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Be our Valent ine! WHAT’S ON in Bury St Edmunds

+ southgate

community centre news







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Hello and welcome to the February issue of the directory. After a lovely holiday in Mexico (which I definitely recommend for a family winter break by the way), I am now back in the office, with the heating on full blast, hurry up Spring! It might feel like a way off yet, but given how quickly January has whizzed by, it won’t be long, so if you want to get a head start on your Spring/Summer body, go to page 25 where we have a very inspirational young lady from Slimming World showing us her success story. Our what’s on pages on 84-86 will give you some ideas for your Valentine’s date night or if you fancy going out to dinner, our roving reporter Cat reviews Casa Del Mar on page 38 which comes highly recommended! Enjoy this issue, and we will see you all in March when we can officially say Spring has sprung (hopefully).



Find us on Facebook & Twitter: Moreton Hall Directory


Advertising/copy deadline for March 2017 issue: Friday 17th February.

We have a winner for Decembers Christmas Crossword, Marie Williams, who won a £50 food voucher for Casa Del Mar Restaurant in Risbygate Street, and last months lucky winner of a free months subscription for LGR fitness was Jules Mills from Bury, Well Done both of you! This month there is a chance to win a FREE MOT, go to page 46 to have a go at this months Crossword.

Last Months answers:

Across: 1. Gullible 5. Knap 8. Lunge 9. Disable 10. Enamel 12. Merited 14. Overran 16. Hackney 18. Dialect 19. Brine 20. Calf 21. Arpeggio Down: 1. Gulp 2. Longer 3. Iteration 4. Lodged 6. Nobles 7. Pressmen 11. Alterable 12. Methodic 13. Scrawl 14. Oyster 15. Raging 17. Memo


meet the team...

Keep up with all the latest news for your area every day at Publisher: PIT Group Ltd Design & Artwork: Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE



Telephone: 01284 765092 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written L &C P permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2017 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. OGO



FEBRUARY 2017 | 05

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Different Strokes for Different Folks My name is Sam Hendricks and I am a massage therapist certified in Swedish, Aromatherapy and Sports massage. I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and a mobile massage therapist in London with Soothe. In my previous article I answered the question, What is a mobile massage?

body’s natural painkiller--to control and relieve pain.

To recap: with a mobile massage the therapist comes to your home. So there is no need to waste time driving to and from a spa or stressing out to find and pay for parking. You can relax at home and not have to deal with the outside world after your massage.

Studies show that the more you massage, the better you feel. Massage not only feels good, but it can cure what ails you. Some even suggest that a daily massage is optimal for good health and well-being, if only that was possible!

Today I am going to answer the question, What are the benefits of massage? Imagine lying on a massage table under a large comfy towel while soft music gently plays. The aches and pains of age, tension from work, and the stresses of life all attack your body and your muscles cry out for the warm oil in your therapist’s hands. Once your session starts, all of your cares melt away into sixty minutes of bliss and your only concern is hoping the massage will not end too soon.

Massage can be more than a relaxing experience. When performed by a licensed and experienced therapist, massage therapy can decrease physical pain, address emotional imbalances, improve athletic performance, assist with stress management and so much more!

SAM HENDRICKS Mobile Massage Therapist

Approximately 80-90% of disease is stress related. So, eliminate stress and you eliminate most disease, right? Massage helps us relax by reducing fatigue and giving us more energy to handle stressful situations. In addition, massage lowers blood pressure, helps us sleep better and provides an emotional and spiritual balance. So, what are the benefits of massage? Massage offers a drug-free, non-invasive and humanistic approach based on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Massage increases circulation of the blood and lymph systems, which improves the condition of your skin. It increases joint flexibility and relaxes and softens over-used muscles. Massage also releases endorphins--the

Take the stress out of a busy life... E. M. 07473 502920

The author, Sam Hendricks, is a massage therapist certified in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Aromatherapy and Sports massage, who works primarily out of Bury St. Edmunds. He is a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and a mobile massage therapist in London with Soothe. 8 | FEBRUARY 2017


Registered Charity No. 1107328

Registered Charity No. 1069284

The Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds are holding their Annual


Abbeycroft Leisure Centre Sunday 19th March ~ from 2pm to 5pm in aid of

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices & CLIC Sargent and Rotary Club BSE local charities’ fund

Teams of four to six swimmers, swimming relay for 45 minutes Swimmers need to raise/collect sponsorship Presentation of T-Shirts, certificates & medals to all swimmers Supporters are very welcome to a1end the event

Please contact Robert Davie on rdavie593@b> for more informa>on or telephone 07576 880822

Rotary Club of Bury St Edmunds Registered Charity Number: 1026392 FEBRUARY 2017 | 09



SOUTHGATE Brought to you by Councillors Sarah Stamp and Patrick Chung CONTACT US! Please get in touch if we can help with any issues – if you have Facebook or Twitter please follow or “Like” Sarah’s pages for regular updates Cllr Sarah Stamp T 07714 598001 Twitter @sstampcomms Facebook Cllr Patrick Chung T 07802 751433

January as usual seemed to be the longest month ever, and we are glad to see the back of it and welcome February which hopefully will herald the start of Spring! Lots going on this month, including the return of the successful Valentines Ball at the Southgate Community Centre and the ever-popular Chinese New Year celebrations which Patrick has organised at The Apex on February 2nd in aid of The Samaritan’s and My WiSH charities. We are your local councillors and between us represent you on the Town, Borough and County Councils, so, as ever, if there is a local issue you would like to discuss please do get in touch and we will be happy to help! Best wishes, Sarah and Patrick

COMMUNITY GARDEN Whilst Patrick was in Hong Kong recently, Sarah recently spent a morning walking around the Southgate ward with Jo Churchill MP and Richard Rout (an excellent local councillor who will be standing as Sarah’s replacement in May’s Suffolk County Council elections). There was lots to talk about, including the 1250 planned new homes to the South East of the town and the associated challenges around infrastructure this will bring, the recent changes to hospital parking and various other local issues, some of which we mention below. I also took the opportunity to show Jo and Richard the community woodland which Town Cllr Ann Williamson has been instrumental in setting up. Ann has a very small group of volunteers who maintain the area but we need more hands-on deck and are planning some community action days when the weather is better. If you can spare a couple of hours to help please contact us – we want to make the area look lovely for us all to enjoy, but that does take some manpower!

10 | FEBRUARY 2017


Valentines Ball

Have you got your tickets yet for the Valentines Ball at the Southgate Community Centre on Saturday February 18th? It’s a great night with fantastic entertainment, delicious food and marvellous company! This year the proceeds from the evening will be split between the West Suffolk Hospitals My WiSH Charity and the Mayor’s Charities. Tickets are on sale now from the Community Centre office.


Just a gentle plea from us both to please, please use bins for your litter. There has been an increase in people dropping rubbish in the area recently – especially around the Hardwick Shopping Parade and Community Centre - and there really is no excuse as there are plenty of bins around. We will be planning one of our regular community litter picks later in the spring – if you’d like to join us please email - we will confirm the date in the next issue.

Cash for Cars

ROAD SURFACES I’ve been contacted by several people recently who are concerned about the state of the roads around the area – in particular the area around the triangle at Nowton Road, leading off to Mayfield Road. Having been there to have a look myself I agree that this is in a bad way and I have contacted SCC Highways to see what can be done. I am hoping for a site meeting shortly so that I can show Officers just how damaged the road is and how the potholes are dangerous – especially for cyclists. At the time of going to press I don’t have a date for the meeting but I hope to have an update for you in the next issue – so watch this space! Don’t forget if you have a Highways issue to report, the quickest and easiest way to do so is online

You may have noticed these cars cropping up around the town – there is currently one by The Macebearer. They are a nuisance and an eye sore and some of them are parked in positions where they are causing difficulty for motorists. Following complaints from residents, I have spoken to the Police, who can only take action if the vehicles are not taxed, or are parked illegally, but to date when they have been checked this has not been the case. I took the chance last week to discuss this with Jo Churchill MP who agreed to look into what, if anything, can be done. FEBRUARY 2017 | 11


Dear reader,


charity Supporting West Suffolk Hospital Registered Charity No. 1049223

Welcome to February’s My WiSH Charity page I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and January has started well for you. We are busy working hard on our events for 2017 and are really excited about our plans. We hope we have something for everyone, whether you want to be a spectator or participant or if you want an adrenaline rush or a fitness challenge Sunday 23rd April will be our first event with the return of our Ipswich Town Legends match. This year sees a twist as it will be Legends v Legends with ex ITFC players on both teams. This means that fans can bid to not only play against but also with their footballing heroes. We hope this means spectators will see a competitive (and charitable) encounter! As always proceeds from the day will be split between our Forget-Me-Not Dementia campaign supporting West Suffolk Hospital’s dementia patients, and also the ITFC Academy. Bidding for places will commence on Monday 20th February and early bird spectator tickets will go on sale on Wednesday 1st March. Sunday 28th May see’s the return of our West Suffolk Spin with the addition of a 75 mile route as well as the 25, 50 and 100 mile routes. Online booking is now open at so make sure you sign up today. If you have little ones who love cycling you can join us too for our ‘Mini Spin’ around the safety of Nowton Park with the added fun of a quiz and a medal for all participants. Next up is our brand new challenge for all you adrenaline junkies and those looking for a real challenge this year. On Saturday 10th June we are heading down to London and the Queen

Elizabeth Olympic Park to watch our fundraisers freefall abseil down the ArcelorMittal Orbit. The orbit is an incredible 262ft above the city and is the UK’s tallest sculpture. From the top our thrill seekers will be able to see 20 miles across the city and see sights such as The Gherkin and St Paul’s Cathedral. Until 31st March you can sign up for this exciting event for just £50 (usual price £85). For all the details please visit our website Orbital or contact the fundraising team on ext 2952 or 3466 or email us on fundraising@wsh. Our final My WiSH event for the summer is our Summer Fair and Dog Show on Sunday 16th July. This see’s us moving to a new venue of Nowton Park where we will have our dog show with classes for your beloved pooch to compete in plus competitions and displays and a Tail Trail around the park for you and your four legged friend to enjoy. Alongside the dog show will be our summer fair with stalls galore, bouncy castles and fun for the children plus food and drink for you to enjoy so make sure you put the date in your diary and come and enjoy a day in one of our town’s beautiful parks. I’m sure you’ll agree there is something for everyone. More details about all our events can be found on our website, Best wishes, Sue Smith Fundraising Manager @mywishcharity


If you have any questions about fundraising, any of the events mentioned above or how you can help the hospital, please contact or call 01284 712952 12 | FEBRUARY 2017


FEBRUARY 2017 | 13


14 | FEBRUARY 2017


from Nowton Neighbourhood Residents Association (NNRA) February already, Christmas and New Year are distant memories and I’m sure you’re looking forward to spring. Hopefully the bulbs in the community garden will show their heads soon so if you’re passing, pop in and take a look. February sees the annual Valentines Ball at Southgate Community Centre, this year it’s on Saturday 18th February and if you’d like a ticket to this very successful event please call into the centre and see Jackie Tooley, Centre Manager. I’ve received some comments about potholes, footpaths and road surfaces on and around the estate, the pothole in Nowton Road by Southgate

Green roundabout has been reported as have the holes at the triangle at Nowton Road / Mayfield Road. As Sarah Stamp mentioned in last months magazine there is a reporting tool for this on the West Suffolk Website which also gives the criteria for repairs. If you have any concerns regarding where you live, whether it’s potholes or flower beds you can contact us either by email at nowtonnra@gmail. com or on our Facebook page at Nowton Neighbourhood Residents Association. Ann Williamson Chairman Nowton Neighbourhood Residents Association (NNRA)

People in the Community Working for the Community FEBRUARY 2017 | 15


W hat’s been happening at...

HARDWICK Primary School Happy New Year and we hope everyone had a great Christmas and relaxing break. Thanks to the support of the FoHPS we started the year off with a pantomime Dick Whittington which the children loved and was a noisy start to term. We welcome back Mrs Bowers who has returned from maternity leave and also welcome Mrs Mills who is covering Mrs Blackmore during her maternity leave in Otter Class. Children have all settled in well to the start of the spring term and there is always a lot to be achieved into this half term as it is only five weeks long. A look at what is happening includes a Key Stage One visit to Colchester Zoo as part of their new topic. Lower Key Stage Two are holding Parent/ Carer Maths Sessions which is a good opportunity to learn how we teach maths in Year 3 and 4 so you can help your child at home. This is an initiative parents have asked for and we are planning to run similar

16 | FEBRUARY 2017

sessions for KS1 and Upper KS2. At the end of last term we said goodbye to the schools Head of Kitchen Mrs Heatrick and kitchen assistant Miss Evans, a replacement is due to start after February half term and in the meantime a relief is covering. Reviewing the Key Stage Two mid-morning snacks on offer at break time the kitchen have now started to sell healthy snack options with the cost reduced to 30p, parents are to receive a daily snack menu so they know what’s on offer each day. Finally look out next month for a report and pictures from the school’s first ever week long residential after Year 6 pupils embark on an exciting visit to the Hilltop Outdoor Centre in Norfolk. Daryl Jones – Head Teacher Andy Abbott – Vice-Chairman of Governors

Sybil Andrews Academy


First sign of snowflakes heralds an exciting 2017 for school Sybil Andrews Academy might have experienced its first taste of snow in the first week of January, but our thoughts are quickly turning to spring. It is impossible not to when you look outside the expansive windows and see how our garden is literally growing. The landscape team from Vertas have been working very hard, in all weathers, since we officially arrived in November. As the new building quickly became home and the Skyliner Sports Centre gathered apace, the landscapers have diligently and expertly set about transforming the outside environment. Our vision has always been to give this area a campus feel, with warm and inviting spaces and seating, and I am delighted with how it is looking and progressing. And it hasn’t taken long for the inside of the school to get back into full swing. January saw the launch of our spring term book club in our wonderful library setting, which was quickly followed up by a Book Mastermind

competition, won by Hannah Walker. Just weeks before our new sports centre is opened, there were notable achievements in Under-13s indoor athletics and, away from the school, success for Chloe Campbell and Lola Blofield who represented their karate club and winning the annual team kata award. We are very proud of all this success, in and out of the classroom. Slightly away from the day-to-day running of the school, but still a crucial cog in our success, is the role of the school’s parent governors. Led by chairman Paul Rayner, I am delighted with the enthusiasm and commitment they have shown to this role and the fact they want to play a welcome and integral part to Sybil Andrews Academy. Governors have been invited in to meet staff and students and the feedback I have received is that they are impressed with how it has all gone. It is all shaping up to be a very exciting 2017. Andy Prestoe, Principal, Sybil Andrews Academy FEBRUARY 2017 | 17


Tree Planting at Natterer’s Wood


his month Woodland Ways has planted trees. We selected trees which can tolerate the waterlogged conditions and clay in Natterer’s Wood. We also wanted native trees, species which colonised the British Isles after the last ice age, before Britain separated off from continental Europe. We chose downy birch, alder and willow.

surrounding the tree and prepares the way for successional species that follow it.

The downy birch, so called because the shoots are covered in soft hairs, can reach thirty metres when mature and forms a graceful airy canopy which will allow light to penetrate and help the growth of mosses, grasses, and wild flowers. We have already planted many alder trees at Natterer’s Wood and these are growing very successfully. The alder is a ‘pioneer species’, so called because it uses a bacteria in its root nodules to fix nitrogen in the soil, improves the fertility of the environment

A song thrush has sung in the wood every evening for over a year. This indicates he is probably a resident, announcing his territory. Further North, many thrushes singing at this time of year are winter visitors from Holland and Belgium. In very severe weather our native thrushes may migrate to Southern France or Spain. A century ago, they were one of our commonest garden birds, now the population has more than halved and they are on the Red list. The new trees will provide an ideal habitat for these delightful birds.

The willows should enjoy the damp conditions, willows traditionally grow near rivers and streams. They should grow to about seven metres and are dioecious, meaning male and female flowers are found on separate plants. They will produce catkins in early spring and the wind will carry the pollen to nearby trees.

Join us at Woodland Ways... Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email Follow Woodland Ways on Twitter @NatterersWood 18 | FEBRUARY 2017


it’s our 14th birthday and we’re all celebrating... We would like to give you and a charity of your choice a celebration gift!

Simply place your property on the market with us and be entered into our charity draw on the 31st March 2017. The winner will automatically receive a discount of £250 from their agency fee and All Homes will donate a gift of £250 to the winners chosen charity. It’s our way of saying thank you for the support we have received over the years and giving something back to the community.

Terms & Conditions apply. ‘We are very excited to hear from you and which charity you will choose. Just give us a call so that we can arrange an appointment and help you move in 2017’ Juliette and Diane, Directors Tel: 01359 234444 Email:












BSElocal Osteopaths Fancy signing up to your marathonLtd - The Bar T Here are some key dates: T: 01284E769153 O P A T E: appts@bur S


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20 | FEBRUARY 2017

Bury St Edmunds Osteopaths Ltd The Barn, Lawson Place, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7EW T: 01284 769153 E:



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That is why we are offering a running programme that’s available to anybody that is training for a marathon or a running event to help keep you on the right track throughout your training or before the big event.



Running/Marathon Event Programme Marathon season is just around the corner! The average finishing time globally for a marathon (26.2 miles) is 4hr 21min 21sec - that’s 261.35 minutes of continuous running, a magnificent forte achieved by many. Although for some runners, making it to the start line can sometimes feel like a marathon itself; and that’s because the training involves constant overloading, increased mileage, and improved running economy to result in reduced time and to withstand the endurance event itself. That is why periodisation and sticking to a training plan is imperative for a successful marathon so that runners don’t burn out, over train and inevitably become injured, something that can be a significant setback.

the mechanical st




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Sports Therapy can assist in a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries

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Bury St Edmunds Osteopaths Ltd The Barn, Lawson Place, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7EW FEBRUARY 2017 | 21 T: 01284 769153 E:



in Bury St Edmunds to Help Those with Hearing Loss One in six people in UK have a hearing problem, and if you think this sounds familiar there hasn’t been a better time to have your hearing checked. Hearing tests and professional advice are being made available free of charge to encourage people to take that first step. Local hearing care specialists, The Hearing Care Centre, have a hearing centre at Mount Farm GP Surgery. They will be holding a free ‘Hearing Care Open Day’ between 9am and 5pm on Wednesday 1st March 2017. All services are available by appointment only. To book your appointment call The Hearing Care Centre on 0800 096 2637 or visit

Have you been or are a cancer patient?

Have you finished or coming to the end of your cancer treatment? Do you wonder what to do next? Why not come along to a HOPE course This is a FREE 6 week self-management course and will cover topics such as: • Goal setting • Relaxation • Stress management • Fatigue management • Effective communication • Pacing yourself Each session is 2 ½ hours long, joining with other cancer patients who have or are going through the same as you. 22 | FEBRUARY 2017

The next course starts on 28th February at the Friends Meeting House, Bury St Edmunds. It will be from 10am-12.30pm For more information please contact the Macmillan Information and Support Centre on 01284 713023 Patients who have attended the course said: “After I finished my cancer treatment I felt lost and didn’t know how to move on, I went on the HOPE course and it gave me confidence and I met some great friends” “The HOPE course was just what I needed to get going again, I would recommend it t anyone” “The course gave me a new perspective and helped me believe in myself again”


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We offer a range of free services, information and advice to anyone, of any age, who is looking after someone with an illness, disability or age related condition, who could not manage alone. Suffolk Family Carers GP link worker, Sophie Gower, will be at MOUNT FARM GP SURGERY on the 1st Thursday of every month, to provide information, guidance and emotional support, or just for a chat! Look forward to seeing you!

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happy feet for all the family Qualified Chiropodist/Podiatrist Mount farm Surgery, Lawson Place, Moreton Hall, IP32 7EW. Monday–Thursday 9am to 5pm

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footforward FEBRUARY 2017 | 23


LYMPHOEDEMA WINTER CARE TIPS The skin suffers this time of year just as much as it does in the warmer months now due to the cold weather. Having the heating on, log burners and open fires all dry out our skin alongside wearing compression hosiery. The importance of skin care, i.e. hydrating the skin remains paramount, using a good moisturizer that will hydrate the skin along with drinking plenty of water to help manage dehydration. Looking after your compression hosiery by washing it every 24 hours is just as vital in order to get rid of any skin particles and any moisturizer that can sit in the knit of the material. By regular washing of garments this allows the compression garment to regain its stiffness, thickness and strength. In other words, it gives it back its oomph/ energy just like we need in the winter months. A gentle reminder not to dry your compression hosiery out directly on any heat like a radiator or in a tumble dryer, the airing cupboard is handy place to dry your compression garment out. LYMPHOEDEMA SERVICES CONTRACT - PROGRESS SO FAR The new date for the roll out of the 2017 Lymphoedema Service is now 1st October, with a Medium Interim Service operating from 1st April to 1st October. Watch this space for further information.

24 | FEBRUARY 2017

CCG statement: “For a long time, people (patients, carers and voluntary sector) have commented that there is a need to make bigger changes to further improve health and social care. The clinical commissioning group has a job to plan and buy healthcare services for the future. In this role – and to meet that need to make bigger changes - it has brought together a collection of local providers (West Suffolk Foundation Trust, Ipswich Hospital Trust, GP Federation and Suffolk Community Healthcare). It will require a joined up approach for community based services. This alliance will ensure all services are delivered in the community in line with best practice and their contracts”. 2017 DIARY DATES Monday 30th January 7 – 9pm at Moreton Hall Community Centre. 6th MARCH MEETING DATE IS CANCELLED. The new date is Monday, 27th March 6 – 9pm at Moreton Hall Community Centre. Do come along and find out more about living with and managing Lymphoedema and Lipoedema.

Further details about LSS and the Lymphoedema Service: Suffolk GP Federation CIC: 0845 2413313 (choose option 3) click on Clinical Service tab British Lymphology Society website


live happy! happy! live with with Slimming World Slimming World

MONDAYS 5.30pm & 7.30pm @ Southgate Community Centre. Call Vanessa 07850 951693 WEDNESDAYS 9.30am @ Ixworth Village Hall. Call Carla 07900 810636 THURSDAYS 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm @ Moreton Hall Community Centre. Call Kelly 07792 603204 FRIDAYS 9.30am & 11.30 @ Southgate Community Centre. Call Vanessa 07850 951693 SATURDAYS 8.30am & 10.30am @ Moreton Hall Youth Centre. Call Kelly 07792 603204 0344 897 8000 0344 897 8000 Touching Hearts, Changing Life’s


Lisa from Thurston was selected by Slimming World to feature in the December/January of edition if their award winning magazine. Lisa joined the Thursday morning group January 7th 2016 and is celebrating a fabulous weight loss of 5st 4lbs. Lisa achieved her target weight on the June 30th, an absolute incredible achievement. Lisa has suffered with PCOS and joined Slimming World to get the support with her weight and emotions behind her eating habits, to help improve her health and the symptoms that come with PCOS. Since then Lisa has changed her eating habits and has vastly improved her health. Lisa now weighing 8st 10.5lbs has found a new lease of confidence. Her consultant Kelly Cooper said ‘It’s been an absolute pleasure to see Lisa grow in confidence, she is fantastic. I’m so proud of Lisa, the group are really inspired by Lisa and she has bought so much hope and belief amongst her fellow members weekly, it’s been such a boost for everyone, but Lisa is so down to earth about it’ Lisa was asked by Slimming World to feature in the magazine after she was crowned the groups ‘Woman of the Year’. To find a group near you visit


Lisa’s loss of weight is an inspiration

FEBRUARY 2017 | 25



Welcome to the 19th hole, a place for golf tips, reviews and everything golf related.

We have reached February already, and for most of us golfers the winter can’t end soon enough. January brought cold, wet and some wintery weather with it which wasn’t great for those of us that wanted to get out and play. Some of you may have seen both myself and fellow PGA professional Simon Byford featured in the local paper recently. We launched our golf YouTube channel (PGAlife365) in May 2016, and this year we have plans to grow the channel further. Some of the content on this channel will be of interest to you all as keen golfers. Recent videos include our goals for 2017 and our NEW Monday Coaching feature, so if you would like all of content available as soon as we release it every week please head to our channel and SUBSCRIBE. Its completely FREE and throughout 2017 we will help to improve your game, offer product reviews and entertain you with lots of great content. YOUR SUPPORT OF THIS VENTURE IS GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANK YOU TOUR SCHEDULE PGA Tour Waste Management Phoenix Open, TPC Scottsdale AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Genesis Open, Riviera CC The Honda Classic, PGA National European Tour Omega Dubai Desert Classic, Emirates GC MAS Maybank Championship ISPS HANDA World Super 6 Joburg Open Coaches Corner – Pitch It Close If you watch the best players in the world week in week out, you will see just how good these players are from inside of 100 yards. This month’s coaches corner will show you some great ideas to improve your pitching technique from these key distances, it will allow you to either make use of those great drives or rescue a par where before you might have made a big number.

Set up is Key and this simple set up will allow you to achieve more consistent and forgiving strikes while playing these scoring shots. The images and descriptions here will show you key areas to focus on. The ball positon, this should be centered to just forward to allow for a swallower impact. This swallower approach into impact will allow you a greater margin for error. Check Point, a great check point is to have the grip end of the club pointing towards to the first belt to the target side of your zipper. Key Positions, these are that the shoulders should be as level as possible (will never be completely level as one hand is lower than the other of the grip). Also the arms hanging straight so that this triangle shape made by the arms and shoulders can be held throughout the swing. KEEP THE SWING SIMPLE – PITCH IT CLOSER From this set up position, you can now move the club throughout the swing using a rocking action, insuring that the club and body are moving together. You can see from the images that into the backswing and into the follow through there has been little change from the above address positions. This pitching article and others are available in video form PGAlife365 on YouTube If you are struggling if any aspect of your game, then I would be pleased to assist you in enjoying this great game more.

If you quote MHD or SGD when booking your first lesson with me then you will receive £5 off, below are my contact details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Adam Trett

The Suffolk Golf and Country Club Email: Facebook: ADT Golf Coaching 26 | FEBRUARY 2017


Anti Gravity Yoga Our December 2016 WI Meeting was party time and we all enjoyed the bring and share buffet, Christmas tree decoration competition and Chicken Foot game. Our January 2017 WI Meeting was also a time for celebration as we toasted in the New Year. We also voted for the National Resolutions. Our speaker was Martyn Taylor and he kept us amused with his talk and pictures as he took us on a tour of the town’s history exploring the A – Z streets of Bury St Edmunds. It was interesting how the streets and buildings have changed over the generations. Many of us remembered some of the buildings that no longer exist. It is surprising to learn of how many Public Houses there used to be. Also what was found on archaeological digs.


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Whilst improving flexibility & core strength, it also gives your body the chance to hang freely, allowing your spine to lengthen & hydrate.


FEBRUARY 2017 | 27




Cost effective

Time is precious

Variety is key

LRG Fitness have created an online gym, along with tips and dietary advice,they provide tailored exercise workout videos for the entire family. Workout anywhere, anytime... LRG Fitness provides a new 20 minute high intensity and body weight workout every week. These tailored programmes will be sent directly to you avoiding the need for lengthy commutes to the gym as these exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home, hotel room, office or even outside. With Christmas just around the corner LRG makes the perfect gift, ready to start that New Year resolution in 2017.

About LRG Founders Nina and Ben are a husband and wife team who initially met at St Marys’ University, Twickenham some 20 years ago. “As we have grown older, and now with a family, lifestyle choices including diet are equally as important to us as it is

for them. Wanting to combine our passion with our talents by offering a unique service that provides health and lifestyle benefits has driven us to form LRG Fitness”.

to be, short and concise completed in 20 minutes or less, yet provide you with all the benefits. Burn more calories and fat in the 24hrs after a HIIT workout than conventional aerobic exercise.


Work out to a variety of tailored programmes designed and coached by former British Sports Aerobic champion Nina.

There are three memberships currently on offer, one for individuals, a family membership and a corporate membership. They include weekly tailored exercise videos sent directly to your inbox, nutrition ideas, lifestyle tips, track success, plus access to the LRG Fitness online community.

Sent directly to you each week to increase focus and ensure better results. Get leaner, stronger, healthier, more agile and improve sports performance. Get support on food recipes, lifestyle ideas and advice.

The benefits You can workout from as little as 66 pence per day for an individual/couple or family membership.

For more information or to sign up, please visit www. or to request further details

You can save time. LRG’s HIIT workouts are designed

from Ben or Nina email them at FEBRUARY 2017 | 29


Tapas-Meze-Dim Sum-Chichetti By Maria Broadbent, Restaurateur

All of these are names for small plates of food. For Casa Del Mar the emphasis is on tapas & meze - tapas originate from Spain & meze cover Morocco through to Greece.

How to choose tapas & navigate around menus based on sharing... Traditionally tapas would be enjoyed over a period of a few hours whilst sipping your drinks & talking at length. We encourage you to be leisurely when you have the time but many customers choose to eat over a more English meal timescale!

How many dishes? We recommend 2-3 per person, I would always suggest splitting the dishes into a couple of rounds with complementary flavours - especially if their are 3 or more of you dining.

What to mix & in match?

A main meze round could contain a mixture of tagines, salads or you can plump for a main course each if you prefer. It is just the most flexible way of eating - once you have grasped the concept it is really sociable. Plus you end up with very little waste as someone will always clear up the bits in the shared dishes!

Opening Hours: Monday CLOSED. Tuesday - Thursday 11.30am-10.00pm (Last food orders 8.30pm). Friday & Saturday 11.30am-11.30pm (Last food orders 10pm). Sunday CLOSED


The beauty of small plates & sharing dishes is that is is very easy to accommodate special dietary requirements. Many people are choosing to exclude certain food groups from their diet for reasons of health or ethics. The increase in dining out/takeaways combined with the current interest in nutrition & lifestyle choices - means there is an increased demand on restaurants to provide a tasty meal which is good for your body as well as your soul! I am always being asked what each eating style actually means! So here goes...

Healthy & Fresh

Spanish & Moroccan dishes work together amazingly well - this reflects the Moorish influences in traditional Spanish cooking. Moroccan also works well with the Persian & Israeli dishes we serve - saffron, pomegranates & turmeric. In turn the Middle Eastern dishes will complement the Greek dishes. Alternatively you can kick off with a cold or hot platter - follow with a few fish course with dishes such as chorizo squid, garlic & chilli king

prawns & fritto misto (mixed battered deep fried fish)

Dairy Free

Vegetarian Everything except meat & fish

Vegan Plant based diet - so no meat, fish, dairy, eggs or honey.


Plant based diet with fish As for vegan - with the addition of fish.

Gluten Free No gluten - this is the sticky protein in wheat & other grains that gives bread & pasta is elasticity. It can effect people who are intolerant to it by causing bloating, pain & upset tummy. However if you suffer from coeliac disease this is an auto immune disease and even the tiniest amounts of gluten can cause excruciating pain and discomfort for up to 2 weeks.

Both a chef I know and my youngest daughter suffer form dairy intolerance - this means avoiding all dairy, whether cow, goat, sheep etc. Symptoms vary but included bloating, abdominal pain, watering eyes & irritability.

Pescatarianism Does not eat meat but will eat fish

Low carb, low GI (Glycemic

Index) This is a popular choice for detoxing & energising. The idea is to remove refined carbohydrates from your diet - this generally reduces calorie intake but more consistently reduces spikes in blood sugar levels. On top of these some people have allergies to deal with -these can include anaphylactic reactions, especially to certain nuts.

We will be running cookery demonstrations with lunch/dinner included. These will include an introduction to tapas and dealing with a dietary requirement. For dates & prices please visit our website

follow us: casadelmarbse

98 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA. Tel. 01284 701313. Email:

FEBRUARY 2017 | 31


Peppered Fillet Steak with Parsley Potatoes

This supper is for two, so push the boat out on a prime cut of beef- great for a romantic night in Ingredients: 3 large red-skinned potato, peeled and cut into large cubes 2 tbsp olive oil, plus a drizzle extra 1 garlic clove, minced Small bunch flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped 2 beef fillet steaks (each about 140g/5oz) 1 tsp cracked black pepper Small knob of butter Watercress Salad, to serve

Method: Tip the potatoes into a pan of water, bring to the boil, simmer for 2 mins, then drain. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan. Add the potatoes and sizzle gently for 20 mins, tossing occasionally, until golden and crispy all over. When the potatoes are cooked, add the garlic to the pan and fry for 1 min more. Finally, toss through the parsley, season with sea salt and set aside. Meanwhile, rub the steaks with a drizzle of oil, then press in the black pepper. Heat a griddle pan until hot, and cook the steaks to your liking (2½ mins each side for medium rare, 3½ mins for medium, 4½ mins for well done). Leave steaks to rest for 5 mins, then top with a knob of butter and serve with the potatoes and some watercress salad. 32 | FEBRUARY 2017

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FEBRUARY 2017 | 33


Strawberry & White Chocolate

Choux Buns

Fill light choux pastry with a creamy vanilla custard and Greek yogurt filling then finish with fresh fruit for a lower-sugar valentines dessert Ingredients:

For the choux pastry 50g butter 75g plain flour 2 large eggs 1 tbsp flaked almonds (optional) For the filling 2 tbsp custard powder 300ml milk ½ tsp sugar free vanilla extract 150ml Greek yogurt 15g coarsely grated white chocolate 125g small strawberries, halved dusting of icing sugar (optional)

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34 | FEBRUARY 2017

Method: Line a large baking tray with baking paper. Heat oven to 200C, 180C fan gas 6. Heat the butter in a nonstick pan with 125ml water until melted. Increase the heat until boiling then remove from the heat and quickly beat in the flour until the mixture comes together as a ball. Cool 5 mins then beat the eggs with 1 tbsp water then beat into the pastry a little as a time to make a thick glossy mix. Spoon onto the baking tray in 8 equal size blobs then add the almonds if using poking them into the mixture. Bake for 25-30 mins until well risen and golden. Take from the oven make a slash in the sides and return to the oven for 5 mins more to dry out. While baking make the filling. Mix the custard powder with a little of the milk then, with the remaining milk and vanilla put in a non stick pan and cook, stirring over the heat until thickened. Stand for 5 mins then beat in the yogurt and set aside to cool, stirring frequently to make sure a skin doesn’t form. When cold, stir in the grated chocolate. Reserve 1 tbsp of the custard mix then use the rest to fill the buns. Distribute all but 8 halves of strawberries between the buns, then blob a little of the remaining custard filling on top and add the reserved strawberries. Lightly dust with the icing sugar before serving if you like.

For that intimate dinner for two or a party for up to 40 people in our private function room upstairs, our menu has a wide variety of contemporary indian food for all taste buds. Come along and try us.

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36 | FEBRUARY 2017

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Casa Del Mar…new year new dishes It is no secret that Casa Del Mar is one of my favourite places to eat. The food is always tasty, the welcome warm, the atmosphere relaxed and the wine chilled, so when Maria asked me if I would like to come and sample some of the new dishes available on the menu, of course, I jumped at the opportunity! Armed with a good girl friend for company, we ventured in to town on a chilly January evening to banish those January blues. We were sat in the conservatory alongside a family that were out dining with their children who seemed to be enjoying the choice of tapas style eating. The décor and the temperature were warm and welcoming in contrast to the chilly breeze outside. Having dined there before, Maria knew what I did and didn’t like so arranged a selection of the tapas dishes for us to try. We had… • Halloumi with roasted Mediterranean veg and muhammara • Lamb Tagine with pilaf • Fritto Misto • Garlic & Chilli King Prawns • Babaganoush with tomato salad & pitta • 3 Hummus with pitta (classic, harissa & dukka) • Belly pork with chorizo & black eye bean stew with Mediterranean veg • Spiced root vegetable rosti with muhamarra

38 | FEBRUARY 2017

Everything was served beautifully and came out to the table at intervals allowing us to enjoy everything. I love the sociability of this style of dining and also the fact that I never end up with ‘food envy’ wishing I had ordered what others have! Now to the tasting part – the halloumi (easily a favourite of mine) was well complemented by the fresh roasted vegetables and the addition of the muhammara sauce which gave it that little bit of extra flavour with the red pepper. The lamb tagine I could easily have eaten as a main. It was tender and flavoursome. I also noted that it was the perfect sized meal for my children, so I shall certainly be bringing them next time! Now, sadly, I can’t eat anything that lives in water (another reason for bringing my friend) but she assured me that the ‘fritto misto’ was very lightly battered – crispy on the outside but nice and tender in the middle. The garlic and chilli king prawns were apparently ‘succulent and juicy’ also! I wasn’t entirely certain I had tried Babaganoush before but it was really tasty. I am not usually that fond of aubergine, but you can’t really tell that is what it is and went with all the other flavours of the food brilliantly. The hummus was

also very nice. The pork belly was cooked to perfection and topped off with a nice bit of crackling. The black eyed bean stew it was served with was amazing – I was really in food heaven here! Finally, and certainly not to be over looked, was the spiced root vegetable rosti – absolutely to die for! Another one for the family here!! I enjoyed them immensely but I can see us fighting over the last one if I came here with my family. We washed everything down with a delicious bottle of Argentinean white wine! Maria, who joined us, was doing ‘dry January’, but rather than having to sit there and watch us enjoy our wine, she had a ‘de-alcoholised’ white wine spritzer! It was actually a really nice drink if you are driving or laying off the booze after a heavy Christmas!! At the end we were comfortably full! I do love a desert but I rarely have the space so Maria bought out a mini chocolate pot, topped with salted pistachios and pomegranate! It was the perfect end to a delicious meal! Thank you Maria for having us and feeding us so royally! If you entered our December crossword competition, check the first page of the magazine to see if you have won a voucher to come and try for yourself!!


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Review by Cat Dube FEBRUARY 2017 | 39 DECEMBER 2015 | 39



Luxury Accommodation The Fox Inn is a 15th-century Inn located on Eastgate Street within easy walking distance of Bury St Edmunds Town Centre. Boasting 6 beautiful boutique rooms situated in the converted historic barn, it makes a truly luxurious break without having to travel too far! With excellent food on offer serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, treat yourself to an evening in the Fox!

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40 | FEBRUARY 2017


Managing a Family Split


he breakdown of a marriage or relationship can be a difficult time and emotionally draining.

As solicitors we cannot take away the emotional pain but we can help by providing independent advice. The first thing to do if your marriage or relationship breaks down may be to find out where you stand and most solicitors including Rudlings Wakelam offer a stand-alone meeting at a fixed fee. Such a meeting can be wide ranging, covering your various options such as divorce or a separation agreement also what arrangements you need to make for any minor children and the various ways in which financial matters may be resolved between you.

Here at Rudlings Wakelam all members of our family department are also members of Resolution which is the association for family lawyers and we are therefore committed to resolving family issues in a constructive way, helping you to focus on what is important in the long term and putting the best interests of your children first. We will use our experience to guide you through the options available to you. The Resolution (first for family law) website can be very useful to visit. This can be accessed via

“We cannot take away the emotional pain but we can help by providing independent advice�.

An initial meeting with a solicitor can be used to discuss the possible costs of the various options available to you and to agree the next step that you need to take which may be as simple as talking to your spouse or partner or self-referring to mediation, which is a referral to an independent, usually legally trained, mediator who will help you move towards an agreement. At a stressful time such a meeting with a solicitor can be very important so be prepared to take a note or bring a friend or relative with you as two pairs of ears are definitely better than one.

Once you have decided what your next step is, we can work with you to move forward for example by sending a letter to your spouse or partner or by drafting a divorce petition. No matter what you decide to do, all steps would be agreed with yourself beforehand.

In order to resolve financial issues the first step is nearly always a process whereby you and your spouse or partner exchange details of your financial means and this can be dealt with through solicitors or mediation and is also the first thing that happens if court proceedings to resolve financial issues need to be started. At the initial meeting we can advise on keeping yourself safe both physically and financially during the breakup process. At all times we will listen to you and help to give you the confidence to make the right decisions for you and your family.

For further information please contact Kira Arden on 01284 715665 or email

RudlingsWakelam Solicitors

...advice for life FEBRUARY 2017 | 41


Real Romance



ebruary the 14th, a day for wining, dining and romance… or something like that. Of course when you’ve been married ten years and have a young family, these dates are basically forgotten. That’s not to say you don’t appreciate your partner any less, or that they don’t still need you. The mundane domestics tend to take precedence over such occasions, and getting the kids PE kit ready, fixing the stairgate, or sorting the ironing out may be more important that particular evening. It’s not about one evening though. It’s about the other 364 days and nights. Not just the family stuff, like the torturous all-night tag team parenting with crying babies, or working out the logistics for school drop offs and impromptu trips to the doctors. The magical, and

42 | FEBRUARY 2017

increasingly rare, moments alone together. Like snatching an unexpected 45 min child free (#amazing!) walk together in the cold winter sunshine one afternoon before school pick up, or having a laugh sorting the spare room whilst the little ones are playing with granny downstairs. I’m not one for giving or receiving gifts just for the sake of it. I have enough ‘stuff’ to not want much more (see spare room issue referenced above). Personally I’m happy with a simple smile and unspoken mutual understanding that we work well as a team, very well. A solid unit that has strength far beyond the sum of its parts. Despite all this middle aged drivel, it may surprise you to know I do recall being young. I know Valentines

Day can be a bit of a mixed bag of emotions. It’s funny now, but I remember spending hours choosing a card for someone when I was at school. The heart ache and teasing of expectant cards that never materialised or unexpected ones that did. That said, as was quite normal back then, girlfriends really didn’t register on our radar until we were at least 16 or 17. We were far too busy playing football and messing about to think about that! So, however you mark the date with your loved one; by sharing a few peaceful minutes over a cuppa, going out for a meal, or perhaps a trip to watch Ipswich get hammered by Brighton & Hove Albion, enjoy the evening… but remember, there are a whole load of other equally precious days in the year.

HOME + LIFESTYLE Now taking orders The new 17 plate arrives 1st March 2017 at Bury St Edmunds Audi

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Traditionally hand sewn Roman Blinds, Curtains, custom made Nursery Bedding and more

Ballroom dancing - ever wondered what all the fuss is about? Come and try our new Beginners Ballroom and Latin class. New class starting: MONDAYS from 20th February 7.00 - 7:45pm British Sugar Social Club IP32 7BB Class costs ÂŁ10 per couple

See our website or contact Lisa on 07808 208814 for further details.

Free home measuring service Large collection of stunning fabrics Haberdashery Roman Blind and Curtain Supplies Cushions and Bedspreads For further information please contact Vanessa Thompson

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01359 272695

FEBRUARY 2017 | 43


Bury St Edmunds Golf Club Bury St Edmunds Golf Club offers a welcoming social environment. With an 18-hole championship course and a slightly easier, but still challenging 9-hole course, plus expert coaching to help you improve your game.

Pathway to Golf

Bury St Edmunds Golf Club understand that many people aspire to start (or restart) golf, but the process can seem daunting and expensive. They’ve created a programme designed around the stage you’re at, with easy progression, and in small groups to keep the costs low. After a free 15 minute assessment you will be invited to join one of the following programmes:



• coaching in small groups (4+) • covers basics of the swing, chipping and putting • includes loan of equipment • assessment for further progression

• coaching for technique improvements • in small groups (3+) • intro to 9-hole course incl 1 lesson on-course • special deals for green fees and further lessons

(£50 for 6 lessons)

(£75 for 6 lessons)

ACADEMY • 9-hole academy pass • coaching tailored to individual need • discounts on lesson packages • assessment for academy ‘handicap’ • progress to the 18-hole course

The 9-hole course is open to the public on a pay-and-play. Frequent players can pay £65/month for unlimited golf, with no contract term. For those keen to join the Club, they have now introduced a scheme to pay the joining fee over 5 years and you can become a golf and social member for the equivalent of just:

9-hole course: approx. £13/week 27-hole

(both courses) approx. £21/week



Bury St Edmunds Golf Club Tut Hill Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP28 6LG Tel: 01284 755979

44 | FEBRUARY 2017


Every month I share a crafty activity to try at home. I’m Michelle and I own the crafty foxes. I run adult and children’s workshops, children’s crafty parties, after school clubs, hen-dos and a wedding/events mobile crafty creche.

This month sees the re start of the Crafty Kids Club at Denny Bros. Held on the last Saturday of every month. See for more information. Today we look to valentines and I show you how to make a bleeding tissue art bookmark. You will need 2 coloured sheets of tissue paper, the cheaper the better, a sheet of white A4 watercolour paper, a piece of square card, prit stick, a paintbrush, water, a hole punch and some ribbon. • Cut the paper width ways into strips approximately 15cm wide • Fold your card in half and cut out half a heart • Stick the heart somewhere on the bookmark. Don’t use a lot of glue as you want to be able to peel it off at the end • Cut your tissue paper into small squares approx. 8cmx8cm • Using your brush paint water all over the bookmark. Then position each square down on top creating whatever pattern you wish • Brush over the paper with more water and wait 10 minutes for it to dry • Once dry remove all of the tissue paper and the card heart • Colours should have bled onto the paper, except where the heart was • Punch a hole in the top and thread through some ribbon.

FEBRUARY 2017 | 45


IN !

Crossword NO.22








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This month Auto Park MOT 10 11

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18 19



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ACROSS 7. Accomplishment making one suitable for a job (13) 8. Suave (8) 9. Repetition to aid memory (4) 10. Primarily (7) 12. Allow in (5) 14. Softly radiant (5) 16. Rise again (7) 19. Form of accommodation (4) 20. Entirety (8) 22. Petty (13)


DOWN 1 Sovereign prince (4) 2. Recess (6) 3. In a friendly manner (7) 4. Induce fear (5) 5. Kept hold of (6) 6. Hating (8) 11. Mountainous region (8) 13. Bear witness (7) 15. Place a larger offer (6) 17. Set free or release (6) 18. Supply sparingly (5) 21. A melody in general (4)

Good Luck!

EMAIL ADDRESS: TEL NO: Closing Date for entries is February 17th 2017. Winner will be notified by telephone. 46 46 || FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 2017 2017

Please post entries to us at: Crossword Competition, Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7BE

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FEBRUARY 2017 | 47


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Official Government Environmental Data. Fuelconsumption consumptionfifigures gures mpg mpg (litres (litres fficial Government TestTest Environmental Data. Fuel FWD: Urban: 37.2 (7.6), Extra Urban: 55.4 (5.1), Combined: 47.1 (6.0). CO 2 emissions: 14 WD: Urban: 37.2 (7.6), Extra Urban: 55.4 (5.1), Combined: 47.1 (6.0). CO 2 emissions: 14 Personal contract hire offer on Mokka X Active 1.4i Turbo (140PS) Start/Stop FWD including free of charge metallic paint with OnStar and 4G Wi-Fi, on vehicles ordered an

rsonalthen contract hire offer on Mokka X Active 1.4imiles Turbo (140PS) Start/Stop FWD including of charge metallic paintpence with per OnStar 4G Wi-Fi, onalso vehicles an 35 monthly payments of £239. Excess over contracted mileage of 24,000 overfree 36 months charged at 7.30 mile.and Excess charges applyordered if you breac en 35 monthly of £239. over contracted mileage of 24,000 over 36 months charged at 7.30 Excess charges also notice. apply ifFor youfull breac Packagepayments includes Road FundExcess Licencemiles and Vauxhall Assistance. Guarantee/indemnity may be required. Prices andpence detailsper aremile. subject to change without spe ckageFinancial includesConduct Road Fund Licence and Vauxhall Assistance. may and be required. Prices and network details are subjectand to change without For full spe Authority. ˆOnStar and 4G Wi-Fi hotspotGuarantee/indemnity services require activation are subject to mobile coverage availability. Wi-Finotice. hotspot service re be different from included in the require free trialactivation period. Check for coverage details of availability, coverage charges or ask nancialpackages Conduct could Authority. ˆOnStar andthe 4G services Wi-Fi hotspot services and are subject to mobile network and availability. Wi-Fiand hotspot service re of Apple from Inc., registered in the U.S. andinother countries. #FuelCheck consumption information is official government data, tested accordance with ckagestrademarks could be different the services included the free trial period. for details ofenvironmental availability, coverage andincharges or ask other factors. Correct at time goingcountries. to press. General Motors UK Limited t/a Vauxhall reserves the right to change, amend or withdraw this offer demarks ofnon-technical Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. andofother #Fuel consumption information is offiMotors cial government environmental data, tested in accordance with her non-technical factors. Correct at time of going to press. General Motors UK Limited t/a Vauxhall Motors reserves the right to change, amend or withdraw this offer


s/100km) and Mokka X Active 1.4i1.4i Turbo (140PS) Start/Stop s/100km) andCO CO2 2emissions emissions(g/km). (g/km). Mokka X Active Turbo (140PS) Start/Sto # 40g/km. # 40g/km.

nd registered before 1 April 2017, subject to availability and status. Age 18+ only. Figures based on a non-maintenance contract hire package with advance rental of ÂŁ3,346,

nd before 1 April subject to availability Age 18+ only.Fair Figures a non-maintenance contract hireit package with advance Leasing. rental of ÂŁ3,3 ch registered manufacturer servicing or2017, maintenance guidelines or ifand thestatus. car exceeds BVRLA Wearbased & Tearon guidelines for its age/mileage when is returned to Vauxhall ch manufacturer servicing maintenance guidelines if the carthe exceeds BVRLA Fair Wear Tear guidelines its age/mileage it is returned to Vauxhall You willornot own car. ALD Automotive Ltd., & trading as Vauxhallfor Leasing, BS16 3JA. when Authorised and regulated by theLeasi ecifi cation and Ts&Cs contactoryour local Retailer. You will not own ALD Automotive Ltd., trading as Vauxhall Leasing, BS16period. 3JA. Authorised regulated by ecification and Ts&Cs contact your local Retailer. equires account with nominated mobile network operator. 4G subject tothe mobile coverage availability. Charges apply after free trial The OnStarand subscription your Vauxhall Terms and conditions apply. Vehicles haveavailability. the required technology retro CarPlay and Applesubscript are equires accountRetailer. with nominated mobile network operator. 4Gpurchased subject towithout mobile OnStar networkcannot coverage Charges apply afterfitted. free Apple trial period. The OnStar hyour the relevant directive. Officialand EU-regulated data is provided for comparison and actual depend onretro driving style, roadCarPlay conditions and VauxhallEU Retailer. Terms conditions test apply. Vehicles purchased without purposes OnStar cannot haveperformance the requiredwill technology fitted. Apple and Apple rhatthe anyrelevant point in EU time. directive. Official EU-regulated test data is provided for comparison purposes and actual performance will depend on driving style, road conditions a r at any point in time.



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HOME + LIFESTYLE Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.

FEBRUARY List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: DARK BRONZE MOTHER AND DAUGHTER LAMP £15. Tel: 01284 754601 NOVELLINI GLASS SHOWER SCREEN bath mounted £10 Tel: 01284 754601 ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER £10.00 Tel: 01284 754601

3-SEATER SOFA as good as new Green cushion included. Maximum width 2.15 m. Seat width 1.55m Seat depth max 65cm, centre 59cm. Seat height 45cm. Sofa height 79cm. Price £350, ono. Buyer to arrange collection from Moreton Hall Tel. 01284 700807

BEAUTIFUL PROM DRESS. USA size 4/UK size 6. Short, gold sequinned, “ frothy” dress by Night Moves. Worn once only. MATCHING EVENING BAG and high heeled gold shoes, size 6. £ 70 ono. Tel: 07786 228341

Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller. 52 | FEBRUARY 2017


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Safe for Wool

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TELEPHONE Stephen Strelitz 01787 223857 07793 153987 FEBRUARY 2017 | 53


Scholarships and Open mornings – This is now my fifth piece and as I am writing this many of you will be sifting through more adverts and editorials from schools explaining why you should choose one particular school over another. But what are you going to see that may make you choose a school at this time of year, that hasn’t prompted you to have a look already? The answer probably lies in what the school is actually offering and is it attainable without overstretching yourself. We are about to start the academic year’s next round of Open Days, and in fact ours will be held on the 4th March. During it, we will be aiming to demonstrate to you all the reasons why we think that we provide the best all-round education in the area. You will have an opportunity to see our pupils, and our teachers, showing off all their talents in

54 | FEBRUARY 2017

lessons that will replicate what actually goes on in the class, day in and day out. I say replicate mainly because South Lee’s Open Morning takes place on a Saturday and as we are a day school we don’t normally have Saturday school. Interestingly, the pupils love coming in for the morning and are genuinely proud of their school and look forward to seeing as many visitors as are prepared to come. There will also be an opportunity to discuss with staff the scholarship possibilities at South Lee. We have a competitive scholarship programme that is open to both internal and external candidates. The 8+ scholarships are for pupils wishing to enter the Prep School at Year 4 and are worth a maximum 25% off fees and involve the pupils spending a morning sitting

online exams in English and Maths and then completing an essay. The 11+ scholarship exams come in two parts, firstly the academic scholarship which is the same format as the 8+, and then there is also an Allrounder scholarship which is a combination of the tests, plus an interview where the pupils get an opportunity to discuss their talents and demonstrate what they can offer the school outside of the classroom. In recent years, our all-rounder scholars have been able in sports, drama or music as well as being able to demonstrate above average competence academically. Again, the scholars can be awarded as much as 25% off fees. Interestingly, pupils who are awarded a scholarship in Year 4 can top this up by gaining another scholarship in Year 7, so it is possible to complete your education at South Lee with as much as 50% of the fees. More


– the choice seems to be endless! importantly pupils who join South Lee will have the benefit of small class sizes, but where competition is still possible, a place on a team and taking part in fixtures whatever their ability or interest (we run A & B teams in all sports and across the age ranges) and a chance to perform

and be involved in what can only be described as an allencompassing family school where every child matters. So if you are the parent of a budding Einstein, the next Jonny Wilkinson, have a daughter with a bowling arm

like Anya Shrubsole or who can sing like a young Charlotte Church, or just get the feeling that South Lee could be the school for your child, then please come and see for yourself and let us show you what they could become.

r Mervyn Watch, Headmaste

FEBRUARY FEBRUARY2017 2017 | | 55 55


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56 | FEBRUARY 2017

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*At the end of the agreement there are three options: i) own the vehicle: pay the optional final payment; ii) return the vehicle: subject to fair wear and tear, charges may apply; or iii) replace: part-exchange the vehicle. 6.9% APR representative available on vehicles 90 days to 5 years old. Offers available on used ŠKODAs purchased with a Solutions Personal Contract Plan from ŠKODA Financial Services. Offer available when ordered by 3 April 2017 from participating retailers. Offers are not available in conjunction with any other offer and may be varied or withdrawn at any time. Finance subject to status. Terms and conditions apply. Available to 18s and over. Subject to availability. Accurate at time of publication. Freepost ŠKODA Financial Services. We can introduce you to a limited number of lenders to assist with your purchase, who may pay us for introducing you to them. ‡ŠKODA Approved Warranty is available on all Approved Used ŠKODA models purchased from a participating ŠKODA Approved retailer and includes only the first year’s MOT cover. T&Cs and exclusions apply. Accurate at time of publication. Freepost ŠKODA Financial Services. ^£139 service plan available on Approved Used ŠKODAs and includes a maximum of 2 consecutive services compromising: FEBRUARY 2017 |1 x57 major service and 1 x minor service. Any other work outside this service schedule is not included.


The person

behind the Ad...

Juliet Woods from Moreton Hall Post Office Moreton Hall Post Office is a franchise Post Office based in the heart of the busy Moreton Hall area of Bury St Edmunds serving both local residents and visitors with all their Post Office needs.

How long have you been here at the Post Office? Since August 2016.

What did you do before having the Post Office? I am actually a qualified management and have worked for several local businesses doing their accounts. Most recently I worked for 5 years for an engineering company based on Rougham Industrial Estate. There were a few changes in the businesses while I was there and I felt the time had come to look for a new opportunity.

So, what made you decide to take over the Post Office? Actually my husband had worked for the Royal Mail for 30+ years and I used to be a post woman as which was, hands down, the best job I’d ever had. I also knew the previous owners so I knew the business and when the opportunity came up I knew it would be just the change I was looking for.

What is the best part of your job? Without a shadow of a doubt getting to know the locals, talking and chatting to them.

58 | FEBRUARY 2017

Symonds Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7EW Tel: 01284 769841

What is your biggest achievement to date?

and the worst… Being restricted by what the Post Office will and won’t let me do. There is a lack of autonomy for me to do exactly what I want.

When you are not working, what do you enjoy doing? I like to try and keep fit but working 8am – 6pm can sometimes make that a little tricky. Like anyone else, I have a fantastic group of friends who I enjoy socialising with. I like going to the cinema, reading, eating out…nothing majorly out of the ordinary.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people would know… Like Paddington Bear, I love marmalade sandwiches!

Completing the London Marathon in memory of my Father.

Are you locally born and bred?? No – I was born in Manchester. I was a military child so moved around a lot until we ended up being based in Honnington which is how I came to love and live in Bury St Edmunds.

Where did you go to school? Thurston Upper.

If you could choose 1 famous person to have dinner with (dead or alive), who would it be and why? Neil Morrissey – I think he is lovely… definitely my guilty secret! I actually met him once and thought he was a really nice guy and very down to earth.

What would you choose to eat at that meal?

Glam Rock.

Baked potato with chilli, cheese & coleslaw! I know its really boring but I absolutely LOVE baked potatoes.

And film…

And drink...

Shawshank Redemption.

Zinfandel Rose.

What is your favourite music?

FEBRUARY 2017 | 59



New showroom NOW OPEN

Barton Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7BE Telephone: 01284 361283 60 | FEBRUARY 2017

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Telephone: 01359 232221

Free government funded places available for 2 and 3 year olds.

FEBRUARY 2017 | 61


Garden Confidential

by Paul Clarke

What to do in your garden in February...

62 | FEBRUARY 2017



You may not have invited them in but low and behold you probably have some wild violets in your garden. As one of the earliest winter flowers in bloom they are of course to be welcomed. Wild violets (Viola odorata) have heart-shaped leaves with purple-blue flowers. You are most likely to spot them under trees as they do enjoy a little shade but do well in most conditions. Once you have a few they tend to self seed and can became invasive to the point where you are digging them up as a weed. However before you do remember the colour they provide and are also how prized they are in some of the high brow restaurants where they are often used in salads as they are rich in vitamins. Violets take care of themselves and can be transplanted either in Spring or Autumn.


Am I being too harsh on February when I say it’s one redeeming feature is that it’s the shortest month of the year. Yes of course I am! February comes from the Latin word februa which means to cleanse. The Romans had a month long festival of purification and I think we can follow the same idea in our gardens. If the weather permits this is a great time to tidy up your borders by removing any dead growth from your perennials. Compost any dead material and if you have some compost mulch around your plants. Good time to clean your tools and get lawn mowers serviced for the year ahead.



Pauls jobs for the month General Maintenance

n Mole activity increases in February as it is the mating season and they are building nests. I’ve seen this more frequently over the last few years in Town gardens and it then requires a specialist to remove them. n Install water butts now ready for the summer. In an average summer gardeners can collect up to 640 litres of rainwater from a 7ft by 5ft shed. Rainwater is particularly useful for watering acid-loving, ericaceous plants such as azaleas , camellias and Pieris as tap water is often slightly alkaline.

Vegetable and Fruit Garden n This is a good time to plant a fruit tree. Most gardens can find room for a dwarf fruit tree. Remember to stake it to prevent wind damage.

This months poem...


n If you have rhubarb it is time to force it. When you see the first shoots cover them with a big pot. n If you haven’t done so already now is the time to prune your Autumn Raspberries . Cut the stems to the ground.

Flower Garden n One of the first seeds you can sow indoors are Sweet Peas. Put 2 or 3 in a 3ich pot with mix of seed compost and sharp sand n Prune Winter Flowering Jasmine after flowering to encourage new growth for next year’s blooms. Cut back the previous years growth to 5cm from the old wood. n Winter flowering pansies provide some welcome colour as long as you make sure to regular deadhead spent flowers n Prune overwintered fuchsias back to one or two buds on each shoot.

n Cut back the old foliage from ornamental grasses before growth begins - clip them to within a few centimetres of the ground. n The dead leaves on your Bergenias can be removed n If you haven’t done so already prune back your hydrangeas to remove dead flower heads back to a strong bud n Prune your Wisteria now, cutting back summer sideshoots to 2 or 3 buds. n Take hardwood cuttings of ornamental shrubs such as Salix, Forsythia, Ribes, Rosa, Weigela, Cornus

“The day is ending, The night is descending; The marsh is frozen, The river dead. Through clouds like ashes. The red sun flashes On village windows. That glimmer red.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Afternoon in February


One-off jobs or regular maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis hedge trimming | grass cutting | general weeding & tidying up

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FEBRUARY 2017 | 63


t last we have moved out of January, and if you are like us you probably felt a bit lost after Christmas! February can be extremely cold and stormy so in this month’s article we give you some ideas of how to keep warm and cosy, and save money at the same time. For more ideas on home heating and draught exclusion visit and

1 Use the correct size heater for your room A 1200W heater will cost around 67p for 4 hours, a 1600W heater will cost about 89p for 4 hours. Over 3 months that could cost you an extra £20 (= 67kg of CO2).

3 Insulate your hot water cylinder with a lagging jacket of at least 80mm A well fitted tank lagging jacket could save you around £25 to £35 a year, which is more than the cost of the jacket!

2 Lined and/or heavy curtains can reduce heat loss from a room through the window at night and cut draughts. But don’t let your curtains hang over a radiator as this will stop heat radiating into the room.

4 Draught-proofing is a simple way to beat cold


Keyhole - buy a purpose-made cover that drops over the keyhole. Letterbox - use a letterbox flap or brush, but measure before buying! Gap at the bottom of the door use a brush or hinged flap draught excluder.

EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham and Simon Dry. If you have any queries please visit or email 64 | FEBRUARY 2017

These ideas can save you £££’s! For more ideas on saving money & the environment visit

Are you are going to buy a new appliance? Whether it is a new gas heater or washing machine, click on the symbol above when you see it on It will show you the best options both economically and environmentally for each item.




Behind the green door… Focus12 is an independent charity established in 1997. A community based residential treatment centre offering 4 - 12 weeks primary treatment. Focus12 in the last 19 years has helped over 1200 people, we work towards an abstinence based ethos and setting that supports clients to live a normal life while engaging in an intensive residential treatment programme; we now refer to this unique service as our clients’ holistic Treatment Journey.

Our service offers… Detoxification from both drugs and/or

alcohol, under the supervision of our highly trained and experienced staff.

Introduction to engagement with mutual aid and 12 step fellowship community recovery networks.

Abstinence based treatment with group

Specialisms - we accept dual diagnosis

therapy, one-to-one counselling, including personalised psychosocial and holistic care plans.

clients as well as those leaving HMP establishments.

Workshops to develop further


Experiential recovery and complementary therapy such as art,

Our package also includes family intervention, including family conferences and a dedicated family group

understanding of addiction and recovery.

yoga and outdoor programmes.

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Housing, welfare and benefit support

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and other similar issues faced by our clients.

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Aftercare and reintegration individually

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designed to improve the client’s chances of long-term recovery, minimising risk and enhancing individual responsibility. This service is free of charge to the client.

If you, a family member or friend need support, please do not hesitate to call today on 01284 701702. FEBRUARY 2017 | 65


Hello Everybody!

I hope you’re all well and haven’t been too cold throughout the miserable weather. Hope you enjoy this months page!

molly xx

Meringues HP Sprocket This month I am going to be sharing with you some very delicious little snacks. I made them the other day to take to a friends and they went down a treat! I bought meringue nests and you can put whatever you would like in them. In the base bit I usually put whipped cream, so I bought whipping cream and just whizzed it up with an electric hand whisk until it formed peaks . I didn’t put lots of that in though because I didn’t want it to be full of just cream. After that I chopped up some strawberries and raspberries and popped some on top. I made mine symmetrical because I thought it looked more professional! As a little extra on top I added some mini eggs and a little grated chocolate. You can find mini eggs in most shops as Easter is fast approaching! To do the small chocolate bits I used a really small grater, it was tiny! Enjoy!

66 | DECEMBER 2015

This is amazing!!! I absolutely love this piece of technology! It’s really hard to explain what exactly it is without showing you but I’ll give it a go. Basically it is a really small printer (about the size of an iPhone 6) that can print off pictures from your phone. If you want to, you can put a Polaroid frame around it, add emojis, text and so on. Usually I put different frames around it to make it that bit more personal and sometimes some text. It’s really fun to watch it come out of the machine, it always makes me and my mum laugh. The paper is really clever as it has all of the ink in it so there is no need to top up the ink cartridges like a normal printer. It’s so much easier to use! The paper is all you need to buy and then 3 simple steps and you’re ready to use. First you have to download the HP Sprocket app, then connect it with Bluetooth to print it and then print something!


Food! This place is heavenly! This is an amazing restaurant, good service, great food and lovely people. I really recommend this place to anybody/ everybody. As I am vegetarian I can be fussy where I eat but I love Mexican food. It has lots of chicken, beef and other meat dishes as well as vegetarian ones. When I go I share nachos to start and order a veggie burrito for my main. It always comes out nice, hot and fresh in a good time too. Another thing that’s really nice is they do these special Mexican drinks called Jarritos. They come all the way from Mexico and come in all different flavours. I like the mango one, it’s so refreshing.







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FEBRUARY 2017 | 67


Living with Love Over the Christmas period, my husband and I had the privilege of sharing two of our best friend’s wedding day with them at St Mary’s Church in Bury St Edmunds followed by the most gorgeous winter reception at Culford School. The setting was idyllic, the air crisp and the sky blue. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day. I love a good wedding ceremony with my hankies at the ready witnessing two people make such a sacrificial commitment to each other - to love and to cherish, through sickness, through health, through hardship and blessing. And the look on the grooms face when he first sees his bride walking down the aisle! It has to be one of my most favourite moments. The overwhelming 68 | FEBRUARY 2017

love radiating from his face. Wedding’s have such a simple beauty, two gorgeous people who’ve found love and choosing to embrace life’s journey together. Whatever your opinion on marriage, an avid endorser or the more cynical type, I’m sure you’ll agree, a individuals craving for love, affection and relationship is one that is common to all. Relationship, whether in friendship or more intimately features in the majority of our lives, very few of us live it total solitude. Humankind thrives in relationship with others and for relationships to blossom, love, (I dare to suggest) is the most important central component. We’re made to live with love.

HOME + LIFESTYLE At the wedding I mentioned earlier, I was asked to do the reading during the ceremony and in true Lizi Long style I couldn’t just pick a well known Bible reading and stick to the script

so I wrote a piece of prose which as it’s February (and Valentine’s days is approaching) I thought I’d share with you this month. I hope it inspires you to ‘Live with Love.’ Here goes…

Musical notes jumbled together on a stave, sounding a beautiful melody. Two hearts joined by love, destined to beat heavens rhythm. Lives united like raindrops and roses, whiskers and kittens, a favourite combination. Love abundantly shared, poured out like a flood and courageously expressed. Life’s source is love, roots go deep into the depths of unfailing love. Loves presence can dwarf an army, scale any wall looming ahead. When the dog bites or bee stings heed loves remedy. No fear can be present, the darkness displaced by perfect love. Look up to the heights, eyes gaze at the mountains. Help is bounding over the hills, a valiant knight leading heavens procession. Help is found in love, the maker of heaven and earth. Though we sleep, love does not slumber. Love watches. Love is the shade in the day and the moon guiding at night. Love soaks us. Saturated to the core with one of life’s favourite things. Faith, hope, love will always remain. Love shouts out ‘I’m the greatest,’ hearts now sing as one. Bask undivided in the beauty of unblemished love. Love shower down. One hand grasping hold of another, kiss in the rain, embrace in the rain, run in the rain. Drenched by love; faultless and unfailing. So during February can I encourage you to live with love dripping from your fingertips? Give a friend a hug, ask your partner how you can make their day better, bake some cookies for a neighbour, look your little one in the

eye and tell them how much you love them, hold someones hand. Let your life source be love, let love soak you so that you can drench others with love. Make love one of your favourite things! Happy Valentines Day. Lots of Love! Xx Love

Lizi Long FEBRUARY 2017 | 69


Symonds Road Bury St Edmunds IP32 7EW

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MOBILITY CLINICS FOR CATS & DOGS Slowing down? Getting creaky? Arthritic? Trouble getting up? Has your pet lost their bounce? Our nurses can help get it back! Phone for an appointment. Bury: 01284 753961 • Thetford: 01842 753991 Mildenhall: 01638 713980 FEBRUARY 2017 | 71


The 1XV faced a tough December with four losses in a row against top end of the table opponents, but after a well-earned Christmas break fortunes looked set to improve with a 23-20 away win against Worthing, boosting morale. It wasn’t to be the Wolfpack’s day against 4th place Taunton Titans at The Greene King Haberden though mid-January and there seemed to be a lack of cohesion during the first half against London Irish WG away. A spirited come back in the second half couldn’t quite level the match which finished 36-24. During our first home game of the month Northampton Saints Senior Academy and BSE 1XV player Toby Trinder was awarded St Edmunds Butcher’s Man of the Match. Despite some cancellations due to weather conditions the seniors have continued to perform well with the Wolfhounds winning three matches in December and against Worthing at the beginning of January. The Foxes remain top of their league winning the last 7 games. It was a strong end to December and start of January for the youth, sponsored by Culford School, with U16s becoming Suffolk Plate Champions, U15s making an excellent start to their defence of the Suffolk Cup and the U13s becoming Suffolk Champions. On the social side, the club continues to thrive with huge numbers of loyal members. A large Club choir raised £363.68 for St Nicholas’ Hospice during the annual Carol Singing Tour whilst a bumper crowd turned out for the Boxing Day Under 30s versus Over 30s match.

Bury St Edmunds Minis started back after the excitement of the Christmas break with a U12 & U6 Guard of Honour, supporting BSE 1XV as they played Taunton Titans, before all Minis commencing training the following day. January has seen the worst of the winter weather so far with frost and below freezing temperatures stopping play across the Eastern region. Although rugby is played in wind, rain, mud and even on occasion quite warm sunshine it is not safe for our Mini players to play in these conditions. All players have been sundancing in the hope that they can turn the weather and recommence play!

72 | FEBRUARY 2017

M Come alive! AKE YEAR 5


Horringer Court | Westley

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Year 4 parents have a choice...

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Make a positive choice

Find out more about the Bury St. Edmunds All-Through Trust. You are welcome to make a personal appointment to look around either our Horringer Court or Westley campus. Why not check out our ‘Outstanding’ County Upper campus too?

Horringer: 01284 755626 Westley: 01284 755144

Visit: FEBRUARY 2017 | 73


Ickworth House Discover blankets of snowdrops scattered around the pleasure grounds in February. Explore our Italianate Palace and the treasures within when the House opens on the 4 March. When you visit, donate, volunteer or join the National Trust, your support helps us to look after special places for ever, for everyone.

Š National Trust 2016. The National Trust is an independent registered charity, number 205846. Photography Š National 74 | FEBRUARY 2017 Trust Images\@NationalTrustImages.


Ickworth House


Park and Gardens

Photos by Justin Minns Photography

A Georgian Italianate palace located just 4 miles outside of Bury St Edmunds. Dust away the cobwebs and explore everything Ickworth has to offer this month. From winter welly walks through carpets of snowdrops to half term fun and activities, there is something for everyone. Wander around Ickworth for great views on a crisp winter day and follow the path along Lady Geraldine’s Walk, as well as The Albana Walk, where snowdrops are complemented by the golden glow of aconites. If it is carpets of white you are looking for, Ickworth is the place to visit.

On the 8 February, Ickworth’s Outdoor Manager, Sean Reid will lead a speciality walk revealing the many varieties of Snowdrops growing in the Pleasure Grounds. Looking for things to do this February half term? Spend a day at Ickworth enjoying a variety of children’s craft activities and games in the comfort of our West Wing Gallery. Make and take home some fun spring time crafts that your children will love. Of course you can always head outside to enjoy the play area, den building area and magical stumpery. The House will be open

from 4 March this year and visitors are invited to step back in time to the 1930s in the servants’ basement and discover the stories below stairs with a Living History day on 11 March. Or simply enjoy the magnificent house and the treasures it holds, including the WW1 Exhibition and walking trail to discover the story of Ickworth during the war and the impact it had on the people who lived on the Estate. For more information and for opening times visit Ickworth FEBRUARY 2017 | 75


WINDOW & DOOR REPAIRS Broken door or window locks & handles Mouldy/misty poly roof sheets l Broken/misty glass units l Yellow/cracked door panels l Letter boxes or cat flaps l Security chains/Spyholes/Knockers l Hinges for doors & windows l Locksmith/Barrel Locks changed


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FEBRUARY 2017 | 77


78 | FEBRUARY 2017


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DECEMBER FEBRUARY 2015 2017 | 79


at The Apex, Bury St Edmunds

Handel’s glorious Coronation Anthems

Four Coronations and a Funeral Handel: Handel: Handel: Handel: Purcell: Handel:

Zadok the Priest Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened The King Shall Rejoice My Heart is Inditing Funeral Music for Queen Mary Organ Concerto Op. 4 No. 6

James Recknell organ Prometheus Orchestra Philip Reed conductor

Saturday 4 March 2017, 7.30pm The Apex, Charter Square, Bury St Edmunds Tickets from £14 via the Apex Box Office 01284 758000 or from our website

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A Local Ecumenical Partnership


All children are very welcome at our morning Sunday services where they have their very own Sunday Club. With fun crafts, stories, games and music, children will love being part of what happens every Sunday. Looking for something to keep the children happy in half term?

Come and join us for our Hearty Party on Tuesday 14 February, 10.30am – 1pm. What better way to end the month than joining us for some delicious pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, 28th February from 3-5 pm. Everyone welcome.

A Heavenly Valentine

For God so loVed the world That he gAve His onLy begottEn SoN That whosoever Believeth In him Should Not perish But have Everlasting life. John 3:15

For further details please contact Jackie Tooley o 82 | FEBRUARY 2017


whats on in FEBRUARY

SUNDAY 5th FEBRUARY 10.30am Together on Sunday Service suitable for all ages

SUNDAY 12th, 19th & 26th FEBRUARY 10.30am Morning Worship Services with groups for children of all ages

Holy Communion Service

Every Thursday morning 9.15 to 9.45am in the Church Centre

SUNDAY 12th FEBRUARY 5.15pm - 6.30pm Café Theology in-depth Bible discussion with refreshments

invites you to a

THURSDAY 2nd & 16th February 2.30pm Friendship Club for older people Programme available on our website.

THURSDAY 9th February Thursday Club - Ladies Group 7.45pm Programme available on our website.


10am to 12noon every Monday Morning in Church Centre Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and chat. All of our events and services are held in Southgate Community Centre, Caie Walk. Minister – Revd Peter Gibson Our regular Sunday services start at 10.30am. Sunday Club runs from 10.30am to 11.45am. We have mid-week groups for children of all ages. For more details of these please contact Jackie Tooley, Administrator on 01284 703705 or email

on 01284 703705, or visit our website at

FEBRUARY 2017 | 83

What’s on



MACCA: THE CONCERT (music) Thursday 16th February Celebrating the Music of Paul McCartney. Starring West End leading man Emanuele Angeletti (‘Let It Be’) as Paul McCartney, this is a celebration of the music of a legend... In the first concert of it’s kind to tour the UK and Europe, Macca: The Concert - featuring acclaimed West End performers and using state of the art visual media projection throughout celebrates McCartney’s entire solo career from 1970-2016. The show includes all his best loved hits, the acclaimed ‘Wings over the World’ 1975-6 concert tour, and a selection of Beatles favourites. Experience the drama of ‘Live and Let Die’, the pathos of ‘No More Lonely Nights’, and the nostalgia of ‘Band on the Run’ alongside many more! Starts: 7.30pm. Tickets: £25 in advance / £20 on the door. Book online.

LEE NELSON: SERIOUS JOKER (comedy) Wednesday 22nd February After getting into trouble for sneaking into places he shouldn’t be, Lee Nelson is back where he most definitely should be... live on stage with his brand-new, laugh-out-loud, best ever stand-up show. “Comedy legend” - The Sun “Comedy genius” - The Mirror “You should be ashamed of yourself” - Sepp Blatter Starts: 7.30pm. Tickets: £20 Book online.

*Times and dates correct at time of going to press. Please check with organiser for full details/availability. 84 | FEBRUARY 2017


Bury ConcertSeries

Bartosz Glowacki accordian

7.30pm Monday 20th February 2017 Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street IP33 1RH

“A leading light in the new generation of accordionists.” Programme includes:

Scarlatti Zolotaryov Pärt Piazzolla Sponsored by the Countess of Munster Recital Scheme

74th Season

Tickets £15 (Students £5)


Box Office • Theatre Royal • 01284 769505 • Tickets also on the door as available Season’s membership £55 Membership contact • Sue Tanner • 01359 230457 •

Bury St Edmunds Concert Club - Registered Charity 1050483 FEBRUARY 2017 | 85


y r a u ebr





Director Mel Gibson Starring Andrew Garfield, Sam Worthington, Luke Bracey, Teresa Palmer, Hugo Weaving, Rachel Griffiths, Vince Vaughn Mel Gibson directs Andrew Garfield in the visceral true story of a war hero who didn’t fire a single shot Scarred by childhood experiences with his alcoholic WWI veteran father (Hugo Weaving), devout Seventh Day Adventist Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield) resolves never to touch a gun. This proves something of a challenge when he enlists in the army to fight in WWII. As a conscinetious objector, Desmond insists on his right to serve as a medic. But he’s bullied by his unsympathetic comrades, who consider him to be a coward. His greatest test comes during the notoriously bloody Battle of Okinawa. Returning to the director’s chair for the first time in a decade, Mel Gibson celebrates a very different kind of hero in this intense, blood-soaked true-life tale of faith, courage and patriotism. Andrew Garfield is on outstanding form as the pacifist whose single-handed acts of bravery saved 75 lives.

86 | FEBRUARY 2017




Director M. Night Shyamalan Starring James McAvoy, Anya Taylor-Joy, Jessica Sula, Haley Lu Richardson, Betty Buckley



Director Pablo Larraín Starring Natalie Portman, Peter Sarsgaard, Greta Gerwig

James McAvoy excels as a crazed kidnapper with multiple personalities is this nerveshredding horror-thriller Schoolgirls Claire (Haley Lu Richardson), Marcia (Jessica Sula) and Casey (Anya Taylor-Joy) are kidnapped by a stalker named Kevin (James McAvoy). They awake to find themselves locked in an underground cell at the mercy of their sinister captor. During visits to his shrink (Betty Buckley), it becomes clear that Kevin is no ordinary sociopath but suffers from dissociative identity disorder. This manifests itself in the form of 23 distinct personalities, from a mischievous nine-yearold boy to a flamboyant fashion designer. But there’s also a 24th personality battling for control. Ominously, he refers to this as ‘the beast’! Hailed by critics as his best film since the legendary ‘The Sixth Sense’, M Night Shyamalan’s edgeof-seat psychological horror delivers plenty of those trademark jawdropping twists. James McAvoy is also on magnificently terrifying form as he shifts between personalities.

A searing and intimate portrait of one of the most important and tragic moments in American history, seen through the eyes of the iconic First Lady, then Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy. JACKIE places us in her world during the days immediately following her husband’s assassination. Known for her extraordinary dignity and poise, here we see a psychological portrait of the First Lady as she struggles to maintain her husband’s legacy and the world of “Camelot” that they created and loved so well.

FEBRUARY 2017 | 87


SOUTHGATE Community We have a busy month coming up. Be part of it! Our ever popular Community Fun Day is scheduled for May Day itself this year. Get the date in your diary now.

Be part of our Valentine’s Ball! If you came last year, or the year before, you will want to come again – if you didn’t, you missed a treat! So book your places now for the 2017 event. Tickets are £35 per head which includes a welcome drink, three course professionally cooked meal with wine, bar, and live entertainment and dancing with the Marrakesh Swing Band. All net proceeds will be donated to West Suffolk Hospital My WiSH charity, and the Mayor’s charities. Tickets are available from the Community Centre Office or Andy Abbott on 07508 4090143. See you there!


Next eyes down on Friday 10th February & Friday 10th March starting at 7pm. Sally looks forward to seeing you for a great evening!

COACH TRIP TO LONDON IN MAY Our next trip is on Saturday 20 May leaving Home Farm Lane at 9am, dropping off at the Embankment, returning at 7pm. This gives you plenty of time in the capital for sightseeing, shopping or a theatre matinee. We have held the ticket price at £15 per person and these are available from the Community Centre office. This excursion is always fully booked - so hurry!

Contact Jackie Tooley on 01284 703705 or e 88 | FEBRUARY 2017


This is your Centre...




© Abbott Photography



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A Sporting Chance! Sports Scholarships can make private school affordable, writes Chris Moxon, Head of Moreton Hall Prep School on Mount Road … It’s no accident that many private schools offer generous sports scholarships, often up to 50%, to pupils who have significant talent. Parents can also apply for bursaries for extra financial support. Excellence at sport is closely allied to the prestige of the school: it shows that the school is offering an all-round education and teaching important life lessons like how to play as part of a team. That is certainly the case here at Moreton Hall, where our children do sport every afternoon of the week and play competitive matches against other private schools from far and wide. When fees are seen as expensive, sports scholarships can make the difference between sending your child to private schools or not. Our recently launched 11+ Sports Scholarship Programme for next September has already sparked much interest locally amongst those parents who might not otherwise have considered private education an option but are very keen to ensure that their child’s sporting potential is realised and nurtured in the right environment. Moreton Hall offers Sports Scholarships in Rugby, Football, Cricket, Hockey, Netball, Rounders and Swimming: usually a combination of several of these sports depending on the individual child’s talents. Crucial to their development is the expertise and experience of our Sports Staff. One look at their biographies on our website will explain why Moreton Hall Sport is so highly regarded in the private school world: and that’s before you look at our outstanding results! I am very happy to chat at any time with parents who may wish to give their children that sporting chance.

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Directory health

& beauty

Stephen John Salon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 700100 PT Joe Personal Trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07917 714557 Rachels Mobile Hairdressing. . . . . . . . . . 01359 233371 Bury Osteopaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769153 Slimming World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly 01842 824980 Just Hair Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232007 Best Foot Forward Chiropodists. . . . 01284 753563 Sam Hendrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07473 502920 Allisons Mobile Hairdresser . . . . . . . . . 07552 382590


& fitness classes

Suffolk Age UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 757740 LMA Acting & Dance School. . . . . . . . . . 01359 271925 Dance Fitness. . . . . . .

Martyn Webb Plumbing Services. . . 01284 852554 Fix A Leak Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 269415 MA Smith Tiling . . 07899 890765 or 07887 754114 Pete Austin Electricians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 747284 Abbeygate Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 763244 Oven Clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 259818

home furnishings CTS Carpets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 361283 Hartwell Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753310 Enspire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755420 Lescale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 272695


& letting agents

PIT Group Design & Print. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 765092

Taylor Engall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725800 Wards of Stanton Removals . . . . . . . . . . 01359 251198 Castle Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 254042


business services


& design

Carrs of Bury St Edmunds . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752525 Auto Park MOT & Service Centre. . 01284 706888 Premier Bodyworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755558 Vindis Skoda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 799616 Skoda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 799616


& landscape

Bluestone Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 716405 Archley Driveways & Landscape Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 724486 Stuart Langston Arboricultural Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 760107 Paul’s Garden Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723625


& maintenance

Frames Conservatories Direct. . . . . 01284 700456 MAS Building & Maintenance. . . . . . . 07595 426757 Windows, Doors & Conservatory Advisory Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 615653 Window & Door Repair Centre. . . . . . 01284 615653 The Naked Builder Carpentry & Building . . . . 01284 811111 Higham Forge & Fabrications . . . . . . . 01284 810810 Local Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723396 Rob Harrington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 789074 NJT Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723389

Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors . . . . . . . . 01284 715665 Gage Computer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 764574 Simply Secure Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750019 Saffron Sitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0330 2210583 Tinkerbells Nursery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232221


& drink

Orissa Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 719116 Slates Restaurant & Carvery. . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Thomas Ridley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270536 ICE cooking classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270102


& social clubs

Pot Black Sports Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Bury Golf Range & Golf Store . . . . . . . 01284 723894 Moreton Hall Community Centre . . 01284 763405 Planet Laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 220102

FEBRUARY 2017 | 93









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 242526 27 28 94 | FEBRUARY 2017



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DECEMBER 2015 | 95

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