been a fantastic opportunity for the students to be able to join Bury Drop in for Work Experience, they have finished their time with valuable working skills as well as experience in the industry. All students have expressed

10 | SEPTEMBER 2022

SEPTEMBER 2022 | 11

12 | SEPTEMBER 2022

runaway climate warming (remember our record heatwave in July?) and biodiversity loss (one in 7 species is at risk of extinction in the next 5 to 10 years in the UK) and human responses to stop the decline have been woefully inadequate so far– with targets missed at both the international and national levels. Locally, we want to understand better what is being lost so we can act to prevent it.

FB:www.burywatermeadowsgroup.org.ukBuryWaterMeadowsGroupTwitter: @BuryLung

It might seem a long way off now but Bury Water Meadows Group’s first ever BioBlitz - a stocktake of living speciestook place on Friday May 20th and Saturday 21st, as part of this year’s Abbey 1000 celebrations. Three schools took part on the FridayGuildhall Feoffment, Westley Middle and Priory - and on Saturday we welcomed the general public. whichleafHighlightswildlifeourmoths.andspecies336verified,and500provedearlyonprogrammefurtheractivitiesandparticipantsGardenstheAtandmany-CranklestheprecinctamateursconservationistsSpecialistandkeensurveyedtheabbey-theAbbeyGardens,GreatChurchyard,theandNoMansMeadowfindingandrecordingasspeciesofplant,animalfungusaspossible.our‘BioBlitzHubzone’byplayareaintheAbbeythespecialistshelpedwithidentificationtherewerestallshostingforchildrenandinformation.AofguidedwalksSaturday,startingwithanmorningbirdwalk,verypopular.Welloverrecordswerecollected,withsomestilltobetheserepresentaboutspecies,including18ofspider,36ofbirds23ofbutterfliesandIt’safantasticstarttobiologicalrecordingoftheofBuryStEdmunds.includedanAlderbeetle(Agelasticaalni)wasonceclassedas

The context for our biodiversity surveying and BioBlitz is that today, the Earth is losing biodiversity at rates not seen since the dinosaurs roamed. We are facing twin emergencies of

Photography by Christopher Cross Trustee


‘Extinct’ in the UK but is now considered ‘Insufficiently Known’basically an indication of how little is known about some species groups, even in the UK which is among the most thoroughly studied parts of the world. And the rather handsome Wasp Beetle (Clytus arietus), which mimics wasps to avoid being eaten. Bird highlights included a Linnet during the bird walk through No Mans Meadow alongside the river Linnet and a Reed bunting - a bird species not previously noted by the regular BWMG surveyors. Notable plants were Wild Clary (Salvia verbenaca) which is found in the Abbey gardens and Black Spleenwort (Asplenium adiantumnigrum), a kind of fern, growing on the Abbey ruins.

The BioBlitz was a major event for BWMG, which took a lot of planning and volunteer-hours and we all had well-earned breaks afterwards. A Town Council grant means we can run a BioBlitz in subsequent years, and we plan to do so; to boost our biodiversity monitoring work, but just as importantly, as a great way of engaging with schools and the public on the beauty and infinite variety of Bury’s natural environment.

SEPTEMBER 2022 | 13 CRYOTHERAPY REMO V ES UN W AN T E D B L EMISHE S Available in a hygienic salon on Moreton Hall by qualified therapist Sandra Usher WHAT IS CRYOTHERAPY? It is a NEW advanced innovative solution that is fast, effective and safe for removal of skin imperfections. Procedures are pain free and typically last from 5 – 30 seconds. • Skin Tags • Sun Damage • Age Spots • Milia • Warts & Verrucae • Cherry www.skintonesolutions.comSpots NHS no longer routinely treat these skin imperfections. See our website for further details where you can book online. www.skintonesolutions.com HOW IT WORKS A fine jet of Nitrous Oxide is emitted directed onto the area allowing millimetre precision to avoid damage to any surrounding tissue. Pricing for CRYOTHERAPY varies depending upon the type and size of skin blemish or condition to be treated. Pricing is competitive compared to private medical procedures. BEFORE AFTERBEFORE AFTER Email: skintonecaci@icloud.com Call: 0747 1940 387 skintone.solutions Sandra Usher

INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Based in Bury St. Edmunds, we offer the highest quality workmanship. No job is too large or small. CALL TODAY TO DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT T. 07778 477159 /01284 701395 E. stewart.bracey@btinternet.com www.stewartbracey.com STEWART BRACEY Painter & Decorator

Sandra Usher Cryotherapy Practitioner

HALL FOR HIRE • Children’s Parties • Wedding Receptions • Private Functions • Bar & Staff included • AMPLE FREE PARKING • Conference Facilities also available Join us on facebook for all the latest news and what’s on! Telephone: 01284 763402 Email: moretonhallclub@aol.com Moreton Hall BOOK NOW FOR YOUR EVENT! Community Centre OPENINGHOURS MON: closed TUES: 7pm – 11pm WEDS: 7pm – 11pm THURS: 7pm – 11pm FRI: 4pm – 11pm SAT: 12 midday – 11pm SUN: 12 midday – 8pm (But some bank holidays may be open so watch social media) There’s lots coming up at the Moreton Hall Community Centre! Check the facebook page for all the latest news and events. We are planning for more events, details to follow. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Memberships are always available, just ask at the bar.

We have some slots available for hall hire: 3 & 10 September 22 October 5, 19, 26 November 17 December - Ideal for a Christmas party! Friday Pleaseavailabilityeveningtoo.call01284763402formoreinformation. HALL HIRE We look forward to seeing you at the community centre soon!

CRUSHED CONCRETE GRANITE CHIPPINGSMUCKAWAY READY MIXED CONCRETE T: 01284 752688 / 702700 E:www.aaronaggregates.cominfo@aaronaggregates.com AUGUST 2019 | 71 t. 01284 755558 www.premierbodyworks.co.uk Can we provide you with a FREE estimate? If so, you can email images of your damaged vehicle to sales@premierbodyworks.co.uk with your requirements, or contact us and we will come and view your vehicle. Before After ✓Accident & Bodywork Repairs ✓Free Estimates ✓Free Collection & Delivery ✓Insurance Approved ✓24 Hour Recovery Hotline ✓Smart Repairs SERVING UP TENNIS IN THE BURY ST EDMUNDS AREA email: davidhalltennis@gmail.com or visit ADULTwww.davidhalltennis.comANDJUNIORSESSIONSFORALLAGESANDABILITIES DHT Bury Directory 58 x 85 QP.indd 1 17/08/2022 14:57 16 | SEPTEMBER 2022

SEPTEMBER 2022 | 17 VentanillaBlinds Conservatory Blinds Day and Night Blinds Rollers - Verticals Roman - Pleated Wooden & Metal Venetians Sheer PerfectBlackoutRollersBlindsFitPleated,Roller&Venetian Contact Mike for a fast and friendly service 07966 www.ventanillablinds.com371963 Expert ear removalwax by experienced medical professionals • Safest method of microsuction used. • Highly trained specialists with years of NHS experience. • Catering for adults and children of all ages. • The partners include ENT Consultants, Audiologists and Advanced ENT Nurse Practitioners.SelfCentre, Kempson Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR To book your appointment or discuss your needs please call 01284 598058 or visit www.clarity-ear-care.co.uk

Our twice a year hugely popular coach trip to London in October is again now fully booked. Watch out for dates for 2023. Our grateful thanks are due to Christine and David Dutton for organising these.

Our Spooky Fun Day was a great success last year and is returning on 26 October, 1-4pm.

After much work to improve the internal décor of our building, we have now turned our attention to the exterior with a bright new image.

Bring along your own drinks or tipple and we will provide delicious Jacket Potatoes with a selection of toppings in between sessions. A fun event for all the family and tickets are available from Jackie at the Centre office weekdays (except Wednesdays) or Andy on 07508 409043.

Following on from successful events in 2016 and 2017 the Southgate Community Partnership welcome back the Hoxon Hundred Ceilidh Band with a Family Harvest Barn Dance on Friday 23rd September 2022 – 7.00pm to 10.00pm. Tickets are just £10 adult, £5 Children under 16 – Discounted Family Ticket £25 (2 Adults and up to 3 children).

Community Centre A BUSY AUTUMN Next Bingo Dates: Friday 2 September and Friday 7 October at BINGO7pm FUN DAY AT SOUTHGATE COMMUNITY CENTRE BURY ST EDMUNDS, IP33 2QA Wednesday 26th OCTOBER - 1pm until 4pm FOR ALL Primary AND PRe school AGED CHILDREN! To purchase tickets please visit the community centre or contact Jessica Rudd on southgatecommunityevents@gmail com TICKETS ARE £2 each! Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult at the Spooky Fun Day! DISCO PUMPKINCARVING COMPETITION FANCY DRESS COMPETITION MAGICIAN MBALLOONODELLING BISCUIT DECORATINGCRAFTS DRINKS & SNACKS

Southgate Church has its traditional Harvest Festival on Sunday 2 October at 1030 am. Donations to Bury Food Bank.

SOUTHGATE Contact us on 01284 703705 or email: jackie@southgatechurch.org.uk Or visit the centre www.southgatecommunity.org.ukwebsite:

Plus all of our wonderful hirers will be returning after their Summer break.

The Group have had trips out to Walton-onthe-Naze in the summer, a trip in November for Christmas shopping and Christmas Parties. They welcome parents, grandparents and childminders. The cost is just £3 per session, which includes refreshments, plus a registration fee of £3 in September. The group runs on Thursdays in term time, in the Main Hall of the Community Centre, between 1.30pm and 3pm and would be delighted to welcome new members.

Welcome to the Southgate Parent and Toddler Group

If you would like further information, please contact Erica on 01284 768686.

It was first established in 1974 when the Council set aside a house in Jarman Close for Pre-school and Mothers & Toddlers to meet until the Community Centre opened in 1976. One of the early parents Erica Short started going to Mother and Toddler in 1979 with her daughter Amy who was 9 months old, then daughter Lucy after she was born in 1983. Gill Davis was running the group until September 1991, when Erica took over and has been running it ever since.

director, Mark Jefferson, also regaled the assembled with humorous anecdotes and amusing memories of concerts and events.


20 | SEPTEMBER 2022

A popular choir in Bury St Edmunds recently held their annual “Neville’s Night” evening, in commemoration of Neville Rogers, a former member who sadly passed away several years ago.

GIVE THE CHOIR A TRY… If you are interested in singing with the choir or would simply like to give it a try, you can contact Nick Gane at semvcgane@hotmail.com or on 01284 700347, or visit www.semvc.com for more Thereinformation.isnoobligation, no auditions and no need to read music. The choir meets for regular rehearsals every Thursday evening at Howard Community Academy, Bury St Edmunds

to listen and join in the fun.

After refreshments, the friends and families were invited to judge the members with the brightest shirts and this was won by Andrew Bonner, wearing a stunning purple number. IP32 6SA.


Neville was an iconic character in the choir, who always attended rehearsals wearing a colourful shirt. So, following his passing, the choir decided to celebrate him each year by having an evening of fun, where choir members are encouraged to wear colourful shirts and bring along friends and family


SEPTEMBER 2022 | 21 JO CURRYJO CURRY JO CURRYJO CURRY Jo offers advanced blemish removal & reduction, effective treatment for a range of skin blemishes including: DO YOU ABOUTSELF-CONSCIOUSFEELYOURSKIN? Thread Veins • Blood spots • Skin tags Milia • Warts • Verrucas • Spider naevus (spider veins) • Seborrhoeic keratosis Xanthalasma and more... WWW.JOCURRYAESTHETICS.CO.UK JO@JOCURRYAESTHETICS.CO.UKFindmeat:IxworthDoctorsSurgery01359230252orTheOldDairy,Ixworth07771706100 Ayling Computer Services A friendly local service Mob: 07775 631 628 Email: Duncan@aylingcs.comTel:01284711 540 Web: www.aylingcs.com • PC & Laptop Repair • PC Buying help or Custom PC Builds • PC & Laptop Upgrades • Data Recovery and Protection • Anti -Virus and Firewall Software • 1 to 1 Training • Websites & E-mail Hosting Keeping it simple, just give me a call

The autumn term is upon us and young people are getting back into their routine of school and other activities.

If you think you have something to offer why not find out more about volunteering with Girlguiding on the website? www.girlguiding.org.uk Alternatively, you can contact us at suffolkcountycommissioner@gmail.com

Since we have been able to get back to our usual range of activities waiting lists are beginning to grow again. We rely completely on adult volunteers. The more volunteers we have, the more girls we can include and the greater the variety of activities we can offer within our meetings. Could this be for Workingyou?

with young people is a rewarding experience and you can be attached to any section. Our young members

Come and join in the fun!

22 | SEPTEMBER 2022

For many girls that includes Girlguiding. In addition to the usual weekly meetings the summer term saw Brownies visiting West Suffolk Hive, Guides trying adventurous activities at a Give It A Go day and Rainbows celebrating the end of the year in Nowton Park. Plans are afoot now for an active autumn term.

are between 4 and 18 years of age. Adult volunteers do not have to be uniformed leaders. You can be a Unit Helper, helping at weekly meetings and becoming as involved as you choose in planning and organisation. No qualification or training is needed to be a Unit Helper, but we would, of course, need to do safeguarding checks.

There are also opportunities for 16-18 year olds to join us as Young Leaders.


letters & parcels travel passportscarbillglobalcashbroadbandservices&homephonedeposits&withdrawalsmoneytransferpaymentstaxSymonds Road Bury St IP32Edmunds7EW 24 | SEPTEMBER 2022 Suffolk Pet & Horse Crematorium Our Lake of Remembrance is a peaceful place to reflect The Suffolk Pet Crematorium is a family run business with over 20 years of experience in helping pet owners when the time with their pet comes to an end. Please get in touch to discuss how we can offer the most sensitive and caring service to you and your beloved pet. CONTACT US 01284 810 www.suffolkpetcrematorium.com981 Peace of mind at a time of grief

Our member, Avril Smith, has been looking into the history behind this postcard, which shows The Crown Inn at Fordham, Cambridgeshire, located at the far east of the main street. It is a twostoreyed, timber framed building, probably 16th century, which was refaced after 1800. The postcard dates from around 1912, and shows the landlord and landlady, Mr and Mrs Ebenezer Carter; please contact Sue Rawles on 01284 769480 or email burystedmundspostcardclub@gmail.com St

Or find us on facebook: Bury

now an extension of Carter Street. The family believed that the renaming of this part of the street was in honour of Ebenezer Carter, who had been a parish councillor in addition to being a publican, but no proof has been found!

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Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. expert local installers will new door and away old one too, there’s mess.

POSTCARD CLUBBURY ST EDMUNDS For more information about the Club/Events

The family were still in residence in 1916 when my husband’s mother was born there, and his aunt in 1918. According to my research, there has been a Carter Street in Fordham since at least 1400, and one shown on a map of about 1800. On this map, The Crown still stood in the High Street, but this is

the identity of the third person is unknown


Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01284 220 189 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 *Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override.


Edmunds Postcard Club

they’ll take




Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th September 2022 The North Weald Marshalling Team Invites you to our Vintage Aircraft Fly-in At Rougham Airfield Supported by Rougham Estates. Featuring “Meet the LAA” in 2022 Gates Open to Traders 08.00 - General Public 09.30. Food available and trade stalls on site Arrivals by Road £5 per Car Entrance Via Field Gate, Museum Roundabout Rougham Tower Avenue, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7QB. Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th September 2022

7.30pm Monday 19th September 2022 Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street IP33 1RH Winners of the 2020 Kathleen Ferrier Award Programme includes works by Schumann Strauss Wolf Beach Larsen White Box Office • Theatre Royal • 01284 769505 • www.theatreroyal.org Tickets also on the door as available Season’s membership £55 Membership contact • Sue Tanner • 01359 230457 • sue@tanner69.plus.com Bury St Edmunds Concert Club - Registered Charity 1050483 79th Season 2022/2023 Tickets £15 (Students £5) www.buryconcertclub.co.uk ConcertBurySeries Jessica Cale soprano George Ireland piano

For further information please visit our website at www.greenlighttrust.org or email info@greenlighttrust.org

“I do not want it to end. I am physically stronger. Connecting with nature and people in a safe space has helped me broaden my boundaries and taught me that everyone has something to offer and something to strive for, even me.”

By using meaningful work such as conservation of natural woodlands these women benefit from the healing power of nature. The woods and nature provide the safe space which, for a few hours each week, give these women the time to let their minds be freer, banish negative thoughts and leave trauma behind. They are working towards the preservation of natural woodlands, but they are working on themselves too. They travel on what at times is a painful and difficult road as week by week their wellbeing and mental health improves.

Each story is different. Some are faced with the pressures of looking after elderly and ill parents while balancing the responsibilities of teenagers. The only time away, the only time to be is in the woods – something to look forward to every week. “A little bit of space to

This is a quote from Sally who attended the Women’s Woodland Wellbeing programme held by Green Light Trust in Frithy Wood, Suffolk. A women’s only course supports women who are moving on after living with an abusive partner, are in recovery from substance addiction or who have poor mental health and wellbeing.

Follow us on social media @greenlighttrust

women in the woods

look after me and my wellbeing before returning to the unrelenting pressures of daily life” said Pippa.

Whilst Ann, a professional in the mental health arena had been so busy helping others with their wellbeing and had referred others onto Green Light courses she had neglected her own trauma. Abused as a young woman, she had left it and not come to terms with the abuse but over time it had gnawed away inside. Ann through The Green Light Trust has been able to gain valuable selfconfidence week by week and is now making the first steps in managing the trauma, so its impacts are not so over whelming.

The anecdotal feedback from Green Light Trust participants is incredible. 85% of those participants who complete a Green Light Trust course continue to engage and develop, coming back and joining us on another course, whilst others feel enabled to go out and continue their

If you would like to volunteer, support or you would like to find out more about the Green Light Trust then please contact us at info@greenlighttrust.org

education or to get employment. The evidence is overwhelming. Nature delivers. Being out in the woods makes us feel better: it is restorative for the individual, but it benefits wider society and the natural environment too. On balance it is the individuals who we support that sum it up best in their own words. Jessie’s story makes it clear why the women’s woodland wellbeing course is effective, “I have made friends. Connected with both people and nature and realised that other people do enjoy having me around. I have been accepted for being me.”

28 | SEPTEMBER 2022

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7pm – 9pm in Room 2 at Moreton Hall Community Centre. There is no joining fee or referral needed, do come along and find out more about living with, and managing, Lymphoedema and Lipoedema in a relaxed and friendly setting, along with a cuppa and biscuit. Carers, partners and guests are welcome too. - observing Hands - Face – Space, so that it is safe for all to attend.

For further details on LSS and the West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: LSS email: lssuffolk@gmail.com Facebook: LSS@lymphoedema West Suffolk Lymphoedema Service: T:wslymphservice@wsh.nhs.uk01284712732

Latest news from

3rd October and 28th November

The scales were purchased via the My WiSH Charity and Sally Daniels said “My WiSH Charity are pleased to continue working with the LSS to help patients with lymphoedema. Working together means we can achieve so much which is both of our aims”

Lymphoedema Support Suffolk proudly donates to…


Sally Daniels, Stefan Currington and Gwen Williams, Secretary of LSS


At its August 2022 meeting, LSS was pleased to present Stefan Currington, WSLS Lymphoedema/Occupational and Physiotherapy Assistant Practitioner, with a set of portable scales for patients use at WSLS’s community clinics.

Gwen Williams, Secretary of LSS, said “LSS is proud to continue its fundraising aims to purchase equipment for WSLS for the benefit of patients treatment and also to help staff deliver the best care to patients. It is a pleasure to work together with the My WiSH Charity to actively achieve this”

For further details on Lymphoedema and BritishLipoedema:Lymphology Society website: www.thebls.com Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website: www.lymphoedema.org Macmillan website: www.macmillan.org.uk

34 | SEPTEMBER 2022

For more information please visit www.whitleymorgan.co.uk or call: 01284 335562HOW


Together with a strong financial background we are able to support you and your business, bringing your ideas to reality. With 25+ years’ experience in starting, building, growing, franchising and selling companies. We provide training, advice and support to start-up or established businesses, in a friendly and approachable way. in the

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Positively Crafty – Thursday 1st September from 1.30-4pm.

Run by Patients for Patients

• By taking a day at a time


• Be ready for setbacks

• By living in the moment

Pain – One day at a Time

• Know you are not alone with this

• Accept a new normal and be empowered!

Crafty sessions are always fun, light hearted and everyone helps each other.

• Taking a multi disciplinary approach and living within the confines results in having a meaningful life with improved quality

• Distraction techniques help to gain a sense of achievement

negatively affects our wellbeing in various ways

• By not thinking too far ahead or overthinking

• Connect with others

• Be open to suggestion and try to put in place what is suggested to you

• Try not to let it be your complete focus and find what works for you

• Spending too much time in a heightened state,

• By giving ourselves time and presence of mind, we reap the benefits

CPSG speaker meeting –Thursday 15th September from 2pm-4pm. Both meetings at Southgate Community Centre


You can achieve so much more in this way:

36 | SEPTEMBER 2022 For more details call 07724 187774 or email info@chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk Find us on Facebook or visit www.chronicpainsupportgroup.co.uk

Coffee Morning - Monday 5th September from 10.30am at Dobbies Garden Centre Zoom meetings - Wednesday for art and Saturday for a virtual coffee morning. Both from 10am.

No referral necessary to join the group.

In the session in August sticky note pad wallets were achieved. The materials used were a piece of A4 card, a piece of coloured card, a sticky note pad, double sided tape, a heat gun, a decorative stamp and coloured embossing powder of your choice. The measurements are 9cm square on the top, 2cm x 9cm for the side, 9cm square for the bottom. All one length of card 20cm long by 9cm wide. Useful for telephone messages, reminders or as a handy little gift.

01284 811690 / 07899 890765 info@masbathroomsandkitchens.co.uk www.masbathroomsandkitchens.co.uk VinylTilingPlumbingPlasteringElectricalCarpentryKitchensBathroomsTiling SPECIAL OFFER £39.99 SEPTEMBER 2022 | 37

is such a rewarding thing to do. It costs no money, just your time and that is something we value greatly.

Visit our website to donate or to find out more. We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, @mywishcharity, do give us a follow to keep up with our latest news. www.mywishcharity.co.uk

Our projects come in all shapes and sizes and a £10 donation can make as much difference as a £1000.

can you spare a couple of hours?

If you think you help us enhance care then please email fundraising@wsh.nhs.uk or call Tanya on 01284 712952


We don’t ask for any set time, just whatever you would like to give. It could be you are happy to pop along to a club or group and accept a donation on our behalf. It could be you would love to pop into your local town on a weekend and ‘shake’ a bucket or maybe you would like to join us at one of our bigger events, there’s a role for


As a charity we don’t provide anything the NHS should provide but the extras. All donations mean we can enhance care for you, your family, for life. For the very young it could be using one of the special cots we’ve purchased for twin babies or a special video link service on neonatal unit so baby and mum can stay connected. It could be being treated by a play specialist in the emergency department or playing with a toy in the x-ray department. As we get older and need other services from the hospital we may benefit from the cardiac diagnostic unit, a project that saw us raise £500,000, or maybe you could need to borrow a DVD player to complete your cardiac rehab from the comfort of your home.

Your time is precious but did you know that you could spare a couple of hours and support your local NHS charity? If this is something you’d love to do then we would love to hear from you.


As a charity we, like the Trust, support everyone. In fact, did you know the Trust and charity care for a population of 280,000 people across west Suffolk? As you can imagine, supporting all these people and telling them what we do can be tricky. As a small team we just cannot reach you all but, with your help, we could meet, talk and thank so many more and that’s where you come in.

My WiSH Charity supports the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust. This includes West Suffolk Hospital, Newmarket Community Hospital and all the community services and care they provide.

Heat the oil in a medium pan over a medium heat. Fry the onion and garlic for 8-10 mins until soft. Add the chorizo and fry for 5 mins more. Tip in the tomatoes and sugar, and season. Bring to a simmer, then add the gnocchi and cook for 8 mins, stirring often, until soft. Heat the grill to high.

125g mozzarella ball, cut into chunks

120g chorizo, diced

1 tsp caster sugar

2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes

SEPTEMBER 2022 | 39

Stir ¾ of the mozzarella and most of the basil through the gnocchi. Divide the mixture between six ovenproof ramekins, or put in one baking dish. Top with the remaining mozzarella, then grill for 3 mins, or until the cheese is melted and golden. Season, scatter over the remaining basil and serve with green salad.


2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, finely chopped


Upgrade cheesy tomato pasta with gnocchi, chorizo and mozzarella for a comforting bake that makes an excellent midweek meal.

small bunch of basil, torn green salad, to serve

600g fresh gnocchi

• Heat a pan to medium heat. Add a little butter or oil to the surface of the pan.

Cook the pancakes

is resting, dice the strawberries into 1cm cubes. • Fold the diced strawberries into the pancake batter.

• Watch for small bubbles to appear on the surface of the pancake and burst, when you see them, it’s time to flip the pancake.

• Keep an eye on them now, the second side of the pancake won’t take long to cook.

sponsored by 40 | SEPTEMBER 2022


Scrumptious Strawberry Pancakes INGREDIENTS • 225g plain flour • 1 tbsp sugar • 1 tbsp baking powder • 1 pinch salt • 3 tbsp butter • 310g cup milk • 2 tsp vanilla essence • 1 egg • half a punnet of strawberries

• Scoop a quarter cup of the batter and pour it onto the heated pan. Your pancake won’t be perfectly round, the lumps of strawberry means you will get imperfect circles.

• Whisk together the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt) • Melt the butter. • Whisk together the wet ingredients (melted butter, egg, vanilla, milk) • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients, whisk them until well combined. • Leave the batter to rest for 10 mins. •

ForMETHODtheBatter While the batter


Information on which this article is based is correct at the time of publishing. Any updates are available on our website: whitingsllp.co.uk

More transparency for Charities

If you are involved in the numerous local charities around Moreton Hall, as well as the wider Bury St Edmunds district, then you may be interested in the consultation which has been launched by the Charity Commission, regarding changes to the annual return.

Megan Turner

If you have any questions regarding annual returns, please get in touch with us at Skyliner Way here at Moreton Hall, or contact us through our website www.whitingsllp.co.uk.

There are a number of new questions set to be added to the annual return, taking the total from 36 to 52, although only 32 will be compulsory.

The aim of the additional questions is to make the annual return more comprehensive, by collecting information around your charity’s income sources, payroll costs in the sector and different roles and responsibilities.

The changes apply to all registered charities in England and Wales with an income of over £10,000, as well as all Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) for financial years starting on or after January 1, 2023.

The consultation period will close on September 1, 2022, so please visit the Charity Commission website for further information or to have your say.

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Bury St Edmunds Cricket Club are in the closing stages of the what has been a challenging season, player availability has not always been good, many people after two years of restrictions have taken the opportunity for holidays that have not been possible in recent

The season has seen extensive use of the ground by Suffolk cricket for players ranging from over 60’s to under 11 girls. Some 30 additional matches have taken place.


times. The club has regularly fielded four teams on a Saturday and two on Sundays as well as many junior cricket matches. Friday night coaching sessions have been the best attended ever with the ground having boys, girls and ladies spread in all parts.

A highlight of the season has been Jacob Miltz our South African Professional player who has scored 830 runs at an average 52 per game (with 2 games still to go) his wicket keeping has been exceptional taking 22 catches and making 5 stumpings. There have been many outstanding performances in all the teams and these will be highlighted at the end of season awards evening.

The photo above taken on Tuesday August 23rd shows a large number of girls and boys playing in an inter county competition.

GET IN TOUCH 07917 /MORETONHALLRUNNERS714557for more information WE’RE GOING TO 2 NIGHTS A WEEK ALL ABILITIES WELCOME Sessions will focus on hill sprints, interval training and running techniques. EVERY TUESDAY 6.30PM EVERY THURSDAY 6.30PM AND

Sometimes the rustle in the bushes actually is a monster. Idris Elba stars in a pulse-pounding new thriller about a father and his two teenage daughters who find themselves hunted by a massive rogue lion intent on proving that the savannah has but one apex predator. Elba plays Dr. Nate Daniels, a recently widowed husband who returns to South Africa, where he first met his wife, on a long-planned trip with their daughters to a game reserve.

Age Guidance: 18+ Find out more at: theatreroyal.org


Theatre Royal Comedy Club

Please note: all correct at time going to press, but please check for updates directly with the venue.

Find out more at: www.cineworld.co.uk


Saturday 24th September

Line up includes: Andy

September WHAT’S ON IN

46 | SEPTEMBER 2022 nced the death of a tever their age and whatever the cause. Those whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before; they are wherever we are. " Saturday17 September 2022 3.00 pm

Beast (2022) (15)

Fancy a laugh? Theatre Royal’s very own comedy club features a great line-up of comedians from across the UK touring circuit alongside up-and-coming comics.


Anything is possible, from the smallest path or water feature to a full garden redesign or largest estate driveway. Making your dreams come true... Got a project in mind? Contact us today for a free consultation: T: 01284 724486 M: 07860 577557 E: archleypaving@icloud.com www.archleylandscapesolutions.com GARDEN DESIGN • DRIVEWAYS • PATIOS • LANDSCAPING

Line up some of your toys on the side of it so the shadow casts onto the Drawpaperaround

48 | SEPTEMBER 2022


Craft Corner

Michelle x


the shadows with a pen or pencil


Every month I share a crafty activity for you to try at home. Why not like my facebook page www.facebook.com/thecraftyfoxes and follow me on instagram @thecraftyfoxes to find out more about what I’m up to and see crafty videos to try at home.

Grab a free sample of wallpaper and turn it over Lay it on the floor

Why not colour them in too?

looking at shadows and where the sun is as we head into Autumn

TOP TIP… Try different sized toys and move them closer and further away to see the size of shadow cast.

YOU WILL NEED: Free wallpaper sample, some small toys, pens or pencils. about

See you again next month in October, here in The Directory.

For every day, month, year that passes the value of the Museum is appreciated more. The void of the historical sacrifice made back in the 1940’s to the memories continuing today, especially by veteran’s families is growing.

We continue with our Sunday opening (10.00 – 16.00). This month our Big event is over the weekend Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th where we will be open BOTH DAYS for the airfields ‘North Weald Marshallers’ Gathering Of Aircraft.

Thank you Graham and Crew - as the Museum continues to attract visitors from near and far.

Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum

“A fabulous July is coming to an end, it started with “Echoes” 2022, which turned out to be better than we could have hoped. Planning for ‘23 is already in full swing.

We hired out the Museum to Karen for her “special” Birthday which was a 1940’s themed party. Everyone wore period costume –uniform’s and flowing dresses, a 40’s dance band and singer entertained plus a display of military vehicles created a great atmosphere. A fabulous day was had by all, with myself, Wendy, Paul, Vince and Jo helping.

I had the pleasure of showing two veteran’s families around the site. Vince Woska, son of John (Jack) Woska, of “Ice Cold Katie” 332nd Sqdn and Perry and Tracy Ward plus Georgiana, nephew of S/S Paul Pearson, gunner on “ Frenesi” 333rd Sqdn. I hope they all enjoyed their visits and left with fond memories.

Attendance for July was low to start, with the weather being hot people tend to head for the beach, but a weekend attendance saw 61 members of the public through the gates. These numbers have continued to increase with two August Sundays both exceeding 90 visitors.

Chairman Graham Sage recently wrote the following – his ‘take’ on how the Museum is progressing and providing a very special experience to our visitors.

For our details please refer to our website: www.rctam94th.co.uk E-mail info@rctam94th.co.uk Mobile 07931 971771

Please come along on any Sunday and enjoy the history of this amazing place. Thank you to all who help with the Museum and to all the visitors for coming.”

Two final dates for your Sundaydiaries: 16th October will be the final open day of the season (sadly).

We also extend a very walm welcome to the Light Aircraft Association with their ‘meet the LAA’ trailer. If you have ever considered building a ‘plane or owning one these are the people to talk too. LX Avionics (sponsor of the LAA) are bringing a display of modern cockpit electronics, well worth seeing some of the latest technology available. If you are looking for that ‘special’ birthday (or even Christmas) present why not call into Skyward Flight Training and purchase a ‘Trial Lesson’. They offer a variety of ‘Pilot Experiences’ – will you get the ‘bug’ to fly, is it on your bucket list? Drop in to see them.

Summer Success

Subject to our ‘British Weather’ being kind, we are hoping for aircraft visiting from all points of the country (and possibly from abroad). Please join us to enjoy getting ‘up close and personal’ both to the aircraft and to the pilot’s – they love to talk about their ‘planes! Burger’s, donut’s, ice-creams, aviation books & models will be available, together with other exhibitors. Last year our Saturday attendance was 96 visiting aircraft – can this be beaten this year? Maybe the Avro Anson that was so popular last year will make a return appearance – watch the sky’s over Bury to see!

Sunday 11th December will be the Annual Departures Service (11.00)

Garden Retreats specialise in the design, manufacture and installation of superior quality garden rooms with a huge range of options, complete with great service at the best possible price. If you can imagine it, we can build it.

Brand new showroom now open! Come and look around at our main showroom: Unit 3, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE

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Our Garden Retreats provide an oasis of calm away from the house whether you’re looking for a more traditional or modern addition to your garden, we can accommodate any requests. Our fully bespoke range means that you can choose the options that work best for you.

Renewable energy sources: Nuclear, Hydropower, Wind, Geothermal, Solar, Biomass 4-6g CO₂e / kWh


Remember our mantra at Ecofrenzy - a lot of little actions add up to a big action.

Natural Gas – 350g CO₂e / kWh

On average a car running on diesel emits 200g CO₂ per mile, whereas an electric car has a CO₂ footprint of 67g per mile. On the

We have loads more ideas at ecofrenzy.com to help our wonderful world.

Petroleum – 320g CO₂e / kWh

So far we have looked at the CO₂ emissions when running an electric car, but what about the embedded energy in the car itself. This is the combination of energy required to source all the building blocks of the car, the manufacturing process, the transport process and the marketing of the vehicle. The basic car manufacture is similar between electric and diesel cars but there is a huge discrepancy when it comes to making batteries. Electric car batteries require a lot of energy to manufacture and can themselves represent a CO₂ imprint of many tonnes dependent on size of battery. This has the effect of reducing the green credentials of an electric car.

The overall level of this imprint depends on the combination of energy sources to generate the electricity.

However, we at Ecofrenzy believe that the UK is on the right road with the drive towards electric vehicles, so buckle up and enjoy the journey. Finally make sure you take all the factors mentioned in the last 3 articles into account before choosing your vehicle. In summary these were, cost of car, charging batteries, batteries, range, green credentials.

It’s only 8 years before there is a complete ban on selling new petrol and diesel cars. That’s not long to make sure we have the infrastructure in place to handle such a huge increase of electric cars. Sometimes great ideas from Governments do not always follow the desired path and I fear this is another of those aspirations. Hopefully my cynicism will be aptly knocked for six.

EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham. If you have any queries please visit www.ecofrenzy.com/contact-us or email tony@ecofrenzy.com

If for example you live in Australia, India, China or Russia where electricity production is highly dependent on coal, then the environmental benefits of running an electric car are drastically worse than running the same car in countries such as Sweden, Iceland and Norway where most of the electricity is produced from renewable sources. UK is somewhere in the middle but we are one of the leaders in the world for new renewable energy production and so the situation can only improve.

Here is a quick CO₂ emissions comparison between running an electric car and a diesel car in UK.

You may often hear people say that electric cars produce zero greenhouse gas emissions from the tailpipe. Yes, that is absolutely true, but the electricity to charge the battery has to come from somewhere and generating electricity has its own greenhouse gas imprint.

face of it very good, but there is another factor that we need to take into account before we break open the champagne bottles.

This means that the more the dependence on fossil fuel sources such as coal for electricity production, the less the benefit to reducing CO₂ emissions when running an electric car in that country.

This, our third and final article on electric cars will look at their green credentials. As with so many other points associated with electric vehicles this is complicated, but we will attempt to simplify it for you.

In order of carbon dioxide emissions per Kilo Watt Hour of electricity generated for various energy sources see below Coal – 950g CO₂e / kWh

This givesillustrationanindication of CO₂ emissions taking everything into account over a 7 year life cycle of a car. In UK the big gains in CO₂ reduction when driving your car are offset to some degree by the large CO₂ imprint from embedded energy.

MARTYN WEBB PLUMBING SERVICES Fully Qualified & Insured Plumber Over 30 Years Experience No Call Out Fee No Job Too Small Reliable and Friendly Service PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS • MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS COMPLETE BATHROOM REFURBISHMENTS WALL & FLOOR TILING • ALL TYPES OF SHOWERS FITTED RADIATORS • CYLINDERS • IMMERSION HEATERS PUMPS • BALL VALVES • SYPHONS • TAPS • OUTSIDE TAPS SERVICE VALVES • WATER SOFTENERS • SINK UNITS COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS Telephone: 01284 852554 Mobile: 07864 712055 Email: webbtm88@hotmail.com Pete ElectricianAustin Fully qualified, insured and experienced electrician willing to undertake both large and small jobs – please contact me for a no obligation quotation. l Complete rewires l Partial rewires l Inspection & Testing l Electrical Condition Reports l Extra sockets & lights l Power to garages, sheds or workshops l External security lights l Showers l Fuse board upgrades l Mains linked smoke alarms 9 Smith Walk, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP33 M.T.peteaustin.electrical@gmail.com2NW012847472840781035843101284 336050 11 Cratfield Rd, Moreton Hall Ind Est, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7DF GET 10% DISCOUNT Quote Ref: BSEdirectory Email: branch4001@george-boyd.co.uk Do you need… l Lever handles l Door knobs l Hinges l Latches / Locks l Kitchen knobs & handles l Gate catcheslatches,and bolts l Key cutting service l Tools, sealants & screws If so, call us or pop down to our branch, we have fully trained and qualified sales staff for all your ironmongery needs. SEPTEMBER 2022 | 53

With Revd David


this to the entire community and hope that people will come and find strength and the spiritual wellbeing we all need to cope with all the challenges we are facing this autumn.


54 | SEPTEMBER 2022

Revd. JonathanCanonFord.

Christ Church

This September starts a new season for Christ Church, Moreton Hall.

10am-2:30pm Saturday 24th September Teaching and training for healing prayer. 10:30am Sunday 25th September Healing Service 6.30pm Sunday 25th September Town Healing Service for the churches in Bury St. Edmunds and District For more information for all events contact: Revd Jonathan

At Christ Church Moreton Hall Symonds Road, Bury St Edmunds IP32 7EW Perrett Ford Tel 01284 769956

There is a need for healing physically, mentally and spiritually. Our wellbeing needs to be restored.

To this end we have invited Revd. David Perrett to do a special healing weekendsee the advertisement below.

Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall

I hope you will note the times of the two Healing Services on Sunday 25th September. These are opportunities for you to come to Christ Church, hear what Revd David Perrett has to say and, if it is appropriate for you, receive the healing you

With every good wish,

Or email Revdjonathanford@gmail.com

We are very aware that many people are feeling the ill effects of two years of isolation caused by Covid19.

September Services at Christ Church Moreton Hall Visit our website: SundaySundaySundaySundaywww.facebook.com/ChristChurchMoretonHall/www.ccmh.org.uk4th10:30amFamilyService11th10:30amMorningWorshipwithSundaySchool18th10:30amHolyCommunion4:00pmKid’sChurch25th10:30amHealingService6:30pmHealingService SEPTEMBER 2022 | 55 Please contact us on 01284 769956 or email: worship@ccmh.org.uk for more details about our events. OTHER KEY DATES AT CHURCH 9:00am to 6.00pm –Ride and Stride (Suffolk Historic Churches Trust) 10:30am to 3:30pm –Vaccination clinic Stay and Play (for preschool children and their parents / guardians) Friday 9th September 10:30am - 12:00 noon Friday 23rd September 10:30am - 12:00 noon Saturday 10th September

ClassifiedsTHE YOUR LOCAL GARAGE EST 28 YEARS VEHICLE SERVICING • REPAIRS • MOTS ALLHYBRIDTECHNICIANSTRAINED Unit 8, Fourwheel Drive, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9ND T. 01359 271238 E. rmc8fwd@hotmail.co.uk MOT APPOINTMENTSEVENINGAVAILABLE Your local 24 hour locksmith BURY DIRECTORIES 85x124.indd 1 12/04/2019 15:38 TRUSTED LOCKSMITHING SERVICES Call us now on 01284 220180 info@thelockguysltd.co.ukwww.thelockguysltd.co.uk24HOUREMERGENCYNUMBER07761800465lock-outsupvcrepairslockrepairsgaragedpprslockreplacement&upgradesburlaryrepairskeycutting We have the right cleaner waiting to help you. Regular - Weekly - Cleaner 01359 258991 www timeforyousuffolk co uk Are you tired of cleaning? Typically £14 p h 56 | SEPTEMBER 2022 MORTGAGES | PROTECTION | GENERAL INSURANCE l Looking for a new Mortgage? l Mortgage deal coming to an end? l Looking to maximize your investment with the right buy to let mortgage? Talk to your local mortgage and protection experts, get access to hundreds of mortgages under one roof, get the right cover for you at the right price. Call Sarah Fordham at Castle Mortgages (UK) Tel: 01359 254042 | Mob: 07795 211933 Email Sarah@castlemortgages.co.uk Your repaymentsrepossessedpropertyhome/maybeifyoudonotkeepuponyourmortgage.to arrange a free initial consultation General and preventative Maintenance. Wood and laminate flooring. Plumbing and tiling. Fencing and spraying. Landscaping and ground work. Roofing. PCarpentryaintingand decorating.PROOFchristophereley7@gmail.comMAINTENANCEACE07833148439christophereley7@gmail.comMAINTENANCEACE07833148439

To advertise your business here please contact Jeremy Procter on: T. 01284 765092 or E: jeremy@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk l Hedge Trimmers l Turf Cutters to Strimmers l Lawn Scarifiers l Rotavators l Stump Grinder l Power Tools l Timberwolf Chipper Shredder l Access Platforms l Scaffold Towers l Concrete Mixers to Sanders l Mini Excavators to Rollers l Disc Cutters to Lighting Towers l Carpet Cleaners l Wallpaper Strippers l Concrete Breakers Thurston Road, Great Barton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 2PJ Telephone: 01284 788122 Email: info@tbs-hire.co.uk www.tbs-hire.co.uk PLANT & TOOL HIRE and much more! D.J. HAILL Ltd DRIVEWAYS, PAVING & FENCING Local authority approved drop kerbs and access. Tarmac driveways • Shingle • Tar • Block paving All fencing • Patios and paths • Concrete pads Footings • Drainage • Fully insured. For a free quote, call Darren 01449 737164 or 07766 024137 R&P Build All aspects of plastering including over skimming of artex All property & maintenancebuilding Plasterers / Builders Telephone Paul on: 01284 361397 or 07841 923215 SEPTEMBER 2022 | 57 Daytime Piano Lessons Moreton Hall Beginner and Intermediate Levels Weekdays (during school hours), term time - No after school or evening slots available. 12 years experience, teaching age 8–80+ Always wanted to learn? It’s not too late! Playing a musical instrument relieves stress and aids memory. Ruth Baxter 07751 275354 or email: ruthbaxter4268@gmail.com

PLEASE NOTE: The publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

above, Tel. 01284 765481. MOTHERCARE OPENING STAIRGATE Good Cond. £12 Tel.


Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number. 01284 £19.50, of 01284

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I don’t know about you, but I love a good comeback. The kind that makes you think “I wish I’d said that!” However, good comebacks often put people down. So, we laugh at their cleverness, whilst feeling guilty for doing so.

But he needn’t have worried, for his father spots him on the horizon and runs out to him, throws his arms around him, and kisses him. The son tries to apologise, but his dad is too busy celebrating to listen. Instead of giving him the cold shoulder, his father commands his servants to bring new clothes for his son and to organise a party.

For further details of all our activities visit our website www.southgatechurch.org.uk

But the other day, I came across a wonderful comeback that was uplifting: The Parable of the Prodigal Son.

In Jesus’ story, a young man impudently demands that his father gives him his inheritance up-front. He then journeys to a distant land, where he squanders his wealth on ‘wild living’. But eventually his money and his friends run out. And so, he gradually comes to his senses and decides to return to his father. But as he makes the long journey home, the young

Mae West was a 20th century Hollywood actress who was famous for her great comebacks. She was once in court before a judge, who became irritated with her condescending one-liners. Eventually the judge said to her “Miss West, are you trying to show contempt for this court?” “No, your honour”, she replied, “I’m trying to conceal it”.

The point of Jesus’ story is that this is how our Heavenly Father feels about us, no matter how far we’ve strayed from him. We all make selfcentred choices that create a distance between us and God.

I don’t know where you stand with God right now, but I do know that if you ever decide to return to him, God will give you a wonderful welcome.

One way back to God, is through Back to Church Sunday. This year, it’s happening on the 18th September, at Southgate Church. A church where visitors are always welcomed. Do think about coming. It could be your greatest ever comeback.

I Love a Good Comeback

But unlike us, God doesn’t bear grudges and is always ready to welcome us back with open arms. That is what Jesus was doing on the cross.


Rev Mike Simm Minister of Southgate Church

man rehearses a grovelling apology and wonders if his father will have him back…

10.30am Morning Worship services with Sunday Club for children of all ages.

Thursday (Ladies) Club meet on 22nd September at 7.45pm for a talk by the Chairman of Bury Drop In for homeless people.

Please contact Jackie Tooley, Administrator on 01284 703705 or email office@southgatechurch.org.uk

CoffeeStop 10am to 12noon Every Monday morning in Church Centre Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and Chat

18th Sept is Back To Church Sunday.

Our Incredible Kids Holiday Club was…

What’s on in SEPTEMBERSundays4th,11th,18th&25thSeptember

It’s nearly time to head back to school! We hope you’ve had a great summer and are looking forward to the new term ahead. We’re planning a great term of activities for our youth and children’s groups. We currently have spaces in our Thursday night Youth Club so if you have children who are in school years 5-7 who would like to make new friends, have fun, try new skills and help make a difference in their community and beyond, do get in touch!

INCREDIBLE! Games, bible stories, songs, dance, craft, food and fun! Huge thanks to our wonderful team of volunteers who made it all happen and thank you for sending your incredible kids!

Friendship Club for older people, meet at 2.45pm on:Thursday 1st September, for a visit from Bury Rickshaw Thursday 15th September, ‘Half a pound of tuppenny rice’, a talk by Stephanie Hemphill.

Sunday 2nd October

All Age Harvest Service, followed by bring-and-share lunch. Your harvest donations of dried, tinned and packet eats will be donated to Bury Food Bank

During term time, the following mid-week groups meet in Church Centre:- Liquid, for young people in school years 9 to 12, Mondays 7pm to 9pm Southgate Parent & Toddlers (SPOTS) meet in Church Centre, Wednesdays 9am to 11am. Youth Club, for school years 5, 6 & 7, Thursdays 6.30pm to 7.30pm


BMW PGA Championship

Alfred Dunhill ChampionshipLinks

The shoulders pay a massive role in building up POWER into the backswing. Pay attention however to where YOUR shoulders STOP turning, this indicates the top of YOUR backswing.



Welcome back to the 19th hole, September sees the end of the PGA Tour season and also sees the DP World to start building towards the final stages of their season.

Made in HimmerLand




Email: adamtrettpga@hotmail.co.uk

Enjoy your month of golf and I will speak to all next month. PLAY WELL - HAVE FUN!

events have been interesting to watch, and I am sure they are here to stay so it will be watch this space with regards to what happens going into next golf Howeverseason.for now the show goes on, and we have the DP world tour to focus on and the run into the final events of the year. See the list of events below for September.



62 | SEPTEMBER 2022

This point is far enough for you to GENERATE and USE the power you have built up, remember you have to be effective from this position and create GOOD STRIKES. Don’t worry if the backswing looks SHORT, there are some amazing players that look this way and they still hit it great distances.

Getting your left shoulder working up and your chest/body opening is a great feeling to have when hitting driver. This move through impact encourages more of an upward strike with driver through impact, giving us a better launch on the ball. Better launch angles and a solid strike will GAIN YOU DISTANCE!!

As I write this the final event on the PGA Tour is being played and we are yet to know who will be the Fedex Cup champion. It has been another amazing year of golf on the PGA Tour, however it has been a little strange the last few months with all the LIV disputes.

Facebook: Adam Trett - ADT Golf Coaching

DS Automobiles Italian CazooOpen Open de France

This section is in partnership with PGA LIFE 365 YouTube channel, we would encourage you to search for us and SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE. There are hundreds of videos on our channel for you to enjoy, please give some of them a view, give them a like and a


Fortinet ChampionshipSandersonPresidentsChampionshipCupFarms

I would like to see your body lead into the downswing with your hands following, from the top of your backswing allow the body to start turning while you feel that the hands have been left behind. A nice way to think about this is to keep your hands to the right side of your body early in the downswing, this can be monitored better in practice from a front on position like in the photo. This movement from the body means the larger muscle groups are doing more of the work, and controlling the arms and hands better into impact.

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