May 31, 2007

Page 1

VOL. 11 NO. 43

THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2007

50 cents

DAY IN THE PARK IS SATURDAY Delmar’s annual celebration of food, music and fun will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Page 2

The Smith shallop has landed

TOP IN HER CLASS, TWICE - LHS valedictorian graduates shines again when she earns her doctorate. Page 4

Dedication ceremony takes place at Phillip’s Landing By Lynn R. Parks

SPIRIT RAISER - Area football boosters hope that new purchase will spark interest in school, sports. Page 20 ATTORNEY GENERAL RULES - Area town did violate the Freedom of Information Act. Page 20 ALL-CONFERENCE - The Star features photo cards of local players named first team all-conference for the spring sports season starting on page 41. STATE TOURNEY - Three local teams competed in the opening rounds of the state softball tournament. Coverage begins on page 41.

The replica of the Capt. John Smith shallop docked at Phillips Landing for the dedication ceremony of a monument commemorating the 400th anniversary of Smith’s exploration of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, including the Nanticoke River. The shallop is on a 121-day voyage around the bay. Photo by Lynn R. Parks

Capt. John Smith’s first couple encounters with the people of the Nanticoke nation were not easy ones. Arrows flew, muskets were fired. But soon, the Nanticoke people “came clustering about us,” Smith wrote in his journal, “every one presenting us with something, that we became such friends they would contend who should fetch us water…and give us the best content.” “The misunderstandings began with the first contact, and they have continued these many years,” James “Tee” Norwood, chief of the Nanticoke, said at Tuesday’s dedication of a marker at Phillips Landing, near Bethel, to commemorate 400 years since Smith explored the Nanticoke and other tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. “But we were willing to share the bounty of the land and water.” As part of the marker dedication ceremony, Norwood addressed the audience in the Nanticoke language. “I am chief of the Nanticoke people,” he translated. “Peace.” He then presented gifts to several dignitaries there, including Sen. Tom Carper, Continued on page 2

STARS OF THE WEEK - A Laurel softball player and a Sussex Tech softball player are this week’s Laurel Stars of the Week. Page 43

INSIDE THE STAR © Business . . . . . . . . .6 Bulletin Board . . . .26 Church . . . . . . . . .22 Classifieds . . . . . .32 Education . . . . . . .36 Entertainment . . . .30 Gourmet . . . . . . . .21 Health . . . . . . . . . .13 Letters . . . . . . . . . .51 Lynn Parks . . . . . .19 Mike Barton . . . . . .57 Movies . . . . . . . . . . .7 Obituaries . . . . . . .24

On the Record . . . .38 Opinion . . . . . . . . .58 Pat Murphy . . . . . .39 People . . . . . . . . . .40 Police . . . . . . . . . .25 Snapshots . . . . . . .56 Socials . . . . . . . . .57 Sports . . . . . . . . . .41 Tides . . . . . . . . . . .59 Todd Crofford . . . .23 Tommy Young . . . .44 Tony Windsor . . . .51 Weather . . . . . . . . .59 IN MEMORIAM - Members of American Legion post 19, Laurel, and Gold Star mothers lay a wreath on the veterans memorial at the post on Monday. From left: auxiliary chaplain Connie Nichols, Avery and Norma Jean Hudson, brother and mother of Lt. Alex Hudson, post commander Carlton Pepper, Gold Star mother Margaret Lloyd, auxiliary president Helen Pepper and Doris Kernaghan, vice president of the auxiliary. See story, page 5, addition photos, page 18. Photo by Pat Murphy.


MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Shallop crew repeats history with visit to Phillips Landing Continued from page one

Congressman Mike Castle and John Hughes, secretary of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. The gifts, small turtles to symbolize the Nanticoke, the Turtle People, were “emblematic of a sympathetic and fair-minded people,” Hughes said. “I suspect few Native Americans would have such grace.” The hour-long dedication ceremony, attended by about 400 people, concluded with a traditional Nanticoke friendship dance. The large dance circle formed around the newly-revealed black granite monolith that bears a reproduction of the map Smith drew of the Chesapeake region as well as an illustration of Smith’s shallop, or barge, accompanied by a Native American canoe. On the bottom of the monument are written the words Smith wrote in his journal about the Nanticoke: “Heaven and earth never adjoined better to form a place for man’s habitation.” Castle said that much of the Nanticoke, including the stretch along Phillip’s Landing, is unchanged from when Smith and his crew explored it. “It is pretty much as it was 400 years ago, and that is really exceptional in the United States today,” he said. “It is unbelievable how unchanged some of the river stretches are,” said Rebecca Pskowski, 24, Rockville, Md., one of 12 people who are sailing and rowing a replica of the Smith shallop on a tour of the Chesapeake. The shallop, in day 18 of its 121-day journey, was docked at Phillips Landing during the ceremony. Crewmate Forrest Richards, 24, St. White, Fla., said that the goal of the shallop’s journey, and of the new Capt. John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, is to draw attention to the Chesapeake. “The more people know about the history and ecology of the bay, the more likely it is that they will appreciate and care for it,” he said. Many speakers at the ceremony spoke of the need to protect the bay. Patrick Noonan, chairman emeritus of the Conservation Fund, a sponsor of the Captain John Smith Four Hundred Project, and a member of the board of directors of the National Geographic Society, said that his work has taken him to all 50 states. “And it doesn’t get any better than the Chesapeake Bay,” he said. “It doesn’t get any better than we have right here. We have

U.S. Sen. Tom Carper speaks at Phillip’s Landing. Photo by Lynn Parks

been given a wonderful legacy and it is our responsibility to protect it.” “I feel certain that the way you see this river now, it will be that way when we are dead and gone,” said state Sen. Robert Venables (D – Laurel). Venables paid tribute to “Tootie” Phillips, who owned what is now Phillips Landing Recreational Area and who left the land to the state. “A lot of what you see today is still here because of Mr. Phillips,” he said. Before the start of the ceremony, Charlie Kuhlman, Woodland, leaned against a tree, staring at the small, docked shallop and beyond to the confluence of Broad Creek and the Nanticoke River. “I’ve lived here all my life and I’ve done a lot of fishing and hunting on this river,” said Kuhlman, 71. “I am just standing here, imaging what it was like when Smith came up here.” Kuhlman said that in just the last 30 to 40 years, he has seen a dramatic decrease in wildlife on the river. “All the ducks that used to be here are pretty much gone,” he said. “Four hundred years ago, Smith must have seen a beautiful river.” “Europeans changed everything,” Norwood said. “They changed our way of life, and we have had many trials and tribulations along the way. “But we are still here. We are still the first people of the First State.” 107 Pennsylvania Ave., Seaford, DE 19973 302 628-9000

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MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Saturday to be Day in the Park By Lynn R. Parks The 31st annual Delmarva’s Day in the Park Festival will take place Saturday, June 2, in the State Street Park in Delmar. Festival-goers will have many activities to choose from, said festival chairwoman Diane Buckley. “This year, as in years past, there will be plenty of food, crafts, games, raffles, 50/50 drawing, live entertainment and more,” said Buckley. She expects up to 5,000 people to attend the festival. The festival is sponsored by the Greater Delmar Chamber of Commerce and is the chamber’s only fund-raiser. It also provides an opportunity for non-profit groups in town, including the Delmar Lions Club, the Kiwanis Club of Delmar and the Delmar VFW Ladies Auxiliary, to raise money. Back for the second year will be potato sack races and hulahoop contests. Participation in these contests, which are for children as well as adults, is free. The top winners receive prizes including toys and free admission to festival attractions. “Last year was our first year doing these and they were a huge hit,” Buckley said. Determined competitors can also buy tickets to compete in the ring toss, throw darts, putt a golf ball, snag plastic ducks out of a pond and shoot a basketball. Admission to participate in each game is one ticket; tickets cost 50 cents each. Attractions will include a kiddie “train” (a riding lawn mower that pulls carts behind), a moon bounce, a slide and an obstacle course. Entertainers, including church drama teams and choirs, will perform throughout the day. Students from Mitchell’s Martial Arts will show off their skills from noon to 12:30 p.m. and the band Southwind will play from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Door prizes ranging in value from $5 to $100 will be handed out. “I always have prizes I give away doing fun stuff such as, ‘The first person born in 1955 and can prove it will win,’” Buckley said. “Or maybe I’ll ask a trivia question such as, ‘Who is the governor of Delaware?’ This gives the crowd a chance to be involved in the fun. You should see the crowd gather when they know I'm going to do one of these games.” In addition, the chamber will hold a 50/50 drawing to benefit its scholarship fund. This year, the chamber handed out $1,100 in scholarship money to members of the class of 2007. Craftspeople will sell items such as candles, picture frames, clothing and primitive and folk art crafts. Available food will include hot dogs, hamburgers, breakfast sandwiches, barbecued pork sandwiches, caramel apples, oyster fritters, crab cakes, French fries, doughnuts, cheesesteaks, pizza, onion rings and chicken sandwiches. Buckley, who has been chairwoman of the event for 11 years, said that volunteers have organization of the festival “down to a science now.” She added, “There is still a lot of work to pull this off, but it is very well-organized. The planning for the next Day in the Park actually starts just as soon as it is over. ” Buckley credited festival volunteers for putting the event together. “I could not do this festival by myself,” she said. “My committee members work very hard in getting things lined up and set up for this event. Several vendors have participated in this event repeatedly under my tenure.” The town of Delmar provides electricity in the park at no cost and provides employees to help get the park ready for the festival. For your information: The 31st annual Delmarva’s Day in the Park Festival will take place Saturday, June 2, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., in the State Street Park in Delmar. The rain date is Saturday, June 16.



✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Valedictorian at LHS is tops once again in pharmacy class

LHS student plans missions trip Nicole Michelle Windsor of Seaford will be going on a missions trip to the island of Fiji this summer. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Darin Windsor. Her grandparents are Kenneth and Stella Mariner, Dolores Windsor and the late Jack Windsor. Nicole attends Laurel High School and wants to become a doctor. By attending Fiji she will have the opportunity to rebuild poverty-area playgrounds, work on shelters, host a children’s Bible camp and minister with other peers of her age. “I desire to be used by God to my fullest,” she said. Pastor William Konkel and the Rock Church of Laurel fully support her on her journey. “Send the people of Fiji our love and prayers,” Konkel told her. “May God bless them.” Donations are welcome to help Nicole pay for her trip. For details, call The Rock Church at 875-7275.

By Daniel Richardson Laurel’s Patti-Ann Betts accomplished a great deal when she became valedictorian of Laurel High School in 2001, but being able to do the same on a doctoral level was nothing short of phenomenal. Born in Syracuse, N.Y., Betts has considered Laurel her home town since she was in the fourth grade. Her mother and father are Pam and Danny McCumbers of Laurel. During her high school years, she worked for Happy Harry’s and developed a love for pharmacy. When she applied to Rutgers University in New Jersey in 2001 she was one of those fortunate souls who know exactly what they want to do. Betts, after long hours in the library and many study sessions with friends, was able to earn her doctorate of pharmacy at the young age of 23. A doctorate of pharmacy is different from other doctorate degrees in that an undergraduate or graduate degree is not required. Betts earned her doctoral degree as valedictorian of her class on Friday, May 18, of this year. Betts credits part of her scholastic success to her friends. “I had, in high school and in college, a really good group of friends who helped me study...we have always been nerds,” Betts joked. Betts believes the best way to study is to use all of your senses. “In some of my harder classes I would tape record the lectures and listen to them again, as well as recopy my notes and read them over...I find it is best to use all of your senses when learning,” she said. In July, Betts plans to go to work for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, practicing pharmacy in a hospital setting. Betts has said that she is not sure in what kind of pharmacy she wants to ultimately practice, but she will be getting a taste of both retail pharmacy as well as hospital pharmacy as she will also be working part time at Walgreens. In the future, Betts wants to see the pharmacy profession move away from be-

Laurel Star Published by Morning Star Publications Inc. 628 West Stein Highway, Seaford, DE 19973 (302) 629-9788 • Fax (302) 629-9243

The Laurel Star (USPS #016-427) is published weekly by Morning Star Publications Inc., 628 West Stein Highway, Seaford, DE 19973. Periodicals postage paid at Seaford, DE. Subscriptions are $17 a year in county; $22 a year in Kent and New Castle Counties, Delaware, Delmar, Sharptown and Federalsburg, Maryland; $27 elsewhere. Postmaster: Send address changes to Laurel Star, P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973-1000.

Nicole Michelle Windsor

Library sponsoring groups for teenagers

Patti-Ann Betts

ing a money-driven industry. “I hope that pharmacy continues on to be more of a patient-focused profession rather than a money driven industry. I really hope to be able to work directly with patients,” she said. Pharmacy has consumed most of Betts’ life for the past several years, but she does hope to be able to get back her recreational life when in Philadelphia and play softball in a league. She seemed generally excited about moving to Philadelphia. “I have only been there two or three times, but it seems like a really cool city,” she said. For those who are about to attend college, Betts had this advice: “Study, but don’t study too much. College is about academics asmuch as it is about social interactions, but the important thing is to have balance. Make some nerdy friends that you can study with as well as hang out with.”

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Teens entering grades seven through 12 are invited to spend a fun summer at the Laurel Public Library, beginning Friday, June 15. As part of the Teen Summer Reading Program, nine lucky teens will win an August limo ride to Barnes and Noble in Salisbury to spend a $25 gift certificate. Area teens are also invited to join the library for Friday Night Live, a weekly after-hours program for teens that begins

June 15. The group will meet from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and games, book discussions, movies and crafts will be offered each week. The Laurel Public Library offers a Teen Acting Club each Monday from 7 to 8 p.m. No experience (or ability) required. For more information, stop by the library, call it at 875-3184 or visit the Web site

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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Gold Star parents honored at Memorial Day ceremony als during his three years in service. Avery Hudson and mother, Norma Jean American legion Post 19 in Laurel held Hudson, were there to represent his brother and her son, Lt. Alex Hudson. Hudson, its Memorial Day service on Monday, a doctor with a degree in clinical psycholMay 28, at the post home on Delaware 24 ogy, while on duty in Cuba contracted a just east of Laurel. Special guest speaker was Col. Thomas McLeish, superintendent rare disease and passed away in December 2004, just short of his 34th birthday. He of the Delaware State Police. was a 1988 Laurel High School graduate. Other guests included Laurel Mayor He was described by Moore as a man John Shwed, state Sen. Robert Venables, of honor and noble character. state Rep. Biff Lee and Pastor John VanMoore concluded the recognition by Tine. saying, “Their image is not only on stone Post commander Carlton Pepper welbut on the hearts of men.” comed the many seated guests, reminding A new memorial plaque was donated them, “We are here today to honor those for Gold Star Parents by Jim and Pernie who gave their lives in service of their Allen. country.” McLeish was introduced by commandPost adjutant Jim Moore introduced the er Pepper. McLeish is a graduate of Gold Star parents, who represent families Dover High School and Wilmington Colwho lost loved ones in the service of their lege. In 1977, he became a member of country. Delaware State Police and worked his way “Today is a day of national awareness through the ranks to his position as superfor their profound contributions,” he said. intendent today. “We honor them, especially on Memorial Pepper told of McLeish’s parents being Day.” in military with him Introduced were when he was born in Pat Yates, whose Germany. The famison, Captain Irving ‘I never want to forget them. have been Tyndall, was a 1944 Thank you Gold Star mothers and lies friends since. Laurel High School fathers who gave up your sons McLeish is also a graduate and a Korewell respected footan War pilot who lost and daughters in service of our ball official, Pepper his life in the concountry.’ said. flict. He went missCol. Thomas McLeish McLeish gave a ing in action on July Delaware State Police brief history of the 11, 1952, and was start of Memorial declared dead on Day. It was named a Dec. 11, 1952. Pat Yates will celebrate her 100th birth- national holiday in 1971. McLeish looked at his audience and day in August of this year. asked, “Are their people not caring?” Will Stacy represented his son, Capt. Then he answered: “I don’t think so Will Stacy Jr., who was a 1963 West Point but it is our duty to honor those who graduate. Stacy was killed on March 1, serve.” 1966, in the Kien Hoa Province of VietMcLeish continued by saying that there Nam. He was described as a “leader of troops are 1.5 million people serving in the military for our country today. the United and foster father to over 100 children in States has lost 1.1 million in service. Vietnam, going to great lengths for their “If we do not remember these people safety.” we will not have the things to enjoy [in “He achieved human compassion few this country],” McLeish said. people are ever able to receive,” said “I never want to forget them,” he Moore. added. “Thank you Gold Star mothers and Margaret Lloyd lost her son, Spc. 5 fathers who gave up your sons and daughRichard Dennison, on March 5, 1971. He ters in service of our country.” was a helicopter gunner in Vietnam and The event ended with the laying of a died when he was a month short of his wreath on the veterans post memorial. 21st birthday. He received numerous metBy Pat Murphy

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MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Business 1st Mariner Mortgage announces new office and personnel in Seaford 1st Mariner Mortgage, a division of 1st Mariner Bank, announces the opening of its latest office at 604 N. Porter St. in Seaford - behind SubWay. Hunt Stover, a lifelong Seaford native is the new loan officer at this location. Hunt is a graduate of the University of Delaware and began his retail banking career with Citizens Bank and was most recently an underwriter with SunTrust Mortgage, giving him exceptional knowledge and experience in helping clients find the right mortgage. 1st Mariner Mortgage is one of very few mortgage companies that participate in the Delaware State Housing Bond Program, which gives first time buyers exceptional rates, and down payment/closing cost assistance for the purchase of a new or existing home. Bob Mitchell, a Greenwood native and formerly the office manager of SunTrust Mortgage, rejoined 1st Mariner Mortgage as the Manager of Eastern Shore Mortgage Operations and oversees mortgage offices in Seaford, Salisbury, Ocean City, Cambridge, Easton, and Havelock, N.C. Bob has 20 years of retail mortgage and consumer finance experience and is pleased to open the first Sussex County office for 1st Mariner Mortgage.

ERA Harrington wins National Award ERA Harrington in Dover has received national recognition from global real estate leader ERA Franchise Systems, Inc. for total residential units closed in 2006 in its respective division. With more than 1,600 residential units last year, ERA Harrington ranked in the top 13 in this category among companies of comparable size. The prestigious award was announced at the 2007 ERA International Business Conference, held March 2007 in New Orleans, La. "Our commitment to making the process of buying or selling a home a positive experience for our customers is the secret of the ERA Harrington's success," remarked Mike Harrington Sr., president. "By using the latest real estate products

and services, our sales associates and staff have provided excellent customer service, and this award recognizes their achievement." Locally ERA Harrington ERA Realty has eight locations throughout the state in Dover, West Dover, Middletown, Smyrna, Harrington, Seaford, Georgetown, and Milford with more than 200 Realtors, serving clients and customers as a full service agency including mortgage and insurance services. For more information, please visit their website at <>

Lloydlee Heite attends Photography Workshop Professional photographer Lloydlee Heite recently attended a workshop with Kevin Kubota, of Kubota Photo Design Inc. Kevin has been making portraits since 1980, and doing it professionally since 1990. His wedding and portrait work has been featured in magazines such as Rangefinder, Studio Photography & Design, Popular Photography, and Shutterbug, as well as in photography books. Kevin was giving his workshop on Workflow and Outstanding Photoshop Techniques to the Professional Photographers of Delaware. Lloydlee has been in business for more than 20 years and maintains his studio in Bridgeville, where he specializes in Wedding and Location portraiture. For more information or photography advice you can just call 302-337-8545, or email him from his website,

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Nursing Assistant candidates complete training Sussex Tech Adult Education Division recently awarded 12 nursing assistant candidates certificates for completing the 150-hour training program. The candidates are now preparing for their State certification written and skills exams. The candidates include, left to right: Front row - Candice Kidwell (Seaford), Elaine John (Ocean View), Joni Smith-Spinella (Millsboro), Datrice Washington (Ellendale), Donna Racine, RN program manager; second row - Myunghee Kim (Millsboro), Likisha Winder (Seaford), Suprina Duker (Ellendale), Carolyn Sturgis (Bridgeville), Rosetta Rue (Dagsboro), Adeline Dorce (Seaford), Felicia Mullen (Lincoln), and Altagrace Debrosse (Milford). The next class begins Sept. 10. For more information contact Donna Racine at 856-9035, Ext. 329.

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MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

MOV I E S ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Visit or for descriptions of current movie selections

Diamond State Drive-In Theater US Harrington, Del. 302-284-8307 FRIDAY, JUNE 1 & SATURDAY, JUNE 2 Shrek III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dusk (8:30) Pirates of The Caribbean At World’s End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 Follows First Show (Approx. Time 10:30) -------------------------- SUNDAY, JUNE 3 -------------------------PLEASE CALL THEATER FOR SCHEDULE

The Movies At Midway Rt. 1, Midway Shopping Ctr., Rehoboth Beach, 645-0200 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY, 6/1 THRU THURSDAY, 6/7 Waitress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:05, 3:50, 6:40, 9:00 Bug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:10, 4:45, 7:20, 9:45 Shrek The Third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . .1:00, 1:35, 3:40, 4:35, 6:25, 8:35 Georgia Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00, 4:40, 7:10, 9:30 28 Weeks Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:05, 4:50, 7:25, 9:40 Spiderman 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:50, 3:35, 6:20, 9:10 Fracture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:20, 4:05, 7:00, 9:30 Delta Farce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45, 8:50 Disturbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:25, 4:00, 6:50, 9:05 Mr. Brooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:50, 4:20, 7:05, 9:35 Gracie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:30, 3:45, 6:35, 8:45 Knocked Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:40, 4:10, 7:00, 9:40 Pirates of The Caribbean At World’s End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . .1:10, 1:45, 2:30, 4:30, 5:10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:05, 7:45, 8:30, 9:20




Clayton Theater Dagsboro, Del. 20 732-3744 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRI., 6/1 THRU THURS., 6/7 Pirates of The Caribbean, At World’s End PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:30 Sun. 2:00, 7:30,

Regal Salisbury Stadium 16 2322 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD, 410-860-1370 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY, 6/1 THRU THURSDAY, 6/7 Knocked Up . . . . . . . . . .R . .Fri-Mon (12:30, 1:00, 3:45, 4:15) 7:00, 7:30, 10:00, 10:30 Mr Brooks . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Mon (1:40, 4:40) 7:45, 10:30 Gracie . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Mon (12:00, 2:30, 5:00) 8:00, 10:25 Pirates of The Caribbean World’s End . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Mon (11:20, 11:50, 12:20, 12:50, 1:50, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:50, 2:20, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00. 4:30, 5:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00, 6:40, 7:10, 7:40, 8:10, 9:10, 9:40, 10:20 Shrek The Third . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Mon (11:30, 12:05, 1:15, 2:00, 2:40, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:55, 4:45, 5:15) 6:55, 7:25, 7:55, 9:20, 9:50, 10:15 Bug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Mon (1:30, 4:20) 7:20, 10:05 Spiderman III . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Mon (12:25, 3:40) 7:05, 10:15 Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tues-Wed 7:30 () Discounted showtimes in Parenthesis * Pass/Discount Restrictions Apply



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The Laurel Chamber of Commerce and Morning Star Publications Inc. are preparing their annual special publication for Laurel’s 13th annual July 4th celebration to be distributed June 21 - 28. This special, colorful section will be in the Laurel and Seaford Stars on June 28, 2007 and distributed on newsstands in Sussex County, Del. and Wicomico, Dorchester and Caroline Counties, Md. Don’t miss the opportunity to support their efforts for this great event. Reach 69,000 readers with your advertising message. Contact Morning Star Publications, home of the Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers for details.

Phone: 3 0 2 6 2 9 - 9 7 8 8 Fax: 3 0 2 6 2 9 - 9 2 4 3 Email: s a l e s @ m s p u b l i c at i o n s . c o m


MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

DPI members save on bills

LAUREL GRAD EARNS SCHOLARSHIP - Heather O' Day, a first-year student at Beebe School of Nursing, has earned the Joanna Speicher Scholarship. Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Speicher of Laurel initiated the scholarship in memory of their daughter. To be eligible for the scholarship, the Beebe School of Nursing student must have a B average and be a graduate of Laurel High School. Pictured here, The Honorable Eugene Bookhammer, chair of the Beebe Medical Foundation Board, presents the scholarship to Heather O' Day.

Pepco to use hybrids and alternative fuels Pepco Holdings, Inc.,will transform its 2,000-vehicle fleet to more environmentally friendly technologies by using electric hybrids and alternatively fueled vehicles to reduce its fuel bill and curb greenhouse gas emissions. "The way we do business has a direct impact on our community and the environment, and the public concern about global warming can no longer be ignored," said Dennis R. Wraase, PHI's chairman, president and chief executive officer. PHI now has a mix of more than 80 alternative-fueled trucks, including a 42foot-hybrid electric bucket truck, and several hybrid cars and SUVs. Thirty additional hybrid cars and SUVs will join the fleet this year, with about half already ordered. PHI also plans to convert all of its truck fueling facilities in four Mid-Atlantic States to emission-reducing biodiesel fuel, which is a blend of 20 percent soybean oil and 80 percent low-sulfur diesel. Fueling facilities in the Pepco service area have already converted to biodiesel. Wraase said the fleet will be transformed over time as vehicles wear out, initially replacing the equipment with hybrid and alternative-fuel vehicles, and later with even newer technology as it becomes available commercially. He noted that the company will continue to participate in several pilot programs to evaluate the potential for new vehicle technologies to reduce costs, make more efficient use of off-peak power and reduce emissions. The evaluation will also consider other

alternative fuels such as natural gas and E85, a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. Existing hybrids use both an electric motor and a standard gasoline engine. The developing technologies still in the pilot stage include all-electric vehicles that run on batteries charged by plugging into household current and by regenerative braking; plug-in hybrid electrics that are recharged overnight when power is cheaper, and fuel cell vehicles that run on hydrogen fuel. Although the purchase price of hybrid vehicles is greater than that of conventional vehicles, PHI expects the investment in these vehicles to pay off in reduced fuel costs and lower carbon emissions. The hybrid bucket truck entered the Pepco fleet earlier this year as part of a year-long pilot program to assess its performance and reliability under typical working conditions. Its fuel economy is estimated in the range of 40 percent to 60 percent better than conventional bucket trucks. Delmarva Power will begin using electric hybrid vehicles later this year. Pepco Holdings, Inc., headquartered in Washington, D.C., delivers electricity and natural gas to about 1.9 million customers in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey and Virginia. Through its subsidiaries Pepco, Delmarva Power and Atlantic City Electric, PHI delivers regulated electricity and natural gas service. PHI provides competitive wholesale generation services through Conectiv Energy and retail energy products and services through Pepco Energy Services.

Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. (DPI), the trade association for the Peninsula's broiler chicken industry, has executed a one-year contract for its members with Horizon Power & Light for electric purchases at the rate of 10.5 cents/kwhr. The new contract will start on members' June meter read date, which is also when the contract with Washington Gas Energy Services (WGES) ends if they were enrolled in the DPI Electric Buying Group created in December 2006. Participants should receive a copy of the signed contract with Horizon P & L within two to three weeks. While DPI had hoped for a lower rate, all members that have been enrolled in the buying group this year will save as compared to Delmarva Power's default tariff supply rates. 225 DPI members, representing more than 420 accounts, were part of this year's buying group. In the December Electric Buying group, there were 215 members with 350 electric meters. A typical chicken farmer will save approximately $450 over the term of the contract. Some participants in the first pool are not in the newly formed pool because the this term’s higher rate was not an advantage for them. Altogether, the 225 members over the 12-month life of the contract will save approximately $125,000; fewer savings than the first buying pool due to the rise in electric rates, but still significant savings for DPI members and another monetary benefit of being a DPI member. DPI President Roger Marino noted that

these savings are the direct result of companies and growers being part of DPI. "This is just one tangible benefit of membership in DPI; one that has immediate financial implications." DPI members buying electricity from WGES in the existing electricity buying pool should receive a form letter from Delmarva Power before the end of May confirming that WGES is ending its contract with them for electricity supply effective with their June meter read.

Chief of Media Relations hired John R. Painter has been hired as the New Department of Correction chief of media relations. Painter replaces Beth Welch who left the agency in April of 2006. "We are pleased to have John Painter join our executive team. He has a solid media relations background and a great deal of experience working in a fast-pace, demanding environment," Commissioner Danberg said. John Painter came to this agency from Special Olympics of Delaware where he served as the director of communications. Prior to that, John worked in a series of media relations positions including the management of an intensive sport media unit. He has more than 10 years of media relations and Public Relations experience. John Painter is a native of Seaford. He currently resides in Smyrna with his wife. In this post, John Painter will serve as the agency's lead on media inquiries and the chief press spokesperson.

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MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Sussex County unveils $142 million budget Budget writers this year had to pay special attention to the declining revenue from the real estate transfer tax Sussex County leaders took the wraps off a $142 million proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2008, one that will see mild growth in County spending, but is more conservative in light of softening revenue from the local housing market. "This proposed budget is a fiscally sound plan," County Administrator David Baker said. "It is sensible, practical and cautious, allowing county services to continue to meet the needs of the growing number of residents in Sussex County." The proposed budget is approximately $2 million more, or 1.4 percent, above the current year's $140 million budget. County Council will hold a public hearing on the proposal during its 10 a.m. meeting June 19, in council chambers at the County Administrative Offices building on The Circle in Georgetown. Council must adopt a budget before the start of the new fiscal year July 1. Baker said the proposed budget keeps in place the county's property tax rate of

44.5 cents per $100 of assessed value, and does not call for rate increases for about half of the County's sewer customers. However, increases in rates for some customers are recommended to cover increased operational costs. Those increases range from less than 1 percent to approximately 8 percent. Budget writers this year had to pay special attention to the declining revenue from the real estate transfer tax - the 3 percent levy attached to most property sales, and split between the county and the state. In the current year's budget, the estimated revenue from realty transfer was $28.7 million. In Fiscal 2008, Sussex County projects to collect $22.4 million in realty transfer tax, a 22 percent decrease. While the downturn means a decline in revenue, Sussex County has been preparing all along. "Over the years, Sussex County has conservatively budgeted realty transfer tax revenue. That was especially important to do when the market was stronger," Baker said. "That course of action has now helped us to weather the downturn we're seeing in the local real estate market." The proposed budget includes • $33 million for capital sewer im-

provements, expansions of existing sewer districts and the addition of future districts. The county has seen a 6 percent increase in the number of sewer connections between May 2006 and today. • $23 million dedicated for public safety, an increase of 10 percent over the 2007 budget. That funding will pay for the County's 119-member paramedic program, grants to local volunteer fire companies and town police forces, and cover the addition of four state troopers to the County's complement under the Delaware State Police contract. Currently, Sussex County contracts for 32 additional troopers to be assigned to the county; under the 2008 budget, the complement would rise to 36 officers; • $10.5 million for non-sewer capital improvements, including $3.75 million for an additional administrative office building, $4.4 million for the construction of a second runway at the Sussex County Airport, and $376,000 for expansions at the Greenwood, South Coastal and Milton libraries; • $1.4 million to continue open space acquisition, in partnership with the nonprofit Sussex County Land Trust and the Delaware Department of Agriculture.

More than 3,000 acres have been preserved in Sussex County in recent years through those partnerships; • $150,000 for a records retention program. The county wants to establish a more coordinated effort in collecting and maintaining records and documents. The county plans to create a records retention facility at what will soon be the former Sussex County Emergency Operations Center outside Georgetown. The proposed budget also calls for a 3 percent cost of living adjustment for county employees, continued funding of the county's pension program and $276,000 in funding for dog control, which Delaware counties must now fund as a result of a state mandate. Baker said in addition to the annual budget, the county staff has prepared an aggressive five-year capital improvement plan totaling $298 million. Webb said while some other jurisdictions are facing tough decisions in their budgets this year, Sussex County is fortunate enough to be able to take "a balanced approach." “The ultimate goal for us is to balance our budget and be within our means, regardless of the economy or how well the real estate market is doing,” Webb added.

Officials say, discussion needed to address proposed electricity corridors Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) and Congressman Michael Castle (R-DE) have joined dozens of their colleagues in urging Samuel Bodman, the U.S. Secretary of Energy, to hold meetings, providing the public with an opportunity to learn more about the recently proposed national interest electric transmission corridors. In April, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced its proposal to create the Mid-Atlantic transmission corridor one of only two in the nation - to address current and future electricity transmission congestion and constraint problems along

portions of the east coast. Essentially, by creating the corridor, the DOE would have sole authority to implant transmission facilities like power lines, if they feel a state is not adequately addressing congestion concerns. The Mid-Atlantic corridor would include all of Delaware and currently, no meetings are scheduled in Delaware for the public to learn about the proposal. "The designation could have a major impact on Delaware and how transmission facilities and power lines are sited in the state," said Senator Biden. "In order to

learn more about what these impacts might be, the Department of Energy needs to provide an open and public forum for this discussion in Delaware. It is vital that Delaware's voices are heard before federal action of this magnitude is taken." "While the Department of Energy is understandably trying to create viable solutions to the problem of electricity transmission congestion, a proposal of this scale demands the attention and thoughts of all those who will be affected," said Congressman Castle. "I will continue to push for public meetings, so Delawareans

Sell Your Unwanted Items In The Star’s

can get their questions answered and voice their views before the plan is implemented." The comment period on this proposal is scheduled to end July 6. There have only been seven public meetings scheduled for the entire proposed corridor, and none are slated to be in Delaware. Senator Biden and Congressman Castle are requesting that the DOE schedule a meeting in Delaware and extend the comment period an additional 30 days to not only allow the public to become educated on the project, but also to give them ample time to provide comments on it.

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MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Monument to Delaware confederates unveiled Nearly 300 members of the general public and invited guests attended a Delaware Confederate soldiers monument unveiling ceremony sponsored jointly by the United Daughters of the Confederacy "Caleb Ross" Chapter #2635, and the "Delaware Grays", Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #2068 on May 12 at the Nutter B. Marvel Museum in Georgetown. The monument honors the state‚ citizens and soldiers who supported or enlisted in Southern armies during the War Between the States - 1861-1865. The day's highlights included proclamations by Georgetown Mayor Mike Wyatt and Delaware Governor Ruth Ann Minner declaring that May 12-18 is "Confederate History and Heritage Week" in the town and throughout the state of Delaware. Dirt from each of the Confederate states was spread at the base of the monument to give it a firm foundation in southern soil. "This is a great day for these American soldiers," said Delaware Grays Camp Commander John Zoch of Seaford. "They waited 140 years for this recognition. It's long overdue." The monument features the names of over 70 Delawareans who fought in Southern Armies or supported the Confederate war effort including Lt. General Leonidas Polk and Delaware Governor William Henry Harrison Ross. There is a 9 foot obelisk and it is flanked by 25 foot flag poles on each side, one featuring the

The Delaware Confederate Monument is unveiled during a ceremony in Georgetown recently. Photos by David Elliott

Delaware flag and the other featuring the Confederate battle flag. A Confederate battle flag is inscribed upon the obelisk and features a 14th star for Delaware. Delaware, a border state during the war, never left the Union, but it is estimated up to as many as 2,000 of her native sons joined Southern armies.

The 8th Georgia Company confederate re-enactors are shown at the recent Delaware Confederate Monument dedication.

There are monuments honoring those who joined the Federal armies, at Gettysburg and Sharpsburg Battlefields as well as other places, but none - until now - recognizing the sacrifices of Delawareans who supported the Cause of independence and efforts of the Confederate States between 1861-1865. More names of Delaware's Confederate

soldiers will be added to the monument as research reveals their identities. Anyone with names of possible Delaware Confederate soldiers is asked to contact the Monument Committee through the Delaware Grays website at The monument is located at the nonprofit Nutter B. Marvel Museum, 510 South Bedford St., Georgetown.

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MORNING STAR âœł MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Health Three hospitals ban smoking By Anthony Policastro, M.D

About six months ago, I wrote about a trend in smoking cessation. That trend will become a reality at three local hospitals on July 1, 2007. Those hospitals will move to smoke free campuses. For that reason, I decided to update the article. Hospitals that move to smoke free campuses will not allow smoking anywhere on the hospital property. That will be true for hospital staff. That will be true for visitors. That will be true for patients. A reaction to this might be that it is not fair to smokers to have their ability to smoke in public decreased. In a way that might be true. However, hospitals are in the business of health care. That health care is sometimes in the form of inpatient care. It is sometimes in the form of outpatient care. It is sometimes in the form of community education. Sending a strong message about the dangers of smoking to the com-

munity is in line with the mission of hospitals. Telling people that smoking is bad for their health is important. Acting on that moves it to a higher level. It is not a matter of inconveniencing the smokers. It is a matter of stating clearly that smoking is bad for your health. Patients entrust their health to our care. We were going to give them the right medicine for that. We were not going to allow them to injure their health by smoking. Providing patients with smoking cessation aids is a part of this process. There are various quit programs that are available. There are various medications that can be prescribed to help patients quit. These need to be discussed with the physician at the time of admission. Occasionally patients will try smoking in their bathrooms. Smokers sometimes start hospital fires. Hospitals cannot allow that level of risk. Smokers who cause damage to property or other individuals are legally

Joyce E. Stout, M.D., P.A. announces the closing of her medical practice,

Rossakatum Primary Care 116 E. Front Street, Laurel, DE 19956 as of July 1, 2007

To my patients:

Thank You for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your family doctor. It has been a privilege.

Mark Antos, M.D. Will Be Closing His Practice Effective July 1, 2007 Patients must call 302-731-4477 to obtain copies of their medical records effective July 1, 2007.

liable for that. Smokers who do that break the law just like they do on airplane bathrooms. That means that they can be ticketed or fined. When the entire hospital campus goes smoke free that means that patients cannot leave the hospital to have a cigarette. That is because the outside of the hospital still is part of the campus. Patients who do so are leaving the hospital against medical advice. Their insurance company could refuse to pay the hospital bill. That would result in the patient having to pay the bill. It may result in a loss of health insurance. There are obviously more things involved than just health. However, health is the most important one. We, as the medical community, need to constantly and consistently send a clear message. Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death and disability in this country. Our patients need to hear us say that loud and clear.

Safe Sitter Classes at Nanticoke Safe Sitter classes for girls and boys aged 11 to 13 will be offered at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital. The two part course will be held from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. on June 19 and 21. The Safe Sitter program is a medically-accurate instructional series that teaches youngsters how to handle emergencies when caring for younger children. The cost is $50. Participants are to bring a bag lunch. To register your son or daughter or your child's babysitter, call 629-6611 ext. 2540. The goal of Safe Sitter is to reduce the number of accidental and preventable deaths among children being cared for by babysitters. All medical information will be taught by a certified professional. During the course, students get hands-on practice in basic life-saving techniques so they are prepared to act in a crisis. Instructors also provide tips to make sitters more confident caregivers. They teach safety and security precautions, such as what to do if a stranger comes to the door and when and how to call for help. They give information on child development and suggest age-appropriate activities. Participants will learn about the business aspects of babysitting. For more information about Safe Sitter, contact Nanticoke Memorial Hospital at 629-6611 ext. 2540.

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


The Wellness Community offers Kids Circle program The Wellness Community - Delaware will be hosting a special Kids Circle program for children ages 5-12 years who have a parent, grandparent or sibling with cancer. The Kids Circle program uses movement, art, storytelling, games, and other fun activities to help children deal with their emotions. A separate group for parents and caregivers will be offered at the same time. A diagnosis of cancer creates special issues related to child rearing, talking about the illness with children, and how a family member's illness affects the child. According to Sean Hebbel, LCSW and program director for The Wellness Community-Delaware, "Isolation and feelings of helplessness are common to both children and parents living through the experience of cancer in their lives. The Kids Circle program provides a forum for both children and parents to discuss their feelings and get support from each other." When a family member is dealing with cancer children can often feel isolated and left out. If children are unable to express their feelings, they may act out behaviorally. For this reason, it's a good idea to make teachers, counselors, and other people close to the child aware of the situation.

The Kids Circle program provides kids with an outlet to talk about their emotions in a caring, supportive and therapeutic environment. Karen Barwick, NCC; Mary King Makowski, LPC; and Louise White, LCSW; will facilitate the next Kids Circle program which is scheduled for Saturday, June 2, from 1-3 p.m. at The Wellness Community. The Wellness Community is located in the Medical Arts Building, Suite 312, on the Beebe Health Campus off Rt. 24. Refreshments will be provided. The program is free, but you must register in advance to reserve your space. To RSVP or to learn more about any of our other free support programs for people with cancer and their families in Sussex County, call (302) 6459150. The Wellness Community-Delaware is part of a national nonprofit organization that provides support, education and hope to people with cancer and their loved ones. At The Wellness CommunityDelaware, all programs are free of charge. More information about The Wellness Community is available on their website at

A Breath of Fresh Air...

Peninsula Regional honors Sussex County Employees Alan Newberry (center), president/CEO of Peninsula Regional, congratulated five Sussex County residents for their combined years of service to the Medical Center at a recent National Hospital Week Employee Recognition event. The employees recognized were from left, Judy Cooper of Delmar, 40 years; Gayle Williams of Laurel, 30 years; Faye Horner of Fenwick Island, 30 years;Karen Mihalik of Georgetown, 30 years and Arlene Layton (not pictured) of Ocean View, 30 years. Newberry, the Board of Trustees, and the Medical Staff recognized 329 employees with 5 to 45 years of service, who between them account for 4,295 years of service.

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MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Health Bulletins Joseph P. Olekszyk receives award Dr. Joseph P. Olekszyk was the recent recipient of the Presidents Achievement Award for his chairing and development of the 2007 Continuing Medical Education course for Otolaryngology/Facial Plastic Surgery-Head and Neck Surgery, May 2-6 at the Ritz-Carlton in Sarasota, Fla. The Board of Governors presents the award to members of the college who have distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious service to the organization in a series of duties of great responsibility. The award was presented at the organization's Annual Ceremonial Banquet. Dr. Olekszyk, a board-certified otolaryngologist, practices and resides in Seaford, with his wife Patricia and their family. Dr. Olekszyk is a graduate of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine otolaryngology residency, 1990. The American Osteopathic Colleges of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery promotes the interests of Osteopathic Ophthalmologists and osteopathic Otolaryngologists/Facial Plastic Surgeons, to continue to improve their quality of training, education and to advance the practice of medicine through a system of quality and cost effective health care measures in the profession.

Red Cross Seeking Volunteers Your Local Red Cross remembers June 25, 2006 very well. That was the day that heavy rains caused terrible flooding in the towns and counties we serve, particularly Seaford, Blades, Caroline County and Dorchester County. We remember our team of dedicated local volunteers: * Opening a shelter at Woodbridge High School in Bridgeville for those evacuated from their homes because of the flooding. * Opening another Red Cross shelter Hurlock Elementary School in Dorchester County. * Delivering over 8,000 snacks and beverages to affected communities between June 25, 2006 and July 4, 2006. * Delivering personal comfort, hygiene and clean-up kits. * Visiting affected families to find what their needs were and how our local Red Cross could help them. If you were or someone you know was affected on June 25, 2006 or if you are interested in helping others in times of disaster, consider joining our team of Disaster Responders. Volunteer orientations will be held at the Red Cross Seaford office on June 5, and on June 7, 2007 in Centreville (Queen Anne's County, MD). Both orientations will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Please sign up to attend a volunteer orientation by calling 302-472-6240 or 800877-6620, ext. 6240 or emailing There are many ways that volunteers help the Red Cross. These include:

Disaster Responders Bad weather, floods and other emergencies can strike at any time. Help your community by taking Free Red Cross disaster training and learn how to staff an emergency shelter, or become a Disaster Action Team volunteer, assisting families left homeless after fires, floods or other disasters. All disaster training is free and equips people with the skills they need to help others. Disaster volunteers respond at all hours of the night and the position takes time, training, commitment and good health. Disaster Preparedness Presenters Do you enjoy public speaking? Are you willing to commit to a comprehensive training program to deliver a pre-packaged PowerPoint presentation to business and community groups? Presentations will generally be in the day-time and last around two hours. Health and Safety Instructors Volunteers can be trained to become certified American Red Cross Instructors in First Aid, CPR, Babysitting, Pet First Aid, and CPR/AED (Automated External Defibrillator). Experience in public speaking, teaching or group presentations is preferred. Lifeline Installers Lifeline is an easy-to-use personal medical alert service that ensures that older adults living at home get quick assistance in an emergency - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Help a senior citizen increase his or her independence and sense of self-sufficiency by becoming a Lifeline installer. Community Events Community fairs and festivals are usually held during Spring and Fall. Volunteers who enjoy meeting people are needed to staff Red Cross tables at these events. This is an opportunity to meet your neighbors and educate them about the work the American Red Cross of the Delmarva Peninsula does in their communities and the importance of preparing for emergencies. Register online for free disaster training at training. htm. For more information about the Red Cross in your community, please visit

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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

ACHIEVEMENT DINNER - The Laurel School District held its academic achievement dinner recently. Above, the district’s steel drum band, which has been invited to perform at Delaware State Fair in July, performs at the dinner.Photos by Mike McClure

Shown are some of the seniors recognized during the Laurel Academic Achievement dinner last week.

Pictured are some of the Laurel juniors who achieved a 3.25 grade point average for three straight marking periods and were recognized by the Laurel School District at a dinner last Tuesday.

Shown are some of the sophomores who were recognized at the Laurel Academic Achievement dinner last week.

Library to host consumer health librarian We live in a time that has been called the Information Age. Everywhere one looks there are more ways to acquire knowledge and to acquire it in a faster and faster manner. The problem begins when one tries to decipher what knowledge is useful and what knowledge is hearsay. It gets compounded when one is not sure where to look for information or how to ask the questions. In issues of health this becomes extremely important. Health care providers may make suggestions for treatment that are not understood by their patients. Patients may not understand how to ask questions of their health care providers, or they may be unable to locate the correct sources of information. It’s confusing and sometimes it’s frightening. In response to this issue, the Laurel Library will be offering the opportunity for patrons to consult with Linda Leonard, a Consumer Health Librarian. Starting in June, Ms. Leonard will be available on the second Wednesday of each month at the Laurel Library, from 5 to 7 p.m, for private consultations. These consultations are free, completely confidential and no appointment is necessary. In addition, Ms. Leonard will be available at other times at the Rehoboth Beach Public Library. Starting in June call 302-227-8044 for phone consultations or to

Between the covers A regular column about happenings at the Laurel Public Library find out her availability. A Consumer Health Librarian provides patrons with current and accurate Consumer Health Information (CHI) on health and medical topics such as information on the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of disease, but may also provide information on healthy life styles, preventative medicine, and how to access the health care system. Using the Consumer Health Librarian gives patrons another source of information on their health care concerns. Information can be gathered on all sides of an issue contributing to informed choice in health care decision making. The Consumer Health Librarian does not take the place of a patron’s health care provider and can not offer medical advice or education but instead will provide the patron with information that they can take back to their heath care provider for discussion and interpretation. It is up to the individual, along with their health care provider to determine how the information discovered relates to them.

Pictured are some of the Laurel High freshmen who received recognition at the 20th Annual Laurel Academic Achievement dinner last week.

News items may be mailed to the Seaford and Laurel Star, 628 W. Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973. Or they may be faxed to 629-9243.

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Spring chorus concerts held at Delmar schools By Donna Dukes-Huston

dle school chorus students. "I want to ease them into serious music Music is in the air at Delmar Middle as well as provide an opportunity for fun and Senior High School. On May 1 the music as well," said Stuart. middle school chorus presented a spring This spring's high school concert, choral program and on May 7 the high which featured swing and jazz music from school chorus presented Spring Fling the 1930s and 1940s, was even more chal2007. lenging. This was the first time that the Under the direcgroup included dance tion of Iris Stuart, the numbers with a cho‘I want to ease them into serious rus production. middle school chorus music as well as provide an oppresented a variety of Stuart's daughter, musical numbers. Rachel Dyer, choreoportunity for fun music as well.’ Both the sixth-grade graphed all the dance Iris Stuart chorus and the sevnumbers. She met Chorus director enth- and eighthwith the high school grade chorus per"swingers" every formed three selections. Both groups com- Tuesday and Friday afternoon beginning in bined at the end of the program to perJanuary to teach them swing dance moves. form a medley from the movie "High She also took them shopping for costumes School Musical." Nine chorus members for the performance. accompanied this number with a dance Dyer has been taking dance lessons routine, also modeled after the movie. since she was 4, according to Stuart, and is Pulling off a number with all three currently participating in Salisbury Unigrades poses some challenges, according versity's musical theater. to Stuart. Selected chorus members performed the "Each grade level meets separately double-duty task of singing and dancing. every other day," she said. "We only had "One student had five costume two afternoons before the concert to pracchanges," Stuart said. "They had to learn tice as a whole group." how to change very quickly from one Stuart tried to provide a mixture of spir- number to the next." ituals, concert music and pop for the midStuart is trying to challenge the high

Delmar students perform during the spring choral concert.

school students vocally as well. She announced to the audience that the first number, "All That Hath Life and Breath," is between levels three and four on a choral system of five levels. This is Stuart's first year as chorus director at Delmar. Her biggest challenge initially was the large number of students who signed up for chorus. The group comprises 66 students who all meet in the

chorus room during the same period. Stuart said that scheduling has allowed David Smith, band director and former chorus director, to work with small groups of students each day during this period. He is able to pull out certain groups to work on specific needs. This allows Stuart to continue directing the larger group which keeps everyone on task, Stuart said.

Federal flood insurance now available in the town of Delmar The town of Delmar has applied and been accepted as a participating community in the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which makes flood insurance available to local property owners. As part of the process, the town has adopted a flood plain ordinance that regulates new construction. Mortgage lenders require borrowers whose properties are located in a designated special flood hazard area (SFHA) to purchase flood insurance as a condition of receiving a federally backed mortgage loan in accordance with the Federal Disaster Protection Act of 1973. Property owners not located within an SFHA can voluntarily purchase flood insurance from any agent or broker licensed to do business in the state where the insurable property is located. Most newly purchased flood insurance policies have a 30-day waiting period before they go into effect. For exceptions or more information, property owners should contact their insurance company. As a participating community in the NFIP program, Delmar residents will be able to purchase flood insurance up to the limits under the regular phase of the program. For single family dwellings, the building coverage limit is $250,000, and the contents coverage limit is $100,000.

Situated on the Delaware-Maryto purchase coverage," said Greg land line, the Maryland side of Williams, Environmental scientown includes tist, Division special flood of Soil and Delmar residents will be able Water Conserhazard areas (SFHA); the vation. to purchase flood insurance Delaware side Property does not. owners in up to the limits under the "That Delmar as means well as other regular phase of the proDelaware resDelaware idents who communities gram. For single family live in Delcan find out mar would dwellings, the building cover- their proximinot be rety to floodquired to purprone areas age limit is $250,000, and the chase flood by checking contents coverage limit is insurance, but FEMA's they can still Flood Insur$100,000. take advanance Rate tage of reMaps, which duced rates indicate under the program if they choose floodplain boundaries and areas

of greatest flood risk. Flood maps and other information are available via the




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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Memorable Memorial Day

DECORATING GRAVES - American Legion Post 19 members John Marinello, Steve Brasure, Carlton Pepper, Bill Acker, Wilbert and Linda Derr, Maurice Evans and Tom McGee assemble to put American flags on veterans’ graves at Odd Fellows Cemetery in Laurel on Saturday, May 26. The Legion marked Memorial Day Monday, May 28, with a ceremony at the post home. Photo by Jim Allen

MUSICAL TRIBUTE - The Laurel Middle School Band, under the direction of Jason Rogers, performed at the American Legion’s Memorial Day service. The band played The Colonial March and The StarSpangled Banner. Rogers, right, and his young musicians have been regular supporters of the Memorial Day service. Photos by Pat Murphy

PATRIOTIC DUTY - George Sanford and Bernie Bukowski look over the flags for distribution. Photo by Jim Allen

60 YEARS IN AMERICAN LEGION - Charles Haddock, right, a WW II veteran, was recognized for 60 years as a Legionnaire at Monday’s service. With him is post commander Carlton Pepper. Photo by Pat Murphy

WREATH IN MEMORY - Barbara Wise, left, president of the Laurel Garden Club, Laurel Mayor John Shwed and Strawberry Festival coordinator Shirley Skinner place a wreath on the Veterans Memorial at Market Street Park in Laurel on Friday, May 25. Photo by Pat Murphy


✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


AARP volunteers donate plants to beautify veterans home Facility in Milford, to accommodate 150, is expected to open in June AARP Chapter 1084 recently donated plants and flowers to the new Delaware Veterans Home located on Airport Road in Milford. Two potted plants will go in the home’s hallway and five tabletop arrangements will go throughout the home. Participating in the donation ceremony were AARP Chapter 1084 community service chairman John Mechkowski, a Marine Corps veteran of the Korean War; Daniel Kosteck, an Army veteran who served in Japan and Korea; Wilton Porter,

a veteran of the National Guard who served during the Korean War; and Helen Skjoldager, chapter president, who was a U.S. government employee during World War II and worked for National Defense Contractor, Glenn L. Martin Co. during the Korean War. The new veterans home is a 106,000square foot facility situated on 24 acres that were donated to the state of Delaware by the city of Milford. Delaware broke ground on Aug. 15, 2005, to construct the

Are slips due to old age, or is it revenge of the potatoes? My mother has developed a habit of leaving cupboard doors YNN ARKS open. My uncle, her brother, recently left some groceries in the Several years ago, I left a car after a morning trip to the grocery store. He found them that afgallon of cider in the trunk ternoon, when he had to move the of the car until it explodcar to get to the lawn mower. ed. Our car smelled like They see these tiny slips as signs of age. “I’ve never left cabiapple cider vinegar for net doors standing open,” my months. mother says. But I see the slips as signs simI could see was bite-size pieces. ply of being human. Doors in my kitchen “Hmmm,” I thought, cleverly. “No need to are frequently left wide open, so that anyone who wanders in can see the disorderly go any farther. All those potatoes are already cut.” state of my spice cupboard or the disarray To how they had gotten that way, I of the cereal boxes. gave no consideration. I just picked up the Last week, I walked into my bedroom bowl that I thought had cut potatoes in it, to find that I had left three of the four dumped its contents into the bowl that I drawers on my dresser hanging open. The thought had the potatoes fresh from the cats had had a field day. pan in it, poured on the dressing, and Several years ago, and I have written about this before, I left a gallon of cider in started mixing. “Oh, there’s a potato I missed,” I told the trunk of the car until it exploded. Our the bottle of dressing. I stopped stirring to car smelled like apple cider vinegar for attend to it. months. But when I resumed stirring, there was And then there was the time that I foranother whole potato quarter. And another. got about a chicken that I had put in the And another. Finally, after about the 10th microwave oven to defrost. Whew, the potato quarter, I understood what I had smell! And the flies! done. I always hoped that age would cure “At least you know your mistake,” my such silliness. That when children left husband said when I explained my foolhome and laundry loads got less, I would be able to focus more on the tasks at hand. ishness. “If you were really going crazy, you would blame the potatoes.” But that does not seem to be the case. Blame the potatoes. Why, let me tell you what happened just a Do you think it is their fault that I leave few days ago. cabinet doors open? That maybe, because I was in the kitchen, preparing potato I have eaten so much of their kin, the salad (one of my all time favorite foods, spuds in the bottom cabinet drawer are exright up there with mashed potatoes, acting revenge by sneaking upstairs and French fries and potato chips). I had pulling open my dresser drawers? They scrubbed and quartered the potatoes, certainly must be determined, to have steamed them until tender, then allowed them to cool. Next step, I knew, was to cut pulled off those little tricks with the cider and the chicken. the potato quarters into bite-size pieces. I will pass on this new intelligence to I had in front of me, sitting on the my mother and to my uncle. “Make sure kitchen counter, two bowls, one with unyour potatoes are secured,” I will advise. cut potato quarters and the other, slowly Then perhaps all mischief will end. filling with potato pieces. But somehow, I lost track, and one bowl became the other. Signs of age, indeed. We aren’t getting Suddenly, I looked into the bowl that I old. The Russets and Yukon Golds are thought had held the uncut pieces, and all simply getting trickier.



News items may be mailed to the Seaford and Laurel Star, 628 W. Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973. Or they may be faxed to 629-9243.

AARP member John Mechkowski, left, presents one of seven potted plants to Troy G. Dennis Sr., social worker in the marketing division of the new Delaware Veterans Home, as AARP members Daniel Kosteck, Wilton Porter and Helen Skjoldager stand by.

$30 million veterans’ home. The home is expected to open in June and will offer a full range of long-term care services for up to 150 veterans, with 30 beds reserved specifically for veterans with dementia. There are 90 veterans on the waiting

list for the home. More than 200 state workers will be employed in the facility. While the members of the AARP chapter were there, about 50 future employees were in the adjacent room, undergoing training.



✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Bethel violated Freedom of Information Act, but remediation not required By Lynn R. Parks The state Attorney General’s office has issued decisions in response to four complaints about the Bethel Town Council. While the office found that the town violated the state’s Freedom of Information Act on several occasions, it ruled that no corrective action was necessary. Mary McCoy, who in March was fired as chairwoman of the town’s planning commission and who was one of three people who filed the complaints, said last week that she was disappointed in the rulings. “I feel that the town of Bethel got more justice from the Attorney General’s office than I did in my hearing for my removal from the planning commission,” she said. She added that she is considering further legal action, and that she still intends to be reinstated to her position on the planning commission. “The hearing for my removal from the

planning commission…had some serious constitutional and civil rights issues,” she said. “Because it is not good for the town of Bethel to let such disregard for these issues be brushed aside, my lawyer, my family and I are seriously discussing further litigation.” Jeff Hastings, president of the Bethel Town Council, did not respond to a request for comment. Most of the complaints centered on how and when the town posted announcements about upcoming meetings. (Another complaint, filed by McCoy, deals with documents that she requested from the town and has not received. That complaint is still pending.) Patricia Kough, McCoy and McCoy’s brother, Thomas McCoy, all complained that the town did not provide adequate notice of three emergency meetings held before the Feb. 24 election. The Freedom of Information Act requires that information about public meetings be posted at least seven days before

This is what the bulldog balloon that is being purchased will look like. Laurel's actual bulldog is still under construction.

Football boosters hope that inflatable bulldog will stir excitement about sports By Daniel Richardson The Laurel Football Boosters and Laurel Pop Warner have come together to buy a bulldog. Not a live bulldog, but a giant, inflatable one big enough for the Laurel High football team to run through. The idea for the bulldog came about a few months ago when Glen Phillips and David Brown of the Laurel Football Boosters wanted to come up with a way to get kids excited about Laurel and Laurel sports. "We are concerned about the kids in Laurel. We wanted to find a way to keep kids in school at Laurel and give them a sense of pride about their school and about their team," said Brown. The balloon will not only be used for the Laurel High School football team, but also for Pop Warner teams and homecoming celebrations. "We are trying to say to the kids, play Pop Warner, be excited

about your team and continue that excitement through to high school,” Brown said. The balloon is partially paid for and will be available for display during a fund-raiser on June 23. The entire cost for the project is $7,000. Anyone interested in donating money to the project may contact David Brown at Sussex Irrigation, 8753856. The first event to raise money for the project is a sub sale on June 8. For details, contact Brown. On June 23 (rain date June 24) beginning at 11 a.m. a chicken barbecue will be held in the parking lot at Tyndall's on US 13. Tickets are being pre-sold for this event at the following locations: Southern States, A & K Tackle, Delaware National Bank, Edge of Creation Hair Salon, O'Neals Antiques, County Bank, Sussex Irrigation and Carey's. A car wash will also be held on the same day and more fund-raisers will follow.

the meeting. However, in the case of an emergency meeting, notice can be posted just 24 hours before the meeting date. Such was the case with the three meetings about which the citizens complained, W. Michael Tupman, deputy attorney general, wrote in his opinions. Notice of an emergency meeting called on Jan. 14 to appoint an elections committee to prepare for the Jan. 24 election was posted Jan. 12, two days before the meeting. Notice of a special meeting called by the elections committee on Feb. 19 was posted Feb.16 and notice of a second elections committee special meeting on Feb. 22 was posted Feb. 21. “The record shows there was a compelling reason for the town to give less than seven days notice of the meeting because of the upcoming…elections,” Tupman wrote about the Jan. 14 meeting. Tupman did rule, however, that the town should have included in those notices explanations as to why seven-day notices were not provided. Not including the explanation is a violation of the Freedom of Information Act. Tupman also said that the town violated the Freedom of Information Act when it did not post notices of public meetings at the Bethel Community Center, where town council meetings are held. In a March 26 letter, the town notified the Attorney General’s office that it would start putting meeting notices at the community center. “Our office is satisfied that the town has followed through on its commitment to comply with FOIA and post notices of council meeting at…the Bethel Community Center,” Tupman wrote. Remediation, or action to correct any harm done, is not necessary, he added, because no harm was

done. Thomas McCoy complained to the Attorney General’s office that he had not been put on the agenda for the March 6 meeting of the town council, after requesting to be allowed to speak. “The plain language of the Freedom of Information Act does not require public participation, only that citizens have timely notice of public meetings,” Tupman wrote. Tupman dismissed two others of McCoy’s complaints, saying that the “record did not support [his] allegations.” Tupman also dismissed Mary McCoy’s complaint that the town council held a public meeting to discuss her performance as chairwoman of the planning commission, without her consent that the meeting be public. The Freedom of Information Act gives an individual the right to request that any discussion of job performance be held in public, Tupman wrote. “It does not give the individual the corresponding right, however, to have the discussion closed to the public,” he added. McCoy wondered if, even though the Attorney General ruled that no harm was done, people responsible for the town’s breaches of the Freedom of Information Act would be punished. “The Attorney General brought to the town’s attention issues that needed to be addressed,” she said. “If Bethel is progressing toward more open government, then I am pleased. [But] if the town thinks the Attorney General’s opinions are a victory that validates and solidifies their decision to remove me from the planning commission, then sadly, the town of Bethel has a long way to go before it gets the kind of government it deserves.”

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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007



Carbohydrate side dishes don’t have to be boring No summer meal in America is ever complete without a good salad. You can bet that all those juicy grilled steaks, burgers and ribs that will be dished up this season will be accompanied by sides of the ever popular potato or pasta salad. I’d rather eat a cold carbohydrate dressed in mayo and spices even more than a T-bone steak. But I have to admit that things can get a tiny bit boring. Ho-hum and worn-out pasta and potato salads don’t have to be the norm on your summer table. With the increasing availability of exotic grains like couscous and bulghur and with the innovative treatments for the more ordinary pastas and rice, there’s no excuse for not experimenting. Look for summer salads in a reliable culinary magazine, in newspaper food sections, or try one of the offerings below and dare to be different! Wild Rice Salad (Serves 6. This fabulous recipe from Vicki Lee at the Boyajian Cafe will be sure to garner rave reviews.) 1/2 pound wild rice (about 1 1/2 cups), rinsed 2 celery ribs, cut into 1/4-inch dice 2 small vine-ripened tomatoes, seeded and cut into 1/4-inch dice 1/2 carrot, cut into 1/4-inch dice 1/2 red onion, chopped fine 1/2 red bell pepper, cut into 1/4-inch dice 1/2 green bell pepper, cut into 1/4-inch dice 1/2-yellow bell pepper, cut into 1/4-inch dice 1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted until golden 1/2 cup raisins 6 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon minced garlic In a large saucepan, bring 5 cups salted water to a boil. Add wild rice and cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 40 minutes. Drain rice and transfer to a bowl to cool. Chill, covered, until cold, about 2 hours. In a large bowl, combine vegetables, almonds, and raisins and toss with wild rice. In a bowl, whisk together vinegar, oil, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste until combined well. Pour dressing over salad and toss well. (Salad may be made 2 days ahead and chilled, covered.) Roasted Potato, Garlic, and Red Pepper Salad (Serves 6) 6 garlic cloves, unpeeled 3 pounds small boiling potatoes (white, red or fingerling) 2 red bell peppers 3 and 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1/2 cup small fresh basil leaves

The Practical Gourmet By Loretta Knorr Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Wrap garlic cloves together in foil. Halve potatoes and cut bell peppers into 1/2-inch pieces. In a large bowl, toss potatoes, bell peppers and 3 tablespoons oil with salt and pepper to taste. Arrange potatoes and bell peppers in one layer in two large, shallow baking pans and roast in middle and lower thirds of oven, stirring occasionally and switching position of pans halfway through roasting time, until potatoes are tender and golden brown, about 35 minutes. Simultaneously roast wrapped garlic on either rack. In a bowl, immediately toss potatoes and peppers with 2 tablespoons vinegar and cool. Remove garlic from foil and squeeze pulp into a small bowl. With a fork, mash garlic with remaining 1/2 tablespoon oil and tablespoon vinegar and toss together with potatoes and peppers and salt and pepper to taste. Just before serving, add basil. Serve potato salad at room temperature. Note: Any of the following ingredients can be added to the potato salad: olives, pine nuts, goat cheese, grilled chicken, tuna, or prosciutto. Gourmet, July 1997



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Orzo with Everything (Serves 6) 1 1/2 cups orzo (rice-shaped pasta; about 10 ounces) 1/3 cups (packed) chopped drained oilpacked sun-dried tomatoes 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1/3 cup (packed) chopped Kalamata olives or other brine-cured black olives 1 cup finely chopped radicchio (about 1 small head) 1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1 large garlic cloves, minced Cook orzo in pot of boiling salted water until just tender but still firm to bite. Drain well. Transfer to large bowl. Add sun-dried tomatoes, oil, vinegar and olives and toss to blend. Let stand until cool. (Can be prepared 6 hours ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to room temperature before continuing.) Mix chopped radicchio, pine nuts, chopped basil, Parmesan and garlic into orzo mixture. Season salad to taste with salt and pepper and serve. Bon Appétit, July 1998


Starting in the


Come Visit Our Sales Center O ff i c e : 3 0 2 - 6 2 8 - 4 3 4 9 Evening Appointments Available Open Daily 11 AM - 4PM Sundays 2 PM - 4PM 37510 Oyster House Rd., Suite 3 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


CHURCH BULLETINS DE Hospice holds Camp New Hope

St. Luke's Episcopal to benefit June 2

Delaware Hospice's annual "Camp New Hope" welcomes children and teens that have recently experienced the loss of a loved one. The four-day camp, which will be held at Bridgeville United Methodist Church, June 26-29, combines traditional sports, arts and craft activities with individual and group bereavement exercises. Anyone interested should call Lezley Sexton, 856-7717, ext.143, no later than June 9 for a pre-camp interview. Camp New Hope is a free program of the non-profit Delaware Hospice and is supported by the community and volunteers. Donations of any type are welcome, including materials for activities, monetary gifts or gifts of time. Contact Lezley Sexton, New Hope Coordinator at 856-7717, ext. 143 or at by June 5. For more information about "Camp New Hope" or Delaware Hospice's programs and services, call 800-838-9800 or visit:

The second in a series of yard sales benefiting St. Luke's Episcopal Church will be held on Saturday, June 2, at the home of Gene and Jan Grantz at 707 E. Ivty Drive in Woodside Manor, Seaford. Come and help make this sale a success.

Alliance Church Honors Kerr Family More than 200 members and friends of the Atlanta Road Alliance Church recently honored Associate Pastor Andrew Kerr, his wife Marilyn and daughter Bethany for nearly seven years of ministry at the church. Pastor Kerr and his family are moving to Frederick, Md, where he has accepted the position of Assistant to the Superintendent of the Mid-Atlantic District of the Christian & Missionary Alliance.

Appreciation service On Sunday June 3 at 4 p.m., there will be an appreciation service for Pastor Ebenezer Williamson, 4718 Jackson St., Hurlock, Md., United Church of the Nazarene. Guest speaker will be Pastor Allan Gould, along with his congregation Bethel A.M.E. Church of Cambridge, Md. The public is welcome. For information call 1-410-754-9135, or the church at 1-410-943-0900.

Ninety & Nine meeting The Ninety & Nine extends an invitation to all women to join them for their regular quarterly dinner meeting at the Seaford Golf & Country Club, on Monday, June 4, at 6:30 p.m. Our special speaker for the evening is Lori McCabe Smyth. She is a native of Ocean View and a 1987 graduate of Indian River High School. She is also a graduate from Mary Washington College as well as Virginia Tech. She and her husband both traveled and lived throughout the East Coast before settling down in Ocean View in 2002. The singers will be Ron and Debbie Craig. Ron is the Associate Pastor of Central Worship Center in Laurel. He and his wife, Debbie, have ministered together

full-time for 31 years, and have a grown son and daughter. Reservations are necessary. Deadline is May 31. For more information call Joyce Thomas at 629-2248, Michele Thompson at 877-0797 or Arvalene Moore 875-4387.

The Cash Family in Laurel Laurel Baptist Church is proud to announce "The Cash Family" will be here for one night only, June 10, at 7 p.m. Come for a night of Praising the Lord and great fellowship. The church is located on 33056 Bi State Boulevard, Laurel, on the west side of 13A, two miles south of Laurel.

Laurel Wesleyan holds yard sale On Saturday, June 2, the Laurel Wesleyan Church will hold a yard sale at the church from 6 a.m. - 3 p.m. Carnival games, breakfast, a bake sale, a car wash and more will be available. Laurel Wesleyan Church is located 1⁄2 mile north of Laurel on Alt 13. For more information, call 875-5380. Come out and support the youth & children's ministries.

Vacation Bible School The Vacation Bible School crew at Clarence Street Church of God is preparing for a VBS water park adventure. They are getting ready to "Take the Plunge" and "Make a Splash with Jesus," the week of June 11-15. The twisting and turning of this splashmaking adventure will be held 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., on Monday, June 11, and from 6 to 8 p.m., June 12-15. The water park event is for youth ages 5 to senior adults.

Faith Refresher 2007 River of Life Christian Center is hosting its " Faith Refresher 2007" on Saturday, June 16, at 7 p.m., and Sunday, June 17, at 11 a.m. River of Life Christian Center is located at 17 West Market St., Greenwood. Special guest speaker is Elder Wentric Williams, co-founder of Embassy Christian Center, Hannibal, Mo. Elder Williams was diagnosed as mentally retarded at the age of 8, and had a speech impediment. Later in life, hooked on drugs, struggling to read and spell, living in the projects, with a shaky marriage, he was healed totally and changed his life through God's Word. Today Elder Williams is a licensed administrator in the State of Missouri where he cares for people with a variety of diagnoses, including mentally challenged and mentally ill. He also runs the largest long term behavioral facility in the State of Missouri as well as his own residential treatment home, providing care and protective oversight for more than 300 residents. For more information call church office at (302) 349-9420.

Hymn sing On June 3, at 2 p.m., the Galestown United Methodist Church will hold a summer hymn sing. Guest vocalists include, C. Bud Scot and Charlie Paparella. A hot buffet dinner will follow at the Community Center. Call 410-883-2149 for more information.

DIRECTORY: Your Guide To Local Houses of Worship TRINITY UNITED METHODIST Trap Pond, CHURCH NearLaurel, Del. 875-7715 Sun. School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Pastor Tina Whaley

“A caring church, a giving church, a sharing church; showing love, warmth and friendship to all.”

St. John’s United Methodist Church Pine & Poplar Sts., Seaford 302-629-9466 Web site: E-mail: NURSERY & HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE

SUNDAY WORSHIP 8:30 & 11:15 am Traditional 9:45 Sunday School 9:50 am Contemporary Come as you are… and be transformed in the love of Christ!

Centenary United Methodist Church “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for Over 200 Years” “NEW SONG!” - Contemporary Celebration, 8:45 a.m. Sunday School, Classes for ALL ages, 9:45 a.m. Every Sunday Traditional Family Worship, 11:00 a.m.

Rev. John W. Van Tine, Pastor, 875-3983 200 W. Market St., Laurel, Del.


1010 S. Central Ave., Laurel Phone: 875-7748 Donny Weimar, Minister Worship Services: Sunday 10 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Bible Study: Sun. 9:00 a.m.; Wed. 7:00 p.m. In The Interest Of New Testament Christianity

CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 510 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE Rev. Fred Duncan Church: 875-4233 Parsonage: 875-3398 Sunday Services: 8:30am Praise 9:30am Sunday School,11am Worship


St. Philip’s Episcopal Church & Old Christ Church 600 S. Central Ave., P.O. Box 293 Laurel, DE 19956 ~ (302) 875-3644 Rev. Rita B. Nelson, Rector Holy Eucharist with Healing and Church School ~ Sunday @ 9:30 am

Christ Evangelistic Church Great Worship - Talented Singers Loving People - Powerful Preaching Youth Group Sunday Night 7 pm

Worship 11 a.m. • Sun. School 10:00 a.m. Wed. Night 7:00 p.m. • Sun. Night 7:00 p.m. Located on Bethel Road between the Dual & Alt. 13 For info call: 629-3674 or 875-2915 Sr. Pastor Roland Tice

HARVEST CHRISTIAN CHURCH “Heart Felt Praise” Relevant Bible Teaching Children’s Ministry Midweek Bible Study Tom Birowski, Pastor Seaford, Del. • 628-7771 94 Walnut St. Laurel, DE 19956

875-7873 “A Place to Belong” SUNDAY WEDNESDAY Underground Family Worship (7-12 grade) 6:15 p.m. 10:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Prayer Team ‘The Table’ God’s Big Back Yard (last Wed. of mo) 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m.

Centrally located at 14511 Sycamore Rd., Laurel, DE 19956 Sunday School - 9 a.m.; Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. FasTrak Children’s Ministry - 10:30 a.m.; E318 Youth - 6 p.m. Wednesday Midweek Services - 7 p.m.

For info, call 875.7995 or visit

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Road 68, South of Laurel Laurel, Del. Sun. School 10 a.m. • Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Hymn Sing: Last Sunday Each Month - 7 p.m.

Pastor - Donald Murray - 856-6107

Christian Church of Seaford Dual 13N., Seaford, DE • 629-6298 Minister: John Herbst SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 10:30 Wed. Night Service & (Nursery & Jr. Church) Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. A Firm Foundation • A Sure Hope • An Unending Love

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007



I Remember By the Rev. Todd K. Crofford Laurel Wesleyan Church


Every time I wake up in a home that I have been given the chance to own…I remember.. Every time I enter my favorite church to worship without fear… I remember.. Every time I see a billboard that I disagree with… I remember.. Every time I see picketers… I remember.. Every time I hear a political speech… I remember. Every time I see people of every race and color trying with all their might to get into this country by any means… I remember.. Every time I receive service from a police officer without need to bribe… I remember.. When I can work hard, pay my taxes, and keep my profits… I remember.. A millions moments, at a million different places, with a million thanks, I remember… that men and women from our

Every time I enter my favorite church to worship without fear… I remember.. armed forces gave their lives for my freedom.. And though life makes it easy to forget, I choose to remember, to never forget, that freedom cost some all.. Memorial Day is more than the first time to swim, or cook out, or the first long weekend of the summer. Remember, it is the time to remember.. Happy Memorial Day! The Rev. Crofford is Senior Pastor at Laurel Wesleyan Church. You may email

Code Blue at Conley's U.M.C. By Robert Marx Drive down Robinsonville road west of Lewes, Delaware and you will see a picturesque country chapel built in 1876. The church is surrounded by a cemetery with gravestones dating back over a century. You could certainly picture weddings, funerals, and Sunday services taking place in this pastoral nineteenth century church. However, it is probably the last place you would expect to find two state-of- the-art automated external defibrillator (AED) devices, and over sixty volunteers trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Last year a church member, Vernon "Whitey" Boore, passed away from a sudden heart attack. In his memory, his widow, Faye Boore gifted enough money to the church to purchase the AEDs. An AED is a device that can restore a person's heart to its normal rhythm after a heart attack or other cardiac event. In the hands of a person trained in its use, and CPR, it can save a life that might otherwise be lost waiting for medical personnel to arrive. In January 2007 the church bought two AEDs, one

for each building. They were placed in the chapel, and in the community building in prominent locations. Those sites were determined with the help of the church's insurance carrier. So far, 62 church members have been trained, and classes continue with a goal of training at least 130. Classes of six to eight are taught for three hours in CPR, first aid and AED operation. Pastor Booth points out that once these volunteers are trained, they are available to perform CPR wherever they happen to be in the community. This could include public gatherings, at home, or in the event of a motor vehicle accident. The training allows Conley's members to be better citizens by contributing to the community's health and well being. In addition to the AED and CPR training, Conley's Health Ministry does monthly blood pressure checks and has given seminars on depression and anxiety, living wills and foster parenting. Conley's U.M.C. would like to share the success of their Health Ministry, CPR, and AED programs with other churches. For more information, call 945-1881.

543 N. BRADFORD ST., SEAFORD, DEL. • 629-7161

Rev. Michael A. Hopkins, Pastor SUNDAY WEDNESDAY Sunday School ..... 9:45 a.m. Prayer & Praise 7:00 p.m. Patch Club (kids) 7:00 p.m. Worship...............11:00 a.m. Eve. Worship........7:00 p.m. Youth Group 6:00 - 8 p.m.

Messiah’s Vineyard Church Located at Tyndall’s Furniture Plaza on Discountland Rd & Rt. 13, Laurel 302-875-4646 PO BOX 60, LAUREL, DE 19956

PRE-SCHOOL - 12TH GRADE - Office 629-7161 Quality Traditional Education Since 1973 Fully Accredited By Middle States in ACSI

Dr. Carl G Vincent, Senior Minister Pastor Barry B. Dukes, Music Minister Sunday 9:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Children’s Church • Nursery



A Cooperative S.B.C. Church 805 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE

532 Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 Redemptorist Fathers • 629-3591

302-629-8434 •

MASSES: SUNDAY: Sat. Eve. - Vigil 4:30 p.m.; Spanish 7:30 p.m. Sunday - 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m. DAILY: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.; First Sat. 9 a.m. HOLY DAYS: Eve. 7:30 p.m.; 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. NOVENA DEVOTIONS: Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. CONFESSION: Sat. 4:30-5 p.m.; Sun. 8-8:25 a.m.


Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am & 6 pm Children’s Church 10:45 am SPANISH Worship 10:45 am Wednesday Activities 7 pm Pastor: Homer McKeithan Music: Jim Burket “The Cross Is Grounded In Grace”

LAUREL-MT. PLEASANT CHARGE 27225 Kaye Road, Laurel, DE 19956 Ph: (302) 875-7814 Pastor: Rev. Timothy P. Jones

Sunday Morning Wed. Bible Study & Worship & Children’s Children’s Discovery Club 7:00 PM Ministries 10:00 AM “Flowing in Power and Love to a Parched and Thirsty World”

Passing on God’s Love and Grace in Laurel, Delmar & Surrounding Area United Methodist Churches

King’s St. George’s Mt. Pleasant

Worship Sun. Sch.

Gordy Rd. .......... 8:50....10:00 St. George Rd. .... 10:10..... 9:00

Mt. Pleasant Rd. 9:30,11:30..10:15 Pastor Barbara Auer


SUNDAY WORSHIP 11 AM and 6 PM ~ Sunday School 9:45 AM

WEDNESDAY NIGHT Ministry for the whole family 7 PM

Pastor Stacey Johnson 28261 Seaford Rd., Laurel, 2 miles N. of Laurel on Alt. 13


The Atlanta Road Alliance Church 22625 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE (302) 629-5600 • Rev. Edward J. Laremore, Sr. Pastor SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 8:30 Worship 6:45 Pioneer Clubs (age 3 9:45 Sunday School thru grade 6) & Divorce Care® 11:00 Worship/Kids Church 7:00 Prayer Service & Youth 7:00 Evening Service Group (grades 7-12)

A Gathering Of Faith Come together under Christ’s roof and share together in his love. Attend Church this Sunday

Mount Olivet United Methodist Church Serving Christ in the Heart of Seaford since 1830

17 W. Market St., Greenwood, DE 302349-9420 Pastors Joseph & Yvonne Dixon WORSHIP SERVICE: SUN. 11 AM BIBLE STUDY: WED. 7:30 PM

Proclaiming Faith 4 pm Sunday on WKDI 840 AM Radio

Food Outreach Emergency Food

Sailor’s Bethel United Methodist Church Bethel, DE Pastor Arthur Smith III Sunday School - 10 am Worship - 11:15 am Nursery Provided office 875-3628

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 629-7979 Holy Eucharist: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Forum: 10:30 a.m. Thurs. Eve. Service: 6 p.m. Front & King St., Seaford, DE

The Rev’d. Jeanne W. Kirby-Coladonato, Rector

Seaford Church of Christ Acapella

(Rm. 16:16)


N. Dual 13, P.O. Box 783, Seaford, DE 19973 302-629-6206 Evangelist - Anthony Melakian - 629-3633 Elder - Don Birch - 629-8949 Elder - Ron Russell - 629-6033 Sunday School 10a.m. Sun. Worship 11 a.m., Sun. Evening 6 p.m Wed. Evenings 7 p.m. Live For God, Love Each Other, Light The World

Laurel Wesleyan Church

The Gift of His Love

315 High St. • Seaford, DE

Sunday Services: Informal Worship in Chapel 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary 9:45 Sunday School Pastor: Rev. Thomas Gross • 302-629-4458

Rt. 13A, Just North of Laurel Sunday School - 9:30 Worship - 9:00 & 11:00 Sunday Evening Worship and Children’s Ministries 6 p.m. Wednesday Youth Ministries 6:30 p.m. Church 875-5380 • Sr. Pastor Todd Crofford Assistant Pastor Ken Deusa Asst. Pastor/Youth: Sue Boyce Children’s Pastor: Marilyn Searcey

Let others know where you are and when you meet. To advertise in this directory, call


MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


OBITUARIES Alice N. Campo, 82 Alice N. (Buciorelli) Campo of Milford, formerly of Georgetown, passed away Tuesday, May 22, 2007, at Beebe Medical Center in Lewes. Mrs. Campo was born October 18, 1924 in Philadelphia, a daughter of Albert and Nancy (Romuno) Buciorelli, who predeceased her. Mrs. Campo and her late husband, Benjamin P. Campo, who predeceased her in 1983, moved from Philadelphia to Georgetown in 1949. She was a member of St. Michael The Archangel Catholic Church in Georgetown and The Bishop Burke Council of the Columbiettes. She retired in 1991 as operations manager of a Florida based corporation. She is survived by her loving son, H. Alan Campo and his wife Wanda of Stuart, Va.; two step-children, Justin and Valerie Plaster of Stuart; a granddaughter, Judith Campo-Sobota and her husband Darren of Milford; great grandchildren, Nicholas Campo-Sobota, Benjamin Sobota and Sophia Sobota; Christina Abdoun and husband Seif of Silver Spring, Md., and Marian Campo of Milton; a sister, Virginia Navarro and husband Carmen of Philadelphia, Pa.; and many nieces and nephews. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Friday, May 25 at St. Michael The Archangel Catholic Church, Georgetown. The Rev. Daniel McCloskey was the celebrant. Interment followed at Union Cemetery in Georgetown. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to Columbiettes Charitable Fund, c/o St. Michael The Archangel Catholic Church, 202 Edward St., Georgetown, DE 19947. Arrangements were handled by Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium, DoddCarey Chapel, Georgetown. On-line condolences can be sent to:

Virginia L. Massey, 61 Virginia L. Massey of Bishopville, Md., died Monday, May 21, 2007 at Atlantic General Hospital, Berlin. Miss Massey was a daughter of Louis H. and Margaret Showell Massey. She was single all her life, having never married. She was a housekeeper. She accepted Jesus Christ into her life, and went through her illness without any complaint, or self-pity. She was loving and caring, and will be missed dearly. She always said she would "be alright." She was preceded in death by her parents and one brother and two sisters. She is survived by four sisters, Margaret Massey; Betty Smith; and Grace Massey, all of Berlin, Md., and Barbara Massey of Snow Hill, Md.; a brother-inlaw, Harvey Smith, Sr., and an aunt and uncle, Charlie and Virgie Collick. She is also survived by a host of nieces and nephews, and lots of friends. Services were held Saturday, May 26, at the Curtis United Methodist Church, Bishopville, Md. The Rev. Lester Justice

Obituaries are run without charge thanks to the support of area churches.

officiated. Interment followed in the Curtis U.M.C. Cemetery, Bishopville.

Clara E. Robertson, 74 Clara E. Robertson of Madison, Ind., former resident of Orange County, Calif, before moving to Madison seven years ago, died Thursday, May 24, 2007 at Waters at Clifty Falls, Madison. Mrs. Robertson was born March 5, 1933, in Newark, a daughter of William Arthur and Mary Cooper Robinson. She was a graduate of Newark High School. She was a member of the First Assembly of God Church; Roller Skating Teachers Association of America; and American Legion Post No. 9 Ladies Auxiliary. She retired as a professional skating instructor. Mrs. Robertson was co-owner of the Skating Rink in Seaford; a Silver Medalist in Newark, and Buena Park, Calif. She was a former advisor to the U.S. Olympic Village in Colorado. Many of her students were National Gold Medalists. Mrs. Robertson enjoyed roller skating and her family and grandchildren. She was predeceased by her parents. She is survived by her husband of 52 years, whom she married on May 13, 1955, Kenneth D. Robertson of Madison.

What must I do to be saved? Acknowledge your sin and place your trust in Christ. All who place their trust in Christ in this way are adopted as God’s children. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. — Romans 3:23 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. — Romans 6:23 God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. — Romans 5:8 If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. — Romans 10:9

Also her children - a daughter, Sheril A. Robertson of Hanover, Ind.; three sons, Kenneth A. Robertson of Decatur, Ind., Brian D. Robertson and David W. Robertson of Madison, Ind.; and one sister, Barbara Yeatman of Rehoboth Beach; 13 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held Tuesday, May 29, at Vail-Holt Funeral Home and Hilltop Chapel, Madison. The Rev. Charles Crank officiated. Interment was in Indiana Veterans Memorial Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.

Patricia Ann LeCates Price, 68 Patricia Ann LeCates Price of Laurel died Friday, May 25, 2007 in Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, Seaford. Born in Lewes, she was a daughter of Littion Foskey and Woodrow LeCates. Mrs. Price was a homemaker. She was a member of Christ Evangelistic Church, Laurel. In addition to her parents, she was also preceded in death by a son, Craig S. Price. She is survived by her husband, Robert L. Price; a son, Alan B. Price of Laurel; a daughter, Rhonda K. Hitch of Laurel; two brothers, Douglas and Richard LeCates of Laurel; four sisters, Kay Lambrose of Seaford, Mary Hitchens of Woodland, Esther Layton and Martha Chambers of Laurel; 5 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. Services were held Wednesday, May

Union United Methodist Church 2 North Laws St., Bridgeville, DE 19933 Across from Bank 337-7409 Handicap Friendly WORSHIP TIMES:

9 am Contemporary Service 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Worship Youth Group (Sun. 6 p.m.)

30, in Christ Evangelistic Church, Laurel. The Rev. Roland E. Tice officiated. Burial was in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Laurel.

Paul A. Pusey, 84 Paul A. Pusey of Delmar, went to be with the Lord on Thursday, May 24, 2007 at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford. He was born in Hebron, Md., a son of John and Pearl Hopkins Pusey, who predeceased him. Mr. Pusey retired from Dukes Lumber Company in Laurel, after 17 years of service. He was a World War II Army Veteran and a member of American Legion Post #19. He loved to garden and farm. He was a member of St. George's Church in Delmar. In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by four brothers, one sister and a great-granddaughter, Alexis Conaway. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Charlotte Pusey of Delmar; two sons, Robert A. Pusey, Sr. and his wife Rosemary of Blades, and Dana Pusey of Delmar; two sisters, Madge P. Thomas and Minnie E. Jackson, both of Delmar. He is also survived by his grandchildren, Robert Allen Pusey Jr. and Rose Conaway and his great-grandchildren whom he adored, Ashley, Jessica and Katelynn Pusey; Amanda Adkins, Brittany Adkins and Tiffany Conaway. A funeral service was held at Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, Lau-

BETHEL WORSHIP CENTER 9431 Ginger Lane, Seaford (2.4 mi. north of Wal-Mart on US 13) 628-4240 Recorded Info 628-4241 Church Office

Pastor Joseph Lecates - 875-2059 Adult Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Children’s Church 10:30 am Nursery 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Youth Meeting Sun. 7 pm Promise Keepers Tues. 7 pm Wed. Night Bible Study 7 pm “We’re not building a church, we’re building God’s Kingdom!”

Welcome… SEAFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9 am Morning Worship 10 am

701 Bridgeville Road 629-9077

743 E. Clarence St., Seaford, Del. Carlton L. Cannon, Sr. Paster

629-9443, Cell: 448-0852 • Sunday: Midweek Activities: Church School........9:45 am Call for Details Morning Worship......11 am Children’s Church & Youth Explosion ........6 pm Nursery Provided Evening Worship.........7 pm *Counseling by appt. only Tuesday: Thursday: Bible Study & Family Corporate Prayer.........7 pm ‘Come and Grow with Us!’ Training Hour ........... 7 pm

“Welcome Home!”

Senior Pastor

Wesley United Methodist Church

Mark Landon

22025 Atlanta Road, Seaford, DE Pastor Ed Kuhling Contemporary Worship 9 am Sunday School & Bible Education 10 am Traditional Worship 11 am Wednesday Worship 6:45 pm 302-629-3029 * Info Line 302-628-0112

Laurel Baptist Church, SBC Where everybody is somebody & Jesus Christ is Lord 33056 Bi-State Boulevard, Laurel, DE 19956 LBC Sunday School ~ 10:00 Morning Worship ~ 11:00 Wednesday Bible Study ~ 7:00 P.M. Nursery Provided Pastor: Rev. Steven Booth Minister of Music: Rev. David James


7046 Seashore Hwy. Bridgeville, DE 19933


Church of God

Fax 302-337-8769

Worship Services: Seeker Service 8:30 am • Sunday School 9:30 Morning Worship 10:45 am • Wed. Night 7 pm

Thank You to the churches that sponsor these pages. Your contribution makes it possible for the “Good News” to be published each week.

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007 rel, on Sunday, May 27, with Doris Whaley officiating. Interment followed in Odd Fellow Cemetery in Laurel. Contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 1138 Parsons Road, Salisbury, MD 21803.

James H. Orrell, Jr., 87 James H. Orrell Jr., of Delmar, passed away peacefully with his family by his side on Saturday, May 26, 2007. He was born on December 4, 1919 in Winston-Salem, N.C., a son of the late James and Lula Orrell. Mr. Orrell proudly served his country in the US Navy. He retired after 25 years of service from the Pennsylvania Railroad and was past president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. Along with his family, he was a restaurateur who owned and operated several restaurants and farms and president of Surrey Corporation. He was very active in his community, and his memberships include: St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church in Delmar; Masonic Lodge 201, Delmar; Nur Shrine Temple in Wilmington, where he earned his 32nd degree; and was a member and Past Worthy Patron of Adah Chapter 5, Order of the Eastern Star, Delmar. He was also past president of the Delmar Chamber of Commerce. He had a love for golf and flying, and was a member of the Airplane Owners and Pilots Association. He is survived by his beloved wife of over 62 years, Ann C. Orrell; 2 sons, Robert Gilmore and his wife Ann of Delmar and James H. Orrell, III and his wife

Diane of Scottsville, Va.; a daughter, Carolyn O. Kratzer of Sanford, Fla.; 3 grandchildren, Katherine Whitelock of Delmar, Andrea L. Helton and her husband Anthony of Sanford, and Melissa Hall and her husband Tyrone of Delmar; 3 great grandchildren, Trey Michael, Alyssa Marie and Aaliyah Hope; a sister, Nell O. Kimbro of Scottsville, Va.; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by 2 sisters, Virginia O. Brown and Edith Leslie. Funeral services were held May 29 at Short Funeral Home, Delmar. The Reverend Marsha Carpenter officiated. Interment followed at St. Stephen’s Cemetery in Delmar. Memorial contributions may be made in his memory to Delaware Hospice, 20137 Office Circle, Georgetown, DE 19947 or to St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church, 101 E. State Street, Delmar, DE 19940.

Norman Nichols, 68 Norman “Buddy” Nichols of Seaford, died Friday, May 25, 2007 at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, Seaford. Born October 9, 1938 in Eldorado, Md. he was the son of the late Joseph C. Norman Nichols and Louise Richards Nichols. Following graduation from Colonel Richardson High School in 1956, he served in the United States Navy. Following his honorable discharge, he took a position with Kraft General Foods in

Police Journal Laurel Police Updates On May 24 at 8:33 p.m. the Laurel Police responded to the 300 block of West Market St. for a disorderly subject. Upon arrival, officers attempted to make contact with the suspect. As officers attempted to direct the suspect to another area the suspect swung and hit one of the officers in the mouth. After a short struggle, the suspect was taken into custody. Adam Laplant, 24, of Laurel was arrested and charged with offensive touching of law enforcement and resisting arrest. He was committed to SCI on $2,000 cash bail. On May 25 at 10:35 p.m. Laurel Police made contact with a wanted subject on a traffic stop in Carvel Gardens. As officers attempted to take the suspect into custody, he began to resist and fight officers. After a short struggle, the suspect was taken into custody. Robert Johnson, 34, of Laurel was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He was committed to SCI on $3,200 secured bond. On May 26 at 2:25 a.m. Laurel Police responded to the 500 block of Cooper St. for a female subject intoxicated and passed out in a yard. Upon arrival, officers located a female subject passed out and highly intoxicated in a yard with her pants down. When offi-

cers attempted to wake the female subject up, she became very disorderly. Donna Carmean, 45, of Laurel, was arrested and charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and indecent exposure. She was released on criminal summons.

Two armed robberies occur in Seaford, at Shore Stop, Pac Man On May 19 at 8:26 p.m. Seaford Police responded to an armed robbery at Shore Stop on the 500 block of Stein Hwy. On May 20 at 5:35 p.m. they responded to another armed robbery at Pac Man Cigarette Outlet located at the 300 block of N. Dual Hwy. Investigations revealed that on both occasions the defendant entered the business, approached the clerk, displayed a handgun, and demanded money. Each time, the clerks complied with the demands and the defendant fled on a bicycle with an undisclosed amount of currency. The Criminal Investigations Unit was called to handle both robberies and through their investigation obtained warrants for Cornell D. Bailey, 30, of Seaford. Bailey was arrested on May 21 at 9 p.m. and taken to Justice of the Peace Court #3 where he was committed to the Department of Corrections in lieu of $137,000 secured bond pending a preliminary hearing at a later date.


Dover for 31 years at which time he retired as supervisor. Mr. Nichols is survived by a son; Jeffrey Nichols of Showell, Md.; 3 sisters; Pearl N. Swann and her husband Dan of Easton; Ruth N. DiLeonardo of Virginia Beach; Catherine N. Whitby of Easton; a niece, Kathy Anne Swann; 2 nephews, Geno DiLeonardo and Gary Kelley. He is also survived by 2 loving kittens, Sonny and Missy. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by a sister, Peggy Nichols who died May 12, 2007, a sister, Ina Mae Kelly; a brother, Sonny Nichols; and a nephew, Danny Swann. Funeral services are on Thursday, May 31, at 1:30 p.m. at Fellows, Helfenbein and Newnam Funeral Home, P. A., Easton, Md., where friends may call one hour prior to the service. Burial will be private. Memorial donations may be made to Talbot Hospice House, 586 Cynwood Dr., Easton, MD 21601 or St. Marks United Methodist Church, 100 Peachblossom Rd., Easton, MD 21601.

Starling Peacock, Sr., 66 Starling Peacock, Sr. of Millsboro died Thursday, May 24, 2007 at Beebe Medical Center, Lewes. Born in Aurora, N.C., Mr. Peacock was the son of Collie and Ruby Louise King Peacock. Mr. Peacock was a retired truck driver from William B. Street, Inc. He retired after more than 20 years of service. He was a member of New Holy Trinity

Church of God in Christ where he was a trustee. He was “always there” when someone was in trouble and when someone had a need, “he was on it!” Mr. Peacock was a people person and loved to hunt, work outdoors, and watch wrestling on television. Mr. Peacock is survived by his wife of 45 years, Arinthia S. Peacock. In addition to his wife, he is survived by a son, Starling Peacock, Jr. and his wife Jaime of Milford; eight daughters, Ruthynia A. Walker and her husband Kenneth of Laurel; Louise V. Peacock of Laurel; Tracy Taylor and her husband Dexter of Laurel; Charlene Lewis and her husband Rodney of Laurel; Starlene Mercer and her husband Joseph of Dover; Kayana Peacock of Harrington; Ashley Peacock of Georgetown; and Samira Peacock of Millsboro. He is also survived by ten sisters-inlaw, and a host of family, friends, nieces, nephews, nineteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild on the way. He is also survived by two god-children, Lesley Collins and Craig Stanly and his faithful canine companion, “Dipstick.” He was preceded in death by two brothers, James Henry and Frank Peacock. Funeral services are on Thursday, May 31 at 1 p.m. at the New Holy Trinity Church of God in Christ, Millsboro. A viewing will be held one hour prior to the service. Bishop L.T. Blackshear will officiate. Interment will follow at St. John Second Baptist Church Cemetery.

Messiah’s Vineyard Church PO Box 60, Laurel, DE 19956

302-875-4646 Dr. Carl G. Vincent, Senior Minister Pastor Barry B. Dukes, Senoir Pastor

Ladies Prayer Brunch Tuesday, June 12th 8:30 am Special Testimony by Mrs. Ruth Fox A drama demonstrating a husband and wife encounter entitled “The Canoe” by Mrs. Pat Paynter

Pastor Billy Burke from the Billy Burke World Outreach will be ministering three miracle services: Friday, July 20th 7:00 pm Saturday, July 21st 7:00 pm Youth Group Sunday, July 22nd 9:30 am Sunday Nights 6:30-8:30 pm


Friday, August 24th 6:30 pm Special Speaker: Mrs. Cindy Hill Dinner, Worship, Special Singing, and lots of fun


MORNING STAR âœł MAY 31 - JUNE 6 , 2007

Community Bulletin Board Events

obtained by contacting the EWGA at (800) 407-1477 or by logging onto

Laurel Library Genealogy Help

Nanticoke Senior Center Cruise

The next session of the First Friday Genealogy Help Sessions at the Laurel Public Library will be on June 1, from 1-3 p.m. Held each month on the first Friday of the month, the sessions are intended to offer the public some beginning assistance in using the print and electronic sources that the library has available for local, family history research. For further information call the library at 875-3184 or visit

Youth Fishing Tournament Lower Delaware Bass-masters will be holding their annual Youth Fishing Tournament on Saturday, June 2, at the Milton Municipal Park, assembly and registration area. Registration is at 8 a.m. with the tournament from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. There are three age groups, up to six-years old, 7-12years old and 13- to 15-years old. Everything is free, bait, hooks, hot dogs, soda, train rides, just bring your fishing poles. Fish are checked by measurement and youth must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The co-sponsors are Wal-Mart ("Take A Kid Fishing") and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge ("Get Hooked on Fishing and not on Drugs"). Rain date is June 3.

Golf club for women The Executive Women's Golf Association (EWGA), a not-for-profit organization formed in 1991 to provide opportunities for women to learn, play and enjoy the game of golf for business and for life, is holding an organizational meeting to introduce residents of the Las Cruses Area to the EWGA. This informational meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 3, 2007 at 1 p.m. at Heritage Shores Golf Course, 3 Blue Heron Circle, Bridgeville. Organizational meetings are held to introduce the EWGA, its history, mission, goals and objectives to women interested in having an EWGA Chapter in their area, and to identify volunteers willing to help establish a local chapter and serve on the board. No prior golf experience is required and there is no charge to attend. Susan Baker, the local network coordinator working with the EWGA says, "We want to encourage women from Bridgeville and the surrounding areas to attend - experienced golfers as well as women who have never played the game, but would like to learn." The EWGA, with nearly 20,000 members in 120 Chapters in the U.S. and Canada, has taken a lead in promoting women's golf through an array of clinics, events and seminars. In addition, it provides opportunities for women to learn to play golf, improve their skills and gain confidence in their playing ability while maximizing the sport's benefits as a customer relationship and business enhancement tool. To RSVP for this meeting or to obtain additional information about this local Chapter opportunity and directions, please contact Susan Baker at or call 443944-2717. Additional information can be

On Tuesday, June 26, at 10 a.m., the Nanticoke Senior Center will have a cruise to St. Michael's. Cost is $33 for members and $38 for non-members. Please pay when you sign up at the front desk.

Seaford graduation The Seaford High School is having its graduation ceremony at the Bob Dowd Stadium on June 1. The event will begin at 7 p.m. Graduates need to be in the gymnasium between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m., dressed in cap and gown for the senior class picture.

Summer camp offered by Elks Seaford Elk’s Lodge #2458 is sponsoring a number of children, ages 9-13, to attend the Elks Camp Barrettin Crownsville, MD (West of Annapolis.) The dates are: Boys, July 8 - 24, Girls 15 - 21. For more information or for an application form, call 628-3607 or 628-2991.

Delmar Charity Walk The Delmar High School is sponsoring a Charity walk on June 2 in conjunction with the Day in the Park. It will begin at the school and end in the park. The charity for this year is the Jody Reid Scholarship Fund. For more information or to make a donation call 875-9722.

Mark your calendar and plan on joining the fun, remember seating is limited! For more information call DFC at 302-2262406 or John Culp at CHEER 302-8565187.

Bass fishing tournament The Laurel Fire Department Inc. will be hosting a bass fishing tournament on Saturday, June 9, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Phillips Landing boat ramp. The cost is $80 per boat with an optional $10 lunker pot. All proceeds will go to the Laurel Fire Department Inc. For further information or to register contact Kevin Brumbley at 302462-5139

4th annual "Balling for God" The Outreach Team of New Zion United Methodist Church is hosting its 4th Annual "Balling for God" Basketball Tournament and HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The event will be held on Saturday, June 2 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Webb Avenue in Laurel. The Sussex County AIDS Council will be on hand giving out pamphlets and information about this rapidly growing disease and to provide free HIV/AIDS testing. The age brackets for the basketball tournament are 9-11, 12-14, and 15-18. There will also be a foul shooting contest. Trophies will be awarded. There is entertainment for the younger children as well. There will be food and

fun for everyone. Vendors are invited. For more information contact Sherita Belle at 877-0987 or Amy Handy at 875-4263.

Beauty Pageant June 9 The 4th annual Miss Tri-State Pageant is seeking contestants ages five and up to compete on June 9, at Stephen Decatur High School in Berlin, Md. For more information call 302-8460388 or 410-641-6436.

Get in shape at Delaware Tech Swimsuit season is just around the corner and now is the time to get in shape through fitness classes offered at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, Georgetown. There are a variety of options offered at the college, including aerobics, cardio/weight training, personal training, belly dancing, toning classes and yoga. Golf and horseback riding are offered offcampus. The Owens Campus gymnasium complex is now open five nights a week until 7 p.m. and includes state-of-the art cardio/weight training and exercise equipment, a mirrored exercise room, a basketball court and complete locker rooms for men and women. Certified personal trainers and group exercise instructors are on-site to provide guidance toward individual fitness goals. For more information, call 854-6966.

New Century Club Yard Sale The Laurel New Century Club will hold a Yard Sale on Saturday, June 2, at 8 a.m., 502 South Central Ave, Laurel, near the old post office. There will be household goods, books, kids stuff and a whole lot more. Refreshments and baked goods will be available. Rain date is Saturday, June 9.

Seaford Department of Recreations A USTA Tennis Free-4-All will be held on Sunday, June 3rd from 3-5p.m. at the High School Tennis Courts. Free afternoon of tennis, hotdogs, and soda and an opportunity to sign up for our tennis programs. Rackets will be provided. Also on June 18-22 a childrens tennis free-4-all called Little Smachers will be held. Ages 4-7 are welcomed. Price is $25 and the sessions will be held from 8:30-10 a.m.

Texas Hold-Em Tournament On Friday, June 8, at 7 p.m. at the CHEER Community Center, located at Rt. 9 and Sand Hill Road, Georgetown. CHEER is sponsoring a Texas Hold-Em Poker Tournament. Pre-registration of $100 is open until midnight of June 4, and entry fee at the door is $125. Checks should be made payable to CHEER and mailed, along with name, address, and phone number to: P.O. Box 735, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. Dealers and staff will be provided by Delaware Fundraiser Charity, Inc. (DFC). Food will be available for the evening.


Super Bingo Every Tuesday! TIMES Doors Open 5:00 p.m. Games 6:45 p.m.

CASH PAYOUT $100* Over 60 People $50* Under 60 People *Based on the number of people No one under the age of 18 allowed to play


Bonanza Game $1000.00 Jackpot!


Tuesday Night Delmar VFW Bingo 200 W. State St., Delmar, MD

410-896-3722 or 410-896-3379

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Kids' Fest Invites Exhibitors/Vendors Community organizations, particularly those serving youth and their families, are invited to participate in the 10th Annual Kids’ Fest to be held on Saturday, June 9, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington. The event provides fun and games, education and entertainment while supporting youth activities in Southern Delaware. It features a Healthy Kids Expo, a Teen Idol Youth Talent Contest, free entertainment, a variety of horse and pony events and hands-on activities, an inflatable fair and carnival games. Activities are planned to attract teens as well as the younger crowd. Throughout the day, Nemours Health and Prevention Services will spotlight its "5-2-1 Almost None" message aimed at promoting good nutrition and physical activity among youth. Combined with all the fun on tap, this makes Kids' Fest a great opportunity for community organizations to participate and to highlight their activities and services. Participation is free to non-profit organizations. Kids' Fest coordinators ask only that each organization provide a hands-on activity for young people as a part of the event. Kids’ Fest is a family friendly and affordable event. Admission is $1 per person; parking is free. Ride and game tickets may be purchased at 25 for $5; some activities are individually priced, and many, including all entertainment, are free. A variety of food will be for sale throughout the day. For more information, call 302-3985194 or 302-242-0375 or visit the website:

Vera Bradley Beach Raffle Vera Bradley Beach Raffle, sponsored by Laurel Lioness, a Capri blue beach tote, beach hat and beach sandals. Tickets are $1 each, or 6 tickets for $5. Winner will be announced on June 7. For tickets contact Dianne at 875-5126, or Karen at 8752662, or any Lioness.

Laurel History Books Still Available A few copies of the 19th Century History of Laurel, published by the Laurel Historical Society may still be purchased at either the Laurel Town Office, Laurel Public Library, or O’Neal’s Antiques. The price remains at $45 each. For further information or to arrange to have a book mailed please call 875-4217. There is a $5 mailing fee.

Trap Pond volunteers sought Trap Pond offers free camping in exchange for Volunteer Services (Required for free camping, 24 hours per week of volunteering). Host programs available in the campground, Nature Center, maintenance and administrative. Check out our other awards for short term volunteering. (For more information contact:, Community and Volunteer Services 302-7391960.

Baseball Equipment Needed Any baseball equipment, used or unused, is needed for an Eagle Scout Project. Equipment will be collected, refurbished, and sent to the Dominican Republic. Contact Kirby Mills via email at or by phone 1-

302-690-2749 if you can be of any assistance.

Volunteers Needed The Disabled American Veterans Organization (DAV) needs volunteer drivers to take local veterans to the VA hospital in Elsmere, in a DAV van. Van expenses are paid. One day per week needed or other times as a substitute. Valid drivers license and physical exam by VA required. Food allowance at the VA hospital cafeteria is provided. Time required is about 8 hours per trip. Van is at the VFW club on Middleford Rd., Seaford. Phone Chet Swift at 6295143 or Jerry Chapman at 629-8108.

Delmarva's Day in the Park Your family is invited to a big day of fun at the 31st Annual Delmarva's Day in the Park Festival on Saturday, June 2. From 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. You'll enjoy food and drink, craft tables, children's games, door prizes, attractions, drawings including our 50/50, live entertainment and more. That's June 2, at the State Street Park in Delmar. Vendor applications may be obtained by calling 302-846-3336 by May 25. Sponsored by the Delmar Chamber of Commerce.

SSA Anounces Swim Team Sign Ups The Seaford Swimming Association will hold swim team sign ups at the pool on Saturday, June 2, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and on Wednesday, June 6, from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. for member children. Fittings will also be taking place for the team swim suit. SSA opens for the summer season on Memorial Day Weekend and is welcoming new members. For further information call 629-8773.

Meetings Teen Chess Club A Teen Chess Club will meet on Thursday nights from 6 to 7:30 p.m., on June 7 and 21 and July 5, at the Seaford Library. For more information call 629-2524. All programs are free and open to the public.

Ski Cub All Club Picnic The Wilmington Ski Cub All Club Picnic will be held Wednesday, June 13, from 5 p.m. to dusk at Paper Mill Park in Pavilion #1. Paper Mill Park is located at the intersection of Polly Drummond Hill Road and Sunrise Drive in Newark. This is a rain or shine event. New members are welcome. For more information about the picnic or joining the club, contact the WSC Hot Line at 302-792-0656 or visit The Wilmington Ski Club was founded in the 1960's and is the only state-wide ski club in Delaware. WSC is a non-profit sporting and social club open to individuals 21 and over, and to families. The primary mission of the club is to promote and foster the sports of skiing and snowboarding.

Widowed Persons meet The Seaford Chapter of the Widowed Persons Service will have its next meeting on Tuesdsay, June 19, at 12:15 p.m. at the Golden Corral. The planned guest speaker will be Tony Windsor. All widowed per-


sons of all ages are invited to attend. Come join us. We all enjoy the trips, lunches, dinners etc. that we do.

Women's Democrat Club meeting The Sussex County Women's Democrat Club will hold its regular monthly meeting at 11:30 a.m. on June 21, at Sussex Pines Country Club, Georgetown. The guest speaker will be a representative from the Blue Water Wind Company. Members are asked to bring a friend and newcomers are always welcome. Lunch will cost $13.00 per person. For details and reservations, call Thelma Monroe, president 934-9716.

Laurel Public Hearing The Mayor and council of the Town of Laurel will be holding a public hearing on Monday, June 4, 2007, beginning at 7 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter. The purpose of the public hearing is to allow citizens to comment, ask questions, etc. on the proposed FY2008 Town of Laurel Budget. The public hearing will be held at the Laurel Fire Hall Board Room, 205 Tenth St., Laurel. The proposed budget is available for review at the Laurel Town Hall, 201 Mechanic St., Laurel, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and is also available on the town's website,

Sons of Confederate Veterans The Maj. Gen. Arnold Elzey Camp #1940, Sons of Confederate Veterans meets the first Wednesday of each month in the lower level of the Salisbury Library at 7 p.m.

Trap Pond Partners Trap Pond Partners’ monthly meeting will be held at the park's Nature Center, the second Wednesday of each month. Anyone interested in Trap Pond State Park is invited to attend. For information, call 875-5153

Cancer Support Group The Wellness Community-Delaware is offering a support group for people affected by cancer and their loved ones at the Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford. The group meets at the Cancer Care Center on the third Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. To register for this program or for more information call Kaye or Lori at 645-9150. All programs at The Wellness Community are free of charge for people affected by cancer and their loved ones.

Toastmasters Toastmasters of Southern Delaware meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month in Bay Shore Community Church at 6 p.m. Develop your public speaking skills in a supportive environment. Contact Joy Slabaugh at 846-9201, or

Marine Corps League The Marine Corps League meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Log Cabin in Seaford.

Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-04 meets the second Thursday of each month

Panichella Greenhouses 14347 Pepperbox Road, Delmar DE 19940 (3/4 miles off MD/DE East Line Rd-RT 54)


Plant Now For Summer Beauty! * Headquarters for the Best Quality Plants * Combination Pots & Hanging Baskets * Huge selection of Potted & Bedding Plants

Knock Out Roses, Vegetables, Shrubs, Azaleas, Hydrangeas, Perennials, & Mulch available now! VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED

HOURS: M-F:10 AM - 6 PM SAT: 9 AM - 6 PM SUN: 10 AM - 5 PM

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

PAGE 28 at Nanticoke Yacht Club in Blades. Call Wayne Hickman at 629-6337 for details.

Embroiders’ Guild meeting The Sussex Chapter of Embroiders’ Guild meets on the second Monday of the month, September through June at 10 a.m. at the CHEER Center in Georgetown. All levels of stitchers from beginner to advanced are welcome. Call 410-208-9386.

Visually Impaired Support Group A Visually Impaired Support Group meets at the Methodist Manor House in Seaford, on the first Thursday of every month at 1:30 p.m. The next meeting is June 7. Mr. Robert B. Gray, MA, CRC, NCC is the facilitator. Anyone with a vision problem and their caregivers are invited to attend. For more information, call Dixie Carlisle, Resident Activity Coordinator at 628-5631.

Delaware Equine Council Monday, June 18, 7 p.m. at the AmericInn, Harrington with guest speaker Carol Schlotzhauer sharing info on AQHA Trail Riding Program. Refreshments served and all those interested in horses are welcome. For more information contact Peggy at 629-5233.

LHS Class of 1997 plans reunion Laurel High School Class of 1997, is planning a 10-year class reunion. A meeting will take place on June 21, at 7 p.m. at Anissa's home. If anyone is interested in attending or helping please contact Anissa Brittingham "Pusey" at 875-0806 or; or Jessie Walls "Holmes" at 875-8720 or

Trips Adult Plus+ trips Active seniors can broaden their horizons this June with a variety of trips and activities sponsored by the Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, Georgetown. Travel to the Reading Market in Philadelphia; take in a Phillies game; or "see Europe" during a trip to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Va. On June 13, enjoy a firsthand look at the historical, culinary and medicinal value of lavender on a trip to Lavender Farms, or spend a day at the Smithsonian on June 26. Also in June, visit the Hillwood Museum in Washington, D.C., or visit a 35-acre sculpture park and museum. For more information on these and other Adult Plus+ offerings, or to register, call 302-856-5618.

Trip to Franklin Institute Nanticoke Senior Center's trip to Tutankhanmun and The Golden Age of The Pharaohs at The Franklin Institute will be on July 24. Bus leaves at 9 a.m. Cost is $57 for members and $62 for non-members. The trip includes: Motor Coach Transportation, a lunch at the Old Country Buffet, admission to the exhibit, and all tips and gratuities. Pay when you sign up at the front desk.

Laurel Senior Center trips June 4 - A day in Ocean City, Md. June 14 - Choptank Riverboat Luncheon- Suicide Bridge $38. July 10 - Smith Island Cruise-Luncheon, $40. For more information call 875-2536.

Cruise benefits Relay for Life Dr. Marie Wolfgang is announcing her next "Cruisin' for the Cure" fundraiser cruise, sailing from New York City on Jan. 26, 2008, for 11 nights to the Southern Caribbean on the new Norwegian Gem. Fare includes a chartered bus to the dock. Due to an enthusiastic response, only one cabin remains. Call Carolyn at 629-4471 for complete details.

SDR trips The Seaford Department of Recreation is planning the following trip; Baseball: Orioles vs. Yankees at Camden Yards, Friday, July 27, $45 a ticket, Bus leaves at 4 p.m., game is at 7 p.m.

Mary Poppins on Broadway The Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, is currently taking reservations for a summertime trip to see the new Broadway musical "Mary Poppins." The newest production from Oscar-winning director Richard Eyre tells the tale of the world's most famous nanny and is currently playing at New York's New Amsterdam Theatre. Featuring a dream team of vision and stagecraft, the production brings to life the story of the family, their magical nanny, and award-winning songs. Great orchestra seats are still available for the Wednesday, July 18 performance. For more information or to register, call the Adult Plus+ program office at 302-856-5618.

Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Pigeon Forge, Tenn. trip, June 18-22, $589 per person, which includes round-trip Motor Coach, four nights hotel accommodations, four breakfasts, four dinners and six shows. These include: Grand Illusion, Country Tonite Theatre, Comedy Barn Theatre, Blackwood Breakfast Variety Show, The Miracle Theatre, Black Bear Jamboree Dinner and Show, Dolly Parton's Dollywood, visiting Gatlinburg, Tenn., taxes, tips, and baggage handling. For more information call 875-2536.



Breakfast Cafe

Kiwanis Tournament

VFW 4961 Breakfast Cafe, open Monday-Friday, 710 a.m., Seaford VFW, Middleford Road, to benefit Veterans Relief Fund.

Blades Fire Hall breakfast An all-you-can-eat breakfast at the Blades Fire Hall, located at the corner of Cannon and Fifth Street, June 3, from 8 a.m. till 11 a.m. Costs are adults $7, and children $3. Sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary and Firemen.

Sunday Breakfast Buffet Sunday breakfast buffet, All-You-CareTo-Eat, served by the Galestown Ruritan Club on the fourth Sunday of each month, October through June, 7-10 a.m., at the Galestown, Md., Community Hall. Cost is $6 for adults, $4 children ages 6-12.

How to submit items Submit Bulletin Board items by Thursday at noon. Send to Morning Star Publications, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973, email or drop off at 628 West Stein Highway, Seaford. Items appear in both the Seaford and Laurel Stars.

Friday, June 8, is the date for the 21st annual golf tournament sponsored by the Seaford Kiwanis Foundation, which was created to provide college scholarships to worthy and aspiring high school seniors. Thanks to enthusiastic participants and willing sponsors 44 students have been helped so far. Most have graduated. Last year’s winners are students at the University of Delaware, York College and at the University of Virginia. Mark your calendar and help the Kiwanis Club help deserving youth.

West Stein Hwy. in Seaford across from Bank of Delmarva

7am - 7pm Mon. - Sat. WE NOW OFFER.... Cinnabon™ Cinna Pretzels & Hot Breakfast Sandwiches!

Trip to Annapolis & Naval Academy AARP Chapter #5340 of Georgetown is offering a trip to visit Annapolis and the US Navel Academy Tuesday, Sept. 18. View the film "To Lead and To Serve." Afterwards there is a guided walking tour of the Naval Academy to the Visitor's Center to browse the museum, and to shop and explore Annapolis. Board the Harbor Queen at the Annapolis City Dock and enjoy a 40-minute narrated sightseeing cruise of Annapolis Harbor and the banks of the US Naval Academy. Lunch is on your own at Phillip's Restaurant. The deluxe bus will leave Georgetown Square, East Market Street, near the Dollar General Store, at 7:30 a.m. and return to Georgetown at approximately 6 p.m. The cost for each person is $60. RSVP by calling Hilda Parker at 856-2760. Deadline date is July 1.

Espressos, lattes, cappuccinos and frozen granitas

COOL OFF WITH A REAL FRUIT SMOOTHIE!! Mocha Mudd A caffe latte blended with thick chocolate topped with fresh whipped cream and dusted with chocolate sprinkles. Frozen Granita Premium cold slush made with real fruit or a cappuccino slush. Over 20 flavors!

Strawberry, Banana, Pina Colada, Mango & Wildberry Italian Cream Soda Our Italian soda with a layer of fresh cream, topped with mounds of whipped cream and sprinkled with sparkling sugar.

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Sex offenders using MySpace to be reported MySpace has agreed to turn over the names and other identifying information of convicted sex offenders who use the popular social networking website. Attorney General Biden will share the information of convicted sex offenders provided by MySpace, including their email and IP addresses, with law enforcement agencies in Delaware. The data will be used to identify offenders who may have violated their sentences by using computers or contacting minors. Attorney General Biden commended

MySpace for taking this important safety step. "Millions of kids use MySpace to connect with each other and to share information about themselves and, as a result, they are vulnerable to predators who can and do use this site to contact them,” Biden said. “In 2006 alone, the media reported almost 100 criminal incidents across the U.S. involving adults who used MySpace to prey or to attempt to prey on children. I am pleased that MySpace has agreed to work with us to protect our children,”

Biden said. MySpace's agreement to provide this information follows a May 14, letter demanding that MySpace turn over information about sex offenders who use its site. Several states have pushed social networking websites to take active steps to protect their users from threats by sexual predators who use the internet to contact children. MySpace has identified thousands of registered sex offenders who have joined its site and is working to delete these users' profiles and to bar their access.

MySpace will continue to actively search its site for users who are registered sex offenders and will provide information about all offenders it identifies to the states. Attorney General Biden and other states' attorneys general remain concerned about sex offenders who may be using aliases and misrepresenting their ages to gain access to MySpace. Attorneys general continue to urge MySpace to take additional safety steps, including requiring parental permission for children who wish to use the site.

WSCL Public Radio Delmarva celebrates 20th anniversary More than 100 classically trained musicians, many of them young, commemorate the 20th anniversary of the founding of WSCL at its annual Celebration of Music. The Public Radio Delmarva concert is 7:30 p.m., Saturday, June 2, at Asbury United Methodist Church, 1401 Camden Ave., Salisbury. This year's festive gala spotlights several vocalists, a brass ensemble, three pianists, two choirs and an organist. They range from professionals who have appeared with nationally known orchestras and opera companies to some of the area's most talented young musicians. Performances include bass-baritone Peter Van De Graaff who sings Mozart duets with his wife, Kathleen, a soprano. She also sings a selection by Puccini. The Easton Choral Arts Society, under the direction of Douglas I. Smith, per-

forms two choruses from the Verdi operas, Nabucco and Il Trovatore. Together, the Asbury United Methodist Chancel Choir, under the direction of Robert Young, and the Salisbury Choral Arts Society, under the direction of William Folger, director of choral activities at Salisbury University, perform "I Was Glad" by Sir Charles Hubert H. Parry. Asbury organist Robert Young of Salisbury plays one of this year's instrumental selections, a toccata by Henri Mulet. A graduate of the Westminster Choir College of Princeton, N.J., Young is the founder of the Easton-based choral ensemble "Bach to the Future." Pianists participating in the celebration are Ray Brokamp of Salisbury, performing a Brahms rhapsody; the Russian-trained Luba Paskova, playing a Rachmaninoff prelude; and Salisbury native Derek Wu, a

Foundation selects farms for latest preservation program The Delaware Agricultural Lands Preservation Foundation met recently to finalize the selections for Round 12 of the farmland preservation program. Twenty-six out of one hundred and seven farms that applied were selected. This round will permanently preserve 2,815 acres of farmland at a cost of $14.7 million. Once the selections go to settlement, this round will bring Delaware's total number of acres permanently preserved by Delaware's agricultural lands preservation program to 84,990 acres The nationally acclaimed Delaware Agricultural Lands Preservation Program was formed with the adoption of House Bill 200 in July, 1991. Thanks to Governor Minner and the Delaware General Assembly the Program received a real boost in 2005 when they established a permanent funding source for Farmland Preservation - $10 million per year. The program also receives matching funds from

the federal government and the counties along with funds from the Sussex County Land Trust, a private entity. Delaware is first in the nation in the percentage of our land that is permanently preserved for agriculture with 6.8 percent of our land area. Michael Scuse, Delaware Secretary of Agriculture said, "I want to thank the Agricultural Lands Preservation Foundation trustees, Delaware's three county governments, and the Sussex County Land Trust for their continued commitment to preserving our irreplaceable farmland. Agriculture is Delaware's number one industry, more than a billion dollar industry annually. Protecting this industry by preserving farmland sustains Delaware's economy. Preserving this land also protects our citizens' quality of life and critical wildlife habitat for future generations." Itemized list of selections is available upon request.

Michael DeLoy named warden of SCI Michael DeLoy was recently named the new warden of the Sussex Correctional Institution (SCI) in Georgetown. DeLoy replaces Richard Kearney, who left SCI after being named bureau chief of prisons. DeLoy had been the deputy warden at SCI since 1996 and has been an employee

at the institution since 1984. His previous positions at SCI were lieutenant and captain. Prior to working at SCI he was a staff training relief officer at various sites throughout the DOC and a lieutenant at the Delaware Correctional Center. DeLoy, who has three children, resides in Milton with his wife.

student at the Peabody Conservatory, performing a Chopin impromptu. SU alumna Beth Holder Hallworth, a soprano, sings the spiritual "Give Me Jesus" and "The Flower Duet" from Madama Butterfly. Hallworth is a member of the Easton Choral Arts Society and the Salisbury Chamber Singers. Leading off the second act is a brass ensemble featuring trumpeter Ron Davis of Westover, Md., and trombonist Lee Knier of SU's Department of Music. Also performing is his wife, pianist Veronica Knier, of the Department of Fine Arts at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Contralto Kerry Ann Erickson of Wilmington performs an aria from La Cenerentola by Rossini. She is accompanied by pianist Mark Blaschke. Soprano Shiloh

Wersen, a University of Delaware junior, performs selections from Madama Butterfly and The Tales of Hoffmann. Baritone Richard Trice of Seaford, has delighted audiences at past celebrations and will sing Valentin's aria from Faust by Charles Gounod. Another Delaware singer, Michael Thompson of Dover, sings the ever popular "La donna e mobile" from Verdi's Rigoletto. This year's event is designed to thank the audience of Public Radio Delmarva for 20 years of support. The concert is free and the public is invited. A "Meet the Performers" reception follows in the Fellowship Hall of the church. For more information call 410543-6985.


MORNING STAR âœł MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Arts & Entertainment Possum Point performs Diary of Anne Frank Possum Point Players in Georgetown is presenting The Diary of Anne Frank, dramatized by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, beginning June 8. Anne Frank, a Jewish girl in 1940s Amsterdam, wrote her diary while in hiding with her family and others. The cast-members of this production have all read, or are currently reading and re-reading, the book upon which the play is based. In fact, Lauren Baker of Georgetown, playing the title character, uses the book as a reference point for each scene she plays. Cast-member John Hulse of Rehoboth Beach has been doing a lot of additional research on-line. John Marino of Lewes will be playing Otto Frank, Anne's father, and notes that, "The characters were real people, but they are told through the perspective of one girl. Otto seems almost Christ-like in his generous, kind nature, reflecting his strong relationship with his daughter," he adds. When the family went into hiding in 1942, Anne was 12, so during the more than two years of hiding, there were likely many struggles, familial and otherwise. The Franks were not hiding alone, but with another family, and another individual. Cramped into a small space and

forced to be quiet had to be difficult. Says Baker, "The set that we have as their living space is the same size as in the actual place." Many of the cast have been to visit the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam, "It really gives you a sense of how it must have been to be in each other's space so much!" A common reading requirement in some schools, the book "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl" has not only won literary prizes, but has been hailed as a vital and powerful document. It has been translated into more than 50 languages and is one of the best-selling books of the 20th century. Those who have read the book, and those unfamiliar with it, can now see it on stage at Possum Hall. Sure to be a popular show, audience members are encouraged to reserve tickets in advance. Tickets are available by calling the Possum Ticketline at 856-4560. Performances are June 8, 9, 15 and 16 at 8 p.m., and on June 10 and 17 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $16, or $15 for Senior Citizens and students with valid ID. Possum Point Players is sponsored in part by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Delaware Division of the Arts.

Chicken Festival to include first annual River Raft Race If you take pride in designing and building things with your own hands and like to experiment with new ideas and materials, the first annual Marshy Hope Monster River Raft Race is for you. The raft race is part of the Delmarva Chicken Festival that takes place in Federalsburg this year. Individuals who would like to enter the race should call Jay Fisher at 410-6735329 and then get to work building your raft from scratch using any materials you have around. On Saturday, June 23, at 11 a.m., bring

your pride and joy raft to the Marshy Hope Marina Park in Federalsburg and pray that it will float. You will race against other contestants competing with their own homemade rafts. Judges will determine the winner based upon sea worthiness of the raft, appearance, and design. The first place winner will receive $100 and a $50 award will be presented to the individual entering the best looking raft. It's guaranteed good fun for the contestants and plenty of laughs and excitement for those who come to watch.

Kelly Jones Piano Recital Kelly Jones will give a piano recital on Saturday, June 2, at 7:30 p.m. at Union United Methodist Church, Laws and Market streets, Bridgeville. The public is invited and there is no charge. Miss Jones has studied piano with Jeff Scott of Bridgeville for 11 years and has been performing since she was six. She has won many awards for her playing including 10 Superior Plus ratings from the National Guild of Piano Teachers. Miss Jones has also claimed awards at the Southern Delaware Music Teachers Piano Competition. In the fall of 2006, she received recognition from Lewes-based organi-

zation Coastal Concerts after winning the group's annual music scholarship. Miss Jones's musical experiences include All-State Chorus, Milford High School musical ensembles, and many community and church performances. She is a recent graduate of Milford High School and will continue her education at Furman University as a Piano Performance major. The program includes works by Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy, and Persichetti. Any additional information may be obtained by e-mailing Miss Jones at

The Possum Point Players in Georgetown will perform the Diary of Anne Frank June 8-17 at Possum Hall. Tickets are available by calling 856-4560.

210 W. Market St., P.O. Box 750 Georgetown, DE 19947



COUNTY SEAT HIGHWAY (RT 9) West of Georgetown Perfect for two with room to expand! 2 BR Rancher on over an acre. Comes furnished! $149,900


26057 BUTLER BRANCH RD, SEAFORD Modified single wide 2 BR 2 BA Country setting. $99,900 Call Donald Kellicutt (302) 381-3182 to view.

ACREAGE FOR SALE LOOKING FOR THE AFFORDABLE? The investment property? 12620 Nat Turner St, Bridgeville 2 BR, 1 BA Bungalow Only $55,000 Ready to show, call today.

13.5 Acres on Vaughn Rd, Georgetown $299,900 11.07 Acres on Pepper Rd, Georgetown $325,000

MORNING STAR âœł MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Arts & Entertainment June Jam benefits Habitat for Humanity For some day-long fun for you and your family in your own backyard, a chance to enjoy 15 live bands playing on three stages, a spectacular light show, and a chance to win some exceptional prizes, plan to attend the 29th Annual June Jam at the G & R Campground in Houston, on June 16. And for the best scenario, plan to camp with your family or with a group for the weekend in addition to attending the shows. Share in the excitement and beauty of the all-day outdoor event that promises to appeal to all music lovers. The event features such eclectic-named classic rock and blues bands as Omnisoul; the Tom Larsen Band, featured recently at the Lewes Blues Festival and familiar to many fans in Maryland and surrounding states; Joey Fulkerson and Nuthin but Trouble, whose leader is a former Chubby Checker guitarist; and Last Call, from South Jersey described on June Jam's web site as "bringing the house down" at the closing of the 2006 June Jam. Reuniting for this Jam is the Sussex County based Scrapple band, Last Call and Area 51 offers classic hard rock. And, not to be forgotten, is Lower Case Blues,

based in Rehoboth Beach, "a power trio, rockin' the blues" accompanied by Delaware's own Allman Brothers' alumni Johnny Neel; and No Byscuyts featuring Elwood Bishop, "the best bass player to ever come from the Eastern Shore." Some of the items being raffled off are: A Heating Unit donated by RS Bauer; a complete kitchen donated by DelMar Appliance; a fishing trip; CD's shirts, gift certificates and many unique items donated by local businesses. All this, and the chance to contribute to Sussex County Habitat for Humanity's mission of building simple, decent and affordable houses in safe neighborhoods in partnership with low-income families in Sussex County. For the second year, proceeds from June Jam will benefit Sussex County Habitat for Humanity. Since 1991, Sussex County Habitat has built homes in partnership with 27 families. Children are the main beneficiaries in Sussex County. Seventy-seven children and 40 adults live in Habitat homes G & R Campground is located off Rt. 14 in Houston at 4075 Gun and Rod Club Road.



The mission of Sussex County Habitat for Humanity is to build simple, decent and affordable houses in partnership with low-income families in Sussex County. The estimated number of families living in substandard housing in Sussex County is 4,324, according to the Delaware Housing Authority. The philosophy is simple: Habitat provides a "hand-up, not a hand-out." Families are selected on the basis of need and ability to pay monthly mortgages. Homeowner candidates invest sweat equity, make down payments, and pay for their homes through an interest-free mortgage. Mortgage payments then go into Habitat's "Fund for Humanity" that allows building more houses with more families in the future. For more information about how to volunteer, sponsor a family, or donate monetarily, contact the Habitat office in Georgetown at 855-1153 or visit The annual June Jam was born from a tragedy in 1978 when three friends working on a roof in Magnolia were accidentally electrocuted. Randy Miller and Stanley Painter were

severely burned and their coworker, Richard Vogl, was killed. Miller and Painter had no health insurance to pay their extended hospital stays. Fellow workers and classmates turned the Caesar Rodney Class of 1973's fifth-year reunion into a benefit for the three families. Local bands donated their time and talent and the first event was held at the Camden-Wyoming Fire Hall and in June 1979, June Jam was born. Every year since, June Jam has raised money for local charitable organizations and for the 9-11 New York victims and the event has expanded with visitors coming from many mid-Atlantic states.

Free blugrass concert Sunday A free bluegrass concert will be held at the home of Vance and Lisa Phillips this Sunday, June 3, at 3 p.m. and all are welcome. Bluegrass recording artists, The Earl Brothers will be coming to Sussex County from their current tour in Tennessee to play the one show concert. For more information and directions go to or contact Vance Phillips at 302-542-1501.

Fuqua and Yori, P.A. Attorneys at Law

A Sussex County Law Firm on the Circle in Georgetown For legal representation in cases involving:

Sign Up to Win a $50 Shopping Spree! Drawing held June 30th. Longaberger Baskets Basket Stands & Accessories Longaberger Pocket Books, Totes & Accessories Country & Primitive Decor Pictures Flags Full line of Rabbit Creek Brownie, Cookie, Dip & Cheese Mixes Red Hat Society Merchandise Rust Stars & Moons Country Wreaths HOURS: Fri & Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5


34898 Sussex Hwy, Delmar, DE Just South Of Delmar Church Of God Of Prophecy, Next To Crown Trophy

Coming June 4: Expanded Day & Evening Hours

30 Off %



GOOD THRU 6/30/07 (excludes furniture & Longaberger Baskets)


Timothy G. Willard, Esq. Tasha Marie Stevens, Esq. Margaret R. Cooper, Esq.

302-856-7777 28 The Circle Georgetown, Delaware 19947



✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Classifieds FREE CLASSIFIEDS* (For Personal Use Only) *Some exceptions such as homes for rent or sale

Deadline: Monday, 2 p.m. Businesses: $4.50 per inch ($9.00 minimum)

Boxed (Display) Ads: $6.50/inch Legals: $6.50 per inch Not responsible for typographical errors after first insertion


Call: Or E-mail: GIVE-AWAY Abandoned adult male cat looking for safe & loving home. Mostly white w/a blk. tail & lg. black markings resemling ‘cow spots.’ Extremely friendly & affectionate, neutered. Call 8759558 for more info. 5/24

YARD SALE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE, Sat., June 16, 7 amnoon. 221 Shipley St., Seaford. Undercounter dishwasher, 2 window unit AC, refrig., porcelain antique sink. 5/31

WANTED 2 UPRIGHT PIANOS. 302629-7578. 4/12


Do you have books you’ve read that are filling up closet space? I’ll come pick them up from you. 8753099. 5/24

DELIVERIES/SALES Books Are Fun sales representative for next school year. Great commission. All established accounts. Must have van or truck. Must have ability for book storage. Entrepreneurial and self-motivated. Please email resume or questions immediately to or fax resume to 856-769-0373.

NOTICE BIGGEST FAMILY BAZAAR OF THE YEAR! Come out & support the youth & children’s ministries. Sat., June 2nd at Laurel Wesleyan Church 6 am - 3 pm Yard sale, carnival games, breakfast, bake sale, car wash, & more. 1/5 mi. north of Laurel on Alt. 13. Info: 875-5380. 5/24/2t CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT? THEN DON’T WAIT! Get the Training & Help you need! Finally, a system that really works! Seating Limited. Call today for free intro session! 302-875-3099 http://healthieryou.

AUTOMOTIVE PAYING MORE THAN $35 / Month for AUTO INSURANCE? 1-877-621-1030 Credit Cards accepted. tnc Cheap • Cheap • Cheap AUTO INSURANCE? 1-877-621-1030 Credit Cards accepted. tnc ‘88 S-10 PICK-UP w/cap, 83K orig. miles. 5 spd., AC, exc. cond. except needs engine work. $550. 4110546-4335, Delmar. 5/31 ‘91 CHEV. CAVALIER, needs motor, $275. 5426316. 5/24

MOTORCYCLES ‘04 YAMAHA V-STAR Motorcycle, 1100 Silverado, 7500 mi., lots of extras: saddle bags, Mustang seat, accent lights. Garage kept & exc. cond. $7000. 6288754, lv. msg. 5/17

BOATS 8’ RUBBER RAFT w/oars, $50 OBO. 12’ SUNFLOWER SAIL BOARD, $150 OBO. 628-0871. 5/31 16’ DEEP V ALUM. SEANEPH boat, loaded w/extras, 40 hp Even. $2995 OBO. 875-8677. 5/31 ‘89 20’ GRADY WHITE, walk around cuddy cabin, 175 hp Yamaho outboard, good cond. 877-0507. 5/24 MARINE A/C, Boat/US Carry-on, $499, new $800. Canoe 18’ plus, strip planked, $600. 629-3777 lv. msg. 5/3 KAYAK 18’ Kevlar const., like new with all equip. & many extras. Must see. $1600 OBO. 875-9775. 4/26

ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES DALE EARNHARDT SR. & JR., entire collection, Nascar collectables. 8752647 after 5 pm. 5/17

FOR SALE BAKERS RACK, Williamsburg blue frame, 4 glass shelves, exc. cond., $125. 629-8683. 5/31 2 CRUISING BIKES, man’s & woman’s, 1 yr. old, $130 for both. 875-2460. 5/31

‘93 MERC. TRACER S/W, $300. 629-4581, lv. msg. 5/10

WEDDING BANDS, 14k gold, 4mm, polished. Sz. 10 & 11. $140 for both or BO. Will separate. 337-0374. 5/31

4 GM steel wheels 15x7, $40 set. 1-15x7 Olds Ralley, $30. Hurst Promatic shifter, $50. Back glass for ‘95 Ford P/U w/seal, $40. 875-0114 before 9 pm. 5/10

WELL PUMP, 1/2 hp, & 25 gal. expansion tank, like new, $200 OBO. 628-0871. 5/31

‘80 CHEV. TRUCK, 4 wh. dr., needs some body wk., runs great, tagged til ‘08. $1950. 875-0964 before 9 pm. 5/3 5 DIGIT TAG, 39775, active 8/07. $500 OBO. 629-7140. 4/26

HUSQVARNA TRACTOR, 12 hp, 48”, 130 hrs., like new, Got Zero. $995. 8460958. 5/31 REFRIGERATOR, $100. Maple DR table w/6 chairs & hutch, $400. Antique oak washstand, $300. 6294071. 5/24

VACATION RENTAL OFFERS in Time Shares: Avail. 6/3-6/10/07, 3 BR deluxe accom. at LaCascada in San Antonio, Tx. Also, 2 BR deluxe accom. from 6/10-6/17 at Fairfield, Nashville, TN -- See the Stars! 875-7618, both are very reasonably priced. Avail. due to sickness & health issues. 5/24 CUB CADET Model 126 garden tractor w/46” mower deck & 42” snow blade. 629-3652 after 5 pm. 5/24 WHITE SHOWER STALL, new, 32x32, incl. shower head & faucets, $450. 5426316. 5/24 ‘91 LG. LONGABERGER Cradle Basket w/2 swinging handles, exc. cond., $85. 629-6730. 5/24 SWIVEL CHAIR, dk. green corduroy, $25. Maple end table, $10. 875-7143. 5/24 FOOFBALL, $175. 4071. 5/24


PLANTS: Perennials, 50¢ ea., Flower Bushes, Buttrfly Bush, Forsythia, Bridal Wreath, $3.50 ea. 5/24 BATH CABINET w/light fixture & mirror. Very good cond., $25. 629-6159. 5/24 CHAR-BROIL STAINLESS STEEL Natural Gas Grill, 3 burners & side unit. Used only 2 seasons, $65. 9560003. 5/24

WHITE FRENCH COUNTRY Pedestal Table & 4 chairs, solid wood, distressed finish. Pd. $700 a year ago, will sell for $400. 875-2805. 5/17 TAPPAN ELEC. RANGE w/ self-cleaning oven. Almost new, $200 OBO.877-9790. 5/17 BRUSH WHACKER, Craftsman, 18”, used once. Must sell due to health cond., $50. 629-7367. 5/17 ‘03 CRAFTSMAN MOWER, 18 hp, exc. for parts, best offer. 629-4662. 5/17 3-WHEEL BIKE, $30. Air Cond. unit, $20. 629-8692. 5/17 KAREOKE MACHINE, new in sealed box, CD & graphics, was $160, now $75. 875-2781. 5/17 MASSAGE CHAIR & CASE, folding, almost new, $125. 3 massage text books, $80. Massage gel, 1 gal. advanced therapy, new, $25. Belt pouch w/pump. Sell separately, or all for $215. 875-2781. 5/17 5x8 RUG, cream & sage, $35. 875-2781. 5/17 AO SMITH 50 gal. Hot Water Tank, energy saver, 1 year old, $100. 628-2166. COLEMAN 3 TON AIR COND., used one summer. 875-5021. 5/17

KENMORE SIDE-BY-SIDE Refrig./Freezer w/water & ice dispenser, almond, 36” x 68”, exc. cond. $300. 6282166. 5/17 FULL QUEEN BED FRAME, $20. Lg. TV stand, black contemporary, $15. Baby swing, $20. 3370710. 5/17 STEINMARK LEATHER RIDING JACKET w/zip-in liner sz. 38, $40. Nike leather jacket w/liner sz. 42, $40. 875-0114 before 9 pm. 5/10 OLD WOODEN CHICKEN COOP, $100. 875-5549. 5/10 ALUM. SCREEN DOOR & frame, like new, 78.5” x 37.5”, $50. 875-0445. 5/10 TRACTOR, Super M Farmall looks & runs great. Belt pulley in hydrolics swinging draw bar. $3200 OBO. 846-9788. 5/10 STROLLER w/matching carrier & various exercise equip. Sell all for $130 or will separate. 875-0964 before 9 pm. 5/3 2 CRAFTSMAN 1/2hp Garage Door Openers, both $150. 349-4396. 5/3 HIP & THIGH Machine w/ tape, $15. Ab Roller w/ tape, $15. Sears exercise bike, $15. 349-4396. 5/3

Physiotherapy Associates is seeking a passionate Clinic Director to join and lead our office in Seaford, DE. The Seaford Clinic is a growing and exciting one year old clinic. The Seaford team is renowned for their exceptional Customer Service ethic. They have developed excellent relationships with local Orthopedists. This is a terrific opportunity to work with a team that is expanding their referral base and building a great practice. This is an exciting opportunity to join a team of clinicians that have achieved recognition throughout Delaware for their excellence and commitment to quality care. Our therapists achieve this through lower volume (10-12 patients per day), more one-on-one treatment, extensive resources and continuing education focused on providing the best therapy possible. We are essentially a private practice model with profit sharing under the umbrella of a large company. Our team is made up of therapists with vast experience in trauma, sports, spine, and hand therapy. We are trained in a variety of manual therapy methodologies including Mulligan, Paris, Maitland, McKenzie, Strain/Counterstrain, Myofascial, Muscle Energy, and IMT to name a few. SYG specialized sport specific training programs are offered for many sports on the cutting edge of research and evidenced based medicine. Physiotherapy Associates, a division of Stryker Corporation, owns and operates over 500 outpatient rehabilitation clinics in 31 states. Physio has remained true to its philosophy and core values of operating a clinician-centric business model that dedicates itself to patient care. To learn more about this great opportunity please contact Andrew Weismer or Dave Grove at 302.633.5787 or log on to




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DAY LILIES (All colors), Rose of Sharon (rose color or white), baby’s breath, lilacs, English ivy (buy 1, get 1), plus others, fr. $2 up. 875-5217. 5/3 HOT WATER HEATER, 50 gal., AO Smith energy saver, $100. Alum. Sink 25x22, new faucets, $25. side-by-side Kenmore freezer refrig., water & ice maker, $300. 628-2166. 5/3 THIS END UP Coffee Table, solid wood, $30. New Suspension Scooter, $35. 628-2166. 5/3

ANIMALS, ETC. METAL BIRD CAGE, 18� X 18� x 27� tall w/stand, $40. 875-0114 before 9 pm. 5/10

PIANO, looks & sounds good, $50. Oak roll-top desk, $75. Moving - must sell - will deliver. 846-3965. 4/26 TIMESHARE - One mi. from Disney world. For details, call 628-6990. 4/26

SPECIAL REGIONAL ADS Business Opportunity

PUPPIES: 1/2 Black Lab, 1/2 English Bulldog, males, females, many colors. $100 ea. 349-5436. 5/10

ALL CASH CANDY ROUTE Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. Includes 30 Machines and Candy All for $9,995. 1888-753-3452

2 PIGMY GOATS, $115 for both. 846-9788. 5/10

Career / Training

LG. GOLD FISH for pond, $4 ea. 542-6316. 5/3 LG. BIRD CAGE & Accessories. 875-0964 before 9 pm. 5/3

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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

LEGALS CITY OF SEAFORD NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION Name of Property Owner: Eugene Hastings. Address: 10932 Old Furnace Road, Seaford, DE 19973. The City of Seaford has condemned the below said structure, as per the Notification to Owner dated May 7, 2007, pursuant to Section 4-23-23 (b) of the City of Seaford Housing Code. The structure is found to be unsafe because it is all or part thereof found to be dangerous to life, health, property or the safety of the public because it is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, and structurally unsafe or of such faulty construction or unstable foundation that it is likely to partially or completely collapse. Description of Structure: Tax Map and Parcel 4-31 5.00 15, 315 Pine Street, Seaford, Delaware 19973. REMEDIES: Such condemned structure shall not be reoccupied without completion of specific corrections of violations. Joshua E. Littleton Building Official 5/31/1tc

CITY OF SEAFORD NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION Name of Property Owner: Emma Coulbourn (deceased). Address: 120 E. King St., Seaford, DE 19973. The City of Seaford has condemned the below said structure, as per the Notification to Owner dated May 24, 2007, pursuant to Section 4-23-23 (b) of the City of Seaford Housing Code. The structure is found to be unsafe because it is all or

SEARCH FOR A HEAD START GRANTEE IN WESTERN SUSSEX COUNTY, DELAWARE A Head Start program in Western Sussex County, Delaware needs a new sponsor. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, is looking for community-minded, community-based organizations -including faith-based organizations -- that are interested in operating a quality Head Start program that provides comprehensive services to low-income preschool children from ages three to the age when children enter kindergarten. Applicants may be nonprofit or for-profit organizations within the community. The funding available for this program is $1,319,050. With these funds, the previous grantee served 196 children. However, it is up to each applicant to propose what it believes to be the maximum number of children and families that it can serve in a high quality Head Start program with the total funding (including the applicant’s proposed matching funds) that is available for this effort. Interested applicants should contact the ACYF Operations Center at (866) 796-1591 or to receive pre-application materials and additional information. The announcement is also available at under CFDA 93.600. The closing date for receipt of applications under this announcement is July 20, 2007 at 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Selection of a successful Head Start applicant will be made in accordance with 45 CFR 1302, Subparts A and B and 45 CFR Part 74. ACF welcomes public comments from parents and area residents. The intent of the public comment is not to solicit support for a specific applicant but to obtain information on the needs of the service area under this announcement. Comments can be sent to the ACYF Operations Center via e-mail or by mailing to: 118 Q Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002.

part thereof found to be dangerous to life, health, property or the safety of the public because it is so damaged, decayed, dilapidated, and structurally unsafe or of such faulty construction or unstable foundation that it is likely to partially or completely collapse. Description of Structure: Tax Map and Parcel 4-31 4.00 101, 120 E. King Street, Seaford, Delaware 19973. REMEDIES: Such condemned structure shall not be reoccupied without completion of specific corrections of violations. Joshua E. Littleton Building Official 5/31/1tc

PUBLIC HEARING The Commissioners of Bridgeville will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, June 11, 2007, to receive public comment concerning the FY-08 Budget. The Hearing will take place at the Bridgeville Town Hall, 101 N. Main Street, at 7:00 P.M. or as soon as possible thereafter. The FY-08 Budget is available for review Monday-Friday, From 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. at the the Town Hall. COMMISSIONS OF BRIDGEVILLE JOSEPH T. CONAWAY COMMISSION PRESIDENT 5/31/1tc

PUBLIC HEARING The Commissioners of Bridgeville will hold a Public Hearing and present an Or-


PAGE 35 dinance granting Chesapeake Utilities Corporation the right and franchise to use and occupy the streets and other public places and ways for constructing and maintaining a gas distribution system in the Town of Bridgeville. This second and final reading will take place on Monday, June 11, 2007, at 7:00 P.M. or as soon as possible thereafter in the Town Hall, 101 N. Main Street, Bridgeville, Delaware. COMMISSIONS OF BRIDGEVILLE JOSEPH T. CONAWAY COMMISSION PRESIDENT 5/31/1tc

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING NorthWest Fork Hundred Case No. 9881 In accordance with Chapter 115, of the Code of Sussex County, a hearing will be held on a request for a variance and a special use exception as provided by: Chapter 115, Article VI, Subsection 115-42 and 115-40, Item B of said ordinance of MARGARET A. ROWE who is seeking a variance from the front yard setback requirement and a special use exception to retain a manufactured home for storage, to be located southeast of Road 571, 1.11 mile south of Road 577, being Lot 28 within Smithville Estates. The hearing will be held in the County Council Chambers, County Admin-

istrative Office Building, Georgetown, Delaware, on Monday evening, JULY 2, 2007, at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. All interested parties should attend and present their views. If unable to attend the public hearing, written comments will be accepted but must be received prior to public hearing. For additional information, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 302-855-7878. 5/31/1tc

NOTICE Estate of Elizabeth V. LeVan, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Elizabeth V. LeVan who departed this life on the 12th day of May, A.D. 2007 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Victor James Vincent, Jr. on the 21st day of May, A.D. 2007, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before the 12th day of January, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executor: Victor James Vincent, Jr. 401 N. Hall Street Seaford, DE 19973 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 5/31/3tc

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Morning Star Publications


MORNING STAR âœł MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Education News Sussex Tech students compete in national BPA contest in NY

SUSSEX ADULT EDUCATION STUDENTS HONORED - Several students from Sussex Tech Adult Education were recently honored during the 17th Annual Delaware Adult Student Conference and Student Awards Event in Honor of Delaware Adult Learners. The day was designed especially for adult education learners and alumni. It featured workshops, a keynote speaker and an awards luncheon. Receiving statewide awards for being Outstanding Adult Education Students were, left to right: Eli Barrueta (Seaford), Family Literacy; Hector Serrano (Georgetown), ESL; Misty Foxwell (Bethel), CEA; Donald Pharo (Bridgeville), GED; and Ian Trudeau (Frankford), Groves High School.

SUSSEX TECH'S ENVIROTHON TEAM WINS COUNTY COMPETITION - The Sussex Technical High School Envirothon team placed first in Sussex County at the 2007 Delaware Envirothon held recently at the James Farm Ecological Preserve, near Ocean View. The team also placed third in the state in the soils category. Members of the team are from left juniors Eddie Meade (Frankford), Heather Baker (Laurel), Cassandra Richards (Lewes), Elizabeth Fiedler (Millsboro), and senior Mason Newark (Harrington). The Delaware Envirothon is an environmental challenge for teams of high school students in the areas of aquatic ecology, soil/land use, wildlife, forestry, and an annual special environmental topic. The program is used to instruct high school students in conservation methods and promote the spread of the conservation message to teenagers. Fifteen teams competed in the state competition.

Justin Worster of Laurel, a sophomore at Sussex Technical High School, was crowned "King of Spreadsheets" for his first place finish at the national Business Professionals of America (BPA) conference Worster held recently in New York City. Given a time limit of two hours, over 80 contestants were required to finish the data in an Excel spreadsheet. Justin finished in a little over an hour and with the top score. He is majoring in Computer Information and Business Systems Technologies at Sussex Tech.

Another Sussex Tech winner at the national BPA conference was the Small Business Management Team which placed seventh. Members are junior A.J. Williams (Frankford), sophomore Tyler Justice (Seaford), junior Malika Williams (Millsboro), and senior Nicole Hitchens (Dagsboro). The team was coached by business teacher Frank Makray. All of Sussex Tech's competitors finished within the top 25 percent of their individual contests and senior L.J. Sekcienski (Millsboro) was the acting president of the state of Delaware. BPA advisors at Sussex Tech are Andy Feightner and Sabrina Neal.

SUSSEX TECH PROM 2007 - The 2007 Sussex Tech prom was held Saturday, May 7, at The Fountains convention center in Salisbury, Md. Students enjoyed coming down the grand staircase in the ballroom as their names were announced. Crowned King and Queen of the Sussex Tech 2007 prom were Kyle Perry of Bridgeville and Erika Conaway of Seaford.

Trade apprentices honored at Sussex Tech with awards The Sussex Tech Adult Division in Georgetown recently held its annual apprenticeship training awards ceremony. Two hundred and fifty-seven students were honored for advancing in their chosen professions. These adult students were recognized for completing their first, second, third, fourth or fifth year of training in their trade. Twenty-nine Delaware and Maryland state registered apprentices were recognized by their respective Departments of Labor and advanced to journeyperson status. A journeyperson is recognized countrywide as having both the hands-on and classroom training of a true craftsperson. Special awards were presented to electrical students Eric Beyer of Laurel and Michael Cannon of Georgetown for having perfect attendance at all 192 classes

during their four-year study. A special award was also presented to retiring electrical instructor Bruce Bowman of Greenwood in appreciation for his nine years of service to Sussex Tech Adult Division. In comments, Mr. Bowman said that two of his former students are now also teaching in the adult electrical trades classes for Sussex Tech. Mr. Bowman is a 1971 graduate of the former Sussex VoTech High School. Apprenticeship classes offered by Sussex Tech Adult Division include automotive technology, early care and education, electrical tech, heating/ventilation/air conditioning tech, industrial maintenance tech, marine tech, plumbing tech, and welding tech. For more information about the apprenticeship training program, contact Bill Feher at 856-9035.

SUSSEX TECH SUPPORTS MARCH OF DIMES - The National Honor Society at Sussex Technical High School recently held a fundraiser to support the efforts of the March of Dimes. They collected over $500 worth of quarters and donated them to history teacher Diane LeCates of Laurel for the Walk America held at Del Tech on May 19. Mrs. LeCates' daughter, Victoria, was born prematurely weighing only 3 lbs. 6 oz. Because of the work of March of Dimes, today Victoria is a happy 2 -year-old. Making the check presentation are from left Honor Society co-advisor Jean Johnson; NHS treasurer Brianna Class; Mrs. Diane LeCates; NHS president Mason Newark; and co-advisor Sabrina Neal.

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Sussex Tech educators were recently honored by Tech Prep Delaware. Left to right are: Principal Curt Bunting; Business technology teacher Sabrina Neal; Media Broadcasting technology teacher Gary Conaway; Director of Support Services Dr. A.J. Lathbury; and Tech Prep Executive Director Dr. Lydia Tucker. Senior Digital Publishing students at Sussex Tech display some of the promotional materials they designed for local non-profit organizations as part of their senior projects. Left to right, counter clockwise, are: Jaime Deptula (Georgetown), Angela Massino (Georgetown), Bianca Flowers (Dagsboro), Kelsey Parrott (Frankford), Benjamin Bostaph (Ocean View), Stephanie Demers (Seaford), Kayla Esham (Millsboro), and Cynthia Guyer (Milford). Missing from photo is Marie Haas (Millsboro).

Non-profits benefit from Sussex Tech senior projects The Digital Publishing and Print Design (DPPD) technical area at Sussex Technical High School approaches its senior STEM projects a little differently than other technical areas. Each senior student in Digital Publishing is required to "adopt" a local non-profit agency and work with them developing promotional print materials. For the STEM (Sussex Tech Exhibition of Mastery) projects, senior students must design a significant product in their technology using the advanced technical skills learned during their four years at Sussex Tech. In addition, the exhibition of mastery includes a related research paper and an oral presentation evaluated by a diverse committee of administrators, teachers, advisory council members and representatives from the business community. "Working directly with a real client

gives the students real-life experience," explained DPPD teacher Denise Miller. "It also helps them develop time management skills and customer service skills. In exchange, the non-profits receive promotional designs and materials that they may not have been able to afford." Agencies adopted by DPPD seniors this year were Delaware SPCA, Special Olympics, YMCA, American Diabetes Association, Boys and Girls Club of Georgetown, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Mental Health Association of Delaware, DPPD Technical Area, and Sussex Tech Music Department. If any local non-profits would like to take advantage of this community service and are willing to commit to working with next year's senior students, contact Mrs. Miller at 856-0961 now so that arrangements can be made during the summer.

Sussex Tech educators honored by Tech Prep Delaware for efforts Two Sussex Technical High School educators were recently honored by Tech Prep Delaware for their leadership and dedication in the future of today's students. Business technology teacher Sabrina Neal and Media Broadcasting technology teacher Gary Conaway received awards during a dinner held at the Boardwalk Plaza Hotel in Rehoboth on April 26. Sabrina Neal was one of six teachers statewide who were honored for achieving National Board Certification. Mrs. Neal was named the 2004-05 Teacher of the Year at Sussex Tech where she has taught since 1997. She is co-advisor of the National Honor Society, Business Professionals of America (BPA) and Bowling Club, as well as being the girls assistant track coach. Other professional recognitions Mrs. Neal has accomplished include Who's Who Among America's Teachers and the Community Service Award from Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. She and her husband live near Georgetown with their son. Gary Conaway received one of 13 awards presented for Leadership in CTE (Career and Technical Education) based on the first place finish of three of his students on the TV Anchor Team at the SkillsUSA National Competition last year. Mr. Conaway began his career at Sussex Tech in 1997. He began the Media Broadcasting Communications technical area in 1999 and wrote the curriculum for the course.

When a new wing was added to the school in 2002, he moved his classes into a stateof-the-art lab containing the latest television media production equipment. Before coming to Sussex Tech, Mr. Conaway did free-lance work, traveling extensively throughout the United States and the Middle East. In 1990, he shot footage for the Department of Agriculture in Jordan and returned to New York City only two days before Iraq invaded Quwait. Mr. Conaway and his wife live in Seaford and have three children. Another Sussex County educator receiving a CTE award was Bennett Murray of Indian River High School for the outstanding competition performance of his accounting students. Mr. Murray also was named Outstanding Sussex County Tech Prep Coordinator. Other local teachers honored for earning National Board Certification were Patricia Keeton of Seaford High School and Bartholemew Smoot of Delmar High School. Dottie Starkey of Milford High School was also presented with a Retired Tech Prep Coordinator Award. Tech Prep Delaware is a technical and academic program that allows students in grades 10, 11, and 12 to earn college credits while still in high school. By using real-life work situations to teach technical skills, Tech Prep combines hands-on technical training and academics in a step-bystep format.

‘What in the World’ program will be held at West Seaford Elementary

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SEAFORD COUNCIL PRESENT SCHOLARSHIP - Grand Knight Joe Lynch of Seaford presents Brian Carey, a graduating senior at Seaford High School, with a $1,000 college scholarship. The scholarship was sponsored by the St Molua Council of the Knights of Columbus based upon academic, community, school and church activities.

The Delaware Business, Industry , Education Alliance is presenting a "What In The World?" program to help to positively influence elementary school students into looking at careers that require science, math or a technology background. West Seaford Elementary School is hosting a program on Thursday, May 31, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. The program is being held for the 5th grade and approximately 130 students are planning to attend. The presenters are a varied group with substantial experience in their fields. Presenters include a representative from Sussex County Department of Libraries, Sussex County Emergency Operations Center,

The Delaware State Fire School, an environmental scientist from DelDOT, a DNREC representative, a civil engineer from Geo-Technology Associates, EST Financial Inc., and a nursing instructor from Wilmington College. Each presenter brings an object that probably wouldn't be recognized by the students or at least wouldn't be recognized in the context the presenter is illustrating. Then they explain how that helps them do their job and how math, science or technology is important to their jobs. The presenters speak for about 10 minutes to each group of students. The students rotate to other presenters in order to be exposed to a wide base of careers.

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


On the Record Building Permits


• DLM LLC, The Pines at Seaford, Lot No. 7, Nanticoke Hundred, Dwelling w/Additions, $144,133 • Cynthia A. and Edward L. Rifenburg, E/Rt. No. 562, 900', SW/Rt. No. 404, Northwest Fork Hundred, Det. Garage, $10,192 • Passwaters Farm LLC, Heritage Shores, Lot No. 337, Northwest Fork Hundred, Dwelling w/Additions, $134,154 • Windmill Woods LLC, Windmill Woods, Baltimore Hundred, Townhomes, 8 Units, $1,235,114 • Passwaters Farm LLC, Heritage Shores, Lot No. 244, Northwest Fork Hundred, Dwelling w/Additions, $105,716 • Passwaters Farm LLC, Heritage Shores, Lot No. 242, Northwest Fork Hundred, Dwelling w/Additions, $105,716 • 05/14/07, Robert M. and Lisa Peterman, E/Rt. No. 509, 1700', N/Rt. No. 508, Little Creek Hundred, Manure Shed, $39,792 • Cedar Shores Condominium Association, E/of White Creek, N/Rt. No. 358, Baltimore Hundred, Condo Building/C/Decks, $1,200,000 • Darrel W. and Gina L. Banning, W/Rd. No. 552, 1000', S/Rd. No. 548, Lot No. 16, Seaford Hundred, Pole Building/Lean to, $14,040 • Joshua S. and Mallory r. Read, E/Rd. No. 553, 1418', S/Boyce Road, Seaford Hundred, Dwelling w/Additions, $222,728 • Norman B. and Linda P. Short, N/Rt. No. 18, Lot No. 2, Nanticoke Hundred, Dwelling w/Additions, $189,223 • Brian Dale Butler, E/Rt. No. 569, 1600', S/Rt. No. 404, Northwest Fork Hundred, Pole Building, $24,000 • Michael R. and Kelli A. Smith, W/Rt. No. 458, Lot No. 2, Little Creek Hundred, Dwelling w/Additions, $147,924 • Rhoda G. and Alton E. Millman, SW/Intersection Locust Street, Lot No. 8, Seaford Hundred, Dwelling w/Additions, $120,000

• 11/14/06, Edward J. and Karen A. Walls to Heritage Unlimited, LLC, Lot No. 5, Lands of Edward J. and Karen A. Walls, subdivision, Nanticoke Hundred, $240,000 • 11/15/06, Kevin and Terri Gillespie to Hertrich Investment Group, LLC, parcel, Broad Creek Hundred, $305,000 • 11/08/06, Quixote T. and Felicia A. Dorman to Carmen F. Abbott, parcel, Town of Seaford, Seaford Hundred, $37,500 • 10/25/06, Eugene Austin Carlin, Jr., undivided one-fifth interest, Claire Glassie Carlin, undivided one-fifth interest, Sean Austin Carlin, undivided onefifth interest, Eugene Austin Carlin, Jr., custodian for Gregory Donelson Carlin, undivided onefifth interest, and Eugene Austin Carlin, Jr., custodian for Teresa Helen Carlin, undivided one-fifth interest to Charles J. Robino and Paul A. Robino, Lot No. 19, Block No. 14, Section C, Rehoboth Beach Yacht and Country Club, subdivision, Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred, $875,000 • 11/03/06, Jeffrey D. and Melissa Kucharski to Erika and Andrew C. Schrader, Lot No. 35, Block 2, Section III, Rehoboth Yacht and Country Club, subdivision, Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred, $530,000 • 11/10/06, Steven A. Miller, Trustee under Gail B. Hoffman to Shoreline Builders, LLC, Lot No. 104, North Shores, subdivision, Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred, $1,562,500 • 10/18/06, DLM, LLC to William L. and English Leigh Banning, parcel, Nanticoke Hundred, $447,009 • 11/06/06, U.S. Home Corporation to Robert E. Jr. and Jacqueline L. A. Vogle, CoTrustees, undivided 50% interest, and Jacqueline L. A. and Robert E. Vogle, Jr., Co-Trustees, undivided 50% interest, Lot No. 215, Phase II, Heritage Shores, Town of Bridgeville, subdivision, Northwest Fork Hundred, $417,290 • 11/15/06, Anna Panco, Trustee to Robert E. and Rose Marie Crossan, Lot No. 67, Block III, South Bethany Corporation, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $655,000 • 10/30/06, U.S. Home Corporation to Irene V. Turnage, Lot No. 413, Phase II, Heritage Shores, Town of Bridgeville, subdivision, Northwest Fork Hundred, $275,990 • 10/27/06, U.S. Home Corporation to George Smith and Barbara L. Steen, Lot No. 100, Phase I, Bayfront, subdivision, Indian River Hundred, $545,990 • 11/15/06, Maurice F. Jr. and Susan M. O'Neill to Norman K.A. Hoffer, Lot No. 97, Lands of Madison M. Gray, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $3,155,000 • 11/15/06, The Horace Ewing Davis and Jean Renard Davis Trust to Robert B. and Suzanne L. Buckler, Lot No. 354, George J. Schulz Development, Town of

Marriage Licenses Sussex County Clerk of the Peace George Parish joyfully announces the following couples have obtained marriage licenses: • Simon Wayne Sharp, Bridgeville to Penny Jean Wesner, Bridgeville • Albert Ivan Haynes, Bridgeville to Tina M. Dennis, Bridgeville • John L. Parker, Jr., Seaford to Michelle Renee Berry, Seaford • Michael D. Ryles, Harrington to Ashlee J. Hitchens, Seaford • Ralph Edward Savage, Delmar to Vanessa Yvonne Magee, Bridgeville • Timothy Alan Rogers, Wilmington to Mindy Sue Hatch, Greenwood • Justin R. Mitchell, Sr., Georgetown to Patricia Lynne Davis, Seaford

Fenwick Island, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $800 • 11/15/06, Alice Lynn Todd to Patrick DeGroat, Lot No. 24, River Vista, subdivision, Broad Creek Hundred, $185,000 • 11/06/06, William N. and Carol A. Terry to Anthony A. and Celeste L. Andrews, parcel, Broad Creek Hundred, $250,000 • 11/15/06, Brenda Lee Parlier to Todd M. and Suzan J. Reilly, Lot No. 29 and one-half of Lot No. 30, Nanticoke Estates, subdivision, Broad Creek Hundred, $185,000 • 11/14/06, Timothy C. and Lisa A. Hare to Armond Torre, parcel, Seaford Hundred, $260,000 • , Baltimore 11/15/06, Carl M. Freeman Communities L.L.C. to Gordon and Laura M. Lui, Lot No. 289, Phase IA Town Center, Americana Bayside, subdivision Hundred, $606,900 • 11/13/06, Jay F. and Diane M. Plummer to Robert L. and Dawn L. Marvil Trustees, parcel, Broad Creek Hundred, $80,000 • 11/13/06, Elmer T. Atkins, Sr. to Reynaldo Castillio and Nadine Idelsa Zuniga Lara, parcel, Nanticoke Hundred, $29,000 • 11/17/06, Debra Chance to Anthony Y. and Joan S. Kim, Lot No. 14, Amber Meadows, subdivision, Broad Creek Hundred, $215,000 • 11/16/06, Willie O. Hearn to Pamela A. Batchelor, parcel, Broad Creek Hundred, $196,100 • 11/03/06, Toll DE LP to Brijeshwar S. and Cherry S. Maini, Lot No. 65, White Creek at Bethany, s/k/a White Creek Landing at Bethany and f/k/a White Creek Landing, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $636,225 • 11/14/06, Jonathan J. and Beth L. Webb to Michael R. and Debra L. Jahnigen, Parcels A and C, Lands of Jonathan and Beth Webb, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $775,200 • 11/15/06, Philip H. and Sylvia M. Emery to Maurice F. and Susan M. O'Neill, Lot No. 88, Bethany Lakes, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $775,000 • 11/09/06, NVR, Inc. to Brian R. and Colleen R. Metler, Lot No. 168, Henlopen Landing, subdivision, Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred, $540,000 • 11/08/06, John W. and Nicole D. Scott to Michel and Antoinise Theodore, Lot No. 4, Lands of John W. and Nicole D. Scott, Town of Laurel, subdivision, Broad Creek Hundred, $160,000 • 11/16/06, Anne Tracey, Richard Larrimore, Frank Henderson, Jr., David G. Roberts, Ralph Heisner, Jr., Susan Christiansen, Mary A. Nestor, and Margaret Skiano to Larry E. Willey, parcel, Broad Creek Hundred, $190,000 • 11/08/06, Little Meadows, Inc. to Roy F. Jr. and Margaret M. Nichols, Lot No. 62, East Sixth Street, Phase III, Little Meadows, Town of Blades, subdivision, Broad Creek Hundred,

$69,900 • 11/20/06, Randall C. Handy, Inc. to Dave Bailey and Sons, Inc., parcel, Seaford Hundred, $35,000 • 10/30/06, Clifford W. and Constance Pugh to Daniel Ward, Jr. and Lisa Smith, Lot No. 7, Heather Glen, subdivision, Northwest Fork Hundred, $174,000 • 11/17/06, Maryland Shore Homes at Country Grove, LLC to Michael E. and Kristie M. Grachik, Lot No. 59, Country Grove, subdivision, Little Creek Hundred, $338,895 • 11/17/06, Donald L. and Martha E. Yoder to Karla Lynn Swarthout and Paula Elizabeth Stapleton, Lot No. 67, Phase II, Crestfield, subdivision, Seaford Hundred, $410,000 • 11/17/06, Carl M. Freeman Communities, L.L.C. to Ryan P. and Catherine M. McCullough, 50% interest, and Scott W. and Cybil Wilcox Heckman, 50% interest, Lot No. 36354 Day Lily Parkway, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $607,374 • 11/15/06, Nancy A. Beimler to Rowland E. Bell, Unit No. 28, Phase II, King’s Grant, condos, Baltimore Hundred, $1,445,000 • 11/17/06, Carl M. Freeman Communities L.L.C. to Charles E. and Susan E. Goorevich, Lot No. 288, Phase IA, Town Center Americana Bayside, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $597,369 • 11/20/06, Carl M. Freeman Communities L.L.C. to David I. and Beth Eichelbaum Buckman, Lot No. 290, Phase IA, Town Center Americana Bayside, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $544,216 • 11/20/06, Carl M. Freeman Communities L.L.C. to Donald and Dianne Harlacher, Lot No. 343, Phase IA, Town Center Americana Bayside, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $594,277 • 10/31/06, South Shore Builders, L.L.C. to Richard and Dyanne Jones, Parcel 4, Ironhorse Ranch, subdivision, Indian River Hundred, $849,000 • 11/17/06, James D. Pickren and Charlotte Elise Samans, a/k/a Charlotte Elise Pickren to Thomas A. Jr. and Alice L. Sadleir, 160 Kings Highway, Town of Lewes, parcel, Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred, $620,000 • 10/05/06, Charles A. and Mary E.G. Robinson, to Camillo T. and Robin E. Ciamaricone, Unit No. 115, Port Lewes, Town of Lewes, condos, Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred, $570,000 • 11/21/06, Greg O’Bier to Joel F. Farr, undivided 50% interest, and Wayne G. Tatusko, undivided 50% interest, parcel, Town of Seaford, Seaford Hundred, $39,900 • 11/08/06, John F. Henry, III and John F. Henry, IV and Denise McKelvey to Bethany Woods, LLC, Lot B, Lands of John F. Henry, III and James R. Henry, Sr., subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $900,000 • 11/17/06, David and Linda Wilson to Christopher D. Costel-

lo and Nicole M. Misita, Lot No. 2, Lands of Shirley T. and Robert D. Downes, Jr., subdivision, Nanticoke Hundred, $277,000 • 11/20/06, Carl M. Freeman Communities L.L.C. to William and Kathleen Whyte, Lot No. 292, Phase IA, Town Center Americana Bayside, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $613,383 • 11/21/06, Steven E. and Karen D. Black to Cato Holdings, LLC, parcel, Baltimore Hundred, $500,000 • 11/17/06, Richard J. Morgante and Edward F. McHale to Barbara Ronca and Francie Tai, Unit ID, Seaside at Rehoboth, Town of Rehoboth Beach, condos, Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred, $709,000 • 11/21/06, Sussex County Federal Credit Union to Terry Scott, Lot No. 43, Green Acres, subdivision, Seaford Hundred, $70,000 • 11/17/06, Florence Palmer, LLC to Jayne P. Kirby, Lot No. 11, Rehoboth Beach Camp Meeting Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Town of Rehoboth Beach, subdivision, Lewes & Rehoboth Hundred, $735,000 • 11/06/06, Angela F. Baker, James L. Jester and Jackie K. Oates to Darlene Myers, parcel, Town of Laurel, Little Creek Hundred, $173,000 • 11/17/06, Richard Lee Sr. and Eva Hitchens-Stephens to Kevin L. Jefferson, parcel, Town of Seaford, Seaford Hundred, $50,000 • 11/01/06, Ann Mitchell Pepper to Laurel Post No. 19, American Legion Home, Inc., parcel, Broad Creek Hundred, $105,000 • 11/15/06, U.S. Home Corporation to Edward J. and Donna I. Kicas, Lot No. 224, Phase II, Heritage Shores, Town of Bridgeville, subdivision, Northwest Fork Hundred, $424,000 • 11/15/06, U.S. Home Corporation to Joan C. Morton, Lot No. 364, Phase II, Heritage Shores, Town of Bridgeville, subdivision, Northwest Fork Hundred, $154,990 • 11/17/06, Suesann Rickards and Thelma S. Rickards to Steven L. and Jerilyn R. Dunn, parcel, Little Creek Hundred, $246,000 • 11/22/06, Miguel A. and Irene E. Sullivan-Hernandez to Eric R. and Carrie A. Whaley, Lot Nos. 22-24, Block F, Woodland Heights, subdivision, Broad Creek Hundred, $173,000 • 11/22/06, Bryce B. Bryan, Jr. to Jose Sanchez, parcel, Town of Laurel, Little Creek Hundred, $179,900 • 11/21/06, Robert G. and Martha C. Gallaghar to Raymond T. and Cheryl L. Stancill, Lot No. 1, Section I, Point Farm, subdivision, Dagsboro Hundred, $600,000 • 11/17/06, Harry D. and Julia N. Fegley to Lynne S. Ball, Trust, Lot No. 2, Block F, Middlesex Beach, subdivision, Baltimore Hundred, $925,000


✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Dinner, golf tournament raise money for youth sports R.J. Riverside restaurant was dripping with nostalgia Wednesday, AT URPHY May 23, as the Horsey Youth Foundation held its annual golf The real star of the show celebrity dinner before the big had to have been a young, fund-raising golf tournament the next day. The big by-invitation10-year-old lefty named only dinner was mainly for the Dwayne Cheesman. He golfers and those involved in the has lost a leg to cancer event. and his treatment I have not heard who won the continues. tournament or how much was raised, but I am sure some 4,000 of the 1970s championship teams of the area youth are going to benefit greatly Dolphins. from it. Yaro showed him his championship A few of those participating were ring and generally made this young man Lenny Moore, Rick Yolk, Maxie Baughn, forget his troubles for awhile. Billy Kilmar and many other star football For all the great things that money and players, as well as Paul Blair and David programs provide, this simple act of appreJohnson, both former Baltimore Orioles. The master of ceremonies for the dinner ciation from one person to another is still the key to making this world a little better. was Dick Jonckowski, the announcer for If you had seen that scene unfold, I am many Minnesota sporting events includsure you will agree. ing Gopher baseball. His motto is, “Laugh and live longer,” and he saw to it that Now, how did I get that mixed up last everyone did — laugh, that is. As a matter of fact, he has offered to show us around a week? Mary Ellen West is married to Sonny Evans and Karen West is married to little if our baseball group goes to MinBuddy Joseph. nesota next year. That’s what Buddy gets for getting me But the real star of the show had to to make fun of the Evans fishing talent. have been a young, 11-year-old lefty Now, what can I do this week? Oh yes, named Dwayne Cheesman. He has lost a leg to cancer and his treatment continues; I Buddy, Karen and Mary Ellen have ridden off into the sunset. will leave it at that. Immediately after the speaker part of the program, many of the Monday’s Memorial Day Service was players gathered around young Dwayne well attended and for me it had a special and he was showered with attention, espemeaning and I shall discuss this more fully cially by Yaro Yepremian, the great kicker



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next week. Missed at the ceremony at the Laurel American Legion was Gold Star Mother Eleanor Stacy. Eleanor fell in Christ U.M. Church parking lot Sunday morning and was unable to attend, although her husband, Will, made it to honor their son, Capt. Wm. A. Stacy, who was killed in the Vietnam War. Eleanor, there is much concern for you from your many friends. Hope you are doing better. The 4th of July event in Laurel is fast approaching and this year the prayer breakfast returns. There is also supposed to be a surprise guest at the annual watermelon seed spitting contest. I have been told some of these mayors practice all year. Well, the results do not reflect this. Time will tell! You can take the boy out of the country (Laurel) but you can’t take the country out of the boy. We’ve all heard this, haven’t we? Well, Phil Smith, class of 1960, stopped by the Star office the other day for a visit. I had not seen him since our school days. Many times, though, when discussing the photo of the 1956 Laurel Little League All Stars, his name has come up. No longer will I tell everyone I don’t know where he is. Phil has lived in Lincoln, Neb., not exactly the country boy, for the last 25 years. Before that he lived in Charlottesville, Va. He is an independent telephone accounting manager, covering seven states. Phil said that one county in Nebraska is larger than Delaware but they still have their small towns out there too, similar to Laurel. As a matter of fact some towns are so small, they have eight-man football teams. Rodeos are also a big event out there in the wide open spaces. Phil laughed as he told me he actually stopped by to pay his paper bill as he could not afford these new postal rates. Despite some cancer problems, Phil has not lost his sense of humor and his love for the Eastern Shore. He cannot get over the old canning factory being gone, as well as the beautiful downtown Laurel he knew as a youngster. Phil grew up on 4th Street right next door to Laurel’s icon history teacher Arvelene Hitchens. Memories and family keep Phil coming “home.” In the meantime, he has his scrapple and crab cakes shipped to

him in Lincoln. They still have not taken Laurel out of the boy. Ask “chef” Jim Allen for his cream of crab soup recipe. It’s a real good one. That’s my tip of the week. Many of us remember Paul Davis from our DuPont days. Crusty ol’ Paul. Well, Sunday morning Paul had his grandsons with him at the flea market in Laurel. He’s not so tough — “Can I have another quarter, pop-pop?” and Paul melted under the little boys’ wishes. The news hit me like a thud: Mary Brittingham, after 18 years with the Laurel Library, was leaving. Mary has been like a special friend to the Star since our start 11 years ago. Mary was always there to help with information for us or supplying us with things that enhanced the image of the Laurel Library. People such as Norma Jean Fowler and Mary are very important to the library and Mary, you are going to be missed. Oh yes, Mary is going back to school to get some degree and take some Spanish courses. Best wishes, Mary, and thanks for all your support. I was reading a 1940 Look magazine over the weekend and one colorful advertisement really caught my attention. This is for Dick Whaley, Bob Oliphant and all the rest of those conservative spenders out there. The advertisement showed me the various Pyrex bowls husbands could buy for their wives for Christmas. Prices ranged from 39 cents to $1.49. I can see Lib or Connie now as those fellows presented their gifts to them. “Here Lib, I’ve gone overboard on my spending again this year.” Or, “Connie, these glass baking pans are great for baking. Will you bake me something?” Have a good week everybody and share a funny moment, they are going to find out anyway! Finally for this week it is my understanding that we have two young men from Delmar and two from Laurel who will be deployed for the Middle East in the early part of June. I say in all sincerity, that they have the prayers and support of their community as they serve us and their country. On that I feel that I speak for all of us.


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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Patchett, Smith are wed at Our Lady of Lourdes Ashley Nicole Patchett and Joseph Walter Smith II were united in holy matrimony by Father John McKenna, on May 5, at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Seaford. The bride is the daughter of Pamela and Donald Cusick of Hurlock, Md., and Cindy and Howard W. Patchett II of North East, Md. She is a graduate of North Dorchester High School and an employee of Seaford Food Lion. The groom is the son of Jessica and Charles M. Smith Sr. of Laurel. He graduated from Laurel Senior High School and is a co-assistant manager in the Bridgeville Food Lion. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Howard W. Patchett III, wore a white taffeta gown by Alfred Angelo. The pick-up gathered skirt and semicathedral train fell gracefully from the embroidered bodice, which was accented

with crystal beading and sequins. The maid of honor was Angela Hortert, friend of the bride. Donielle Cusick, sister of the bride, was a bridesmaid, as well as Nicole Foxwell, Sarah Petrowski and Anita Cerasaro, friends of the bride. Abigail Williams, daughter of the bride was the flower girl. The best man was John S.C. Smith, brother of the groom. The ushers, all brothers of the groom, were David C. Smith, Michael S. Smith, Charles M. Smith Jr. and Stewart W. Smith. Matthew DeVito, nephew of the groom, served as the ring bearer. A catered reception was held in the parish hall for family and friends of the couple. Following a short honeymoon in Ocean City, Md., the newlyweds returned to their Laurel home.

Local TOPS members recognized for weight loss Members of the Seaford chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) announce their accomplishments during 2006. The group was recognized on May 19 at TOPS State Recognitions Days: • Robert Davis, who lost 36 pounds, was the top male loser in division 4. • Jean Davis, who lost 23.25 pounds, was the top female loser in division 4. • Corbin Davis, who lost 10 pounds,

Ashley Nicole and Joseph Walter Smith II

was the top teen loser in division 6 teen. • The group was honored for best average loss per member with an average of 11.65 pounds each of its 10 members. That totals a loss of 116.50 for the group from June 2006 through December 2006. The group meets at the Grace Baptist Church on Atlanta Road, Seaford, every Tuesday from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.

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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Laurel Star Sports

Antwon Trimball- LaurelOF- 1st team All-Conference

Maribeth Beach- DelmarSwpr.- 1st team All-Conference

Amanda Horsey- Laurel- SSFirst team All-Conference

Jordan Johnson- Delmar HighCatcher- 1st team All-Conference

Taylor Jones- Laurel- PitcherFirst team All-Conference

Brittney Brittingham- Laurel2B- First team All-Conference

PLAYOFFS- Shown (l to r) are Delmar’s Mindi Wheatley, Alison Bloodsworth, Lindsay Lloyd, and Melanie Twilley between innings during last week’s state playoff game in Lewes. See story on page 43. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel softball edged by Middletown, 7-6, in state tournament The Laurel varsity softball team fell to Middletown, 7-6, last Wednesday in Middletown in the first round of the state tournament. Down 4-2, Laurel rallied for three runs in the top of the sixth inning as Jenna Cahall singled, Kelsey Gordy doubled, and Samantha Oliphant drove in a run. Kelsey Oliphant and Miranda O’Neal each added RBI singles for the 5-4 Bulldog lead. Middletown added a pair of runs in the bottom of the inning to regain the lead, but Laurel rallied again in the seventh inning. Samantha Oliphant’s RBI ground out plated Stephanie Wheatley (walk) to knot the score at 6-6. Middletown put one run on the board in the bottom of the eighth for the 7-6 win. Senior Samantha Oliphant drove in a pair of runs while fellow classmates O’Neal (RBI single) and Caitlin Dolby (double) also chipped in for the Bulldogs. David Pollitt- Delmar- OFFirst team All-Conference

Caitlin Dolby- Laurel- PitcherFirst team All-Conference

Henlopen all-conference photos by Mike McClure



✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Kim Owens- Sussex TechUtility- 1st team All-Conference

Katie Nennstiehl- Sussex TechGK.- 1st team All-Conference

Rhonda Warrington- ST- AtLarge- 1st team All-Conference

Bethany Callaway- Sussex TechMF- 1st team All-Conference

Track and field season comes to a close with Meet of Champions The track and field Meet of Champions took place last week with Seaford’s Derek Page placing first in the high jump and Sussex Tech’s Brandon Krauss finishing first in the pole vault. Page cleared 6’ 6” to win the high jump competition after placing second in the state (Division II) last weekend. Krauss, a winner in the state (Division I) pole vault, won the meet of champions with a vault of 14’. Sussex Tech’s Paige Morris also placed third in the shot put (35’ 2 3/4”) and second in the discus (109’ 8”).

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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Laurel Stars of the Week

Cape Henlopen’s Krisina Lingo slides into third with a triple as Delmar senior Erin Tingle covers third base during last week’s state playoff game. Cape won by the score of 10-0. Photo by Mike McClure

Female Co-Athlete of the WeekSamantha Oliphant- Laurel

Female Co-Athlete of the WeekKim Owens- Sussex Tech

Laurel outfielder Samantha Oliphant drove in a pair of runs last Wednesday in a narrow state playoff loss to Middletown. Samantha was one of four Bulldog seniors playing in their final high school softball game.

Sussex Tech senior Kim Owens of Laurel swung a hot bat in her team’s state quarterfinal win over Cape Henlopen last Saturday. Kim collected three hits and added a run and an RBI for the Ravens. Honorable mention- Scott Lee- Laurel; Brandon Krauss- Sussex Tech; Clayton Bunting- Sussex Tech; Eric Scott- Sussex Tech; Kyle Messick- Sussex Tech; Caitlin Dolby- Laurel; Miranda O’Neal- Laurel; Jenna Cahall- Laurel; Kelsey Gordy- Laurel; Melanie Twilley- Delmar; Lindsay Lloyd- Delmar; Deneen Trader- Delmar; Paige Morris- Sussex Tech; Brooke Tull- Sussex Tech; Hope Cornell- Sussex Tech; Rhonda Warrington- Sussex Tech; Brittany Joseph- Sussex Tech


SEAFORD 629-6003 LAUREL 875-4477


Delmar softball falls to Cape Henlopen in state tourney By Mike McClure The Delmar varsity softball team’s season came to an end with a 10-0 loss to Cape Henlopen last Wednesday in Lewes. Cape held a narrow 3-0 lead before scoring three runs in the fifth and four in the sixth. Delmar second baseman Lindsay Lloyd made a leaping grab for the first out in the bottom of the first before Cape’s Kristina Lingo hit a two-out triple. Erin Fox followed with a home run before Wildcat shortstop Alison Bloodsworth snared a liner for the final out of the inning. Delmar starter Mindi Wheatley worked a 1-2-3 second inning while Cape southpaw Chloe Vescovi send the Wildcats down in order in each of the first four innings, recording nine strikeouts. The Vikings added to their lead in the bottom of the third when Amanda Deloy singled and went to second on an error, moved to third on a ground out, and scored on a ground out by Lingo. Wheatley worked another 1-2-3 inning

in the bottom of the fourth and the Wildcat bats came alive in the top of the fifth inning. Melanie Twilley hit a one out single for team’s first hit of the game, Brittany Lyons reached first on a fielder’s choice, and Lloyd singled to put runners on first and second before a pop out ended the inning. In the bottom of the inning, Bloodsworth made a nice play in the hole for one of two ground outs to short. Deloy struck out but was ruled safe at first on a questionable call following a dropped third strike. Shannon Bull followed with an infield singled and Lingo hit a home run to up Cape’s lead to 6-0. The Vikings scored four more in the sixth as Rebecca Bernheimer and Jessica Norwood each singled, Deloy hit a home run, and Lingo singled in Bull (single) to make it 10-0. Deneen Trader singled in the top of the seventh for the Wildcats’ third and final hit of the game. Cape held on to win, 100.

Laurel and Delmar sports coverage can only be found in the Star.

2YouFREE MOVIE PASSES could win movie passes to local theaters. Just find the tickets hidden in this week’s Star. Mail this entry to Star Movie Passes, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973 Your Name _________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________

Lance Kelley- Laurel- Second Base- 1st team All-Conference

Katie McMahon- DelmarMF- 1st team All-Conference

Page # __________ Star Issue Date______________ Winner Notified By Phone, Free Passes To Be Picked Up By Winner At The Star Office: 628 W. Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE Enter as many times as you like.



✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Delmar Sports Scene By Tommy Young As this is a short week because of the Memorial Day holiday and the school year is coming to a close, it’s about time for me to take my leave of absence. However, I did promise to discuss the Delmar Railroaders’ baseball teams, their players, and the Central Shore League. I plan to do this sometime this summer because it was a very important part of Delmar sports’ history, and I think the younger generations should know about what went on in that fantastic era from someone who lived it. As for now, I would like to talk about something that a lot of older, former local athletes and sports fans might be interested in also, so here goes. For as long as I can remember, the local high schools always held a sports banquet and awards night. It was an evening that the high school athletes and many of their relatives and local sports fans looked forward to. Over the years, the promoters of this evening provided the food in different ways, but it was always a fun night, and the various awards, which included a good looking orange and blue letter to the athletes who had earned them. The coaches made remarks about each individual recipient, but recently this particular evening has lost a lot of its luster in all phases. Oh, yes, the athletes still receive their awards with very little fanfare or food which takes most of the enjoyment out of the evening. As I mentioned, the athletes do receive their awards including their letters, and that’s another thing I want to talk about. I would like to ask when was the last time anyone has seen a varsity play-

er, boy or girl, wearing their varsity letter on a sweater or jacket in public? You know, at the mall or a sporting event? This tradition seems to have disappeared along with saddle shoes and other things of this nature that were popular some decades ago. I can remember, like a lot of other athletes, that some years ago you could not wait to win your letter and have your mother sew it on a sweater that matched the colors in the letter. Then you would proudly wear it every chance you got, but not any more. From what I understand they just wind up with your other awards at home in a trophy case or some drawer with other such items. I know these young men and women are proud of their school or they wouldn’t play so hard in games to make their school a winner. So, I guess it’s just “peer pressure,” and the majority is in control. This is not only happening in Delmar, but pick any school in a 30-mile radius, and you will see the same thing going on. Like most any alumni that have been involved in sports, they would like to see their school represented at public gatherings wearing their school colors. I honestly believe this tradition could be revived if a couple of schools would start the ball rolling by getting groups of five or six athletes appearing in public wearing athletic letters. The Blue-Gold football game at the U of D in June would be a good start. I know it’s just a thought, but you never know if something will work unless you try it. I think the displaying of varsity letters is that important.

Shown (l to r) are Delmar football players Darren Collins, Jensen Dennard, and Alan Preston. Collins was named as the team’s MVP while Dennard received the Bob Sinagra never surrender award during last week’s sports awards ceremony. Photo by Mike McClure

Delmar’s Maribeth Beach, left, and Katie McMahon received awards for their work on the soccer field this spring. McMahon was named girls’ basketball and girls’ soccer MVP while Beach received the girls’ soccer team’s unsung hero award. Photo by Mike McClure

Registration is being held for Margie Knight Volleyball Camp

Seniors David Pollitt, left, and Alan Preston were the only seniors to receive the triple threat award for playing three v a r s i t y sports. Photo by Mike McClure


Delmar’s Jared Rittenhouse was named as the soccer team’s MVP at the school’s awards ceremony last week. Photo by Mike McClure

Name: _________________________________________ Old Address: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

NEW Address

Delmar senior Barry Bratten received the MVP award for the Wildcat boys’ basketball team last week at Delmar High. Photo by Mike McClure


Girls ages 12-17 who are interested in improving their volleyball skills should make plans to attend the Margie Knight Volleyball Camp this summer. Scheduled to take place at Salisbury University Aug. 6-10, the program is designed to teach aspiring players to bump, set, and spike successfully. The camp will be led by Salisbury University head volleyball coach Margie Knight, who recently celebrated her 200th victory. Registration is taking place at the Wicomico Civic Center box office Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. To register online visit The cost is $145 per player. For more information about the camp, which is sponsored by Wicomico Recreation, Parks, and Tourism, please contact Kelly O’Brien at 410-548-4900 ext. 108.

Name: _________________________________________ New Address: ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Mail to the Morning Star Circulation, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE or call 302-629-9788


✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Laurel Star Little League scoreboard for the week of May 21

Delmar senior Mindi Wheatley, left, delivers a pitch during her team’s loss to Cape Henlopen in the state tournament last week. Delmar second baseman Lindsay Lloyd, shown batting during Wednesday’s game, had one of the Wildcats’ three hits in the 10-0 loss to Cape. Photos by Mike McClure

Laurel Little League- BaseballMajor League- Yankees 15, Mets 6- For the Yankees, Bryce Bristow had two walks, a single, a double, and three runs scored; Caine Collins added three singles and two runs scored; and Kegan Yossick had one intentional walk, a solo home run, and three runs. Shai Mears drew a walk and singled; Bryan Mills had two walks, a single and two runs scored; and Leslie Riggleman added a walk and a run scored. Chris Short and Martel Clark each had a walk and a run scored, Dillon Lewis drew two walks and scored two runs, and Bret Marine walked. Yossick pitched one and twothirds innings, giving up two runs on no hits with three walks and four strikeouts; Collins pitched one and two-thirds innings giving up one run on no hits, a hit batter, and two walks with three strikeouts; Bristow pitched one and one-third innings giving up three runs on three hits with three walks and four strikeouts; and Mears pitched one and one-third innings giving up no runs on no hits with no walks, and one strikeout. For the Mets, Jacob Carney had two walks and one run scored, Colby Daye drew three walks and scored two runs, Josh Wilkins singled and had one run scored, and Kendall Wooten doubled and score a run. Cole Gullet singled, Shawn Webb had a walk and one run scored, Alex Davis walked, Phillip Tonelli was hit with a pitch, and Zach LaFazia walked. Colby Daye pitched four and two-third innings giving up nine runs on five hits with seven walks and seven strikeouts; Kendall Wooten pitched one and one-third innings giving up six runs on two hits with three walks and three strikeouts; and Shawn Webb pitched one inning giving up no runs on one hit with two walks and two strikeouts. Reds 10, Braves 8- For the Reds, Dylan Bunner pitched four innings striking out five, Austin Tanner pitched one inning adding a strikeout, and Jacob Adkins closed the game striking out the last two batters he faced for the win. Cody Short hit a double and scored twice; Adkins walked and scored twice; Bunner hit two doubles and knocked in four runs; and Devin Collins hit a double and scored a run. Kodi Brown laid down a sac bunt which scored a run and also hit a single; Devin Burke hit a double and a single and scored once; and Kenney Willey walked and scored a run. For the Braves, Tyrone Jenkins pitched five innings striking out eight; Josh Munoz hit a double and a single and scored twice; and Tyrone Jenkins and Bobby Townley each walked and scored a run. Laurel and Delmar Little League coaches: Send your scores and results to the Laurel Star to get your players’ names in the local paper. Send to 302-629-9243 (f) or Congratulations Jason Clagg!



SPORTS AWARDS- Shown above at the Delmar Athletic Awards ceremony are Justin Thomas and Jeremy Layton. Thomas was named MVP of the wrestling team while Layton received the football team’s orange helmet award. Delmar’s Alison Bloodsworth, left, was named Wildcat field hockey MVP while senior Brooke Boothe received the varsity volleyball MVP award. Photos by Mike McClure

Congratulations is due to Jason C. Clagg of Greenwood, DE for his recent accomplishment of achieving his private pilot license for single engine land in 2006. Mr. Clagg has been the owner and operator of Coastal Electric for the last eight years. He has achieved his Master Electrical license for all of Maryland and Delaware. Furthermore, Mr. Clagg has been blessed to own Clagg Inc., which has proven a successful building division due to Mr. Clagg’s dedication to excellence and craftsmanship. Mr. Clagg and his wife Jennifer are also currently the Youth Pastors of Stein Highway Church of God, Seaford, Delaware. Congratulations Jason. Love, your admiring wife Jennifer J. Clagg & children Jarrod, Jacob and Breanna.

Starts Thursday, June 14 7 - 8 PM

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Contact Tammy to Pre-register at 629-6809

Great Exercise for Body, Mind and Spirit For more info call Pat 302-381-6256



Sussex Tech senior Kim Owens slides home safely following a two-run double by pitcher Brooke Tull last Saturday. Owens went 3-for-3 in the Ravens’ quarterfinal win. Photo by Mike McClure

Ravens rally for win over Cape in state quarterfinals By Mike McClure The Sussex Tech varsity softball team used good defense and solid pitching to hold on to its lead in a 4-3 home win over Cape Henlopen in the state quarterfinals last Saturday. The Ravens’ bats came alive in the fifth inning as they scored three runs to overcome a 2-1 deficit, but the defense held off a late charge by the Vikings in the final inning. “We just went up there and kind of adjusted to where she (Cape pitcher Chloe Vescovi) was throwing the ball,” said Sussex Tech senior Brittany Joseph, who led off the bottom of the fifth inning with a double after striking out in her previous two at bats. Cape Henlopen got on the board in the top of the second when Rebecca Bernheimer hit a leadoff home run for Vikings’ first hit off Raven hurler Brooke Tull. Tull retired the next three batters,

striking out a pair. In the top of the third, Amanda Deloy hit a leadoff single before Tull struck out Shannon Bull and Raven catcher Rhonda Warrington threw out Deloy trying to steal second for a double play. That play ended up being big as Kristina Lingo hit a two-out triple before scoring on an infield single by Erin Fox to make it 2-0. “I was trying to hit my spot. It was a great pitch from Brooke,” Warrington said. “We really had good defense today. We were all pretty much on the same page.” Sussex Tech scored its first run of the game in the bottom of the inning as Megan Lathbury led off with a single, Warrington hit a bloop single and went to second on Hope Cornell’s fielder’s choice which forced Lathbury out at third, and Kim Owens singled in Warrington with her second hit of the game. Tull sent the Vikings down in order in

✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007 the fourth and fifth innings with the Ravens showing some good glove work in the fifth. Owens fielded a grounder and tossed to Joseph who was covering first for the first out, Owens made a nice backhanded stop on a ground ball before recording the putout herself for the second out, and Tull fanned the final batter. The Ravens put it all together at the plate in the bottom of the fifth, starting with Joseph’s double down the left field line. Warrington grounded out to first to move Joseph to third and Cornell singled up the middle to knot the score at 2-2. Owens reached first on an infield single as Cornell advanced to second on the high chopper by her fellow senior. Tull then helped her own cause with a double to left center for a 4-2 Raven lead. Vescovi and Bernheimer each collected a two-out single in the top of the sixth before Tull recorded an inning ending strikeout. But the Vikings were not done yet. In the seventh inning, Cape’s Connie Floyd hit a bloop single with one away, Deloy walked, and Bull was hit by a two strike pitch to load the bases. Veronica D’Amico hit the ball up the middle to second baseman Brittany Joseph who tagged Bull out at second but was unable to double up D’Amico and pinch runner Corey Galbreath scored to make it 4-3. Fox then lined a shot right at Joseph who went down to snare it before it hit the ground, sealing the Ravens’ quarterfinal win “I knew I was just going to get one out, I tried to get two,” Joseph said of the tag out at second. “That (catching the game-ending line out) felt so great, I saw it coming.”

The win sets up a showdown against Henlopen North rival Sussex Central in the state semifinals on May 30 at Sports at the Beach in Georgetown. The Knights edged Milford, 5-3, last Saturday. “The pressure was on but we came through in the end. That was a pretty good experience for us to have a tight game like that,” said Warrington. “Hopefully we’ll all come on the same page that day (Wednesday) and get the job done.” Tull had a double and two RBIs and allowed three runs on seven hits and struck out six in seven innings for the win. Joseph doubled and scored a run; Owens went 3-for-3 with a run and an RBI; Warrington went 1-for-3 with a run; and Cornell had a hit, a run, and an RBI. Melony Thompson and Lathbury also had one hit each as the Ravens collected nine hits in the win. “All year we’ve been hitting the ball real good. It was a good feeling for those girls to play tight defense and win the ball game defensively,” Sussex Tech coach John Marvel said. “She (Vescovi) came out pitching really well. We had a game plan coming in but we had to adjust it.” Sussex Tech advanced to the quarterfinals with a 25-4 drubbing of William Penn last Wednesday. Cornell had five hits including three home runs and a double and 10 RBIs; Joseph collected three hits including a double and a home run; Warrington added two hits including a double and a triple and scored three runs and drove in four; and Thompson had three hits including a home run with three runs and an RBI. Lathbury also hit a home run and Tull struck out 12 and allowed one hit in five innings for the victory. CELEBRATIONSussex Tech’s Melony Thompson, Brittany Joseph, and Kim Owens celebrate the Ravens’ 4-3 win over Cape Henlopen to advance to the state semifinals against rival Sussex Central. Photo by Mike McClure



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Hope Cornell- Sussex TechOF- 1st team All-Conference

Brandon Krauss- ST- Pole Vault- 1st team All-Conference

BRIDGEVILLE - Nice 3 BR, 2 BA Class SEAFORD - Massive remodeled Cape Cod on C home on large lot in quiet country double lot w/detached 24x40 garage! 4BR, 2 BA neighborhood! Like new w/storage bldg & and full basement! Only $192,500! gas fireplace! Only $179,500!



✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Seaford Bowling Lanes 282, 764

Weds. Summer Adult/Youth High games and series Mark Redd 307, 877 Trena Moore 256 Laura Slavin 707 Chase Prettyman 306, 880 Taylor Richey 285, 753

High games and series Tim Beers 329, 1221 Travis Sirman 365, 1204

Weds. Summer Adult/Youth

Tuesday Nascar

Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club sports news WSBGC to hold summer football camp- The Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club is holding a summer football camp for ages 7-16. The camp will take place every Monday and Wednesday evening in July. Call Mr. Matt at 302-628-3789 for info. Upcoming fundraisers- The Boys and Girls Club will hold the following fundraisers: Skate Night at Skateworld- June 3 and June 17, 5-8 p.m., admission $5. Basket Bingo- June 14 at Seaford Boys and Girls Club, doors open at 6 p.m., games begin at 7 p.m. Seaford Pop Warner holding registration- Register today for Seaford’s only traveling football league. This “nationally” recognized youth program is headed up by Seaford Pop Warner Parent’s Association. Mandatory play rules, no tryouts, first come, first serve. Rosters limited to first 35 per football team and 25 per cheer team (mightymite cheer limited to first 10). Seaford Pop Warner football and cheerleading travels to different towns on the Eastern Shore. The ages are 7-15 for football and 5-15 for cheerleading. The registration fee is $65. For the safety of your child weight limits are set for football players. The season begins on July 30. Coaches and volunteers are needed. For more information please call: Gary at 443-880-2978, Rhonda at 302-628-5137, Sherry at 302-629-0654, or Karen at the Boys & Girls Club: 302-628-3789 .

High games and series George Banks 314, 851 Joyce Banks 261 Pam Banks 721

Star Weekly Lg. Spotlight

Weds. No Tap

Shown (l to r) receiving Worcester Prep varsity lacrosse awards are: Brian Carey, Seaford, Coach’s Award, boys’ lacrosse; Travis Gregory, Bishopville, Most Valuable Player, varsity boys’ lacrosse; Kristen Chandler, Salisbury, Most Valuable Player, Varsity Girls’ Lacrosse; Alexa Wyatt, Ocean City, Coach’s Award, varsity girls’ lacrosse; Jackie Wangel, Most Improved, varsity girls’ lacrosse; and Will Regan, Ocean City; Most Improved, varsity boys’ lacrosse.

Thursday Summer Mixed

High games and series Jesse Rust 307, 803 Brenda Montgomery

Fantastic Four 11-1 Topeka 7-5 K.O. Smashers 7-5 Destroyers 6.5-5.5 Just 4 Fun 6.5-5.5 The Red Sox 6-6 Crash Test Dumbies 5.5-6.5 Pin Busters 5-7 The Dogs 4-8 The N Squad 1.5-10.5

Weds. No Tap Double Trouble Bad Boys

12-3 11-4

Seaford Lanes The Muffins Get R Done Ups and Downs Debbie Crew Angel Eyes #2 Lucky Ladies I Don’t Know

9-6 8-7 8-7 7-8 7-8 6-9 4-11 3-12

Tuesday Nascar The 4 B’s 11-1 High Rollers 7-5 Whoever 5.5-6.5 Three to One 5.5-6.5 Globe Trotters 5-7 Bass Awkwards #2 5-7 Aces 5-7

Thurs. Summer Mixed 4 B’s Gopher Four Heavy Hitters Banned The Odd Couples Late Comers Wheatley Rollers Fear the Handicap Top Shelf

7-1 6-2 6-2 5-3 4-4 4-4 3-5 2-6 1-7

DFRC Blue-Gold football game to take place June 23 The DFRC Blue-Gold football game will be held on Saturday, June 23 at the University of Delaware Stadium. All proceeds benefit programs that enrich the lives of Delawareans with cognitive disabilities through grants provided by DFRC, Delaware Foundation Reaching Citizens with cognitive disabilities. The following local athletes were selected to play on the Gold team: Darren Collins, Delmar; Donald Poole, Delmar; Alan Preston, Delmar; Jeremy Bagwell, Laurel; Antwon Trimball, Laurel; Mike Wright, Seaford; Jason Palmer, Sussex Tech; and Jordan Wescott, Woodbridge. Tickets for the game can be purchased at any Delaware Happy Harry’s location, B&B Tickettown, Lions Clubs, Edward Jones office in Milford, or by calling the DFRC office at (302) 454-2730.

Send sports info to or 302-629-9243 (f).

Sussex Chix softball team to hold chicken barbeque on June 2 The Sussex Chix are holding a chicken barbeque at the Tom and Gerry’s Service Center on Saturday, June 2 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The service center is located at the intersection of Rt. 13 and Middleford Rd. on the south bound side. Proceeds from the chicken barbeque will be used to help supplement the Chix expenses in their sixth season of play. Please come and support this local fastpitch softball team.

Star Little League Scoreboard Nanticoke Little LeagueMajor League baseball- Dodgers 5, Marlins 0- Taylor Baynum pitched five innings of shut out ball, recording 13 strikeouts, and Daulton Mcgee pitched the sixth with two strikeouts. Baynum was 2-3 with a triple; Jordan Spicer and Mcgee added hits also. Eric Willey recorded 13 stikeouts in the loss. Willey also had the only two hits for the Marlins. Woodbridge Little LeagueJunior League baseball- Woodbridge (T.C. Construction) 18, Nanticoke Pirates 3- Dustin Jones and Raseam Murray scattered four hits and struck out six batters; Jones went 3-3 at the plate with a double, two RBI’s and two runs; and Murray went 2-4 with a double and two runs. Trevor Wescott was the big bat for the night, in Woodbridge’s 18 hit attack, as he was 4-4 (hit for the cycle with a home run, triple, double and a single) and had four RBI’s and four runs. Jordan Vazquez was 2-3 with two RBI’s and two runs; Robbie Miller went 3-4 with two RBI’s and three runs; and Trezmon Kane went 24 with two doubles, two RBI’s and two runs. Justin Benson had a two-run double and a run and Justin Warren had an RBI double with a tun. Cedric Cannon also scored a run for Woodbridge. For Nanticoke, Cameron Satchell went 2-3 with an RBI and Jordan Stanley hit a home run. Minor League baseball- Seaford Moose #1728 15, Bridgeville Lions 4- Kani Kane and Joshua Keefe scattered two hits and struck out 15 batters. Kane scored a run and Keefe scored two runs in the game. Noah Bibb went 2-3 with two doubles an RBI and a run; Tim Snider had an RBI and a run; Nathaniel Opaliski, Robbie Westhoff and Aaron Ballweg each scored two runs; and Joshua Vazquez, Nick Rosado, William Buiano, and Dylan Kenton each scored a run for the Moose. For the Lions, Hunter Rogers went 2-2 with a double, an RBI and a run; Jordan Chelton singled and scored twice; and Brandon Quail singled and scored a run. Little League coaches- Send your scores and results to the Star today.

A Salu te to the 2007 G rad s


your graduate with a personal ad in the Seaford and Laurel Star. Ads can be published any time during the next few weeks in the Seaford and Laurel Stars. Call us today for complete information and very low special rates. 628 W. Stein Hwy. Seaford, DE




Brittany Joseph- Sussex Tech2B- 1st team All-Conference


Zack Adkins- Sussex TechPitcher- 1st team All-Conference

✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Clayton Bunting- Sussex Tech- 1st team All-Conference

Heather Frech- Sussex TechOF- 1st team All-Conference

Check out next week’s Star Check out next week’s edition of the Seaford Star and Laurel Star for more great local sports coverage. Next week in the Star: More all-conference photo cards, coverage of the state golf and softball tournaments, stories on Sussex Tech wrestler Alex Thomas and three Laurel baseball players, columns by Gene Bleile and Mike McClure, the Seaford and Laurel Stars of the Week, little league scores and photos, and Sussex Tech senior awards photo and story.


ALL YOU CAN EAT Kylee Rickards- Sussex TechMF- 1st team All-Conference Woodbridge’s Daniel Daisey was named athlete of the year for the boys’ spring track and field team while Kyrra Lewandowski received the girls’ sportsmanship award. Tyree Avance got the sportsmanship award for the boys and Heather Solomon was the girls’ athlete of the year. Photo by Mike McClure


Woodbridge athletes honored at spring sports banquet The Woodbridge High School varsity spring sports banquet took place last Thursday. The following student athletes received awards: Softball- athlete of the year- Grace Reardon; sportsmanship- Amanda Slater Baseball- sportsmanship- Anthony Gamba; athlete of the year- Derek Nennstiehl Soccer- athlete of the year- Jenn Tribbett; sportsmanship- Kelli Warner Girls’ spring track- athlete of the year- Heather Solomon; sportsmanship- Kyrra Lewandowski Boys’ spring track- athlete of the year- Daniel Daisey; sportsmanship- Tyree Avance Four year award- Ashley Nichols, Sarah Swain, Erika Hearn, Takisha Nichols- softball Tri-athletes- Jenna Schrock, Michael Rathbone, Derek Nennstiehl, Reuss Idler, Dustin Graves, Micah Idler, Sarah Swain, Sarah Judy, Heather Solomon, Liz Walk, Danielle Griffin, Kelli Warner, Daniel Daisey Henlopen Conference Academic Honor Roll (all A’s)- Patricia Marin and Samantha Richey- girls’ soccer Woodbridge scholar athlete award (A average)- Anthony Gamba, Doug Coppock, Jeremy Messick, Micah Idler, Javier Cardenas, Spencer Williams, Jose Oyola, Morgan Willey, Melissa Baker, Cha’Teedra McGee, Patricia Marin, Samantha Smith, Samantha Richey, Lindsey Cook, Sarah Judy 100 percent attendance- Derek Nennstiehl, Tyler Patterson, T.J. Jefferson, Josh Lewis, Danielle Griffin, Jenn Tribbett, Chelsea Collison, Kelli Warner, Sarah Judy, Heather Solomon, Dustin Graves





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MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


D ELMARVA A UTO A LLEY The Outlaws are coming! The Outlaws are coming! By Bonnie Nibblett The Outlaws are coming! The Outlaws are coming! That's right! It’s Dover weekend and you can watch the World of Outlaws Late Models Touring Series get ferocious in the 'First State 50' on Thursday, May 31, on that prestigious, fast, sleek, half-mile clay oval at Delaware International Speedway and its just a short drive from Dover. The speedway is located on the Delaware Motorsports Complex in Delmar, Del. just one mile north of the Mason Dixon state line, and only a short 45 minute ride, south of Dover. The complex, in addition to the halfmile oval, has a quarter-mile drag strip and a three/sixteenth clay circle track with WKA sanction and weekly racing series club. The WoOLMS will visit the lower shore track while on tour in the North East area. The winner gets $10,000 for 50 laps of pure action. This will be the third visit for the outlaws to DIS since the series began minus the 2006 tour. The group consists of some of the best late model drivers in the country that travel to at least 50 confirmed race dates, and 41 tracks in 23 states all over the midwest and through the northern and southern states. To the WoOLMS, the DIS half-mile oval is considered to be a larger track than some of the other venues. When the super late models made the 2005 visit, Darrell Lanigan (29) won the $10,000 purse. Lanigan likes a bigger track and DIS is right up his alley. Lanigan hasn't had quite the season he would like and he is currently ninth in points; so a win would mean a lot. In 2004, the first year, Scott Bloomquist won the money pot. DIS has tight corners, and longer straight-aways which has the late models rolling on three wheels, and maybe two wheels at a time or two in the turns. For local drivers, if you make the show, it makes for a very nice pay day as opposed to the weekly Saturday night rac-

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ing events. Hopefully, there will be a big crowd of outlaws to take on some of Delaware's great drivers such as Kenny Pettyjohn, Ricky Elliott, and David Hill from the home track. Current point's leader Shannon Babb (18) is leading over Clint Smith (44), Steve Francis (15), Josh Richards (1), Rick Eckert (24) and Chub Frank (1*), who are tied for fifth, rounding out the top five as of this writing. Babb has picked up three wins and one win apiece goes to all of the top four except for Francis and Eckert. Eckert has raced at DIS before, which might give him a little advantage too. Rookie Tim Fuller (former modified driver) is leading in rookie points along with already picking up a win in Delaware recently, at Georgetown Speedway; it was not a WoOLMS sanctioned race, but still a win. Look for him to be one to watch. 2006 WoOLMS Champion Tim (T-Mac) McCreadie may show up if he can put DIS on his busy schedule from Richard Childress Racing. With it being Dover weekend, this gig will be an added bonus for fans to visit the circle while in town. There are quite a few drivers in NASCAR that like to go back to their roots and run some good old DIRT track racing as well. Kenny Schrader is one of the NASCAR racers with dirt late model connections and he is expected to compete in the mid-week WoO LMS special announced earlier by World of Outlaws Late Model Series P.R. Director, Kevin Kovac. Bobby Labonte is involved with Earl Pearson, Jr., and Tony Stewart, Kasey Kahne, and Ray Everham plus several others like the DIRT. Point of interest to note is that the Delaware Dirt Track Championship in November consists primarily of daytime racing. The day racing is good, but it does not showcase the true ability of night racing on this nice wet, heavy, tacky, fast track. With it being a night race, you can bet the racing will be packed for some fast ac-

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tion you don't see at the November show. You don't want to miss this! For more information, visit or In addition to the hot action of super late models, a special division of racing by the Little Lincoln Vintage Stock Car motto is known as "A Blast From The Past." These guys race cars from the era of 1949 to 1964 - American made full-size sedans. Not only that, when they take to the track they may only race 10-12 laps, but it’s pure racing. If you have never seen these guys, consider it an extra bonus to see them too. The Little Lincoln stock cars will be launching their new web site soon, meantime, you can still visit the web for, schedules, points, drivers, and rules at Reserved-seat tickets are now on sale for the Delaware International Speedway. For more information on the 'First State 50,' visit or call the track office at 875-1911. The track hot line is 846-3968. Prices are $26 for adult general admission; $5 for 7-13 years; free for 0-6 years; reserved adult admission $30; $9 for 7-13 years; adult pit admission, $35; $10 for 713 years.


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World of Outlaw Late Model Series drivers Josh "Kid" Richards #1 and John Blankenship # 23 racing at the Charlotte Speedway Saturday, April 21, 2007. Photo by Lee Smith



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On Saturday, June 2, the regular weekly show will host visitor URC Sprints along with the other five weekly classes to include Big Block Modifieds, Super Late Models, two GM crate classes of Modified & Late Model, and the Modified Lites. You can get exclusive news on the dragways happenings for the last month and coming events by visiting The US 13 Kart Club Track will be off this Saturday, but resumes Friday night racing on June 8. The track is also holding a benefit race for Ralph Moore, (Moore's Powder Coating) and Kart Club racer. Moore is presently receiving treatments for cancer and still comes to the track for a bit each race; not racing is the hard part for a driver to watch. Come out and support the night and watch some good Kart racing of young to older drivers. Many drivers get their start in Karts. Check out Well, the racing season is really just getting ready to go full throttle after such a cold start with April's and May's weather so cool. Come see the outlaws on Thursday, and the mighty fast URC Sprints with a regular night of action on Saturday, June 2.



✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Allergy season is no fun for a one-eyed man As most people who know me are aware, in 1976 I lost my right ONY INDSOR eye in an industrial accident. About three weeks ago, I did Because the pecan trees something that I have never done are coming into blossom, before. Because allergies have unfortu- within 10 minutes tears nately become my new-found were streaming down my curse, my eyes stay itchy and runface and I was digging ny as if I have a full-blown winter into my eye like there was cold. So, in the middle of the night a few weeks ago, I apparent- buried treasure. ly became very uncomfortable and Maybe it is because I moved to removed my prosthetic (artificial) eye Delaware. But, I think the landscape of and placed it on a night stand. Somerset County, Md., is not much difWhat happened after that is still a ferent then that of the rural setting of mystery. Sussex County. There are ample flowers, Perhaps the “eye fairy” came and regrass, brush and trees to supply an abuntrieved it. Perhaps the cat thought this dance of allergy symptoms. was a colorful new toy and beat it about However, I take allergy suffering to a the house until it finally ended up in new level. There is nothing like a onesome crack or crevice never to be found eyed man with allergies. It is like all of again. the allergy misery is relegated to one eye. The bottom line is, I have been withThis weekend I went to my mother’s out my prosthetic eye for the past few house for a cook-out. Apparently because weeks. So, if you have seen me with an the pecan trees are coming into blossom, eye patch or dark sunglasses, you now within 10 minutes tears were streaming know why. down my face and I was digging into my I remember years ago, when I was a eye like there was buried treasure. child, my older brother, Tommy, suffered When I came back home my eye was from allergies. I use the word “suffer” in deep, deep red and swollen almost shut. its literal sense. His eyes would swell up and just about pop out of his head and his So, I have been transformed into somenose would be an ongoing drainage field. one who looks like a cross between a heroin addict and the lead character in a I can still see his deep, red-veined eyes horror film. and hear his sniffling and sneezing as he The only light at the end of the tunnel kept a handkerchief with him at all times. comes from the fact that as I write this I, on the other hand, had no trace of allercolumn, I am preparing to leave for gies of any kind. Philadelphia to have my doctor make me Today, my brother, who resides in northern Virginia, seems to no longer car- a new eye prosthesis. So, if the pollen count works in my favor, hopefully in the ry the symptoms of the dreaded seasonal next few days I will bear some semallergies. I do not recall that I ever made blance to a normal person. fun of my brother, or taunted him while So, if you ever see me in a public he was suffering with his allergies; it was place and one of my eyes is red and just something that was a normal spring swollen and the other appears to be and summer occurrence. glassy, you can be assured that I am not However, in some sort of macabre, drunk or on dope. I may wish I was, but I twisted sense of poetic justice, I have really am not. suddenly become plagued with allergies. It is just the plight of a one-eyed man I use the word “plagued” in its literal with allergies. sense.



Letter to the Editor Thanks to everyone who was involved with strawberry fest Barbara Wise, chairwoman of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church’s first annual Everything Strawberry Festival, and her committee, extend most sincere thanks for the outstanding cooperation The Star newspaper gave to the May 19 event. Laurel residents, visitors from a wide area and members of St. Philip’s parish enjoyed a new venture of life in this Sussex County town of ours. The Laurel Garden Club and friends of the club who opened their gardens to visitors, showed a new side of “life in Sussex” and also appreciate the publicity received. Our special thanks are extended to Marlene Givens of the Hen House for the

strawberries she provided, to Bess’ Buds for the beautiful plants offered, the members of the parish who participated, and to each and everyone who helped in any way to make this an outstanding day. Special thanks also are extended to the musicians who made the concert at Old Christ Church memorable and to those who attended this affair. Something special happened in Laurel on May 19, and we trust this happening will become a worthwhile tradition for years to come. Thanks to everyone involved, and to Mayor John Shwed and his group who helped make Everything Strawberry a proud day in the life of Laurelites. Virginia “Mike” Barton Publicity chairwoman St. Philip’s Everything Strawberry Festival.

We strive to provide our readers with the best local news coverage at an affordable rate. Due to an increase in production and mailing costs we are forced to increase the price of our subscriptions. ($2.00) The last time we had a price increase was November 2000.

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✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007



gratulations! n o C

James Kessler

From Your Friends next door, Bryant, Carol & Family


JP Jesse Piquette

Wilmington College

Congratulations David Walls

Lebanon Valley College

Bryant & Carol Richardson and Family

“Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live well, as well as to think”. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Congratulations from Uncle Bryant, Aunt Carol & Family

Congratulations, Rachel Krieg! We are proud of you! Never forget whose you are and where you are from.

Zachary Pepper

Love, Your Family

Congratulations Morning Star Publications’ annual Graduation Magazine highlights local high school students. Additional copies are available at the Seaford Laurel Star office. Located at 628 West Stein Highway, Seaford, DE. (Next to Medicine Shoppe)

Class of


Delmar, Delmarva Christian, Greenwood Mennonite, Laurel, Seaford, Seaford Christian, Sussex Tech, Woodbridge, Worcester Prep

Supplement to Seaford/Laurel Star ©2007 Morning Star Publications


âœł MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


DCHS holds golf classic and serve-a-thon Delmarva Christian High School recently held their second annual Legacy Classic Golf and Serve-A-Thon - a fundraising and service-oriented event. Forty-seven golfers teed off at the Rookery for a best ball tournament while 140 staff, students, and parents embarked on 21 service projects around the county. "Many thanks go to the community who helped make the golf portion of our Legacy event possible," said DCHS athletic director and Legacy Classic golf coordinator Jeff Mohr. "All of the gifts and prizes we gave our golfers were donated allowing every golfer to go home with a door prize. A word of thanks also goes to the golfers who, either through their entry fees or sponsorships, helped provide funds for DCHS." As golfers were taking to the links, members of the DCHS family were simultaneously participating in service projects throughout the community, assisting numerous individuals and organizations. Teams raked leaves, pulled weeds, laid mulch, cleaned vehicles, scrubbed buildings, discarded tree limbs, moved picnic tables, cleaned computers, assisted with preschool classes, picked up trash, scraped/painted sheds, stained decks, pulled up stumps, and built shelving. "My group helped a family who has 12 children," said DCHS parent Judy Hale. "Their small trailer needed mildew re-

moved from the soffitt and skirting. They also had an old van and a car that needed to be vacuumed and washed. As the students were vacuuming the van, they noticed the family needed a new car seat for their two-year old. So, after all the cleaning was done, we all piled into two vehicles and made a run to the store. Once there, we put our money together and bought a beautiful new car/booster seat. I'm not sure who was blessed more; the mother or the students." "The Legacy Classic was an amazing display of a servant heart on the part of so many people," said DCHS principal Scott Kemerling. "The staff and Parent Teachers Fellowship were unselfish of their time in planning and executing the event. The students were diligent in their work and made an incredible impression on those they served." Prior to the Serve-A-Thon, DCHS students mailed out brochures requesting sponsor pledges in exchange for their services. The goal of each student was to raise $500. Students mailed brochures to their families, friends, pastors, doctors, dentists, youth leaders, coaches, and neighbors. Last year, Delmarva Christian High School raised $50,000. This year's goal is $100,000. Money goes toward scholarships, extracurricular activities, and more. For more information, call DCHS at 856-4040.

With Mr. Emeigh at the helm of a BobCat, DCHS students Jessica Stratton and Julie Ruse clear and load tree limbs from a 4-acre parcel of land.

Helping a senior widow paint her shed are DCHS students Reena Mall and Rachel Wootten.

DCHS students Meghan Whittington, Tara Holland, Sarah Larson, and Rebecca Bryan raked leaves in PotNets.

DCHS students Anthony Fowler, Lewis Gebhart, Michael DiGiacoma, and Luke Mathews built shelving for a pole barn.

While at Lighthouse Christian School, DCHS students offered their assistance both with outdoor and indoor work. DCHS students (back) Keina Harmon, Rachel Lins, and (front) Amanda Vaughan sort and store textbooks.

In Delmar, Dustin Andersen, Hannah Dukes, and Allison Wootten raked leaves for a married couple battling cancer.


MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007

Michelle D. Freeman, right, accepts a posthumous degree on behalf of her late husband, Joshua Freeman, from Delaware Technical & Community College President Dr. Orlando J. George during the Owens Campus' 39th commencement ceremony on Tuesday, May 15, in Georgetown.

President Dr. Orlando J. George presents a degree to business administration technology graduate Yanina Gulidova during the 2007 commencement ceremony at the Owens Campus in Georgetown, on Tuesday, May 15. Looking on is Dr. Ileana M. Smith, vice president and Owens Campus director.

Owens Campus holds 39th commencement Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, conferred 876 academic awards upon the Class of 2007 during its 39th commencement ceremony on Tuesday, May 15. The commencement speaker was Marlene B. Elliott, Delaware/Maryland director for rural development for the United States Department of Agriculture. In that role, she directs the rural development mission for housing, community facilities, business, water and waste loan

programs for the two-state area. Elliott also serves as music director at Trinity United Methodist Church near Laurel, is a member of the Laurel Chamber of Commerce, a board member of the Delmarva Christian High School and a member of the Owens Campus Development Council. A highlight of the commencement ceremony, Michelle D. Freeman accepted a posthumous degree in honor of her late husband.

Joshua Freeman was president and chief executive officer of Carl M. Freeman Associates and was a key contributor to the Owens Campus. He believed deeply in the mission of the college. Mrs. Freeman also announced the creation of an endowment fund named for her husband, which will provide financial assistance to the next generation of Owens Campus students. This year, 232 students graduated with honors: 54 students Summa Cum Laude,

74 students Magna Cum Laude, and 111 students Cum Laude. A perfect 4.0 grade point average was achieved by seven students. A statistical overview of the graduates reveals that: • The average age is 30 • 68 percent are female • 24 percent are minorities • 91 percent are from Delaware • 80 percent are from Sussex County

A Horse With No Name contest Thursday, May 24, students and faculty graciously hosted the Delaware Equine Council's Mascot "A Horse With No Name." The DEC is seeking help in finding just the "right name" for this honey colored equine with four white socks and flaxen mane and tail. The DEC Mascot will be promoting and emphasizing the importance of horses to our First State at schools, civic functions, horse shows, parades and the Delaware State Fair. Facts about horses and Delaware will be shared such as: Did you know that Delaware is home to more than 13,000 horses, on some 2,000 farms and horses are Delaware's # 2 Agriculture Industry? A statewide contest to name the Mascot is on-going until Aug. 15. Announcement of the winning name and prizes will be awarded at the Sept. 17, CUM LAUDE HONORS AT WORCESTER PREP - Inducted into the prestigious Cum Laude Society at Worcester Preparatory School were: (l-r) Melissa Choy, Rehoboth Beach; Jenna Sternberg, Seaford; Christian Coates, Berlin; Morgan Crank, Berlin; Sean Hearn, Rehoboth Beach; Charlotte Desmarais, Salisbury; and Marissa Dean, Bishopville. These students, as specified by the Cum Laude Society, are among the top academic students in the Classes of 2007 and 2008. They qualified for membership with their high academic averages and their College Board scores. The Cum Laude Society allows 10 percent of a class to be elected to membership at the end of the junior year or at the beginning of the senior year. Another 10 percent may be elected in the spring of their senior year. Seniors who were elected to the society in the fall were: Brian Carey, Seaford; Sabrina Kunciw, Ocean Pines; Julia Robinson, Rehoboth Beach; and Christine Tobin, Parsonsburg.

meeting at 7 p.m. at AmericInn, Harrington. Prizes are donated by Chick's Saddlery of Harrington and Wicked R Western Productions of Wyoming. You must be a USA resident, a Delaware resident and/or a DEC member to qualify. For more information contact Peggy Koster, Seaford, 302-629-5233. For contest forms, go to local feed and tack stores or to download an entry form.

MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Internal Medicine practice reflects on 15 years By Suzanne Smith Seems impossible, but Doc and I are living and working in a place that we have called home for 15 years. When we arrived 15 years ago, we were welcomed with open arms, compassion, and acceptance from Nanticoke Memorial Hospital and by physicians stressing a commitment to serving our communities. Our dream was to bring a state-of-theart facility to this area. A medical practice is like any other service industry business. Your patients are your primary customers. You must know the geography and the people and ensure that they and their families will have the best possible experience. By making a decision to practice here, Doc found what he had been missing in life. Internal Medicine Of Bridgeville (IMB) has become a comprehensive Delaware health care facility with offices located in Bridgeville, Laurel, and soon to be, a third satellite opening in Seaford. Additional offices allow us to be accessible to our patients and to provide a full spectrum of services starting with an honest commitment to servicing our communities. Because we have more than one physician, our philosophy must be a team effort. Impressive credentials are nice but character and unshakeable values are the qualities we honor the most. We are proud to work with those in the medical field who remember what inspired them to enter medicine. Our approach to our practice is to ensure quality patient care and a quality work environment for our professionals. Over the years, building a well-managed office devoted time and resources to set up systems and to work with the proper professionals to oversee the operations. A strong, well-trained, and motivated staff helps a medical practice thrive through their personalities and performances. Our staff thrives in a team atmosphere. This is important for both productivity and patient relations. Our bright, experienced, and hardworking staff understands how the services must be delivered, managing schedules to reduce wait times and keeping patients flowing efficiently through the offices. Despite having jobs that can more stressful than an air traffic controller, they execute and inspire. They place a premium on patient care and ensure confidentiality. The personal touch of our billing department along with the knowledge of the business assist in the preparation and submission of claims collection and payment tracking, data entry of accounts, and account monitoring. Clinical and clerical work is in true partnership with the physicians. Our physicians feel an investment in the success of the practice. One of the successes in medicine rests on the doctor’s ability to listen to patients.

Our physicians take their time to make sense of the often, chaotic narratives of illness and to inspect and evaluate the listener’s personal response to the story told. I enjoy the way each medical problem is so intensively explored. And when our physicians treat their patients, their course of action makes a difference. Everyone wants to make people better, and the immediate gratification that comes from understanding a problem and fixing it, is enormous. Everyone is unique with their own story to tell and medical professionals are no exception. Past experiences are a part of our present and future, and help us realize the profound effect of empathy toward others. Our office seeks compassion, values empathy, and respects the uniqueness of others both in our patients and staff. Dr. Moushumi Kundu has been with the practice for 6 years and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics. Her extensive training has encouraged her to give away vital parts of herself in the belief that this will make her of greater service to others. Dr. Kundu is an advocate for the collaboration not just with other physicians and specialists, but also with all of her patients and their families involved in the healthcare of the individual. She is hardworking and extremely motivated to excel in her chosen field. Entering another human being’s world in a brief medical encounter can be difficult but Dr. Danial Chan makes it look easy. He has been with IMB since February 2006 and is Board Certified in Internal Medicine. His academic experience has taken him from Malaysia to Canada and Pennsylvania and to our area where he brings experience with the team approach to the education of patients including diabetes management. He rose above early adversity to have a full life of service to others, working to support not only himself but also his mother and brother while going to school. Dr. Ramin Mazhari joined the practice in November 2006, completing his medical training in Iran, Washington, D.C., and Boston, Mass. Since his arrival to our area, he has displayed superior performance and qualities of leadership and compassion. I reflect on Doc and those in the medical field who are human beings filled with plans and visions for this community. Doc has nurtured talent. He has broken down boundaries between his staff and patients. He approaches work with both passion and compassion bringing successful changes and significance to many individuals within the organization and community he serves. Despite obstacles, he persevered. He is a strong leader who is able to follow a vision and develop strategies while empowering others to do the same. He continues to find medicine emotionally rewarding and treats his patients like

Shown here are the doctors who are associated with Internal Medicine of Bridgeville. They have two locations - Bridgeville and Laurel. A third office in Seaford will be open soon.

family. I am amazed at his strengths and respect his view of life. He expects nothing but effort in assisting his patients. He is a heroic leader. For those who are in the medical field or contemplating medicine, I urge you to ask yourself this - why do I want to work in medicine? Why would I want to be committed to a life and family and community? What is the point of what we do? Without clarity of purpose, knowledge alone cannot help us to live well or serve others. Change is constant. Information and technology moves faster and faster. With

the restless change and escalating uncertainty that defines our times, the medical profession needs strong leadership. The heart has the power to transform experience. Connect intimately to the life around you in Sussex County. If this is your community, get involved, and really call it your home. Internal Medicine of Bridgeville is currently accepting new patients. The Bridgeville office may be reached at 337-3300 and Laurel at 875-7545. The offices are open Monday thru Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Today I Will Marry My Friend Wedding Stationary Morning Star Publications invites you to see our entire ensemble of wedding invitations and announcements to fit your wedding theme. We offer a large selection of wedding stationary at reasonable prices. Stop by the Star office, located next to Medicine Shop in Seaford.

Morning Star Publications, Inc. • 629-9788 628 W. Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE



âœł MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


HELPING HOPE HOUSE - The Laurel Community Foundation is once again selling mail boxes to support the Hope House. Pictured are Leigh Clark with the foundation and John Downes of the Insurance Market Financial Center. For information on purchasing the tax deductible boxes, call 875-9480. Photo by Pat Murphy JUST FOR THE KIDS - Above, Yaro Yepremian shows his Super Bowl Championship ring to Gavin Frantum, center, and 11-year-old cancer patient Blaine Cheesman during the Horsey Youth Foundation Kick off at RJ Riverside restaurant last week. Below, Dave Schular, left, and David Horsey present to the boys footballs autographed by all the players who attended. Photos by Pat Murphy

ONE SPORTS FAN TO ANOTHER - Scott Venables, right, spent Wednesday evening talking with former Oriole and Yankee player Paul Blair. The event, which preceded the golf tournament to benefit the Horsey Youth Foundation, was held at R.J. Riverside restaurant. Photo by Pat Murphy GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY - The members of the Laurel High School class of 1957, celebrating their 50th graduation year , were in attendance at the recent Laurel Alumni Association banquet to present senior Kate Downes, front, center, a $5,700 scholarship from the class. Members who attended were (not in order): Janice Records, Dot Hickman, Marilyn Coulbourne, Nancy McMasters, Carole McCrea, Sandy Littleton, Mary Ellen Evans, Karen Joseph, Al Adams, Raymond Kinnikin, Morris Harris and Erma Givens. Photo by Pat Murphy


✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Reunions with friends and Doing the Towns Together relatives is one of life’s joys LAUREL AND DELMAR SOCIALS Sarah Marie Trivits . 875-3672

“Summertime, summertime, sum-sumsummertime.” Such are the words to the song that describes the joys of the summer that is fast approaching. Garden fresh vegetables, trips to the beach, remodeling our homes, cutting the grass on a regular basis, classrooms closed until September, trips that take us to areas we have not seen before, visiting with friends and relatives that we see only once a year, acquiring a tan that totally changes the skin of our bodies and at the same time sometimes changes our disposition and attitude, trying to squeeze the extra body pounds into shorts and bathing attire that we wore last year and losing the battle — these are just a few of the things that let us know summer has arrived. At the top of the lists for many good folk is the reunion that is planned months in advance. Reunions involve not just families, but church groups, political groups, servicemen and women from World War II, Vietnam, the Korean Conflict, Desert Storm, and each of the ensuing conflicts that have seen men and women defend our nation. Reunions come in all sizes. Some involve a very few special people. Others involve hundreds. The size of the group really doesn’t matter. It is the spirit in the individual that makes or breaks a reunion. One of the most heartfelt reunions in our area is that of the Laurel High School Alumni Association. This group grows every year and the desire to be a part of the event becomes more intense. Reunions are not always the end result of hours and months of planning. Some are spur-of-the-moment happenings. At the St. Philip’s Everything Strawberry Festival in mid-May, several spontaneous reunions occurred, making the day extra special. The festival was a most successful event on a glorious late spring day and brought many visitors to the town of Laurel, not only to enjoy the strawberry offerings, but to view the beauty of the gardens of many residents who opened their grounds to visitors. Spontaneous reunions occurred when some visitors saw friends they had not seen for quite some time. Case in point was when the always-effervescent former Susan Harrington arrived on the scene. The daughter of Jan Harrington and the late Lloyd Harrington,

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Moments with Mike Virginia ‘Mike’ Barton Susan always has had a bubbling personality. What a joy it was for me to see her after quite a few years, bouncing across the room, grinning from ear to ear, talking with rapid fire. On a recent Sunday, Chuck and I had a mini-reunion at our home when my brother, Ray, now a Las Vegas resident, visited us, accompanied by one of his sons, a daughter and her family, and when we had an unexpected visit from Chuck’s surviving sister, 91-year-old Roberta of Easton, Md., and his niece, Caroline. We “oldsters” were also joined by our son, Philip, and wife, Julie. Ray’s two young grandsons, Jesse and John, were fascinated as we oldsters chatted way, all sometimes talking at the same time, but each knowing what the other was saying. Actually the two young boys were more interested in playing in the stream than hearing about bygone days. Laurel High alumni are some of the most dedicated people in this nation. This is confirmed by the fact that not only is the alumni dinner a great reunion time, but this group works diligently all year and this year gave a record $41,000 in scholarships to 21 area seniors. That is a great deal of money, anyway you look at it. And, those funds exact a great amount of time from a dedicated few alumni who work all year to secure the funds. Reunions are special. Small ones, large ones, medium-sized ones. Each one adds up a very important time for those involved. Reliving the past, thinking and planning for the future. Talking with old friends, recalling family memories both happy and not-so-happy ones, welcoming new family members, and listening to some of the same old stories. And, let’s not forget one of the main ingredients — plenty of good food. It all adds up to a great time for participants. Reunions are a part of what makes life worthwhile for each of us.

DUTCH COUNTRY MARKET Thurs. & Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-5

Specials For May 31 - June 1 - 2 Pizza Cheese..............................$2.99 lb. Capicola Ham.............................$2.99 lb. Chow Chow................................$1.19 lb. Fresh Meats, Cheeses & Salads, Bulk Candy, Honey, Jams, Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Breads & More.



Gazebos, Picnic Tables, Swings, Gliders, Wishing Wells, Windmills, Play Sets, Etc

A Pennsylvania Dutch Market in Laurel



Across from Johnny Janosiks, Rd. 462

I hope that all of you who could afford to fill your tanks with liquid gold last weekend reached your destinations safely and had a great weekend. At a recent time in early April, Karen Pugh hosted a bridal shower for 40 friends and family of Kristi Bennett. The theme of the day was “everything pink,” a favorite color of the bride-to-be. And then on Saturday, May 12, Kristi and Matt Rubino were wed at The Fountains in Salisbury. Our congratulations to the couple and special ones to Dr. Matt Rubino who in June begins his residency at Christiana Hospital in Wilmington. M.L. Elliott returned home on Sunday, May 20, from Tampa, Fla., where she visited her son, Mark and his wife Rose and family and while there attended the high school graduation of their son, Ian Elliott. Congratulations to Kathy and Edsel Wootten who celebrated a wedding anniversary on May 21. I understand that they observed those years with a great dinner at Zia’s in Salisbury. Sara Ellis has returned from visiting her son, Barry, and his family in Greensboro, N.C. She returned home with Barry after his Mother’s Day visit here. On a lovely Sunday a week or so ago, 32 members of the Laurel High class of ‘52 decided that just for old times’ sake they would charter a school bus and take off for a buffet lunch at Suicide Bridge. And fun they did have from all reports. Apparently the bus they boarded was for fifth and sixth graders and at the end of the trip, upon returning home, the driver turned to them and said, “This is the best bunch of sixth graders I’ve ever hauled.” The General Federation of Women’s

Clubs from Delaware held a luncheon program and fashion show at Baywood Club House in Long Neck on Tuesday, May 23. The theme of the program was “end domestic violence” and money realized from these events help toward the purpose of ending abuse to women and children. On Tuesday the blessing before lunch was offered by Maxine Ungerbuehler, the master of ceremonies from WBOC in Salisbury was Heather Vitalle Moffett and distinguished guests were Gov. Ruth Ann Minner and Attorney General Beau Biden. Ladies from several of the state clubs modeled current season’s fashions and Sierra Spicer from Laurel entertained the guest with her most professional voice in a number from “Annie,” “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” The ladies of the club wish you to know that they will be having a large yard sale on June 2 on South Central Avenue at the home of Marge Starr. Come and see if you can discover some attic treasure you can’t live without. We continue with prayers for those who are ill: Martha Windsor, Jean Henry, Teresa Littleton, Terry Layton, Derrick Henry, Kathryn Russell, Hattie Puckham, Richard Cordrey, Blanche Elliott, Steve Trivits and Lillie Brittingham. We bring up the end of May with birthday wishes for: Isabell Foskey, Thomas Nolan on May 30; and Marilyn Schultes, May 31; and into June we go with more of the same: June Benson Powell and Virginia Wilson, June 2; Barbara Tull, June 3; Lottie Masten, June 4; Sharon Whaley, June 5; Jessie Callaway, June 6; and Joseph Prettyman, June 7. “Experience is a comb which nature gives us when we are bald.” See you in the Stars.

News items may be mailed to the Seaford and Laurel Star, 628 W. Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973. Or they may be faxed to 629-9243.


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MORNING STAR ✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


We gather together to honor our fallen heroes The Memorial Day ceremonies Monday at Seaford Kiwanis Park RYANT ICHARDSON included the dedication of six bricks added to the Memorial There are threats to Walkway. The bricks feature the names of our security that must those who served in the military. be stopped if we are to Anyone from an Army Reservist (that was me) to a Green Beret who continue to enjoy our served on the battlefield can have their name and service included on freedoms. the walkway. Joe Tune read the names of but the heat was too much for some, who those added this year. They are: passed out. • Pete Ash, U.S. Army Reserves, 1969Our local heroes names are included on 1975 the Memorial. The wars in which they • William H. Ash Jr., U.S. Navy, fought start with World War 1. WWII, 1943-1947 At Monday’s service, Gold Star Mother • John William Cassell, U.S. Army, KoMarge Lloyd was in attendance, but left rea and the Republic of Vietnam, 1951early to attend another ceremony at the 1972 American Legion Post Home in Laurel. • William J. LeCates, U.S. Army, KoIn Laurel at American Legion Post 19, rea, 1951-1953 the guest speaker was Col. Thomas F. Mac • Joseph R. Pearson Sr., U.S. Army, Leish, superintendent of the Delaware 1961-1967 State Police. • Fred D. Seth Jr., U.S. Marine Corp., Gold Star Mother Pat Yates, whose son, Republic of Vietnam, 1966-1991 Captain Irving Tyndall, lost his life in the Retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel Roger Korean War, was in attendance. L. Niblett was guest speaker in Seaford. Mrs. Yates will celebrate her 100th Niblett has been awarded 30 decorations including the Legion of Merit, the Merito- birthday in August of this year. (See Pat Murphy’s report on Monday’s Memorial rious Service Medal with 3 oak leaf clusDay services in Laurel on page 5 of the ters, the Global War on Terrorism Medal Laurel Star.) and the National Defense Service Medal We in the United States know what can with 2 bronze stars. happen when we fail to understand what is The Memorial at Kiwanis Park was taking place in other nations of the world. dedicated 20 years ago. Former Mayor Our post 9-11 vision should be clear: Guy Longo spoke to me at this Monday’s There are threats to our security that must ceremony. He reminded me that on that be stopped if we are to continue to enjoy occasion 20 years ago, it was extremely hot. A good crowd watched the dedication, our freedoms. While we hate war and its



consequences, we cannot step back and allow our enemies to gain strength to come at us again. Our heroes know that they are helping

to meet the challenge to prevent another attack in our cities. We salute those who have the courage to serve.

Marker dedication is featured at the Phillip’s Landing ceremonies

Dignitaries at Tuesday’s dedication of a marker at Phillips Landing commemorating the 400th anniversary of Capt. John Smith’s exploration of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries applaud after the monument is revealed. From left: state Sen. Bob Venables, Congressman Mike Castle, Secretary of State Harriet Smith Windsor, director of Delaware State Archives Russ McCabe, Sen. Tom Carper, Pat Noonan with the Conservation Fund and Nanticoke Chief James “Tee” Norwood. See story on page one. Photos by Lynn R. Parks

Nanticoke Chief James Norwood was one of the speakers Tuesday at Phillip’s Landing.

Morning Star Publications Inc. P.O. Box 1000 • 628 West Stein Highway Seaford, DE 19973 629-9788 • 629-9243 (fax) Subscriptions - $17 a year in-county, $22 a year in Kent and New Castle, Del., and Federalsburg, Sharptown and Delmar, Md.; $27 elsewhere out of state.

President Bryant Richardson Vice President Pat Murphy Secretary Tina Reaser Treasurer Carol Wright Richardson Managing Editor Mike McClure

Editorial Gene Bleile Lynn Parks Daniel Richardson Elaine Schneider Kay Wennberg Tony Windsor Composition Rita Brex Carol James

Cassie Richardson Circulation Karen Cherrix Sales Beverly Arciuolo George Beauchamp Rick Cullen Jim McWilliams

Laurel Star Advisory Board Dale Boyce Sandy Davis Toni Gootee H. Robert Hickman Jane Hudson Linda Justice Albert Jones Kendal Jones Mike Lambert

Janet Lee Don Phillips Cora Selby Richard Small Debbie Waller Seaford Star Advisory Board Shirley Baynum Beverly Blades Tommy Cooper

Edward Cranston Mike Hall Nancy Harper John Hollis Karen Johnston Jan Lundquist Ron Marvel John Rittenhouse Bill Royal Steve Theis Layton Wheeler

Publishers of the Seaford Star and Laurel Star community newspapers, (Salisbury, Md.) Business Journal and the Morning Star Business Report


✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Seven-Day forecast for Western Sussex County Thursday



Tides Sunday



High 2:36 p 3:14 p 3:52 p 4:32 p 5:14 p 5:59 p 6:49 p

Low 8:51 p 9:31 p 10:12 p 10:55 p 11:41 p —1:15 p

Sharptown, MD Shown is Thursday’s weather. High Low High Temperatures are Thursday’s highs Day and Thursday night’s lows. Thurs. 5:30 a 12:02 p 5:55 p Fri. 6:08 a 12:39 p 6:33 p Sat. 6:46 a 12:24 a 7:11 p Sun. 7:26 a 1:05 a 7:51 p Mon. 8:06 a 1:48 a 8:33 p Tues. 8:49 a 2:34 a 9:18 p Wed. 9:35 a 3:24 a 10:08 p

Low 11:44 p —1:16 p 1:56 p 2:37 p 3:21 p 4:08 p

Partly sunny and very warm

Mostly sunny

Partly sunny and warm

An afternoon t-storm possible

Considerable cloudiness

Morning rain; otherwise, cloudy

Mostly sunny








Almanac Statistics through Tuesday May 29 at Georgetown, Delaware



High for the week . . . . . . . . . . . Low for the week . . . . . . . . . . . Normal high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average temperature . . . . . . . .

. 90° . 46° . 76° . 54° 69.2°

Smyrna 85/63

Total for the week . . . . . . . . . . 0.00” Total for the month . . . . . . . . . . 1.00” Normal for the month . . . . . . . . 3.55” Total for the year . . . . . . . . . . 14.89”

Dover 85/63

Nanticoke River Roaring Point, MD


Day Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed.

Apogee and Perigee

Date June 12 June 24 July 9 July 22

Time 1:08 p.m. 10:26 a.m. 5:39 p.m. 4:44 a.m.

Perigee Apogee Perigee Apogee

Date August 3 August 18 August 30 September 15

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

Rise .5:40 a.m. .5:40 a.m. .5:40 a.m. .5:39 a.m. .5:39 a.m. .5:39 a.m. .5:38 a.m.

Full May 31

Milford 87/63 Greenwood 88/62

Lewes 86/62

Bridgeville 88/60

. . . . . . .

Set .8:20 p.m. .8:21 p.m. .8:21 p.m. .8:22 p.m. .8:23 p.m. .8:23 p.m. .8:24 p.m.

Last June 8

Moon Rise Thursday . . . .8:32 p.m. Friday . . . . . . .9:32 p.m. Saturday . . . .10:26 p.m. Sunday . . . . .11:12 p.m. Monday . . . . .11:51 p.m. Tuesday . . . . . . . . .none Wednesday . .12:23 a.m.

New June 14

Day Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed.

Harrington 87/63

Time 7:53 p.m. 11:29 p.m. 8:14 p.m. 5:07 p.m.

Sun and Moon Sun Thursday . Friday . . . . Saturday . . Sunday . . . Monday . . Tuesday . . Wednesday

Low 9:09 a 9:46 a 10:23 a 11:03 a 11:44 a 12:28 p 12:31 a

Vienna, MD

The moon, and its relative distance to the Earth, affects tides on a monthly basis. When the moon is farthest from the Earth (apogee), tides of decreased range or currents of decreased speed occur. When the moon is closest to the Earth (perigee), the occurrence of increased range or currents of speed is more prevalent.

Perigee Apogee Perigee Apogee

High 2:11 a 2:49 a 3:27 a 4:07 a 4:47 a 5:30 a 6:16 a

Set . .4:54 a.m. . .5:37 a.m. . .6:28 a.m. . .7:27 a.m. . .8:32 a.m. . .9:41 a.m. .10:50 a.m.

Blades 88/60

Georgetown 88/62 Concord 88/60 Laurel 88/60 Delmar 88/59

Millsboro 89/62

Bethany Beach 78/61 Fenwick Island 80/61

First June 22

Once Upon A Time

Day High Thurs. 6:59 a Fri. 7:41 a Sat. 8:23 a Sun. 9:06 a Mon. 9:50 a Tues. 10:36 a Wed. 11:26 a

Low 11:06 p 11:46 p —1:18 p 1:59 p 2:43 p 3:30 p

Low High Low 1:06 a 7:22 p 12:48 p 1:45 a 8:04 p 1:28 p 2:26 a 8:47 p 2:09 p 3:08 a 9:30 p 2:52 p 3:52 a 10:14 p 3:38 p 4:39 a 11:00 p 4:29 p 5:27 a 11:50 p 5:25 p

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2007

A Full Service Real Estate Company Downsizing or starting out! These are for YOU ! Milford area, Out of town 3 bedroom with a finished 2 nd floor bonus room. Knotty pine $1000 CLOSING paneling throughout. $169,900 ASSISTANCE ON BOTH!

Conrad Boisvert

Bridgeville, out of town, 3 bedroom with den, Rancher on a beautiful wooded lot, hardwood floors, central HVAC, freshly painted inside and out. Ready to move into. Reduced $179,900





HAVE ARRIVED NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4 Shop Monday thru Saturday 10 am to 5:30 pm

381-5184 Office :


Garden Flags Mail Wraps Yard Designs

ERRIES B W You Pick ~ Or We Pick For You!


Now They Match!


The magazine will be inserted in the July 5, 2007 edition of the Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers. The magazine features a glossy cover and full process color throughout. Call 629-9788 or email to reserve your space.

High 5:17 p 5:55 p 6:33 p 7:13 p 7:55 p 8:40 p 9:30 p

23028 Bridgeville Hwy. Seaford, DE 19973

Nanticoke Riverfest The City of Seaford and Morning Star Publications, Inc. are preparing a magazine for the 13th annual Nanticoke Riverfest to be held July 13 and 14.

Low 11:24 a 12:01 p 12:38 p 12:27 a 1:10 a 1:56 a 2:46 a

Rehoboth Beach

Rehoboth Beach 81/62


High 4:52 a 5:30 a 6:08 a 6:48 a 7:28 a 8:11 a 8:57 a

Donna Sharp Handbags Gourmet Foods


Yankee Candles

11465 SYCAMORE RD. LAUREL, DE 302 875-6922 1/2 MILE FROM RT. 13


✳ MAY 31 - JUNE 6, 2007


Seven-Day forecast for Western Sussex County Thursday



Tides Sunday



High 2:36 p 3:14 p 3:52 p 4:32 p 5:14 p 5:59 p 6:49 p

Low 8:51 p 9:31 p 10:12 p 10:55 p 11:41 p —1:15 p

Sharptown, MD Shown is Thursday’s weather. High Low High Temperatures are Thursday’s highs Day and Thursday night’s lows. Thurs. 5:30 a 12:02 p 5:55 p Fri. 6:08 a 12:39 p 6:33 p Sat. 6:46 a 12:24 a 7:11 p Sun. 7:26 a 1:05 a 7:51 p Mon. 8:06 a 1:48 a 8:33 p Tues. 8:49 a 2:34 a 9:18 p Wed. 9:35 a 3:24 a 10:08 p

Low 11:44 p —1:16 p 1:56 p 2:37 p 3:21 p 4:08 p

Partly sunny and very warm

Mostly sunny

Partly sunny and warm

An afternoon t-storm possible

Considerable cloudiness

Morning rain; otherwise, cloudy

Mostly sunny








Almanac Statistics through Tuesday May 29 at Georgetown, Delaware



High for the week . . . . . . . . . . . Low for the week . . . . . . . . . . . Normal high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average temperature . . . . . . . .

. 90° . 46° . 76° . 54° 69.2°

Smyrna 85/63

Total for the week . . . . . . . . . . 0.00” Total for the month . . . . . . . . . . 1.00” Normal for the month . . . . . . . . 3.55” Total for the year . . . . . . . . . . 14.89”

Dover 85/63

Nanticoke River Roaring Point, MD


Day Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed.

Apogee and Perigee

Date June 12 June 24 July 9 July 22

Time 1:08 p.m. 10:26 a.m. 5:39 p.m. 4:44 a.m.

Perigee Apogee Perigee Apogee

Date August 3 August 18 August 30 September 15

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

Rise .5:40 a.m. .5:40 a.m. .5:40 a.m. .5:39 a.m. .5:39 a.m. .5:39 a.m. .5:38 a.m.

Full May 31

Milford 87/63 Greenwood 88/62

Lewes 86/62

Bridgeville 88/60

. . . . . . .

Set .8:20 p.m. .8:21 p.m. .8:21 p.m. .8:22 p.m. .8:23 p.m. .8:23 p.m. .8:24 p.m.

Last June 8

Moon Rise Thursday . . . .8:32 p.m. Friday . . . . . . .9:32 p.m. Saturday . . . .10:26 p.m. Sunday . . . . .11:12 p.m. Monday . . . . .11:51 p.m. Tuesday . . . . . . . . .none Wednesday . .12:23 a.m.

New June 14

Day Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed.

Harrington 87/63

Time 7:53 p.m. 11:29 p.m. 8:14 p.m. 5:07 p.m.

Sun and Moon Sun Thursday . Friday . . . . Saturday . . Sunday . . . Monday . . Tuesday . . Wednesday

Low 9:09 a 9:46 a 10:23 a 11:03 a 11:44 a 12:28 p 12:31 a

Vienna, MD

The moon, and its relative distance to the Earth, affects tides on a monthly basis. When the moon is farthest from the Earth (apogee), tides of decreased range or currents of decreased speed occur. When the moon is closest to the Earth (perigee), the occurrence of increased range or currents of speed is more prevalent.

Perigee Apogee Perigee Apogee

High 2:11 a 2:49 a 3:27 a 4:07 a 4:47 a 5:30 a 6:16 a

Set . .4:54 a.m. . .5:37 a.m. . .6:28 a.m. . .7:27 a.m. . .8:32 a.m. . .9:41 a.m. .10:50 a.m.

Blades 88/60

Georgetown 88/62 Concord 88/60 Laurel 88/60 Delmar 88/59

Millsboro 89/62

Bethany Beach 78/61 Fenwick Island 80/61

First June 22

Once Upon A Time

Day High Thurs. 6:59 a Fri. 7:41 a Sat. 8:23 a Sun. 9:06 a Mon. 9:50 a Tues. 10:36 a Wed. 11:26 a

Low 11:06 p 11:46 p —1:18 p 1:59 p 2:43 p 3:30 p

Low High Low 1:06 a 7:22 p 12:48 p 1:45 a 8:04 p 1:28 p 2:26 a 8:47 p 2:09 p 3:08 a 9:30 p 2:52 p 3:52 a 10:14 p 3:38 p 4:39 a 11:00 p 4:29 p 5:27 a 11:50 p 5:25 p

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2007

A Full Service Real Estate Company Downsizing or starting out! These are for YOU ! Milford area, Out of town 3 bedroom with a finished 2 nd floor bonus room. Knotty pine $1000 CLOSING paneling throughout. $169,900 ASSISTANCE ON BOTH!

Conrad Boisvert

Bridgeville, out of town, 3 bedroom with den, Rancher on a beautiful wooded lot, hardwood floors, central HVAC, freshly painted inside and out. Ready to move into. Reduced $179,900





HAVE ARRIVED NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4 Shop Monday thru Saturday 10 am to 5:30 pm

381-5184 Office :


Garden Flags Mail Wraps Yard Designs

ERRIES B W You Pick ~ Or We Pick For You!


Now They Match!


The magazine will be inserted in the July 5, 2007 edition of the Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers. The magazine features a glossy cover and full process color throughout. Call 629-9788 or email to reserve your space.

High 5:17 p 5:55 p 6:33 p 7:13 p 7:55 p 8:40 p 9:30 p

23028 Bridgeville Hwy. Seaford, DE 19973

Nanticoke Riverfest The City of Seaford and Morning Star Publications, Inc. are preparing a magazine for the 13th annual Nanticoke Riverfest to be held July 13 and 14.

Low 11:24 a 12:01 p 12:38 p 12:27 a 1:10 a 1:56 a 2:46 a

Rehoboth Beach

Rehoboth Beach 81/62


High 4:52 a 5:30 a 6:08 a 6:48 a 7:28 a 8:11 a 8:57 a

Donna Sharp Handbags Gourmet Foods


Yankee Candles

11465 SYCAMORE RD. LAUREL, DE 302 875-6922 1/2 MILE FROM RT. 13








On Any Property for Sale in Delaware JUST REDUCED

Seaford - 3, br, 2 1/2 Ba, Contemporary Salt Box w/ Great Room design w/ Loft. Stainless Appliances. Det. 2 car Garage. $247,500. MLS# 545171

Bridgeville - 3 Br, 1 Ba, on nice wooded lot. Low Taxes. Owner Financing for qualified buyer. $187,500. MLS# 547917

Delmar - 3 Br, 4 Ba Builder's Home, 10 stall outbuilding, 30 x 40 Avairy w/ Kitchen, Mechanic's Garage 36x40 w/ heat & elec. $699,000. MLS# 536435

Milford/Knotty Pine- 2Br, 1 Ba, 2nd floor bonus space. Great Starter! $169,900.. MLS# 547922

Laurel - 3 Br, 2 Ba, New Construction. Simular to pic with synthetic stucco exterior. $169,900. MLS# 546393

Blades - 4 Br, 1 1/2 Ba, 3 Seasons Porch. Fenced yard w/ extra lot. Detached shed & Workshop. Motivated Seller. $219,900. MLS# 547164



Selbyville - 3 Br, 2 Ba, Custom Home w/ too many upgrades to mention. You must see this to appreciate! $299,900. MLS# 544166

Laurel/Shiloh Acres - 3 Br, 2 Ba w/ 3 Season Room, insulated. 12x24 Shed w/ Heat & Electric. Virtual Tour. $263,500. MLS# 546523

Laurel - 6 Br, 6 Ba, Completely Renovated Victorian w/ 2 Fireplaces. Priced to sell quickly at $249,900. MLS# 546391

Laurel- 3Br, 2 Ba, w/ 16x16 3 Season Sunroom. Walk or Bike to Trap Pond State Park. $249,900. MLS# 547155

Delmar, MD - 4Br, 1 Ba, Victorian, wrap around porch, New replacement windows, Located by State Street Park. $139,900. MLS# 548536

Bridgeviile - Class C home on 1-1 1/2 cleared parcel to be subdivided. Home being rented month to month. $174,900. MLS#546104



Laurel - (4) 40x500 AA Rated w/ capacity of 84,000 (5) Flock Roasters, 100kw Generator, 2 wells/2 pump houses. Currently with Allen's. Owner Retiring! $800,000. MLS# 543282

Bridgeville - Well Maintained 4 Br, 2 Ba, 14x80 Mobile Home on over 3/4 acre. Move in condition. $119,500. MLS# 546955

OUR TEAM: John Hanenfeld Conrad Boisvert Steve Liller Jimmy Smack Tina Moore Tina Rix

Bridgeville- Cleared 1 Acre lot w/ well & LPP Septic. Mobile has no value, currently rented month to month. $89,900. MLS# 546094

Seaford/Fleetwood Estates 3 Br, 2 Ba, Split Floor Plan, Country Eat-in Kitchen. 12x20 Shed w/ electric, Corner Lot. $227,500. MLS# 547227

JUST REDUCED: Seaford - Top 10% Perdue Farm w/ 58,000 Broiler Capacity. (2) houses w/ Tunnel, 100 kw & 60 kw Generators, also has rentable mobile on property $599,000. MLS# 543454

LAND & LOTS: Woodland Ferry - 2 Acre lots starting at $89,900. No builder Tie in. JUST REDUCED: Adams Road/Seaford - Waterfront lots overlooking Abington Lake. Only five lots available. MLS# 527368, 527369, 527370 Bridgeville - Nice 3/4 acre lot. Gravity Septic. DelDOT entrance permit & survey on file. Owner will consider Installment sale. $87,500. MLS# 547930 Greenwood- 1.4 Cleared Acre w/ culvert installed. Buyer has option to purchase Lot 2, next door. $89,900. MLS# 548003

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