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moreton hall

january 2014 // issue 108

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New year resolutions BEDROOM STYLE


local news items for sale

restaurant vouchers inside

1% selling fee* Internet Advertising including rightmove Accompanied viewing if required Knowledgable sales team Central office window display advertising ALL sales properties *Terms ands Conditions apply

Call today for your free, no obligation valuation

Tel: 01284 725800

Lettings Management

Do you need to rent out your property? We offer full management or let only services at competitive rates Internet advertising, including rightmove Central office window display advertising ALL rental properties Call today for your free, no obligation valuation

Tel: 01284 725800

editor’s letter

Hello Hope you all had a fabulous christmas. As I am writing this earlier than usual, I am trying

not to worry, well panic... 5 more sleeps til christmas and I haven’t written any cards! But on a good note, I have almost finished my shopping. Just need to sort out a list like Andrew Southwood on page 44, so that I am organised for the big day, as there is always that worry when cooking the christmas dinner that, when serving up, there is something missing, like the cranberry sauce or the christmas crackers, or worst still, the brussel sprouts! That would be a disaster in my house, not that I like them, or even the kids, but hubby would be very disappointed if they were missing off his plate. Pigs in blankets are my favourite, so they will be top of the list. Anyway, hopefully all went well with everyones day and you all got what you had asked for, and didn’t over endulge with the food and drink too much. But if you did, the magazine is jam packed with diet clubs, dance clubs and even pole dancing lessons, if you fancy shedding off the extra pounds now the new year has begun. Lets all get motivated, I will definately have to join up with one of them. Our recipe on page 20 is a slimmers favourite so that will get you started with your health and fitness routine. January is always a little bit of a let down, with the weather getting even colder and the nights still dark and gloomy, so why not take your mind of it with a little bit of home decoration, starting in the bedroom? Go to page 58 where the colour theme is pastel and gorgeous, just a lick of paint and new soft furnishings will get you in the mood for spring. Whatever your plans this year, have a good 2014, Happy New Year to all our readers and advertisers, see you in February.


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Jeremy Procter


Sally Walters

Gemma Procter

Meet the team

Advertising/Copy Deadline for FEB 2014 Issue: friday 17th JANUARY

The Moreton Hall Directory, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE Telephone: 01284 765092 Email: or

While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2013 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.

YOUR year Design a new you!

uary Join before Januar 19th Jan re 19th il and pay NOTHIN until G unt HING Feb February

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ave errh hiillll EEEaaa rnrn A rn A Poo in A ctctct iviviveee P in t s od aa y! Po intt ss ttt od od a yy!! Abbeycroft Leisure -- Haverhill Leisure Centre Abbeycroft Abbeycroft Leisure Leisure - Haverhill Haverhill Leisure Leisure Centre Centre Ehringshausen Way, Way, Suff Suffolk olk CB9 CB9 0ER 0ER Ehringshausen Ehringshausen Way, Suffolk CB9 0ER

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The Moreton Hall Directory





January 2014

health & beauty Self Centre PT Joe Personal Trainer Rosemary Connely Success Story

Diet Success Story

12-13 16 19

P40 home & lifestyle

Abbots Green Update


MHD Recipe of the Month 20 Restaurant Vouchers 23 Frank Warby 24 Woodland Ways 28 Church 32-33 Abbots Green Update 39 Andrew Southwood 44 Moreton Hall Residents Association News 48 Pauls Gardening Advice 50-51 Things for Sale 60

january hotpicks


what’s on




Bedroom Style


The Moreton Hall Directory


Bluestone Paving Bluestone Paving & Decking specialise in producing beautiful Patios, Driveways and Sundecks to the highest standards

Call for a Free Quotation

01284 716405 or 07766 001125


Opening Times Monday: 9am - 4pm Tuesday: 9am - 5pm Wednesday: 9am - 8pm Thursday: 9am - 8pm Friday: 9am - 7pm Saturday: 8am - 4pm

Free Parking

Extensions & Wigs We provide a discreet wig fitting service in a private room where we advise clients on a range of every day wear. You can always bring along a family member or friend to your appointment. Wigs are individually cut and styled for the client and are made from 100% synthetic or synthetic/human hair mixes. We also stock and fit Balmain human hair extensions and a selection of clip-on hair pieces.

Pieces starting from ÂŁ55 lawson place | bury st edmunds | suffolk | IP32 7EW Tel:

01284 700100

Book Online The Moreton Hall Directory


on problems. The list of goes on through acrylic ions, opi manicure and waxing, spray tanning test technology vertical booths.

treatments and services with any interested or curious customers over a glass of mulled wine and mince pies on my opening day from 2.30pm on Tues 11th December.” l

health & beauty

ull, 30, The Brow d Bury bred m very proud ning a in my . With years I felt e right me to ra step y new could a full




lashandbrow studio



Welcome to a beautiful new Telephone 01284 768484 Mobile 07886 761686 experience in Bury St Edmunds

102 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA

HD Brows l Individual Eyelash Extensions l Acrylic Nail Extensions l Soak off gels l Crystal Clear Facials l manicures & pedicures l waxing l Spray Tanning l Tanning booths l

102 risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk Ip33 3AA T: 01284 768484 M: 07885 761686

“Feeling the stress of the crunch?” Acupuncture relieves stress like no other treatment Cosmetic Acupuncture, the next best thing to a face lift Food Allergy Testing, it can change your life Anti smoking programme “Give up smoking in one hour with hypnosis” British registered practitioner of the WEI CLINIC Open: Tuesday to Friday

0800 1244354 email:

best Avoid the town traffic! ★ Ample parking ★ Appointments not ★ always necessary

Mere Farm Lane, Pakenham Road, Great Barton



Wedding Packages available

Call for more details!

01359 232007

The Moreton Hall Directory

The Needles 2 Pine Leys Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP32 6EG


happy feet for all the family Qualified Chiropodist/Podiatrist Mount farm Surgery, Lawson Place, Moreton Hall, IP32 7EW. Monday–Thursday 9am to 5pm

Caroline Barwick-Walters MInstChP (HPC 20355) T:

01284 753563 best


health & beauty

Sue Lucente is a newly qualified Nutritionist and has recently started her own business up offering advice to clients with all kinds of health problems on nutrition and how to live life to the full by just changing certain aspects in your everyday dietry ways. Here is how she began her career change...

“Until August 2012 I had worked at Marshall (formerly Tim Brinton Cars) as the manager of the petrol station for more than 20 years. After sadly being made redundant from a job I enjoyed, it was a time in my life when I thought about what I wanted to do next and then I decided to retrain and do something that I have been interested in for a long time, nutrition. I first became interested in this when my mother was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. With help and guidance from a nutrition expert she was able to manage the condition with diet alone for 7 years before having to take a small amount of medication. At the age of 80 she was then diagnosed with coeliac disease, an autoimmune disorder caused by gluten intolerance. As you can imagine she found it very daunting, to suddenly not be able to eat the everyday foods that she had eaten all her life, it was very hard, but with a little time and effort we realised that this doesn’t have to be a hardship and after I did some research on the condition, I found it extremely interesting and discovered many new ways to make the foods she was used to, just by changing the ingredients to exclude gluten and wheat.

Eating the correct diet tailored to an individual condition can make a huge difference to your health and well being. I made the decision and went on to study at The Blackford Centre for nutrition which I successfully passed with a Diploma in Nutrition, and proudly with a distinction. I am now in the process of starting my own business as a nutritional therapist.�

Give Sue a call and see how she can change your way of life... for the better!

Nutritional advice for conditions such as: Diabetes Coeliac disease High cholesterol Menopause Osteoporosis Digestive issues Stress Fatigue Weight loss General health and well being Please call or email to discuss your requirements

telephone: 07777 655252 email: The Moreton Hall Directory


health & beauty

They’ve got the

‘Cutting’ Edge

by Gemma Procter

We visited The Cutting Edge hair salon on a chilly December day, but the atmosphere inside was anything but… As you walk inside, you can tell instantly what a warm and friendly salon this is. It’s busy, considering it’s a tuesday morning, but busy in a nice ‘buzzy’ way, there’s nothing frantic about these fab stylists that work here. They have time for their clients and it really shows with happy, smiling faces on all their customers.

Owners Julie and Lorraine

Julie and Lorraine are the owners (and both are senior stylists) at this gem of a salon, tucked away in Stamford Court, Bury St Edmunds (opposite The Spread Eagle pub). They founded The Cutting Edge back in 2004, and now have a total of 6 stylists plus assistants on hand to help clients of all ages with their hairdressing needs. Other stylists include Anne, Beth, Nicola and Jo. As well as offering all the traditional hairdressing services such as cuts, blow dry’s, perms and hairstyling for men, women and children, they are also specialists in colouring, foiling and highlighting.

Colouring that’s band on trend Beth and Nicola are the colour technicians, and offer all the latest trends in hair colouring such as dip dyeing and colour chalks. Colour chalks are a fun way to inject some extreme colour into your hair. It lasts for a couple of washes and comes in a range of vibrant shades - fancy blue hair for a big night out? You got it! and it’s only £15. Beth


Other services available at the salon include X-tenso hair straightening and Balmain hair extensions.

And if all that isn’t enough to wet your appetite, there’s tons of FREE parking! What’s not to love?


So if you’re looking for a change of scene with your hair this new year, give the girls at The Cutting Edge a try.

Throughout January Cutting Edge are offering a FREE cut and blow dry with every full head of foils for only... The Cutting Edge Tel: 01284 760055

7 Stamford Court, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2DF


The Moreton Hall Directory


health & beauty


EstablishEd 2004

Unisex Hair Salon free parking on our doorstep

friendly salon - pop in for a trim all ages welcome trendy or traditional newly refurbished in a funky style

Ladies unleash the goddess in you • Private lessons • Hen or birthday parties • Fun, friendly and professional atmosphere Pole Dancing classes for ladies who want to learn a new confidenceboosting skill, get fit, have fun too! It tones the body, gets rid of unwanted body fat and is a great cardiovascular workout. Dawn trained and worked as a professional dancer, performing on cruise-ships, in the US and in the UK. She is also a fully qualified fitness and aerobics instructor and regularly teaches dance and Zumba classes.

Tuesday evenings 8.30-9.30pm at Moreton Hall Health Club

Six week courses costs £75 for six one hour lessons Call Dawn on 07747

777928 for more details

competitive rates that won’t break the bank appointments not always necessary


Book a Full Head of Foils for £60 and get a FREE Cut & Blow Dry quote mhd

7 stamford court bury st edmunds suffolk ip33 2df opposite the Spread Eagle PH


01284 760055

The Moreton Hall Directory


health & beauty

“Bend & Blen d”

A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exer and latest rese cises arch blended to gether to prom ote health &

By Carole Baker


Director, The Self Centre

This month as January is often the most stressful month of the year we look at yoga poses for stress relief. There are many different styles of yoga from the strong flowing workouts of Hot Yoga and Vinyasa Flow to the gentle and de-stressing Restorative Classes. All yoga poses have specific benefits on muscles, joints, organs, glands and key areas of the body and the overall idea is to restore your body to a sense of balance and ease rather than the state of “dis-ease” we often find it in due to the constant pressures of stress.



• Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression • Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands and abdominal organs • Stretches the shoulders and neck • Tones the legs and buttocks • Improves digestion • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause • Reduces fatigue and alleviates insomnia • Therapeutic for asthma, infertility, and sinusitis




How to do it Step by Step

• Stress • Gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles • Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue • Relieves back /neck pain when done with head/ torso supported • Diarrhoea • Pregnancy • Knee injury: ask for the supervision of an experienced teacher.

How to do it Step by Step Kneel on the floor. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels, then separate your knees about as wide as your hips. Exhale and lay your torso down between your thighs. Broaden your sacrum across the back of your pelvis and narrow your hip points toward the navel, so that they nestle down onto the inner thighs. Lengthen your tailbone away from the back of the pelvis while you lift the base of your skull away from the back of your neck. Lay your hands on the floor alongside your torso, palms up, and release the fronts of your shoulders toward the floor. Feel how the weight of the front shoulders pulls the shoulder blades wide across your back. If you can’t get your head on the floor put a cushion or block down or similarly put under your bottom. This is a resting pose. Stay anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Beginners can also use this to get a taste of a deep forward bend, where the torso rests on the thighs. Stay in the pose from 1 to 3 minutes. To come up, first lengthen the front torso, and then with an inhalation lift from the tailbone as it presses down and into the pelvis

• • • •

Diarrhoea, Headache, High blood pressure Menstruation Neck injury Pregnancy: If you are experienced with this pose, you can continue to practice it late into pregnancy. However, don’t take up the practice after you become pregnant.

Option: Fold two or more firm blankets into rectangles measuring about 1 foot by 2 feet, and stack them one on top of the other. You can place a sticky mat over the blankets to help the upper arms stay in place while in the pose. Then lie on the blankets with your shoulders supported (and parallel to one of the longer edges) and your head on the floor. Lay your arms on the floor alongside your torso, then bend your knees and set your feet against the floor with the heels close to the sitting bones. Exhale, press your arms against the floor, and push your feet away from the floor, drawing your thighs into the front torso. Continue to lift by curling the pelvis and then the back torso away from the floor, so that your knees come toward your face. Stretch your arms out parallel to the edge of the blanket and turn them outward so the fingers press against the floor (and the thumbs point behind you). Bend your elbows and draw them toward each other. Lay the backs of your upper arms on the blanket and spread your palms against the back of your torso. Raise your pelvis over the shoulders, so that the torso is relatively perpendicular to the floor. Walk your hands up your back (toward the floor) without letting the elbows slide too much wider than shoulder width. Inhale and lift your bent knees toward the ceiling, bringing your thighs in line with your torso and hanging the heels down by your buttocks. Press your tailbone toward your pubis and turn the upper thighs inward slightly. Finally inhale and straighten the knees, pressing the heels up toward the ceiling. When the backs of the legs are fully lengthened, lift through the balls of the big toes. If this is not possible do the whole posture lying with your bottom against a wall and walk your legs up the wall instead.

The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs.


The Moreton Hall Directory

health & beauty Soften the throat and tongue. Firm the shoulder blades against the back, and move the sternum toward the chin. Press the backs of your upper arms and the tops of your shoulders actively into the blanket support, and try to lift the upper spine away from the floor. Gaze softly at your chest. Start with 30 secs and build up daily. To come down, exhale, bend your knees into your torso again, and roll your back torso slowly and carefully onto the floor, keeping the back of your head lifted.


• Calms the brain • Stimulates the abdominal organs and the thyroid gland • Stretches the shoulders and spine • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause • Reduces stress and fatigue • Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia, sinusitis


• Diarrhoea • Menstruation * Neck injury • Asthma & high blood pressure: Practice it with the legs supported on props e.g. a chair • Pregnancy: If you are experienced with this pose, you can continue to practice it late into pregnancy. However, don’t take up the practice of Plough after you become pregnant. • With the feet on the floor, this pose is considered to be intermediate to advanced. It is not advisable to perform the pose in this way without sufficient prior experience or unless you have the supervision of an experienced teacher

How to do it Step by Step From Shoulderstand , exhale and bend from the hip joints to slowly lower your toes to the floor above and beyond your head. As much as possible, keep your torso perpendicular to the floor and your legs fully extended. If your toes don’t reach the floor try walking your legs down a wall or onto the back of the sofa, they will reach the floor in good time.


your body & mind

yoga pilates tai chi meditation


bowen, counselling, ems, homeopathy, hypnotherapy, lymphoedema, massage holistic, massage sports, osteopathy, physiotherapy, reflexology, shiatsu, speech therapy, ultra sound scanning,

viSit our Superfood

Coffee Shop!

PLUS baby yoga, baby massage, children’s clinic

With your toes on the floor, lift your top thighs and tailbone toward the ceiling and draw your inner groins deep into the pelvis. Imagine that your torso is hanging from the height of your groins. Continue to draw your chin away from your sternum and soften your throat. You can continue to press your hands against the back torso, pushing the back up toward the ceiling as you press the backs of the upper arms down, onto your support. Or you can release your hands away from your back and stretch the arms out behind you on the floor, opposite the legs. Clasp the hands and press the arms actively down on the support as you lift the thighs toward the ceiling. Plough is usually performed after Shoulderstand for anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes. To exit the pose bring your hands onto your back again, lift back into Shoulderstand with an exhalation, then roll down onto your back, or simply roll out of the pose on an exhalation.

With thanks to Please take care in all poses, if unsure please come to a class or ask for a private lesson For the new January timetable of yoga, hot yoga, pilates, tai chi, meditation classes and workshops or to find out more scientific research on complementary therapies and mind/body exercise please visit or download our mobile app from the app store and book on your phone!!

Our New Restorative Yoga Class starts Wednesday evenings from 8.20pm – perfect gift mid-week to restore your balance and equilibrium and ensure stress does not take hold!

You can reserve your place on line now!

Beginners welcome, no membership fees. Book online for over 25 classes per week. Wide range of professionally qualified therapists. FRee health advice downloads on our website.


SpeCiAL offer for JANuArY! 1 MoNtH’S unlimited CLASSeS for JuSt

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01284 769090

Kempson Way, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7AR

Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate. The Moreton Hall Directory


Happy Feet!

by Sally Walters

Karen Bonser at Holisic Harmony, one of our newest advertisers in the MHD, recently invited me along to try out one of her many treatments, Reflexology, and I must say, it was well worth it.

Before going for my reflexology treatment with Karen, I was a little nervous, as I had never indulged in this before, I was completely oblivious to what I was having done. After arriving at Karens home, she led me into her treatment room, very tranquil, with soft music in the background, I felt at ease straight away. Karen is a fully qualified reflexologist who also offers other holistic therapy, Indian Head Massage, Back, Shoulder and Neck Massage, Shellac Nails, Pedicures, Manicures and Waxing. Reflexology is a safe alternative medicine involving the physical act of applying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques. It is based on what reflexologists claim to be a system of zones and reflex areas that they say reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands, with the premise that such work effects a physical change to the body. Once we had gone through the medical questionnaire we were ready to begin. Karen proceeded to rub some oil into both my feet, very relaxing, as she talked me through the treatment. This will help with sleep patterns, stress levels, anxiety, circulation and more. Karen started by covering one of my feet with a nice warm towel,

she put all her attention on to the other, rubbing gently, Karen Bonser telling me how everything in the feet leads to a body part, by just rubbing and massaging certain areas of my feet/toes she could tell if any other part of my body had any signs of problems, not being a doctor, she then went on to say that although she can advise clients, she cannot diagnose, very interesting stuff, so interesting that, although I really wanted to fall asleep as the relaxation levels took over me, I was intrigued and wanted to know more. “Are you drinking enough water?” Karen asked as she was rubbing the sole of my foot. “Well I must admit, I don’t tend to drink gallons of the stuff, unless I am working out (Which is very rare!)” I told her “How can you tell?” I asked. “I’m feeling your kidneys right now” she said, puzzled, I was wondering how an earth she could feel my kidneys in the sole! And apparently my toes are connected to my head, relating to headaches, eye strain, sinuses and earache. After spending around 15 minutes on that foot, she turned her attention to the other, for a further 15-20 minutes, and vice versa again, telling me which parts of the body she was working on each time. It was a full hour or more before my treatment had finished, and I felt so relaxed and was ready for a nap, but work beckoned, on my return to the office I was feeling sleepy and very relaxed. After being a bit sceptical in the beginning about this alternative treatment, I really must say, I would recommend reflexology to all our readers, I will be booking another treatment soon! Thank you Karen!

Sally xxx

20% off with this advert! Throughout January Book Treat your feet to a warm towel experience before every Reflexology treatment in January.


The Moreton Hall Directory



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health & beauty

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An experienced therapist set in a friendly, relaxing atmosphere. Based on the Moreton Hall. Welcoming old and new clients. Using OPi and creative products.

• Manicures & Pedicures • Waxing • Creative acrylic nails • Opi gel nails • N’applique • Ear candling • Swedish massage • Eyelash perming • Wedding make up

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    Fit as a Fiddle Club    Fit as a Fiddle  Club

     Fit as Fiddle     Fit as aa a Fiddle Fiddle Club Club   Classes:  Classes: Classes:  Classes:   Fit as  Club    Classes:  10.30 – 11.15 Chair Based Exercise Classes: 10.30 Based   10.30 – – 11.15 11.15 Chair Chair Based Exercise Exercise    10.30 – Based(included Exercise 11.30 – 11.15 11.45 Chair Relaxation in Daily membership)  

           Call now for information and prices.   01284 702995 or 07545 166724 10.30 – 11.15 Chair Based Exercise

11.30 – 11.45 11.45 Relaxation in membership) 10.30 11.15 Chair Based(included Exercise 11.30  – 11.45 Relaxation (included in Daily membership) 11.30 – Relaxation (included in Daily Daily membership)    11.30 –– 11.45 Relaxation (included in Daily membership)  12.45 13.30 Tai Chi  12.45 – 13.30 Tai Chi 12.45 13.30 Tai Chi 11.30 –– 11.45 Relaxation (included in Daily membership)  12.45 13.30 Tai Chi   13.30 – 14.30 ChiBall 12.45 – 13.30 Tai Chi 13.30 – 14.30 ChiBall   13.30 14.30 ChiBall 12.45 Tai Chi   13.30 –– 13.30 14.30 ChiBall Chair Based Exercise – Exercises, performed with a toning ChiBall  0095801 .on ytirah13.30 c deretsi–ge14.30 R Chair Based Exercise – Exercises, performed  band from a seated position standing using the chair as with a toning 13.30 – Based 14.30 ChiBall 31/50 Chair Exercise –– or Exercises, performed with Chair Based Exercise Exercises, with a a toning toning  support, designed to strengthen andperformed improve balance.   band from a seated position or muscles standing using the with chairRegistered as Chair Based Exercise – Exercises, performed aas toning charity no. 1085900 band from a position or standing using the chair 05/13 band from a seated seated position or standing using the chairbalance. Chair Based Exercise – Exercises, performed with aas toning  Relaxation – Ease the body and soothe the mind whilst relaxing support, designed to strengthen muscles and improve band from a seated position or standing using the chairbalance. as support, designed to strengthen muscles and improve in a comfortable armchair. support, designed to strengthen musclesusing and improve band from a seated position or standing the chairbalance. as support, designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance. Tai Chi– –Ease A series of slow gentle movements combined with whilst Relaxation the body and soothe the improve mind relaxing support, designed to strengthen muscles and balance. Relaxation –natural Ease the and soothe the mind whilst relaxing Relaxation Easebreathing the body body and soothe the mind relaxed – that can help to improve balance andwhilst relaxing in a comfortable armchair. Relaxation Ease the and soothe the mind whilst relaxing mobility,–strengthen legbody muscles, and reduce stress. in armchair. in a a comfortable comfortable armchair. Relaxation – Ease the body and soothe the mind whilst relaxing Registered charity no. 1085900 Registeredcharity charityno. no.1085900 1085900 Registered charity no. no. 1085900 in a comfortable armchair. Registered  Registered no. 1085900 05/13 Registered 1085900 – A unique set of gentle movements and charity exercises that are charity with 05/13 05/13 Tai ChiChiBall – A series of slow movements combined in a comfortable armchair. 05/13 05/13 05/13 Tai Chi – slow movements combined with Registered charity no. 1085900 practised with aof fragranced ChiBall that can improve breathing, Tai Chi –A A series series of slow gentle gentle movements combined with relaxed natural breathing that can help to improve balance and 05/13 Tai Chinatural – A series of slowthat gentle movements combined with circulation, concentration, balance, and co-ordination and release relaxed breathing can help to improve balance and relaxed natural breathing that can help to improve balance and Tai Chi – A series of slow gentle movements combined with tension and stiffness. mobility,natural strengthen leg muscles, and reduce stress.balance and relaxed breathing that canand help to improve mobility, strengthen leg reduce stress. mobility, strengthen leg muscles, muscles, reduce stress.balance and relaxed natural breathing that canand help to improve Daily membership £10.00 mobility, (stay strengthen legnewmuscles, and reduce stress. for a while and make friends in a relaxed ChiBall – friendly A unique set of movements and exercises are atmosphere. Includes: one exerciseand reduce mobility, and strengthen leg muscles, stress. that are ChiBall – A unique set of movements and exercises class, relaxation, plus tea/coffee) ChiBall – A unique set of movements and exercises that that are practisedExercise with a fragranced ChiBall that can exercises improve breathing, ChiBall – A unique set of movements and thatcharity are no. 1085900 Registered only membership £6.00 practised with a ChiBall can improve (join just a class)set of movements ChiBall – us A unique and that are practised with aforfragranced fragranced ChiBall that that can exercises improve breathing, breathing, circulation, concentration, balance, and co-ordination and release 05/13 practised with a classes fragrancedbalance, ChiBall that can improve breathing, circulation, concentration, and co-ordination and Additional £3.00 each circulation, concentration, balance, and co-ordination and release release practised with a fragranced ChiBall that can improve breathing, (why not treat yourself to another class?) tension and stiffness. circulation, concentration, balance, and co-ordination and release tension and stiffness. tension andconcentration, stiffness. circulation, balance, and co-ordination and release tension and stiffness. Daily membership £10.00 tension and stiffness. Daily membership £10.00 (stay for a while and make new friends in a relaxed Daily membership £10.00 (stay for a while and makeIncludes: new friends a relaxed Daily membership £10.00 and friendly atmosphere. one in exercise (stay for a while and make new friends in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Includes: one in exercise Daily membership £10.00 (stay for a while and new friends a relaxed class, relaxation, plusmake tea/coffee) and friendly atmosphere. Includes: one exercise

     




class, relaxation, plusmake tea/coffee) (stayfriendly for a while and new friends a relaxed and atmosphere. Includes: one in exercise class, relaxation, plus tea/coffee) and friendly atmosphere. Includes: one exercise class, relaxation, plus tea/coffee) Exercise only membership Exercise only membership class, relaxation, tea/coffee) (join us justonly for a plus class) Exercise membership (join us just for a class) Exercise membership (join us justonly for a class) Exercise membership (join us justonly for a class) Additional classes Additional classes (join for a class) to another class?) Additional classes (why us notjust treat yourself (why not treatclasses yourself to another class?) Additional (why not treat yourself to another class?) Additional (why not treatclasses yourself to another class?) (why not treat yourself to another class?)

£6.00 £6.00 £6.00 £6.00 £6.00 £3.00 each £3.00 £3.00 each each £3.00 each £3.00 each

Registered ch

Registered cha

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The Moreton Hall Directory

health & beauty

This month I would like to offer the readers of the Moreton hall directory the opportunity to a FREE online consultation.

Beginners guidelines for fat loss If this January you have made a New Years resolution to lose body fat and don’t know where to start this article is for you. I use the internet to gain lots of information which I then use on my own clients. These are the best tips from trainers such as Nick Mitchell, Mark Coles and Charles Poliquin. 1. Start out very basic, by cleaning up your diet. Eliminate processed food, dairy, gluten, wheat and any food that you know causes inflammation and bloating. Also eliminate starchy sugary foods such as white bread and pasta, and replace them with gluten free oats, sweet potato and brown rice. There is no counting calories, no weighing of food, just simply cleaning up your diet. You eat food that runs, swims, is grown in the ground or it can be plucked out of a tree. Very simple. 2. Eat a portion of essential fat with each meal. This could simply be a drizzle of olive oil over vegetables or salad, a few nuts, or to cook with a teaspoon of coconut oil. The essential fats are not just vital for hormonal and cell health, they should make up at least 20% of your daily calorie intake. Low calorie eating is a major reason why people don’t lose body fat. 3. Hit a water goal. I make sure everyone I work with drinks at least 2 - 3 litres per day.

These first tips along with training a minimum of 3 times a week, will help you see very good results. There will come a time when you start to stall, this is where a consistent food diary will come in. 4. Make a record of your food daily daily. This will show how consistent you are being. Inconsistency leads to poor results. So this next step is to just make sure you remain consistent at all times. 5. If you have been training in the gym 3 times a week, this is the time when you could add in an extra training session. This extra session will produce another level of results. So you see, you don’t have to be all that fancy, you don’t have to count everything at the start, you just have to do the basics and make sure you remain consistent. As you get leaner, and you lose weight, then you do have to become slightly more specific to see more results. Following these simple guidelines can see someone lose a large amount of body fat over a good few months, give them a try.


Joe Sadler

Call me on 01638 662406 or 07917 714557 or email me at:


The Moreton Hall Directory




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health & beauty

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The Moreton Hall Directory






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health & beauty Before...

11 stone lighter

and I am over the moon!


Life is SO good now...

I would never have believed I could do it ...Until I went along to Rosemary Conley Food and Fitness classes and saw how motivational and supportive the group leader was. She explained the plan to me and showed me the portions pots that are so easy to use. There were 4 sizes depending on whether I was going to eat rice, pasta, potato etc...... no weighing food......what a relief.....I was encouraged to do a little exercise (optional) even though I was so unfit, I enjoyed the music. I knew from being a nurse that exercise was the way to succeed but at 21 ½ stone I did not think I could do it, but it was not as bad as I thought, in fact, I felt it really did me good. I had got to the stage where I was very miserable, my confidence was zero... I cringe when I remember at a work ‘do’ I overheard someone say “Get to the buffet quick before Nicky, as there will be nothing left.” I was desperate to do something, but I did not know where to turn. I had tried most slimming clubs and lost weight but then regained it. I just did not think I would ever be slim. I dreaded shopping for clothes, I was so ashamed of my size. My works ‘scrubs’ had to be especially made because even the XXL would not fit. I used to be a size 32 but the dress you can see me in is a size 10!! I encourage anyone who wants to lose weight to come along to one of the 19 classes in Suffolk, you will not look back, I lost 6 lb in my first week and had lost a stone in just over the month.....MAKE that first call. Before joining I was waiting for a knee operation and had severe back pain. Amazingly now I do not have back pain or any knee trouble: I did not need an operation I simply needed to lose weight. I love the food I eat now, it is so tasty, I do not feel I miss out on anything. I cannot believe how easy it is and it suits the whole family.

Nicky Pengelly 46, Bury St Edmunds CALL KAREN ON 01787 238233 OR 07976 124095


St James Middle School, Vinefields IP33 1YB Tuesday 5.30-7pm & Thursday 5.15-6.45pm Salvation Arm Hall, Woolpit Road, Norton IP31 3LU Monday 8-9.30pm Moreton Hall Community Centre Wednesday 10-11.30am


PAY ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR YOUR FIRST CLASS! (Unless you want to take up one of our special offers) ALSO GET A FREE PLAN TO FOLLOW


Recipe of the month

Fat Free Weetabix Fruit Loaf This easy fruit loaf recipe contains Weetabix breakfast cereal, and makes an ideal healthy addition to any packed lunch.

Cook Time: 1 hour 15 minutes Serves 8-10


3 crushed weetabix 8oz (200g) mixed fruit 8oz (200g) sugar 1/2 pint milk 8oz (200g) self raising flour


1. Pre-heat oven to 180°C / 350°F / Gas Mark 4 2. Mix the Weetabix, fruit, sugar and milk together and leave to soak for 20 minutes 3. Add the flour and mix well 4. Place cake mixture into a lined 2lb loaf tin and bake for 1 hour 15 minutes 5. Leave to cool 6. Slice and spread with butter. This fruit cake is not only really tasty, it’s fat free too. Guilt free cake, now you can have your cake and eat it!


The Moreton Hall Directory

Rachels Mobile Hairdressing

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Slimming World Join a warm and friendly group today…

Moreton Hall Community Centre

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Tel: Alex 01284 788201

scan here or visit the website to read Alix ’ s story 0844 897 8000

save £5 – half

price membership

Just £9.95 on yo ur first night then £4.95 a week. See website for details.

Don’t let pain prevent you from getting fit for 2014

health & beauty

Lose a stone in a month*


with Rosemary’s NEW Amazing Inch Loss Plan St James Middle School Tuesday 5:30 - 7:00 pm Thursday 5:15 - 6.45 pm Norton Village Hall Monday 8:00 - 9.30pm

Moreton Hall Community Centre, Symonds Road Wednesday 10:00 - 11:30 am * Average weight lost in trials. Class fee £5.80

Call Karen on 01787 238233


FREE Membership** worth £10 PLUS NEW Member’s Pack worth £25! when you pay for 5 weeks (£29)

Aisling Practice Aisling Practice here x

Lifes full of challenges

Jill Mitev-Will BA (HONS) MBACP Dip. I can offer to visit you in Bury St Edmunds or I have a delightful clinic in my home. I offer a professional, safe, confidential counselling service and support

Mob: 07800 639141 Tel: 01379 897055


The Moreton Hall Directory

For many of us the New Year is the perfect time to tackle a goal to get fitter, healthier and lose a bit of weight. But sometimes it’s those little niggles, aches and pains or even feeling stressed and low that put us off starting something new. Whilst it is often a good idea to consult a doctor before embarking on any kind of vigorous exercise programme, complementary therapies can play a big part in overcoming ailments and helping get you started on the road to a fitter you. Bowen pain relief is a simple and powerful technique that can help relive all kinds of pain and is particularly effective for back pain. It also works well for stress relief and the physical symptoms that stress can manifests itself in - back, shoulder, hip and knee pain aswell as migraines and stomach issues. The aim of Bowen is to treat the whole person, physical, emotional and spiritual, to recover the body’s natural state, boost the immune system and improve overall welllbeing. Local Bowen practitioner and expert Anita Costello explains: “Bowen affects the body primarily through the nervous and the bioenergetics systems to bring it into a state of balance and pain relief. A treatment lasts about 45 minutes and most of the work can be done through light clothing. Bowen is not a massage, acupressure or chiropractic treatment, there is no manipulation or force used and it is suitable for everyone.” Most conditions respond within 2-3 treatments and even long-term conditions can improve very quickly. Anita uses her thumbs and fingers to gently move muscles and tissues to offer rapid and long-lasting relief from pain and discomfort. Anita specialises in Sports Injuries, Cerebral Palsy/ Autistic treatment and back pain. Founder of the Bowen Childrens Clinic, she has also worked with war victims in Bosnia and currently works voluntarily with Combat Stress and Help the Heroes. Anita Costello has a Clinic at the Risbygate Sports Club, Bury and at Rattlesden on Monday afternoons and evenings. Contact her on:

07960 452343 or 01449 737812 www.

For that intimate dinner for two or a party for up to 40 people in our private function room upstairs, our menu has a wide variety of contemporary indian food for all taste buds. Come along and try us. Families with children are very welcome. We look forward to seeing you here! Eat-In or Take-Away Available. We deliver locally.

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home & lifestyle

Local news

From Councillor Frank Warby. Contact Frank on 07818 455472 or email

WASTE TRANSFER ROUGHAM HILL They said the were listening, well here is the reply given to a couple off our estate who wrote to the leader of Suffolk County Council, Cllr Mark Bee. Dear XXXXXX Thank you once again for your recent message regarding our planned changes to the Household Waste recycling at Rougham, Bury St Edmunds. Redevelopment of the site will allow an improved split level HWRC to be developed; providing a safer and easier to use facility. More efficient use of the existing expanded site will also see the construction of a modern indoor waste transfer station for Bury St Edmunds which is needed to support Suffolk’s move away from landfill to Energy from Waste. The transfer station will help to minimise the number of vehicle miles associated with our waste reaching its destinations for recycling or energy recovery at the energy from Waste facility. The HWRC will be relocated to the rear part of the site to make room for the transfer station building at the front of the site. This design will allow public traffic to be kept separated from the waste vehicles visiting the transfer station. The operational area of the revised HWRC is approximately the same size as the existing site, as the new combined transfer station and recycling centre is on a expanded site

and makes more efficient use of space. It should also be noted that co-location with a transfer station is more efficient, providing the same service with less containers and customer visits will be quicker, requiring less parking. In addition, the new household waste recycling centre will be a “ split level” site, which is in line with industry best practice and will mean customers no longer have to carry waste up steps and won’t have to carry it as far to the right skip – quicker and easier and a clear improvement in health and safety. It has been suggested in the media that the HWRC will be half as big. The statement is not true and was never made by Suffolk County Council. In fact the waste service is of the view that there will be an improved customer experience at the new household waste recycling centre. Kind regards Mark Bee Leader of Suffolk County Council So there you have it, straight from the horses mouth, any comments would be gratefully received. Notice there was no mention of the increased lorry traffic to or from the site, considering that ALLrefuse collection lorries collecting for all around the area will be using this site.

Girls Night Out

A big thank you to everyone on the Moreton Hall estate who supported the 1025 ladies who took part in our 5th annual Girls Night Out walk in aid of St Nicholas Hospice. We are so lucky to live in a town with such fantastic community spirit. Residents along the route handed out drinks, biscuits and sweets, drivers beeped their horns and were considerate to walkers crossing the roads, people waved and cheered and offered encouragement to everyone. In addition we had over 125 people give up their evening to help marshal the 11.2 mile route. To date we have received over £113.000 (excluding gift aid) and the money is still coming in. What a wonderful success, and thank you to everyone who made it possible. Date for next years dairy is 13th September. Best wishes Jenny. A nice note to finish on, many thanks to all of you who have contacted me through the year, I hope I have served you well. Have a prosperous and happy new year. Take care until next time, spare a thought for the elderly in your area. Frank


The Moreton Hall Directory

home & lifestyle

Conservatories Conservatories Conservatoriesandand and andWindows Windows Windows Conservatories Windows

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Why come Langleys for your home improvements? Why Why Whycome come cometotototoLangleys Langleys Langleysfor for foryour your yourhome home homeimprovements? improvements? improvements? years trading area ● ●● Over ●Over Over Over 2525 25 25 years years years trading trading trading inin in the inthe the the area area area trained fully employed fitting teams ● ●● Apprenticeship ●Apprenticeship Apprenticeship Apprenticeship trained trained trained fully fully fully employed employed employed fitting fitting fitting teams teams teams backed deposit registrations ● ●● Insurance ●Insurance Insurance Insurance backed backed backed deposit deposit deposit registrations registrations registrations backed guarantees ● ●● Insurance ●Insurance Insurance Insurance backed backed backed guarantees guarantees guarantees members Consumer Protection ● ●● Proud ●Proud Proud Proud toto to be tobe be be members members members ofof of the ofthe the the Consumer Consumer Consumer Protection Protection Protection Association for the last 13 years Association Association Association for for for the the the last last last 13 13 13 years years years have range products ● ●● We ●We We We have have have a ahuge aahuge huge huge range range range ofof of bespoke ofbespoke bespoke bespoke products products products only use the highest quality products ● ●● We ●We We We only only only use use use the the the highest highest highest quality quality quality products products products have extensive portfolio we are happy ● ●● We ●We We We have have have anan an an extensive extensive extensive portfolio portfolio portfolio ofof of work ofwork work work we we we are are are happy happy happy toto to showcase toshowcase showcase showcase ● We do not pressure sell! We send quotes to ● ● We ● We We dodo do not not not pressure pressure pressure sell! sell! sell! WeWe We send send send quotes quotes quotes to to to customers and wait for them customers customers customers and and and wait wait wait for for for them them them toto to respond torespond respond respond toto to us tous us us you will NEVER have someone trying ● ●● With ●With With With usus us us you you you will will will NEVER NEVER NEVER have have have someone someone someone trying trying trying tototo to sell the night! No pretend calls boss sell sell sell onon on on the the the night! night! night! No No No pretend pretend pretend calls calls calls toto to the tothe the the boss boss boss tototo to give additional ‘discounts’. With our first price give give give additional additional additional ‘discounts’. ‘discounts’. ‘discounts’. With With With usus us us our our our first first first price price price is the price! is is the is the the price! price! price!

Contact today make appointment! Contact Contact Contactusususustoday today todaytotototomake make makeananananappointment! appointment! appointment! Telephone: 01284 760345 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone:01284 01284 01284760345 760345 760345 Email: Email: Email:

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The Moreton Hall Directory


home & lifestyle

Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways

Moreton Hall’s Wildlife A – Z part 2 Wildlife can be less visible in winter, so as a reminder of better weather to come, here is part two of Woodland Ways’ A – Z of our wildlife.

Firewood for sale Firewood

is a woodland product that is ever-renewable, fun to burn, and sales contribute to the running costs fo Moreton Hall. WoodlandWays has bags of Norway Spruce seasoned firewood for sale at just £3 per bag. Like all conifer wood, it does spit out hot embers so be careful.

Glen Chalk Caves, the Site

of Special Scientific Interest underneath Natterer’s Wood. The cave entrances are private, but used by many bats each year as they fly into the old chalk tunnels to hibernate. Many old houses in Bury St Edmunds were built with lime mortar made from chalk dug out from here.

Home Covert, by the Community Centre, is managed by Woodland Ways. We keep

the paths in good condition and plant up gaps in the wood. Like all our woods, St Edmundsbury is responsible for tree safety and occasionally cut down dangerous trees before they fall on you.

Ivy, one of the best wildlife

plants there is. Birds will nest in it, hiding from predators in the dense leafy mass. In October, its flowers teem with hoverflies, bees and many other insects especially when the sun shines. And ivy does not kill trees, but if a tree is dying then the ivy can grow into its canopy.

Jays and Jackdaws are both

members of the crow family. Jackdaws are common in the grounds of Moreton Hall health Club, alongside the rookery. Jays are harder to spot, but their distinctive electric blue feathers are unmistakeable. Jays bury acorns for eating later, but miss many and new oaks grow.

Join us at Woodland Ways...

Woodland Ways is now on Twitter @NatterersWood

Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email


The Moreton Hall Directory

RudlingsWakelam Solicitors

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home & lifestyle

New Platinum Karndean Showroom

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Visit our showroom or call us today to arrange a no obligation home visit and consultation. Bury St Edmunds Garden Centre, Rougham Road, Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 2RN (Opposite the Rugby Club)

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The Moreton Hall Directory


home & lifestyle

The Moreton Hall Directory


home & lifestyle

Christ Church Moreton Hall 2014 marks some significant anniversaries. For some it will be the fifty-first year of Dr. Who; for others the end of their time in office as an elected official. For Christ Church, Moreton Hall, it marks the twenty-first year of ministry in our building, and the twenty-eighth year of a church community on this estate. In the twenty-three years I have been here I have watched the estate grow from barely one thousand homes to nearly three and half thousand. Soon another five hundred homes will be constructed around the Flying Fortress public house. Then possibly a further one thousand two hundred on the other side of the railway tracks. How are we to respond to all these new people joining us here on Moreton Hall? For me, at this time of year my thoughts turn to Christmas and its true significance. Jesus Christ was born as a baby to achieve many things – to teach the truth about God; to heal people; to perform miracles; and above all, to die and rise again for our sins. But he also came to create a new sort of community – the church. This was to be a community that worked within the larger community showing by example and through love and forgiveness what human relationships could be like; a place of joy and contentment, laughter and fellowship, but also where the deeper issues that trouble our souls can be dealt with and healed as well as our bodies and our relationships. These are the things we will be celebrating at Christ Church, particularly on Sunday 19th January when we will be welcoming Bishop Sandy Millar, and through a series of events throughout the year


The Moreton Hall Directory

which we hope the estate will join in. To that end we seek to influence society and to improve it with Christian values and lifestyles. Moreton Hall is a very wonderful place to live and carefully designed. Each part of the estate is sub-divided into smaller communities of five hundred or so houses, which means we enjoy all the closeness of community without feeling swamped by the vastness of it all. It seems that the two new developments will follow this overall design pattern and therefore others can join in all the good things we have here without spoiling it for us. We are also blessed by a local government which does listen. Despite many cynical comments to the contrary, the meeting Frank Warby, Terry Buckle and I had with the Borough has borne fruit. The Borough has obtained what they call ‘Preventive Injunctions’ so that none of our public spaces will be invaded again. Equally, we have to be welcoming ourselves. During the winter period the travellers will be located on the far side of the railway track on the land which will become a new community in a few years time. This is our chance to show them that we wish them no ill will and that we hope, as they overwinter near the estate, they will do so with peace and harmony. This time they will have a contractual relationship

with the Borough over waste disposal and other issues. This is good news for all and I do hope in the long term a permanent site, appropriate to their needs and those of the larger community of Bury St. Edmunds, will be found. My New Year resolution is to try to build a better sense of family in the church and a better sense of community in the parish. I hope that everyone on the estate will take a long hard look at all their relationships and seek to improve them and then, as we reach out to others, we will find ourselves being loved, supported and helped. Sometimes difficult things have to be said and received and I notice that Jesus, although He loved everybody, never ducked away from hard issues. The result was that He brought greater peace and joy to those whom He met. Let us follow His example and build a better community for ourselves and our children on Moreton Hall this coming year. Yours sincerely, Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford. Minister Christ Church Moreton Hall


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SUNDAY 5th JANUARY 8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Worship Together


SUNDAY 12th JANUARY 10.30am Holy Communion 6.30pm Healing Communion

ur January Services

8.30am 10.30am 6.30pm

Holy Communion SUNDAY 19th JANUARY Worship Together 10.30am NO EVENING SERVICE 20th Anniversary Service 10.30am Holy Communion 6.30pm 6.30pm Healing Communion Prayer Evening 10.30am 20th Anniversary Service 6.30pm Prayer evening SUNDAY 26th JANUARY

10.30am 10.30am Morning Worship Morning Worship 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing

6.30pm A Time of Refreshing

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W I News Moreton Hall December is party night for us at MH so for a change we had Cheese and Wine and pate, grapes etc. Once our mini feast was nearly done, we brought in the entertainment!! For a change and to have some fun, we jangled our way towards Christmas with belly dancing. Brilliant idea from two of our committee members! Alison came from Diss and is a free lance belly dancer. We started off sitting down and learning some of the upper body moves. A shimmy here and an upwards thrusting of the body and chest there and we had begun. Our arms came into play next and then some the facial expressions by which time we were all laughing at ourselves. Then we were asked to join in with Alison while she showed us some more moves. Well most of us got to our feet with very few looking on! We borrowed the decorated scarves to put around our waists and began to jingle our way to Christmas! Everything shook and wobbled – wobbly bits being a good thing in belly dancing – and generally had a real bit of fun trying to imitate our talented teacher. Age was no bar to this activity and we soon knew we had woken up a few muscles. Our teacher is clearly used to getting ladies on to their feet and having a go!! Then we had a couple of demonstrations of how it should be done in two different ethnic styles, very impressive! It was a good night and made a good start to the run-up to Christmas! Well done ladies! E A Morgan Press Secretary The Moreton Hall Directory


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r the roadworthiness of his/her vehicle, and for any related offence. If you choose not to have any remedial work done we may recommend that certain r the roadworthiness of his/herquantities vehicle, and any related If you consent choose not to have any remedial doneCheck we may recommend that certa maximum of 1/2 litre. Additional will for be advised and offence. with customer charged accordingly. RRP work of Safety & Top-Up £25. These h MasterFitofService Club discounts or any other redemption of MasterFit vouchers. endsCheck 28th February 2014. maximum 1/2 litre. Additional quantities willpromotion, be advisedexcluding and withthe customer consent chargedRewards accordingly. RRP Offer of Safety & Top-Up £25. Thes

h MasterFit Service Club discounts or any other promotion, excluding the redemption of MasterFit Rewards vouchers. Offer ends 28th February 2014

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Community Police Dear Residents

We hope you all had a very Happy Christmas and would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy new year. We have all noticed the huge increase in cycling over the last few years, recent sporting success in the Tour de France and Olympics has given cycling a further boost. Whilst this is great for health and environmental reasons there has been a marked increase in casualties both nationally and here in Suffolk. A new Department for Transport THINK! Campaign calls on drivers and cyclists to stay safe by looking out for each other and pointing out that drivers and cyclists have more in common than is often realised. With 80% of cyclists holding a driving licence, with 1 in 5 drivers cycling at least once a month, they’re often the same people. A few facts: Around 75% of fatal or serious cyclist incidents occur in urban area. 75% happen At or near a road junction 80% Occur in daylight 80% of casualties are male


The Moreton Hall Directory


Almost one quarter of the cyclists killed or injured are children Around three quarters of cyclists killed have major head injuries. There are a number of reasons why collisions occur but conspicuity is a major factor, cyclists need to be visible, wearing bright clothing, using lights and reflectors at night or in poor weather will help other road users to see them. Wearing a cycle safety helmet reduces the risk of serious head injury. At the same time we want to encourage drivers to look for cyclists and other vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and motorcyclists. Some drivers continue to use mobile phones and other devices whilst driving and this distraction can have disastrous consequences. Please also keep your cycle safe, cycles should be security marked, kept locked and out of sight where possible in secure storage as they are thieves favourite due to desirability and obvious easy re saleability. Come and see us between 1pm and 3pm on Saturday 1st February 2014 for free cycle marking, we will be outside the community centre on Lawsons Place.

Stay Safe

Whats been happening at... Abbots Green Community Primary School This term in Sunflower Class we have thoroughly enjoyed learning through our whole school project ‘Monsters and Superheroes’.

’Elastagirl’. “You had to be very carefully when measuring to make sure you were accurate” commented Ellie.

We listened carefully to the poem ‘The Hippocrump by James Reeves’. It describes a fearsome monster. We then created facial images using our imaginations. To create a strong image we used wax resist and brusho colour and then compared the many types of lines we had all made.

The children eagerly await more exciting learning opportunities next term when our project will be entitled ‘Lights, Camera, Action!

“I loved making him look really scary” said Max. “I used lots of zig zag lines to make him look angry” said Owen. We have really enjoyed science this term. We were asked to help the Superhero ‘Frozone’ keep a baddy frozen in a block of ice until he returned. We thought of different ways to insulate the block of ice and then we tested our ideas. We also investigated the stretchiness of different fabrics when we were asked to design a new superhero suit for

Abbots Green Community Primary School

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Abbots Green is a rapidly expanding school with two-form entry. We are very confident about our increasing roll and the opportunities that we give to the children at our school. The Governing Body have a strategic role to play in the development of the school and we are looking to appoint a Community Governor with immediate effect. Abbots Green was recognised as a securely ‘Good’ school by Ofsted in December 2012. As you may be aware, consultation has begun on the School Organisation Review in the Bury St Edmunds area. The Governing Body are supportive of the move to a two-tier education system and would anticipate that any newly appointed Governor would also be in favour of this proposal. If you would like any further information, or are interested in filling this vacancy, please do not hesitate to contact Heidi Franklin, Head teacher, on 01284 718818.

Contact: Ruth Baxter



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A warm welcome from the Bury St Edmunds branch of the My name is Melanie and I am the Branch Co-ordinator for the Bury St Edmunds branch of the NCT. Our district covers Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket, Haverhill, Brandon, Mildenhall, Thetford, Newmarket and all of the villages in-between. Whether you are expecting a baby or already have a family the branch has lots to offer you including:

Bumps & Babies Group Our Bumps & Babies group runs every Thursday 10:00 – 11:30 at the café at the Abbeygate Picturehouse, 4 Hatter Street, Town Centre, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 1NE. Everyone is welcome (NCT members and nonmembers) from bumps to cruising babies. The group has no admission charge so please come along and make new friends with other parents and mumsto-be. We are a social group for expectant and new parents, with refreshments, chat and toys for the kids. This is a self running group so there is no group leader, however group regulars will be there to make you feel welcome.

Open House Coffee Mornings These coffee morning groups are informal groups that are hosted in people’s homes and everyone (from bumps to pre-schoolers and members and nonmembers) are more than welcome. There are currently three coffee morning groups running in the district: • Central Bury St Edmunds Group (meet every Wednesday morning, 10:00 – 12:00), contact: • Moreton Hall Group (meet every Friday morning, 10:00 – 12:00), contact:

Baby & Child First Aid Courses These are small, interactive courses held over two hours and delivered by an expert trainer from the British Red Cross. They take place in a relaxed environment ensuring that you will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions from your trainer and share experiences with other parents. Topics covered include unconscious baby or child (breathing or not breathing), choking, bleeding, burns, meningitis, raised temperatures


The Moreton Hall Directory

The next course is on Tuesday 18th February 2014 from 7 – 9.30pm at the Hyndman Centre, Hospital Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3JT (free parking) and costs £25 per person, or £45 per couple (concessionary rates available, please email us for further details).

Nearly New Sales The cost of kitting out your baby or toddler can run into thousands. NCT Nearly New Sales are the perfect solution - top-quality baby and children’s clothes and equipment at bargain prices straight from their loving owners. Our next sale will be taking place in March so please keep an eye out for details on our Facebook page or website.

Antenatal Classes Our range of antenatal courses and workshops will help you prepare for birth and your new life as a parent; exploring both the practical and emotional aspects most relevant to you.

Volunteering opportunities The branch offers a wide range of NCT volunteering opportunities - have fun helping with NCT branch activities, use your skills to support local parents and meet new people from your community. For me the reasons for volunteering are two-fold. Firstly, it allowed me to meet a lovely set of people through the branch committee and helped create a network of local friends when I relocated to the area last year. Secondly, it gave me a chance to give something back to the local community. I remember all too well how hard it was in the early days with my first son and my NCT group was a great source of help and support. As all activities at a branch (and indeed regional) level are run by volunteers, I felt it was important to “give something back” and help make sure others had the same access to support that I did. The branch committee are a friendly bunch and we are always looking for new volunteers to help. If you would like to join the committee or feel that you would like to volunteer at an event next year, please do get in touch. We appreciate that with jobs, commitments and small children it can be a challenge finding time to help! Most roles take very little time and you really can donate as much or as little time as you like. If you have any questions or enquires, please contact us on 0844 243 6068 or at generalenquiries@ and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Melanie Cook, Branch Co-ordinator

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Living by Lists

by Andrew Southwood

By the time you read this the physical, emotional and financial excesses of the festive season will probably be a millstone around your neck, dragging you down. The antique Woolworths decorations (que wavy dream sequence, walking the isles of Woollies as a child…) have been, on the whole, successfully crammed back in the boxes, in approximately one tenth of the time it took to lovingly remove them a few weeks ago. When you get in this post Christmas rut there is really only one thing to do. No, I’m not talking about abusing the credit card; I’m talking about making a list. Or even better, make lots of lists. Lists make everything better. Those that know me will not be at all surprised to hear that I am addicted to them. To my mind they have two primary aims. I can list them, thus; 1) to get things done, 2) to make you feel as if you have got things done even when you haven’t. The weighting of these two objectives can fluctuate


The Moreton Hall Directory

considerably depending on the task at hand. For example, I literally cannot go to the shop without a list. I kid you not. Even if I just need to buy bread and milk, I will forget them on the 2 minute walk and find myself pacing up and down every isle desperately trying to remember what the purpose of my trip was. The other extreme is the ‘things to do this year’ type of list. They are pinned to the fridge door for months and occasionally, very occasionally, things get ticked off. However, (and here is where I go a bit crazy) I sometimes find I have accidently done a task, that wasn’t on the list!? Yes, you probably know what I am going to say. That’s right, I write the completed task on the list, ‘paint bench’ or ‘fix shelf’ etc., and then tick it off

immediately! These lists are all about feeling better about stuff and not getting overwhelmed by life’s little challenges. To a certain extent their actual content is less important than the process of making them. So, as the short term lists of December are completed, let the wishy washy feel good lists of the New Year steer you through the winter gloom. And for those of you who feel you want to embrace this ordered philosophy wholeheartedly, why not take it to the next level and start by making a list of lists you need to make. Finally, never underestimate the importance of a list. After all without a list telling me to ‘write MHD thing’, this MHD thing would never materialise, and you’d all have a 3 minutes void to fill every month?!

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The Moreton Hall Directory

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News from Moreton Hall Residents Association Education

The meeting on Monday 25th November at the Community Centre to hear the intentions of the three potential academy providers for the new secondary school was well attended. However it was a brief presentation by each of the three organisations followed by a truncated question and answer session. This was followed by an opportunity to talk to the providers. I suspect that there was insufficient information provided to enable parents and other interested parties to make an informed judgement on the choice. I was also disappointed that having been promised some details of how the school and football facility would share resources this was not available. I am pursuing this matter and will report in subsequent articles.

Development The Taylor Wimpey presentation at the Flying Fortress on Monday the 24 November provided very little information to that previously available but they have reduced the number of homes to around 500 and reverted to the Eastern boundary set by the Borough. Messrs Berkeley

Homes provided their masterplan at the end of the same week in presentations in Great Barton and the town Library which provided more details of their scheme. I have a hard copy of the masterplan submission if anyone is interested in reading it.

Travellers The Delancey family have been given a winter site on the old A143 just beyond the Ortewell Road bridge until the 31 March with waste and toilet facilities being provided at their cost. This got them out of the town car parks for the busy pre-Christmas period but does not represent a permanent solution to the problem. Greetings I trust you have had a good Christmas and are looking forward to a happy new year in 2014. Chairman’s email:

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The Moreton Hall Directory


Gardening Tips by Paul Clarke 50

The Moreton Hall Directory

Welcome to Gardening Tips a monthly feature providing you with hints and ideas of what to do each month in your garden. Along with a list of jobs that will enable you to enjoy and maintain your garden I will also feature a plant of the month. I have been a gardener for many years and run a small business called Pauls Garden Services.

What to do in your garden in Janua


n named after the Roma Gardeners. January is all to r ked yea loo new He y pp ds. Ha ing two hea always shown as hav a few dry god Janus, who was new one. When we get the to rd wa for and r yea t t year’s las las ay the aw to k ar bac rm and cle d time to wrap up wa d leaves dea ove days January is a goo rem and nts borders between pla ated a debris. Rake over the your borders and cre wn bin. Having tidied bro or t Janus. pos like ad ahe to the com k loo to e nt a new tree or ros little space why not pla

Pauls Jobs for the Month

General Maintenance

l Prune wall climbers such as ivy away from window frames and gutters l Raise pots of the ground to ensure compost drains freely l Knock snow from branches of evergreen shrubs to prevent branches breaking under the weight l Attract birds to your garden by regularly supplying bird food and fresh water

Vegetable and Fruit Garden l As rhubarb gets older it loses some vigour so now is the best time of the year to rejuvenate. Try to dig up as much of the crown as possible. Then be ruthless and put a spade through it to chop it into smaller pieces each with some buds at the top. Replant adding plenty of manure. l Plant garlic cloves in midwinter to ensure your best harvest the following summer. Break garlic bulbs into individual cloves plant the cloves in well-prepared soil spacing them 10cm apart. Simply push the cloves into the soil so that the tip of each one is just below the surface. Cover them with cloches in frosty weather. l As the trees are dormant in January prune your apple and pear trees. If you don’t prune you will still get lots of fruit but it will tend to be smaller and ripen later because it will be shaded by the thicket of branches. Pruning therefore helps let more light into the tree enabling bigger fruits to grow. The aim is to create an open goblet shape with a framework of about five main branches. Remove any dead stems and crossing branches that rub together. Also remove any branches that point inwards to the tree rather than outwards. Shorten the previous year’s growth on each main branch by about one third to a bud facing in the required direction to encourage the development of new branches and spurs



home & lifestyle The bright yellow flowers of Jasminum nudiflorum (winter jasmine) will brighten up any garden at a time when little else is in flower. Winter jasmine can be planted in partial shade and if you are wondering what to plant near a north west wall then this may be your answer. It’s best pruned in spring, immediately after flowering. Flowers develop on the previous year’s growth. Pruning after flowering gives the new growth time to mature and flower next season. As with a lot of pruning cut back flowered stems to a strong side shoot lower down; thin out crowded, crossing or misplaced branches and remove weak or thin stems.

r Jasmine nte m Tinus





W i N T MO H – Vi E H T F bu

“Bare branches of each tree on this chilly January morn look so cold so forlorn. Gray skies dip ever so low left from yesterday’s dusting of snow. Yet in the heart of each tree waiting for each who wait to see new life as warm sun and breeze will blow, like magic, unlock springs sap to flow, buds, new leaves, then blooms will grow.” Nelda Hartmann, January Morn

Doing The Jobs You Don’t Have Time For?

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Postcode t

Flower Garden l Pick off any hellebore leaves that have black blotches l If you are thinking of buying a new rose or tree now is a great time to plant bare rooted trees and shrubs l Cover gunnera with straw to protect the crowns from frost

Postcode t

Paul’s Gardening Tips is proudly sponsored by Thetford Garden Centre.

Postcode t

2RL , IP 2 4 h e tfo rd to n e, T o r to Te sc o ) rs e v il K do 267 (N e x t

018427 76326

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Please visit or contact us for more information.

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Need your carpet cleaned?... Bone-Dry Carpet Cleaning was established as a family run business by Stephen and Sara Simper in late 2006 serving the domestic and commercial markets in north Essex and south Suffolk. The key word is DRY. As opposed to wet cleaning systems, ZERO drying time means rooms are back in service immediately with minimal disruption to homes or businesses. As the system is DRY it is also completely safe for natural fibre carpets such as seagrass, sisal, jute and coir. The Bone Dry system was designed to overcome the problems with wet cleaning. Carpets left wet can create a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi that can cause health problems and unpleasant odours and can, in some cases, even shrink! The dirt in any carpet is 85% dry soil, which we remove with a powerful, water filtered vacuum cleaner. Bone Dry has championed this vacuuming stage, as they believe it is absolutely essential. Once the dry soil has been removed, an organic based micro sponge material is applied to the carpet. This is worked deep into the carpet pile using a powerful carpet cleaning machine which has contra rotating brushes. These micro sponges absorb the oily and greasy remainder of the dirt, and are then vacuumed out using the same machine, lifting and rejuvenating the carpet pile, leaving it clean, soft, fresh and dry. Our service will not only provide you with clean carpets but it is also Organic, Dry and Safe for Babies, Pets and Allergy Sufferers. Add to that the fact that the waste is biodegradable (All the waste micro sponge material goes on Sara's compost heap and eventually on to the garden!) and you can see why, when it comes to cleaning carpets with the environment in mind, Bone-Dry really does offer the perfect package.

We not only SAVE water, we SAVE the energy used to heat the water.


The Moreton Hall Directory

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home & lifestyle

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The Moreton Hall Directory


january hotpicks

this January

we love...


debenhams range of bedding and accessories. Price varies. see instore or online at


The Moreton Hall Directory


january hotpicks




ith Christmas now well and truly over, most of us usually turn our attention to the house afterwards, whilst taking down the decorations, we put our thoughts into our next project, and where better to start than in the bedroom. Here are some gorgeous pastel colour themes now in all good department stores, which will hopefully get rid of those winter blues, and prepare us for when the lighter nights start to appear. The Moreton Hall Directory


home & lifestyle

January 2013 List items for sale free of charge to Moreton Hall Residents, email: For Hammond enthusiasts/collectors 1980s Hammond Organ with built in Leslie speakers - unique tone and good solid piece of furniture. £90.00 ono. Te. 01284 760139. Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: 1. Brief description of the item. 2. The price. 3. Your telephone number. Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

01359 259818

Glasswells £1000 Autumn Competition Winner Glasswells Home Furnishing store in Bury St Edmunds are pleased to announce the lucky winner of their Autumn Competition. The winner, picked at random, won an amazing £1000 to spend in store. The competition launched in October gave customers the chance to win £1000 gift card to spend on beautiful home furnishings at the Glasswells store and ran in conjunction with Glasswells’ Autumn Sale. Customers were asked to complete a question relating to the new Autumn Sale catalogue and submit their answers in store or online.


The lucky winner, who was announced at the end of November, was local man Neil Penhaligan, of Bury St Edmunds. Neil, along with his wife Weina, three year old son Joseph and baby Grace, age one, was presented with his prize in store by Paul Glasswell, Managing Director, on December 9th. Speaking on his win, Neil expressed his surprise, “The timing is ideal for Christmas shopping. We have a young family, so we are planning to spend the prize money on curtains, carpets and the children’s’ bedrooms. We also found a great present for Grandma and Grandpa.” Paul Glasswell, Managing Director commented on how important it is to reward loyal customers. He stated ‘Competitions are always a great way to interact with our customers, whilst promoting the business. It is always a nice way to demonstrate to customers how much we appreciate their support.’


The Moreton Hall Directory

! N O W O N E HURRY! SAL THE PINE HOUSE COMPANY Oak, Beech and Pine Furniture Including BROOKLYN OAK at low, low prices! * Oiled/ Waxed FREE! * Hand-Painted Finishes * Fitted Kitchens * Baskets, Gifts and Lots more!

Spinney Garage, Stowlangtoft - 10 minutes from Stowmarket and Bury St Edmunds, Take the - Ixworth / Woolpit turning off the A14 on to the A1088 by Norton. JUST LOOK OUT FOR THE PINK MORRIS MINOR! Tel / Fax: 01359 235030

what’s on

moreton hall

JANUARY 2014 monday

















BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)



COMEDY QUIZ (Moreton Hall Community Centre)










BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)












The Moreton Hall Directory

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The Moreton Hall Directory


what’s on

Pasadena Roof Orchestra Saturday 11th January Puttin’ on the Ritz!

Since 1969 the Pasadena Roof Orchestra has been faithfully re-creating the glories of popular music from the 1920’s and 1930’s. The fun-packed show features timeless classics from the great American song book – those wonderful songs that miraculously lifted people’s spirits during the depression era, and which made household names of singers such as Bing Crosby, Al Bowlly, and Fred Astaire. The musicians master the arrangements and sound of the fabled American orchestras such as Duke Ellington and Fletcher Henderson, whilst also paying tribute to the great British dance Bands like Ray Noble or Ambrose. Presenting the show, and putting on the top hat white tie and tails, is the suave singer and band leader Duncan Galloway. So pack up your troubles, come on get happy, and experience an evening of superlative live music, with more than a dash of wit and humour. Apex - 7.30pm, Tickets £18, concessions £16

An evening at the Theatre with the Ipswich Town Football Club Legends Tuesday 21st - Saturday 25th January An unmissable evening for Ipswich Town fans young and old, we will be joined by some of ITFC’s best-loved players (Bryan Hamilton, Simon Milton, Allan Hunter, John Wark and Mick Stockwell) as they host an evening at the Theatre full of stories and anecdotes about the club and their careers, this evening will provide a unique insight into the fascinating game that is football. SPECIAL EVENT: Limited places available to meet and share a drink with the ITFC stars after the show. Reception Tickets: £15 and allocated on a first come first served basis.

Ruby Turner

Friday 24th January A very prolific songwriter, many of Ruby’s songs have been covered by artists such as Lulu, Yazz and Maxi Priest, while her vocal prowess has been employed to good effect by Brian Ferry, Mick Jagger, Steve Winwood, and Jools Holland. Described as truly the genuine article and blessed with a voice that has been likened to Aretha Franklin and Janis Joplin, Ruby continues to win the hearts and minds of an ever growing and diverse fan base.

Money raised from this fundraising event will help to support the Theatre Royal’s community and education programme (Registered Charity 242977)

8pm. Tickets £18.50

Family Sessions one Sunday a month at the Moreton Hall Community Centre for children aged up to 8 years old Telephone Amanda on 07530 447006 or email for more information


The Moreton Hall Directory

*Times and dates correct at time of going to press. Please check with organiser for full details/availability.

What’s on in JANUARY?

what’s on


Bury Abbey Rotary Club is holding its first ever Burns Night Supper on 24 January 2013. Robert Burns was born on 25 January 1759, and is known as Scotland’s favourite son. He wrote a song that many of us will be singing probably very badly quite soon called “Auld Lang Syne”. Traditionally this is sung on New Year’s Eve (Hogmanay to the Scots). Burns Night is a celebration of the birth of Robert Burns. Bury Abbey Rotary Club’s homage to Robert Burns will be celebrated on 24 January, and is a definite date for your diary.


Bury Abbey Rotary Club Presents:-

Bury Abbey Rotary Club Presents:-

Held at Moreton Hall Community Centre, the event begins at 7pm, and comprises a two-course feast including a haggis piped in in the traditional way by a true Scottish piper. The ticket price is £24.00 a head, and after dinner there will be Scottish dancing complete with a genuine Scottish caller, which promises to round off the homage to all things Scottish, in a very appropriate way.

❖ Two course Burns’ supper with coffee* ❖ Piper and Toast to the Haggis ❖ Sco sh Dancing *vegetarian alternative must be ordered in advance Tickets: £22 Obtainable only in advance from: Or telephone: 01284 749009

Venue: Moreton Hall Community Centre Symonds Road Bury St Edmunds IP32 7EE

All proceeds to local charities - St Nicholas Hospice, The Papworth Charity and WASH Sailability

 Two course Burns’ outstanding suppercare with coffee* for patients suffering from heart conditions. Finally, but by no means least, WASH Sailability, an organisation  Piper and Toast to the Haggisof members of the sailing community, who provide facilities for disabled people to help them enjoy sailing.  Scottish Dancing WASH sails from Lackford Lakes just outside

This early fundraiser is an important Bury,be and Bury Abbey Rotary Club have been *vegetarian alternative must ordered in advance event for Bury Abbey Rotary Club. The raising funds towards the purchase of a boat funds raised will be divided between for WASH for the last several years. In a tough three charities. St Nicholas Hospice economic climate, it is a tall order to raise many Venue: :£22to everyone in and is Tickets well known thousands of pounds to buy a specially equipped around Bury St Edmunds. We all know boat. The Burns NightCommunity fundraiser will take us one Obtainable only in advance from: Moreton Hall Centre someone who has been touched by step closer to that goal. hospice and benefitted from their Symonds Road unique contribution. The Papworth Tickets are available for the Burns Night Supper Or telephone: 01284 749009 Bury StAlexander Edmundsbridgetalexander6@ IP32 7EE Charity also needs little introduction. from Bridget Papworth is nationally known for its or by telephoning 01284 749009.

ah Blah

All proceeds to Local Charities – St Nicolas’ Hospice, The Papworth Charity and WASH Sailability

The Moreton Hall Directory


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Moreton Hall

What’s On

Community Centre

JANUARY 2014 Tuesday 7th & 21st january Bingo SATURDAY 18th JANUARY

chairmans COMEDY QUIZ Ring to book your team - £1 per person

sATURDAY 1ST february

bring back the summer party Beat the winter blues, dress up in your favourite beach gear and come along to party

Throughout January only members will get

20% discount instead of 15% ofF all their drinks Join now for 2014

MEMBERS: £5 adults, £2.50 kids NON-MEMBERS: £10 adults, £5 kids

non-members are welcome

HALL FOR HIRE • Children’s Parties • Wedding Receptions • Private Functions • Conference Facilities • In-house Catering Available

All at very competitive prices! Give Kerrie a call on

01284 763402 Office Hours: 9.00am–3.00pm

Bar Telephone 01284 763405

follow us on:



The moreton hall community centre news


appy New Year to all! 2014 is set to be a fantastic year at the centre, with lots to do, see (and drink!). Hope you are all recovering well from a season of excess and merriment!

This year at the centre we’re looking to bring a wider variety of entertainment at the club for a bigger mix of the best events. To help us to do this well, we would welcome any ideas from our members who may have something they’d like to see or do at the club, then please email or put your suggestion in the box in the clubroom. It’s your club; let us know what we can do for you. Our new membership year has now started! Remember to renew your membership for 2014 so you continue to get great discounts on food, drink, events and hall hire throughout the year and of course you will get your name in for the members draw held every Sunday – the first Sunday of January 2014 is the 5th, so make sure you renew your membership before then! And some of you may have seen on our Facebook page that we will now be starting the draw at £100 the week after it’s won, just another good reason to join up at the club! The prices are £6.50 for a single membership, £13.00 for a family membership, or if you are over 65 it’s free and you still get the discounts that a fully paid membership gives you. To give you an example of the benefits of membership – a 2 course roast dinner costs just £5.95 (available Sunday 12-4pm), and a pint of IPA will set you back just £2.50. We also have regular entertainment throughout the year, like hypnotists (March), live music, kids events (like an Easter egg hunt), themed parties, quizzes and much, much more! Membership allows you free entry to these events. One of the biggest perks of membership this year for January will be our ‘January Sale’. We will be upping the level of discount for one month only to 20%, rather than 15% on all of our drinks. This is only available to members, but of course as soon as you join, the discount will be available to you too! In January we have a few events on to keep away that post holiday depression. On Saturday 18th January we have the Chairman hosting his comedy quiz – this has been a few months in planning, so be prepared for some great questions and a night of great atmosphere. If you want to pre book a team, please do give us a ring at the club so we can put names down. It’s just £1 per person to enter, and there’s cash prizes to be won on the night! The Hall is available to hire! Bookings are filling up fast for 2014 – we provide a space for all kinds of events. Bookings we have taken include Christmas parties, birthday parties, wedding receptions, ladies nights, race nights, fundraising events, wakes, even a Burns night – our hall is versatile and our team are creative in decorating and dressing the hall to however best would

suit your event. Best of all, because we’re a community centre, our prices are very affordable and adaptable for everyone. Alongside that, we also have a catering team who have developed menus specifically for events, and are able to be flexible and provide whatever you have in mind. We’re happy to work with anyone that comes in to ensure that their day is perfect and suits the desired atmosphere. To discuss what we can do for you, please just give us a ring on 01284 763402 and ask for Kerrie or Clare. During the weekdays, we have regular sports teams coming down to hone their craft and compete in local leagues. If you’re interested in joining, watching, or just having a drink with a few friendly people then please do come on down and see if you could be fulfilling a new year’s resolution by taking up a new past time for 2014. On Saturday February 1st, as most of us are wishing for better weather, better finances and a bit of a respite from the stark absence of the Christmas Season, we’ve decided that the best remedy for all will be a “Bring back the summer” Party! This is a beach party where we will do our best to run those frowns upside down, so come and join in (remember your flip flops) and have a drink or two! Then on March 1st we’re having an evening with a hypnotist! Further details are to be confirmed nearer the time, but it’s bound to be a fantastic night of entertainment. The bar staff will definitely enjoy seeing you all act like trees in the wind, so come along for our entertainment as well as your own! On 22nd March we’ve confirmed an 80’s Night with Phil the Rhythm, a club favourite. Everything will be eighties themed, so make sure you dress up for an explosion of eighties cheese! Free entry for all, and of course all are very welcome! Later on in the year, we are of course looking forward to the World Cup! We’ve got some great things lined up at the club (as well as the games themselves!) including a samba party, so come on down for the best place in Bury St Edmunds to enjoy your football – our big screen, Sky Sports, BT Sports and modernised clubroom make it an ideal place to cheer on England. So here’s to 2014! It’s been a brilliant year with lot of positive charge in the community centre to keep things interesting! We’ve been passing that on to members and all who use and value the community centre, and will always continue to do so. Thanks for all of your support, and a very happy new year to all! See you all soon!

From us all at Moreton Hall Community Centre themhd themhd










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