Metro Malayalam May issue 2018

Page 1

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hnip-²-\mSv XoÀ°m-S-\w ImgvN-IÄ Adn-tb≠ Imcy-§Ä

ka-Im-enI hnj-b-§-fn ]n.-kn. tPmÀPv FwFÂF {]Xn-I-cn-¡p¶p

knUv\n ae-bmfn bq¯v Atkm-kn-tb-jsâ hnZym-`ymk klm-b-\n[n

eÖn-¡pI `mc-Xta A

e-Ivkm-m-≠dpsS ssk\ys¯ hnd-¸n¨p hn«-h-cpsS \msS¶ t]cn-emWv P½p Iivao-cnse ITvh Ncn-{X-¯n AS-bm-f-s¸-Sp-¯-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv. C¶pw hnL-S-\-hm-Z-¯n-sâbpw kmap-ZmbnI kwLÀj-¯n-sâbpw km¶n-[yhpw ssk\nI CS-s]-S-en-sâ Bh-iyhpw Gähpw Ipdª {]tZ-i-§-fn-sem-¶p-am-Wn-Xv. hÀjw apgp-h³ \nd-sªm-gp-Ip¶ chn, DÖv, JmUv F¶o \ZnIÄ k¼-¶-am-¡p¶ {]tZ-iw. F¶m C¶n-t¸mÄ Cu \Zn-I-fn-sem-gp-Ip-¶Xv Hcp P\-X-bpsS I®ocpw a®ns\ \\-bn-¡p-¶Xv ]n©p-tNm-c-bpsS Nph-¸p-ambn amdn-bn-cn-¡p¶p F¶Xv F{Xbpw tJZ-I-c-am-Wv.

Editorial Board: James Chacko Binu V George Kiran James Vinoth V.V

shdpw F«p hbkp am{X-apÅ F«pw-s]m«pw Xncn-bm-s¯mcp s]¬Ipªv Znh-k-§-tfmfw Hcp tZhm-e-b-¯n _Ô-\-¯n Ign-bp-Ibpw ]e-Zn-hkw ]e Ima-sh-dn-b³am-cm _em¡mc-¯n\p hnt[-b-bm-Ip-Ibpw HSp-hn Ah-cpsS ssIIÄ sIm≠p Xs¶ sImÃ-s¸-Sp-Ibpw sN bvXp F¶Xv GXp ]cn-jvIr-X-k-aq-l-s¯bpw eÖn-¸n-t¡≠≠-Xm-Wv. _lp-kz-c-X-bp-sSbpw atX≠ X-c-Xz-¯n-sâbpw \msS¶p JymXn tI« C´y-bn-em-WnXp \S-¶-sX-¶Xv kztZ-i¯p am{X-a-Ã, {]hm-k-tem-I-§-fn P·-\m-Snsâ {_m³Uv Aw_m-kn-UÀam-sc-t¶mWw Pohn-¡p¶ GXp `mc-Xob-sâbpw inckv `qan-tbmfw Xmgp-¶-Xn\p Imc-W-am-bn-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. CXn-\p-a-¸p-dw, tIh-e-samcp Iq« _emÂkw-K-¯n-sâtbm inip-l-Xy-bp-sStbm A¸p-d-apÅ am\-§-fmWv Cu kw`-h-¯n-\pÅ-sX¶p hyà-am-¡p¶ Imcy-§-fmWv ]n¶oSp \S-¶n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. tIkn {]Xn-tNÀ¡-s¸-«-hsc ≠v sXcp-hn Cd≠ c£n-¡m³ kwØm\w `cn-¡p¶ c≠p a{´n-amÀ Xs¶ {]I-S\w \bn-¨p-sIm≠v §p-¶p. cmPy-sa§pw DbÀ¶ s]mXp-P-\-tcm-j-¯nsâ shfn-¨-¯n AhÀ¡p cmPn-h-bvt¡≠n ≠ ≠n h¶p-sh-¦nepw ]n¶oSv \S¶ a{´n-k`m ]p\-kw-L-S-\-bn ChÀs¡m¸w {]Xn-tj-[-¯n\p t\XrXzw sImSp-¯-hÀ Xs¶ a{´n-am-cmbn amdp-Ibpw sNbvXp.

Advisory Board: John Jacob Sudha Kumar Abbas Chelat Sony George Printer and Publisher : Palpx Pty Ltd, ABN: 95 615 138 988 Contact us: +61 420 360 820, +61 426 848 390,,

CXn \ns¶Ãmw hyà-am-Ip-s¶mcp Imcy-ap≠v ≠v. Hcp P\-hn-`m-Ks¯ D·q-e\w sN¿m-\pÅ ≠ KqV-\o-¡-¯nsâ `mK-am-bn-cp¶p ITvhbnse ZmcpW kw`-h-sa¶ ImgvN-¸mSv `mKn-I-am-sb-¦nepw icn-sb¶p hcp-¶p. CÉmw aX-hn-izm-kn-I-fmb _¡ÀhmÄ kaqlw Imen-Isf ta¨v ITvhbpsS hnhn[ `mK-§-fn kam-[m-\-]-c-ambn D]-Po-h\w \S-¯n-h-cp-¶-h-cm-Wv. kz´-ambn `qan-bn-Ãm¯-Xn-\m Imem-h-Ø-bpsS amä-¯n-\-\p-k-cn¨v Hmtcm {]tZ-i-§Ä tXmdpw amdn-am-dn-bm-Wn-hcpsS Xma-k-hpw. Chsc D·q-e\w sN¿p-¶-Xn-\pÅ Hä-s¸« \o¡-§Ä A§n§p \S-¡p-¶-Xn\nsS \S¶ Cu kw`-hs¯ asämcp am\-¯n-te-¡p-bÀ¯p-¶Xpw Ipäm-tcm-]n-Xsc kwc-£n-¡p¶-Xn\p \S-¡p¶ Bkq-{Xn-Xhpw kwL-Sn-X-hp-amb {]hÀ¯-\-§-fm-Wv. CXmWv hmkvX-h-sa¦n atäXp ]cn-jvIrX kaq-l-hp-sa-¶Xp t]mse cmPyhpw Hmtcm `mc-Xo-b\pw CXns\ A]-e]nt¨ aXn-bm-Iq. F¶p am{X-a-Ã, Ipäm-tcm-]n-XÀ¡p \ymbhpw amXr-Im-]-c-hp-amb in£ e`n-¡p¶p-sh¶v Dd¸p hcp-¯p-Ibpw thWw. hnNm-c-W-t¡m-SXn kwØm-\-¯n\p ]pd-t¯¡p amäp-¶Xn-\pÅ Xocp-am-\hpw \nb-a-ew-L-\-¯n\p Iq«p \n¶ a{´n-amsc ]pd-¯m-¡n-bXpw ipt`m-ZÀ¡amb Imcy-§-fm-Wv. CtX Imcy-£-aX XpSÀ¶pw D≠m-Ip-¶p-sh¶v Dd-¸p-h-cp-t¯≠ _m[yX kwØm-\, tI{µ Kh¬saâp-IÄ¡p-Å-Xm-Wv. ]{Xm-[n-]À

Disclaimer: The views, opinions and comments expressed in Metro Malayalam Australia are solely those of the writers and do not necessarily represent the views of the management.

DÄt]-Pp-I-fnÂ... emte-«³ \ap-s¡m¸w


hnip²w Cu bm{X


thdn-« hgntb P\-]£w

8 9

Pohsâ A¸w





IÀWm-SI t^mt«m^n\n-jn-te¡v


Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare


Into The Heartlands of India




]´n-s\m¸w \m«nepw adp-\m-«nepw


anSp¡À¡p XpW- Bkv]-bÀ


Swathi Thirunal Jayanthi in Sydney


Prostate Enlargement


Kids Corner


Imbw-Ipfw sIm¨p®n


ae-bmfw Xnf-§n ]t£...




sat{Smaebmfw \yqkv _yqtdm


e-bmf kn\n-a-bnse Xmc-cm-Pmhv taml³em Hmkvt{Sen-b³ ]cy-S-\¯n-s\-¯p-¶p. \mw Im¯n-cp¶ alm-kw-`-h-¯n-te¡v C\n GXm\pw \mfp-IÄ am{Xw. Pq¬ 8 apX 11 hsc Hmkvt{S-en-b-bnse ae-bm-fnIÄ¡pw C´y³ kn\na t{]an-IÄ¡pw taml³em-ensâ kwKo-X, \r¯, \S\ hnkvabw I¬ap-¶n I¬\n-dsb ImWp-¶-Xn-\p-ff Ah-k-cw. taml³em-ens\m¸w ae-bmf kn\n-a-bn \mZ-{_Òw XoÀ¡p¶ Fw. Pn. {ioIp-amÀ, {]i kvX \Sn-am-cmb {]bmK amÀ«n³, aoc \µ³ XpS-§n-b-hcp-sa-¯p-¶p. ChÀ¡p ]pdsa Adp-]-Xn-e-[nIw Iem-Im-c³amcpw ]n¶Wn hnZ-Kv[-cp-amWv \ap¡p ap¶n Ie-bpsS atlm-Õhsamcp-¡m-s\-¯p-¶-Xv. ssehv HmÀ¡-kv{S-bmWv CXnse asämcp BIÀj-Ww. ^vfthgvkv Snhn Nm\ ]cn-]m-Sn-IÄ kwt{]£Ww sN¿p-¶p-ap-≠ ≠vv. ^vfthgvkv Nm\ kn.-C.-H. {ioI-WvT³ \mbÀ DZvLmS-\-N-S-§n apJym-XnYn Bbn-cn-¡pw.

Xmc-\ni \men-S¯v

taml³em ÌmÀss\-än\v Hmkvt{S-en-b-bnse \menS-§-fn-emWv thZn-sbm-cp-§p-¶Xv

Perth: 8th June 2018, Time: 6:30 PM Venue: Riverside Theatre, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, 21 Mounts Bay Rd, Perth For ticket booking: Contact info: 0405960328, 0488775178 Sydney 9th June 2018, Time: 6.00 PM Sydney: Venue: Quay Centre, Olympic Blvd, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW 2127 For ticket booking: Contact Info: 0470 293 581, 0412 211 627 Brisbane 10th June 2018, Time: 5.00 PM Brisbane: Venue: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre For ticket booking:… Contact info: 0434194314 Melbourne 11th June 2018, Time : 6.00 PM Melbourne: Venue: Palais Theatre, Lower Esplanade, St Kilda VIC 3182 For ticket Contact Info: 0421490278, 0425112219, 0425889305

thZn-bn F¯p-¶-hÀ taml³em-en\p ]pdsa

thZn-bn-se-¯p¶ {]apJ Iem-{]-Xn-`-IÄ

Fw.-Pn. {ioIp-amÀ, lcojv IWm-c³ {]bmK amÀ«n³, aoc \µ³, t{ib Pb-Zo-]v Pn.-F-kv. hnP-b³, tZh-cm-Pv, A\n t__n {]oXn hmcyÀ, dlvam³, hnt\mZv IpamÀ am[-h³ AÀPp³ emÂ, kndmPvtam³ Icow _nPp [z\n-X-cw-Kv, sS¶n-k¬ Nn¶-¸³ & HmÀ¡kv{Sm Sow 3

May 2018


dn-bmw. AXn-\m taml³em-ensâ km¶n-[y-¯n \n¶pw H¯ncn \ap¡p {]Xo-£n-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv. taml³em ÌmÀss\äv F¶ Cu tjmbn taml ≠v. AXv ≠ ³em-ensâ km¶n[yw Hcp-]m-Sp≠v B tjm ImWp¶ BÀ¡pw a\-Ên≠v Cu tjm ≠ em-Ipw. t{]£-I-sc-s¡m≠v C{X-bpta D≠m-bn-cp-¶ptÅm F¶p ]d-bn-¸n-¡m¯ coXn-bn-emWv CXv kwhn[m\w sNbvXn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. AXn\p X¡ dntl-gvk-em-Wv FSp-¯n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv AXpsIm≠v ≠v t{]£-I-cpsS {]Xo-£-IÄ ≠ AØm-\-¯m-In-Ã. ae-bm-f -N-e-¨n{X taJ-e-bn Hcp kwhn-[m-b-I³ F¶ \ne-bn Hcp ]nSn Nn{X-§Ä, AXpw a½q-«n, taml ³emÂ, kptcjv tKm]n XpS§nb kq¸À Xmc-§sf \mb-I-cm¡n sN bvX Xm¦Ä C¯-c-¯n Hcp tÌPv tjmbpsS kwhn-[mb-I-\mbn hcp -t¼mÄ t{]£-IÀ Hcp]mSv {]Xo£n≠v. F{X-t¯mfw B {]Xo-£≠ ¡p-¶p≠v I-tfmSp \oXn ]peÀ¯m-\m-hpw.

Xmc-s¸m-ena Hm

kvt{S-en-b-bn CZw-{]-Y-a-ambn Xmc-\n-i-bp-ambn ae-bm-f-¯nsâ \S-\-am-WnIyw taml³em-se¯p-t¼mÄ Cu tjmbpsS khn-ti-j-X-IÄ kwhn-[mb-I³ Pn. Fkv. hnP-b³ shfn-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶p. F´mWv taml³em ÌmÀ ss\änsâ {]tXy-I-XIÄ. aäp tÌPvtjm-I-fn \n¶v CsX-§s\ hyXykvX-am-bn-cn-¡pw. Cu tNmZy-¯n\v taml³em F¶p Xs¶-bmsWsâ D¯-cw. taml³em ]s¦-Sp-¡p¶, AsÃ-¦n taml³em \bn-¡p¶ Hcp ÌmÀ ss\äv F¶p ]d-bpt¼mÄ {][m\ {]tXy-IX At±-l-¯nsâ km¶n[yw Xs¶-bm-Wv. _lp-apJ{]Xn-`-bmb \S-\mWv taml³ em-Â. \½psS ae-bmf \S³am-cn tÌPn h¶v t{]£IÀ AsÃ-¦n ImWn-Isf C{X-b-[nIw FâÀsS-bn³ sN¿n-¡p¶ aäp \S³amÀ hnc-f-sat¶m CsÃt¶m ]dbmw. AXmWv Cu tÌPv tjmbpsS {]tXy-I-X. Fs´Ãmw hn-`-h-§-fmWv Cu Iem-hn-cp-¶n DÄs¸Sp-¯n-bn-cn-¡p-¶-sX¶p Npcp-¡-ambn hnh-cn-¡m-tam. aq¶p aq¶c aWn-¡qÀ kabw Cu tjm ImWm³ hcp-¶-hsc t_md-Sn-¸n-¡m-¯ coXn-bn kt´m-jn-¸n¨v F¶pw Ah-cpsS a\-Ên X§n \n¡p¶ Hcp t{]m {Kmw B¡n-¯oÀ¡m-\pÅ tNcp-h-IÄ Hs¡ tNÀ¯v \à hn`-hp-am-bn-«mWv R§Ä C{]m-hiyw Ahn-sS-sb¯p-¶-Xv.

Ignhv sXfn-bn¨ Ime-Im-c³amcpw ]n¶Wn {]hÀ ¯-Icpw ssehv HmÀ¡-kv{S-bp-sam-s¡-bmbn Hmkvt{Sen-b³ ae-bm-fn-IÄ CXp-hsc ImWm¯ Hcp henb kwL-hp-am-bmWv taml³em ÌmÀss\äv Chn-sS-sb¯p-¶-Xv. Cu tjmbpsS hnP-b-¯n\v henb tXmXnepÅ tImÀUn-t\-j³ Bh-iy-ap≠v ≠v. Xnc-¡p-]n-Sn¨ ≠ Cu Iem-Im-c³am-cp-ambn CXp km[y-am-Ip-¶p-t≠m. hfsc icn-bmWv Cu tNmZyw. ImcWw Xnc-¡p-]nSn¨ taml³em-ens\ t]m-se-bpÅ BÄ¡mscbpw ssehv HmÀ¡-kv{S, Fw. Pn. {ioIp-amÀ, c≠p \Sn-amÀ XpS§n-b-h-sc-sbms¡ sIm≠p-h-cp-t¼mÄ Ah-cpsS Xnc¡ns\ IW-¡n-se-Spt¯ Xocq. \msf cmhnse Hcp tjmbp-≠m-¡n-sb-Sp¡mw F¶msc-¦nepw Icp-Xn-bm AXp icn-bm-hn-Ã. kn\n-a-bm-bmepw tjm Bbmepw asä´p Iem-cq-]-am-bmepw AXn-s\mcp dntl-gvkepw Hcp-¡hpw Bh-iy-am-Wv. \msf cmhnse Hcp kn\n-a bv¡p t]mImw AsÃ-¦n C¶p-¨bv¡v Hcp kn\n-abv¡p t]mImw AsÃ-¦n Bdp aWn¡v Btem-Nn¨v Ggp aWn¡v tjm ImWm³ t]mImw F¶p hnNm-cn-¨m Hcp ]t£ t]mIm³ km[n-t¨-¡pw. F¶m C§-s\ -sbmcp tjm Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡m³ Hcn-¡epw km[n-¡n-Ã. ImWn-I-fpsS ap¶n Hcp tjm Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡-W-sa-¦nÂ


AXn\v amk-§-fp-sSbpw hÀj-§-fp-sSbpw {]bXv\w Bh-iy-amWv. {]b-Xv\-sa¶p ]d-ªm Hcp hÀjw apgp-h³ dntl-gvk sN¿p¶p F¶Ã AXn-\ÀYw. taml³emepw CXn ]s¦-Sp-¡p¶ aäpÅ BÄ¡mcpw hfsc Xnc-¡pÅ a\p-jy-cm-Wv. ]t¯m ]{´t≠m amkw ap¼mWv AUzm³kmbn Ah-cpsS tUäv \½Ä hm§p¶-Xv. AXn-\p-ti-j-amWv Ahsc Cu t{]m{Km-an-\mbn Assk³ sN¿p-¶-Xv. C§s\ FÃm-¯-c-¯n-epÅ {Iao-I-c-Whpw \S-¯n-b-Xn\p tij-amWv tjm Ac-t§dp-¶Xv. CXnsâ ]n¶n-epÅ C¯cw {]b-Xv\§Ä ≠ ≠v Xs¶-bmWv CXnsâ tImÀUn-t\-j³ F¶XpsIm≠v AÀY-am¡p¶-Xv. Fs¶-t¸mse tjm Ub-d-IvtSgvkv \nc-h[nbp≠v ≠v. Sn. sI. cmPo-hvIp-amÀ C¯cw tjmIÄ ≠ tImÀUn-t\äv sN¿p-¶-Xnsâ Kpcp-Øm-\o-b\m-Wv. At±l-t¯m-sSm-¸-amWv Rm³ BZy-ambn tjmI-fpsS tImÀUn-t\-j-\n-te¡v Cd-§p-¶Xp Xs¶. Nne-t¸mÄ \½Ä hnfn-¡p¶ BÀ«n-Ìp-IÄ FÃm-hscbpw In«ns¡m-Å-W-sa-¶n-Ã. C¶-bn¶ BÄ¡msc sIm≠pt]m-Im-sa¶v \½Ä Hcp t]¸-dn Fgp-Xn-h-¨Ã XpS-§p¶-Xv. kvt]m¬tk-gvkn-t\mSpkwkm-cn¨v C¡m-cy-§ -fn Xocp-am-\-sa-Sp-¡p-¶p. \½Ä Dt±-in-¡p¶ FÃmhcpw Htc ka-b¯v e`y-am-I-W-sa-¶n-Ã. NneÀ¡v Hgn -hm-¡m³ ]äm¯ kn\n-a-I-fp≠m-Ipw. NneÀ¡v hyàn]-c-amb Aku-I-cy-§-fp-≠m-Ipw. Hcp {Kq¸v D≠m-¡pI-bmWv H¶m-as¯ ]Sn. FÃm-¯-c-¯n-ep-ff Iemcq-]-§fpw Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡m³ Ign-bp¶ BÄ¡msc Is≠¯pI F¶XmWv {Kq¸p-≠m-¡pI F¶-Xnsâ AÀYw. shdpsX Hcp ]m«v ]mSm³ am{X-ambn Hcmsf Assk³ sN¿m³ km[n-¡n-Ã. Sn¡-sä-Sp¯p hcp-¶hsc ]e coXn-bn FâÀsSbv³ sN¿m³ km[n-¡p¶ Hcp {Kq¸n-s\-bmWv th≠Xv. CXv {ia-I-c-amb tPmenbm-sW¦nepw Cu sXmgnensâ `mK-am-b-Xn-\m BkzZn¨p sN¿p-¶p.

ae-bmf kn\n-a-bne {]K-Û-cmb C¯cw \S³amÀ Ah-cpsS {]mKÛyw sXfn-bn-¨p-sIm-≠ ≠n-n-cn-¡p-¶Xv kn\na A`n-\-b-¯n-eq-sS-bm-Wv. IYm-]m-{X-§ Ä¡p Poh³ \ÂIn-bm-W-hÀ X§fpsS {]Xn` sXfn-bn-¨p -sIm-≠ ≠n-n-cn-¡p -¶-Xv. Ipd¨p \S³amÀ am{X-amWv \S-\¯nepw ]m«nepw \r¯-¯n-ep-sams¡ bpÅ {]mKÛyw sXfn-bn-¡p-¶-h-cmbn Ne-¨n-{X temI-¯p-Å-Xv. A¯-c-¯n -epÅ BÄ¡m-cp-am-bmWv \½Ä hcp¶-sX-¦n F¶n \n¶p {]Xo-£n¡p¶p F¶p ]d-bp-¶-Xn-s\-¡mÄ hepXv Ah-cn \n¶p {]Xo-£n-¡p¶p F¶p ]d-bp-¶-Xm-Wv. AhcpsS kwKo-X, \S-\, \r¯ taJ-e-bnse {]mhoWyw tÌPn Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡m-\pÅ Ah-k-c-sam-cp-¡p¶ hn[-¯n-epÅ X¿m-sd-Sp¸v \S-¯p-I-bmWv Rm³ sN¿p-¶-Xv. Cu \nebv¡v Ah-cn \n¶p {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶Xpw F¶n \n¶p {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶Xpw H¶p Xs¶-bm-Wv. AhÀ h¶v H¶pw sN¿msX t]mbn F¶p ]d-bp-¶Xv AhÀ¡p Xs¶bmWv {]iv\-am-Ip-¶-Xv. DZm-l-c-W-¯n\p taml³ em h¶p, AsÃ-¦n kptcjv tKm]n h¶p, H¶pw sN¿msX t]mbn F¶p ]d-bp¶ kml-Ncyw AhÀ hcp-¯n-Ã. C§s\bÃmsX F\n¡p ]mSm-\-dn-bn-Ã, F\n¡p Um³kv sN¿m-\-dn-bn-Ã, F\n¡p kvInäv sN¿m-\-dn-bn-Ã, F\n¡p tImaUn hcnà Fs¶ms¡ ≠v. ]t£, Ah-À¡pw ≠ ]d-bp¶ \S³amÀ A\-h-[n-bp≠v CsXÃmw sN¿m³ km[n-¡psa¶-XmWv hmkvXhw. sNbvXn-«n-Ãm-¯Xp sIm≠m-W-h-cn-§s\ ]d-bp-¶-Xv. Ah-sc-s¡m-s≠Ãmw C¯cw Imcy-§Ä sN¿n¡m³ km[n-¡pw. Ata-cn-¡-bn Rm³ Xs¶ Btdgp {]m hiyw t]mbn \nc-h[n tjmIÄ kwhn-[m\w sNbv ≠v. Ch-cp-sS-sbms¡ Ign-hns\ tImÀUn-t\äv ≠ Xn-«p≠v

taml³em F¶ ae-bm-fn-bpsS Bcm-[-\m-]m-{X ¯nsâ km¶n[yw Cu tjmbn-ep-S-\ofw t{]£-IÀ {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶p≠v ≠v. B coXn-bn-emtWm Cu tjm ≠ Unssk³ sNbvXn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. t{]£-I-cp-sS, F¶p ]d-ªm ae-bmfn t{]£I-cpsS am{X-a-Ã, C´y-bnse FÃm {]tZ-i-§-fn-sebpw kn\nam t{]an-I-fpsS CjvS-Xm-c-amWv taml³emÂ. AXm-bXv \½psS A`n-am\ \£-{X-w. FÃm-hÀjhpw tÌävknepw aäp ]ecm-Py-§-fnepw t]mbn tjm \S¯p¶ Iem-Im-c³am-cp≠v ≠v. F¶m taml³em-en-s\≠ t¸m-setbm a½q«nsb t]msetbm DÅ Xmc-§Ä FÃm-hÀjhpw tjmbp-ambn t]mIp-¶nÃ. aqt¶m \mtem At©m hÀjw IqSp-t¼m-gmWv ChÀ tjmbp-ambn Cd§p-¶Xv. A§-s\-bpÅ kml-N-cy-¯n Ah-cn \n¶pw BÄ¡mÀ H¯ncn {]Xo-£n-¡p-sa¶pw ChÀ¡-

Pn.- F-kv. hnP-b³ May 2018


Coverstory sNbvXv t{]£-IÀ¡p ap¶n Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡pI F¶Xm-sWsâ Ign-hv. Fs´Ãmw aps¶m-cp-¡-§fpw dntl-gvk-ep-I-fp-sams¡-bmWv Cu tjmbv¡p th th≠ ≠nn \S-¯n-bn-«p-Å-Xv. ≠ Cu tjmbv¡p th≠n≠n-bpÅ aps¶m-cp-¡-§Ä ≠ ≠n-cn-¡p¶ Imcy-am-Wv. ≠ Gsd \mfp-I-fmbn \S-¶p sIm≠nFs´Ãmw CXn DÄs¸-Sp-¯-Ww, BscÃmw ]s¦-Sp¡-Ww Fs¶ms¡ \nÝ-bn-¡-Ww. ]m«p-IÄ Xnc-sªSp-¡Ww, Um³kp-IfpsS ]m«p-IÄ Xocp-am-\n-¡Ww, kvInäp-IÄ FgpXn Ipä-a-ä-Xm-¡Ww XpS§n [mcmfw Imcy-§Ä sNt¿sNt¿--Xp≠ ≠v. kvInäp-IÄ hfsc {][m-\s¸-«-Xm-Wv. ImcWw BÄ¡msc Nncn-¸n-¡pI F¶Xv hfsc {]bm-k-apÅ Imcy-am-Wv. tImaUn \S³amsc Gsd Xam-ibpsS {]Xo£-tbm-sS-bm-Wv P\-§Ä ImWp-¶-Xv. A¯cw BÄ¡msc h¨v \½Ä kvInäv sN¿p-t¼mÄ AhÀ¡p t]cp-tZm-j-ap-≠m-ImsX t\m ≠-Xp≠ ≠ ≠v. CXn\p X¡ tImaUn cwK-§Ä D≠mt¡≠¡n-sb-Sp-¡m\mWv \½Ä ]cn-{i-an-¡p-¶Xv. Ch s]s«s¶mcp Znhkw D≠m-¡n-sb-Sp-¡m³ km[n-¡p¶ Imcya-Ã. Iptd-bmÄ¡mÀ H¶n¨p tNÀ¶mWv Hcp kvInänsâ BZn-a-[ym´w D≠m-¡p-¶-Xv. ]ns¶-bXv t]¸-dn-em¡-Ww. ]n¶o-SXv aäm-sc-sb-¦nepw hmbn¨p tIĸn¨v AXnse A]m-I-X-IÄ Is≠-¯-Ww. Nne-t¸mÄ AXp apgp-h-\mbn ths≠¶p hbvt¡-≠ ≠nbpw nbpw hcmw. CXn-s\ Ãmw [mcmfw kabw thWw. Cu tjmbv¡p th≠n≠ ≠nbpÅ C¯cw Imcy-§Ä hfsc t\cs¯ Xs¶ XpS-

§n-¡-gn-ªp. Npcp-¡-¯n R§-fpsS `mK¯p \n¶v \à aps¶m-cp-¡-amWv Cu ]cn-]m-Sn-¡mbn \S-¯n-bn-cn¡p-¶-Xv. taml³em F¶ Xmc-cm-Pm-hnsâ Hcp tjm F¶p ]d-bp-t¼mÄ hen-sbmcp D¯-c-hm-ZnXzw Xm¦Ä ¡p≠v ≠v. Hcp ]t£, Cu tjm t{]£-Is\ Xr]vXn≠ s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-sÃ-¦n AXv taml³em-ensâ ]cm-P-bambn hne-bn-cp-¯-s¸-Spw. CXp Xm¦sf k½ÀZ-¯nem-¡p-¶p-t≠m. XoÀ¨-bm-bpw. CXv hfsc {]k-à-am-sbmcp tNmZyam-Wv. taml³em-en-s\-t¸m-se-sbmcp Xmc-cm-Pm-hns\ Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn sIm≠p-h¶v ]cm-P-b-s¸-Sp-¯pI F¶p ]d-bp-¶Xv Nn´n-¡m³ t]mepw ]äm-s¯mcp Imcy-am-Wv. F\n-s¡-¶-Ã, Fs¶-t¸mse C¯cw ]cn]m-Sn-IÄ kwhn-[m\w sN¿p¶ BÀ¡pw taml³emen-s\-t¸msesbmcmsf sIm≠p-h-cp-t¼mÄ D¯-c-hmZnXzw IqSp-I-bm-Wv. Hcp kn\na Gsä-Sp¯p sN¿p¶Xp t]msetbm kwhn-[m\w sN¿p-¶-Xp-t]m-setbm AÃn-Xv. CXn dotS-¡p-I-sfm-¶p-an-Ã. hfsc D¯-chm-Zn-Xz-ap-sÅmcp tPmen-bmWv tjm _nkn-\kv. Cu sXmgn ]e BÄ¡mÀ ]e-co-Xn-bn sN¿p-¶p-s≠ -¦n t]mepw Fs¶ kw_-Ôn-¨n-S-t¯mfw hfsc hen-sbmcp D¯-c-hm-Zn-Xz-amWv Gsä-Sp-¯n-cn-¡p-¶-sX¶-dn-bmw. tjmIÄ sN¿p-t¼mÄ FÃm-¯-c-¯nepw IqsS \n¡p-s¶mcp \S-\m-Wv taml³emÂ. At±-l¯n-sâ- CS-s]-SemWv Gähpw A\p-Iqeamb LS-Iw.

AXp Rm³ sN¿mw, CXp Rm³ sN¿mw F¶p ]dbp¶ coXn-bn-ep-Å CS-s]-S-emWv At±-l-¯n-tâ-Xv. C¯cw C³thmÄsaâ v At±-l-¯n \n¶p In«p¶Xp sIm≠v ≠v Rm³ k½ÀZ-¯nemIp-¶n-Ã. F¦n-epw, ≠ BZys¯ tjm BÄ¡mÀ I≠n«v ≠n«v sImÅm-sa¶p ]d-bp≠ ¶Xp hsc \nÝ-b-ambpw k½ÀZ-ap≠m-Ip-Ibpw sN¿pw. k½ÀZ-anà F¶p ]d-bp-¶-Xn AÀY-an-Ã. taml³ em-ens\ hs¨mcp tjm sN¿m³ Cd-§n-¸p-d-s¸-«m FÃm-hÀ¡pw AsXmcp k½ÀZw Xs¶-bm-Wv. taml³ em-ensâ kn\na sN¿p-¶Xpw k½ÀZw Xs¶. ae-bmf-¯nse Gähpw aqey-ta-dnb \S-\m-W-t±-lw. AXpsIm≠p Xs¶ At±-l-¯nsâ t]cpw {]i-kvXnbpw tami-am-Ip¶ kml-Ncyw D≠m-bn-¡q-Sm. \½psSsbmcp tjm X«n³ta Ib-dp-¶Xp k½ÀZw D≠m-bn-s¡m-≠n≠ncn-¡pw. Cu tPmen-bpsS {]tXy-I-X-bm-W-Xv. ssehmbn sN¿p¶ GsXmcp Iem-cq-]-¯n\pw AXnsâ tImÀUnt\-j³ Gsä-Sp-¯p-sN-¿p-¶bmÄ¡v D¯-chmZnXzw Gdn-bn-cn¡pw. F¶m hfsc henb ip`m]vXn hnizmk-t¯mSp IqSn-bmWv R§Ä Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn-te¡v hcp-¶-Xv. Hcp \à tjm Ahn-sS-bpÅ ae-bm-fn-IÄ¡pw Xangpw sXep¦pw lnµn-bp-sams¡ kwkm-cn-¡p¶ ktlm-Z-c-§Ä¡pw {]Xo-£n-¡mw. AhÀ¡v CjvS-s¸Sp-s¶mcp hn`hw Hcp-¡m³ km[n-¡p-sa¶ hnizm-kt¯mSp IqSn-bmWv R§Ä hcp-¶-Xv. FÃm-h-cpsSbpw klmb kl-I-c-W-§Ä Cu tjmbn-ep≠m-Ip-sa¶p hniz-kn-¡p-¶p. \ap¡v DS³ Xs¶ t\cn ImWmw.

taml\w Cu Xmcw N

e-¨n{X temI¯v \mÂ]-Xm≠p-IÄ ]n¶n-Sp¶ taml³em Xsâ ]nd-¶mfm-tLm-j-¯n\v ]{´≠p Zn\w am{Xw _m¡n \nÂt¡ Hmkvt{S-en-b-bpsS a®n Imep-Ip-¯pIbm-Wv. ae-bmf kn\n-a-bnse Xmc-cm-Pmhpw C´y³ kn\n-abnse \nd-km-¶n-[y-hp-amb taml³em Hmko-knse Xsâ {]Ya ÌmÀ tjm ImWn I-fpsS HmÀa-bn X§n-\n¡p-¶-Xm-¡p-¶-Xn\p th≠n ≠n At\I \mfp-IÄ \o≠ ≠ aps¶m-cp-¡-§-fmWv \S-¯n-bn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv.

kz´w ho«nse Hcm-sf¶ t]mse kn\n-a-bnse hyXykvX apJ-§-fpsS t]cn taml³em Hmtcmcp¯À¡pw ]cn-Nn-X-\m-bn-cnt¡ At±-l¯nsâ X\-Xp-hyànXzw ae-bm-fn-IÄ C\n-bp-tasd a\-kn-em-¡m-\p-s≠-¶-XmWv hmkvX-hw. 1980-þ ]pd-¯n-d-§nb aªn hncnª ]q¡Ä F¶ kn\n-a-bnse hnóth-j-amWv taml³em-ensâ Ac-t§-ä-ambn ]d-ªp-t]m-cp-¶-sX-¦nepw Adn-bpI At±-l-¯nsâ BZykn\na CX-Ã. AXn\pw c≠p hÀjw ap¼v Nn{Xo-I-cWw ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡pIbpw sk³k-dpsS I{Xn-I-bn IpSp-§p-Ibpw sNbvX Xnc-t\m-«-amWv emte-«sâ Act§äw Ipdn¨ Nn{Xw. F¬]-Xp-I-fm-bn-cp¶p taml³em-ensâ Ne-¨n{X Pohn-X-¯nse kphÀW ImeL-«w. BsI 170 Nn{X-§Ä C¡me-b-fhn t{]£-I-cpsS ]¡-se-¯n. 1982 apX 1988 hsc Hmtcm ]Xn-\©v Znh-k-¯n-\n-S-bnepw Hmtcm taml³em Nn{Xw hoX-ambn-cp¶p doeo-km-bn-s¡m-≠ ≠n-n-cp-¶-Xv. 1986-þ am{Xw Ct±-l-¯nsâ ap¸-¯©v Nn{X§-fmWv Xob-ä-dp-I-fn-se-¯n-b-Xv. C¶pw t{]£-IÀ s\t©-äp¶ aªn hncnª ]q¡Ä, t\ms¡¯m Zqc¯v I®pw\«v, ltem ssaUn-bÀ tdmMv \¼À, Sn. ]n. _metKm-]m-e³ Fw. F., KmÔn-\-KÀ sk¡³Uv kv{Soäv, Xmf-h-«w, Xqhm-\-¯p-¼n-IÄ XpS-§n-b-h-sbÃmw C¡m-e-¯nsâ kvamc-I-§-fm-Wv. Ne-¨n{X \S-\m-bn-cp-¶n-sÃ-¦n taml³em Bcm-Ip-am-bn-cp-¶p. kwi-bn-t¡≠, anI-s¨mcp sdkvenMv Xmcw. 1977þ78se kwØm\ sdkvenMv Nm¼y-\mWv taml³ emÂ. aªn hncnª ]q¡-fpsS HmUn-j-\mbn t]mbn-Ãm-bn-cp-s¶-¦n Hcp ]t£ tZiob Nm¼y-\p-am-Ip-am-bn-cp-¶p. sdkven§nsâ \jvSw kn\n-a-bpsS t\«-am-bn amdn bXv Ncn-{Xw. kn\n-a-bn-se-¯nb tijhpw Imbn-I-tem-I¯v taml³em t]cp tNÀ¯n-«p≠v ≠v. XzmbvsIm-t≠m-bn »m¡v s_ÂämWv ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS {]nb-Xm-cw. ≠ Z£nW sImdn-b-bnse knbqÄ BØm-\-amb Xzmbvs¡mt≠m slUvIzmÀt«-gvkn \n¶v BZ-c-kq-N-I-ambn taml³em-en\p k½m-\n-¨-XmWv Cu »m¡v s_Âäv. CXn\p ap¼v c≠v ≠v C´y-¡mÀ¡p am{X-amWv C§s\ »m¡v s_Âäv In«n-bn-cn-¡p≠ ¶-Xv. jmcqJv Jm\pw antkmdmw apJy-a-{´n-bm-bn-cp¶ em X³lm-hve-bv¡pw. hniz-kp-µcn sFizcy dmbn-bpsS Ne-¨n{X temIs¯ Ac-t§äw Bcp-sS-sbm¸-am-bn-cp-s¶-t¶m-þ-em-te-«-sâ-sbm-¸w. 1997-þ dneo-kmb Ccp-hÀ F¶ aWn-cXv\w Nn{X-¯n-emWv Ccp-hcpw tPmSn-bmbn A`n-\-bn-¡p-¶-Xv. Fw.Pn-.B-dnsâ tdmfm-bncp¶p CXn taml³em-en-s\-¦n BIvSn-hn-k-¯nsâ t]cn Ct¸mÄ {it²-b\mb {]ImivcmPmWv Icp-Wm-\n-[n-bpsS tdmÄ sNbvX-Xv. taml³emepw a½q-«nbpw ] c-kv]cw Xmc-cm-Pm-hnsâ Itk-cbv¡p th≠n ≠n aÕ-cn-¡p-¶p-sh-¶m-WtÃm s]mXpth ≠ ]d-b-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv. F¶m A¼-¯©v Nn{X-§-fn Ccp-hcpw H¶n-¨-`n-\-bn-¨n-«p≠v ≠v. ≠ ChÀ H¶n-¨-`n-\-bn¨ Nn{X-§-sfÃmw anI¨ t_mIvkv Hm^nkv lnäp-I-fm-bn-cp-¶p. Ccp-hcpw H¶n-¨-`n-\-bn¨ {]Ya Nn{Xw \thm-Z-b-bpsS ]S-tbm-«-am-bn-cp-¶p. CXn taml³em a½q-«n-bpsS aI\pw kz`m-h-\-S-\p-am-bn-cp-s¶-¦n a½q-«n¡v skan-hnÃsâ tdmfmWv In«n-b-Xv. ]mhw ]qÀWn-a, F´nt\m ]q¡p¶ ]q¡Ä, A§m-Sn-¡-¸pd-¯v, Ahn-Sps¯ t]mse Chn-sSbpw, hmÀ¯ XpS-§n-b-h-bmWv ChÀ H¶n-¨-`n-\-bn-


¨-Xn anI¨ hnPbw t\Snb Nn{X-§Ä. kn\na \S³ am{X-aà lnäv kn\n-a-I-fpsS \nÀam-Xmhv IqSn-bmWv taml³emÂ. \mep _m\-dp-I-fn-emWv taml³em CXp hsc Nn{X-§Ä \nÀan-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. XpS¡w Imknt\m ^nenw-kn-em-bn-cp-¶p. ASn-sbm-gp-¡p-IÄ, Icn-¼n³ ]qhn-\-¡-sc, KmÔn-\-KÀ sk¡³Uv kv{Soäv, \mtSmSn-¡mäv XpS-§n-b-h-bmWv Cu _m\-dn ]pd¯n-d-§nb {]apJ Nn{X-§Ä. Nntbgvkv ^nenw-kmWv c≠m-as¯ _m\À. ASn-th-cpIÄ, D®n-Itf Hcp IY ]d-bmw, HmÀ¡m-¸p-d-¯v, Bcy³ F¶nh Nntbgvkv ^nenwknsâ krjvSn-I-fm-Wv. {]Whw BÀSvkv CâÀ\m-j-W aq¶m-as¯ _m\À. lnkv ssl\kv A_vZp-Å, `c-Xw, Ia-e-Z-fw, anYp\w, ]n³Kman XpS§n \nc-h[n saKm-lnäv Nn{X-§Ä t{]£-I-cn-se-¯n-bXv Cu _m\-dn-eq-sS-bm-Wv. BioÀhmZv kn\n-amkv BWp \mem-as¯ _m\À. \c-knw-lw, cmh-W-{]-`p, Infn-¨p-≠³ am¼gw \m«p-cm-Pm-hv, \c³ XpS-§nb kao-]-Ime lnäp-I-sfÃmw BioÀhm-Znsâ kw`m-h-\-bm-Wv. taml³ em-ensâ Zriyw F¶ Nn{X-amWv ae-bmf kn\n-a-bpsS F¡m-e-s¯bpw Gähpw henb lnäv.

May 2018


Travel & Tourism

jn_p aÃ-¸-Ån (Excel Holy land & Holidays)


sXmcp {InkvXym-\n-bp-sSbpw B{K-lhpw A`n-em-j-hp-sa¶p hnti-jn-¸n¡m-hp-s¶mcp bm{X-bp≠v ≠vþhn-ip² \mSp-I-fn-te-¡pÅ bm{X. CXv hnizm≠ knsb kw_-Ôn-¨n-S-t¯m-fw t_m[y-§-fn Bg-s¸-Sp-¶-Xn-\pÅ Ah-k-cw. ]g-b -\n-ba¯n ]cn-N-b-s¸-Sp¶ tZi-§-fn-eq-sSbpw tbip P\n¨v, Pohn¨v, acn¨v, DbnÀ s¯-gp-t¶äXpambn _Ô-s¸« {]tZ-i-§-fn-eqsSbpamWo bm{X. km[m-c-W-bmbn H¼tXm ]t¯m Znhkw ssZÀLyw hcp¶ hn[-¯n-em-bn-cn¡pw bm{X {Iao-I-cn-¡p-I. tPmÀZmsâ Xe-Øm-\-amb A½m-\n \n¶pamWv bm{X-bpsS XpS-¡w. C{k-tbepw ]me-kvXo\pw CuPn]vXpw IS¶v sIbvtdm-bn Ah-km-\n¡pIbpw sN¿p-¶p. tPmÀZm³ ]c-¼-cm-K-X-ambn {InkvXy³ {]tZ-i-am-sW¦n IqSn Ct¸mÄ P\-kw-Jy-bn ]mXn-tbmfw CÉmw aX-hn-izm-kn-I-fmWv. ]g-b-Ime Pdp-kte-ansâ `q]Sw Is≠-Sp-¯Xv ChnsS aZv_m F¶ {]tZ-i¯p \n¶m-sW-¶-XmWv CXnsâ {]m[m-\yw. hnip-²-\m-Sp-Isf kw_-Ôn¨v s]mXp-hmb hnh-c-§Ä ChnsS \n¶p e`n-¨ tij-amWv bm{X XpS-cp-¶-Xv. H¶m-a-Xmbn ImWm-\p-ÅXv s\t_m ]À h-X-amWv. ss{IkvXh hnizm-k-a-\p-k-cn¨v tami ssZh-¯nsâ hnfntI«v Cd-§n-¯ncn¡pIbpw sat{k-an \n¶v C{k-tb P\-Xsb tamNn-¸n¨p hmKvZ¯ \m«n-te¡p sIm≠p hcp-Ibpw sN¿p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. tami-bpsS PohnXw Ah-km-\n-¡p-¶Xv ChnsS aZv_-bn h¨m-Wv. tami hmKvZ¯ \mSv ImWn-sömbn-cp¶p ssZh-¯nsâ hm¡v. AXv A§s\ Xs¶ kw`-hn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶p. tami ]n¯f kÀ¸s¯

amdm InWÀ ≠v At\-Im-bn-c-§fpsS ≠ A[n-Im-c-s¸-Sp-¯nb Øew, A©-¸hpw c≠p ao\pw sIm≠v hni-¸-S-¡nb Øew, tbip-{InkvXp Gähpw IqSp-X Imew {]hÀ¯n¨ I^À\m-lqw XpS-§nbhbmWv. AhnsS Xcp¶ DuWv HmÀa-bn X§n \n¡pw. skâ v ]otägvkv ^njv F¶p hnfn-¡p-¶ {]tXy-I-bn\w aÕy-amWv Cu DuWnsâ BIÀj-Ww.

AtXm-sSm¸w Keo-enb XSm-I-¯n-eq-sS-sbmcp t_m«v bm{X-bv¡pw ChnsS kuIcyap≠v ≠v. Hmtcm k©m-cn¡pw Ah-c-h-cpsS cmPy-¯nsâ HmÀa-bp-WÀ¯p¶ Km\w ]mSn ≠ sImSn-sbms¡ DbÀ¯n Hcp aWn-¡q-tdmfw t_m«n k©-cn-¡mw. FÃm-hcpw BkzZn-¡p¶ A\p-`-h-am-Wn-Xv. ASp-¯-Xmbn {]th-in-¡p-¶Xv Ncn{Xw Dd-§p¶ _Xve-lan-te¡mWv. tbip-{InkvXp P\n¨psh¶p hniz-kn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ ChnsS at\m-l-c-amb ≠v Hm^v Hen-hv, ≠ t\än-hnän NÀ¨p≠v ≠v. hnZzm³amcpw B«n-S-b³amcpw Ip-ap-«nb Øew, au≠v ≠ tlmk¶ hoYn, IÀ¯mhv Pdp-k-te-ans\ t\m¡n Ic-ª Øew F¶n-h-sbms¡ bmWv Chn-Sps¯ {][m\ kµÀi\ e£y-§Ä. ]n¶oSv tbip-{In-kvXp-hnsâ ac-Whp-ambn _Ô-s¸« KZvk-a\n tXm«w kµÀin-¡p-¶p. AXn\p tijw F¯p-¶Xv au kntbm-\n-em-Wv. Zmho-Znsâ ih-Ip-Socw Chn-sS-bm-Wv ØnXn-sN-¿p-¶Xv. tbip Ahkm\ A¯mgw Ign-¨Xpw Cu {]tZ-i¯p Xs¶. tbip-hns\ Hcp cm{Xn XS-hn ]mÀ¸n¨ I¿m-^m-hnsâ Ac-a\, {InkvXp-hns\ hen-¨n-g-¨p-sIm≠p t]mb tlmfn sÌ]vkv F¶n hbpw hnizm-kn¡v Xo£vW-amb A\p-`hw \ ÂIpw. IÀ¯mhv kzÀK-¯n-te¡v Ib-dn-t¸mbn F¶p Icp-Xp-¶Xpw Henhv ae-bn-em-Wv. aÀ¯ adn-b-bpsS Øeamb _Ym-\n-b, ss__n-fnsâ Npcp-fp-IÄ Is≠Sp¯ Ip{am³ tIhvkv, NmhpI-S Hs¡bpw ChnsS kµÀin-¡mw. Nmhp-I-Sen k©m-cn-IÄ¡v Ipfn-¡m³ kuI-cy-ap≠v ≠v. ≠ tbip-{InkvXp tbml-¶m-\n \n¶p amtam-Zok kzoI-cn-¨ Øehpw kµÀin-¡p-¶-Xn\p kuIcy-ap≠v ≠v. km¯m³ tbip-{In-kvXp-hns\ ]co≠ £n¨ sSw]vtä-j³ au≠mWv asämcp BIÀ j-Ww. C§s\ hnizm-k-¯nsâ hgn-bnse \nch[n Øe-§Ä kµÀin¨v bm{X XpS-cp-¶Xv sIbv Henhv ae-bn \n¶pÅ Pdp-ktew Zriyw hnip-² -\m-«n-se-¯nb XoÀ°m-S-I-kwLw tdm-bn-te-¡mWv. sPdo-t¡m-bn \n¶p \o≠ \mec aWn-¡qdmWn-Xn-\pÅ kabw. at\m-l-cDbÀ¯n-bXpw aZv_-bn h¨m-Wv. tPmÀZm³ \Zn, sPdo-t¡m, Nmhp-I-S F¶n-hamb _o¨p-Ifpw D¸p-X-S-§fpw Cu bm{X-bn ImWmw. bpsS BImi Zriyw ChnsS \n¶p e`n-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv. tkmtZmw tKmtamdmbmWv Cu bm{X-bnse asämcp ImgvN. tem¯nsâ `mcy D¸paZv_ Ign-ªm tPmÀZm-\n-epÅ {][m\ Øew s]{Sm-bm-Wv. CXv bpsWkvtIm Xq-Wmbn t]msb¶p hniz-kn-¡-s¸-Sp-¶Xv ChnsS h¨m-Wv. Knem¯v F¶p t]cmb AS-bm-f-s¸-Sp-¯n-bn-cn-¡p¶ ss]XrI {]tZi-am-Wv. at\m-l-c-amb ]md-¡q-«-§fpw C{k-tb-ense Gähpw kpµ-c-amb knän IS¶v k©m-cn-IÄ CuPn-]vXn-te¡v {] inÂ]-§fpamWn-hn-Sps¯ {][m\ BIÀjWw. C{k-tb-ense Ah-km\ bp²amb th-in-¡p¶p. ASp-¯-Xmbn kµÀin-¡p-¶Xv skâ v ImX-dn³kv samWm-kv{Sn-bm-Wv. AÀa-K-tZm³ bp²w Bcw-`n-¡p-t¼mÄ NneÀ sXän-sbm-gp-Ip-¶-Xmbn ]d-bp-¶p≠v ≠v. ≠ CXmWv I¯p¶ apĸ-SÀ¸nsâ Øew. tamibv¡v ]¯p IÂ]-\-IÄ ssZhw \ AhÀ h¶p ]mÀ¯bnS-amWnXv. \½psS bm{X XpS-cp-¶Xv tPmÀZm³ IS¶v C{kInb ko\mbv aebpw ChnsS ImWmw. AhnsS \n¶v Hcp Znhkw apgp-h³ \o≠p \n ≠v. H¶v Ae³_nbpw atäXv tb-ente¡m-Wv. ChnsS c≠v ≠v AXnÀ¯n taJ-e-I-fp≠ ≠ ¡p¶ Cu bm{X-bmWv sIbvtdm-bn-te-¡v. F®qdp Intem-ao-ä-dmWv Zqcw. anI¨ InMv tj¡v lpssk-\pw. c≠m-as¯ hgn-bn-eqsSbmWv tdmUpw B[p-\nI hml-\-hp-am-Ip-t¼mÄ bm{XXoÀYm-S-I-cpsS {]th-i-\w. ImcWw hnizm-k-]-camb bpsS £oW-sam¶pw Adn-bp-I-tb-bn-Ã. t]mIp¶ {]m[m-\y-apÅ Øe-§-sfÃmw Chn-sS-bm-Wv. \{k-¯v, hgn-bn amdm, Feo³, d^m-Zo³ F¶o Øe-§Ä Im\m, Xnt_-cn-bqkv IS F¶n-h- {][m-\w. \t{kI≠v ≠v kqbkv I\m IpdpsI IS¶v B{^n-¡³ ≠ ¯n kJ-dn-bm-hnsâ `h-\w, tacn¡v Acp-f-¸mSv e`n¨ `qJ-WvU-¯n-te¡v {]th-in-¡pw. Øew, tPmk-^nsâ `h-\w, tacn shÅw tImcm³ sIbvtdm-bnse {][m\ ImgvN ]nc-an-Up-Ifpw t]mb skâ v tacokv InWÀ F¶n-h-sbms¡ ImWmw. kv ^ nMvkpw ]m¸n-dkv D≠m-¡p¶ ^mIvS-dn-bp-sam AXn\p tijw Im\m-bn-te-¡mWv {]th-in-¡p-¶Xv. s¡bmWv . tbip {InkvXp inip-hm-bn-cp-¶-t¸mÄ AhnsS tbip-{InkvXp shÅw hoªm-¡nb Øes¯ tacnbpw tPmk^pw tNÀ¶v tltdm-Zm-hns\ `b¶v ]Ån kµÀin-¡mw. AXn\p tijw Xn_-cn-bm-kn-te¡v CuPn] v X nt e¡v h¶v Hfn-¨p ]mÀs¯mcp Øe-ap≠v ≠v. ≠ bm{X. AhnsS Bbn-c-¯-ªqdp hÀj-t¯mfw ]g-¡-apXn_-cn-bmkv \Zn Fs¶ms¡ ]d-bp-sa-¦nepw A sÅmcp ]Ånbpap≠v ≠v. ^d-thmsâ Imes¯ PohnX ≠ sXmcp XSmIw am{X-am-Wv. Ccp-]-¯n-c≠ ≠v Intem-ao-äÀ coXn a\-Ên-em-¡p-¶ ^d-thm-WnIv hntÃPv asämcp \ofhpw ]Xn-\©v Intem-ao-äÀ hoXn-bpw A¼-¯©v ImgvN-bm-Wv. ss\ \Zn-bmWv asämcp kpµ-c-amb aoäÀ Bg-hp-apÅ XSm-Iw. AXn-a-t\m-l-chpw im´ImgvN. 94 iX-am\w apcp-`q-anbpw Bdp iX-am\w P\hp-amb Cu XSm-I-¯n\p aosX-bmWv {InkvXp \S-¶hm-k-apÅ taJ-e-bp-amWv CuPn-]vXnÂ. Cu P\-hmXmbn ]d-b-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv. AXn-t\m-S-\p-_-Ôn-¨mWv tacn k-ta-Je apgp-h³ ss\ \Zn-bpsS Ccp-I-c-I-fn-ep-amaKvZ-e-\-bpsS t]cp-ambn _Ô-s¸« aKvZ-e\ knän. bm-Wv. ]n¶oSv sIbvtdm hnam-\-¯m-h-f-¯n-se¯n ASp-¯-Xmbn F¯p-¶Xv AjvS-ku-`m-Ky-§-fpsS aeaS¡w. sb-¶-dn-b-s¸-Sp¶ au≠v ≠v Hm^v _nbm-än-äyqUnte-¡v. ≠ tjm¸n-§n\v _Xve-tl-amWv A\p-tbm-Pyw. A Kncn-{]-`m-j-W-¯nse F«p Imcy-§Ä ]d-ª-Xmbn hnsS {InkvXy³ kaq-l-§Ä \S-¯p¶ IS-I-fp≠v ≠v. ≠ Icp-X-s¸-Sp¶ ChnsS Hcp ]Ån-bp≠v ≠v. euUv kv]o¡≠ AhnsS \n¶mWv \mw kph-\oÀ km[-\-§-fmb ame, dnsâ D]-tbmKw IqSmsX Bbn-c-¡-W-¡mb BÄ¡mÀ sIm´ XpS-§n-bh hm§p-¶-Xv. ssh³ tjm¸nMv tbip-hnsâ {]kwKw kv^pS-ambn tI«p-sh-¶mWv ≠v. \S-t¯≠≠-hÀ¡v Im\m-bn AXn\p kuI-cy-ap≠ ≠ hnizm-kw. A¡mcyw ChnsS kµÀin-¡p¶ BÀ¡pw CuPn-]vXn \n¶p ]m¸n-dkn \nÀan¨ Iem-cq-]t_m[y-s¸-Spw. Hcp Bw^n Xob-ä-dn-s\-bmWv Cu §Ä hm§m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv. ]pcm-X\ CuPn-]vXnsâ Øew A\p-kva-cn-¸n-¡p-¶-Xv. ASp-¯-Xmbn kµÀinX\-Xmb Huj[ ssXe-§fpw AhnsS hnÂ]-\I¯p¶ apĸ-SÀ¸nsâ Øew ¡p-hm-\p-ÅXv ]t{Xm-kn\p k` GÂ]n¨p sImSp¯v bv¡p-≠m-hpw.


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February 2018




¶Wn cmjv{So-b-¯nsâ _m[y-X-I-sfm-¶p-anÃmsX tIcf \nb-a-k-`-bn thdn« \ne-]m-SpI-fpsS t]cn {i²n-¡-s¸-Sp¶ ]n. kn. tPmÀPv s] À¯v ae-bmfn Atkm-kn-tb-jsâ ]¯m-aXv hmÀjnI kt½-f-\-¯n ]s¦-Sp-¡m³ th≠n≠n- Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn ≠ F¯n-bn-cn-¡pIbmWv. cmjv{So-b-s¯-¸-änbpw kmaqly {]iv\-§-sf-¸-än-bp-saÃmw thdn«Xpw [oc-hp-amb ImgvN¸m-Sp-I-fmWv ]nkn-bpsS kzc-¯n\p ImtXmÀ¡m³ FXn-cm-fn-I-sf-t¸mepw t{]cn-¸n-¡p-¶-Xv. ]qªm-dnsâ Cu P\-{]-Xn-\n[n sat{Sm ae-bmfw Hmkvt{S-en-bbv¡v A\p-h-Zn¨ A`n-ap-J-¯n \n¶v. P\-]£w ]mÀ«n-bpsS {]Jym-]-\-¯n\p tijw ià-amb {]hÀ¯-\-§-sfm¶pw \S-¡p-¶n-Ã-tÃm. Hcp Imcyw a\-Ên-em-¡m-\p-ÅXv P\-]£w ]mÀ«n CXp-hsc {]Jym-]n-¨n-«n-Ã. ]mÀ«n-bp-≠m-¡p-sa¶p am{XamWv Ignª s^{_p-hcn 22-þ\v {]Jym-]n-¨-Xv. ]mÀ«n CXp-hsc {]Jym-]n-¨n-«n-Ã. AXmWp hyXym-kw. AXp ]eÀ¡p-samcp sXän-²m-c-W-bp-≠ ≠vv. \nb-a-k-`-bpsS ap ¶n KmÔn-{]-Xn-a-bpsS ap¶n h¨mWv cmjv{So-b-]mÀ «n-bp-≠m-¡p-sa¶p {]Jym-]n-¡p-¶-Xv. ]t£, ]mÀ«n {]Jym-]n-¨n-«n-Ã. BsI sNbvX-Xv ]mÀ«n-bpsS bph-P-\hn-`m-K-¯nsâ cq]o-I-c-W-am-Wv. bph-P-\-]-£-¯nsâ ]Xn-\mep PnÃm I½n-än-Ifpw \qänCcp-]-t¯-tgmfw \ntbm-P-I-a-WvUew I½n-än-Ifpw Bbn-«p≠v ≠v. AXp≠ I-gnªv \½psS h\n-Xm-]-£-¯nsâ I½nän Ignª H¼Xmw XobXn {]Jym-]n-¡m³ h¨n-cp-¶-Xm-Wv. ]t£, As¶mcp _µm-bn-t¸m-bn. AXn-\m amän-h-bvt¡≠n ≠ ≠n h¶p. Ah-cpsS PnÃm I½n-än-I-fm-bn. \ntbm-PI aWv Uew I½n-än-IÄ F{X-sb-®-ambn F¶p IrXy-ambn IW¡p In«n-bn-«n-Ã. \nj Fs¶mcp h\n-X-bpsS t\Xr -Xz-¯n AXnsâ {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä \S¶psIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p≠ I-bm-Wv. \ne-hn-epÅ {][m\ ]mÀ«n-I-fn \n¶m-sc-¦nepw P\-]£w ]mÀ«n-bn-te¡v hcm³ km[y-X-bp-t≠m. AXv \½psS \nb-a-k`m Xnc-sª-Sp-¸n-t\m-S-\p-_Ônt¨ ]d-bm³ km[n-¡q. ]e-cp-ambpw \ap¡v \à ≠v. ]t£, _Ô-ap≠v ≠v. ]ecpw \à A`n-{]mbw ]d-bp-¶p≠ ≠ AXv \nb-a-k`m Xnc-sª-Sp-¸n-t\m-S-\p-_-Ôn¨p am{XamWv kw`-hn-¡m³ km[y-X-bp-Å-Xv. AXp-hsc A§s\-sbm¶p kw`-hn-¡m-\pÅ km[y-X-IÄ ImWp-¶n-Ã. F¶p am{X-a-Ã, Ccp¶p Xg¼p ]nSn¨ Bcpw Xs¶ \½psS IqsS thW-sa¶p \mw B{K-ln-¡p-¶p-an-Ã. ]pXn-sbmcp Xe-ap-dbpw ]pXp-c-à-hp-amWv htc≠≠-Xv. ≠ AXnsâ Imc-W-sa-´m-sW¶p h¨m AhÀ Agn-a-Xns¡-Xn-cm-bn-cn-¡pw. hnI-k-\-{]-hÀ¯-\-§Ä IqSp-X-em bn \S-¡-W-sa-¶m-{K-ln-¡pw. \mSn\p amäw thW-sa¶m -{K-ln-¡pw. AXn-\m A§s\ cmjv{So-b-¡m-c-Ãm¯ hen-sbmcp {Kq¸n-s\-bmWv \mw B{K-ln-¡p-¶Xv. AXn -\mWv {ian-¨p-sIm≠n≠n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. ≠ Cu ]mÀ«n-bpsS {][m\ e£y-sa-´m-bn-cn-¡pw. Agn-a-Xn-s¡-Xn-cmb {]hÀ¯-\-amtWm {][m\e£yw. \½psS e£yw Agn-a-Xn-c-ln-X-am-sbmcp `c-W-kwhn-[m-\-am-Wv. Agn-a-Xn-c-lnXw sIm≠p-am-{X-am-bn-Ã. AXp am{Xw sIm≠v ≠v cmPy-¯n-s\-´m-sWmcp t\«w. hnI-k ≠ -\hpw thWw. hnI-k\ apc-Sn-¸n-s\-Xn-tc-bpÅ iàamb \ne-]mSv \ap¡p kzoI-cn-t¡≠n ≠n hcpw. Hcp DZm≠ l-cWw Rm³ ]d-bmw. Ct¸mÄ ChnsS Rm³ s]À ¯n Ccn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. ChnsS ss[cy-ambn GsXmcp `£-Whpw F\n¡p Ign-¡mw. tIc-f-¯n GsX-¦n-epsamcp `£Ww amb-an-ÃmsX \ap¡p Ign-¡m³ km[n¡p-tam. AXn-s\-´mWv Imc-Ww. ChnsS A§s\ sNbv Xm Ahsâ I¨-hSw \n¶p t]mIpw. tIc-f-¯n-emsW-¦n GXp hr¯n-tISp sN¿p-¶-h-s\bpw kwc-£n¡m³ cmjv{So-b-¡m-cp≠v ≠v. B ]cn-]mSn \nÀ¯n-¡-f-bpw. ≠ ChnsS Bsc-¦nepw \nbaw ewLn-¨p-sIm≠v ≠v h≠n ≠ ≠ HmSn-¡p-¶p-t≠m. \½psS AhnsS \nb-a-ew-L\w am{Xta-bp-Åq. Imc-W-sa-´m, \nbaw ewLn-¨mepw H¶pw `b-s¸-Sm-\n-Ã, c£n-¡m³ R§Ä FwFÂFamcp≠v ≠v, ≠ AsÃ-¦n cmjv{So-b-¡m-cp-≠ ≠vv. Cu \ne-sbm¶p amä-Ww. Agn-a-Xn-c-lnXw t]mse Xs¶, hnI-k-t\m-·pJw t]m se Xs¶ ambhpw ab-¡p-a-cp-¶p-an-Ãm¯ \mSpw P\-Xbp-amWv \½psS e£yw. \½-fn-t¸mÄ Dt±-in-¡p-¶Xv ImkÀtImSp apX Xncp-h-\-´-]pcw hsc-sbmcp Po¸v PmY-bm-Wv. hfsc ka-b-sa-Sp¯v Bfp-I-fp-ambn _Ôw ]peÀ¯n Imcy-§Ä ]d-ªp a\-Ên-em¡n Hcp Po¸v PmY-bmWv Dt±-in-¡p-¶-Xv. tIc-f-¯n sN¶p Ignªm-ep-S³ Xs¶ AXnsâ amÀK-tcJ X¿m-dm-¡pw. Xm¦Ä Hcp ]£-¯p-an-Ãm¯ Hcm-fm-W-tÃm. Ct¸mÄ sI. Fw. amWnbpw A¯-c-samcp \ne-bn-emWtÃm DÅ-Xv. \n§Ä ho≠pw H¶n-¡m\pw Hcp ap¶Wntbm atäm BIm\pw Fs´-¦nepw ]²-Xn-bp-t≠m. sI. Fw. amWnsb Iq«n-s¡m≠v ≠v ap¶-Wn-bp≠m ≠ -¡pI F¶Xv Bß-l-Xym-]-c-a-tÃ. Ft¸m-sgÃmw _P-


thdn-« hgntb P\-]£w äpt≠m At¸m-sgÃmw _P-äv hnäp Imip-≠m-¡nb BfmWv amWn. AXp am{X-a-Ã, Abm-fpsS IqsS-bpÅ BÄ¡mcpw A§s\ Xs¶. At§cpsS IqsS IqSn tbmPn¨p \n¶p F¶Xp am{X-amWv Fsâ Pohn-X-¯n BsI-¡qSn kw`-hn¨ A_-²w. AXv A¶s¯ tIcf tIm¬{Kkv hnIm-c-¯n-\nsS kw`-hn-¨-Xm-Wv. Fsâ Ak-kvsaân Cu tIcf tIm¬{Kkv Xs¶ Hcp {]kàn-bn-Ãm¯ ]mÀ«n-bm-Wv. ImcWw 64-þ ]mÀ«n cq]w sImÅp-t¼mÄ ]dª Hcp Imcyhpw \S-¸m-bn-«n-Ã. ImÀ jnI taJ-e-bpsS kwc-£Ww ]d-ªp. Ct¸mÄ ImÀ jnI taJebpsS Ah-Ø-sb-´m. d_À XoÀ¶p. AXn sâ Imcyw an≠m³ ]än-Ã. Ge-¯n\p t]mepw hnebn-Ã. Im¸n¡p hne-bn-Ã. Irjn-¡m-c³ XIÀ¶p Xocm-dm-bn. amWn-s¡´p sN¿m³ ]än. AXp-t]mse amWn \yq\ ]£ t{]aw ]d-ªp. amWn-sb-s¡m≠v ≠v \yq\-]-£≠ §Äs¡´p In«n. amWn-sb-s¡m≠pw amWnbpsS ]mÀ «n-sb-s¡m≠pw amWn hfÀ¶p, amWn Nodn, t\«w amWnbpsS aI-\p-ap-≠mbn F¶-X-ÃmsX kaq-l-¯n\p th≠n ≠ ≠n H¶pw sN¿m³ amWn¡p Ign-ªn-«n-Ã. AXp am{X-a-Ã, am Wn-¡n-t¸mÄ F¬]-s¯-t«mfw hb-Êm-bn. amWn-bn \n¶v Fs´-¦nepw {Inbm-ß-I-amb {]hÀ¯\w tIcf-¯nse P\-§Ä¡v {]Xo-£n-¡m³ km[y-a-Ã. AXp sIm≠v ≠v amWn-bp-ambn NÀ¨ sN¿p-¶Xp t]mepw Bß≠ l-Xym-]-c-am-sW-¶mWv Fsâ A`n-{]m-bw. Ct¸mÄ hcp¶ sN§-¶qÀ D]-Xn-c-sª-Sp-¸n Bsc ]n´p-Wbv¡pw F¶Xp kw_-Ôn¨v Fs´¦nepw [mc-W-IÄ D≠m-bn-«p-t≠m. R§-fn-t¸mÄ sN¿p-¶Xv Ahn-Sps¯ \ntbm-P-Ia-WvUew I½nän ]p\-kw-L-Sn-¸n-¨n-«p≠v ≠v. \ntbm-P-I-a≠ WvUew I¬h³j³ h¨n-«p≠v ≠v. I¬h³j-\n h¨v ≠ Fs´-¦n-ep-samcp Xocp-am\w {]Jym-]n-¡-W-sa-¶mWv h¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. Ce-£³ {]Jym-]n-¡p-¶-Xn\p ap¼v AhnsS t]mbn Fs´-¦nepw _l-f-ap-≠m-¡n-bn«v Imcysam-¶p-an-Ã. tjm¬ tPmÀPpw Ct¸mÄ am[y-a-§-fn-eqsS At±l-¯nsâ Imcy-amb kw`m-h-\-IÄ \ÂIp-¶p≠-v. ASp-s¯mcp Xnc-sª-Sp-¸n tjm¬ tPmÀPns\ Hcp Øm\mÀYn-bmbn {]Xo-£n-¡m-tam. {]Xo-£n-¡m\pw {]Xo-£n-¡m-Xn-cn-¡m\pw ]d-bm³ km[n-¡p¶ Imcy-a-Ã. bph-P-\-]-£-¯nsâ kwØm\ I¬ho-\À ssjPp lk-\m-Wv. FÃm tIcf tIm¬ {Kkpw H¶n¨p \n¶n-cp¶ Ime¯v sIFkvknbpsS kwØm\ {]kn-Uâm-bn-cp¶p ssjPp. At±-l-¯nsâ Iogn Hcp P\-d sk{I-«dn am{X-amWv tjm¬ tPmÀPv. AXn-\m tjm¬ Øm\mÀYn-bm-Ip-sa¶p ]d-bm³ Rms\m-cp-¡-aÃ. F¶m \nÀ¯m³ ]äp¶ Hcp kml-Ncy-ap-s≠-¦n AXn-s\-Xn-cp-a-Ã. AXn-\p-ff ]Iz-X-bmbn F¶v XoÀ¨-bmbpw hne-bn-cp-¯p¶-Xn F\n¡v A`nam-\-ap≠v ≠v. Fsâ aI-\m-bXp sIm≠p ]d-bp-I-b-Ã, Hcp ≠ cmjv{Sob {]hÀ¯-I-s\¶ \ne-bn ]Iz-X-tbmsS Imcy §sf t\m¡n-¡m-Wp-Ibpw {]Xn-I-cn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶ kz`mhw tjmWn-\p≠v ≠v. {]tXy-In¨v amWn-bpsS aIsâ ≠ `mcy Hcp hr¯n-sI« {]kvXm-h-\-bp-Å ]pkvX-I-hp-ambn h¶p. Ahsâ Hscmä ]{X-k-t½-f\w Ign-ª-tXmsS tIc-f-¯nse P\-§Ä apgp-h³ Ah\p sskUv sNbv Xp-sh¶p am{X-a-Ã, B kv{Xo¡v tdmUnen-d-§m³ Ignbm¯ Ah-Ø-bp-am-bn.

_n\p hn. tPmÀPv Zneo]v hnj-b-¯n Xm¦Ä FSp¯ \ne-]mSv P\§Ä I-≠Xm-Wv. AXn Iptd FXn-c-`n-{]mbw D≠mb-Xp-am-W-tÃm. {io tPmÀPn-s\-¸än P\-§Ä¡p-≠mbn-cp¶ A`n-{]m-b-¯n-s\-Xn-cm-bntà B \ne-]mSv. Ct¸mgpw AtX \ne-]m-Sn Dd¨p \n¡p-t¶m. B \ne-]m-Sn Dd¨p \n¡p-¶p-sh¶p am{X-Ã, B \ne-]mSv icn-bm-bn-cp-¶p-sh¶v ss[cy-]qÀhw XtâS-t¯msS P\-§-tfmSp {]Jym-]n-¡m³ B{K-ln-¡pIbpw sN¿p-¶p. Ct¸mÄ Zneo-]nsâ c≠p ]Sw ]pd¯p h¶-tÃm. Zneo-]n-s\-¸än P\-§Ä¡v tamiw A`n-{]m-bam-sW-¦n B ]S-§-sf-§-s\-bmWv C{Xbpw henb hnPbw ssIh-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. Bbm-sf-¸-än Np½m hr¯ntISp ]d-ª-Xm-Wv. ]gb Xe-ap-d-bnse cmjv{So-b-¡m-cn \n¶p ]p Xnb Xe-ap-dbv¡v Fs´-¦nepw hyXym-k-ap-≠m-Ip-¶Xmbn Hcp tXm¶-se-¦n-ep-ap-t≠m. ]pXp P\-td-j³ CsXm¶pw Nn´n-¡p-¶n-Ã. AhÀ s¡mcp I¼yq-«À thWw. Hcp samss_ t^m¬ thWw. AXn-eqsS Nmäv sN¿-Ww. AXn-\-¸p-d¯v bmsXmcp Nn´bpw AhÀ¡n-Ã. hfsc hfsc ZpJ-I-c-amb Hc-hØ-bn-te-¡mWv \mw t]mIp-¶-Xv. cmPy¯p P\m-[n]Xyw t]mepw \ne-\n¡p-tam-sb¶v F\n¡p kwibw tXm¶p-¶p≠v ≠v. ≠ CXn-s\mcp ImcWw C¶s¯ cmjv{Sob {]Øm\-§Ä IqSn-b-tÃ. AXp hfsc icn-bm-Wv. DZm-l-c-W-¯n\v hnZymÀYn kwL-S-\-IÄ hnZym-`ymk taJ-e-bn hcp-t¯≠ KpWI-c-amb amä-§-sf-¡p-dn¨v NÀ¨ sNt¿≠≠-Xn\p ]Icw ≠ ]mÀ«n ]d-bp-¶-X-\p-k-cn¨v kacw sN¿p-I-btà sN¿p¶-Xv. Fkv-F-^vsF AsÃ-¦n sIFkvbp Ah-cpsS ]mÀ«nsb iàn-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶-Xn\p ]Icw hnZym-`ym-k≠-X-tÃ. ta-J-e-bpsS {]iv\-§Ä¡p th≠n ≠n s]mcp-tX≠ ≠ GsX-¦nepsamcp hnZymÀYn {]Øm\w GsX-¦n-ep-samcp {]iv\w ap³\nÀ¯n amä-¯n\p th≠n ≠n Fs´-¦nepw ≠ sNbvXXv F\n-¡-dn-bn-Ã. Chsc C§-s\-bm-¡n-sb-Sp-¯Xv cmjv{Sob t\ Xm-¡³amÀ Xs¶-b-tÃ. I®qÀ taJ-e-bn-emWv cmjv{So-b-sa-¶Xv aXw t]m se Xebv¡p ]nSn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. AhnsS AhÀ ]mÀ«n¡p-th≠n ≠n F´pw sN¿pw. I®qÀ, ImkÀtImSv taJe ≠ hn«m Cu KXn-tI-Sn-Ã. Xncp-hn-Xmw-IqÀ taJ-e-bnsem¶pw t\Xm-¡³amÀ ]d-ªm sImÃm-s\m¶pw Bsf In«n-Ã. In«n-bn-cp¶ Ime-ap≠v ≠v. AsXms¡ t]m ≠ bn. BZn-hm-kn, ZfnXv P\-hn-`m-K-§Ä Ct¸mÄ cmjv{ Sobw hn«-tÃm. AhÀ cmjv{Sobw hn«-Xm-WtÃm IayqWnÌv ]mÀ«n-bpsS Gähpw henb {]iv\w. Cu \m«nse hr¯n-sI« Imcy-§Ä I≠p a\-Êp-a-Sp-¯-Xp-sIm-≠tà Ah-cn-§-s\-bm-b-Xv. GXm-bmepw cmjv{So-b-¯n Iptd amä-§Ä C\n-bp-≠m-Ipw. CXn-§s\ t]mbm icn-bmIn-sö Nn´ s]mXp-hmbn D≠m-bn-«p≠v ≠v. sam¯-amb ≠ Cu Nn´-bpsS `mK-ambn henb amäw hcp¶ Ime-ap ≠m-Ip-sa-¶mWv Rm³ {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶-Xv. \ap¡p Im¯ncp¶p ImWmw.

May 2018



Pohsâ A¸w

amdp-¶p. CXnsâ ^e-ambn \nc-h[n tjmÀ«v sNbn³ ^män Bkn-Up-IÄ D≠m-Ip¶psh¶p am{X-a-Ã, Ah-sbms¡ \nc-h[n KpW-^-e-§Ä¡p Imc-W-ambn amdp-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p. sdkn-Ìâ v ÌmÀ¨v C¯cw amä-¯n\p hnt[-b-am-Ip-t¼mÄ D≠m-Ip¶ {][m\ tjmÀ«v sNbn³ ^män Bkn-UmWv _yq«n-td-äv. imkv{X hnÚm\w A{X-sIm≠v ≠v Ah-km-\n-¸n¨v CXnsâ sa¨-¯n-te¡v ≠ \ap¡p hcmw. _yq«n-tdäns\ Hcp AZv`p-X-h-kvXp-sh¶p \ap¡p hnfn-¡mw. CXv F{X-am{Xw DÂ]m-Zn-¸n-¡-¸-Sp-¶pthm A{X-I-≠mWv AXn sâ sa¨w ico-c-¯n\p e`n-¡p-¶-Xpw. H¶m-as¯ sa¨w h³IpS-en-s\bpw aem-i-b-s¯bpw _m[n-¡p¶ Im³k-dn-s\-Xn-cmb sNdp-¯p-\nÂ]m-Wv. C¯cw Im³k-dn\pÅ km[y-Xsb G Xm≠v ≠v ]qÀW-am-bn-¯s¶ CÃm-Xm-¡p-¶p-sh¶p ]d-ªmepw ≠ sXän-Ã. sImf-kvt{SmÄ aqe-apÅ Btcm-Ky-{]-iv\-§Äs¡-Xnscbpw {]Xn-tcm-[-ambn CXp-am-dp-sa¶v imkv{X-temIw kwib-¯n-\n-S-bn-Ãm¯ hn[-¯n sXfn-bn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv. sImfkvt{Sm-fn-s\-Xn-cmb {]Xn-tcm-[-sa¶p ]d-bp-t¼mÄ lrZ-b-kw-_Ô-amb tcmK-§Äs¡-Ãm-sa-Xn-cmb {]Xn-tcm-[-sa¶p \nkw-ibw ]d-bmw. ImcWw cà-¯nse sImf-kvt{SmÄ AYhm sImgp-¸mWtÃm lrt{Zm-K-¯nsâ H¶mw \¼À GPâ v. CXphgn Xs¶ s]m®-¯-Sn¡pw CXp ]cn-lm-c-ambn amdp-¶p. ae-tim-[\ Dd-¸ph-cp-¯p-¶Xp hcp-¯p¶ Kmkvt{Sm Câ-ssÌ-\ F¶p sshZyim-kv{X-¯n ]d-bp¶ Zl-\-kw-_-Ôn-bmb tcmK-§Äs¡Ãmw {]Xn-tcm-[-ambn Cu tKmX¼v amdp-¶p. sNdp-Ip-S-en h¨pÅ A¶-P-¯nsâ BKn-cWw XS-bpI hgn {]ta-ls¯ ]t≠ hcpXn-bn-em-¡nb Imcyhpw ad-¡-cp-Xv. C{Xbpw imkv{X-¯nsâ shfn-¨-¯n C\n ]d-bpI Cu tKmX-¼ns\ \½-sf´p t]cn«p hnfn-¡-Ww. kwi-bn-t¡≠ CXv Pohsâ A¸w Xs¶.

sat{Smaebmfw \yqkv _yqtdm


X¼v shdp-samcp [m\y-sa-¶-Xn-\¸pdw Pohsâ A¸-ambn amdp¶ Kth-j-W¯nsâ Xe-¸¯v ae-bm-f-¯nsâ kv]Ài-ambn amdpIbmWv N§-\m-ticn kztZ-in-\n-bmb tUm. Alv aZv sdPo-\. tIma¬sh¯v kbân-^nIv B³Uv C³U-kv{Sn-b dnkÀ¨v HmÀK-ss\-tk-j (-kn-Fkv-sF-BÀ-Hm)-\n imkv{X-Ú-bmb sdPo-\-bpsSbpw kwL-¯n-sâbpw Is≠¯Â tKmX-¼nsâ Xe-hc Xs¶ amän-h-c-¨m t]mepw AZv`p-X-s¸-tS≠Xn-Ã. a\p-jym-bp-kns\ hÃmsX Npcp-¡n-¡-f-bp-Ibpw Pohn-X-§sf Ibv]p-Ip-Sn-¸n-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p¶ {]talhpw AÀ_p-Zhp-apÄs¸-sS Ac-U-k-t\mfw tcmK§Äs¡-Xn-cmb sNdp-¯p-\nÂ]n\v XpW \n¡phm³ tKmX-¼n\p km[n-¡p-sa¶p h¶m AXns\ Pohsâ A¸-sa-¶-ÃmsX ]ns¶-´mWv hnfn-¡m³ km[n-¡p-I. ]co-£-W-im-ebv¡pw ]co£W ]mS¯n\pw ]pd-t¯¡v Ch-cpsS tKmX¼v Cd-§p-I -bm-Wv. Btcm-Ky-¯nsâ Imh-em-fmbn tKmX¼p amdp -¶-Xn\p XpS¡w Ata-cn-¡-bn-em-bn-cn-¡pw. Hmkvt{Sen-b-bn P·-sa-Sp¯v temIw Iog-S-¡p-¶ Is≠ ¯-ep-I-fpsS ]«n-I-bn-te¡v sshss^¡pw aäpw tijw IS¶p hcp-¶Xv temI-¯nse aq¶n-semt¶mfw P\-§-fpsS {][m\ `£W-amb tKmX¼v.

Kth-j-IÀ kz´w \ne-bn t]scm¶pw \ In-bn-«n-Ãm¯ Cu tKmX¼v C\-¯ns\ sdPo-\bpw kwLhpw hnfn-¡p-¶Xv ssl Aan-tekv tKmX¼v F¶m-Wv. t]cn\v ]co-£-W-im-e-bpsS S¨v hcp¶Xv kzm`m-hn-Iw. C\n hymh-km-bn-Im-Sn-Øm-\¯n DÂ]m-Z\w \S-¡p-t¼m-gm-WtÃm P\-{]nbw t\Sp¶ hnfn-t¸-cp-I-fp-≠m-Ip-I. Ata-cn-¡-bn Cu tKmX¼v hymh-km-bn-Im-Sn-Øm-\-¯n DÂ]m-Zn¸n-¡m\pw hn]-W\w \S-¯m-\papÅ Ah-Imiw


C{X-bp-sam-s¡-bm-Ip-t¼mÄ D≠m-Im-hp¶ {][m\ kwibw CXv P\n-X-I-am-äw hcp-¯nb D¸-¶-amtWm F¶-Xm-Im-sa¶v sdPo\ Icp-Xp-¶p. AXn\pw Cu Kth-j-I-bpsS ]¡Â IrXy-

t_ tÌäv anÃnMv F¶ Øm]\w kz´-am-¡n-¡gn-ªp. Ah-cnXn\v \ÂIn-bn-cn-¡p¶ t]cv sl ¯vsk³kv ss^_À hoäv. C\n Hmtcm cmPy-§Ä ¡p-apÅ hn]-W-\m-h-Imiw kz´-am-¡p-¶-hÀ P\§Ä¡n-S-bn kzoIm-cy-am-Ip¶ t]cp-IÄ \ÂIns¡m-t≠bn-cn-¡pw. Ata-cn-¡³ I¼\n \ÂIn-bn-cn¡p¶ t]cmb sl¯v sk³kv CXnsâ BtcmKy-]-c-amb sa¨-¯n-te¡p hnc Nq≠p-¶Xp Xs¶. CXnsâ Btcm-Ky-]-c-amb sa¨-§-sf-¡p-dn¨v ]dªp XpS-t§-≠Xv CXnse Zly-\m-cp-I-Ä AYhm Ub-ädn ss^_-dnsâ hÀ[n¨ Af-hns\ ap³\nÀ¯n-bm-Wv. B[p-\nI imkv{Xw Btcm-Ky -kw-c-£-W-¯nsâ ASn-Øm-\-ambn D]-tZ-in-¡p-¶ XpXs¶ [mcmfw \mcpÅ Blmcw Ign-¡q, hyXykvX-bn\w \mcp-I-fpÅ `£Ww Ign¡q F¶m-Wv. km[m-cW tKmX-¼n-s\-¡mÄ 10 iX-am\w A[nI-am-Wn-Xnse \mcv AYhm ss^_dnsâ Awiw. \mw `£n-¡p¶ GsXmcp hkvXp-hnepw {][m-\am-bpÅ A©p-L-S-I-§-fn-sem-¶mWv \mcp-IÄ. amwkyw AYhm t{]m«n³, A¶Pw AYhm ImÀ t_m-ssl-t{U-äv, [mXp-¡Ä AYhm an\-dÂkv, t]mj-I-§Ä AYhm hnä-an³kv F¶n-h-bmWv aäp \mep LS-I-§Ä. GXp [m\y-¯nsâbpw {]tXyI-Xbpw Nnesc kw_-Ôn-¨n-S-t¯m-f-sa-¦nepw {][m\ \yq\-Xbpw A[n-I-cn¨ A¶-P-¯nsâ tXm Xm-Wv. CXp-aq-e-amWv Acnbpw tKmX-¼p-saÃmw {]ta-l-tcm-Kn-IÄ¡v {]iv\-Im-cn-I-fmbn amdp-¶-Xv. A¶Pw IqSp-¶-X-\p-k-cn¨v cà-¯nse ¥qt¡mknsâ Afhv Db-cp-¶p. icocw kzm`m-hn-I-ambn C³kp-en³ DÂ]m-Z\w Ipd-bv¡p¶ tcmK-am-WtÃm {]ta-lw. At¸mÄ ¥qt¡m-knsâ tXmXp-b-cp¶Xv {]ta-l-tcm-Kn-IÄ¡v hnÃ-\mbn amdp-¶p-sh¶p Npcp-¡w. Ahn-sS-bmWv ssl Aan-tekv hoänsâ {]tXy-Ibpw sa¨-hpw. CXnse A¶Ps¯ sdkn-Ìâ v ÌmÀ¨v F¶p hnfn-¡mw. CXnsâ sa¨w a\-Ên-em-¡-W-sa-¦n a\p-jy-i-co-c-¯nse Zl-\-hy-h-Ø-sb¶ \mamcpw A[n-I-sam¶pw Nn´n-¡m¯ temI-t¯¡v sNdpXm-sbm¶p It®m-Sn-t¡≠nhcpw. ≠nhcpw. efn-X-amb `mj≠ bn ]d-ªmÂ, km[m-c-W-bmbn Zl-\-hy-h-ØbpsS `mK-amb sNdp-Ip-S-en h¨mWv A¶-P¯nsâ BKn-cWw \S-¡p-¶-Xv. F¶m sdkn-Ìâ v ÌmÀ¨n-em-Is« sNdp-Ip-S-en h¨v Imcy-amb tXm Xn BKn-cWw \S-¡p-¶-tX-bn-Ã. ]Icw CXv IpS-ensâ ASp¯ `mK-amb h³Ip-S-en-te¡v A§s\-Xs¶ F¯n-t¨-cp-¶p. h³Ip-S-em-Is« hnhn-[bn\w _mIvSo-cn-b-I-fpsS Bhm-k-tI-{µ-hp-am-Wv. A¡qsSbpÅ D]-Im-cn-I-fmb _mIvSo-cn-b-I-fpsS Blm-c-ambn CXnse ÌmÀ¨v amdp-¶p. AXn-kq£va-Po-hn-I-fmb _mIvSo-cn-b-I-fpsS {]hÀ¯-\-^-eambn h³Ip-S-en h¨ h¨v Blm-c-¯nsâ ]pfn-¸n-¡Â AYhm s^Àa-sâ-j³ {]hÀ¯\w DuÀPn-X-ambn

amb D¯-c-ap≠v ≠v. CXn\p ]n¶n P\n-X-I-am-ä-¯nsâ Btem-N\ ≠ t]mep-an-Ã. H¶c Zi-I-t¯m-f-ambn XpSÀ¶p hcp¶ \nÀ[m -cW ]co-£-W-§-fpsS ^e-am-Wn-Xv. ]c-¼-cm-K-X-amb {_oUnMv kmt¦-Xn-I-hn-Zy-bm-Wn-Xv. Hcp {]tXy-I-X-bpÅ C\s¯ Is≠¯n AXns\ {]tXy-I-ambn Irjn sNbvXv B {]tXy-I-Xsb ]c-amh[n t]mjn-¸n¨v ]pXnb C\s¯ hnI-kn-¸n-¡pI F¶-XmWv \nÀ[m-c-W-¯nsâ e£yw. temI¯v tKmX¼v hf-cp¶ GXv {]tZ-i¯pw Cubn\w hf-cp-sa-¶-Xn sdPo-\bv¡v kwi-b-an-Ã, F¶m Hmtcm cmPy-s¯bpw Imem-h-Øbv¡pw `q{]-Ir-Xn¡pw CW§p¶ hn[-¯n CXns\ ]cn-hÀ¯-\-s¸-Sp-¯n-sb-Sp-¡m³ XpSÀK-th-j-W-§Ä Bh-iy-am-sW-¶n-hÀ Icp-Xp-¶p. tIc-f-¯n Xs¶ \n¶n-cp-s¶-¦n sdPo\ Fhn-sS-sb-¯pam-bn-cp-¶p-sh¶p tNmZn-¨m Hcp Irjn Hm^o-kÀ F¶p IcpXp-¶-Xmhpw icn. Xncp-h-\-´-]p-c-¯n-\-Sp¯v shÅm-b-Wn-bnse ImÀjnI tImf-Pn \n¶v Irjnimkv{X-¯n _nFkvknbpw Xriq-cn shf-fm-\n-¡-c-bnse tlmÀ«n-¡Ä¨À tImf-Pn \n¶v AtX hnj-b-¯n FwFkvknbpw Ic-Ø-am-¡n-b-Xn\p tijw GXm\pw hÀjw Ip«-\m-«n as¦m-¼nse s\Ãp Kth-jW tI{µ¯n tPmen t\m¡n-b-Xn\p tijw ]nF¨vUn Kth-j-W-¯n-\mbmWv ChÀ knF-kv-sF-BÀ-Hm-bn-se-¯p-¶-Xv. ]Xn-s\«p hÀjw ap¼m-bn-cp¶p CXv. AXn\p tijw Ahn-sS-¯s¶ tPmen-bn XpS-cp-¶-Xn-\nsS Hmkvt{S-en-b³ A¡m-U-an- Hm^v ¹mâ v kb³kkn hnkn-änMv s^tem Bbn. H«-\-h[n cmPy-§-fnse ImÀjnI Kth-j-W-tI-{µ-§-fn tkh-\-sa-¯n-¡m\pw ChÀ¡p km[n-¨n«p≠v ≠v. ≠ ssl Aan-tekv tKmX¼v F¶p imkv{X-¯nsâ Nph-Sp-]n -Sn¨v X§-fpsS I≠p-]n-Sp-¯s¯ hnfn-¡p¶ sdPo\ C\n hnhn[ temIcmPy-§Ä X§-fpsS \mSnsâ khn-tij kml-Ncy-§-fn Cu tKmX¼v hfÀ¯p-¶-Xn\p th≠ XpSÀKth-j-W§Ä \S-t¯¯-≠Xp-s≠¶ ]£-¡m-cn-bm-Wv. AXp-t]mse s{_Uv, ]mkvXm, \qUnÂkv XpS§n tKmX¼v ASn-Øm-\-am-¡n-bp-≠m¡p¶ hnhn[ hkvXp-¡-fn sdkn-Ìâ v ÌmÀ¨nsâ km¶n[yw ]c-am-h[n kwc-£n-¡p-¶-sX-§-s\-sb¶ Kth-j-Whpw \S-t¡≠Xp-s≠¶p Icp-Xp-¶p. Npcp-¡-¯n sdPo\ ssl Aan-tekv tKmX-¼ns\ hnSm-\pÅ e£-W-sam-¶p-an-Ã. CXnsâ \m\m-ta-Je-IÄ C\nbpw Cu N§-\m-ti-cn-¡m-cn¡p ap¶n Kth-j-W-¯n\mbn Xpd¶p InS-¡p-I-bm-Wv.

May 2018



sat{Smaebmfw \yqkv _yqtdm


ÀWm-SI \nb-a-k-`-bn-te-¡pÅ Xnc-sª-Sp¸v ]Sn-hm-Xn-en-se-¯n-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. C¡p-dn-bm-sc¶ tNmZy¯n\v IrXy-amb D¯cw \ÂIm³ cmjv{Sob ]WvUn-äp-I-sfm¶pw X¿m-dm-Ip-¶n-sÃ-¶Xp hmkvX-hw. XpS-¡-¯n \S¶ A`n-{]mb kÀth-I-sfÃmw IrXyambpw Xq¡p-k-`-bpsS kqN-\-I-fmWv X¶n-cp-¶-sX-¦n Ct¸mÄ t^mt«m ^n\n-sj¶ \ne-bn-te¡v kÀth-IÄ Nph-Sp-am-än¯pS-§n-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. {Xmknsâ kqNn-ap\ GsX-¦n-ep-samcp `mK-t¯¡v AÂ]-sa-¦nepw Xncn-bp-¶p-sh-¦n Bcv. tNmZyw hfsc kPo-h-am-Wv. _nsP-]nbpw tIm¬{Kkpw Hcp t]mse {]Xo£ ]peÀ¯p-¶p-sh¶p \nkw-ibw ]d-bmw. F ¶m-epw...? AXn-\p-¯cw \ne-hn-epÅ apJy-a{´n kn²cm-a-¿-bn \n¶p Xs¶ XpS-§-Ww. At±-l-¯nsâ t_mUn emwtKzPv t]mepw Bß-hn-izm-k-¯n-tâ-Xmbn Ign-ªn-cn-¡p-¶p. Cu cmjv{Sob NmW-Iy³ ASnsbm

{µ-tam-Znbpw kn²-cm-a-¿bpw X½n Xs¶-bm-Wv. AXnemWv \ne-hn-epÅ apJy-a-{´n-bpsS hnP-bw. {][m-\-a{´n-tbmSv t\cn-t«Â¡m³ X¡ cmjv{Sob IqÀa-Xbpw P\-Iob ASn-¯-dbpw t\Sn-sb-Sp-¡m³ At±-l-¯n\p km[n-¨n-cn-¡p-¶p. \nkmc Imcy-a-Ãn-Xv. Xnc-sª-Sp¸v ap¶n I≠v ≠v anI-hpä Bkq-{XW ≠ sshZ-Kv[y-t¯m-sS-bmWv PmXo-bhpw {]mtZ-in-I-hp-amb ImÀUp-IÄ kn²-cm-a¿ Cd-¡n-¡-fn-¨-Xv. _nsP-]n-¡msW-¦n ]Xn-hp-t]mse hÀKob {[p-ho-I-c-W-¯nsâ ImÀUp Xs¶-bmWv Ifn-¡m-\p≠m-bn-cp-¶-Xv. tKmh[ \ntcm-[\w Dd-¸p-h-cp-¯p-sa¶ {]I-S\ ]{Xn-I-bnse hmKvZm\w Xs¶ CXn-\pÅ sXfn-hm-Wv. CXn\p ]Icw tIm¬{Kkv apt¶m«p h¨-Xm-Is« IÀj-I-þ-Z-fn-Xv-þ-]nt¶m¡ t£a-sa¶ ImÀUm-Wv. CXp \¶mbn Ginsb¶v {]Nm-c-W-tbm-K-§-fn-se-¯p¶ P\-¡q«w sXfnhp \ÂIp-¶p. CsXm-s¡-bm-sW-¦nepw c≠p aWvU-e-§fn aÕ-cn-¡p¶ apJy-a{´n kn²-cm-a¿ c≠n≠n-S¯pw ≠ I\¯ t]mcm-«-s¯-bmWv t\cn-Sp-¶-Xv. CXp-sIm-s≠m ¶pw apJy-a-{´nsb kz´w aWvU-e-§-fn Xf-¨n-Sm³

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Cu hÀjw Ah-km\w Xnc-sª-Sp¸v \S-¡m-\p-Å-Xvþ a-[y-{]-tZ-iv, cmP-Øm³, O¯o-kvK-Uv. IÀWm-S-I-¯n tXm¡p-I-bm-sW-¦n Chn-sS-sbÃmw AXnsâ Aesbm-en-IÄ Db-cm-\pÅ km[y-Xsb Ah-K-Wn¨p XÅm\m-hn-Ã. P\-Xm-ZÄ Fknsâ Ah-Ø-bmWv CXn Gähpw ]cn-Xm-]-I-chpw AtX \nÀWm-b-I-hp-ambn amdm³ km[y-

IÀWm-SI t^mt«m^n\n-jn-te¡v gp¡p-IÄ a\-Ên-em-¡p¶p F¶-Xnsâ kqN-\-bmtWm CXv. _nsP-]n¡v Hcp ImÀtU Ifn-¡m-\p-Åq. AXv {][m\-a{´n \tc{µ tamZn Xs¶-bm-Wv. At±lw Bsf-¡q-«p¶-Xn hnP-bn-¡p-¶p-ap≠v ≠vv. BÄ¡q«w apgp-h³ thm«mb ≠ thm«mbnn amdp-I-bm-sW-¦n aµ-lmkw Db-cp-¶Xv sbZyq-c-¸-bn \n¶m-Ipw. BÄ¡q«w apgp-h³ thm«mbn amdnb Ncn{Xw Xnc-sª-Sp-¸p-I-fn-ep-t≠m-sb¶ adp-tNmZyw D¯-c-anÃmsX XpS-cp-¶p. Xnc-sª-Sp¸v tKmZm-bn _nsP]n ]mf-b-¯n AanXv jmbpw t\Xm-¡³am-cpsS ]S apgp-h\pw X¼-Sn-¨n«p≠v ≠v. ZfnXv hncp² ]cm-aÀiw \S¯n skÂ^v tKmf≠ Sn¨ A\-´-Ip-amÀ slKvtU hsc A¡q-«-¯n-ep≠v ≠v. ≠ tIm¬{Kkv Iym¼n-emsW¦n bph-cm-Pmhv cmlp KmÔn apX F®-aä t\Xm-¡³amcpw Djm-dmbn ]cyS-\-§Ä \S-¯p-¶p. F¶m t]mcm«w \S-¡p-¶Xv \tc-

_nsP-]n¡p Ign-bp-¶n-sÃ-¶Xv asämcp Imcyw. tIm¬{K-kn\pw _nsP-]n¡pw Xnc-sª-Sp-¸nse hnP-b-¯n Ihnªv asäm¶psIm≠pw Xr]vXn-s¸-Sm -\m-hn-sÃ-¶-XmWv hmkvX-hw. {][m-\-a-{´n-bpsS Xmcaq-ey-¯n\v aps¼-¶-s¯-¡mfpw shÃp-hnfn t\cn-tS≠n ≠ ≠n h¶n-cn-¡p-I-bm-sW¶ bmYmÀYyw _nsP-]n-bpsS ap¶nep≠v ≠v. tIm¬{K-kn-\m-sW-¦n ssI¸n-Sn-bn \n¶v ≠ Hmtcmtcm kwØm-\-§-fmbn sImgnªp t]mIp-t¼mÄ Z£n-tW-´y-bnse Cu Xpcp-s¯-¦nepw \ne-\nÀ¯ntb aXn-bm-Iq. KpP-dm-¯nse Ct©m-Sn©v t]mcm«w {]hÀ ¯-IÀ¡p \ÂIn-bXv Akm-am-\y-amb Bß-hn-izm-kam-sW¶v cmlp-en\pw tIm¬{K-knsâ Xe-¸-¯n-cn-¡p¶-hÀ¡pw \¶m-b-dn-bmw. CXv AtX-]Sn \ne-\nÀ¯W-sa-¦n hnPbw IqSntb Xocq. _nsP-]n-¡m-sW-¦n X§Ä `c-W-¯n-en-cn-¡p¶ aq¶p kwØm-\-§-fn-emWv

X-bp-Å-Xv. sX¡³ PnÃ-I-fmWv P\-Xm-Z-fnsâ iàn -tI-{µw. AhnsS t\«-ap-≠m-¡m-\m-Ip-sa¶ ImgvN-¸m-Sn {][m\a{´n \tc-{µ tamZn XpS-¡-¯n ZÄ t\Xmhpw ap³ {]-[m-\-a-{´n-bp-amb F¨v. Un. tZh-Ku-U-tbmSv arZp kao-]\w ]peÀ¯p¶ \ne-]mSv kzoI-cn-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. CXv Ccp-hÀ¡pw hn\-bmbn amdp-sa¶v kn²cm-a-¿-bpsS XIÀ¸³ tjm«p-I-fn-eqsS hyà-am-b-t¸mÄ {][m-\-a-{´n¡p Xs¶ ap³ {]-[m-\-a-{´n-tbm-Sp-ff \ne]mSv Xncp-t¯≠≠-Xmbn hcp-Ibpw sNbvXp. F¶m AXn≠ \Iw Xs¶ ssatePv t\Sm³ apJy-a-{´n¡p Ign-ªpsh-¶Xv asämcp Imcyw. F¶n-cn-¡nepw Xq¡p a{´n-k`-sb-§m-\p-amWv hcp-¶-sX-¦n P\-Xm-Z-fnsâ \ne-]mSv \nÀWm-b-I-am-bn-cn-¡p-sa¶p am{X-aà AXv _nsP-]n¡v A\p-Iq-e-am-bn-cn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-sa-¶mWv s]mXpth Icp-X-s¸-Sp-¶-Xv.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Vinoth V. V.

is expected to rise to $6.6 billion by 2021 from a humble $600 million in 2014. From appointing an AI minister to hosting the 1st ever Annual AI conference in healthcare and education, the one economy that has already started setting its standards is the UAE. This also sheds light on the acceptance of change by the entire country on making avail a better universal healthcare system in a more affordable, accessible, accurate and effective manner. “AI not only defined the world of tomorrow but also determined how we are going to think and act in the future”, said


one are the days when Artificial Intelligence or AI as we know it, was just another concept hidden behind the walls of Silicon Valley giants. An idea that’s been around since the 1950s, AI was considered pure science fiction, relegated to television and books alone - to today where I don’t need to tell you that we are well past that point. There have been such rapid advancements in the field of technology, unlocking a wave of AI investments, that it has become a synonym for the next stage of human advancement. Amongst all the domains, healthcare has been a very prolific sector for AI, to an extent where it has become nearly impossible to describe the future of health without mentioning AI. The sector is regarded as the test-bed for AI-led transformations,


Mr Akram Moideen Thumbay, director of Thumbay technologies, at the annual AI conference that had experts from the fields of healthcare, academics and AI. “The roadmap of future healthcare is a system that is a mix of mobile applications, chatbots and smart computer analytics that will provide patients with their diagnosis”, said Sheikh Bassam Mahboub of the Dubai Healthcare Authority. “This will significantly cut down on patient wait times, However, if the system fails to reach a solution, then it will immediately put the patient in contact with the doctor that is

Technology best suited to treat them”. “When you look at technologies such as IBM Watson, then you realise that there are great AI systems already out there that are being refined, but through all of this, it is important to keep the human touch present. The future, as I see it, is not going to be doctors versus AI, but it is going to be augmented intelligence where doctors will use AI to help provide patients with the best care possible.” It is not just developed countries, the under-developed and developing countries will have a great deal to gain from AI, according to keynote speaker Dr Sandeep Reddy, Medical informatician and Health Evaluation specialist from Sydney Australia. From accessible and affordable treatment to early detection and prevention of diseases, AI will surely have a huge impact. The main advantage of AI is the ability to deal with complexities; with increasing number of variables interacting at once, findings can be difficult to come in terms with, and this is where AI can help.

Conclusion Ubiquitous AI applications still have a long way to go before it can be used in actuality. But tapping the growing interest in the potentiality of this industry, investments worth $5.5 billion and a strong foundation to encouraging budding startups, is how the UAE economy currently is creating the perfect platform to grow be it in healthcare or any other sectors, and its time the rest of us get cracking.

March 2018



have never been a fashionista during my teenage years – a couple of jeans with some kurtas, a pair of shoes and a jacket was my entire wardrobe. Today I own three wardrobes filled with sarees from almost every Indian state. I wore my first saree when I was fifteen and never thought then that this simple Indian attire would be responsible for one of the fascinating adventures of my life (the launch of Five Pleats). Women in India have been draping sarees for centuries and it has always been a ‘taken for granted’ attire. But not many have realised that sarees are a way of life and income for many Indians. It is not just 6 yards of colourful material, it is the creative canvas of the artisans who weave this versatile piece of clothing. The sarees have continued to fascinate me since that first day. It was like I was engulfed in its mystic folds and transformed into a lady. It was my ‘My Fair Lady’ moment!! And this love affair continued to grow and flourish. I have now re - embarked on my saree journey with a vision – to give the Indian handlooms and hand embroideries a platform, to recreate that era when handlooms created fashion statements - statements that were grandiose yet simple. Ikat is one of the weaves that I am particularly partial to. Ikat patterns are dyed and bound into the threads before the saree is woven. This is different from the Tie and Dye process where the fabric is woven and then tied and dyed. The ikatweave is found in three Indian states - Telangana, Gujarat and Odisha. And since handwoven sarees


May 2018


are intrinsically entwined with the way of life of the people of the region, the weaving technique though similar, the patterns creatcreat ed are quite unique and symbolic. While the Pochampally sarees of Telangana and the Patola sarees of Gujarat have geometric patterns and patterns depicting flowers, parpar rots, elephants and dancing girls, the Sambalpuri and Bomkai sarees from Odisha have elephants, ducks, deer, couch shell, lotus, and wheels from the Konark Sun Temple. Following the traditional weaving process some ikat sarees (especial(especial ly the double ikat ones) can take two people up to seven months to weave one saree.


With more people settling outside India, sarees had faded in to the background for a while, with even the younger generation in India becoming partial to the WestWest

Poornima Koonath Menon

ern garb. However, there has been an awakening and in the recent past like-minded women have made a move towards reviving the weaves of India and making it their fashion statement. Five Pleats was born out of a desire to start a conversation about sarees and the life of the weaving communities. It is an attempt to bridge the gap between the “weaver and the wearer�. Sarees are meant to be timeless pieces of art, heirlooms that are passed from the mother to the daughter on her wedding day, a blessing of sorts. Handwoven sarees are definitely dearer than those churned out in power looms, and I do not endorse machine made pieces that try to artificially create the glory of the original. These cheap imitations are slowly destroying the handloom heritage of India. I believe there is a saree for every occasion. I am not one for keeping up with the changing fashion trends that are transitional. I am for the traditional and the ethnic, they are timeless. So, if you are a lady with exceptional taste who wants a touch of class in her wardrobe, then start a Five Pleats collection; your wardrobe will reflect the kaleidoscope of India and her rich heritage.


May 2018



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`m-X-§fpw {]tZm-j§fpw, cm{Xn-Ifpw AhÄ¡v k½m-\n-¨n-cn¡p-¶Xv AÔ-Im-c-¯nsâ aqSp ]Sw AWnª B Ccp-«-d-I-fm-Wv. Cu temIhpw AXn hkn-¡p¶ a\p-jyÀ Dĸ-sS-bpÅ tImSm\p tImSn Poh-Pm-e-§fpw AhÄ¡n-¶-\yam-Wv. Ah-fpsS Nn´IfnÂ, C\nbpÅ bm{X-I-fn AhÄ¡v A\p-`hn-¨-dn-bm³ Ign-bp-¶Xv Ah-fpsS temIw am{X-am-bncn¡pw. AhnsS kvt\l _Ô-§-fnÃ, bmYmÀ°y-§fp-an-Ã.' Xsâ ]pXnb teJ-\-¯nsâ BapJw FgpXn \nÀ¯nb \µp ]n¶oSv Nn´n-¨Xv Cu temI-¯n \S\-am-Sp¶ {Iqc-X-Isf Ipdn-¨m-Wv.

C¶p ]{Xam[y-a-§-fnepw tkmjy aoUn-b-bn-epw NqSpÅ NÀ¨-tbmsS FÃm-hcpw ]¦n-Sp-¶Xv {][m-\ambpw aq¶v Imcy-§Ä BWv. kv{XoIÄ¡v t\sc DbÀ ¶p-sIm-≠ ≠n-n-cn-¡p¶ ]oU\§Ä, aXkulmÀ±s¯ shÃp-hn-fn¨p ssZhs¯ tImam-fn-bm-¡n-sIm≠v ≠v aX≠ ¯nsâ t]cn \S-¡p¶ {Iqc-X-IÄ, Øm\\am\-§Ä ¡p-th≠n ≠n NqXm«w \S¯n kz´w Ioi hoÀ¸n-¡p-hm³ ≠ X{X-s¸-t«m-Sp¶ cmjv{Sob tIma-c-§-fpsS ]c-kv]-capÅ sNfn hmcn Fdn-bÂ. ""\µq.... Aѳ hnfn-¡p¶p \ns¶'' A½-bpsS \o«nbp-Å-hnfn Xsâ Nn´-IÄ¡v hncmaw C«p. ]ns¶ tKmhWn-¸-Sn-IÄ Cd§n Xmsg Cd-b¯v Nmcp-I-tk-c-bn hn{i-an-¡p¶ AÑsâ Acn-In-te¡v t]mbn. ""Aѳ Fs¶ hnfn-¨pthm?' AXpw ]dªv hcm-´bnse XqWn-te¡v Nmcn \µp Ccp-¶p. ""\o B Ip«nsb t]mbn I≠n≠n-cp-¶pthm?'' AÑsâ ≠ a\-kn Xfw sI«n-\n¶ Zp:Jw B hm¡p-I-fn {]Xn^en-¨p. ""Dw...'' \µp aqfpI am{Xw sNbvXp. "AhÀ¡v F´p klmbw thW-sa-¦nepw \o sNbvXp-sIm-Sp-¡-Ww. Bcpw XpW-bn-Ãm¯ ]mh-§Ä BWv'. AXpw ]dªv Aѳ apdn-¡p-Ån-te¡v t]mbn. cm{Xn AÔ-Im-cs¯ ]pW-cp-hm³ XpS-§n-bn-cp-¶p. Ccp-«n-te¡v I®pw \«v ho≠pw Nn´m-aq-I-\mbn \µp Ccp-¶p. Ah \´phns\ Iq«n-s¡m≠v ≠v t]mbXv t]amcn ≠ Hgnª B cm{Xn-bpsS HmÀaI-fn-te-¡m-bn-cp-¶p. A¶p ]{X Hm^o-kn \n¶pw ]Xn-hnepw sshIn-bmWv Cd§n-b-Xv. IÀ¡-S-I-a-g-bpsS Xo£-W-X-bn kwlm-c-Xm≠h-am-Sp¶ {]Ir-Xn-bpsS aSn-¯-«n-eqsS Xsâ ss_¡nep-Å- bm{X Zp:Êlw BIp-sa¶v Adn-ªp-sIm≠v ≠ ≠v cmL-th-«-\p-ambn Iptd-t\cw kwkm-cn-¨n-cp-¶p. ]ns¶ ag Ip-d-¨p -tXmÀ¶-t¸mÄ ss_¡v FSp¯v bm{X Bcw`n¨p. Ipd¨p Zqcw sN¶t¸mÄ Bcp-sSsbm Ic-¨n tI«p ss_¡v \nÀ¯n. Ic-¨n-ensâ CS-thf-I-fn Xfw sI«nb \ni-_vZX B i_vZw Fhn-sS\n¶p hcp¶p F¶p a\-Ên-em-¡p-¶-Xn Ime-Xm-akw

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D≠m-¡n. hgn¡v Ccp-h-ihpw Ipän-¡m-Sp-IÄ Xn§n \ndªp \n¶n-cp-¶p. a\-Ên sXÃp `bw L\o-`-hn-s¨-¦nepw thKw Xs¶ B i_vZ-¯nsâ Dd-hnSw e£yw h¨p \S-¡phm³ XpS-§n. Xsâ samss_ tSmÀ¨nsâ shfn-¨¯n Xm³ I≠Xv hnh-kv{X-bm-¡s¸« Hcp s]¬Ip«n-bpsS icocw BWv. Xm³ ASp-t¯¡v sN¶-t¸mÄ AhÄ ho≠pw \ne-hn-fn-¡p-hm³ XpS-§n. ""th≠... Fsâ ASp-t¯¡p hc-cpXv. Fs¶ C\n D]-{Z-hn-¡-cp-Xv. Rm³ \n-§-fpsS Imep ]nSn-¨-t]-£n¡p-I-bm-Wv. Fsâ PohnXw \in-¸n-¡-cp-Xv.'' B hm¡pIÄ Ah-fpsS At_m-[m-h-Ø-bn \n¶pw DbÀ¶p h¶Xmbn-cp-¶p. Ah-fpsS Zb-\o-b-h-Ø-bnepw Rm³ F¶ a\pjyarKhpw Ah-fpsS \á ico-cs¯ I®pIÄ sIm≠p Iodn-ap-dn-¡p-hm³ ad-¶n-Ã. thKw Xsâ Pm¡-äp-sIm≠v ≠v Ah-fpsS icocw ad-¨p. ≠ F´p sN¿Ww F¶-dn-bmsX CXn-IÀ¯-hymaq-U-\mbn Ipsd t\cw \n¶p. t]meo-kns\ Im¯p\n¡p¶Xv Hcp ]s£ B s]¬Ip-«n-bpsS Poh\p `ojWn BIpw F¶p tXm¶n-bXp sIm≠p XWp-¯pdª B icocw kz´w ssII-fn tImcn-sb-Sp¯v ASp-¯pÅ Bip]{Xn e£y-am¡n bm{X Xncn-¨p. Bip-]-{Xnbn F¯n-b-t¸mÄ AhnsS Ac-t§-dnb \mSIw X¶n ho≠pw \ncm-ibpw tZjyhpw Hcpan¨v DbÀ¶v s]m§p-am-dm-¡n. ]oU\-t¡kv Bb-Xn\m t]meokv hcmsX AhÀs¡m¶pw sN¿p-hm³ km[n-¡p-I-bn-Ãm-s{X. DSs\ Xs¶ t]meo-kn hnhcw Adn-bn-¨p. Xm³ Hcp ]{X{]hÀ¯-I³ Bb-Xp-sIm≠pw Xs¶ t]meo-kp-ImÀ¡v ]cn-Nbw DÅ-Xp-sIm≠pw \S¶ kw`§Ä AhÀ hniz-kn-¡msX hnizkn¨p F¶p thWw ]d-bm³. B cm{Xn apgp-h³ B s]¬Ip-«n¡v Iq«mbn Rm³ B Bip-]{Xn hcm-´-bn Ccp-¶p. Ipd¨p Ignªv t_m[w hoW s]¬Ip«n Ae-ap-d-bn«p Ic-bp¶ i_vZw tI«mWv Rm³ Ahn-tS¡p HmSn sN¶-Xv. ]t£ Ima{]m-´-·mcmb a\pjyarK-§Ä AhÄ¡p k½m-\n-¨Xv am\-knI hn{`m-´n-sb¶ \nXm-´-amb CcpÄ \ndª Pohn-X-am-bn-cp-¶p. ]n¶oSv FÃm ]{X am[y-a-§fpw B ]oU\ ]c-¼-cbpw sIm«n BtLmjn-¨p. Ah-fpsS t]Sn-¨-c≠ apJhpw Iodn apdn-¡-s¸« B \á ico-chpw Fsâ cm{Xn-Isf \n{Zmhnlo-\-§fm¡n¯oÀ¯p. t]meo-kp-ImÀ B s]¬Ip-«n-bpsS amXm-]n-Xm-¡sf Bip-]-{Xn-bn sIm≠p-h-¶-t¸mÄ XIÀ¶-Snª Ah-cpsS a\-Ên \n¶pbÀ¶ PÂ]\-§Ä Fsâ ImXp-Isf Xpf¨p Fsâ Bßm-hnte¡v Bgv¶n-d-§n. ""Fsâ tamsf \n\¡v Cu KXn h¶tÃm?? C\n hr²-cmb R§Ä¡v Bcm-Wp-ÅXv?? \nsâ icocw Iodnapdn¨ B Im]m-en-I³amÀ HmÀ¯nÃsÃm AhÀ XIÀs¯-dn-bp-¶Xv Hcp ]mhw s]¬Ip-«n-





bpsS Pohn-Xhpw Ah-fpsS IpSpw- _ - s ¯- b p- a m- s W¶v . Fsâ Iptª R§Ä¡nXv kln-¡p-hm³ Ign-bp-¶nÃm!!!!'' B Bip-]{Xn Nph-cp-I-fn apg§nb B tcmZ\w Fsâ lrZ-b-¯n {Iqc-b-¼p-I-fmbn ]Xn-¨-t¸m-Ä Cu temI-t¯mSpw AXn kÀÆ kzmX -{´y-t¯mSpw IqSn aZn¨v hmgp¶ a\p-jy³ F¶ arK-t¯mSpw AS-§m¯ ]pÑw tXm¶n. Hcp ]t£ ssZh-¯n\v ]än-sbm-cp ssIb-_²w Bbn-cn¡mw a\pjy\p \ÂInb _p²nbpw hnth-Ihpw. C¶p Rm³ B s]¬Ip-«nsb ImWp-hm³ t]mbn, am\-knImip-]-{Xn-bpsS Ccp-f-Sª XS-h-d-bn AhÄ _Ôn¡s¸«n-cn¡p¶p. Ah-fpsS apJs¯ \nkw-KX Hcm-bncw tNmZy-§Ä F¶n-te¡v hÀjn-¨p. Pohn-Xs¯-¡p-dn¨v F{X kz]v\-§Ä B ]mhw s]¬Ip«n I≠n≠n-cn-¡pw. Xsâ IpSpw_¯nsâ `mchpw Npa¶v B ≠ cm{Xn-bn AhÄ £oWn-¨-h-i-bmbn tPmen Øe¯p-\n¶pw XncnsI t]mcp-t¼m-gmWv aZy-¯nsâ el-cnbn arK-am-¡-s¸« B a\p-jy³ Ahsf B{I-an-¨-Xv. Xsâ ico-chpw AXnse Ah-b-h-§fpw AXn-ep -]cn Xsâ ]hn-{X-Xbpw ]n¨n No´-s¸-«-t¸mÄ AhÄ F{X-b-[nIw thZ-\n-¨n-cn-¡-Ww. Xsâ I®p-IÄ \nd-bp-¶Xv \µp Adn-ªp. Xsâ teJ-\-¯n\v ASn-¡p-dn-¸mbn AbmÄ C§s\ Fgp-Xphm³ Xocp-am-\n-¨p. ""\m\m-Xz-¯n GIXzw F¶v A`n-am-\n¨ C´ybpsS Bßmhv Ct¸mÄ aX {`m´³amÀ Iodn apdn-¡p-Ibm-Wv. amXm-hns\ ssZh-s¯-t¸mse ImWWw F¶p ]Tn-¸n¨ `mcXw Ct¸mÄ Ima-{`m-´³am-cpsS Ima-tIfn-¡p- ap-¼n hnh-kv{X-bm-¡-s¸-«n-cn-¡p-¶p. Hcp arK¯nsâ amwkw `£n-¨-Xn\v Hcp a\p-jys\ sIme-s¸Sp-¯n-b-hÀ Hcp kv{XobpsS A`n-am-\s¯, ico-cs¯ \K-c-§-fnepw _Êp-I-fnepw Nph¶ sXcp-hp-I-fnepw Iodn-ap-dn¨p sIm¶p XÅ-s¸-Sp¶Xv F´p sIm≠p ImWp-¶nÃ??? ssZh-§Ä¡mbn hmZn-¡p-¶-hÀ F´psIm≠v ≠v Cu `qan-bn ]oUn-¸n-¡-s¸-Sp-¶-hÀ¡v th≠n ≠ ≠ bpw, NqjWw sN¿s¸Sp-¶-hÀ¡v th≠nbpw ≠nbpw i_vZw ≠ DbÀ¯p-¶n-Ã. arKo-b-X-bà \ap¡p th≠Xv.. adn¨v am\hn-I-X-bmWv FÃm aX-§Ä¡pw a\p-jy\pw th≠-Xv.


Sports ³Uv Bbm Btcm-sS-¦n-ep-sams¡ tNmZn¨pw ]dªpw ^pSvt_mÄ Ifn \S¡p¶ {Ku≠p-I-fn-se-¯p-¶Xv Intem-aoä-dp-IÄ Xs¶ \S-¶m-bn-cn-¡pw. F¶m epw Ifnt¨ AS-§q. ]T-\-¯n-\n-sS, Xma-kn-¡p¶ Øes¯ CuKnÄ_¬ CuKnÄ F¶ ¢ºn eoKv am¨p-I-fn Ifn-¡m³ Ah-kcw ssIh-¶Xv henb BËm-Z-amWv ]IÀ¶p X¶-Xv. AhnsS \n¶mWv ImâÀ_-dn-bn-se-¯p-¶-Xv. CXn\nsS ]T\w ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡p-Ibpw tPmenbn {]th-in-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXn-cp-¶p. CuKnÄ_-®n knÌwkv F³Pn-\n-bÀ. Xriq-cp-ambn Hmkvt{S-en-b-³ ^pSv t_m-fn\p≠m-bn-cp¶ amä-§Ä \nc-h-[nbm-bn-cp-¶p. ChnsS Ce-h³tkbp-Åq. CXnsâ {][m\ {]iv\w Ifn-bpsS a[y-`mK-§Ä Cgªp \o§p-¶-Xm-Wv. XpS-¡ hpw HSp-¡-hpw am-{X-amWv Bthiw apänb-Xv. skh³km-sW-¦n BZy´w Ifn¡m-csâ thK-Xbpw Icp-¯p-amWv Af¡p-¶-Xv. tÌUnbw skh³kns\ At]£n¨v hfsc hep-Xpam-Wv. AXn-\m Imen ]´p In«p¶ Ah-k-c-§Ä Ip d-bpw. skh³kn se^väv hnMv kvss{S ¡-dmb s_³k³ Ce-h³kn-se-¯pt¼mÄ anUv ^oÂU-dm-Wv. CXn-sems¡ henb hyXymkw Hm kvt{S-en-b³ Ifn-¡mÀ ^nkn-¡-embn Ifn-¡p-¶-h-cmsW¶-XmWv. \s½-¡mÄ henb ico-chpw AXn-s\m¯ Icp-¯pam-W-hÀ¡v. ap¶n hcp-¶-hscbmbncn¡pw BZyw X«n-s¯-dn-¸n-¡p-I. AXp Ign-ªmhpw ]´ns\ X«p-I. Ifn-bn \½psS ssien Imen ]´ns\ \nb{´n¨p \nÀ¯n apt¶-dp-¶-Xm-Wv. AhcpsS ssien-bm-sW-¦n \o«n-b-Sn¨v ]´ns\ \½n \n¶pw amän AXn\p ]n¶mse HmSn-s¨¶v ho≠pw ]nSn-s¨-Sp¡p-¶-Xm-Wv. F¶n-«pw Atijw hn«p -sIm-Sp-¡msX Ah-tcm-sSms¡ s_³ ksâ kz´w hm¡p-I-fn ]d-ªm ""CSn¨p \n¡p-I-bmWv'' Cu Xriq-cpIm-c³. Ifn-¡-f-¯n-en-d-§n-bm {]Xntbm-Knsb I≠p t]Sn-¡p-I-b-Ã, ]´ns\ am{Xw D¶w hbv¡p¶ s_³k³ ImâÀ _-dn¡p th≠n ≠n t\«-§Ä¡p ]pdsI ≠ t\«-§Ä kz´-am-¡p-¶p. \á-]m-Z-\mbn {Ku≠n≠n-en-d§n ]´p X«n-¯p-S-§nb Hcp ≠ ae-bmfn _mesâ hfÀ¨-bpsS IY-bmWn-Xv.


S-e-Ã, `qJ-WvU-§-f©pw IS¶m epw s_³k\v Im¸´p Xs¶bmWv temIw. ImcWw Rc-¼p-I-fn tNmctbm-Sp¶ Ime-a-{Xbpw a\-Ên-\p≠n-cn-¡pw. IS ≠ Ån ]´pw Dcp≠p-sIm≠nIS-¡p-t¼mÄ H¸samcp Im¸´p s]m ≠-bm-h-iyhpw ≠ Xnªp sIm≠p- htc≠s_³k³ tZh-kn-sb-¶ Xriq-cp-Im-c-\n-Ã. ImcWw ]´n-s\m¸w Ifn-¡-f-¯n Ip Xn-¡p¶ Bthiw tNmcbn Xs¶-bmWp-Å-Xv. Cu Imep-I-fn ]´v Hcp G¨psI-«-Ã, Imensâ `mKw Xs¶-bm-Wv. Ignª Bdp hÀj-ambn knUv\nbnse ImâÀ_dn kvt]mÀ«nMv ¢ºn\p th≠n ≠ ≠n Bth-i-¯n-c-bn-f-¡p-¶Xv Xriq-cn-\-Sp¯v Xncq-cn \n-s¶-¯nb _n³k³ tZhkn-bm-Wv. tIcfw I≠n≠n-«pÅ anI¨ ^pSv ≠ t_m-fÀam-cn-sem-cm-fpw ]Ýna sdbn th-bpsS Ifn-¡m-c-\p-am-bn-cp¶ tZh-kn -bpsS ]p{X³. A¸q¸\m-Is« cmPy-nsâ hnhn[ `mK-§-fn ^pSvt_mÄ {]Wbw sImp k©-cn¨ BÄ HSp-hn hS¡p Ing-¡³ kwØm-\-§Ä DÄs¸sS \nch[n ¢ºp-IÄ¡p th≠n ≠n _q«-Wn-ªp ≠ s_³ksâ temIw ^pSvt_m-fn-sâ-sbm ¸w Dcp-fp-¶-Xm-b-Xn AXn-i-bn-t¡≠ Xn-Ã. Hmkvt{S-en-b-bnse Gähpw {]i-kv X-sa¶p Icp-X-s¸-Sp¶ {_nkvt_³ SqÀWsaân dt®gvkv A¸mb ImâÀ_-dn¡p th≠n ≠n tSm]vkvtIm-d-dmb s_³k³ ≠ kvIqÄ Pohn-X-¯n-s\m¸w ]´n-s\bpw tNÀ¯p ]nSn-¨-Xm-Wv. ]s´¶m XpS-¡-¯n ^pSvt_m-fmbn-cp-¶n-Ã, DÅn ^pSvt_mÄ kvt\lw \pc-Ip-¯p-t¼mgpw ]n¨n-en-d§n ]s´dn-ªm-bn-cp¶p XpS-¡w. XriqÀ Kh¬ saâ v tamU t_mbvkv kvIqfnse ]T \-Im-ew. kvIqfn ^pSvt_mÄ Ifn-¡mcpsS B[n-Iyw. FÃm-hcpw Im¸-´n\p ]pd-sI. AXn-\m kvIqÄ {In¡äv Soante¡v s_³ks\ \nÀ_-Ô-]qÀhw Xncsª-Sp-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ]¯mw¢mkn\p tijw Ah-WqÀ im´ lbÀ sk¡³Udn-bn tNÀ¶Xp apX C¶p hsc Im¸-´ns\ ssIhn-«n-«p-an-Ã. kb³kv hnj-b-§-fnse ]T-\-¯n\v t]cp-tI« im´ kvIqfn\v ]t£, Hcp t]mcm-bvabp-≠m-bn-cp¶p. AhnsS ^pSvt_m-fn\p Imcy-amb {]m[m\yw sImSp-¯n-cp-¶n-Ã. Ct¸mÄ _nkn-\-kp-Im-c-\mb ]nXmhv ¯nsâ nsâ ^pSvt_m-fn\p th≠n ≠nn Pohn-X¯ ≠ \Ã-Imew apgp-h³ amän-h-¨n-cp-¶-Xn-\m ho«n \n¶pw t{]mÕm-l\w I½n. F ¶m s_³k\v ^pSvt_m-fns\ hns«mcp PohnXw Nn´n-¡m-\p-am-hn-Ãm-bn-cp-¶p.


]´n-s\m¸w sat{Smaebmfw \yqkv _yqtdm tdmb ÌmÀkv F¶ tem¡Â ≠v ^pSv ¢ºn\p th≠n ≠n _q«v sI«n-s¡m≠ ≠ t_mÄ Pohn-X-¯nsâ XpS-¡w. CXn\n-S-bn t]menkv Soan\p th≠nbpw ≠ ≠nbpw {_tZgvkv Fs¶mcp ¢ºn\p th≠n≠n-bp ≠ -sams¡ KÌv s¹b-dmbn tImÀ«n-en-d-§p ambn-cp¶p. FhnsS, GXp Soan\p th≠n≠ ≠nsb-¶-Ã, Ifn-¨p-sIm≠-t-bn-cn-¡-Ww. CXm -bn-cp¶p s_³ksâ {]amWw. skh³ kmWv \m«n {]Nm-c-¯n-ep-Å-Xv. IfnbpsS thK-X-bpsS ]cym-b-sa¶p hnfn¡m-hp¶ skh³kn-t\mSp Xs¶bmWv C¶pw {]nbw IqSp-XÂ. HSphn D®nIr-jvW³ kvamcI ^pSvt_mÄ SqÀWsaân BZys¯ lm{Sn-¡n\v DS-a-bm

bXv s_³ksâ A¡m-es¯ anI¨ t\« -§-fn-sem-¶v. Xriq-À SuWn-te¡v Cu Xncq-cp-Im-c³ hcp-t¼mÄ BZyw Is®¯p-¶Xv ]mekv {Ku≠n≠n-em-Wv. \m«p≠ Im-c³ Xs¶-bmb tPm t]mÄ At©cn {]mIvSo-kv sN¿p-¶-X-hn-sS-bm-Wv. Xcw In«n-bm ]´p X«m³ H¸w Ib-dp-Ibpw sN¿pw. D]cn ]T-\-¯n-\mbn tImb-¼¯q-cn-se-¯n-b-t¸mgpw ]´nsâ kv]Àia-dn-bmsX Hcp Znhkw t]mepw IS¶p t]mIm³ k½-Xn-¨n«n-Ã. Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn-se-¯p-¶Xv ]T-\-¯n\m-Wv. sFSn-bn amtÌ-gvkv. A¶s¯ Imcy-amWv ckw. Fhn-sS-bmWv {Ku≠v ≠ ≠v F¶-dn-bn-Ã. hgnbpw Adn-bn-Ã. hos¡

tPmen-bpsS Xnc-¡p-IÄ¡n-S-bn i\nbpw Rmbdpw am{X-am-Wn-t¸mÄ apgph-\mbn ^pSvt_m-fn-\p th th≠n ≠n amän-h-bv ≠ ¡m³ In«p-¶-sX¶ tJZhpw Ct±-l-¯n\p≠v \p ≠v. CXn\p ]pdsa sNmÆm-gvNbpw ≠ hymgm-gvNbpw sshIp-t¶-c-§-fn {]mIv So-kn\pw kabw Is Is≠-¯p-¶p. s^{_phcn apX sk]väw-_À hsc-bmWv Hm kvt{S-en-b-bn ^pSvt_mÄ kok¬. Ct¸mÄ koksâ Xnc-¡n-emWv. kok -\m-sW-¦nepw AsÃ-¦nepw Hcp hos¡ ≠n-sóUv h¶m {Ku {Ku≠v ≠v H¶p I≠ ≠ ¦n _n³k\v Hcp kam-[m-\-hp-an-Ã. temI-¯nse Xs¶ anI-hpä {Ku {Ku≠p-IfmWv Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn-ep-Å-sX¶v Ct±-l¯nsâ \nco-£-Ww. Hcp Zpc-\p-`-h-¯n\pw ^pSvt_m-fn epÅ Ct±-l-¯nsâ XmÂ]-cys¯ CÃmXm-¡m³ km[n-¡n-sÃ-¶-Xn\v sXfnhv Hcn-¡Â Ifn-¡nsS Imsem-Sn-ª-Xm-Wv. ZoÀL\mfs¯ Bip-]{Xn hmk-¯n\p tijw ]pd-¯n-d-§nbt¸mÄ ho≠pw _q«-Wn-b-Wtamsb¶-Xn c≠m-a-sXmcp Btem-N\ t]mepw th≠n ≠n h¶n-Ã. Hm ≠ kvt{S-en-b-bn Btcm-Ky- ta-J-e-bn tkh-\-a-\p-jvTn-¡p¶ `mcy Pmkvansâ ]qÀW ]n´p-Wbpw _n³ksâ ^pSv t_mÄ I¼-¯n-\p≠v ≠v. BZy-`m-cy-bpsS ≠ acWw krjvSn¨ BLm-Xs¯ t]mepw adn-I-S-¡m³ km[n-¨Xv ^pSvt_mÄ \ Inb km´z-\-¯n-eq-sS-bm-sW¶v Ct± lw A\p-kva-cn-¡p-¶p.

May 2018




am-c-¯n HcmfpsS Bhiyw A-dnªp e`n-¡p-¶ klm-b-¯n\v F{X Imew D]-Im-c-{]-Z-ambn \ne-\n¡m-\m-Ipw. Cu tNmZy-¯n\v D¯cw c≠p adp tNmZy-§sf B{i-bn-¨mWncn-¡p-¶v. F´m-h-iy-¯n-\pÅ klm-bw, F´p Xc-¯n-epÅ klm-bw. Ahn-sS-bmWv knUv\n ae-bmfn bq¯v t^md¯nsâ Bkv ]-bÀ F¶ Poh-Im-cpWy ]²Xn hyXy-kvX-am-Ip-¶-Xv. klmbw ssI¸-äp-¶-bm-fpsS Bbp-jvImew apgp-h³ AXnsâ {]tbm-P\w \of -W-sa¶pw AXn\p tijw Xe-ap-d-I-fn-te¡v AXnsâ sa¨w \ne-\n¡-W-sa¶p amWv Bkv]-b-dn-eqsS X§Ä B{K-ln-¡p-¶-sX¶v bq¯v t^md-¯nsâ sNbÀ am\pw tImgn-t¡m-Sn-\-Sp¯v N¡n-«-]md kztZ-in-bp-amb Inc¬ Pbnwkv ]d-bp-¶p.

Bkv]-bÀ D¶w hbv¡p-¶Xv Iuamcw ]n¶n-Sm¯ hnZymÀYn-I-sf-bm-Wv. Ct¸mÄ ¹kv Sphn\v ]Tn-¡p-¶Xpw km¼-¯n-I-ambn ]n¶n-em-bn-t¸m-b-Xp-amb hn ZymÀYn-I-fpsS D]-cn-]-T-\-¯n-emWv Cu ]²Xn KpW-I-c-amb amä-§Ä sIm≠p-hcm³ `mh-\m-]qÀW-amb ]²Xn Bhn-jvI-cn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. Xnc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸-Sp¶ hnZymÀYn-I-fpsS anI-hpä XpSÀ]-T\w Bkv]-bÀ Dd-¸p-h-cp-¯p-¶p. CXn-\mbn kpa\-kp-I-fpsS hen-sbmcp kvt\l-h-e-bv¡p cq]w \ÂIp-¶p. Bkv]-b-dn-eqsS bq¯v t^mdw kz´-ambn ]Ww ssIsIm≠p sXmSp-¶-tX-bn-Ã. F¶m e£-¡-W-¡mb XpI-bpsS {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä¡pÅ \nan-¯-ambn kzbw amdp-¶p. Poh-Im-cp-Wy-¯nsâ hyXy-kvX-amb apJ-ambn Cu \qX\ ]²Xn amdp-¶Xv A§-s\-bm-Wv. Poh-Im-cp-Wy¯nsâ P\-Iob ¹mävt^m-sa¶v Cu ]²-Xnsb hnfn-¡p-¶-Xnepw sXän-Ã. Cs¡mÃw CXnsâ H¶m-as¯ NphSv ]n¶n«p Ign-ªn-cn-¡p-¶p. \ne-hn A¼Xp Ip«n-Isf Cu kvt\l-h-e-bpsS `mK-am-¡m³ Bkv]-b-dn-eqsS Ign-ªXnsâ Nmcn-XmÀYy-¯n-emWv t^mdw. XpSÀ hÀj-§-fn Cu he hfÀ¶p-sIm-t≠ bn-cn-¡p-sa¶v Dd-¸m-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p. tIc-f-¯nse ]Xn-\mev PnÃ-I-fn \n¶p ambn 140Hmfw hnZymÀYn-IÄ¡p ]²-Xn-bpsS sa¨w Hmtcm hÀjhpw In«-W-sa-¶mWv Bkv]-b-dn-eqsS ChÀ e£y-an-Sp-¶-Xv. CXn-\mbn Ch-tcmSv tIc-f-¯nse k¶² kwL-S-\-IÄ ssItImÀ¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p. klm-b-sa-¯n-¡p-¶Xv hnhn[ {]^-jW taJ-e-I-fn hnP-bn¨ {]hmkn ae-bm-fn-I-fm-Wv. Ah-cn Xs¶ {][m-\-ambpw Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn \n¶p-Å {]^-j-W-ep-I-fm-Wn-t¸mÄ ]²-Xn-bn ssItImÀ¯n-cn¡p-¶-Xv. ChÀ FÃm-hÀ¡pw s]mXp-hm-bp-ÅXv Htc hnImcw am{Xw. X§Ä IS¶p-h¶ hgn-I-fn-eqsS ]pXnb Xe-ap-dbpw IS-¶p-h-c-Ww, Ahcpw Pohn-X-¯n hnPbn-¡-Ww. AXnsâ sa¨w Ah-cpsS Hmtcm-cp-¯-cpsSbpw Pohn-X-Im-e-¯n am{X-a-Ã, Xe-ap-d-I-fn-te¡p IqSn F¯n-t¨-cp-Ibpw sN¿-Ww. F¶m Xnc-¡nsâ Pohn-X-§fn KpW-t`m-àm-¡sf Is≠¯m\pw IrXy-ambn klm-b-sa-¯n-¡m\pw Ign-b-Wsa-¶nà ]cn-an-Xnsb AXn-Po-hn-¡m³ Bkv]-b-dneqsS ChÀ¡p km[n-¡p-¶p. Bkv]-b-dnsâ {]hÀ¯\w C§-s\. tIc-f-¯nse km[m-cW kvIqfp-I-fn DbÀ¶ \ne-hm-c-¯n ¹kv Sp ¢mkn ]Tn-¡p-¶Xpw km¼-¯n-I-ambn ]n¶m¡w \n¡p-¶-Xp-amb hnZymÀYn-Isf IrXy-amb am\-Z-WvU-§-fpsS ASn-Øm\-¯n Is≠¯p-¶p. Ah-cpsS D]cn ]T-\-¯n\p th≠ km¼-¯n-Ihpw kmt¦-Xn-I-

hp-amb klm-b-§-sfÃmw IrXy-ambn F¯n¨p sImSp¡p-¶p. Hmtcm-cp-¯-cp-sSbpw XpSÀ]T\w IrXy-ambn At\z-jn-¡p-Ibpw hne-bn-cp-¯p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p. Bh-iyL-«-§-fn AhÀ¡p th≠ amÀK-\nÀtZ-i-§Ä AYhm saâ-dnMv IrXyambn F¯n-¡p-¶p. Npcp-¡-¯n XncsªSp¡-s¸-Sp¶ hnZymÀYn-IÄ Bkv]-b-dnsâ ¹mävt^maneqsS klm-b-Zm-Xm-¡Ä Zs¯-Sp-¡p-¶-h-cmbn amdp-¶p. ChÀ¡v ]n¶oSv Pohn-X-¯n hnP-bn-¡m-Xn-cn-¡p-¶-XmIpw _p²nap-«v. klmbZmXm-¡sf kw_-Ôn-¨n-S-t¯mfw X§-fpsS Poh-Im-cpWy {]hÀ¯n-bpsS KpW-t`m-àm-¡-fpsS hfÀ¨ kz´w I¬sh-«¯p ImWp-¶Xp t]mse F¡m-ehpw am\-kn-I-amb B\-µw \ÂIp¶ Imcy-ambn amdp-¶p. hnZymÀYn-IÄ ]T-\-¯n D¶X \ne-hmcw ]peÀ¯p-¶-hcpw IpSpw-_-¯nsâ {]Xn-amk hcp-am\w Ccp-]-Xn\m-bncw cq]-bn Xmsg-bp-Å-h-cp-am-bn-cn-¡-Ww F-¶XmWv Bkv]-b-dnsâ {][m\ \n_-Ô-\-IÄ. Ip«n-I-fpsS A\m-Ym-h-Ø, amXm-]n-Xm¡-fpsS tcmKm-h-Ø, kmaq-ly-amb ]n¶m-¡m-hØ XpS-§nb LS-I-§Ä CXn\p tijw ]cn-K-Wn-¡-s¸-Sp¶ Imcy-§-fm-bn-cn-¡pw. C¯-c-¯n Hmtcm PnÃ-bn \n¶pw ]¯p hnZymÀYn-Isf hoXamWv klm-b-¯n-\mbn Xnc-sª-Sp-¡p¶Xv. AÀl-cmb Ip«n-Isf Is≠-¯n-¡-gn-ªm Ah-cn \n¶p hni-Z-amb kzbw-]-cn-N-b-¸-Sp-¯Â t^mdw ]qcn-¸n¨p hm§pw. ]T-\hpw Pohn-X-\n-e-hm-chpw Pohn-X-e-£yhpw hyàn]-c-amb D]-cn-]-T\ XmÂ]-cy-§fpw shfn-s¸-Sp-¯m³ klm-bn-¡p¶ hni-Z-ambn tNmZym -h-en-bmWv CXn-\mbn X¿m-dm-¡n-bn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. Hm¬sse\n e`n-¡p-¶ Cu tNmZymh-en¡v Ggp t]Pp-I-fm-Wp-Å-Xv. A{X-am{Xw hni-Z-amb hnh-c-§-fmWv hnZymÀYn-bn \n¶p tiJ-cn-¡p-¶-sX¶p Npcp-¡w. D]-cn-]-T\w B{K-ln-¡p¶p aq¶p taJ-e-IÄ CXn hnZymÀYn-IÄ hyà-am-¡n-bn-cn-¡-Ww. C¡m-cy-¯n saâ-dnMv Bh-iy-sa-¦n AXpw bq¯vt^mdw \ÂIpw. hnZymÀYn-I-fpsS Xnc-sª-Sp¸v ]qÀ¯n-bmbn Ign-ªm Ah-cpsS t]cp-hn-h-c§Ä bq¯v t^md-¯nsâ sh_vssk-än {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡pw. Cu hnh-c-§Ä kvt]m¬ kÀamÀ¡p ssIam-dp-Ibpw sN¿pw. ]n¶o-SpÅ CS-]m-Sp-IÄ kvt]m¬kÀamcpw hnZymÀ Yn-Ifpw X½n t\cn-«m-bn-cn-¡pw. F¶m t^md-¯nsâ taÂt\m«w Ønc-ambn D≠mbn-cn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿pw. Ccp-hÀ¡p-an-S-bn GsX-¦nepw D`-b-I£n {]iv\-§-fp-≠mbm t^md-¯nsâ CS-s]-Sepw Dd-¸m-Wv. km¼-¯nI Imcy-§-fn t^mdw CS-s]Sm-¯Xv kpXm-cyX Dd-¸p-h-cp-¯pI F¶ e£y-t¯m-sS-bm-Wv. tIhew km¼-¯nI klmbw am{X-aà CXn-eqsS e£y-an-Sp-¶-Xv. hnZymÀYn-IÄ¡v ]T-\-¯n amÀK-\nÀ tZ-itam Iu¬k-entMm Bh-iy-ambn hcp-I-bm-sW-¦n AXn\pw hgn Is≠-¯pw. D]-cn-]-T\ km[y-X-Isf kw_-Ôn¨v IrXy-amb hnh-c-§fpw \ÂIp-¶-Xm-Wv. F´n\-[n-Iw, hnZymÀYn-IÄ¡v Btcm-Ky-{]-iv\-§tfm imco-cnI Ah-i-X-Itfm D≠m-Ip-Ibm-sW-¦n Ahn-sSbpw A\u]-Nm-cn-I-ambn klm-b-sa-¯n-¡pw. hntZ-i-¯v tPmen sN¿p¶ sshZy-imkv{X {]^-j-W-ep-I-fpsS \m«nse kl-]m-Tn-I-fp-sSbpw aäpw tkh\w CXn-\mbn D]-tbm-K-s¸-Sp-¯m³ km[n-¡p-sa-¶mWv t^mdw IW-¡m-¡p-¶-Xv.

anSp¡À¡p XpW-


Bkv]-bÀ Sow Kiran James: Chairman, Chief Coordinator ( Binto Paul: Chief Advisor ( Deric Alex: Global Delivery Advisor Cibin Antony: Project Advisor Prasanth George: Public Relations Officer Allu C.P: Community Liaison Officer Navin Zachariah: Project Advisor Brian Varghese: Treasurer

sat{Smaebmfw \yqkv _yqtdm

GsX-¦nepw kml-N-cy-¯n Hcp kvt]m¬ kÀ ]n¶oSv hmKvZm-\-¯n \n¶p ]nt¶m«p t]m bmepw klmbw apS-§n-Ã. ]pXnb kvt]m¬ksd bq¯v t^mdw DS³ Is≠-¯p-¶-Xm-Wv. Cu ]²Xn Ct¸mÄ e£y-an-Sp-¶-Xnepw IqSp-X hnZymÀYn-Ifnte¡v `mhn-bn F¯n-¡m³ km[n-¡p-sa¶ {]Xo£-bmWv Inc-Wn\pw t^md-¯nsâ FIvkn-Iyq-«nhv I½n-än-bnse aäv F«p ae-bm-fn-IÄ¡pw \ne-hn-epÅ-Xv. ImcWw kvt]m¬kÀam-cm-Im³ k¶-²-cmbn IqSp-X BÄ¡m-sc-¯n-s¡m-≠ ≠n-n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv.

Cu ]²Xn X§Ä e£yw hbv¡p-¶Xv A\p-Zn\w hfÀ¶p hcp¶ _nkn-\kv taJ-ebv¡v th≠n ≠n KpW≠ ta-·-bpÅ {]^-j-W-ep-I-fpsS hen-sbmcp \ncsb hfÀ¯n-sb-Sp-¡p-I-bm-sW¶v Inc¬ hyà-am-¡p¶p. \qX\ kmt¦-Xn-I-hn-Zy-I-fn-eq-¶n-bpÅ _nkn -\kv taJ-ebv¡v AXnsâ hfÀ¨-bvs¡m¸w \nc-h[n {]^-j-W-ep-Isf Bh-iy-ambn hcp-¶p. anI-¨-hsc Is≠-¯p-¶-XmWv C¶n-t¸mÄ Gsd t¢i-I-c-ambn amdp-¶-Xv. F¶m X§-fpsS ssIsh-Å-bn-se¶ hn[w hfÀ¶p hcp¶ {]^-j-W-ep-I-fp-s≠¦n Sydney-Malayalee-YouthAhsc sXmgn-en-te¡pw AXp-hgn Pohn-X-hn-P-b1768064863221627 ¯n-te¡pw ssI]n-Sn-¨p-bÀ¯p-¶Xv A\m-bm-kam-Ip-sa¶p Inc¬ IW-¡p-Iq-«p-¶p. ]²-Xn-bpsS KpW-t`m-àm-¡-fmbn F¯p-¶-h-cn t\À]-IpXn AXm-bXv A¼Xp iX-am\sa¦nepw X§Ä Dt±-in-¡p¶ coXn-bn-te¡v hfÀ¶p h¶m AXv BtKmf _nkn-\kv taJ-ebv¡v \ÂIp¶ DuÀPw F{X-b-[n-I-am-bn-cn-¡p-sa¶v Inc-Wnsâ tNmZyw. tIhew Hcp hnZymÀYn-bpsS ]T\w ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡m³ XpW-\n¶v tPmen hm§ns¡m-Sp-¡pI F¶ ]cn-an-X-amb e£y-¯n-\-¸pdw Hcp Xe-ap-d-bp-sSbpw Hcp IpSpw-_\¯n-sâbpw ]ptcm-KXn Dd-¸m-¡p¶p F¶Xv ]²-Xn-bpsS kmaq-ly-amb sa¨w. Db À¶ \ne-hm-c-¯n-epÅ tPmen-bn-te¡v ]T-\-¯n\p sXm«p-]n-¶mse Hcm-sf-¯p-t¼mÄ Abm-fpsS Pohn-X-amWv kpc-£n-X-am-Ip-¶-Xv. AXn-eqsS Hcp IpSpw-_-¯nsâ apgp-h³ kp`n-£-X-bmWv Dd-¸m-¡m³ km[n-¡p-¶-Xv. Hmkvt{S-en-bbv¡v ]pd¯v ae-bmAhn-sS-sbÃmw amXr-I-bmbn Cu \à ]²Xn amdp-sa¶v fn-IÄ Fhn-sS-sb-Ãm-apt≠m pt {]Xym-in-¡mw.


May 2018




nlargement of the prostate gland - a small, walnut-sized organ located under the bladder and near the rectum, or back passage, in men – is a common condition in men after 50 year of there age.

even after urinating. Although these symptoms are usually due to an enlarged prostate, they may also be caused by other serious conditions (such as cancer of the prostate or bladder). So men should always see a doctor if they notice changes in the how they urinate, or how often.

The prostate surrounds the tube – called the urethra – that carries urine from the bladder out through the penis. The Dr Prem Singh Should I see a doctor? prostate continues to grow as men age, and from around the Rathore You should see a doctor if age of 50, an enlarged prostate you notice any of the symptoms may put pressure on the urethra and the listed above. This is particularly important if base of the bladder. The increased presthe symptoms are causing you distress, are sure from the prostate makes it harder for accompanied by pain in your abdomen, or urine to pass through the urethra when uriif your urine has blood in it. Without medinating. An enlarged prostate is not usually cal attention, the condition can worsen and

biopsy collects a small sample of cells from your prostate which are examined under a microscope to check for the presence of cancer cells.

How is prostate enlargement treated?

Medical Therapy  Make it easier to urinate – These medicines are called alpha-blockers and include drugs such as Tamsulosin (Flomaxtra), Terazosin (Hytrin) or Prazosin (Minipress). They generally improve symptoms within several weeks.  Help to shrink the prostate – These medicines are called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors and include drugs such as finasteride (Proscar) and Dutasteride (Avodart). They may take up to 6 months to improve symptoms, and are often combined with an alpha-blocker medicine.  Herbal medicines such as saw palmetto are commonly used but there is little scientific evidence of benefit. Remember – any medicine or surgical procedure can have side effects. Before making a decision about treatment, you should discuss advantages and disadvantages of each treatment with your doctor to make sure that the choice is a good one for you.

Surgical treatment

Surgery may be an option to remove part of the prostate or relieve pressure on the urethra. There are several types of surgery which differ in how they are per-

formed, their eir recovery times and their pos possible side effects:  Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) – A rigid tube is inserted into the urethra and a metal loop at its end is used to slice off some of the enlarged prostate tissue to reduce pressure on the urethra. TURP is the most common surgical procedure for an enlarged prostate. It is performed under anaesthetic and involves a hospital stay of 2-3days.  Urolift-The UroLift System treatment is a proven minimally invasive (latest technique) approach to BPH treatment that lifts and holds the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way so it no longer blocks the urethra. It is the only BPH treatment that does not require ongoing medication, cutting, heating or removal of the prostate tissue. Surgery for an enlarged prostate usually provides significant relief from symptoms and an improvement in quality of life. However, some types of prostate surgery can result in complications which may include bleeding after surgery, infections, problems with sexual function, infertility or leakage of urine. Talk to your doctor or surgeon about the risks associated with surgery. Dr. Prem Singh Rathore MBBS, MS, DNB, MRCS, FRACS (URO) Consultant Urologist, Laparoscopic and Robotic Urosurgeon. Liverpool Hospital; Campbelltown Hospital, Norwest Private Hospital.

IpSntb-ä-¯n\p hbkv \mem-bncw

C Normal Prostate life-threatening but the troublesome symptoms can significantly affect men’s enjoyment of lifespecially in elderly.

What are the symptoms of prostate enlargement?  Difficulty in starting or stopping urination;  Dribbling of urine after urination has stopped (incontinence);  A weak urine stream;  A frequent and urgent need to urinate, particularly at night;  Blood in the urine;  Pain in the area between the scrotum and the anus; and  A feeling that the bladder is not empty

Enlarged Prostate your symptoms may become more troubling. Your doctor will request an ultrasound scan of your prostate, bladder and kidneys,examine prostate by finger as well PSA blood test to rule out prostate cancer. This may include a scan before and after emptying your bladder to see if significant urine remains after voiding.

Is it prostate enlargement or prostate cancer? The symptoms of an enlarged prostate can be similar to the symptoms of prostate cancer. So if anything abnormal is found when checking your prostate, your doctor may request a biopsy of your prostate along with blood test PSA for Prostate cancer. The

´y-¡mÀ Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn F¯n-bn«v F{X hÀj-am-bn-«p-≠m-Imw. Ignª \qäm≠n ≠n F¶p ]d-bm³ hc-s«. \c-hwi imkv{X-Ú³am≠ cpsS ]pXnb Is≠-¯-e-\p-k-cn¨v \mem-bn-c-¯n-e-[nIw hÀjw ap¼v Hmkv t{S-en-b-bn C´y-¡m-cpsS km¶n-[y-ap-≠m-bn-cp-¶p-sh¶p Icp-tX-≠ ≠n-n-bn-cn¡p-¶p. C´y-bpsS GsX-¦nepw `mK¯p \n¶p-Å-h-c-Ã, Z£n-tW-´y-bnse {Zmhn-U-cpsS ]qÀhn-IÀ¡p≠m-bn-cp¶ Hmkvt{S-en-b³ IW-£-\m-Wn-t¸mÄ shfn-hm-bn-s¡m-≠ ≠n-n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv.

GXm\pw hÀjw ap¼v CXp-kw-_-Ôn¨p \S-s¶mcp ]T-\-¯n \mem-bncw hÀjw ap¼s¯ ]qÀhnI Hmkvt{S-en-b³am-cpsS ssh t{Imatkmw Z£n-tW´y-bnse {ZmhnU hn`m-K-¯n s]« C´y³ ]pcp-j³am-cnse ssh t{Imatkm-ap-ambn ASp¯ kmay-ap-Å-Xmbn Is≠¯n-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. Hcp ]t£, C´y-bn \n¶p ISÂamÀKw A¡m-e¯v k©-cn-s¨-¯nb Hcp kwLw \m hn-IÀ Hmkvt{S-en-b³ Xoc-s¯-¯p-Ibpw Xt±-io-b-cp-ambn \à _Ô-¯n-emIp-Ibpw C¶m-Snsâ `mK-am-Ip-Ibpw sNbvXn-cn-¡msa¶mWv \chwi imkv{XÚÀ Icp-Xp-¶-Xv. C¯-c-¯n-epÅ IS k©m-chpw IpSn-tb-ähpw _nkn 2217\p tNÀ¶v \S-¶n-cn-¡m-sa-¶mWv amIvkv ¹m¦v C³Ìn-äyq«v Hm^v Ch-eyq-j-Wdn B{´t¸m-f-Pn-bn CXp kw_-Ôn¨p ]T-\w \S-¯nb kw-L-¯n-epÄs¸« sFdn\ ]pKm¨v ]d-bp-¶-Xv. imkv{X-ÚÀ ]d-bp¶ Imew C´y-bn knÔp \Zo-XS kwkvImc Ime-L-«-hp-ambn tNÀ¶p t]mIp-¶-Xm-Wv. F¶p-am-{X-a-Ã, A¡me¯v IS-en ZoÀL-bm-{Xbv¡p klm-bn-¡p¶ Dcp-¡Ä hnI-kn-¸n-¡m³ C´y-¡mÀ¡p Ign-ªn-cp¶p F¶-Xn\p sXfn-hp-I-fp-ap≠v ≠v. ≠

kzmZn-jvT-amb ae-bmfn hn`-h-§Ä anX-amb \nc-¡n tIä-dnwKv sNbvXv e`n-¡p-¶-Xn-\p-th≠n _Ô-s¸-Sp-hm-\pÅ {^m¦vÌWnse GI Øm]-\w.


hn\n X´qcn C´y³ sdtÌm-dâv, tkmaÀhn February 2018

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sFXn-ly-§-fn-eq-sSsbmcp bm{X


bw-Ipfw sIm¨p®nsb¸än tIÄ¡m-¯ -hÀ A[nIw Bcpw Xs¶ ImWp-I-bn-Ã.- t]cp-tI« IÅ\pw A{I-an-bp-sam-s¡-bmWv ImbwIpfw sIm¨p-®n-sb-¶mWv an¡-hmdpw BfpIÄ [cn¨p h¨ncn-¡p-¶-sX-¦nepw bYmÀY-¯n sIm¨p-®n-sbmcp kXy-hm\pw, acym-Z-¡m-c-\p-am-bn-cp¶p F¶-Xm-bn-cp¶p bmYmÀ°yw. ImÀ¯n-I-¸-Ån-Xm-eq-¡n 993þmw B≠v ≠v IÀ¡-S≠ amkw Aam-hkn cm{Xn ka-b¯mWv ImbwIpfw sIm¨p®n-bpsS P\-\w. sIm¨p-®n-bpsS ]nXmhv Adn-b-s¸Sp¶ IÅ\pw, A{I-an-bp-sam-s¡-bm-bn-cp-¶p. A¶¶p In«p¶ tamjW hkvXp-¡Ä hnäp-In-«p¶ ]Ww sIm ≠mWv AbmÄ B IpSpw_w ]peÀ¯n-bn-cp-¶-Xv. Hcp Znhkw tamjWw \S-¯p-hm³ Ignªnsæn B IpSpw-_-¯n Zmcn-{Z-¯nsâ Ae-sbm-en-IÄ tIÄ¡phm³ km[n-¡p-am-bn-cp-¶p. AXn-\m bYm-Imew sIm¨p -®n¡v hnZym-`ymkw \ÂIp-hm³ B ]nXm-hn\v Ign-ªXp-an-Ã. Zmcn{Zw kln¨v sIm¨p®n ]¯v hbÊv hsc kzKrl-¯n Xs¶ Xma-kn-¨p. AXnsâ tijw Ah³ hni¸v kln-¡p-hm³ Ign-bmsX ho«n \n¶pw ]pds¸«v ASp¯ {]tZ-i-amb Ghq-sc¶ Øe¯v sN¶v tNÀ¶p. AhnsS t£{X-¯n\p kao-]-ap≠m-bn-cp¶ Hcp ]c-tZi {_mÒ-Wsâ ASp-¡Â sN¶v Xms\mcp apl-½-Zob _me-\m-sW¶pw ho«nse Zmcn{Zw aqew Cd§n ]pd-s¸-«-Xm-sW¶pw, X\n¡v hni¸v Ie-i-em-bXn-\m hÃXpw Xc-Wsa¶pw At]-£n-¨p. Zbm-ep-hmb B {_mÒ-W³ sIm¨p-®n-bpsS Zo\hN-\-§sf tI«pw, ]mc-hiyw I≠pw a\-Ên-em-¡p-I-bm hmÀ¯Iªn-bn Ipd¨v häv D¸pw C«v Ah\v hbdv \nd bp¶Xv hsc sImSp-¯p. sIm¨p®n B Iªn AarXv ]m\w

sN¿p-¶-Xp-t]mse IpSn-¡p-¶Xv t\m¡n B {_mÒW³ AhnsS Xs¶ \n¸p-≠m-bn-cp-¶p. Iªn-IpSn Ign-ª-Xn\v tijw B {_mÒ-W³ sIm¨p-®n-tbmSv "Blm-c-¯n-\pÅ hI In«n-bm \n\¡ \n\¡v Chn-sS-sb§m\pw Xma-kn-¡msam'? F¶p tNmZn-¨p. sIm¨p®n kt´m-j-t¯m-Sp-IqSn A§s\ BImsa¶v k½-Xn-¨p. DS³ B {_mÒ-W³ sIm¨p-®nsbbpw Iq«n AhnsS t£{X-¯nsâ Ing-t¡-\-S-bn ""henb]oSnI'' F¶v {]Ên-²-am-bp-≠m-bn-cp¶ ]oSn-Ibn sIm≠p-sN-¶p. ""Ch-s\mcp ]mh-s¸« ta¯-s¡m¨-\m-Wv, Blmcw hÃXpw sImSp-¯m ChnsS Xmakn¨psImÅpw F¶v ]d-tªÂ¸n-¨n«v AhnsS \n¶pw XncnsI ho«n-te¡v aS§n. sIm¨p-®n¡v AhnsS \nÝ-bn-¨n-cp¶ the kmam\-§-sf-Sp¯v sImSp-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. B tPmen hfsc `wKn-tbmSpw, kqjva-X-tbm-sSbpw, sN¿p-¶Xv I≠n«v ≠ ≠n«v apX-em-fn¡v hfsc kt´mjw tXm¶p-I-bm sIm¨p®n¡v `£Ww hkv{X-[m-cWw F¶n-hbv¡v bmsXmcp _p²n-ap«pw D≠m-I-cp-sX¶v {]tXyIw N«w sI«p-Ibpw sNbvXp. c≠p sImÃw Ign-ª-t¸mÄ Acn Nn¸w sI «pI apX-emb tPmen-IÄ IqSn sIm¨p-®nsb Npa-X-e-

apX-em-fn-bpsS ho«n [mcmfw iÀ¡c kq£n-¨p h¨n-cp-¶-Xn-\m iÀ¡c FSp-¡p-hm\mbn sIm¨p®nsb apX-emfn ho«n-te¡v ]d-ª-b-¨p. hoSv ]oSn-I -bpsS kao-]¯v Xs¶-bm-bn-cp-¶p. F¶m Ahn-sS-bpÅ-hÀ FÃmw ]Tn-¸p-c-b-S¨v km£-bn«v Ipfn-¡p-hm³ t]mbn-cn-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. c≠p-aq¶p XhW D¨¯n hn-fn-¨p-sh-¦nepw Bcpw Ahn-tS¡v hcn-Isbm, ]Tn-¸pc Xpd¶p sImSp-¡p-Itbm sNbvXn-Ã. sIm¨p®n ]m{Xhpw sIm≠v ≠v ]pdIp adnªp aXn ≠

Imbw-Ipfw sIm¨p®n s¸-Sp-¯n. G¸n¨ D¯-c-hm-Zn-¯-§Ä FÃmw Xs¶ sIm¨p®n hfsc `wKn-tbm-Sp-IqSn ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXn-cp-¶p. Ime-{I-a-¯n B ]oSn-I-bv¡p-Ån sIm¨p-®nbpsS Npa-X-e-IÄ Gdn h¶p. apX-em-fn¡v sIm¨p-®ntbmSv AXn-bmb hmÕ-eyhpw, hnizm-khpw tXm¶p -Ibpw sNbvXp. Hcn-¡Â apX-em-fnbpw sIm¨p-®nbpw IqSn I¨-hS kmam-\-§Ä hm§p-hm-\mbn Be-¸p-g bv¡v t]mbn. kmam-\-§Ä h©n-bn-em¡n XncnsI ]oSn-I-bn-te¡v hcp¶ thf-bn henb Imäpw tImfpw D≠ ≠m-hp-Ibpw, h©n-bn shÅw Ib-dn-Xp-S-§p-Ibpw sNbvXp. h©n-¡m-c³ \nb-{´n-¡p-hm³ t\m¡n-bn«v h©n \nb-{´W hnt[bw AÃm-Xm-bn¯o-cp-Ibpw, AbmÄ \ne-hn-fn-¡m³ XpS-§p-Ibpw sNbvXp. kmam\-§Ä t]mIp-¶Xv t]mIs« \ap¡v \½psS Poh-\ sÃm hepXv F¶p ]dªv apX-em-fnbpw \ne-hn-fn¨p sIm≠nsIm ≠n-cp-¶p. [oc-\mb sIm¨p®n hÅ-¯nsâ \nb≠ {´Ww Gsä-Sp-¡p-Ibpw, hÅw kpc-£n-X-ambn Icbv¡-Sp-¸n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. Cu kw`hw \S¶ tijw apX-emfn sIm¨p-®n¡v \nXyhr¯nbv¡v am{Xw sImSp-¯p-sIm-≠ ≠n-n-cp-¶Xv \nÀ ¯p-Ibpw i¼fw sImSp-¡p-hm³ XpS-§p-Ibpw sNbvXp Bbn-Sbv¡v Imbw-Ip-f¯v Hcp X§Ä h¶v Xma-kn¡p-Ibpw, Nne apl-½-Zo-bsc Bbp-[m-`ym-khpw, ImbnIm-`ym-khpw aäpw ]cn-io-en-¸n-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶-Xmbn sIm¨p®n tI«p. B hnZy-IÄ ]Tn-¡-W-sa¶ AXnbmb B{K-l-t¯msS sIm¨p®n X§sf t]mbn ImWpIbpw, B{Klw {]I-Sn-¸n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ""\ns¶ H¶pw ]Tn-¸n-¡m³ ]mSnÃ. H¶pw ]Tn-¡mªn«p Xs¶ \nsâ ]nXmhv henb A{I-an-bm-bn-cn¡p-¶p, Ime-ØnXn sIm sIm≠v ≠v \o AXn-t\-¡mÄ henb ≠ A{I-an-bm-In-söv Bcp I I≠p''. X§-fpsS injy³amÀ ]tcm-]-{Z-hn-IÄ Bbn Xocp¶Xv CjvS-an-Ãm-Xn-cp-¶-Xn-\m BWv X§Ä A{]Imcw ]d-ª-Xv. \ncm-i-tbmsS aS-§n-t¸m-sb¦nepw sIm¨p-®n B B{Klw a\-Ên \n¶v ]msS Dt]£n-¨n-cp-¶n-Ã. ]oSn-I-bnse tPmen Ign-ªtijw sIm¨p®n cm{Xn-Im-e-§-fn X§Ä ]Tn-¸n-¡p-¶Xv adªn-cp¶v ImWp-Ibpw B hnZy-IÄ A`y-kn-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXn-cp-¶p. Hcp Znhkw X§Ä Cu hnhcw F§-s\ sbm cl-ky-ambn Adn-ªp. sIm¨p-®nsb hnfn¨v Cu hnhcw tNmZn-¡p-Ibpw, sIm¨p®n GXm\pw hnZy-IÄ X§-fpsS injy³am-tc-¡mÄ tIa-ambn Im«n-sIm-Sp-


¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. AXn-bmb hmÕeyw tXm¶nb X§Ä injy-\mbn sIm¨p-®nsb kzoIcn-¡p-Ibpw I¬sI«v BÄam dm«w XpS-§nb GXm\pw hnZyIÄ IqSn sIm¨p-®nsb ]Tn-¸n-¡pIbpw sNbvXp. cm{Xn Ime-§-fnemWv Cu hnZy-IÄ sIm¨p®n A`y-kn-¡p-hm³ t]mbn-cp¶Xv F¶-Xn-\m ]oSn-I-bnse apX cRvPnXv -emfn Cu hnh-c§Ä H¶pw ss\\m³ amXyp Xs¶ Adn-ªncp-¶n-Ã. A§s\ bncns¡ Hcp Znhkw sshIp-t¶cw kÔybv¡v GhqÀ t£{X-¯nse im´n-¡m-c³ aq¶v Xpemw iÀ¡-cbv¡v AXym-h-iy-am-I-bm ]Whpw ]m{Xhpw sImSp¯v Hcmsf ]oSn-I-bn-te¡v Ab-¨p. At¸mÄ ]oSn-I-bn D≠m-bncp¶ iÀ¡c apgp-h³ XoÀ¶v t]mbn-cp-¶p.

sI«n-\-I¯p NmSn-¡-S-¡p-Ibpw, hoSnsâ Cd-b¯v Nmdbn \nd¨p h¨n-cn-¡p-¶Xn \n¶pw Bh-iy-¯n\v iÀ¡-c-sb-Sp-¯v ]m{X-¯n-em¡n ]oSn-I-bn-te¡v Xncn sI t]mIp-Ibpw sNbvXp. ]oSn-I-bn F¯n-bp-Ss\ aq¶v \mev Xpemw iÀ¡c Xq¡n-sIm-Sp-¯n«v _m¡nsb-Sp-¯n«v Nmd-bn AS¨p hbv¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp ]ntäZnhkw Btcm ]dªp Xte-Zn-hkw sIm¨p® sIm¨p®n ImWn¨ hnZybpw, ImbwIpf¯p t]mbn cm{Xn-Im-e -§-fn ]Tn-¡p¶ hnh-chpw apX-em-fn-b-dnªp. sIm¨p ®nsb hnfn-¨v hnhcw At\z-jn-¨-t¸mÄ apX-em-fn-tbmSv sIm¨p®n kXy-k-Ô-ambn hnh-c-§Ä FÃmw [cn-¸n-¨-p. DSs\ apX-emfn sIm¨p-®n-tbmSv C{]-Imcw ]dªp. ""\o F\n¡v klm--b-§Ä hf-sc-b-[nIw sNbvXp X¶n-«p≠v ≠v. \ns¶ F\n¡v hnizm-k-hp-amWv. \o C\n ≠ Ft¶m-sSm¸w \n¡p-¶-Xn F\n-s¡m«pw XmXv]-cyan-Ã. AXn-\m \o F{Xbpw s]s«¶v tPmen aXn-bm¡n \nsâ ho«n-te¡v aS§n t]mIWw.'' AXv tI«-t¸mÄ sIm¨p-®n¡v AXn-bmb hnjaw tXm¶m-Xn-cp-¶n-Ã. apX-emfn AXp-h-sc-bpÅ sIm¨p®n-bpsS IW¡v XoÀ¡p-Ibpw, Bbncw ]Ww k½m\-ambn \ÂIp-Ibpw sNbvX tijw sIm¨p-®nsb ]dª-b-¨p. sIm¨p®n kzKrl-¯n XncnsI h¶v Xma-kn¡p-I-bpw, A[nIw Xma-kn-¡msX IÃymWw Ign-¡pIbpw sNbvXp. sIm¨p-®n¡v IpSpw_]-c-ambn henb k¼mZyw H¶pw CÃm-ª-Xn-\m ]nt¶bpw Ime-t£-a¯n\v sRcp¡w Bbn-cp-¶p. AXn-\m kXoÀ°cmb Nne apl-½-Zo-bsc sIm¨p®n Iq«p ]nSn-¡p-Ibpw, Nne A{Ia {]hÀ¯-nIÄ XpS-§p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ]n¶oSv `h-\-§Ä sImÅ-b-Sn-¡p-Ibpw, hgn-t]m-¡cpsS ssIh-i-ap-ÅXv IhÀs¶-Sp-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-hm³ XpS-§n. F¶m ]mh-s¸-«-hscbpw acym-Z-¡m-scbpw sIm¨p®n Hcn-¡epw D]-{Z-hn-¨n-cp-¶n-Ã. ]mh-§-tfmSv AXn-bmb Icp-W-bp-sÅmcp IÅ-\m-bn-cp¶p ImbwIpfw sIm¨p-®n. Pohn-X¯n Imcy-amb k¼mZyw H¶pw Xs¶-bn-ÃmsX AXn-{]-i-kvX-\mb IÅ-\mbn Pohn-¨p. Imcm-{K-l-¯n sh¨p acn-¡p-hm³ CS-bmbn XoÀ¶p. ImbwIpfw sIm¨p-®n¡v aq¶v a¡fpw, Hcp aI-fpamWv D≠m-bn-cp¶Xv. kXoÀ°-cpsS klmbw CÃm-bncp-s¶-¦n sIm¨p®nsb A[n-Im-cn-IÄ¡v Hcn-¡epw ]nSn-¡p-hm³ Ignbp-am-bn-cp-¶n-Ã.

May 2018


Australian News

hnk \bwamäw C´y-¡mÀ¡v `ojWn hn

k \b-¯nse amäw C´y- DÄs¸-sS-bpÅ cmPy§-fn \n¶v Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn-te¡v IpSn-tb-dm³ B{K-ln-¡p-¶-hsc {]Xn-Iq-e-ambn _m[n-¡p-¶-Xmbn ]T-\-§Ä shfn-hm-¡p-¶p. kvInÂUv ssat{K-j³ hnk Izm«-bn \yqkn-em³Uv ]uc³amsc IqSn DÄs¸-Sp-¯n -b-XmWv Cu Ah-Øbv¡p Imc-W-ambn amdn-bn-cn-¡p¶-Xv. ]pXnb At]-£-Isc am{X-a-Ã, ]n. BÀ hnkbv¡mbn \ne-hn At]-£n¨p Im¯n-cn-¡p-¶-h-scbpw Cu \bw amäw _m[n-¡p-sa¶pw hyà-am-Wv. C´y-bn \n¶pw kam\ hntZi cmPy-§-fn \n¶p -apÅ ]uc³amÀ¡v IpSn-tbäw A\p-h-Zn-¡p-¶Xv kvIn ÂUv ssa{Kâ v hnk F¶p hnfn-¡p¶ hnZKv[ sXm gn hnk {]Im-c-am-Wv. Cu hnk e`n-¡p-¶-Xn\v Hmkv -t{S-en-b-bn Xs¶ Ønc-Xm-a-k-am-¡n-bn-cn-¡p¶ \yqknem³Up-ImÀ¡p IqSn AÀlX \ÂIp-¶-Xn\v c≠p hÀjw ap¼v s^U-d Kh¬saâ v Xocp-am-\n-¨n-cp-¶p. {]XnhÀjw 43,990 kvInÂUv ssa{Kâ v hnk-I-fmWv Kh¬saâ v A\p-h-Zn-¨n-cp-¶-Xv. F¶m CXnsâ F®¯n hÀ[\ hcp-¯m-sX-bmWv \yqkn-em³Up-Imsc IqSn DÄs¸-Sp-¯m-\pÅ Xocp-am-\w. ap³Im-e-§-fn Cubn-\-¯n s]« hnk-bn \yqkn-em³Up-Imsc DÄs¸-Sp-¯n-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. F¶p am{X-aà aäp-cm-Py-§-


fn \n¶p km[m-cW kvInÂUv ]nBÀ hnk-bv¡mbn At]-£n-¡p-¶-hÀ \nÝnX kvInÂUv HIyp-t¸-j³ enÌn DÄs¸-«n-cn-¡-W-sa-¶mWv \n_-Ô-\-sb-¦nepw \yqkn-em³Uv ]uc³amÀ¡v AXpw _m[-I-a-Ã. ]pXnb \nbaw h¶-tXmsS Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn Xs¶ Xma-kn¡p¶ ]Xn-\m-bn-c-t¯mfw \yqkn-em³Uv ]uc³amÀ hnk-bv¡mbn At]-£n-¨n-cn-¡p-¶p-sh-¶mWv B`y-´c hIp-¸nsâ IW-¡p-IÄ kqNn-¸n-¡p-¶-Xv. CXv C´y DÄs¸-sS-bpÅ aäp cmPy-§-fn \n¶p At]-£-I-scbmWv {]Xn-Iq-e-amb _m[n-¡p-¶-sX¶pw Nq≠n≠n-¡m-Wn≠ ¡-s¸-Sp-¶p. ap³ km¼-¯nI hÀjs¯ At]-£n¨v C³hn-tä-j-\p-IÄ Ab-bv¡p-¶-Xn ]Xn-aq-hm-bn-ct¯mfw F®-¯nsâ Ipd-hp≠m-b-Xmbn Cu taJ-ebnse hnZ-Kv[À Is≠-¯n-bn-cn-¡p-¶p. CXn-\nsS ssat{K-j³ GPâp-am-cpsS {]hÀ¯\ coXn-IÄ, AwKo-Im-cw, \nb-a-ew-L-\-§Ä, XpS§n hnhn[ hnj-b-§Ä kw_-Ôn¨v Hmkvt{S-en-b³ ]mÀesaânsâ tPmbnâ v Ìm³UnMv I½nän Hm¬ ssat{Kj³ At\z-jWw Bcw-`n-¨n-«p≠v ≠v. CXnsâ `mK-ambn ≠ kzImcy hyàn-I-fn \n¶pw Øm]-\-§-fn \n¶pw kanXn sXfn-sh-Sp¸v \S-¯p-¶-Xm-Wv.

Im\nMvsh ktX¬ Ìmdn\v Cc-«-¡n-co-Sw

ºv ae-bmfw kwL-Sn-¸n¨ tUmdn³ I¸v ^pSv t_mÄ SqÀWsaâ SqÀWsaân Im\nMvsh ktX¬ ÌmÀ Soan\v Cc-«-¡n-co-Sw. PqWn-bÀ, ko\n-bÀ hn`m-K§-fnemWv ktX¬ ÌmÀ IncoSw Ic-Ø-am-¡n-b-Xv. c≠n≠n-\-¯nepw shÃn-«-\nse tIcf kvss{St¡-gvkm ≠ Wv d®À A¸v. skan ss^\-en ]Xn-\mep hbÊp hsc-bpÅ Ip«n-I-fpsS hn`m-K-¯n \nÝnX ka-bhpw FIvkv{S ssSapw ]n¶n-«-t¸mfpw tIcf kvss{St¡gvkpw ktX¬ Ìmdpw ka-\n-e-bn XpS-cp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. CtX XpSÀ¶v s]\mÂän jq«u-«n-eq-sS-bmWv ktX¬ ÌmÀ tPXm-¡-fm-b-Xv. XpSÀ¶p \S¶ hmin-tb-dnb {Kmâ v ss^\-en tIcf kvss{St¡gvkv BZy ]¯p an\n-än-\p-Ån Hcp tKmf-Sn-s¨-¦nepw c≠mw ]Ip-Xnbn ktX¬ Ìmdn\v tKmÄ aS-¡p-¶-Xn-\m-bn. CtXmsS ka-\n-e-bn-emb aÕcw FIvkv{Sm ssSante¡v \ofp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ktX¬ Ìmdnsâ NpW¡p-«n-IÄ an\n-äp-IÄ¡Iw hnP-b-tKmÄ t\Sn. tIcf kvss{St¡-gvkn\v Cu tKmÄ aS-¡m³ km[n-¨n-Ã. ]Xn-s\«p hb-kn\p Xmsg-bp-Å-h-cpsS hn`m-K-

XqenI kmln-Xy-thZn hmÀjn-I-¸-Xn¸v


Â_¬ BØm-\-amb XqenI kmln-Xyth-Zn-bpsS BZy hmÀjn-I-¸-Xn-¸n-te¡v ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS kmlnXy cN-\-IÄ £Wn-¡p-¶p. ae-bm-f-¯ntem Cw¥o-jntem Fgp-Xmw. IY, Ihn-X, teJ-\w, \ncq-]-Ww, ImÀ«q¬ XpS-§nb cN-\-IÄ Csa-bn-en Ab¨p Xcn-I-bmWv th≠ -Xv. XqenI FUn-täm-dn-b kanXn Xnc-sª-Sp¡p¶ cN-\-IÄ \hw-_À amk-¯n {]kn-²o-Icn-¡p¶ hmÀjn-I-¸-Xn-¸n DÄs¸-Sp-¯p-¶-Xm-Wv. ae-bmf `mjbpw kmln-Xyhpw kwkvIm-chpw kwc-£n-¡m-\pÅ Xqen-I-bpsS ]cn-{i-a-¯nsâ `mK-am-bmWv hmÀjn-I-¸-Xn-¸nte¡v kmln-Xy-krjvSn-IÄ £Wn-¡p-¶-Xv. cN-\-IÄ e`n-t¡≠ Ah-km\ XobXn: 30 Pq¬ 2018 Ab-bvt¡≠ hnemkw:

IqSp-X hnh-c-§Ä¡v tPmWn aäw: 0421111739 \n`mjv: 0401522988


¯n \nÝnX ka-bhpw FIvkv{Sm ka-bhpw ]n¶n «n«pw BÀ¡pw hnP-b-an-ÃmsX ka-\ne XpS-cp-I-bmbn-cp-¶p. CtX XpSÀ¶v s]\m«n jq«u-«n-eqsS ktX¬ ÌmÀ hnP-b-In-coSw NqSp-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. ]Xn-\mep hb-kn\p Xmsg-bp-Å-h-cpsS hn`mK-¯n {]kmZv amXyphpw ]Xn-s\«p hb-kn\p Xmsg-bp-Å-h-cpsS hn`m-K-¯n tXmakv Um\n-b-epam-bn-cp¶p Im\nMvshbn ktX¬ ÌmÀ Soansâ amt\-PÀamÀ.


tKm]n-\mYv apXp-ImSv


ikvX aPo-jy³ tKm]n-\mYv apXp-ImSv Hmkvt{S -en-b³ kµÀi-\-¯n-s\-¯p-¶p. knUv\n-bnse {]Ya ae-bmfw `mjm ]T\ Øm]-\-amb _me-ssIc-fn-bpsS ]¯mw hmÀjn-Im-tLm-j-¯nse apJym-Xn-Ynbm-bn-cn¡pw Ct±-lw. sabv 13-þ\v D¨-I-gnªv c≠c bv¡v Bcw-`n-¡p¶ hmÀjn-Im-tLm-j-§Ä¡v Sq¬Km_n ]»nIv kvIqfn-emWv thZn-sbm-cp-§p-¶-Xv. CtXm-S-\p_-Ôn¨v Ip«n-IÄ¡mbn Câ-dm-IvSohv hÀ¡vtjm¸pw kwL-Sn-¸n-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv. IqSp-X hnh-c-§Ä¡v A\n (0425279651), tembnUv (0411121008), hnPp (0413387460), {iotZhn (0412526318) F¶n-hsc _Ô-s¸-Sp-I.

HmÌn³ ^nen¸v Hmkokv SoanÂ


e-bm-fnbmb HmÌn³ ^nen¸v Hmkvt{S-en-b³ _[nc {In¡äv Soan-te¡v Xnc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸-«p. Ct±lw DÄ s¸-Sp¶ Sow Cu hÀjw \hw-_-dn C´y-bn ]cy-S-\¯n-s\-¯pw. Hcp t]mse t_mfn-§nepw _män-§nepw Xnf-§p¶ HmÌn³ tIm«bw kztZ-in-bmb A\o-jnsâbpw jo_-bp-sSbpw ]p{X-\m-Wv. P·-\m-epÅ {ihW sshI-eys¯ AXn-Po-hn-¨mWv HmÌn³ {In¡än t\«-§Ä kz´-am-¡p-¶-Xv.

hmÄkv{So-än hmÀjnI Hm^À


Wb hn\n-ab cwKs¯ ap³\nc Øm]-\amb hmÄkv{Soäv ]¯mw hmÀjn-I-t¯m -S-\p-_-Ôn¨v h¼³ Hm^-dp-I-fp-ambn cwK-¯v. kztZi-t¯¡v ]W-a-b-bv¡p-¶-Xn-\mbn H«p-an¡ ae-bmfn-Ifpw B{i-bn-¡p¶ hnizkvX [\-Im-cy-Øm-]\-amWv hmÄkv{Soäv t^mdn³ FIvkvtN-©v.

Hm^-dnsâ `mK-ambn ]W-an-S-]m-Sn\v \mep tUmfÀ am{X-amWv D]-t`m-àm-¡-fn \n¶pw I½oj³ \nc-¡mbn CuSm-¡p-¶-Xv. \m«n-te¡v ]W-ab-bv¡p¶ ae-bm-fn-IÄ CsXmcp kphÀWm-h-k-cam-bmWv IW-¡m-¡p-¶-Xv. Hmkvt{S-en-b-bpsS ]e `mK¯p \n¶pw ae-bm-fn Hm¬sse-\mbn hmÄ kv{So-änsâ tkh\w D]-tbm-K-s¸-Sp-¯p-¶p≠v ≠v. ≠ C{Xbpw Imew hmÄkv{So-än-s\m¸w kl-I-cn¨ FÃm D]-t`m-àm-¡Ä¡pw Ub-d-IvSÀ cmP³ tXmakv \µn Adn-bn-¨p.

\nIp-Xn-bn-fhv, hnIk\w: _Päv P\-{]nbw


I-k-\-¯n\pw \nIpXn Cf-hn\pw ap³Xq¡w \ÂIp-¶ s^U-d _Päv {Sj-dÀ kvtIm«v tamdn-k¬ ]mÀe-saân Ah-X-cn-¸n-¨p. Cu hÀjw Hmkvt{S-en-b³ km¼-¯nI hyh-Ø-bn ]ptcm-K-Xnbp-≠m-b-Xns\ XpSÀ¶mWv hnI-k-\-¯n\pw \nIp-Xnbn-f-hn\pw Du¶Â \ÂIn-bn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. ASn-Øm\ hnI-k-\-¯n-\mbn h³XpI amän-h-¨n-cn-¡p¶ _P-än tdmUv-þ-sd-bn ]mX-I-fpsS \nÀam-W-¯n-\pw \ho-I-cW-¯n-\pw ap³Xq¡w \ÂIn-bn-«p≠v ≠v. ≠ BZmb \nIp-Xn-bnse Cf-hp-I-fmWv _P-änsâ asämcp {]tXy-I-X. Ipdª hcp-am-\-ap-Å-hÀ¡pw a[yhÀK IpSpw-_-§Ä¡pw IqSp-X D]-Im-c-{]-Z-amb coXnbn-emWv \nIpXn Cf-hp-IÄ {]Jym-]n-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. \m ]-Xn-\m-bncw tUmf-dn Xmsg hmÀjnI hcp-am-\-ap-ÅhÀ¡v Ccp-\qdp tUmfÀ hsc \nIp-Xn-bn-fhv e`n-¡pw. a[y-hÀK IpSpw-_-§Ä¡v 2024 HmSp IqSn 530 tUmftdmfw \nIp-Xn-bn-fhv e`n-¡p¶ hn[-¯n hcpw hÀj§-fn \nb-a-\nÀamWw \S-¯p-¶-Xp-am-Wv. saUn-sI-bÀ sehn hÀ[-\-hn-\pÅ Xocp-am\w s^U-d kÀ¡mÀ t\cs¯ ]n³h-en-¨n-cp-¶p. B-Zm-b-\n-Ip-Xn- Ip-d-¨-Xns\m¸w saUn-sI-b sehn ]n³h-en-¨Xv km[m-c-W¡mÀ¡v IqSp-X t\«-am-Ipw. ASn-Øm\ kuI-cy-§-fpsS hnI-k-\-¯n-\mbn ASp¯ ]¯p hÀj-t¯¡v 75 _ney¬ tUmf-dmWv _P-än hI-bn-cp-¯n-bn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. sNdp-InS _nkn-\kp-ImÀ¡pw Øm]-\-§Ä¡pw IqSp-X ]n´pW \ Ip¶ _P-än 250 aney¬ tUmfÀ sXmgn taJ-ebnse sshZKv[yw hÀ[n-¸n-¡p-¶-Xn-\mbn hI-bn-cp-¯nbn-«p-ap≠v ≠v. ≠

sae-Un-bp-ambn knUv\n-bnÂ

"a[p-cn¡pw HmÀa-IÄ'


Uv\n BÀ«v ethgvkv Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p¶ a[pcn-¡pw HmÀa-IÄ F¶ kwKo-X-]-cn-]mSn \m emw hÀj-¯n-te¡v. kok¬ \men\p thZn-sbm-cp-§p¶Xv knUv\n shâ vhÀ¯vhn sdUvKw skâ-dn sabv 26 i\n-bmgvN sshIp-t¶cw Bdn-\m-Wv. saeUn¡v {]m[m\yw \ÂIn-bpÅ Km\-§-fmWv knUv\nbnse {]ikvX Kmb-IÀ Cu ]cn-]m-Sn-bn Be-]n-¡p¶-Xv. IqSp-X hnh-c-§Ä¡v sI. ]n. tPmkv (0419306202), _m_p sk_m-Ìy³ (0422197328), Imcmbn kXy³ (0404442288), hniz³ tIt¨cn (0409034825), tPm¬ tP¡_v (0402677259) F¶n-hsc _Ô-s¸-Sp-I.

Ignª e¡w sat{Sm-a-e-bmfw Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn "H¸w t]ms¶mcp Im¸´v' F¶ t]cn {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡s¸« teJ\w amXr-`qan Zn\-¸-{X-¯nsâ tIc-f-¯nse hnhn[ FUn-j-\p-I-fn {io. \nÀa tPmbn-bpsS t] cn {]kn-²o-I-cn-¡-s¸« "IS IS-s¶mcp Im¸´v' F¶ teJ-\-¯nsâ DÅ-S¡w DÄs¡m-Åp-¶-Xm-bn-cp¶p-sh¶pw AXn-\mbn Snbm-sâtbm {]km-[-I-sâtbm A\p-aXn hm§n-bn-cp-¶n-söpw R§Ä a\-Ên-em-¡pIbpw \ncp-]m-[nIw tJZn-¡p-Ibpw sN¿p-¶p.

May 2018


Art & Culture

Swathi Thirunal Jayanthi in Sydney T

he custom of music in Indian lives is centuries old. Expression through music, dance and drama is an integral part of Indian culture from me immemorial. Where few Indians gather, besides culinary delights, there is always music. Music has the power to evoke on and piety. For many Indians music is an expression of devo on and uncondi onal love for God. Even praying is done in a musical form, with rhyme, rhythm, meter and all. Today there is enough fic evidence that points to a range of neural effects that music has on the human mind. On 21 April 2018 Sydney c Music lovers (rasikas) under the banner of Sydney Music Circle, Sydney, celebrated Swathi cipants Thirunal Jayanthi. About 60 spread across age groups 10 to 70 came together at Dundas Community Centre, Dundas, NSW, to pay their homage to the great royal music composer of Kerala – Sri Swathi Thirunal.

Sri Swathi Thirunal was born on 16 April 1813 into the Chera dynasty of the matrilineal Royal family of Travancore, which is now a part of Kerala. He reigned as the King of Travancore from AD 1829 to AD 1846. Sw Tirunal was deeply interested in music right from childhood. Besides being an able ruler, he was a patron of music, literature and the arts. He was a musician himself. Researchers say that Thirunal affixed his comons with the ‘mudra’ (signature) Padmanabha, padumanabha, sarasijanaabha, and its varied synonyms. One of the few Carna c composers who transcended tradions, went beyond c and composed in Hindustani ragas (Behag, Saranga etc.) and in languages of Sanskrit, Manipravalam (a literary amalgama on of proto Tamil and Malayalam used in medieval liturgical texts in South India), Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada and Hindi. Swathi Thirunal encouraged both road systems of Indian music, Hindustani and Carna c, though he was ally a con-


noisseur of the c music tr on. This was a period when music and art were thriving in many parts of south India. He had created close to 400 musical ons in the Carna c and Hindustani genres of Indian classical music, in six different languages and in rare ragas, and earned his righ ul c music. place as a doye Within a compar vely short span of life of 33 years, he achieved as much as the other masters of the same me did, in their long le genius in the mulives. He was a sical art and was hailed as a prince among musicians and a musician among princes. c music, Saint The triumvirate of Thyagaraja (1767–1847), Shyama Shastri (1762–1827) and Muthuswami Dikshitar (1775–1835), also lived and enriched music during this period. The musical genius of Swathi Thirunal is celebrated annually in Triuvananthapuram, Kerala, through the ‘Swathi Sangeethotsavam’ a 10-day music fe val (4 to 13 January of every year) featuring exclusively the ons of Maharaja Swathi Thirunal. on Closer to home, in Sydney, this tr is kept alive by passionate and sincere music rasikas, and organisa ons like Sydney Music Circle, in the form of an annual celebraon - Swathi Thirunal Jayanthi. A prac ce evolves into a tr on when it is conducted diligently, with passion and sincerity. Swathi Thirunal Jayanthi has been celebrated in ated Sydney for the last 19 years. It was in a very humble way in the year 1999 by four families who are ardent followers of the on and carry it close to Carna c music tr their heart. Their commitment to date is evidence of the same. On 21 April 2018 it was the nineteenth annual celebr on. The day saw ar stes of all ages rendering Swathi ons with reverence and Tirunal’s devo on. The celebr on began with a tr ‘pooja’ and ‘thalapoli’.


ated this music fe val 19 years back, welcomed the audience. Mrs Nalini Shankar lighted the lamp. Every year one young muthirunal comsic student recites the on ‘Sri Krishnam’ as the prayer song. This is tuned in a different ragam each me by his/her teacher. This year, Gayathri Srinivasan, student of Smt. Sangeetha Ayyar rendered the prayer song. Dr. Sampath peronal pooja. The ‘thalapoli’ formed the tr was young girls was very welcoming. This was followed by the musical rendi on of Swathithirunal Ganapathi song ‘Paripahi’ and the Raagamaalika Bhavayami raghuramam by about 20 Sydney c ar stes on vocal, supported by mridangams, ghatam and violin. For the next five hours about sixty musicians of all ages rendered musical tributes that were varied and many. It was very efficiently compered by Anitha Iyer. There were group and solo, vocal and instrumental rendi ons. It was wonderful to see instrumental ar stes (mridangam, violin, ghatam etc) extending their support

by accompanying vocalists on stage throughout the program. The day culminated with the group rendion of the rhythmic, vibrant and challenging Thillana – Geethadhuniku thakadSudha Kumar heem (Raagam Sydney – Dhanasri, Taalam – Aadi) with the mrindangam matching each rhythmic note to precision. It was an aural treat and a musical celebr on that ended on a high! This was followed by tr onal Kerala dinner prepared by volunteers. Celebr ons of this kind are the result of exemplary organiza on of a range of cs. From the acous cs to ng to sumptuous food and beverages, everything was the dedicated and uncondi onal support of a group of volunteers who have been doing this for many years. Celebr ons of this kind are also realized only when there is deep commitment and passion driving it. For classical musical ons of 19th century to be studied, perfected and rendered by youngsters who are born and brought up in a foreign land is no mean feat. A few minutes of rendi on on stage is the consequence of many hours of constant rigorous training and prac ce through many years. For the younger genera on that is constantly exposed to an amalgama on of cultures on a daily basis, it is the undying commitment of accomplished Sydney Carna c singers, that keep the musical tradi ons alive through regular tutelage and support of upcoming ar stes. It develops in youngsters a sense of belonging and identy.

Mr Raman who is one of the rasikas who

May 2018


Folklore Russian Story

Babayaga and The Kind Children


ong ago in Russia, there lived a good peasant named Ivan with his twin children Semeyon and Tanya and their wicked stepmother Sosiya. One day the stepmother sent Tanya and Semeyon to a witch’s house in the forest telling that she is her kind grandmother and that she needs their help. Their father believing the wife’s words let them go and gave them some cookies, ham and fresh milk for consumption on the way.

Fou” she exclaimed, “I smell the Russian blood.” The children stood close together as they were frightened and replied in a very polite tone without showing any fear. “Sweet grandmother, our stepmother has sent us to serve you”. ‘I’ve no objection, said the witch. If you satisfy my wishes I shall reward you; if not, I shall eat you up.” Without any delay she gave the girl a heap of cotton to spin thread, and SemeySemey on was asked to bring water in a Sieve to fill a big tub. Poor Tanya sat near her spinning wheel and wept bitterly. Then some mice came around her and said. ‘Tanya, sweet Tanya don’t cry. Give us cookies and we will help you’. The kind little girl gave them cookies. The mice became very happy and they started spinning the thread. They told her to find out the witch’s black cat. “Its very hungry. Give him a slice of ham and he will help you”.

back happily. The children reached the magic gate, but it remained closed. They neatly oiled its hinges upon which the gate noiselessly opened itself and allowed them to go. Finding the birch tree hindering them by lowering its branches, Tanya untied a ribbon from her own hair and decorated the branch. It soon allowed them to go. When Baba Yaga came out of the hut she soon realized that the kids have gone. “Why have you allowed the children to go”? She asked the cat beating it. “I have been serving you all these years and you haven’t given any good food to me. But the kind children gave me a piece of ham. So I let them go.” Same question was asked to the dogs, gate and the birch tree and similar replies were got.


Tanya found the cat sitting on a doorstep and fed it with a big piece of ham.

The children, as they had been very obedient, soon started for the forest. But Tanya had some suspicions, but they had nobody to get counsel from. They got tired of walking and sat a while beneath a tree to take some rest. But they fell asleep out of fatigue. Tanya got a vision of her mother in a dream in which she told her to be highly kind towards all animals and birds they see there, because the old lady, Baba Yaga, to whom they are going is a cruel witch. The cookies, ham and milk may be used to feed the animals and birds there-Mother told the kids. On waking up the children started walking again and reached the hut the stepmother had told. It stood on tiny hen’s feet and at the top was a rooster’s head. They saw the head of a wicked witch jetting out through the door of the hut. “Fou, Fou,


At that moment the witch returned. She was highly displeased to see the tasks being done by the children. She wondered for a while how the children could finish the difficult task if not by some help from anybody else. At night the children were given a bed made of straw and were asked to sleep in a cold corner of the room. They were so scared that-they could not sleep. Again Tanya got a vision of their mother and she became courageous. As the day broke, before the old lady woke up, children fled from the hut taking the towel, comb and oil. When the witch’s dogs came behind them barking, they gave the dogs all the cookies that was left with them. Getting the cookies the dogs went

When the children finally reached home, they found their father desperately waiting for them there. The stepmother got bewildered when she saw them coming back. Finding the turn of events not much safe for her, she tried to flee from there, but in vain. The father got hold of her and made her reveal the entire wicked plan. Finally she was beaten out of the house to join her grand mother inside the forest.

Chef’s Gallery

Meanwhile, some birds came to help Semeyon. He gave them milk in return. The birds plastered the sieve with clay and used it to fill the tub.

On getting bellyful of ham, the cat gave her a towel, a comb and some oil and told her to run away with these magical things. If she hears the witch running after them she had to drop the towel behind. Then a large river will appear, separating them from the witch. If she follows them a second time, the comb is to be thrown down. A thick dark forest will appear and will protect them from the witch.

The witch so hurriedly went in search of the children. Finding Baba Yaga just behind Tanya dropped the towel to the ground giving birth to wide river between them and the witch. Baba Yaga took some time to find a shallow part to cross it. When she sped fast to reach close to the children again Tanya dropped the comb down making a forest appear from nowhere for their rescue. Finding it impossible to catch the kids from the other end of the forest she finally returned home.

Ingredients Chicken thigh fillet Lemon Olive oil Garlic cloves Paprika powder Spanish onion Chicken stock

8 piece 2 4 tspn 6 1 tbsp 1 320mL

Cous cous Parsley Mint Pitted black olives Red and green peppers Salt White pepper powder Salt

Jacob Chacko 240gms half bunch half of small bunch 20gms 1 each 1 tspn TTo taste

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Marinate chicken with lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper and paprika powder. After 30 minutes cook chicken in a griddle pan for 5 minutes both sides to seal them. Add chopped garlic to pan and reduce the flame, then cook for 10 minutes. Sauté chopped garlic and onion in oil until soft. Add stock and seasonings to garlic and onion, then let it boil. Mix cous cous with stock and cover with lid for 5 minutes. After, open lid and mix with a spoon to fluff up the cous cous. Sauté Chopped green pepper, olives and mix with cous cous. Finally, mix green herbsand serve chicken on bed of cous cous. Finally

May 2018






c Up

v gE

BtLm-j-§Ä Hcp-§p¶p _me-ssI-cfn

[10th Anniversary Celebrations] Venue : TToongabbie Public School Cnr. Fitzwilliam Road & Binalong Road Cnr TToongabbie NSW-2147 Date : 13th May 2018 Time : 2.30pm - 4.30pm Contact No : 0425279651, 0411121008

lm¸n atZgvkv tU Venue

: HarryTodd Band Hall Jubilee Road, Harris Park, NSW 2150 Date : Sunday 13th May 2018 Time : 5.00pm - 8.00pm Contact No : 0414644187, 0448697948

\thm-Zb Hmkvt{S-enb H^o-jy C\m-Kp-td-j³ Venue Date Venue Date Venue Date Venue Date Venue Date

: Perth : Saturday 19th May 2018 : Melbourne : Sunday 20th May 2018 : Canberra : Friday 25th May 2018 : Sydney : Saturday 26th May 2018 : Brisbane : Sunday 27th May 2018

a[p-cn¡pw HmÀ½-IÄ kok¬ 4


Venue Date Time


imkv{X-¯nsâ kz´w ¢oäkv


: 70 Douglas Rd, Blacktown, NSW, Sydney, Australia : May 19th 2018

dn¨ iÀ½ tjm

Venue : Whitlam leisure Centre Liverpool Date : Saturday 19th May 2018 Time : 7.00pm Contact No : 0412779418, 0423649084


: Redgum Centre, Wentworthvile : Saturday 26th May 2018 : 6.00pm

: Oatlands Golf Club 94 Bettington Road Oatlands, NSW-2117 Date : Sunday 27th May 2018 Time : 5.00pm Contact No : 0434287260, 0406507170

hn¶À Unsseäv

Venue : Uniting Church Hall 115 Station Street, Wentworthville Date : Saturday 2nd June 2018 Time : 6.00pm Contact No : 0405343251, 0432506204

t{ibm tLmjmÂ

[10th Anniversary Celebrations] Venue : Kellyville High School YYork & Queenbury AVE, Kellyville Date : Saturday 4th August 2018

tIcf {^v≠vkv ¢ºv HmWw 2018 Venue Date

: Kellyville High School YYork & Queenbury AVE, Kellyville : Saturday 18th August 2018

Hutk-¸-¨³ ss\äv Venue

: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane Adelaide, Canberra Date : 5 to 14 October 2018 Contact No : 0422197328, 0419306202

_mUvan⬠U_nÄkv SqÀW-saâv Date

: 6th October 2018

ae-bmfw Xnf-§n ]t£...


ka{K kw`m-h-\-bv¡pÅ ZmZm-km-ln_v ^mÂt¡ ]pc-kvImcw A´-cn¨ t_mfnhpUv \S³ hnt\mZv J¶bv¡p e`n-¨p. Ak-aokv Nn{X-amb hntÃPv tdmIvÌmgvkv Gähpw anI¨ kn\n-a-bmbn Xnc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸-«p. _wKmfn kn\n-a-bnse bph-Xmcw E²n sk³ anI¨ \S-\pÅ ]pc-kvImcw kz´-am-¡n-sb-¦nepw Cu Inco-S-¯n\p th≠n≠n-bpÅ t]mcm-«-¯n ^lZv ^mknepw C{µ³kpw Ah-km\ du≠ ≠ ≠v hsc H¸¯n-s\m¸w \n¶p. {iotZ-hn-bmWv anI¨ \Sn. sX¶n-´y-bn \ns¶¯n t_mfn-hpUv Iog-S-¡nb {iotZ-hn¡v AhmÀUv ac-Wm-\-´c _lp-a-Xn-bm-bn. anI¨ kwKo-X-¯n\pw ]Ým-¯e kwKo-X-¯n-\p-apÅ ]pc-kvImcw t\Sn-bXv F. BÀ. dÒm-\m-Wv.



^lZv ^mknÂ


dp-]-¯-©m-aXv tZiob Ne¨n{X AhmÀUp-I-Ä {]Jym-]n¨-t¸mÄ ae-bm-f-¯nsâ an¶p¶ {]IS-\w. ]Xn-\mep ]pc-kvIm-c-§-fmWv C s¡mÃw tIc-f-¯nsâ ]«n-I-bn FgpXn-t¨À¡-s¸-«-Xv. {]ikvX Ne-¨n{X kwhn-[m-b-I³ tiJÀ I]qÀ A[y-£\mb kan-Xn-bmWv hnP-bn-Isf Xnc\nJn Fkv. {]ho¬ ]mÀh-Xn sª-Sp-¯-Xv. Pqdn-bn ae-bmfn km ¶n[yw D≠m-bn-cp-¶-Xp-an-Ã. ae-bmf kn\n-a-bpsS \ne-hmcw Xs¶ hnkva-bn-¸n-s¨¶ Pqdn sNbÀamsâ {]Jym-]\w ]pckvIm-c-§-sf-¡mÄ anI¨ AwKo-Im-c-ambn amdp-Ibpw sNbvXp. ae-bmf kn\n-abv¡v IYm hn`m-K-¯n ]¯pw ItY-Xc hn`m-K-¯n \mepw ]pc-kvIm-c-§-fmWv e`n-¨-Xv. \h-ck Nn{X]c-¼-c-bn s]« `bm-\-I-¯neqsS Pb-cmPv anI¨ kwhn-[m-b-I\mbn AwKo-I-cn-¡-s¸-«p. CtX kn\n-a-bn-eqsS Ah-ew-_nX Xnc-¡-Y-bv¡pÅ Ahm ÀUpw Pb-cm-Pn\p Xs¶ kz´-am-bn. `bm-\-I-¯nsâ Iymad ssIImcyw sNbvX \nJn Fkv. {]ho¬ anI¨ Ombm-{Km-l-I-\pÅ ]pc-kvIm-c-¯n-\p-ap-S-a-bm-bn. Km\K-ÔÀh³ tbip-Zm-kn-\mWv anI¨ Kmb-I-\pÅ ]pc-kvIm-cw. CXp-hsc F«p XhW ≠nsâ nsâ \o≠ tbip-Zmkv Cu AwKo-Im-c-¯n-\v AÀl-\m-bn-«p-s≠¦nepw Im \qäm-≠ CS-th-f-bmWv Ignª AhmÀUn\pw Cu AhmÀUn-\p-an-S-bn-ep-≠m-bn-«p-Å-Xv. "hnizm -k-]qÀhw a³kqÀ' F¶ Nn{X-¯n ctaiv \mcm-b-W³ CuW-an« "t]mbva-dª Imew' F¶ Km\-amWv ae-bm-f-¯nsâ Km\-K-ÔÀh\v Cu ]pc-kvImcw t\Sn-s¡mSp-¯-Xv. sXm≠n≠n-ap-Xepw ZrIvkm-£n-bpw, tS¡v Hm^v F¶o Nn{X-§-fnse e£-W-sam¯ ≠ A`n-\-b-¯n-eqsS ^lZv ^mkn anI¨ kl-\-S-\p-Å ]pc-kvImcw t\Sn-sb-Sp-¯p. tS¡v Hm^nse A`n-\-b-¯n\v ]mÀh-Xn¡v {]tXyI ]cm-aÀi-hp-ap≠v ≠v. Zneojv t]m ≠ ¯³ kwhn-[m\w sNbvX sXm≠n≠n-ap-Xepw ZrIvkm-£n-bp-amWv anI¨ ae-bmf kn\n-a. ≠ Cu kn\n-a-bpsS Xnc-¡Y cNn¨ kPohv ]mgq-cmWv anI¨ Xnc-¡-Ym-Ir-¯v. kmaqlnI hnj-b-§Ä ssIImcyw sN¿p¶ Gähpw anI¨ kn\n-a-bv¡pÅ ]pc-kvImcw hn. kn. A`n-em-jnsâ Bsfm-cp¡w kz´-am-¡n. anI¨ \nÀamW cq]-IÂ]-\bv¡v tS¡v Hm^n-eqsS kt´mjv cma\pw AÀl-\m-bn. A\y-`m-jm-Nn-{X-¯nse i_vZ kmt¦-XnIhnZym {]tbm-K-¯n c≠p ae-bm-fnIÄ¡v AwKo-Imcw ssIh-¶p. thm¡nMv hn¯v Zn hn³Uv F¶ eUm¡n Nn{X-¯neqsS k\ tPmÀPpw PÌn³ tPmkpw AhmÀUv kz´-am-¡n. e£-Zzo-]nse Pkzcn `mj-bn jn_p Pn. kpio-e³ \nÀan¨ kn³PmÀ Nn{X-¯n-eqsS kµo]v ]m¼-ÅnanI¨ \hm-KX kwhn-[m-b-I-\pÅ Cµn-cm-KmÔn ]pc-kvImcw kz´-am-¡n. ItYXc hn`m-K-¯n thep-¯¼n Zf-h-bpsS PohnXw Bkv]-Z-am¡n ssj\n tP¡_v s_©-an³ kwhn-[m\w sNbvX tkzÀUv Hm^v en_À«n ]pc-kvImcw t\Sn. ItY-Xc hn`m-K-¯n anI¨ kwKo-X-¯n-\pÅ AhmÀUpw CtX Nn{X-¯nsâ t]cn ctajv \mcm-b-W³ kz´-am-¡n. B\n-ta-j-\pÅ AwKo-Imcw t\Sn-bXv \oena Fdn-bm«v \nÀan¨v kptcjv Fdn-bm«v kwhn-[m\w sNbvX Zn _mkvIäv F¶ Nn{X-am-Wv. anI¨ tUmIyp-saâ-dn-bpsS kwhn-[m-b-I-\pÅ ]pc-kvImcw e`n-¨Xv Zn tÉhv sPs\-knkv F¶ Nn{X-¯nsâ kwhn-[m\w \nÀh-ln¨ A\okv sI. am¸n-f-bv¡m-Wv.

Icn-\n-g-embn {]Xn-tj[w

tZiob Ne-¨n{X AhmÀUv hnX-cWNS-§n \n¶v hn«p \n¶ tPXm-¡Ä am[y-a-{]-hÀ¯-I-cp-ambn kwkm-cn-¡p-¶p.


iob Ne-¨n{X AhmÀUv hnX-cWw A]-{ip-Xn-bpsS t]cn {i²n-¡s¸«p F¶Xv Ncn-{X-¯n-em-Zy-ambn Cu NS-§nsâ tim` sISp-¯n. \qän Ccp-]Xp t]tcmfw hcp¶ AhmÀUv tPXm-¡-fn ]Xn-s\m¶p t]À¡p am{Xw cmjv{S-]Xn cmw\mYv tImhnµpw tijn-¡p-¶-hÀ¡v hmÀ¯m hnX-cW {]t£]W a{´n kvarXn Cdm-\nbpw AhmÀUv sImSp-¡m-\pÅ Xocp-am-\-amWv tPXm-¡fpsS {]Xn-tj-[-¯n\pw _ln-jvI-c-W-¯n\pw CS-bm-¡n-b-Xv. tZiob Ne-¨n{X AhmÀUp-IÄ cmjv{S-]Xn hnX-cWw sN¿p-¶-XmWv CXp-h-sc-bpÅ Iogvhg-¡w. cmjv{S-]Xn Xs¶ AhmÀUv hnX-cWw sN¿-W-sa-¶m-h-iy-s¸«v {]ikvX Kmb-I³ tbip-Zm-kv, kwhn-[m-b-I³ Pb-cm-Pv F¶n-h-cpÄs¸sS hnhn[ `mj-Ifnse Fgp-]-tXmfw tPXm-¡Ä Ne-¨n-t{Xm-Õh Ub-d-IvS-td-än\pw hmÀ¯m hnXcW {]t£-]W a{´m-e-b-¯n\pw \nth-Z\w \ÂIn-sb-¦nepw ^e-ap-≠m-bn-Ã. \ne-]m-Sn amä-an-ÃmsX AhmÀUv hnX-c-W-hp-ambn kwLm-S-IÀ apt¶m-«p t]m Im³ Xocp-am-\n-¨-tXmsS tbip-Zmkpw Pb-cm-Pp-a-S¡w \nth-Z-\-¯n H¸n« ]ecpw {]Xn-tj[w ]n³h-en-¨p. F¦nepw Hcp hn`mKw tPXm-¡Ä NS-§n \n¶p hn«p \n¡p-Ibpw NS§v \S¶ \yqUÂln-bnse hnÚm³ `h\p ap¶n {]Xn-tj-[n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. AhmÀUv, _ncpZZm\ NS-§p-I-fn Hcp aWn-¡qdn-e-[nIw cmjv{S-]Xn cmw\mYv tImhnµv ]s¦-Sp-¡p¶ ]Xn-hn-sÃ-¶mWv CXp kw_-Ôn¨v cmjv{S-]Xn `h³ hni-Zo-I-cn-¨-Xv. AhmÀUp-I-fpsS F®-¯n ap¶n«p \n¶ tIcfw Xs¶-bmWv {]Xn-tj[-¯n\pw t\XrXzw \ÂIn-b-Xv. anI¨ kl-\-S³ ^lZv ^mknÂ, anI¨ \Sn -¡pÅ Pqdn-bpsS {]tXyI ]cm-aÀiw t\Snb ]mÀhXn F¶n-h-c-S¡w Hcp Uk\n-e-[nIw ae-bm-fn- tPXm-¡Ä kvarXn Cdm-\n-bn \n¶v AhmÀUv kzoI-cn¡m³ X¿m-dm-ImsX hn«p-\n-¶p.

Australian News (Contd.)


ikvX imkv{X {]Nm-c-I\pw {]`m-j-I-\pamb tUm. sshim-J³ X¼n Hmkvt{S-en-bbn F¯p-¶p. sabv 19 apX 27 hsc Hmkvt{Sen-b-bnse hnhn[ \K-c-§-fnse ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fn At±lw ]s¦-Sp¡pw. t{]£-I-cp-ambn t\cn«v kwh-Zn-¡p¶ efn-Xamb {]`m-j-W-§-fmWv sshim-J³ X¼nsb tIcf-¯nse thZn-I-fn {]nb-¦-c-\m-¡n-b-Xv. tNÀ¯e F³Fkv-Fkv tImf-Pnse ^nknIvkv hn`mKw A[ym-]-I-\m-Wn-t±-lw. Akvt{Sm kb³kv DÄ s¸sS k¦oÀW-amb imkv{X hnj-b-§-fn efn-X-amb {]`m-j-W-§-fmWv Ct±-l-¯nsâ {]tXy-I-X. Fʳkv saÂ_-Wnsâ B`nap-Jy-¯n-emWv "Way to Southern Cross'' F¶p t]cn-«n-cn-¡p¶ sshim-J³ X¼n-bpsS Hm kvt{S-en-b³ ]cy-S\w kwL-Sn-¸n-¡p-¶-Xv. IqSpX hnh-c-§Ä F¶ sh_v ssk-än e`y-am-Wv.


sshim-J³ X¼n Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn s]À¯v sabv 20 Rmb-dmgvN sshIp-t¶cw 5.00 hnjbw: A´y-¯n-te-¡pÅ hgn-IÄ Øew: Canning Town Hall, Canning, WA

More info: 0432334804

{_nkvt_³ sabv 22 sNmÆmgvN sshIp-t¶cw 6.00 hnjbw: hn¡m-\ppv tIma¬sk³kv Øew: Cooper Plain Library Hall, Brisbane

Sky watching session and presentation More info: 0470023793

saÂ_¬ sabv 26 i\n-bmgvN sshIp-t¶cw 4.00 hnjbw: “Masterminds ‘18” Quiz show and presentation Barry Road Community Centre, Thomastown

""\h-bp-K-¯nse abn-se® I¨-h-S-¡mÀ'' More info: 0470023793

More info: 0431221018

saÂ_¬ sabv 25 shÅn-bmgvN sshIp-t¶cw 6.30 hnjbw: Reach for the Stars

Venue: Mount Martha Observatory VIC

knUv\n sabv 27 Rmb-dmgvN sshIp-t¶cw 5.00 hnjbw: imkv{X-¯nsâ kz´w ¢oäkv Øew: Oatlands Golf Club, Oatlands NSW

More info: 0434287260

May 2018




February 2018


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