Table Of Contents Has Prohibition Brought On The Rise Of Organized Crime?…….. Pg 2
Wet Vs. Dry Political Ad…..Pg 3
The Fail to Stop Alcohol Consumption Using Prohibition...Pg 4
Prohibition Is Fueling The Rise Of Organized Crime… Pg 5
Cites….. Pg. 6
Has Prohibition Brought On The Rise Of Organized Crime In America?? On February 14th, 1929 Al Capone sent some of his South Side Gang Members over to the North side to raid their gang. These two gangs were fighting over selling ground in the city of Chicago. The North Side Gang lead by Bugs Moran was raided by Capone's Gang. The gang thought it was just a regular police raid and wasn’t expected to be anything serious but the group came in and shot and killed 7 men. This is known as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. Prohibition has brought on the rise of organized crime because even though the buying and selling of alcohol is illegal people still find ways to consume it. Bootlegging is a big way that people can get alcohol. There are private companies and gangs that ship the alcohol into the use. Stock mainly comes from Canada down into the US but some of this product can come from overseas. The main suppliers of bootleg are gangs. The big ones are Al Capone's South Side Gang and the opposing North Side Gang. The have fought over selling grounds to try and make more money off their sales. We think that prohibition was an unsmart move by the government of the US. It has brought on many problems because people still crave alcohol and will do anything they can to get it, including breaking the law. Bootlegging and speakeasies are the main way that citizens of the US can do that. Now after all the damage that prohibition has done the government later repealed the 18th Amendment, prohibition really wasn’t a big help for America. No matter what the government tries to do there is almost no complete solution to stop the consumption of alcohol.
We get where the government is coming from. They are trying to keep families together and make wives and children feel safe around their husbands and not have to worry if they are going to come home at night or not. They are also trying to save families from the dangers that can come with having a drunk in your home. In some ways this is good but trying to prevent those situations using prohibition is not the way to go. Using prohibition is just a trade off of one kind of violence for another. Our final opinion is that prohibition didn’t help America at all, it harmed us. Prohibition just caused problems for America in alternative ways than before. It didn’t even solve the original problems that were trying to be avoided it just stock piled on top of the original ones. Organized crime was a major effect of prohibition, making the government repeal it after 14 years. Drinking is an unsolvable crime. No matter what we do to stop or minimize drinking there’s always going to be a new problem. Drinking is a choice and if you want to put those types of problems on your family and affect your personal health that is something that you will have to deal with and could possibly affect you for the rest of your life. Like Herbert Hoover once said… “An experiment noble in purpose.¨This relates to prohibition because it was a social experiment for American gone terribly wrong that proved you can’t solve every problem for people and was later taken out of effect.
The Fail To Stop Alcohol Consumption Using Prohibition By Hailey Hested Speakeasies are a big outlet for illegal
amendment that put prohibition into play.
alcohol consumption. Speakeasies are secret
The enforcement of the amendment is very weak.
salons that sell alcohol. There are 32,000 in New
There aren’t the proper funds or supplies given to
York City alone. 5/7 cigarette stores, lunchrooms,
the Prohibition Bureau. The 18th amendment
and beauty parlors are speaks for selling gin. To
doesn’t outlaw consumption of alcohol, it only
enter these saloons, you have to have a secret
outlaws selling and purchasing of alcohol. People
code or password. People are not allowed talk
have stalked major amounts of alcohol anywhere
about speakeasies in public areas so that nobody
they can prior to the amendments date of effect.
alerts the police about one.
How are the citizens of the United States
Illegal alcohol is another big problem. People are
supposed to follow the rules of prohibition if their
learning how to brew their own bathtub gin. They
own president can’t even follow the rules?
Keep it for themselves and also sell it. There are
The repealing of the 18th amendment is the
people entering alcohol into the country and
best thing that has happened in the age of
selling it as well. Usually this alcohol comes from
Prohibition. Money that has been wasted trying to
Canada but sometimes it comes from overseas.
prevent consumption of alcohol can finally go to
This process is known as bootlegging.
other more productive causes and organizations.
Organized crime has become a serious
After repealing Prohibition the amount of
danger to citizens since the start of Prohibition.
unorganized crime has gone down. Gang violence
Gangs are the main sellers of bootleg. Rival gangs
is less of a problem and bootlegging is no longer
fought over territory to sell their products.The St.
needed. So did the laws of prohibition end the
Valentine's day massacre where Capone's men
consumption of alcohol? No. It created more
invaded a rival gang and shot seven of their
problems for our people of the U.S.
members is an example of these battles between gangs. Al Capone is the major bootlegger who has taking main power of the bootlegging buisness in the US.The 18th amendment is the
Prohibition is fueling the rise of organized crime By Cody Schroeder Speakeasies are a major outlet for alcohol
Saloon League vs Anti-Saloon League was
consumption. They are meant to be spoken
widely known as “Wet” vs.” Dry.” The ¨wet” group
quietly about, to not alert police. Five out of seven
is for people who don’t want prohibition, and don’t
cigar stores, beauty parlors, and lunchrooms are
care what they have to do to get rid of it. The “dry”
speakeasies selling gin. There is an estimated
is for the people who want prohibition. They will
32,000 speakeasies in New York City right now.
help the Federal Government and do anything to
Prohibition is the ban of alcohol, but most
help. The “wets” are one of the most powerful
people still tend to break the law. Bootlegging is
political pressure groups in U.S. history. No other
an effect of prohibition even though it’s illegal.
public organization has ever changed the
The Volstead Act is put into effect to enforce
prohibition. So if anybody against prohibition finds
Rival gangs, The North Gang and The
alcohol they have to dump it in the sewers or
South Gang are two rivals that never got along
waste areas. Speakeasies are also an effect of
and fought to get more profit and land. Capone’s
men shot, and killed seven of the North Gang
Bootlegging came into play as an effect of
members. This event is also known as The St.
prohibition. It is the transport, production, and sale
Valentine’s Day Massacre. The South Gang
of illegal alcohol. Al Capone is a known bootlegger
(Capone’s gang) took control of organized crime in
and gang member. You can make millions off of
the city. Herbert Hoover said prohibition is, “An
bootlegging, and Al Capone has.
experiment noble in purpose.” Prohibition fueled the rise of organized crime in the United States in the 1920s.
Cody´s Cites
Feinstein, Stephen. The 1920s. N.p.: Enslow, 2016. Print. "Khan Academy." Khan Academy. N.p., n.d. Web. "Prohibition." History Alive! N.p.: Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 1999. 329-31. Print. “Khan Academy.” Khan Academy,