Feature articleharlem renaissance

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Time Magazine

Table of Contents

Letters from the Editors……… 4 Briefing….. 6 Society Article…….Page 16 Letters to Editor...15 World Article…..13 Economy Article…8 Feature Article….18 Entertainment….. Sports….14 10 Questions…10


letters from the editor

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Briefing Quote of the day:Every strike brings me closer to another home run -Babe Ruth

Fun Fact: Eugene Debs received 920,000 for president and he ran his entire campaign in jail !!!!!

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Urban vs. Rural Dear Editor, I feel that urban areas are the place to be

can go down to the movie house and see a

there’s places like the theater, night clubs, and

great film, and you can go listen to some of the

you can also go down to the stadium and

best jazz music around down at New York’s

watch Babe Ruth play but that’s not it, about

Cotton Club you might even get to hear Louis

56 percent of Americans lived in town or

Armstrong or Duke Ellington. In urban areas

cities, also cities produced industrial plants,

you can also get jobs like in fields like law

colossal movie houses, gas stations, and

enforcement, public service, private business

tourist cabins. Who want’s to live in the rural

instead of doing rural area jobs like mining,

areas, there stuck in the past they are all about

farming and other types of physical labor. So

tradition, while urban areas are free just look

urban areas have it all fun places to go, you

around and you will probably see a flapper,

can be more free, and have better jobs.

she’s an independent free women you can tell just by her hair and clothes, while in rural areas women are just at home cooking, cleaning, and taking care of children. but the best place about it is the entertainment, you

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letter to the editors (1page)

Dear Editor

I don't think i want to be sending my children to school anymore, knowing that they will be teaching them theories that go against the Bible, and giving them the icy mitt. I believe that the governor of Tennessee should get that bimbo John Scopes executed, although i'm still happy the governor has made it unlawful to teach things such as evolution in our schools. I was proud and happy to see the publicity this subject brought upon our beautiful town of Dayton. There was over 1000 people jammed in the courtroom with 300 standing. There was an estimated 5000 people out side selling lemonade and expressing their opinions. I was also proud to see the many anti-evolution speakers that came to show their opinions on evolution. I was proud to see that we had much support, and that we still have hope for bringing our nation to a christian society of God again.

10 Question With Louis Armstrong

Question 1: Where were you born? Louis Armstrong: I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana

Question 8: Who were your parents? Louis Armstrong: My father's name is William Armstrong and my mother's name is May-Ann.

Question 2: What day were you born on? Louis Armstrong: I was born on August 4, 1901

Question 9: What are some awards you won? Louis Armstrong: In 1964 I won the Grammy Award for Male Vocal Performance, and in 1972 I won the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.

Question 3: What were some of your nicknames? Louis Armstrong: I was nicknamed "Satchmo," "Pops" and, later, "Ambassador Satch," Question 4: What were some of your songs? Louis Armstrong: A few of my songs where "Star Dust," "La Via En Rose" and "What a Wonderful World." Question 5: What instruments did you play? Louis Armstrong: I played the trumpet and the cornet but I also sang some times. Question 6: What was your youth like? Louis Armstrong: I lived in a section so poor that it was nicknamed "The Battlefield." Question 7: When did you find your love for music? Louis Armstrong: I fired my stepfather's gun in the air during a New Year's Eve celebration and was arrested on the spot, I was then sent to the Colored Waif’s Home for Boys and got musical instruction on the cornet and fell in love with the music.

Question 10: Do you have a wife? Louis Armstrong: Yes, I have been married to 4 women.

World By: Gregory Redmond August 25,1921- The US hasn’t ratified the treaty of versailles: Us and German representatives meet in Berlin.They then sign a peace treaty, recognizing the end of World War I. Germany accepted the treaty, there were three things the US asked for. Article 1 said the German government would grant US all rights and privileges enjoyed by other allied powers, who had ratified the treaty in Paris. Article 2 said which articles of versailles treaty apply to US. Article 3 provided for exchange of ratification in Berlin Dawes Plan- Charles G. Dawes was trying to solve reparation problems, his plan was completed in 1924. American bankers would loan money to Germany. Germany would then give reparation to Great Britain and France. Great Britain and France would then repay US their debt. 1926- March 3, 1926 US senate ratify treaty with Mexico. They did this to prevent smuggling of narcotics and liquor. Also to prevent smuggling of aliens across the border and other illegal activities.

Washington Naval Conference- Military conference called by president Harding. Held from 1921 to 1922, attended by nine nations.The United States, Japan, China, France, Britain,Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Portugal. Talking on interest of Pacific Ocean and East Asia.


The Golden Age of Boxing Heavyweight champ Jack Dempsey first won his title in 1919. He is still holding his title to this day. He has been holding his title for years.

Babe Ruth People say that Babe Ruth is the reason america loves baseball ! Every since Babe came to the Yankees, him and the team have been dominating! Recently, Babe Ruth Hit his 60th homerun ! So you can say that causes for a celebration.

Youth vs Adults

Dear Editor, After reading this Magazine I have some ideas to make another one of the time but the 1930s but first we need to talk about the 1920s. It was time of good and bad from 1920 to 1930s. I personally support the adults because youths are trying to grow up to quickly to become adults . Youth are trying to find jobs so they can be mini adults. Adults are making kids go to school and get jobs and make them work hard. Youth are going to dances with adults. if i date a girl we would have to sit on the front porch so are parents could watch us. then if months pass me and then they would lets us in the house and have dinner with them. Many youth girls are trying to find jobs but it's hard because girl adults rarely have jobs because men only have jobs well a girl i know has kinda of a good job. So overall youths are growing up to fast and we are trying to get jobs to soon.

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In the 1920s there was a lot of intolerance towards the different racial and religious immigrants coming to America. Many of the immigrants were starting to come from Mexico, the Caribbean, and Asia. There was a lot of discrimination toward the Japanese in the west coast. After WW1 Immigration laws were enforced which limited the amount of immigrants coming from non protestant countries, and Asia. Therefor the amount of immigrants entering America decreased by 50 percent. Jewish Americans also fell victim to intolerance. Landlords refused to rent to jews. Henry Ford put anti-semitic articles in magazines. Harvard University limited amount of jews enrolled.

A group that thrived and grew to power in the 20’s was the KKK. The KKK is a radical christian group, their symbol was to put big crosses on fire. They were called wizards and robes because of the way they dressed with a long pointy tall cone shaped hats and long white robes. Their motive is to go against all races and religions other than white and protestant Christians, and sometime lynched and murdered other races. They mostly focus on African Americans because their skin color appealed the most to them, and the KKK wanted an all white all Christian Nation. The 20’s were also innovative times, where the Model A by Ford was a major seller, over 3 million cars were sold, and the automobile industry had become the biggest business in the nation. Airports also steadily started spreading across the country. Airplanes became a big thing in the 20’ s. People called Barnstormers were airplane stunts men who performed.

Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance refers to a period, primarily during the 1920’s and 30’s African American literature, music, and other arts flourish. This movement is centered in Harlem, New York which is a neighborhood north of Manhattan, then spread throughout the country. The Great Migration is what brought thousands of African Americans to Harlem. In 1920 150,000 African Americans lived in America, Harlem seems like a Mecca. Causes of the Great Migration is African Americans are allowed few good job opportunities. African Americans lived in miserable isolated houses, and racism and discrimination in the south also causes them to Migrate north. Langston Hughes, a poet in the Harlem Renaissance. Speaks out and talks about America and its morals.Langston and other poets are a powerful symbol for African Americans and how they feel. He also talks about his life as a child and growing up. He shows African Americans to love what they have, he shows love for the streets. Hughes

is one of the most important writers of the Harlem Renaissance. His poetry shows love for black culture and life. He is the mouth and words for African Americans.

The surrealist movement was a good movement. When it began in post World War I the surrealists were an out of this world group of people that were creative and they made this movement that made me and everyone happy. Maxfield Parrish was famous for his paintings and creative mind. Coles Phillips work was very popular in the twenties and is still sought after by collectors today. When I first saw their art I was shocked and surprised on how talented they were.

After Cole died in 1927 we made a whole room full of his art. Parrish and Cole were working on a painting togethter but they never got to finish it I would have been happy to see how it would have turned out.

It’s the 1920s also known as the jazz age, jazz is not a completely new musical form but because of it’s exuberant rhythms and sounds it has become associated with wild and carefree living, which would lead it to be called the jazz age. During the jazz age there is famous jazz musicians like Louis Armstrong he is the greatest cornet and trumpet player ever, his recording with the hot 5 is one of his milestone performances in the history of American Jazz, Armstrong is also an innovative vocalist he even sings solo on many of his records. Another great jazz musician of our time is George Gershwin with the brother era (1896-1983) writing lyrics, George Gershwin provided the world with a treasure trove of beloved songs.

Let`s Talk about our writers today !One good writer is Zora Neale Hudson. She is considered one of the pre-emnent writers of our centries American Literature. She is going to make more books and people hope they are going to be good because she is a good writer. James Weldon Johnson is also a good writer. But writing isn’t his only talent. He also is an educator, a lawyer, a diplomat, and a songwriter.

Husein’s bibliography Works Cited

"ABC-CLIO." The Harlem Renaissance: A Historical Exploration of Literature. N. p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. "Harp." Duke Digital Collections. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. "The Jazz Age - Racketeering and Bootlegging 1920's." "Flappers Broke. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. "A New Folding Kodak." Duke Digital Collections. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2015. Wukovits, John F. The 1920s. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 2000. Print.

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