617 salisburystarw

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Vol. 4, No. 3


June 2017

WALK FOR A CAUSE- Shown are Wallace and Kim Butler at the Salisbury Kidney walk. Kim Butler gave her husband a great gift eight years ago. See page 3.

Fitness and Outdoor Recreation

Local venues provide a source for outdoor recreation and fitness. Pages 8-10. 3RD WAVE- 3rd Wave Brewery in Delmar adds a new canning line. Page 6 INSPIRATION- Former NFL player speaks to area youth. Page 18


Avery Hall................................... 14 Bulletin Board.......................24-25 Business Digest........................ 12 Business Directory...............32-33 Church........................................ 17 Delegate’s Report........................ 4 Education .............................26-28 Entertainment............................ 23 Espress Employment................ 14 Final Word.................................. 35 Delmar Chamber........................ 13 Gee Dunsten.............................. 16 Health....................................30-31 Personnel................................... 15 Real Estate................................. 16 Sports....................................18-22 Salisbury University.................. 28 Student Profile........................... 26 The Great Outdoors.................. 21 Veronica Correa......................... 33

EXPANSION- Shown during last month’s press conference about expansion plans at the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex are: Jim Haddaway and Aaron Flaker of Athletx; Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver; Wayne Strausburg; and Terry Hasseltine, executive director of Maryland Sports. See story on page 9. Submitted photo

Pickleball is the newest sports phenomenon sweeping the nation

By Al Higgins

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a new sports phenomenon sweeping the country. It’s called pickleball and it has nothing to do with cucumbers soaked in brine. The game originated in Bainbridge Island, off the coast of Washington state. It was invented by Congressman Joel Pritchard and a few of his buddies in 1963. The Pritchard home came with an old badminton court and they determined that the perforated plastic balls bounced well off the asphalt surface. There is some confusion regarding the


name of the sport. After having struggled for a few years with a name for the sport they finally came up with pickleball. Some claim it is named after the family cocker spaniel that would capture the ball and run of with it into the bushes. Others claim the name came from Pritchard’s wife, Joan, referring to the slowest boat in a race. Regardless of how the sport got its name, it is definitely here to stay. The game is played on a court similar to that of tennis but on a somewhat smaller scale. A typical pickleball court measures 22 feet by 44 feet. Like tennis, it involves a net at mid-court but it is not as tall as the traditional tennis net. Instead of rackets, the players use paddles commonly made of graphite and they hit a hard plastic ball that is three inches in diameter. It is similar to a wiffle ball in that it has holes in it, but unlike wiffle balls, the holes are uniform throughout the circumference of the ball. The game can be played one-on-one or with two man teams, with the first

team to score 11 points being the winner. Scoring is pretty straightforward but unlike tennis, where scoring is counted as one love, two love, deuce, etc., pickleball follows the same scoring as in badminton. If you fail to hit the ball over the net, hit it out of bounds or simply miss it, you lose the serve. You must be serving to score. The game is very fast paced and loud. Hitting a hard plastic ball with a graphite paddle is anything but serene. In 2014, indoor pickleball courts were made available to members of the YMCA. Since then the sport has mushroomed in both attendance and enthusiasm. Joshua West is the Wicomico County Ambassador for the USA Pickleball Association. “Pickleball, which has its share of young followers, is particularly attractive to older folks who have a background in tennis,” he said. “The game requires less movement than tennis yet provides excellent exercise to its parContinued on page 8



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KIDNEY WALK- Shown (clockwise from top left) are scenes from the Salisbury Kidney Walk which took place May 7: Walkers gather at the starting line, Wallace and Kim Butler wave to the crowd, and Cheryl Handy enjoys a laugh. The Butlers are celebrating the eighth anniversary of Kim donatiing a kidney to Wallace. Kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the U.S. with 73 million Americans at risk of developing it. Two simple tests at the doctor’s office can check for any red flags. Submitted photos

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Maryland Delegate’s Report

By Carl Anderton, Jr.

With the legislative session being over, we have been staying busy in the community and attending as many of the local government meetings for Wicomico County, Salisbury, Fruitland, and Delmar as we can. We have also started preparing for the 2018 session. Earlier in the month we attended a forum regarding the Holly Center. We were joined with Secretary Schrader, Mike Dunn, and other advocates to learn what the State is doing to help the Holly Center and its current status. We have been meeting with Governor’s staff for the past two years and offered testimony at meetings of Board of Public Works in support of the Holly Center. We’ve also been working to re-open the therapeutic pool. It is the only wheelchair-accessible and heated pool in the area that was also readily available to seniors. Governor Hogan allocated funds in the budget toward refurbishing the pool and opening it back up. Delegate Mary Beth Carozza helped a lot in the process and we are thankful for her ongoing support. We are anticipating the pool reopening once the upgrades are complete. Mike Dunn, CEO of Greater Salisbury Community has been instrumental in securing what

we hope to be the private entity that will operate the pool. We have been actively attending events in the district. Earlier in the month we attended Carl Anderton the Wicomico County Public School Board meeting where we had the opportunity to honor Wicomico County’s newest Teacher of the Year – Christen Tacka! On behalf of the community, we want to thank her for her dedication to the students at Prince Street Elementary School. We also attended the Annual Volunteer Recognition for Commission on Aging where were able to honor individuals who graciously volunteer their time to organizations in Wicomico County. We were thrilled to witness Coach Jim Berkman’s 500th win as a coach of Salisbury University’s men’s lacrosse team. He is the first NCAA coach of any division to earn five hundred wins! We joined Lower Shore Enterprises to celebrate their 50th anniversary later in the month. The 2017 Maryland Sustainable Growth Awards took place on May 18, where one of our own Envision Salisbury was honored as a recipient.

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OFFICERS GRADUATE - Seventeen jail and correctional officers from Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, Dorchester, Talbot and Caroline counties graduated in the 98th entrance-level class of the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy (ESCJA) operated by Wor-Wic Community College in Salisbury. Graduates from Wicomico County are shown, from left: Wilna Cange, Peter A. DeSipio, Carmelo Guerrero De La Cruz and Tyron M. Sims from the Wicomico County Department of Corrections.

Along with only three other programs in Maryland, Envision Salisbury was named a “Sustainable Community” on behalf of the Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission. Congratulations to the 2017 high school and college graduates! We are excited to see what kinds of ways you

will impact the community and wish you the best of luck in your endeavors! We are thankful for the ongoing support we have received. Please continue to reach out to us and do not hesitate to call our office at 410-8413431 or email us at Carl.Anderton@ house.state.md.us. Thank you!



Congratulations! To the 2017 Salisbury University President’s Distinguished Community Leadership Award Winners These special honorees were recognized by President Janet Dudley-Eshbach during Salisbury University’s 91st-year Spring Commencement Thursday, May 25.

Shown is the pond on hole 18 at Nutters Crossing Golf Club, which opened to the golfing public in 1991. Photo by Al Higgins

Nutters Crossing undergoes reconstruction of two holes By Al Higgins

Big things are happening at Nutters Crossing Golf Club. The course, which opened to the golfing public in 1991, is going through a major reconstruction of two of its holes. The seventh and 18th holes – both previously Par 4s – are being lengthened to Par 5s. By virtue of this change, 143 yards have been added to the blue tees on the seventh hole, with 92 yards added to the blue tees on 18. There are now four sets of tees: red, white, blue and yellow. The black tees play an overall length of 6,426 yards. “The renovation means that Nutters Crossing Golf Club will become a regulation Par 72 golf course,” said David R. Combs, general manager and head golf professional. “This is important to many golfers, particularly those who travel to Delmarva with the expressed interest in playing regulation golf courses.” “Hopefully,” he continued, “the changes will bring more golfers to our course and possibly add to our number of club members. The changes to the two holes were not limited to just overall length. For example, hole seven will play as a double dogleg, with a large new bunker placed at the apex of one of the turns. The existing pond will remain in play.

Hole 18 features a slight dogleg to the right and a pond that has been greatly increased in size. Previously, hole 18 was a difficult par four. As a par five it may play a little easier, provided golfers can keep their ball out of the water. Construction began in October of last year, and the new fairways had been seeded with rye grass. The grass was planted to provide stability to the fairways and to reduce erosion during the winter and spring months. Early this summer the rye grass will be eliminated and sprigs of Bermuda grass will be planted. With sufficient rain this summer, hopes are that the new holes will be open to the playing public by late July or early August. That’s not all that’s new at Nutters Crossing Golf Course. Over the winter months, a bar was built with a great view of a large flat screen television, as well as an excellent view of the ninth hole. The restaurant provides several choices of light fare, with daily lunch specials, and happy hour is welcomed every afternoon. With so many golf courses across the country running into hard times, it’s encouraging to see Nutters Crossing expanding its services as well as enhancing the course itself. The course is located off Southampton Bridge Road in Salisbury, proving you don’t have to travel far to enjoy a good round of golf. Pictured is the construction on the fairway on hole 18 at Nutters Crossing. Photo by Al Higgins


Michele Hughes

Executive director of the Life Crisis Center since 2003, Hughes oversees its services to residents of Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties. For over four decades, the center has offered assistance, at no charge, to victims of domestic violence, rape, sexual assault and child abuse. Under her leadership, it received its largest grant, nearly $1 million, from the Maryland Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention. She also serves as board president for the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault and has received that Michele Hughes organization’s Visionary Award. Her nominator called her a “tremendous asset to our community,” adding: “She has proven to be a formidable powerhouse in seeking out ways to provide an ever-expanding net of support services for those within our community who have been impacted by serious crimes.”


City of Salisbury

The City is a strong partner in town-gown relations with the University. As students, faculty and staff affirm their commitment to the community, City leaders help in strengthening those connections. An expanded SU role in downtown revitalization has included the opening of the SU Art Galleries Downtown Campus and plans to create a new Center for Entrepreneurship in the Plaza Gallery Building. SU and the City also are working to have 30 acres of downtown Salisbury designated as a Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise (RISE) Zone by the Maryland Department of Commerce. Under the leadership of Mayor Jake Day, Salisbury has rebranded itself as “Maryland’s Coastal College Town,” emphasizing its proximity to the ocean and bay – and contributions of SU. The moniker is an asset in attracting knowledgebased startups, young people and retirees seeking a high quality of life.

The President’s Distinguished Community Leadership Awards recognize individuals and organizations that make extraordinary contributions to the community and people of the Lower Eastern Shore. For information, visit: www.salisbury.edu/communityleadership

A Maryland University of National Distinction



3rd Wave Brewing Company adds new canning line By Tony Russo

After months of waiting and hours of assembly and preparation, 3rd Wave Brewing Company entered a new phase of existence when the first cases of locally-produced cans rolled off the Delmar brewery’s new canning line. Although 3rd Wave has been canning its beer for a while, it was contracting the process through a mobile canning company that would come occasionally to package beer. By purchasing the machine 3rd Wave will be able to produce and distribute more beer than ever, and as the craft beer industry grows they’re going to need it. Owners Lori Clough and Suellen Vickers decided to purchase a canning line for the brewery when they realized the spike in demand for their beer was greater than they could meet by just contracting someone to do it. Plus, making such a large investment in the company and the town (the machine cost more than $100,000) was a way to signal that craft brewing in Delmar is here to stay. There were a couple hiccups on the first day as Clough and her staff worked the kinks out of the process, but by the end of the first day they confirmed that the brewery could produce 400 cases per day. “We’ll probably can once or twice per week,” Clough said, “depending upon how much brewing we can get

done.” The canning line gives 3rd Wave more flexibility with the beers it can make and ship. In the next few weeks, locals will begin to see cans of favorites like Beach Juice (a tart Berliner Weisse), Sunset Peach Wheat, their First Wave IPA and Sandstorm their big, Belgian Tripel). This week they were canning Shore Break, a really accessible Pale Ale, which is among their most soughtafter beers. Over the coming weeks, 3rd Wave will be shipping their cans throughout Delaware and Maryland as well as to places in Virginia and parts of the Jersey shore. Clough said other distributors from other regions already have been calling to try and get 3rd Wave to ship their beer even more widely, which is an option she and her team are keeping open. The amount of demand for 3rd Wave beer also has helped the company grow over just the last year, hiring more sales, service and production people to help grow the business efficiently. The addition of the canning line likely will mean more jobs as the machine requires three to four people to run efficiently. The way the line works is a tall pallet of cans is loaded onto an elevatorlike device that pushes the cans up to the top of the line. The cans then make their way down a shoot, where they are washed and rinsed, filled with beer four at a time, and then sealed and rinsed

Mary Hager snaps red plastic six-pack holders on the tops of cans before placing them in cases and stacking the cases on a palletsto be shipped all over the region. Photo by Tony Russo

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again. The full cans make their way to the end of the line where one person picks them by hand and another snaps plastic red six-pack holders on them and puts them in cases. Head brewer John Panasiewicz is in the middle of the production, keeping an eye on the gauges and making sure cans are properly filled. A random sampling of cans are

weighed throughout the day to make sure none are over or under-filled. Irregular cans are not permitted to be sold. At the end of the day, the canning line can be rolled out of the way to make room for brewing. Clough said that the addition of the canning line will allow 3rd Wave to push itself to near-capacity beer production in the next year or so.

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Lori Clough, one of the owners of 3rd Wave, poses behind one of the stacks of newly canned Shore Break beer. The company’s new canning line allows it to package 400 cases of beer per day. Photo by Tony Russo

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OPTIMIST HONORS POLICE OFFICERS - The Optimist Club of Salisbury honored “Officers of the Year” from area law enforcement agencies during its annual “Respect for Law” program on Wednesday, May 10, at Salisbury University. The 2017 recipients are: Detective Sergeant Thomas Hitty, Salisbury Police Department; Trooper First Class Garrett Dick, Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack; Master Correctional Officer Vernon Downing, Wicomico County Department of Corrections; Deputy First Class Tyler Bennett, Wicomico County Sheriff’s Department; Corporal Joel Arnold, Fruitland Police Department; PFC John Herbert, Salisbury University Police Department; and PFC Nicolas Aungst, Delmar Police Department. Pictured, from left, are Optimist Club President Mike DeFiore, Master Correctional Officer Vernon Downing, Corporal Joel Arnold, PFC Nicolas Aungst, Trooper First Class Garrett Dick, Detective Sergeant Thomas Hitty, and Optimist Member Roger Vandergrift.

Allen joins SNHS board

Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. has announced the addition of its newest board member, Gil Allen, an attorney with Allen & Associates, Allen Chartered. “We are thrilled to have Gil serve on our board of directors. His perspective is fresh and his advice sage, and we could not be more thankful for his dedication to the residents and neighborhoods of our community,” said SNHS Executive Director, Cheryl Meadows.


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Improvements at Waste Division

The following customer service improvements have been made at the Wicomico County Solid Waste Division. As of May 22, the Newland Park Landfill on Brick Kiln Road is able to accept Visa, MasterCard or Discover for the payment of tipping fees and household refuse permits. Additionally, commercial account customers will be afforded the option to pay invoices online by credit card or electronic check. Note, there is a 2.45 percent convenience fee charged to the customer by Paymentus, the card processing company. Another improvement to customer service was implemented by the Solid Waste Division in FY17 as the Household Refuse Permit is now valid for a period of 12 months from purchase rather than all permits expiring on June 30, every year.


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Salisbury Star Fitness and Outdoor Recreation

What’s new at the Salisbury Zoological Park By Carol Kinsley

What’s new at the zoo? The Salisbury Zoological Park is finishing up a new exhibit “Discover Australia,” which will house two new wallabies in addition to the pair that had been available. “We’ve enlarged the exhibit with a pool,” said Mary Seeman, marketing and development associate. The Australian exhibit will house lots of colorful birds, including a pair of tawny frogmouth, big-headed stocky birds that are often mistaken for owls.

There’s also a second kookaburra, which is also a bird, a fact that may surprise some people. Although kookaburras belong to the kingfisher family, they are not closely associated with water like the black swans in the exhibit. For those familiar with the zoo, the former Morgan Visitor’s center is being rebuilt. The new building, the William E. Morgan Conservation Center, will house the zoo’s reptile collection and docent area. When finished at the end of July, this building will house a variety of reptiles, including a yellow anaconda; a Panamanian golden frog; a

Shown (l to r) during a game of pickle ball are: foreground- Colette Higgins and Frank DeLizza and background- Jim and Flo Barnes. Photo by Al Higgins

Pickleball continued

ticipants.” Pickleball is also a game in which friendships are forged. Due to the size of the court and close proximity to one another the game itself is intimate and fun. Additionally, the game is open to anyone who wants to play. “We have folks playing here from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, ages and cultures,” said Alan Lane, a longtime pickleball enthusiast. “Everyone is welcomed and the diversity only adds to the enjoyment of the game.” Currently there are indoor and outdoor pickleball courts in Salisbury, Pocomoke, Snow Hill, Easton and Ocean

Pines. Outdoor courts have also recently been approved for Ocean City. Pickleball is now the fastest growing sport in America. So much so, that some RV Parks have built courts to encourage travelers to stay at their facility to play pickleball. It’s obvious that pickleball is here to stay and anyone interested in playing should swing by the YMCA and watch the game in action. The courts are open from 6-11 a.m. and 5:30-8 p.m. Monday through Friday, and Sunday afternoons. Membership is required to play, but I’m sure the YMCA will allow interested folks to stop by and watch a game or two. Perdue Farms and the Delmarva Shorebirds joined food bank representatives to launch the 2017 Perdue Strike Out Hunger Challenge on Delmarva at Arthur W. Perdue Stadium on Friday, April 14. From left are Charmin Horton, branch manager of the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, Mike Hooks with the Maryland Food Bank, Chris Bitters, general manager of the Shorebirds, Steve Evans, president of Perdue Foods, and Chad Robinson, Milford branch manager of the Food Bank of Delaware.

mata mata, which is a large freshwater turtle from South America; a Jamaican iguana, and a prehensile-tailed skink. “We are very excited to bring back reptiles to the Salisbury Zoo,” Seemann said. This building is different from the previous building as it will be open for visitors every day. The center also will house a place for zoo docents for story time. “Everyone has been asking where the reptiles are,” Seemann continued. “The building was in ill-repair, and the Morgan/Hazel family provided the funding to re-build a better building.” Existing exhibits include animals from North and South America. Representing North America are alligators, bison, river otter, sandhill crane, white-tailed deer, turkey and red wolf. The zoo participates in several Species Survival Programs. These breeding programs help in the conservation of the red wolves, Andean Bears and BlackHanded Spider Monkeys. The zoo has had major successes in the past breeding Andean bears and red wolves. Jaguar, ocelot, two-toed sloth, black-handed spider monkey, coati-mundi, capy-

bara and Andeans bear are all animals featured from South America. The zoo has an education department that has many on-site programs as well as offsite. In the summer the department is busy with ZooCamp. Each week, camps are offered for different age groups from kindergarten through teenagers. There’s a junior zookeeper program for kids really interested in zoology and zookeeping, Seemann added. The Salisbury Zoological Park is free, operating on donations. It is open every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas. With lots of shade, ADAaccessible wide paths, the zoo is a great place for everyone. All the exhibits are very natural — there’s lots of green. Wild waterfowl come in and enjoy the Wicomico River tributary which flows through the park. The zoo concession stand opens full-time in June with hot dogs, pizza, snacks and drinks, and, of course, there is a gift shop. Picnic tables are located just outside the zoo. For more information, visit www. salisburyzoo.org.



Officials announce Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex expansion

Field 5 at Wicomico County’s Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex has been transformed, and three new fields will soon be added. Officials spoke about the expansion project during a news conference at the Complex on May 24. Field 5’s infield has been replaced with synthetic turf, and the construction of new dugouts is underway. There will also be a new scoreboard, batting cages and press box at that field. With the three fields that will be added, the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex will house a total of eight baseball/softball fields. The project is expected to be completed by spring 2018. “We are now going to take that facility to the next level, and we’re very, very excited about that,” said Steve Miller, director of Wicomico County Recreation, Parks & Tourism. Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver unveiled the rendering of what the Complex will look like once all the fields are completed.

Representatives of the United States Specialty Sports Association and Athletx were also on hand to discuss upcoming tournaments at the Complex. USSSA will return to Wicomico County for the 11th year this summer for the annual USSSA Eastern World Series. In 2016, nearly 5,000 softball players traveled to the Lower Eastern Shore over three weeks for the USSSA Eastern World Series. The event generated an estimated economic impact over $17 million and a hotel room night demand in excess of 10,000. The event is also projected to generate an estimated economic impact of more than $17 million in 2017. There are few facilities with turf softball and baseball fields for use in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, said Bill Dowell, USSSA’s vice president of fastpitch and the Maryland and Delaware state fast pitch director. “What this facility does is it adds a unique stamp to what we consider an

Steve Miller, Wicomico Co. Rec, Parks and Tourism Director and Bill Dowell of USSSA are shown during a press conference at Wicomico County’s Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex. Submitted photo

already unique event,” Dowell said. Athletx will bring a new tournament to Wicomico County beginning in 2018. Athletx hosts youth baseball nationals events for boys ages 8-14. In its first year, the event is expected to draw 60 teams, requiring more than 4,000 hotel room nights. The estimated economic impact for 2018 is $5 million. Athletx CEO and co-founder Jim Haddaway is excited about the new tournament location. “When I walked up this morning on this, I was blown away,” Haddaway said, standing on the turf field. “This turf looks beautiful, the surrounding area is gorgeous, you’re close to the beach – it has everything that we look for in a destination and we can’t be more than thrilled to bring our event here.” In Fiscal Year 2017, which began July 1, 2016 and runs through June 30, 2017, the projected economic impact

NALEPPA HONORED - The Del-Mar-Va Council, Boy Scouts of America, honored Peggy Naleppa, MS, MBA, Dr.M., FACHE, president/CEO of the Peninsula Regional Health System and Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC), as the recipient of the 2017 Boy Scouts of America Lower Shore Distinguished Citizen Award. Recipients are selected for their outstanding service as evidenced by their leadership to many worthwhile organizations, as well as the respect and esteem in which they are held by their colleagues. Pictured, Dr. Ray Hoy, Wor Wic Community College president and honorary chairman of the 2017 Boy Scouts of America Lower Shore Distinguished Award Dinner, joins honoree Dr. Peggy Naleppa as she receives her award at the recent banquet. The event drew over 200 people to recognize Dr. Naleppa for her service and raised just over $70,000 to help support scouting programs and services.

Send us your news

Readers are invited to send any news that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to mmcclure@mspublications.com.

from the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex is nearly $33 million. That number is expected to rise to more than $38 million in Fiscal Year 2018. Terry Hasseltine, executive director of Maryland Sports, praiShown during last month’s press conference at the Henry S. Parker Athletic Complex are: Jim Haddaway and Aaron Flaker of Athletx; Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver; Wayne Strausburg; and Terry Hasseltine, executive director of Maryland Sports. Submitted photosed Wicomico County’s role in youth and amateur sports. “We’re blessed in the state of Maryland that Wicomico County is the leader in the youth and amateur sports markets,” Hasseltine said. “They are stalwarts in the community of Maryland; they’re also well-known and well-respected and appreciated on the national scene.”

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Horse Bridge Golf Course Dr. Stephen Capelli addresses marks 21st year in business Wor-Wic graduates at ceremony By Carol Kinsley

This is the 21st year of business for Horse Bridge Golf Course, located four miles east of Salisbury, Md. The 18hole privately owned course is open to the public. Built on 57 acres along Horsebridge Creek, the course is said to be “one of the most challenging little courses in the world.” Golf carts are available, and a full service golf shop will provide all your golfing needs, plus snacks, drinks and even gifts. PGA Professional lessons are available by appointment. Owner Larry Jones also offers a variety of other golf games. He has 27 holes of disc golf; foot golf, played with a soccer ball and a 21-inch hole; fling golf, which is a combination of lacrosse and golf; and smash golf, a combination

of tennis and golf. “This is also the only golf course in the world that offers all that and camping and fishing, too,” said the Delmarva native. Camping is in tent or camper, but it’s “primitive camping,” meaning there are no showers, just restrooms. Electric hook-ups are limited. Eight ponds on the property offer really good fishing, Jones said, for bass, sunfish or catfish. Fishing is catch and release only. Jones said his daughter, when she was about 10, caught a largemouth bass that weighed 5 and a half pounds. In-season hours are 8 a.m. until sunset; off-season, the course opens at 9 a.m. Visit Horse Bridge Golf Course at 32418 Mt. Hermon Rd. or call 410-5434446 for more information.

Send us your news

Readers are invited to send any news that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to mmcclure@mspublications.com.


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32418 Mt. Hermon Road, Salisbury, MD 21804

During Wor-Wic Community College commencement ceremonies at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center, Dr. Stephen L. Capelli, WorWic’s senior vice president for academic affairs, summarized some of the sought-after skills the graduates have gained through their college experiences, and encouraged them to become life-long learners. Capelli told the graduates that, in addition to the knowledge they gained in their specific majors, each of them has demonstrated important characteristics and traits that will serve them well. He said that “you have increased your ability to learn.” He also said that they have learned how to work well in teams, communicate effectively, be flexible and solve problems. “The traits that you have honed are the same skills that four-year colleges and universitites, and maybe more importantly, employers, are seeking,” Capelli said. Martin T. Neat of Salisbury, chairperson of Wor-Wic’s board of trustees, introduced the commencement speaker, members of the board of trustees and other guests on stage. After the commencement address by Capelli, Dr. Ray Hoy, college president, presented him with a plaque on behalf of the 2017 graduating class. Then, in recognition of his 33 years of service to the college, Neat, acting on behalf of the board, announced that the board of trustees had bestowed upon Capelli the honorary title of vice president emeritus in his retirement and presented him with a commemorative plaque. Bryan Newton, vice president for enrollment management and student services, introduced the student speaker, Jessica Rickels of Salisbury, who received her associate degree in chemical dependency counseling. Addressing the Class of 2017, Rickels shared her personal experiences of how Wor-Wic changed her life. “I’m a young mother in her late 20s who has two small children and never actually graduated from high school,” Rickels said. “I am the daughter of an addict and a first generation college graduate. I struggled my entire primary education because of issues out of my control and I had long since given up on academics when I started at Wor-Wic.” Rickels told her fellow graduates that her son and godmother motivated her to succeed, and although she had to overcome many obstacles, she didn’t do it alone. “The sense of community within our buildings is hard to find anywhere

else and its influence doesn’t stop on the campus either,” Rickels said. “Many counselors, nurses, police officers and other professionals have been shaped by Wor-Wic too,” she explained. “They started here and went everywhere.” After graduating from Wor-Wic, Rickels plans to pursue bachelor’s and master’s degrees in social work at Salisbury University. General studies was the most popular major among members of the graduating class. One of the general studies program graduates, Brendan Weldon of Parsonsburg, is the youngest graduate in Wor-Wic’s Class of 2017. At 17-years-old, he walked across the stage at his college commencement ceremony before participating in graduation ceremonies at Delmar Middle and Senior High School. Weldon said his mother encouraged him to attend Wor-Wic to get a head start on college. He plans to major in cybersecurity at the University of Maryland University College this fall. Following general studies, nursing was the second most popular major. One of the graduates receiving an associate degree in nursing, Perri Pruett of Salisbury, was pursuing a career in counseling when she realized that what she really wanted to be was a nurse. Pregnant at the time, she started taking the prerequisite classes to enter the program. After being accepted into the program on her first try, she juggled the needs of two children, a demanding nursing program, including clinical rotations, and her job in retail. “WorWic’s been great to me,” she said. After graduating with her nursing degree and a 3.62 grade point average, she plans to take her licensure exam at the end of the month and then enroll in a bachelor of science in nursing program online, so that she can spend as much time with her children as possible. Other graduates received degrees or certificates in accounting, business, computer studies, criminal justice, education, electronics, emergency medical services, hotel-motel-restaurant management, occupational therapy assistant, office technology, physical therapist assistant, radiologic technology and science. The majority of the graduates were from Salisbury or other parts of Wicomico County, followed by Worcester and Somerset counties. Graduates were also from Dorchester, Caroline, Queen Anne’s and other counties in Maryland, as well as from nearby states.



GRADUATION- Sen. Adelaide C. Eckardt, R-37, of Cambridge; Del. Chris Adams, R-37B, of Hebron; and Del. Sheree Sample-Hughes, D-37A, of Salisbury; shown from left in the back row, congratulate some of the graduates at Wor-Wic Community College commencement exercises at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center. Shown in the front row, from left, are Brittany Jones of Vienna, a radiologic technology graduate, Perri Pruett of Salisbury, a nursing graduate, and Jasmine Jones of Hebron, a hotel-motel-restaurant management graduate.Â


Dees earns MAI designation

W.R. McCain & Associates, a real estate consulting and valuation firm, is pleased to announce that Braxton Dees has earned the prestigious MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute. Dees started at Dees W.R. McCain & Associates in 2012 and is a licensed certified general real estate appraiser in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Florida in corporate finance in 1997 and has been in the real estate valuation industry for 11 years.

MBE workshop is June 9

Maryland Capital Enterprises/ Women’s Business Center will host the next Minority Business Enterprise workshop on Friday, June 9 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Eastern Shore Innovation Center, 104 Tech Park Drive, Cambridge. This workshop will cover your “how to” questions regarding the application process of becoming a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE), or Small Business Enterprise (SBE); and how to complete an application and certification process. The workshop will be taught by Pamela R. Gregory, Office of Minority Business Enterprise, Maryland Department of Transportation. Register at www.marylandcapital. org/services/education/eastern-shoreevents, or call Lisa Twilley, administrative manager at 410-546-1900.

Legislative Breakfast is June 6

The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce will hold their First Annual Legislative Breakfast on Tuesday, June 6 from 8:30 to 10 a.m., at Wor-Wic


Business Digest Community College, Hazel Center 100, Café area. Maryland’s 90 day legislative session came to an end on April 17. This event will provide attendees with an opportunity to hear straight from the State Delegates and Senators regarding the significant issues discussed as well as the laws that were passed and not passed during the session. Attendees will have an opportunity to provide written questions to the delegates and senators. This is a ticketed event with limited capacity. A light breakfast will be served. Tickets are $25 for Salisbury Area Chamber Members and $35 for nonmembers. Registration can be made online by visiting www.salisburyarea. com. Click on “calendar,” then “Legislative Breakfast” (on June 6) and then “RSVP.” For more information, contact Lauren Alfes, director of events, at lalfes@ salisburyarea.com or call 410-7498838.

SU featured on website

Want a job in economics? Come to Salisbury University. That’s the message from Zippia. com, a new career choice website for recent graduates. Zippia recently cited the Economics Program in SU’s Franklin P. Perdue School of Business as providing the best employment opportunities for graduates in Maryland. The rating was based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education’s College Scorecard. Salisbury is in good company. Other universities ranked No. 1 in their states include Virginia Tech, the University of Notre Dame, Clemson University and the University of Delaware. Nationwide, SU placed 22nd out of 50 schools on the list, above universities including Texas A&M, West Virginia, Gonzaga and Auburn universities, among others.

SU competition awards entrepreneurs

As undergraduates at Johns Hopkins University, Seal-Bin Han and Jordan Matelsky founded ShapeU, a fitness app geared toward college campuses and recreational centers. When their focus shifted to gyms and health clubs, the app’s name changed to something a little more universal: FitMango — selected as much for its memorability as its signal that the app was not just for college students anymore. The Baltimore-based business recently made a splash on the Eastern Shore, taking home $25,000 in the eighth round of Salisbury University’s Philip E. and Carole R. Ratcliffe Shore Hatchery entrepreneurship competition. Administered through SU’s Franklin P. Perdue School of Business, the program’s goal is to fund entrepreneurs in the mid-Atlantic and have new businesses opening within six months, with the potential of employing five or more within a year. Though FitMango is a pre-existing business, its goals have expanded significantly since its founding. The app helps users find a gym and matches them with three to five peers led by a professional trainer, providing personalized service while reducing the cost that a one-on-one session would incur. Users also may track their fitness progress. Han and Matelsky also are branching out to provide services for gyms, including personal training branding; software to help novice trainers operate at higher levels; and an interface that allows members to provide feedback after every session, access their previous workouts and receive rewards when they hit training milestones. This semester’s Ratcliffe Shore Hatchery competition drew 17 entrants, including three helmed by SU students and five local to Wicomico and Worcester counties. Judges gave away $95,000 in prize money. In addition to FitMango, winners included: • Zest Tea - $20,000. This Baltimorebased company, winner of the 2015 World Tea Expo Best New Product award, wholesales high-caffeine flavored teas.

• Neuro Helmet Systems - $15,000. Led by a group of SU students, this company, a 2016 Ratcliffe Shore Hatchery winner, is working to create a high-tech motorcycle helmet attachable “heads up” display to increase safety for riders. • Loophole - $10,000. Founded by students at Colgate and Towson universities, this Kickstarter-funded company manufactures an adhesive phone grip and kickstand that secures cell phones to users’ hands. • Accessmatized, LLC - $10,000. This Baltimore-based makeup studio offers services including photoshoots, and makeupthemed sip-and-paint classes, workshops and tea parties. • Compassionately Creative - $7,500. This sewing workshop business in Baltimore specializes not only in creating original items, but teaching do-it-yourselfers how they can, as well, with a special focus on teaching skills to at-risk youth, seniors and women who are in shelters or incarcerated. • Mind the Current, LLC - $7,500. Last semester’s Ratcliffe Shore Hatchery top winner, Marsha Hammond of Baltimore, returned to show the judges her progress during the past six months, with a renewed focus on marketing to pediatric units. Her Dhremo Therapy IV Decals are applied on the side of IV drip bags, sending positive messages to help cheer hospital patients. In addition to funding, winners and participants also receive mentoring support from the program’s board. This semester, they also had the opportunity to record video pitches aboard the STRT1UP Road Show bus, which parked outside SU’s Perdue Hall during the event. Winners receive mentorship and automatic bids into selected venture competitions as part of the Startup Maryland regional initiative. For more information visit www. startupmd.org/pitchmd. The five-year Shore Hatchery program was established in 2013 through a $1 million gift from the Philip E. and Carole R. Ratcliffe Foundation of Baltimore with a goal of providing $200,000 per year in funding for entrepreneurs in the midAtlantic.

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DELMAR Chamber of Commerce Delmar Public Library The Delmar Public Library began construction on its renovation and expansion project in April with an anticipated completion date in February 2018. Richard Y. Johnson & Son, Inc. is the general contractor. The site work is nearing completion, and the inside of the current building is gutted and ready for renovations. Becker Morgan Group, Inc. is the architect for the project with Ellis Hammond (AIA), a local Delmar resident, heading the team. Becker Morgan has designed space to accommodate a 100-person meeting room, circulation and collection areas, a mediumsize meeting room, two tutor rooms, a 15-station computer area, a large children’s area, a teen room, and much needed staff work areas. Library patrons can perform job searches, complete online job applications, create an e-mail account, and take on-line courses for a college degree. The Library’s Mission is to enhance the quality of life within our community by providing free access to ideas, information, and materials through research, education, service and entertainment in a friendly and welcoming environment. The library will encourage lifelong learning and nurture a love of reading. With the addition and expansion, the Library will accommodate patrons for years to come. The building’s construction cost is $4,594,850 of which the State of Delaware has committed $2,275,000 in bond bill funds. The Delmar Public Library has also submitted a request to the State of Delaware for an additional $500,000. Other expenses not included in construction costs include the interior décor, furniture, shelving, computer and security systems, and office equipment. NCALL Loan Fund, a community development financial institution (CDFI) based in Dover is providing $3.5 million loan as the lead construction lender for the expansion of the Delmar Public Library. Joining the Loan Fund as a participant lender is

The Bank of Delmarva, and permanent financing up to $2 million will be provided by USDA-Rural Development through its Community Facilities loan program. The Library’s Capital Campaign has raised over $1 million for the project from individual and business donations, foundations, and Library-sponsored events which has allowed full payment for all the pre-development expenses such as architecture, site testing, and campaign expenses. Your donations are needed to continue to meet the capital campaign goals. You can help the Library serve the community of Delmar and surrounding areas by making a donation or pledging payments over a three-year period. Pledge amounts can add up to a significant gift over time. For instance, if you pledge $20 a week for three years, it adds up to $3,120! Every cent counts towards the Library’s goal of being debt free by paying off the NCALL and USDA construction loans. For those who don’t use the Delmar Public Library, your contribution to the capital campaign is a way to help the community. There are many people in the Delmar area who can’t afford a computer and internet service or even buy new books. Chances are you know family members or neighbors who use the library. Ask them how the Library contributes to enhancing their quality of life. Brick Fundraiser: Commemorative bricks are available for $50 each and will be placed in the Library’s courtyard. Order bricks online at delmarpubliclibrary.org or visit the Library’s temporary location at 38481 Sussex Highway, Delmar (next to Furniture Land). Your contribution to the Delmar Public Library is tax deductible.

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Shown is the construction at the Delmar Public Library. The renovation and expansion project is expected to be completed in February. Photo by Rachel Farris


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Avery Hall Benefit Solutions Cures for Workplace Stress Since the company’s founding in 1925, Avery W. Hall Insurance Company has conducted itself around the philosophy of treating its clients with kindness and respect. Whether a first-time client or someone who has done business with them for years, this same philosophy can be seen in action at Avery Hall today. Their life and health department, Avery Hall Benefit Solutions, is equally as involved with its clients. In a time where health insurance is confusing at best, and in a seemingly constant state of flux, their producers and account managers seek to help ease clients’ dealings with health insurance. Particularly with their senior clients, Avery Hall works to make the transition from private or employer-based coverage into the realm of Medicare a smooth one. In addition to qualifying for Medicare Parts A & B at the age of 65, clients may realize it is in their best in-

terest to enroll in Medicare Supplement and Part D Prescription Drug Plans. The producers at Benefit Solutions will determine which plans best suit clients’ needs and act as broker on their behalf. From submitting the application to finding solutions for when conflicts arise, the producers speak directly with insurance carriers to ensure the best possible resolution on the client’s behalf. In addition to Medicare Supplements, Avery Hall also works in acquiring all other kinds of health insurance. From dental and vision insurance to life, long-term-care and disability insurance, they will help you understand what benefits you’ll receive, as well as the clients’ responsibilities in the process. As with the other departments of Avery Hall Insurance, Benefit Solutions is an involved member of its community. Their staff is deeply committed to com-

munity involvement, and often works with various non-profit organizations. The Benefit Solutions team adheres to the same philosophy that Avery Hall introduced at the company’s founding: that respect, courtesy, and compassion are as integral to a business as customers and profits are. They seek to make


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other 42 percent had actually left a job because of the stress. Work-life balance, and the impact of how to manage the two areas of life, is obviously a major struggle for many in the workforce today. But what can employers do to help their employees be successful in handling the demands of each world? Diagnosis Before Treatment So what’s the cause? Before you can find a cure, you have to find the underlying issue. And in this case, there isn’t Continued on page 17 clients’ feel like a fellow member of the community, and not merely another customer. Should you ever feel lost in the insurance world, Avery Hall Benefit Solutions is ready to help navigate you through it. Call 410-742-5111 or visit www.averyhall.com for more information.

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Feeling stressed at work now seems to be the norm. Just think about how other people respond when you ask how work is going. Consider what you say when you’re asked the same question. How often is the answer “Great! It’s always so relaxed and stress-free?” Last year, Forbes reported on a survey of employees that showed 35 percent had contemplated leaving a job because of workplace stress, while an-

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Ball joins SVN-Miller

Andy Ball has joined SVN-Miller Commercial Real Estate as a property manager and leasing advisor. Andy is a Salisbury native with over 17 years of sales experience in various capaciBall ties. His main focus will be to provide professional property management services to properties, including Mallard Landing Retirement Community, and to assist in the leasing efforts of properties that SVN manages. Prior to joining SVN-Miller, Andy was the director of sales & marketing for Mallard Landing Retirement Community and SummersGate Active Adult Community. He has his Maryland real estate license and does residential sales through ERA Martin Associates. He resides in Salisbury with his wife and three children.

Parks joins Wye Financial & Trust

Wye Financial & Trust, a division of Shore United Bank and a member of Shore Bancshares community of companies, welcomes Christopher Parks as an LPL financial advisor. Parks will be responsible for Parks delivering comprehensive strategies to help clients work towards their longterm financial goals. Parks holds a Series 7 and 65 Securities License through LPL Financial and a Maryland Life and Health insurance license. He is a graduate of Salisbury University with a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics. Prior to joining Wye Financial & Trust, Parks helped clients with retirement planning, investment and annuity strategies and small business management. He resides in Chestertown with his fiancée, Amanda.

Duma named associate

Davis, Bowen & Friedel, Inc. (DBF) is pleased to announce the addition of a new associate to the firm’s Salisbury team, Robert J. Duma, P.E. Now a senior municipal engineer licensed in MaryDuma land and Delaware, Duma began his engineering career with DBF in 2005, as an intern during


his senior year at Parkside High School. Duma continued working at DBF as an intern each summer while he completed his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at the University of Maryland - College Park (UMCP). Upon completion of his degree, Duma joined DBF’s municipal engineering department.

Foltz joins Shore United Bank

Gail Foltz has joined Shore United Bank as a commercial banker. She will be responsible for growing the bank’s commercial loan portfolio at their new loan production office in Ocean City. Foltz Foltz is a graduate of Wilmington University with a bachelor’s degree in business management. She is also a graduate of Maryland Banking School. Prior to joining Shore United Bank, Foltz worked at PNC as a commercial relationship manager. She began her career in banking in 1990 as a teller and has held numerous positions as a mortgage processor, bookkeeper, loan clerk and credit analyst. Foltz resides in Salisbury with her husband, Casey and their son, Caleb.

School, University of Oklahoma Commercial Banking School and Leadership Maryland. Prior to joining Shore United Bank, Mears worked at Hampton Roads Bankshares Inc., as the president of commercial banking. He began his career in banking in 1989 as a management trainee with Peninsula Bank, later known as Mercantile Peninsula Bank, where he held various leadership positions. Tom resides in Berlin with his wife, Laura and their two sons, Davis and Will.

Baker named president

Daniel M. Baker has been named president of Evans Builders, Inc. Baker, who received an associates of applied sciences in architectural engineering from Delaware Technical and Community Baker College, has worked with Evans Builders for over 30 years, most recently as executive vice president. “With his experience and expertise,

Daniel Baker will continue to uphold our tradition of reliability and integrity here at Evans Builders as well as continuing to provide excellent client relations,” said Wayne Evans, CEO.

Layton promoted to manager

Courtney GumLayton, LGSW, has been promoted to medical social services resource coordinator and will supervise the staff of social workers at the non-profit agency. Layton Gum-Layton, received her BSW and MSW from Salisbury University before joining Coastal Hospice as a social worker in 2014. “It’s an emotional time for both the patients and families, and being allowed the opportunity to care for someone at the end of their life is an honor,” Gum-Layton continued. “The end of life deserves just as much nurturing as the beginning of life, and I am proud tobe able to walk that journey with the patients and families.”

Parks named acting director

County Executive Bob Culver is pleased to announce the appointment of Dawn Mitchell Parks as acting director of finance. Dawn began working for Wicomico County in 2005 as a financial systems administrator. From 2012 to 2015, she served as assistant director of finance for operations. She then served as acting finance director during the interim in 2015. Since November 2015, Dawn has been the systems project manager.

Mears joins Shore United Bank

W. Thomas “Tom” Mears has joined Shore United Bank as a market executive. Tom will be responsible for business development on the Lower Eastern Shore that includes Worcester, Mears Wicomico, Somerset counties of Maryland and Accomack, Va. He will lead a team of commercial banking professionals at their new loan production office in West Ocean City, Md. Mears is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and holds a bachelor’s degree in economics. He is also a graduate of the University of Maryland Banking

Express Employment Professionals is celebrating ten years of business on the Eastern Shore. From the beginning, our goal has been to help as many people as possible find good jobs by helping as many businesses as possible find good people. Since we opened our doors, we’ve helped thousands of people find jobs with over 600 local Eastern Shore companies. Thank you for being an integral part of our success! We look forward to the next ten years of serving our community with expert staffing and human resource solutions.



Real Estate

Builder confidence hits an 11-year high By Gee Dunsten

TECHNOLOGY FAIR - The Coastal Association of REALTORS® (CAR) held its second annual Technology Fair on Thursday, April 27, at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City. The event featured over 25 vendors and six workshops designed to help real estate professionals better serve their clients and be more successful with the use of modern technology. Over 140 real estate professionals, both locally and from across the state and Delaware, attended the event. The association conducted a corn hole game and nail guessing contest throughout the event to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. Pictured from left: Theresa Diefendorf of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Ocean City, Steven Parsons of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty in Ocean City, and CAR President Don Bailey and Kristy Thomas, both of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Salisbury.

Agents gear up for busy summer A recent spike in contracts or pending sales points to a busy summer season, according to the latest figures from the Coastal Association of Realtors® (CAR). April saw an 11 percent overall increase in single family home and condominium contracts compared to the same time last year in Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties. Individually, single family home contracts increased by 7.2 percent in Worcester and by 8.5 percent in Wicomico. They decreased by 6.2 percent in Somerset. Condominium contracts increased by 16.9 percent in Worcester and by 33.3 percent in Wicomico, and remained the same in Somerset. Settlements were also up in April, with the Tri-County area seeing a 9.8 percent boost. Individually, single family home settlements were up by 13.5 percent in Worcester and by 21.6 percent in Wicomico. They were down by 33.3 percent in Somerset. Condominium

settlements were up by 10.4 percent in Worcester and were down by 37.5 percent in Wicomico. There were no condominium settlements last month in Somerset. Listings stayed down in April, with the exception of a 12.3 percent increase in Worcester single family home listings and a 50 percent increase in Wicomico condominium listings. Listings were down overall by 7.5 percent Days on market were up overall by 18.2 percent. Listing prices were down 1 percent and sale prices were down 0.5 percent. “Our members are very busy, which is a great sign of things to come,” said CAR President Don Bailey. “Those increased contracts will translate into increased settlements, as more and more people continue to recognize the value of investing in the Lower Eastern Shore.” Visit www.coastalrealtors.org for more information.

Send us your news

Readers are invited to send any news that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to mmcclure@ mspublications.com.


In many areas of the country, there are not enough homes for sale to satisfy the number of buyers looking to purchase their dream homes. Experts have long proposed that a ramp-up in new, single-family home construction would be one of the many ways to overcome this inventory shortage. According to a recent survey conducted by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and Wells Fargo, housing market confidence amongst builders reached an 11-year high in February. What does high confidence mean for the housing market? In a recent interview, Rob Dietz, Chief Economist and SVP for NAHB, put it this way: “Higher market confidence will translate into more building and more inventory in 2017. We expect singlefamily construction to grow 10 percent next year.” With 2016 marking the best year in real estate sales in over a decade, a 10 percent ramp-up in single-family

construction will only aid in making 2017 an even greater year. According to the latest US Census data, sales of newly constructed homes were up 3.7 percent over January 2016 as Gee Dunsten they reached a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 555,000. Dietz went on to comment: “We can expect further growth in new home sales throughout the year, spurred on by employment gains and a rise in household formations. As the supply of existing homes remains tight, more consumers will turn to new construction.” Bottom Line With the weather and the real estate market heating up this spring, there will be a surge of new construction coming to the market soon.


St. Stephens events


Join us for the following events at St. Stephens UMC, 101 E. State St., Delmar. For more information about any of the events below, contact the church office at 846-9501 or visit www.ststephensumc.com or on Facebook at delmarststephens. Sunday services - Join us on Sundays - 9 a.m. - Contemporary Praise Service; 10 a.m. - KIDZ & Adult Sunday school classes; 11 a.m. - Tradi-

ROTARY AWARD - The Rotary Club of Salisbury presented its most prestigious award, the 2017 4-Way Test Award, to Mary Gladys Jones (left) on Thursday, April 27. Jones has dedicated her entire adult life to the education and well-being of children. After retiring from a 42-year teaching career in Worcester and Wicomico counties, she transitioned the former Morris Street Colored Elementary School, where she once was a teacher, into the Fruitland Community Center tutorial program. She has been the cornerstone of the center ever since. As a result of her commitment, many of her former students, her “children” as she refers to them, have achieved goals and reached heights that they thought unattainable. Pictured is Jones with Marie Calafiura, Rotary president.


Continued from page 14

one problem, but many. Some of the top causes include relationships with supervisors, workload, work-life balance, and coworkers, according to the Forbes article. Work hours, shift work, downsizing, family conflicts, and money problems also play a role, according to an article from The Atlantic. Clearly, there may be a lot of factors. Some can be dealt with by employers, some can be addressed by the employees themselves, and some just have to be chalked up to the way things are. However, it would be especially beneficial for companies to dig into what’s stressing their employees out and determine what’s within the businesses’ power to change. Across the country, companies are struggling to meet their workers’ healthcare needs, while, at the same time, implementing programs to boost workplace health and productivity. Yet, as Forbes points out, “Those programs can only work if companies aren’t at the same time undermining them with stress-inducing management practices. It’s in the employer’s best interest to look into this connection, both for the good of their employees and for their own organizations.” A Multi-Faceted Cure Certainly, the previously mentioned health insurance and health-focused programs in the workplace are helpful, but, as Forbes continues to drive home, “employers can help address these problems by looking beyond health care programs to changes in their management and operations structures.” That can feel like a heavy burden being placed on the shoulders of businesses. However, in the average business,

that could play out in many simple ways. Company events can build comradery and a family atmosphere. A mentorship program often breeds growth and development. Making employee retention a priority produces a sense of loyalty and security. Stress levels can also be reduced by ensuring leadership is clearly expressing realistic performance expectations, providing effective feedback, and consistently praising efforts. A Balanced Approach No one could logically dismiss the negative effects that stress in the workplace has on businesses and employees every day. But, it’s also not an easy problem to solve. Workplace stress researchers and university professors Joel Goh, Jeffrey Pfeffer and Stefano A. Zenios are fully aware of this and discussed it in their recent paper on this same subject. “We do not claim that an ideal stress-free workplace is realistically or economically achievable.” However, each business leader can make progress by finding the stress triggers within their own companies and determining ways to alleviate as much of the problem as possible. The three authors’ research confirms that, while “these stressors cannot be completely eradicated in practice,” the simple act of identifying and addressing stress points “could potentially go a long way.” That’s a very modest cure for such a widespread affliction. Mary Ellen Carter is the owner of Express Employment Professionals located in Salisbury on Naylor Mill Road. Express is a full service HR & employment agency and has served over 600 clients in the Delmarva area. She can be reached at maryellen.carter@expresspros.com or at (410) 860-8888.


tional Service & KIDZ Church. Donations are needed for Operation We Care, which sends supplies to troops overseas. For more information, contact Brenda Morris or visit www. operationwecare.org. June - Our Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, June 16, at Green Hill Golf Club. September - The church will begin to celebrate its 150th anniversary, a year long celebration. More info will be coming soon.

Food Drive for HALO

Students from Paula Morris’ Advertising Promotion Management class in Salisbury University’s Franklin P. Perdue School of Business recently collected almost 300 cans of food for Hope and Life Outreach Ministries (HALO), a non-profit that provides programs and services for the local homeless community. Each semester, students in the SU course partner with area organizations to create or market fund- and awareness-raisers. The partnerships provide the students with real-world experience in advertising and promoting events.

Rotary Clubs feed 20,000

The recent Rise Against Hunger project that saw the Rotary Club of Salisbury, Salisbury Sunrise Rotary Club, Rotary Club of Snow Hill and the Wicomico Rotary Club team together using a $5,000 Rotary District 7630 grant resulted in 20,088 meals prepared and shipped overseas. Rise Against Hunger’s partner, Convoy of Hope, delivered a total of 281,120 meals to deserving people and families in El Salvador, one of the world’s most undernourished nations, which included the local District 7630 donation. The Rotary clubs were also assisted by Salisbury Christian School’s Interact Club and various community volunteers. The packing took place in April at the Crown Sports Center in Eden. Over 3,300 bags containing a high nutrient mix of soy and rice were prepared during the two hour session. Each bag yielded six meals. The Rotary Club of Salisbury supplemented the grant using monies generated from fundraising efforts in the community. To learn more about Rise Against Hunger, visit www.riseagainsthunger.org.

Worship Guide Pastor Greg Morris



Email: Dixon1930@ yahoo.com


Saturday Services All Are Welcome!



Rev. J. Harvey Dixon, Pastor

31525 John Deere Drive, Salisbury, MD 21804

Rt.50 and 600 Edison Street, Salisbury, MD 21804 410-749-9428 | www.myparkwaycog.com


219 N. Division St., Salisbury, MD 21801

Park Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Parkway Church of God Service Times: 9:00 and 11:00am

Faith Community Church


Sabbath School 9:30 am Worship Service 11:00 am Pastor Greg Carlson 410-546-1225 Full Vegetarian Fellowship Luncheon Every Week After Service - Everyone Welcome

St. Stephens

United Methodist Church Join US Sundays … 9 am Contemporary Praise Service 10 am KIDZ & Adult Sunday School 11 am Trad. Svce & KIDZ Church

www.ststephensumc.com Facebook/delmarststephens

101 E. State Street, Delmar, DE 19940




Former NFL running back Tony Collins speaks to area youth about his life and the decisions he made. Collins encouraged the student-athletes to follow their dreams and make good choices in their lives. Photo by Mike McClure

Collins speaks to area football players about dreams, choices By Mike McClure

Tony Collins beat the odds and achieved his nine year-old self’s dream of playing in the NFL, making the Pro Bowl and playing in a Super Bowl. But bad choices along the way ended his dream early and nearly cost him his life. Collins came to the area to speak to local youth and high school football players from Laurel, Seaford, Delmar, and Salisbury (Parkside) on May 23 at the Thunder Stars building on Route 9 near Georgetown. Brought in to speak by the Horsey Family Foundation, the former NFL star told the players to follow their dreams and make good choices in their lives. “Dreams do come true. They absolutely come true, but you have to make them come true,” Collins said. “Dreams with a date become a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes dreams come true.” While Collins was able to make his dream of playing in the NFL come true, he warned that 98 percent of those in attendance probably won’t make the NFL. “It’s not all about making it to the NFL, it’s about being a good man,” said Collins. Despite the odds, Tony, the 15th of 16 kids who grew up poor, was able to make it to the NFL. When he was nine

years old he told his mom he was going to become a pro football player, something she encouraged him to do. Collins grew up in upstate New York and was very successful on the football field, though he only had a 2.5 GPA in high school. During his senior year he had an opportunity to visit the University of Florida as one of his five official visits to Division 1 schools. That was the first time he had been on a plane. Following his visit, Collins was convinced he was going to be a Gator. Then he received a phone call from East Carolina University head coach Pat Dye, who would later coach at Auburn. Dye invited Collins to visit his school for his final college visit. Collins and his family never heard of the school, but Tony couldn’t pass up a chance to take another plane ride, courtesy of East Carolina. Dye told Collins he would have an opportunity to play football at the school and he would have a chance to play in the NFL. Collins decided to attend the Greenville, N.C. school. His family thought he was crazy. “It wasn’t even on the map but it was the right fit for me,” Collins said. While Collins was ready to step onto the football field, he wasn’t prepared for his freshman year of college. Tony did not have good study habits and he decided not to go to class when it was

rainy, cold, or windy. “When you get to college, your mom and dad’s not going to be in the next room. Now you need to make decisions on your own,” said Collins. “You can make 1,000 good choices in your life and you can make one bad choice and all those good choices come crumbling down. Your life is about the choices that you make.” At the end of his freshman year, Tony was called into the coach’s office and told he needed to get his grades up or he won’t be able to continue to play football at the school. He worked to get and keep his grades up, but following his senior season he made another poor choice. Collins chose an agent who encouraged him the go to Miami to prepare for the NFL combine while he was still in school. He needed just 11 credits to graduate in the spring, but he decided to follow his new agent’s advice. “That piece of paper is going to open up more doors than any sport you play,” Collins told the student-athletes. “Hit those books as hard as you can. How we judge your character is how high your GPA is.” Collins was told he would be drafted in the fourth or fifth found, however, the New England Patriots took him in the second round as the 47th pick of the draft. After pretending to be an NFL player at age nine, his dream came true. Tony entered camp as the team’s number three running back, though he learned the plays in case he would get an opportunity. Throughout school he was the first player on the field and the last one off. “In my mind I’m the number one running back because what you think about will come true. You’ve got to be prepared for the opportunity,” said Collins. In the second week of the pre-season the number two running back got hurt and Collins moved up. Later in camp the team’s number one back was injured and Tony started in the backfield for the first game of the 1981 season. He went on to lead the team in rushing and was named the league’s Rookie of the Year. Collins led the Patriots in rushing again in his second season and made the Pro Bowl as one of the best of the best in his third year. He was making good choices, hanging out with the right people and living the dream. Then another poor choice caused problems in his life, though he said he is thankful for that choice because he can help kids with his experiences. Tony suffered cracked ribs in the pre-season and had to decide whether to rest and allow himself to recover and possibly lose his job to someone else or stay on the field and take cortisone shots before games and at half-time and

painkillers to sleep. Collins picked the latter and became addicted to the painkillers. A teammate suggested he start smoking marijuana to help with the nausea that came with the painkillers, and he did. Collins started hanging out with people he shouldn’t and doing and saying the wrong things. “Who you hang around tells us a lot about you. My mom always used to say ‘you’re only as good as the company you keep’,” Collins said. His dad told him to surround himself with successful people. Collins was caught under the influence of drugs twice during the league’s random drug tests. He was released by the Patriots after the second time. The next day he received a call from the Baltimore Colts, who wanted him to play for them. If he failed a drug test a third time he would be suspended for a year. As a result, then NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle met with him and told him he didn’t want him to fail, so he had him get a drug rest every day. Things went well the first couple weeks but in the third week he made a choice, to go to a party. There were drugs at the party and although Collins said he didn’t take any, he was around the smoke. The following week he was called into the coach’s office and told that he failed the drug test and was suspended for a year. Tony came back and played for the Miami Dolphins one last year before his NFL career came to an end. Despite making a pair of Pro Bowls (1983 and 1984), playing in Super Bowl XX with the Patriots (1985), and totaling 4,647 yards and 32 touchdowns rushing and 2,356 yards and 12 touchdowns receiving in 103 NFL games, Collins believed he was a failure. “To me I was a failure,” said Collins. “I let a lot of people down.” Collins went through 18 years of depression, thought of suicide, and suicide attempts. He would stay clean for six months, a year, or two years, then went back to drugs. Collins had negative thoughts, was around the wrong people, and made bad choices. “When you think negative and you speak negative, negative things are going to happen,” said Collins. Tony eventually got a job working for a company in which he talked on the phone with the parents of athletes. He was in a cubicle and was not given a chance to work with the athletes. Collins thought about going to lunch and not coming back but he heard a voice in his head that told him “you need to go back to the job.” His parents, who were religious, always told him that a small voice in your head could be a voice from God. Collins ended up going back to work, but one of the guys beside him did not. Tony answered the man’s phone when it rang and spoke


SAFE- Delmar’s Haley Rogers is safe at the plate during her team’s win over Delaware Military Academy in th Delaware state semifinals. The Wildcats fell to Milford in the championship. Photos by Mike McClure

to a woman from San Antonio who he hit it off with. He gave her his number and she called him back. After three months, before he even met her, Collins said he fell in love with her because she changed his way of thinking. Collins has been clean for 12 years. He also married that woman on the phone 12 years ago, and started a foundation for disadvantaged kids in upstate New York: “It’s for the Kids” two years later. Six years ago Collins received his degree from East Carolina University. Tony’s book: “Broken Road: Turning My Mess into a Message” came out in 2012 and is distributed in the school system. He visits schools across the country and tells his story to young people. “My purpose in my life is to share my story because I’m not supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be dead,” Collins said. “I believe that because of God I am standing here today.” Tony had plenty of advice for the student-athletes based on his path in life.

“We’ve (Collins and Laurel grad Rodney Dale who spoke before he did) gone through the stuff so you don’t have to go through the stuff. We went through it for you,” said Collins, who has eight kids and several grandkids. “I wish somebody would have come to me and talked to me about drugs and making good choices.” When he was 11 years old Tony’s father asked him if he wanted to be successful. He told him he needed to do one thing to be successful: obey his mother and father. “One of the keys to your life right now is understanding respect, being respectful,” Collins said. The late David G. Horsey wanted to hold a football banquet at no cost to them in which they could hear about real life people. His family continues to sponsor this banquet in his honor. “It’s all about the give back. The Horsey family, it’s all they do is give back. When you give back you’re always going to get,” said Collins.


STAR TEAMS OF THE MONTH- Shown (not in order) is the Wicomico High JV softball team: coach McCready, Malerie Warfield, Katlen Ferrucio, Janiece White, Lyndia Bailey, Niya Collick, Violet Davis, Devyn Perez, Leyanna Pettit, McKenzie Phillips, Alijeh Davis, Melissa Schilling, and Faith Brobst. Submitted photo Below (not in order) is the Wicomico High varsity softball team: coach Burns, Marressa Morton, Victoria Derosa, Maddie McMichael, Chloe Welch, Olivia Kenney, coach Teagle, Shantelle Handy, Akirra Haggins, McKensie Lewis, Karli Dailey, Vanessa Fleshman, Paige Webster, Danielle Clarkson, and Maegan Webster. Submitted photo Send your team photos to mmcclure@mspublications.com. Please include the first and last names of everyone in the picture (and send photos as attachments).

Registration open for Teen/Adult USTA tennis lessons

Learn to play tennis by joining Wicomico County Recreation for the next session of Teen/Adult United States Tennis Association-sponsored Tennis Lessons. The program will help male and female players ages 13 and up develop tennis fundamentals through a fun play-to-learn style. Lessons will be held at Billy Gene Jackson Sr. Park. Participants can choose from Tuesday lessons held June 6-July 18, with no lesson July 4, or Saturday lessons held June 10-July 22, with no lesson July 8. Learn the Game is for new/novice players and Play the Game is for intermediate players. On Tuesdays, Learn the Game lessons will be held from 6-7 p.m. and Play the Game lessons will be held from 7-8 p.m. On Saturdays, Learn the Game lessons will be held from 10-11 a.m. and Play the Game lessons will be held from 11 a.m.-noon. Each student needs to bring a racket and should wear comfortable clothes and athletic shoes. The cost is $54 for the six-week session for those who sign up by May 26, with a $6 late fee added for those who sign up from May 27-June 2. There can be a maximum of 10 students per class. Registration is available at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office, 500 Glen Ave., Salisbury and online atwww.WicomicoRecandParks.org. Contact Allen Swiger at 410-548-4900 x108 or aswiger@wicomicocounty.org.



Salisbury University sports notes

The Capital Athletic Conference announced its 2017 all-conference team for softball and four Sea Gulls earned honors from the league, including junior LeAnne Collins being named the Conference Player of the Year. Collins was also named to the first team along with junior Annie Pietanza while senior Caitlin Lake and freshman Emily Allen each earned second-team honors. Collins adds to her long list of accolades from the 2017 season as she’s been named CAC, Fastpitch News, and National Fastpitch Coaches Association Player of the Week throughout her junior year. She currently leads the team with a .527 batting average, seven triples, 47 runs scored, and a .786 slugging percentage. Each of those numbers rank either first or second in the CAC this year. Pietanza’s first-team selection this season is her first time earning all-conference honors for her play at second base. Lake garnered the second all-conference honor of her career, having been named to the first team last season. Lake is Salisbury’s leader in center field in 2017, having started all 38 games, with three outfield assists. Allen picked up All-CAC honors in her first year in maroon and gold as the team’s starting catcher through the majority of the year, appearing in 33 games and starting 31. Collins was almost impossible to retire at the Capital Athletic Conference softball tournament and was named the Fastpitch News Division III Player of the Week for her efforts. Collins went 7-for-8 in the two games, beginning with a 3-for-4 performance, with three singles, and following up with a 4-for-4 game. In the four-hit effort against York College of Pennsylvania, Collins had two doubles and her third home run of the year, while scoring three times and driving in a pair of runs. Lake was selected to the Division III Softball Academic District 2 all-district team. Lake, who was a first-team Academic All-American in 2016, picks up her second all-district honor, with a 3.96 cumulative grade-point average as a dual major in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education. On the field, Lake has been a leader for the Sea Gulls in the 2017 season both offensively and defensively. At the plate, Lake batted .355, the third-highest average on the team to go with four doubles, 35 runs scored, and 31 runs batted in. Lake was also a perfect 10-for-10 in stolen bases this year. Track and field- The Salisbury University men’s and women’s track & field programs were recognized by the CAC as 11 different members of the maroon and gold earned all-conference honors. The women were led by senior Meghan McGowan who captured a firstplace finish in the high jump to earn firstteam honors for the third straight season. McGowan’s jump not only won her the event but it also broke the CAC championship meet record, which was originally set by McGowan. Kyleigh Dumas joined her teammate on the first team as she captured a firstplace finish in the pole vault. It is Dumas’ first all-conference honors. Alison Schwartz earned secondteam honors after placing second in the

10,000-meter run. Schwartz was joined on the second team by freshman Shea McCloskey. McCloskey captured a second-place finish in the 800-meter dash to earn her first all-conference selection. Joining Schwartz and McCloskey on the second team was senior Kathleen Kammerer for her performance in the pole vault. Kammerer placed just one spot behind her teammate, Dumas, finishing second. The men were led by senior, Eric Halton who earned first-team honors after capturing a first-place finish in the 400-meter dash. Halton would also earn second-team honors in the 200-meter dash with a second-place finish. The 4x400-meter relay team of Zach Schmelz, Justin Moutrie, Tyler Hardman, and Halton all earned first-team recognition as well with their victory. Halton was named CAC Track and Field Runner of the Week for the week ending April 30. Halton turned in an impressive week with solid performances at both the 123rd Penn Relays and the Lions Invitational hosted by The College of New Jersey. Halton helped the 4x400meter relay team capture a victory in its heat coming home in a time of 3:21.51. With the win the team was awarded a Penn Relays Wheel for their Efforts. At TCNJ Halton continued his success, capturing a second-place finish in the 400-meter dash. He completed the race in a time of 47.93 seconds edging out his teammate, Zach Schmelz, by just under two seconds. Men’s lacrosse- Salisbury University led the CAC with nine men’s lacrosse all-conference selections. Senior captain Nathan Blondino was named the conference’s Player of the Year. Salisbury got seven first-team members in Blondino, Brendan Bromwell, Carson Kalama, Aaron Leeds, Will Nowesnick, Andrew Ternahan, and Kyle Tucker. On the second team, Salisbury got two all-conference selections via Nick Garbarino and Troy Miller. Blondino earned the CAC Player of the Year as he leads the CAC with 97 points off 43 goals and 54 assists. Blondino’s big senior year also ranks him among the top in several categories nationally. His 5.71 points per game is fifth in the nation while his 3.18 assists per game is also good for fifth. For the offensive-minded Gulls on the first team, joining Blondino, Bromwell has been the Gulls’ go-to option from the midfield this season and has 24 goals and 18 assists for 42 points while also adding 39 groundballs. Kalama get his first-team nod after leading the team in goals with 50 and has added 14 assists while shooting over 50 percent. For the defensive first-team selections, Leeds moves up from the second

team last season and has had a strong senior year with 46 groundballs and 24 caused turnovers. Nowesnick earns firstteam honors as he has followed up his sophomore All-American season with 49 groundballs and 38 caused turnovers, his 2.24 caused turnovers per game is good for 35th in the nation. Ternahan has performed well all over the field this season and has 64 groundballs to go along with 29 caused turnovers and eight points off two goals and six assists. Tucker returns to the first team after his All-American sophomore year and has chipped in 42 groundballs and 20 caused turnovers after being named the Preseason National Player of the Year by US Lacrosse Magazine. On the second team Garbarino and Miller are honored by the CAC for the first time in their careers. Garbarino leads the nation with his 61.1 shooting percentage and Miller is tasked with covering some of the nation’s top offensive midfielders on a weekly basis from his shortstick defensive midfield position. Tucker was named the BSN Sports / United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association South Region’s Defensive Player of the Week. Tucker had a great week for the Gulls as a lockdown defender and part of the defensive unit that held No. 4 York College of Pennsylvania to just one goal by halftime en route to a 15-5 win. The win gave SU its 20th Capital Athletic Conference title and a berth into the 2017 NCAA men’s lacrosse tournament. Tucker’s stat line consisted of three groundballs and a game-high four caused turnovers. Women’s lacrosse- Seven Salisbury University women’s lacrosse players earned All-CAC honors. Juniors Dana King and Allison Hynson, alongside seniors Gabbi Nieves and Kieran Kelleher earned first-team honors while juniors Krissy Murphy and Gianna Falcone with senior Kayla Miller earned the secondteam nod. The Sea Gulls notched a 13-5 overall record with a 7-1 CAC record, earning a No. 2 seed in the CAC tournament. Salisbury was ranked as the second best defensive team in the conference posting a 6.00 goals-against average just behind York with 5.38, fourth in ground balls at 142 and draw controls with 100. The Gulls made their defensive mark on the conference this year punishing offenses as they led the league in caused turnovers with 75 (13 above second place Mary Washington) and tied for second on defensive clears, boasting a 90 percent clear percentage just behind the Spartans at 91 percent. Salisbury offense netted 204 goals and tallied 103 assists earning a second and first place ranking, respectively, in the CAC. Falcone, who played and started in 16 games for the maroon and gold, earning her third straight All-CAC selection in addition to her CAC Rookie of the Year back in 2015. The Florham Park, N.J. native was a stalwart between the pipes for the Gulls all season helping Salisbury earn an impressive 6.89 GAA overall. During the 2017 campaign Falcone notched 91 saves (32 in conference) in 880 minutes, including a season-high 10 saves against Washington (Md.) College on March 11. Hynson, a Catonsville, Md. native, started in all 18 games and is a key element both on offense and defense notching 12 goals and two assists for the Gulls.

On the defensive side of the ball Hynson scooped up 19 ground balls, caused 13 turnovers and amassed a team-leading 32 draw controls, including a game-high six draws against Washington College on March 11. Kelleher, a defender from Ellicott City, Md., was a pivotal piece in the Gull defensive line during the 2017 campaign, starting in all 18 games for the maroon and gold. Kelleher scooped up 26 ground balls (second on team), earned a single draw control and was a terror for opposing offenses, causing a team-leading 17 turnovers. King, an attacker from Lusby, Md. earns her first career All-CAC nod after an impressive 2017 season for the Gulls. King started every game for Salisbury this year, notching a team-leading 32 goals and 25 assists, including a game high six points against Frostburg State on April 8 and a game-high five goals against Rowan University on March 8. On the defensive side, King scooped up 17 ground balls, won 13 draws and caused five turnovers Miller, a defender from Pasadena, Md. earns her second straight All-CAC selection, including a First-Team All-CAC nod in addition to an IWLCA First-Team All-Region last year as well. During 17 games this year Miller has been a defensive terror for offenses all season collecting 12 ground balls, earning one draw control and causing 12 turnovers. On the offensive side of the ball, Miller notched her first-ever career goal for Salisbury on senior day against Frostburg State on April 8. Murphy, a junior attacker from Finskburg, Md. who started and played in 17 games for the maroon and gold marks her first ever career All-CAC selection for the Sea Gulls. In 17 games this season Murphy notched 18 goals and 23 assists including a game-high four goals and an assist against Christopher Newport on April 5. Murphy was not only a threat on offense but on defense as well, earning 17 draw controls, scooping up 15 ground balls and causing six turnovers. Nieves, a Centreville, Va. native is the only Sea Gull in the group to repeat a first-team All-CAC selection following IWLCA First-Team All-American and All-Region nods from last season. Nieves has been a crucial member for the Salisbury midfield, starting in all 18 games this season. This campaign Nieves has notched 31 goals and six assists (good for second on the team) on the offensive side, as well as scooping up 19 ground balls, causing 14 turnovers and earning 20 draw controls on defense. Baseball- Seniors Tom LaBriola and Pete Grasso were recognized as part of the College Sports Information Direction of America’s Academic All-District baseball team members. The duo was named to the Academic All-District first team for their performances both on the field and in the class room. LaBriola is an Exercise Science major and has posted a 3.80 GPA during his time at Salisbury. He is not only a leader for the maroon and gold in the class room but also an example on the field as well. LaBriola was named the team’s captain this past season by head coach Troy Brohawn and helped guide the team to its second consecutive and 14th overall Cap-

Continued on page 22


SU men’s lacrosse team wins its 12th national championship The number one Salisbury University men’s lacrosse team capped its 2017 season with a victory in the NCAA National Championship with a 15-7 win over Rochester Institute of Technology on Sunday night at Gillette Stadium. With the win, Salisbury wins its 12th national championship in program history, with the last coming last season and ends its 2017 campaign with a 22-1 record. The win sends the 2017 senior class off with their second national title as they end their careers with back-to-back championships. “This senior class is right up there as one of the greatest classes at Salisbury,” Salisbury head Coach Jim Berkman said. “They played in three championships and won two. They’ve now won [83 games], which is an unheard of number in the game of lacrosse.” The Tigers struck first in the championship bout, but Salisbury was able to settle in and rattle off two in a row to end the quarter. Garrett Reynolds opened the SU scoring after Kevin McDermott inverted his mark, drew the slide, and found Reynolds who stepped into a 12-yard rip that found the top-left corner. Josh Melton then doubled the Gulls’ lead when there was a flag down following an RIT penalty and Melton got topside on his defender and went low-to-high to bury it under the cross bar. McDermott ended his championship with a career-high four points, coming from one goal and three assists. Reynolds also performed exceptionally well from the second midfield with three goals, tying his season high. The Salisbury defense came up huge in the first quarter for Salisbury. The Sea Gulls did not win a faceoff in the first quarter and RIT had its fair share of possession, but Salisbury held the nation’s fourth best scoring offense to just two shots on cage and five shots attempted, including a 30-yard attempt as the quarter expired. The Tigers got the first possession of the second quarter and after a shot clock warning was put on, National Attackman of the Year Ryan Lee had a shot on the door step that Colin Reymann went to his knees to body up and keep on the ball on the SU side of the goal line. The Gulls failed on the ensuing clear and Reymann had to make three more stops before the ball went inside the Gulls’ offensive box. Reymann ended his game with 12 saves for a .632 save percentage. Last season, Reymann was the Most Outstanding Player of the championship game with 15 saves. In national title games, Reymann now has 27 saves and boasts a .574 save percentage. Carson Kalama rewarded his keeper on that next possession by using an inside roll that made his Tiger defender fall and let the senior take his time and beat keeper Nick Nesbitt. McDermott and Kalama went on to move the Gulls’ run to 3-0 with each striking from close range, but RIT ended a scoreless streak of over 20 minutes at 7:44 to make the

score 5-2. RIT answered the Gulls’ four-goal run with a three-goal run of its own, capped by a Braden Wallace goal out of an RIT timeout at 2:57. Salisbury didn’t let the Tigers run the streak to four however, hitting on a play-on situation again to make the score 6-4. McDermott had the ball at X and found a cutting Reynolds who jumped up and quick-sticked the feed in while airborne. McDermott was the game’s leading scorer at the break with one goal and two assists. The 6-4 scoreline held at halftime as Salisbury held RIT to just eight shots on goal with the close defense of Will Nowesnick, Kyle Tucker, and Aaron Leeds all having standout first halves. The All-American duo on attack for RIT in Lee and Chad Levick combined for just one goal on six shots all half. Cory Berry showed his ability to put the ball on the deck in the first half with two caused turnovers and Nowesnick had a game-high three groundballs after 30 minutes. Coming into the game Lee and Levick were the Tigers’ two top options with 110 and 97 points, respectively. The Salisbury defense held the duo to just two goals on 10 shots attempted. Nowesnick ended with five groundballs and two caused turnovers, Tucker went for five groundballs, and Leeds had four groundballs and two caused turnovers. Out of the defensive midfield, Berry added two groundballs to his three caused turnovers and Jeremiah LaClair scooped up four groundballs. “The D played phenomenal as they do game in and game out,” Reymann said. “We played RIT’s pick and slip offense very well and I expected nothing else from those guys.” Melton opened up the second half scoring just over two minutes in, dodging from X to his right and turning the corner to bury the off-handed shot and move the SU lead to three at 7-4. The Tigers responded soon after butNick Garbarino got in on the action with a goal on the fast break after Brendan Bromwell raced down field off a caused turnover to find Kalama who saw Garbarino wide open on the crease to bury his first shot of the game. Just as Barbarino was held in check early, so was National Player of the Year, Nathan Blondino. Blondino got his first point of the day by finding Kalama off the crease on the man up to put his side up 9-5. Kalama caught the feed seven yards out from the cage with his back to the keeper but turned on a dime and went low-to-high for his third of the game. Blondino finished with three points from one goal and two assists to move his season total to 134. The 134 points ties him with Jason Coffman for the most all time in a season for Salisbury. Another deep Reynolds strike from a McDermott dish had SU ahead 10-5 and RIT scored at 1:59 of the third to make it 10-6. However just as the Tigers answered, on the en suing faceoff Andrew Ternahan carried the ball downfield and


Snapping turtles are sought after The Great Outdoors By Al Higgins

The wild turkey season is over, as is the trophy striped bass season. Sure, there are still many rockfish in the Bay and its tributaries to catch for the remainder of the season but there is another entity that is much sought after and that is the common snapping turtle. Snapping turtles range across the eastern United States to the Rocky Mountains, from southern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, and into Central America. They have also been introduced in some western states. Snapping turtles are almost entirely aquatic and they find Delmarva an excellent place to live. They prefer slow-moving water and soft muddy or a sandy bottom. They inhabit almost any permanent or semi-permanent body of water, including marshes, creeks, swamps, bogs, pools, lakes, stream, rivers and impoundments. Snapping turtles can also tolerate brackish water. While much of their diet is from vegetative matter, they also feed on insects, spiders, worms, fish, frogs, small turtles, snakes, birds, crawfish, small mammals and carrion. You name it and they’ll eat it. Sexual maturity has more to do with size than age, however, in most instances, snapping turtles don’t achieve sexual maturity until they are 10 years old, or older. The nesting season is from April through November and during that time females will often travel great distances in search of the perfect nesting site. Due to predation, up to 90 percent of turtles nests are destroyed by predators. Incubation takes 80 to 90 days, and after leaving the nest young turtles become prey to a variety of bigger predators, including raccoons, fox, skunks, dogs, birds and snakes. As you can see, life is not easy for snapping turtles. Besides all turned down an open shot to find T.J. Logue who put it past Nesbitt from 10 yards. Melton would close the scoring in the quarter with his third goal to post his first career hat trick. Ternahan also put up four groundballs and had an outstanding day defensively as the newly minted Long Pole of the Year award winner. RIT started the fourth quarter scoring and won the next draw and had a chance to put home another but a diving check from Berry right before the Tigers’ player shot dislodged the ball and started a fast break that ended with a 25-yard pass from Leeds to Kalama on the doorstep for the goal to put Salisbury up 13-7. The big Berry play proved critical as it took away any shot for the Tigers to shift the momentum in their favor late. Salisbury ended with two late goals from Blondino and Bromwell to seal the Gulls’ 12th title in program history.

their natural enemies, turtles are also hunted by humans. In Maryland the taking of snapping turtles in nontidal waters is all but impossible. It is illegal to use traps and also illegal to catch them with hook and line, bow and arrow, trotline, seine, or fish pot. It appears the only legal way to harvest snapping turtles in non-tidal waters is by hand. Tidal water, on the other hand, is a great source of snapping turtles and they are regularly fished. Probably the most common method of harvesting snapping turtles is through the use of traps. They are often baited with dead fish and placed in sloughs, or other areas of slow-moving water where tidal action is lessened. Snapping turtles often hunt via their sense of smell and they quickly take note of dead fish within their environment. Trappers check their traps every day and normally trap a specific area only once every year or so. Snapping turtle meat is considered a delicacy by some and there is an ever expanding market for it overseas, as well as within the United States. Snapping turtles may be one of the ugliest creatures on the planet, but they are said to be some of the best eating critters to come from our local waters. At the conclusion of the contest, Kalama was named the championship’s Most Outstanding Player. With five points from his four goals and one assist, Kalama was the game’s leading scorer. “I think on the offensive end we were really able to capitalize when we needed. We were just able to execute our plays and exploit what the RIT defense was doing,” Kalama said. Salisbury dominated every major statistical category in the game, including shots (42-34), groundballs (44-26), and fewer turnovers (10-15). Another big theme in the game was the penalties. RIT gave SU six man-up opportunities and the Gulls hit on two of them. Salisbury did not commit a penalty all game and ends its season having scored a man-up tally in all 23 games. The title is the 20th team national championship in Salisbury University history.



SOCCER SIGNING- Hunter Opdyke, a senior at The Salisbury School, recently signed a letter of intent to play soccer at Goucher College in Towson. Opdyke has been playing soccer since the age of four and was one of the team’s captains this season. He was named an all-ESIAC first team performer his junior and senior years. Shown (l to r) are: Chase Bellamy (coach); Vernon, Hunter and Laura Opdyke; and Pat Ellison (Hunter’s grandmother). Submitted photo

Shown (l to r) during the presentation of 100th goal balls for a pair of Worcester Prep boys’ lacrosse players are: junior Sam Cantello, WPS boys’ lacrosse head coach Kevin Gates, and junior Tucker Brown. Submitted photo

Shown (l to r) during the presentation of 100th goal balls for a pair of Worcester Prep girls’ lacrosse players are: coach Sarah Wooten, senior Leigh Lingo, WPS head coach Brooke Hahn, senior Karlie Southcomb, and coach Kip Koolage. Submitted photo SWIM SIGNING- At his signing ceremony this spring, Salisbury Christian School (SCS) senior Arran Mills declared his intent to join the swim team at Frostburg State University for the 2017-18 season. Mills has attended SCS since 2009 and has competed on the Ocean Pines Swim Team for 12 years. He is thrilled to continue his swimming career with the Bobcats in Frostburg. Arran is pictured here with Allan and Jeanne Mills - parents, Lynn Franks - SCS Upper School Principal, coach Brooks Ensor, and C.J. Huntington - SCS Athletic Director. Submitted photo

Sea Gulls continued ital Athletic Conference championship. He has posted a .328 batting average while totaling 54 hits including 15 doubles, two triples, and three home runs during his senior campaign. LaBriola also recorded a team-high 49 RBI, 41 runs scored, a slugging percentage of .513, and an on-base percentage of .430. For his career LaBriola has totaled a batting average of .370, 153 hits, 32 doubles, three triples, and seven home runs. Grasso is an Exercise Science major posting a 3.40 GPA during his academic career. Grasso, like LaBriola, has been a leader both in the class room and on the field for the Sea Gulls. He has posted eye popping numbers from both the plate and on the mound this season for the maroon and gold. Grasso has recorded an 8-0 mark this season on the mound while also tallying three saves. He has an ERA of 1.47, the lowest of his Salisbury career, while also

totaling 82 strikeouts over 79.2 innings of work allowing just 60 hits and 13 earned runs. From the plate Grasso has 64 hits during his senior season including 11 doubles, two triples, and eight home runs while driving in 43 RBI. He has recorded a batting average of .398, an on-base percentage of .466, and a slugging percentage of .640. For his career Grasso ranks in the top 10 in eight statistical categories including sixth in games played (163), first in runs (196), second in hits (244), sixth in both doubles (41) and home runs (20), first in triples (12), and is tied for second in RBI with 173. To be eligible for nomination, a student-athlete must carry a minimum 3.30 GPA and be a starter or key reserve on their team. Being named to the All-District team, Grasso and LaBriola are now eligible to be selected as an Academic All-American Women’s tennis- SU freshmen Annika Kezman and Julia Kwedi earned

Four WPS lacrosse players score their 100th career goal Recently, Worcester Prep varsity girls’ lacrosse teammates Leigh Lingo and Karlie Southcomb, along with varsity boys’ lacrosse teammates Tucker Brown and Sam Cantello, were recognized for scoring their 100th career lacrosse goals. Prior to their games, coaches presented all four players with a “100th goal” ball to commemorate their milestones.

CAC all-conference honors. Kezman was named to the first team for her singles play, while Kwedi garnered second-team accolades for singles. Kezman spent the majority of the year at the No. 1 singles spot, posting a record of 12-3, including a 4-1 mark in CAC play this season. She finished the season as the No. 20 ranked singles player in the Atlantic South Region. Kwedi played at the No. 2 singles spot for most of the season, with an 11-5 record to show for it, including a 1-1 mark at No. 1 singles in her two opportunities. In league play, Kwedi posted a 5-2 mark. The Sea Gulls went 10-7 in dual match play this season, qualifying for the CAC tournament before falling in the CAC semifinals. Men’s tennis- Colt Williamson, Ian

Siew, and Patrick MacLean were honored by the conference for their play. Williamson was named to the All-CAC first team after playing all of his singles matches at the No. 1 spot in 2017, appearing in 16 of the team’s 21 contests, posting an overall record of 10-6, while going 3-2 in CAC play in his first year in maroon and gold. Siew played at both the No. 1 and 2 singles spots this season, with an 11-4 mark at No. 2 and an overall record of 12-6 while going 4-2 against CAC competition. Williamson and MacLean picked up second-team doubles accolades for the Gulls, being paired together late in the season, but making their mark with a 3-3 record. Williamson went 12-7 in doubles play, overall, while MacLean was 10-7 in doubles in 2017.





41st Annual Day in the Park to take place June 3 in Delmar By Mike McClure

SALISBURY BEER FEST - Downtown Salisbury is hosting the Second Annual Salisbury Shore Craft Beer Fest and Riverwalk Celebration on Saturday, June 24 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., in Riverwalk Park. Vendors, nonprofits, local brewers and food trucks will set up on both the north and south banks of the Wicomico River, west of Division Street near the library. This year’s event will feature more kids’ entertainment and diversions, more vendors and more craft beer than ever before. There will also be food trucks with beer and food pairing suggestions available. The Wicomico County Library is again participating with crafts and other activities. This family friendly, pet-friendly event is free and open to the public. For those who want unlimited samples of some of the more than 30 beers from all and only local breweries that will be in attendance, tickets and details are available online at www.shorecraftbeerfest.com.

WINGS AND WHEELS- Lt. Beil Whitesell and Lt. James Licatta of the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School are shown during Wings and Wheels at the Wicomico Regional Airport in Salisbury. Photo by Tede Griffith

After celebrating its 40th anniversary last year, Day in the Park returns to Delmar’s State Street Park on Saturday, June 3 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. The annual event, which is the Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce’s only fundraising event of the year, offers a fun, family atmosphere complete with food, games, rides for the kids, crafts, and much more. According to Day in the Park chair Conrad Morgan, Day in the Park’s new events include pony rides and a rock climbing wall. There will also be karaoke from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The band King’s Ransom returns after performing at the event last year and will begin performing at 1 p.m. There will also be arts and crafts vendors, games with prizes for the kids, a silent auction, 50/50, informational vendors, and much more. A large assortment of food will be available for purchase from area civic organizations and restaurants. Day in the Park’s main sponsor this year is Pohanka of Salisbury. Morgan said there will be live broadcasts from the event throughout the day as well as door prizes.

PLANE- A visitor at Wings and Wheels tests out the cockpit of a plane. Photo by Tede Griffith

Community Bulletin Board


Westside Adventure Camp

Children entering kindergarten through eighth grade can go on an adventure this summer at Westside Adventure Camp. The camp is based at the Westside Community Center in Bivalve and also includes field trips. There are 10 theme weeks, including activities such as games, cookouts, fishing, kayaking, swimming and a ropes course. Westside Adventure Camp runs from June 19-Aug. 25, Monday through Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. It’s free for Westside Community Center youth members and $65 per week for nonmembers. Field trip costs vary based on the trip. Westside Community Center memberships are $150 per year for one child, plus an added $120 for each additional child. To register, visit the Westside Community Center or the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office. For more information, visit www.wicomicorecandparks.org or contact Program Director C.R. Krauss at 410-873-2993 or ckrauss@wicomicocounty.org.

Youth Fishing Derby is June 3

Wicomico Recreation’s annual Youth Fishing Derby is Saturday, June 3, at the Salisbury City Park. Registration opens at 8 a.m., with fishing from 9-11. Food and drinks will be provided for youth participants and trophies will be awarded. Among the categories children can compete in are Most Fish Caught, Most Unusual Catch and Biggest Fish. The Fishing Derby is for boys and girls ages 15 and younger, and participants should bring their own bait and rods. The Department of Natural Resources will be adding about 500 blue gills to the pond’s catfish, largemouth bass, perch and carp. For more information, visit www. WicomicoRecandParks.org or contact Allen Swiger at 410-548-4900, ext. 108 or aswiger@wicomicocounty.org.

ALA Girls State at SU

From June 18-23, more than 125 high school juniors throughout the state converge on Salisbury University for a hands-on look at what makes government run during the 71st session of the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Maryland Girls State. Sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Maryland, ALA Maryland Girls State is a nonpartisan event held at SU since 2009. Participants are assigned to represent fictitious cities and counties, learning how local and state governments work,


from elections to the passage of legislation. Students also hold a mock trial, learning about the judicial process and jury duty responsibility, and meet with local and state legislators.

Wor-Wic golf tournament

Wor-Wic Community College will hold its 16th annual golf tournament on Friday, June 2, at Wor-Wic’s Ocean Resorts Golf Club in Berlin. Registration begins at 11 a.m., followed by lunch at noon and a shotgun start at 1 p.m. Dinner and awards will be held at 5:30 p.m. Proceeds benefit Wor-Wic’s child development center. The format will be a scramble with four-person teams. Prizes will be awarded for hole-in-one, closest to the pin, longest drive and to the top three teams for low net and gross scores. For more information, visit www. worwic.edu or contact Nora Lebois at 410-334-2810.

Business Center workshops

The Women’s Business Center will host the following workshops and events in June. Programs are free and advance registration is requested. To register online, visit www. marylandcapital.org/content/womensbusiness-center-events. For more information, contact Lisa Twilley at ltwilley@marylandcaptial.org or call 410-546-1900. • Jump Start Your Summer Season with Email Marketing workshop - Wednesday, June 7, 2:30-4:30 p.m.; Eastern Shore Innovation Center, Cambridge; guest speaker: Pam Wood, EnJoy Email Marketing Services • The ABC’s of Crowd Funding - Thursday, June 8, 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce; instructor: Heather Wilson, Owner of GiveSendGo • Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) Workshop - Friday, June 9, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Eastern Shore Innovation Center, Cambridge; guest speaker: Pamela R. Gregory, Office of Minority Business Enterprises • First Steps of Starting your Own Business - Wednesday, June 21, 5:307:30 p.m.; One Stop Job Market, Classroom #25, Salisbury; facilitated by Tanya Justice, administrative assistant, MCE • Dorchester Strong Women in Business Networking Luncheon - Wednesday, June 21, noon-1:15 p.m. (bring your own lunch); “Following My Dream” guest speaker: Omeaka Jackson Licensed Therapist/Entrepreneur; Dorchester Chamber of Commerce, Cambridge

CHINCOTEAGUE BEER FEST - More than 1,300 people packed the Chincoteague Fairgrounds for the inaugural Shore Craft Beer Fest: Chincoteague. Most of the attendees were there for the atmosphere as organizers estimated the ratio of drinkers to nondrinkers was more than two to one. The festival featured only local craft beer from breweries up and down the Delmarva Peninsula sampling more than 30 different beers. A portion of the proceeds benefited the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Company as they raise funds to build their new firehouse. Several more Shore Craft Beer Festivals are planned for the Eastern Shore. For more information on the upcoming festivals and to buy tickets, visit www.ShoreCraftBeerFests.com. Pictured, Backshore Brewing Company representatives Nate Todd and Mathew Shockley were among the dozens of brewery representatives on hand to talk about local beer at the inaugural Shore Craft Beer Fest: Chincoteague.

Federal Period Tea, ribbon cutting

The Friends of Poplar Hill Mansion will present a very special Federal Period Tea on Thursday, June 22 at 11:30 a.m., to honor the Hustons, the first family living in the mansion in 1805. Servers will be dressed in Federal apparel as the family would have worn at the time, and guests are welcome to come as you are or dress in the clothing of the Federal period. The tea will include period food: white soup, ham on sweet potato biscuits, cucumber sandwiches, egg salad with dill on mini corn muffins, honey oat scones with jam and homemade clotted cream, white potato pie (a Maryland staple), Newport lady cakes, queen cakes, jumbles, and Earl Grey tea. Cost is $22 per person and seating is limited. For more information and to RSVP, call 410-749-1776. On Thursday, June 22 at 5 p.m., join Poplar Hill Mansion and the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce for the grand opening and ribbon cutting of a brand new exhibit at the mansion, Dr. Huston’s Surgery Room. Dr. Huston was Salisbury’s first surgeon and practiced medicine in the house. The rear room of the house has been transformed into a typical surgical room of 1820 complete with furnishings, fashion, and surgical instruments. Come learn about the history of sur-

gery in the early 1800s, join local officials and businessmen, and enjoy some light refreshments. This event is free and all are welcome.

RWOW plans celebration

RWOW, Republican Women Of Wicomico, will hold a 10th anniversary celebration with local delegates at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, June 7, at Brew River in Salisbury. For more information, contact Shirley at 443859-8814.

Register for summer camps

Registration is open for Wicomico County Recreation programs, Kids Klub Summer Escape and Pemberton Park Nature Camp. Each camp offers 10 weeks of different themes. The programs run from June 19Aug. 25, Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Kids Klub Summer Escape is for children ages 5-13. Cost is $120 per week for full-time participants and $95 per week for part-time participants. Purchase of Care is accepted and scholarship opportunities may be available. During the first eight weeks, Kids Klub Summer Escape will be held at Delmar Elementary, North Salisbury Elementary and Westside Intermediate schools, and during the last two weeks, camp will be held at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. There are op-



Pictured, from left: Chris Smith, Bill Dowell, Chelsey Jones, Terry Hasseltine, Dan Williams, Art Cooley.

Tourism honors community partners HELICOPTER- Wings and Wheels visitors take a look at a helicopter during the event, held at the Wicomico Regional Airport in Salisbury. Photo by Tede Griffith

tional weekly field trips at the cost of $20/trip. Pemberton Park Nature Camp is for children ages 6-14. The cost per week is $150 and the camp will be held at Pemberton Historical Park. Registration is available at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box

Office, online at www.WicomicoRecandParks.org for Kids Klub Summer Escape and at www.PembertonPark.org for Pemberton Park Nature Camp. For more information, contact Cortney Kline at 410-548-4900, ext. 109 or ckline@wicomicocounty.org.


Wicomico County’s tourism division recognized its strongest partners during a reception and awards ceremony on Wednesday, May 24, at the Wicomico County Visitor’s Center. In Fiscal Year 2017, Wicomico County’s tourism division sold or held 50 events, seven of which were of regional or national caliber. These events generated over 35,000 hotel room nights, 130,000 visitors and an estimated economic impact of $50 million. This success is due in part to tourism’s many community partners. These partners help the county recruit new events, retain and grow current events and welcome event attendees into the

community. This year’s tourism award recipients included: Tourism Volunteer Award: The Rotary Club of Salisbury Tourism Hospitality Award: Jenifer Prokofiew, general manager of the Hampton Inn Salisbury and president of the Hotel Motel Association (accepted by Chelsey Jones) Business of the Year: Pepsi Bottling Ventures (accepted by Chris Smith) Partner of the Year: Terry Hasseltine of Maryland Sports Tourism Person of the Year (Betty K. Gardner Award): Bill Dowell of USSSA

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The Salisbury School senior plans to use college to ‘spread her wings’ By Rachel Farris

Daria Usab becomes a graduate of The Salisbury School this month, where she has attended school since kindergarten. Though she lives in New Market, her parents (and she) knew that this school was a better fit for her. “My parents took me here because they knew that even starting off right off the bat, I was going to be challenged,” Usab commented. She recalled going through a kind of “kindergarten boot camp” and how they were tying their own shoes and not participating in a nap time. “I loved that because I was already a pretty independent kid, so when I came here, they really enforced that and made that happen for me, and so I felt like I blended right in.” She has picked up various activities through the years in school, such as sports, band, and art. “ I love art so much,” she said. “It’s such a release for me, and it’s really been good for me to have something like that, especially in such an academically rigorous climate; it’s good to have that balance there.” She also began taking Spanish while in the lower school and has continued through her senior year. “Doing that for such a long time made that language acquisition so much easier,” Usab explained. “No matter how long it’s been since I learned Spanish, I will always know the basics, so I think that’s really cool.” She is even considering minoring in Spanish at college. She may continue club or intramural sports as well. She used to play soccer, basketball, and lacrosse through middle school. After tearing her ACL at the start of her sophomore year in soccer (and realizing she did not care for soccer much), she was out for the rest of the year. She gave up basketball after healing, as the sport was hard on her knees; however, she still adores lacrosse. As goalie, she has a “unique perspective on the field.” This view of where all the players are has allowed her to be a leader and let her teammates know where they need to be or what they need to do. This year, she was one of the captains. Another big part of her career at The Salisbury School has been her roles as Class Secretary in 10th grade and Vice President in 12th grade, as well as National Honor Society President. She has worked closely with the president in both of her roles in her class government; this year she has taken on a lot, she said, from organizing the class “assassin” game (where everyone has a target and water guns, continuing to take on new targets as players are eliminated until one is left) to helping with class fundraisers for their upcom-

Daria Usab

Student Profile

ing senior class trip to Disney. “I could not be more excited,” Usab said of the week-long trip, adding that she and her friends have been preparing for which parks and shows they want to hit every day. Usab has been involved with the school’s plays since she was in seventh grade as well. She started out in the chorus, as most students do, but the past couple of productions have seen her in bigger roles. Last year, she played the dragon in Shrek, which is a much bigger role in the musical than the movie, she assured; she had lines as well as a solo song, and it was a very “sassy persona.” Part of the fun was the 1520 foot long costume that went with it, which required help to carry on stage. She is much more focused on singing than on acting, she said, so that role was perfect. This year, though, she played the much more acting-heavy part of the Stepmother in Cinderella. “It was a really good show,” she added. “It’s a very different character.” Besides the fun of various parts, there was a “sense of community that you can only get form doing the play,” she said. “It truly is an all-school musical. We have kids in the youngest grade levels to kids in their senior year; it kind of brings us together in a way that other activities don’t.” Late nights working with the same people, from rehearsals until 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Denny’s meals after a show ,creates a “really close environment.” She considered a minor in theatre, but with Spanish or neuroscience as other minor options for college, she

Daria Usab is pictured, left, as the dragon in last year’s production of Shrek at The Salisbury School. Submitted photo

has found an alternative. Set to attend the University of Michigan in the fall, she has applied and been accepted to a learning community called “Residential College,” which is a four-year program that focuses on languages, writing and the arts. “I’m going to be taking classes as part of that curriculum, as part of that dorm,” Usab said. “A lot of students who are interested in those kinds of things [music, visual arts, theatre] are housed in that building.” Meanwhile, Daria will be majoring in psychology. “I’m kind of going to try to use undergrad to narrow that down because it’s a huge field, and it’s so widely applicable,” she explained. “I’m actually really interested in looking towards a law application, but also I really like the clinical side of psychology, so looking into the neuroscience side of things as well… [Also] I find that I really do enjoy working with people. ” She took a psychology course over three weeks before her senior year as part of the Terps Young Scholars program through University of Maryland. This is what made her consider psychology as a career. As for choosing Michigan, “University of Michigan is third in the country for psychology, and the top two schools on that list are Ivy Schools,” she said. “I just I love the school. I’ve never

been at a school where sports were really big,” since her school is small; though it’s full of spirit, she added, they don’t have the resources to have huge sports teams. Also, she likes that they have the “one of the largest living alumni networks in the entire world.” Besides the academics, she likes the distance to her new college. “I kind of want to spread my wings a little bit from Maryland,” Usab admitted. “I’ve lived here my entire life. I’m very used to life here and what it’s like, and I know the shore. I know that college is a safe way for me to kind of spread out and get to know a different place in the country.” Of course, this comes at a price. “I cannot get enough of my family,” she said of her parents and older brother. “It’s going to be really hard to go to Michigan and leave them behind because they’re some of the most supportive people that I know. I’ve always felt like they’re very open people, always willing to listen to me and help me, especially when I’m going through stressful times, like right now. They’ve always been there for me. They’re helping me a lot with college. They’re the reason I am who I am and they’re the reason why I’m going where I’m going, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


SU Dining Services recognized

Salisbury University students rated SU as having some of the “Best College Food in America,” according to a recent survey by Niche.com. SU Dining Services was rated among the top 10 percent in the nation — and No. 1 in the University System of Maryland. “Students have seen a lot of changes in Dining Services in the past year, with upgrades in the Commons, the new Hungry Minds Express in the Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons and the introduction of Chick-fil-A on campus,” said Owen Rosten, University Dining Services director.

Students named to dean’s list

Allyse Yorgey of Salisbury and Alexis Ness of Hebron have been named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. Yorgey is a junior majoring in journalism and mass communications and Ness is a freshman criminal justice major. To qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a 3.00-3.74 grade point average during the semester.

Two graduate from CCU

Allison Franklin and Andrea Hudson, both of Salisbury, have graduated from Coastal Carolina University. Franklin earned a bachelor of science in business administration in finance and Hudson a bachelor of science in exercise and sport science.

SU named ‘best value’

Forbes magazine has named Salisbury University among “America’s Best Value Colleges.” SU is one of “300 schools worth the investment,” according to the publication. The University has been named among “America’s Top Colleges” by Forbes for the past three years. “Being named among the top 300 of approximately 1,500 colleges and universities nationwide speaks highly not only of the value of a Salisbury education, but of the quality, as well,” said Dr. Diane Allen, SU provost and senior vice president of academic affairs. Selection for the Forbes list was based on quality (as judged by Forbes’ “America’s Top Colleges” rankings), student debt, on-time graduation rates, dropout risk and number of Pell Grant recipients.

Schools earn ‘green’ status

The Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) has announced that Fruitland Primary, Willards Elementary, Parkside High and James M. Bennett High have been certified as 2017 Maryland Green Schools. This award signifies that the schools have made a commitment to developing students, staff and families as stewards of the earth and reducing the environmental impact of the school. Maryland Green Schools are part of a national and international community of sustainable green schools. Students are becoming better stewards of Earth’s

resources and developing a better understanding of their own local environment. The Green School effort in Wicomico Schools is supported by Gerrie Wiersberg, Elementary Science Specialist (Prek-2) and science Supervisor Brian Raygor. The Science page on the Wicomico County Public Schools website has links to all four Green School sites, and other science.

Students named to honor society

Jalesa Johnson of Delmar, Del. and Stephanie McMahon of Sharptown were initiated into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society, at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

Jefferson inducted into ‘Who’s Who’ Criminal Justice major Brooklyn Jefferson was inducted into the Who’s Who Among Students for the 20162017 school year at Stevenson University in Owings Mills.

Knight receives degree

Ronald Knight III of Delmar, Del. graduated magna cum laude from York College of Pennsylvania on May 13. Knight earned a bachelor of arts degree in international relations.

Panchigar receives scholarship

Shril Panchigar of Salisbury, an honors student at Wor-Wic Community College, is this year’s $500 faculty honors scholarship winner. Selection is based on scholastic achievement and Panchigar an essay competition judged by the honors program committee at Wor-Wic. Applicants were required to write a four-page research-based argumentative essay on the significance of hashtag activism and whether it is productive or just a way to make individuals feel better about themselves. After completing his computer science degree at Wor-Wic, Panchigar plans to transfer to a four-year institution and earn a bachelor’s degree in the same field.

Veerapaneni, Salisbury.

Richins earns degree

Karlyn Richins of Salisbury graduated from York College of Pennsylvania on May 13. Richins earned a bachelor of science degree in entrepreneurship.

Zockoll named to president’s list

Luke Zockoll of Salisbury, a senior graphic design major, was named to the president’s list for the spring semester at Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C. The list recognizes students who earn a 3.75 or higher grade point average for the semester.

Wehberg named to dean’s list

Emily Wehberg of Salisbury has been named to the dean’s list for the spring semester at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Eligibility is based on a minimum course load of 12 hours and a quality grade point average of 3.5 with no grade below a C.

SU students donate to program

Students from Paula Morris’ Advertising Promotion Management class in Salisbury University’s Franklin P. Perdue School of Business raised over $200 recently to benefit students at Prince Street Elementary School. Each semester, students in the SU course partner with area non-profits to create or market fund- and awarenessraisers. The partnerships provide the students with real-world experience in advertising and promoting events and organizations. Marketing students London Mackall, Edward Ibe, John Danner and Jeremie Davis partnered with the Prince Street Steppers, holding a carwash on campus to benefit the organization. The afterschool program emphasizes the importance of academics while incorporating step-dancing. The young students tour colleges and universities across Maryland as part of the program.

Foundation welcomes members


The Wor-Wic Community College Foundation recently welcomed Kathleen Abercrombie and Joey Gilkerson of Salisbury and Chris Mancini of Ocean City as new members of the board of directors. Abercrombie is a member of Trinity Abercrombie United Methodist Church in Salisbury. She serves on the Trinity ASP team and the Coastal Hospice activities committee. She also volunteers at the Lazarus Food Pantry in Salisbury. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology from the Gilkerson University of Delaware. She and her husband, Michael, have three children: Gordon, 21, Nate, 19, and Delaney, 16. Gilkerson is a principal and real estate advisor with SVN in Salisbury. He serves on the board of directors of Habitat for Mancini Humanity of Wicomico County and is a member of the Remedy Church in Salisbury. Gilkerson was a student at Wor-Wic before transferring to Salisbury University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in business. He and his wife, Lauren, have a son, Roman Joseph, 1. Mancini is an attorney at the law office of J. Harrison Phillips III. He is a volunteer varsity lacrosse coach at Worcester Preparatory School. He earned his bachelor’s degree in business management from Washington College and his law degree from the University of Baltimore School of Law.

Students inducted into Phi Kappa Phi

The following local residents, all students at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, were initiated recently into The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. Inductees include: Robin Hoffman Jr., Fruitland; Annika Nichols, Salisbury; Ashley Collier, Salisbury; Elizabeth Chaffey, Salisbury; Jacob Erskine, Salisbury; Jessica Windsor, Salisbury; LaKeisha Harris, Salisbury; Morgan Nock, Salisbury; Nicole Hollywood, Salisbury; Stephanie McMahon, Sharptown; Susan Holt, Salisbury; Vasavi

SOUTH PACIFIC - Each spring, Salisbury Christian School presents a full-stage, Broadway-style production, and this year the drama department presented South Pacific. The production showcased students from grades 3-12, with high school students holding the lead roles, and included memorable numbers like “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair” and “Some Enchanted Evening.” Photo by Jana Marshall



Students earn Fulbright Awards

Three local students have big plans after graduating from Salisbury University: Hannah Ennerfelt will conduct research at a neuroscience lab in her family’s homeland of Sweden. Katherine Potvin and Matthew Jones will teach English to students in Asia. All three SU seniors earned prestigious Fulbright awards — the most winners the campus has ever had at one time. Ennerfelt, a biology and psychology double major from Salisbury, departs on her Fulbright in August. Based at Sweden’s Uppsala University, she will work with a lab mentor who conducts ALS stem cell research. She hopes to “advance in scientific techniques and make international connections” that will accompany her into her career. Ennerfelt also wants to learn more about the country of her father’s family. “We still participate in many traditions such as food and celebration,” she said, adding that she too is a Swedish citizen. Potvin and Jones, who also are from Salisbury, both won Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships. Potvin heads to Erdenet, Mongolia, in July, for the Otgonbileg School of Technology at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology. Jones leaves in September for Thailand; he will be based in Bangkok initially.

“As an ESOL teacher, most of my students will have backgrounds very different from my own,” said Potvin, an English for Speakers of Other Languages major with a K-12 certification. “By living in a country so removed from the U.S.A., I will be able to gain a better understanding of how my students feel living in a new environment with a language barrier.” Jones, who is majoring in elementary education with an ESOL minor, called the opportunity a “great fit” for his future plans. “I applied to gain insight into another teaching style much different than the one practiced in the United States,” he said, adding that being able to incorporate an appreciation of varied cultures into the classroom will create “a diverse learning environment for all” and “set students up for success.” More than 20 SU students have won national (and international) fellowships, scholarships and awards in the past five years, including the Gilman, Gates Cambridge and others with the U.S. State Department, Environmental Protection Agency and National Science Foundation. The Fulbright is America’s flagship international exchange program and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

Pictured, from left, are Matthew Jones, Katherine Potvin and Hannah Ennerfelt.

TEACHER OF THE YEAR - The Delmar School District congratulates Terry Rodenbaugh, 2018 Delmar Middle School Teacher of the Year (left); and Carol Kline, Delmar High School Teacher of the Year. Rodenbaugh currently teaches middle school English language arts in the 7th grade and serves as the MS ELA department chair; and Kline teaches English language arts and Dual Enrollment Wilmington University English in the high school. The district will announce the Delmar School District Teacher of the Year on Monday, June 12.

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$5.5 Million Gift to SU Impacts Entrepreneurship By Dr. Christy Weer, Dean Franklin P. Perdue School of Business Dave and Patsy Rommel personify entrepreneurship. Dave began his career with Rommel Electric Company, founded by his father. Since Dave started working there in 1976, he and Patsy have become mainstays in business on the Lower Eastern Shore and beyond. More than 40 years later, the Rommel Construction Group now includes companies that specialize in electrical, mechanical, traffic and transit work – and the Rommel Companies operate Harley-Davidson motorcycle dealerships and Ace hardware stores – across the mid-Atlantic. Now, Dave and Patsy have made a firm commitment to helping a new generation of entrepreneurs. Salisbury University President Janet Dudley-Eshbach recently announced a $5.5 million gift from the Rommels, benefiting SU’s new Center for Entrepreneurship at the Plaza Gallery Building in downtown Salisbury and supporting other future activities of the campus and the Franklin P. Perdue School of Business. The announcement inaugurated the eighth round of SU’s Philip E. and Carole R. Ratcliffe Foundation Shore Hatchery program, which provides $200,000 in annual funding for entrepreneurs throughout the mid-Atlantic with Shark Tank-style competitions. It also served as a prelude to the next day’s SU student Entrepreneurship Competitions, which offers up to $100,000 in cash and prizes annually, culminating with the $20,000 Bernstein Achievement Award for Excellence, founded by area entrepreneur Richard Bernstein in 1986. This center will serve as a focal point for a collaborative community of scholars, business leaders and the entrepreneurs of the future. It also will allow us to continue fostering independent thinking among students while giving them a home in Salisbury where they may hone their ideas and benefit from the experience of others. Expected to open by 2020, the center will feature a shared co-working space for SU student entrepreneurs, including six offices and six individual “garages” for winners of the Ratcliffe Shore Hatchery and the student Entrepreneurship Competitions. Another planned feature is a “makerspace” for robotics, small product assembly and technologyenhanced products with 3-D prototyping, including a textile workshop for fashion and theatre

creations. An on-site “spirit store” will sell products developed through the center, as well as SU apparel. In addition to this announcement, SU also is leading efforts, in connection with the City of Salisbury, to have 30 acres in downtown Salisbury designated as a Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise (RISE) Zone by the Maryland Department of Commerce. The aim of this five-year designation (with an option to renew for another five years) would be to spur economic development and job creation. It would allow commercial and industrial businesses that move into or expand significantly within the zone to benefit from property and income tax credits. Targeted industries include engineering, cybersecurity, additive and aerospace manufacturing, and biotechnology, among others. SU is the third University System of Maryland institution, along with the University of Maryland College Park and Towson University, to qualify for a RISE Zone. The Center for Entrepreneurship would be located within the newly designated area. The opening of the center will follow other recent entrepreneurship efforts by the Perdue School. In addition to the business plan competitions, the school opened a new Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Hub in Perdue Hall earlier this semester. The hub provides 3-D printing facilities and rapid prototyping support, as well as dedicated spaces for collaboration. It also is a central location where students who are planning to enter the competitions may come for assistance and coaching from others enrolled in the University’s Entrepreneurship Living Learning Communities, Collegiate Entrepreneurship Organization (CEO), and Building Opportunities and Supporting Sisters (BOSS) program. According to William Burke, SU executive director for economic development, “The hub is where students explore the feasibility of their ideas. The Center for Entrepreneurship is where they will hone those ideas and get them ready for the marketplace.” And when they do, they will have Dave and Patsy Rommel to thank.




John B. Parsons Assisted living recognized as a leading senior living community By Carol Kinsley

The folks at Harrison Senior Living know “there’s no place like home,” but when you can’t be home because of illness, injury or disability, they try to make their facilities the next best thing. The John B. Parsons Assisted Living Community in Salisbury is recognized as one of the leading senior living communities on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, and Harrison House of Georgetown has provided outstanding skilled nursing and rehabilitation services to residents of Delaware for more than 30 years. “These communities are set up to be as home-like and accommodating as possible,” said Amber Stevens, Executive Director at the Parsons community. For any of its facilities, the mission of Harrison Senior Living is to provide: • Excellent healthcare by a professional experienced staff in an atmosphere of warmth and concern; • Opportunities to increase your peace of mind, maintain your dignity and define an exciting new way of life; and • A home-like environment to share and create memories under a blanket of care and services. Nearly fifty years ago, James P. and Katherine Harrison, R.N., founded Harrison Senior Living with the purchase of a 17-acre farm in Christiana, Pa., where they built a skilled nursing facility. The first resident was James’ father. In 1977 a second facility was built in Snow Hill, Md., Katherine’s hometown. The family-owned company expanded again in 1983 with the purchase of the former Coatesville Hospital in Chester County, Pa., which was converted to a personal care and independent senior living apartment community. Impressed by the company’s reputation, the board of directors of what was then the John B. Parsons-Salisbury Home for the Aged approached the Harrisons, who agreed to take over that assisted living facility under a fiveyear lease. In 1989, they purchased the mansion, which had been built in 1904 for the daughter of a former Maryland governor and was expanded as a residence for war widows by businessman John B. Parsons in 1919. In his honor, the Harrisons maintained the name of the 49-bed facility as John B. Parsons Assisted Living Community. The estate, once “one of the handsomest in Salisbury,” was renovated with modern amenities and larger rooms without changing its historical ambiance. The interior is decorated with fine art and antiques as one might expect in a 113-year-old mansion. The well-landscaped grounds may be enjoyed from cozy sun rooms or rocking chairs on a covered porch; feeling more as a large bed & breakfast than an assisted living facility. “One of the Harrison’s grandsons is a registered landscape architect and has seen to it that there is a beautiful courtyard, potting shed and even a vegetable garden that the residents maintain,” Stevens said. He is now the company’s CEO and took that position to ensure the organization maintains the same commitments to quality originally instilled by his grandparents. Residents dine in the original, intimate dining room, attended by wait staff as in any fine restaurant, with high quality, local cuisine pre-

pared by their own chef. The menu for a recent luncheon included fried soft shell crab sandwiches. Staff is available 24 hours a day to assist with activities of daily living, medication management and a helping hand when needed. Rehabilitation services are available on site and chauffeured transportation services are provided by staff with a smile. The home is situated right in the heart of downtown Salisbury, within walking distance of the public library and downtown plaza. “The residence is extremely affordable, compared to other large-facility competitors,” Stevens said. In some cases, spouses have moved in also, either sharing a room or in a separate apartment. The facility has even enabled inseparable siblings to continue cohabitating. Residents may come and go as they please. Some drive, manage their own finances and medicines, but no longer have to

deal with cooking, cleaning and yardwork. “We are as accommodating as possible so our residents can have the freedom to live their lives with independence and flexibility,” Stevens added. Parsons even has a “house dog” and two house cats. A rescued English setter mix named Henry was adopted as a Christmas gift for residents two years ago. Two kittens, “Macaroni” and “Cheese,” were born on the property and live in the memory care neighborhood. With prior approval, pets can move in with residents. Lots of families visit with pets, Stevens said. One daughter comes every day with her Bichon Frise, Lillie, to visit her mother. Harrison House of Georgetown offers even more skilled nursing care and is designed for shorter term rehabilitation stays, although it does also offer one of the state’s largest secured memory care units. The 139-bed Continued on page 33

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Your Doc’s In to open new clinic

Your Doc’s In began as an idea to expand quality healthcare and provide greater access to treatment of unexpected illness and injuries to local communities. Six clinics later, they are expanding their network and continuing to meet the medical needs of the expanding Delmarva community. On June 19, the first partnership clinic on Delmarva with Peninsula Health Systems is set to open its doors. The clinic is located at 1135 South Salisbury Blvd., in the old Horner Honda building, near Salisbury University. Similar to the other five locations, this clinic will be a full service urgent care facility, complete with x-ray and lab services. Your Doc’s In welcomes the public to the grand opening of their clinic on Saturday, June 24. There will be light refreshments and a live remote from OC104. Festivities will begin at 11 a.m. For more information, visit www. yourdocsin.com or call 877-222-4934.

Safe Sitter courses offered

Peninsula Regional Medical Center will offer Safe Sitter courses this summer for kids ages 11-14. Safe Sitter is a medically accurate course that covers how to handle emergencies when caring for young children. Safe Sitters learn: • Basic life-saving techniques • Safety precautions to prevent accidents • How and when to summon help • Tips on basic child care The one-day course will be held on June 23, July 7, July 21 and Aug. 4, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A fee of $50 covers the day’s program and materials. To register a participant, call 410-543-7781. Maryland law says a child must be at least 13 to babysit.

Quality stroke care at PRMC

Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC) and its Peninsula Stroke Center have been presented with the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award with Target: Stroke Honor Roll. The award recognizes PRMC’s commitment to providing the most appropriate stroke treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence. Peninsula Regional and the Peninsula Stroke Center have has also met specific scientific guidelines as a Primary Stroke Center and have been certified by The Joint Commission and the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, featuring a comprehensive system for rapid diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients admitted to the emergency department.



Summer Blood Challenge

The Blood Bank of Delmarva’s Summer Blood Challenge (SBC) is a fun and easy way for corporations, companies, civic organizations and the community to help save lives here at home during the challenging summer months, when blood donation is typically lower than normal. In 2016, 236 organizations participated, resulting in over 26,000 blood donations. This year’s SBC began May 15 and runs through Sept. 23. Blood Bank of Delmarva, along with partner organizations The Residences at Lighthouse Cove, TD Bank and Texas Roadhouse is offering donors the opportunity to win a Beach House Vacation along with $1,000 towards vacation essentials. There will also be random weekly winners of $50 TD Bank gift cards along with a series of Saturday blood drives at various Texas Roadhouse locations across Delmarva. For more information about the Blood Bank or to schedule a donation appointment, call 1-888-8-BLOOD-8 or visit www.DelmarvaBlood.org.

Articulation agreement

Wor-Wic Community College and Wilmington University have signed a 3+1 articulation agreement to provide a seamless transfer experience for students who complete an associate of science degree in nursing at Wor-Wic. Wor-Wic’s nursing graduates who complete an additional 16 credit hours at Wor-Wic can transfer to Wilmington University, where they will complete 34 more credit hours to earn a bachelor of science in nursing degree. For more information, contact Dr. Brenda J. Mister, Wor-Wic’s department head and professor of nursing, at 410-572-8702.

National Donate Life Month

Throughout the month of April, in celebration of National Donate Life Month, Peninsula Regional Medical Center, along with The Living Legacy Foundation, Maryland’s organ procurement organization, and Donate Life Maryland, flew the Donate Life Flag in honor of past, present, and future organ, eye, and tissue donors and donors in spirit. The “Flags Across Maryland” campaign, in conjunction with the national “Flags Across America” campaign, brings a greater awareness to the nearly 120,000 people waiting nationally for a life-saving organ transplant. In Maryland alone, about 3,700 people are anxiously waiting for a second chance at life. Peninsula Regional Medical Center raises the Donate Life flag every time someone becomes an organ donor. A

MAC CONFERENCE - MAC Inc., the Area Agency on Aging, recently sponsored a conference, “Transforming the Landscape of Caregiving,” featuring Dr. Leisa Easom, executive director of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, as the guest speaker. From left are, MAC Executive Director Pattie A. Tingle; Easom, and Anna Scovell, director of the Caregiver Resource Center at MAC. The conference, for healthcare professionals, was co-sponsored by Coastal Hospice & Palliative Care.

private ceremony is held for family members at that time if they wish it. In 2016, there were 28 organ and tissue donors from Peninsula Regional. For

more information about organ, eye, and tissue donation, and to register as a donor, visit www.donatelifemaryland.org or www.thellf.org.

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NURSES WEEK - PRMC recognized Nurses Week recently with a week long celebration. The week began with the presentation of the Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses to Connie Spencer, RN, a nurse who has worked at PRMC for more than 35 years. Spencer has had a lifetime of experience in nursing and was able to bring that knowledge to help a family struggling with the end of a loved one’s life. Nurses do this every day, which is why it was extra special that PRMC was able to give Connie her award with Salisbury Mayor Jake Day and a huge crowd of nurses in attendance. Connie is the perfect example of why PRMC celebrates Nurses Week.

DAISY AWARD - During difficult times, experienced and compassionate help is especially valuable. Connie Spencer, RN, of Peninsula Regional Medical Center, was recently honored with the Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses for the caring she showed to a family and a patient in need of comfort care. The elderly patient was facing the end of her life, and the family wanted to ensure that their beloved relative would have a comfortable passing. Spencer wasn’t the patient’s assigned nurse – she was consulted for her expertise on a medication the patient was receiving, and in the course of explaining it to the family, she was able to share her knowledge of comfort care measures, to make sure there would be no pain or distress for the patient, and to make the passing easier for the family as well. For demonstrating true compassion, Spencer was honored with the Daisy Award in a ceremony before her colleagues. To nominate an exceptional nurse, visit www.peninsula.org/DaisyAward and share a story.

Grand Opening June 24

EMPLOYEES OF THE YEAR - Peninsula Regional Medical Center’s 2017 Employees of the Year, Stacey Tipton, of Crisfield, and Linda Smith, of Laurel, Del., are congratulated by Steve Leonard, president/CEO designate, left, Dr. Peggy Naleppa, president/CEO, center, and PRMC Chairman of the Board of Trustees Monty Sayler, right, at PRMC’s recent Employee Recognition Banquet. Each holds a sign that will mark their designated parking locations at the Medical Center for the next year.

VOLUNTEERS HONORED - PLUS Volunteer Services at Peninsula Regional Medical Center held its annual Volunteer Appreciation Banquet recently in conjunction with National Volunteer Week 2017. The medical center paid tribute to the 285 PLUS Volunteers who donated more than 30,000 hours of their time in calendar year 2016. Also honored were the 120 PLUS Volunteers who have reached LIFE status in the organization by donating 15 or more years of service to PRMC. Among those honored were 2017 LIFE status members Shirley Bounds and Kay Briele who have donated over 3,940 hours since first joining PLUS Volunteers in 2001. Pictured, Joyce LeCates, manager of the PRMC PLUS Volunteer Program, left, and Steve Leonard, president/CEO Designate of PRMC, right, congratulate Kay Briele and Shirley Bounds.



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Business Professionals and Services Directory







ACCOUNTING Twilley, Rommel & Stephens, P.A. Robert Stephens, Jr. 410-749-1919 410-548-5039 trscpa.com rstephens@trscpa.com 1405 Wesley Dr., Salisbury, MD 21801 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADVERTISING Morning Star Publications, Inc. Greg English 302-629-9788 302-629-9243 mspublications.com genglish@mspublications.com 951 Norman Eskridge Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 Tede Griffith 410-404-1278 302-629-9243 mspublications.com tgriffith@mspublications.com ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS Andrew W. Booth & Associates, Inc. Matthew Smith 410-742-7299 410-742-0273 awbengineers.com msmith@awbengineers.com 1942 Northwood Dr., Salisbury, MD 21801 Debbie Bailey dbailey@awbengineers.com ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Davis, Bowen & Friedel Michael Wigley 410-543-9091 410-543-4172 dbfinc.com mrw@dbfinc.com 601 E. Main St., Suite 100, Salisbury, MD 21804 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AUTO DEALER Pohanka of Salisbury Chris Hagel 410-202-3453 410-742-5168 pohankaofsalisbury.com chagel@pohankaofsalisbury.com 601 E. Main St., Suite 100, Salisbury, MD 21804 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL The Bank of Delmarva Debbie Abbott 410-548-1100 410-742-9588 bankofdelmarva.com dabbott@bankofdelmarva.com 2245 Northwood Dr., Salisbury, MD 21801 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL PLANNING & INVESTMENTS Delmarva Wealth Management Bob Anderson 410-912-4286 410-912-4287 delmarvawealth.com bob.anderson@lpl.com 543 Riverside Dr., Suite B, Salisbury, MD 21801 CFP (R) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GARDEN CENTER Johnson’s Seed and Feed Cale Ashcraft 410-742-2151 410-548-5403 johnsonsseedandfeed.com seedandfeed@hotmail.com 871 W. Isabella St., Salisbury, MD 21801 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HEATING AND AIR Mid-Atlantic Heating and Air Keith Owens 410-546-5404 410-546-5418 midatlanticheatandac.com ko.midatlantichvac@comcast.net 2312 Allen Dr., Salisbury, MD 21801 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOME MORTGAGE Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Erik Weeg 410-845-4918 877-698-7941 wfhm.com/erik-weeg erik.k.weeg@wellsfargo.com 1000 E. Main St., Salisbury, MD 21804 Branch Manager ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Ken Lee 410-845-4912 410-548-4154 www.wellsfargo.com Kenneth.J.Lee@wellsfargo.com 1000 E. Main St., Salisbury, MD 21804 Sales Manager ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL PAINTING ProCoat LLC, PO Box 2154 David Ennis 410-749-7491 443-944-9924 procoatdmv.com dennis@procoatdmv.com 26538 Siloam Rd., Salisbury, MD 21802 Sales Manager ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INJURY LAW FIRM Ingerman & Horwitz Kris Golshan 410-548-9919 410-548-3935 yoursalisburylawyer.com salisbury@ihlaw.com 209 E. Market St., Salisbury, MD 21801 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSURANCE Avery Hall Insurance Group Kevin Hayes 410-742-5111 410-742-5182 averyhall.com khayes@averyhall.com 308 E. Main St., Salisbury, MD 21801 Joe Gast jgast@averyhall.com ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gamee Elliott, State Farm Insurance Gamee Elliott 410-749-4725 410-749-4175 statefarm.com gamee.elliott.bvm6@statefarm.com 923 Eastern Shore Dr., Salisbury, MD 21804 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


How to eliminate pain without drugs

You can eliminate chronic pain, or at least considerife oaching ably reduce it, without taking drugs. Chronic pain interferes I have found that some with your ability to enjoy of the most effective pain life, and often it fuels anger and depression making things relief comes from tapping, a worse. Pain can also affect combination of acupressure your relationships at home and reduce your productivand modern psychology. ity at work. When people struggle with pain they tend to limit what they do to avoid expect a great deal out of yourself, if pain. You do have options; you don’t you are your worst critic, or very sensihave to surrender to pain and suffering. tive to criticism, you can create internal A few years ago, I had a severe anger and frustration which in turn creshoulder pain and I was offered mediates stress, tensing your muscles and cation and physical therapy. Unfortucreating physical pain. nately, physical therapy did not work Similarly, if you have a strong need for me and I chose to not take painkillto please people, or if you tend to be ers. I kept searching and looking for very helpful to others, a caretaker, or alternative methods and a breakthrough you tend to worry about your family, came after learning from a medical docfriends, and relatives, all these may cretor who helped thousands of people to ate stressors in your mind. The inner, or heal their pain with no drugs. Dr. Sarno unconscious, mind reacts against being teaches in his book The MindBody Prescription how the brain and the body perfect or too good and it also resents any kind of life pressures. Unexpressed create pain as a response to stress and or suppressed anger is sometimes innegative emotions. ternalized and it becomes part of the When pain sets in, it creates adreservoir of anger that creates stress and ditional fear; fear in turn creates more body pain. stress which creates more pain and a As a counselor and life coach, I have vicious cycle begins. He also added found that some of the most effective that some of these stressors that create pain relief comes from using a techpain are created unconsciously, we are nique called tapping, a combination of not aware of them. Understanding what acupressure and modern psychology, stressor was creating the pain in my that quickly addresses the emotions that shoulder was the answer to eliminate create stress and exacerbates the pain. my pain. No medication was needed to This technique creates a fast release in eliminate the pain. your body tension promptly eliminating, Certain personality traits are also or at least alleviating, the pain. likely to create more pain than others. For example, if you are a perfectionist, Once learned this technique is very




Parsons continued

community has been designated a “Best of Delmarva” care provider and is recognized by referring hospitals for its excellence. Aligned with Beebe Healthcare, the Georgetown team meets with the post-acute hospital team monthly to ensure top performance. A team of licensed healthcare professionals works directly with residents, their families and their physicians to create an individual plan of care for each resident. In addition to skilled nursing, certified therapists are available to provide state-of-the-art physical, speech and occupational therapy programs, with a goal of helping residents regain their full potential and independence. They even now offer VitalStim therapies for those recovering from strokes. “If you’ve had a hip replaced, Harrison House won’t feel like a nursing home. You know you’re not staying,” Stevens said. “It looks like a big hotel, with a cathedral ceiling, a private din-

REVISED 04/01/2017 4.5 INCHES DEEP

easy to use, it’s free, and it has no side effects. Also, guided imagery and hypnotherapy provide great relief from pain by guiding your body into deep relaxation, loosening the muscles and alleviating pain. Also, with hypnotherapy your mind can be taught to raise the threshold to stressors so what is stressing you today will not stress your body as intensely tomorrow. In a deep state of relaxation your body heals itself and learning how to relax your body helps you manage the pain without using medications and avoiding all the potential side effects. In the most difficult cases you may have to combine alternative methods and medication; however, you can dras-

ing room with menus from which you can order home-cooked meals, restaurant-style.” All long-term rooms and common areas there are being renovated for a fresh appearance. The warm and welcoming facility has large windows and sun-washed interiors and lovely gardens that provide an ambiance of healing, hope and vitality. The gardens and views from each window are not just a hallmark of Harrison Senior Living for their beauty but are carefully designed for their natural effect on the healing process, which has been scientifically proven through a number of studies. Activities, programs, events and outings are planned and guided by a nationally certified activities director. Friendly, caring staff members attend to the smallest details to support the highest quality of life for residents. For more information on either facility, visit www.harrisonseniorliving. com. For John B. Parsons, call (410) 742-1432. For Harrison House in Georgetown, call (302) 856-4574. tically reduce the amount of medication needed. You are much stronger than you know, and you have the capacity to influence what is going on in your body. But, you must learn how to do it. Don’t give up finding the alternative method that will help you relieve your pain so you can fully enjoy your life. About the author Veronica Correa, LCSW-C, is a licensed clinical social worker, certified hypnotherapist and life coach. To learn more about her work, visit www. thepersonalwellnesscenter.com or call 410-742-6016.

Business Professionals and Services Directory








INSURANCE Landmark Insurance & Financial Group Ryan McClenahan VP 410-651-2110 410-651-9288 landmarkinsuranceinc.com ryan@landmarkinsuranceinc.com 30386 Mt. Vernon Rd., Princess Anne, MD 21853 K. Jill Hall-CEO jill@landmarkinsuranceinc.com ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RPS ISG International Dean Goodwin 410-901-0736 410-910-0836 isgintl.com dean_goodwin@rpsins.com 204 Cedar St., Cambridge, MD 21613 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thomas A. Prunty, State Farm Insurance Thomas A. Prunty 410-543-0333 410-546-0715 tomprunty.com tom.prunty.u29t@statefarm.com 1131 South Salisbury Blvd., Suite A-2, Salisbury MD 21801 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRINTING/GRAPHIC DESIGN Minuteman Press Diana Merritt 410-548-7122 410-548-7124 salisbury.minutemanpress.com image@minutemanpress.com 829 E. William St., Salisbury, MD 21804 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STAFFING AGENCY Quality Staffing Services Kerrie Bunting 410-742-2600 410-742-2944 www.EasternShoreJobs.com Kerrieb@qssjobs.com 1237 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD 21801 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Call 302-629-9788 for advertising information.



Deer’s Head Hospital recognizes volunteers at luncheon

Deer’s Head Hospital Center held its annual volunteer recognition and awards luncheon on April 11. Volunteers enjoyed a buffet lunch, slide show, door prizes, party favors, and a presentation by 2016 Auxiliary President Dave Duitscher. Awards and certificates of appreciation were presented by Helen Young, director of volunteer services. Senate Resolutions from Senator Jim Mathias’ office were awarded to: Libby Davis, Marilyn Neat, and Mark Rudnick for outstanding service and dedication. Bay Shore Services received a Senate Resolution for Organization of the Year, for having the greatest impact on patients and residents. Service pins were awarded as follows: 15 Years: Mickey Ashby, Dorothy Eggliston, Buddy Murray; 10 Years: George Evans, Bleatus Hudson, Barbara Murray, Don Nelson Jr., Michael Nelson; 5 Years: Allison Fairell, Shirley

Mark Rudick, Liz Maldve Memorial Volunteer of the Year recipient Mickey Ashby and Dorothy Eggliston with their 15 year service pins.

HEART OF HOSPICE AWARD - Coastal Hospice President Alane Capen (left) and retired Circuit Court Judge W. Newton Jackson III (right) present the Heart of Hospice Award to volunteers Carolyn Jenkins, patient support volunteer, and Jennifer Hawkins, patient care volunteer, during National Volunteer Week, April 2428. The Heart of Hospice Award is named for one of Coastal Hospice’s founders and most beloved volunteers, Jean Camie Jackson, mother of Judge Jackson.

Bay Shore Services received the Organization of the Year award: Quinton Davis, volunteer and Cindy Watson, manager, job coach.

Funding for home repair projects

Acting Delaware and Maryland Director for Rural Development Kathy Beisner has announced that homeowners in rural areas who need repairs to their home but can’t afford regular loans may be eligible for a USDA Rural Development loan at one percent interest. Seniors, age 62 and older, may qualify for free home repairs up to $7,500 through the USDA Rural Development grant program. “We are looking for lower income homeowners that need help making a home handicap accessible or fixing or replacing a roof, installation or repair of a septic system, who may need replacement windows, or other repairs to correct or remove existing health, safety, and sanitary issues,” Beisner said. Interested persons may apply at any time for this program but funding may become limited after Aug. 31. To be eligible to participate in the home repair program, applicants must own the home and be located in a small town or rural area. USDA must determine that the household is unable to repay a loan at affordable rates and terms. For more information, contact the Rural Development Office at 302-857-3595 or 301-797-0500, ext. 4. Additional information on rural programs is available by visiting www.rd.usda.gov/de or www.rd.usda.gov/md.

SUM RECEIVES GRANT - Salisbury Urban Ministries (SUM) has received a $5,000 Community Needs grant to expand the Kid’s Café Program. The Kid’s Cafe is an after school and summer program that provides a safe learning environment for children in the community to help them flourish academically, socially, and civically. They are exposed to activities and services that promote overall growth and development so that they may become productive, successful citizens. The grant was made by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore (CFES). Pictured are Erica Joseph, CFES president and Debbie Donaway, SUM executive director.


Final Word

Grants impact area nonprofits

LITTLE LEAGUE- Morning Star Publications Publisher and Editor Mike McClure presents a check to Kelly Webster of the Delmar Little League. The company donated $1 for every new subscription or renewal it received between last April and last August as part of the Seaford and Laurel Stars’ 20th anniversary celebration.

A total of $104,394 will be disbursed among 24 nonprofit programs in the Lower Shore region by the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore (CFES). The programs funded include a broad range of community needs ranging from youth projects, to the arts, therapeutic services, conservation and much more. The awards are made possible through the Foundation’s Community Needs Grants Program that makes awards twice each year to local nonprofits. The next deadline for CNG grant applications is Aug. 1. The following nonprofit programs received grants: Salisbury Arts and Entertainment District Inc.; Maryland Humanities; Mar-Va Theatre Performing Arts Center, Inc.; Somerset County Historical Society; Crisfield Heritage Foundation, Inc.; Whitehaven Heritage Association, Inc.; Princess Anne Main Street; Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service; Smith Island United Inc.; Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Service, Inc.; Wicomico Environmental Trust, Ltd.; Comite de Apoya a los Trabajadores Agricolas – CATA (The Farmworker Support Commitee); New Beginning Covenant Ministries; Christian Shelter, Inc.; Horizons Salisbury, Inc.; Assateague Coastal Trust, Inc.; Agape Empowerment Corporation; It Takes a Village to Help Our Children, Inc.; Fruitland Community Center, Inc.; Salisbury Urban Ministries; Furnace Town Foundation; Atlantic General Hospital Foundation; 4STEPS Therapeutic Riding Program; Children’s Home by the Sea. NAME THAT PLACE- Can you name

this Wicomico County landmark? Send your answers to mmcclure@mspublications.com. Please include your first and last name and where you are from. Photo by Mike McClure

Last Laugh

A woman was flying from Seattle to San Francisco. Unexpectedly, the plane was diverted to Sacramento along the way. The flight attendant explained that there would be a delay, and if the passengers wanted to get off the aircraft the plane would re-board in 50 minutes. Everybody got off the plane except one lady who was blind. A man had noticed her as he walked by and could tell the lady was blind because her guide dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of her throughout the entire flight. He could also tell she had flown this very flight before because the pilot approached her, and calling her by name, said, “Kathy, we are in Sacramento for almost an hour. Would you like to get off and stretch your legs?” The blind lady said, “No thanks, but maybe Buddy would like to stretch his legs.” All the people in the gate area came to a complete standstill when they looked up and saw the pilot walk off the plane with a guide dog for the blind! Even worse, the pilot was wearing sunglasses! People scattered. They not only tried to change planes, but they were trying to change airlines!


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