Arizona Training | July/August 2014
July 9
July 16
July 17
Lead Worker Training This seminar focuses on changing relationships for leads and group or team leaders, discussing the expectations and limitations of the position, and communication demands from employees and management. Participants learn the role of the lead worker and how to maximize the authority granted to lead workers. Communication skills are practiced, and instruction is offered to help engage employees and effectively train employees to complete necessary tasks. Outcomes: Understand the unique demands of a lead worker and perform more effectively. Who Should Attend: Leads, group Leaders, Work Coordinators, and Assistant Supervisors 8:30-4:00 $175
Interviewing and Hiring I * HRCI This session is a step-by-step approach for planning, conducting, and evaluating a structured, behavioral interview. This interactive format combines lecture, video, exercises, and discussion. Participants follow an interview plan, analyze applications, conduct behavioral interviews, and select the best candidate. Outcomes: Ask effective, legally-compliant questions to successfully interview your next applicant. Who Should Attend: HR Professionals, Managers, and Supervisors
Membership Overview Webinar Join us for this free webinar to learn more about the powerful resources included as part of membership and get a preview of the online information we make available, including: • CCH Answers Now • MSEC Surveys • • Employee Handbook • Benefits Answers Now Planning Guide • BLR Safety Tool • FYIs Who Should Attend: Anyone interested in the valuable benefits of membership 11:30-12:30 AZ time FREE
July 24
July 29
FMLA: A Guide for Human Resources HRCI Participants gain needed information to comply with this law including “serious health condition,” employee notice requirements, and managing intermittent leave. Also discussed are administering attendance policies, military situations, and a review of policy requirements and FMLA forms. Outcomes: Successfully administer FMLA leaves at the workplace. Who Should Attend: HR Professionals and Legal Staff 8:30-3:00 $175
Harvard Business Series: Secret Recipes: The Power of Culture in an Experience Economy * HRCI Why did Southwest Airlines’ model for low-cost air travel thrive while similar models for United Airlines and Delta Airlines failed? According to the author, it comes down to company culture, defined culture as “the things that people in an organization do without thinking. As he shows, the roots of culture go very deep, and they lead companies like Southwest, Costco, and iBM to the top of their industries. Outcomes: View culture strategically Who Should Attend: HR Professionals wanting a seminar focusing on strategic issues. 8:30-11:30 $75
(at BBB of Southern Arizona in Tucson)
Hire The Best Testing is the most accurate and effective method of measuring for ultimate success. Contact MSEC Testing and Assessment Services and let us help. Call 800.437.9262.
Note: This class requires pre-work which will be sent directly to the participant prior to the seminar. It is suggested that individuals register at least 2 weeks prior to the class.
Early Bird Special! Register for a training class 2 weeks in advance and get $25 off the price of the course! Does not apply to Harvard Business Series
To register, call 800.437.9262, email, or go to
Join Us! for this free event aUgUst 12 & 13 watch for more information
*Part of Leadership Certificate Program | *Part of Supervision Certificate Program | *Strategic Business Credit HRCI certified credits | Unless otherwise noted, all classes are held at MSEC Scottsdale office located at 7975 N. Hayden Road, Suite D-280, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
August 6
August 12 & 13
August 13
Myers-Briggs: An Interpretation of Personal Style * * Participants learn to understand and interpret the Myers-Briggs Type indicator® (MBTi), including extroversion and introversion, sensing and intuiting, thinking and feeling, and judging and perceiving. Participants learn how to use the types to build upon personal preferences, understand team dynamics, and how to problemsolve in difficult group situations. Outcomes: improve working relationships and enhance interaction with others. Who Should Attend: Those who want to work effectively with all personalities
Training Test Drive This free program exposes members to different seminars offered by MSEC so they can determine what may be best for their workforce. Who Should Attend: Those who want to see MSEC training in action
Webinar! Important Issues in Human Resources- MSEC’s HR Webinar Series: Managing Employee Morale in Changing Economic Times How can employers manage employee morale for positive results? When companies face financial hardship, employees experience increased stress and decreased productivity. in this webinar, you will learn strategies to retain employees by increasing productivity and engagement of your workforce. Through this approach, you will be able to create or maintain high employee morale even during tough economic times. Outcomes: Keep employees and up engagement. Who Should Attend: HR Professionals, Supervisors, and Managers 11:00-12:00 AZ time $159
Note: This class requires pre-work which will be sent directly to the participant prior to the seminar. It is suggested that individuals register at least 2 weeks prior to the class.
Need a Clone? We have the next best thing. HR Professional Staffing ready to step up and help you.
Let MSEC Double your Efforts. We’ll contract with you based on your needs. We can provide staff full-time, part-time, every few months, or once a year. Let MSEC Duplicate your Productivity. Our HR professionals can work on-site, off-site or a combination of both. You determine what fits best in your organization. Let MSEC Fill in the Gaps. Our staff can be project based, placed as a subject matter expert, or as an extra resource to help with a daunting workload. For more information on how we can support your HR needs call 800.437.9262 or email
¿Algunos de sus empleados hablan Español? ¿Algunos de sus empleados hablan Español?
Do some of your employees speak Spanish? Do some of your employees speak Spanish?
Organizations with Spanish speaking employees often have unique challenges in the workplace. Not only can aspeaking language employees barrier occuroften but there can be a cultural one asin well. Organizations with Spanish have unique challenges the workplace.
Not only can a language barrier occur but there can be a cultural one as well.
MSEC recognizes that fact and has partnered with Futuro Sólido USA to assist in meeting these challenges.
MSEC recognizes that fact and hasand partnered with Futuro Sólido USAthese to assist in meeting these challenges. MSEC’s Futuro Solido partnership include services: MSEC’s and Futuro Sólido partnership include • Webinar training on such topicsthese as: services: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Managing Spanish Speakers Bringing Spanish Speakers Board withlike: Benefit Plans • Webinar trainingonon topics Bringing SpanishofSpeakers on Board withSpeakers Safety Avoiding the Pitfalls Managing Spanish
Bringing Spanish Speakers on Board with Benefit Plans • Translation and customization of Employee Handbooks to ensure that they are effective Bringing Spanish Speakers on Board with Safety • Customized language instruction
• Translation and customization of employee handbooks to ensure that they are effective • On-site benefits enrollment meetings and training in both English and Spanish
• Customized language instruction
MSEC members will receive a discount on Futuro Solido products or services. Visit ourenrollment website at or call 800.884.1328 moreEnglish information. • On-site benefits meetings and training inforboth and Spanish
MSEC members will receive a discount on Futuro Sólido products or services. Visit our website at or call 800.437.9262 for more information.
Arizona 800.437.9262 I Colorado 800.884.1328 I