ISPO Award Magazine 1/22

Page 14

72 hours 98 products 9 experts Sustainability, digitalization, health, and the reduction of barriers that’s how you could summarize the basic ideas behind the products that have applied for an ISPO Award this time. The expert jury met twice to select their favorites.

First a funsport session, and then motivated into the jury meeting: For the premiere of the new ISPO Awards, six experts met in January to put the selected entries through their paces and evaluate them. Brand new: For the first time, half of the expert panel consisted of consumer experts, absolute sports enthusiasts from the ISPO Collaborators Club. Funsport interlude serves team building Several premieres were pending when the six jury members met for jury meeting of the new ISPO Awards: New was not only the conception of the award including the composition of the jury, which now had to prove itself in practice for the first time, but also the sports experience the jury members had to face. Bodyflying is the name of one discipline in which the six jury members gained initial experience during the meeting in the Jochen Schweizer Arena in Taufkirchen this morning. The wind tunnel is one of the most modern in the world. Four fans ensure a consistently strong air flow at almost 160 kilometers per hour - the jury members felt as if they were in free fall. The second sporting discipline turned out to be not quite as exotic, but all the more challenging: surfing the standing wave. It was all work time: the funsport unit was used for team building, so members came through the jury session in a good mood and fresh. Expert jury of professionals and consumer experts In the new concept of the ISPO Awards, the jury is made up of two groups of experts. Once the ISPO experts, with maga-


Above: the team of the first jury meeting Left: the team of the second jury meeting

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