2Inspire Health & Fitness Magazine #33 - June 2022

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A Decade in Prison and Not a Day Wasted: Wes Watson’s Story

Slim Down and Stay Active This Summer! 5 Fun Exercises to Do Outdoors Sugar, Alcohol, & Weight Gain Lower Your Carbs for Weight Loss This Summer Lose Weight This Summer: Try These Tricks! Lose Weight with Summer Exercise: Get Your Swim In Enjoy Summer’s Bounty for a Flatter Belly The 4-11 on Fruit for When You’re Trying to Lose Weight 2Inspirenutrition.com June 2022 FREE

INSIDE THIS MONTH’S ISSUE Slim Down and Stay Active This Summer! 5 Fun Exercises to Do Outdoors - pg. 3 Lower Your Carbs for Weight Loss This Summer- pg. 6 Sugar, Alcohol, & Weight Gain - pg. 9 Lose Weight This Summer: Try These Tricks!- pg. 12 Lose Weight with Summer Exercise: Get Your Swim In - pg. 14 Enjoy Summer’s Bounty for a Flatter Belly - pg. 16 A Decade in Prison and Not a Day Wasted: Wes Watson’s Story - pg. 18 The 4-11 on Fruit for When You’re Trying to Lose Weight - pg. 26

How do we fit work, family, fitness, and healthy cooking into our summer schedules? This month’s issue is bursting with tips to substitute TV time with accessible exercises and replace carbs and sugar with easy and nutritious alternatives! While you may be tempted to veg out on hot days, now is the time to try new activities. From hula hooping to skating, we have tips to get you started on exercises that won’t feel like chores—plus, you can bring the whole family along! Swimming burns more than 400 calories per hour. You likely live near at least one body of water and we’ll help you pick the best one to dive into. Starting a weight-loss journey is overwhelming. Luckily, Luckil there are easy ways to get the ball rolling, such as keeping a food diary and adding tea to your diet. Once you form a few healthy habits, it’ll be easy to develop more! Did you know that alcohol converts to sugar in your blood? Don’t worry–you don’t have to put the glass down, but check out our article so you know what food and drinks to avoid while keeping your calorie count down. How can someone stay positive through ten years in prison? This month, we’ll get the answer from Wes Watson, a fitness and mindset coach who did just that. He brings motivation, inspiration, and drive to a whole new level. In circumstances where most people would crack, Wes stands strong—and you can too, with his advice. To you & your health, Dennis M. Postema Founding Editor & CEO P.S. Make sure you let your friends and family know they can get a free subscription to 2Inspire simply by visiting our website.


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Slim Down and Stay Active This Summer! 5 Fun Exercises to Do Outdoors 3

When the weather warms 3. Roller or inline skating up, the last thing we want gets your heart rate up to do is spend time at the and works your entire gym indoors. We’d rather be body. Find a smooth on the beach, at the pool path and wear protective or exploring nature. Instead gear like your helmet, of laboring away on that knee pads, elbow pads, expensive equipment, you and wrist guards. When can stay slim this summer choosing a pair of roller with these five outdoor skates, find a comfortable exercises. pair by considering the size, design and 1. Swimming and water sturdiness of the pair. exercise are excellent Grab a buddy and have ways to stay slim when even more fun. it’s hot outside. Taking a dip in the pool, a lake or 4. Hula Hooping isn’t the ocean is especially just for kids. This simple helpful for people round hoop is all you with arthritis or other need to add fun to your disabilities as well as summer outdoor fitness older adults. Water-based routine. If you’re wanting exercise improves joint to lose inches around health, decreases pain, your waist and hips, hula strengthens core muscles hooping is an excellent and offers resistance workout to try. Not only without the strain. Just is hula hooping fun but swimming leisurely burns it is a great way to get a more than 400 calories cardiovascular workout. an hour. 5. Grab your hiking shoes 2. Bike riding isn’t just and get an invigorating for the young. Riding a workout. Hiking is great bicycle is a fun yet lowfor building muscles impact way to exercise. It especially on uneven works the heart and your terrain. Another benefit lower body. A slow, easy to hiking is how it ride can burn up to 290 affects your mental calories in an hour but if health. Spending time in you want to pedal a more nature reduces negative vigorous ride you can thoughts and stress burn close to 600 calories levels. A long hike or two in an hour. Always wear on the weekend can add your helmet, use road up to the same results safety and chose a bike to exercising frequently that fits you. during the week. 4

As you take to the outdoors with your fitness goals the risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke are increased. Be sure to follow these precautions. • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water or a sports drink both before, during and after you do any type of exercise. • Choose to exercise during the cooler part of the day, usually early mornings or evenings as the sun is setting. Stay out of the sun during peak hours in the middle of the day. This is when it’s the hottest. • Where cool clothing that wicks away moisture. Avoid clothing that doesn’t breath. • Be aware of muscle cramping during your workout outdoors. Soothe heat cramps by stopping your workout, gently doing some stretching exercises and drinking plenty of water. Summertime is perfect for getting outside to workout. Find fun activities that get you moving and get your heart rate up. Swimming, walking, hiking, hula hooping and roller skating are just a few of the exciting ways you can get out in nature while enjoying your workout.




Lower Your Carbs for Weight Loss This Summer



We’ve all heard of the Keto diet- the plan that has you restricting the number of carbs you eat while adding high-fat foods each day. Limiting carbs is a good idea for just about everyone but going low carb doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go all out Keto to see results in your weight or health. instant meals, and sugary beverages. Instead cook The keto diet plan means your own meals from real eating mostly fats and ingredients and find ways almost no carbs, around to create your favorite 20 grams a day, as a way to desserts with less sugar. force the body into ketosis. Ketosis is the state where Whole foods. Naturally occurring carbs found the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose. in whole foods provide important nutrients. FiberKeto involves not eating rich vegetables and fruits, fruits, many vegetables, whether fresh frozen or grains, potatoes, sweets canned without sugar or any food that is rich in are sources of healthy carbs. carbs that fill you up This high fat/low carb keto with fewer calories and diet can be too restrictive carbs. Strawberries and for most people. That’s not blueberries are both low to say that some parts of in sugar carbs. Olives the diet can’t be applied to and tomatoes are savory your diet. snacks that are relatively Here are 7 tips to go lower low in carbs. Whole foods carb without going keto. like whole grains and dairy like yogurt and milk provide healthy nutritious Limit processed foods. carbs. Cut out processed foods that are laden with hidden Eat low glycemic fats, sugars and unknown legumes, nuts, and ingredients. Limit those starches. Legumes, nuts, indulgent carbs from sweet potatoes and apples bakery goods like all help stabilize blood donuts, cake or cookies, sugar levels while giving processed prepackaged you long lasting energy.

Replace refined white flour with nut or coconut flours or whole grains. Whole grains are a good source of fiber and important nutrients the body needs such as B vitamins. Coconut flours and almond or other nut flours are low in carbs while still nutritious. Substitute bananas for grains. If you love pancakes, try substituting mashed bananas and eggs. Combine these two ingredients and cook on a griddle for a healthier lower carb version. Substitute cauliflower or other veggies for carb staples. Instead of rice, for example make riced cauliflower. You can use it the same way you use any recipe calling for rice. Another option is to use cauliflower to make a gluten-free, low carb pizza crust. Spaghetti squash makes a great alternative to pasta.

Starches: • Beans (kidney, black, garbanzo, etc.) • Sweet potato, regular potatoes (mashed or ½ medium)


• Squash • Cabbage

• Rolled oats oatmeal

• Berries such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries

• Quinoa

• Oranges, figs

• Lentils, peas, edamame Ditch the bun or bread on your sandwich. • Rice- brown, wild Have your burger with tomatoes, cheese and • Couscous, pasta whole condiments. Wrap your grain tuna salad in a lettuce leaf. • Whole grain bread Try cheese wraps for your taco fillings. Fruits and veggies: Here is a short list of carbs that are good for you.

• Carrots, peppers, cucumbers

• Kale, Spinach, Lettuces, • Broccoli, cauliflower

• Watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, pineapple Limiting your carb intake doesn’t mean you have to go Keto. Instead use these tips to cut back on and revise what you’re already doing so you can begin living a healthier life with less carbs.

Sugar, Alcohol, & Weight Gain


It’s hard to resist a summer cocktail or alcoholic beverage when you’re gathering with friends on a warm summer evening. But when you’re also trying to lose weight and make healthier choices, you can find yourself imbibing in a few too many of the wrong type of alcoholic beverage. This adds calories and raises your blood sugar which is no good if you’re looking to limit carbs and keep your weight at a healthy range.

Not only is the sugar content of the mixer ingredient itself important, but alcohol converts to sugar in the blood as well. So once you start drinking, you will begin to raise your blood sugar levels. This will cause your pancreas and liver to work overtime trying to process the sugar and remove it from your body. Your body knows what’s up, and it’s now making you hungry so you can get some substance into your system to help you process the alcohol

and sugar in your blood. So let’s get back to the challenge of trying to find a weight loss friendly, health conscious choice in an alcoholic beverage to sip on this summer while enjoying outdoor activities with friends. First let’s look at beer. Those who did Weight Watchers back in the day may remember that a light beer totaled about two points. This meant that you would have to

sacrifice another type of food if you wanted to continue drinking and stay within your total points safe range for the day. There are low carb beers such as Michelob Light, but remember that beer is basically liquid bread. Beer contains all the ingredients of bread but with alcohol added because of the fermentation. So if during non-libation hours your goal is to limit bread, then it really doesn’t make sense to start drinking beers at your next social event. The general rule of thumb is that if you are a huge fan of beer and insist on drinking it this summer, then you will really want to stick with the low carb and also limit the number of beers you consume which is difficult once you start drinking beer. Drink beer less often, and when you do drink beer, drink just one or two. You might also look to show your body some kindness by eating a modest portion of food that contains protein and fiber. This will help to slow down your body’s processing of the sugar present in the beer and alcohol. 10

You might even opt to trade out some of the bread that you planned to eat, replacing it with the liquid bread that is beer. So if you were going to have a bun with your burger and now you are drinking a light beer, you might decide instead to pair that burger with a small serving of a healthy grain, for example brown rice or pasta. Now your total carbs include the serving of rice or pasta, plus one beer. Again, it’s a good habit to eat some protein with your beer to slow down your body’s processing of the sugar. What about wine? Those who count carbs know that there are less carbs in a dry wine than a sweet wine. A glass of wine pairs well with a tasty piece of beef seared on the grill.

However, in keeping with your smart eating choices, you will want to limit the portion size of meat that you are consuming as well as control your consumption of wine which means about two glasses. It’s worth mentioning that dry red wine gets the nod from keto experts. So, if you’re having some wine in moderation (two glasses, not a bottle and not a jug), you’re probably safe. Now that we have the beer and wine basics covered, let’s get into cocktails, and the best choices for people who are being health and weight conscious this summer. Not all cocktails are created equal especially if you are looking to limit calories and restrict sugar intake.


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Lose Weight This Summer: Try These Tricks!



The main weight loss more like the sides as tactics have been drilled does whole grains. into our heads for years: drink plenty of water, eat 3. One way to curb more veggies and exercise mindless snacking regularly. You’ve probably is to chew sugarless tried all of them. But did gum. Chewing gum for you know there are some 45 minutes decreases surprising ways to help your level of hunger, you lose weight you may appetite and cravings. not have heard of? Here It makes you feel fuller are 5 of them. so you can control your cravings. 1. Keep a diary. A food diary is good as is a workout journal. But another option is to keep a diary of how you feel or some important personal issue. This fifteen minute writing exercise helps you deal with emotional eating issues. It allows you to see when emotions are causing you to overeat and find other ways of dealing with stress and uncertainty. 4. Find ways to reduce your stress. Stress 2. Reorganize the food is one of the leading on your plate. Instead causes of weight gain. of making protein your We eat when we are main food, change it worried, anxious or up. Vegetables should dealing with loss. Stress be the biggest helping affects how your body on your plate at both holds onto calories lunch and dinner. leading to weight Proteins should look gain and other health

issues. Learning how to combat stress before it becomes a problem is key to the problem. Tackle problems head on when they arise instead of putting them off, worrying about the outcome or the whatifs. 5. Drink your tea. Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages you can drink. Loaded with antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds, it can increase fat burning and lead to weight loss. Another beneficial tea is Pu-Erh tea. This fermented Chinese brew lowers your triglyceride levels, literally shrinking fat cells. And it tastes earthy and robust. The tried-and-true forms of weight loss advice are still good options. But adding in these 5 surprising tips to help you lose weight might be the ticket to get your metabolism moving in the right direction.

Lose Weight with Summer Exercise: Get Your Swim In What could be more fun and provide better cardio exercise than swimming in the summertime? Swimming is one of the best activities to burn calories and tone up your cardiovascular system. Get heart healthy: make taking a dip a regular part of your weekly activities during the warm weather months. Want some different ideas for swimming to keep things interesting? You have lots of options that you can switch up with each time you swim. If you live near the ocean, wear yourself out in 14

the tumbling waves. Or you might even try out boogie boarding and surfing. Both are amazing forms of exercise that will strengthen and tone your entire body, improve your balance and coordination, and exercise your heart muscle to the max. Swim in the ocean. Less experienced swimmers may want to take caution if deciding to swim in the ocean. Pay attention to whether the tide is in or out, and how high and rough the waves are. If lots of big waves are coming in fast and furious,

this can be exhausting, especially to someone who is only just now getting back in shape. For safety, swimming in the ocean is best done with a partner or a group of people. If you don’t have a group, then make friends with some nearby beach goers who are swimming in the same area as you. You can keep an eye on each other and take action if someone ends up in danger. Also important is the need to have a lifeguard on duty and in close proximity. Paid beaches designate a

lifeguard to keep watch over a specific area designated for swimming. So pay attention to what’s around you and avoid going into parts of the water where swimming is prohibited and there is no lifeguard monitoring the area.

such as this poses greater danger because there are fewer people around and, in all probability, there won’t be a lifeguard keeping watch over the area.

But one big difference is that you can head to the local swim club and get your laps in undisturbed. If you’re at a friend’s house, you might feel obligated to be social, or do whatever your host As with ocean swimming, is doing such as put out your best bet if you plan to snacks, watch the kids, do some laps in the lake is or some other obligatory activity that won’t help Swim in a lake. to swim with a buddy. Or your weight loss or fitness stay close by to a group plan. Lake swimming is an even of other swimmers so you can keep an eye on each better form of outdoor other and react quickly if You pay for a pool water recreation then someone needs help. membership. So you get beach swimming. This is to go at a time of day that because you don’t need to is convenient for you. Plus, be an expert swimmer to In the mostly still water you can actually tell others relax and get your laps in of a lake, you can that you are there to get in the lake. In fact, you’re perfect your swimming some swimming laps in probably better off if techniques. Practice you’re looking to practice breath holding. Take a dive for exercise and fitness purposes. your swimming strokes or off the dock into deep go back and forth across water. Do some water the body of water, if you aerobics, tread water for as Take note, you are never are in a lake rather than long as you can. Practice too old for a swim lesson, the ocean. different strokes such and you might greatly as the breaststroke, the improve your skills, not to backstroke, the side stroke, mention continue to get A lake has clear-cut the frog, and the butterfly. wonderful cardiovascular boundaries. There will benefits, by working with likely be a deep end that is a swim instructor who can roped off for the safety of Get a swim club give you some swimming lake patrons if this is a lake membership. routines to try. beach that you pay to get on. There may even be a Of course, the town pool lifeguard; again, most likely is always an option if you’d if it’s a paid lake each. You love to get some exercise can also find a mountain in this summer and enjoy lake if you would like to the great outdoors while take a dip and immerse keeping cool in the pool. yourself in nature. But a If you have a friend with a remote body of water pool, that’s great too. 15

Enjoy Summer’s Bounty for a Flatter Belly


Summer means getting rid of the extra layers of clothing that hides our bodies in the winter. It’s when the shorts and tees, bathing suits and yoga wear come out. Along with this is the hope that our belly is are flat. If you are looking to flatten your belly eating the right nutrients and exercise.There are several different foods that can help flatten your belly. Among them are the non-starchy vegetables that also help lower your carb intake. Here are some of the top vegetables that are abundant in the summer.


to add crunch, use for snacks with a ranch or hummus dip or cut up into chunks for kebobs on the grill. Cucumbers are packed with nutrients like vitamin K, potassium, B1 and vitamin C all good for belly flattening needs. Low in calories and fat, cucumbers are easy to add to your diet. Enjoy them with cream cheese, make a cucumber salad with sour cream and dill or use them add a crunch to salads.

The heat from chili peppers, the capsaicin, boosts your metabolism, helping you burn more Mushrooms are a low calories including carb vegetable. This your midsection. Chili low fat, low calorie superfood is packed with peppers add flavor to dishes without adding vitamins and minerals. seasonings that might The great thing about mushrooms is how easy contain sodium. Add them to enchiladas, taco they are to incorporate meat, pasta dishes or in your meals. Replace soups. your hamburger with a portabella mushroom for Broccoli is one of a vegetable protein, for those super healthy example. vegetables that most Bell peppers are a good people can eat. It’s low in calories and fat. It source of vitamin C, has lots of nutrients necessary for energy for burning fat. Add bell and contains fiber to help burn that belly peppers of different fat. It’s easy to digest colors to your salads

and can help increase your metabolism. Add chopped broccoli to scrambled eggs, mix in your mac and cheese or steam it for a broccoli salad. Artichokes are ideal for burning belly fat thanks to the good bacteria in them. They are prebiotics that help feed the probiotics in your belly, boosting your metabolism. Serve them with a dip like hummus or guacamole or have artichoke hearts in your salad. Almost everyone likes munching on carrots. These little wonders have a mild sweet flavor. Filled with nutrients like vitamin C, beta carotene and fiber they benefit your vision, your brain function, improve digestion and help you lose weight. Add them to salads, chopped in veggie soup, or steamed with honey. Take advantage of what summer’s bounty has to offer in the way of foods good for your midsection. Filling up on vegetables helps slim your belly as long as they are without added fats.

A Decade in Prison and Not a Day Wasted: Wes Watson’s Story This month, we talked with fitness and mindset coach Wes Watson about the connection between self-development and routine and attracting success. Wes is the international bestselling author behind “Non-Negotiable: Ten Years Incarcerated—Creating the Unbreakable Mindset.” His YouTube channel, GPPenitentiary Life Wes Watson, has over 75 million views.


Dennis Postema: What does the phrase “hardest worker in the room” mean to you? Wes Watson: Whenever I hear someone say that phrase, I always say, “That’s crazy. You’re calling this work?” That’s the difference. For some it’s work, but some of us just need it. Love it. It’s our air. It’s our essence. In the last 15 years, I haven’t taken any days off. Not one workout missed. This is the cornerstone of how confidence is built. You build confidence through consistent implementation. What I don’t get is how everybody wants to be good at stuff, but they don’t do it every day. If you want to be a good speaker, speak every day. If you want to be a good writer, write every day. Dennis: Tell me about your book, “NonNegotiable: Ten Years Incarcerated—Creating the Unbreakable Mindset.”


Wes: I went through a phase in prison where I felt a calling from above to meet a certain physical standard. It was a vision that would not leave my

mind. Once I achieved that and I made that daily habit of building the body nonnegotiable, then I had this calling to read everything I could. Like, all the quotes, all the wisdom of the ages, everything coming from everyone.

own words to increase my ability to put stuff in my own words and really feel the message and learn the message—let it saturate. I did the same with quotes. I had these huge unabridged quote books and would rewrite the ones that really stuck out That’s when I discovered to me. Little did I know, something really special. all this was being pushed As I read, I found that into my mind and my everybody, from all heart and my soul to put corners of the world, was me on this path today to saying the same thing. guide people that are just Everyone from Einstein to like me: a person who’s Franklin to Confucius, they suffering, someone who all said the same thing needs healing, someone in different words. That’s who’s trying to create the when infinite intelligence, man they always needed. otherwise known as God, It all became so clear exposed itself to me. Once when I found my purpose, I saw that so many people which I’ve written down as since the beginning of all of our purpose, which time had been saying the was to create the man we same things, I realized this admire and give that man centralized intelligence— to the world. the universe, God, our creators—are speaking to Dennis: How big a role us. does gratitude play in your work? Then I came across Napoleon Hill’s book, Wes: Like I say, gratitude is “Outweighing the Devil.” In action. Some people wake it, he says gratitude kicks up in the morning and open the door to infinite they’re like, “I’m grateful for intelligence. Now I knew my wife, my daughter, my my system: I had to wake job, my health.” But to me, up with gratitude. gratitude is action. And furthermore, gratitude But first, I had to is results. Your level of strengthen my writing gratefulness can be ability, so I read books and measured by how much then rewrote them in my you change your life. Your

gratitude is what pushes you to intentionally create this vision of what your life could be—your highest self, your most grand life, your most grand existence. This vision extends all the way down to your demeanor, your energy, the way people sense and feel you. You have to intentionally create that to express your gratitude. Dennis: How intentional are you about realizing your inner vision of your life?


driven life because I’ve lived in a purpose-overpleasure manner for the last 15 years. But I want to understand the pursuit of pleasure. I want to be normal. So I try my best and avoid making the day harder on myself. I don’t consume any carbs and eat only protein. I structure my internal state to be stronger and to not negotiate with weakness or these bitch-ass patterns of behavior that make us get all emotional about shit and be reactive. So I’m always in a state of like constructing my inner engineering. It’s habitual construction because I’m creating a man I admire. Strong minds suffer without complaining and weak minds complain without suffering.

Wes: I’m one of those people who is an observer. I don’t really absorb the world, I observe the world. I observe my own thoughts and emotions and I pick those that benefit me most. I’ve always been that way, but I never knew how beneficial it was when you’re actually in pursuit of difficult Dennis: How did goals or facing massive you keep a positive, adversity. grateful attitude in the penitentiary? I was intentional during my 10 years in the Wes: There’s only two penitentiary, but I was also states that a human intentional on a recent operates from: fear and trip to Disneyland. To me, love. Action is the vessel Disneyland is adversity, that gets you from fear because I’m not used to all to love and gratitude. that pleasure-chasing that You’re not going to think people are doing. I don’t your way into this state. really understand it. I only You have to act your way understand a purposeinto positive thoughts.

Wes shares how prison strengthened him: In prison, when the doors slam, you’re not coming out of that cell for a year. They make you shower on your toilet. You sit on the toilet, facing the sink, you fill up the sink and then you pour water on your head, soap yourself down, and pour water on your head again. Most of it drains in the toilet and then you have to clean the whole floor. It’s called birdbathing. And that’s how you shower for a year straight. You don’t walk out of the cell. So when the cell doors shut, I felt everybody’s energy creep out of them. I sensed their disdain. And that’s when I went totally stoic. I accepted it and let it strengthen me. I was unmoved by it. It made me stronger. It was likened to David Goggin’s “Taking Souls”—when they got weak, I got stronger. I knew I had to be a leader, and leaders lead from the front.

So I would get up super early and work the same program each day—read something real quick, then straight into a nasty amount of burpees. A fast 200, at minimum. I’m talking like beating all the pain out of myself, because the only cure for pain is more pain. I would just walk straight into that pain and understand that it was alleviating my pain. I also knew that gratitude was action, and I was building someone I’m proud of. I really focused on the intentions behind the exercise, coupling it with how I felt. What everyone does wrong out here is they go to the gym just for the superficial aspect. Everyone goes to the gym and they’re like, I need the six-pack. I need to look better. That’s understandable. But once you get farther down the path, you don’t look any different year to year, so why show up every day? You show up for how you feel.


I’ve created an indestructible link in my mind that if I don’t go my hardest in my workout every morning, I won’t feel right, and more importantly, I won’t bring

the correct energy to my people. So it becomes selfless. The intention is selfless. I’m an offering. I don’t care how people view me. I don’t give a fuck. Truly, the language of the universe is energy exchange, and if you know someone prepared really well for you because they care about you, you’ll receive them better. Dennis: Can you walk us through your morning routine?

better you feel. I start my day at 2:45 a.m. with the very first thing that happens in my mind: I see lights from the world shining up, and I’m intentionally talking to all these people in an underlying exchange to the collective whole, because we’re all connected. I’m waking up for them and telling them I’m up and I’m doing it for them.

I don’t have to wake up Wes: It starts the night so early. My life is really before, when I’m already structured and I’m fine. telling myself how Waking up at a different amazing it is that I’m not time won’t unmake my going to break in the life—unless my life is morning. People construct based on inspiring people a negative narrative. There and being an example is so much cognitive they need. I wake up for dissonance—people have them. I owe the world my a negative perspective, or best. This gives me infinite definition, of things that purpose. People can’t are actually good for them. wake up in the morning because they don’t have I define everything a purpose. The only thing positively, because keeping people from prison was a negative living out their potential is environment that I had to their lack of purpose. They look at positively. There don’t see the point. was nothing going my way in prison, except the When someone is way I viewed things. I like struggling in life, and they to say your frequency open Instagram and see is what you frequently that I’m up again, it helps see, and wins raise your them. People would be so frequency. So when you fucking disappointed if I stack an intentional win, fell victim to the vices that the more difficult it is, the plague society. If you don’t

believe you can affect people at that level, you’ll never affect people at that level. But if you believe you can, you will. We all wanted that person who held their word to us, no matter how they felt. We all crave someone we can count on more than anything. I aspire to be that through social platforms, so I wake up at 2:45 and go straight into my supplements. I just take protein powder, some coffee, and some preworkout. Sometimes my wife joins me in my routine, because you raise people up with your frequency. I get to the gym at about 3:30 in the morning. Most spiritual teachers say you’re most aligned with your purpose at 3:40 a.m. It links with the circadian rhythm. If you’re frequently waking up at that time, your calling is getting greater, so don’t waste time: Get up.


In prison, I wrote the most influential and deepest pieces from stream of consciousness at 3:40 a.m., and I didn’t know that was a prime time spiritually. At the gym, I do a mixture of calisthenics, bar work, burpees, and push-ups.

I go into a hypertrophyspecific routine. At home, when my frequency is peaking and my vibrations are through the roof, I film a YouTube video. I put all of my energy into the video to guide viewers. I want them to have the blueprint to make it through their day. And the rest of the day is just business. Dennis: How do you come up with your daily list? Wes: If your real goal is to wake up and be your best and do your best, then you’re not going to fail the test coming your way,

whatever your test may be. For me, it’s reacting negatively to other people. If you wake up grateful every morning, it’s easy to tap in and put out a positive message. I know what worked for me, and it acts as a mirror: If something works for you, it works for them. Not everyone understands that. People try to make a system that works for Jane and then a different system that works for John, but the same system works for all of us, and adapting the system for multiple people is the problem. You’re saying they’re too weak to do it. If someone thinks their

Wes discusses his routine: My day has no room for error. There was a period when I had no extra time in the day. I was writing “Non-Negotiable: Ten Years Incarcerated— Creating the Unbreakable Mindset,” running my business and sticking to my workout routine. I’m more efficient as a result of my habits. I woke up at 2:00 a.m. every day to write for forty-five minutes. That’s how I knocked my book out. People would ask what time I went to bed, and I’d say, “That’s not the point.” Sometimes I slept for two hours and other times I didn’t go to bed at all, but I still went to the gym at the same time every morning. I always woke up at the same time. If you can’t alter what time you go to bed, then you miss the whole point. This is about self-mastery.

son isn’t good at baseball, they’ll say, “It’s OK, son, you’re not the best at sports,” but when they change their mindset about him, he levels up. I don’t placate my clients, and that’s why they do so well. I make them go as hard as I went. People ask, “What if I’m a beginner?” Your exercise will fit you, but your diet is going to be tested, because that’s where everyone messes up: the pleasure-seeking, the overindulgence. Your diet should be intense. I don’t understand how someone can go on a twelve-day juice fast but claim three months of dieting with adequate protein, carbs and fat is so unhealthy. People go into a calorie deficit and complain about being hungry. Why is hunger negative? Tell yourself, “This is what fat loss feels like. This is what I want.”


Reinforce the positives taking place. There are more positives taking place when you’re hungry than you realize. We’re hardwired to see the one negative—the feeling of hunger, in this case—rather than the 99 positives in a situation.

When you’re hungry, you’re strengthening your discipline, you’re mastering yourself, and you’re not negotiating. That’s what fat loss feels like. There are many positive ways to look at it, so train your brain to do that. Dennis: How do you repel negativity? Wes: As soon as I notice that negativity, I go straight into positive action. I could be having a conversation with someone and I’ll say, “I’m going to do some pushups right now,” and I’ll start doing sets of pushups to failure or pyramid push-ups or burpees. They’ll be like, “What is that? Are you building muscle?” No. I understand that during peak physical performance, a negative internal state cannot coexist. Nobody’s in the middle of a marathon and suddenly thinking, “Whoa, this anxiety is really kicking in!” It’s never happened. When you’re at mile nine and you can barely breathe, you’ve never started constructing imaginary evils. I only do cardio or burpees when my mental state

is declining. When my internal state becomes negative, my self-talk and mental narratives twist into the negative and I start to believe them. But people treat this like it’s a magic tool. I think they like the negative narratives and they’re comfortable in negativity. They make such an uncomfortable definition of physical exercise that they fall into cognitive dissonance. Dennis: What do you think the difference is between you and other people in our space for personal training? Wes: I document it, I live it. Intention develops perception, and my true intention is to live for others. I died a long time ago.

any followers. You have to fight to build a brand nowadays. You have to push through the critics and believe in yourself until nothing can stop you. When you’re telling your truth, people come to persecute you, because people who are living a lie are offended by the truth. Keep your ego out of the way. If you don’t like how you look or sound, that’s incongruent to your My ego died. People say, on social media platforms. efforts in helping people. “Why do you have millions There aren’t many people Why are you worried of dollars’ worth of cars, from my childhood who about yourself so much? then?” That’s how they see are still in my life. When Focus on helping other it, but I don’t see it that you reach a certain level, it people. way. I was forced to let go forces the people around of “me” in prison. In the you to look in the mirror, If you have something first few years, I wondered, and if they refuse, it’s powerful, and you’re “Why don’t they write to impossible to be around withholding it from the me? Why don’t they want them. world, you’re selfish and to be part of my life? Why rude. Run more ads and aren’t they visiting me? Your success will never push your system more Why?” I finally saw how exceed your level of if you believe in it and it destructive the word “why” personal development. If works. is in the wrong context, I’m using social media as so I stopped caring why, my résumé to the world, Getting someone to and I loved them, anyway. people will say, “He’s saying drop their vices, work out I learned to release that something massive every every day and control which I wish to possess. day that works for me. Get their macronutrients in a him on the show.” When proper way is going to be life-changing. If you want I use social media as a tool you perform and fire on cue, you’ll solidify your to change your future, for the law of attraction. I change your habits. want positivity in my life, I spot. It works whether want to share with others, you’re a comedian, an To find out more about and I need reinforcement, artist, whatever. Wes’s coaching programs, too, so I do all of that, and videos and books, visit Social media is unbiased. I get it in return. I met all of the best people I know Everyone starts off without weswatson.com. 24



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The 4-11 on Fruit for When You’re Trying to Lose Weight


There’s so much conflicting information about fruit out there, isn’t there? Even the weight loss authorities seem to frequently change their stance on what’s the correct amount and type of fruit to eat. When thinking about fruit, consider a few factors:

blueberries and raspberries. And let’s not forget citrus – lemons, oranges, grapefruits. Portion size. When in doubt about the sugar content of a fruit, aim to eat half. It’s not hard to slice up an apple or banana and share with a friend.

Fruit pairings. The amount of fiber that Amount of sugar. The you ingest along with sweeter the fruit, the something sweet more sugar it likely makes a difference in contains. Fruits that are how quickly your body higher in sugar include processes the sugar and pineapple and banana. how high your blood You would need less sugar rises. You want to of these to raise your keep blood sugar on blood sugar. Fruits that an even keel without taste good and satisfy fluctuations, to avoid but have less sugar weight gain and trigger include berries of all kinds, and melon such as diabetes as you age. watermelon, cantaloupe Try eating your fruit snack along with a bit and honeydew. of protein or something fibrous like nuts. Acid profile. Here’s an interesting factoid borrowed from the keto Fruit as a small addition to a recipe, is a great experts. Acid breaks down fat. If you want to idea. Artful combinations digest the fat that you do of fresh foods, like a eat more efficiently, then green salad with a few pear slices, vinegar and add a tart fruit to your oil, herbs, a few slivers meal. This can include berries like strawberries, of cheese and a sprinkle 27

of toasted nuts make a wonderful, healthy and balanced way to enjoy fruit. You have all food types in balance, and you’ll slow down digestion thanks to the fiber and protein present. Fruit in a smoothie. Another way to take your fruit sugar lightly is with a smoothie. Hide some nutrition in there while you’re at it. Add a spoonful or two of healthy nuts or seeds, half a banana or a cup of berries, a cup or so of plain yogurt, ice, water, and maybe a flavoring like vanilla. Activity level. If you plan to go running for 30 minutes after your fruit snack, this is a great way to remove guilt and use up the extra energy that you got in the form of the fruit sugar. So enjoy that banana, then run it off!

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