APRIL 2017 issue 28
WHAT’S ON in Bury St Edmunds
+ southgate
community centre news
CROSSWORD Competition
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Hello and welcome to the April issue of the directory. With the clocks going forward at the end of March (did you remember?) the night’s are now much lighter, which gives me a bit more motivation. I started on some decorating which seems never ending, but now our thoughts are also turning to getting that summer body for the holiday! This months crossword competition on page 46 has a fabulous prize for one lucky winner, a 6 month free subscription to the new Skyliner Sports Centre Gym, so get entering! We also have a delicious recipe for Lamb on page 34 if you are having the family over on Easter Sunday for lunch, and an Easter treat on page 36 for the kids to make, along with the creative Crafty Foxes on page 45 to keep them busy too! Lots of events coming up, so have fun this April and we hope you have a great Easter. See you again in May!
Find us on Facebook & Twitter: Moreton Hall Directory
Advertising/copy deadline for May 2017 issue: Thursday 20th April.
Last months lucky crossword winner of a FREE HIRE OF A CARPET CLEANER from TBS Hire was Joy Blake from Bury St Edmunds. Well Done! This month there is a chance to win a 6 month FREE Membership at Skyliner Sports Centre, go to page 46 to have a go at this months Crossword.
Last Months answers:
Across: 1. Reliance 5. Aces 9. Virus 10. Alias 11. Detachable 14. Dermis 15. Planet 17. Camouflage 20. Trawl 21. Canto 22. Dusk 23. Newly Wed Down: 1. Rove 2. Lard 3. Abstemiously 4. Cognac 6. Climbing 7. Suspects 8. Pathological 12. Educated 13. Tramways 16. Please 18. Knew 19. Cord
meet the team...
Keep up with all the latest news for your area every day at Publisher: PIT Group Ltd Design & Artwork: Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE
Telephone: 01284 765092 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written L &C P permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2017 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. OGO
APRIL 2017 | 05
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The Moreton Hall Directory is produced and published by The PIT Group.
Take the stress out of a busy life... E. M. 07473 502920 APRIL 2017 | 07
Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum – Control Tower
All Systems Go For The New Season - Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum
How many people know we have a piece of aviation history on our doorstep? They say that when you have something on your doorstep, you either do not know it’s there or if you do, you don’t visit it. RCTAM is on YOUR doorstep! Preparations are progressing for the Museums 25th Anniversary Year. Already we have had visitors from the USA who have personal links to family and relatives who served on the airfield. The Museum represents the USAAF involvement from 1942 to 1945 (plus other local military history) and the visits from these second generation families are both informative and emotional. Our 25th celebration commemorates not only the efforts of the RCTAM volunteers and members but also to all those service personnel who sacrificed there all for our freedom. There were over 1000 fatalities and in excess of 800 injured linked to the airfield. The Museum will re-open to the public on 16th April and every Sunday thereafter (Volunteers permitting). We have a new car park and tearoom together with new and improved displays. There’s been a lot of hard work going on over the winter by a VERY small band of volunteers so please come along and take a look, or better still volunteer! The two main buildings – the Control Tower and the Radar Room were built in the 1940’s when the USAAF arrived in Bury St Edmunds. At one Mr. Kevin Towell, US visitor with Clifford Fullam RCTAM Committee member
8 | APRIL 2017
(Mr. Towell recently visited the Museum with his wife last. This was a chance ‘drop in’ to see where his father had been stationed. Malcolm Towell Jnr was a member of 14th Squadron USAAF. It was a pleasure for us at the Tower to learn more of a direct link to a past active personnel member).
point over 70 aircraft were flying from this site, mainly B17’s. In 1992 a group of aviation enthusiasts established the Rougham Tower Association to refurbish the derelict control tower and so provide an area to display memorabilia and artifacts from the1942-45 period of USAAF occupation. We are indebted to all our supporters for the help they provide, be it in services or financial sponsorship. We currently have an open membership window so please come and join us, either as an individual or corporately. Here’s to a successful 2017, onward and upward. We do this not for personal gain or selfgratification but to uphold the memory of the veterans of the 94th and the 1000 men who never made it home to the USA. Our program this year is bigger and exciting, with the following dates already planned. First Open Day – Sunday 16th April (Easter Sunday) 10am – 4pm All Sundays till 29th October. We are able to offer additional dates and times by appointment. Three main dates - in conjunction with the Airfield (supported by Rougham Estates) and Skyward Flight Training: Saturday May 27th and Sunday 28th Fly-In ‘Cessna Type’ with the Museum open Sunday 6th August –Museum ‘Echoes of the Past’ This is our main 25th Celebration and will also include an Airfield Fly-In Sunday 17th September – Fly-In ‘Piper Type’ aircraft with the Museum open. For further information please contact us at
up to
20% off in store & online
Enjoy the Great British Summer at Glasswells the biggest home furnishings store in East Anglia
Bury St. Edmunds t: 01284 752804 | Ipswich t: 01473 253164 | APRIL 2017 | 09
SOUTHGATE Brought to you by Councillors Sarah Stamp and Patrick Chung
CONTACT US! Please get in touch if we can help with any issues – if you have Facebook or Twitter please follow or “Like” Sarah’s pages for regular updates Cllr Sarah Stamp T 07714 598001 Twitter @sstampcomms Facebook Cllr Patrick Chung T 07802 751433
Happy Easter everyone! Can you believe it is April already – this year seems to be flying by! As always, we are here to help you and so if you have any issues that need resolving please do be in touch on the details above. Best wishes, Sarah and Patrick
West Suffolk Operational Hub (WSOH) A planning application has now been submitted for the proposed West Suffolk Operational Hub (WSOH) on Hollow Road (near the Sugar Beet Factory). The proposed WSOH would provide a bigger and better household waste recycling centre than the one currently on Rougham Hill, would also act as a waste transfer station and finally a depot for the many public sector vehicles. The application will go before a planning committee in June, but all details are available to view at
On bank holiday Monday May 1st, Southgate Community Partnership will be holding its fourth annual community fun day. If you haven’t been before, put the date in the diary – it’s a great day out with all sorts of attractions from rides, bouncy castles and family games to a football tournament, a may pole, live music and food and drink. If you are a charity or group and would like to have a stall or get involved, it’s not too late, just speak to Jackie in the Community Centre office. The fun takes place on the Hardwick Primary School field from 11am on the day – we hope to see you there!
Future of the Town Centre – have your say!!
St Edmundsbury Borough Council are running a public consultation about the future of our town centre. This is a really great way to get involved, submit your views and have your day so please do spare ten minutes and fill in the online survey at http://www. 10 | APRIL 2017
Celebrating Local Heroes! It was our absolute pleasure to be able to present local legend Andy Abbott with a community achievement award at the recent Nowton Neighbourhood Residents Association open meeting. The awards are a new initiative from St Edmundsbury Borough Council and as Borough Councillors we can each nominate two people in Southgate to receive an award in our four year term. We both agreed straight away that Andy was a worthy recipient – he has been a dedicated Governor at Hardwick Primary for many years, helps run the school football team and recently stepped up to be Chair of the Southgate Community Partnership, the body of volunteer trustees which runs the Southgate Community Centre. He has literally dedicated hours to these and many other causes, often donating his time as Bury’s finest photographer free to support local charities. What you may not know is that Andy is also the driving force behind virtually all of our community events – the Valentines Ball, the May Day Community Funday, the street party for the Queen’s birthday and the Christmas family discos. He is an incredible human being with amazing energy, tenacity and is never, ever seen without a smile. Huge congratulations to Andy for being the first recipient across the Borough of this award – it is richly deserved.
Message from Sarah This will be the last column I write to you as your County Councillor because by the time the next issue is out, the Suffolk County Council elections will have taken place, and as you may be aware, I have decided to stand down for personal reasons. I have been working very closely over recent months with Richard Rout, the Conservative candidate selected to stand as my replacement in the elections, bringing him up to speed on local issues, and I am confident he would make an excellent County
Councillor if lucky enough to be elected. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the past four years as your County Councillor, it has been a huge honour and privilege to represent you and to meet so many of you during that time. A reminder that I will still be your Borough Councillor, so please do stay in touch if there are issues that I can help with!
APRIL 2017 | 11
Dear reader,
charity Supporting West Suffolk Hospital Registered Charity No. 1049223
Our Thank You Event Last month saw us host our thank you event for some of our wonderful fundraisers. We unfortunately can’t invite everyone who has donated or supported us (and we are so lucky that that number increases every year) but we try to invite as many as possible. We meet such special people on a daily basis and so many of their stories are incredibly moving. We also welcomed a few people to speak to our guests. This year we had speeches from Mark Dean and Frankie Fraize from Thetford. The guys are part of a group called Thetford 93 and are passionate about their local town. They have raised over £8600 for My WiSH Charity over the past two years which is just incredible. Next up was Andreas Wales from Keyway Locksmiths (you may also know them from their stall on the market every week). Andreas raised over £3300 for the critical care unit by riding his motorbike for a 1000 miles from the Hook of Holland to Lithuania in just 20 hours to thank them for the care they gave to his niece Charlie. Our final fundraiser to talk was Darlene Ablitt. Darlene loves the French Alps and her plan, before she discovered her breast cancer, was to paraglide off the mountain. This ended up being her goal for when her treatment was complete as something to aim for and also to thank the Macmillan Unit. People like Darlene, Andreas, Frankie and Mark are the reason we love our job so much. Their passion and commitment to support their local hospital is just incredible and we can’t thank them and all our other fundraisers enough. If you wish to support anywhere in the hospital please contact me or the team. We would
love to hear from you. You can email us at or telephone on 712952. Best wishes, Sue Smith, Fundraising Manager DIARY OF EVENTS: Thursday 13th April, 7pm – An evening with the Legends Join Terry Butcher and Matt Holland at Bury Town FC as they entertain you with stories of their footballing days. Tickets are £10 and available via Liz at officialitsc@btinternet. com or call 07968 876504 Sunday 23rd April – Legends v Legends ITFC legends match at Bury Town FC. Early bird spectator tickets at www.justgiving. com/legends2017 Sunday 28th May – West Suffolk Spin Cycle ride from Nowton Park, 25, 50, 75 or 100 mile routes plus free Mini Spin for the family. Sunday 16th July – Bury Dog Show Fun dog show for all the family including craft, food and drink stalls and fun for children too. There will be agility, classes and Mischiefs Dachshund Dash for anyone with a speedy sausage dog! dogshow @mywishcharity
If you have any questions about fundraising, any of the events mentioned above or how you can help the hospital, please contact or call 01284 712952 12 | APRIL 2017
APRIL 2017 | 13
14 | APRIL 2017
Southgate Church’s
Easter Community Event
Southgate Community Centre Saturday 8th April, 2pm to 4pm
All ages welcome crafts
an Make st r ne Easte
the g n i l l e T story Easter
Tea/c Hot c offee ross buns Easter egg hunt
GAmes APRIL 2017 | 15
W hat’s been happening at...
HARDWICK Primary School Where do we start? This has been the busiest of half terms topped by our surprise Ofsted inspection by a Her Majesty’s Inspector with the shock notice given just the lunchtime the day before. The inspection was a long and thorough day looking into every area of the schools performance and we now await official notification of the result.
In school we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as characters from fairy tales great to see different stories represented from Peter Pan to Harry Potter!, we look forward to supporting Red Nose Day later in the month. The hugely supportive FoHPS are holding their annual Easter Bingo and now the hall projector has been repaired their Movie Mania event. Upper Key Stage 2 have been very busy, we hosted the first King Edward VI Science Roadshow as well as taking part in the Super Science Day at the Sybil Andrews Academy. They also attended the Bury Schools Partnership Arts Day at King Edward VI School and visited Redgrave and Lopham Fen. Lower KS2 visited Tesco’s and are now putting the finishing touches to their show “Yi Ha!” linked to their USA project. The Suffolk Fire Service has visited Early Years and Amy Robinson entertained with puppet storytelling, KS1 visited Colchester Zoo. The Baking Club run by Mrs Howell and Mr Rampley has been a great
16 | APRIL 2017
success in the new kitchen area, an excellent facility provided with valuable donations from our local town councillors and the B & A Club. Special thanks to Ann Williamson and Patrick Chung who presented a cheque at one of the Thursday after school sessions, also donating some of their locality fund towards the new EYFS storage shed. Finally our sporting achievements continue, the football club run by voluntary coaches has some 60 children signed up and continue to win matches on a Saturday morning across the year groups.
A huge achievement was the Year 4 team which beat Abbot’s Green 3 – 0 to win the Champions League for the first time in the school’s history and the 21 years the tournament has been running. Equally as impressing was the KS2 hockey team which won the Bury Sports Hockey Tournament at King Edward VI School losing just one game. Come on Hardwick!! Daryl Jones – Head teacher Andy Abbott – Vice-chairman of Governors
Sybil Andrews Academy
Achievements continue to flow from our students Achievement within school can come in all shapes and sizes. From exam results shining a light on an entire school to a small accomplishment that can mean the world to an individual. Six months after Sybil Andrews Academy opened its doors, I continually marvel at the level of achievement among our students. Within days of each other, we were celebrating success in the Book Mastermind and in a county cheerleading competition – equally impressive as it was our first time competing in the respective competitions. Hannah Walker, from Year 9, did brilliantly to win the area final of the Book Mastermind. Hannah, who is also our head student librarian, chose The Selection by Kiera Cass, on which she scored 20/20 before going on to win the general knowledge round. When Sybil Andrews Academy was at the design stage, one of the most exciting plans was around the library, both in terms of where it would stand – right in the heart of the building – and how it would be such an exciting landscape to educate our students.
We were delighted and proud to take our place in the Book Mastermind, a competition run by Suffolk Libraries Literacy Books and Reading Team for Schools for the last 22 years. Hannah now goes onto the county finals on Friday 5th May, where she and fellow competitors will have the opportunity to meet authors Ruth Fitzgerald and Dave Shelton. Big congratulations must also go to our school librarian Karen Cannard. Just days later, the school was celebrating again when our very own Cheerleading Squad, The SAA Starlets, came out on top in the UEA Cheer competition. In their first major competition, the hours of practice paid off when they took first place with 81%. The whole school is very proud of the girls and of Hannah and all the achievements, big and small, which make Sybil Andrews such a special place to lead. Andy Prestoe, Principal, Sybil Andrews Academy APRIL 2017 | 17
April in the woods
arming April days are bringing the woodlands to life around Moreton Hall. Dog’s Mercury is already thick underfoot in Home Covert and, under the tree canopy the air is pungent with the smell of Ransomes, or wild garlic. Bee Orchids are starting to appear, they like the boulder clay and rough pasture of Natterer’s Wood. These beautiful wildflowers mimic the female bumble bee in appearance and scent in order to trick a male bumble bee into landing on them. The bee then transfers some pollen to the next orchid he visits, thereby aiding the pollination of the plant. The bee orchid may only flower once in its lifetime, which explains why there may be huge numbers one year and none the next The banks at the edge of Mount Road are carpeted with the egg-yolk yellow of cowslips. The common name of this member of the primula family may derive from the Old English for cow dung, as this plant was often found growing in cow pastures. Once abundant, changes in agricultural practices in the sixties and seventies caused a severe decline. Now, however, the seeds are often included in
packs of wildflower seed mixes used to landscape roadside banks and this has caused a reversal in the fortunes of this exquisite and iconic wildflower and it can now be seen in dense stands. Blackcaps have been spotted at Natterer’s Wood, and, we hope, are preparing to nest. Historically Summer visitors from Central Europe, more and more of these birds are now over wintering here instead of migrating to the Mediterranean. They take advantage of food offered on our bird-tables, favouring fats and sunflower hearts, indeed evidence provided by the British Trust for Ornithology shows that Black Caps wintering in Britain are diversifying genetically from those that winter in Spain, developing longer and narrower beaks to adapt to their human-provisioned diet. This coupled with our recent milder winters have allowed these warblers to flourish. Look out for them, both grey, the male has the black cap and the female a chestnut cap. Their fine, fluting song has earned them the name “northern nightingale”.
Join us at Woodland Ways... Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email Follow Woodland Ways on Twitter @NatterersWood 18 | APRIL 2017
Flexible Membership … a golfing opportunity to suit your way of life VALUE FOR ONLY £400 a year for 20 rounds of golf! MONEY …. and still enjoy many of the benefits of being a member of this popular club! STOWMARKET GOLF CLUB
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TRY A SPORT CLOSE TO HOME Spring is here and summer is on the way! The Croquet Club at the Victory Sports Ground is gearing up for the new season. Hardy members who have been playing on the artificial turf on fine days during the winter are looking forward to playing again on grass. The lawns are open during April and the season begins in earnest in May. Croquet is a game for all ages and all stages. There is no bending (as in bowls) and no running - being mobile is the only pre-requisite. There are two versions of the game. Golf Croquet is a quick game, easy to learn and great fun as you try to get your ball through a hoop before the opposition. Association Croquet demands more skill and will appeal to those who like a slower pace. We are a friendly group and welcome newcomers.
Those interested in trying this sport should contact Chris on 01284 787728 and arrangements will be made for them to come and have a few trial games before joining the club.
Rachels Mobile Hairdressing
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20 | APRIL 2017
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22 | APRIL 2017
British Sugar
Jo Churchill MP expresses her “disappointment’ by loss of British Sugar from Tesco shelves in letter to Chief Executive On Tuesday 21st March, Jo Churchill MP, writing in a letter to Chief Executive of Tesco, described the discontinuation of Silver Spoon granulated sugar, as “disappointing”. The decision taken recently, has the potential to impact the sugar beet industry spanning East Anglia, which supports just under 10,000 jobs. British Sugar owns four factories across the eastern region, including a plant in Mrs Churchill’s Bury St Edmunds town centre employing 230 people and supporting seven hundred local farmers. Mrs Churchill’s letter describes British Sugar as “…not only an asset to our rural economy, but is symbolic of home grown produce widely available in the UK. …Therefore the decision to withdraw Silver Spoon from Tesco shelves is disappointing and removes from consumers, the choice to buy and support home grown sugar.“ Mrs Churchill pointed out that whilst she cannot argue with the business premise the decision “is at odds with Tesco’s objective of ‘collaborating with our suppliers’, making it appear somewhat of a token gesture”. Ending the letter, Mrs Churchill pointed out that as the UK enters negotiations to leave the European Union, British Sugar is already investing in new, long term opportunities for the future of the home grown sugar industry. She therefore described the decision to withdraw British Sugar supplies from Tesco shelves as “…short sighted and fails to ensure we provide the goods we require in a home grown and sustainable way…” Discussing the letter written to Tesco’s Chief Executive, Jo Churchill MP said: “British Sugar processes all sugar beet grown in the UK and produces around half of the UK’s quota for sugar. The decision taken by Tesco to withdraw British Sugar from their shelves, has been described as in the best interest of customers. Whilst I understand this, it would be disappointing to deny consumers, especially local customers, the opportunity to buy local and home-grown British sugar. I feel it is important to remind Tesco of their corporate social responsibility and ensure, especially where they commit to ‘collaborating with suppliers’, that they are held to account. Furthermore, as we seek to leave the European Union and establish trade deals across the world it is essential that, as we become more outward looking we, simultaneously, seek to enrich our own home grown businesses. I want to ensure that Tesco are reminded of this and of the impact this decision will mean for local residents and farmers.”
APRIL 2017 | 23
Spring has finally sprung! The days are gradually lengthening so doing outdoor activities become more inviting to do. Those of you who enjoy gardening, do remember to wear gardening gloves (if your arm is affected) and appropriate footwear (if your legs are affected) to help protect your skin from getting scratched or damaged. If the skin is damaged, then treat straight away with an antiseptic solution/wipe and cover with a plaster/dressing to prevent any further infection of the affected area. Be aware of the change of climate too, lots of wasps around so again take care with any insect bites or stings in the same way. Future Lymphoedema Service Provision The West Alliance (West Suffolk Hospital and GP Federation) has developed an interim service model for the provision of
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24 | APRIL 2017
Lymphoedema Services and are planning to go-live 3rd April 2017. Further details on this Medium Interim Service will follow in the May Directory edition. LSS 2107 meeting dates The next LSS meeting will be on the 8th May, 7pm – 9pm at Moreton Hall Community Centre. Meeting dates in July and September to follow in the May Directory edition. Do come along and find out more about living with and managing Lymphoedema and Lipoedema. For further details about Lymphoedema: British Lymphology Society website Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website -
live happy! live happy! with with Slimming World
Slimming World
MONDAYS 5.30pm & 7.30pm @ Southgate Community Centre. Call Vanessa 07850 951693 WEDNESDAYS 9.30am & NEW SESSION 11.30am @ Ixworth Village Hall. Call Carla 07900 810636 THURSDAYS 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm @ Moreton Hall Community Centre. Call Kelly 07792 603204 FRIDAYS 9.30am & 11.30 @ Southgate Community Centre. Call Vanessa 07850 951693 SATURDAYS 8.30am & 10.30am @ Skyliner Sports Centre. Call Kelly 07792 603204 0344 897 8000 0344 897 8000
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| 25
The 19th hole, a place for golf tips, reviews and everything golf related.
Welcome back, I love this time of the year as the temperatures start the rise and days start to draw out after the clock change at the end of march but more importantly April signals the start of the golf season. When THE MASTERS is on the television we all start to feel the want to play more golf, So writing this edition of the 19th Hole is one of my favourites. So with that in mind here is a MASTERS preview looking forward to this amazing tournament. THE MASTERS Augusta National is my ultimate golf course, think it demands a lot from all areas of your golf game and it a very tough test. However, at the same time it gives you some stunning views, elevations changes and water features that soften the blow of the golf course beating you up. So who is going to have the right game for Augusta this year? Below are my picks for the 2017 Masters. Dustin Johnson – This guy has had an amazing start to 2017, with his length off the tee and new improved wedge game and putting he is always among the favourites for any tournament. Rory Mcilroy – The return from injury has been solid, and his golf game does suit this style of golf course as he has shown before around Augusta. Be can he get the green jacket to complete the career slam? Time will tell but I for one would love to see him win this year. Watch PGAlife365 on YouTube for our 2017 MASTERS SPECIAL - You wont want to miss it! COACHES CORNER – Football Fun This month coaches corner in conjunction with YouTube channel PGAlife365 will be focusing on better movement in your downswing.
Do you often find yourself finishing your swing off balance or on your back foot like you can see me demonstrating here? If this sounds like you or you still feel that your movement could improve in your downswing this indoor or outdoor drill is for you. Ok so this month’s drill is very straight forward to easy to complete, all you will need is an object to throw around. (we suggest something soft so that there are no breakages) This drill can be completed indoors or outdoors, and as a pair or on your own. The best thing about this drill is that you wont need lots of space or have to take any lumps out of your garden for it to help your game. The Drill: Stand with whatever item you have chosen in your golf posture like you would before hitting a shot. Making normal shortened swings move your arms into a short backswing position (around waist high). From here we want you to just work towards your partner and throw them your chosen object at around waist high. As you will see from the image if you do this with some success then your finish position will be completely different from where you normally end up. This movement when added to your golf swing will allow you to have a more consistent movement through your swing to help to achieve those great strikes. I hope this drill has helped, if you are still struggling with this or any other aspect of your game, then I would be pleased to assist you in enjoying this great game more. If you quote MHD or SGD when booking your first lesson with me then you will receive £5 off, below are my contact details please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Adam Trett
The Suffolk Golf and Country Club Email: Facebook: ADT Golf Coaching 26 | APRIL 2017
Our speakers for March were two ladies, specially trained, who volunteer for the Citizens Advice Witness Service. It is daunting to appear as a witness in a court and they spoke about their role and how they can help witnesses with practical as well as emotional support. This support can also be provided before the court hearing so that witnesses can familiarise themselves with the lay-out and ask any questions about the court process. On the day of the Trial the volunteers can help you take the oath, give evidence and keep you updated on the progress of the case. There are special measures in place for different types of people who need extra assistance. The Witness Service also work with other agencies to make sure the right help is provided. This facility is a vital part in delivering justice.
Gloria Hollins
Arial Fitness Academy New classes, new website and new location! Visit our website for more details
APRIL 2017 | 27
Welcomes you to Positively Crafty Turn the negativity of pain into positivity by crafting! We are Positively Crafty, a craft therapy group made up and run by people suffering from long term chronic pain caused by various conditions.
Positively Crafty has been running for
two years and meets at the Southgate Community Centre in the small hall on the first Thursday of each month from 1pm-4pm. £3 per session including refreshments. Carer’s concession 50p. Being a self-funding group we rely on the generosity of a few of our members for a lot of materials but as these are so expensive cannot rely on these donations indefinitely so look towards participating in funding projects and community support.
Positively Crafty is there to offer the
opportunity for people to come along, craft together and learn different crafting skills. It has been proven that using craft therapies for people who suffer with long term chronic pain can be beneficial in many ways. It allows people the opportunity to focus on positive things in a friendly, supportive ‘safe’ creative environment, building confidence and forging new friendships. Long-term chronic pain can be very debilitating and isolating that’s why Positively Crafty means so much to all its members, it gives them something to look forward
28 | APRIL 2017
to and at the end of each crafting session, to go home with a sense of achievement. The craft group was formed in 2014 and is run by members of the Chronic Pain Support Group (CPSG), some of whom initially met at group member’s homes to craft together thus progressing to the craft therapy group it is today. The name Positively Crafty encompasses the positive aspect of the group and relates to different crafts that can be done. Tuition is always welcomed so if you have a skill you would like to share please contact us on 07724 187774. Crafting goes far beyond creation so why don’t you come along and experience for yourself, how by being actively creative, you can have fun enjoying the many rewards of crafting!
£20 for 6 sessions
I am in the process of writing a cookery book. This will be based around some of the food from £12.95 Deal the restaurant, inspiration from Tapas my childhood & Choice of three tapas from this menu + bread &aioli dishes I used to cook when the children were at + soft drink or glass of white/red wine (125ml) home. Whateveror our skill base &orlove food glass still/sparkling water ½ pint of Spanish beerwe "ESTRELLA" all struggle with the question “What shall I do for This menu is available Tuesday - Friday 11.30am until 3:00pm & 5.30pm until 6.30pm dinner?”. The book This will have 30 Saturday main11.30am mealuntil recipes menu is available 4.00pm that are straightforward to cook. Not only that, they will£ be healthy without you evenwith noticing! Every recipe willGFbe for 2 portions – so HALLOUMI ROASTED MED VEG & MUHAMMARA V 6 Goat’s cheese halloumi griddled on top of roasted veg with red pepper sauce easy to halve or double. VEG FALAFEL with HARISSA HUMMUS DF Vegan 5 Deep fried chick pea balls with spiced hummus
PITTA with HUMMUS & DUKKA DF Vegan (GF available)
This is as difficult as Toasted pitta bread withthey hummus &get toasted– nut plus & seed mixthere will be online videos to PITTA with TARAMASALATA & TZATZIKI support techniques. So come on everyone – get cooking.5 Toasted pitta bread with Greek fish dip & yoghurt dip Deep fried roast potatoes with spicy tomato sauce
By Maria Broadbent,6Restaurateur CHICKPEA & VEGETABLE SAFFRON TAGINE with RICE DF GF Vegan Fragrant tagine with bejewelled Persian rice
GARLIC & CHILLI KING PRAWNS with bread DF (GF available)
Roasted vegetables with a sesame sauce & herb ‘sprinkles’ Classic skinny fried with just a sprinkle of salt
Tomato, cucumber, red onion, feta & Kalamata olives with salad dressing Leaves’ radishes, spring onions, tomatoes, sun blush tomatoes & capers Freshly cooked king prawns with garlic & chilli oil
50% OFF FOOD with THIS VOUCHER Deep fried whitebait with a dusting of devilled spices
£12.95 Tapas Deal
BOQUERONES GF DF Marinated white anchovies garlic &tapas parsley from this menu + bread &aioli Choicewith of three ALBONDIGAS (Spanish Meatballs) DF of GF white/red wine (125ml) + soft drink or glass Homemade pork & beef meatballs in tomato sauce or glass still/sparkling water or ½ pint Spanish beer "ESTRELLA" LAMB TAGINE & PILAF DF (GF AVAILABLE WITH RICE) Aromatic lamb slowly cooked with Moroccan spices served with bulghar wheat pilaf
5 6 6
This menuSPICED is available Tuesday - Friday 11.30am 3:00pm & 5.30pm until 6.30pm BRAZILIAN CHICKEN with SOUR CREAMuntil GF (DF available - aioli) 6
menu is available Saturday 11.30am until 4.00pm 6.30pm –This8.30pm Tuesday – Thursday Marinated cubes of chicken – pan fried & served with cooling soured cream
£ CHORIZO IN RED WINE GF 6 Finest spiced Spanish sausage in red wineto with shallots Please fillslow in cooked your details validate this voucher CURED MEATS with SUNBLUSH TOMATOES GF 6 HALLOUMI with ROASTED MED VEG MUHAMMARA GF V expires 4th May 6 2017. Not toSPANISH be used in conjunction with any&other offer. Voucher Seranno ham, chorizo & griddled sun blushon tomatoes Goat’s cheese halloumi top of roasted veg with red pepper sauce
VEG FALAFEL HARISSA ITEMS with HIGHLIGHTED IN HUMMUS GREEN can DF beVegan substituted to make a dish dairy free
PITTA with HUMMUS & DUKKA DF Vegan (GF available)
Deep fried chick pea balls with spiced hummus ITEMS HIGHLIGHTED IN RED can be substituted to make a dish gluten free FULL NAME: D.O.B: This offer may not be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion
Toasted pitta bread with hummus & toasted nut & seed mix EMAIL ADDRESS: Toasted pitta bread with Greek fish dip & yoghurt dip
Deep fried roast potatoes with spicy tomato sauce
CHICKPEA & VEGETABLE SAFFRON TAGINE with RICE Fragrant tagine with bejewelled Persian rice
DF GF Vegan
Roasted vegetables with a sesame sauce & herb ‘sprinkles’ Classic skinny fried with just a sprinkle of salt
Tomato, cucumber, red onion, feta & Kalamata olives with salad dressing Leaves’ radishes, spring onions, tomatoes, sun blush tomatoes & capers
Opening Hours: Monday CLOSED. GARLIC & CHILLI KING PRAWNS with bread DF (GF available) Tuesday - Thursday 11.30am-9.30pm (Last orders 8.30pm). Freshly cooked king prawns with garlic & chillifood oil Friday & Saturday 11.30am-11.30pm (Last orders 10pm). DEVILLED WHITEBAIT & LEMON GFfood DF Deep fried whitebait with a dusting of devilled spices Sunday 12-4pm (Last food orders 3pm). BOQUERONES GF DF Marinated white anchovies with garlic & parsley
7 5 5
Chicken Tagine with preserved lemons & olives ONLY 250 CALORIES per portion From the Maison Arabe cookery school in Morocco I have been asked for this recipe repeatedly! This recipe was given to me by a customer 2 years ago. This is the original recipe except for a teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter). We have adapted it over time as some customers asked us to pick out the olives – so we replaced them with dried apricots! We also add a little cream at the end – this changes it quite a bit I think. Finally, remember every lemon, every onion is different – so taste & adjust to your own palette. My son in law would add a teaspoon of honey - if he were making this without the apricots.
400g chicken - cut into chunks (breast or boned thighs)
Cut preserved lemon in half & separate out the flesh from peel. Put the flesh & all other ingredients except for the chicken in a blender & blitz. If you don’t have a blender the original recipe says finely chop herbs, garlic & onion finely then add oil & spices. Put the paste along with 4 tablespoons of water into a tagine or heavy bottom pan with a lid then chuck in the chicken & give it a good stir with a metal spoon (the saffron will stain plastic & wood). Put the pan over a medium heat & cook for approximately 20 mins – stirring regularly & STAY CLOSE! Add water if you feel it needs it. After 20 mins add ¼ litre of water, cover & simmer for 45 minutes. When the chicken is nicely browned & the sauce is thick you can add the chopped lemon peel & the olives. You can serve this with couscous – I like to flavour mine with a teaspoon of Harissa & some pomegranate seeds or with rice especially bejewelled rice. You could just serve with bread. If you are watching your intake of refined carbs then your best option is brown basmati rice or even vegetables. You can make more of this & cook it in a slow cooker once you reach the simmering stage. This will freeze very happily – cook extra rice & make your own ready meal.
½ preserved lemon ½ red onion 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley 1 tablespoon of fresh coriander 1 clove of garlic Pinch of saffron ½ teaspoon of black pepper (coarsely or finely ground) Teaspoon ginger powder 1 heaped teaspoon of ground turmeric 10 olives 2 teaspoons of olive oil
follow us: casadelmarbse
98 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA. Tel. 01284 701313. Email:
APRIL 2017 | 31
New Menu Launch
The Fox Inn is a 15th-century Inn located on Eastgate Street within easy walking distance of Bury St Edmunds Town Centre. We have now launched a very impressive NEW MENU with Breakfast through to Dinner. Booking is advisable but not necessary. We also have 6 beautiful boutique rooms situated in the converted historic barn for overnight luxury.
Serving delicious home cooked breakfasts OPEN DAILY from 7am Monday – Friday and 8am Saturday and Sunday Food Served from Breakfast until 10pm except on Sundays when served until 8.30pm
MARTYN WEBB PLUMBING SERVICES ‘From Planning to Completion’
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Anything is possible, from the smallest path or water feature to a full garden redesign or largest estate driveway.
Making your dreams come true... Got a project in mind? Contact us today for a free consultation:
T: 01284 724486 M: 07860 577557 E:
APRIL 2017 | 33
Slow-Cooked Greek Easter Lamb
with lemons, olives & bay This authentic dish of meltingly tender leg of lamb is roasted with garlic, lemon and potatoes for an irresistible Sunday lunch centrepiece
Ingredients: 1 garlic bulb, separated into cloves, half peeled and sliced, half unpeeled 8-10 fresh bay leaves 3 lemons, cut into quarters lengthways 2½ kg leg of lamb 50ml Greek extra virgin olive oil, plus 4 tbsp for the potatoes 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1kg Cypriot potatoes, peeled and quartered lengthways 140g Large pitted green olives 125ml red or dry white wine
Method: Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Arrange the unpeeled garlic cloves, 3 bay leaves and the lemon quarters in a large roasting dish and cover with 200ml cold water. Sit the lamb on top, drizzle with the olive oil and rub it in all over. Using a small sharp knife, cut small incisions in the lamb skin, then tuck the remaining peeled and sliced garlic and bay leaves into these slits. Season the lamb well and sprinkle over the cinnamon. Cover tightly with foil and place in the oven. Immediately reduce the oven temperature to 150C/130C fan/gas 2. Leave to cook for 4 hrs, skimming the fat from the juices and removing the foil for the final 30 mins of cooking. After 1 hr, put the potato wedges in a large roasting tin, coat them in 4 tbsp olive oil and season well. Roast in the oven with the lamb for 11/2-2 hrs. Transfer the cooked lamb to a large piece of foil, wrap tightly and leave to rest for 20-30 mins. Check the potatoes are cooked (if you need to, turn the oven up to 220C/200C fan/gas 7 to finish cooking). Add the olives and wine to the pan juices, simmer them and keep warm until ready to carve. Serve the lamb thickly sliced with the olives, potatoes and Tahini & lemon sauce (see ‘goes well with’), with the meat juices poured over at the last minute. 34 | APRIL 2017
For that intimate dinner for two or a party for up to 40 people in our private function room upstairs, our menu has a wide variety of contemporary indian food for all taste buds. Come along and try us.
Families with children are very welcome.
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We look forward to seeing you here! 108 RISBYGATE STREET, BURY ST EDMUNDS, SUFFOLK IP33 3AA
T: 01284 719116 or 756666
Lemon cake pops
These delicious cake pops are great fun to make and you can really show off your creative sides with different coloured dips and decorations. Ingredients:
For the cake 150g Unrefined golden caster sugar 100g Butter (unsalted) softened 2 Large Egg 1 Lemon zest 2tsp Lemon juice 225g Self-raising white flour 2tsp Baking powder 165g Yoghurt
To bake sponge, preheat oven to 180°C (160°C fan, gas mark 4). Lightly grease a 10” round or square baking pan with non stick baking spray.
For the buttercream 100g Butter (unsalted) 100g Mascarpone cheese 350g Icing sugar 1tsp Vanilla extract For the coating 450g White chocolate Sprinkle decorations & 24 lollipop sticks
Beat butter and sugar together until light and fluffy (about 5 mins). Lower the speed to medium, add the eggs one at a time. Throw in the lemon zest and juice. Sift the flour with the baking powder. On low speed add the dry ingredients and the yoghurt alternately, 3 parts flour, 2 parts yoghurt. Begin and end with the flour. Fill the pan to just over halfway and bake for 35-40 mins or until a cake tester comes out clean. Leave to cool. To make the buttercream, beat the butter and mascarpone cheese together until well combined. Gradually add the icing sugar until smooth and then beat in the vanilla extract. Once the cake is completely cool, crumble it using either your fingers or a food processor. Mix the cake crumbs with the buttercream until you get a dough like consistency you can easily mould into balls. Wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour Line a baking tray with parchment paper. Remove cake pop mixture from fridge and begin rolling into small balls – they should just fit comfortably into the palm of your hand. Place balls onto the tray and once rolled place back in the fridge for another 10 mins or until balls are firm. Remove cake balls from fridge. Melt a small amount of chocolate in the microwave. Dip the end of each lollipop stick into the chocolate about 2 cm in. Insert a stick into the centre of each cake ball. Now you are ready to start dipping. Melt the remaining chocolate. Holding by the stick, dip each cake ball into the chocolate until completely coated. Gently tap off any excess. Decorate with sprinkles of your choice. Insert into a polystyrene block to dry.
36 | APRIL 2017
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Frames Conservatories Direct celebrate 10 years as Main Club Sponsors The multi award-winning business based in Bury St Edmunds, run by the Lewis family, will mark the milestone during the final 1XV home match of the season on Saturday 22nd April 2017. Adrian Lewis will host a lunch for 190 guests and members ahead of the final National League 2 match of the season against Canterbury RUFC. During the event FCD will also be launching a new annual FCD sponsored award to mark the contribution of a club member who has gone ‘above and beyond’ the call of duty for the club during the course of season, whether as a player in minis, youth, senior or as a club supporter. Frames Conservatories Direct became a main club sponsor of Bury St Edmunds RUFC in 2007 when the club was playing in London SE 2 league. In that time both the club and FCD have enjoyed enormous success within their organisations. Established for just 6 years at this time, FCD was already making an impact across East Anglia. The company had a turnover of just over £1m, a staff of 20 and were carrying out 25 installations of new conservatories and products a month. Roll on 10 years and with help from the support of FCD the club has risen 3 leagues to National League 2, the highest in its history, becoming the most successful across Suffolk and Norfolk, doubled its minis membership, established ladies and touch rugby teams, built a
38 | APRIL 2017
Fitness Development Centre, raised over £150,000 for charity, developed a community rugby coaching team that supports 23 schools and colleges in the area; and has become widely acknowledged as the leading rugby club for player training and development across East Anglia. Meanwhile, Frames Conservatories Direct has also gone from strength to strength. In the same period, the company has increased its turnover to £5m and staff to 45. They now carry out 80-100 installations a month, and its customer base has grown to 6000. They moved to larger premises on Barton Road, won multiple awards including National Installer of the Year at the Network Veka awards for Customer Satisfaction three times in a row and Bury Free Press Business Awards’ Contribution to the Community Award. In addition to the Rugby Club FCD support several other sporting clubs in the area including bowls squash and football and raised thousands of pounds for charities among them St Nicholas Hospice, West Suffolk Hospital’s Rainbow Ward and West Suffolk Hospital’s Prostate Cancer ‘Beat It’ Appeal. Speaking about the milestone Club Chairman Michael Robinson said “The impact of Frames Conservatories Direct’s sponsorship of the Club cannot be underestimated. Adrian and Gisela Lewis backed the club when our vision was merely a dream. They believed we could achieve our aims of playing in much higher leagues and of developing a leading community club in the region and so helped to support our
Frames Conservatories Direct, East Anglia’s leading home improvement company is marking 10 years as main club sponsors of Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club with a day of celebrations for members, supporters and fellow sponsors. ambitions financially. Their longstanding support and ongoing commitment to the club and sport within Bury is hugely recognised and appreciated by all our members and supporters. We owe them a big thank you for the last 10 years and so are delighted to be able to mark this milestone with a celebration for all members.” Owner and Managing Director of Frames Conservatories Direct, Adrian Lewis has a great sense of personal pride at the 10 year relationship “When we entered into this sponsorship arrangement 10 years ago I never imagined that it would be the start of something quite so successful, for either of us. Of course, from a business point of view we have had the advantage of brand exposure at a prime location in the town and that has helped us develop our business to the size it is today but it has given me so much more. Witnessing the Club’s determination to succeed and then achieve the promotion success they have and knowing that our sponsorship has played a part in that is very fulfilling.”
Pete Austin Electrician Fully qualified, insured and experienced electrician willing to undertake both large and small jobs – please contact me for a no obligation quotation. l Complete rewires l Partial rewires l Inspection & Testing l Electrical Condition Reports l Extra sockets & lights l Power to garages, sheds or workshops l External security lights l Showers l Fuse board upgrades l Mains linked smoke alarms
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APRIL 2017 | 39 DECEMBER 2015 | 39
OF WITN H C ES AR S GOOD FRIDAY 14th April 2017 - 10.30am
The Cathedral
Follow the Cross and Drum
On the Stage - Cornhill / Market Square Supported by the Salvation Army Band
Churches Together in Bury St. Edmunds and District 40 | APRIL 2017
Clinical Negligence – When and how to claim
In these modern times, doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals can generally be relied upon to provide an excellent standard of service for their patients. However, if you, your spouse or child have been injured, or if tragically you are the dependent or a child of a patient who has died as a result of medical treatment, you are entitled to receive an explanation from your treatment provider. Where the injury or death has been caused or contributed to by the breach of a duty of care, you and/or your child may be entitled to financial compensation for what is now called ‘clinical negligence’, but which has in the past been referred as ‘medical negligence’. Such claims are not just limited to being brought against the National Health Service. If you have been treated as a private patient and paid the doctor either personally or through your private health insurance, you may also be able to make a claim if your treatment is found to be below the standard that would normally be expected. Shortcomings in standards of care can occur when a failed or delayed diagnosis is given, there is a failure to warn of risk in treatment or to obtain proper consent to treatment, there are errors in medication, when surgical procedures are carried out carelessly or when there are delayed referrals to specialists. There are differences in principles and procedures when making a claim for clinical negligence rather than a claim for personal injuries caused by, for example, a road traffic accident. In the latter, it is more straightforward to establish whether or not someone was at fault and whether any injuries were suffered as a result. However, in order to bring a successful clinical
negligence claim, you must prove through independent medical expert evidence that firstly there were serious errors in the medical treatment that you received which no competent doctor would have made; and that those errors caused or substantially contributed to the injury you are complaining of. With the independent medical expert often being required to put forward technical medical evidence, for that reason clinical negligence claims can take longer to pursue, sometimes lasting for years before even reaching Court should the medical professional or body in question choose to oppose the claim. If you are considering bringing a claim, generally the first stage would be to submit a letter of complaint to the proposed defendant. This gives you an opportunity to put forward your grievances and to consider the response that they provide. If you then remain dissatisfied with the response, it may be that you have a claim for clinical negligence and may be entitled to compensation for pain, suffering, loss of amenity and any past or future financial losses. Due to the complexity of such claims, it is recommended that you seek the advice of an experienced solicitor as soon as possible.
For more information, please contact Rachel Shaw on 01284 755771 or via email:
RudlingsWakelam Solicitors
...advice for life
APRIL 2017 | 41
Hard Shoulder
knew instantly. It wasn’t good. In fact it was really rather bad. I’d experienced a similar feeling maybe half a dozen times before. First of all there’s the pain. An overwhelming all encompassing sensation that makes simple tasks, such as speaking and breathing challenging. Then the dizziness followed closely by sweating, and queasiness. Yep, I had definitely hurt myself properly this time, and my body was making sure I noticed. After a few seconds I got a grip of my senses and started to try and assess the damage. My emergency self assessment procedure is something I use from time to time, normally after coming off my bike, or as was the case here, falling off an obstacle on an assault course. It follows 3 logical steps: Am I alive? Can I move? Did anyone see me?! Answers to these key questions dictate what I do next.
42 | APRIL 2017
In this instance, there was some good news, I was alive and moving! On the down side, I was fairly sure a whole crowd of people saw me, including my wife and my kids, which left my pride almost as badly damaged as my shoulder. Oh, yes, my shoulder… that’s what undeniably was the primary source of discomfort. I’ve not studied medicine but even without consulting Dr Google I was confident in my instant diagnosis of a dislocated shoulder. I had now established the basic extent of the issue and my mind quickly flashed back to a similar injury I sustained ten years ago. I was left with my arm in a brace for 6 weeks. Unable to drive, work, or tie my own shoe laces for months. It was horrific, but the thought of being in that state now, with 3 young kids to look after, made me almost
physically sick with guilt and panic. When I arrived at A&E I could hardly say my name, let alone give them my address and contact numbers. A minute later, as I was wheeled through to the waiting area, I saw the digital text scrolling across a small understated screen, “… waiting time to see a doctor is currently approximately 2hrs…”. It was clear to me that this was not a viable option as the pain had now progressed to crippling levels. In fairness, a nurse did offer me some Calpol or something, but to be honest it didn’t really cut the mustard. Thankfully they got me some proper drugs and, with morphine pumping through my veins, 4 grown men attempted to ‘gently manipulate’ my arm back into its socket. And yes, that is as excruciatingly painful as it sounds… To be continued.
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Advertise in the Directory APRIL 2017 | 43
PRING 2017
ay Nursery is a brand new nursery opening soon in cation near Nowton Park. We will have space en from babies of 3 months up to 5 years old and rovide fully funded places. Our opening times will 8.00 Monday to Friday, 51 weeks per year. Find us between Bury St Edmunds and Sicklesmere.
from 11am to 3pm
come and visit our beautiful nursery and see our work in progress Little Larks Day OPENING We will be Nursery is a brand twitter @littlelarksBSE TIMES offering two new children’s nursery opening soon in a quiet countryside location near Nowton Park.
and three year old funded places ALL YEAR ROUND
from 8am until 6pm, 51 weeks of the year
Places for over 40 children from 3 months to 5 years old
Little Larks Day Nursery, Low Green, Nowton, Bury St Edmunds, IP29 5ND telephone 07949 685262 email website 44 | APRIL 2017
Every month I share a crafty activity to try at home. I’m Michelle and I own the crafty foxes. I run adult and children’s workshops, children’s crafty parties, after school clubs, hen-dos and a wedding/events mobile crafty creche.
This month we are looking ahead to Easter and I am going to show you a simple way of making Easter decorations for your house or your garden. You will need 1 cup of flour, ½ cup of salt and ½ cup of water. Also some paint tester pots, a paintbrush, ribbon or string and a straw. 1.
• Mix together the flour, salt and water until it forms a dough • Roll out the dough until its 5mm thick • Using your egg cutter cut out egg shapes from the dough • Transfer the shapes to a baking sheet with greased baking paper on it • Using the straw make a hole in the top or each egg • Place in a pre heated oven 125ªC for 2 hours • Remove from the oven and allow to cool • Paint the eggs with whatever patterns you wish • Don’t forget to paint the back as the eggs will spin when hung • Thread the ribbon through the holes and hang on tree branches
3. 4.
APRIL 2017 | 45
IN !
Crossword NO.24
Kindly sponsored by
This month Skyliner 12 15
FROM JUST £24.99 A
18 19
*Terms & Conditions apply.
20 22
Sports Centre have kindly sponsored this months Crossword, and are offering one of our lucky readers a UP TODAY | £10 START UP F 6SIGN month FREE Membership!
13 14
ACROSS 8. Fivefold (9) 9. Unwell (3) 10. Coral reef (5) 11. Identifying outfit (7) 12. Poured with rain (7) 13. This place (4) 17. Oust (anag) (4) 18. Allots (7) 22. Tortilla (7) 24. Concentration of a solution (5) 25. Pen point (3) 26. A disparaging remark (9) NAME: ADDRESS:
DOWN 1. Crouch (5) 2. Projectile rebound (8) 3. Soothed (7) 4. A husband or wife (6) 5. Danger (5) 6. Grain store (4) 7. Shut with a bang (7) 14. Famous physicist (8) 15. Stealing (7) 16. Jumpy (7) 19. Files down rapidly (6) 20. Backless sofa (5) 21. Clothing made from denim (5) 23. Mocks (4)
Good Luck!
EMAIL ADDRESS: TEL NO: Closing Date for entries is April 17th 2017. Winner will be notified by telephone. 46 46 || APRIL APRIL 2017 2017
Please post entries to us at: Crossword Competition, Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7BE
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APRIL 2017 | 47
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Official Government Environmental Data. Fuelconsumption consumptionfifigures gures mpg mpg (litres (litres fficial Government TestTest Environmental Data. Fuel FWD: Urban: 37.2 (7.6), Extra Urban: 55.4 (5.1), Combined: 47.1 (6.0). CO 2 emissions: 14 WD: Urban: 37.2 (7.6), Extra Urban: 55.4 (5.1), Combined: 47.1 (6.0). CO 2 emissions: 14 Personal contract hire offer on Mokka X Active 1.4i Turbo (140PS) Start/Stop FWD including free of charge metallic paint with OnStar and 4G Wi-Fi, on vehicles ord
rsonal35contract offer on X Active 1.4iover Turbo (140PS) Start/Stop FWD including free ofcharged charge metallic paintper with OnStar andcharges 4G Wi-Fi, vehicles monthlyhire payments of Mokka £249. Excess miles contracted mileage of 24,000 over 36 months at 7.30 pence mile. Excess alsoon apply if you ord bre monthly payments of £249. Excess contracted mileage of 24,000 over 36 months charged 7.30 pence perand mile. Excess also applywithout if you bre Leasing. Package includes Roadmiles Fund over Licence and Vauxhall Assistance. Guarantee/indemnity may beat required. Prices details arecharges subject to change no asing.and Package includes FundConduct LicenceAuthority. and Vauxhall Assistance. Guarantee/indemnity be and required. Prices andservices details are subject to change no regulated by theRoad Financial ^OnStar is available on selected models. may OnStar 4G Wi-Fi hotspot require activation and without are subject The OnStar packages could be^OnStar different is from the services included in the free trialand package. Terms and conditions apply. Check d regulated by thesubscription Financial Conduct Authority. available on selected models. OnStar 4G Wi-Fi hotspot services require activation and are subject Destination download is onlycould available on vehicles with installed navigation system. CarPlay and Apple are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in th e OnStar subscription packages be different from thefactory services included in the free trial Apple package. Terms and conditions apply. Check EU-regulated dataavailable is provided comparison purposes and actual performance willApple depend on driving road andof other non-technical factors. C stination downloadtest is only onfor vehicles with factory installed navigation system. CarPlay andstyle, Apple areconditions trademarks Apple Inc., registered in th U-regulated test data is provided for comparison purposes and actual performance will depend on driving style, road conditions and other non-technical factors. C
s/100km) and Mokka X Active 1.4i1.4i Turbo (140PS) Start/Stop s/100km) andCO CO2 2emissions emissions(g/km). (g/km). Mokka X Active Turbo (140PS) Start/Sto # 40g/km. # 40g/km.
dered by 3 July 2017, subject to availability and status. Age 18+ only. Figures based on a non-maintenance contract hire package with advance rental of ÂŁ3,486, then
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Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.
APRIL List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: PINE DOUBLE BED FRAME Very good condition, £75 o.n.o Tel. 07587 084377 CHILD BED GUARD Like new only used for grandchild a few times. £10. Tel. 07587 084377 LARGE GLASS PATIO TABLE 6 CHAIRS GREY Mesh. Good condition. £70, Tel. 07587 084377
3 LEATHER MAUVE HIGH STOOLS Lovely round kitchen island ,and adjustable levels, like new £45 for all of them. Tel. 07511 490937 Apple MacBook Pro 13 laptop inch in Beautiful silver colour like new , not a mark And have all box with it . £690. Tel. 07511 490937
MIRROR & TABLE WITH DRAWER. Solid wood , £100 for both Tel. 07511 490937 Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.
52 | APRIL 2017
What Next? March the 1st was D-day locally in terms of parents and pupils finding out if they had managed to get their first, second or even third choice of school, for the next stage of their education. According to the statistics approximately 95% of pupils got offered a place at one of their top 3 preferences, but what are your options if you are one of the 5% who didn’t? Option 1 of course is to appeal the decision. This in itself isn’t a massive problem other than you can only appeal once in an academic year. The decision to hold up your appeal will depend largely on the class sizes in the year that you are appealing for and once a decision has been made by the appeals hearing panel it is binding for all parties and can only be overturned by a Court. Option 2 is to consider what are the alternative educational establishments in your area other than the state sector. While this sounds obvious, many people overlook the possibility of
independent education usually for one of two reasons; first, they genuinely don’t believe in independent education and what it can offer (this type of bias is often accompanied with a view regarding elitism) or second, that the sums simply don’t add up and committing to several years of additional costs when you are entitled to free education isn’t something that your budget will stretch to. Either way, I would encourage, or even urge, you to come and have a look for yourself. As I have alluded to in other editorials I have written, access to independent education is far more readily available than it ever has been. Have the chat with a school when you go for a visit. What are the bursary options available? Very often schools have a bursary policy and provided you are prepared to fill in the paperwork, anything is possible. Check what scholarships are available.
Independent schools love talented children, and the more talented children they can attract the more the talent already at a school benefits. Most schools will have at least one scholarship day during the year if not more, and nearly all will allow a child to sit a for a scholarship outside of that day or days. One thing I would say is this; it is never too late to consider independent education and like many things provided you can see it as a long term investment for your child, justifying the cost is manageable, and your children will thank you for it one day. I can say this will absolute certainty, as my eldest has said it was the thing that he will most grateful for us doing for him. If you think that this is something that you would like to have a chat about, please call South Lee and speak to Mrs Ronge, the school registrar to arrange a visit and a chat. I look forward to meeting you.
APRIL 2017 | 53
54 | APRIL 2017
The Gruffalo brought to life at HIgh Lodge, Thetford Forest with new augmented
REALITY APP In the first development of its kind, Forestry Commission England and Magic Light Pictures bring The Gruffalo characters to life in the forest through a new augmented reality app. The Gruffalo Spotter has been designed for exclusive use at 26 forests across England where visitors can join the adventure through the deep dark wood. The trail will open at high Lodge, Thetford Forest on 6th March Families can follow clues on an interactive trail and track signs of their favourite characters based on The Gruffalo, bestselling picture book written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. The self-led trail is packed with fun facts about forest animals with fantastic activities along the way. Once families have spotted the characters, they can use the app to bring the 3D character animation to life and take photos with them. Their photos are automatically added to the device’s gallery, from where it can be shared via social media with the hashtag #GruffaloSpotters. Taking family forest walks to new heights, the app mixes technology with the real world, encouraging children to get exploring, firing their imaginations and enabling them to have an all-new forest experience. The Gruffalo Spotter app has been developed and animated by Nexus Studios and is available for free with no in-app
purchases from the App Store, Google Play and Amazon. A Gruffalo Spotters kit will be available to buy on site and includes animal facts, tips for tracking wildlife, an evidence collection bag, a magnifying glass and a pencil to make a note of your forest finds! Tim Frost, High Lodge Manager for Forestry Commission England commented: “This is such an exciting development and will deliver a completely different forest experience for our visitors. The Gruffalo is a world renowned story and to be able to bring the characters to life in their natural setting is fantastic. It’s great we’ve had the opportunity to join the two worlds of technology and nature together sensitively!” Barney Goodland, Head of Digital at Magic Light Pictures said: “Our partnership with Forestry Commission England has been an overwhelming success from the start so in this, our fourth year of activity, we wanted to do something really special. We’re always looking to further children’s enjoyment of The Gruffalo brand and this was an innovative way to incorporate new technology with a real world experience. Working with the Forestry Commission and Nexus Studios has been a real
joy and it’s exciting to now be sharing The Gruffalo Spotter with families. Most importantly for us the app is completely free, which means that it’s there for everyone to enjoy.” Claire Cook, Creative Producer at Nexus said “The team at Nexus are massive fans of The Gruffalo and were really excited to be able to bring the iconic characters to life in the forest through the magic of Augmented Reality. Working with Magic Light and the Forestry Commission has been a fantastic collaboration on many levels, from new technical innovation in AR and real time 3d characters, to creating an experience that works outside in all weathers and for all ages. The creative challenges have always been enjoyable and we can’t wait to see children (and their grownups!) playing it.” The Gruffalo Spotter app will launch from 20 February and the trail at high Lodge, Thetford Forst will run until the end of Ocotber 2017. The Gruffalo Spotter app is free from the App Store, Google Play and Amazon and requires downloading before your visit. A preview of the app is available here For a full list of participating sites across England and for further details please visit APRIL 2017 | 55
nyone aged 6 and over! HOME + LIFESTYLE
Covering over 600sq m our laser arena is one of the biggest in the UK and Europe, spanning 5 levels! We are the st centre in the UK to install the state of the art ‘Helios Pro LaserTag System’ supporting up to 30 players. Membership allows you to track all your games history, scores and achievements and offers exclusive discounts, member nights and events!
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Located behind the Fiat Desira Garage, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3SP
Fantastic village nursery in the heart of Thurston, just three miles from Bury St Edmunds town centre! We cater for 3 month olds to 4 year olds and are open from 7am until 6pm, 51 weeks of the year. We specialise in ‘Outdoor Learning’ and are fortunate to have beautiful, large gardens complete with forest school areas and an outdoor classroom.
Telephone: 01359 232221 56 | APRIL 2017
Free government funded places available for 2 and 3 year olds.
Take part in the
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Venue: The Highwaymans, Risby, Bury St Edmunds, IP28 6QP
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The person
behind the Ad...
Andrew Maund from Lancaster’s Lancaster’s IS A FRANCHISED BMW & Mini Outlet.
How long have you been the Head of Business for Lancasters? I’ve currently been in the job for 10 Months now.
What did you do before working for Lancasters? I have always been interested in car’s and have been working in the industry for 15 years, but before Lancasters I was working with another local company in the motor trade.
So, what made Lancasters decide to purchase the Carrs Franchise? The Jardine group has a huge portfolio of Manufacturers including Aston Martin, Audi, Bentley, Porsche, and that’s just a few. The group were looking for a quality BMW & Mini dealership and Carrs BMW & Mini were an exceptional company providing their customers with top notch customer service and the location is brilliant. It seemed a completely logical step for Jardine to take over, seeing how the entire team here had done such a fantastic job building the brand in Bury St. Edmunds. 58 | APRIL 2017
What is the best part of your job? I must be honest, it’s working with such a great team of people, everyone seems to really enjoy their jobs which makes me come to work with a smile every day.
and the worst… It sounds like a cop out but, whilst like everyone, you have the odd bad day here and there, there are no real bad parts of my job and I love it.
When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing? Without a doubt spending time with my wife and son.
Lancaster Bury St Edmunds Thetford Road, Fornham St Martin, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 1SX Tel. 01284 752525
Tell us something about yourself that not many people would know… My wife and I got married in Las Vegas 3 years ago (no, not by Elvis, that’s the first thing everyone asks!)
What is your favourite music? Indie! Loving the old school Oasis and Steriophonics, but on a day to day listen to Radio X in the car its got a great spectrum of sounds.
And film… The Wolf of Wall Street is a classic that makes me laugh every time I watch it.
What is your biggest achievement to date?
What would you choose to eat at that meal? Pizza! Simple that one.
And drink... A cold Peroni, preferably a large one!
What car do you drive and what would be your dream car? Currently I drive an M3 Competition Pack. I have been very fortunate to have driven some amazing cars so picking a dream one is hard, however my next car will be a BMW X5 M.
Have you any Hobbies? I have a very busy working life so, to be honest, any time spare I like to spend with my family.
The birth of my son.
Where did you go to school? County Upper, a Bury boy through and through.
If you could choose 1 famous person to have dinner with (dead or alive), who would it be and why? It would be Ricky Gervais, he is one of the funniest comedians around at the moment so I am sure he would keep us entertained! APRIL 2017 | 59
The Mayor and The Bear The Bury St Edmunds Mayor – Councillor Julia Wakelam – took part in The Bear Inn fortnightly Pub Quiz this Monday 13 March and helped present a cheque to The Bear’s 2016 Bury St Edmunds based charity Gatehouse.
The Bear Inn Pub Quiz helped to raise £1,700 for the charity last year. Gatehouse is an East Anglian charity, based in Bury St Edmunds, which offers a range of services, including dementia care support, a food bank, support to the vulnerable over Christmas and a home store. The Bear Inn, in Beyton, chose to support Gatehouse throughout 2016 by hosting a regular Pub Quiz at the pub. Hannah said: “We support a local charity annually, and Gatehouse is an amazing example of the support on offer in the area. It was great to have Julia and the Gatehouse team here to receive the cheque! They even went on to jointly win the quiz!” The Bear Inn Pub Quiz takes place every other Monday evening from 8pm at The Bear Inn, Tostock Road, Beyton, Suffolk, IP30 9AG. The next Pub Quiz is on Councillor Julia Wakelam, Colin Kennedy, Monday 27 March at 8pm. Amanda Bloomfield - CEO of Gatehouse, Elaine 60 | APRIL 2017
Channen - Dementia Hub Facilitator and Garry Clark - Owner of The Bear Inn.
Spring Art Exhibition 1st – 30th April 2017
M.A. SMITH TILING & INTERIORS specialist wall and floor tiling full bathroom renovations plastering, plumbing & electrical Let your dream become a reality and visit us at... FREE quotations, advice and planning sean
07899 890765 or 07887 754114
A colourful and vibrant exhibition of work in Oils, Watercolours and Mixed Media. Since its inception 40 years ago, the Art Club has been meeting in the grounds of the Cathedral and attracting members from the town and surrounding villages with the Artists getting their inspirations from local landscapes and travels abroad. Opening Times – Mon – Sat 10am – 5pm Sun – 12pm – 4pm For Information: Moyse’s Hall, Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1DX Tel: 01284 706183 Email:
APRIL 2017 | 61
Garden Confidential
by Paul Clarke
What to do in your garden in April... April is a wonderful time to be in the garden. With the longer days there is plenty to do to get your gardens looking in peak condition. This month you can plant some annual seeds such as Cosmos in your garden. Or why not consider “ Hanami “ ! This is the Japanese tradition of celebrating cherry blossom, with picnics beneath flowering trees. If you fancy a trip out this month Sudbury hosts an open gardens event over the 22nd and 23rd of April with around 20 gardens to visit. More information can be obtained from their Tourist Office.
62 | APRIL 2017
Who can fail to be cheered up by the blaze of colour provided by the carpet of Aubrietia flowers in Spring. Perhaps considered old fashioned because they are associated with filling up gaps in rockeries which are less common these days. However they are also excellent for covering up retaining walls , containers and around border edges. Best spot for them is in the full sun . The flowers start to appear in the later part of March and continue through until June. Choose your colour from white through pale pink to rich purple. Easy to grow either by young plants or seed. Within 2-3 years when the plants establish Aubrietia forms a larger carpet each year. Easy to grow little to do!. After flowering give them a trim with some shears.
Pauls jobs for the month General Maintenance
n Weeding , weeding and weeding! n Fill up the bird feeders n Paint fences with preservative n Make a compost bin. One way of doing this is by nailing together 3 pallets the open front can be enclosed with chicken wire n Dig out patio weeds
Lawn Maintenance n With the mild winter ,moss has flourished in our lawns. if you don’t like using chemicals use a wire rake or an electric scarifier to remove. Don’t leave bare patches in your lawn as this will soon be filled by weeds. Instead apply some grass seed. n Tidy and reshape lawn edges with a half moon edger.
Flower Garden n Divide Primroses after they have finished flowering
This months poem...
n Plant summer flowering bulbs including lilies and gladioli n Tie in Honeysuckle and clematis growth to supports n Divide and replant hostas. Dig up large clumps with a spade and use an old serrated kitchen knife to separate out new plants and replant. n Prune forsythia after flowering n Tie climbing roses to supports n Feed container plants with pelleted chicken manure n Plant sweet peas outside n Prune penstemons hard back to the new growth at the base
Vegetable and Fruit Garden
try to avoid growing the same crop in the same part of the garden each year so rotate. n Plant first early potatoes. They like lots of sunshine and lots of water. n Plant onion sets if the soil is dry n If you have space plant an area with strawberries this month. Fork in plenty of well rotted manure as you can. Plant strawberries with their crowns slightly above the ground 12inches apart and 18 inches between rows n Pick rhubarb that has been growing away under forcers.
n As soon as the ground reaches 6C you can start to sow broad beans, brussel sprouts, early peas, beetroot, radish, turnips and spinach, carrots and onions. The difficulty is making the choice! To avoid build up of pests and diseases
“The sun was warm but the wind was chill. You know how it is with an April day. When the sun is out and the wind is still, You’re one month on in the middle of May. But if you so much as dare to speak, a cloud come over the sunlit arch, And wind comes off a frozen peak, And you’re two months back in the middle of March.” - Robert Frost, Two Tramps in Mud Time, 1926
One-off jobs or regular maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis hedge trimming | grass cutting | general weeding & tidying up
Doing the jobs you don’t have time for... Call me for a quote on
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APRIL 2017 | 63
e all seem to have so little time in our busy lives for everyday activities and for many cooking can be a chore. Time for food preparation and cooking itself can take hours so the microwave becomes a lifesaver. This month we at EcoFrenzy give you a few simple ideas to save time and money using your trusty cooking box.
A typical 500g frozen meal costs 2p to heat
Baking 2 potatoes in a 2kW electric oven
in a microwave, but costs 23p when heated in the oven. Heat just 2 frozen meals a week in the microwave and it could save you about £22 per year (= 74kg of CO2).
for 1 hour costs about 28p, but a 1200W microwave for 11 mins costs only 3p. Microwaving potatoes twice a week for a year would save around £26 per year (= 87kg of CO2).
3 Boiling vegetables in water uses up to 4x more energy on a hob than cooking in a microwave (with a minimum of water), saving up to 6p per time. If you microwave vegetables 4 times a week, it will save about £13 per year (= 42kg of CO2).
4 For those happy to cook big batches of food... freeze smaller portions in individual containers or bags, defrost naturally when required, then reheat in the microwave. There are great savings to be made both financially and on your CO2 imprint.
EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham and Simon Dry. If you have any queries please visit or email 64 | APRIL 2017
These ideas can save you £££’s! For more ideas on saving money & the environment visit
5 If you are going to buy a new microwave oven click on the symbol above when visiting microwave-oven and it will show you the best options both economically and environmentally for a new unit.
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Telephone: 01284 769841 APRIL 2017 | 65
Nî hâo!
Recently at school I have learnt a bit of Mandarin, what languages do you speak?
molly xx
Cheese Straws!
Food! These yummy ten minute snacks and super easy and super delicious! All you need is puff pastry and cheese. You can make your own pastry or cheat and buy it in a block or ready rolled! Firstly just roll out the pastry so that it is as thick/thin as you think you want it. Brush whisked egg onto all of the pastry then sprinkle half of the pastry with your chosen grated cheese. Fold over the other half of pastry then roll flat again. Brush more egg on top and sprinkle on the last of the cheese. Get a knife and cut the pastry into strips, it’s up to you how big or small you make them. Place them one at a time onto a greased baking tray. Press one end down then twist to make them look more fancy. Place in the oven for 10-12 minutes at 220 degrees celsius. Once they are puffed up and browning, take them out of the oven, just let them cool and they are ready to eat! I hope you enjoy making and eating!
66 | DECEMBER 2015
Tchoukball is a very different but fun sport. It has quite recently come around and in the future is hopefully going to be in the Olympics. I didn’t know anything about it until my brother came home one day and asked if he could go to a Tchoukball Club. Instantly I was like what is that?!? He started the club and now loves it, I have also tried it t out. It goes along the lines of throwing the ball to a spring like net. If the opposite team throws it at the net and you don’t want them to get a point you have to catch it, if your team throws it at the net you have the try and throw it so it bounces and no one catches it to get the point. It is a fast paced game that is really interesting once you get to grips with the rules. I totally recommend the sport and the club as well. They are based at the Victory Grounds on Nowton Road, they run a Saturday afternoon (2-3) club for 10-14 year olds. You can also contact them through Facebook if you look up ‘Bury St Edmunds Tchoukball Club’. I hope you check it out, enjoy if you do!
Word search
The other week I had an injury and couldn’t do anything and one of my best friends brought me a word search book and I really enjoyed it! I just thought this was a fun little thing for you all to do in the Easter Holidays!
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The Moreton Hall Directory is produced and published by The PIT Group.
South Lee School supports community sport with Rugby Club All Weather Pitch Sponsorship A preparatory school in Bury St Edmunds, known for its sporting prowess, has joined forces with the local rugby club to support community sport in the town. South Lee, a dynamic nursery and school based on Nowton Road that caters for boys and girls aged 2-13 years, has become the Official Sponsor of the All Weather Pitch at Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club. The facility, which is due for a £100,000 refurbishment this Summer, provides community sporting space for rugby and football teams as well as numerous other sporting clubs in the area. It is home for over 100 six and seven-yearold budding rugby players each Sunday, many of whom are pupils at South Lee. The facility is also used weekly by 35 football teams, the club’s O2 Touch Rugby Squad, club players and the West Suffolk College Rugby Academy, in addition to regular children’s activity camps, schools and party hire. Speaking about the sponsorship Michael Robinson Chairman of Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club said, “We are delighted to welcome South Lee school as sponsors of the All Weather Pitch. As well as having a great many enthusiastic and talented young minis rugby players as pupils who are also club members, South Lee shares with us a mutual interest in developing and encouraging community sport for all in Bury. With its refurbishment this Summer, the All Weather Pitch will provide users with state-of-the-art facility for many years to come.” Headmaster at South Lee and volunteer rugby club coach, Mervyn Watch added, “South Lee school are both pleased and proud to be sponsoring the rugby club’s All Weather Pitch for the next 3 years. We have a long established connection to the club, and we currently have many of our pupils representing the club week in week out, and this training facility means that even our youngest pupils can have the benefits of everything that rugby culture has to offer - camaraderie, team work and a willingness to try your best. I hope that the refurbishment will mean that many more of our pupils will gain the benefits of a game that has been a part of my life for the past 30+ years, including the last 5 years here with Bury.” 68 | APRIL 2017
The South Suffolk Show is taking place on Sunday 14th May, and it’s going to be a very special day!
Featuring old time favourites including: cattle, sheep, pig and horse classes, farm machinery new and old, trade stands, a countryside area, a food hall and children’s entertainment, we are this year enhancing the ever popular craft marquee to focus solely on arts and crafts, and introducing a new shopping marquee to ensure optimal browsing for that special purchase. We are delighted to have The Royal Signals ‘White Helmets’ Motorcycle Display Team as our grand ring attraction, in what will be their last season before after 90 years the team will be disbanded. The oldest and most
famous motorcycle display team in the world, performing spectacular feats of balance, death defying crossover rides and outstanding acrobatics. Come and see them whilst you still can. N&J Heavy Horses will also be gracing the grand ring, treating us to both driven and ridden demonstrations accompanied by commentary on the history of the drays, and a full breed rundown on their gentle giants. Back by popular demand will be the ‘East Anglian Terrier Club’, the ‘Suffolk Gundog Club’ and ‘The Sheep Show’ to educate and entertain you!
We look forward to seeing you there! 70 | APRIL 2017
The South Suffolk Show
Ampton Racecourse, Ingham, Nr Bury St. Edmunds Follow the signs off the A134
SUNDAY, MAY 14th 2017
A Traditional Agricultural Show Featuring
Cattle, Sheep, Pigs & Horses, Farm Machinery, Trade Stands, Countryside Area, Food Hall, Arts & Craft Marquee, Children's Entertainment and Public Catering & Bar Ring attractions to include
‘The Royal Signals White Helmets Motorcycle Display Team’ Play and ‘N&J Heavy Horses’ with ridden and driven demonstrations plus displays by The Suffolk Gundog Club, The EATC with Terrier Racing and The Sheep Road Show
“Come along to the South Suffolk and experience a great day out”
Admission: Adults £12, Children 5-16 £6, Senior Citizens £7, Family Ticket £30 (See website for discounted pre-show e-tickets and ticket retail outlets) FREE CAR PARKING For further info Tel: 01638 750879, or view
APRIL 2017 | 71
Sunday 11th Jun
Once Upon a Festival returns this June in venues and schools right across East Anglia. The Festival offers a vibrant mix of dance, theatre, puppetry and poetry performances, featuring some of the best children’s performances companies from across the UK giving access to the best theatre to all children. Led by Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds, the Festival has five partner venues; Marina Theatre, Lowestoft, Meet Up in Thetford, Southwold Arts Centre, Marketplace CPP – Chatteris In Myth & Memory and The Garage, Norwich with work going into schools as well. Education Projects Officer at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds, Georgina Stone,
said, ‘This year, the festival theme is ‘Now it’s your turn!’ We want students, teachers, schools and families to love the stories in our programme and be inspired by the work to tell their stories, in their own unique way. We have such a range of fantastic companies bringing performances, from world renowned M6 Theatre to stunning puppetry work from local talent Ripstop Theatre. There really is something for everyone, and so many ways to get involved.’ The Festival begins at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds on Sunday 11 June with an open day and then the action on stage opens with Judith Kerr’s classic book The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The show then travels to the Marina Theatre, Lowestoft for two days. The Doodle Dance Show, an imaginative and magical adventure about friendship is performed at Meet Up, Thetford. Pied Piper Theatre Company visit Southwold Arts Centre with The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch, the show is packed with live music and audience participation.
72 | APRIL 2017
ne – Friday 23rd June Across East Anglia
Finishing off the opening week of the Festival is The Elves and The Shoemaker from Full House Theatre which is performed at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds. On Father’s Day, Sunday 18 June you can also watch the National Theatre Live’s screening of their children’s show Peter Pan at the Marina Theatre. Week two opens with Ballet Theatre UK’s version of Alice in Wonderland back at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds. Suffolk based Theatre Company Wonderful Beast perform their latest show Orla’s Moon at Southwold Arts Centre.
June at The Garage in Norwich is Ripstop Theatre with A Real Alien Adventure, an intergalactic adventure featuring shadow puppetry, gadgets and cats in space! Jo Churchill, MP for Bury St Edmunds, said, ‘It is so important we introduce children to the arts as early as possible and I applaud and congratulate everyone involved in this exciting venture. I can’t wait to visit the festival and see some of the events.’ This year’s Festival is sponsored by Taylor Wimpey and has been supported with funding from Bury St Edmunds Town Council, Lowestoft Rising and Arts Council England.
Lyngo Theatre will be at the Marina Theatre with There and Back Again; The Odyssey a classic tale full of giants, myths and legends. Then it is Marketplace CPP - Chatteris In Myth & Memory Project’s turn to host a show when poet Joseph Coelho presents Fairytales Gone Bad, familiar fairytales get a modern contemporary twist in this enchanting performance. Finishing off the Festival on Friday 23
APRIL 2017 | 73
Ickworth House Discover what's on this Easter and make lasting family memories with your little (and big!) adventurers at Ickworth. When you visit, donate, volunteer or join the National Trust, your support helps us to look after special places for ever, for everyone.
Š National Trust 2017. The National Trust is an independent registered charity, number 205846. Photography Š National Trust Images.
APRIL 2017 | 75
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APRIL 2017 | 77
A run of losses against top end of the table opponents finally came to an end for the 1XV in early March when Exmouth visited the Greene King IPA Haberden. A 33-28 victory was marked with some superb play from hat-trick scoring Chris Lord, new player former London Welsh fly-half Glyn Hughes and Serapid’s Man of the Match Jaid Wiltshire. A week later supporters who had travelled to London for the match against Barnes were rewarded when the Wolfpack delivered an impressive 43-31 win. Elsewhere across the club the Foxes are just one game away from league promotion, having won their 9th consecutive game. The final match of the season being at home on Sunday 9th April. As we go to print the Junior Academy, which bridges youth and senior sides, is just one match away from the Eastern Counties Cup final, whilst in youth the U15s and U13s are both Suffolk Cup champions, with U13s the Eastern Counties Champions. Over on the commercial side, the Club has welcomed South Lee School as Official All Weather Pitch Sponsor and will undergo a £100,000 state of the art refurbishment of the pitch in the Summer. Meanwhile, the club has a busy few weeks ahead as we come towards the end of the season, with Main Club Sponsor Frames Conservatories Direct hosting a special celebration during the last home game of the season on 22nd April to mark 10 years as lead sponsor. The 9th annual Greene King IPA 7s Tournament is fast approaching and soon road signs will be on display throughout the region. Pencil the date in your diary - Sunday 7th May 2017 – and head to the club to watch some of the world’s best 7s teams in action including England, Ireland, Saracens and Northampton Saints..
The Minis section of Bury rugby club have been busy travelling around to compete in various festivals over the last few Sundays. We were very pleased to be awarded the Sportmanship Award at the Hadleigh Tag festival, which is also the largest tag festival in the country!
U10’s at Colchester
Being awarded the sportsmanship award at Hadleigh:
78 | APRIL 2017
We have enjoyed rugby filled days at Colchester, Braintree and North Walsham as well. All our minis players follow the RFU guidelines and the focus is on enjoyment. With the Easter holidays and our Minis Tour to Worksop to look forward to, we only have a couple more fixtures before the end of the season.
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DECEMBER APRIL 2015 2017 | 79
at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds
Handel’s glorious Coronation Anthems Handel’s glorious Coronation Anthems
Four Coronations Coronations Four and aa Funeral Funeral and
Handel: Zadok the Priest most of the libretto himself. The completed The Bury St Edmunds Bach Choir, known to Handel: Zadok the Priest Handel: Let Choir, Thy Hand Be Strengthened work was first performed on 26 August 1846 in all as the Bury Bach was founded in 1932 Town Hall to a packed audience of Handel: Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened to perform the great choral masterpieces, and Handel: The King Shall RejoiceBirmingham two thousand, and was an instant success. For is proud of its history and its central position Handel: King Shall many years Elijah was second only in popularity in the cultural The life of Bury St Edmunds; itRejoice was Handel: My Heart is Inditing to Handel’s Messiah, but sadly Mendelssohn recently described by the East Anglian Daily Handel: My Heart is Inditing Purcell: Funeral Music was toMary die only a year after its first performance. Times as “a treasure for the town”. This for year Queen we celebrate our 85th anniversary and for are very Purcell: Funeral Music Queen Mary Handel: Organ Op. 4Elijah, No.with 6 its dramatic, almost operatic, much looking forward to a Concerto 2017/2018 season marks a significant step forward from packed with musical delights including: Bach Handel: Organ Concerto Op. 4 style No. 6 the earlier choral masterpieces of Bach and Christmas Oratorio, Mozart C Minor Mass and Handel. From its imaginative and energetic Mozart Vespers and Hadyn Creation. We will James Recknell organ orchestration, to the beauty of so many of the also be performing a charity concert in aid of arias and choruses, to the dramatic portrayal of James Recknell organ Prometheus Samaritans on 21 Orchestra October, at St Mary’s Church. Elijah himself, this work deserves its place as Prometheus Orchestra one of the great choral masterpieces. We are Next month on 20 May, we are performing Philip Reed conductor delighted to be bringing it to Bury St Edmunds Mendelssohn’s choral masterpiece Elijah at St Philip Reed conductor after an absence of many years and are joined Edmundsbury Cathedral, as part of the 2017 Bury St Edmunds Festival. Unsurprisingly, tickets are already selling like hot cakes, as this work has not been performed in the town for nearly 20 years.
by four soloists of international reputation, members of Nayland Choir and the Prometheus Orchestra.
Saturday 4 March 2017, 7.30pm Saturday 4 March The Apex, Charter Square,2017, Bury St 7.30pm Edmunds The prodigiously gifted Felix Mendelssohn first conceived of writing the oratorio Elijah in 1836, but it was not until ten years later that a commission from the Birmingham Festival gave him the opportunity to do so. Having determined that the work should present the characters as real people, he was unable to find a suitable librettist, and decided to write
Please come and enjoy, with us, this wonderful music. Tickets from £15. Early booking discount £2 off all tickets booked by 22 April 2017
The Apex, Charter Square, Bury St Edmunds
For details of this and all ourFind forthcoming us on Tickets from £14 concerts go to: Find us on Tickets from £14 via the Apex Box Office 01284 758000 concerts-and-tickets/ via the Apex Box Office 01284 758000 You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and or from our website Instagram with the username @burybachchoir Follow us on or from our website
Follow us on
A Local Ecumenical Partnership between the Church Of England, United Reformed Church and Baptist Union of Great Britain
Happy Easter! All of us at Southgate Church will be celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus later in the month. Easter Day is the most joyful day of the year for Christians. We believe that Jesus Christ has died for our sins and we are forgiven. Christ has risen! We can look forward to an eternity in his joy! The Good News of Jesus Christ is a message so simple that you can explain it to someone in a few minutes – but so profound that for the rest of their lives they will still be ‘growing’ in their walk with God. All the armies that ever marched and all the navies that were ever built, and all the parliaments that ever sat, and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of mankind on this earth as powerfully as this one solitary life.
Easter Reflection: There was a Garden We were standing looking at the snowdrops in the churchyard. It had been a bitter winter, but now the sum was shining, the temperature had risen, and those little bulbs buried in the soil had responded. A few weeks ago, all looked dead. But now, all around us, there were signs of Spring. “Makes you think”, said my friend, “Death and resurrection – it’ simply part of the way things are.” I agreed, and pointed out that in a few days time we’d be celebrating, in the church in the middle of that graveyard, a man who rose from the dead and said, “Because I live, you will live also”. This idea of life blossoming in the place of death is right there in the Gospels too. “In the place where Jesus was crucified, St John tells us, “there was a garden”. And in that garden was a new tomb, in which, after his crucifixion, he was buried. But within three days the tomb was again empty. Like the Easter flowers blooming in the graveyard, life had conquered death. As Jesus himself said, the seed has to die before it can produce fruit. The seeds and bulbs are buried, and at the right time they burst into life. As my friend said, it’s the way things are, and it is the heart of the Easter message.
For further details please contact Jackie Tooley o 82 | APRIL 2017
whats on in
Southgate Church’s
Easter Community Event
SUNDAY 2nd April 10.30am Together on Sunday Service for the whole family
Southgate Community Centre Saturday 8th April, 2pm to 4pm
All ages welcome crafts
an Make st r ne Easte
the Telling story r e st a E
Tea/c Hot c offee ross buns Easter egg hunt
Do join us at one of our special Easter services and come along to Southgate’s Got Easter on Saturday 8 April at 2 pm. Or be part of the Procession of Witness on Good Friday when all local churches join together, leaving the Cathedral at 1030 am. We are giving away hot cross buns and other goodies outside the Hardwick shops from 10 am on Easter Saturday. See you there!
SATURDAY 8th April Southgate’s Got Easter
fun and games for all the family 2-4pm
SUNDAY 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th April 10.30am Morning Worship Services with groups for children of all ages
Holy Communion Service
Every Thursday morning 9.15 to 9.45am in the Church Centre
SUNDAY 9th April 5.15pm - 6.30pm Café Theology in-depth Bible discussion with refreshments
THURSDAY 6th & 20th April 2.30pm Friendship Club for older people Programme available on our website.
THURSDAY 6th April Thursday Club - Womans Group 7.45pm Programme available on our website.
10am to 12noon every Monday Morning in Church Centre Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and chat. All of our events and services are held in Southgate Community Centre, Caie Walk. Minister – Revd Peter Gibson Our regular Sunday services start at 10.30am. Sunday Club runs from 10.30am to 11.45am. We have mid-week groups for children of all ages. For more details of these please contact Jackie Tooley for more information.
on 01284 703705, or visit our website at APRIL 2017 | 83
What’s on
Thursday 6th & Friday 7th April
Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds Youth Theatre
Adapted by Neil Duffield. Directed by David Whitney After last year’s success of The Jungle Book the Youth Theatre is back with another classic tale! You may think the oft-told tales of Arabian Nights are familiar, but writer Neil Duffield, has taken them, shaken them and delivered them in a fresh and exciting way. With original music, this is going to be a great way to kick off the Easter holidays. 3pm & 7pm. Tickets: £12 - £10
Saturday 8th April MEI Theatrical Ltd
At Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds The timeless classic makes its way off the page and onto the stage. Created by Jonathan Rockefeller, the critically acclaimed production of The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show features a menagerie of 75 lovable puppets, faithfully adapting four of Eric Carle’s stories. The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse, Mister Seahorse, The Very Lonely Firefly and, of course, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 2pm & 4pm. Tickets: £12.50 - £8.50
Sunday 9th April
Avalon promotions Limited
BRIAN CONLEY – THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER (IN HIS PRICE RANGE) At Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds The multi-talented and irrepressible Brian Conley returns to the stage in this all-new show. Brian will perform brand-new comedy, sketches and songs, alongside some of his bestknown and loved retrospective material from the screen and onstage. 8pm. Tickets: £23.50 - £8.50 Tuesday 11 & Wednesday 12 April Matthew Townshend Productions
The love story, devised by Sheridan Morley from the couple’s letters and diaries, is told with all ‘the Master’s’ flair and wit. Featuring songs and scenes from Privates Lives and Blithe Spirit, this beautifully set and immaculately executed production by Matthew Townshend, takes a perfectly-orchestrated trip down memory lane. A showcase of the affectionate, complex and tempestuous relationship of two of the best-loved performers of the Twentieth century. The extracts from the plays, letters and other writings of Noël Coward reprinted by kind permission of the estate of Noël Coward. 7.30pm. Tickets: £21.50 - £8.50
84 | APRIL 2017
Friday 14th & Saturday 15th April Tall Stories
Join the Witch and her cat on their mission to defeat the dragon in Tall Stories’ magical, musical adaptation of the classic picture book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. The Witch and her cat are travelling on their broomstick when they pick up some hitchhikers – a friendly dog, a beautiful green bird and a crazy frog. But this broomstick’s not meant for five and – CRACK – it snaps in two… just as the hungry dragon appears! Friday 1.30pm & 4.30pm. Saturday 10.30am, 1.30pm & 4.30pm. Tickets: £12.50 - £10.50
Thursday 20th April Tayo Aluko & Friends
Nigerian Tunji Sowande quietly breaks through multiple barriers to become Britain’s first black judge in 1978. Also a fine concert singer and keen cricket lover, he muses on international politics and history as they affect the black world from Africa to the USA and Britain, from the point of view of one who would rather watch sports and spread love and peace through the medium of song. 7.30pm. Tickets: £16.50 - £8.50
Friday 21st April Easy Theatres
Celebrating the music of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons. A Four Seasons song shares a special place in everyone’s heart. Number 1 hits Walk Like A Man, Sherry, Working My Way Back To You, Rag Doll and Let’s Hang On combine with Frankie’s My Eyes Adored You and Grease in this critically-acclaimed spectacular. Reviving the sublime harmonies of New Jersey’s finest, including Frankie’s incredible falsettos, oh what a night awaits music fans! 7.30pm. Tickets: £21.50 - £8.50
Saturday 22nd April Tango Siempre
From virtuoso displays of traditional tango dance in stunning costumes to the exquisite sounds of 1930s Buenos Aires and the powerful Nuevo Tango music of Astor Piazzolla, Tangomotion is a breathtaking journey into the heart of Tango Argentino. It features four world class tango dancers and live music from the acclaimed tango quartet, Tango Siempre is the UK’s leading tango ensemble, described by the Sunday Times as – an effortless fusion of Latin Passion and jazz virtuosity. 7.30pm. Tickets: £26 - £8.50
Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th April LAMDA
An audience favourite since its first performance in 1603, As You Like It is among Shakespeare’s best-loved comedies. An idyllic country setting provides the backdrop for this romantic adventure, as Rosalind and Orlando’s famous courtship is played out amidst the turmoil of political rivalry, mistaken identity and exile in the Forest of Arden. The rules of romance are discarded and traditional gender roles are abandoned as Rosalind, disguised as the boy Ganymede, attempts to ‘cure’ Orlando of his lovesickness. Including some of the Bard’s most glorious wordplay and oft-quoted speeches, including ‘all the world’s a stage’, As You Like It is a glorious romp in the woods! Wednesday & Thursday 7.30pm. Thursday 2pm. Tickets: £20.50 - £8.50 *Times and dates correct at time of going to press. Please check with organiser for full details/availability. APRIL 2017 | 85
l i pr
THE SECRET SCRIPTURE Director Jim Sheridan Starring Rooney Mara, Vanessa Redgrave, Jack Reynor, Theo James, and Eric Bana Lady Rose (Vanessa Redgrave) is an elderly woman who has lived in a hospital for over 50 years. Despite her bleak surroundings there is a light in her eyes that cannot be extinguished. Dr. Stephen Grene (Eric Bana) is drawn to her, compelled to discover her past and help gain her freedom. Through Lady Rose’ s ‘ scripture’ , a life of extraordinary love and great injustice emerges, revealing a remarkable young woman of courage, whose only crime was to fall in love. Set against a backdrop of troubled times locally, and chaos internationally, we learn of her ultimate triumph.
86 | APRIL 2017
Director André Řvredal Starring Emile Hirsch, Brian Cox, Ophelia Lovibond From the Director of Troll Hunter and starring Emile Hirsch and Brian Cox. Experienced coroner Tommy Tilden and his grown-up son Austin run a familyowned morgue and crematorium in Virginia. When the local Sheriff brings in an emergency case – an unknown female corpse nicknamed ‘Jane Doe’, found in the basement of a home where a multiple homicide took place – it seems like just another open-and-shut case. But as the autopsy proceeds, these seasoned professionals are left reeling as each layer of their inspection brings frightening new revelations. Perfectly preserved on the outside, Jane Doe’s insides have been scarred, charred and dismembered – seemingly the victim of a horrific yet mysterious ritualistic torture. As Tommy and Austin begin to piece together these gruesome discoveries, an unnatural force takes hold of the crematorium. While a violent storm rages above ground, it seems the real horrors lie on the inside…
Director Ben Wheatley Starring Sharlto Copley, Armie Hammer, Brie Larson, Cillian Murphy, Jack Reynor, Babou Ceesay, Enzo Cilenti, Sam Riley, Michael Smiley, Noah Taylor Justine (Brie Larson) has brokered a meeting in a deserted warehouse between two Irishmen (Cillian Murphy, Michael Smiley) and a gang led by Vernon (Sharlto Copley) and Ord (Armie Hammer) who are selling them a stash of guns. But when shots are fired in the handover, a heart stopping game of survival ensues.
APRIL 2017 | 87
On May Day Bank Holiday, Monday 1 May, Southgate Community Partnership will be presenting is fourth annual Community Fun Day. Put the date in your diary now! It’s a great day out with all sorts of attractions from rides, bouncy castles and family games to a schools football tournament, climbing wall, may pole’ live music and food and drink. The Daleks will be there too! If you are a local charity or group and would like to have a stall, it’s not too late – just speak to Jackie in the Centre office. The fun takes place on the Hardwick Primary School field from 11 am (football starts at 9.30 am).
Trip to London
Be there!
Our next trip is on Saturday 20th May leaving Home Farm Lane at 9am, dropping off at the Embankment, returning at 7pm. This gives you plenty of time in the capital for sightseeing, shopping or a theatre matinee. We have held the ticket price at £15 per person and these are available from the Community Centre office. This excursion is always fully booked - so hurry!
Next eyes down on Friday 7thApril & Friday 12th May at 7pm. The lovely Sally looks forward to seeing you for a fun evening.
TAI CHI at SOUTHGATE We are a group from the Bury St Edmunds U3A who wish to learn the art of Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a form of Martial Art and the Sun Style we use is a gentle form of exercise suitable for the older person and those with some medical conditions. It is known to improve muscle tone, strength, joints balance, breathing, improving concentration, and general health; and also said to help with stress and blood pressure . The instructor, Margaret Langford, is a retired physiotherapist who worked at the West Suffolk Hospital for 27 years, and then in Australia where she learnt her Tai Chi from a Chinese-Australian Doctor in Sydney, and then became an Instructor for a Tai Chi for arthritis programme for rural communities in the bush.
Contact Jackie Tooley on 01284 703705 or e 88 | APRIL 2017
Š Abbott Photography
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Directory health
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Stephen John Salon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 700100 PT Joe Personal Trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07917 714557 Rachels Mobile Hairdressing. . . . . . . . . . 01359 233371 Bury Osteopaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769153 Slimming World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly 01842 824980 Just Hair Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232007 Best Foot Forward Chiropodists. . . . 01284 753563 Sam Hendricks Massage. . . . . . . . . . . . . 07473 502920
& fitness classes
Suffolk Age UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 757740 LMA Acting & Dance School. . . . . . . . . . 01359 271925
& design
PIT Group Design & Print. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 765092
motoring Carrs of Bury St Edmunds . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752525 Auto Park MOT & Service Centre. . 01284 706888 Premier Bodyworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755558 Vindis Skoda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 799616 Skoda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 799616
& landscape
Bluestone Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 716405 Archley Driveways & Landscape Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 724486 Stuart Langston Arboricultural Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 760107 Paul’s Garden Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723625
& maintenance
Frames Conservatories Direct. . . . . 01284 700456 MAS Building & Maintenance. . . . . . . 07595 426757 Windows, Doors & Conservatory Advisory Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 615653 Window & Door Repair Centre. . . . . . 01284 615653 The Naked Builder Carpentry & Building . . . . 01284 811111 Higham Forge & Fabrications . . . . . . . 01284 810810 Local Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723396 Rob Harrington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 789074 NJT Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723389 Martyn Webb Plumbing Services. . . 01284 852554 Fix A Leak Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 269415
MA Smith Tiling . . 07899 890765 or 07887 754114 Pete Austin Electricians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 747284 Abbeygate Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 763244 Oven Clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 259818 Bone Dry Carpet Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 01787 223857 Blue Flame Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07862 712041
home furnishings CTS Carpets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 361283 Hartwell Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753310 Glasswells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752804
& letting agents
Taylor Engall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725800 Wards of Stanton Removals . . . . . . . . . . 01359 251198 Castle Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 254042 All Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 234444
business services Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors . . . . . . . . 01284 715665 Gage Computer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 764574 Simply Secure Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750019 Saffron Sitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0330 2210583 Tinkerbells Nursery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232221
& drink
Orissa Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 719116 Slates Restaurant & Carvery. . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Thomas Ridley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270536 ICE cooking classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270102
& social clubs
Pot Black Sports Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Bury Golf Range & Golf Store . . . . . . . 01284 723894 Moreton Hall Community Centre . . 01284 763405 Planet Laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 220102
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April is Stress Awareness month We are all born with an instinctive stress response. Whenever a potentially dangerous situation arises, stress hormones are released into our bloodstream and cause instant mental and physical change in us. These changes give us added strength and endurance to either ‘fight’ or ‘flight’. The fight or flight syndrome was essential when we used to live in the wild and we still use it today. The pace of our modern living, however, is now at such a speed that our body activates these hormones much more regularly causing us to feel under constant stress and anxiety. This leaves us feeling exhausted, demotivated and depressed and has an effect on our daily lives, jobs,
relationships, confidence and self-esteem. To defuse this we need to learn how to manage stress effectively. There are so many options available to help us with stress management, it can often be a stressful experience just to try and decide which path to follow. We, at the self centre, offer a range of classes and therapies to help with stress and anxiety and our lovely therapists, teachers and staff are all available to help you make the right decision for you. Whether it be a massage, a chat with a counsellor, learning Reiki techniques or a beautifully relaxing meditation or yoga class we have something for everyone.
Why not check out our website which has further information about all our therapists, classes and workshops.
COMING UP... The Ground of Being – a one day yoga workshop with Heather Boon – Sunday 9th April, 9.30 am – 5pm. Reiki Attunement Level 1 Training Course with Vicky Warner – Saturday 6th May, 10am – 4pm. Playing with the Senses – A yin yoga and meditation workshop with Niamh Kavanagh – Saturday 27th May, 2-4.30pm How Do You Value Yourself? – A self-esteem and assertiveness workshop with Yvonne Green – Saturday 13th May, 2-4.30pm
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