3rd period immigration

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*table of contents*Table Of Contents

Page 2: Table of contents Page 3: immigrants in the 1920 Page 4: Boom in immigration Page 6: What sparked the KKK in the 1920s Page 8:The 1921 quota law


Immigrants in the 1902s Who are the immigrant coming into the U.S. in the 1920s and are their values good or bad for america?

In the 1920s immigrants were mostly coming from the eastern and southern Europe, and a little bit from northern and western Europe. When World War 1 was over the number of immigrants picked up again. They came over to America to escape poverty and unrest or persecution. ` The immigrants coming into America had some good values. They were an act called the National Origins Act that reduced immigrants, and there was a push in the U.S. that decreased the immigrants. Some organizations favored the immigrants which helped the immigrants from the Ku Klux Klan. The immigrants also had some bad values when they were coming to America. There were over population in cities, Immigrants taking other people's jobs. The immigrants were approaching pre-war level which was bad because they can turn on Americans and start killing them.

There were more bad values for America. There were large consumers which meant that food was hard to find and more expensive. Larger economy which no place to live, polluting the air. Then there was the Ku Klux Klan which put a bad name on america. They believed that only whites should be in America and no one else should come over to America. Immigrants did some stuff to stay in america. They would do labor for rich people so they have a job and can stay in america. They would work for less amount for other people, that’s how they got there job. They would live where ever like the street, allies, broken down places tenements with other people that they didn’t know

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Boom in immigration Who are the Nativists and are their goals good or bad for America.

Henry Lucy

During the 1920’s around fourteen million foreign-born people were in the U.S. Most of immigration surges were from lots of eastern and southern European countries mostly from the Great War in 1918. With new surges of immigration came the resurgence of the KKK and then asserting white supremacy and their beliefs and concerns about the immigrants. White society began to realize urbanization, and immigration and they began to discriminate and to argue. In the 1920’s with the booming population of new foreign people became new religious beliefs and cultural ideas. Much of the white community joined the KKK in hope of like a duration or scare tactics to force their own beliefs and Americanism because most believed they wouldn’t evolve into it. Most immigrants didn’t want new ideas, art, literature, religion, and way of life. Name calling, and political radicalism came the new things it was shown in the Vanzetti trials in Massachusetts after convicted of murder even though there was no clear evidence and then were executed. Who really were Nativists, they were pretty much people that feared for the future and immigration. Especially Americans not getting their ideas into new foreign people. Many feared they would lose their jobs and land so they assumed and made names for the immigrants mostly racial ones.

Good things for the new surge in new foreign people was new religious ideas and beliefs. They brought more people which helped urbanization strive to new levels. Since there were new people more talent was brought to the U.S. from neighboring countries Bad things on the rise of immigration first overpopulation and tenements and disease. The KKK rose once again with all the white community holding hatred on our new neighbors. Urban crowding and racial images and assumptions on immigrants and political radicalism came out on ethnic groups.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nativism_(politics )



What Sparked the KKK In the 1920’s? How Has the Fear of New Immigration Inspired the Rise of the KKK? Brennan Plank

The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) is a very dangerous and evil group. The KKK’s original name was the “Knights of the White Camelia”. The first person that the Knights murdered was a Jewish man named Leo Frank because he murdered a young woman called Mary Phagan. So, even though they started out as a group that killed a guilty man, they expanded into a group that would kill almost any immigrant. The only people that are able to join are native-born white men. These men terrified people using whippings, kidnappings, cross burnings, arson (intentionally setting fire to property), and murder.

However, there are several negatives from the KKK. For instance, the KKK would lynch immigrants for no reason other than that they aren’t native born. They are incredibly racist, and they scared off many immigrants from pursuing an American life. Some people believe that the KKK is a reincarnation of WW I because war is made up of hate, and at the beginning and end of hate is fear. All the KKK ever does is strike fear into immigrants.

People started the KKK to keep Americanism alive. Many people believed that immigrants are taking American jobs and, in some cases, taking over industries. People aren’t liking the idea that an immigrant could take over an American industry and have power over actual Americans. People also didn’t like that the US had become the “dumping ground” for criminal immigrants. They believed that the reason that there is so much violence in the US is because of these criminal immigrants. So, as a result, the KKK wanted all immigrants gone, even if the immigrants are nice people just trying to reach the American dream. The KKK wanted to keep American people and culture. And if that means having to scare, or even kill, off immigrants, they’ll do it.. There are very few positives that come from the KKK, the KKK helps preserve their own criptic Americanism. Some people might like that they keep immigrants out of power in the US. and keep immigrants from having a democracy. And, right now, above all fears in the world, wealth feared democracy. In conclusion, there are very few benefits from the KKK. They are a cruel and unfair to all non-native white people.



The 1921 Quota Law

Was the new immigration quota law (1921) good or bad for america? Trey Randall The Quota law was passed in 1921, limiting the number of immigrants coming into the United States. Most of the immigrants came from Northern Europe in 1890. If we let too many immigrants in we may have overpopulation in the United States.

The (WASP) -White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, was a group supporting the anti-immigration movement. In the last quarter of the 19th century, immigrants grew dramatically. A large portion of immigration came from Southern and Eastern Europe.

In 1929, they pursued congress to lower the number of immigrants each year to 150,000. The government banned all immigration from Asia, this helped a lot with immigrants coming into the u.s. Limiting a little under a third since the new law. Immigration began to decrease dramatically since the quota law. By the end of the decade, immigration was more than one quarter of what it had been in 1921.

In 1882, there was a ban on Chinese immigrants, known as the Chinese exclusion act. Immigrants that were over 16 years of age that couldn't read or write any language, were barred. General Restriction Act was passed in 1917, passed a literacy test. The act excluded people from the geological area which contained most of Asia and the Pacific islands.



Citations Works Cited

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Nolan Change and Reaction in the 1920s, www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/history/us-history-ii/america-in-the-twenties/change-and-rea ction-in-the-1920s. “Nativism and Fundamentalism in the 1920s.” Khan Academy, www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/rise-to-world-power/1920s-america/a/transformati on-and-backlash-cnx. “The Reemergence of the KKK.” Khan Academy, www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/rise-to-world-power/1920s-america/a/the-reemer gence-of-the-kkk. “Student Sign In.” Subscription, student.teachtci.com/shared/home U.S.A. 1920s. Grolier, 2005..


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