MHD August 2010

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Directory Moreton Hall


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Directory Moreton Hall

Gemma W alters Editor gemma@m oretonhalld m


…and welcome to the August edition of the Moreton Hall Directory. ters Sally Wal r Contributo m sally@ge

Hopefully, most of you are now enjoying a well-earned break for the Summer holidays, no more school runs in the morning, and last minute washing and ironing of the uniforms on Sunday night... bliss! But if the kids are already bored, turn to pages 26 and 51 to see what’s going on around Bury to keep them entertained. We know its a bit early, but on pages 40-41 we have a selection of school uniforms to kit all your children out ready for September. If you are having friends round to lunch why not rustle up our latest recipe on page 44.

Jeremy Pr jeremy@mContributor and Phocter ot oretonhalld os m

I have just been camping for a few days with family and friends and highly recommend it if you are on a budget, the kids love being out in the open, and if you pick a site that doesn’t have too many money-making activities, it will cost even less! We hope you enjoy this issue and we’ll see you in September!

Advertising/Copy Deadline for September 2011 Issue: Monday 22nd August Publisher: PIT Group Design & Artwork: Gemma Walters Design & Marketing The Moreton Hall Directory, PO BOX 583, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9AW Telephone: 01359 271150 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2007 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.




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directory&contents Directory of services Accident repairs 60, 61 Accountants/Bookkeepers 56, 57 Bathrooms 31 Beautician 7, 9, 49 Builders 16, 19, 23 Business Skills Training 57 Car Dealers 27, 32-33, 60-61 Car Mechanics 27, 32-33, 60-61 Carpenter 19 Carpets & Flooring 24 Cattery 7 Childcare 9, 34, 35 Chiropodist 9 Cleaning 5 Community Centre 55 Computer Services 58 Conservatories 15, 64 Country Store 36 Dance Lessons 5, 35 Driving Instructors 7 Electrician 19, 21 Estate Agents 3, 23 Fascias 15, 64 Furniture 24 Gardeners & Landscapers 5, 13, 16, 17, 21, 23 Golf Range & Supplies 53 Graphic/Web Design 58 Hairdressers 7, 9, 49, 50 Handy Man 16 Home Furnishings 24 Market 43 Osteopaths 50 Oven Cleaning 9, 24 Painter & Decorator 21 Paving & Walling Supplies 5, 16, 17 Pet Accessories 13 Pilates 47 Plant Hire 21 Plumber 25 Post Office 55 Pregnancy Classes 35 Solar Panels 37 Solicitors 57 Sports Clubs 53, 55 Stage School 35 Tiles/Tiling 31 Tree Surgeon 16, 21 Weight Loss 5, 9 Windows 15, 64 Yoga 47



contents AUGUST 2011















Police Newsletter Woodland Ways The Master Composter Frank Warby Andrew Southwood Christ Church Moreton Hall

Back to School Fashion 5 Top Beauty Products MHD sale Sunday Market at Rougham Airfield

MHD Recipe of the Month Orissa Indian Restaurant Vouchers

Self Centre What food causes Acne Are you a Sweaty Betty?

Calendar Fun stuff to do for the kids Christ Church Moreton Hall Burys Childrens Festival NEW! Horoscopes Cinema listings Moreton Hall Community Centre


12 14 18-19 29 30 38-39

40-41 42 43 43

44 45

46-47 48 50

10 26 39 51 52 54 55








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Moreton Hall




















BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)

Happy Birthday Gemma and Rick!














CAR BOOT SALE (Moreton Hall Community Centre)

BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)


Happy Birthday Daisy!



saturday DISCO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)

BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)




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Mum, I’m bored!!!!

Nothing upsets me more than when one of my kids tell me “I have nothing to do”. “What?” I say, “You have books, toys, video games, a playstation, ipod touch, mobile phone, television, Facebook, skateboards, bikes, computers, footballs, Frisbees, a trampoline, garden, and friends galore. How can you be bored?” But now I realise:

Boredom is the result of over entertainment. What we think of as boredom is really the result of too much stimulation. Let’s face it: there’s always something to do. It may not be as entertaining as a concert or as exciting as car chases, saving the world from evil dictators, or parachuting into Africa to survive on bugs and weeds but there’s always something to do. We live in a society that expects to be entertained and amused every waking hour and it isn’t cheap. We expect to be mentally stimulated by our spouses, our friends, our environment, and our jobs. If we aren’t, we’re told to ditch them for something or someone that revs our engine, that gets us excited, that ignites our passion. While I do believe that we should pursue those things that truly interest us and that we find interesting and stimulating, I think we’ve taken that idea a bit too far and our emergency fund, our retirement, and our savings account all suffer. When those three suffer, we lose a little bit of our sense of security, and we sometimes seek to quell that by more stimulation and excitement. It’s a vicious circle, isn’t it? I remember visiting my grandparents homes years ago, sitting in the garden, sipping some lemonade, making dens with old blankets and pegs whilst they were doing — nothing. My grandparents and the kids weren’t the only ones there either. So were aunts, uncles, parents, and cousins. The kids would be running around with the dog, or begin a game of hide-and-seek,



or climb a tree, but there was no loud music, no blaring television, no ringing telephones, and certainly no, “I’m bored!” Our demand for entertainment was limited to our interaction with each other … and no one was bored. No pricey entertainment, but a lot of great memories. What’s different today? I believe it’s the amount of entertainment we demand. We get fidgety, antsy, and downright irritable when we’re not connected to some sort of entertainment, whether it’s the Blackberry chirping on our belt or the television blaring about the latest bailout or the computer dinging about another email. Relieve boredom by being quiet, getting back to nature, exercising, and returning to simplicity. We even carry our demand for stimulation and entertainment on holiday. Cruise ships are quick to point out everything there is “to do” on board and off, a trip to the beach isn’t complete without riding go-carts or bungee jumping, going to the mountains means hiking, sight-seeing, and mountain bike rides, and everything has to include recreational shopping at an “outlet shopping centre” as well as eating at a pricey restaurant. Our quest for excitement is quite expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. When’s the last time you were in a truly quiet place? They’re few and far between these days. Take some time this summer, while the weather is nice, to walk though a park or a quiet wooded area. Bring your significant other or a child with you and just relax. Listen to the birds, the wind, and each other. Listen to that small voice inside you that helps you make wise decisions, and resolve to do this more often. Why not ‘forget’ to pack toys or other entertainment for the kids when you go away, see what you can do to keep them amused in other ways, they will love it and Im sure you wont here the words “Im bored!” throughout your break!



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Community Police

Newsletter Finally the summer holidays are here, unsure what has happened to the weather but hopefully we will have some sunshine again soon. Firstly, may we take this opportunity to let you know that we are holding a Bike Marking Event on Wednesday 17th August 2011 at Moreton Hall Community Centre from 11.00 am – 2.00 pm, please come along and see us as this is your opportunity to have your property marked with a UV Pen, free of charge. Every year we have hundreds of bikes that have been separated from their owners, by having yours marked, it makes it possible for us to return your bike back to you, if it was ever lost or stolen. Recently on Moreton Hall we have had a spate of egg throwing taking place around the estate, particular on Orttewell Road, where eggs are quite often being thrown off the bridge at cars. This is very dangerous; luckily no damage or injury has been caused to any person or vehicle. If anyone does know of any person responsible please contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team. Many of you will now be jetting off on your Summer Holidays, please follow a few quick steps to ensure your home is safe while you are away: • Leave lights and a radio on a timer switch, this will give the impression that people are home. • Do not leave valuable items like TV’s, videos or hifi’s visible through windows. • Lock the garage and shed with proper security locks, after putting all your tools safely away so they

cannot be used to break into your house. If you have to leave a ladder out, put it on its side and lock it to a secure fixture with a ‘close-shackle’ padlock and heavy-duty chain. • Finally lock all outside doors and windows. If you have a burglar alarm, make sure it is set! THE NEXT PRIORITY MEETING FOR THE PUBLIC The next priority meeting that you, the public, can address your concerns and issues to the Police, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, Havebury Housing and other partnerships will be on Wednesday 7th September 2011 at Asda, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds in the restaurant. The meeting will begin at 19:00 hours and finish approximately 21:00 hrs. We look forward to seeing you all. This is your opportunity to come along and find out about what is happening in your local area, raise any concerns or issues you may have or just simply to meet your local officers. Many thanks

PCSO 3236 Emma Stacey Tel: 01284 774100 Email: PC 32 Mo Arondel Tel: 01284 774100 Email: Sgt David Hill Tel: 01284 774100 Email: Inspector Jane Hertzog Tel: 01284 774100 Email




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Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways

Join us at Woodland Ways Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see www., see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email information@woodlandways.



Uncommon Bat

found on the Moreton Hall A Serotine bat has been found at Home Covert, close to Sebert Wood Primary school. Five people were being trained to use bat detectors. led by Woodland Ways’ chair Nick Sibbett, when the discovery was made on 15th July this year. Trainees, which included members of Woodland Ways, Suffolk Bat Group, Elveden Farms and St Edmundsbury’s Nowton Park ranger service, had completed a training session in the Moreton Hall Community Centre, before going outside to find bats and practice their new identification skills. Bat detectors are electronic instruments which pick up the ultrasound which bats use to navigate in the dark, and play back that sound at a level people can hear. Whilst walking around Moreton Hall after sunset, the group visited Home Covert and readily identified Common Pipistrelle bats, as expected. The bat detectors also briefly made an unusual noise, which was too brief to be identified in the woods. Recordings

of the sounds were analysed later, and not one, but three bat species had been recorded. Most recordings were of Common Pipistrelle, which is the commonest bat in the UK, and there were a few records of Soprano Pipistrelle, the second commonest bat. The recordings showed that the unusual sound we heard was a Serotine bat. These are usually rural bats which fly at about tree-top height (to about 10 m) often close to vegetation. Serotines roost mainly in buildings with high gables and cavity walls, and can fly several kilometres from their roost to feed. Maybe it comes to Moreton Hall more than we think. The other mammal experience that night was a frightened beautiful brown Labrador in the wood, who was not inclined to walk towards an unexpected group of bat surveyors. Sorry, Frank!

family&home health&beauty

News We need your input! The Moreton Hall Residents’ Association has been in existence for nearly a year and the Committee has been busy on many issues involving the residents of the estate. We have lobbied councils at County, Borough and Town levels to discuss various issues including infrastructure, development, traffic, schools, Bury Town Football Club, street lighting, parking, and advertising. We have also taken part in Developer workshops for the estate and adjacent areas to the East of Bury. However we have had only limited responses to our requests for residents to contact us and tell us their views on the matters above or raise other issues that may be of concern. Since taking the role of Chairman I believe that I have had contact with around 100 households out of some 3,200 and I would like to significantly improve this proportion. The Borough Council has just issued a draft document outlining their intended consultation procedures and it is generally an excellent document but consultation is a two way exercise and a community needs a body to represent its views and with regard to Moreton Hall we would like to be that body. To do that successfully we need to have your input.

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extensions l Tiled roof conservatories l Traditional conservatories in both UPVc and timber l Highly energy efficient replacement UPVc windows l Garage convertions l Roofline products

The Association is non political and works with all elected representatives to maintain the high reputation and high quality of life found on the estate. There is no subscription and membership is open to all individuals over the age of 18 living or owning domestic property on the estate. You do not have to do anything except inform us of your views. If however you do wish to take a more positive role we have vacancies on the Committee or we can always use volunteers. Please visit our web site on https://sites. or email us on Alternatively contact me Mike Bacon at 10 Bederic Close. IP327DR. Chairman MHRA themhd



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The Master Composter by Paul Turner

Welcome to the Master Composter feature, where I will tell you about the joys of composting. I am a Master Composter Volunteer, which means that I have been trained by a charity called Garden Organics, in association with Suffolk County Council, and I devote my spare time to encouraging and assisting everyone to compost more. From the complete novice to the veteran composter, if you have a question about composting, then I will use this page to answer them.

Brewing something different with Coffee Grounds. The Campaign! In previous issues I have talked about what ingredients you can add to your compost to speed up the process and also to add nutrients to the finished product. One of these that can do both of these things is used coffee grounds. Once boiling water has been passed through the coffee it removes the acidity of the coffee beans and gives them a neutral ph, therefore you don’t have to worry about them affecting the compost. Worms love the coffee grounds and they can certainly be added to any worm bin, or “Vermicompost”. So, lets focus this month on trying to make a huge difference on the amount of used coffee grounds that go into landfill from the many coffee shops in our lovely town. It has long been a dream of mine that we, the



people of Bury St Edmunds, used people power to totally reduce all the coffee grounds from going in the bin. At this point I have to point out that Starbucks have a corporate policy to bag their coffee grounds up and offer it as soil improver to reduce their waste. They often need a gentle reminder but will try and fit it into the service when they can if you ask. Saints coffee shop is another that offer used coffee grounds to customers as they also recognise the value of removing this organic waste from their bin. They started this last year after I tried to start the same campaign in conjunction with an Eco Fair I organised at the Fire station. The art of entering a coffee shop to ask for used coffee grounds is: Firstly be friendly and polite, It maybe the first time the person

you are addressing has heard of composting coffee grounds; explain the benefits it offers to their business, by reducing their waste and promoting a more sustainable method of disposal. I can virtually guarantee that you will get a funny look, unless you are in a shop that already gives it away, but this shouldn’t put you off. Remember, you are trailblazing! You could suggest that they place the grounds in an empty foil bag, used for the coffee beans, which will further reduce their waste as well as provide you with a mini grow bag or flower pot. Once you have established an understanding with the shop owner, and regularly ask for the grounds, why not suggest that they bag up all their used grounds and place it in a basket



by the front door? This will offer everyone the opportunity to collect them and may encourage people into the shop. If I see a business making an effort to reduce their environmental impact then I am more likely to use it and I think this is becoming more commonplace with consumers. Sometimes the coffee grounds are often mixed with some of the other rubbish. If the filter papers are still in there it doesn’t matter as they will break down in the composting process. However, the plastic milk bottle tops will need to be removed before you put the used compost onto your garden as they look a bit odd in amongst the geraniums. Tell your friends about our campaign and pester your regular coffee shop. We are luck enough to have The Coffee House very near to home now. Perhaps we can start off there? Support the campaign and a local business.

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As always if you have any questions or comments, or would like to book a talk about composting for a gardening or other interested group please email: Dan asks: I know you can’t eat rhubarb leaves due to the toxin within them but can they be chucked on the compost heap ? Mastercomposter answers: Yes rhubarb leaves are toxic if we eat them, but like a lot of things that contain toxins, once they have been through the decomposition process it destroys the toxins and the compost can be used safely on a vegetable patch. In fact many people, myself included, think of rhubarb as a green manure which is often grown just to be composted and reinvested as nutrients into the soil.

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in the garden

Many summer flowering bulbs are still in flower during August and once these are over those in pots can be dried off very gradually as the bulbs approach their dormant period. The two major tasks this month are to plant narcissi of all kinds – including daffodils. Plant colchicums, autumnflowering crocuses and hardy cyclamen. Take cuttings of border carnations and pinks and tender perennials such as penstemons. Continue deadheading roses, annuals and perennials. Spray roses against insects, black spot and other diseases. Prune climbing and rambling roses that do not repeat flower. Complete the planting or re-planting of bearded irises by the end of the month. Take cuttings of fuchsias and flowering shrubs, rooting them in a propagator. Deutzias, buddleias and many evergreens will root easily this month. Remove leaves from lower half of stem and dip end of cuttings in hormone rooting powder. They will also require watering in dry weather, applying liquid feed as the buds begin to show. Collect and store seed of hardy annuals and perennials for sowing later in the autumn. Good plants to try include Calendula, Nigella, Cerinthe, Papaver, Aquilegia and hardy Geranium. Continue to pick summer fruit. Freeze surplus and make jams and jellies. Start picking apples and blackberries for use in pies and desserts. Support heavily laden branches on plums to prevent breakage.



Lift and pot up rooted strawberry runners. Cut out fruited canes of summer raspberries and tie in new canes to fruit next year. Tie in new growth on blackberries and hybrid berries. Complete summer pruning of restricted fruit trees such as cordon and espalier apples and pears. Prune out dead and fruited wood after cropping of fan-trained plums and cherries, and tie in replacement shoots. Shallots and autumn sown onions may be ready for lifting. The indication is when the foliage has faded completely. Do this when the weather is dry. Store them in a dry frost proof place. Lift and store beetroot. Sow Brussels sprouts for next year and the last batch of lettuce for this year. Sow spring cabbages, endives, kohlrabi, lettuce, radishes, spinach and turnips. Hoe between rows to keep down weeds. Raise the blades on the mower before cutting fine lawns. This will help reduce drought stress. Mow lightly and frequently so that short grass clippings can remain on the lawn during the hot summer to act as a moisture-retentive mulch. Excess thatch can be scarified out during autumn maintenance next month. Mulching mowers cut the clippings even finer than normal rotary blades, making the mulch less visible. Lawns on thin soils may benefit from a high phosphate feed. This will strengthen the roots for winter, rather than encouraging lush top growth that could suffer in the cold and weaken the grass. Avoid using lawn weedkillers in late summer - they will be more effective in the cooler, damper autumn weather.

Enjoy the rest of the Summer!


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Men strip off to promote ladies-only Hospice walk

Steve Nicholson, 33, Ben Oakley, 22, Liam Britton, 24, and Felipe Empleo, 32, appeal for women to sign up for the Girls Night Out walk, when men will be handing out refreshments to participants

A postman, care assistant, gym instructor and personal trainer are set to grace billboards after stripping off for St Nicholas Hospice Care. Postman Steve Nicholson, of Newmarket; care assistant Felipe Empleo, of Bury St Edmunds; gym instructor Ben Oakley, of Ashley; and personal trainer Liam Britton, of Sudbury, volunteered to model for the cheeky picture to help promote the Girls Night Out moonlight walk. Ben, 22, a gym instructor at LA Fitness, in Easlea Road, said: “When I was asked to take part I thought it sounded like it would be fun, so I was happy to get involved. It’s not every day you take your clothes off for charity.” Felipe, 32, who works at St Peter’s Nursing Home, in Out Risbygate, volunteered for the shoot after seeing an earlier Girls Night Out publicity photograph featuring naked women on a banner in the town. “I thought if the girls could do it, then I could,” he said. Steve, 33, said: “The photoshoot sounded like it would be good fun – on a dry day. In the end it was pouring with rain, but it was all for a good cause.” Liam, 24, of Sudbury, owns BTG Bootcamp of Bury and Sudbury. He said: “If our picture encourages women to sign up for the event, then it was worth it.” Men will be on hand at water stations around the ladies-only walk – on 17 September, in Bury – ready and willing to refresh thirsty participants. Now, the men are preparing to be recognised because the pictures will be used on billboards and in marketing materials and posters across the region.



Jenny Baskett, Hospice Events and Challenges Fundraiser, said: “The women taking part in the Girls Night Out inevitably get thirsty, so we hope having men at the water stations will give them a little extra incentive to get round and quench their thirst. And we hope our cheeky waterboys will give woman an incentive to register for the walk! “The event is great fun with a fantastic atmosphere from start to finish, so I urge any women still thinking of signing up to do so now.” The Girls Night Out will see hundreds of women walk an 11.2-mile or a new six-mile route around Bury, starting and finishing at Angel Hill. The night will start with a Zumba warm-up, while entertainers and bands will perform along the route.

Do you want to get involved in this year’s Girls Night Out?

To sign up, volunteer your help at the water stations or get involved with entertaining participants, contact Jenny Baskett on 01284 715583, email uk or go to - In addition to modeling for the Hospice, Liam is holding a seminar in aid of the charity. On Thursday, 4 August, at 7.30pm, Liam will be speaking about the shocking and controversial truth about fat loss at Moreton Hall Community Centre, in Bury. Instead of charging for the seminar, which would normally cost £30 each, Liam is asking for donations to the Hospice. For more information or to book, call Liam on 07843 943880 or email


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Bury St Edmunds hearing specialists named best for customer service for second year

One of Suffolk’s best performing companies is today celebrating after striking gold for the second time in a row at the 2011 Anglian Business Awards. The Hearing Care Centre, based locally at Mount Farm GP Surgery, received the prestigious award for Outstanding Customer Service, retaining the same title that they picked up last year. The glitzy ceremony, held at Trinity Park in Ipswich, was hosted by BBC television and radio presenter John Humphrys, and featured 40 Suffolk businesses fighting it out in 14 fiercely contested categories. The Hearing Care Centre, which established in 1998, by Managing Director Karen Finch, provides independent, holistic and ethical services to the hard of hearing in Suffolk. As well as its centre in Bury St Edmunds, it operates from 13 further locations across the County. The award judges recognised that The Hearing Care Centre demonstrated that it has its customers at the heart of its business and deploys and manages its resources to most effectively meet the needs of its customer base. The company, who were also shortlisted for the Community Involvement award, recently received a 96 % satisfaction rating in its patient survey, showing that their customers really appreciate the high levels of service that they receive. Karen was so delighted to have been again recognised for their customer service, “I am still shocked that we have won an award after being up against some very tough opposition”, said Karen.

Installation | Servicing | Repairs


“It would have been easy to become complacent having received this award last year, however my team have done a fantastic job over the past 12 months, and I cannot thank them enough.” themhd


! r e m m u S r o F t u O s ’ l o Scho Fun Stuff To Do...


West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village,

Eastgate Street, Bury St Edmunds,

West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village A unique reconstructed Anglo-Saxon Village built on an original settlement site, set within a large Country Park with café, shop and adventure playground. Archaeological finds from the site are displayed and the village is brought to life when costume re-enactment groups host special events during holiday periods (call for dates/ details).

Bury Bowl Popular bowling centre - great activity for kids, especially if it’s grotty outside - with fully licensed bar and restaurant as well as satellite television, pool and video games.

Kentwell Hall,

Long Melford, Sudbury, Telephone: 01787 310207 Kentwell Hall A beautiful moated Tudor Mansion, with extensive moated gardens and rare breeds farm. Famous for award winning Special Events from its Tudor Time Travel experience to its ultra scary Halloween Event, Sacresville - the site for a fright. Also Victorian and 1940s daily life. Its just as good to visit when there’s no Special event to explore House, Gardens & Farm


Bury Bowl,

West Stow, Bury St Edmunds, Telephone: 01284 728718


Telephone: 01284 750704

Moyse’s Hall Museum, Bury St Edmunds Telephone: 01284 706183

Moyse’s Hall Museum For almost a thousand years Moyse’s Hall has looked out over the Market Place of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk. It has seen many changes since it was built in 1180 and provides an excellent setting in which to trace the unfolding story of West Suffolk, through displays which range from prehistoric times right through to the present.


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Make an ENTRANCE! How to make more of your hallway

Your hallway sets the tone for your home and creates that all-important first impression, so make it welcoming. Think colour, light, photos and quirky conversation pieces… and start with these simple design basics. Make a feature

There’s unlikely to be a lot of furniture in the hall, so create a feature item. A fancy hat rack, can become a quirky conversation piece. If there’s space, put a chair near the door. Great to rest your feet while waiting for late-coming kids or hubbies.

Don’t dump it

Resist the urge to use your entrance as a dumping ground. Invest in some decent storage and take advantage of the space under the stairs. A large Seagrass Chest is perfect for shoes and bags, and a 2 door wardrobe will hide your coats.

Floor fashions Greet and meet

Remember this is the room that greets you and your loved ones, so make it cosy. Try walking through the hallway and imagine you’re seeing it for the first time. What do you notice? What does the hallway say about you? Or – what do you want it to say about you? Use this as the starting point for your re-design.

Be bold and colourful

Your hallway is the only room where the floor is a major feature, so make the most of it with a decorative hallway runner. Try vinyl tiles if you’re on a budget.

Light up

Hallways should be bright, so consider adding windows or leaving doors open. Overhead lighting in a line is common but dull. Instead try uplighting pictures or place an interesting floor lamp in the corner.

Unlike the kitchen or bedroom, you only pass through the hallway briefly, so you can afford to make a statement with a busy rug or bold wallpaper Pale colours will make a poky hall feel roomy, but be wary of using white on the walls – it will attract grime and greasy handprints in a high traffic area.

Remember the little touches

Create optical illusions

Try to keep the amount of coats on show to a bare minimum. Out of season garments belong in a chest or hidden away in a wardrobe. But your guests (and you) will need somewhere to fling their jacket so choose a stylish coat rack.

Hang a mirror horizontally to increase the sense of length, or vertically for ceiling height. Painting the short end wall with intense paint colour will also add depth.

Hang it

Take advantage of your hallway’s abundant wall space and hang fun prints and photo frames. This is an area where people wait, so choose pictures that can be viewed close-up. Be wary of placing expensive artwork in a narrow hallway it’s likely to be bumped and scratched in the passing traffic.



Flowers transform a hallway. Changing them regularly instantly updates your look and greets visitors with a welcoming whiff of fragrance. Make the look last with silk flowers.


You will soon love people knocking at your door, whoever they are!


Local News... from Councillor Frank Warby


Gold Just a note to those of you still thinking about selling your old gold on line or to the guys on the market. This week gold reached $1,600 per ounce that’s £1,000 per ounce, so think about what you’re offered and make sure you are getting the correct price for your precious item. I also noticed that British Gas are increasing their price by 18% plus 5% vat, that is quite a hike. It might be worth looking around for cheaper suppliers, I most certainly shall. Gas like petrol has gone down in price so why the raise?.

PARK AND RIDE At the meeting of the Bury St Edmunds Area Working Party on Tuesday 19th July, it was proposed to use land belonging to St Edmunds to be used as a temporary park and ride site just off Kempson Way. This is due to the ever increasing popularity of the Christmas Fayre and the pre-Christmas weekends demand for car parking. The suggestion then was that the park would be closed off until required, however Cllr Patricia asked why the car park could not be used as a pay park, some 170 spaces to alleviate the problem of parking on Skyliner Way. This gained support of almost everyone of the committee. I must point out that this has to go to Cabinet and then full council before any final decision will be made. The cost of this would be met from Suffolk County Councils On-Street Parking Account. This was also brought up at the residence association meeting and was also greeted with favour with one exception, No prizes for guessing who!.


I have requested that the bins at the top of Mount Road just before the pathway to the shops be changed for bigger ones, a lot of people use the pathway and I am pleased to say they use the bin so much so that it is always overflowing. That was the good news now for the bad. We seem to have some new dog owners, who have not yet been trained by their dogs, I have had plenty of emails regarding Dog mess on all parts of the estate, on behalf of all the mums and children please, please pick up your dog mess and bin it.

SUMMER HOLIDAYS Yes it’s that time again, “ I am bored, nothing to do, can I have money for the pictures?’. I have spoken to Warren Smyth CEO of Abbeycroft Leisure Services, together with St Edmundsbury Borough Council. 1. Sport active session to run would be every Wednesday in the 6 weeks holidays. Warren is looking at a time of Wednesday morning around 11am - 12noon. This session has to be for 14+. It’s going to be a multi sport

session tailored to what the teenagers want to do. 2. A family funday to be delivered at Moreton hall playing fields on Tuesday 23rd August 11am to 3pm. Stephanie the play worker from St Eds and coaches from Abbeycroft will deliver activity sessions during the day. Stephanie has hired a climbing wall. This session is for all ages. PUT DATE IN DAIRY. These sessions will be held in the Youth Club.

Until next time keep safe. Frank

Contact Frank on 07818 455472 or email




. . g n i m o c e r a s y Holida by Andrew Southwood

Even now, I can still vividly remember that wonderful feeling. Six glorious long weeks ahead of me without a care in the world. The summer holidays were, and I’m sure still are to most children (and teachers!), the highlight of the academic year. Now a few years on (okay – quite a few years on) this once idyllic summer break is not quite so care free. Firstly there’s the fundamental logistics of arranging childcare. Luckily, this year my wife is still on maternity leave so we’ll be okay. I’ve not really figured out what working parents do in the long term, but I’m sure it will become apparent in the coming years. Getting the time off is probably the easiest bit though. Our once spacious family home will claustrophobically shrink around us as we desperately try



to entertain and amuse during, what I pessimistically predict, will be a wet and dreary August. Our son will miss his beloved pre-school sessions terribly, and I’m sure he won’t hold back in letting us know. Similarly, our baby daughter will be in for a bit of a shock to find she is competing with her brother for attention all day every day. It’s going to be ‘fun’. Will things be easier in a few years when they are a bit older? I hope so. I’m not sure what kids do in their summer holidays now? Probably playing with their ipad, and watching the Glee box set accounts for several weeks. By the time they’ve loitered outside McDonalds in town with their mates a few times there’s not much time left. It’s all a mystery to me. I was brought up in a remote rural setting, and would pass the summer holidays by errr…

actually I’m not really certain what I did. I guess I played with my 3 older siblings quite a bit. I seem to recall spending the vast majority of the time outside, with bicycles, tyre swings and stinging nettles all prominent in my memory. It wasn’t till later in life, much later, that I fully realised how incredibly lucky I was. Having large outbuilding, fields and essentially limitless freedom to play and explore; a luxury, I’m afraid to say, my children will not have. The quality time with the kids is of course priceless and will no doubt strengthen our close bond in years to come (I read that somewhere). That said, to be perfectly honest, the sooner September and the new school year comes round the better! In the meantime, let’s all take a deep breath, cross our fingers, and pray for some decent weather.




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STAGE SCHOOL LTD Step into the spotlight at “Lights, Music, Action!”

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Confidence and Life Skills One to One Tuition Available Weekly Classes & Summer Schools (Instrumental and Vocal) Inspirational Professional Tutors Regular Performances Weekly Classes on Fridays in Thurston (adults), and Saturdays at King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds (all ages). Why be a Sheep when you can be a Llama?

CALL NOW TO BOOK YOUR FREE SESSION! This flyer entitles one student aged between 5 and 105 to a free session at The LMA Stage School Ltd. It must be surrendered when attending the free session and this offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. This offer excludes current members. Only one ticket per person accepted. LMA Stage School Ltd reserves the right to refuse admission. Tel: 01359 271925

Check out some of my skills at: spaces available

Preschool - 9.30 til 10.15am 4-5 year olds - 10.30 til 11.15am

held at Moreton Hall Community Centre

Call Steve on 07725 403489 or visit our website: Pre-School Places from September 2011 We are delighted to be able to offer a limited number of places at New Moreton Hall Pre-School from September 2011. We can offer flexibility of sessions, from a minimum of 2 sessions per week for children over the age of 2 years 6 months. There will be the opportunity for children to stay in pre-school for a full year subject to availability of places, prior to moving up to nursery, or Sebert Wood School itself.

For more details, please contact our registrations coordinator at or telephone: 01284 702129

Advertise with The Moreton Hall Directory ­ email:

Tel: 01359 271150







5 Reasons to treat your family to a trip abroad There are so many reasons to travel and holiday at least once a year. Working most of the year can be very stressful, and the yearly family holiday is a time to relax and unwind. What are the Top Five Reasons for Holidaying with your Family Every Year?

1 2 3 4 5

Looking forward to it – It is something that you can plan together as a family and can spend the months before it looking forward to it. Quality time! When you work full time, you spend a large chunk of your week working, so to be able to spend time together as a family relaxing is priceless. Experiencing new things – Wherever you go on holiday there is a chance to try out new things, whether it is wind surfing in Majorca, to horse riding in France, every holiday offers you the chance to try out something new. Making new friends – being away somewhere new means you are around people you haven’t met before. This is a great opportunity to make new friends! Experiencing different cultures and food – Time abroad means you can experience a different culture, which is often great fun! Sampling different foods and visiting different cultural attractions is a great way to enrich your outlook on life. So whether you are taking a luxury family holiday, staying in the UK on a stay-cation or jetting off to a sunny island, going away with your whole family is something truly wonderful!

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Christ Church Moreton Hall I hope you are having a lovely August and many of you are enjoying your break. As you know, at the end of August, running up to the start of the school term, we always hold our Holiday Bible Club. This year it is called “Razamatazz Robots” and it’s on from Tuesday 30th August through to Sunday 4th September when we have a special service. It’s fun for all youngsters from the age of 5 through to 12 and we do hope you will come along and enjoy it. This year we also hope to introduce to you a new way of doing church called D.I.G. which stands for Delight In God. We are finding that lots of people are interested in authentic Christianity and in the moral teaching that it provides, so on Sunday mornings this will be our new way of reaching out to young people. In addition to that, we have two other groups. Seedlings, which is for mums with pre-school children. This is when we come together for two hours and do lots of creative play around Christian themes and teaching. It’s a good opportunity to make friends and for your child to learn in a safe and secure environment about all the good things Jesus has to share. We also have an after school club called Saplings which meets on Fridays for children aged 5 to 9. This is for people who want to learn more about the Christian faith and for their children to grow in the right way. Which leads me neatly to the question of religious education in schools. There are some loud voices who want to see all forms of religion removed from schools and for there to be no religious education of any sort. There is a problem with this position in that if people are ignorant of religion it makes it so much easier for charlatans and the wrong teachers of religion to



prosper and grow. All our children need to have a proper and mature understanding of all religions and this needs to be provided in the safe environment of their local school. In addition to that, it is becoming clear that Christian teaching, its morality and its standards, is something that strengthens society, improves family life and produces more wellrounded people. Also much of the literature that surrounds our nation’s national life is based upon the Bible stories. If young people don’t have exposure to these stories and the values that go with them their lives are both spiritually and culturally impoverished. That is why I want to take this opportunity of applauding Sebert Wood School for all the work it does in conjunction with Christ Church Moreton Hall, and also to really appreciate the work that the new Headmistress at Abbots Green is doing in improving religious contacts in the community at this time. In the end, whatever we want our young people to do with their lives, they must be able to make an informed choice. Religion in general, and Christianity in particular, has much to offer them. It has also made a significant positive contribution to society which unfortunately the headline grabbers and those who write them seem to forget. Finally, as some great writer once said, “There is a God shaped hole in all of us.” Every once in a while we do think about the big questions and ask what is our place in the great scheme of things. Once again this autumn, on 22nd September, we will be launching our Alpha course. Why not ring us on 725391 and book a place? You will find interesting people, interesting topics, great food, a chance to laugh

and share, and above all an opportunity to get closer to God. I know you are in the middle of your August holidays. There is so much to do and so much to think about, but why not consider what is going on in your local community which could really improve the quality of your life? Just a few lines from me to say that in August we will be having our Ground Breakers holiday club. Following that there will be a special service on 4th September. This is going to be a very special occasion for all our young people because we will be launching some new activities for young people in the autumn. I am not going to tell you what they are, but if you want to see your children have a good time at the end of August before they go back to school, why not sign up now. It’s open every weekday morning from 10.00 a.m. to mid-day. There will be a picnic, some fun activities and a whole range of things with something special happening on 4th September. We would also like to encourage you to come on 17th July to our God’s Gang prize-giving. This is also a very special occasion with lots of surprises. With every good wish, Yours sincerely, Jonathan Ford

Whats on at Christchurch Moreton Hall t Services Our Augus

ion y Commun 8.30am Hol er th ge To orship 10.30am W ip sh ng Wor 0am Morni 14th 10.3 n Communio m Family 21st 10.30a ng Worship 0am Morni m 28th 10.3 with baptis ers ak re db roun 6.30pm G ce vi er S r Praye


HOLIDAY CLUB CHRIST CHURCH MORET ON HALL Lawson Place 30th August - 2nd Septem ber 2011 10-12noon School Years 1-6 £1-50 per day or pre-book £5 for the week More information: 01284 725391 email: uk


8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Worship Together


10.30am Morning Worship


10.30am Family Communion


support Come and hurch! your local C

10.30am 6.30pm

Morning Worship with baptism Groundbreakers Prayer Service

Back to School








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Girls button cardigan £9 • Girls 3 pack short sleeve shirt from £3 • Girls zip detail trouser from £8 • 7 pack socks £4 • Leather chain detail shoes £14 themhd




Here are five must-have beauty products chosen by us and our readers to take with you on your summer holiday...

must ha ve beauty product s


1. Soap & Glory Flake Away™ Body Scrub

Garnier Body Summerbody Moisturising Lotion Deep Sun-Kissed Look

Superhero-strength skin smoothing body exfoliator with shea butter, sweet almond oil, peach seed powder, sea salt and sugar. Flake Away™ a spa-strength dry skin body scrub.

A moisturising lotion for a sun-kissed look, with natural extract of Apricot. Effective 12 hour moisturisation which gradually builds a tan.

Recommended by Gemma Walters

“I use this before my summer holiday to give my body a full exfoliation, this helps give me a lovely all over tan!”

Recommended by Sally Walters

John Frieda Frizz Ease Original Hair Serum


John Frieda Frizz - Ease Original Hair Serum instantly smoothes texture and adds shine. Perfect for dry, frizzy, permed, or coloured hair.

Recommended by Jo Stephenson “This is a must have for holiday hair!”


“I make sure i start using this beforehand to give my legs a wonderful colour so that i have the confidence to brave the skirts and bikinis on my holiday!”

Maybelline Mascara Volume Express Colossal Black Waterproof


For the lushest, most gorgeous smudge-proof lashes.

Recommended by Karen Taylor

“When im in and out of the pool all day this is the only mascara i have found that doesnt give me that unwanted panda look!”

BodyShop Body Butter The famous Body Butter with real cocoa butter. Quickly absorbed, it provides round-the-clock hydration.

Recommended by Laura Welham “For silky smooth, hydrated skin, I cannot leave home without it!”



shopping 3rd Sunday Monthly (between March – October)

AUGUST 2011 List items for sale free of charge to Moreton Hall Residents, email:

CHILDS HIGH SLEEPER BED. Solid pine with desk and soft chair underneath. Soft chair pulls out into a second futon bed. £50. Tel. 07543 977696. mens Watch. Ben Sherman as new, needs Battery £25. Tel. 01284 766028. BICYCLES. Two Top of the range, Specialised Racing Cycles one 16 gears £300. One 30 Gears £500, this is a real STEEL. Tel Jimmy 01284 766028. Small Velux sky light in good condition, 66 x 51 (26”x 20”w) complete with flashing. £50.00. Text or Tel. 07941 218 295. Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds or pennies in the process? Please include: 1. Brief description of the item. 2. The price. 3. Your telephone number.

Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

Sunday Market at Rougham Airfield 17th July • 21st August 18th September • 16th October

10.00am – 3.00pm An Exciting NEW Market with many stalls • FARMERS MARKET • CRAFTS • • HOME & GARDEN • GENERAL MARKET • CAR BOOT • FOOD & REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE • FUN FOR THE CHILDREN! • • FREE ADMISSION • Extensive Parking • Toilet Facilities • Sponsored by: Smilebright Teeth Whitening Specialist Organised by: The Market Place 07870 437264 Email:




Creamy Courgette Lasagne Prep time: 10 mins

Let’s cook:

Cook time: 20 mins


Serves: 4

what you’ll need: 9 dried lasagne sheets 1 tbsp sunflower oil 1 onion , finely chopped 700g courgettes (about 6), coarsely grated 2 garlic cloves , crushed 250g tub ricotta 50g cheddar 350g jar tomato sauce for pasta

Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Put a pan of water on to boil, then cook the lasagne sheets for about 5 mins until softened, but not cooked through. Rinse in cold water, then drizzle with a little oil to stop them sticking together.

2 Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large frying pan, then fry the onion. After 3 mins, add the courgettes and garlic and continue to fry until the courgette has softened and turned bright green. Stir in 2/3 of both the ricotta and the cheddar, then season to taste. Heat the tomato sauce in the microwave for 2 mins on High until hot. 3 In a large baking dish, layer up the lasagne, starting with half the courgette mix, then pasta, then tomato sauce. Repeat, top with blobs of the remaining ricotta, then scatter with the rest of the cheddar. Bake on the top shelf for about 10 mins until the pasta is tender and the cheese is golden.

Serve up this creamy quick dish for a last minute dinner party and impress veggie friends




August Specials REF: MHD AUGUST

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Maximum group of 4

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T&C’s apply


One voucher per table. Terms & conditions apply. We look forward to seeing you!

108 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA

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“Bend & Blen d”

A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exer and latest rese cises arch blended to gether to prom ote health &

By Carole Baker


Director, The Self Centre

This month we look at some Natural Remedies for the Summer Holidays! Travel Sickness Ginger – available in capsules or you can drink ginger and honey tea (fresh ginger root and honey in hot water!) Acupressure bands – readily available and they really work to stimulate the Chinese acupuncture lines on the wrists and prevent nausea (work in pregnancy too) Bites and Stings Apis – a homeopathic remedy for wasp and bee stings Ledum – a homeopathic remedy for puncture wounds from dogs or larger insects Lavender/Tea Tree Oil – neat onto the wound will stop infection, reduce swelling and itching. Citronella, Lemon Grass & Peppermint Oil diluted in vegetable oil will act as a repellent, so apply to exposed areas – they can also be burned in a room to deter insects. Cuts and Bruises Arnica – for shock and to prevent bruising Lavender Oil neat for bruising and to prevent infection Hypericum: for shutting fingers in the door. Blisters Cabbage poultice or juice. Crushed dock leaves or a neat drop of lavender oil. Nose Bleeds Lemon Juice applied to a cotton wool pad to the nostrils. Tincture of Nettle diluted in a glass of water. 3 drops lemon oil 1 drop lavender oil on tissue/inhale. DVT -Deep vein thrombosis This is the formation of a blood clot in one of the deep veins of



the body, usually in the leg. It is comparatively rare, affecting around 1/1000 mainly older people- it is a disease of the circulation. Blood passing through the deepest veins in the calf or thigh flows relatively slowly: when a DVT occurs it moves so slowly that it forms a solid clot which becomes wedged in the vein. Obesity & immobility are influences, but they are the easiest to work with. Take part in exercise such as Yoga or Chi Gong that will keep the body healthy but not place too much stress on the heart/circulatory system. You must “keep moving!” • Draw circles with you toes keeps ankles loose. • Draw circles with ankles, helps to prevent sciatica- good for long distances. • Feet placed flat on the floor, turn your toes outwards & inwards. Help to keep blood flowing in the legs & prevent a clot at back of knees which is the most common occurrence • Feet shoulder width apart,bring your knees together and then apart to open hips and stop any restricting of blood from the trunk to the legs. Ginkgo Biloba – improves blood flow in the peripheral blood vessels – may be useful. Gotukola – prevents swelling of both legs & feet- has calming effect on the body. Sunburn Aloe Vera is the best thing for sunburn – if you are on holiday in a country that grows the plants you just need to pop to the market and buy one, break off a leaf and squeeze out the gel onto

the skin. You can buy it commercially in an ointment or a gel. Diarrhoea Tea made with fresh ginger and peppermint will help with griping pains. Slippery Elm powder to sooth the digestive tract in general. Carrots are fab for diarrhoea so ask for carrot soup or carrot juice. Hangovers Chamomile and Peppermint tea. Lots of water, 3 or 4gms of Vitamin C, but basically don’t drink too much in the first place and if you are drinking in a hot climate always match an alcoholic drink with a pint of water. Milk Thistle is a great regenerater of the liver and is a perfect remendy to take before and after you have had a few too many drinks! You can get a tincture or capsules. Insomnia (often caused by change of climate/ time zone and jet lag. Valerian in a tablet or tea from (available readily at health food shops) Chamomile and Lavender oils in the bath at night or mix with a little vegetable oil and rub into the temples and chest area. Chamomile tea before bed is a great relaxant. Jet Lag Rosemary Oil – brilliant for re-stimulating the brain – a few drops on a handkerchief inhaled at regular intervals or put 3 or 4 drops in a bath on arrival. Sore Throat First line treatment is Tea Tree oil – you need to rub it into the glands in your neck and then place 3 drops in a small glass of water and gargle


with it. Sage Tea is the best remedy for sore throats of any kind and it is quite often available in European resorts under the Lipton brand (it also regulates hormones and is good for PMT!!) Splinters Silicia – a homeopathic remedy to encourage the body to expel the splinters. Lavender and Lemon oil – apply neat over the area and put on a plaster to draw the splinter out. Oedema (swollen ankles of feet) Quite often in hot climates we can find that we get swollen and puffy feet and ankles. The best way to counteract this is twofold. Firstly make friends with your feet! If you work to insert each one of your fingers in-between each one

of your toes ( yes they will fit eventually !! ) and then wiggle them about a bit , press the tips of your fingers onto the pads underneath your toes (soles of the feet) these represent the lymphatic system in Reflexology and pressing here will stimulate manual lymphatic drainage. The second thing to do is to get a large cushion and take your self over to a bare wall – squiggle yourself up to the wall and lie with your legs up the wall and your back flat on the floor with the cushion underneath your bottom – this is without a doubt the MOST rejuvenating yoga posture in the world (simply called “Legs up the wall pose”!) it is part inversion and will drain any swelling in the legs and feet – try and stay for at least 20 mins.

For more information on the self centre our classes and therapies and to download the latest summer timetable please visit www.the-self-centre., or call us on 01284 769090 or pop in and see us in Kempson Way! Carole Baker – Director & Yoga Teacher: The Self Centre. The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate.

The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate. themhd



health&beauty health&beauty

Which foods can cause

Many people say that certain foods can affect acne, some people say they don’t. Whether you agree or disagree, it’s interesting to see how your body and skin reacts to certain foods. Acne problems can affect anyone at any time during their life and it may be worth knowing there are solutions at hand, some right in your own kitchen. If you suffer from acne, you should take care in what you eat and you may need to avoid certain foods. If your acne problem gets worse after eating certain foods, it’s important to keep a note to find out how certain foods affect you and your skin. Food intake is so important in our life and if we can, we should always take care in what we eat to make our internal systems stronger. We can’t see our internal organs, so it’s easy to forget to look after them, but if we do we will be generally healthier. If you want to build up a strong body, you have to exercise, and your body will be stronger and faster with the right nutrition. In acne battles, it is the same, just food can be even more important. It’s good to use other treatments, proper cleansing, antibiotics and effective lotions - but without a good dietiary plan, they will not be as helpful as they could be - even if you will get rid of acne using antibiotics, it may come back after a while if your diet is bad and you would need to start the antibiotic cycle again. Although it’s tricky, a restricted diet is often the starting place to discovering problems with food related acne issues. After a while, when your acne problem is getting better, you can try introducing some of the foods that you restricted back into your diet in order to find out what could be the culprit. Of course there needs to be a balance between what to eat and what not to eat, sometimes we simply prefer the foods we should be avoiding and we have to let go of the restrictions, we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves with diets - but it’s great to finally know which foods cause which problems in our body - even if it means going without for a period of time, it may be worth it in the long run.

Some foods that may cause acne problems: foods you could try removing from your acne diet:

Nuts - and products that are made with nuts: such as peanut butter Chocolates - in any forms

Cola and other dark drinks - it’s ok to drink light

coloured sodas Spicy foods - especially if you use sauces you buy in jars, homemade chilli sauce with fresh peppers are much better. Salty foods - like french fries, crisps and other snacks. Pizza - oops!

Dairy products Less sugar - can cause problems, so consuming less sweet products could help Less fried foods - again something with “less”. So enjoy fried foods, but not all the time

Well, hopefully you are not too depressed now! In the list you can see “less sugar” and “less fried foods” - try to remove sugar and fried foods for some days to see how your body reacts and then include a bit when desired. Feel that there is nothing left to eat? That’s not true, there are many items that can actually help acne problems including:

Meat, Chicken, Fish, Vegetables and fruits Cereals and grains, Coffee and tea, Bread You can also try herbs for acne - but before using herbal remedies it’s recommended that you consult a doctor first. Some herbs are more suited than others and some should only be taken for a certain period of time. As mentioned before, after getting rid of your acne, introduce foods from your “not to eat” list one by one and give yourself few days to see how your body reacts.


ore you know it! Hopefully you will be spot free bef themhd


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This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

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Please consult your doctor if you suddenly break into cold sweat. That may be emotional in origin or physical. Similarly if you find a sudden change in body odour, you should tell your doctor about that. You may suffer some problems if you sweat excessively compared to others. Your toenails may develop fungal infections. Athletes foot may be another problem, as may be jock itch. For primary hyperhidrosis many treatments are available that can control the sweat within acceptable limits. Keeping yourself clean and dry at all times is another way of maintaining good hygiene.




Some diseases and conditions can produce profuse sweat. Heart attack, malarial fever, other fevers, thyroid condition, tuberculosis, some fevers, low blood sugars and other diseases may make you sweat excessively. 3 You should consult your doctor about these conditions.



Women going through menopause may get hot flashes and excess sweating. Similarly males who have low levels of male hormone testosterone may experience hot flashes.


St BE St BE St


If you are on medication, find out from your doctor if they are causing excessive sweating. Some drugs induce 2 heavy sweating.


Excessive sweating may also be due to hereditary reasons. Please find out if your parents also had this problem.



Some foods and drinks can make you sweat excessively. 1 Drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine may induce excess sweating. Similarly some spicy food may make some people sweat heavily.

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Common reasons for excess sweating:

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If you feel that you sweat excessively, please consult your doctor and find out. There is no measurement of normal sweating. So each of us have to find out if we are sweating excessively, normally or very less. If excess perspiration is your problem, find out more about it below. Please note that excessive sweating may be of two types. In the first instance your body naturally sweats more and in the second instance, you sweat more because of some conditions and diseases. The first condition is called primary hyperhidrosis and the second one is called secondary hyperhidrosis. In primary hyperhidrosis excess sweating occurs mostly on hands, feet and armpits.


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Bury St Edmunds Children’s Festival

in a summer of fun!Tuesday

A day of high quality free family fun is on offer at the third Bury St Edmunds Children’s Festival taking place in the Abbey Gardens from 10am to 4pm.

9th August

The busy programme takes place in marquees, an arena and throughout the gardens. Among the entertainers there are musicians, magicians, monsters and acrobats . Or you can take part in workshops for African drumming, street dancing, or cheer leading. More hands on fun comes with art and craft actvitiies, model making, ‘tattoos’ and graffiti. And to burn off any excess energy there is a bouncy castle, giant slide, sports with Abbeycroft Leisure and circus skills, to name but a few. Culture and mber responsible for ndsbury’s Cabinet me mu n for inspirational Ed tio St , uta ite rep Wh at aygre Cllr Sara Mildm s Festival has built a en’ ildr Ch ns is a magical nds rde mu Ga Ed St bey Sport said: “The Bury strongest yet. The Ab the is r yea this y area. e pla mm progra tastic new adventure entertainment and the e, especially with its fan re visits.” tim mo any ny at ma e for com k to bac place for children and welcoming them s ilie fam ting igh del rd to We are looking forwa

Tuesdays continue to be terrific in Bury St Edmunds this summer, with the programme of fun days including: Tuesday 2 August

11am to 3pm Hoopers Square, Ridley Road. A free day of activities for all the family including sports, giant games, and trampolines

Tuesday 9 August

11am to 4pm, Abbey Gardens, Bury St Edmunds Children’s Festival. A fun packed free day of loads of different activities including water zorbing, arts and crafts, street dance, cheerleading, African drumming and loads more. Registration required on the day.

Tuesday 23 August

11am to 3pm Moreton Hall Playing Field. A free day of activities for all the family including sports, giant games, and spider climbing wall. (Parking and toilet facilities limited.)

Tuesday 30 August

11am to 3pm Hardwick Heath. A free day of activities for all the family including sports, giant games, and spider climbing wall. (Toilet facilities limited.) themhd



HOROSCOPES courtesy of

Aries (Mar. 21- April 20)

Taurus (Apr. 21- Ma y 21)

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Put your plans into motion by presenting your intentions to those who should be able to give you financial support. Don’t hesitate to sign up for lectures or seminars that will enlighten you. You will need a little competition this month. Gel involved in activities that will stretch your stamina. You are best not to confide in anyone right now.

Emotionally, things may not run so smoothly. Be aware that you don’t get anything for nothing. Changes to your self image will be to your benefit as long as you don’t over pay. You may have major blowups with someone you love if you don’t back down.

You can prosper if you in vest in property or mutual funds. Try to make amends by planning a nice dinner for two. Limitations at work might set you back. You have the ability to motivate others.

Lucky day: Sunday.

Lucky day: Sunday.

Lucky day: Wednesday.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

You might want to spend some time by yourself in order to decide exactly how you feel. Take the time to help those less fortunate. You need time to put your house in order and sort out what you are going to do about your personal direction. You will have an interest in foreigners and their cultures.

You can enjoy your involvement in organizations that make charitable contributions. Your professional attitude will not go unnoticed. Travel will also entice you. Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

You can get ahead if you work diligently behind the scenes. Your sensitivity toward those you love will capture their hearts. Travel will be favorable. Find out all the facts before you jump to conclusions.

Lucky day: Monday.

Lucky day: Friday.

Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

You may want to make drastic changes concerning your personal partner. Try to be understanding. You will inspire confidence in others. You will also encounter individuals who can help you further your goals.

Try to deal with the problems of those less fortunate; however, don’t allow them to make unreasonable demands. Emotional disputes will only end in sorrow. Don’t push your opinions on others this month or you may find yourself in the doghouse. Cutbacks at work will be a cause for worry.

Try to curb your tongue and let others at least get a word in. Your best efforts will come through hard work. You may need to make a few alterations to your living arrangements. Mingle with those who can help you get ahead.

Lucky day: Thursday.

Lucky day: Sunday.

Lucky day: Tuesday.

Lucky day: Saturday.

Capricorn (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

Aquarius (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Try to be as mellow as possible. Try not to hurt your partner’s feelings. Don’t be shy; show your abilities! Networking will be a necessity.

Love can be yours if you get out and about. Take time to deal with the concerns of children. Be discreet about your personal life or whereabouts. Be mysterious. Your emotional attitude with respect to your status and direction in society may be unrealistic.

Look into ways to make your home more comfortable. Organize your day well if you wish to accomplish all you set out to do. Your leadership qualities will come in handy. A long discussion is in order if you wish to clear the air.

Lucky day: Saturday.

Lucky day: Friday.

Lucky day: Thursday.



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Films for

August… MHD



3D - HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PT 2 Director: David Yates Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Ralph Fiennes, Alan Rickman

The wait is over - Harry Potter’s amazing adventure concludes in stunning 3D! The thrilling, epic climax to the most lucrative film franchise of all time. Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Hermione (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grint) have embarked on a quest to find and destroy the Horcruxes that would give evil Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes) immortality. In Part 1, this kept the trio away from Hogwarts for what was supposed to be their final year, during which time they also uncovered the secret of the Deathly Hallows: the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility. But now Voldemort has raised the stakes by acquiring the unbeatable Elder Wand and is about to launch a full assault on Hogwarts. The trio’s only hope is to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. Returning to Hogwarts, they prepare for a last stand against the forces of darkness threatening the Muggles and Wizarding worlds alike.



Director: John Lasseter, Brad Lewis Starring: Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Michael Caine, Joe Mantegna, Cheech Marin, John Turturro, Emily Mortimer The four-wheeled stars of Disney Pixar’s 2006 hit are back for an exciting new adventure - in 3D! Cocky racing car Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) and his pick-up truck pal Mater (Larry the Cable Guy) are leaving Radiator Springs for Europe. The plan is to compete in the first ever World Grand Prix in order to determine who’s the fastest car on the planet. But they’ve scrapes a-plenty ahead of them, involving a whole bunch of new four-wheeled friends and villains. While Lightning concentrates on winning that coveted title, Mater becomes drawn into the world of international espionage. British master spy Finn McMissile (Michael Caine) and rookie field agent Holley Shiftwell (Emily Mortimer) recruit him for a dangerous mission. But Mater’s loyalties are divided. Although Lightning needs his assistance to win the race, he finds himself embarking on a high-speed chase through Europe and Japan, watched by the whole world.



Director: Seth Gordon Starring: Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey, Donald Sutherland Three downtrodden workers plot to kill their ghastly employers in this nearthe-knuckle comedy. Everybody’s had an awful boss they’ve dreamed about killing. But nobody actually plots to do the evil deed - apart from these guys. Mind you, they’ve been pushed to their limits. Dale Arbus (Charlie Day) is a humble dental assistant whose sexually aggressive boss, Dr. Julia Harris (Jennifer Aniston), is determined to have her way with him. Nick Hendricks (Jason Bateman) endures the world’s most demanding, sarcastic and unfeeling boss in the unappealing form of Dave Harken (Kevin Spacey). Kurt Buckman (Jason Sudeikis) seems to have a relatively easy life under kindly Jack Pellitt (Donald Sutherland). Until, that is, Pellitt’s annoying, cocaine-addled son, Bobby (Colin Farrell), takes over. But to pull off the perfect murders, the trio need expert help. On the seedy side of town, they recruit murder consultant Motherf****r Jones (Jamie Foxx), little suspecting he’s a con artist.

Cinemas in Bury St Edmunds: Cineworld, Parkway, IP33 3BA. Tel 0871 200 2000 Abbeygate Picturehouse, Hatter Street, IP33 1NE Box Office 01284 762586, 24 hr Info Line 01284 754477.



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John Banks Limited Kemspon Way Moreton Hall Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP32 7AR

0% APR typical finance over 3 years, minimum 50% deposit required, is subject to availability for Swift vehicles privately registered between 1st September 2010 and

John Banks Limited

Contact us today for a test drive


30th September 2010 from participating Authorised Suzuki Dealers only. Credit is available to persons aged 18 years or over, subject to status. Indemnities may be required. For full details contact your local Suzuki Dealer. Suzuki Finance reserves the right to withdraw or amend this offer without notice or prior warning. The offer is available to customers within the UK (excludes Channel Islands and Isle of Man). Suzuki Finance, part of Black Horse Group, St William House, Tresillian Terrace, Cardiff CF10 5BH. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. All prices and specifications are correct at time of going to press. *ESP is a registered trademark of Daimler AG.

Model shown is the Swift SZ4 5 door manual available at £12,245 on the road. (Metallic paint at £390). Swift range official fuel consumption figures in mpg (L/100km): urban from 41.5 (6.8) to 46.3 (6.1), extra urban from 57.6 (4.9) to 64.2 (4.4), combined from 50.4 (5.6) to 56.5 (5.0). Official CO2 emissions from 116g/km to 129g/km.

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Kempson Way, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR T: 01284 715020 F: 01284 766266

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Booking Airline Ticket Tips... Factors to consider when booking airline tickets for a successful holiday should include whether you are traveling with children, the age of your children, and the cost of travel options. Keeping these factors in mind will enable you to select the summer holiday destination that will best fit your needs. After you have selected a summer holiday destination, you can begin to think about reservations, including checking airlines for cheap flights and deals. A large number of holiday parks, campsites, and hotels in the UK and abroad do not require reservations. Despite the fact that reservations may not be required, it is still advised that you make them. Popular summer holiday “hotspots,” quickly fill up with holidaying tourists. Without the proper reservations, you may be left without the necessary accommodation. When it comes to booking a summer holiday, a large number of travellers use the assistance of a travel agent. Travel agents are a major time saver, because they allow clients to spend more time completing their daily activities, instead of having to research and plan a summer holiday – they do all the work for you.

Booking Airline Tickets Online If given the opportunity most families would prefer to use the services of a travel agent. Unfortunately, services of a travel agents do not come free. If you are interested in planning a summer holiday, on a budget, you may want to consider making your own reservations and booking your airline tickets online. In a few simple minutes, you could easily make reservations online or over the phone. Not only should your reservations include hotel accommodations, but travel as well. Aside from car travel, air travel is one of the most preferred methods of travel for arriving at summer holiday destinations. If you are interested in booking your airline tickets online, you need to find the online website of the airline you wish to fly with. Popular airlines include, but are not limited to, Easyjet, Ryanair, British Airways and Thomson. Each of these airlines has an online website that will allow the online booking of reservations. Unless you are camping outdoors, it is likely that you will need to reserve a hotel room. Unless you plan on staying at a smaller resort, you should also be able to make online reservations. When it comes to overnight stays, most individuals would prefer to stay at a hotel, but not everyone. A large number of families enjoy holidays that are centered on the outdoors. These holidays often involve camping outdoors. Even if you plan on holidaying at a campsite or holiday park, you are still urged to make a reservation. Public campsites are often limited on the amount of camping space they have. Making a reservation will ensure that you are guaranteed a place to set up your tent or park your caravan. To book a popular holiday destination, but at a discount, you may want to look for the services offered by online travel websites. These websites tend to offer discounts on popular hotels, airlines, and restaurants all around the world. The only downside to using the services offered by an online discount travel website is that they tend to focus only on popular summer holiday destinations. If you are looking to holiday at an unknown resort, you may be unable to use the services of a discount travel website. Whether you choose to use the services of a discount travel website, a professional travel agent, or you intend to make your own holiday airline seat reservations, you are encouraged to take the appropriate steps. Anticipating finding airline seats at the hottest summer holiday destinations is a costly mistake that could possibly ruin your holiday. Don’t make that mistake; book your airline tickets online ahead of time and be sure of getting the best possible deals.




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victim support

01284 717188

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m hall pre school

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0845 769 7555

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0800 612 0225

focus 12 (addictions)

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01284 774808

01284 753675

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0845 748 4950 bus station

01284 702020 first eastern

01284 766569 st eds. council

01284 763233

01284 753532 01284 755211 01284 702129

abbots green cp school

01284 718818

– m hall group 07005 802402 nct

christ church

01284 725391 abc childminding group

01284 765238

moreton hall post office

01284 769841

anglian water

moreton hall community centre


eastern energy (emergency)

24-7 taxi hire 01284 700247


edf energy faults

suffolk family carers

0844 225 3099 01284 352545 01284 747000

08457 145145 0800 111 999

08701 963090

01284 763402

curve motion

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