mo wang 2013-2014
clark of the work ofďŹ ce warehouse dwelling complex
clerk of the work office
this office complex is located on the other side of the test cell opposite to the cube. the building contains three separate volumes: the main office where meetings happen, storage room and an open space in the middle which connects the other two volumes on each side horizontally by aligning the doors. this horizontal pathway also allows cross ventilation to happen throughout the entire building. curved pathway and trees planted along both sides extend the existing curved wall to the office complex, creating a transition between the cube and the office, as well as providing a green canopy for people walking by.
all three units are white painted concrete, and they are in contrast to the grey conrete color of the test cell and the cube. the wood slats sunscreen blocks out excess sunshine in the summer, keeping the open space from being overheated.
wall section
sliding door detail
the warehouse is in front on the test cell, sharing a wall with the test cell. the all steel structure and glass surfaces brings a lightweight strcutre which contrasts the test cell’s heavy and monolithic concrete language. the back walls and test cell’s front wall create a rectangular courtyard in between, allowing people to enjoy an open space of sun and greenery.
south elevation
north elevation
east elevation
west elevation
wall section
facade exploded
dwelling complex
0 2 6 14 N
nt ro
nt ro
kit ch en fac ult y ro om
stu nt ro om
student room
student room
faculty room
faculty room
second floor
student room
north view
south view
east view
west view
the complex is located behind the curved pathway, aligned with the test cell vertically. bedrom of each dwelling faces true south as the cube in order to bring in maximum of sunlight in the winter. both exterior and interior spaces are created by pushing and pulling the basic ďŹ ve cubes. views of the landscape are framed by the narrow space between adjacent volumes. same as the ofďŹ ce complex, this building is built in white painted concrete, creating a monolithic and clean image of the building on site. adjustable wood window slat panel controls how much light comes into the house, blocking excess solar radiation in the summer.
student room interior
faculty room second floor interior
faculty room first floor corner detal