Legally Blonde: The Musical

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royal Manitoba theatre centre and the Manitoba bar association present the 2013 laWyers Play

Music anD lyrics by

book by

Laurence O’Keefe Heather & Nell Benjamin Hach Amanda Brown anD the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Motion Picture baseD on the novel by

Steven Schipper Musical Directors Bill Quinn & Joseph Tritt choreograPher Kimberley Rampersad ProDuction Designer Kari Hagness | lighting Designer Randall Harder WarDrobe coorDinator Thora Lamont | banD leaDer Danny Carroll Pianist Eric Vickar | rehearsal Pianist Debbie Young Director

April 23–27 Presenting sPonsor

Design sPonsor

silver sPonsor

recePtion sPonsors

rOyal ManitOba theatre centre Guarantee your seats for

2013/14 season




from only




from only




Harvey By Mary Chase

“Harvey is the most delightful, droll, endearing, funny and touching piece of stage whimsy I ever saw” – New york DaIly News

a CHristmas story By Philip Grecian BaseD oN tHe fIlm By Jean Shepherd, Leigh Brown aND Bob Clark Based upon the motion picture A Christmas Story, ©1983 Turner Entertainment Co., distributed by Warner Bros., written by Jean Shepherd, Leigh Brown and Bob Clark, and In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash by Jean Shepherd

See all 10 plays and get an additional discount on your warehouse subscription. venus in Fur By David Ives

“seriously smart and very funny… a suspensepacked study of the erotics of power.” – New york tImes

HirsCH By Alon Nashman aND Paul Thompson

“you’ll shoot your eye out, kid!” - saNta

“gut-wrenching and emotionally charged… a tour de force” – Beat magazINe

Jane eyre

tHe seaGull

aDapteD By Julie Beckman from tHe Novel By Charlotte Brontë

By Anton Chekhov traNslateD By David French

“an energetic retelling of Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel, rich in passion, romance and humor” – tHeaterrevIew.Com

“I do have some money. But I’m an actress. my wardrobe alone is enough to ruin me.” – arkaDINa

tHe Glass menaGerie

tHe seCret annex

By Tennessee Williams

“In memory, everything seems to happen to music.” – tom

WoRld PREmIERE By Alix Sobler

“who am I if I am not a writer? No one. absolutely no one.” – aNNe fraNk

A Soulpepper production

Kim’s ConvenienCe By Ins Choi

“stomach-hurtingly funny… dramatic and moving” – Now magazINe

Good PeoPle By David Lindsay-Abaire

“Bracing, poignant, dazzling” – CHICago suN-tImes

Order yOur seasOn tickets tOday! Call



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Marina Stephenson Kerr as Nelli

e McClung in The Fighting Days.

photo by

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heart-broken Fashion Merchandising student Elle Woods decides to follow her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School, the stage is set (literally and figuratively) for a classic fish-outof-water story. The blonde hair and pink clothes that helped make Elle so popular in Los Angeles attract only ridicule in this East Coast temple to higher learning. And so she must face a dilemma that every outsider in history has pondered: can you earn the respect of the strangers around you while remaining true to yourself? It is little wonder that the film and the musical have struck such a collective chord: while audiences relish the story’s humour, high spirits and even higher heels, they are also inspired by Elle’s courage and tenacity. We have all been fish out of water at one time or another, and we need role models. In a lovely reversal, the members of the Manitoba Bar Association have left behind the legal realm that so intimidated Elle, and taken instead to the stage. How brave these lawyers are to make themselves fish out of water for our sake, and how quickly they have adapted to their new habitat. We are indebted to them (and their families and their firms) for the time and energy they have invested in the production, and we are in awe of the talent that lies hidden within Winnipeg’s law offices and courtrooms. They have reminded us that appearances really are only skin deep, and that we all have the potential to be all things. They are my heroes. Yours always,

Legally Blonde

is a musical based on the novel by Amanda Brown and the 2001 film of the same name. It is the story of Elle Woods, a former sorority president, who enrolls in Harvard Law School as part of a scheme to win back her former fiancé. During the process, she discovers how she can use the law to help her help others. The production you are about to see consists of a cast made up entirely of volunteer lawyers, all of whom have devoted countless hours to the production, often at the expense of work, family and other commitments. On behalf of the Manitoba Bar Association, I would like to thank the cast for their generous contribution of time and effort. It is their dedication which makes this joint production with the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre such a success year after year and, which, to date, has raised over $850,000 for MTC. In addition to the cast and crew, I would also like to thank the Director, Steven Schipper, the Executive Producer, Chuck McEwen, the MTC/MBA Committee Members, and the staff at MTC for their hard work and contributions, all of which are so critical to the success of this partnership. I also want to acknowledge the corporate sponsors for their ongoing and generous support. Finally, I want to thank all of you for attending tonight’s performance, and supporting MTC; we could not do this without you.

Karen Wittman President Manitoba Bar Association

Steven Schipper Artistic Director Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre

MAY 2013




Music and lyrics by

Book by

Lawrence o’Keefe and nell benjamin Heather hach Based on the novel by Amanda Brown and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Motion Picture

April 23 – 27, 2013 Director Steven Schipper* Musical Directors Bill Quinn, Joseph Tritt Choreographer Kimberley Rampersad* Production Designer Kari Hagness Wardrobe Coordinator Thora Lamont Lighting Designer Randall Harder Stage Manager Chuck McEwen Assistant Stage Managers Jason Neufeld, Melinda Tallin The Cast (In Alphabetical Order)

Delta Nu (Pilar) Kathrine Basarab Delta Nu Melissa Beaumont Delta Nu Kalyn Bomback* Delta Nu Tashia Dreger Enid Hoopes Kirsty Elgert Judge/Ensemble Nancy Fazenda Grandmaster Chad/Carlos Adrian Frost Emmett Forrest Danny Gunn Stenographer/Ensemble Melissa Hazelton Elle’s Mom/Ensemble Cynthia Hiebert-Simkin Vivienne Kensington Reannah Hocken Chutney Wyndham/Ensemble Zilla Jones Delta Nu Jamie Jurczak Aaron Schultz/Nikos David Kroft

Elle Woods Hayley Main Brooke Wyndham Marika Nerbas Elle’s Dad/Ensemble Myron Pawlowsky Kyle O’Boyle/Ensemble Leith Robertson Kiki the Colorist/Ensemble Laura Robinson Professor Callahan Evan Roitenberg Lowell/Dewey Darren Sawchuk Paulette Buonofounte Darcia Senft Winthrop/Ensemble Richard Smith Warner Huntington III Neil Steen Delta Nu (Serena) Desiree Tan Delta Nu (Margot) Stéphanie Tétrault D.A. Joyce Riley/Ensemble Maria Versace

*Appears with the permission of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association


MAY 2013


Act 1 1. Omigod You Guys 2. Serious 2a. Daughter of Delta Nu 3. What You Want (Part 1) 3a. What You Want (Part 2) 4. The Harvard Variations 5. Blood in the Water 6. Positive 7. Ireland 8. Serious (Reprise) 9. Chip on My Shoulder (Part 1) 9a. Chip on My Shoulder (Part 2) 10. Run Rufus Run!/Elle Reflects 11. So Much Better

Act 2 12. Whipped into Shape 13. Delta Nu Nu Nu 14. Take It Like a Man 15. Bend and Snap 16. Gay or European? 17. Legally Blonde 18. Legally Blonde Remix 19. Scene of the Crime 20. Find My Way/Finale


Band Leader/Keyboards Danny Carroll Bass Nenad Zdjelar Drums Curtis Nowosad Piano Eric Vickar Rehearsal Accompanists Eric Vickar Debbie Young Legally Blonde is performed with one intermission.

Original Production by Hal Luftig, Fox Theatricals, Dori Berinstein, James L. Nederlander, independent presenters network, roy furman, amanda lipitz, broadway asia, barbara whitman, FWPM Group, Hendel/Wiesenfeld, Goldberg/Binder, Stern/Meyer, Lane/Comley, Bartner-Jenkins/Nocciolino and warren trepp; produced in association with MGM Onstage, Darcia Denkert and Dean Stolber.

Legally Blonde is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All Authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019 Phone: 212-541-4684 | Fax: 212-397-4684 The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited.

MAY 2013


Artists Kathrine Basarab

Kalyn Bomback

Delta Nu (Pilar)

Delta Nu

Kathrine is very excited to be in her fourth MTC/MBA production. Past credits include Chicago, The Producers and Gypsy. To the fans who enjoyed the comic relief of her past three appearances, Kathrine promises not to disappoint! A big thank-you to husband Andrew, family, and friends for putting up with the scheduling nightmares and missed Sunday dinners that come with a Lawyers Show rehearsal schedule, and to this year’s creative team, for helping Kathrine tap into her inner UCLA valley girl cheerleader. Nope, not kidding…

Melissa Beaumont Delta Nu

Kalyn was once a quiet little girl… until she was deposited in a summer theatre camp at age 11. Today, Kalyn is a litigator at Gange, Goodman & French and, now no stranger to performance, is thrilled to be in Legally Blonde! This is Kalyn’s second appearance in an MTC/MBA play, having previously played Dainty June in Gypsy (2011). Thanks to my GGF family for inspiring me to be the best lawyer I can be and for reminding me to always embrace music and the arts, no matter how busy life gets. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for your enduring love… and for leaving me on the doorstep of MTYP that cool, summer morning in 1997.

Tashia Dreger Delta Nu

Legally Blonde has been one of Melissa’s favourite movies for years, so much so that it played an important part to the start of her law career. Melissa: “Hey Mom, I got into law school.” Mom: “You know it’s not going to be like Legally Blonde, right?” Melissa has trained extensively in all forms of dance and is so happy to get to bust out the moves in this year’s production. Melissa previously appeared in MTC/MBA’s Gypsy and played Mollie in last year’s The Mousetrap. Snaps to the amazing MTC artistic team and to her husband and family (especially her very supportive mom, whom she is sorry for embarrassing in this bio).


MAY 2013

This is Tashia’s first MTC/MBA show, and it’s been a blast so far! While she’s always enjoyed singing and dancing (although admittedly not always very well), she had a new adventure during rehearsals when trying to combine the two with jumping rope! Hopefully by the time you guys are reading this at the show, she will have figured it out! Tashia wants to throw a thank-you out to everyone that has worked so hard on this show, making it such a fun experience, as well as to her friends and family, for not laughing at her attempts to practice her choreography.

Artists Kirsty Elgert

Nancy Fazenda

Enid Hoopes


Kirsty is very excited to be back in her third MTC/MBA production. No stranger to the stage, Kirsty’s previous life included performances at Rainbow Stage, the MTC Mainstage, Fantasy Theatre for Children and CTV’s Let’s Go. Kirsty would like to thank her friends and family for their continued support and encouragement in law, kickboxing and life.

Nancy Fazenda is delighted to be appearing in her second MTC/MBA show, having last appeared in You Can’t Take It with You many years ago – before having her two beautiful boys… Wow, time was easier to come by then! She is Crown Counsel with the Manitoba Prosecutions Service and sends her love to her dear husband Scott, her family and lovely friends. Thanks for all your patience and good advice.


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14k Canadian certified white gold. 1.00 Carat Canadian IceTM centre diamond

Artists Adrian Frost

Melissa Hazelton

Grandmaster Chad/ Carlos

Stenographer/ Ensemble

This is Adrian’s third MTC/MBA musical production (after Chicago and The Producers). In real life, Adrian is a labour and employment lawyer at Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP. Adrian thanks his family, friends and colleagues at TDS for their ongoing support, although many have expressed doubt as to whether there is much actual performing required in the roles of a partying frat boy, dictator law student and “Carlos.” Extra thanks and love to Kerra, Isabelle and Madeline for their tolerance and encouragement, including the many sing-a-long rehearsals in Adrian’s car.

Danny Gunn

Cynthia Hiebert-Simkin

Emmett Forrest

Elle’s Mom/Ensemble

Danny is a Jewish lawyer. He practices criminal law. He is playing the part of a Jewish lawyer who practices criminal law. His acting abilities are truly being stretched. He would like to thank the love of his life Karen Blicker for her infinite patience during the long rehearsal absences, and his children Matthew, Jeremy and Ariella for waiting up to ignore him when he finally gets home. When not engaged in theatre, Danny practices criminal law with Campbell Gunn Inness.


Melissa is excited to be making her debut appearance in an MTC/MBA Lawyers Play with Legally Blonde. A Crown Attorney by day, she has enjoyed this opportunity to try something a little different outside of work and is looking forward to participating in more productions in the future. Melissa would like to say a big thank you to her friends and family for always being supportive… and for not pretending they don’t know her when she wanders through places like the grocery store quietly singing the musical to herself.

MAY 2013

After missing the last four lawyer plays, Cynthia is happy to be back on stage as Elle’s Mom and a chorus member, singing and dancing her little heart out. This is her 11th Lawyers Play and she suddenly realized, while trying to learn a body wave, that she might be the oldest cast member! How did that happen? In her work life, Cynthia is a partner with Tradition Law LLP Estates and Trusts, which opened on January 1, 2013. When does she have the time? That is the question her astoundingly patient husband, Simon, is always asking and he never gets a good answer.

This spring,

go blonde!

National Leasing is proud to support the RMTC. Enjoy the show!

THE MANITOBA BAR ASSOCIATION L’ASSOCIATION DU BARREAU DU MANITOBA A Branch of the Canadian Bar Association Une division de l’Association du Barreau canadien

The MBA is pleased to present

Elle discovers how her knowledge of the law can help others. LIKE OMIGOD... CBA Members have known this and have been helping others forever!

Congratulations to the cast and crew. Over $850,000 raised in support of RMTC.

Artists Reannah Hocken

Zilla Jones

Vivienne Kensington

Chutney Wyndham/ Ensemble

Reannah is thrilled to be participating in her third MTC/MBA production. Previous roles have included a tap-dancing, beer-stein-hat wearing, criminal usherette in The Producers and an adorable toreadorable in Gypsy. She is very excited to have been cast as Vivienne Kensington and, although they have certain traits in common (not to be enumerated), she hopes it wasn’t “type-casting” that landed her the role. Nevertheless, her character has been heaps of fun (apologies to Elle) and the opportunity to work with such an amazing cast and crew has been wonderful. For my grandma, who taught me that “being yourself never goes out of style.”

This is Zilla’s first year practising law and first MTC/MBA show. She has performed many times on the stage before, as the holder of a music degree in vocal performance. As a singer, she has performed with the Manitoba Opera Chorus and as a soloist with opera companies in Manitoba, Alberta and Quebec, and has won awards from the Winnipeg Music Festival, Royal Conservatory of Music, and many others. She is excited to expand her horizons with Legally Blonde. She can do “legally,” but “blonde” – not so much! As a lawyer, she practises criminal, human rights, immigration and family law with PJR Law. Thanks to the family, extended and immediate, for all their support, and especially to my kids for sacrificing more time with Mama.


All the world’s a stage… (But without stagehands, it would be dark and bare)

Congratulations to all of the proud members of IATSE Local 63 you won’t see tonight, who have been instrumental in making Legally Blonde a huge success: • Carpenters • Sound Technicians • Electricians & Lighting

Myers Weinberg

llp has a long history of representing trade unions, professional associations and employees in a broad range of labour and employment law matters.


to the talented cast of


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Congratulations to David Kroft, the cast and crew, for like, such a totally excellent job. A proud supporter of Legally Blonde.

Artists Jamie Jurczak

Hayley Main

Delta Nu

Elle Woods

Jamie is excited to be unleashing her inner sorority girl in her sixth MTC/MBA Lawyers Play. She’s sure the crazy pink stilettoes she wore at the audition didn’t typecast her at all! As always, a big thank you to her family and friends and colleagues at Taylor McCaffrey for being nothing but supportive of her involvement in these productions. To her dancers at Maples Academy of Dance, thank you for helping her practice the “omigods” and “shake, shake, shakes” until they were perfect.

David Kroft Aaron Schultz/Nikos

Hayley is thrilled to be a part of the MTC/ MBA production for her fifth time, having previously appeared in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Helena), Chicago (Cell Block Dancer), The Producers (Ulla) and Gypsy (Louise/Gypsy Rose Lee). When not donning blonde wigs and frolicking about onstage (she is beginning to think there may be some typecasting going on), Hayley spends her time practising law as an associate with Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP. Thanks to TDS for its continuous support, and hugs and kisses to Scott and Fancy Face for their never-ending patience.

Marika Nerbas Brooke Wyndham

For David, Legally Blonde is the closest he will come to a Harvard education. While it may not work the same magic on a resumé, it has, in its own right, been an education, a great deal of fun and posed some formidable challenges. Consider tonight’s performance a graduation. Legally Blonde is David’s fourth Lawyers Play, having played such memorable roles as Mendel in Fiddler on the Roof, Sonny in Grease, and LA in Gypsy. David wishes to thank MTC for the time, effort and resources it has poured into transforming a disparate group of opinionated lawyers into a single cast singing from the same book. It is satisfying in the extreme to know that over the years, these shows have contributed to securing MTC’s future as a premier theatre in Canada. David thanks Ellen, Julia, Sam and Adam for putting up with the rehearsals when at times they seemed more than the week’s agenda could bear.


MAY 2013

Marika is pleased to be participating in her sixth MTC/MBA joint production. Previous roles in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Chicago, The Odd Couple, The Producers and Gypsy did not quite prepare her for Brooke Wyndham, a woman who built a fitness empire on aggressive aerobics, a $60 skipping rope and a promise that “what doesn’t kill you will make you hotter.” Thank you to Jon, Nadia, Grant, friends and colleagues at Great-West Life for coming out to see the show!

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OMIGOD - you guys are like, totally, stars!

Artists Myron Pawlowsky

Leith Robertson

Elle’s Dad/Ensemble

Kyle O’Boyle/Ensemble

Mild-mannered head of the provincial Companies Office by day, dashing performer by night, Myron is thrilled to be returning for his third MTC/MBA production. After playing such diverse roles as a wino and a slick-talking talent agent (Little Shop of Horrors), and an AfricanAmerican accountant and an Irish cop (The Producers), Myron has finally landed his dream role: ‘country club golfer.’ Can membership in the St. Charles Golf and Country Club be next? Myron is very grateful to wife Susan, and children Lesik and Adriana, for supporting his performing adventures.

Aikins Law is proud to support MTC and MBA’s production of Legally Blonde. Call us at (204) 957.0050 or visit 360 Main Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba

Leith is thrilled to be performing in his second MTC/MBA show, following his baptism of fire of last year’s production, The Mousetrap. Leith is an associate at Pitblado Law, where he practises primarily in the corporate and commercial realm with a focus on commercial real estate. Almost four years ago Leith ventured to the sunny shores of Winnipeg from a frosty, bleak and faraway land known to some as Australia (pronounced ‘Straya) and now happily calls the ‘Peg home. Leith continues to be stimulated and inspired by the immense talents of the MTC staff and the other lawyers with whom he has the pleasure of working. He is thankful for the support of his Pitblado colleagues and can’t wait for Kyle to deliver his package on opening night.

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and the entire cast and crew of

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We understand a great delivery. Pitblado Law is proud to support MTC and the annual collaboration with Winnipeg’s legal community. Congratulations to Leith and the entire cast and crew of Legally Blonde. Phone: (204) 956-0560

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Artists Laura Robinson Kiki the Colorist/ Ensemble

in a classic rock band since 2007. The foray into the Broadway musical genre marked a significant and challenging shift in creative direction. It has been a long time since the high school production of Oklahoma!. See you in another 30 years…

Darcia Senft Laura is thrilled to be performing in her first MTC/MBA production. In the ensemble she is cast as a law student (a role she is quite familiar with), a hair colourist, perfume girl and court reporter. She only hopes she can keep her quick costume changes and character roles straight. By day she practices criminal defence law at Gindin, Wolson, Simmonds, Roitenberg.

Evan Roitenberg Professor Callahan

Evan is appearing in his 11th MTC/MBA Lawyers Play, with past credits including playing a snooty butler, an inveterate gambler, a poor milkman, a plant’s disembodied voice, an eccentric inventor, a teenaged hood, a selfimportant reporter and a thieving producer. One might say that a lecherous law professor is a lateral move, at best. Oh well, another show requiring creative explanations to the kids. Much love and thanks to L and J for putting up with their father’s prolonged absenteeism, and to A for supporting my “need to do this yet again.” Now, on with the show!

Darren Sawchuk Lowell/Dewey

Darren Sawchuk is a criminal defence lawyer. In addition to holding down a busy law career, he has been toiling in relative musical obscurity 18

MAY 2013

Paulette Buonofounte

Darcia is thrilled to be “back at it” at the Warehouse and to be “legitimately” blonde for a while. Previous roles include Roxie Hart in Chicago, Sally Bowles in Cabaret, Sandy in Grease, Sarah Brown in Guys and Dolls and Hodel in Fiddler on the Roof. Darcia thanks Gary and her family and friends for encouraging her in all of her musical pursuits (www.tallgrassmusic. com). By day, Darcia sings a different tune at the Law Society, where she works as General Counsel. For Mom, who is watching from what must surely be “the best seat in the house,” and for Dad, who, in his day, was the one to watch on the dance floor.

Richard Smith Winthrop/Ensemble

Richard is excited to be back with friends and colleagues this year in Legally Blonde: The Musical. Richard had previously performed with many of the same cast members in the 2008 MTC/MBA musical Chicago. Since then he has performed with the Thompson community theatre in performances of Dracula and Murdered to Death. More recently, he appeared this March with the Winnipeg Studio Theatre adult class ensemble at the Berney Theatre in the musical Edges, directed by Brenda Gorlick. Thank you to all the friends and supporters of the 2013 Lawyers Play.

Balmoral Hall School congratulates Kady Evanyshyn on her recent acceptance to the Juilliard School in New York, NY. Well done, Kady — you’ve made us all very proud! We are a private university preparatory school specializing in education for girls. Visit us at our open house April 28 from 12-4 pm!

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from each LIVE necklace sold will be donated to MTC’s Backstage Pass: Theatre Perspectives for Students program.

Artists Neil Steen

Desiree Tan

Warner Huntington III

Delta Nu (Serena)

Neil is thrilled to return to the Tom Hendry Warehouse for his next MTC/MBA Lawyers Play; having appeared previously in Gypsy and last year’s production of The Mousetrap. From the Charleston (which he has yet to perfect) to the Bend and Snap (2013 champ!), Neil enjoys stretching the limit of his skills and going where few lawyers have gone before in these exciting productions. To protect his secret identity as Warner Huntington III, Neil’s day job is working as a Crown Attorney at Manitoba Prosecutions. Neil would like to thank Steven, Kimberly, Bill, Chuck, Eric, Debbie, Melinda, Joseph and everyone else involved in bringing Legally Blonde to Winnipeg and helping lawyers appear professional (on stage). Enjoy the show!

Legally Blonde marks Desiree’s first MTC/MBA show and her naturally effervescent personality translates well into her role as a Delta Nu. Along the way, she has not only met some ridiculously talented lawyers, but has also gained a newfound respect for cheerleaders. She would like to thank her family and friends for all of their support as well as her colleagues at Gindin Wolson Simmonds Roitenberg where she practices criminal law.

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No matter their hair colour D’Arcy & Deacon LLP congratulate the cast and crew of Legally Blonde!

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Untitled-1 1

13-03-07 1:10 PM

Artists Stéphanie Tétrault Delta Nu (Margot)

Stéphanie is thrilled to be making her MTC/ MBA debut with Legally Blonde: The Musical this year. Stéphanie is an avid runner and is currently training for her first full marathon. As an associate with Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP, she practices in the areas of corporate and business law. Thanks to TDS for its support and encouragement, and to Michel for allowing the living room to turn into a dance studio a few times a week.

Maria Versace D.A. Joyce Riley/ Ensemble

Maria is excited to be appearing in her second MTC/MBA show, this time as a law student, a beauty parlour customer and the District Attorney. Last seen cooing as a pigeon in the MTC/MBA production of The Producers, Maria returns to the stage after a three-year hiatus in which she worked relentlessly to perfect her “bend and snap.” Maria wishes to thank her family and friends for their encouragement and support and hopes you all enjoy the show!

Laurence O’Keefe Music & Lyrics

Laurence O’Keefe received 2007 Tony and Drama Desk nominations for his work on Legally Blonde. Larry thanks all Blonde producers and creative team. He won the Ed Kleban Award, the ASCAP Richard Rodgers New Horizons Award and a Jonathan Larson award for his music and lyrics. Off-Broadway credits: Bat Boy: The Musical (Lucille Lortel, Richard Rodgers, Outer Critics’ Circle awards), which has received 100+ productions worldwide; music for Sarah, Plain and Tall, lyrics by Nell 22

MAY 2013

Benjamin (touring with TheatreWorksUSA). Co-author with Nell Benjamin of Cam Jansen (Drama Desk nomination) and The Mice. Larry is a product of his education with the Harvard Krokodiloes, the Hasty Pudding Theatricals, the Harvard Lampoon and the Actors’ Gang, but especially the incomparable Nell Benjamin.

Nell Benjamin Music & Lyrics

Nell Benjamin received 2007 Tony and Drama Desk nominations for her work on Legally Blonde. She is very grateful to her Blonde producers and collaborators. Their faith in her is the best credit she could list here. But for the record: Nell adapted Pirates of Penzance for Goodspeed Opera House, wrote Cam Jansen with Laurence O’Keefe, (produced by TheatreworksUSA), wrote lyrics for Sarah, Plain and Tall and The Mice, won a Kleban Award and a Jonathan Larson Foundation grant, and is a member of ASCAP and the Dramatists Guild of America. She owes her parents more than she can possibly repay. Most importantly, she is married to a genius, which she highly recommends. Thank you, Larry.

Heather Hach Book

Heather received 2007 Tony and Drama Desk nominations for her work on Legally Blonde. Graduate of the University of Colorado, Boulder, School of Journalism. Worked at The New York Times Denver Bureau as a research assistant and Sports and Fitness Publishing in Boulder, Colorado, as a magazine editor. Member of Denver’s Comedy Sports improv comedy troupe. Worked on the TV shows Caroline in the City and Dilbert. Won Walt Disney Screenwriting Fellowship in 1999. Credits include Disney’s film Freaky Friday and multiple film projects, including 2012’s What to Expect When You’re Expecting. Much love to friends and family, especially the ridiculously lovely Jason, Harper and Drake.

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Proceeds in support of the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre’s productions and programs.

Artists Steven Schipper Director

Steven feels honoured by his association with the MBA, and deeply grateful for their generous support of the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre. His directing credits with the MBA include Twelve Angry Jurors, The Caine Mutiny Court Martial, And Then There Were None, Guys and Dolls, Fiddler on the Roof, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Inherit the Wind, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Mousetrap.

of lawyers! Selected credits: Musical Director for Follies (Dry Cold Productions/SondheimFest), Altar Boyz (PTE/Winnipeg Studio Theatre), The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Winnipeg Studio Theatre/Winnipeg Fringe); Apprentice Musical Director for Annie (Rainbow Stage), Company (Dry Cold Productions); Music Direction Intern for Next to Normal (MTC). Training: University of Manitoba and Manhattan School of Music. Joseph invites you to attend Winnipeg Studio Theatre’s Rooms: A Rock Romance, running May 2–12 at the Tom Hendry Warehouse.

Kimberley Rampersad Choreographer

Bill Quinn Musical Director

Bill Quinn has hit double digits as music director for the MTC/MBA musicals as this is his 10th production. By day, Bill is a music specialist in the Louis Riel School Division and at Balmoral Hall. Bill would like to thank the hard-working cast, especially our many new members, for their hard work on a very challenging score! As always, much thanks to Chuck, Eric, Debbie, Steven and Kimberley for their support and inspiring efforts. Bill would also like to thank his wife Heather and son Patrick for allowing him to be out late on school nights.

I am so fortunate to have worked with these wonderful artists on Legally Blonde. Not only are they generous with their time and talents, they have extended nothing short of kindness and humour, as they have “initiated” me into their fraternity. Thank you to the families, colleagues and friends who have supported them in this most incredible feat. Thank you to Steven and MTC for inviting me to “pledge.” And, most importantly, thank you to my “boo-boos,” my “sweets” – the actors. You make my heart infinitely happy.

Eric Vickar Pianist

Joseph Tritt Musical Director Eric is delighted to be back on the bench for his ninth MTC/MBA production. In his day gig, Eric serves as a child and adolescent psychiatrist in the WRHA and as an associate professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. Joseph Tritt is delighted to be collaborating with Steven, Kimberley and this talented troupe 24

MAY 2013

Eric dedicates his performances in this run to the memory of Marni Kalef, whose career in

A Sign You’re In Good Company each office independently owned and operated

Artists the arts began as a stage manager and sound technician in this venue.

Presenting Sponsor PwC Canada helps organizations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. Our 5,700 partners and staff in offices across the country are committed to delivering quality in assurance, tax, consulting and deals services. PwC Canada is a member of the PwC network of firms with more than 180,000 people in 158 countries. Find out more by visiting us at www.

Committee Robin Kersey, co-chair Jim McLandress, co-chair Joan Holmstrom Shawn Hughes Candray Mehkary

Staff Chuck McEwen, Executive Producer Stephanie Lambert, Special & Donor Events Coordinator Melinda Tallin, Artistic Coordinator Camilla Holland, General Manager

Music Theatre International Music Theatre International (MTI) is one of the world’s leading theatrical licensing agencies, granting schools as well as amateur and professional theatres from around the world the rights to perform the largest selection of great musicals from Broadway and beyond. MTI works directly with the composers, lyricists and book writers of these shows to provide official scripts, musical materials and dynamic theatrical resources to over 60,000 theatrical organizations in the US and in over 60 countries worldwide.

Presenting Sponsor

We would like to acknowledge our gratitude for the invaluable contributions the following made to this year’s MTC/MBA production. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Silver Sponsor

Design Sponsor

Marika Nerbas Vivian Rachlis Brad Regehr Garth Smorang Neil Steen

Wine Sponsor

Staci Bencharski, Kristine Betker, CancerCare Manitoba, Kim Cossette, Beverly Covert, Chris Fletcher, Laurie Fletcher, Deborah Gay-de Vries, Danny Gunn, Gunn’s Bakery, Anne Krahn, Rick MacPherson, Stacy Nagle and the MBA Executive, Beverly Naleway, Jason Neufeld, Robb Paterson, Myron Pawlowsky, Rob Ring, Melanie Sexton, Jennifer Skelly, Tenderloin Meat & Sausage, Greg Wood, Mike Wright, our volunteer ushers and all of MTC’s production, administrative and artistic staff who make the production of this play possible

Reception Sponsors

Gala Food Donors

Broolynn’s Bistro denise et jean-louis Catering

We encourage you to show your appreciation by using the services of companies who generously support MTC.


MAY 2013

OMG YOU GUYS! LAW 100 1914-2014

Elle Woods says... “make law’s centennial celebrations part of your social events calendar.” Congratulations to the cast and crew of Legally Blonde!

Legally Legally hilarious hilarious PwC is proud to support the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre and the Manitoba Bar Association as they PwC is proud to support the Royal bring us Legally Blonde: The Musical, Manitoba Theatre Centre and the the story of Elle Woods, Harvard Manitoba Bar Association as they Law’s . . . pinkest freshman. bring us Legally Blonde: The Musical, the story of Elle Woods, Harvard Omigod, you guys: Law’s . . . pinkest Totally bravo! freshman. Omigod, you guys: Totally bravo!

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