23 minute read


Europska Regija



Međimurci predvode u razvoju održivog turizma. Usvojili su principe modernog turizma, a nisu iznevjerili svoje tradicijske vrijednosti ni preopteretili okoliš iznimne bioraznolikosti. Kad obiđete Međimurje, shvatite da se ondje ništa ne radi slučajno. Turistička je priča osmišljena u detalje.

The region of Međimurje and its people are leaders in the development of sustainable tourism. They’ve adopted the principles of modern tourism without betraying their traditional values or overloading their environment of exceptional biodiversity. When you’re in Međimurje, you realise that nothing is done by accident there. Quite the contrary, their story of tourism has been planned carefully and in detail.

UNESCO-ov rezervat biosfere Mura − Drava − Dunav

UNESCO’s Mura-Drava-Danube Transboundary Biosphere Reserve

Međimurje je zelena kolijevka hrvatskog turizma. Prve asocijacije na Međimurje jesu zeleno, uređeno, aktivno i bogato tradicijom. Baš je sve na svojem mjestu, a opet uzbuđujuće raznoliko. Priroda je Međimurcima dala sjajan krajolik, a oni su ga mudro iskoristili i po cijeloj regiji uredili kulturne atrakcije pod kišobranom Eko muzeja Međimurje sa 15 izvornih baštinskih lokaliteta. Ne znate li odakle krenuti, dobro je otići u Centar za posjetitelje Eko muzeja u Čakovcu te pogledati multimedijalni postav koji na interaktivan i zabavan način predstavlja lokalitete međimurske kulturne, gastronomske i turističke baštine. S biodinamičkom poljoprivredom upoznat će vas u Centru dr. Rudolfa Steinera u Donjem Kraljevcu. Na starom drvenom mlinu na rijeci Muri u Žabniku, kroz 3D mlinarove oči, možete doživjeti svakodnevnicu posljednjeg murskog mlinara Franca Žalara. Možete se i okušati u zlatarenju, odnosno traženju zlata na obalama Drave. Osobno je carica Marija Terezija potpisala dokument kojim se tragačima za zlatom odobrava korištenje ovog dijela obale. Dravsko i mursko zlato smatraju se najčišćim prirodnim zlatom na svijetu. Svatko je dobrodošao okušati se u zlatarenju, a vidovski zlatari će ga poučiti.

Zbog tih je i sličnih autentičnih sadržaja Međimurje specifično. Primjerice, ovdje možete pronaći željezničarsku zbirki Štrekari, posvećenu pružnim radnicima, još uvijek otvorenu kovačnicu ili bivši ugljenokop kao muzej, kao i prvo naftno polje na svijetu, starije i od onog u američkoj Pennsylvaniji. Obitelji Šardi iz Selnice svoju je strast prema starim automobilima pretočila u Muzej oldtimera s najvećom zbirkom oldtimera u Hrvatskoj. U nedalekoj Štrigovi nalazi se impresivna crkva svetog Jeronima, koji je prema povijesnim zapisima rođen upravo u tom mjestu. Kad obiđete Međimurje, shvatite da se ondje ništa ne radi slučajno. Turistička je priča osmišljena u detalje, a sve su karike u lancu međusobno povezane. Poljoprivrednici uzgajaju domaću hranu, vinari proizvode vrhunska vina, a sve se to objedinjuje u restoranima s raznolikom i specifičnom lokalnom gastronomijom. Restorani Mala hiža u Mačkovcu s Michelinovom preporukom i kurija Terbotz u Železnoj gori samo su neki od vrhunskih restorana koje Međimurje nudi. U njima treba svakako kušati pretepenu juhu, meso ‘z tiblice, gusku s heljdinom kašom, a za desert neizbježnu međimursku gibanicu ili sladoled od buče.

Jedna od najznačajnijih turističkih točki Međimurja svakako su i Terme Sveti Martin. Ovaj resort svoju ponudu gradi na termalnoj vodi iznimne kvalitete, no on je i inovativni začetnik healthnessa − kombinacije wellnessa, aktivnog odmora i preventivnih neinvanzivnih medicinskih tretmana, te vital gourmeta − zdrave prehrane odličnog okusa i bogate antioksidansima.

I ljubitelji biciklizma u Međimurju će doći na svoje. Mreža Cyclist Welcome ima više od 700 kilometara biciklističkih staza i više od 50 smještajnih i ugostiteljskih objekata s posebnom ponudom za tzv. cikloturiste. Uz dvadesetak tematskih bi- ciklističkih staza tu su i paneuropske rute: Iron Courtain Trail (EV 13) te Amazon of Europe bike trail, biciklističke staze koja uz rijeke Muru i Dravu povezuje čak pet zemalja regije. Jedna od nezaobilaznih turističkih atrakcija jest vidikovac Mađerkin breg u štrigovskom kraju, s čarobnim pogledom na međimursku vinsku cestu. Vidikovac je na 341 metru nadmorske visine, a s njega se za vedra vremena vide Slovenija, Mađarska, Austrija, a domaćini tvrde i Slovačka. Kad dođu na Mađerkin breg, turisti su uvijek opijeni ljepotom pitoresknog krajolika koji nazivaju hrvatskom Toskanom.

Sve međimurske turističke atrakcije međusobno povezuje hop on − hop off autobus, što znači da vam automobil, kad ga jednom parkirate, do odlaska više neće trebati. Osim što povezuje sve lokalitete Eko muzeja, postaje su mu i mnogobrojne vinske kleti, kao i poznati restorani. Spomenimo i atraktivnu međimursku vinsku cestu, na kojoj se na samo desetak kvadratnih kilometara uzgaja preko 20 vinskih sorti i koja je u 2022. godini, s osvojenih 25 Decanterovih medalja u odnosu na broj hektara pod vinogradima, najnagrađivanija vinska cesta na svijetu. Zato je Festival vina Urbanovo, koji se svake godine održava sredinom svibnja, obvezan u rasporedu ljubitelja finih vina, a osobito onih koji vole pušipel, autentično vino ove vinske regije. Međimurje je najmanja, ali i najnagrađivanija turistička regija kontinentalne Hrvatske. Zbroje li se na kraju svi međimurski aduti, jasno je zašto se Međimurje može pohvaliti svim turističkim nagradama spomenutim na početku ove priče, ali i zašto je ugledni Financial Times u ožujku 2022. na svečanosti u Cannesu Međimurje proglasio europskom regijom budućnosti. 

Međimurje is the cradle of Croatia’s green tourism. When you think of Međimurje, the first things that spring to mind are green, well-ordered, active, and rich in tradition. Everything is in its place, yet excitingly diverse. The people of Međimurje had been gifted a magnificent landscape by nature, and they’ve used it wisely. More specifically, they’ve networked 15 cultural attractions or heritage sites scattered throughout the region under the umbrella of the Međimurje Ecomuseum. If you don’t know where to start, pop by the museum’s Visitor Centre in Čakovec first, and check out its interactive and entertaining multimedia presentation of Međimurje’s heritage sites of cultural and culinary significance for visitors. For instance, you’ll be introduced to biodynamic agriculture at the Rudolf Steiner Centre in the village of Donji Kraljevec. In the old wooden mill on the Mura River in Žabnik, you’ll experience, with the help of 3D technology, what everyday life was like for Franc Žalar, the last of Mura’s millers. You can also try your hand at prospecting or panning for gold on the banks of the Drava River. Maria Theresa of Austria signed a document permitting the use of parts of the riverbank for the purpose of gold panning. Gold from the Drava and Mura rivers is considered the purest natural gold in the world, and all are welcome to try their hand at prospecting for it. The goldsmiths of the village of Donji Vidovec will be happy to show you how.

Sve međimurske atrakcije međusobno povezuje mreža od čak 700 km biciklističkih staza uređenih kroz jedinstven krajolik Europske Amazone, a hop on − hop off busom možete u samo jednom danu obići najzanimljivije turističke lokalitete.

To experience all of Međimurje’s attractions, there’s a 700-kilometre long cycle network at your disposal interconnecting the stunning riverine landscapes of what has become known as the Amazon of Europe. Alternatively, use the hop on-hop off bus service to see the region’s most interesting sights in just a day.

It is these and similar experiences and heritage sites that make the region of Međimurje so distinct. What’s more, here you’ll also find the Štrekari historical collection dedicated to railway workers, a traditional blacksmith’s workshop that still works, a former coal mine turned into a museum, and the world’s first oil field which is older than the one in the state of Pennsylvania in the US. The Šardi family from the village of Selnica turned their passion for old cars into the Oldtimer Museum that boasts the biggest collection of vintage and classic cars in Croatia. The nearby village of Štrigova is towered over by the impressive Church of St. Jerome, who, according to historical records, was born there.

01 Vinski podrum Štampar u Svetom Urbanu

The Štampar wine cellar in the village of Sveti Urban

02 Međimurska gibanica

A slice of a puff pastry cake called međimurska gibanica

03 Centar za posjetitelje

Med dvemi vodami u Križovcu

The Med Dvemi Vodami Visitor Centre in Križovec

Na međimurskoj vinskoj ceste očekuje vas dvadesetak vinarija okrunjenih Decanterima za vrhunsku kvalitetu lokalnih vina, odlični restorani, jedinstveni vidikovac s pogledom na čak četiri države i prvi healthness termalni resort u Europi.

Međimurje’s wine road boasts twenty or so wineries whose fabulous wines are crowned with Decanter World Wine Awards, excellent restaurants, a unique lookout tower offering views that stretch to as many as four countries, and the first healthness thermal health and wellness resort in Europe.

When you’re in Međimurje, you realise that nothing is done by accident there. Quite the contrary, the region’s story of tourism has been planned carefully and in detail, with all the links in the chain working together brilliantly. The foods are home-grown by Međimurje’s farmers, the region’s top-quality wines are produced by local winemakers, and the two are then paired in Međimurje’s restaurants that serve different local dishes and culinary treats. The Michelin-recommended restaurants Mala Hiža in the village of Mačkovec, and Terbotz in the manor house of the same name in the village of Železna Gora are two of the top restaurants worth singling out. Be sure to try their traditional cream soup called pretepena juha (typically made with high-quality cured pork products, chopped sausages, eggs, flour, stock, chopped gourd, sour cream, onions, garlic, and spices), the finest cuts of pork cured in a traditional wooden firkin called tiblica (meso ‘z tiblice) or roast goose with buckwheat porridge. For dessert, have a slice of a puff pastry cake layered with nuts, cottage cheese, poppy seeds, and apples called međimurska gibanica or a scoop or two of pumpkin ice cream. The Sveti Martin Thermal Bath Spa is one of Međimurje’s top tourist attractions. Con- structed on thermal hot springs of exceptional quality, this health and wellness resort is built around the innovative idea of healthness that integrates the benefits provided by wellness and active rest programmes, and preventive non-invasive medical treatments, and the idea of vital gourmet, healthy foods that are rich in antioxidants and taste delicious.

If you love cycling, you’ll surely come into your own in Međimurje. The region’s Cyclist Welcome network boasts more than 700 kilometres of bike paths, and more than 50 accommodation and hospitality establishments that have special offers for cycling holidaymakers. Besides boasting twenty theme bike trails, the Cyclist Welcome network is also part of two pan-European cycling routes. Namely, the Iron Curtain Trail, also known as EuroVelo 13 (EV 13), and the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail that interconnects as many as five countries in the region along the Mura and Drava rivers. The lookout tower on Mađerka Hill in the vicinity of the village of Štrigova overlooking Međimurje’s stunning wine road is another must-see attraction. At 341 metres above sea level, the lookout point offers views that stretch, on a clear day, all the way to Slove-

Kad čujete riječ Hrvatska, prva asocijacija sigurno vam je Jadransko more. No Hrvatska osim mora ima prava skrivena turistička blaga, i to u kontinentalnom dijelu. Jeste li bili u Međimurju? Jeste li znali da je Međimurje 2022. godine proglašeno najuspješnijom održivom turističkom destinacijom Hrvatske? Jedina je to europska regija s čak tri nagrade European Destination of Excellence (EDEN): 2007. godine za održivi turizam u ruralnom području, 2016. godine za turizam i lokalnu gastronomiju, a 2019. godine za wellness i zdravstveni turizam.

Prosječan rast turističkih dolazaka u posljednjih desetak godina iznosi 11 posto, no Međimurci su jako pažljivi u održavanju turističkog rasta i načinu promicanja svoje regije. Usvojili su izazove modernog turizma, a da nisu iznevjerili tradiciju i preopteretili okoliš. Zato je Međimurje početkom 2023. godine dobilo status ekskluzivne destinacije, prve u Hrvatskoj i četvrte u svijetu s globalnim certifikatom za održivi turizam

− Green Destinations. Čak 23 posto Međimurja dio je UNESCO-ova rezervata biosfere Mura−Drava−Dunav, koji se ponosi iznimnom bioraznolikošću.

The first thing that you most probably associate Croatia with is the Adriatic Sea. But besides the coast, Croatia boasts a number of real hidden gems on its mainland, too. If you’ve never been to Međimurje, you may want to know that, in 2022, Međimurje was declared the most successful sustainable travel destination in Croatia. It’s also the only region in Europe with as many as three European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) awards. More specifically, in 2007 it received the Sustainable Tourism in Rural Areas Award, in 2016 the Tourism and Local Gastronomy Award, and in 2019 the Wellness and Health Tourism Award.

In the last ten years, tourist arrivals have been growing, on average, by 11 percent. However, the people of Međimurje are very mindful of the way in which they go about maintaining the growth of their tourism industry, and of the way in which they promote their region. They’ve risen to the challenges of modern tourism without betraying their traditions, and without overloading their environment. This explains why, at the beginning of 2023, the region of Međimurje was awarded the exclusive and prestigious Green Destinations Award for sustainable destination management, the first in Croatia, and the fourth in the world. Also, let’s not forget that as much as 23 percent of Međimurje is part of UNESCO’s Mura-Drava-Danube Transboundary Biosphere Reserve, which prides itself on exceptional biodiversity.

01 Terme Sveti Martin

nia, Hungary, and Austria. In fact, the locals claim that you can see as far as Slovakia. Intoxicated by the beauty of the picturesque landscape surrounding Mađerka Hill, you’ll understand why Međimurje is often referred to as Croatia’s Tuscany.

A hop on-hop off or HOHO bus service interconnects all of Međimurje’s tourist attractions. This means that, once you park your car, you won’t need it during your entire stay. The HOHO bus service stops at all the heritage sites of the Međimurje Ecomuseum, including a number of wine cellars, and famous restaurants. Be sure to check out Međimurje’s spectacular wine road. With over 20 grape varieties grown across an area of as little as ten square kilometres, it is the most densely awarded wine road in the world given that, in 2022, its vineyards won as many as 25 Decanter World Wine Awards. This is why the Urbanovo Wine Festival, which takes place in mid-May every year, should find its way to the itinerary of fine wine hedonists, particularly those fond of Pušipel , wine made from a white grape variety of the same name native to Međimurje. Međimurje is the smallest yet most awarded tourist region of continental Croatia. When all of Međimurje’s trump cards are put together, it becomes clear not only why the region of Međimurje boasts all the tourism awards it does, but also why the world-famous Financial Times awarded Međimurje the European Region of the Future award in March 2022 at a ceremony in Cannes, France.

Kajakom Od Raba Do Cresa Kayaking From Rab To Cres

i njihove usamljene uvale…

Although the Adriatic Sea is best known for its beautiful beaches, lounging on them, and its crystal clear waters, there are also adventures to be had there. Why don’t you hop in a kayak to explore the hidden gems of Croatia’s islands and their secluded coves...

Mnogo je načina za istraživanje ljepota Jadrana. Većina turista, međutim, ograničena je na organizirane izlete u najpoznatije i najposjećenije lokacije čije su staze debelo utabane, no često biseri ostaju neotkriveni. Razlog tomu jest što su nedostupni za sve osim za one sa svojim plovilima. Jedrenje je dobar način da se u osami istraže ta često nedirnuta mjesta, no postoji još jedan način, a to je − morski kajak. Morski kajak tek je nedavna pridošlica na Jadranu po kojem odavno elegantno plove jedrilice, jure windsurferi i ostali zaljubljenici u sportove na vodi. Morskim kajakom kreće se u intimno istraživanje uvalica teško dostupnih s kopna, ali i pećina, klifova. Istinski je užitak izaći s kajaka na odmor i istraživanje na inače nedostupnu obalu. Rab, Dugi otok, Kornati samo su dio ogromnih mogućnosti, a iskusni svjetski kajakaši govore da je ovo jedno od najljepših iskustava na Mediteranu. Sezona morskog kajaka u Hrvatskoj počinje u travnju, a završava u jesen i praktički produljuje turističku sezonu. Dok većina agencija iznajmljuje kajake ili pruža jednodnevne ture, iz Raba se kreće u prave ekspedicije koje traju i do 16 dana. Jedna od tih tura jest veslanje od Raba do Cresa.

Desetak kajakaša u svojim žutim elegantnim čamcima lagano grabi veslima, klizeći morem uz krševitu obalu Raba, iznad koje se nadvila gusta šuma hrasta crnike. Neumorna simfonija cikada odjekuje i s udaljenosti od stotinjak metara, dok pluća puni opojni miris eteričnog mediteranskog bilja. Svako malo nailazi se na duboku uvalu s malim plažama od velikog bijelog šljunka s pokojim kupačem.

Grupa konačno zamače u prostrane uvale Lopara, jednu od mnogih na sjevernoj šaci Raba. Meki pijesak i plitka voda te predivno okruženje pješčenjačkih stijena, halofitnih biljaka, livada i šumaraka privukli su mnoge unatoč nedostatku ikakve turističke infrastrukture. Upravo to traže kajakaši − čisto more i očuvanu prirodu, da jedu na plaži, da spavaju na otvorenome… Na Loparu ostavljamo samo stope. Bez korištenja ulja, benzina i ostalih kemikalija, morski kajak okolišu je zasigurno najpogodniji od svih prometala na moru.

Sljedeći dan veslači grabe prema Svetom Grguru. Malo je poznato da je ovaj velik i krševit otoku bio zatvor, baš kao i mnogo poznatiji susjedni Goli otok. Bunkeri zamaskirani u stijene na obali svakih su nekoliko stotina metara podsjetnik na paranoične socijalističke dane. Sada ovdje u uvali umjesto zatvora stoji restoran za turiste koji dolaze brodovima. Još je suroviji i zastrašujući Prvić. Morski kajakaši bez riječi prolaze uz njegove visoke, škrte padine zapljuskivane valovima, koji bacaju na oštre stijene koje je more milenijima nagrizalo. Nijedno drugo plovilo ne bi moglo prići tako blizu a sigurno. Povremeno se otvara pokoja mala oaza, uvalica s plažicom od grubog šljunka. Bez znaka civilizacije, a usred

A leg of the route along the wooded coastline of the Island of Krk

The Island of Plavnik

A tiny beach along the rugged coastline of the Island of Cres turističke sezone, to je prednost kajaka! Stranci se odmah bacaju u prozirnu modrinu, koristeći svaki tren da uživaju u toplom i čistom moru. Grupa nastavlja kroz otvoreno more prema otoku Krku, zatim od Stare Baške do grada Krka. To je već blaži, šumovitiji krajolik, poznatiji mnogim turistima. Šljunčana plaža Oprna jedan je od bisera Krka, a obala potom vodi uz nudistički kamp Konobe te Punat, poznato turističko mjesto u dubokoj uvali s velikom marinom. Pored gradića jest i otočić Košljun, poznat po franjevačkom samostanu u kojem su redovnici stoljećima skupljali i sačuvali mnoge vrijedne predmete. Konačno dolazi grad Krk; već se izdaleka vide pozamašne zidine Frankopanskog kaštela. Dok vodiči obnavljaju namirnice, gosti imaju priliku obići stari grad i njegove uske, žive uličice.

Nakon više dana puta, veslači već opaljenih lica i od soli skorenih majica stižu uz visoke litice Plavnika, povećeg otoka između Krka i Cresa. Gotovo okomita, ali razlomljena stijena završava čuperkom šume. Prvo su preletjeli golubi pa uz kričanje vjetruše i sivi sokolovi, a zatim su se pojavili i bjeloglavi supovi. U nedostupnim liticama našli su ovi veliki strvinari savršeno mjesto za gniježđenje. Raj je to za prirodoslovce jer Plavnik je s Cresom dio areala ovih rijetkih ptica, ugroženih nedostatkom prirodne hrane te trovanjem. Veslači se nakon promatranja ptica odmaraju u uvalici s vezom za manje brodice. Sam Plavnik danas je nenastanjen, iako nekoliko starijih, danas vikend kuća svjedoči o prošlom životu u osami.

Veslajući prema Cresu, morskim kajacima pridružuje se nekoliko dupina koji svako malo izlaze na površinu i elegantno presijecaju vodu svojim leđnim perajama. Ove su vode dom značajnoj populaciji ovih dražesnih morskih sisavaca, a nema bližeg dodira s njima nego na morskom kajaku. Cres dočekuje veslače još višim liticama. Svako malo pojavljuje se uvalica s prirodnom plažom od predivno glatkog šljunka. Izolirane su uglavnom od ostatka otoka strmim, pošumljenim padinama ili siparima te se do njih može doći samo morskim putem. To je izvrsna prilika za osvježenje u žarkom ljetnom danu.

Zvijezde treptaju dok u ugodnoj večernjoj svježini veslači uživaju u restoranu malo iznad mjesta Belog, zadnje postaje morske avanture. To popodne pristali su u kamp na plaži i sada su na oproštajnoj večeri. Ekspedicija je gotova, vodiči će već sutra na drugu turu da Australci, Amerikanci i ostali svjetski putnici upoznaju ljepote Jadrana i Hrvatske. 

There are many different ways to explore the charms of the Adriatic. Most tourists, however, are limited to escorted or group tours that take them to see the most famous and most visited sights along well-trodden paths, which is how they rarely get to see the gems that are hidden. The reason for this is that these are often accessible only by boat. Sailing is a brilliant way to explore these often secluded, pristine spots. But, there is another way as well. And it is − by sea kayak. Sea kayaking is something of a novelty on the Adriatic, where sailboating, windsurfing, and other water sports enthusiasts have been sailing elegantly for a long time. By sea kayak, you’ll embark on a private exploration of coves, caves, and cliffs which are difficult to access on foot. It is a real pleasure to get out of a kayak and explore the otherwise inaccessible coast. The Island of Rab, Dugi Otok or the Long Island, and the Kornati Archipelago are only some of the islands you can explore in Croatia. Experienced world kayakers agree that this is indeed one of the most beautiful experiences you can have on the Mediterranean. The sea kayaking season in Croatia starts in April and ends in autumn, which practically extends the tourist season. While most agencies rent kayaks or offer one-day kayaking tours, from Rab you can go on real expeditions that last up to 16 days. One such tour is kayaking from the Island of Rab to the Island of Cres. Paddling slowly, about a dozen kayakers are gliding in their elegant yellow kayaks across

01 Veslanje uz Goli otok Paddling along the Bare Island

02 Mirna plaža i uvala otoka

Sv. Grgur

A secluded beach and cove on the Island of Saint Gregory

03 Podno litica Plavnika

The cliffs of the Island of Plavnik the sea along the rugged coastline of the Island of Rab, above which a dense holm oak forest towers. There’s a steadfast, spirited symphony played by cicadas filling the kayakers' ears and echoing over distances of as much as a hundred metres, while their lungs are being filled by the intoxicating fragrance of medicinal Mediterranean herbs. Every now and then, the paddlers come across a deep cove with a small beach covered in large white pebbles and a bather or two enjoying themselves.

Morski kajak nastao je od kratkog sportskog kajaka koji pak vuče porijeklo od indijanskih laganih plovila prekrivenih kožom. Za razliku od kajaka na divljim vodama, morski je kajak žrtvovao pokretljivost za brzinu, pravocrtno kretanje, prostor za teret i komfor dugotrajne vožnje. On je stoga savršen za dugotrajne ekspedicije koje već stotinjak godina pustolovi pokreću preko svjetskih mora i oceana. Na tisuće ljudi danas rekreacijski obilazi neka od najljepših obala na svijetu, u turama od nekoliko sati do nekoliko tjedana. U svijetu su poznate destinacije Škotska, Aljaska, Kanada, a Hrvatska postaje sve traženije odredište.

The sea kayak comes from the short sports kayak, whose origin is traced to Native American light vessels covered with stitched animal skins. The design of sea kayaks sacrificed the mobility of white-water kayaks for speed, linear motion, cargo capacity, and long-haul comfort. This is why sea kayaks are perfect for long-distance expeditions that adventurers have gone on across the world’s seas and oceans for about a hundred years. Today, thousands of people kayak recreationally along some of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. Such tours can last a few hours or several weeks. Scotland, Alaska, and Canada are some of the world’s best known kayaking destinations, with Croatia's popularity increasing enormously in recent years.

The kayakers finally arrive at the spacious coves of Lopar, one of the many on the north of Rab. Its soft sand, shallow waters, beautiful environment of sandstone rocks, halophyte plants, meadows, and forest have attracted many holidaymakers despite the fact that it lacks tourist infrastructure. This is exactly what kayakers are looking for − crystal clear waters and pristine nature, the chance to eat and sleep outdoors... Only footprints are left in Lopar. The sea kayak uses no oil, petrol or any other chemical, which makes it the most environmentally friendly surface vessel.

The following day, the kayakers paddle towards the Island of Saint Gregory (Sv. Grgur). It is a little-known fact that this big and rugged island was once a prison like the neighbouring and much more famous Bare Island (Goli Otok) used to be. Bunkers are camouflaged amidst its rocks and spread across the coastline at every few hundred metres − a reminder of the paranoia of the bygone era of Socialism. Instead of a prison, there’s a restaurant here now. It caters to all those who arrive by boat. The Island of Prvić is even more rugged and more terrifying. The sea kayakers pass, in silence, along its high, bare slopes which have been washed and eroded by the waves crashing against them for millennia. No other vessel could come that close to these rocks, and stay out of harm’s way. Every now and then, they come across a tiny oasis − a cove and a shingle beach. No sign of civilisation whatsoever although it’s the peak of the holiday season − what a massive advantage for kayakers. Making sure they use every second to enjoy the warm and clear sea, our foreign guests instantly plunge in. The group then paddles across the open sea heading for the Island of Krk; first the village of Stara Baška, and then the town of Krk. The landscape here is gentler and wooded; the kind that many holidaymakers are already familiar with. The Oprna pebble beach is one of the island’s many gems. The next stop is the Konobe Naturist Campsite and the village of Punat, a famous tourist spot in a deep bay with a large marina. There’s an islet in the middle of the bay facing the village. It’s called Košljun, and is home to a Franciscan monastery where friars have been collecting and preserving many valuable artefacts for centuries. And then, at long last, there comes the town of Krk. They’ll be able to spot it from afar thanks to the imposing walls of the Frankopan Castle. While the guides are replenishing supplies, the paddlers have time to tour the Old Town of Krk and its narrow, lively streets and alleys.

After several days of kayaking, the paddlers − their faces already tanned, and their T-shirts crusted with salt − arrive at the high cliffs of Plavnik, a big island sandwiched between the islands of Krk and Cres. It’s a nearly vertical, fractured mass of rock that ends with a patch of forest. First, pigeons fly over. Then kestrels and peregrine falcons appear, shrieking, before the magnificent Eurasian griffon vulture emerges. These massive vultures have found a perfect place for nesting on these inaccessible cliffs. This is a paradise for naturalists given that the islands of Plavnik and Cres are an important habitat for these rare birds, species which are endangered because of a lack of natural food sources and poisoning. It’s time to take a break after enjoying the sight of these birds, so the kayakers moor to smaller boats in a tiny cove. Plavnik is today an uninhabited island although there are a few old houses on it. Today used as holiday homes, they’re a testimony to what living life in seclusion looked like.

On their way to the Island of Cres, the kayakers are joined by a few dolphins. They first swim close to the surface before their dorsal fins start cutting through the water elegantly. These waters are home to a large population

Rab, Dugi otok, Kornati samo su dio ogromnih mogućnosti, a iskusni svjetski kajakaši govore da je ovo jedno od najljepših iskustava na Mediteranu.

NIN has been a European destination of excellence since 2010 and The most romantic destination in Europe since 2015.

The Island of Rab, Dugi Otok or the Long Island, and the Kornati Archipelago are only some of the islands you can explore in Croatia. Experienced world kayakers agree that this is indeed one of the most beautiful experiences you can have on the Mediterranean.

Festival of of these adorable marine mammals. The closest contact anyone will have with them is while sea kayaking. The Island of Cres welcomes the kayakers with its even higher cliffs. Every now and then, a cove with a wild beach covered in wonderfully smooth pebbles appears. Such coves are largely completely isolated from the rest of the island by steep, wooded slopes or loose scree, and can only be reached by sea. What a spot to go for a swim on a scorching hot day!

Magic that occurs and disappears 22nd August 2023.

In the evening, with the stars twinkling in the sky, the kayakers are enjoying a nice meal in a restaurant above the village of Beli, the last stop on this sea adventure. That afternoon they set up camp on the beach and are now having a farewell dinner party. The expedition is over. The next tour starts the next day, taking Australians, Americans, and other travellers from around the world to explore the charms and hidden gems of the Adriatic Sea and Croatia. 

We invite you to download the QR code and check out the new tourist brochure or research the information on the website www.nin.hr

1244 Otoka Spremljena U Boci

1244 Islands stored in a bottle

Marcel Proust je dobro znao da je jedan jedini okus dovoljan za čitav život uspomena. Sjećanje potaknuto okusom (ili mirisom) danas je znanstveno dokazana činjenica: jedan jedini gutljaj odvrtjet će dane i sate koje smo proveli na nekom mjestu, u nekom društvu, uz smijeh, uz druženje, uz radost života. Najbolji chefovi svijeta dobro znaju kakva se moć krije u okusu − posvećeni su upravo potrazi za sastojkom koji će izazvati emociju. Pokrenuti nešto. Inspirirati.

S tom smo idejom stvorili premium craft gin 1244 Islands. Broj označava broj otoka, otočića, stijeni i hridi hrvatskog arhipelaga. 1244 je više od broja: on označava našu želju da se u ovom ginu osjeti i ljepota i divljina hrvatske obale i njenih otoka. Jednostavnije rečeno, htjeli smo stvoriti piće koje će nas vraćati na hrvatske obale čim ga pomirišemo. I okusimo.

Tako je nastao gin 1244 Islands: iz želje da se u jednom piću spoje bogata baština i najbolje od prirodnih sastojaka kojima hrvatska obala obiluje. Većina je tih sastojaka birana i brana ručno pa se tako gin 1244 Islands diči ružmarinom i limunom s otoka Visa, lavandom s otoka Hvara, listovima maslina s otoka Brača, narančama iz delte Neretve, borovicama s Malog Lošinja. Tu su i drugi sastojci koji se rjeđe nalaze u destilatima, ali su našli svoje mjesto u 1244 Islands ginu: smilje s otoka Paga, anđelika s otoka Visa i diljem svijeta poznata sol s Pelješca.

Rezultat? Umjetničko djelo koje slavi Hrvatsku u čaši. I svi se sastojci savršeno povezuju i nadopunjavaju, za što je odgovoran majstor destiler Lavoslav Lutilsky iza kojeg su godine i godine iskustva upravo u stvaranju likera i destilata koji stvaraju i bude uspomene. Pridružite nam se u pustolovini ovoga ljeta i otisnite se s nama na putovanje hrvatskim otocima i otočićima, sačuvanima u boci. 

Marcel Proust knew well that one single taste is enough for a lifetime of memories. That memories can be triggered by taste (or smell) is today a scientifically proven fact. One sip alone will take you back to the days and hours you spent in a certain place, in someone’s company, laughing and enjoying life.

The best chefs in the world know very well what power taste has − they’re dedicated to finding ingredients that evoke specific emotions. Set something in motion. Inspire.

01 U ginu 1244 Islands osjeća se ljepota i divljina hrvatske obale i otoka

1244 Islands Gin contains the beauty and wilderness of Croatia’s coastline and islands

02-03 Sastojci su gina ružmarin, limun i anđelika s Visa, lavanda s Hvara, listovi maslina s Brača, naranča iz delte Neretve, borovice s Malog Lošinja, smilje s Paga i sol s Pelješca

1244 Islands Gin’s ingredients are rosemary, lemon, and angelica from Vis, lavender from Hvar, olive leaves from Brač, oranges from the delta of the Neretva River, juniper berries from Mali Lošinj, immortelle from Pag, and salt from Pelješac

It was with this idea in mind that we created our premium craft 1244 Islands Gin. The number 1244 is the actual number of islands, islets, rocks and cliffs that comprise Croatia’s archipelago. Yet, 1244 is more than just a number. It expresses our desire to have our gin contain both the beauty and wilderness of Croatia’s coastline and islands. Simply put, we wanted to create a drink that would take you back to Croatia’s shores as soon as you smelled it. And tasted it. This is how 1244 Islands Gin was born − out of the desire to bring together in one drink Croatia’s rich heritage and the best of nature’s ingredients that Croatia’s shores abound with. Most of the ingredients are carefully selected and hand-picked, which is why 1244 Islands Gin boasts rosemary and lemon from the Island of Vis, lavender from the Island of Hvar, olive leaves from the Island of Brač, oranges from the delta of the Neretva River, and juniper berries from Mali Lošinj. Our 1244 Islands Gin also boasts ingredients that are not as frequently used in distillates, ingredients such as immortelle from the Island of Pag, angelica from the Island of Vis, and the world-famous salt from Pelješac Peninsula.

The result? A work of art that celebrates Croatia in a glass. All the ingredients blend in with one another perfectly and complement each other brilliantly thanks to master distiller Lavoslav Lutilsky, who’s got years and years of experience precisely in crafting and designing liqueurs and distillates that create and evoke memories.

Join us in this summer’s adventure and set off on a journey with us to Croatia’s islands and islets stored in a bottle.  www.zadar.hr

Pogled na grad Zadar i obližnje otoke

The view of Zadar and nearby islands

Uživajte u svjetski poznatom paškom siru Enjoy the world famous Pag cheese

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