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Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive Board Meeting
January 26, 2023 Columbia Mo.
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Executive Board met January 26, 2023 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo. The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise:
• The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial reports of the association.
• Heard statements from AVMA President candidates Drs. Sandra Fae Butler, Arnold Goldman, and Bob Murtaugh.
• AVMA Immediate Past President, Jose Arce, DVM and MVMA Delegates to AVMA Chuck Barry, DVM and Carol Ryan, DVM reported to the board. You can read Dr. Barry’s AVMA Delegate report on page 26.
• Missouri was the host of a successful 13 state Heartland meeting during the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference in January in Chicago.

• Dr. Brenda Bright Immediate Past President, Iowa VMA gave a state report
• Mo. Veterinary Medial (licensing) Board gave a report reminding veterinarians to complete their required 10 hours of CE, notify the MVMB of clinic closures, and renewing their BNDD license. The MVMB will have a computer system upgrade to move many things online.
• An MVMA AVMA District VII Recruitment Task Force was appointed by the MVMA Executive Board.
• MVMA Legislative Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller reported on legislation currently active in the legislative session. You can follow the session happenings at www.movma.org/page/ LegislativeSession2023.
• Dr. Matt Silvius gave a status report on the 2023 convention events and activities.
• Heard a report of the MU College of Veterinary Medicine by Dean Carolyn Henry with a thank you to all MVMA members that helped in the pre-screening of over 1,500 outof-state applicants. 310 out-of state and all of the 157 in-state applicants were interviewed. Gerelyn Henry, MBA is the new director for the hospital. VMDL construction is underway and plans for the Kansas City facility.
• The MVMA Wellbeing Task Force was reappointed for another 3 years.
• Rural Veterinary Task Force reported the Quality of Life survey will be repeated and a comparison to the early 2020 survey will be shared. Due to complications with Mo. Price fixing laws, MVMA legal counsel advised the MVMA to discontinue the benchmarking project and research.
• It was reported that the Committee Application Form has been completed and utilized. www.movma.org/page/Committee_
• The 2023 MVMA election outcome and candidates were reviewed, and new board members were welcomed.
• It was noted that the bylaws vote conducted last fall on membership committee leadership and Lifetime membership requirements passed by a vote of the membership.
• Licensing Board appointments and reappointments are regularly being solicited to the governor by the MVMA.
• Social media presence has increased dramatically over the past 12 months due in part to having a dedicated staff member.
• Financial reports were reviewed for the MVMA, LLC; PAC and Foundation.