Savannah Magazine Women in Business 2022

Page 9

OUR MISSION: is to strive to be the leading real estate company at The Landings and to always exceed our clients’ expectations.

iwanis l o kidaway are st a ew o the initiatives we lend our support to – because that s st what ood nei h ors do.

WE BELIEVE: that there’s nothing more exciting than meeting new people, hearing their stories and helpin them find the per ect home.

WE ARE PROUD TO BE: a ro p o pro essional and distin ished siness women who are e perts in all aspects o he Landings community, including its real estate, li estyle and world class resort style amenities. We know The Landings better than anyone because it’s the only community that we represent and most o s are ort nate enough to call it home. We are as vibrant as the comm nity and li estyle that we represent.

THE SECRET TO GOOD BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH: is the philosophy that being

good neighbors creates good business. As Realtors, we know that relationships always come first whether c ltivatin new siness or takin care o lon time clients and riends. At The Landings Company, we all work to be great Savannah neighbors. We support and sponsor local initiatives that help the Savannah comm nity. he nited ay o the oastal Empire, The Landings Landlovers, The Club Car Championship, Savannah Challenger and


we are passionate about marketing a comm nity that o ers e ceptional real estate and a tremendo s li estyle com ined with a small town eel within a ea ti l ntracoastal

Waterway community. The mission, advanced marketing strategies and investment by The Landings Company in attracting buyers and supporting our sellers provides excellent partnerin opport nities or o r team. WE ADMIRE WOMEN WHO: are authentic,

nny smart kind women and who are all our sisters, mothers, daughters, aunts, randmothers and reat randmothers. eal state is a women centric siness and we’re proud to represent! WE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: o r amilies

o r riends and o r phones.

BUSINESS ADVICE WE LIVE BY: “Far and away the est pri e that li e o ers is the chance to work hard at work worth doin . – Theodore Roosevelt

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