moreton hall Directory
FEBRUARY 2016 issue 133
WHAT’S ON in Bury St Edmunds
+ Moreton
Hall news
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12 | FEBRUARY 2015
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Hello and welcome to the February issue of the directory. Here in the office, we are all hoping that the warmer weather will soon be showing itself, we’re a bit fed up of the cold now! February is the month of Love, and it’s a leap year! So come on girls, if your man hasn’t done the deed yet, now is the perfect time to propose, go to page 60 where we offer some tips on creating the perfect setting. Our recipe on page 44 will give you inspiration for that romantic meal, and the cocktail on page 38 will be great to share whilst you’re celebrating! If you fancy a trip to the cinema, have a look at page 86, where we have some info about a few of the films now showing. We hope you enjoy this issue, and always welcome your feedback or ideas, just pop us over an email, we’d love to hear from you. See you in March!
Find us on Facebook & Twitter: Moreton Hall Directory
Advertising/copy deadline for March 2016 issue: Wednesday 20th FEBRUARY
Last month’s winner was John Campbell from Bury, who won a family voucher at Planet Laser in Bury for all the family to enjoy 2 games! Have a fab time all of you! Here are the answers just in case you were wondering...
Across: 1. Inhumane 5. Plot 8. Canon 9. Trigger 10. Lancets 12. Entitle 14. Blended 16. Chateau 18. Tadpole 19. Addle 20. Rims 21. Buoyancy Down: 1. Inch 2. Honest 3. Miniature 4. Nettle 6. Logger 7. Threshed 11. Necessary 12. Educator 13. Random 14. Bureau 15. Deaden 17. Levy
meet the team...
Keep up with all the latest news for your area every day at Publisher: PIT Group Ltd Design & Artwork: Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE
Telephone: 01284 765092 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written L &C P permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2016 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. OGO
FEBRUARY 2016 | 05
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 07
Brought to you by Councillor Frank Warby
Contact Frank on 07818 455472 or email
COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEW This important review will be starting in February and will run until the spring. This will inform a decision on whether or not to set up a new parish council for Moreton Hall which obviously affects us all, and will generate a lot of debate. The Borough Council needs to know your view to help inform its decision. At the time of going to press in January, details of the consultation were not yet finished, we will be providing a lot more information on the options available, and how to take part in the consultation, in the March edition of the magazine. Which will still allow you plenty of time to take part. It will be really easy to take part in the consultation, by either filling in an online questionnaire, or by emailing or writing directly to the council. In the meantime, information can be found at Following on from this there is also the debate regarding the Boundary situation, again we have to wait for the outcome of the next full council meeting. There is a lot going on.
08 | FEBRUARY 2016
OPERATIONAL HUB Another consultation that effects all of us is the new Operational Waste Hub Consultation which started in January and ends on 19th February. The council have looked at 19 different sites and at the end of the consultation they will decide on the best site to locate the Hub again. Information can be found at www. The Hub will collect refuse from around the county and sort it then send it on to the site at Gt. Blakenham, this will save thousands of pounds a year and cut down on our carbon footprint.
youth club The club is getting back to normal after the Christmas break, the numbers are going up and The Committee are planning events.
Wood Chippings
We are looking forward to summer and we start with a disco on the 9th February, The theme will be a Valentines Disco. All 8 to 14 year old’s are welcome. Again, a plea for someone to help run the youth club side of the centre. Should you find yourself with a few hours free on a Tuesday night 6.30pm until 8.30pm we would love to see you.
Over 60 club Sadly we have had to close the over 60 club due to lack of interest, only six members left so It was decided that it was time to call an end to it.
Many of you, especially the dog walkers among you will have seen the piles of wood chippings along the pathways. They have been put there to be spread along the path when they get water logged. It’s a team effort to spread the chippings so come on give a hand, don’t leave it to the few, we all like walking through our wooded areas.
New to Christ Church Moreton Hall Parish nurse Lesley Williams (MA, RN, RCNT, RNT, CERT ED, DIP N, and ENB11.)
Is in the church from 11am-4pm Mondays and Tuesdays 8-4pm. Her functions include drop into the church for health checks, individual discussions to assist health issues and prevent possible deterioration, sign posting and listening to those who are grieving. To contact, call 01284 725391 leave a message or Email: and she will get in touch. She also visits those who are unable to come to the church.
That’s all for now, until next time take care, Frank Warby FEBRUARY 2016 | 09
10 | AUGUST 2015
LOCAL NEWS Thousands of new buyers register with us each week. So choose us and you get access to a constant stream of people who are searching for a home like yours. But we also know more about each buyer, from their financial situation to their taste in property. What does that mean for you? Higher demand for your property and a smoother transaction, from instruction to completion. Call us at the Bury St Edmunds Branch
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FEBRUARY 2015 | 11
Dear reader,
New equipment to benefit lung patients Patients with breathing problems are now able to get a quicker diagnosis while their condition can be monitored more easily thanks to a £50,000 investment in new testing equipment at West Suffolk Hospital. The new pulmonary function testing machine (PFT) has replaced an older model previously in use at the hospital. It is being used to diagnose breathing problems and monitor the progression of illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder and asthma, as well as the patient’s response to treatment. The machine is also used for pre-op checks for patients who are being referred to Papworth for heart surgery. To gain a reading, patients are asked to carry out a series of different tests which measure factors such as how clear and open their airways are, how well they exchange oxygen and the capacity of their lungs. They will be monitored over a period of time so that clinicians can check if their treatment is working or whether adjustments are needed.
Gary Ingalla, service manager at the hospital, said that the investment was in line with one of the Trust’s priorities, to deliver for today. He added: “We are committed to maintain and improve quality standards such as rapid access to diagnostic testing while also improving facilities for our patients and staff.” As well as the new machine, the respiratory team has also raised £8,000 to buy six spirometers for use on the wards. They have replaced aging machines which were not as portable and did not provide as much information. The money was raised by specialist nurse Kerri Welham and F10 sister Claire Starie, who took part in a charity skydive, and by selling a staff calendar organised by F10 sister Amanda Devereux.
Tracey Cross, senior respiratory physiologist at the hospital, said: “We are delighted with this new equipment, which allows us to test patients much more quickly, in turn meaning we can see more people and continue to meet an increase in demand. “The PFT is also improving accuracy, which means we can also tailor the therapies we use to treat the patient more effectively, in turn ensuring they receive the best possible management.”
Pictured above: (L – R) Thadshayinee Sangaralingham (respiratory Physiologist), Claire Starie (respiratory ward sister) and Gary Ingalla (service manager, medicine division) with one of the spirometers.
If you have any questions about fundraising, any of the events mentioned above or how you can help the hospital, please contact or call 01284 712952. 12 | FEBRUARY 2016
from Moreton Hall Residents Association Thank you to the two residents who attended our committee meeting on 14th January. Thanks also to Cllrs Frank Warby and Trevor Beckwith for attending. Matters discussed at our committee meetings are those that affect specifically the residents of Moreton Hall and the Town in general, with a view to channelling them through our Councillors or communicating directly to the relevant authority on the residents behalf. These are some of the most important topics discussed at our last meeting: The Waste Transfer Site (The Hub) Information on this consultation (which ends 19/2/2016), was distributed by the Borough Council by way of notices in waste bins. We urge all residents to participate in this consultation on line at
Fire Service Review Suffolk County Council wants to save money by cutting equipment and human resources. Residents need to be aware of these proposals and answer the on line questionnaire before 22nd February to be found on line at www. Provision of lay-bys in Skyliner Way To alleviate the traffic flow problems caused by parked cars the Borough Council applied for a grant from Suffolk County Council but this has been refused. MHRA will pursue this. We are still in need of committee members so if you are interested in joining us or you want to raise a problem or concern please contact us at or come to next meeting 10th March 2016 in the Community Centre Conference room at 19 30.
Cliff Hind, Chairman Email:
FEBRUARY 2016 | 13
February trees
omeone once said “February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March”. This could be a little unfair as this month holds such promise. At last, colder days have brought with them clear bright skies and one of the most reassuring signs of Spring is the sight of catkins against a blue sky. These are not flowers as such, but rather a cluster, or inflorescence, of single-sex flowers. They have evolved to catch the breeze so that their pollen drifts onto neighbouring trees. The early warmth this year brought trees out of dormancy early, already at Natterer’s Wood the hazels are loaded with golden catkins. The silver birches are also putting out catkins, so attractive, gold against the silver, and the plump grey furred buds of the pussy willow will eventually transform into catkins. They provide precious forage for any bees or other insects that are already active, the hazel is
wind-pollinated, but willows have catkins which are pollinated by these early insects. If you should happen to look down instead of up, you might see the snowdrops next to the footpath at Home Covert. These tiny, fragile looking plants are deceptively tough and can often be seen blooming in the snow. One of their old names is Candlemass Bells. (Candlemass is the 2nd February). Mentioned in sixteenth century gardening notes they were not recorded in the wild until 1778. Not actually native to this country, they probably came to us from Turkey, the Caucuses, or the Middle East, where they grow in huge swathes . One school of thought is that they were brought back by monks and planted in monastery gardens, subsequently escaping and colonising the surrounding woodland. These little treasures rejoice in the name ‘naturalized aliens’.
Join us at Woodland Ways... Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email Follow Woodland Ways on Twitter @NatterersWood 14 | FEBRUARY 2016
Ballroom dancing - ever wondered what all the fuss is about? The first meeting of the year was well attended as well as welcoming some new members. The room had a clear area and we were introduced to Michael who spoke about Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan. He showed various weapons and a chart on the wall showed the family tree of martial arts. He explained that this was used for military training but also has good health benefits. It is best practised outside. We were given a demonstration by Michael and his team. This was accompanied by some beautiful relaxing music. Each movement had a Chinese name. It looked very relaxing. Then it was our turn to have a go. The ladies soon joined in and got into the rhythm watching the group, listening to the music and following the Chinese chants. It was very enjoyable. Horringer & Ickworth WI have weekly tai chi classes so some of our ladies may be able to start a new interest. There is also a website for more information on wu tai chi.
Come and try our new Beginners Ballroom and Latin class. New class starting: MONDAYS from 1st February 7.00 - 7:45pm British Sugar Social Club IP32 7BB Class costs ÂŁ10 per couple
See our website or contact Lisa on 07808 208814 for further details.
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FEBRUARY 2015 | 15
Michael Shade conducting a hearing test
Have you heard? Award winning hearing care is right here in Bury St Edmunds! Do people talk too quietly for you to hear? Do other people complain you have the TV on too loud? Have you difficulty following conversations in noisy places? If you’ve answered yes to any of the questions, it’s possible you have some level of hearing loss - and you aren’t alone. Research shows that one person in five between the ages of 50 and 60 is hearing impaired to such an extent that they need hearing aids. What’s even more worrying is that although it’s estimated that between five and six million people in the United Kingdom have sufficient hearing loss to warrant having hearing aids, only two million have actually done something about it. “Sadly doing nothing about hearing loss is not really an option,” says Michael Shade, Hearing Aid Audiologist for The Hearing Care Centre in Bury St Edmunds.
The family run company established in 1998, offers an award winning, private hearing care service from Mount Farm GP Surgery in Moreton Hall. “There are a number of causes of hearing loss: continued exposure to loud noises over a period of time is one of them, but by far the majority of people are simply suffering from the effects of getting a little older”. “Just as in many cases our eyes slowly deteriorate as we age, making it difficult to read small print, so our ears gradually lose their ability to hear sounds. The difference is that inability to hear can affect people’s relationships with their family and friends and untreated can itself lead to illness”. Michael explained that studies had shown, that often, people who have difficulty hearing miss out on conversations and then, rather that be embarrassed by often having to ask others to repeat what they have said, they stop conversing. Initially they feel left out, their self-esteem becomes low and this can give way to a feeling of total social isolation leading to psychiatric disturbance or depression. “One factor which has put people off in the past is the stigma they feel wearing hearing instruments,” explained Michael. “They feel that by wearing their aids, they are admitting to the world that they are getting old, and perhaps by implication, doddery too!” “That might have been because in the past hearing instruments were bulky, highly visible, but now in 2016 we can dispense hearing
16 | FEBRUARY 2016
Michael Shade fitting a hearing aid
aids which are so small they fit completely inside your ear so that they cannot be seen,” explained Michael. Michael runs a fortnightly clinic in Bury St Edmunds on a Wednesday and is keen to encourage those who feel they have a hearing loss to take the first step and book a hearing test. “The experience can be life changing - hearing aid users say they grow in confidence, communicating in groups becomes easier and less stressful and they begin to enjoy life again.” “Choosing a hearing care provider can be difficult, but we differentiate ourselves from our competitors by the choice, personalisation and high level of service we offer. We have been awarded for our customer service for the past 7 years at the Anglian Business Awards, an achievement of which we are very proud of,” said Michael.
Services available in Bury St Edmunds: • Hearing assessments • Fitting of the latest hearing aid technology • Ear syringing • Tinnitus management • Hearing aid repairs • Custom made ear protection For more information or to book an appointment please call
Freephone 0800 096 2637 or visit FEBRUARY 2016 | 17
W hat’s been happening at...
ABBOTS GREEN Community Primary School This term our whole school project is entitled “Rock, Paper, Scissors” and it is already proving to be a real hit with the children. Within the project we are basing much of our learning and investigation around dinosaurs, fossil formation, explorers and materials! Across the school the children have been working hard to produce some amazing displays including large 3-dimensional flying Pterodactyls and a ginormous ammonite. There are also models of a huge cross-section of a volcano and a soil profile to support the children’s learning throughout this term. Using their research skills the children have been finding out about significant historical figures including fossil hunter Mary Anning and learning about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. Their work has been captured on large fact cards which have been suspended from the ceiling as you walk through the school. The children have been up to their elbows excavating for fossils; melting ice and have been inspired to bring in their own items and books from home related
18 | FEBRUARY 2015
to the project to share with their classmates. The children will also be learning about different habitats, the structure of the Earth, how volcanos are formed and the differing soil layers. Links will be made to the project wherever possible in their Maths and English lessons and we really can’t wait to see Key Stage 1’s Dino-Zoo on its completion! We would be delighted to hear from anybody within our local community who has a connection to our current project through their work or their hobby and who may be willing to support the school this term. If you are able to help please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Hubbard at the school via email or by phone 01284 718818.
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 19
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The Moreton Hall Directory is produced and published by The PIT Group.
happy feet for all the family Qualified Chiropodist/Podiatrist Mount farm Surgery, Lawson Place, Moreton Hall, IP32 7EW. Monday–Thursday 9am to 5pm
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20 | FEBRUARY 2016
Osteopathy helps to restore structural harmony and balance to the body From the trauma of birth to the arthritis of the elderly and every age in between, Osteopathy can treat a wide range of conditions associated with the mechanical structure of the body, including but not limited to: EDM
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 21
In a cul de sac location this 2 double bedroom detached chalet bungalow has a large sitting room, fitted kitchen, bedroom/study and bathroom. Enclosed private garden with plenty of parking and garage. Very desirable village location with many amenities plus train station. Presented in good order with plenty of light and generous room sizes. Come and view.
LET’S DO A HOUSE EXCHANGE? Our client is looking for a 2/3 bedroom house in Thurston up to the value of £200,000. Do you have one?
If so, it might be possible to house swap! Call us to talk about this great idea.
l FOR SALE IN WOOLPIT l £425,000
Fantastic opportunity to buy this detached chalet standing in about 1 acre of grounds. Very generous accommodation and lots of potential to develop this property which stands in a semi-rural location with open views. The property has a workshop and garage and easy access to the A14. Pretty village with many amenities. Come and view and see what ideas you have….
Our client is looking for a smaller house in the Woolpit area with a decent garden for dogs. Bungalow or a house with a minimum of 2 bedrooms and a value up to £300,000. Could this be you?
If so, it might be possible to house swap! Call us to talk about this great idea.
Nicola Delglyn Osteomyologist Physical & Nutritional Therapy January has just whizzed by and now we find ourselves thrown into February. A cold and icy month, the last month of winter in the UK and the only month that can pass without a single full moon. However, to warm the “cockles of our hearts” February is also a time for celebration. Some of you may be celebrating the life of St Valentine by sending valentine cards, depicting hearts and roses to show your love and affection to one another. So who was Valentine? He was a Roman priest who fell in love whilst in jail during the reign of Emperor Claudius II in the third Century AD. On his day of execution, the 14 February, he sent her a love letter signed “from your Valentine” – so the story goes. The heart is one of the most important organs and has long been recognized across cultures as being a symbol of love, charity, joy and compassion. It is the first organ to form during our development in the womb and whilst it has to go through several complicated stages of development, it begins to nourish our growing embryo with only a few cells that resemble a long tube. The heart is a pump made of tough cardiac muscle and is responsible for pumping oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to help our body function and remove the waste products that we don’t need. For example the brain requires oxygen and glucose, which, if not received continuously, will cause it to loose consciousness. Muscles need oxygen, glucose and amino acids, as well as the proper ratio of sodium, calcium and potassium salts in order to contract normally. If the heart ever ceases to pump blood, the body begins to shut down and after a very short period of time will die. Unfortunately, once damaged, unlike the liver, the adult human heart cannot completely heal. So why do we neglect it so much? The heart muscle, just like normal muscle needs to be fed and nourished correctly for it to work properly and it also needs to be exercised to become stronger and leaner. Did you know that the main heart condition in the UK is coronary heart disease or CHD? It is the most common form of heart disease among adults and the single biggest killer in the UK. CHD begins when your coronary arteries – the arteries that supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood – become blocked or narrowed because of a build-up of fatty deposits. In time, your arteries may become so narrow that they can’t
24 | FEBRUARY 2016
Treatments to beat pain for deliver enough oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle. This can cause angina and symptoms can include chest pain or heaviness and discomfort. If a piece of the fatty deposit in your artery breaks off, it may cause a blood clot to form. If this blocks the coronary artery, part of the heart will be starved of oxygen-rich blood and may become permanently damaged – this is a heart attack. In clinic, I’ve worked with many heart patients and I’ve learnt much about the rehabilitation after heart surgery and the long-term effects of heart conditions. There is a great local organization called UPBEAT who run nurse lead exercise classes for those rehabilitating from a heart condition, its great to see them keeping fit once again. One gentleman who came into clinic said, after his heart attack he was given a second chance and he wasn’t going to waste it! So what can we all do to help our heart stay strong and healthy? It’s relatively easy, eat great nutritious natural food and take regular exercise. Have a look at the heart healthy exercise and meal ideas below. I hope you find them interesting and helpful. More information on my website A healthy balanced diet can benefit your heart, lower your cholesterol level and can help manage diabetes, arthritis, help you lose any excess weight. It is simple, you just need to try to eat: plenty of fruit and vegetables: apples, berries, tomatoes, pomegranate, bananas, cruciferous green vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts. Spinach, kale, lambs lettuce, rocket and watercress are great additions too as they are full of carotenoids which are great antioxidants. Parsnips are another good choice given their high level of potassium which helps reduces blood pressure and high levels of folate which helps reduce homocysteine levels in the blood which are associated with a higher risk of heart disease starchy foods: brown/wild rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, whole-grain barley, whole wheat or spinach pasta, quinoa and millet. Other whole grains include bulgur, oatmeal, whole rye and buckwheat. If you’re buying bread, read the ingredients list to see if it includes a whole grain as
Physical & Nutritional Therapy adults, children & athletes the first ingredient and remember shop bought bread has added sugar to it so eat in moderation semi-skimmed milk and lower fat dairy products lean meat: chicken and turkey, oily fish such as mackerel and salmon, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein such as quinoa, buckwheat, hempseed, chai seeds, soy, Quorn, chickpeas, legumes such as peas, beans and lentils use heart healthy oils to drizzle over food such as flaxseed oil, walnut oil, extra virgin olive oil, to sear or brown food use almond, avocado or light/refined oil. Light virgin olive oil is best for stir-frying, baking or oven cooking Nuts: a handful walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts are great but don’t over do it Alcohol: cut back on the amount of alcohol you drink and always stick within the recommended guidelines set by the Government Cut back on junk foods: takeaways, processed/packaged meals and other foods or drinks high in sugar, salt, saturated or trans fats Drink plent of water too! Heart Healthy Meals Breakfast Porridge made with skimmed milk and whole porridge oats; banana; glass of pure, unsweetened orange juice Poached egg on two slices of wholegrain toast Lunch Homemade lentil soup, wholemeal crackers with hummus Jacket potato with baked beans (organic reduced salt/ sugar) and rocket salad Evening Meal Jacket potato or sweet potato with baked salmon, steamed spinach and peas Homemade chunky vegetable goulash, brown rice, broccoli Snack Ideas 2 satsumas, small handful of unsalted nuts, 7-8 strawberries, 1 pear, 1 small banana, 1 medium apple, 3 oatcakes with low fat cream cheese, carrot sticks with 2
tablespoons hummus or 2 plums These meal ideas are not intended as an eating plan to be followed on a long-term basis. If you are unsure or have a health concern, talk to your GP or practice nurse for further advice. Exercise Ideas Being active is key to having a healthy heart so it is important to try and stay active throughout the day and reduce the amount of time you sit for long periods. Researchers estimate that each hour of regular exercise you get, you’ll gain 2 hours of additional life expectancy, even if you start in middle age! Walking is a great option. Just look at a few of the benefits from a brisk 30 minute walk: prevents heart disease, lowers your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke, helps smoking cessation, aids cardiac rehabilitation, builds stronger immunity, reduces blood pressure if you have high blood pressure, helps reduce stress, tension, depression and anxiety, helps weight management, improves overall health and wellbeing and prolongs your optimal health. Nearly everyone can do it and all you need is a good pair of shoes. You could go swimming, take exercise classes or play a sport, but physical activity also includes everyday things like gardening and climbing stairs. Remember, any increase in physical activity will be good for your health. You’ll get added benefits by including activities that help strengthen muscles twice a week, such as exercising with weights, working with resistance bands, heavy gardening or carrying shopping. You should aim to build up to a total of 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate intensity activity each week. Moderate intensity activity will make you feel warmer, breathe harder and make your heart beat faster than usual, but you should still be able to carry on a conversation. Many health problems can be helped by regular physical activity, but if you do have a health problem, or have a condition that you are taking prescribed medication for, you should check the amount and type of activity that is suitable for you with your GP. Thank you to the British Heart Foundation for their contribution to this article.
Nicola Delglyn Fellow Ostm, Lic TMS, MFHT t: 07775 517447
Dr Nikki Delglyn Ostm
Welcome to the 19th hole, a place for golf tips, reviews and everything golf related.
Welcome back to the 19th hole, now we are all over the festive period and our goals have been set for the season ahead it’s time to start the preparation. January saw us hit with cold weather here in England, not giving us golfers much chance to get out and test our skills in those tough conditions. However if February brings more cold weather or you are short on time to practice this month I have outlined a couple of indoor putting drills that will help to keep this essential area of the game in check. Golf fans will have welcomed back both the PGA and European tour to their TV viewing schedules in January as well. Their doesn’t seem to be any early season rust where these players are concerned with some amazing golf being played each and every week. Below are player’s schedules for February.
Golf in February European Tour Feb 04 Feb 07 Feb 11 Feb 14 Feb 18 Feb 21 Malaysia Feb 25 Feb 28 PGA Tour Feb 04 Feb 07 Feb 11 Feb 14 Feb 18 Feb 21 Feb 25 Feb 28
Omega Dubai Desert Classic Tshwane Open Maybank Championship Perth International Waste Management Phoenix Open AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Northern Trust Open The Honda Classic
Coaches Corner – Hole more putts in 2016
Putting is such an important area of golf, but this area is sometimes over looked in terms of practice time. So highlighted below are two drills you can complete in the comfort of your living room or hall way, but more importantly in the warmth at this time of year. Drill One – This drill allows you to work on the path that your putter is taking throughout your stroke, and puts an importance on bringing the putter back to a square impact position.
The images below show how to set this drill up, I have used three club shafts but you can use anything to set this drill up. The putter will sit in the centre of your stance, with the golf ball just forwards of this. 1) Setting up the drill this way allows a person to work better path if they struggle with the putter moving to the outside on the way back. 2) Setting up the drill this way allows a person to work better path if they struggle with the putter moving to the inside on the way back. 1) 2)
Drill Two – This allows you to work on your speed control and can be linked in with drill one in the section. This drill is very simple and some of you might already be doing this, use the dimensions of the room you are practicing within. The aim of the drill is to stop the ball as close as possible to objects chosen without hitting them. This will allow you to work on judgement of speed; this will come from length of swing being used to hit these putts. You can link together drill 1 and 2, achieving square impact positions (drill 1) which will start the ball on the line you have picked and achieving good speed control to eliminate the chance of that dreaded three putt or worst. I hope these drills can help your putting and allow you to put in small but often practice sessions in the comfort of your own home that you can benefit from when you next get out on the course. If you need more assistance with your golf game please contact me on the details below and I will be happy to work with you to improve your game.
Quote MHD for £5 off your first golf lesson with myself.
Adam Trett
PGA Professional – Bury Golf Range Email: Facebook: ADT Golf Coaching 26 | FEBRUARY 2016
TUESDAYS Before 5.30pm – 6.45pm St James Middle School The Vinefields, Bury, IP33 1YB QUOTE: BSEDIRECTORIES
Get your business buzzing…
WEDNESDAYS 10am – 11.30am Moreton Hall Community Centre Symonds Road, Bury, IP32 7EE
l Weigh in and Exercise l Unlimited classes for one month. (includes Eating Plan) Normally £6.50 a week for both OR £5 to just weigh or just exercise
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Studio Dance & Fitness Ltd not your average workout
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ce Fitness with a differen Open days and Taster sessions at our NEW studio in January. Studio Dance & Fitness Ltd
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 27
Gosh after the busyness of Christmas and the New Year we find ourselves already in February! The National Lymphoedema Awareness Week takes place from the 6th – 11th March 2016 to improve patient and public understanding of Lymphoedema and Lipodema and this year’s week of activities will be around a Rio Olympics/Mardi Gras Carnival theme. LSS is busy organising our fun Lymphoedema Awareness Day (LAD) for the 11th March, 2016 at the Moreton Hall Community Centre from 1.30pm - 4.30pm. Macmillan, Talk Lipodema, The Chronic Pain Support Group and BSN (Compression Garment Supplier) will be there, along with other health supporting organisations. Advice and information will be available from the Suffolk GP Federation Lymphoedema Service on diagnosing and managing Lymphoedema and Lipodema. The 2015 LAD, Twinset and Pearls event, was a big success so we’re looking forward to 2016’s LAD event being an even better success. Whether you are a patient or know someone with either condition it will be an opportunity to learn more and speak to others about their
28 | FEBRUARY 2016
experiences. There’s no entrance charge and there’ll be lots of lovely cakes, tea and coffee, along with fun prizes to be won, so do come along and join the LSS carnival! LSS FUNDRASIING SO FAR..... Brilliant news! £108.45 has already been raised from the last two LSS meetings and donations. To date, through fundraising and donations, LSS has already purchased a handheld Laser machine and a medical trolley for the Service. LSS is now fundraising hoping to support the purchase of a medical couch for use in clinic. As a couch will cost around £2,900 we’re planning many events throughout 2016 to raise meet our fundraising target. Look out for news of these fundraising and awareness events in forthcoming articles. Further details about LSS and the Lymphoedema Service: Suffolk GP Federation CIC: 0845 2413313 (choose option 3) click on Clinical Service tab British Lymphology Society website
Do you look after a Partner, Relative, Friend or Neighbour? Do you feel isolated or need someone to listen?
You’re not alone. We can help.
We offer a range of free services, information and advice to anyone, of any age, who is looking after someone with an illness, disability or age related condition, who could not manage alone. Suffolk Family Carers GP link worker, Sophie Gower, will be at MOUNT FARM GP SURGERY on the 1st Thursday of every month, to provide information, guidance and emotional support, or just for a chat! Look forward to seeing you!
Telephone: 01473 835407 Email:
live happy! with
Slimming World
visit the website to read Kelsey-Beth’ s story 0344 897 8000
WEDNESDAY Westbury Centre, Oliver Rd @ 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm. Tel: Alex 01284 788201 THURSDAY Westbury Centre, Oliver Rd @ 5.30pm & 7.30pm Tel: Alex 01284 788201 THURSDAY Moreton Hall Community Centre @ 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm. Tel: Kelly 01842 824980 FRIDAY Southgate Community Centre @ 10am. Tel: Natalie 01638 429260 SATURDAY Moreton Hall Youth Centre @ 8.30am & 10.30am. Tel: Kelly 01842 824980
FEBRUARY 2016 | 29
Bury St Edmunds Golf Club Bury St Edmunds Golf Club offers a welcoming social environment. With an 18-hole championship course and a slightly easier, but still challenging 9-hole course, plus expert coaching to help you improve your game.
Pathway to Golf
Bury St Edmunds Golf Club understand that many people aspire to start (or restart) golf, but the process can seem daunting and expensive. They’ve created a programme designed around the stage you’re at, with easy progression, and in small groups to keep the costs low. After a free 15 minute assessment you will be invited to join one of the following programmes:
• coaching in small groups (4+) • covers basics of the swing, chipping and putting • includes loan of equipment • assessment for further progression
• coaching for technique improvements • in small groups (3+) • intro to 9-hole course incl 1 lesson on-course • special deals for green fees and further lessons
(£50 for 6 lessons)
(£75 for 6 lessons)
ACADEMY • 9-hole academy pass • coaching tailored to individual need • discounts on lesson packages • assessment for academy ‘handicap’ • progress to the 18-hole course
The 9-hole course is open to the public on a pay-and-play. Frequent players can pay £65/month for unlimited golf, with no contract term. For those keen to join the Club, they have now introduced a scheme to pay the joining fee over 5 years and you can become a golf and social member for the equivalent of just:
9-hole course: approx. £13/week 27-hole
(both courses) approx. £21/week
Bury St Edmunds Golf Club Tut Hill Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP28 6LG Tel: 01284 755979
30 | FEBRUARY 2016
Conservatories and Windows Conservatories Conservatories Conservatoriesand and andWindows Windows Windows
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conservatory for the Spring? WinterWanting is upon us!a Now is a great time to fit new energy efficient windows and doors! Winter Winter isistime upon upon us! us!planning Now Nowisisyour aagreat great time time to tofit fitnew new energy efficientto windows windows and anddoors! doors! Now is a good to start new conservatory ifenergy you areefficient hoping get most out We are offering great deals this February so give usthe a call now! of it this summer. Give us a call weoffering can take you deals through the design, planning and of a We Weso are are offering great great dealsthis this February February so sogive giveus usaabuild call callnow! now! beautiful new living space for your home.
A rated, bespoke windows. Ask for details! AArated, rated,bespoke bespokewindows. windows. Ask Askfor fordetails! details!
There are many reasons to use Langleys conservatories and window and here are just a few.! ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Over 25 years trading in the area. Apprenticeship trained fully employed fitting teams. Insurance backed deposit registrations. Insurance backed guarantees. Proud to be members of the Consumer Protection Association for the last 15 years. We have a huge range of bespoke products. We only use industry leading products. Why come to Langleys for your home improvements? Why Why come cometo toLangleys Langleysfor foryour yourhome homeimprovements? improvements? We have an extensive portfolio of work we are happy to showcase. ● Over 25 years trading in the area ●Over Over25 25years yearstrading tradingininthe thearea area We do not pressure sell! We send quotes ● to ● us. Apprenticeship trained fully employed fitting teams customers and wait for them to respond to● ●Apprenticeship Apprenticeshiptrained trainedfully fullyemployed employedfitting fittingteams teams ● Insurance backed deposit registrations With us you will NEVER have someone trying to ●●Insurance Insurance backed backeddeposit depositregistrations registrations ●●Insurance Insurance backed guarantees sell on the night! No pretend calls to the boss to ● Insurance backed backedguarantees guarantees ●●Proud Proud give additional ‘discounts’. With us our first price to be members of the Consumer Protection ● Proudto tobe bemembers membersofofthe theConsumer ConsumerProtection Protection is the price! Association for the last 14 years
Association Associationfor forthe thelast last14 14years years ●●We We have huge range of bespoke products ● Wehave haveaaahuge hugerange rangeof ofbespoke bespokeproducts products ● We only use the highest quality products ●●We Weonly onlyuse usethe thehighest highestquality qualityproducts products ●●We We have an extensive portfolio of work weare arehappy happy ● Wehave havean anextensive extensiveportfolio portfolioof ofwork workwe we are happy to showcase to toshowcase showcase ●●We We do not pressure sell! We send quotes to ● Wedo donot notpressure pressuresell! sell! We Wesend sendquotes quotesto to customers and wait for them to respond tous us customers customersand andwait waitfor forthem themto torespond respondto to us ●●With With us you will NEVER have someone trying to ● Withus usyou youwill willNEVER NEVERhave havesomeone someonetrying tryingto to sell on the night! No pretend calls to the bossto to sell sellon onthe thenight! night!No Nopretend pretendcalls callsto tothe theboss boss to give additional ‘discounts’. With us our firstprice price give giveadditional additional‘discounts’. ‘discounts’. With Withus usour ourfirst first price isisthe the price! is theprice! price!
These are a few conservatories we built in 2015 including a Light weight tiled roof option. Visit our web Contact us today to makean anappointment! appointment! Contact Contact ustoday todayto tomake site to see many more of us our installations.
Beautiful enhance doors doorstotoenhance Beautiful Beautifuldoors Telephone: 01284 760345 Telephone: Telephone:01284 01284760345 Contact us today to make an appointment! Email: your Email: Email: property! your yourproperty! Telephone: 01284 760345 Email:
Proud Proud Proudmembers members membersof theConsumer Consumer ConsumerProtection Protection ProtectionAssociation Association Associationfor for forover over over15 13 years! Proud members ofofthe the Consumer Protection Association for over 13years! years! FEBRUARY 2016
| 31
32 | FEBRUARY 2016
FEBRUARY 2016 | 33
Planning your food week? HOW ABOUT A HUGE VARIETY OF MEAT FOR A HUGE DISCOUNT? IT’S EASY! WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE OFFER: 500g Pork Sausages £3.58 500g Mince Beef £4 Great 500g Bacon £6.00 Value! 500g Braising Steak £4.00 500g Pork Steaks £4.50 ONLY 500g Chicken Breast £4.95 Roasting Joinf of choice £7.00 (Chicken, Pork, Lamb or Beef)
TOTAL VALUE = £34.00
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01359 235237 34 | FEBRUARY 2016
For that intimate dinner for two or a party for up to 40 people in our private function room upstairs, our menu has a wide variety of contemporary indian food for all taste buds. Come along and try us.
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We look forward to seeing you here! 108 RISBYGATE STREET, BURY ST EDMUNDS, SUFFOLK IP33 3AA
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d, G
The Old Cannon Brewery, 86 Cannon St, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1JR
Share the love, t: 01284 and 768769the beer
9 k k
m; m
the Old Cannon Brewery e:at this Valentines...
The Old Cannon Brewery in Bury St Edmunds is inviting Food:
the Watermelon, feta and rocket salad.”
Monday - Sat to 9pm; Her husband Garry12noon adds
couples for a romantic night out on the 14th February from 4pm to 8pm. Indulge in three courses with your partner for just £48 per couple. Try their special range of Valentine starters including Honey roasted fig, Parma and mozzarella before dining on their main courses including Grilled fillet of salmon on a beetroot boulangere and Conchilioni rigati stuffed with artichokes, spinach and ricotta. Finish with their specially prepared desserts to suit any palate ranging from Adrian’s dark chocolate and ginger cheesecake to a Raspberry shortcake stack with strawberry ice cream.
“It’s also good for the couples who don’t just want wine with their meal, we offer a range of different ales which we brew on site and there really is something to suit everyone.”
both pubs during food service times* Enjoy a taste of their brewed beers including Best Bitter and Gunner’s Daughter, any three thirds of any cask ale for £3.45. For those gentlemen and ladies who don’t drink real ale, the Old Cannon has Prosecco at £5.50 a glass and Adnams champagne for £6.95 a glass. You can also try a wine flight of any 3 wines, 70ml for three for £7.00.
pint, 1/2 pint, pint, lager glass, pedestalled 1/2 pint glass (all £2.50) and pint mug glass £4.00. Whoever said Valentine’s day was all about wine and chocolates?
Looking for a Valentines gift for your loved one? Hannah Clark, owner of the Old Cannon says Who can say no to a gift box “Adrian, our head chef, has of Old Cannon beer, just prepared a fantastic menu for £13 for 3 bottles or £25 for Valentine’s, if you’re looking 6 bottles of any beer. for something special but Want a little piece of the not expensive to share with Brewery to take home with your loved one our menu has you? classic dishes such as oysters Their branded glasses come and chocolate as well as few ts in January and February 2016 in all shapes and sizes. 1/3 twists on the traditional like y lunch or dinner throughout January and February
Road, 9AG
36 70249
The Old Cannon Brewery, 86 Cannon St, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1JR | FEBRUARY 2016
t: 01284 768769 e:
Book your table by calling 01284 768769 Food is served at the Old Cannon between 12 noon and 9pm on Monday – Saturday. On Sundays lunch runs form 12 noon until 3pm. The Brewery also offers breakfast, which runs from 7.30am to 12noon Monday – Friday and 8.30am to 12 noon Saturday and Sunday.
You can find out more by visiting
...or treat your loved one this Valentines at the Bear Inn Beyton... Indulge in a three course Valentine menu at the Bear Inn Beyton this Valentines weekend. The Bear Inn proudly presents its special menu prepared by head chef Rob, at 6pm to 9pm on Friday 12th and 6pm to 9pm on Saturday 13th February, just £48 per couple. Tuck in to their Chicory, blue cheese and walnut salad, one choice of starter, and follow it up with one of the gorgeous mains including Pan roasted guinea fowl served with creamed savoy cabbage, French beans and sweet potato fondant served with a red wine jus. Try their Wild mushroom risotto served with parmesan, white truffle and chives.
Rob has prepared a treat for you for dessert, dishes include Lemon posset with shortbread, Salted caramel cheesecake served with pouring cream and Hot chocolate fondant served with local vanilla ice cream from Manor Farm in Thurston, or try a sharing plate for two with a little touch of each dessert for you both to enjoy together. Looking for a tipple to suit both you and your partner? The Bear Inn now has wine by the glass! Enjoy a glass of red Broken Rock Pinotage or Rioja Crianza or savour a glass of white Pinot Grigio Il Colle or Picpoul de Pinet. As its Valentine’s day, why not push the boat out and toast your other half with Prosecco for just £5.00 per glass, or share a bottle for £21. Their guest ales include Old Cannon Brewery favourites such as Best bitter and Gunner’s Daughter and for your cider lover the Bear has Aspall Suffolk Cyder.
Our head chef Rob
has prepared a great menu to suit all tastes, this paired with our new Prosecco by the glass means that everyone can enjoy locally sourced, tempting dishes and a glass of bubbly at a low price.” Book your table on 01359 270249 Food service is from Wednesday to Saturday 12-2pm and 6-9pm and on Sunday 12-3pm
The bar is open Monday to Wednesday 12-2pm and 4-9.30pm, Thursday and Friday 12-2pm and 4-11pm, Saturday 12pm -11pm and New owner Hannah says “Valentines is always a special Weekday Food Discounts in January and February Sunday 201612pm-6pm day for everyone and Rob % off your food bill on any weekday lunch or dinner throughout January and February The Bear Inn, Tostock Road, Beyton, IP30 9AG t: 01359 270249 e:
You can find The Old Cannon Brewery, 86 Cannon St,out more by visiting Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1JR t: 01284 768769 e:
FEBRUARY 2016 | 37
English Rose Cocktail The look of this drink makes it great for Valentine’s Day, but it’s also great to sip along on anytime you’ve got a sweet tooth.
3/4 ounce apricot brandy 1 1/2 ounces gin 3/4 ounce dry vermouth 1 teaspoon grenadine 1/4 teaspoons lemon juice Rim a cocktail glass with sugar. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and add all ingredients. Shake well and strain into the glass Garnish with a cherry or raspberry.
38 | FEBRUARY 2016
Rose of Bengal
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There’s always a warm welcome at
Terms & Conditions Apply. Aged 0-12 years only and must be eating off the Kids Menu only,
home cooked food
Sunday Roasts Adult £8.95, Senior £6.95, Children £2.00 Gluten free, vegetarian and most special diets catered for (please advise on booking). CHILDREN AND PETS WELCOME.
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cebook Page Check out and like our Faupdates for regular specials and
We look forward to seeing you! 28 Eastgate Street • Bury St Edmunds • Suffolk • telephone. 01284 755445 email. facebook page: thegreyhoundeastgatestreetbse
40 | FEBRUARY 2016
Follow us on
be prepared
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Resolutions you need to stick to
your own financial affairs through ill health or lack of capacity, would you not prefer to hand over the reins to someone you trust and have appointed? Bearing in mind the ability to choose someone to look after your financial affairs has been possible since 1985, too few people appoint an attorney. Prior to 2007 it was possible to make an Enduring Power of Attorney and these are still valid documents. Since 2007 it has been possible to make a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for both financial matters and also for health and welfare decisions. Only 7% of adults have chosen to make them. This means a lot of people are needlessly struggling to have their finances properly administered or their health and welfare issues addressed as they should be, especially if they have lost mental capacity. If an LPA has not been made then the more lengthy and costly route of applying for a Deputy to be appointed will become necessary. This can cause stress and delay in the intervening period before a Deputy is appointed.
At this early point in the new year why not take steps to protect your assets, and your loved ones, with a Will? Fiona Ashmead, of Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors (left) explains why it is well worth doing
raditionally the New Year is the time for reflection on the last year and the goals we are going to set ourselves for the New Year. Most of us will have started it planning to give up something perhaps cake or alcohol. Maybe we have set our sights on an achievement - a new job, weight loss, or spending more time doing something we have not made enough time for, whether it be family or a previous pastime. Whilst these resolutions may now be slipping, what should still rank as important on your ‘to-do list’ should also be the goal of looking at how you manage and look after your legal and financial matters. Most assets which people own have been won through hard work and investment in time, and therefore it is important that they are looked after during your lifetime and also after your death. Whilst the majority of us are aware that we should
make a Will, 60% of the nation still die Intestate (without a Will) and thus leave their assets to be distributed in a way that they may not have chosen. If you have not made a Will then this should be at the top of your list. If you have made a Will, still take five minutes to consider whether your circumstances or those of your beneficiaries have changed. Such triggers to consider include: • New family members, children, grandchildren, partners etc. • Divorces, separations or marriages. • Retirement and Pension Planning. • Problems that may necessitate adjustment to your list of beneficiaries – Divorces, financial difficulties or death. Having made a Will or reviewed it, then you need to consider the interim position. If you were unable to handle
On the business side you also need to check that you have the correct agreements in place in relation to any Partnership or Company you run or are involved in. Are your partnership agreements up to date, do you have the correct directors or shareholders agreements in place? Finally, if you have lent money to a family member or friend you should have this protected by a charge being placed against a property or a Declaration of Trust so that in the event for example, where you have lent a son or daughter money and their relationship breaks down, then you can safeguard the return of that money. So whilst you may have set goals for yourself in the New Year that have lapsed, you still need to complete your “to do” list in relation to protecting your assets and your loved ones. For further advice contact: Fiona Ashmead Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors 14 Woolhall Street Bury St Edmunds,Suffolk IP33 1LA Tel: 01284 755771 Email: Website:
AUGUST 2015 | 41
FREE QUOTATIONS All Electrical Work Undertaken Call Lee on:
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MORTGAGES | PROTECTION | GENERAL INSURANCE l Looking for a new Mortgage? l Mortgage deal coming to an end? l Looking to maximize your investment with the right buy to let mortgage?
Talk to your local mortgage and protection experts, get access to hundreds of mortgages under one roof, get the right cover for you at the right price. Call Sarah Fordham at Castle Mortgages (UK) You home/ Tel: 01359 254042 | Mob: 07795 211933 property may be repossessed if you Email do not keep up repayments on your to arrange a free initial consultation mortgage.
The Naked Builder Ltd Carpentry & Building Services
Construction Renovation Property Maintenance Extensions & Loft Conversions Newbuilds & Design Plastering Roofing Electrical Installations Kitchens & Bathrooms Plumbing Fencing, Patios & Drives Garage Conversions and much, much more...
Call or email for a no obligation quote T: 01284 811 111 M: 07920 056888 E: 42 | FEBRUARY 2016
Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre to Host 4th Sport Relief Mile Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre is set to host its fourth Sport Relief Mile at the West Suffolk Athletics Arena on Sunday March 20 in aid of Comic Relief. The Bury St Edmunds Mile will take place at the Centre from 10am to 1pm, with registration open from 9.30am. Participants can run or walk a one, three or six miles around the track with a choice of two start times of 10.10am or 10.40am at the arena. Each wave will start with mass warm up sessions led by qualified instructors from the leisure centre. Participants can sign up now for a fundraising kit at The money raised by the public is spent by Comic Relief to help people living incredibly tough lives, across the UK and the world’s poorest communities. Sport Relief takes places every other year. Ian Evans, Abbeycroft’s Physical Activity Development Manager, said: “This is the fourth Sport Relief Mile that we have hosted here in Bury St Edmunds and it has always been a very popular event. “Our experience here at the leisure centre is that people very often need a goal to aim for when trying to increase their physical activity and this is a fantastic target. You can bring the whole family and use the event to motivate you and raise money for a brilliant cause at the same time.” FEBRUARY 2016 | 43
Fillet steak
with red wine balsamic reduction Seared fillet steaks are finished in red wine and balsamic vinegar for a quick and simple romantic dinner for two.
44 | FEBRUARY 2016
Ingredients: 2 fillet steaks salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 4 tablespoons dry red wine
Method: Sprinkle salt and pepper over both sides of each steak. Heat a frying pan over medium high heat. Place steaks in hot pan, and cook for 1 minute on each side, or until browned. Reduce heat to medium low, and add balsamic vinegar and red wine. Cover, and cook for 4 minutes on each side, basting with sauce when you turn the meat over. Remove steaks to two warmed plates, spoon one tablespoon of glaze over each, and serve immediately.
FEBRUARY 2016 | 45
W IN !
Kindly sponsored by
9 10
12 14
17 19
18 21
ACROSS 7 Indistinct (6) 8 Gambling House (6) 10 Highest singing voice (7) 11 Laborious task (5) 12 Makes brown (4) 13 First appearance (5) 17 Musical sounds (5) 18 Animal enclosure (4) 22 Dog (5) 23 Drinking vessel (7) 24 Avoided (6) 25 Sleeplike state (6)
This month we have a FREE MOT for the winner to use on their car, kindly donated by Rawlinsons Garage in Bury*. *TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY. Cannot be exchanged for cash. *Voucher is for one full priced MOT on any make or model of car to be used only at Rawlinsons Garage.
DOWN 1 Corpulence (7) 2 Knocking into (7) 3 Special reward (5) 4 Holy place (7) 5 Movable helmet part (5) 6 Abodes (5) 9 Changes in position (9) 14 Pasta strips (7) 15 Layered pasta dish (7) 16 Person who interferes (7) 19 One who steals (5) 20 Wall painting (5) 21 Growl with bare teeth (5)
Good Luck!
CONTACT TEL NO: Closing Date for entries is FEBRUARY 16th 2015. Winner will be notified by telephone. 46 | FEBRUARY 2016
Please post entries to us at: Crossword Competition, Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7BE
West Suffolk Voluntary Association for the Blind
Consultant: Robert J Lamb FRCS FRCOphth The WSVAB is your local sight loss charity. Founded in 1936 the association provides services and support for over 1200 blind and partially sighted people living in the west of the county. Our highly skilled Community Support Workers can visit you in your own home to carry out a safety assessment; they will then offer practical advice and suggest daily living aids and equipment which will help you to retain your independence. In addition to this we have a low vision specialist who can train you to get the maximum benefit from your residual vision with the use of lighting and magnification (appointments available Saturday mornings). Sight Awareness training is available for schools, community groups and care homes. We also have 10 social groups running in various locations across the western area. The groups meet monthly to offer people the opportunity to meet and make new friends and benefit from the information and advice given by visiting speakers from an array of local organisations and businesses. The latest service we are adding to our already extensive list is Befriending. Volunteer befrienders will be carefully matched to people who feel they would benefit from some regular company; maybe just for a chat over a cup of tea or perhaps to peruse a hobby or interest together. If we can help you with any of the services mentioned, or if you have some time to spare and would like to find out more about volunteering opportunities with us, please don’t hesitate to get in contact, we would be delighted to hear from you. Telephone us on 01284 748800 or you can email us at We look forward to hearing from you! by Amanda Eaves, Befriending Co-ordinator
FEBRUARY 2016 | 47
The Astra SRi features Vauxhall OnStar Vauxhall * tofeatures withThe 4GAstra Wi-FiSRi connect up to 7 OnStar devices * to connect up to 7 devices with 4G Wi-Fi – and that’s just for starters. – and that’s just for starters.
Drive Bury St. Drive Bury St.Edmunds Edmunds
Cotton Cotton Lane Lane Suffolk Suffolk IP33 IP33 1XP 1XP 01284 01284 777222 777222
OffiGovernment cial Government Environmental Data. Fuelconsumption consumption fifigures gures mpg Official TestTest Environmental Data. Fuel mpg Stop ecoFLEX: Urban: 54.3 (5.2), Extra-urban: 72.4 (3.9), Combined: 64.2 (4.4). top Personal ecoFLEX: Urban: 54.3 (5.2), Extra-urban: 72.4 (3.9), Combined: 64.2 (4.4) contract hire offer on New Astra SRi 1.0i 105PS Turbo S/S ecoFLEX, on orders received between 1 January and 31 March 2016, subject to availability and
over contracted mileage of 24000 over1.0i 36 months charged at ecoFLEX, 10.46 penceon per mile. Excess charges also1apply if you breach manufacturer servicing or maintenan rsonal contract hire offer on New Astra SRi 105PS Turbo S/S orders received between January and 31 March 2016, subject to availability an Licence and Vauxhall Assistance. may pence be required. Prices and details arealso subject to change withoutmanufacturer notice. For fullservicing specifi cation and Ts&C er contracted mileage of 24000 over 36 Guarantee/indemnity months charged at 10.46 per mile. Excess charges apply if you breach or maintena Conduct Authority. #MPG fi gures are offi cial test data and may not refl ect real driving results. *Wi-Fi available only when OnStar activated. OnStar available as ence and Vauxhall Assistance. Guarantee/indemnity may be required. Prices and details are subject to change without notice. For full specifi cation and Ts&s
Duddery Hill Duddery Hill Haverhill Haverhill CB98DS 8DS CB9 01440 703606 01440 703606
gg(litres/100km) and COCO 2 emissions (g/km). Astra SRi 1.0i Turbo 105PS Start/ (litres/100km) and 2 emissions (g/km). Astra SRi 1.0i Turbo 105PS Start . CO 2 emissions: 102g/km.# #
). CO 2 emissions: 102g/km. d status. Age 18+ only. Figures based on a non-maintenance contract hire package with advance rental of £2,390 , then 35 monthly rentals of £239. Excess miles
nce guidelines if the carFigures exceedsbased BVRLAonFair Wear & Tear guidelines for its age/mileage whenadvance it is returned to of Vauxhall Fund nd status. Ageor18+ only. a non-maintenance contract hire package with rental £2,390Leasing. , then 35Package monthlyincludes rentalsRoad of £239 . Excess mi Cs contact your local You will not own the ALD&Automotive Ltd., trading as Vauxhall Leasing, 3JA. Authorised andLeasing. regulatedPackage by the Financial ance guidelines or ifRetailer. the car exceeds BVRLA Faircar. Wear Tear guidelines for its age/mileage when itBS16 is returned to Vauxhall includes Road Fu standard on selected models. OnStar services free for 12 months. Subscription charges apply thereafter. Correct at time of going to press . &Cs contact your local Retailer. You will not own the car. ALD Automotive Ltd., trading as Vauxhall Leasing, BS16 3JA. Authorised and regulated by the Financ
FUNDRAISING NIGHT in aid of St Nicholas Hospice
at Moreton Hall Community Centre Symonds Road, Bury St Edmunds
Friday 22nd April at 7.30pm
LIVE MUSIC with The Harley Street Band 7.30pm til late
Following on from the fantastic amount of money raised for Cancer Research last May at the fundraising night Sam, Ben, Tanya and Guy organised, they are holding another night on 22nd April but this time we are raising money for St Nicholas Hospice in Bury.
All four of them have known somebody who has been cared for by the hospice staff, either there or at home, and Sam found their counselling a great help after losing her dad to cancer. Most of their family and friends have had some connection with the amazing care and facilities given by the hospice.
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The care given by the hospice is free to all Windows,Doors Doors & Conse Windows, & Conserva patients and their families, and to do this they need £11,000 a day. Without support, Windows, Doors & Conservatories Supplying and Fitting of they would not be able to provide the care • abbeygatewindows@btin WINDOWS, DOORS & • abbeygatewindows they do for those who need it most.
01284 763244 • 07581 369099 The Harley Street band have agreed to • 01284 763244 • 07581 36909 play again at the Moreton Hall Community Centre from 7.30pm and tickets will be £10 01284 763244 • 07581 369099 each. Please feel free to invite family and friends and contact Sam for tickets.
Call us today!
As last year, we will also be holding a raffle - if anybody would like to donate prizes please get in touch!
Call Sam on 07729 053419 for more information or to purchase tickets.
50 | FEBRUARY 2016
01284 763244 07581 369099
PLANET LASER IS NOW OPEN IN BURY ST EDMUNDS... Great fun for anyone aged 6 and over!
Covering over 600sq m our laser arena is one of the biggest in the UK and Europe, spanning 5 levels! We are the st centre in the UK to install the state of the art ‘Helios Pro LaserTag System’ supporting up to 30 players. Membership allows you to track all your games history, scores and achievements and offers exclusive discounts, member nights and events!
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 51
Esme Crick, Wendy Knipe and friends (known as ‘Yarn On 2016’) from Bury St Edmunds will be holding a twelve hour ‘Yarn-on-a-Thon’ in aid of Breast Cancer Now, the UK’s largest breast cancer charity dedicated to funding research into this devastating disease. ‘Yarn On 2016’ are going to hold a sponsored crochet and knit at Oakes Barn, St Andrews Street, IP33 3PH, Bury St Edmunds on Saturday 6th February 2016 at 11a.m. to 11p.m. and are hoping to raise £500 towards Breast Cancer Now’s life-saving research. Esme Crick, from Red Sparrow Crochet, said: “We’re really looking forward to the ‘Yarn-On-a-thon’ and we hope to raise lots of money for this very worthy cause. Every 10 minutes, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and sadly every 45 minutes a woman dies from the disease. We’re supporting Breast Cancer Now because they believe if we all act now, by 2050, we can stop women dying from breast cancer.” “So many of us have friends or family that have been touched by the horror of breast cancer. We need to work together to ensure this devastating disease is beaten before our children are grown. If we can have a natter and a knit or crochet whilst doing so, so much the better!” ‘Laura Hudson, Chair of the Suffolk Group of Breast Cancer Now’, said: “We 52 | FEBRUARY 2016
wish ‘Yarn On 2016’ every success for their ‘Yarn-on-a-thon’ and hope that the residents of Bury St Edmunds and West Suffolk come out in force to support them. “Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, one in eight women will face it in their lifetime - around 1,000 women will die from breast cancer this month in the UK alone. We’re determined to put a stop to this, but we’ll only reach that point by acting now – which is why we need the tremendous support of people like Yarn On.” Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. One in eight women will face it, and nearly 700,000 people living in the UK today have experienced a diagnosis. More women than ever are getting the disease, and it is predicted that 185,000 lives will be lost to breast cancer by 2030. Breast Cancer Now is bringing together all those affected by the disease to improve the way breast cancer is prevented, detected and treated in order to stop the disease and move from a time when people fear breast cancer to a generation where everybody lives.
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 53
Parkrun Fun
y the time you read this many of you will be 6 weeks into your new healthier 2016 routines. Yes? Okay, so I suspect a fair few may have faltered slightly, but don’t beat yourself up about it, we’re all human. However, fear not – I have great news. The (boggy) path to a fitter, healthier you is free, local and jolly good fun. In addition it’s muddier than a hippo’s playground. I am of course talking about the Parkrun phenomenon which continues to build momentum. For those of you who have no idea what I am on about, let me explain. Basically a random group of around 200 people turn up at your local park every week to run/ jog/walk/crawl round a 5km course. It’s organised and run completely by volunteers, is free to take part, and you get a finish time texted to you after each run.
54 | FEBRUARY 2016
A couple of points to clarify. It’s definitely not just for ‘runners’, in fact the majority of participants are just regular people, not athletes or wannabe Mo Farah’s. Families turn up and jog round together (complete with Labrador, buggies etc.), pensioners, first timers, people that haven’t so much as run for a bus in the last few years do it. It is a social event, and an opportunity to push yourself as hard (or as little) as you like. Clearly you get some club runners too. But don’t be intimidated. It truly is an event for everyone. So, why not give it a look ( burystedmunds)? It takes 2 minutes to register online, print off your barcode, pop it in your wallet, and then you are all set. There’s’ no pressure to go every week, just turn up with your barcode whenever you fancy it and you’ll be good
to go. You’ll find that once you’ve done it once you’ll be back to try and better your time and track your progress. Take a friend and you’ll encourage each other round, both be one step closer to your goals, and have a good laugh at the same time. Finally, I just need to emphasise the point about the mud. It’s no exaggeration to say it’s like running through a saturated ploughed field in places at the moment. What I’m getting at is, don’t where your new shiny white trainers and expect them to ever look the same again. If you see a dad in an Ipswich Town shirt looking a bit too keen on the start line, then that’s probably me, and please say hello. Otherwise, I’ll see you all at the end, when we can compare notes and hobble back to the carpark together.
M.A. SMITH TILING & INTERIORS specialist wall and floor tiling full bathroom renovations plastering, plumbing & electrical Let your dream become a reality and visit us at... FREE quotations, advice and planning sean
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 55
.99 WAS £1199 Bardo Medium Sofa HOME + LIFESTYLE
QUIZ NIGHT SUCCESS Bury St Edmunds | Ipswich | Online
raises vital funds for brain tumours
Glasswells home furnishings store held its annual charity quiz night to raise vital funds for The Brain Tumour ton Hall Directory WSin Mag Ad.indd of 1 Robert Hawkins, Charity memory the company’s director who sadly passed away following a short illness earlier in the year. Twenty teams made up by members of staff at Glasswells met in the in-store Place to Eat restaurant to battle out for the coveted title of Quiz Team Winners 2015, whilst raising vital funds for The Brain Tumour Charity, the UK’s leading charity dedicated to fighting this devastating disease. The annual quiz, which has always been organised by Robert Hawkins, is in its seventh year and has raised thousands of pounds for various national and local charities. Richard Ball, Buying Director, enthusiastically took over the mantle of Quiz Master and hosted a fabulous evening in memory of Robert who was a well-respected and much-loved member of the Glasswells team. The choice of charity for this year was easy and Richard said “I was honoured to be able to continue this fundraising tradition and the support from all the staff here at Glasswells was tremendous. It’s such an important cause and everyone came together to raise our biggest quiz night sum yet, £1,000! I know Robert would have
56 | FEBRUARY 2016
been incredibly proud with everyone’s efforts and generosity.” Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40, yet less than 2% of cancer research funding goes on brain tumours in the UK. The Brain Tumour Charity is the UK’s largest dedicated brain tumour charity, committed to fighting brain tumours on all fronts. They fund pioneering research to increase survival and improve treatment options as well as raising awareness of the symptoms and effects of brain tumours to bring about earlier diagnosis. The Charity also provides support for everyone affected so that they can live as full a life as possible, with the best quality of life. Geraldine Pipping, The Charity’s Head of Fundraising, said: “We are grateful for all the efforts made by our incredible fundraisers and thank them for taking part in Glasswells annual charity quiz night. Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of the under 40s and survival rates have not improved significantly over the last 40 years. We are leading the way in changing this by fighting brain tumours on all fronts. We receive no government funding and rely 100% on voluntary donations, so it’s only through the efforts of people like Glasswells that we can change these shocking statistics in the future.”
GOLDEN TICKET EVENT May 20th 2016 from 12-3pm
for anyone over 50 on Moreton Hall! Event at Christ Church to given information from organisations that help us stay independent and healthy at home. Contact Sam Reid on 01284 757758 or 07850 207365 for a ticket for £3 which includes lunch
MARK - 07585 115989 PAUL 07864 165227 GREG - 07901 634756 SUE - 07743 197409
Professional’s from Suffolk checking your health and well-being, Lofty heights Age UK Suffolk, Contact Care Lifeline, and a challenge to see how many ‘sit to stands’ you can do.
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TUESDAY 16th February Archery Tag ® OPEN DAY
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FIND US AT The Academy, Church Farm, Church Road, Barrow, Suffolk IP29 5AX
T. 07712 277625 E. FEBRUARY 2016 | 57
Entries Open for Rotary Club Charity Swimarathon The Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds has announced the date for their next charity event and is inviting teams to sign up to raise money for local good causes. The third annual Swimarathon will be held on Sunday 20th March 2016 at the Abbeycroft Leisure Centre in Bury St Edmunds from 2pm to 5pm. Teams of six swimmers, of all ages and abilities are invited to enter the event, which sees participants swimming for 45 minutes to complete as many lengths as possible. The Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds President, Jenny Benfield said: “With our 2016 Swimarathon, we have chosen to support two local charities: East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) and CLIC Sargent who both do wonderful work caring for children with life-threatening conditions across Suffolk, as well as our Rotary Charity Fund which supports many local causes.” In its first year, the Club’s Swimarathon raised over £6,000 in aid of EACH, and last year’s event raised almost £7,000 for the same charity. Hannah Walker, EACH Suffolk Fundraiser, said: “We are thrilled that the Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds has once again chosen to support us with their Swimarathon.This is a really fun event to be
58 | FEBRUARY 2016
involved in for both schools and businesses and it raises money for great causes at the same time.” CLIC Sargent fundraising manager Daisy Turner added: “I’d encourage anyone thinking about getting involved to get in touch and find out more: there’s no minimum sponsorship amount for teams and every pound raised will make a real difference to the community.” This year is to be a particularly special event as Rotary Vice-President, Cris Barlow, is to take part in the Swimarathon. Cris lost his left leg as a result of an aneurism four years ago and this will be a personal challenge for him. Cris said: “It was the support of my colleagues at Rotary that enabled me to return to playing golf and sail in the summer.This is going to be a tough challenge but I hope I can raise vital funds for these great causes along the way” The 2016 Swimarathon is kindly supported by Abbeycroft Leisure, Thomas Ridley, Bury Free Press, CML and Sheridans. To find out more about the Swimarathon event, for corporate sponsorship opportunities and to enter your team contact event organiser Robert Davie: or telephone: 01284 766318
FEBRUARY 2016 | 59
It’s a Leap Year ladies! So no need to Nowadays, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t propose on any day or year, but leap year is an excellent excuse for taking the initiative. February 29th has traditional associations with good fortune and things out of the ordinary. According to folklore Lady Luck bestows special favour on any venture, business or personal, that is initiated on this day. If you’re thinking of proposing to the love of your life, here are some important do’s and don’ts…
ou Will y e? m y r mar
60 | FEBRUARY 2016
o wait for him to do the proposing.... Do’s Place: Pick a proposal scenario that will appeal to him rather than just to you - even if
that means choosing to attend a sports event or going to his favourite type of restaurant. Set the stage for romance by using props such as champagne, chocolates, rose petals and soft candlelight.
Time: Be sure to pick the right moment – wait until you’ve had a glass of bubbly, just after dessert or when relaxing in the jacuzzi. Make it fun: Write ‘Will you marry me?’ on a piece of card and give it to him to read out aloud. Then say, ‘Oh what a surprise! I’d be delighted!’
Make him pay: Remind him of the traditional penalty that a man had to pay for
refusing a woman’s proposal on the 29th of February – he should buy you an expensive silk dress!
Be prepared: The chances are that he will say ‘yes’, but do be prepared for a ‘no’ or a ‘maybe later’. Either way, it is good to have a response ready. Now we know what the other half have to go through! Don’ts Timing: The setting and the timing is important, so avoid bringing it up when he’s in a
hurry, is tired or if his football team has just lost the match.
Ring: If your man doesn’t normally wear rings or you’re unsure whether he will, try to find some other token.
Too soon: If you’ve known each other for less than a year it’s probably not a good idea to bring up the idea of marriage – even if it may mean waiting another four years for the opportunity.
FEBRUARY 2016 | 61
garden confidential BY PAUL CLARKE
Azara microphylla What to do in your garden in February
If you are looking for a shrub with a winter scent then an Azara might be your choice. An upright evergreen shrub or treat as a tree. It has glossy leaves, often in unequal pairs, and vary small, fragrant yellow flowers. A good choice as a wall shrub as it seems to thrive best in a sheltered or even shady position. The flowers are far from significant but they do have a vanilla scent that is attractive. After flowering you can prune back the Azara if it is getting to big for its allotted space . Azaras are best planted out in spring, then mulched well. Although they are slow growing they can reach 30ft in height in 12ft wide so you will need to prune if you want to keep this in check.
62 | FEBRUARY 2016
February is probably the month in which we neglect our gardens the most. It’s cold and often wet and it’s tempting to stay indoors by the fire. However wrap up warm and your garden can reward you with early flowers such as the winter aconites, crocus hellebores and violets. Even a few minutes in your garden in February, doing some of the following tasks will help you to get on top of your garden and improve your health.
pauls jobs for the month • If your winter aconites are getting congested now is the time to lift and divide them. • Winter flowering pansies • On a dry day it is always • This is a good time to plant a provide some welcome colour rewarding to tidy up your fruit tree. Most gardens can as long as you make sure borders by removing any dead find room for a dwarf fruit to regular deadhead spent growth from your perennials. tree. Remember to stake it to flowers Compost any dead material prevent wind damage. and if you have some compost • If you have rhubarb it is time to • Whilst your shrubs are dormant now is a good time mulch around your plants. force it. When you see the first to move them should you • Hang bird feeders to attract shoots cover them with a big decide you would like them birds into your fruit trees. As pot. somewhere else in your garden a thank you the birds will feed • If you haven’t done so already • Look out for Hellebore Leaf on any overwintering pests in now is the time to prune your Spot. Remove any leaves with your fruit trees such as woolly Autumn Raspberries . Cut the brown spots aphids stems to the ground. • The dead leaves on your • To dig or not to dig that is the Bergenias can be removed question. There are arguments Flower Garden in favour of both methods but • One of the first seeds you can • If you haven’t done so already I like to dig and prepare any prune back your hydrangeas sow indoors are Sweet Peas. beds that you intend to sow to remove dead flower heads Put 2 or 3 in a 3inch pot with vegetable crops during this back to a strong bud mix of seed compost and month sharp sand • If you have heathers then give them a light clip to remove the flowers • Buddleias can be given a “Still lie the sheltering snows, undimmed and white; good prune cutting the And reigns the winter’s pregnant silence still; growth down to No sign of spring, save that the catkins fill, around 2-3 foot
General Maintenance
Vegetable & Fruit Garden
This months poem...
And willow stems grow daily red and bright. These are days when ancients held a rite Of expiation for the old year’s ill, And prayer to purify the new year’s will.”
- Helen Hunt Jackson, A Calendar of Sonnet’s: February
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 63
64 | SEPTEMBER 2015
FROM ONLY £169 PER MONTH ON CONTRACT HIRE‡ Business users only. An enormous Zenith windscreen² with sliding interior sunblind, a roomy interior and 300 litres of bootspace make the C3 feel like a big car. Until you park it. With its reversing camera and parking sensors,³ it’s a cinch to get into even the tightest of spaces. For little trips round town or big days out, the C3 is made to brighten up your journey.
‡ Offers apply to qualifying new models ordered & delivered 04/01-31/03/16 or until such time as offers/prices may be withdrawn by Citroën at its complete discretion for business users only, excluding National Fleet customers as defined by Citroën UK & exclude VAT. Contract Hire rentals shown apply to Citroën C3 PureTech 82 manual Edition & an advance rental of £507 will be required followed by 36 monthly rentals on a 2 year agreement of 10,000 miles per annum. Contract Hire rental includes delivery to dealership, Citroën Roadside Assistance, Vehicle Excise Duty & Government First Registration Fee. Metallic paint optional at no extra cost. Model(s) shown Citroën C3 PureTech 82 manual Platinum from £189 per month on a 3 year agreement of 10,000 miles per annum. Excess mileage charges may apply if the agreed annual mileage is exceeded. Contract Hire rental rates have been calculated with the appropriate manufacturer’s support applied to the OTR price. All rentals are subject to VAT at 20%. Citroën Contract Motoring reserve the right to amend any of the rentals quoted without notice. Finance subject to status. Guarantees may be required. Over 18s only. Finance provided by and written quotations available on request from PSA Finance UK Limited (company registration number 01024322) t/a Citroën Contract Motoring, Quadrant House, Princess Way, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1QA, UK. Citroën Contract Motoring is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Rawlinson Automotive Ltd is acting as a credit broker and is not a lender. To finance your purchase/lease we may introduce you to a limited number of lenders. Offers & specification correct at time of going to press from participating Dealers. Terms & conditions apply. Please ask us for details. Subject to stock availability. Finance offers apply to UK only. ²Available at extra cost on Edition, standard on Platinum versions. ³Optional at extra cost when 7” touchscreen with eMyWay satellite navigation, reversing camera and rear parking sensors are ordered.
Official Government fuel consumption figures (Range): Urban cycle, Extra urban, Combined (litres per 100km/mpg) & CO2 emissions (g/km); Highest:Citroën C3 PureTech 82 manual Selection 5.6/50.4, 4.1/68.9, 4.6/61.4, 107. Lowest:Citroën C3 BlueHDi 100 manual Exclusive 3.8/74.3, 3.2/88.3, 3.4/83.1, 87. MPG figures are achieved under official EU test conditions, intended as a guide for comparative purposes only, and may not reflect actual on-the-road driving conditions.
Escape on board New DS 4, the perfect alliance of strength and refinement. With absolute attention given to every detail and a bold design blending elegance and dynamism, New DS 4 has been created for the outright pleasure of driving. Discover it at
RAWLINSON 01284 727857 EASLEA ROAD, MORETON HALL, BURY ST EDMUNDS, SUFFOLK, IP32 7DF °Prices & offers apply to retail sales of qualifying models ordered & delivered 04/01-31/03/16 or until such time as offers/prices may be withdrawn by Citroën at its complete discretion & include VAT, delivery to dealer & number plates, Government Registration Fee & 12 months’ graduated vehicle excise duty. Optional paint available at extra cost. Elect 4 Personal Lease rentals shown apply to New DS 4 Crossback PureTech 130 S&S 6-speed manual respectively. Model shown New DS 4 Crossback PureTech 130 S&S 6-speed manual with metallic paint from £259 per month. One significant advance rental will be required, which varies by model, followed by 34 monthly rentals at the rates shown & a significant optional final rental. Excess mileage charges may apply if the agreed annual mileage is exceeded. Payment of the optional final rental extends the rental term (this does not transfer title of the vehicle) & requires an annual rental equivalent to one months’ rental. Finance subject to status. Finance provided by and written quotations available on request from PSA Finance UK Limited (company registration number 01024322) t/a Citroën Financial Services, Quadrant House, Princess Way, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1QA, UK. Citroën Financial Services is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Over 18s only. A guarantee may be required. Rawlinson Automotive Ltd is acting as a credit broker and is not a lender. To finance your purchase/lease we may introduce you to a limited number of lenders. Offers & specification correct at time of going to press from participating Dealers. Terms & conditions apply. Please ask us for details. Subject to stock availability.
Official Government fuel consumption figures (Range): Urban cycle, Extra urban, Combined (litres per 100km/mpg) & CO2 emissions (g/km); Highest:New DS 4 Crossback PureTech 130 S&S 6-speed manual 6.4/44.1, 4.5/62.8, 5.2/54.3, 120. Lowest:New DS 4 Crossback BlueHDi 120 S&S 6-speed manual 4.5/62.8, 3.6/78.5, 3.9/72.4, 103. MPG figures are achieved under official EU test conditions, intended as a guide for comparative purposes only, and may not reflect actual on-the-road driving conditions. FEBRUARY 2016 | 65
Guten tag guys
How are you doin? Hope you are good I am very cold! I really love being indoors on cold days like this….. one of this month’s articles will definitely warm you up.
molly xx
Where is the snow?!?!? Doesn’t everyone love snow! I love it but I really don’t like it when people come up to you and throw snow down your back and then you get all cold, ahhhhh! So if it does snow then what could you do??? Lots of people make snow angels, but others hate making them because your back gets all snowy and cold. Obviously you have to make a snowman that has a carrot for a nose and then you have to take off your scarf to give to the snowman, but let’s face facts he is never going to warm up. Sledging down the nearest slope has to be next, but I am seriously considering buying a snow scooter to slide around on (because I hate sitting on a sledge bruising my behind!). I have found prices for them ranging between £15-£25 on ebay and Amazon. Fingers crossed for snow! 66 | FEBRUARY 2015
hardwick middle school
Sadly this school is going to close in September so that means I will have to leave. So because it is shutting down, the teachers thought that it would be fun to make a year book about current and former pupils. There are several teams for the year book and I am on the History team. What I have to do is ask people that used to go to the school a bunch of questions and get the answers put in the
book. I was wondering if any of you guys could help me if you used to go to Hardwick Middle, by sending me in some of your favourite memories or just general things you think would be good, it would also be really helpful if you could send in some school photos. To get in touch or to send me any information please email me at mollyh2004@outlook. com. I’d love people to get in touch!
HOW TO MAKE THE PERFECT HOT CHOCOLATE What you will need: Warm milk, Cadburys hot chocolate powder, Marshmallows or Twirl bites, Squirty cream.
When you come home from school and it is cold and you don’t want to do your homework just yet, do you just need to curl up and have a hot chocolate? Well here is how to make it extra special! Firstly you will need to get a microwaveable safe mug and fill it about 3 quarters of the way to the top with milk. Next put that in the microwave for about 2 and a half minutes depending how hot you like it. Take that out and put 2 teaspoons of the hot chocolate powder in and stir with a spoon. Next is where the fun part comes in! You need to put some of the mini marshmallows in the drink, get your squirty cream from the fridge and squirt loads of that on top. Sprinkle a pinch of the powder on the top and add extra marshmallows or twirl bites as the finishing touch! Voila!
Ayling Computer Services Parties in your own home. All girls love to
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07938 373761 FEBRUARY 2016 | 67
The heart of the matter is a m It’s February, the month you either love or dread. The month where ‘true love’ is celebrated and adorns every shop window, every mug, every card, every TV advert. You walk through town on a busy Saturday afternoon and seemingly see loved up couples and families at your every glance. But then you look behind you, at your husband or partner who’s a little portly after the festive season, unshaven and furiously dragging your three year old up the hill sporting a face like thunder. You too don’t look like such a good advert for ‘true love’ - pushing the buggy with a screaming baby in tow, looking and feeling utterly exhausted on just the few hours sleep you’ve had for the last few nights, preempting (any becoming very apparently frustrated) that any second you’re going to hear “love, what’s the plan for tea tonight?” or “what do you think to staying in, lighting the fire and having an early night?” You ask yourself, is this it? Love and relationships have the potential to be the most beautiful gift in life, whether between you and your partner, between you and your kids, between you and your family or simply between you and your friends, and yet so often it is the very thing people find themselves disappointed with. Several years ago I read a book called “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. It’s an excellent book and has been an absolute God-send to my marriage and my relationships with others. It tackles head on the common reasons why we find ourselves disappointed, let-down and sometimes feeling unloved by those around us, especially our partners. Unsurprisingly the main reason is misunderstanding each other and the wonderful thing is, with just a few tweaks relationships can be and have been transformed. Imagine you have inside you a big void, we’ll call it your ‘love tank’. We all feel loved in different ways, the main five being 1) words of affirmation 2) physical touch 3) gifts 4) acts of service and 5) quality time. 68 | FEBRUARY 2016
As people extend their love to us in these ways our love tank gets filled up. However, because we are all different, we therefore respond to these expressions of love differently. For example, my husband loves it when I spend time with him intentionally, no mobile phone, no-one else, no distractions, just me and him watching a movie, going for a walk or just sitting having a chat on the sofa. This is his primary love language and this fills up his love tank and causes him to feel loved far more than if I slave away at the stove for the evening cooking him his favourite meal. Me on the other hand am an ‘acts of service’ kinda gal. I love and feel loved especially when my husband tidies up the living room before coming to bed so that when I wake up in the morning it’s a clear, mess-free place without the cups or plates from the night before needing to be put away. I’m also a gifts person. To some they aren’t bothered by gifts, they’re not fussed about a present under the tree at christmas or a beautifully wrapped parcel on their birthday.
matter of the heart
I am and many others are too. It doesn’t have to be big pressies, the bag of freshly popped popcorn from the market my hubby goes out to get in his lunch break is a sure way to top up my love tank! There’s two other ways people feel loved which aren’t mine or my husbands primary love languages - words of affirmation and physical touch. Take my mother in law for example, she’s the kind of person who treasures her favourite cards from her birthday, usually the ones with meaningful words written inside. A pretty little gift is kind but without a card is meaningless. A simple card with heart-felt words means far more. The person who’s love tank fills up with physical touch need to be greeted with a kiss, a hug or a stroke of affection. They require to be close, to cuddle and be affectionate often. A peck on the cheek simply would not do if physical touch was their primary love language. Understanding how you primarily feel loved is so important but even more important
and the key to experiencing ‘true love’ is understanding how the people closest to you in life feel loved and then choosing to speak their language. So often we find ourselves speaking our primary love language to our spouses instead of theirs; I find myself slaving away making the house look nice and then wondering why my husband doesn’t seem to appreciate my efforts when actually I’d be far better off stopping for a moment when he comes home from work and take five minutes just to look eye-to-eye and ask how his day has been. So, this February I encourage you to google ‘five love languages’ and work out your primary love languages with your partner and then begin speaking them to each other. I guarantee that if you start filling up your partners love tank, you will find your relationships begin to thrive. The heart of the matter, is a matter of the heart so find out how your heart and their hearts needs to be loved. written by
Lizi Long FEBRUARY 2016 | 69
ALL DOGS MUST BE MICROCHIPPED BY APRIL 6th! As of April 6th 2016 it will be illegal to have a dog that is not microchipped. Discounted microchipping for only ÂŁ12 until this date (cat and rabbits too) pop in for a voucher or print one off our facebook page
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70 | FEBRUARY 2016
Jo Churchill MP: “The Cancer Drugs Fund must reform to improve patient access to medicines”
Too busy?
On Tuesday 19th January, Jo Churchill MP took part in a debate regarding the removal of drugs from the Cancer Drugs Fund list, in Westminster Hall. Mrs Churchill raised her concerns for the efficacy of the Fund particularly in relation to delayed diagnoses and delivery of curative treatments as well as a lack of data to understand the success of cancer medicines on patients. Mrs Churchill spoke of the experiences of her constituents, including the battle of one family to deliver life-saving medicines and for the need to avoid the obstacles to effective treatments. After the debate, Mrs Churchill said: “Drugs can and should be considered common place alongside surgery and chemotherapy as part of an effective cancer care package, to provide the clinician but more importantly the patient with choice. It is essential future changes to the Cancer Drugs Fund deliver a flexible and responsive system to cope, where new treatments are readily available to those in need. I have made it clear to the Minister of my concerns, as a double cancer survivor, of what it takes to ensure we save the lives of cancer patients.”
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Bury ConcertSeries
Aurea String Quartet 7.30pm Monday 15th February 2016 Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street IP33 1RH
Described as ‘magnetic, sparkling and lyrical’ the Aurea Quartet is emerging as one of the UK’s most exciting and dynamic young ensembles
Haydn - String Quartet Op.64 No.6 Beethoven - String Quartet Op.18 No.4 Tchaikowsky - String Quartet No.1 Op.11 Tickets £15 (Students £5)
73rd Season
Box Office • Theatre Royal • 01284 769505 • Tickets also on the door as available Season’s membership £50 Membership contact • Sue Tanner • 01359 230457 • 72 | FEBRUARY 2016
Bury St Edmunds Concert Club - Registered Charity 1050483
The Perfect Purse Ladies... Is your wallet looking a little worse for wear after the battering at Christmas and the January Sales?? Well, with so much choice out there, you can get one that will turn heads, with bright designs and styles, you are certainly spoilt for choice!
FEBRUARY 2016 | 73
Spring clean
your wardrobe
With the weather soon about to change, now is the time to get your wardrobe into shape. Whether it’s a clutter-free closet, an overhaul of your outfits or just an annual arrangement of your fashions, now’s the time to get stuck into organising your wardrobe. But if the task seems too enormous to even contemplate, break it down into our five stress-free steps to sorting out your style.
Mind over matter
Make sure you’ve set aside enough time that you don’t rush through it, make terrible decisions and find yourself mourning for that leopard print blouse you threw out in your haste. Make sure your bedroom is cool and light, pack the kids off to your parents and turn on the radio. Also, dress comfortably – this is wardrobe workout after all!
Pick a signature style
Flit between fashions or find yourself sticking to a seasonal uniform? Defining your style can whittle down your wardrobe in seconds – if you steer towards cool and casual, get rid of that terrible trouser suit or stiff pencil skirt. More preened and polished, it’s probably time to throw out your Sienna Miller-inspired boho tops and gypsy skirts. Experts suggest picking out your 10 favourite items and think about what they say about your look. 74 | FEBRUARY 2016
Pile them up
It’s an oldie but a goodie. Create three piles – a yes, a no, and a maybe is the simplest – and start dividing and conquering. Keep the yesses, bin, sell or charity shop the nos and store the maybes. It can be heart-wrenching throwing away anything (especially if you’ve hardly worn it) but by storing for a months, it’s not so harsh. Go back to those in a few months and chances are, you won’t have missed them and will want to take them straight down the charity shop.
Be honest
Do you really need that moth-eaten T-shirt you wore to move house in or the dress that you’ve not fitted into since you met your husband? It’s hard – clothes have sentimental value too – but you’ve got to be brutal, especially if you’re short on space. Anything super-sentimental can be stored, but store it away from the clothes you wear daily.
Get organised
Now you’ve decided what you’re keeping, you’ve got to put it all back. Organise by clothing type and colour – OK, you probably won’t keep it up for the rest of the year but it not only will show you what you have, and haven’t, got but it’ll look pleasing to the eye too. Simple things like upgrading your hangers, marking shoe boxes or hanging up jewellery will give it an instant lift.
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01284 810810 FEBRUARY 2016 | 75
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“All around the world” Thursday 11th February 2016, 7.00pm
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A concert with pupils from Barrow, Tollgate, Horringer Court, Howard, Westley and County Upper which will take you on a journey all around the world.
76 | FEBRUARY 2016
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 77
s y u B t s e B FEBRUARY
Vichy Idealia Skin Sleep 50ml Idealia Skin Sleep is Vichy’s first night cream that recreates the look of a good night’s sleep, even when your nights are cut short. £19.97 from Boots
LED Nail Gel Polish 9ml A treatment previously exclusive to salons and spas, into an easy, affordable and high quality at home system. £13 from Marks and Spencer
Makeup Revolution Amazing Lipgloss in Raspberry Highly pigmented and high shine lipgloss, you will be amazed at the quality for the amazing value! Available in 6 wearable shades which makes your lips look fuller and glossy. £1 from Superdrug 78 | FEBRUARY 2016
Best Sellers Makeup Brush Set Make-up fans will love our best-sellers brush kit. From the foundation brush to smaller precision styles, acheive a flawless finish everytime with these essential tools. 100% Other Materials.. £26 from Top Shop
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FEBRUARY 2016 | 81
Christ Church
s January draws to a close and February begins, many people find life quite difficult. The January blues seem to linger on and, if the weather does not improve, some people can become quite depressed. While we have had a mild winter, the scenes of flooding and its accompanying devastation cause shock, horror and concern to us all. It is good then that the church holds the season of Lent at this time. Lent is a time of penitence and self denial. It is a chance to reflect, consider and make changes. It is also a time to help others when those who are in need, who are depressed, or facing difficulties, should be the focus of our prayers.
82 | FEBRUARY 2016
We can also use Lent to look back to Christmas and forward to Easter. As I look back to Christmas I have a deep sense of gratitude in my heart. Many people came to church for the first time in the Christmas period; all our services had greater attendances than the previous year. In excess of 2,500 people came through our doors. Money was raised to buy a tent for refugees in Calais (£500), three hundred and twenty five shoeboxes were sent to needy children, and dozens of shopping bags were filled brimful with groceries and given to the food-bank. There was a real sense of God’s presence all around us. January began with a wonderful baptism service at which many people
MORETON HALL came forward to renew their baptismal vows and to set their face to follow Christ as effective disciples. There was a very positive and good spirit in the church which is reaching out across the whole community. As we look forward to Easter with Lent as our guide, we remember that Jesus took up His cross, set His face towards Jerusalem and lived sacrificially so others could benefit and find the hope and consolation they needed in their darkest hours. At Christ Church we will be copying that as we seek to be better disciples. Good discipleship and a good use of Lent will mean seeking out those people who are alone, who can easily be overlooked or forgotten and who might just need a cheerful phone call or the offer of a cup of coffee. For those with particular needs there is always the gift of prayer and practical support. The most important thing is not to be alone and, as hard as it may be, to seek out consolation in the company of others.
FEBRUARY Of course, we are still grieving for the loss of Jackie Smith, Head of Abbots Green School, whose funeral was taken a few days before Christmas and the whole community misses somebody who has given so much. But the good news of Jesus Christ is that there is a life beyond the grave, in heaven with Him; something that Jackie knew very well indeed. That is why we can look forward to Easter and its special message with such hope and confidence in these dark and difficult times. Here at Christ Church, Moreton Hall, we will continue to pray for the entire estate, as we do on a daily basis. We will continue to be a place of hope and reassurance which is open to all as we give ourselves in service to Him by serving you. Please be assured of our care and support as we travel through January and February into the glorious hope of springtime and Easter in March.
SUNDAY 7th FEBRUARY 8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am All Age Worship 6.30pm New Wine DVD
WEDNESDAY 10th FEBRUARY 7.30pm Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday
7th10.30am 8.30am Morning Holy Communion Worship 10.30am All Age Worship 6.30pm Healing Communion 6.30pm New Wine DVD SUNDAY 10th 7.30pm 21st HolyFEBRUARY Communion for Ash Wednesd 10.30am Holy Communion 14th 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Prayer Evening 6.30pm Healing Communion 21st 10.30am Holy Communion SUNDAY 28th FEBRUARY 6.30pm Prayer evening 10.30am Morning Worship 28th 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing
With every good wish, Yours sincerely,
Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford. Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall
FEBRUARY 2016 | 83
What’s on
JENNY ECLAIR (comedy) Friday 12th FEBRUARY
Professional grumpy old woman, Splash survivor, amateur soup maker, and novice knitter, Jenny Eclair is younger than Madonna but eats crisps and likes wine.
Semi –bearded and suffering from outbreaks of gout and hysteria, Eclair puts middle age under the microscope and decides whether to laugh, cry or buy a dachshund! You are most welcome to join her, just button your cardi up properly and wipe that lipstick off your teeth. Age Guidance: 14+Book online.
SOUNDS OF THE GLENN MILLER ERA (music) Saturday 20th FEBRUARY Recapture the sounds of a bygone era as the Nick Ross Orchestra presents ‘an unmissable evening of music and song’ – the classic Big Band sound of the 1940s. With a full line-up of saxophones, trumpets, trombones, a rhythm section and top singers, The Nick Ross Orchestra will faithfully recreate the wonderful sounds of such Big Bands as those led by Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Harry James and Tommy Dorsey. Book online.
THE BIRTHDAY PARTY (drama) Thursday 25th - Saturday 27th FEBRUARY “There’s a gentleman living here. He’s got a birthday today, and he’s forgotten all about it. So we’re going to remind him. We’re going to give him a party.” A shabby boarding house in a small English seaside town. An elderly couple take care of a solitary guest, who rarely ventures out. The arrival of two enigmatic strangers seems to offer a welcome distraction from their mundane existence. But when an impromptu, seemingly innocent birthday party abruptly turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse, there are horrifying repercussions. By turns, cryptic thriller and macabre comedy. Book Online.
84 | FEBRUARY 2016
SID’S SHOW! (children’s entertainment) Thursday 18th FEBRUARY Join Sid from Cbeebies live on stage in a fantastic fun-filled adventure that’ll knock your socks off! Sid is setting out on a heroic quest to find out where in the world his favourite socks and shoes have go to - share in the adventure at the bottom of the sea, deep in the jungle or floating in outer space you’ll meet some funny characters along the way. In an interactive experience crammed with games, songs, poems and magic, Sid’s Show will leave you with a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Sid is the hugely popular original star presenter of the CBeebies channel and also ‘Let’s Play’ a dressing up adventure show on CBeebies. This show is perfect for families with children aged 3+ Times: 1pm Tickets: Adults £12 / Children £10 / Family* £40 *(A Family Ticket covers 2 adults & 2 children or 1 adult & 3 children)
2016 marks Roy Orbison’s 80th Birthday, and to mark this special year Barry Steele - widely recognised as one of the world’s leading tributes to music legend Roy Orbison - is proud to present a brand new show. Barry Steele has stunned audiences across the globe with his uncanny visual similarity and his ability to authentically revive the exquisite toe-tapping sound of this music giant. Using original film footage and backed by his fabulous band and big screen, this celebration of The Big O’s musical legacy is quite simply unmissable as Barry Steele takes you on a specially revamped musical journey in time from the early sun years right through to the late 80s and The Traveling Wilburys. Add to the mix our fabulous guests celebrating the music of the stars who toured and performed with Roy, and you have yourself an incredible fusion of rock ‘n’ roll and contemporary musical genius all on one stage. This event is suitable for over 12s. Starts: 7.30pm. Tickets: £21.50 (No Senior Concessions) *Times and dates correct at time of going to press. Please check with organiser for full details/availability. FEBRUARY 2016 | 85
y r a u r eb CINEMA LISTINGS
Director Don Hall, Chris Williams Starring Ryan Potter, Scott Adsit, Jamie Chung, Damon Wayans Jr, Genesis Oscar winner for Best Animated Feature - A young robotics genius turns crimefighter in Disney’s fun-packed animated action comedy. Troubled 14-year-old technology prodigy Hiro Hamada (Ryan Potter) lives in the futuristic hybrid city of San Fransokyo. Helping him through his difficult teenage years is huggable, lovable, giant inflatable healthcare robot Baymax (Scott Adsit). When a mysterious villain emerges to threaten the city, Hiro rises to the challenge. He joins forces with can-do chemistry genius Honey Lemon (Genesis Rodriguez), comicbook fanboy Fred (T.J. Miller), burly beatnik Wasabi (Damon Wayans Jr) and taciturn adrenaline junkie GoGo Tomago (Jamie Chung). Together, these nerds must overcome their fears and transform themselves into superheroes. But the biggest challenge will be to turn bumbling, caring Baymax into an avenger. First, he has to be squeezed into his big red carbon fibre battle suit! From the team behind ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ and the record-breaking ‘Frozen’, this rib-ticklingly funny, thrill-packed adventure is Disney’s first-ever animation to use Marvel Comics characters.
86 | FEBRUARY 2016
Director Lenny Abrahamson Starring Brie Larson, Jacob Tremblay, Sean Bridgers Brie Larson gives an awards-buzzed performance in this acclaimed drama. Ma (Brie Larson) lives within the confines of a single room with her young son Jack (Jacob Tremblay). For Jack, Room represents the entire universe and Ma loves him deeply. However, as the boy reaches his fifth birthday she soon takes a big risk by allowing Jack to escape into the outside world. Afterwards, a remarkable emotional journey begins for both mother and son as their lives change forever through exposure to the world beyond Room. Hinging on an outstandingly powerful performance from Short Term 12 actress Brie Larson, this moving drama has been nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Actress foe Larson herself. It’s an emotional celebration of the bond between mother and son, and marks the latest triumph from acclaimed filmmaker Lenny Abrahamson, who directed Michael Fassbender in quirky 2014 movie Frank.
THE REVENANT Director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Will Poulter, Domhnall Gleeson, Lukas Haas Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy star in an enthralling revenge western from the director of Birdman. Fur trapper Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) is leading a hunting party in 1820s South Dakota when he’s attacked and viciously mauled by a bear. Rather than tending to his wounds, the frontiersman’s traitorous companions, led by John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy), decide to abandon him. They kill his half-Native American son and leave Glass to perish in a shallow grave. But he survives. Now he must brave warring tribes, a savage environment and a ferociously harsh winter on a 120-mile trek to take his revenge. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s raw and gritty follow-up to the Oscar-winning Birdman is based on an extraordinary true story of betrayal, survival and ultimate redemption. Its incredible authenticity stems from Inarritu’s determination to film Glass’s gruelling ordeal using natural light in genuinely unforgiving locations.
FEBRUARY 2016 | 87
Moreton Hall Community Centre What’s going on in FEBRUARY Tuesday 2nd & 16th FEBRUARY
Saturday 6th FEBRUARY
HALL FOR HIRE All at very competitive prices! l Children’s Parties l Wedding Receptions l Private Functions l Conference Facilities l In-house Catering Available
Give Kerrie a call on
01284 763402 Office Hours: 9.00am–3.00pm
Saturday 5th MARCH
CHARITY RACE NIGHT 2016 MEMBERSHIP AVAILABLE NOW! JOIN UP TODAY for 2016! FAMILY Membership £16 INDIVIDUAL Membership £8.50 OVER 65s Membership only £5 STUDENTS Membership £5 (at the recent AGM the new membership fees structure was voted in by those who attended)
Bar Telephone 01284 763405 88 | FEBRUARY 2016
follow us on:
e non-members are welcom
The moreton hall community centre Hello and welcome to the Februarys news from Moreton Hall Community Centre. Finally, the January Blues are gone and we can look forward to some better weather soon. If you tried dry January and are now ready to have that pint, get yourself down here! We have Live Music with Joe and Chelle on Saturday 6th February which will be a great night, it’s free entry to everyone, non members included. We are planning a party for the Queens Birthday celebration on 12th June and whilst we are planning more events throughout the year, we always welcome your thoughts on what to put on here for all the family to enjoy, so let us know if you have any ideas of what will be popular for the local community. So far we have been asked about holding a Redbull Cart Day, but need to know who would be interested in getting teams in for this as this would involve building the carts, so get in touch!
A Charity Race night will be held on Saturday 5th March so if you enjoy a bet on the gee gees, then this ones for you! Family Fortunes is going to be on in the clubroom on Saturday 12th March, more information to follow but look out for the posters in and around the clubroom. The committee are also in the process of ordering new equipment for the children to enjoy whilst spending time with the family up here at the weekends. Over January we have had the hall painted to give it a refresh, and a few little extras have been put in place, including Hand Sanitisers in the toilets to make sure hygiene around the Community Centre is up to scratch at all times. Easter will soon be upon us and our annual Easter fun day for the children will be held on the Easter Bank Holiday Monday 28th March, back due to popular demand, we have got Trevor the Animal
Handler coming along with a few friendly animals for the kids to hold and pet, this was extremely successful with the kids (and parents!) last year, so make sure you don’t miss out! All welcome and free for all the family. Easter Egg Hunt and Chocolate Bingo also on the day. So put this date in your diary! Please come along and support your local Community Centre. The club room bar is open week nights from 7pm and on the weekends from midday. Our Sunday lunches continue to be as popular as ever and if you have not tried one yet February is as good a time as any to try one. As always non members are welcome to pop in and see us. See you all in soon!
From us all at Moreton Hall Community Centre FEBRUARY 2016 | 89
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moreton hall Directory health
& beauty
Stephen John Salon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 700100 PT Joe Personal Trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07917 714557 The Abbeyfields Clinic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 847884 Rachels Mobile Hairdressing. . . . . . . . . . 01359 233371 Bury Osteopaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769153 Slimming World . . . . . . . . . Alex 01284 788201 or Kelly 01842 824980 Just Hair Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232007 Best Foot Forward Chiropodists. . . . 01284 753563 Saxon Dental Practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750348 Nicola Delglyn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07775 517447
& fitness classes
Suffolk Age UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 757740 Jazzercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07963 161246 LMA Acting & Dance School. . . . . . . . . . 01359 271925 Glow Exercise & Slimming Club. . . . . 01787 238233 Archery Tag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07712 277625 Kinetic Adventure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725911 Dance Fitness. . . . . . .
& design
Fab Creative Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07762 504200 PIT Group Design & Print. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 765092 Coastline Graphics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 717760
Carrs of Bury St Edmunds . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752525 Auto Park MOT & Service Centre. . 01284 706888 Premier Bodyworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755558 Results Driving School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07864 165227
& landscape
Bluestone Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 716405 Archley Driveways & Landscape Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 724486 Stuart Langston Arboricultural Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 760107 Paul’s Garden Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723625
& maintenance
Frames Conservatories Direct. . . . . 01284 700456 MAS Building & Maintenance. . . . . . . 07595 426757 Windows, Doors & Conservatory Advisory Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 615653 Window & Door Repair Centre. . . . . . 01284 615653 The Naked Builder Carpentry & Building . . . . 01284 811111 Higham Forge & Fabrications . . . . . . . 01284 810810 Rejuvenate Property Services. . . . . . . 01284 850337 Local Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723396 NJT Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723389
Blue Flame Gas 24/7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07862 712041 Martyn Webb Plumbing Services. . . 01284 852554 Fix A Leak Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 269415 TC Plastering & Rendering . . . . . . . . . . 07527 685254 MA Smith Tiling . . 07899 890765 or 07887 754114 Pete Austin Electricians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 747284 Clean A Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07554 022522 L.Cox Electrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07540 082224 Abbeygate Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 763244 Oven Clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 259818
home furnishings
Hartwell Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753310 Stitched 4 U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07938 373761 Village Green Blinds . . . . 01379 669209 / 07931 959892 Glasswells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752804 Stove & Fireplace Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . 01842 766999
& letting agents
Taylor Engall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725800 All Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 234444 Haart Estate Agents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 756255 GD Estates Letting Agency. . . . . . . . . . 01284 750891 Wards of Stanton Removals . . . . . . . . . . 01359 251198 Castle Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 254042 Musker McIntyre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 848454 Suffolk Bungalows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725993 Mortimer and Gausden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755526
business services
Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors . . . . . . . . 01284 715665 Ayling Computer Services . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 701482 Gage Computer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 764574 Simply Secure Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750019 Glasswells Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 748762
& drink
The Greyhound Pub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755445 Orissa Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 719116 Slates Restaurant & Carvery. . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Country Farm Meats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 235237 Rose of Bengal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 717000 Old Canon Brewery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 768769 The Bear Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270249
& social clubs
Pot Black Sports Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Bury Golf Range & Golf Store . . . . . . . 01284 723894 Moreton Hall Community Centre . . 01284 763405
FEBRUARY 2016 | 93
moreton hall Directory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 2728 29 94 | FEBRUARY 2016
MAY 2015 | 95
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