10 | SEPTEMBER 2016
14 | SEPTEMBER 2016
South Lee’s Headmaster, Mervyn (Fyn) Watch has now been in post for just under 18 months. He moved to Bury St. Edmunds in 2011, with his wife, Rosie, 3 boys and Mabel (a chocolate Labrador) to take up the post of Deputy Head, and in March 2015, he stepped up to acting Headmaster and subsequently Headmaster. Prior to moving to Suffolk, Fyn and Rosie both taught at Wells Cathedral School, in Wells, Somerset. I would describe South Lee as a popular, small, caring, co-educational day school in the heart of Bury St. Edmunds. We are now in our 55th year and the school has a strong tradition of preparing pupils for both Independent and State senior schools. Embracing the school’s motto, ‘All Have Talent’, and placing great emphasis on pastoral care, we nurture and enable pupils from nursery to Year 8 to find and build on their talents. Over the last 2 years, investment in key areas has resulted in our pupils gaining a broad range of scholarships (academic, sports, music and all-rounder) to some of the country’s leading senior schools. More recent developments, including extended provision and investment in the arts (a dance studio in the new sports hall), have further strengthened the breadth of opportunities pupils at South Lee enjoy. Like all schools we are busy. On any given day, pupils can arrive from 7.30am, where they can enjoy breakfast before registration starts at 8.30. Once lessons have concluded (3.15pm for Pre Prep or 3.45pm for Prep School) pupils involve themselves in a full range of activities
Headmaster, Mervyn Watch with his wife Rosie.
and clubs, and for those who need it 2nd prep, often accompanied by Mabel, finishes at 6pm. We would love you to join us so that you can experience for yourself the friendly atmosphere and happy, productive environment. Contact our Registrar to arrange an individual visit.
er Mervyn Watch, Headmast
South Lee School, Nowton Road, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 2BT. Tel. 01284 754654 52 | SEPTEMBER 2016
have been blessed with three wonderful children. Watching them grow is quite mind blowing and their daily changes never ceases to amaze me… as does the price of school shoes! Seriously, I mean gram for gram it would be like my shoes costing £500 or something?! As a petit family, their delicate little feet need super narrow fittings. Evidently narrower than 90% of styles available. Once you also eliminate the girls ‘shoes’ with open fronts, shiny toes and pictures of Elsa on, the choice is… well, limited shall we say. It’s clear to me that no one on the Clarks/ Startrite design board has ever had a primary school aged daughter go through a winter term. If they did, they would be flooding the market with steel toed Dr Marten style combat shoes rather than those pathetic ballerina sandal things.
54 | SEPTEMBER 2016
As for the boys, well it’s a similar story. My son may be 8 years old, but he usually has to wear shoes designed for 5 year olds (due to his small fittings). Again, the pictures of dinosaurs and aeroplanes on the shoes is beyond me to be honest. Maybe I’m old fashioned, but a school shoe should be plain, functional, and of course fitted? The gender split is of course entirely unnecessary. We’d happily have our daughter in the more robust looking ‘boys’ shoes, but infuriatingly they don’t go down to her narrow fitting. It really is about time the leading brands realised this and started producing gender non specific, comfortable, plain black, fitted school shoes. On the positive side, one short trip to a supermarket later and the rest of the
school uniforms are basically sorted for the year. All for less than the price of one pair of shoes! As for the old, outgrown uniforms. Well, it’s crudely sorted. One pile to keep, and one pile to recycle. The ‘keep’ pile is then split again, one pile to store for the littlest to reuse in years to come (scary to think she’ll be at school in a couple of years!?), the other to offer to friends with suitably sized kids. And so the annual school uniform merry-go-round stops for another year. A quick trip to the barbers, maybe a new water bottle, and we’ll be good to go. Ready for that day in September which, at times this summer, has been a tiny flicker of light at the end of a very long, very dark, tunnel. Yes, the first day of term is nearly upon us. Phew. Next stop…. Christmas. Doh!
Flower Garden n You can start to plant spring bulbs n Again with Spring in mind plant wallflowers now n The middle of September is the very latest date for planting Christmas hyacinth bulbs so that they are in flower for the 25th December n Look out for opportunities to collect seeds from your perennials n Tidy up ferns by removing dead brown fronds around the base n Prune your climbing roses this month- remove some of the oldest woody stems and tie in any new shoots that are emerging n Continue to deadhead and water your plants n Most perennials benefit from division every two to three years to maintain health and vigour such as Japanese Anemones n It’s a good time to take hardwood rose cuttings
n Lift and harvest your late potatoes and onions n Keep the hoe going to prevent weeds getting the upper hand n If your tomatoes are starting to split this is a sure sign of uneven watering. Try to ensure the compost never dries out n Lift marrows, pumpkins and squashes off the ground with straw or upturned plastic flower pots, in order to keep them clean and reduce slug damage. n Keep the runner bean harvest going as long as possible by regularly watering and removing any older pods on the bush
General Maintenance n Prune out any dead branches on your Acer trees n If you have bald patches in your lawn scuff up the soil with a fork and apply grass seed and keep watering n Long leader branches will often appear in hedges such as holly give them a clip back to keep them neat and tidy and control their size n Top up bird baths regularly n Clean out bird feeders and start to replenish with seeds and nuts n Cut back tree branches and hedges overhanging your garden border n Now is a good time to clean water butts as accumulated debris can pollute the water n If you have Water lilies in your pond you will know they grow vigorously. Keep on top of them by removing leaves regularly before they rot in the water .
“By all these lovely tokens. September days are here, With summer’s best of weather. And autumn’s best of cheer.”
n If you are lucky enough to have one or two Apple trees then a sure sign that they are ripe is when you start to see windfall apples around the tree. n Most strawberry plants will have produced runners. If you don’t want any more plants cut these off and compost otherwise use the runners to establish new plants
This months poem...
Vegetable Garden
- Helen Hunt Jackson, September, 1830-1885
Pauls jobs for the month
One-off jobs or regular maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis hedge trimming | grass cutting | general weeding & tidying up
Doing the jobs you don’t have time for... Call me for a quote on
01284 723625 or 07952 938010 Email: burygardener@talktalk.net
SEPTEMBER 2016 | 63
HOME + LIFESTYLE Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number. List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: studio@burystedmundsdirectories.co.uk
SEPTEMBER 2 - 1000 x 450 Radiators 3 - 900 x 450 Radiators they are single radiators with heat vain’s at the back, including wall brackets As new, very good condition, £30.00 the lot. Cash on collect Please contact Tom on 01284 749412. CHICCO BABY BOUNCER, red with pale blue insert. £15 O.N.O. Tel. 01284 7657674 ‘SHOPRIDER CÓRDOBA MOBILITY SCOOTER 8 mph, large wheels, swivel seat. Good condition, full service history, manuals and charger. £500 ono. Tel. 01284 768498. HEDGE TRIMMERS Spear and Jackson, 600W, 66cm blade, £5. Tel. 01284 765797
TRAVEL COT AND MATTRESS, Good condition. Free for collection. Tel. 01284 768498.
TWO BEDSIDE UNITS AND A TV STAND in brown wicker with black metal frames. Good condition. £20. Tel. 01284 724670. 96 LITRE EHEIM TROPICAL FISH TANK with light, heater and filter, includes new filter pad and accessories. £30. Tel. 01284 749558 GAZEBO HOMEBASE BASIC, 270cmx270cm. Unpacked, but never used. £10. Tel. 01284 765797 FOOTBALL BOOTS Size 11, Adidas, purple, very little wear, £5. Tel. 01284 765797
Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.
64 | SEPTEMBER 2016
Many of us will know the timeless story of a boy called David and a giant named Goliath. David was the gutsy, strong and determined little brother of 7 older siblings. His job was to tend the fields and look after the sheep, protecting the flock like a good shepherd boy from any impending danger; and in his pocket he carried a slingshot and a few stones which he gathered from the ground. Then there is Goliath, the giant in the story, appearing vast and magnificent, towering above the boy named David yet unaware of the character and wisdom David held within. David stands before Goliath on the battlefield, looking up with a quiet confidence and boldness whilst Goliath stares arrogantly down upon him, bragging of his easy victory ahead. We’d all expect the giant to win, to crush the boy like a fly. But, then the unexpected happens, David reaches deep into his pocket, draws out his slingshot and stone, and launches it right between the giant’s eyeballs! With that, CRASH, down to ground Goliath falls, defeated. The small boy is stands there the victor and the giant just lies powerless at his feet. I love this story and I tell it often to my boys, secretly reminding myself of its wisdom for my life as well as theirs. We all get up close and personal with giants in our lives and not all are big friendly ones, just like Sophie found out in Roald Dahls, The BFG (another one of my favourite stories). Sophie discovered there are some big, maneating giants like Fleshlumpeater and Bloodbottler out to tear strips off us, making us feel small, undervalued, unimportant, unsuccessful, lacking in talent, beauty, social status. Giants that stand in our way of reaching our potential or stop us from daring to try something different, stifling our dreams and feeding us nightmares. As with the story of David and Goliath or Sophie and The BFG or even Jack
68 | SEPTEMBER 2016
and the Beanstalk, I’ve noticed that the trick in defeating said giant is to BE READY. Be aware of the Giants in our lives; the people, the circumstances, the environments that loom over us making us retreat back rather than push forward. This could be a person at work who consistently puts you down or treats you unfairly, a bully in the playground, a fear of something like failing or looking silly. Experience has shown me that Giants come in all sorts of guises, often appearing out of nowhere or where we least expect them. The important thing is to get good at recognising your giants and the feelings that come along with them. This is the first part of being ready. The second part - David could see
his giant. Yes, Goliath was standing there in front of him, physically big and strong, head to toe in armour but David saw his weakness and knew that he could defeat him. He squared up to Goliath and reached into his pocket for what he had with him, a slingshot and stone. I always think of that slingshot and stone and think how often David would have used them to protect his sheep, it was part of the shepherds kit bag, that’s why he had them with him after all. Reaching into his pocket David drew out his previous experiences and victories he had from looking after his sheep on the hillside. I tell my boys, think about how many wolves or little giants David had slain with his sling before coming face to face with Goliath. Each giant or big circumstance we face and overcome we should put
into our pockets, ready to draw out when the next Goliath stands in our way. Isn’t it a great story? There are so many about little people defeating big giants! It’s what storybooks are made of, those appearing weak overcoming the apparent strong. I’ll finish on a little quote from the Bloodbottler in The BFG, “Runt! Is you there, Runt? I is hearing you jabbeling!” As the new term creeps up and your children start a new school or class, maybe you start a new job or face a difficult situation at home, I encourage you to stop jabbeling! Remind yourself of a giant story and reach into your pocket, be ready and defeat the giant. There are dreams out there waiting!
Lizi Long
written by
SEPTEMBER 2016 | 69
GREENE KING LAUNCHES NEW MILES FOR MACMILLAN FUNDRAISING CHALLENGE Pub company and brewer’s team members to cover enough miles to the moon! Greene King, the country’s leading pub retailer and brewer, has today launched its first company-wide fundraising challenge in aid of its corporate charity partner, Macmillan Cancer Support. Greene King’s Miles for Macmillan is a campaign aimed at achieving enough miles to get to the moon, quarter of a million miles, during the next three years. The pub company’s 44,000 team members, as well as its guests up and down the country, will be encouraged to walk, run, bike, hike and swim, all in the aid of the cancer charity. The campaign’s wheels will get into motion in September, with a 60 mile bike ride from Manchester to Leeds, as part of Macmillan’s Challenge Cancer challenge. Team members signed up to the cross-Pennines event are busy preparing themselves. Rooney Anand, chief executive officer at 70 | SEPTEMBER 2016
Greene King, said: “We are thrilled to be launching such an ambitious, yet exciting challenge. Our team members have always been right behind the partnership and I am proud with how supportive and committed they have been over the last few years. Already, we have people willing to sign up for our Mount Kilimanjaro climb, which will take place later next year! “The goal of covering enough miles to get us to the moon works out at just over five miles per team member each, and with the passion and energy our teams have, I am confident we’ll get there. “However, it goes without saying that the money our teams collect, especially those who work in our pubs, comes from our generous guests. They too are extremely supportive of our partnership with Macmillan and we could not have raised as much as we have if it were not for them.” Lynda Thomas, chief executive of Macmillan Cancer Support, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to hear that Greene King team members will cover this
massive distance to raise money for people affected by cancer, as well as awareness of the illness. This will be an incredible achievement, and testament to the commitment and support Macmillan has received from Greene King team members and customers throughout our partnership. “Good luck to everyone taking part - the money you raise will help us to ensure that people with a cancer diagnosis and their loved ones get support when they need it and where they need it.” The money raised will continue to fund vital services such as Macmillan nurses and local support programmes supporting people with cancer to better self-manage in their own communities. In March 2016, the pub company announced that its team members and guests had raised £2 million for Macmillan; doubling its initial target set in 2012 of £1million. To mark the milestone, it renewed its partnership with the cancer charity for a further three years.
10.30am - TOGETHER ON SUNDAY SERVICE Informal service for all the family. 6.30pm - Breaking of Bread Service
SUNDAY 11th, 18th & 25th SEPTEMBER 10.30am - Morning Services including groups for children of all ages
Holy Communion Service
every Thursday morning, 9.15 to 9.45am in the Church Centre
5.15pm - Café Theology in-depth Bible study with refreshments
THURSDAY 1st and 15th SEPTEMBER 2.30pm - Friendship Club for older people
THURSDAY CLUB - WOMEN’S GROUP Thursday 15th @ 7.45pm
programme available on our website www.southgatechurch.org.uk
CoffeeStop 10am to 12noon
every Monday Morning in Church Centre. (except Bank Holiday Monday 29th SEPTEMBER) Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and chat. We have mid-week groups for children of all ages, which will be running again from week beginning Monday 5th September. For more details of these please contact Jackie Tooley. Our website is www.southgatechurch.org.uk
on 01284 703705, office@southgatechurch.org.uk SEPTEMBER 2016 | 83
Directory health
& beauty
Stephen John Salon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 700100 PT Joe Personal Trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07917 714557 Rachels Mobile Hairdressing. . . . . . . . . . 01359 233371 Bury Osteopaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769153 Slimming World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly 01842 824980 Just Hair Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232007 Best Foot Forward Chiropodists. . . . 01284 753563 Duet Diabetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01799 584178
& fitness classes
Suffolk Age UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 757740 LMA Acting & Dance School. . . . . . . . . . 01359 271925 Dance Fitness. . . . . . . www.studiodancefitness.com
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PIT Group Design & Print. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 765092
motoring Carrs of Bury St Edmunds . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752525 Auto Park MOT & Service Centre. . 01284 706888 Premier Bodyworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755558 Vindis Skoda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 799616 Rawlinson CitroĂŤn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 727904 Rawlinson Automotive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 727909
& landscape
Bluestone Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 716405 Archley Driveways & Landscape Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 724486 Stuart Langston Arboricultural Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 760107 Paul’s Garden Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723625 Park Fencing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07891 777459
& maintenance
Frames Conservatories Direct. . . . . 01284 700456 MAS Building & Maintenance. . . . . . . 07595 426757 Windows, Doors & Conservatory Advisory Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 615653 Window & Door Repair Centre. . . . . . 01284 615653 The Naked Builder Carpentry & Building . . . . 01284 811111 Higham Forge & Fabrications . . . . . . . 01284 810810 Rejuvenate Property Services. . . . . . . 01284 850337 Local Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723396 Rob Harrington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 789074
NJT Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723389 Blue Flame Gas 24/7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07862 712041 Martyn Webb Plumbing Services. . . 01284 852554 Fix A Leak Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 269415 MA Smith Tiling . . 07899 890765 or 07887 754114 Pete Austin Electricians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 747284 Oven Clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 259818 The Stove & Fireplace Centre. . . . . . . . 01842 766888 TBS Plant & Tool Hire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 788122
home furnishings Hartwell Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753310 Enspire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755420 Village Green Blinds . . . . 01379 669209 / 07931 959892
& letting agents
Taylor Engall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725800 All Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 234444 Wards of Stanton Removals . . . . . . . . . . 01359 251198 Castle Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 254042
business services Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors . . . . . . . . 01284 715665 Ayling Computer Services . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 701482 Gage Computer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 764574 Simply Secure Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750019 Saffron Sitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0330 2210583 Little Larks Day Nursery. . . . . . . . . . . . . 07949 685262 Tinkerbells Nursery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232221
& drink
Orissa Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 719116 Slates Restaurant & Carvery. . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Country Farm Meats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 235237 Thomas Ridley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270536 ICE cooking classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270102
& social clubs
Pot Black Sports Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Bury Golf Range & Golf Store . . . . . . . 01284 723894 Moreton Hall Community Centre . . 01284 763405 Kinetic Adventure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725911 Planet Laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 220102 Abbeycroft Leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753496
SEPTEMBER 2016 | 93