I RECENTLY SAW this amusing meme: “Don’t know about y’all but I could sure go for some precedented times.” It’s funny because . . . well, aren’t we all just a little tired of being told that we are living through unprecedented times? The past nine months have changed our lives so much that it’s difficult to remember what “precedented” looks like. In this issue, writer Susan Semenak tells us about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on design and architecture. And here’s something that is unprecedented: the number of homeowners—former gym goers—who are building dedicated spaces in their homes for exercise. It’s the safest way to enjoy a workout these days, and writer Julie Gedeon tells us all about it. For those of us pondering a winter vacation this year, travel writer La Carmina urges us to discover destinations in our own backyard here in Canada. She’s also crafted a compelling narrative about how her sojourn in a Buddhist temple in Japan prepared her mentally and spiritually for the challenges of lockdown. Because this is our winter issue, we give you our annual gift guide, discuss cozy bed linens for cold winter nights, and show you how to cook new variations on a beloved cold-weather comfort food: stew. In addition, writer Barbara Milner tells us how to make the interiors of our homes cozy for winter cocooning. And we take you into some beautiful homes that I know you’ll love. The idea of home as sanctuary, after all, has taken on a poignant meaning this year. As you’ve no doubt read in our publisher’s letter, this is the last print issue of Home in
Canada. What a fascinating run we’ve had, and what fun. I extend my gratitude to all the homeowners who have opened their doors to us over the years and allowed us to profile their spaces, to the designers who designed them, the photographers who shot them, and the stylists who styled them. Throughout my editorship, I have been fortunate to have collaborated with talented, professional contributors: writers, photographers and stylists far too numerous to list here (you all know who you are). They’ve made my work life a joy. The same goes for my colleagues here at the magazine, dedicated folks who have always pulled together as a team to ensure that we produce this high-quality publication. It’s been an honour to collaborate with all of you—contributors and co-workers. An editor’s constituency is her readers and I am so thankful for ours. Everything I do is with our readers in mind, and it has been my great pleasure to bring you this magazine’s varied content over the years. I am grateful, too, for our advertisers, printer, distributors and everyone else who has contributed to the success of Home in Canada. It takes a village. Finally, I send deep gratitude to our publisher, Sharon Azrieli, for the vision she has held for this magazine and for steering the ship through creative waters. These are difficult times. I hope that you will find solace and comfort with those you love and in the safety of your home. Best wishes for the upcoming holiday season and may the new year be safer and happier than this “unprecedented” year. Goodbye.
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STEPHANIE WHITTAKER Editor-in-Chief stephanie@homeincanadamagazine.ca