Fringe Program

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centre 2010/11 season


Mtc’s 2010/11 season is , with the inspiring hit Calendar girls, the much-requested holiday musical White Christmas, a dazzling production of Noël coward’s brief encounter, the tony award-winning comedy thriller The 39 steps and more! ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST Oct. 14 – NOv. 6, 2010 “A powerful production which veered from the hilarious to the harrowing” – Western telegrAph IrvIng berlIn’s

WHiTE CHRiSTmaS THE mUSiCaL “Makes you fall in love with musical theater all over again” – pittsburgh post-gAzette

NOv. 25 – Dec. 18, 2010

bRiEF ENCOUNTER JaN. 6 – 29, 2011

“Give yourselves a treat and go enjoy this exquisite brief encounter.” – DAily MAil

THE SHUNNiNg Feb. 10 – Mar. 5, 2011

“painful, achingly beautiful picture of faith, and its fading” – AMAzon.coM

CaLENdaR giRLS Mar. 17 – apr. 9, 2011 “A show whose feel-good factor is sky high” – the guArDiAn


apr. 21 – May 14, 2011

“theater at its finest… absurdly enjoyable!” – the neW york tiMes

caLL 942-6537 1-877-446-4500 (toll-free)

vISIt MTC Patron Services 174 Market Ave. Monday to Friday, 10am - 5pm

the ONLy way tO guaraNtee yOur SeatS tO theSe MuSt-See ShOwS IS tO

subsCrIbe Today! cLIcK

6 pLayS from only


! w o n e b i r c s b su

Chart of the cosmos

July 14 – 25, 2010 For Tickets

call visit


FRINGE CENTRAL Home of Advance Tickets, the Info Centre, the Volunteer Hospitality Centre and Performer Services. Located at 174 Market Avenue in the lobby of the Manitoba Theatre Centre. LATE-BREAKING SCHEDULE CHANGES Check the Info Board at Old Market Square or

Producers’ Message................................................................. 4 2009 Volunteer Thank You....................................................... 4 The Harry S. Rintoul Award...................................................... 5 Best of Fest............................................................................ 5 Official Greetings.................................................................... 6 How to Fringe......................................................................... 8 Tickets & Passes...................................................................... 9 Recently Beamed Aboard......................................................10 Friends of the Fringe.............................................................11 Festival Partners...................................................................12 MTS Outdoor Stage...............................................................14 Kids Fringe...........................................................................16 Kids Venue...........................................................................18 Venue 1 John Hirsch Theatre at the MTC Mainstage....................20 Venue 2 MTC Up the Alley.......................................................24 Venue 3 The Playhouse Studio................................................28 Venue 4 Onstage at the Playhouse...........................................32 Venue 5 Son of Warehouse.....................................................36 Venue 6 Tom Hendry Theatre at the MTC Warehouse..................40

ONLINE TICKETS Tickets can be purchased online up to four hours before a show. Go to to order.

Venue 7 The Conservatory......................................................44 Venue Map & Master Schedule........................Centre Spread Venue 8 The Rachel Browne Theatre........................................48 Venue 9 Canwest Performing Arts Centre (MTYP).......................52


Venue 10 Planetarium Auditorium..........................................56 Venue 11 Red River College....................................................60

No Exchanges No Refunds No Latecomers No Exceptions

Venue 12 Canwest Centre for Theatre and Film (U of W)..............64 Venue 13 Ragpickers Theatre..................................................66 Venue 14 The King’s Head Pub.................................................68 Venue 15 The Argue Building Youth Centre (Calvary Temple).......68


Venue 16 PTE – Mainstage.....................................................70


Venue 17 PTE – Colin Jackson Studio........................................72 Venue 18 The Gas Station Theatre............................................74

symbol indicates that venue is wheelchair accessible


Venue 19 Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre...................................76 number in symbol indicates venue capacity

Venue 20 Exchange Community Church....................................78 Venue 21 Aqua Books............................................................80 Venue 22 Rory Runnells Studio...............................................80

Program cover, poster, BROCHURE and website design by Doowah Design Inc.

Venue 23 Stephen Juba Park...................................................82

Fringe and Fringe Festival are registered trademarks of the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals.

Venue 24 School of Contemporary Dancers...............................82


Staff....................................................................................84 Index Company....................................................................85 Index Title & Genre...............................................................86


producers’ oducers’ Pr essage Mmessage

2009 volunteer thank you

Photo by cl ayton win ter

Greetings. We come in peace. Na-Nu Na-Nu. Why go to the Fringe and Beyond? Because, as any good Fringe explorer can tell you, that’s what it’s all about: pushing the envelope and putting exciting original theatre front and centre where new worlds are just waiting to be discovered. Over the past 23 years, the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival has been the launching pad for thousands of independent theatre artists and companies. Our audiences have been immensely supportive of these hard-working artists by attending their productions, giving them the opportunity to share their stories and encouraging them to create innovative theatre. This year, Fringe explorers will have a record 155 theatrical planets to discover, so this handy Fringer’s Guide to the Galaxy will be essential to your successful journey. In order to make it easier to visit these theatrical worlds at warp speed, be sure to check out the festival’s website at, where we’ll have lots of fun new technologies you can try out.

Elmer Baldonado Margie Barter Deborah Baschuk Richard Benoit Denis Blais Ron Boss Daniel Botsford Lyndie Bright Barb Buffington Shelley Fast Stanley Fera Aldo Furlan Randy Gladys Kate Grisim Helena Kalomiris Ryan Kraemer Jacqueline Lagasse Brian Langlotz

William Martin Darlene McCulloch Kyunghoi Min Leslie Olsson Bevery Paget Luke Rawluk Rochelle Rubinstein Morley Rypp Shirley Rypp Kenneth Shappee Jaime Shappee Kathy Shorr Marjorie Somers Klaus Tibelius Jacquelyn Tibelius Debbie-Lee Voth Jeremy Wiebe Albert Yeung

An intergalactic thanks goes out to our Team Leaders, the Jedi Knights of Deep Space Fringe, who keep the festival running smoothly. If you want to get involved and become a volunteer, visit or drop by the Volunteer Hospitality Centre, located at 174 Market Avenue.

Stephanie and Clayton 2010 Volunteer Department Coordinators Photo by Leif Norman

There are new developments at the Mother Ship (a.k.a. Old Market Square) again this year, and we’re excited about using the CUBE (the brand new stage) to host all of our outdoor performers and musicians. We’ve moved our Kids Fringe activity centre and our merchant vendors to the planets Albert and Arthur right across from the park, where there will also be two new busker circles to entertain you. If you need to rest up for future adventures, be sure to beam up to the Mother Ship for some food, a cool beverage and amazing entertainment for galactic adventurers of all ages.

For 23 years, volunteers have made the Winnipeg Fringe Festival an event that’s out of this world! We have more than 800 volunteers to thank — they are skilled in the ways of the Force, and their enthusiasm defies gravity! We also give special thanks to the volunteers of the month who eclipsed our expectations and completed 10 or more shifts in 2009:

So buckle up, put on your helmet, drop your visor and get ready to blast off to the Fringe and Beyond. Fringe long and prosper. And may the Fringe be with you!

Chuck “Resistance is Futile” McEwen Executive Producer

Deborah “The Force is Strong with this One” Axelrod Festival Coordinator Volunteers lend a helping hand at the 2009 festival.


The Harry S. Rintoul Memorial Award for Best New Manitoban Play at the Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival In 2002, the Manitoba Association of Playwrights (MAP), the centre for playwriting in Manitoba, established an award to honour the memory of one of its members, Harry Rintoul, who passed away suddenly in January of that year. Harry was a leading playwright and the founding Artistic Director of Theatre Projects Manitoba, and this award celebrates what Harry felt most passionately about: new playwriting in the community and the production of this work. Harry originally made his mark at the first Fringe with refugees.

Last year, the Harry S. Rintoul Memorial Award was presented to Joseph Aragon for his play Bloodless: The Trial of Burke and Hare. Past winners are Daniel Thau-Eleff for Remember the Night in 2008; Ross McMillan for The Ingrates in 2007; Stefanie Wiens for Max and Mirabelle in 2006; Jason Neufeld for The Rise and Fall of Bloody Redemption in 2005; Daniel Thau-Eleff for THREE RING CIRCUS: Israel, the Palestinians and My Jewish Identity in 2004; Joseph Aragon for The Unlikely Sainthood of Madeline McKay in 2003; and Kevin Klassen for Aftertaste in 2002.

Photo by Leif Norman

Entries are juried by theatre professionals during the festival. The winner will receive $500 from MAP and a 2011 Superpass donated by the Fringe. The award will be presented on the Outdoor Stage on closing night of the festival. Top Left: Harry Rintoul. Above: Joseph Aragon (left) accepts the 2009 Harry S. Rintoul Memorial Award for his play Bloodless: The Trial of Burke and Hare, presented by MAP Coordinator Rory Runnells.

MAP promotes and develops plays and playwrights in Manitoba. Since 1979, the organization has worked on new plays with theatres and individuals; it offers numerous programs to assist playwrights in dramaturgy, as well as reading and workshopping plays. If you write plays, MAP is the place to offer assistance in your development as an artist.

Any donations to MAP in honour of the Rintoul Award are gratefully received. A tax receipt will be issued for gifts of $10 and more. Reg. no. 103480828 RP0001 Please send donations to: Manitoba Association of Playwrights 503-100 Arthur Street Winnipeg, MB R3B 1H3

Photo by Leif Norman

It really is up to the audience. Here’s how the Best of Fest works: On the last day of the festival, two spots remain open at each of the regular venues, and one at the Kids Venue. The two companies at each venue with the highest ticket sales and popular momentum are awarded an additional show. So, you get to see your favourite act again, and the performers get one more opportunity to rock your planet. It’s a win-win situation! Advance tickets for Best of Fest go on sale after the top-selling shows are announced on Wednesday, July 21. All Best of Fest tickets will be available in advance, so make sure to get yours before they’re all gone! A list of the winning companies will be posted on the website as well as at various locations around the festival site. Tickets to all Best of Fest shows are $10. For more information, call 9-4-FRINGE, visit the Info Tent or Fringe Central (174 Market Avenue), and we’re always available in cyberspace at The Fringe in-flight crew (a.k.a. performers) work hard to keep a smile on your face. They go to the Fringe and Beyond to entertain by singing, playing an instrument, dancing, flying high in the air and acting. But sometimes there are shows that stand out from the rest, and we want you to have a chance to reward them with the title Best of Fest.

The Best of Fest is a fundraiser with 50% of revenue going to the Fringe Festival and 50% going to the performing companies. Make your voice heard and tell anyone who will listen which shows are must-sees. That way, you help out the performers and give yourself another chance to buckle in for a fantastic ride.


official greetings

Welcome to the 2010 Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival. Our Government understands the importance of arts and culture to our society, our identity, and our economy. Festivals bring arts into Canadian communities, where they can be enjoyed by the young and the young-at-heart. The Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival has been presenting theatre, music, poetry, and improvisation on the streets of Winnipeg for 23 years. On behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Government of Canada, I would like to commend the organizers and volunteers for organizing an event that delights audiences eager for new discoveries. I would also like to thank the performers who have come from all over the world for contributing to Winnipeg’s cultural landscape.

James Moore Minister of canadian heritage and official languages

Welcome to Manitoba, home of the 2010 Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival. This annual theatrical showcase brings new energy to our historic Exchange District as thousands participate in the time-honoured art of “fringing.” The Fringe Festival has earned a strong reputation for its creativity, irreverence and ability to challenge common perceptions about the range of theatre. Visitors and locals will be treated to a wide variety of performances that amuse, inspire, educate and confound – but always entertain. Congratulations to the performers, organizers, volunteers, sponsors and theatre fans who make this extraordinary event an annual success. Our government is proud to support this spirited celebration of the wonderful world of theatre. Our renowned volunteerism and hospitality will be on full display during the festival. We hope you enjoy the view.

Flor Marcelino Minister of Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Tourism

As Mayor of Winnipeg, I am delighted to extend greetings to everyone participating in the 23rd annual Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival. The Fringe Festival continues to be one of our city’s most popular and entertaining summer festivals, and it is enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year. I wish to thank all of the volunteers and participants who contribute their time and talent year after year. Your hard work and dedication ensures the Fringe Festival is a continued success in our vibrant arts and culture city. For those visiting Winnipeg, I hope you take the time to experience the warm hospitality that Winnipeg offers and explore some of our city’s many attractions. You will find Winnipeg is a vibrant city offering a host of activities that I am sure you will enjoy. We truly have something for everyone. On behalf of the citizens of Winnipeg and my colleagues on City Council, I wish the Winnipeg Fringe Festival much success again in 2010. Best Wishes,

Sam Katz Mayor of Winnipeg

Greetings, Fringelings! As Commander in Chief of the USS Exchange District, I am pleased to welcome you to the 23rd annual Winnipeg Fringe Festival. Prepare to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and civilizations and to boldly go where hundreds of thousands have gone before. The force is strong with this year’s lineup. With over 1,000 shows for you to make contact with, it should be easy to get out of your antimatter containment module and beam yourself up to the Exchange District. Why not tell ground control you’ll be lost in space for a while, grab your favourite Cylon, set your phaser to stun and make a day of it? The CUBE at Old Market Square is the Festival’s Mother Ship, so be sure to check out as many space jams as you can. With the ongoing, and out-of-this-world, Kids Fringe, there should be something for every type of life form to cling on to. Remember, the Fringe is only on for two weeks, so, unless you plan on causing a rip in the time-space continuum, you’d better soak it up while you can. With intergalactic star performers beaming brighter than Alpha Centauri, I assure you, this year’s Fringe will be a worthwhile enterprise. On behalf of myself and my crew, I would like to extend peaceful wishes to all of the hard-working Wookiees, Romulans, Borgs and Borgettes who have engaged to work at warp speed to make this event what it is. As they say on Kronos, Hoch ‘ebmey tIjon. Fringe Long & Prosper,

Brian Timmerman executive director, exchange district biz

Fringing can be thirsty work, especially when you’re

traversing the galaxy!

Zoom in on great taste and fuel up at the Cantina (Liquor Marts Patio) at Old Market Square!

Please Drink resPonsibly — MoDeration tastes so Much better.



The Fringer’s Guide to the Galaxy

To be in the know when it comes to what is happening at Fringe and Beyond, the Fringe program will let you know when and where all the great shows are playing, how to enter contests, as well as special events you won’t want to miss! Make sure to refer to your Fringer’s Guide to the Galaxy before every visit to Fringe and Beyond, and you’re guaranteed to have a great time.

Enter the matrix

Go to Fringe and Beyond by tailoring the festival to suit you. It all starts with choosing a play. Sometimes an invisible forcefield pulls you toward a show, but other times, a familiar performer, an intriguing play title or a great time slot will inspire you to attend. Have fun with it. Pick what you like while also trying something different. Make sure to check your Fringer’s Guide to the Galaxy for show descriptions* and the master schedule to help you choose the plays that are best for you. Last-minute program changes are posted on, at the Info Tent in Old Market Square (a.k.a. the Mother Ship) and are also available at Fringe Central (174 Market Avenue). * Show descriptions, warnings and audience recommendations are provided by the performing companies.

How to


Buy a ticket

There is no entry to the Fringe universe without a ticket. For ease of intergalactic travel, tickets and passe s are available in advance. Of course, ticke ts can be purchased at the door, but the early bird gets the wormhole! For details on how to purchase tickets, see the next page.


Plan your route

y intergalactic The first rule in an e you know sur travel is to make st venues Mo ! ing go ’re where you within a are d for Fringe and Beyon Mother the of lk wa 10-15 minute Guide to the Ship. The Fringer’s user-friendly a Galaxy contains le map on og Go e Th p. pull-out ma o als provides the Fringe website directions.


Suit up for adventure

No two experiences are alike in the parallel universe of the Fringe. Some shows will have you feeling like you are living in warp speed, while others will feel like suspended animation. But when you step into the matrix that is Fringe and Beyond, you are guaranteed to be entertained. Take a chan ce and try something new. Be part of the charged atmosphere that pervades the Outdoor Site. Check out the goods for sale; take in the live, out-o fthis-world entertainment; and refuel with refreshments available at the Mother Ship.


Communications implant

A reminder for all those ready to embark into the Fringe and Beyond: No latecomers admitted. No refunds. No exchanges. Mission Control wants to make it easy for you to keep on schedule by providing official Fringe time — available at the Info Tent or on any MTS cell phone. Make sure the journey does not begin without you.


Pass the helmet

The virtual reality is that buskers are extremely skilled entertainers, but because they exist in a parallel universe to other performers, they do not always get the financial attention they deserve. So, after enjoying the outdoor entertainment, please show your appreciation for these performers by tossing a toonie — or any other denomination — into the helmet. May the Fringe be with you!





Tickets are available for purchase at each venue with cash only (or by redeeming a Frequent Fringer or a Buddy Pass). For the first performance of the day at each venue, tickets go on sale one hour before showtime. For all other performances, tickets go on sale 15 minutes after the start of the previous performance at the venue. Approximately 50% of tickets are reserved for at-the-door sales. There is a limit of 4 tickets per person at the door.

For only $69, you can see 10 shows and save up to $31 on the regular price of admission! Frequent Fringer Passes can only be redeemed in person at the performance venue and may not be used to buy advance tickets. Frequent Fringers are good for one redemption per play and are nontransferable.

IN ADVANCE Advance tickets will be available as of June 21. About 50% of tickets are available in advance. You can buy advance tickets for any show up to 4 hours prior to showtime. There is a limit of 8 tickets per order in advance. Advance tickets can be purchased in one of three ways: Online: At Payment options include Visa, MasterCard and American Express.

BUDDY PASS The Buddy Pass works the same way as the Frequent Fringer except it can have two cardholder names on the pass. The Buddy Pass is only $95 for 14 shows, which is a savings of up to $45 per pass! The Buddy Pass can only be redeemed in person at the performance venue, by either cardholder, and may not be used to buy advance tickets. Buddy Passes can be used for one or two redemptions per play.

NOTES ABOUT FRINGE PASSES These passes are a real bargain and a great way to see Fringe shows. All passes are gift certificates and are good for at-the-door sales only. They do not guarantee admission to a performance. Line up early to avoid disappointment.

VENUE 1 Kids Venue JOHN HIRSCH THEA The number of Frequent Fringers and Buddy Passes are limited and sell out fast, so don't delay and purchase yours SCHOOL Of CONTEMPORARY DANCERS today! Passes are available year-round at MTCAT BoxTHE Office,MTC MAINSTA

By phone: Call 942-6537 or 1-877-446-4500 (MTC Box Office). Payment options include Visa, MasterCard and American Express. When ordering by phone or in person, please use the three-or-four-digit show code listed above each performance time on the show listing pages or on the Master Schedule. Please see examples this page. In person: At Fringe Central, 174 Market Avenue (MTC Box Office) with cash, Interac, Visa, MasterCard or American Express.


June 21 to July 9: 10 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday Fringe Central, 174 Market Ave.





#101 Thursday

Advance Tickets hours of operation for phone & in-person sales:

July 14


174 Market Avenue, or by calling 942-6537.


July 12 to July 25: 10 am to 8 pm every day Fringe Central, 174 Market Ave.

#2401 #2402 • Discounted pricing is determined by each 19 20 performing company; senior discounts apply to #2403 people aged 65 and over, kids discounts apply to children#2404 aged 12 and under. • A $1.75 surcharge applies to each advance ticket #2405 purchased. • A $2.00#2406 fee is applied to each online order.

July 15


• Matinee prices, where indicated, are in effect for shows starting before 5 pm.


Show code from show listings pages:



#102 #103 #104 #105 #106 #107 #108







Show code from Master Schedule:


July 16

Because 100% of the ticket price goes directly to the performers, it is not possible to give refunds or exchanges once a ticket is purchased.

#2407 #2408 #2409 #2410 #2411 #2412

#2509 #2510 #2511


recently beamed aboard Be sure to check out the festival’s cyber presence at, where we’ll have lots of fun new technologies you can use to enhance your intergalactic journey, such as videos, Twitter, Facebook, photos and the Fringe Blog.

We are continuously probing the farthest reaches of our imaginations to bring new and exciting changes to the Fringe Festival. As you prepare for blast off into the hyperspace of Fringe and Beyond, read below to find out what is new in our galaxy.

Growing Orbit The Fringe Festival is going forth and expanding. Despite construction all around the Mother Ship (a.k.a. Old Market Square), the Fringe has found a way to not only coexist with drop shafts and pilings, but has flourished. Both Albert and Arthur streets between Bannatyne and McDermot will be closed to traffic during the festival, adding a street festival feel to the Fringe and creating a more open atmosphere. Two extra busker circles have been added, so these renegade performers now have space on both streets to wow the Fringing masses. Entertainment is at every turn and is utterly unavoidable. The Vendor Court has moved to Albert and Arthur streets to make way for industrialization, which allows room for Fringers to check out all the great clothing, jewellery, artwork and books, or maybe even get a henna tattoo. The free Kids Fringe activity centre, which includes discovery tent, crafts area, face painting, balloons, workshops, special guests and more, has moved to its new location on Arthur Street. Command Centre has posted signs to direct parents and kids to a childfriendly dimension. We’re very excited about the new street festival feel, and we know it will be a great addition to the Fringe and the Exchange District.

The CUBE has landed For last year’s festival, we had a brand new event lawn at the Mother Ship, and this year, we are very energized to see our buskers, bands and entertainers use the new outof-this-world stage — the CUBE. With its interesting shape and retractable aluminum veil curtain, the CUBE definitely will be an exciting new attraction for the Exchange District and Fringers.


Tip the Fringe The Fringe Festival is a great way to spend a summer day, and your support is truly appreciated. If you would like to give your festival a boost, then please Tip the Fringe! You can get your souvenir 2010 Fringe Fan Collector’s Button (all the cool kids have them!) at any venue or the Info Tent at the Mother Ship for just a toonie. And while you’re at the Info Tent (or when you stop by Fringe Central at 174 Market Avenue), pick up some of the intergalactic Fringe and Beyond must-have souvenirs! We’ve got water bottles, hats, t-shirts, travel mugs, tote bags and more. We’d be over the moon to see you decked out in Fringewear. There’s something for everyone, even Kids Fringe shirts for our youngest Fringers.

Digital reality Fringe and Beyond is going to last for infinity … digitally. This year, Fringe explorers will have a record 155 theatrical planets to discover, along with all of our outdoor performers, Kids Fringe activities and other special events.

Above: the 2010 Fringe Fan Collector’s Button

friends of the fringe As the Fringe Festival grows at the speed of light, we need to make sure our expenses don’t eclipse revenues. The costs of running the Fringe Festival aren’t skyrocketing, but they do increase every year. And since 100% of ticket revenue goes to our talented performers (and deservedly so), we need help with the funding for venues, tents, lights and sound. Please consider becoming a Friend of the Fringe by making a donation. That way, the Fringe can live long and prosper. Thank you!

FRINGE BENEFITS By donating to the Fringe, you’ll support a festival that’s light years ahead of its time, and you’ll get some great swag in return.

Fringe Fanatics

Fringe Favourites

For donations of $100 or more, you will receive:

For donations of $25 to $99, you will receive:

• One Fringe souvenir of your choice • Two Fringe programs • Fringe Fan Collector’s Button • A charitable tax receipt*

• One Fringe program • Fringe Fan Collector’s Button • A charitable tax receipt*

To Donate: • Make a contribution at • Visit us at 174 Market Ave.

• Call MTC Box Office at 942-6537 • Download a form and mail to:

about For more information g Fringe, ipe nn Wi the to donating ing gfr visit www.winnipe

Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival 174 Market Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0P8

* Tax receipts may only be issued to the donor. Charitable Tax #: 11903 0799 RR0001

We thank the following Fringe Friends who made astronomical contributions to the Winnipeg Fringe (May 15, 2009 – May 31, 2010): Fringe Fanatics Ron Adamik Susan Algie & James Wagner Gail Asper & Michael Paterson Mr. Tim Babcock Karla Berbrayer & Allen Kraut Rick Borchert & Beth Kettner Cambridge Hotel Don Campbell Bill Cechvala & Marie Berry Chase & Hamill In Memory of Michael Clarke Allison Cotton & Jim Gladstone Kerry Dangerfield Debbie Gray Mr. David Didluck Dr. Caligari’s Cabaret of Desire Earle & Catharine Ferguson Investors Group Investors Group Matching Gift Program Chris Johnson & Barbara Donovan J.W. Tam Medical Corporation Sara Kinnear Rick Lee & Laurie Shapiro William Martin Melet Plastics Inc. Allen Mironuk Kathy Nevackas Linda & Wayne Paquin Jim Parker David & Lynn Pate Heather Power

Ms. Judith Putter Jim Sankey & Sylvia Fisher Colleen & Bertram Schneider Robert Schuppel Jon Seguire Shelagh & Alex Greg Simeonidis Geri & Peter Spencer Ross & BJ Taylor Terry Tully Joan Wright Anonymous (3)

Fringe Favourites Katherine Abra Bonnie Blakley Shelly Blanco Anne Bolton & Geri McGrath Ron Bowes Ken & Denise Brown Sean Campbell Frances Cholakis Tod Christianson Patricia Cochrane Lacrimioara Comanita David & Kathy Connor B. Crow Will Darracott Caren Dundas Fagie Fainman Fran Falzarano Gayle & Bill Fischer Naomi Forman

Chris Freeman Justin Friesen James Gallalee Denice Girdner John Gordon Ken Gordon Beau Hajavitch Vera Hamson E. Herst Darlene Hnatyshyn Elizabeth Hopkins Carol Hughes Barbara Iwasiow Therese Jastrzebski Sherry Kaniuga S. Kasian Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners — on behalf of Sara Kinnear Paula Klan Lenny Kwasiuk Gerald Lefevre Kerri Lipischak Danica Lister Laura Lussier Judy Manness Ardelle Martin Frank & Terry Martin Shirley Matile In memory of William Maw — Elizabeth Maw Diane McGifford Linda Mecklilng Celoris Miller

Kathy Montgomery Erika Morin-Nett Shelley Muir Ms. Claire Ogden Bev Passey Kurt Penner Bev Phillips Wendy Richardson Beverley Ridd Don Schellenberg Krista Senkow Clarice Shell Jason Smith Lillian Smith Ms. Yolanda Smith Sandra Summers Marilyn Szajcz Maureen Taggart Sharon Taylor Liv Thorseth Nelson Tomsic Ann Tyre Andrea von Wichert Mavis & Allan Whicker Terrie Woodward Louise Worster Nancy Young Regan Young Anonymous (6) We also thank all of the Best of Fest companies for their contributions.


festival partners



Thanks to these individuals and businesses who helped us along the way! ABC Fire & Safety, African Pot, Al at Shelter Canada, Artsjunktion, Tim Babcock, John Bent Jr., Kenny Boyce, Brave New World, David Budzak, Wayne Buss!, Calmont Trucks, Chris and Larry’s Clodhopper’s, Cinematheque, Corpell’s Water, Country John’s Portable Toilets, Dave Cousins, Curtis Cushnie, daisy dharma, Donald Miskolzie, Downtown BIZ, Todd Drader, Economic Development Winnipeg Inc., Epic Production Technologies, Exchange District BIZ, Falafel on Broadway, Festival du Voyageur, fresh option organic delivery , Funtastic Party Planners, The Gas Station Theatre, George & Lorraine Bardsley, Chris Gibbs, Grace Café at City Hall, Hart Greenberg, Tim Harding, Harrison Beach Jewellery, Odette Heyn-Penner, i29 designs, IATSE Local 63, India Palace , Innova Art, Craft & Design, Larry Isacoff, Ian Kirk, Nick Kowalchuk, Rob Kristjansson, Kurio Studio & Gallery, Long & McQuade, Brent Lott, the Province of Manitoba – Facilities, Manitoba Conservatory of Music and Arts, Manitoba Homecoming 2010, Manitoba Opera, Manitoba Theatre for Young People, Mariaggi’s Theme Suite Hotel, Rick MacPherson, Charlene Melvin, Mendi Henna Tattoos, Mini O’s , Mom’s Pantry, Alison Nutt, The Original Pancake House, Panago Pizza, Park Theatre, Party Stuff, Pastry Castle, Pete Petovitch, Julia Pouliot, Prairie Theatre Exchange, Rainbow Stage, Jim Rink, Claude Robert, Krista Rosnow, Ben Ross, Allan Sansom, Santa Lucia Pizza, the School of Contemporary Dancers, Silver Street Jewellers, Sound Art, Ken Swain, Melinda Tallin, Burton Tennenbiem, Faye Thompson, Tim Horton’s, Brian Timmerman, U of W Theatre Department, Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg International Jazz Festival, Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dancers, Mike Wright






*TM/MC Keith’s Brewery.



if Norman



Opening Day Wednesday, July 14 Blast off happens at noon at the Mother Ship (a.k.a. Old Market Square). Don’t miss your chance to venture into Fringe and Beyond: Going where no Fringe has gone before.

noon – 6:00 pm Young astronauts in training are invited for the landing of Kids Fringe. Out-of-this-world entertainment includes The Lindsey White Band, a game show, Equilibrium Circus, Alphabet Soup and Paradigm Brass. Also featured in the stellar opening day line-up are two of the top acts from last year’s festival: Chango, which won Best Musical Act at Kids Fringe 2009, and Max & Dagger, winner of Best Variety Act at Kids Fringe 2009.

r o o d t u o Rob FireNix

6:00 – 11:30 pm


For those who already have their flight wings, Fringe and Beyond heats up at night. Different from years past, Fringe After Dark has morphed into one full night of continuous entertainment. When entering the moon phase of the Fringe Festival, Fringers will encounter great acts, including James Jordan, Sweet Alibi, Chris without the Hat, The Wade Henry Show, Equilibrium Circus and Radio Electric. To guide festivalgoers through the intergalactic maze of incredible talent will be hosts Ken & Tim, who are guaranteed to provide gravitydefying guffaws.

the flame!

Max & Dagger

2009) (Best variety Act, Kids Fringe

The Lindsey White Band Kids Fringe Game Show Chango

Kids Fringe 2009) (Best Musical Act,

3:00 pm 3:45 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm

Equilibrium Circus Alphabet Soup Max & Dagger Paradigm Brass

Outdoor Stage


6:00 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 pm 8:30 pm 8:45 pm 9:45 pm 10:00 pm 10:45 pm

James Jordan Sweet Alibi Ken & Tim Chris without the Hat Ken & Tim The Wade Henry Show Tim Equilibrium Circus Radio Electric

PHOTO BY Leif Norman

Chango A group that has a passion for West African drumming and culture, Chango has studied many of the traditional Mande rhythms over the years. They put on a strong performance that will get everyone within earshot dancing. Paradigm Brass Paradigm Brass is a new model of brass ensemble, presenting a hybrid of styles designed to create a distinct sound and reach a broader range of listeners. From church stages to nightclub scenes, Paradigm brings Bach to the bars and groove to the concert halls.

Jazz on a String Marionettes Joe Jazz and Jessica come to life under the skilled hands of Estee. Jessica sprawls seductively over a tiny piano or slinks across the stage, belting out an Ella Fitzgerald tune with ease. When it’s Joe’s turn to perform, he sits on the piano bench and tickles the ivories while he sways and bobs to the music. By the time they are done, it is hard to tell where Joe and Jessica end and Estee begins. Fubuki Daiko Audiences everywhere are energized by Fubuki Daiko’s (Blizzard Drums) highpowered style of Japanese drumming. The group’s North American roots push the envelope of tradition to create a truly eclectic experience that is part martial arts, part meditation and all rhythm. Chris without the Hat This show offers a mixture of physical comedy and bust-a-gut-laugh-yourselfridiculous humour. There is also plenty of audience interaction and opportunities for the volunteers to be “part of the show.”

Performers & performance schedules subject to change. check for up-to-date information.

Kids Fringe Noon 1:00 pm 1:45 pm 2:15 pm

There are plenty of laughs and plenty of danger in the internationally renowned Rob FireNix Comedy Circus FireShow. Be amused and bemused at the high-skill antics and high-class entertainment enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people in more than 25 countries around the world. From body burning and fire eating to a massive firewhip finale, feel

1 Sweet Alibi 2 Bohemian Fire Fusion 3 DJ Beekeeni 4 Ken & Tim 5 Wes Mackey 6 Jonathan Burns: Flexible Comedy



Closing Day Sunday, July 25

r stage

It’s time to re-enter the atmosphere after a fantastic 12-day journey to the outer limits of Fringe, but don’t suspend animation just yet! Before disappearing into a black hole, the Fringe Festival is going out with a bang.

Noon – 6:00 pm Little droids can strap on their datapacks to take in the last day of the festival with Kids Fringe acts Kobalt, Flexible Comedy, The Lindsey White Band, Rob FireNix, Zach Raizman, Max & Dagger, Jazz on a String and Fubuki Daiko (say that three times fast!) Also, at 5 pm, Best of Kids Fringe winners will be announced. Make sure to be there to cheer on your favourites!


6:00 – 11:00 pm

’s The Come and experience a live recreation of David Bowie This Mars. from s Spider Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the ty, entire its in ted, presen be will record rock classic 1972 glam tive that collec the of ers memb and tt Tapsco ew Matth by 2008 Fringe. brought Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon to the The Wade Henry Show Wade Henry is a professional street performer who features fast-paced comedy juggling, sizzling fire eating, a screaming high 10’ unicycle, chainsaw juggling and plenty of audience participation. The show is suitable for all ages. all photos courtesy the artists except where noted

Ingrid Gatin Ingrid Gatin makes eclectic beautiful. Reaching the top 20 on Earshot Charts across Canada, Winnipeg’s own Ingrid Gatin is getting ready to take Canada by storm. With accordion, piano, vocals, handclaps, footstomps and tambourine, Ingrid has crafted her own eclectic and beautiful sound in the indie/roots music genre. Wherever Ingrid goes, she is dancing, singing, playing instruments and banging on the floors and walls. You can almost hear her coming your way.

Take a quantum leap into a parallel universe for the last day of Fringe and Beyond. Go where you have been before because you loved it! Not only will Best of Fest winners perform one last time, one genetically superb Manitoba playwright will be presented with the Harry S. Rintoul Award on the MTS Outdoor Stage. Closing day acts will help ease your transition back to Earth. Flexible Comedy, Vicky Shae, James Jordan, Max & Dagger, Rob FireNix and Bad Water Blues Kings will all be on board to entertain the Fringing masses. Ken & Tim will have you laughing all the way back to this planet.

Saturday, July 24

11:00 pm

Zach Raizman If you’re looking for a high-energy, interactive show, then Zach Raizman is your guy. He has an entertaining repertoire of original pop rock songs that will appeal particularly to the tweens and teens. DJ Beekeeni DJ Beekeeni (a.k.a. Eve of the act Vav Jungle) mixes music from all eras, including her own, along with different styles for an adult audience. She is also known as the singing DJ and will sing to her own tunes, play keyboards and use effects, along with dancers, to make it wild and danceable for a large crowd.

Pass the Helmet The virtual reality is that buskers are extremely skilled entertainers, but because they exist in a parallel universe to other performers, they do not always get the financial attention they deserve. So, after enjoying the outdoor entertainment, please show your appreciation for these performers by tossing a toonie — or any other denomination — into the helmet. May the Fringe be with you!

Kids Fringe Noon 12:45 pm 1:30 pm 2:15 pm 3:00 pm 3:45 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 5:15 pm

Kobalt Jonathan Burns: Flexible Com edy The Lindsey White Band Rob FireNix Zach Raizman Max & Dagger Jazz on a String Best of Kids Fringe winners announced Fubuki Daiko

Outdoor Stage

6:00 pm 6:45 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 pm 8:30 pm 8:45 pm 9:30 pm 10:15 pm

Jonathan Burns: Flexible Com edy Vicky Shae Ken & Tim James Jordan Ken & Tim Max & Dagger Rob FireNix Bad Water Blues Kings



(Onstage Perfor

Jordyn Lumsden

on Beth and Bill Hamilt





Act Chango - Best Musical 9 of Kids Fringe 200

Mode 7

Chris without the Hat

Nevin Neil

Neil Keep Oh My Darling

Davis Brothers Band

Paradigm Brass

Equilibrium Circus

Lower Jason Maas and the s ion pan Com Jayne Galloway

ible Jonathan Burns – Flex Comedy


1 Jason Maas and the Lower Companions 2 Alphabet Soup 3 Duke Dreamer 4 Kobalt 5 Equilibrium Circus 6 Secondhandpants 7 Living Statue Tanya Elchuk 8 Max & Dagger

Rob FireNix Sister Dorothy Take 5


(Returning Special ERS Guests) Alphabet Soup

The Lindsey White Band


Jazz on a String Fubuki Daiko





pm to 6

! y day


Astronom ical entertain ment on the MTS Outd oor Stag e!


Admission : Pass the helmet


6 7






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Kids Fringe Activity Centre has moved:

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all photos courtesy the artists except where noted

(Indoor performers on Outdoor Stage) Duke Dreamer (Daniel NimMo) Erik de Waal John Pippus secondhandpants Tanya Elchuk The Max & Dagger Show Best Variety Act of Kids Fringe 2009 Travis the Magician

Arthur Street! 8

DISCOVERY & EXPLORATION (Activities) Adventures in Reading with Frontier College

MB Securities Commission Activity Tent

Canadian Fossil Discovery

Oak Hammock Marsh Cart

Engineers without Borders

Prancing Pony Petting Zoo (July 15, 18, 21 & 25)

Folklorama Ambassadors Folklorama Llama Funtastic Party Planners • Inflatable Bouncer • Face painting • Balloon Sculpture Kindermusik MB Hydro Electric Museum

Pre-school Play and Bubbles Riding Mountain National Park Storytelling with Joey Fehr WPS Community Caravan and mascot Copper

MOONWALKERS (Dance Groups) Diamond Disc Dogs Hep Cat Studios

Winnipeg Police Mounted Patrol – Say hello to Amaro and Titus!

Magic N Motion Masterworks Dance Studio

Performers & performance schedules subject to change. check for up-to-date information.

Proud to support

the Kids Fringe

Great-West Life and the key design are trademarks of The Great-West Life Assurance Company. ™ is a trademark of The Great-West Life Assurance Company.

YAP Theatre

African Folktales with Erik de Waal

Cape Town, South Africa

by Erik de Waal

The hit show returns with brand new stories. 170,000 kids on five continents can’t be wrong. African folktales come to vibrant life through storytelling, puppetry, and lots and lots of laughs. CBC Top Ten show in 2009 & 2007.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #2401 16 #2408 17

Sunday 18 #2421

11:00 am 12:45 pm

6:00 pm

19 #2428 20 #2431 21

22 #2443 23 #2452 24 #2453 25 #2461

7:45 pm

2:15 pm

2:30 pm

8:00 pm 12:45 pm 6:00 pm

211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building) | Enter from parking lot on Main St.


“Irresistible to the young at heart” – CBC




kids (12 & under)

45 min

especially for kids (12 & under)

dRagamuffin Productions

Alack! (Being the Tale of Two Quests, a Dragon and a Handbook)

Winnipeg, MB

by Jessy Ardern & Ksenia Broda-Milian

Princess Ariana and Prince Stuart want to get married, but tradition holds that he must rescue her from something first. Ariana sets off to find a dragon to kidnap her, meeting the kingdom’s strangest subjects while her Prince struggles to follow … A zany twist on traditional fairy tales that will leave everyone laughing — adults, children and dragons of all ages.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #2402 16

12:30 pm

12:30 pm 25 #2460

11:00 am 7:15 pm

4:00 pm


4:00 pm



5:30 pm

2:30 pm

kids (12 & under)

family friendly • babes in arms permitted

75 min

No Flash Photography

A Fish’s Wish

Winnipeg, MB

by Tim Bandfield & Rebecca Hay This is puppet theatre unlike any other! Join Dodger the angelfish and his best friend Beau on a “blacklight” underwater adventure. Get swept away by the colourful song and dance of glowing seahorses, eels and jellyfish who guide Dodger and Beau closer to the mysterious wonderstar. Visually stunning and wonderfully funny, A Fish’s Wish will delight children and adults alike.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #2405 16 #2409 17 #2413 18

6:00 pm

2:15 pm 12:30 pm

19 #2426 20 #2433 21 #2435 22 #2442 23

24 #2457 25

4:30 pm

7:30 pm


5:45 pm 11:00 am 12:45 pm



kids (12 & under)

45 min

family friendly

lights turned off to make puppets glow; this show may not be suitable for kids under 3

FOUR WISHES | An Adaptation of Gluskabe and the Four Wishes by Joseph Bruchac

Gunstwork Puppet Mask Theatre Boulder, Co

by Gunstwork Puppet Mask Theatre

“Deeply satisfying … magical” – City Beat Four Wishes, adapted from Gluskabe and the Four Wishes by Joseph Bruchac. From Michael Gunst, the performer of The Mask Messenger, Pick of the Fringe in ‘05, and Four Wishes, Encore Pick of the Fringe in ‘07, Boulder International Fringe Festival. Four Wishes is as much an extravagant children’s adventure as it is a potent fable for adults.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #2411 17 #2417 18 #2419

5:30 pm

7:15 pm

2:30 pm

19 #2425 20 #2432 21 #2436 22 #2446 23 #2447 24 #2454 25

2:45 pm


4:00 pm 12:30 pm 7:30 pm 11:00 am 2:15 pm



kids (12 & under)

family friendly • under 4 not admitted


Sunday 18 #2418

19 #2423 20 #2434 21 #2438 22 #2445 23 #2449 24



Saturday 17


stunningly visual

60 min

Wide Open

Much More MUNSCH!

Saskatoon, SK

by Robert Munsch | Adapted by Wide Open Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #2406 16 #2407 17 #2414 18 #2420

7:30 pm 11:00 am 2:00 pm

4:15 pm

19 #2427 20 #2430 21 #2437 22

23 #2450 24 #2455 25

6:00 pm 12:45 pm 2:15 pm

4:30 pm


“Mom and Dad (have) as much fun as their kids” – Edmonton Sun, HHHHH

kids (12 & under)

especially for kids (12 & under) • babes in arms permitted 60 min


your sides will hurt from laughter!

Chase & Hamill

Snow White the Comedy or Blanche Neige et les Trois Slobs

Winnipeg, MB

by Edith Weiss Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #2403 16 #2410 17 #2415 18 #2422


20 #2429 21 #2440 22 #2444 23 #2448 24 #2456 25

2:30 pm 11:00 am 7:45 pm




3:45 pm

3:45 pm

7:30 pm

3:45 pm 12:45 pm 5:45 pm

kids (12 & under)

The Queen is green with envy, while Snow White hides in the House of the Three Slobs! Will her prince ever come? And will Grouchy, Slacker and Snivelly ever learn to fend for themselves? All ends happily in this hilarious cut-up of a classic fairy tale, from the producers and playwright of CINDERELLA! CINDERELLA! (2009 Kids Fringe Best of Fest).

especially for kids (12 & under) • babes in arms permitted 60 min


jealous queens • poison apples • comical abuse of the french language

Imaginary Productions

The Weirdest One in the World

Winnipeg, MB

Monday 12

Book by Cory Wojcik | Music by Angus Kohm

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #2404 16 #2412 17 #2416 18

4:15 pm

7:15 pm

5:30 pm

19 #2424 20

21 #2439 22 #2441 23 #2451 24

25 #2459

1:00 pm

6:00 pm 11:00 am 6:15 pm

2:15 pm




kids (12 & under)

Do you ever feel that you’re the weirdest one? Martin sure does. That’s why he takes a trip to NORMAL — a village somewhere between here and there and not of this world. It turns out NORMAL is not exactly what it’s cracked up to be. A new original musical about being yourself, liking to be yourself, and being anything but normal.



“Masterful with accents, emotions and movement” – Edmonton Journal, HHHH½

4:00 pm

211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building) | Enter from parking lot on Main St.


From the company that brought you Munsch’n Right Along and Munsch More Munsch comes six new stories written by Robert Munsch and performed in puppet! Featuring 32 Muppet-style puppets and a live narrator.

especially for kids (12 & under) • babes in arms permitted 60 min



weird • normal

After going to a play at the Kids Venue, pick up an entry at the venue and write your very own review. Review Kids!Weform want to know what you think! Contest You could win the grand prize: Why did you like the story? Who was your favourite character?

• 2 tickets to every show in the Kids Venue at the 2011 Festival • Kids Fringe t-shirt We may even post your review online during the fringe!

Were there any cool costumes or special effects?



174 Market Ave. | Entrance on John Hirsch Pl.


David Gaines

7 (x1) Samurai

Arlington, VA

by David Gaines

Best Solo Show and Best of the Fest at Orlando Fringe 2009!

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

One man performs the epic story of Seven Samurai — complete with victimized peasants, marauding bandits, samurai warriors and spectacular fight scene — retold at comic breakneck pace. Unique, riveting and very funny.

11:00 pm 22 #152 23 #155 24 #164 25

9:00 pm

7:15 pm 12:00 pm 3:45 pm


3:30 pm



kids (12 & under) • fringe performers & volunteers

60 min

general audience

FatWhine Productions

Billy Stutter: An Irish Play

Toronto, ON

by Dan Hershfield

Billy Stutter is your typical mute Irish boxer with a secret, living across the graveyard from the unrequited love of his life. But when a handsome stranger blows into town to woo the fair Taliesin, will Billy finally have the courage to “speak up”… or are things about to get that much more Irish?

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #102 15 #104 16 #112 17 #121 18

8:15 pm 12:30 pm 4:00 pm 19 #131 20


11:30 pm 12:00 pm

tickets 60 min

general audience

Infamous Thespian Company

Death in England

Winnipeg, MB

by Sam Bobrick

Grab Death by the throat in Bobrick’s Death in England, with jolts of Monty Python and twists of Agatha Christie. Death is the victim in an eerie, absurd moment, when you can beat Death at his own game. Join the Infamous Thespian Company in opening the door to the macabre. Anything is possible, when Death takes a holiday in England.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #106 16

Saturday 17

4:15 pm

Sunday 18 #129

10:00 pm

19 #132 20 #136 21 #143 22 #154 23

24 #166 25

4:15 pm 12:45 pm 2:00 pm 11:00 pm

7:15 pm




high school & university students: GOcards/high school id/current university id needed at door

general audience • under 5 not admitted


120 min

language • strobe lights • herbal cigarettes

Die Roten Punkte

Melbourne, AU/Berlin, DEU

by Otto & Astrid Rot Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15



21 #146 22 #150 23 #156 24 #165 25 #172

HHHH½ – Winnipeg Free Press HHHHH “Your cheeks will hurt from laughing” – Winnipeg Sun

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #116 17 #122 18 #125

11:45 pm 9:15 pm

HHHH “Pitch-perfect pop parody” – The Scotsman, Edinburgh


7:30 pm

23 #161 24 #162 25


2:30 pm


Die Roten Punkte (The Red Dots) are Berlin’s Prince and Princess of Indie Rock. Utterly dysfunctional siblings Otto and Astrid Rot unveil their eagerly anticipated third album KUNST ROCK (ART ROCK).


Saturday Sunday 17 #123 18

19 #134 20 #137 21


Friday 16

10:00 pm

Critics Pick and Acclaim Award in Cincinnati 2009! Best Solo Performance at DC Fringe 2008!

Wednesday Thursday 14 #103 15

8:45 pm




3:45 pm

5:30 pm

6:45 pm

students • seniors • kids (12 & under) • unemployed • equity members

general audience


1:45 pm

2:00 pm

subject matter • language

75 min

The Fugitives

Eccentrically We Love

Vancouver, BC

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #139 21 #147 22 #149 23 #159 24

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #109 16

11:15 pm 7:00 pm 10:30 pm 2:00 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #120 18 #124

5:45 pm 12:15 pm 25

7:45 pm

“A hypnotic and swirling mix of voice and music that straddles the line between traditional songwriting and poetry” – Vue

HHHHH – CBC A – Uptown Magazine

The Miracle Violence Connection

An Examination of Raphael Saray’s Oeuvre

Flin Flon, MB

by Raphael Saray

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #111 17 #119 18 #128


20 #141 21 #145 22 #148 23

24 #167 25

11:00 pm 6:45 pm 12:00 pm

10:00 pm

2:00 pm



8:00 pm

matinees • students • seniors

mature audience


3:45 pm

Raphael Saray and his Miracle Violence Connection return!!! After years and numerous performances, Mr. Saray has finally exited Winnipeg, stage left. All that remains is his printed word. In celebration of Flin Flon’s paramount playwright, this local troupe proudly presents An Examination of Raphael Saray’s Oeuvre.


“The Fugitives are capable of achieving dizzying, Arcade Fire-ish crescendos, replete with parallel melodies, complex harmonies and brimming torrents of emotion” – Uptown Magazine


60 min

“A surprising auditory experience blending elements of bluegrass, jazz, folk and spoken word” – Uniter

174 Market Ave. | Entrance on John Hirsch Pl.

tickets general audience • under 5 not admitted



by The Fugitives



75 min


subject matter • language

Hockey B oys By Jere my Mas on & Neil Le Grande ur

A comic return to Winnipeg by The Good Thief, 2009 Fringe.

When Harry Met Harry

An imaginative and lively performance that twists Harry inside out.

By Allan Girod

“I just don’t understand why a whoopee cushion is funny!” “An excellent night out ... Girod captivates the audience.” - Australian Stage Review

Venue 2 (MTC Up the Alley): Wed, July 14 10:30 PM ! Fri, July 16 3:45 PM Sun, July 18 7:45 PM ! Mon, July 19 3:30 PM Tue, July 20 5:00 PM! Fri, July 23 12:00 PM Sat, July 24 9:15 PM

Venue #2 MTC Up the Alley, Entrance on John Hirsch Place. Thurs Fri Sat Tues

July 15 July 16 July 17 July 20

7:45pm 9:45pm 3:30pm 11:00pm

Wed Thurs Fri Sun

July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24

3:45pm 5:30pm 2:00pm 8:30pm

ALL TICKETS $5 on Thurs July 15 7.45pm



174 Market Ave. | Entrance on John Hirsch Pl.


Snakeskin Jacket Productions

Fool for Love

Winnipeg, MB

by Sam Shepard

Directed by Chris Johnson, Fool for Love is the tragedy of Eddie and May. In a cheap motel room, we witness them wrestle in a power struggle where identity is vague, time is cyclical, and memories are idealized and altered to suit the needs of the dreamer.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #105 16 #114 17 #117 18

2:15 pm 21 #142 22

23 #160 24

25 #171

7:00 pm

12:00 pm

9:30 pm

4:45 pm






subject matter • language • gunshots

Bundle of JOY Productions

It’s Raining in Barcelona

Saskatoon, SK

by Pau Miró | Translated by Sharon G. Feldman A prostitute interested in Dante who seeks clients in museums. A pimp obsessed with cheeseburgers and chocolates. A client who, every night, wishes for his wife’s death. This Canadian premiere, by award-winning Catalonian playwright Pau Miró, depicts the fragile and bizarre triangle of three desperate characters. Starring Jeffrey Pufahl (Caberlesque!, Prairie Salt), Leora Joy Godden and Alan Long. Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #101 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #115 17 #118 18

6:30 pm

10:00 pm 2:00 pm

19 #135 20 #138 21

22 #151 23

10:45 pm 5:15 pm

5:30 pm


8:30 pm

general audience • under 14 not admitted

60 min

subject matter • partial nudity

Dancing Hen

Scar Tissue

Winnipeg, MB

by Muriel Hogue The Red Hen dances at the Fringe again! From the company that brought you Breath, Juana la Loca, Blue Kettle and many other hits, comes an explosive new drama. Laughter, tears and shock displace each other in a split second as a fragile family of women is sent into crisis at the arrival of a young man.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #108 16 #113 17

19 #130 20 #140 21

9:00 pm

5:45 pm

23 #158 24 #168 25

12:15 pm 8:45 pm



3:45 pm

5:30 pm 12:00 am


matinees • equity members • actra members • manitoba association of playwrights • fringe performers

mature audience • under 12 not admitted


Sunday 18 #126


90 min

subject matter • language • herbal cigarettes • violence • sexual scenes

Resonator Theatrical Winnipeg, MB

by William Shakespeare

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #107 16 #110 17



21 #144 22 #153 23 #157 24 #163 25

7:00 pm 12:00 pm 4:45 pm




9:00 pm

3:30 pm


Sunday 18 #127

6:00 pm 1:45 pm

students • seniors • kids (12 & under)

general audience


25 #173




Dramatic and bold: Resonator Theatrical steps forward with their violent and dark reinvention of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew. With modern horror at its core, combined with the sparse backdrop of the Bard’s harrowingly beautiful language, the play is turned inside out and sets a great tone on stage. Shakespeare’s words: a new plot.


75 min

mature audience • under 10 not admitted

The Taming of the Shrew VENUE SPONSOR

8:00 pm 12:00 pm

19 #133 20

subject matter • herbal cigarettes

75 min





















Ausable Theatre

archy and mehitabel

174 Market Ave. | Entrance on John Hirsch Pl.

Archy is a cockroach with a critical eye on humanity, and Mehitabel is a bohemian alley cat with an unbreakable spirit.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

HHHHH – Winnipeg Free Press


20 #242 21 #251 22 #254 23 #264 24 #268 25

“Thought-provoking fun” – Theatre in London

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 #202 15 #205 16

8:45 pm


Directed by Jayson McDonald.



9:15 pm

Cultural Imaginary Productions


New York, NY

by Max Arnaud One video game, one thirtysomething temp and one overworked mom collide in an explosion of creative mania and parental concern. Reality upends and cluelessness crescendos. Are we dreaming awake? Or could this all be a dream? Comedy becomes dangerous and danger becomes comedy in this relentlessly paced play.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #204 16 #214 17 #222 18 #226


20 #243 21 #250 22

23 #265 24 #272 25

8:45 pm

11:00 pm 11:15 pm

12:15 pm 5:45 pm


9:00 pm

7:00 pm

1:45 pm

tickets 90 min

subject matter • gunshots

Ten Foot Pole Productions

F**KING STEPHEN HARPER: How I Sexually Assaulted the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada

Toronto, ON

by Rob Salerno

Everyone’s heard how journalist Rob Salerno sexually assaulted Stephen Harper during the last election. Now hear Salerno’s side of the story at this signing of his tell-all memoir! Toronto Fringe Hit: “Sure as hell funnier than Rick Mercer” – Now “Mercer for the anti-social” – Globe and Mail “Hilarious” – National Post From the creator of Balls (‘08 Fringe): A+ – Uptown HHHH½ – Sun

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #211 17 #224 18 #227

12:00 pm 11:00 pm 4:00 pm 19 #236 20

21 #245 22 #253 23 #263 24 #267 25

7:15 pm

12:00 pm 1:45 pm


7:15 pm

2:00 pm

tickets 60 min

general audience


may offend federal conservatives

Minutes to Impact

Hockey Boys

Edmonton, AB

by Jeremy Mason & Neil LeGrandeur Rob is a diehard Edmonton Oilers fan. Ken is a diehard Calgary Flames fan. How can these two 10-year-old friends ever play on the same floor hockey team? This comic tour de force will take you past centre ice and into the memories of two boys as they discover friendship and teamwork … all to a tubular ‘80s soundtrack!

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #203 15

10:30 pm 19 #234 20 #241 21

3:30 pm


5:00 pm

tickets family friendly


4:00 pm

60 min

general audience



Sunday 18

kids (12 & under) • fringe performers

mature audience • under 18 not admitted


Saturday 17

2:30 pm

7:00 pm 11:15 pm 3:45 pm

“An absolute pleasure” – Uptown Magazine “Laugh-out-loud hilarious” – Plank Magazine


London, ON

by Jeff Culbert, based on the works of Don Marquis


Friday Saturday 16 #213 17

Sunday 18 #229

3:45 pm

7:45 pm

23 #259 24 #271 25

12:00 pm 9:15 pm


students • equity members • fringe performers

75 min

The Peter ‘n’ Chris Show! with Peter ‘n’ Chris!!

The Peter ‘n’ Chris Show! with Peter ‘n’ Chris!!

Vancouver, BC

Monday 12

by Chris Wilson and Peter Carlone

Tuesday 13

22 #257 23 #261 24 #269 25

Peter ‘n’ Chris want to do good deeds to your funny bone! So let them! And get ready for hilarious adventure following two young men who refuse to grow up.

9:00 pm

“Utterly hilarious” – Monday Magazine, Victoria

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #206 16 #212 17 #218 18 #230

4:15 pm 19 #238 20


11:00 pm

2:00 pm 12:00 pm 9:45 pm 3:45 pm

5:45 pm



“Comedy duos don’t get much fresher” – Vancouver Sun “Fun! Physically inventive … these two have energy to burn and they’re never boring” – The Georgia Straight

general audience • under 13 not admitted


60 min

subject matter • hilarity

!mPULSE Theatre


Edmonton, AB

Monday 12

by Mathew Bittroff & Tim Cooper

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 #201 15 #210 16 #215 17

Sunday 18

7:00 pm 11:15 pm 8:00 pm 19 #232 20

21 #246 22

23 #262 24

25 #276

12:00 pm

2:00 pm

5:30 pm

6:45 pm


tickets general audience


Fresh from a schizophrenic breakdown, a new patient is admitted into the temporary ward at a mental hospital. Piercing through the countless voices rattling around inside his head comes another voice, a voice coming from the other side of the wall. This dark comedy and heartfelt show explores the deepest meanings of sanity, isolation and friendship.



174 Market Ave. | Entrance on John Hirsch Pl.


60 min


subject matter • language

Did you know that you’re only steps away from what Stuart McLean calls “Canada’s Best Toy Store”? Serving Winnipeg for over 30 years. Come rediscover the child in you! 54 Arthur St. 956-2195 Hours of operation: Mon - Wed: 9:30 - 5:30 Thurs - Fri: 9:30 - 9:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00



174 Market Ave. | Entrance on John Hirsch Pl.


Heat & Hot Water Productions


Burlington, VT

by Chris Caswell, Marianne DiMascio & Geeda Searfoorce

“I highly recommend taking your date to see Seeking… Lots of laughs and touching moments as well” – Seven Days

Monday 12

“Hilarious, sometimes heartbreaking … endearingly bawdy” – Burlington Free Press

19 #233 20 #240 21 #249 22 #252 23

24 #270 25

1:45 pm

7:30 pm

A romantic comedy about missed connections, true love and discreet encounters that explores the funny, outrageous, sometimes heartbreaking ways people reach out to each other through the personal ads.

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #217 17 #221 18 #228

11:30 pm 5:15 pm


3:15 pm

7:15 pm 12:00 pm

tickets 60 min

mature audience


subject matter • language

Eternal Rose Theatre

The Shadowy Waters

Winnipeg, MB

by William Butler Yeats

A pirate captain of ancient Ireland sets sail, following spirits that promise eternal love. But after eight weeks adrift in haunted seas with his crew threatening mutiny, Forgael must discover if his “guides” lead him to ecstasy or doom. This beautiful play explores the power of dreams, and features never-before-performed material from Yeats’ early poems.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #207 16

6:00 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #223 18 #225

9:15 pm 12:00 pm

19 #237 20

21 #248 22 #258 23

24 #266 25

9:15 pm

5:30 pm 10:45 pm

12:15 pm




students • seniors • anyone wearing a viking helmet

60 min

general audience • under 12 not admitted



R-G Productions

Sudoku Fever

Winnipeg, MB

by Ron Blicq

George escapes to the family’s unique Sudoku room whenever he feels he is suffocating from the overwhelming presence of the three generations of women with whom he lives. This frustrates the women because they also want to use it! The play has a wry sense of humour that will appeal to the whole family.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #209 16

Saturday Sunday 17 #219 18 #231

9:30 pm

1:45 pm 11:30 pm

19 #235 20 #239 21

22 #256 23


5:30 pm

7:15 pm


1:30 pm



seniors • kids (12 & under)

60 min

flaming locomotive productions

When Harry Met Harry

Perth, Australia

by Allan Girod

Meet Harry. Pedantic, dedicated and highly strung. “You can’t do that. That’s not how you use LEGO.” An imaginative and lively performance that twists Harry inside out as he confronts his worst fear — people.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #244 21 #247 22 #255 23 #260 24

A comical return to Winnipeg by the performer of The Good Thief.

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #208 16 #216 17 #220 18 25 #277

11:00 pm 3:45 pm

8:30 pm

7:45 pm

“Get your hands off me! I do not need embracing.”




general audience



25 #275

5:00 pm

general audience • under 3 not admitted


6:00 pm

5:30 pm

9:45 pm 2:00 pm

3:30 pm

first show only

60 min


180 Market Ave. | Entrance on Main St.



Theatre Anywhere

Above the Empress of China

Winnipeg, MB

by Ross McMillan & Sharon Bajer

This classic Manitoba script graced the 1994 Fringe, and as that year’s program said, this play is “a searing tale of love, forgetfulness, and ancestor-worship. More twists than a large intestine, and just as useful.” Directed by Eileen Longfield (montana, So Far From Eden, Blade). Don’t wait another 16 years to see this one.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday 16

Saturday Sunday 17 #318 18 #328

1:45 pm

22 #352 23 #358 24 #369 25

6:45 pm

3:45 pm


5:15 pm



2:15 pm

9:15 pm


60 min

mature audience • under 13 not admitted

To the Moon

The Big Oops

Vancouver, BC

by Brendan McLeod

Meet Sammi Sam, a children’s performer whose life is perfect until one day she makes a big mistake. Find out what a sock puppet and condoms have in common as we playfully navigate The Big Oops.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #304 16 #314 17 #317 18 #329



21 #345 22 #354 23 #360 24

1:15 pm

Directed by TJ Dawe (The Slipknot), written by Canadian slam champ and Fugitive Brendan McLeod. “Yeates is a revelation from beginning to end” – CBC

3:45 pm




7:15 pm

7:00 pm 12:00 pm 9:45 pm

students • seniors

60 min

general audience • under 14 not admitted



5:45 pm

subject matter

Prairie Fire Presents

Burlesque Unzipped

Regina, SK

by Sharon Nowlan

The multi-talented Prairie Fire (Sharon Nowlan) returns to the Fringe Festival circuit with a brand new work: a one-woman show-and-tell variety hour. Come out to see all that is revealed as she peels off the layers of what was, and is, burlesque! HHHHH “The verdict is in: Burlesque Unzipped is hot AND educational” – The Hour, Montreal

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #303 15

Friday 16

10:15 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #322 18 #327

8:45 pm

23 #363 24 #366 25

3:15 pm

10:30 pm 3:45 pm


1:30 pm

7:30 pm

tickets 60 min


Falling People

Dauphin, MB

by Priscilla Yakielashek A collapsing foundation, a body in the water, a man’s quest for the perfect gift, and a one-armed statue’s journey through the centuries. Priscilla Yakielashek’s compelling performance elegantly threads stirring narrative with sharp physical theatre to show the mysterious beauty in the everyday. Author of EASE, Fringe 2006. “Deadly serious and ultimately fascinating … mesmerizing and wholly realistic” HHHH – Winnipeg Free Press



6:15 pm

19 #332 20 #337 21 #347 22

general audience • babes in arms permitted


8:00 pm

19 #334 20 #339 21

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #307 16 #315 17

6:15 pm

8:45 pm

19 #333 20 #341 21 #343 22 #353 23

5:00 pm


8:45 pm 12:00 pm 5:30 pm



general audience


subject matter

Sunday 18


25 #373

4:15 pm

matinees • students

60 min

The Struts and Frets Players Winnipeg, MB

Tuesday 13


20 #338 21 #344 22

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #309 16 #310 17 #323 18 23 #357 24 #368 25

3:15 pm

12:15 pm 7:15 pm

9:45 pm 12:15 pm 10:30 pm 1:45 pm

students • seniors • temple harlots

general audience • under 10 not admitted

A story of love, loss and hairy men, Gilgamesh recalls a time when men wanted to be gods, and gods just wanted them to shut up.

75 min

some comedic sexual content

Da B’ys Players

Little Dickie Milburn

Sherbrooke, QC

by Robert Tracey Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #306 16 #312 17

5:00 pm

4:00 pm

Sunday 18 #325

3:00 pm

19 #330 20

21 #348 22

23 #361 24 #370 25 #375

12:15 pm

9:15 pm

7:30 pm 11:00 pm 7:45 pm




A tall Newfie tale about a short Newfie man. Little Dickie Milburn is all about East Coast storytelling and, in the fine words of one Mr. Donnie Dumphy, “Havin’ a time.” When my father saw it, he said it was “good.” And you knows you can trust him. He’s my father.

students • seniors • kids (12 & under)

30 min

general audience




The nutters who brought you the old tales Perseus & Medusa (HHHHH – WFP) and Theseus & the Minotaur (HHHH – CBC, WFP) go all the way back to the oldest tale in history.

180 Market Ave. | Entrance on Main St.




by The Struts and Frets Players

Monday 12





subject matter

P.S. 69 winnipeg 2010

Live • Love • Bike

AwArdwin ning show fr om nY finAllY


Sunday, September 12 11:00am - 7:00pm North Broadway closed to motorized vehicles Walk, bike or jog from Assiniboine Park to Broadway!

Join us on Facebook for details & prizes

returns ! Susan Jeremy is an Entire NYC School!

... Pushy Parents , Bitter Teachers and Hip Hop Kids! Wednesday, July 14 Thursday, July 15 Friday, July 16 Saturday, July 17 Sunday, July 18 Monday, July 19 Venue 17

6:00 pm 7:15 pm 11:00 pm 8:45 pm 7:15 pm 7:00 pm

Tuesday, July 20 Thursday, July 22 Friday, July 23 Saturday, July 24 Sunday, July 25

6:45 pm 5:15 pm 7:15 pm 3:30 pm 3:00 pm



180 Market Ave. | Entrance on Main St.



Big Empty Barn

The Pig of Happiness


by Bremner Duthie

“To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.” Elevate your spirit, kick-start your karma and become one with the Pig. A new show from cabaret singer Bremner Duthie. From Weill to Nirvana to Britney to Brel to Tom Waits. From a howl to a lullaby. “Seedy. Stirring. Utterly memorable” – Andrew Clover, Sunday Times, UK

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

19 #336 20

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #302 15 #308 16 #313 17 #319 18 #324

8:30 pm

8:00 pm


22 #356 23 #359 24

10:30 pm


5:15 pm



students • seniors

60 min

general audience


herbal cigarettes

eeshka peeshka


Winnipeg, MB

by Rick Caslake In this age of Blue Box recycling, greenhouse gas reduction and reusing everything from eggshells for fertilizer, to wine corks for fishing floats — what about an old relationship? Don’t some things belong in a landfill?

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #342 21

22 #351 23 #362 24 #364 25

10:30 pm

2:00 pm


Wednesday Thursday 14 #301 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #311 17 #320 18

6:45 pm

2:15 pm



first matinee performance

60 min

Phantom Planet Productions Winnipeg, MB

From the creators of the Science-Folktion Jukebox Side Show comes a brand new multimedia stage experience. It is the distant future and Science-Folktion is the hit sensation of the radio waves. But wait! A scheming giant robot acquires the means to change the course of history! Will the Secondhandpants save themselves from the threat of musical oblivion!?

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday 16

Saturday Sunday 17 #321 18

7:00 pm 19 #331 20 #340 21 #349 22 #350 23

24 #367 25 #374

1:30 pm

5:30 pm


7:00 pm 10:30 pm 12:15 pm




6:00 pm

students • seniors • kids (12 & under) • robots

60 min

family friendly robots • time travel effects

412 Squadron


Edmonton, AB

by Kenneth Brown

A down-and-out poet and a waitress with a past collide in Kenneth Brown’s romantic comedy. Out of the friction comes Sparks, a play that will tickle your heartstrings. Fringe stalwart Jon Paterson (BoyGroove, Letters in Wartime) stars as a man whose love of his own voice is all that’s preventing him from love itself.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #305 16 #316 17

3:00 pm 10:30 pm

Sunday 18 #326

4:15 pm

19 #335 20

21 #346 22 #355 23

24 #365 25

8:30 pm

5:30 pm

1:45 pm


9:00 pm

tickets mature audience


5:15 pm

8:45 pm 12:00 pm

general audience

by Curtis L. Wiebe & Marlon Wiebe


1:15 pm 25

11:00 pm 4:00 pm

The Secondhandpants Science-Folktion Musical Adventure


3:30 pm


75 min

subject matter • language • herbal cigarettes



180 Market Ave. | Entrance on Main St.


G.D. Productions

The Box Office

Winnipeg, MB

by Jason Wilcox

What would you do if you had spent the last seven years in the same box in downtown Manhattan saying, “JELLYBEANS, CAN I HELP YOU?” all day? And you broke up with your boyfriend on your birthday. You too would probably have a bit of a meltdown and ponder a future with a few different possibilities.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #405 16 #416 17 #420 18

1:45 pm 19 #431 20


12:00 pm


9:30 pm

4:00 pm

22 #454 23

24 #467 25 #473

7:45 pm

5:45 pm

tickets 45 min

mature audience • under 16 not admitted


subject matter • language

Black Sheep Theatre

Celebrity Cult

Ottawa, ON

by Jayson McDonald

From an anonymous speck of celestial dust to a blinding supernova of embarrassing behaviour, the rise and fall of our celebrities as seen through a telescope. From the creator of Fall Fair (HHHHH), Boat Load (HHHHH) and Giant Invisible Robot (HHHHH), and the director of She Rules with Iron Sticks (HHHHH).

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #410 16 #412 17 #422 18

11:00 pm 2:15 pm

7:45 pm

19 #436 20 #439 21 #445 22

23 #458 24

25 #475

9:15 pm

2:00 pm

8:00 pm


3:00 pm


3:00 pm


first performance

60 min

general audience • under 10 not admitted


subject matter


The Excursionists: A Matter of Seconds

Seattle, WA

by Jonah Von Spreecken & Christopher Bange

England is in flux! Two gentlemen, Professor Goggins and Lord Necksycracksy, are flung about through the ether of time.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 #401 15 #409 16

6:30 pm

9:00 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #419 18

2:00 pm

Half Jules Verne, half Monty Python and half whimsical swagger, this Victorian adventure is a ride of epic proportions!

19 #434 20 #443 21 #444 22 #452 23

24 #470 25

5:00 pm 10:30 pm 1:00 pm

11:30 pm

Time helmets and neckties are advised.


3:30 pm

tickets 75 min

general audience

Magic of One Productions

Foiled by the Feathery Wife VENUE SPONSOR

Winnipeg, MB

by Kay Stone, Mary Louise Chown, Tom Roche, Michael Cobus & Kevin Scott Stories bring the world into existence, but things are not always what they seem. Devils lurk at the edge of the road and feathery wives try to dodge the gates of hell, so keep your wits about you. The Master Storytellers are back to take you to the edge of gloom, laughter and redemption. Music cleanses the palate between stories. Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday 16


Saturday Sunday 17 #418 18 #425

12:00 pm 1:15 pm 19 #437 20 #442 21

22 #456 23 #461 24

25 #474

11:00 pm 8:30 pm

11:00 pm 7:45 pm

6:00 pm




students • seniors

general audience • under 10 not admitted


4:30 pm

75 min

Keira McDonald

The History of Lost and Found

Seattle, WA

Monday 12

by Scot Augustson

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 #403 15 #407 16 #414 17

10:15 pm 5:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:00 pm

19 #432 20 #441 21

22 #450 23 #463 24

1:30 pm

12:00 pm 12:00 am

Meet Erik and Emily. They work at City Bus Lost and Found where umbrellas multiply like bunnies, hats fall in love with staplers and shoes run for mayor.


general audience • under 13 not admitted


60 min

subject matter • language

Naughty Sailboat

Kafka in Love

Winnipeg, MB

by Kevin C. Houle & William Jordan Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #413 17 #423 18 #426


20 #440 21 #449 22

23 #457 24 #468 25

4:45 pm 11:00 pm

12:00 pm 7:15 pm

4:00 pm




3:15 pm

Naughty Sailboat Evil Media Corp’s maiden voyage may contain traces of puppetry and dark comedy.


75 min

general audience


9:30 pm

As civilization crashes down around their ears, four “gentlemen” wonder who will iron their suits? Who will stock their pantry? The only unasked query: how will they survive this blasted apocalypse?



4 180 Market Ave. | Entrance on Main St.


6:45 pm

Sunday 18 #428



subject matter • language


180 MARKET AVENUE | WINNIPEG | MANITOBA phone: (204) 989-2889

fax: (204) 989-2881





180 Market Ave. | Entrance on Main St.


Looking Glass Productions

Padre X

Winnipeg, MB

by Marc Moir

Padre X is the amazing true story of WWII chaplain John Weir Foote, the only Canadian chaplain to win the Victoria Cross. After displaying tremendous heroism on the fire-soaked beaches of Dieppe, Foote stayed behind and spent three years as a POW so he could continue to minister to the men in his care.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #408 16

6:45 pm

11:30 pm

19 #435 20 #438 21 #446 22

23 #462 24 #465 25

7:00 pm 12:45 pm 4:45 pm

9:45 pm


90 min


gunshots • strobe lights

Break the Wall Productions


Edmonton, AB

by Sherri D. Sutton

Sherri D. Sutton of Don’t Make Fun of Jesus (Best of Fest 2009) is back, and she is spilling the Dirty South’s secrets. Come hear stories of the Deep South as only a true Southern Belle Dyke can tell ‘em.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #404 16 #415 17

Sunday 18 #427

12:00 pm 7:45 pm

5:15 pm

19 #433 20

21 #448 22 #455 23

24 #466 25

“A comedic force of nature. One ridiculously talented woman” – CBC Winnipeg

3:15 pm

9:15 pm

4:00 pm

“Funniest comedy bits we’ve heard” – Winnipeg Sun


“Wildly brilliant” – Uptown

9:15 pm

tickets mature audience • under 16 not admitted


Johnny Dingo Productions

We’ve Always Been Friends

Winnipeg, MB

by Bruce McManus

See the perfect man built by three conflicted women! Set in a small Wolseley apartment, three long-time friends discover they like the same things — including Robert.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15



21 #447 22 #453 23 #459 24 #469 25

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #411 17 #421 18 #430

12:00 pm 5:30 pm 10:30 pm 7:00 pm





5:30 pm

3:45 pm

9:15 pm

students • seniors • fringe performers

90 min

subject matter • language • nudity • herbal cigarettes

Lonely Egg

Wild Abandon

Ottawa, ON

by Daniel MacIvor

Wild Abandon is a play about Steve, a man who thinks he’s alone in the world. “A dark, introspective journey that is visceral, humbling and hilarious” from the playwright of House (HHHHH), the director of She Rules with Iron Sticks (HHHHH) and starring Rideau Award nominee Zach Counsil (Bat Boy: The Musical, HHHH).

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 #402 15 #406 16 #417 17

Sunday 18 #429

8:30 pm

3:15 pm 11:00 pm

8:45 pm




22 #451 23 #460 24 #464 25

1:45 pm




6:00 pm 12:00 pm

first performance

general audience • under 11 not admitted


60 min

subject matter • language

mature audience • under 18 not admitted


1:45 pm

tickets general audience

Join us to witness an early work of celebrated Manitoban playwright Bruce McManus. First staged in 1986, this brilliantly thought-provoking piece of theatre examines life during our most modern sexual revolution.


Saturday Sunday 17 #424 18


subject matter • language

60 min

Happy Fringing! Winnipeg Cultural Capital of Canada 2010 is pleased to invite you to


RiveR BaRge FesTival

august 25-29, 2010

A performing arts festival for all of Winnipeg Presented free of charge at The Forks





Wamboin, Australia

by Daniel Nimmo

Aomega has come to Earth to save the world — a world inside the mind of the woman he loves. “Yes, Yes, Yes!” – Dannii Minogue “Very funny” – Vancouver Comedy Festival

140 Rupert Ave. | Side entrance

Tuesday 13

A brain-splitting sci-fi physical comedy. “Genius” – Channel 7 TV Network Australia


Monday 12

Directed by Jack Grinhaus. Thanks to Jonno Katz.

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 #502 15 #506 16

9:00 pm

Saturday 17

4:45 pm

19 #531 20 #537 21 #548 22 #557 23 #561 24

25 #575

2:30 pm 12:15 pm 7:00 pm 10:30 pm 5:45 pm

6:30 pm




matinees • students • seniors • kids (12 & under) • fringe performers

60 min

general audience

The Company

Caught in the Act

Morden, MB

by Bruce Kane

Waking up with a beautiful girl/handsome guy in bed with you is perhaps everyone’s dream. But what if you can’t remember the first thing about them? And worse, you can’t remember the first thing about yourself? Bruce Kane’s play explores the surrealities of a relationship that was perhaps doomed from the start. From the company that brought you last year’s The Exquisite Hour (HHHH – Winnipeg Free Press).

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #503 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #511 17 #520 18 #529

10:45 pm

2:00 pm



21 #547 22 #551 23

24 #569 25

5:30 pm 12:30 pm

7:30 pm


6:00 pm 10:00 pm

tickets Mature audience • under 14 not admitted


45 min

subject matter • language

Run Ragged Company

Four on the Floor

Winnipeg, MB

by Dale Watts

Four short comedies: Herschel helps Moses lighten the Ten Commandments tablets in Herschel’s Big Sale; Judge Janey hammers Julio while Ronabette whines in Julio and Ronabette; Sigmund Freud practices psychotherapy with a confused couple in Sibling Ribaldry;

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #541 21 #544 22

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #505 16 #516 17 #521 18 23 #559 24 #571 25

7:00 pm 12:30 pm

2:00 pm 10:45 pm

3:00 pm 10:15 pm 7:30 pm


and seniors Harlon and Ariana negotiate a first date, with help from Steve and Julia, in The Good Old Days.



matinees • students • seniors

general audience • under 13 not admitted


junglepork productions Edmonton, AB

by Jill Pollock & Trent Wilkie The last living girl on the planet keeps herself entertained by fabricating a televised cacophony of music, sincerity and mischief. Ladyvision is one part entertainment, one part selfpreservation.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #540 21 #549 22

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #507 16

23 #564 24 #565 25

5:15 pm

11:00 pm 12:30 pm

6:30 pm


8:45 pm


Saturday Sunday 17 #522 18 #525

9:15 pm

3:00 pm

tickets general audience


60 min

subject matter


Sunday 18


language • artistic language

60 min

Long Division

Love in the Time of Mother

New York, NY

Monday 12

by Harvey Weissman

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday 16 #514 17

7:00 pm

Sunday 18 #526

4:45 pm

19 #535 20 #543 21 #546 22 #552 23 #558 24

25 #576

9:30 pm 10:30 pm 4:00 pm

8:15 pm

45 min

general audience


subject matter • language

Cameryn Moore

Phone Whore

Boston, MA

by Cameryn Moore Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #509 16 #512 17 #523 18

9:45 pm

3:30 pm 11:00 pm

19 #534 20 #539 21

22 #554 23 #562 24

25 #574

7:45 pm

5:15 pm

4:45 pm


3:30 pm



7:30 pm

card-carrying members of sex-worker organizations

mature audience • under 18 not admitted


subject matter • language

“Hey, there … How are you doing? … Yeah? Well, hang out with me for an hour and I will rock your f**king world …” Truth and taboo collide in this intimate visit with a phone sex operator. Listen closely: she may change your views on sex forever.



5 140 Rupert Ave. | Side entrance


2:00 pm 12:30 pm

Good old-fashioned perversion meets time-tested despair in this quirky tale of suburban isolation and misguided sexuality circa 1986, before YouTube, caller ID and H69. Our hero takes us down his dark and humorous path until he finds connection with a cranky old lady named Dudley.


60 min


There’s always room for style.


140 Rupert Ave. | Side entrance



Destination Ink Productions

Pitch Blond

Toronto, ON

by Laura Anne Harris

Judy Holliday, Academy Award-winning actress from Born Yesterday, was notorious for playing dumb blonds, despite her genius level IQ. This act held her in good stead when she was questioned by Joseph McCarthy’s inquisitors. Laura Anne Harris plays Judy Holliday, the dumb blond who outwits authority. Winner, 2007 Critic’s Choice Award for Best Fringe Production, Victoria, BC

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #513 17 #517 18 #528

19 #533 20

21 #545 22

23 #563 24 #566 25

6:00 pm

2:15 pm

9:15 pm

5:15 pm 12:45 pm 8:15 pm


2:15 pm

tickets 60 min

general audience


subject matter

Berserkr Productions


Winnipeg, MB

by Robert Johannson

J.S. Woodsworth tells the story of January 1926, when Woodsworth, leader of the Independent Labour Party, sent W.L. McKenzie King, the Liberal Prime Minister of the first minority government in Canadian history, a letter asking about his intentions in regard to Old Age Pensions and relief for the unemployed. King invited him to dinner.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #504 16 #515 17

1:15 pm

8:30 pm

Sunday 18 #524

1:15 pm

19 #532 20 #542 21

22 #553 23

24 #570 25

4:15 pm

3:30 pm

9:00 pm


8:45 pm



students • unemployed

60 min

general audience

Rachel Sommer

Tazzy’s Angels

Winnipeg, MB

One of the most talented comics in the business, Big Daddy Tazz headlines this heavenly stand-up comedy showcase featuring Winnipeg’s top female comedians. Wickedly wry Rachel Sommer, furiously funny Cara Lytwyn, wildly quick-witted Chantel Marostica, sassily self-deprecating Heather Witherden and the incomparably hilarious Big Daddy Tazz create a diverse and entertaining show that has something for everyone.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #501 15

Friday 16

7:00 pm 19 #530 20


12:30 pm


4:00 pm


3:45 pm

75 min

Zero Boy Productions

A Trip to Coney Island with Uncle Zero Boy

New York, NY

by Zero Boy & Armitage Shanks

Join vocal acrobat Zero Boy on an audio-visual adventure exploring Coney Island’s past, present and future. Visit Dreamland, Luna and Steeplechase Park! Ride the roller coaster and swim in the clean and pristine aural waters! Soar on the Parachute Jump! Explore the wonders of Coney Island’s hot dog-eating contests, amusement rides and games of chance.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #508 16 #510 17 #518 18

8:15 pm 12:30 pm 2:30 pm 19 #536 20 #538 21 #550 22 #555 23

24 #568 25

11:00 pm 2:00 pm 10:30 pm 7:00 pm

6:00 pm




general audience



4:00 pm

matinees • students • fringe performers

general audience


6:15 pm

22 #556 23 #560 24 #567 25

8:30 pm


Saturday Sunday 17 #519 18 #527

students • seniors • kids (12 & under)

45 min


140 Rupert Ave. | Main entrance



Kimmy Zee

Breast Friends

Winnipeg, MB

by Alison Field, Miss La Muse, Celeste Sansregret, Heather Witherden & Kim Zeglinski Sensible Footwear (HHHHH) veteran Alison Field is back with a bevy of buxom beauties who’ve got it and flaunt it! Burlesque artist Miss La Muse, Celeste (Wonderbar!, HHHH) Sansregret, stand-up comic Heather Witherden and Kim (Waiting for Aidan, HHHH) Zeglinski show and tell all the trials and titillations of breast ownership. A first-rate comedy about secondary sexual characteristics. Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #604 16 #612 17 #618 18

12:30 pm 4:15 pm 19 #634 20 #639 21 #648 22

7:00 pm


4:15 pm 10:30 pm

9:30 pm



subject matter • language • nudity

Epicworlds - Jonno Katz

Cactus: The Seduction

Melbourne, Australia

by Jonno Katz

Multi-award-winning, side-splitting comedy that is both an irresistible love story and a carnival of boundless imaginings.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

“Deserves more exclamation marks than the paper will allow. If you can’t get tickets, it is imperative that you either steal them or sneak in” – Vancouver, HHHHH

19 #635 20

“Both Brechtian and pant-wettingly hilarious” – Toronto, HHHH½


Wednesday Thursday 14 #603 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #614 17 #623 18 #625

10:30 pm

8:15 pm 11:15 pm 2:15 pm


9:00 pm

22 #649 23 #658 24

25 #673

12:00 pm 4:30 pm

6:45 pm

tickets mature audience • babes in arms permitted

Directed by Mark Chavez (Pajama Men)


subject matter • language


Winnipeg, MB

by Curtis Lowton

hYsTeRiUm (Best of Fest, It’s a Gay Gay Gay Gay World, Fringe 2008) returns to the Fringe!

Monday 12

A team of gay superheroes attempts to rescue the city’s queer population from some nefarious supervillains.

19 #630 20


12:00 pm

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #615 17 #620 18

10:00 pm 6:00 pm



22 #651 23 #662 24 #664 25 #674

3:15 pm 11:30 pm 2:00 pm

8:30 pm

tickets mature audience • under 16 not admitted


60 min

subject matter • language • half-naked men

Sage Theatre

Calgary, AB

From a novel by Irvine Welsh | Adapted by Harry Gibson

“A pungent no-holds-barred production directed by Kelly Reay and starring the redoubtable Frank Zotter in perhaps his finest, most completely realized performance to date” – Calgary Herald


60 min

The Fabulous Four

“They say if you drink whiskey, you’ll never get worms. Wrong!” Frank Zotter stars in FILTH, a one-man tour de force that tells the story of a brutally sociopathic police officer and his tapeworm. Calgary’s Sage Theatre is proud to tour Harry Gibson’s adaptation of Irvine Welsh’s FILTH (author of Trainspotting).


75 min

mature audience • under 14 not admitted


2:00 pm 24 #668 25

23 Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #606 16 #611 17


20 #641 21 #646 22

23 #657 24 #669 25

7:45 pm

2:00 pm 11:30 pm

4:30 pm



6:00 pm


1:45 pm

8:00 pm

equity members • fringe performers

mature audience • under 16 not admitted


Sunday 18 #628

105 min

gunshots • strong language • disgusting subject matter

Magic Toaster Productions

The Green Room

Winnipeg, MB

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 #602 15 #605 16

8:30 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #617 18

2:30 pm

12:00 pm

22 #653 23

24 #666 25

11:00 pm 10:15 pm

7:00 pm

5:45 pm

When a scandal derails movie star Johnathan Harvey’s career, a bizarre performance rehabilitation program known as The Green Room is the only way back to the top. Taking on a new identity, his every move watched, he fakes his way into the hearts of a small town community.

subject matter • language • gunshots • strobe lights • herbal cigarettes

burnt thicket theatre

Hockey Dad: A Play in 3 Periods

Calgary, AB

by Stephen Waldschmidt & James Popoff Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #608 16 #613 17


20 #638 21 #643 22

23 #660 24 #665 25

2:15 pm 12:45 pm

8:00 pm

8:45 pm




6:15 pm

Sunday 18 #629

10:30 pm 3:45 pm

matinees • students • seniors • kids (12 & under) • fringe performers

“Born the moment of Paul Henderson’s goal — I was doomed …” Todd Williams is living his own worst nightmare: his daughter’s hooked on hockey and he’s trapped in a rinkside dressing room with his childhood demons.


75 min

mature audience • babes in arms permitted


A tale of love, lies and redemption … not necessarily in that order. In 3-D.


140 Rupert Ave. | Main entrance





by Scott Cranwill & Kevin Doherty

19 #636 20 #642 21



This interactive story of one man’s turbulent return to the game his father loved will delight audiences of all ages (7+).

75 min

family friendly



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VISIT CLICK MTC Patron Services 174 Market Ave. Monday to Friday, 10am - 5pm


140 Rupert Ave. | Main entrance



Puppy in Pants Productions

Macabre Tales of Horror and Macabreness

Winnipeg, MB

by George McRobb, Alan MacKenzie & Audra Lesosky

Should you die of fright or laughter during this show, the producers guarantee they’ll cover your funeral expenses. The mad minds behind ImproVision and Lester Gets KISSed now bring you more screams than you can shake a shiver at. Gasp at these ghoulish, ghastly, grisly, gruesome tales in the grand tradition of William Castle, EC Comics and live spook shows.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

11:45 pm 7:45 pm 21 #647 22 #652 23

24 #663 25

3:30 pm

8:30 pm

12:00 pm


75 min

mature audience

subject matter • language • nudity • gunshots • strobe lights • violence • gore • phobia inducing

One Trunk

Puberty: A Memoir

Winnipeg, MB

by Members of One Trunk Collective with Music by Stinky Pete Reinhardt

Find us on Facebook!

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry and you won’t know why. You’ll feel awkward, uncomfortable and angry, but you won’t ever want to shout, “You don’t understand anything!” Puberty: A Memoir lets you re-enjoy the worst time of your life. It’s a show about life’s monumental firsts: your first period, your first bra, your first zit and your first pube.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #607 16 #610 17

7:00 pm 12:00 pm 21 #645 22 #655 23 #659 24 #667 25

1:45 pm

4:15 pm 11:00 pm 6:15 pm





7:45 pm

those who bring their own merkins

60 min

subject matter • language • popping zits •

The company does not take responsibility for any recall of uncomfortable, deeply buried memories.

GabelManwell Productions

Saturday Night House Party

by Mandi Maxwell, Kevin P. Gabel & George Hudson

Sunday 18

19 #631 20

mature audience

Winnipeg, MB

It’s Saturday night, and there’s a party. An infinite number of choices and circumstances can affect the outcome of one night, but change one, and the night can change completely. Each (mostly) unscripted performance will show you how, with a mix of alcohol, secrets and scandals.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #637 21

22 #654 23 #656 24

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #609 16

25 #672

12:15 pm

9:00 pm 12:00 pm

4:45 pm

10:45 pm


4:00 pm


6:00 pm

students • seniors • if you bring an embarrassing photo of yourself at a party



Saturday Sunday 17 #619 18 #627

75 min

mature audience • under 12 not admitted subject matter • language

Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers Winnipeg, MB

by Jesse Krause & Darren Grunau

Inspired by Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are, this musical follows Max across the ocean to the sinister Monster Island. Includes dynamic set pieces, ghoulish costumes and a small orchestra.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday 16

Saturday Sunday 17 #622 18 #624

9:45 pm 12:45 pm 19 #633 20 #640 21 #644 22 #650 23 #661 24

5:30 pm


6:15 pm

2:45 pm

tickets family friendly


5:00 pm



An original rock opera written/presented by Winnipeg’s indie-jazz-rock favourites Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers.


4:00 pm

19 #632 20


Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #616 17 #621 18 #626



1:45 pm 10:00 pm

those who dress up like a monster or bring a wind instrument to participate for a short segment of the performance

45 min


WIT is your portal into Winnipeg Independent Theatre

The Players? Eight Local Groups! Echo Theatre out of line theatre Theatre Anywhere Theatre By The River Theatre Incarnate Sarasvati Productions White Rabbit Productions Winnipeg Studio Theatre - Find us on Facebook act independent

see independent


211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building)



Lone Star Laurels


Los Angeles, CA

by Shelby Bond This is the story of Betty Hutton, who was, in the 1950s, “Paramount Studio’s number one star.” She is remembered most for the lead in Annie Get Your Gun. Bob Hope called her, “A vitamin pill with legs.” However, she fell suddenly from glory, and was found, years later, scrubbing floors in a monastery. With story and song, Betty will show you why the whole world loved her.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #705 16 #717 17


20 #741 21 #746 22 #754 23 #759 24 #770 25

1:45 pm 10:45 pm 5:15 pm



1:45 pm


students • seniors

60 min

subject matter

No Snowcones

Fake Life

Edmonton, AB

by Michael Davidson Two lovers seem perfect for each other, but it might take them their entire lives to figure it out. From the mind behind Edmonton Fringe sell-out @Life, which won 2nd pick of the Fringe by audience vote. One hour of non-stop laughs, except when you cry, possibly from laughing. “Michael Davidson is a young Chris Craddock” “Witty and fast-paced, start to finish!”

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #713 17 #722 18 #727

3:45 pm 19 #736 20 #739 21

8:45 pm


tickets 60 min

general audience subject matter • language

Ms. Iz Productions London, ON

by Robyn Israel

Jewish Girls Don’t Kayak is a hysterical look into Robyn Israel’s life and how she came to have her eponymous surname. Playing a dozen characters that range from her immigrant grandfather to her mother to her Buddhist ex-boyfriend, Robyn weaves a touching and inspiring tale about the power of a name across three generations. Winner of the 2007 Brickenden Award for Outstanding Comedy.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #706 16 #711 17 #721 18

3:30 pm 12:00 pm 5:15 pm 19 #737 20

21 #749 22 #758 23 #763 24 #767 25

10:30 pm

7:00 pm 10:30 pm 7:00 pm


1:45 pm

tickets 75 min

general audience

Horse Trade Theater Group

The Pumpkin Pie Show

New York, NY

by Clay McLeod Chapman

Now entering its second decade of critically acclaimed performances, this season’s edition of The Pumpkin Pie Show explores the bond formed between three women in the wake of a high school tragedy. “This is an all-ages production and will appeal to teens as much as parents …. The message matters, and Cheek, as the messenger, delivers it beautifully” – Edmonton Journal HHHHH

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #710 16

10:45 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #723 18 #725

9:00 pm

1:15 pm

19 #734 20 #743 21 #748 22

23 #764 24 #766 25

5:15 pm

9:00 pm 12:00 pm


8:45 pm


5:15 pm


matinees • students • seniors

general audience • under 12 not admitted


4:45 pm

10:45 pm 5:30 pm

Jewish Girls Don’t Kayak


7:15 pm

23 #765 24 #769 25


1:45 pm



8:15 pm

3:30 pm 12:00 pm 7:15 pm

general audience


Sunday 18 #729

60 min

Caca Pasa Productions

Robots Eating Humans

Saskatoon, SK

by Nathan Howe Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #702 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #714 17 #724 18

8:45 pm

5:30 pm 10:45 pm

19 #731 20 #740 21

22 #756 23

24 #768 25

12:00 pm 3:30 pm

7:00 pm

3:45 pm



60 min

general audience


subject matter • gunshots • violence • blood

Racket Rock


Toronto, ON

by Jordan M. Stewart Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 #703 15 #707 16

Saturday Sunday 17 #719 18

10:30 pm 5:30 pm

1:45 pm

19 #733 20

21 #750 22 #752 23

24 #771 25

3:30 pm

9:00 pm 12:00 pm

9:00 pm




matinees • students • fringe performers • sensitive rockstars • self-help gurus

mature audience


subject matter • language

It’s Jordan Stewart like you’ve never seen him, as he presents a new collection of scenes that run the gamut from comedy to tragedy to the surreal. See why the Winnipeg Free Press has called his shows “must-see Fringe” and have led the Winnipeg Sun to declare, “The true winners are those in attendance”!



7 211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building)


The year is 2004. U2 has just released a new hit single. Humans have started to depend on robots to do their cooking, cleaning and various other household chores. What happens when the robots don’t want to take it anymore? What happens when they get HUNGRY? How is humanity supposed to survive when ROBOTS start EATING HUMANS?!


60 min



211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building)



Beth Marshall Presents

The Screw You Revue

Orlando, FL

by Dewey Chaffee & Douglas McGeoch

Brought to you by the producer of the Orlando Fringe. Three-time Orlando Fringe Patron’s Pick Winner.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #709 16 #715 17


9:00 pm

7:15 pm

Best Bet – Orlando Sentinel

23 #762 24 #772 25

America’s most homophobic and bigoted entertainment legend Wayburn Sassy and his glamorous girlfriend Didi Panache bring you (insert drum roll here) part comedy. Part improv. Part cabaret. All offensive. Equal opportunity offenders!

1:45 pm

5:15 pm 10:45 pm


7:00 pm 12:00 pm



subject matter • language • equal opportunity offender

Travis Bernhardt

Things That Never Happen

Vancouver, BC

Like a science lecture from an alternate universe. Like a carnival barker who ran away to enter academia. Like a magic show, but with less backup dancing. Your guided tour through the deadly jungle that is: the theatre of the impossible!

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #738 21 #747 22 #755 23 #761 24

25 #777

12:00 pm 3:30 pm

7:45 pm


Wednesday Thursday 14 #701 15

Friday Saturday 16 #712 17

7:00 pm

2:00 pm 5:15 pm

Sunday 18 #730

10:00 pm

3:30 pm

tickets 60 min

general audience

Rachelle Fordyce Winnipeg, MB

Peel back the layers with Fizzy Tiff as she strips down to her unADULTeRATED self! Exposing: Fantasies! Desires! Em(bareASS)ments! And more! … Sweet Dreams are Made of These.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #744 21

22 #757 23 #760 24

“There’s the spark of something great in Fordyce” – Uptown “Rachelle Fordyce delights” – NOW Toronto “This woman (will stay) in your head long after the house lights come up” – Ottawa Citizen

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #704 16 #716 17 #720 18 25 #776

10:30 pm

8:45 pm

6:00 pm

12:00 pm 9:00 pm

About Rachelle Fordyce:


3:30 pm

1:45 pm

tickets 60 min

mature audience • under 18 not admitted


sexually explicit subject matter • nudity • audience participation • lap dancing and more!

Stupid Gumball Dispenser Productions

When the Killer Mutant Lizards Attack

Winnipeg, MB

by Brent Hirose

Eventually the inevitable happened: the Killer Mutant Lizards attacked, decimated the city and mysteriously disappeared. The survivors resume their lives, but must ask: Why? How? And will they return?

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #708 16

7:15 pm 19 #735 20

21 #751 22 #753 23

A new one-man show from the creator of the Fringe hits Jesus Christ, I’m Sorry and Life in a Box.

7:00 pm

10:45 pm 1:45 pm

“Hirose is a gifted and compelling actor” – CBC Manitoba


HHHH – Vue Magazine




Saturday Sunday 17 #718 18 #728

12:00 pm 6:30 pm 24

25 #775

4:15 pm


general audience


60 min

mature audience • under 18 not admitted

by Rachelle Fordyce


3:00 pm

19 #732 20 #742 21 #745 22



Sunday 18 #726

killer mutant lizards are scary!

60 min

A South American style steak house in the heart of Winnipeg’s Exchange District

179 Bannatyne Avenue


Open Lunch and Dinner Monday- Friday, Dinner and Late night Saturday. Mon - Wed 11:30 am-2 pm, 5 pm-9 pm, Thurs 11:30 am-11:00 pm, Fri 11:30 am-1 am, Sat 4:30 pm-1 am Happy Hour - Thurs & Fri. Live Music “Papa Mambo Trio” - Fri & Sat: 8 pm-11pm


211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building) | Enter from parking lot on Main St.



The Incompletely Strangled Theatre Company


Winnipeg, MB

by Enda Walsh A father and daughter frantically retell/relive their warped stor(ies) in a desperate effort to achieve some kind of ending.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #804 16 #815 17

Sunday 18 #825

12:45 pm 9:15 pm

2:45 pm

By one of Ireland’s most provocative contemporary playwrights, bedbound is savagely funny and densely poetic.

19 #834 20

21 #844 22 #853 23

24 #869 25

7:15 pm

2:00 pm

9:30 pm

“Think Beckett with a broken bottle in his hand” – The Times




5:30 pm

matinees • students • unemployed • equity members • fringe performers


disturbing content • language • strobe lights

Agua Luna Productions

Club Chernobyl

Winnipeg, MB

by Dianne Warren

Dallas has been having dreams again. Blackness and blood. He’s opening the doors of his new concept Club Chernobyl, and everything is falling apart. His wife might be cheating, there’s a dead girl in the basement and his only customer can’t pay. And then it begins to rain. Opening night just might be the end of the world.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #807 16

6:45 pm

21 #849 22 #854 23 #857 24

25 #873

10:45 pm

11:00 pm 7:15 pm 12:00 pm

4:45 pm


tickets 90 min

language • strobe lights

Crosseyed Rascals

The Devil Next Door

Winnipeg, MB

by Rascals Ink

“Wanna bet?” has never been such a dangerous statement.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #805 16 #810 17 #820 18 #828

Making a wager with Jesus, the Devil is flung headfirst into life as a human. The catch? He’s gotta live by the Big Guy’s rules.





A devilish new play from Winnipeg’s clean edge of comedy.



2:30 pm 12:45 pm 5:30 pm

7:45 pm

22 #851 23 #860 24

25 #875

1:45 pm

8:30 pm

6:00 pm

students • seniors • kids (12 & under)

60 min

general audience

Present State Movement

The First Five Minutes Are Slow

Minneapolis, MN

by the Company

From one of the creators of the 2008 Fringe hit Mortem Capiendum, an original physical theatre tale, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary. Three Minneapolis actors present a multiple-character adventure embracing joy, laughter, imagination and a lust for life. “Things then take a turn for the weird that leads to some dark but very funny places” – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #802 15

8:30 pm

Friday Saturday 16 #816 17

Sunday 18 #824

11:00 pm

1:00 pm

19 #833 20 #842 21 #845 22

23 #861 24 #865 25

5:30 pm 10:15 pm 3:45 pm

7:45 pm




general audience


3:15 pm

19 #836 20


So who’s the devil now?


Saturday Sunday 17 #819 18

mature audience

It seems simple enough … until angelic Lucy Fehr knocks on his door.


60 min

mature audience • under 16 not admitted

2:00 pm

students • seniors • unemployed • fringe performers/volunteers/staff

60 min


Genericles (the epic tale of job satisfaction)

Edmonton, AB

Monday 12

by Ryan Ash

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 #801 15 #809 16

Saturday 17

Sunday 18

6:30 pm 11:00 pm 19 #830 20

21 #847 22 #852 23 #862 24 #866 25

12:00 pm

7:15 pm

9:30 pm

3:45 pm

75 min

general audience


When all of Athens stops working, the gods decide to “downsize” the city (which is Greek for “murder and destroy”). The only two who can save Athens are forced to rendezvous with a myriad of career-driven Greeks, gods and monsters on the path to their destiny.


Tanya Elchuk & Amy Crnkovic


Thunder Bay, ON Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Written by Tanya Elchuk with Original Music by Amy Crnkovic | Created by Tanya Elchuk & Amy Crnkovic

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #814 17 #817 18 #827

7:45 pm 12:00 pm 6:15 pm 19 #831 20 #839 21

2:00 pm



5:15 pm

23 #863 24

25 #874

11:30 pm

7:00 pm

tickets general audience


subject matter • language

“A brave work. Authentic, original, innovative, positive, entertaining and delightful” – The Chronicle Journal “Stretches its viewers from shock through hilarity to mush” – Kenora Daily Miner



This is his story.

211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building) Enter from parking lot on Main St.


3:30 pm

The world needs a hero. A hero needs a sandwich.


A rollicking, irreverent adventure through love, hope, despair and self-discovery, Heart-Strings is a surrealist romantic comedy about a girl and her heart. Physical theatre, storytelling and live music.

45 min



211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building) | Enter from parking lot on Main St.



Eye Of The Storm Productions


Manchester, UK

by James Joyce | Adapted by Peter McGarry In association with EYEWITNESS THEATRE. Molly is the feisty, outrageous wife in James Joyce’s celebrated and scandalous novel Ulysses, which was banned in Europe until 1963. Molly is brought to life by Carly Tarett (Lampito from Lysistrata — Winnipeg 2009 Best of Fest) in this adaptation, exploring the intricate feelings, desires and secret longings of a very special femme fatale! Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #803 15

Friday 16

10:15 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #821 18 #826

7:15 pm

4:30 pm

19 #835 20 #837 21 #848 22 #850 23

24 #870 25

9:00 pm

11:15 pm


1:45 pm


9:15 pm 12:00 pm


matinees • students • seniors

60 min

mature audience • under 16 not admitted


some very explicit language and themes


Mother of Invention

Winnipeg, MB

by Brian Longfield

Mother of Invention is the gripping tale of a robot on an emotional journey told through video, masks, dance and live music.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #840 21

22 #856 23

24 #864 25

6:45 pm

11:15 pm

12:30 pm

5:15 pm

Praise for 6’s EROSION at the 2009 Winnipeg Fringe Festival: ”An entertaining whole that works surprisingly well” – Joff Schmidt, CBC

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #806 16 #811 17 #822 18 #829




2:30 pm

9:30 pm

matinees • students • seniors

45 min

general audience


9:00 pm

creepy masks and a robot

Drive Dance


Winnipeg, MB

With athleticism and sensation, Rouge takes the audience down a dynamic dance freeway exploring themes of womanhood, ritual, vulnerability and strength through modern dance. The four-dancer show features works gifted to Drive Dance by internationally renowned choreographers Stephanie Ballard and Gaile Petursson-Hiley.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #813 17 #818 18


20 #838 21 #846 22 #855 23 #858 24 #868 25

6:00 pm 3:30 pm



5:30 pm


9:30 pm

2:15 pm

1:30 pm 7:45 pm

students • kids (12 & under) • fringe performers • unemployed

60 min

general audience photo by colin vandenberg

The Donovan Ensemble

Super Spectacular! VENUE SPONSOR

New York, NY

by Joe Kolbow, Johnnie Niel & Deanna Fleysher

Two world-class idiots blend sketch comedy, opera and dance into an evening of white-hot entertainment.

Monday 12

Merril Garrick, actor extraordinaire, and his sidekick Emmet leave no genre unturned in their attempt to put on the greatest show ever.

19 #832 20 #841 21 #843 22

23 #859 24 #867 25

3:30 pm

4:00 pm

Master Clown Philippe Gaulier has called their work, “Totally bad. Really, really awful.” Don’t miss it!

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #808 16 #812 17 #823 18

9:00 pm


8:15 pm 12:00 pm



4:00 pm 10:30 pm

students • seniors • equity members • fringe performers

general audience • under 5 not admitted



5:45 pm

75 min


Explore the dark secrets of the city that was once known as “The Wickedest City in the Dominion.” Dynamite, angry mobs, prostitutes on horseback, executions, murder, and much much more.

NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! All tours are available by appointment. call 942 6716 to book your tour today. Tours range from $5 to $7 per person. Group rates available.

Exchange District BIZ 2nd Floor, 133 Albert Street

Information Line: 204 946 0275

Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G6

Fax: 204 943 8741

Booking Line: 204 942 6716




2 Forks Market Rd. | The Forks (free parking)



Bombtree Productions

Adventures in Kidnapping

Winnipeg, MB

by Ian Cherry

Love, arson, cupcakes and kidnapping (but mostly love). We follow Stacy, a hopeless romantic (and dangerous sociopath), as he tries to impress his girlfriend by kidnapping someone she’s never met. Throw in a fugitive terrorist and her kleptomaniac ex-lover, and you’ve got an un-birthday party to remember. Musical theatre with an edge (not to mention lots of rope and explosives).

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 #903 15 #906 16 #913 17

Sunday 18 #928

10:45 pm 3:45 pm

8:15 pm







6:00 pm

22 #952 23

24 #962 25 #971

7:30 pm

12:00 pm 4:45 pm

matinees • students • seniors • fringe performers


language • some violence

White Rabbit Productions Inc.

The Chip

Winnipeg, MB

by Jeffrey Kohut, Cory Wojcik, Shawn Kowalke & Chelsea Rankin In 2004, despite FDA warnings of “adverse tissue reaction” and “electrical hazards,” the RFID microchip (Radio Frequency Identification) was first implanted in humans. Meet three people in the not-too-distant future who struggle to find freedom in a world with no more secrets. Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #909 16 #914 17

Sunday 18 #924

10:00 pm 8:15 pm

12:45 pm



21 #943 22

23 #958 24 #963 25 #972

2:45 pm

6:00 pm



subject matter • language • gunshots


Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Winnipeg, MB

by Dennis Kelly

When forced to the edge, the human mind is portentous. Why do we do the things we do? Ten young people make one horrible mistake, but it’s their individual methods of damage control that finally break them. The accident slowly reveals their true nature and evokes the question: what are we, as humans, truly capable of? Directed by Arne MacPherson

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #912 17 #917 18

4:00 pm 12:00 pm 19 #934 20 #937 21 #945 22 #954 23 #959 24

8:15 pm


2:15 pm


6:15 pm 11:30 pm 7:45 pm

tickets 75 min

mature audience


subject matter • language

Red River Serial Winnipeg, MB

by Ensemble

The greatest game ever played returns for its third and final edition. Cheer for Evil and root for Good as the last piece of the trilogy is forged. More blood! More dice! More D’n’D! HHHH – CBC and Winnipeg Free Press, 2009

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #940 21 #947 22

23 #957 24 #965 25

7:45 pm 10:00 pm

4:00 pm



Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 #901 15 #904 16

Saturday Sunday 17 #923 18

7:00 pm 12:00 pm

11:45 pm



6:15 pm

students • in costume

general audience • under 12 not admitted


7:00 pm

60 min

mature audience • under 16 not admitted

The dice are forged anew, the next generation of heroes and villains have been assembled, and there is ginger ale in the fridge.


2:15 pm


D’n’D: Third Edition VENUE SPONSORs

105 min

mature audience • under 16 not admitted

75 min

subject matter • language • nudity • gunshots • strobe lights • blood • gore • gelatinous cubes

Ruthable Productions


Winnipeg, MB

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #916 17 #921 18 #925

11:45 pm 7:45 pm 19 #930 20 #939 21

22 #953 23 #956 24

12:45 pm 6:00 pm

9:45 pm

2:30 pm 25

2:15 pm

“I hear that airport security is better now, so what could go wrong?”

60 min

general audience subject matter

Hot Thespian Action

Look Ma, No Hands!

Winnipeg, MB

by the Company Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #902 15



20 #938 21 #942 22 #950 23 #961 24

25 #973

4:15 pm

8:45 pm


9:00 pm



1:00 pm


6:00 pm 3:30 pm 12:00 am


mature audience • under 13 not admitted


Saturday Sunday 17 #920 18

subject matter • language

Back with brand new sketches. Short, funny and to the point … just like this show description. “(Hot Thespian Action) unfailingly produces wildly entertaining sketch comedy that gives the genre a good name. It’s not just the uniformly adroit performances … but the bizarre, brilliant territory this troupe’s fevered collective brain explores …. Somebody give these folks a TV show” – Winnipeg Free Press

2 Forks Market Rd. | The Forks (free parking)

From the creator of Running Out (HHHH), Tangle (HHHHH) and SWF…obo (HHHH).



Is it love? Is it passion? Is it obsession? Is it stalking? Join Isabelle on her comedic aerial flight to find her bliss.




by Ruth Baines Monday 12


60 min



2 Forks Market Rd. | The Forks (free parking)



The Only Friends We Have | An anti-social comedy.

Matt Chapman

Brooklyn, NY

by Under the Table

Brooklyn’s physical theatre favourites bring you a dark comedy about three friends determined to be happy in spite of each other. Presenting anger, fear and some real stupidity … friendship at its finest. “Heroes of modern comedy!” – Joseph Langham,

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #907 16 #910 17 #919 18 #929

6:00 pm 12:00 pm 4:15 pm 10:30 pm 19 #931 20

21 #946 22 #949 23

24 #967 25

2:30 pm

8:15 pm

10:00 pm


1:45 pm

tickets 60 min

general audience

Pyretic Productions

The Particulars

Edmonton, AB

by Matthew MacKenzie A Top Pick of the Edmonton Fringe ’08, voted runner-up for Best of the Montreal Fringe ’08, and received its French premiere at the Cafour International Theatre Festival in Québec City last summer, The Particulars is the frighteningly funny story of one insomniac’s struggle to maintain a daily routine in the face of a home invasion.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #905 16 #915 17

2:00 pm 10:00 pm 21 #944 22 #948 23

24 #966 25

4:15 pm

4:30 pm 12:00 pm

8:15 pm


tickets mature audience • under 12 not admitted



by Kenneth Brown

The third and final episode of the trilogy critics have called “amazing” … “moving” … “astounding” … “a Canadian classic in the making.” Jack Harding faces the heights of joy, the anguish of tragedy and the thrill of battle in the conclusion of the stunning drama that is Spiral Dive. Don’t miss it.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday Sunday 16 #911 17 #922 18 #926

1:45 pm 19 #933 20 #941 21

6:00 pm



9:45 pm



9:30 pm

4:15 pm

23 #955 24 #968 25

12:00 pm 11:45 pm



90 min

general audience

language • implied violence • mature themes

Pocket Frock Productions Winnipeg, MB

Music & Lyrics by Jeff Bowen | Book by Hunter Bell Actually, [title of show] is a musical about two nobodies named Hunter and Jeff who decide to write a musical about writing a musical! New York Daily News says it’s “terrific, a kick-ass time!” We’re proud to bring you the Winnipeg premiere of this “bottomless reservoir of fun!” (

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #908 16

7:45 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #918 18

2:00 pm

19 #935 20 #936 21

22 #951 23 #960 24 #964 25

10:15 pm 12:00 pm

5:15 pm




9:45 pm


4:00 pm

matinees • students • seniors • anyone wearing a musical theatre t-shirt

general audience • under 13 not admitted


60 min

subject matter • nudity

Spiral Dive, Episode Three

What is [title of show] about? It’s about 90 minutes …


6:30 pm

19 #932 20

[title of show] VENUE SPONSORs

Sunday 18 #927

subject matter • language

90 min


WIT is your portal into Winnipeg Independent Theatre

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July 16, 2009



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Watch for our neW food & beverage section coming soon!

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190 Rupert Ave. | Theatre on lower level



Birth Roots Doula Collective

“Birth”: A Readers’ Theatre Presentation

Winnipeg, MB

Birth, a play by writer and childbirth advocate Karen Brody, captures the truth about childbirth today. The play, performed as part of a global activist theatre movement known as BOLD, uncovers the secret lives of low-risk women in labour as they discover strategies for obtaining a powerful birth experience. This staged reading is a fundraiser for Winnipeg’s new Birth Centre.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1004 16 #1017 17 #1020 18

12:00 pm 10:45 pm 3:45 pm 19 #1037 20 #1043 21

22 #1053 23 #1061 24

8:45 pm

12:15 pm 2:00 pm


7:15 pm



students • seniors


Turtleherder Productions

Cabaret Terrarium

New York, NY

by Richard Harrington & Chris Kauffman Harrington & Kauffman are back in this epic comedy of amnesia and redemption featuring Belgian cabaret singer Gustave and his associate Nhar, from the Fringe hits Hotel California (2000) and Nharcolepsy (2002). “Richard Harrington and Chris Kauffman raise the level of comedy to a high art” – Robert Enright, Globe and Mail Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #1007 16

5:15 pm

9:00 pm

19 #1038 20 #1041 21 #1052 22 #1054 23 #1064 24 #1067 25

10:30 pm 3:30 pm 10:30 pm 2:00 pm


7:00 pm 12:00 pm

tickets 75 min

Katherine Glover

A Cynic Tells Love Stories

Minneapolis, MN

by Katherine Glover

Seducing porn stars. Falling for straight girls. Getting married without saying a word. So much experience, and so little to show for it. Except the stories.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #1044 21

22 #1055 23 #1065 24

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1008 16 #1012 17 #1024 18 #1027

9:00 pm

4:00 pm

7:15 pm




2:00 pm 11:00 pm 3:45 pm


students • seniors

60 min

subject matter • language

Big Cat Facial Cream Productions

Dale Beaner and the Turtle Boy

Toronto, ON

by Devon Hyland & Connor Thompson

A boy struggling to come to grips with celebrity. Another boy inside of a turtle shell as a security precaution. Baseball. Cupcakes. Need I go on? Cat cream. Enough? Well, why don’t you watch the show? It involves the original list off the top, and then the cat cream I mentioned later. The title? Dale Beaner and the Turtle Boy.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #1039 21 #1048 22 #1056 23

24 #1071 25

12:00 pm 3:45 pm

7:15 pm


Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 #1002 15 #1006 16 #1014 17

Sunday 18 #1031

8:15 pm

10:30 pm

3:30 pm 5:45 pm

5:30 pm

tickets general audience



9:00 pm

general audience


Saturday Sunday 17 #1023 18

general audience

Called “Best of the Fringe” by L’etoile Magazine and nominated for Outstanding Spoken Word Show by the Minnesota Fringe’s FringeFamous.


60 min

general audience • babes in arms permitted



60 min

Tangelico Ottawa, ON

19 #1034 20 #1045 21 #1049 22 #1057 23 #1063 24 #1073 25

The threat of communist infiltration is ever present, especially in Winnipeg. Two silly, salty G-Men — Garfield and Marmaduke — train audiences in the art of commie hunting.

3:45 pm 10:45 pm 5:30 pm

HHHH – Global TV, Edmonton

Tuesday 13


by Ray Besharah & Matthew Domville Monday 12


G-Men Defectives

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday 16

Saturday Sunday 17 #1019 18 #1029

2:15 pm 7:30 pm

7:15 pm

5:30 pm 10:45 pm

“Easy to enjoy” –

tickets mature audience • under 8 not admitted



“Often terribly clichéd and verging on bad taste, these two are irresistibly energetic performers” – Ottawa Sun

190 Rupert Ave. | Theatre on lower level


45 min

subject matter • language


ImproVision presents: Leave it to ImproVision

Winnipeg, MB Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #1042 21 #1047 22 #1058 23

24 #1069 25 #1077

5:30 pm

3:45 pm


Wednesday Thursday 14 #1003 15

Friday Saturday 16 #1011 17

Sunday 18 #1026

10:00 pm

12:15 pm

2:00 pm

2:00 pm

9:00 pm

7:00 pm

HHHH – Winnipeg Free Press, 2009

tickets mature audience


Apple-cheeked ImproVision is making up mischief for their 9th Winnipeg Fringe. They’re getting all Eddie Haskell on improv’s ass, goading it into all sorts of trouble that the audience will take the blame (and make suggestions) for, then wash their hands of it, just in time for dinner. HHHH – CBC Manitoba, 2009

60 min


subject matter • language



20102011 SEASON


Call 204-949-3999 or visit



Keener Productions

Keener Live!

Winnipeg, MB

by Keener Dougherty

Here’s the deal … you sit in a chair; I make you laugh! You don’t have to do anything! Just sit there, and I’ll make your laugh gland secrete vast amounts of laughter involuntarily, with a healthy dose of clever stand-up comedy and a steady IV of short sketches for adults.

190 Rupert Ave. | Theatre on lower level


This show contains enough adult humour to seriously confuse a child.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

5:30 pm 12:15 pm 19 #1036 20 #1040 21 #1050 22 #1059 23

24 #1070 25

7:00 pm

5:30 pm


1:45 pm



7:00 pm 10:45 pm


students • seniors

Theatre by the River Winnipeg, MB

by Sean Reycraft

Steph and Stewart met. They dated. They got married. It was a beautiful wedding.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1005 16 #1016 17 #1022 18

Then everyone died. A dark comedy. From the company that brought you the Best of Fest hit The Bush Ladies (HHHH Free Press/CBC) and History of Theatre, finalist for the Harry Rintoul Award for Best New Manitoban Play.

1:45 pm

9:00 pm

7:15 pm

19 #1035 20

21 #1051 22

23 #1060 24 #1068 25

5:15 pm

8:45 pm

12:15 pm 2:00 pm




students • seniors • unemployed • newlyweds

60 min

general audience

Doctor Keir Co.

Rant Demon

Montreal, QC

by Keir Cutler

Keir overreacts to everything. He’s losing girlfriends, jobs and his sanity, all from his explosive rants. A comic look at being a bigmouth. A new monologue from the multiple award-winning creator of Teaching Shakespeare.

“A marvel to watch!” – Toronto Sun Keir’s eighth original solo show. Directed by Fringe god TJ Dawe.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 #1001 15 #1010 16 #1015 17

Sunday 18 #1028

6:30 pm 10:45 pm 7:15 pm

5:30 pm

19 #1033 20

21 #1046 22

23 #1062 24 #1072 25

2:00 pm

12:15 pm

3:45 pm


9:00 pm

tickets mature audience • under 14 not admitted


60 min


ZeekTech Productions

2-Man No-Show

Toronto, ON

by Ken Hall & Isaac Kessler

After entertaining sold-out audiences across North America, critically acclaimed comedic duo 2-Man NoShow (HHHHH – NOW Magazine, HHHH – EYE Weekly) make their Winnipeg debut in their trademark high-octane vaudevillian style that astounds and amazes! Audience Choice Award – New York Frigid Fringe Festival Official Selection – NYC/San Francisco/Toronto Sketch Comedy Festivals


60 min

subject matter • language

One Good Marriage

“Phenomenal performer!” –


Saturday Sunday 17 #1021 18 #1025

mature audience • under 16 not admitted

“Masterful entertainer!” – Winnipeg Free Press


Friday 16

Official Selection – Chicago Improv Festival Critics’ and Patron’s Pick – Toronto Fringe Festival

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

19 #1032 20

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1009 16 #1013 17 #1018 18 #1030 21

12:15 pm




general audience



9:00 pm

3:45 pm 12:30 pm 8:45 pm


23 #1066 24

25 #1076

10:45 pm

5:15 pm

students • fringe performers • unemployed

60 min




Winnipeg, MB

by Jason Brasher

Best of Fest, Winnipeg Fringe Festival 2009 “Gift for gab, engaging presence, mischievous streak a mile wide” – Winnipeg Free Press The misadventures continue with stories of how “not” to prepare for a Fringe Festival, insulting the crowd, travelling to Thailand, accidental marriage, strange sleeping habits, online dating, the sex life of a massage therapist and goats.

160 Princess St.



Abstract Theatre Productions

All-New Misadventures of a Massage Therapist Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15

Friday Saturday 16 #1117 17

Sunday 18 #1128

10:30 pm

5:15 pm

19 #1136 20 #1139 21

22 #1157 23 #1159 24 #1172 25

7:15 pm 12:00 pm

8:45 pm 12:30 pm 10:15 pm


Yup … goats.



fringe performers

60 min

mature audience • under 17 not admitted


subject matter • language

Tommy Nugent

Burning Man and the Reverend Nuge

Detroit, MI

by Tommy Nugent

Comedic storyteller Tommy Nugent recounts his journey from Pentecostal preacher to atheist street magician unraveling the mysteries of life over two trips to Burning Man. Who knew “accidental enlightenment” was to be found in the desert with the help of Cheez Whizzed nipples, “special” brownies and a mysterious, underdressed stranger?

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1101 15 #1104 16 #1114 17 #1120 18 #1130

7:00 pm 12:15 pm 5:30 pm 19 #1132 20


12:00 pm


3:30 pm

24 #1169 25

10:30 pm

5:15 pm

tickets 60 min

general audience



New to You


Winnipeg, MB

by Gordon Portman Sex with an ex — who hasn’t? A comic look at the before, during and after of a long-term relationship (although not necessarily in that order). The Winnipeg debut of multi-award-winning playwright Gordon Portman. “Do you want to come in here with me or sleep on the couch?” “Are you kidding? You’ve watched porn on that couch!”

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #1110 16



21 #1148 22 #1154 23 #1164 24

25 #1175

5:00 pm

4:30 pm

10:45 pm




3:30 pm


8:45 pm

75 min


Third Man Toronto, ON

by Nile Séguin

Nile Séguin (This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Comedy Now) is back with his fourth show that takes a look at the root of all evil and the variety of weeds and vegetation it creates. Another stand-up/storytelling hybrid, Company Man is a fun mix of fact and smartassery that hits you like a slap from a velvet glove.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1105 16 #1115 17 #1118 18 #1126

19 #1138 20 #1144 21

10:45 pm 9:00 pm




2:00 pm

7:15 pm 12:00 pm 2:15 pm


23 #1161 24 #1171 25

4:00 pm


mature audience


7:00 pm

students • seniors • equity members • fringe performers

Company Man


Saturday Sunday 17 #1119 18 #1129

1:30 pm

general audience • under 16 not admitted


9:00 pm

22 #1158 23


8:45 pm

matinees • students

45 min

1-2-3 USA!

Everyone All Together, All The Time!

Olympia, WA

by Mark Alford, Ryan Hitchcock & Matt Olson

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1107 16 #1113 17 #1123 18 #1131

5:15 pm 19 #1134 20 #1140 21 #1149 22

3:30 pm

7:00 pm


students • fringe performers

mature audience • babes in arms permitted



75 min

language • nudity

Low Brow Amusements

Jokes my folks never told me

Winnipeg, MB

Monday 12

by Fred Heinrichs

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #1103 15

Friday 16

10:15 pm

Saturday Sunday 17 #1121 18

5:15 pm

19 #1137 20 #1141 21 #1146 22 #1152 23

24 #1170 25

9:00 pm

7:00 pm


3:45 pm

1:45 pm 12:00 pm

tickets mature audience


absolutely no political correctness


I am going to tell jokes. I’m an old guy, so I’ll probably tell old jokes.



8:45 pm 10:45 pm 24

160 Princess St.


1:45 pm

3:30 pm 23

1-2-3 USA! is a brand new sketch comedy trio whose goal is to spread mouth-smiling humor throughout the stars and remind everyone that true world peace and happiness is still possible with faith in love, dreams and the good ol’ USA! Our newest sketch comedy show promises to dazzle and enlighten as we preach the wisdom of the greatest country on Earth! ;-)


60 min



Tokyo, Japan

by Hiromi Yano

The mysterious Miss Hiccup lives alone, but is definitely not lonely. She is forever accompanied by a raucous cast of sounds and music that make her life an absurd adventure. Shoshinz is Japanese for “shy, timid people,” but this surreal Tokyo comedian will lure you in and bend your mind with brilliant physical theatre, dance, absurd music and song.

160 Princess St.




A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 14 15 #1106 16 #1116 17

3:30 pm

8:45 pm

19 #1135 20 #1143 21

22 #1153 23 #1165 24 #1168 25

5:30 pm

1:45 pm 10:45 pm 3:30 pm


7:15 pm

tickets 60 min

general audience • babes in arms permitted

Rapid Fire Theatre

Rapid Fire Theatre Presents: DotDotDot

Edmonton, AB

by Jessie McPhee & Joleen Ballendine

A mix of awkward comedy and dysfunctional, yet lovable characters, DotDotDot is a fan favourite at Edmonton’s Rapid Fire Theatre. This improvisational troupe will have you laughing to the point of tears, then crying until it’s funny. DotDotDot. It’s like falling in love for the first time, every time.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday 14 15 #1109 16



21 #1151 22 #1155 23 #1160 24 #1166 25 #1176

9:00 pm


Saturday Sunday 17 #1122 18 #1125

7:00 pm 12:30 pm

10:45 pm 5:30 pm

2:15 pm 12:00 pm 6:30 pm

tickets 60 min

mature audience


subject matter • language

Rob Gee


Leicester, UK

by Rob Gee

An exhilarating story of several childhoods from the creator of last year’s sellout Fringe hit Fruitcake.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1108 16 #1111 17 #1124 18

HHHHH “A breath of fresh air!” – CBC HHHH½ “Hilarious!” – Winnipeg Free Press A “Dr. Seuss for adults!” – Uptown HHHHH “Genius!” – SEE Magazine, Edmonton HHHH½ “I was bowled over!” – Edmonton Journal

7:15 pm 12:15 pm 10:45 pm 19 #1133 20 #1142 21 #1150 22

23 #1163 24 #1167 25

1:45 pm

7:00 pm


HHHH½ “The missing link between theatre and rock ‘n’ roll!” – Victoria Times Colonist

5:30 pm


9:00 pm


students • seniors • unemployed

Inland Oceans Arts Alliance Ashern, MB

by Linda Fletcher & Patricia Cochrane A one-woman show featuring the dramatic, yet humorous monologues “Jane Grey’s Murder of Her Second Head,” “Cruisin’ Through Purgatory with Elvis” and “End of the World, Idiots,” which showcase three women’s struggles against prejudice, indifference, doubt, inner conflict and death, as they find a way to accept themselves and find their place with God and the world around them.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 #1102 15

Friday Saturday 16 #1112 17


20 #1145 21 #1147 22 #1156 23 #1162 24

8:45 pm

2:00 pm

10:30 pm 3:30 pm




7:15 pm


Sunday 18 #1127

3:45 pm 25

5:30 pm

students • seniors • unemployed

general audience • under 14 not admitted


60 min


Three Snapshots of Death


1:45 pm

mature audience • under 16 not admitted



Sunday 18

subject matter • language

60 min



400 Colony St. | Enter from Balmoral St. (south of Ellice Ave.)


Martin Dockery

The Bike Trip

Brooklyn, NY

by Martin Dockery

From the creator of Wanderlust (2009 Best of Fest) comes one man’s comic, breathtaking quest to understand the psychedelic experience by recreating history’s very first acid trip. “Dockery’s gifts border on the supernatural” – “Punch lines that come out of nowhere” – “Crackles with energy” – Cultural Capitol

Monday 12

7:30 pm

8:45 pm

8:30 pm

7:00 pm

2:30 pm

22 #1226 23 #1231 24 #1233 25 #1238

7:00 pm 10:15 pm

6:30 pm 10:30 pm 6:30 pm


8:30 pm

tickets 60 min

general audience

Praise for Wanderlust: HHHH½ – Winnipeg Sun, HHHHH – CBC

Skyline Theatre


Winnipeg, MB

by Molière

Two hilarious pieces in Commedia style from Molière, played back to back. We’ve got it all: marital disputes, love intrigues, balcony scenes, servants fooling masters, slapstick, masks and more. Come see the most interesting cast of whimsical and farcical characters in their zany reality. It’s fun you’ll want to share with everyone!

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15



19 #1219 20

21 #1225 22

23 #1229 24 #1232 25

Saturday Sunday 17 #1211 18 #1215

10:30 pm

10:15 pm

6:45 pm

8:30 pm




7:00 pm

3:45 pm

students • fringe performers

75 min

general audience

UW Department of Theatre and Film

Juliet & Romeo

Winnipeg, MB

Adapted from William Shakespeare

The UWinnipeg Theatre Department returns with another innovative production unlike any other you will see at this year’s Fringe. Tom Stroud, who brought the smash interpretation of A Doll’s House to Fringe ‘09, creates another lyrical and expressionistic adaptation of a timeless classic. You can’t miss this new look at Shakespeare’s most famous story of love and tragedy! HHHHH – Hair, 2008

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1202 15 #1205 16 #1208 17 #1209 18 #1216

9:15 pm 10:15 pm 10:00 pm 4:00 pm

9:00 pm

19 #1218 20 #1220 21 #1224 22 #1228 23

24 #1234 25 #1236

8:30 pm

8:00 pm


HHHH – A Doll’s House, 2009

6:30 pm


8:15 pm


9:45 pm

3:30 pm

matinees • students • seniors

75 min

general audience

Femmes du Feu

The Plank

Toronto, ON

by Sabrina Pringle & Holly Treddenick

Jump into the rigging, set sail and dive into the legend and lore of women on the high seas with the aerial dance show The Plank.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

“Eye-catching” – Paula Citron


20 #1221 21 #1223 22 #1227 23 #1230 24 #1235 25 #1237

Winner of Patron’s Pick and Best of Fringe, Toronto 2009! HHHH – Now Magazine, 2009 HHHH – Eye Magazine, 2009


Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1201 15 #1204 16 #1207 17 #1210 18 #1213

19 #1217 20 #1222 21

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1203 16 #1206 17 #1212 18 #1214

7:00 pm 8:30 pm

“Jaw-dropping” – Glen Sumi


Tuesday 13


6:30 pm

8:00 pm

6:45 pm 10:30 pm 4:00 pm 8:45 pm 10:00 pm 6:45 pm

tickets general audience • babes in arms permitted



60 min

bac ks tage

Depar tme nt of Th eatre a nd Film

developing manitoba talent The University of Winnipeg Department of Theatre and Film offers degree studies in Acting, Production, Design, Dance, Filmmaking and much, much more!

o n s tage


216 McDermot Ave. (2nd floor)



Echo’s Little Theatre

Grand-Guignol On The Prairie

Winnipeg, MB

by Jean Aragny, Francis Neilson, Eugene Heros, Leon Abric & Richard Hughes From the company who brought you last year’s Fringe hit Le Grand-Guignol Sur La Prairie, a new evening of horror. Featuring “The Kiss of Blood,” “Chop-Chop!” and “The Sister’s Tragedy.” Random operations with bloody results, hilarious affairs of the heart (and head), and twisted morals leading to psychological terror! This year’s Guignol offers shocking delights for the senses! Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1304 15 #1307 16 #1310 17 #1313 18 #1320

11:00 pm 8:45 pm

7:00 pm

5:00 pm 10:30 pm

19 #1321 20 #1326 21 #1331 22 #1333 23 #1340 24 #1343 25

5:00 pm


7:00 pm

8:45 pm

5:00 pm 10:30 pm 8:45 pm

tickets 75 min

mature audience


subject matter • some immoral & violent behaviour

Colin Godbout

Route 66: a Musical Quest for the American Dream

Victoria, BC

by Colin Godbout

Get your kicks on Godbout’s Route 66. It winds from sweet home Chicago beyond Pat Metheny’s Missouri sky to Bruce Springsteen’s ode to migrant Okies, Ottmar Liebert’s New Mexican nuevo flamenco and a Californian surfari. “Godbout’s a guitar virtuoso. You’ll spend the hour listening to gorgeous, jazz-infused renderings of musical landscape” – Winnipeg Free Press

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1303 15 #1308 16 #1309 17 #1314 18 #1319

9:15 pm 10:45 pm 5:15 pm

7:00 pm

10:30 pm 5:15 pm


Best of Fest – Winnipeg Fringe ‘09

7:00 pm 10:30 pm 8:45 pm

5:15 pm

60 min

general audience

Battered Suitcases Los Angeles, CA

by Shelby Bond & Todd Abrams Shelby Bond (formerly of Sound & Fury) and Todd Abrams (The Tonight Show) are just like you. They own a lot of stuff they don’t need but totally had to have. With songs and sketches, they will remind you all you need is love … and maybe an iPad.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1302 15 #1305 16 #1312 17 #1315 18 #1317

7:30 pm

5:15 pm 10:45 pm 8:45 pm

5:15 pm

19 #1323 20 #1328 21 #1329 22 #1334 23 #1338 24 #1344 25 #1346

8:45 pm 10:45 pm 5:15 pm




7:00 pm

7:00 pm 10:45 pm 7:00 pm

People who bring a personal belonging (that has some meaning to them) to give away

general audience • under 12 not admitted


60 min


Wog Productions

Third Time Lucky

Toronto, ON

by Paul Hutcheson

The creator of Fringe hits The First Time and On Second Thought is back with his third solo show. Garnering awards in New York, San Francisco, Montreal and Ottawa, Hutcheson is excited to be back at the Winnipeg Fringe, where his solo comedy career began in 2003! “Bravo Paul Hutcheson” –

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1301 15 #1306 16 #1311 17 #1316 18 #1318

5:45 pm

7:00 pm

9:00 pm 10:30 pm 7:00 pm

19 #1322 20 #1327 21 #1332 22 #1335 23 #1337 24 #1342 25 #1345

7:00 pm


9:00 pm 10:45 pm 8:45 pm

5:15 pm

7:00 pm

5:15 pm

tickets mature audience • under 14 not admitted


8:45 pm




8:45 pm

19 #1324 20 #1325 21 #1330 22 #1336 23 #1339 24 #1341 25 #1347



60 min

mAniTobA LoTTERiEs


ballet in the park JULY 28 -30

FREE Admission

AssiniboinE PARk | ThE LYRic

7:30 Pm for more info call


Featuring students of the RWB School, PRoFeSSional DiviSion and RWB comPany DanceRS.

André Lewis artistic director Arlene minkhorst school director

Doowah Design Inc. Client: RWB Job no: RW 3376 BITP Ad - Fringe Festival Program / CMYK / 3.75” x 5” Problems or questions, call Andy / 204-949-7230 work

Sarah Davey photo: David cooper





CRUMBS from the 13th Dimension

Winnipeg, MB

by Stephen Sim & Lee White

CRUMBS is back for a record-breaking 13 season here at the Fringe. Fresh off their world tour, which blew away packed houses all across Europe, they are now ready to blow you away. DJ Hunnicutt improvises the soundtrack and video, taking this already awesome show to the 13th dimension of awesome. th

Monday 12

120 King St. (2nd floor)

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1402 15 #1405 16 #1408 17 #1411 18 #1414

9:30 pm 10:15 pm 10:15 pm 10:15 pm 10:15 pm 19 #1417 20 #1420 21

22 #1425 23 #1428 24 #1431 25

10:15 pm 10:15 pm

10:15 pm 10:15 pm 10:15 pm



Tuesday 13

tickets 60 min

mature audience


subject matter • language • improv means that anything can happen. What you have to ask yourself is: can you handle anything?

under 18 must be accompanied by guardian • licensed venue

Monster Theatre

Freud vs. his Ego

Vancouver, BC

by Ryan Gladstone

Sigmund Freud goes on a hilarious adventure through his own mind, and discovers that nothing is quite as he thought … literally! From the comic geniuses at Monster Theatre who brought you… The Seven Lives of Louis Riel “The concept is as brilliant as the execution is funny” HHHHH – CBC Winnipeg The Shakespeare Show “Wildly funny and wonderfully crafted!” HHHHH – CBC Edmonton

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1404 16 #1407 17 #1410 18 #1413

8:30 pm

8:30 pm

8:30 pm

8:30 pm


8:30 pm

8:30 pm

8:30 pm

8:30 pm

8:30 pm

tickets 60 min

mature audience • under 18 not admitted


subject matter • language • nudity

licensed venue

big word performance poetry

jem rolls: ONE MAN RIOT

England, UK

by jem rolls

London, March 1990. The infamous Poll-Tax Riot. Jem Rolls tells his shocking, true story of confrontation and transformation that violent day on London’s streets …. Is it a ghost story? “Dynamic, hilarious, riveting …. A high-performance master” HHHHH – Winnipeg Free Press “Consistently clever, ridiculous, hilarious” HHHH½ – Edmonton Journal “Genius … highest calibre “ HHHHH – Montreal Gazette


Storytelling: a new medium for the Fringe veteran.


400 Hargrave St. (at Cumberland Ave.)




Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1401 15 #1403 16 #1406 17 #1409 18 #1412

7:30 pm

6:30 pm

6:30 pm

6:30 pm

6:30 pm

19 #1415 20 #1418 21 #1421 22 #1423 23 #1426 24 #1429 25

6:30 pm


6:30 pm

6:30 pm

6:30 pm

6:30 pm

6:30 pm

tickets 60 min

mature audience • under 16 not admitted


subject matter

under 18 must be accompanied by guardian • licensed venue

Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood

Fringe Family Fun Show

Winnipeg, MB

by Greg Wood

“Polished and professional, Wood has a delightful rapport with his audience and keeps the crowd laughing and smiling right to the end” – Winnipeg Free Press “The charm of this ever-so-well-done 60-minute act is that the entire family can sit and enjoy the performance together; and that is what families are looking for in a good Kids Fringe show” – CBC

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1501 15 #1502 16 #1503 17 #1504 18

7:00 pm

1:15 pm

7:00 pm

2:00 pm

19 #1505 20 #1506 21 #1507 22 #1508 23 #1509 24

1:15 pm


1:15 pm


1:15 pm


1:15 pm


7:00 pm

students • kids (12 & under) • daycare workers

family friendly • babes in arms permitted


8:30 pm

19 #1416 20 #1419 21 #1422 22 #1424 23 #1427 24 #1430 25

potential uncontrolled fits of laughter

60 min

400 Colony at Ellice, enter from Balmoral

Venue #12: The UW Canwest Centre for Theatre and Film


393 Portage Ave. (Portage Place, 3rd floor)



PKF Productions

Man 1, Bank 0

San Diego, CA

by Patrick Combs

“One of the funniest, most fascinating, fastest moving solo plays to hit New York in many a season. Non-stop laughter and an edge of your seat adventure.” – Broadway World

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1605 16 #1610 17 #1611 18 #1617

8:00 pm 10:30 pm 4:00 pm

Sold-out runs: Off-Broadway, Just For Laughs, HBO.

9:30 pm

Don’t miss the true story of Patrick depositing a $95,093.35 junk mail check as a joke and it erupting into an outrageous adventure.


6:00 pm 10:30 pm 4:00 pm

6:00 pm

2:00 pm

75 min

general audience

Crosswalk Players

Mid-Life! The Crisis Musical

Landmark, MB

by Bob Walton & Jim Walton

Experience the “joys” of invasive medical procedures, dealing with an empty nest, hair loss, menopause, parental playdates and more. A show for anyone who is going through, in denial about going through, afraid of going through, finished going through, watching someone going through or just wants to laugh at other people going through a mid-life crisis. Musical sketch comedy.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1604 16 #1607 17 #1613 18 #1618

6:00 pm

4:00 pm

5:00 pm


8:00 pm

6:30 pm

8:30 pm

4:00 pm 10:30 pm 4:00 pm

tickets 75 min

Stage16 & Winnipeg Studio Theatre Winnipeg, MB

Music & Lyrics by William Finn | Book by Rachel Sheinkin

In this hilarious and clever Tony Award-winning musical, six adolescent outsiders in the throes of puberty learn that winning isn’t everything and that losing doesn’t necessarily make you a loser. Spelling Bee is quirky, unexpected and full of grown-up g-o-o-f-i-n-e-s-s. From the creative team that brought you the sold-out, smash-hit productions Hair and Altar Boyz.

8:30 pm 10:30 pm

19 #1619 20 #1624 21 #1627 22 #1632 23 #1634 24 #1641 25 #1643

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1601 15 #1603 16 #1609 17 #1612 18 #1615

7:00 pm

3:30 pm

8:00 pm

6:00 pm

4:00 pm

19 #1620 20 #1625 21 #1626 22 #1631 23 #1637 24 #1638 25 #1645

7:00 pm 10:00 pm 4:00 pm


Directed by Kayla Gordon

6:00 pm 10:00 pm 4:00 pm

8:00 pm

tickets 105 min

general audience


mild language

Kiss the Giraffe Productions

The Unlikely Sainthood of Madeline McKay

Winnipeg, MB

by Joseph Aragon

“They want a taste of the divine and I give it to them. Is it real? No, but what difference does it make? I’m doing them a big favour and — other than a few bucks — I’m getting nothing in return!”

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #1622 21 #1628 22 #1633 23 #1636 24 #1639 25 #1644

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1602 15 #1606 16 #1608 17 #1614 18 #1616

9:30 pm 10:00 pm 6:00 pm 10:30 pm 6:30 pm

She’s got some nerve.

4:00 pm

8:30 pm 10:30 pm 8:00 pm

I’ll have to teach her a lesson. The Rintoul Award-winning comedy returns. Directed by Leith Clark.




general audience


8:30 pm


general audience


8:30 pm

19 #1621 20 #1623 21 #1629 22 #1630 23 #1635 24 #1640 25 #1642

6:30 pm

6:00 pm

seniors • those bearing food items that naturally resemble the virgin mary

75 min

ROCK O U T AT THE ROCKER Wed, July 14 Thur, July 15 Fri, July 16 Sat, July 17 Sun, July 18 Mon, July 19 Tue, July 20 Wed, July 21 Thur, July 22 Fri, July 23 Sat, July 24


11:00 PM 7:00 PM 5:15 PM 10:30 PM 8:45 PM 7:00 PM 5:15 PM 10:30 PM 8:45 PM 7:00 PM 5:15 PM

Wed, July 14 Thur, July 15 Fri, July 16 directed byAdam Lazarus Sat, July 17 Sun, July 18 Mon, July 19 Tues, July 20 Winnipeg Best of Fest Winner, 2009 Wed, July 21 Outstanding Comedy Award Winner Thur, July 22 OTTAWA FRINGE 2008 Fri, July 23 "Elie is an exquisite performer" ★★★★ Winnipeg Sun Rock out24 Sat, July ★★★★ Winnipeg Free Press

Rachelle Elie is written & performed by Rachelle Elie



★★★★ ★★★★


5:45 PM 8:45 PM 7:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:15 PM 8:45 PM 7:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:15 PM 8:45 PM 7:00 PM

“... Elie is among the most talented and energetic performers at the Fringe.” UPTOWN, WINNIPEG

Edmonton Journal See Magazine


“as real as life and death & sometimes funny too” DAVID BYRNE

Wed, July 14 Thur, July 15 Fri, July 16 Sat, July 17 Sun, July 18 Mon, July 19 Tues, July 20 Wed, July 21 Thur, July 22 Fri, July 23 Sat, July 24

9:15 PM 5:15 PM 10:30 PM 8:45 PM 7:00 PM 5:15 PM 10:30 PM 8:45 PM 7:00 PM 5:15 PM 10:30 PM

Unequal Harvest Voices from the global food crisis with

Kami Desilets and

Geoff Hughes

91 ALBERT Upstairs from Mondragon

Wed, July 14

7:30 PM

Wednesday Thur, JulyJuly 15 14 7:30 10:30 PM Thursday July Fri, July 16 15 10:30 8:45 PM Friday July 16 8:45 Sat, July 17 7:00 PM Saturday July 17 7:00 Sun, July 18 10:30 PM Sunday July 18 10:30 Tue, July 20 8:45 PM Tuesday July 20 8:45 Wed, July 21 7:00 PM Wednesday July 21 7:00 Thur, July 22 10:30 PM Thursday July 22 10:30 Fri, July 10:30 PM Friday 23 July 23 10:30 Sat, July 24 8:45 PM Saturday July 24 8:45

All Shows $10


393 Portage Ave. (Portage Place, 3rd floor)



Stars And Hearts


London, ON

by Jayson McDonald Jayson McDonald (the actor) has been murdered. Can Thom Phox (not the city’s worst detective) unravel the mystery before he unravels the narrative? A solo comedy that finds itself quite thrilling from the creator of Fall Fair, Boat Load and Giant Invisible Robot.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #1706 16 #1709 17 #1712 18


20 #1723 21 #1725 22 #1729 23 #1735 24 #1739 25

9:00 pm 8:30 pm


6:15 pm

7:00 pm

7:00 pm 10:45 pm 9:15 pm

tickets 60 min

mature audience



Bit By Bit Productions

Oh Winnipeg! A Surprising Musical Memoir

Vancouver, BC

by John Pippus

The journey of a Winnipeg-born musician stumbling after the rock star fantasy. Traversing strip joints, nude beaches and the Trans Canada Highway, young Pippus seeks fame and fortune. For anyone who ever dared to dream. PICK OF THE 2009 VANCOUVER FRINGE!!! “Loved it” – CBC Radio “Charming and touching tale …. Don’t miss this great little play” HHHH½ – Monday Magazine

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1702 15 #1707 16 #1708 17 #1713 18 #1718

7:45 pm 10:45 pm 5:15 pm 8:45 pm


5:00 pm

8:00 pm

8:45 pm

2 for 1


9:00 pm

9:00 pm


5:15 pm

opening night

mature audience • under 14 not admitted

60 min


Nomadic Players


Winnipeg, MB

by David Mamet “There can be no tougher or more unflinching play than Oleanna” – Harold Pinter

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

A meeting between a teacher and a student becomes a devastating lesson of status warfare and what happens when language fails us.


20 #1724 21 #1727 22 #1731 23 #1732 24 #1738 25

Mamet’s style of writing uses language, gender and power to create an unflinching exploration of the social institution of academia.


Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1703 15 #1704 16 #1710 17 #1715 18 #1716

9:30 pm

5:00 pm

8:45 pm 10:30 pm 5:00 pm

10:15 pm 9:45 pm 10:30 pm 5:00 pm



7:00 pm

students • equity members • fringe performers

mature audience • under 14 not admitted


90 min


Watson Arts

P.S. 69

Brooklyn, NY

by Mary Fulham & Susan Jeremy

NY comedienne Susan Jeremy finally brings back her award-winning Fringe hit! In this fast-paced comedy, Jeremy is an entire NYC school! Pushy parents, frazzled teachers and hip hop kids.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1701 15 #1705 16 #1711 17 #1714 18 #1717

6:00 pm

7:15 pm 11:00 pm 8:45 pm

7:15 pm

19 #1719 20 #1722 21

22 #1728 23 #1733 24 #1736 25 #1740

“Accept no substitutes, Jeremy is the real deal!” – Winnipeg Free Press

7:00 pm

5:15 pm

“Flawless and funny from beginning to end!” – Montreal Mirror


“An amazing piece of theatre” – The Scotsman


7:00 pm

19 #1720 20 #1721 21 #1726 22 #1730 23 #1734 24 #1737 25

Featuring: Rhea Fedorchuk & Ken Rudderham


5:15 pm

6:45 pm

7:15 pm

3:30 pm

3:00 pm

tickets general audience • under 10 not admitted



60 min

You love discovering new theatre... Too! We think it’s


bringing you plays with




WRITTEN BY VERN THIESSEN, Governor General Award winner in Drama October 14-24, 2010 at The Berney Theatre A co-production with the Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company (Toronto)

CALL 477-747 8 TO SU

LENIN’S EMBALMERS follows the journeys of Boris Zbarsky and Vladimir Vorobiov, two chemists charged with embalming the Communist leader Vladimir Lenin. But Boris and Vlad have some problems: Lenin has been dead for two months; no scientist has embalmed a person in perpetuity; they are both Jewish; they hate each other and if they fail, they’ll be killed.


The Father

WORLD PREMIERE ADAPTED BY JULIE TEPPERMAN Based on the play by August Strindberg PART OF MTC’S MASTER PLAYWRIGHT FESTIVAL: STRINDBERGFEST January 27 – February 6, 2011 at The Berney Theatre Julie Tepperman is one of Canada’s most promising young playwrights. The author of the critically-acclaimed and sold-out sensation Yichud (Seclusion) this past February in Toronto, Julie brings a fresh eye, sharp wit, and a female perspective to her adaptation. THE FATHER is Strindberg’s famous play about a man feuding with his wife over how to raise their daughter. WJT’s past entries in MTC’s Master Playwright’s Festivals have played to sold out houses and critical acclaim.


One of Ours

WORLD PREMIERE WRITTEN BY MICHAEL NATHANSON, Governor General Award Nominee in Drama March 31 – April 10, 2011 at The Berney Theatre In 2007, WJT presented the World Premiere of Michael Nathanson’s TALK. ONE OF OURS is Michael’s newest play and WJT audiences will get to see it first. This comedy is set at West Hawk Lake, Manitoba and follows the story of two Jewish brothers, in business together, whose lives are changed when the older brother brings home a young actress from New York City. ONE OF OURS explores issues of entitlement, sibling rivalry, and our evolving ideas about privacy.

30 or under? See all three plays for a BOFFO $24! Adult subscriptions only $70!

Take that, expensive ticket prices!


445 River Ave. (at Osborne St.)



PB Productions


Winnipeg, MB

Choreography by Paula Blair A theatrical dance tale driven by its physicality and evocative emotions. From beginning to end, four powerhouse performers take you on a personal relatable journey full of sincerity. Enhanced by its sense of dark humour, this whimsical piece never loses its warmth and wit. Choreographed by Paula Blair, featuring Nicole Coppens, Helene Le Moullec Mancini & Kyla Wallace.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday 14 15






23 #1839 24 #1840 25 #1841

4:00 pm 22

11:45 pm 4:00 pm


2:00 pm

60 min

RibbitREpublic Theatre Company

Grimmer Than Grimmer Than Grimm

Edmonton, AB

by The Company

Ribbit is Back! From the company that brought you the Fringe gems Be A Man, BoyGroove, Letters in Wartime, House, Water, Bouncers and Pilk’s Madhouse comes the much-anticipated sequel to last summer’s Grimmer Than Grimm. If you ever thought we could ever get grimmer than Grimmer Than Grimm, this is your show! “They absolutely kill” HHHHH – Winnipeg Free Press “Royally ridiculous” HHHHH – Winnipeg Sun

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1802 15 #1806 16 #1807 17 #1811 18 #1815

8:00 pm 10:00 pm 6:00 pm

8:00 pm 10:00 pm

19 #1816 20 #1820 21 #1824 22 #1825 23 #1829 24 #1833 25 #1834

6:00 pm


8:00 pm 10:00 pm 6:00 pm

8:00 pm 10:00 pm 4:00 pm

tickets 60 min

mature audience • under 9 not admitted


subject matter • language • extreme cartoonish violence

Poiema Productions

Happily Ever After?

Edmonton, AB

by Brianne Jang, Candice Fiorentino, Melissa Heagy & Sara Vickruck

Happily Ever After? is a musical comedy that will make you question fairy-tale endings.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1801 15 #1805 16 #1809 17 #1810 18 #1814

6:00 pm

8:00 pm 10:00 pm 6:00 pm

8:00 pm

19 #1818 20 #1819 21 #1823 22 #1827 23 #1828 24 #1832 25 #1836

10:00 pm 6:00 pm



8:00 pm 10:00 pm 6:00 pm



8:00 pm

8:00 pm

students • anyone with the first name “walter” (2 pieces of id required)

general audience • under 13 not admitted

60 min

subject matter

Sound & Fury

Sound & Fury’s “Spaceship Man”

Los Angeles, CA

by Sound & Fury

Fringe faves Sound & Fury™ return with their 7th show in Winnipeg! Major Cyrus “Cy” Fie travels to Mars to stop a potential invasion! A parody of science fiction movies, vaudeville style!

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1803 15 #1804 16 #1808 17 #1812 18 #1813

10:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 10:00 pm 6:00 pm

HHHHH – Edinburgh Evening News


HHHHH – Winnipeg Free Press

8:00 pm 10:00 pm 6:00 pm

19 #1817 20 #1821 21 #1822 22 #1826 23 #1830 24 #1831 25 #1835

“Comic genius! All the panache and clever wit of the best British comedy writers of the 20th century!” HHHHH – CBC


4:00 pm

tickets general audience

Which one of these is not like the others: erectile dysfunction, postpartum depression, a dark closet or princesses?


Saturday Sunday 17 #1837 18 #1838



general audience

8:00 pm 10:00 pm 6:00 pm

6:00 pm


60 min

Now open to the general public!

Offering food between shows Eat in or to go!

Discounts for Volunteers & Performers! 3rd Floor is BYOV Venue #14 presenting: CRUMBS performing CRUMBS from the 13th Dimension Monster Theatre performing Freud vs. his Ego and big word performance poetry performing jem rolls: ONE MAN RIOT

Room open for show and food prior to curtain 120 King Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1H9, 204-957-7710


91 Albert St. (3rd floor)



grow or die music


Toronto, ON

by Bob Wiseman

Actionable reflects upon litigious situations resulting from Bob Wiseman’s “actions” while trying to establish his solo career after quitting Blue Rodeo in 1991. These often hilarious tales are presented using Super 8 film, video projection, PowerPoint and musical breaks on accordion, guitar and keyboard. “As real as life and death — and sometimes funny too” – David Byrne

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1903 15 #1905 16 #1912 17 #1915 18 #1918

9:15 pm

5:15 pm 10:30 pm 8:45 pm

5:15 pm 10:30 pm 8:45 pm




7:00 pm

5:15 pm 10:30 pm

fringe performers

60 min

general audience



Mi Casa

Countries Shaped Like Stars

Ottawa, ON

by Emily Pearlman & Nicolas Di Gaetano The courtship of Gwendolyn Magnificent and Bartholomew Spectacular is a tale of love best heard through a tin-can telephone. Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1904 15 #1906 16 #1909 17 #1916 18 #1919

11:00 pm 7:00 pm

5:15 pm 10:30 pm 8:45 pm

“Part fairy tale, part vaudeville routine, part oldfashioned love story … one outstanding hour” – Ottawa Citizen

19 #1922 20 #1924 21 #1931 22 #1934 23 #1937 24 #1940 25

Winner of Outstanding Production (Ottawa Fringe) and Outstanding New Creation (Rideau Awards).


7:00 pm

“This is the theatre show The Decemberists would create if Roald Dahl directed them.”

5:15 pm 10:30 pm 8:45 pm

7:00 pm

60 min

general audience

Crowning Monkey


Toronto, ON

by Rachelle Elie

Fringe veteran and Winnipeg 2009 Best of Fest Winner Rachelle Elie brings you a new dramatic comedy about triumph and disaster. Directed by Adam Lazarus. “Elie is among the most talented and energetic performers of the Fringe” – Uptown Magazine “Funny and unforgettable” – Winnipeg Free Press OUTSTANDING COMEDY AWARD WINNER, Ottawa Fringe 2008 HHHH – Winnipeg Sun HHHH – Winnipeg Free Press HHHH – Edmonton Journal HHHH – SEE Magazine

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1901 15 #1907 16 #1910 17 #1913 18 #1917

5:45 pm

8:45 pm

7:00 pm

5:15 pm

5:15 pm

19 #1923 20 #1925 21 #1928 22 #1932 23 #1938 24 #1941 25

8:45 pm


7:00 pm

5:15 pm

5:15 pm

8:45 pm

7:00 pm

tickets mature audience • under 13 not admitted


60 min

language • balloons popped

PeaceMeal Theatrical Productions Winnipeg, MB

by Geoff Hughes

Praise for Unequal Harvest: “Gripping and heartbreaking in equal measure, an urgent and compassionate call to understand the real lives and people behind the appalling statistic of a billion people going hungry” – Raj Patel, author of Stuffed and Starved Featuring Kami Desilets and Geoff Hughes.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #1902 15 #1908 16 #1911 17 #1914 18 #1920


20 #1926 21 #1929 22 #1935 23 #1939 24 #1942 25

7:30 pm 10:30 pm 8:45 pm 8:45 pm



7:00 pm 10:30 pm

7:00 pm 10:30 pm 10:30 pm 8:45 pm


general audience


5:15 pm


Unequal Harvest


7:00 pm

19 #1921 20 #1927 21 #1930 22 #1933 23 #1936 24 #1943 25

students • seniors • kids (12 & under) • with a non-perishable food donation

60 min


to all the volunteers, performers, &

patrons for making the 2010 Fringe Festival out of this world.

nAncy ALLAn

MLA for st. Vital 237-8771

rob ALteMeyer

MLA for Wolseley 775-8575

jenniFer hoWArD

peter bjornson

MLA for Gimli 642-4977

kerri irVin-ross

DAVe choMiAk

MLA for kildonan 334-5060

FLor MArceLino

MLA for Fort rouge 946-0272

MLA for Fort Garry 475-9433

MLA for Wellington 788-0800

DiAne McGiFForD

chris MeLnick

theresA osWALD

MLA for Lord roberts 452-4320

MLA for riel 253-5162

MLA for seine river 255-7840


75 Albert St. (2nd floor)



Micro Theatre

Deadliest Improv Warrior

Winnipeg, MB

Collective Improvisational Creation Made Every Evening By a Varying Cast Every night, two teams go head-to-head in a battle of epic proportions!

Monday 12

With only 25 minutes each to prove themselves, the teams have to pull out every trick they have to impress you!

19 #2021 20 #2024 21 #2025 22 #2030 23 #2035 24 #2040 25

Your vote determines which team returns to defend their title and which team goes home. Featuring performers from Winnipeg and across Canada.

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #2003 15 #2004 16 #2011 17 #2013 18 #2017

9:45 pm 10:00 pm 10:15 pm 5:00 pm




5:00 pm 10:45 pm 7:00 pm 6:30 pm

students • seniors • fringe performers

60 min

subject matter • language • it’s improv so we’ll just have to wait and see if there’s a need for a warning.

The Goodtimes

The Goodtimes

Toronto, ON

by Ian & Lindsay Goodtimes

Behold The Goodtimes, an Electro-Vaudeville Spectacle! Follow this wildly entertaining husband/ wife duo as they travel through time and outer space to the 24th century. The Goodtimes Show is an interactive theatrical rock extravaganza, complete with groovy tunes, participation and the intergalactic sweet beats of Bleeps the Robot. Goodtimes.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13


20 #2022 21 #2027 22 #2029 23 #2036 24 #2038 25 #2041

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #2002 15 #2007 16 #2009 17 #2015 18 #2018

8:15 pm 10:45 pm 7:00 pm 10:30 pm 10:15 pm 7:00 pm



9:00 pm


5:00 pm 10:45 pm 7:30 pm


students • seniors

subject matter • language • strobe lights

Randy Rutherford Presents

The Guitar Teacher

San Francisco, CA

by Randy Rutherford

Rutherford returns with another award-winning memoir. I worshipped my guitar teacher. I never would have made a move on his girlfriend if he hadn’t suggested it. It’s not my fault.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #2001 15 #2005 16 #2010 17 #2012 18

6:00 pm

6:45 pm

8:30 pm

4:45 pm

19 #2020 20

21 #2026 22 #2031 23 #2033 24 #2037 25 #2042

“Rutherford makes it look easy” HHHHH – Winnipeg Free Press

7:45 pm

6:45 pm

“Exceptionally fine” HHHHH, Top Pick – London Free Press


“Two thumbs up!” – Orlando Sentinel



8:15 pm

5:00 pm

general audience • under 13 not admitted


5:15 pm

8:15 pm


90 min

some sexual language

Naomi Forman Productions

StarBach’s: The Coffee Cantata

Brandon, MB

by J.S. Bach

The “caffeinated” version of J.S. Bach’s minimasterpiece comes to life in a 21st century coffee house. You’ll meet Schlendrian, Lieschen and her secret crush — Taylor, the barista. Including additional songs glorifying our favourite morning drink and starring faculty from all three of Manitoba’s music schools, it is delightful, fun and suitable for all ages.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #2006 16 #2008 17 #2014 18 #2016

9:00 pm

5:15 pm

8:45 pm

6:45 pm

19 #2019 20 #2023 21 #2028 22 #2032 23 #2034 24 #2039 25

6:00 pm


8:30 pm 10:30 pm 10:30 pm 7:15 pm

9:00 pm

tickets general audience


6:45 pm

mature audience • under 18 not admitted • babes in arms permitted 45 min

“A gem” Best of Fringe – Georgia Straight


9:00 pm 10:45 pm

general audience


8:30 pm

60 min


Delivered Every Thursday & online at for sales, call 697-7009


CAFF member festivals are in communities across Canada and the United States. We’re proud to support independent theatre artists and to entertain over 725,000 guests every year.

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Halifax, NS Montreal, QC Wakefield, QC Ottawa, ON Toronto, ON Hamilton, ON London, ON

TickeTs only $10

Victoria, BC San Francisco, CA Orlando, FL Indianapolis, IN Boulder, CO New York, NY ™ Fringe and Fringe Festival are registered trademarks of the Canadian Association of Fringe Festivals (CAFF)

5/27/10 9:22:48 AM


Windsor, ON Winnipeg, MB Saskatoon, SK Regina, SK Edmonton, AB Calgary, AB Vancouver, BC

Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon: Thursdays at 8:30PM – Friday and Saturday at 11PM Laser Queen: Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays at 9:45PM British Invasion! (The Beatles, Zepplin, U2, Coldplay and more!): Thursday at 7:15PM, Friday and Saturday at 8:30PM Daft Punk - electronic/dance music: Friday and Saturday at 7:15PM

190 Rupert Avenue at Main Street • Ample parking available Infoline: (204) 943-3139 • SUMMER HOURS: open Monday to Sunday 10am to 5pm (including holidays)

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10-06-03 3:11 PM


274 Garry St. (2nd floor)



PK Pin Up Productions

Psycho Bitch

Toronto, ON

by Tamara Lynn Robert

Tamara is a mood-disordered, medicated, sweetheart of a mess, and she needs help. Armed with oodles of happy pills, she battles a legion of demons, wacky therapists and one grotesque monster called Stigma. Her guardian angel, Geraldine, is an ever-present comfort through this comedic and heartwarming quest for healing.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #2103 15 #2104 16 #2109 17 #2111 18


20 #2115 21 #2117 22 #2121 23 #2123 24 #2127 25

9:30 pm 9:30 pm



7:45 pm


6:00 pm 9:30 pm

9:30 pm 7:45 pm

9:30 pm

students • unemployed

60 min

mature audience • under 14 not admitted


7:45 pm

subject matter • language

under 18 must be accompanied by guardian • licensed venue

Erik de Waal


Cape Town, South Africa

by Erik de Waal It’s not the length that counts! In rich hues of language and mood, South African Erik de Waal paints six scenarios … funny, sad, satiric, gothic, romantic, macabre and downright off-kilter …. Why settle for one, when you can have six? “The man just knows how to tell a story” – Winnipeg Free Press

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #2101 15 #2105 16 #2107 17 #2110 18


20 #2113 21 #2116 22 #2120 23 #2122 24 #2125 25

6:00 pm 6:00 pm


“I could listen to this guy all day” – Uptown


6:00 pm


7:45 pm 7:45 pm

6:00 pm 6:00 pm

6:00 pm

students • seniors • unemployed

mature audience • under 14 not admitted


6:00 pm

60 min

subject matter • language

under 18 must be accompanied by guardian • licensed venue


Tired Clichés

Toronto, ON

by TJ Dawe

Fringe favourite TJ Dawe’s first hit comedy returns in a unique new production starring Alex Eddington (WOOL, The Fugue Code, Old Growth).

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

A young man gets caught up in a bizarre series of events.


20 #2114 21 #2118 22 #2119 23 #2124 24 #2126 25

Dawe’s hilarious whirlwind of (seemingly) unrelated monologues builds to a riveting climax that ties everything together … in unexpected ways.

7:45 pm 7:45 pm



“Magical!” – NOW


100 Arthur St. | Suite 504





9:30 pm


9:30 pm 6:00 pm

7:45 pm 9:30 pm


9:30 pm 7:45 pm

students • seniors • unemployed

general audience • under 11 not admitted

“Fantastic!” – “Phenomenal!” – SEE

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #2102 15 #2106 16 #2108 17 #2112 18

60 min

language • overanalysis

under 18 must be accompanied by guardian • licensed venue

Death & Taxes Theatre


New York, NY

by Vern Thiessen

Baby teeth. A hockey card. A faded photo from Grade 9 grad. A man searches for the secret buried in the backyard of his family bungalow. A moving and mysterious tale from the award-winning author of Einstein’s Gift, Lenin’s Embalmers, Vimy and Apple.

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 #2201 15 #2202 16 #2203 17 #2204 18 #2205

9:00 pm

9:00 pm

9:00 pm

9:00 pm

9:00 pm

19 #2206 20 #2207 21 #2208 22 #2209 23 #2210 24 #2211 25 #2212

9:00 pm


9:00 pm

9:00 pm

9:00 pm

9:00 pm

9:00 pm

7:15 pm

tickets mature audience • under 12 not admitted


subject matter • language

45 min

Come Enjoy the Pig Roast with

Blue Water Whole Hog Barbecue Chicken Fingers

re et Squa al k r a M stiv in Old ringe Fe F e h t g durin

ries Fatboys & F

Pork on a Bun

es Perogi

st Pork Roa Platter

Proud supporter of the Winnipeg Fringe Festival


Up Your Nose (and in your toes) Productions

Morro and Jasp GONE WILD


Toronto, ON

Spring break is here, and Morro and Jasp are taking off on their biggest and boldest adventure yet. Pack your bags and join the clown sisters on the coming-of-age trip of a lifetime.

Entrance on Bannatyne Ave.


Bannatyne Ave. & Waterfront Dr.

by Heather Marie Annis, Byron Laviolette & Amy Lee

Untamed. Unexpected. Underage. Monday 12

8:30 pm 8:30 pm

8:30 pm

8:30 pm

8:30 pm

“A Fringe winner” HHHHH – NOW

Enter from parking lot on Main St.

8:30 pm

8:30 pm

8:30 pm



“A must-see” HHHHH – Eye 60 min

general audience


subject matter • language • bring your beach towel!

Chris Gibbs


Toronto, ON

Fringe recidivist Chris Gibbs (Antoine Feval, Like Father, Like Son? Sorry, The Power of Ignorance) returns with another past Fringe hit!

Monday 12

Tuesday 13

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #2470 16 #2471 17 #2472 18 #2473

9:15 pm

9:00 pm

9:00 pm

9:15 pm

“Deliberately tentative and twitchy, and darkly gleeful at times, his hand-wringing style and sotto voce asides are comic stand-up gold” – Toronto Star

19 #2474 20 #2475 21 #2476 22 #2477 23 #2478 24 #2479 25 #2480

“In a word, hilarious” HHHHH – CBC


“Hilarity” – Winnipeg Free Press “Gibberish is comic genius” – Edmonton Sun


8:30 pm

8:30 pm

by Chris Gibbs

211 Bannatyne Ave. (Crocus Building)


8:30 pm

19 #2305 20 #2306 21 #2307 22 #2308 23 #2309 24 #2310 25 #2311

“Hysterical” HHHH – CBC


Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 14 15 #2301 16 #2302 17 #2303 18 #2304

From the creators of Morro and Jasp do Puberty.


Tuesday 13

9:15 pm

9:15 pm

9:30 pm

9:15 pm

9:30 pm

9:00 pm

7:30 pm

tickets general audience • babes in arms permitted

75 min

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2010 Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival Staff Katie Adamson, Advance Tickets Staff Brian Adolph, IT Manager Coral Aiken, Site Supervisor Megan Andres, Site Supervisor Deborah Axelrod, Festival Coordinator Sheena Baird, Advance Tickets Staff Jeremy Banks, FOH Staff Arlo C. Bates, Technical Director Sue Caughlin, Marketing & Communications Manager Hugh Conacher, Production Consultant Kayla Coppens, Site Supervisor Natercia Doucet, Advance Tickets Staff

Production Staff

Laura Enns, Beer Tent Manager Farrah Fernando, Hospo Manager Sylvia Fisher, Hospo Manager Laurie Fletcher, Patron Services Office Manager Jessica Freundl, Site Supervisor Debbie Girard, FOH Staff Kari Hagness, Performer Services Manager Samantha Harrison, Festival Assistant & VTL/FOH Coordinator Andrew Kaplan, Site Supervisor Frances Koncan, Advance Tickets Staff Amanda Leuschen, Hospo Manager Candace Maxwell, Outdoor Site Assistant

Chuck McEwen, Executive Producer Cheryl Moser, Beer Tent Manager Laura Neufeld, Info Tent & Patio Manager Alana Odokeychuk, FOH Staff Lorraine O'Leary, Info Tent & Patio Manager Nitsa Ortmann, Site Supervisor Ken Perchuk, FOH Manager Stephanie Plaitin, Volunteer Coordinator Katelynn Poole, Volunteer Assistant Michaela Porter, Advance Tickets Staff Ali Robson, FOH Staff Jessica Ross, Advance Tickets Staff

Mark Saunders, Marketing & Communications Coordinator Tara Seel, Publicist Melanie Sexton, Ticketing Services Director Jennifer Skelly, Tessitura Application Coordinator Ray Strachan, Outdoor Site Manager Glen Thompson, Site Supervisor Karla Trujillo Villon, Site Supervisor Kyla Wallace, Outdoor Site Coordinator Xiam Webster, Kids Fringe Coordinator Tim Webster, Kids Fringe Coordinator Clayton Winter, Volunteer Coordinator

Arlo C. Bates John Bent Jr. Eric Bosse Wayne Buss Anthony Condello Chris Coyne Ntarra Curry Curtis Cushnie Drew Derbowka Michael Duggan

Hart Greenberg Chris Hadley Randy Harder Steven Hunnie Ian Kirk Paige Lewis Laura Lindeblom Allison Loat Rob Mravnic Sean Neville

Bernie Rondeau Ben Ross Rob Rowan Andrew Sanger Steven Vande Vyvere Dana Webber Mike Wright Libid Zyla

Volunteer Team Leaders Susan Algie Jamie Antonowich Peggy Barker Jason Barnabe Shira Bellan Gerry Berard Brad Biehn Indrid Bolbecher Marc Boyer

Lillian Bryant Dennis Cape Danielle Carriere Brad Cartman Erin Chapman Anny Chen Larry Chornoboy Patricia Concepcion Angela Connor

Helen Cooper Kim Coss Rochelle Ehinger Colleen Funk Julie Gelmich Michelle Gibbons James Gibbs Shirley Godfrey Shelley Grundy

Sheryl Hagenstein Robert Hagiwara Melanie Hall Stephanie Hall Megan Halwachs Daniel Haughey Jeff Heikkinen Chandra Hickling Tim Hogue

Murray Hunter Elizabeth-Anne Johnson Rhonda Kennedy Rogers Jesse Knudson Carole Kurdydyk Brian Langlotz Justin Lee

Terri Leigh Michael Litwin Paul Longtin Tracy Love Sara Massey Ronald McKinnon Perla Menard Raymond Michaud Wendy Molnar

Cathy Phillipson Helen Ptasznik Ann Rallison Leanne Romaniuk Emile Samuels Jim Sankey Cindy Singer Evita Smordin Ron Snider

Sheila Snider Ron Solecki Teresa Sosa Kendall Stelmack Gerri Stemler Amanda Kuyp Alex Stornel Cliff Stornel Anita Squire

Don Tiessen Brenda Vandekerkhove Cameron Wagner Jim Wagner Shy Waldman Greg Walker Gord Willis Guy Wood Jane Wood

Terry Woods Patrick Wright Victoria Yeung Navenka Yoong

Board of Trustees

Honorary Members His Honour, Lt. Governor Philip S. Lee The Honourable Greg Selinger, Premier of Manitoba His Worship, Mayor Sam Katz

Executive Officers Gerry Couture, Chair Gary Hannaford, FCA, Chair-Elect, Chair, Governance & Strategic Planning Jim McLandress, Secretary Patrick Green, Treasurer Derrick Coupland, Chair, Community Relations & Resource Development Kerry Dangerfield, Trustee Shannon Ernst, Chair, Organizational Performance

Trustees Bruce Bennett Robert Eastwood Jeff Lamothe Michelle Weinberg Rod Woodcock Rick Workman

Staff Accounting/Finance Sharon Burden, Accounting Yvonne O’Connor, Accounting Shelley Stroski, Controller Administration Brian Adolph, IT Manager Zaz Bajon, General Manager Natascha Hainsworth, Outreach Coordinator Daphne MacMillan, Administrative Secretary Debbie Neufeld, Reception/Marketing Assistant Alan Waite, Assistant General Manager Artistic Jeff Kennedy, Wordplay Coordinator Laurie Lam, Producer Robb Paterson, Associate Artistic Director Steven Schipper, Artistic Director Melinda Tallin, Artistic Coordinator Carpenters Louis Gagne, Layout Carpenter Brent Letain, Master Carpenter Chris Seida, Scenic Carpenter

Communications Sue Caughlin, Marketing & Communications Manager Doowah Design Inc., Design Bruce Monk, Photographer Brent Phillips, Director of Marketing & Communications Mark Saunders, Marketing & Communications Coordinator Tara Seel, Publicist/Web Editor Development Kristine Betker, Director of Fund Development Michael Joyal, Development Assistant Stephanie Lambert, Special & Donor Events Coordinator John Hirsch Theatre Front-of-House Julia Brown, Front-of-House Manager Sheena Baird, Assistant House Manager Kim Cossette, Jonny Hall, Elfie Harvey, Sherri Kostecki, Erica Lasker, Tia Levine, Rex McTavish, Robyn Milligan, Jessica Olson, Michael Olson, Miria Olson, Amariah Peterson, Angela Rajfur, Ray Strachan, Jennifer Schmidt, Cristin Sinclair, Kevin Stroski, Phyllis Van Drunen, Rita Vande Vyvere, Chelsea Zacharias, Derek Zorniak Maintenance Andrew Drinnan, Building Superintendent Chris Fletcher, Assistant Building Superintendent Paint Susan Groff, Head Scenic Artist Lawrence Van Went, Scenic Artist

Advisory Council Lawrence Prout, Chair Gail Asper Morley Blankstein Doneta Brotchie Angus Campbell Albert D. Cohen Hy Dashevsky Glen Dyrda, FCA

John F. Fraser Jean Giguere Charron Hamilton Yude Henteleff Ken Houssin Gordon Keatch Colin R. MacArthur, QC Patrick J. Matthews

Patron Services Office Laurie Fletcher, Patron Services Office Manager Melanie Sexton, Ticketing Services Director Jennifer Skelly, Tessitura Application Coordinator Patron Services Representatives: Katie Adamson, Sheena Baird, Natercia Doucet, Frances Koncan, Michaela Porter, Jessica Ross Production Laura Enns, Bookkeeper/Assistant Larry Isacoff, Production Manager Ian Kirk, Assistant to the Technical Director Laura Lindeblom, Assistant to the Production Manager Rick MacPherson, Technical Director, Tom Hendry Theatre Properties Larry Demedash, Senior Properties Builder Kari Hagness, Head of Properties Lorne Morriss, Properties Buyer James Sutherland, Properties Builder Stage Crew John Bent Jr., Head of Sound Hart Greenberg, Head Carpenter Joan Lees-Miller, Head of Wardrobe John Tomiuk, House Stage Hand Benjamin Ross, Head Electrician Tele-Sales Representative Sandra Rubin

Claire W. Miller Jeffrey Morton, FCA Hon. Jack Murta Lillian Neaman Shelley Nimchonok Andrew Ogaranko, QC James Pappas John Petersmeyer

Jeff Quinton Patricia Rabson Margaret Redmond Susan Skinner Al Snyder Maureen Watchorn

Tom Hendry Theatre Rick MacPherson, Technical Director Alison Nutt, Head Carpenter Claude Robert, Head Electrician Michael Wright, Head of Sound Tom Hendry Theatre Front-of-House Kim Cossette, Front-of-House Manager Phyllis Hildebrand, Pam Neal, Cristin Sinclair, Scott Tweedy Wardrobe Thora Lamont, Cutter Lorraine O’Leary, Head of Wardrobe/Cutter Lois Powne, First Hand Jackie Van Winkle, Buyer/Accessories Wigs Beverly Covert, Wigs & Makeup Supervisor Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival & Master Playwright Festival Deborah Axelrod, Festival Coordinator Samantha Harrison, Festival Assistant Chuck McEwen, Executive Producer



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PG# Company Name

Show Title

PG# Company Name

Show Title

PG# Company Name

Show Title

61 30 50 60 80 49 48 28 24 32 66 38 46 56 30 68 56 72 32 52 34 22 41 45 37 82 66 68 36 48 70 76 68 24 29 22 36 20 80 38 20 58 50 50 66 30 40 80 26 50 20 64 26 42 21

Everyone All Together … Sparks Mother of Invention All-New Misadventures … Tired Clichés Genericles (the epic tale of … Club Chernobyl Falling People archy and mehitabel The Excursionists… Stuff Power The Screw You Revue Dale Beaner and the Turtle Boy The Pig of Happiness jem rolls: ONE MAN RIOT “Birth”: A Readers’Theatre… Oh Winnipeg! A Surprising … Celebrity Cult Adventures in Kidnapping TAKING OUT THE WHITE TRASH! It's Raining in Barcelona Hockey Dad: A Play in 3 Periods Robots Eating Humans Phone Whore Gibberish Route 66: a Musical Quest … Fringe Family Fun Show Caught in the Act The Devil Next Door Mid-Life! The Crisis Musical MAL CRUMBS from the 13th … Daydream Little Dickie Milburn Scar Tissue Aomega 7 (x1) Samurai Bungalow Pitch Blond Die Roten Punkte … Rant Demon Super Spectacular! Rouge Grand-Guignol On The Prairie Recycled Cactus: The Seduction SHORTS The Shadowy Waters MOLLY Billy Stutter: An Irish Play The Plank When Harry Met Harry The Wild Things Eccentrically We Love

32 42 78 76 26 44 53 40 57 25 48 20 62 34 36 56 58 33 40 70 44 34 37 34 61 32 41 64 54 76 78 24 21 68 44 78 33 60 44 72 42 74 76 25 30 80 70 54 74 28 48 42 54 38

The Box Office Saturday Night House Party The Goodtimes Actionable SEEKING… The Pumpkin Pie Show Look Ma, No Hands! The Fabulous Four ImproVision presents … rooms//apart bedbound

46 45 78 62 52 22 26 74 62 36 53 40 52 62 64 22 74 70 72 29 46 57 49 24 28 58 54 60 28 60 46 56 82 64 72 52 66 58 38

unADULTeRATED me Roses The Guitar Teacher Rapid Fire Theatre Presents … D'n'D: Third Edition The Taming of the Shrew Sudoku Fever Grimmer Than Grimmer Than … Smartarse Four on the Floor ICY BLUE FILTH Deoxyribonucleic Acid A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup Commedia! Fool for Love Sound & Fury's “Spaceship Man” The 25th Annual Putnam … Gunpowder Gilgamesh When the Killer Mutant … G-Men Defectives Heart-Strings F**cking Stephen Harper … Above the Empress of China One Good Marriage Spiral Dive, Episode Three Company Man The Big Oops Burning Man and the Rev. … Things That Never Happen Cabaret Terrarium Morro and Jasp GONE WILD

1-2-3 USA! 412 Squadron 6 Abstract Theatre Productions Acky-Made AD ASTRA Agua Luna Productions ASHEK THEATRE Ausable Theatre Baronspieler Battered Suitcases Berserkr Productions Beth Marshall Presents Big Cat Facial Cream Productions Big Empty Barn big word performance poetry Birth Roots Doula Collective Bit By Bit Productions Black Sheep Theatre Bombtree Productions Break the Wall Productions Bundle of JOY Productions burnt thicket theatre Caca Pasa Productions Cameryn Moore Chris Gibbs Colin Godbout Comedy Illusions of Greg Wood Company, The Crosseyed Rascals Crosswalk Players Crowning Monkey CRUMBS Cultural Imaginary Productions Da B'ys Players Dancing Hen DANIEL NIMMO David Gaines Death & Taxes Theatre Destination Ink Productions Die Roten Punkte Doctor Keir Co. The Donovan Ensemble Drive Dance Echo's Little Theatre eeshka peeshka Epicworlds - Jonno Katz Erik de Waal Eternal Rose Theatre Eye Of The Storm Productions FatWhine Productions Femmes du Feu flaming locomotive productions Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers The Fugitives

G.D. PRODUCTIONS GabelManwell Productions The Goodtimes grow or die music Heat & Hot Water Productions Horse Trade Theater Group Hot Thespian Action hYsTeRiUm ImproVision !mPULSE Theatre The Incompletely Strangled Theatre Company Infamous Thespian Company Inland Oceans Arts Alliance Johnny Dingo Productions junglepork productions Katherine Glover Keener Productions Keira McDonald Kimmy Zee Kiss the Giraffe Productions Lone Star Laurels Lonely Egg Long Division Looking Glass Productions Low Brow Amusements Magic of One Productions Magic Toaster Productions Martin Dockery Matt Chapman Mi Casa Micro Theatre Minutes to Impact The Miracle Violence Connection Monster Theatre Ms. Iz Productions Naomi Forman Productions Naughty Sailboat New to You No Snowcones Nomadic Players One Trunk PB Productions PeaceMeal Theatrical Productions Peter ‘n’ Chris Phantom Planet Productions PK Pin Up Productions PKF Productions Pocket Frock Productions Poiema Productions Prairie Fire Presents Present State Movement Puppy in Pants Productions Pyretic Productions Rachel Sommer

Death in England Three Snapshots of Death We've Always Been Friends Ladyvision A Cynic Tells Love Stories Keener Live! The History of Lost and Found Breast Friends The Unlikely Sainthood … Betty Wild Abandon Love in the Time of Mother Padre X Jokes my folks never told me Foiled by the Feathery Wife The Green Room The Bike Trip The Only Friends We Have … Countries Shaped Like Stars Deadliest Improv Warrior Hockey Boys An Examination of Raphael … Freud vs. his Ego Jewish Girls Don't Kayak StarBach's: The Coffee Cantata Kafka in Love Comfort Fake Life Oleanna Puberty: A Memoir FANCY THAT Unequal Harvest The Peter 'n’ Chris Show! … The Secondhandpants … Psycho Bitch Man 1, Bank 0 [title of show] Happily Ever After? Burlesque Unzipped The First Five Minutes Are Slow Macabre Tales of Horror … The Particulars Tazzy's Angels

Rachelle Fordyce Racket Rock Randy Rutherford Presents Rapid Fire Theatre Red River Serial Resonator Theatrical R-G Productions RibbitREpublic Theatre Company Rob Gee Run Ragged Company Ruthable Productions Sage Theatre Scopophobia Shoshinz Skyline Theatre Snakeskin Jacket Productions Sound & Fury Stage16 and Winnipeg Studio Theatre Stars And Hearts The Struts and Frets Players Stupid Gumball Dispenser Productions Tangelico Tanya Elchuk & Amy Crnkovic Ten Foot Pole Productions Theatre Anywhere Theatre by the River THEATrePUBLIC Third Man To the Moon Tommy Nugent Travis Bernhardt Turtleherder Productions Up Your Nose (and in your toes) Productions UW Department of Theatre and Film Watson Arts White Rabbit Productions Inc. Wog Productions ZeekTech Productions Zero Boy Productions

Juliet & Romeo P.S. 69 The Chip Third Time Lucky 2-Man No-Show A Trip to Coney Island …

Kids Venue 19 18 18 19 18 19 18

Chase & Hamill dRagamuffin Productions Gunstwork Puppet Mask Theatre Imaginary Productions No Flash Photography Wide Open YAP Theatre

Snow White the Comedy … Alack! (Being the Tale of … FOUR WISHES … The Weirdest One in the World A Fish's Wish Much More MUNSCH! African Folktales with Erik de Waal


Index PG# Show Title 58 70 20 28 76 52 60 36 24 48 44 28 64 20 56 32 40 80 28 60 56 40 36 32 52 48 60 64 60 76 68 56 56 62 24 78 20 52 48 20 52 21 61 21 32 40 44 28 74 40 48 32 22 36 68


title & genre Genre

2-Man No-Show Play: Comedy The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Musical Theatre 7 (x1) Samurai Play: Comedy Above the Empress of China Play: Drama Actionable Multimedia Adventures in Kidnapping Musical Theatre All-New Misadventures … Stand-up Comedy Aomega Play: Comedy archy and mehitabel Play: Comedy bedbound Play: Drama Betty Musical Theatre The Big Oops Play: Comedy The Bike Trip Spoken Word/Storytelling Billy Stutter: An Irish Play Play: Comedy “Birth”: A Readers’Theatre Presentation Play: Drama The Box Office Play: Comedy Breast Friends Play: Comedy Bungalow Play: Drama Burlesque Unzipped Play: Comedy Burning Man and the Reverend Nuge Spoken Word/Storytelling Cabaret Terrarium Play: Comedy Cactus: The Seduction Play: Comedy Caught in the Act Play: Comedy Celebrity Cult Play: Comedy The Chip Play: Drama Club Chernobyl Play: Drama Comfort Play: Comedy Commedia! Play: Comedy Company Man Stand-up Comedy Countries Shaped Like Stars Play: Comedy CRUMBS from the 13th Dimension Improv A Cynic Tells Love Stories Spoken Word/Storytelling Dale Beaner and the Turtle Boy Play: Comedy A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup Play: Comedy Daydream Play: Drama Deadliest Improv Warrior Improv Death in England Play: Comedy Deoxyribonucleic Acid Play: Drama The Devil Next Door Play: Comedy Die Roten Punkte - KUNST ROCK (ART ROCK) Musical Theatre D'n'D: Third Edition Improv Eccentrically We Love Spoken Word/Storytelling Everyone All Together, All The Time! Play: Comedy An Examination of Raphael Saray's Oeuvre Play: Comedy The Excursionists: A Matter of Seconds Play: Comedy The Fabulous Four Play: Comedy Fake Life Play: Comedy Falling People Play: Drama FANCY THAT Dance FILTH Play: Drama The First Five Minutes Are Slow Play: Comedy Foiled by the Feathery Wife Spoken Word/Storytelling Fool for Love Play: Drama Four on the Floor Play: Comedy Freud vs. his Ego Play: Comedy

PG# Show Title 68 24 49 82 29 57 78 66 41 74 78 72 74 49 33 24 41 53 57 22 68 44 61 64 33 58 36 29 53 37 42 76 70 70 50 82 50 72 72 58 54 34 54 25 37 30 38 64 38 72 80 42 44 58 62


Fringe Family Fun Show Spoken Word/Storytelling F**king Stephen Harper: How I Sexually … Play: Comedy Genericles (the epic tale of job satisfaction) Play: Comedy Gibberish Play: Comedy Gilgamesh Play: Comedy G-Men Defectives Play: Comedy The Goodtimes Play: Comedy Grand-Guignol On The Prairie Play: Comedy The Green Room Play: Comedy Grimmer Than Grimmer Than Grimm Play: Comedy The Guitar Teacher Play: Comedy Gunpowder Play: Comedy Happily Ever After? Musical Theatre Heart-Strings Play: Comedy The History of Lost and Found Play: Comedy Hockey Boys Play: Comedy Hockey Dad: A Play in 3 Periods Play: Drama ICY BLUE Dance ImproVision presents: Leave it to ImproVision Improv It's Raining in Barcelona Play: Drama jem rolls: ONE MAN RIOT Spoken Word/Storytelling Jewish Girls Don't Kayak Play: Comedy Jokes my folks never told me Stand-up Comedy Juliet & Romeo Play: Drama Kafka in Love Play: Comedy Keener Live! Stand-up Comedy Ladyvision Play: Comedy Little Dickie Milburn Play: Comedy Look Ma, No Hands! Play: Comedy Love in the Time of Mother Play: Comedy Macabre Tales of Horror and Macabreness Play: Comedy MAL Play: Drama Man 1, Bank 0 Play: Comedy Mid-Life! The Crisis Musical Musical Theatre MOLLY Play: Drama Morro and Jasp GONE WILD Play: Comedy Mother of Invention Multimedia Oh Winnipeg! A Surprising Musical Memoir Play: Drama Oleanna Play: Drama One Good Marriage Play: Comedy The Only Friends We Have … Play: Comedy Padre X Play: Drama The Particulars Play: Comedy The Peter ‘n’ Chris Show! with Peter ‘n’ Chris!! Play: Comedy Phone Whore Play: Drama The Pig of Happiness Musical Theatre Pitch Blond Play: Drama The Plank Dance Power Play: Drama P.S. 69 Play: Comedy Psycho Bitch Play: Comedy Puberty: A Memoir Play: Comedy The Pumpkin Pie Show Spoken Word/Storytelling Rant Demon Play: Comedy Rapid Fire Theatre Presents: DotDotDot Improv

PG# Show Title


30 45 25 45 50 66 42 22 46 30 26 26 80 62 74 30 54 78 66 26 50 34 22 38 46 66 62 80 54 38 46 76 70 34 26 46 34 42

Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Dance Musical Theatre Improv Play: Drama Play: Comedy Multimedia Play: Comedy Play: Drama Spoken Word/Storytelling Spoken Word/Storytelling Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Drama Musical Theatre Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Stand-up Comedy Play: Drama Stand-up Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Drama Play: Comedy Musical Theatre Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Drama Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Play: Comedy Musical Theatre

Recycled Robots Eating Humans rooms//apart Roses Rouge Route 66: a Musical Quest … Saturday Night House Party Scar Tissue The Screw You Revue The Secondhandpants Science-Folktion … SEEKING… The Shadowy Waters SHORTS Smartarse Sound & Fury's “Spaceship Man” Sparks Spiral Dive, Episode Three StarBach's: The Coffee Cantata Stuff Sudoku Fever Super Spectacular! TAKING OUT THE WHITE TRASH! The Taming of the Shrew Tazzy's Angels Things That Never Happen Third Time Lucky Three Snapshots of Death Tired Clichés [title of show] A Trip to Coney Island with Uncle Zero Boy unADULTeRATED me Unequal Harvest The Unlikely Sainthood of Madeline McKay We've Always Been Friends When Harry Met Harry When the Killer Mutant Lizards Attack Wild Abandon The Wild Things

Kids Venue 18 18 18 18 19 19 19

African Folktales with Erik de Waal Alack! (Being the Tale of Two Quests … A Fish's Wish FOUR WISHES … Much More MUNSCH! Snow White the Comedy … The Weirdest One in the World

Puppetry Play: Comedy Puppetry Puppetry Puppetry Play: Comedy Musical Theatre

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