JUMP, Learning Through Discovery | Jan 2023

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Jump Learning through discovery

Jan • Anno 0 • Issue 1 • MMXXIII - 5783

Your exclusive tours I Vostri itinerari Esclusivi

Tours are exclusively designed for St. Louis families. Some are inspired by the school curriculum; others are designed for unique family experiences.

Gli itinerari sono studiati esclusivamente per le famiglie della St. Louis. Alcuni traggono ispirazione dal curriculum scolastico; altri sono pensati per trascorrere momenti unici in famiglia.

Explore school curriculum topics through trips designed for the whole family.

Approfondite gli argomenti del curriculum scolastico attraverso viaggi pensati per tutta la famiglia.

Young Explorers

Small explorers grow up: archaeologists or volcanologists, small Rangers or art experts and much more.

Piccoli esploratori crescono: archeologi o vulcanologi, piccoli Ranger o esperti di arte e molto altro.

Family Time

Fun experiences for the whole family.

Esperienze di puro divertimento per tutta la famiglia.

Family Beach Escapes

The best family-friendly resorts for a beach, relaxing and fun holiday.

I migliori resort family-friendly per un soggiorno di mare, relax e divertimento.

Family Storytelling

Insights and secrets of a city for every month with activities designed for your family.

Spunti e segreti di una città per ogni mese con attività pensate per la tua famiglia.

Family Wellbeing

Le migliori Spa per il relax di genitori e figli The best spas to let both parents and children relax.

Family Disney

Lasciatevi incantare dalla magia di Disneyland con esperienze in esclusiva per voi. Be enchanted by the magic of Disneyland with experiences exclusively for you.

Club Med

The best family destinations with Club Med for a carefree stay.

Le migliori destinazioni per famiglie targate Club Med per un soggiorno senza pensieri.

Finding my Roots

Trace the history of your ancestors and discover your origins.

Ripercorrete la storia dei vostri antenati e scoprite le vostre origini.

Family Peaks

Bring the whole family together for a high altitude holiday.

Riunite tutta la famiglia per una vacanza in alta quota.

London Calling

Everything London has to offer to the young and old.

Tutto ciò che Londra ha da offrie per grandi e piccini.

You & Me

Unique experiences in the company of the person you love.

Momenti unici in compagnia della persona che ami.

L.A.D. (Learning Adventures

Why book with St.Louis? Perchè prenotare con St.Louis?

• We know you and your family needs • We offer exclusive and specific benefits and advantages •24/7 support •Custom service •Private transfers • Tailor-made experiences and activities •Flexibility • Conosciamoletueesigenzeequelledellatuafamiglia • Offriamovantaggiebenefitsesclusiviededicati • Assistenza24/7 • Serviziopersonalizzato • Trasferimentiprivati • Esperienzeeattivitàsumisura • Flessibilità

Bauhaus architecture in Germany

L’architettura Bauhaus in Germania


Discover the most representative buildings of the German movement founded in the early twentieth century according to the canons of rational and functional design, according to the philosophy “less is more”.

Scoprite gli edifici più rappresentativi del movimento tedesco fondato nei primi anni del XX secolo secondo i canoni di un design razionale e funzionale, secondo la filosofia “less is more”.

A journey in pursuit of Bauhaus architecture between Weimar and Berlin.
viaggio alla scoperta dell’architettura Bauhaus fra Weimar e Berlino.
L.A.D. Art: the history of art, craft, design and architecture inspired by INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com 1 night in Weimar and 3 nights in Berlin for 2 adults and 2 children in a 4-star hotel from 2,350 Eur. It includes: • Breakfast EXC LUS IVE  Horse-drawn carriage tour in Weimar  3-hour guided tour in Berlin, Visit to the observation deck of the TV Tower in Berlin, tickets for Illuseum Berlin  Early check-in / late check-out*  Room Upgrade*  24/7 Assistance *upon availability

“The Lion King” in real life

“Il Re


nella vita reale

Witness the birth of cubs at the Serengeti National Park to feel part of “The Lion King”.

Assistere alla nascita dei cuccioli nel Parco Nazionale del Serengeti per sentirsi parte de “Il Re Leone”.

Experience the excitement of a safari in the Serengeti National Park, where, from December to March, you can admire the birth and growth of different animal cubs before the great migration.

Vivete l’emozione di un safari nel Parco Nazionale del Serengeti, dove, da dicembre a marzo, potrete ammirare la nascita e la crescita dei cuccioli di diversi esemplari prima della grande migrazione.

6 nights for 2 adults and 2 children in lodge from 14,000 Eur. It includes: • Full Board L.A.D. Science: animals, including humans inspired by EXC LUS IVE  4x4 car with English-speaking guide  Private tour  Visit to the National Park  Laundry service  Early check-in / late check-out*  Room upgrade*  24/7 Assistance INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com *upon availability

The secrets of the Ancient Egyptians I


Start your journey with an exciting cruise on the Nile River heading north and visit the famous Lake Nasser, the Aga Khan Mausoleum, the Tombs of the Nobles in Aswan, Luxor until you reach Cairo.

Iniziate il vostro viaggio con un’emozionante crociera sul fiume Nilo in direzione nord e visitate il famoso Lago Nasser, il Mausoleo di Aga Khan, le Tombe dei Nobili ad Assuan, Luxor, fino ad arrivare a Il Cairo.

Discover the meaning of hieroglyphics and how the Pharaohs lived
Segreti degli Antichi Egizi


INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com 4 nights on a cruise on the river Nile and 2 nights in Cairo for 2 adults and 2 children in a 5-star hotel from 14,000 Eur. It includes: • Full board basis on the cruise • Flights Cairo/Luxor/Cairo EXC LUS IVE  A private guided one-day tour in Cairo with an English-speaking guide  24/7 assistance
History: the earliest civilizations inspired by

Join marine biologists in the search for endangered species, learn the secrets of nature as true volcanologists, learn all about the origins of rock formations in the company of an expert geologist and much more.

Unitevi ai biologi marini nella ricerca di specie in via d’estinzione, conoscete i segreti della natura come veri vulcanologi, scoprite tutto sulle origini delle formazioni rocciose in compagnia di un esperto geologo e molto altro.

Accendi le passioni dei tuoi figli attraverso esperienze educative, imparando divertendosi
Ignite your children’s passions through educational experiences, learning while having fun

Young Explorers


Become a naturalist in Australia

Diventate esperti naturalisti in Australia

Explore the natural wonders of Australia starting from Freycinet National Park in Tasmania, where you will meet many bird species, marine mammals and colourful fish. On the main island you will study the nature of the Wolgan Valley and reach Lord Howe, where an an exciting night safari awaits you.

Esplorate le meraviglie naturali dell’Australia partendo dal Freycinet National Park in Tasmania, dove incontrerete tante specie di uccelli, mammiferi marini e pesci variopinti. Sull’isola principale studierete la natura della Wolgan Valley e raggiungerete Lord Howe, dove vi aspetta un emozionante safari notturno.

Young Explorers

3 nights at Saffire Freycinet in Tasmania, 3 nights at Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley, 3 nights at Capella Lodge on Lord Howe Island for 2 adults and 2 children from 24,200 Eur.

It includes:

• Full board with selected beverages and activities at Saffire Freycinet and Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley • Half board with selected beverages at Capella Lodge

EXC LUS IVE  Early check-in / late check-out*  Room upgrade*  24/7 Assistance INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com *upon availability

Water slides and adventure in Qatar Scivoli d’acqua e avventura in Qatar

Get ready for a stunning adventure with 18 attractions, 56 rides and slides. Part of the Hilton Salwa Beach Resort & Villas complex, Desert Falls Water & Adventure Park is the perfect choice for children, teens and parents who want to experience an exciting adventure in Qatar, in one of the most extensive theme parks in the Middle East.

Preparatevi per un’avventura sbalorditiva con 18 attrazioni, 56 giostre e scivoli. Parte del complesso dell’Hilton Salwa Beach Resort & Villas, il Desert Falls Water & Adventure Park è la scelta perfetta per bambini, adolescenti e genitori che desiderano sperimentare un’emozionante avventura in Qatar, in uno dei parchi tematici più estesi del Medio Oriente.

Family Time INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com 5 nights for 2 adults and 2 children at Hilton Salwa Beach Resort & Villas from 2,450 Eur. It includes: • Breakfast EXC LUS IVE  2-day tickets for the Desert Falls Water & Adventure Park  Private transfers from/to airport  Early check-in / late check-out*  Room Upgrade*  24/7 Assistance *upon availability

Sunbathing in Madagascar


An enchanted place, a private island offthe coast of Madagascar where nature is still uncontaminated: Miavana by Time + Tide combines values such as exclusivity and sustainability, adventure and a sense of discovery for the whole family.

Un luogo incantato, un’isola privata al largo della costa del Madagascar dove la natura è ancora incontaminata: Miavana by Time + Tide combina valori come esclusività e sostenibilità, avventura e senso di scoperta per tutta la famiglia.

for 2 adults and 2 children (under 12 y.o.) in One Bedroom Luxury Villa from 38,850 Eur.

• Full Board • Selected Beverages • Daily conservation fees EXC LUS IVE  Activities  Helicopter transfer from/to Nosy Be  Early check-in / Late check-out*  Room upgrade*  24/7 Assistance INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com *upon availability
Family Beach Escapes
It includes:

Miavana Time + Tide helicopter adventure over Nothern Madagascar

Villa Master Bedroom

Snow and gourmet food in the Dolomites

Le Dolomiti fra neve e alta cucina

Framed by the most evocative peaks of the Dolomites, in Alta Badia, Ciasa Salares is the only Luxury Gourmet Hotel in the area, with three excellent restaurants, a cheese room and a chocolate room. For a stay in the snow like a real gourmand.

Incorniciato dalle cime più suggestive delle Dolomiti, in Alta Badia, Ciasa Salares è l’unico Luxury Gourmet Hotel della zona, con tre ottimi ristoranti, una cheese room e una chocolate room. Per un soggiorno sulla neve da veri gourmand.

Family Peaks 3 nights for 2 adults and 2 children in Suite Salares from 2,700 Eur. It includes: • Breakfast EXC LUS IVE  1-hour dog sledding tour (40 minutes away from San Cassiano)  100 Eur Spa credit per room  Welcome cocktail upon arrival  A complimentary bottle of wine per room  Early check-in / Late check-out*  Room upgrade*  24/7 Assistance INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com *upon availability
Scopri le esperienze pensate per te da vivere con i tuoi figli Discover the tours designed for you to experience with your children Paris FOR MORE INFORMATION jump@stlouisschoolapps.com • Un’arte continua • La Parigi letteraria • Tradizione vs. modernità • A continuous work of art • Literary Paris • Traditions vs. modernity

Family Storytelling


Next stop: Disneyland® Paris

Calling all sea lovers! Let the emblematic lighthouse of Disney’s Newport Bay Club steer you and your crew toward a 4-star experience where relaxed elegance awaits you at every turn. Add a touch of Magic to your stay and book a breakfast with Disney Characters.

Appello a tutti gli amanti del mare! Lascia che l’iconico faro del Disney’s Newport Bay Club guidi il tuo equipaggio attraverso un’esperienza a 4 stelle, dove regnano eleganza e relax. Aggiungi un tocco di Magia al tuo soggiorno e prenota una colazione in compagnia dei Personaggi Disney.

Family Disney Stay at Disney’s Newport Bay Club for 2 adults and 2 children (under 12 y.o.) E XC LU S I VE  2 nights stay  Superior Room – lake view  3 1-Day tickets per person for 2 parks  1 breakfast with the characters at Plaza Gardens per person INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com From € 2,018.50 Free cancellation up to 7 days before arrival

Take your kids to discover their origins through a journey made of colours, flavours and memories where you are the director

Porta i tuoi figli a scoprire le loro origini attraverso un viaggio fatto di colori, sapori e memorie dove tu sei il regista



Finding my Roots


This month

The magical universe of Harry Potter


A private walking tour based on the Harry Potter saga: start from King’s Cross Station for a magical tour that includes Leicester Square, Westminster, the London Bridge area, the Millennium Bridge and many other surprises.

Un walking-tour privato nei luoghi della saga di Harry Potter: si parte dalla stazione di King’s Cross per un itinerario nella magia che include Leicester Square, Westminster, la zona di London Bridge, il Millennium Bridge e tante altre sorprese.

London Calling

INFO & BOOKING jump@stlouisschoolapps.com
FOR MORE INFORMATION jump@stlouisschoolapps.com
A special moment designed just for you to share with whoever you want Whether it’s an afternoon, a night, a weekend or a week on the other side of the world Un momento speciale pensato solo per te da condividere con chi desideri Sia esso un pomeriggio, una notte, un week-end o una settimana dall’altro capo del mondo

You & Me


A chi ci affidiamo per l’organizzazione dei viaggi?

ILV Travel Atelier, founded in 1972, is an international award winning tour operator operating in the luxury sector, offering tailor-made travel and experiences to meet every traveller’s wishes.

ILV Travel Atelier, fondato nel 1972, è un tour operator pluripremiato che opera nel settore del lusso, offrendo viaggi ed esperienze su misura per realizzare i desideri di ogni viaggiatore.

On whom do we rely for the organisation of journeys?

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