Business Journal PO Box 510 Salisbury, MD 21803-0510
Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce
Vol. 17 No. 8
Dedicated to the Principles of Free Enterprise
March 2014
Big changes in store for Annual Salisbury Festival
From local marketing techniques to worldwide trade operations, farmers are facing challenges Pages 22-28
Will PMT mandates impede further progress of economic development? Page 18
Final Print Edition
Learn more about the history of the Business Journal. Pages 6 and 8
INSIDE Business Directory.................36-37
Calendar........................................ 4
Education ..............................33-35
Health.....................................30-31 Investing...................................... 15
Membership Renewals.................. 4 Member Spotlight.......................... 8
New Members............................. 13
Personnel File............................. 29
Salisbury University..................... 35
Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce
Mark your calendars for the 32nd Annual Salisbury Festival held in Downtown Salisbury on April 25-27. Visit for more information.
Big changes are in store for the 32nd Annual Salisbury Festival, on April 25-27, in Downtown Salisbury. The Salisbury Festival has always been a way to celebrate the coming of spring in our community. Spring is the season of new beginnings and growth, which is exactly what the Salisbury Downtown community has witnessed a great deal of recently. With numerous new businesses, restaurants, and special events popping up Downtown, and a budding community of individuals committed to seeing the Downtown thrive, it is only fitting to freshen up the 32-year-old Salisbury Festival. The 2014 Salisbury Festival is presented by Toyota, KISS 95.9, Q105, Magic 98.9 & Froggy 99.9, and Comcast. Their support will help the Chamber in delivering an exciting weekend of family fun and entertainment for our community. The purpose of the Salisbury Festival is to promote Downtown Salisbury as the heart of our community, emphasizing that it plays a vital role Continued to page five
Salisbury Business Journal goes online By Ernie Colburn SACC CEO
Effective with the March 2014 edition of the “Business Journal,” we’re moving to an online format. The March printed version will be the last. After nearly 17 years of publication, the Chamber’s Executive Committee has decided it’s more economically feasible to create and
maintain an online version. The cost of printing and distribution monthly has increased considerably and with the shift in the information world that we want things “now,” instead of later, through laptops, tablets, and smartphones, the Executive Committee felt this was the best way moving forward. The Chamber thanks Bryant and Carol Richardson of Morning Star Publications for their support and
dedication over the past 17 years as publishers of the Business Journal for the Chamber. Under the new online format, you will still be able to obtain the same news as in the printed version and more! With the online version, we’ll post updates daily and weekly so the Journal will be “fluid” instead of a printed monthly fixed publicaContinued to page three