BSE Directory November 2020 issue

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MORETON HALL NEWS... from Peter Thompson, Mayor

Email: Mobile: 07810 868986

Low Opinion of Highways

I, amongst others, have been continuing to apply pressure to Cityfibre in their ongoing construction works around Moreton Hall and Bury. One further thing which has come out of this is the associated resurfacing, which has highlighted yet again the sorry state of our pavements around the area. Both schemes are looked after by Suffolk County Council, which I don’t sit on. I do, however, sit as chair on the Town Council and I have £150,000 to fix problems like this which we have available under the PPS project. I can’t expedite the work though, as we have to use County Council facilities to do it. It’s very frustrating. I mean, look at the state of this example...


Thanks to Michelle and all who participated in the Pumpkin Trail. Another successful community event which also brought in great participation from local businesses, including the ever-present support from Lucy and Jess at the Coffee House and some prizes from our new landlord, Charlie, at the pub.

Can You Use the Bin Please? Have a look at this. I’m quite laissez faire with people enjoying themselves if they’re doing no harm, but... the bin is right there!

Hands Up!

This month I have instigated a very exciting new project as Mayor regarding volunteering in Town. We already have lots of superb organisations who do amazing and selfless work across Bury and this couldn’t happen without those altruistic individuals who give their time and labour to make things happen. I am launching the Bury St Edmunds Volunteer Hub which will be initially set-up and funded from Town Council, but which will ultimately operate independently. The aim is to bring together those people who wish to help out with those organisations who require helping hands. It will also aid in cross pollination between charities to get aid where it is needed and it will share different skills. Most of all, in the short term it will enable us at Town Council to get help to those affected by Covid 19 without the legal ramifications which prevent us from acting now (such as not being legally allowed to fund individuals). Please get in touch if you would like to help. More news to follow. 14 | NOVEMBER 2020


Several months ago I reported on the challenges facing the board at Moreton Hall Prep and it’s subsequent closure. Very sad news, but as one door closes another opens. We now have planning in for the proposed 80 place Special School which is earmarked for the land next to Abbots Green. I have long supported the provision of new SEND places and as it is here in our community it should be a great support for our friends and neighbours who need it.

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