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MVMA General Membership Meeting Minutes

Saturday, January 28, 2023 Holiday Inn Executive Center – Columbia, Mo.

State of the Profession Forum

MVMA Welcome – Dr. Ed Migneco

MVMPAC Report – Dr. Mel Falk

MDA Update – Dr. Steve Strubberg

AVMA Delegate Report – Dr. Chuck Barry

AVMA Immediate Past-President Address – Dr. Jose Arce

MVMB Report – Dr. Michael Pfander

General Membership Meeting was called to order by President Dr. Ed Migneco at 7:00 am.

I. Minutes of Last Meeting

Dr. Shelia Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer, presented minutes from the January 29, 2022 MVMA General Membership Meeting held in Columbia, Mo..

It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes as prepared and presented. Motion carried.

II. Financial Reports

Dr. Shelia Taylor, Secretary-Treasurer, presented the 2022 financial statement. As of December 31, 2022, the MVMA reported $415,099.24 in bank accounts and Certificates of Deposit, plus $187,265.87 in receivables, fixed and other assets for total assets of $602,365.11.

It was moved and seconded to approve the financial statement as prepared and presented. Motion carried.

III. Executive Board Chairman, Dr. Marcy Hammerle presented the Executive Board Report from the Thursday, January 26, 2023 board meeting. (see board minutes)

It was moved and seconded to approve the actions of the Executive Board since the last Membership meeting. Motion carried.

IV. Old Business

There was no old business to bring before the membership.

V. New Business

MVMA Legislative Chair, Dr. Cliff Miller presented on the current legislative session and Veterinary Day at the Capitol.

VI. Announcement of the Election of 2023 MVMA Officers and New Board Members

Dr. Marcy Hammerle presented the results of the 2023 Officer Election. They were as follows:

For Officers:

President, Dr. Matt Silvius

President-Elect, Dr. Kacie Ulhorn

Vice President, Dr. David Wilson

Secretary/Treasurer, Dr. Shelia Taylor

Chairman of the Board, Dr. Ed Migneco

We wish to graciously thank Dr. Tom Rose, and Dr. Erica Nowlin for participating in our democratic process. We are very grateful and look forward to their continued involvement in the future.

For Board Members: Dr. Christi Belew, Dr. Justin Berger, Dr. Julie King

For At-Large Delegates: Dr. Lynn Martin, Dr. Jason Nickell , Dr. Sarah Reinkemeyer

AVMA Immediate Past-President, Dr. Jose Arce, installed the new officers and board members.

Receiving Retiring Board Member Plaques and/or Certificates were the following:

Dr. Tom Rose – At-Large Delegate

Dr. Sarah Meineke – Early Career Task Force Co-Chair

In accordance with the MVMA Constitution & Bylaws, Immediate Past-President Dr. Ed Migneco became the MVMA Executive Board Chairman. Dr. Matt Silvius presented him, with a Retiring President plaque for his, service to the MVMA.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by Dr. Shelia Taylor Secretary/Treasurer

A Message to Our MSFQAP Veterinarians

Dear MSFQAP Certified Veterinarians,

Thank you for your participation in the Missouri Stocker/Feeder Quality Assurance Program. We wish to make you aware a couple changes to the MSFQA Program which were agreed upon by the committee at their January 26, 2023 meeting.

1. Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification required for MSFQAP veterinarians.


Effective: February 1, 2024

We are asking all MSFQAP veterinarians to obtain current BQA certification by February 1, 2024. BQA certification is valid for 3 years and is increasingly being sought by cattle buyers. The committee believes adding the BQA requirement to the MSFQA Program will increase demand for MSFQAP calves, and keep the program at the forefront of the cattle industry. The MVMA office will need your BQA number on file to order tags after February 1, 2024.

If you have completed BQA training in the past 3 years:

Please contact the MVMA office and provide them with your certification number. If you do not have your certification number it may be obtained by contacting Sydney at the Missouri Beef Industry Council at sydney@mobeef.com.

If you need to complete BQA training:

Training can be completed online at: https:// www.bqa.org/. The “Cow/Calf” version of BQA is most relevant the MSFQAP program, but any version will be accepted. Alternatively, BQA training will be offered in person on Thursday January 25 during the 2024 MVMA Convention.

Once you complete BQA training don’t forget to provide your certification number to the MVMA office.

Ultimately the committee intends to require BQA certification of producers participating in the MSFQAP program at some point in (continued on page 12.

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