MM special supplement May June

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Special C´y-sb-¡mÄ c≠­n-c-«n-tbmfw hnkvXr-Xn-bp-ÅXpw Gsd ae-bm-fn-I-fp-ÅXpamb Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn-te¡v At§¡p kzmK-Xw. R§Ä¡v F´p ktµ-i-amWv A§bn \n¶p {]Xo-£n-¡m-hp-¶-Xv. temI-s¯-hnsS F¯n-bmepw ae-bm-fn-IÄ kmwkvIm-cnI {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä¡pw Poh-Im-cpWy {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä¡pw s]mXpCS-§Ä krjvSn-¡m-dp≠-­v. A¯cw kwLS-\-IÄ At\-I-am-bmepw ]c-kv]cw kl-I-cn¨pw A]qÀh-ambn Btcm-Ky-I-c-ambn aÕ-cn¨pw kÀKm-ß-I-amb {]hÀ¯-\-§fpw amXr-I-Ifpw krjvSn-¡-Ww. Xt±-iob kaq-l-hp-ambpw \à _Ôw hfÀ¯n-sb-Sp-¡m³ Pm{KX Im«-Ww.

\mSn-\p-th≠­n H¶n-¡pI

tIcf ap³ hnZym-`ymk kmwkvIm-cnI hIp¸v a{´n Fw.-F. t__n-bp-ambn A`n-apJw

Ìm^v teJ-I³

aWn-tbmÀUÀ k¼-Zvhy-h-Ø-bmWv tIc-f-¯n-tâ-sX¶p ]ecpw ]d-bm-d-v­. R§fpsS ]nd¶ \mSv Cub-h-k-c-¯n F´mWv R§-fn \n¶p {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶-Xv. \n§Ä adp-\m-«n-te¡v IpSn-tb-dp-¶Xv kz´w PohnX kpc-£n-X-Xzhpw sa¨-s¸« km¼-¯nI `{Z-Xbpw IpSpw-_-¯n-sâbpw kplr-¯p-¡-fp-sSbpw kz]v\-§Ä km£m-XvI-cn-¡m\pw aäp-am-Wv. A¡m-cy-¯n e£yw ImWp-¶-tXmsSm¸w \½psS kwkvIm-c-hp-ambn \m`o-\m-f-_Ôw \ne-\nÀ¯m-\pÅ {ia-§fpw \S-¯-Ww. tIcf-¯n-sâbpw C´y-bp-sSbpw km¼-¯n-I-þ-km-aq-ln-I-þ-kmw-kvIm-cnI hfÀ¨bv¡v Hmtcm-cp-¯-cp-sSbpw kml-N-cy-a-\p-k-cn¨v kw`m-h-\-IÄ \ÂIm³-þ-H-äbv¡pw Iq«mbpw-þ-`m-h-\m-]qÀW-amb ]²-Xn-IÄ Bhn-jvI-cn¨p \S-¸m-¡m\pw Ign-bpw. \n§Ä ]Tn¨ hnZym-e-bs¯ IqSp-X sa¨-s¸« \ne-bn DbÀ¯n-sb-Sp-¡m-\pÅ ]cn-]m-SnIÄ {XnXe ]©m-b-¯p-ambn kl-I-cn¨v Bhn-jvI-cn-¡m-\m-hpw. temI-¯nsâ hnhn[ `mK-§-fn P·-\m-Snsâ A\u-tZym-KnI Aw_m-kn-UÀamsc-t¸mse Ign-bp¶ ae-bmfnIÄ¡v Cu Kh¬saân \n¶v Fs´m-s¡-bmWv {]Xo-£n-¡m-hp-¶-Xv. Ht«sd ]²-Xn-IÄ ]nW-dmbn kÀ¡mÀ {]Jym-]n¨p Ign-ªp. t\mÀ¡-þ-dq-«vknsâ sh_vssk-än hni-Zo-I-cn-¨n-«pÅ A¡m-cy-§Ä \n§Ä¡p {]tXyIw FSp¯p \ Im-hp-¶-Xm-Wv. ]e Imc-W-§-fmepw Xncn-¨p-h-cm³ \nÀ_-Ôn-X-cm-Ip-¶-hÀ¡v Ht«sd ]²-Xn-Ifpw k_vkn-Unbpw {]Jym-]n-¨n-«p≠-­ v. Ah IqSp-X sa¨-s¸-Sp-¯m-\pÅ \nÀtZ-i-§Ä D≠­m-bm AXp XoÀ¨-bmbpw kÀ¡mÀ ]cn-K-Wn-¡pw. s]³j³ XpI Cc-«n-bmbn hÀ[n-¸n¨p Ign-ªp. temI tIcf k` t]mse-bpÅ ap³ssI {]hÀ¯-\-§-fpsS XpSÀ¨-bmbn Fs´ms¡ {]hÀ¯-\-§-fmWv kÀ¡mÀ Xe-¯n \S-¸m-¡p-¶-Xv.

Ie-, kwkvImcw XpS§n \m\m-ta-J-e-I-fn IqSn {]hmkn ae-bm-fn-IÄ Ct¸mÄ hfsc kPo-h-am-Wv. C¯cw kmwkvIm-cnI apt¶-ä-§-fpsS hne-b-dn-bp-¶-bm-sf¶ \ne-bn A§-bpsS ImgvN-¸m-sS-´m-Wv.

Fhn-ShnsSms¡ {]iv\-§-fps­ ≠¶v IrXy-ambn Nq­ ≠n-¡m-Wn-¨m apJy-a-{´nbpsS {i²-bn s]Sp¯n Ahbv¡v ]cn-lm-c-ap-≠ ­ m-¡mw.

a\p-jy³ Hcp cmjv{SobPohn-bm-sW¶p ]d-bm-dp≠-­ v. AXp-t]mse Xs¶ a\pjy³ Hcp kmwkvIm-cnI Pohn-bm-sW¶pw ]d-bmw. F¶m kmwkvIm-cn-I-amb AÀY-X-e-apÅ cmjv{Sob {]hÀ¯-\hpw P\-]£ cmjv{Sob k¯ XpSn-¡p¶ kmw kvIm-cnI CS-s]-S-ep-Ifpw A]qÀh-am-sW¶ hnem]w Db-cp¶ Ime-am-Wn-Xv. AXp Xncp-¯p-hm-\pÅ {i²m-]qÀh-amb {]hÀ¯-\-§-fpsS IqSn `mK-ambn thWw Ie, kmln-Xyw, kwkvImcw F¶o taJ-e-I-fn tIc-f-¯nepw C´y-bn-ep-sa-¶Xp t]mse ae-bm-fn-I-fpw, C´y-¡m-cp-apÅ kÀh Øe-§-fnepw kÀKm-ß-I-ambn {]hÀ ¯n-¡p-hm³.

Bkv]-bÀ F¶ t]cn knUv\n ae-bmfn bq¯v t^mdw hn]p-e-amb hnZym-`ymk klmb ]²-Xn¡p cq]w \ÂIn-bn-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. C¡m-cy-§-fn A§-bpsS ImgvN-¸mSv GXp Xc-¯n-ep-Å-Xm-Wv.

kz´w \mSnsâ \nÀam-Wm-ß-I-amb hfÀ¨bv¡v Iq«mb t{]mÕm-l\w \ÂIm\m-{K-ln-¡p¶ {]hmkn ae-bm-fn-IÄ¡v AXn-\mbn Hcp s]mXp ¹mävt^mw krjvSn-¡p-¶Xv \¶m-bn-cn-¡p-sa¶p Icp-Xp-¶p-thm.

hfsc ÇmL-\o-b-amb ]²-Xn-bm-Wn-Xv. Ch \S-¸m-¡p-¶-Xn\v Kh¬saân \n¶v Bh-iy-amb kl-I-c-Whpw ]n´p-Wbpw e`y-am-¡p-¶Xp kw_-Ôn¨v \nÀtZ-i§Ä D≠­m-bm Ah A\p-`m-h-]qÀhw ]cn-K-Wn-¡p-¶-Xm-Wv.

Hcp ]cn-[n-hsc temI tIcf k`-bn-eqsS Dt±-in-¨Xv C¡m-cy-am-Wv. AXnsâ {]hÀ¯\w ^e-{]-Z-am-Ip-sa¶p {]Xo-£n-¡p-¶p. AtXm-sSm¸w "s^m¡m\-\, "temI ae-bmfn Iu¬knÂ' XpS-§n-bpÅ {]Øm-\-§fpw IqSp-X {i²m-]qÀhw {]hÀ¯n¨m sa¨-s¸« ^e-ap-≠ ­ m-¡m-\m-hpw. CXn-s\Ãmw ]pdsa asä-s´Ãmw thZn Bh-iyapt≠­m F¶ Imcyhpw NÀ¨ sN¿m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.

temI tIcf k`-bpsS XpSÀ \S-]-Sn-IÄ D≠­m-Ipw. C\n ho­≠pw temI tIcf k` hnfn¨p tNÀ¡pw. DbÀ¶p h¶ \nÀtZ-i-§Ä \S-¸m-¡p-¶Xv tam\n-«À sN¿pw. kmaq-lnI XmÂ]-cy-§sf ap³\nÀ¯n-bp-Å- \nc-h[n {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä R§Ä \S-¸m-¡p-¶p-s­-≠¦nepw A[n-Ir-X-cpsS `mK¯p \n¶v th­≠{X t{]mÕm-l-\tam ]n´p-Wtbm e`n-¡m-dn-sÃ-¶-XmWv hmkvX-hw.

tIc-f-¯n-se cmjv{Sob cwKw ]pXn-sbmcp Znim-t_m[w kzoI-cn-¡p-I-bm-sW¶ ImgvN-¸m-SmWv R§Ä¡p-Å-Xv. km´z\ NnIn-Õ, ssPh-Irjn XpS§n Ct¶mfw ssIh-bv¡m-Xn-cp¶ taJ-e-I-fn-te¡v cmjv{Sobw IS-¡p-t¼mÄ A§-bpsS ImgvN-¸mSv Adn-bm³ XmÂ]-cy-ap≠-­v. cmjv{Sob {]hÀ¯\w {Inbm-ß-Ihpw kmaqly \·bv¡v klm-b-I-c-hp-am-IW-sa-¦n C¯cw ap³ssI-IÄ A\p-t]-£-Wo-b-am-Wv. cà-s¨m-cn-¨n-ep-­≠m-¡p¶ cmjv{So-b-¯n\v hncm-a-an-Sm³ IqSn C¯cw kao-]\w klm-b-I-am-Ipw. ]cn-ØnXn {]iv\-§Ä ]Tn¨v CS-s]-Sp-¶-Xn\pw D¯-c-hm-ZnXz t_m[-t¯msS FÃm cmjv{Sob ]mÀ«n-Ifpw XmÂ]-cy-sa-Sp-¡-W-sa¶pw H¸w HmÀan-¸n-¡p-¶p.


{]hm-k-tem-Is¯ {]iv\-§Ä \nc-h-[n-bm-Wv. A§-bpsS khn-tij {i² C¡mcy-¯n ]Xn-bp-sa¶p {]Xo-£n-¡m-tam. tI{µ kÀ¡m-cnsâ `mK¯p \n¶mWv C¡m-cy-¯n IqSp-X Icp-Xepw {i²bpw th­-≠Xv. tIcf kÀ¡m-cn\pw tI{µ-hp-ambn C¯cw {]iv\-§Ä NÀ¨ sN¿m-\m-hpw. ]nW-dmbn kÀ¡mÀ C¯cw Imcy-§-fn NSp-e-ambn CS-s]-Sp-¶p≠-­v. Fsâ Ffnb Ignhpw C¯cw {]iv\-§Ä D¶-bn¨p ]cn-l-cn-¡m³ th­ ≠n hn\n-tbm-Kn-¡p-sa¶v Dd¸p Xcp-¶p.


Interview-G S Pradeep Ìm^v teJ-I³


äpUntbm apdn-IÄ hn«v BÄ¡q-«-§-fn-te-¡n-d§nb ta[mizw Hmkvt{S-en-b-bnepw F¯n-bn-cn¡p-¶p. Aiz-ta[w F¶ temI sdt¡mUv Snhn ]cn-]mSn-bn-eqsS t{]£-I-temI¯v _p²n-bpsSbpw HmÀa-iàn-bp-sSbpw ]cym-b-ambn amdnb Pn. Fkv. {]Zo]v Hmkv t{S-en-b³ ]cy-S-\-¯n ae-bm-fn¡p am{X-a-Ã, sXt¡-C-´y³ Snhn t{]£IÀ¡p apgp-h³ ]cn-Nn-X-\m-b {]Zo]v \membn-c-¯n-e[nIw F¸n-tkm-Up-I-fmWv Aiz-ta-[-¯nsâ _m\-dn ]qÀ¯n-bm-¡n-bn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. C¯-c-¯n asämcp ]cn-

]mSn temI-s¯§pw Is≠¯m-\m-hn-söp am{X-a-Ã, enwI _p¡v Hm^v sdt¡m-Uvknepw ]t≠­ CSw-]n-Sn¨p Ign-ªncn-¡p¶p. cmPm-¡³am-cpsS cmPm-hmbn Ahtcm-[n-¡-s¸-Sm-\pÅ cmP-kqbw Ign-¡p¶ N{I-hÀ¯n Agn-¨p-hn-Sp¶ bmKm-izs¯ Xf-bv¡m³ BÀ¡pw {ian¡mw. AXp ]pcm-W-§-fn \n¶pÅ ]mTw. ChnsS _p²n-bp-sSbpw HmÀa-i-àn-bp-sSbpw bmKm-iz-amWv knUv\n-bn-se-¯n-bn-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. Xnc-sª-Sp¯ thZn-Ifn Aiz-ta[w Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p-¶-XneqsS {]Zo-]n-t\mSv Hcp ssIt\m-¡m³ Ah-k-cw. HmÀa-i-àn-bpsS Cu _em-_ew ssIcfn Snhn kwt{]-j-Whpw sN¿p-¶p.

-A-iz-ta[w ]cn-]m-Sn-bn-eqsS IS¶p t]mIp-t¼mÄ Xm¦Ä BIm-i-¯n\p Iognepw apI-fn-ep-apÅ FÃm Imcy-§-fnepw Bg-¯n XmÂ]-cy-apÅ Bfm-sW¶ [mc-W-bm-WtÃm D­ ≠m-Ip-¶-Xv. XmÂ]-cy-an-Ãm¯ GsX-¦nepw taJ-e-bp-t≠­m. -F\n¡p h-g-§m¯ Hcp taJ-ebpw XmÂ]-cyan-Ãm¯ asämcp taJ-e-bp-ap≠-­ v. hg-§m¯ taJe kwKo-X-am-Wv. XmÂ]-cy-an-Ãm¯ taJe Snhn-bnse CSn ]cn-]m-Sn-bmb U»yp U»yp F^m-Wv. CXn-t\mSv ISp¯ hntcm-[-hp-am-Wv. t]c-a-c-¯n Ib-dnbpw Du

Adn-hnsâ AXn-cp-Ifpw ImWm-¸p-d-§fpw sat{Sm ae-bmfw Hmkvt{S-en-bbv¡v Pn. Fkv. {]Zo]v A\p-h-Zn¨ A`n-ap-J-¯nse BZy tNmZyw Aiz-ta[w ]cn-]m-Sn-bpsS P\-Iob kzoIm-cy-X-sb-¡p-dn-¨pw CXneqsS {]Zo-]n\p e`n-¡p¶ HmÀa-i-àn-bpsS Xmc-]-cn-thj-s¯bpw Ipdn-¨p-Å-Xm-bn-cp-¶p. AXn-\pÅ D¯-c-amIs« ]n. ]n. cma-N-{µsâ efnXw F¶ IhnX A¸msS ImWmsX sNmÃp-¶-Xp-am-bn. Chn-sS-bp≠-­ p Rm/s\-¶-dnbn-¡p-hm³/ a[p-c-amsamcp Iqh am{Xw aXn. Chn-sS-bp-≠ ­ mbn/cp¶p Rms\-¶-Xn-/s¶mcp shdpw XqhÂ/Xmsg-bn-«m aXn. C\n-bp-ap≠-­mIp/sa¶-Xn³ km£y-ambv/AS-bn-cp-¶Xn³/NqSp am{Xw aXn.

ªm-em-Snbpw \S¶ \½psS Ip«n-Isf At\ym\yw Itk-c-sb-Sp¯v Xe-bv¡-Sn-¡p-¶-h-cm¡n amäp¶ ]cn]m-Sn-bm-Wn-Xv. Ip«n-I-fn hb-e³kv hfÀ¯p¶ Cu ]cn-]m-Sn-tbmSp tbmPn-¡m-\p-am-hn-Ã. XmÂ]-cy-¯n-ep-]cn GsX-¦nepw Imcy-¯n {^o¡v BsW¶p ]d-bm-\m-hp-tam. Hcp sNkv {^o¡m-sW¶p ]s­≠m-cn-¡Â tI«-tXmÀ¡p-¶p. Rm³ GXn-se-¦nepw {^o¡m-sW¶p ]d-b-Wsa-¦n AXp Ihn-X-bpsS Imcy-¯n am{X-am-Wv. C¶s¯ A`n-apJw Xs¶ Ihn-X-I-fn-eq-sS-bm-¡m³ km[n-¡pw. GXp tNmZy-¯n\pw Ihn-X-I-fn-eq-sS-bmImw D¯-cw. kvt]mÀSvknsâ Imcy-sa-Sp-¯m sNkn am{X-a-Ã, Imcw-knepw AtX XmÂ]-cy-am-Wp-Å-Xv. sNknsâ bqWn-th-gvknän Nm¼y-\m-bn-cps¶-¦n Imcw-kn kwØm\ Nm¼y\m-bn-cp-¶p. kwkmcw t]mepw IhnX t]mse kpµ-c-am-W-tÃm. C§s\ IhnX t]mse kwkm-cn-¡p-¶Xn-sâ cl-ky-sa-´m-Wv. -A-Xn\p hnti-jm cl-ky-sam-¶p-an-Ã. BsI-¡qSn th≠­ Xv F´mtWm ]d-bp-¶Xv AXn ebn¨p tNÀ¶p ]d-bm-\pÅ Ign-hm-Wv. F´pw \mhp-sIm≠-­ -Ã, lrZbw sIm­ ≠p ]d-b-Ww. At¸mÄ ]pd-t¯¡p hcp-¶Xv IhnX Xs¶-bm-bn-cn¡pw. Adn-hn-sâbpw HmÀa-i-àn-bp-sSbpw BtLm-j-amWv Aiz-ta-[-¯n \S-¡p-¶-sX¶p ]d-ªm AXnt\mSp tbmPn-¡p-tam. Cw-¥o-jn t^mÀ BÀ Fs¶mcp k¦Â]-ap≠-­v. Aiz-ta-[-¯n-eqsS e£yw hbv¡p-¶Xpw AXp Xs¶bm-Wv. sdWm-k³kv Hm^v dnaw-_-d³kv, sdh-eyq-j³ Hm^v doUnMv F¶-XmWv t^mÀ BÀ F¶Xp sIm≠­v Dt±-in-¡p-¶-Xv. HmÀa-i-àn-bpsS \thm-°m-\w, hmb-\ -bpsS hn¹hw F¶n-Xns\ ae-bm-f-¯n \ap¡p ]d-bmw. Rm³ Cu ]cn-]m-Sn-bn-eqsS Dt±-in-¡p-¶Xv \ap¡p apt¶ \S¶p t]mb-h-cpsS ]mZ-ap-{Z-Isf HmÀan-¸n¡m³ Hcp {iaw \S-¯p-I-bm-Wv. Ncn{Xw F¶ t]cn ]d-bp-¶Xpw ]Tn-¸n-¡p-¶XpsaÃmw ]mXn am{Xw icn-


Interview-G S Pradeep

\thm-Zb: {]hm-kn-I-fpsS kmwkvIm-cn-I-thZn Hm

kvt{S-en-b-bpsS hnhn[ kwØm-\-§-fn {]h À¯n-¡p¶ P\m-[n-]Xy kmwkvIm-cnI kwLS-\-bmWv \thm-Zb Hmkvt{Sen-b. CXnsâ Hu]-Nm-cn-Iamb DZvLm-S\w hnhn[ kwØm-\-§-fn \S¶p hcnI-bm-Wv. Ignª Hcp hÀj-t¯m-f-ambn kmw-kvIm-cnI Iq«m-bva-sb¶ \ne-bn \thm-Zb Hmkvt{S-enb {]hÀ ¯n¨p hcn-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p. DZvLm-S\ ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fn BZy-t¯Xv sabv 19-þ\v s]À¯n \S-¡p-I-bp-≠ ­ m-bn. XpSÀ¶v sabv 26-þ\v knUv\n-bnepw 27-þ\v {_nkvt_\nepw DZvLm-S-\-¨-S§v \S-¯-s¸-«p. AU-te-Unepw saÂ_-Wnepw CXn\p ]n¶mse DZvLm-S\w {Iao-I-

bmb Imcy-§-fm-Wv. DZm-l-c-W-¯n\v _m_-dn-s\-¡pdn¨v Ncn{Xw apKÄ hwi-N-{I-hÀ¯n-sb¶pw B{I-a-W -Im-cn-sb¶pw ]d-bpw. F¶m AXn-\-¸p-d-¯mWv Rm³ ]d-bp¶ Imcy-§Ä. C´y-bn-te¡v tdmk-¸q-¡Ä sIm­ ≠p-h-¶Xv _m_-dm-sW¶v F{X-t]À¡-dn-bmw. _m_dpsS hc-hn\p ap¼v C´y-bnse ]qt´m-«-§-fn-sem¶pw ]\n-\oÀ¸q-¡-fp≠-­m-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. At±-l-¯nsâ hc-hn\p ap¼v C´y-bn Hcp kv{Xobpw Xe-bn ]\n-\oÀ¸qhv NqSn-bn-cp-¶n-Ã. ]S-¡p-Xn-c-bpsS ]pd¯v Hcp ssIbn DS-hmfpw adp-ssI-bn ]\n-\oÀ¸q-hp-ambn hcp-s¶mcp N{I-hÀ¯n. AXm-bn-cp-¶p _m_À. CXn-s\-bmWv hmb\-bpsS hn¹hw F¶XpsIm≠­vRm³ AÀY-am-¡p-¶-Xv. C¯cw Adn-h-I-fpsS HmÀa-IÄ kq£n-¡p-t¼mÄ AXv HmÀa-bpsS \thm-°m-\-ambn amdpw. Aiz-ta[w F¶ ]cn-]m-Sn C{X P\-Io-b-am-¡p¶Xn ]¦p-h-ln-¡p¶ km[m-c-W-¡mÀ¡pw hnZymÀYnIÄ¡pw HmÀa-iàn hÀ[n-¸n-¡m³ Fs´-¦nepw D]tZiw Xcm-\p-t≠ ­ m. HmÀa-i-àn-bpsS Imcy-¯n Htc-sbmcp cl-ky-tabp-Åq. ]ecpw HmÀa-iàn hÀ[n-¸n-¡m-\mbn em_-d-«dn-Ifpw ]cn-io-e\ ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fp-sams¡ \S-¯p-¶p≠-­v. AsXms¡ shdpw X«n-¸m-Wv. CXn-\mbn hnti-jm sSIv\n-¡p-I-sfm-¶p-an-Ã. Ønc-ambn hmbn-¡p¶ ]{X¯nsâ C¶-es¯ ]Xn-¸n H¶mw t]Pn h¶ c­≠m-as¯ hmÀ¯ F´m-bn-cp¶p F¶p tNmZn-¨m D¯cw ]d-bm³ ]ecpw X¸pw. F¶m hÀj-§Ä¡p ap¼p I≠­kn\n-a-bpsS IY ad-¡p-¶n-Ã. A½ acn-¨n«v F{X hÀjw Ign-ªmepw A½-bpsS t]tcm apJtam ad-¡p-¶n-Ã. ap¸Xp hÀjw ap¼v BZy-ambn {]W-bn¨ s]¬Ip-«n-bpsS t]tcm apJtam ad-¡p-¶n-Ã. ]pdwcm Py¯v F{X hÀjs¯ Xma-k-¯n\p tijhpw XncnsI \m«n-se¯p {]hmkn Xsâ {Kma-¯nse \m«p-]mX ad-¡p-¶n-Ã. AXns\ t\m¡n \mSns\ Hcp ]cn-N-b-hpan-Ãm¯ a¡-tfmSp ]d-ªp-sIm-Sp¡pw Chn-sS-bmWv Xm³ ]´p-X-«n Ifn-¨n-cp-¶-sX-¶v. CXmWv hyXym-kw. HmÀa-i-àn-¡v Htcsbmcp cl-ky-tabp-Åq-. AXns\ Cw¥o-jn C³thmÄhvsaâ v F¶p hnfn-¡mw. \ap¡p th­≠Xv C³thmÄhvUv Ctam-j-\m-Wv. ]{X-§Ä \ap ¡p Xcp-¶Xv kq¸À^n-jy C³^Àta-j³ am{X-am-Wv. kn\na t\tc Xncn-¨mWv, {]Wbw t\tc Xncn-¨m-Wv, A½-bpsS kvt\lw t\tc Xncn-¨m-Wv. CsXÃmw \ap¡v C³thmÄhvUv Ctam-j-\mWv Xcp-¶-Xv. hmb-\-bn Ft¸mÄ C³thmÄhvUv Ctam-j³ t\Sm³ km[n¡pt¶m At¸mÄ HmÀa-i-ànbpw hÀ[n-¡pw. CXns\

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cn-¨n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. ap³ tIcf hnZym`ymkþ-kmw-kvIm-cnI hIp¸v a{´n-bmWv FÃm-bn-S¯pw DZvLm-S-I³. DZvLm-S\ thZn-I-fn-seÃmw ssIcfn Snhn-bpsS Aiz-ta[w ]cn-]mSnbpw {Iao-I-cn-¨n-«p≠-­v. {Kmâ v amÌÀ Pn. Fkv. {]Zo-]mWv Aiz-ta-[-¯n\p t\XrXzw sImSp-¡p-¶-Xv. knUv\n-bn {Kmâ vhn Su¬lm-fn \S¶ DZvLm-S-\-tbm-K-¯n knUv\n LSIw {]kn-Uâ v tUm. B\µv Bâ-Wn A[y£-\m-bn-cp-¶p. sk{I-«dn tdmbv hÀKnkv kzmK-Xhpw {Inkv BâWn \µnbpw ]d-ªp. {Kmâ v amÌÀ Pn. Fkv. {]Zo-]v, kt´mjv ]men F¶n-hÀ Biw-k-IÄ t\À¶p.

Rm³ tSm«Â, I­n-\yq-hkv B³Uv sUUn-t¡-äUv C³ thmÄhvsaâ v F¶p hnfn-¡pw. HmÀasb Hcp KpW-sa¶p ]ecpw ]d-bm-dp≠-­v. kXy-¯n CsXmcp KpW-a-Ã. Hcp hnIm-c-am-Wv. asä´p Imcyhpw t]mse Hcp hnImcw am{Xw. -Xo£vW hnIm-c-am-b-Xn-\m-emtWm {]W-bs¯ kw_-Ôn-¡p-¶-sX´pw Hcn-¡epw ad-hn-bn s]Sm¯-Xv. Xm¦Ä Xs¶ {]W-b-¯nsâ Imcyw ap¼p ]dªp Ign-ª-tÃm. F-\n¡p \qdp {]W-bam-Wp-Å-Xv. {]W-b-sa-¶Xv Hcm-fn\p asäm-cm-fn-t\mSp tXm¶p¶ hnImcw am{X-a-Ã. AXpw {]W-b-§-fn-sem-¶m-sW¶p am{Xw. ]t£, FÃm -hcpw {]W-b-sa¶p ]d-ªm AXp am{X-am-sW¶p hcp-¯n -XoÀ¯n-cn-¡p-I-bm-Wv. C§-s\-b-Ãm-¯Xp sIm≠­ mWv Rm³ \qdp {]W-b-ap-s≠ ­ ¶p ]d-bp-¶-Xv. kXy-¯n {]W-b-sa-¶Xv ]¦p-h-bv¡-s¸-Sp¶ hnImcw am{X-am-Wv. HcmÄ¡v asäm-cm-fn-t\mSp {]W-b-ap≠-­m-Ip¶Xp t]mse Xs¶ ]q¡-tfmSpw {]`m-X-t¯mSpw {]IrXn-tbmSpw ag-tbmSpw aªn-t\m-Sp-saÃmw {]W-b-¯nem-bn-cn-¡m³ km[n-¡pw. AKm-[-amb DÄ{]-W-b-amWv bm{X-I-tfm-sS-\n-¡p-Å-Xv. -A-iz-ta[w F¶ ]cn-]m-Snbn aÕ-cmÀYn-bmbn h¶n-cn-¡p¶ BtfmSv Xm¦Ä At_m-[-ambn ISs¸-«n-cn-¡p¶p F¶p tXm¶m-dp-t≠­m. DZm-l-c-W¯n\v AbmÄ kvamÀ«m-sW¶p hcp-¯m³ \S-¯p¶ {ia-§Ä D¯-c-¯n-se-¯m³ Xm¦sf klm-bn-¡mdp-t≠ ­ m.

ssI-c-fn-bnse BZn tjmsb-¡p-dn-¨mWv Dt±-in-¡p¶-sX-¦n AXnsâ s{]mtam-j-\p-ambn _Ô-s¸«v Rm³ kl-I-cn-s¨¶p am{Xw. AÃmsX AXpw Aiz-ta[hpw X½n Hcp _Ô-hp-an-Ã. saâ-en-k-sa-¶Xv shdpw amPnIv am{X-am-Wv. FtâXv amPn-¡-Ã. CXv Adn-hnsâ hnt\m-Z-am-Wv. Hcp saâ-en-Ìn\pw Hcp \mfpw Aiz-ta[w sN¿m-\m-hn-Ã. DZm-l-c-W-¯n\v hmSvkmhp F¶ ssN \okv ]{X-{]-hÀ¯-I-s\-¸än ]d-b-W-sa-¦n Rm\mZyw At±-ls¯ Adn-ªn-cn-¡-Ww. At±-ls¯ hmbn-¨ncn-¡-Ww. AXn Pme-hn-Zy-sIms≠­m¶pw Imcy-an-Ã. tdmPÀ s^U-d-dmtWm sdmWmÄtUm-bmtWm anI-¨sX¶p tNmZn-¨m D¯-c-an-Ã. ImcWw c≠­p-t]cpw c­≠p ssaXm-\-§-fnse BÄ¡m-cm-Wv. Snhn-bnse ]cn-]mSn F¶-Xn-ep-]cn Adn-hns\ P\Io-b-am-¡m³ Iptd-¡qSn P\-§-fn-te-¡n-d-§n-s¨t≠Ã-X ­ v Bh-iy-am-sW¶p tXm¶n-bn-«n-tÃ. A-Xm-WtÃm Ct¸mÄ sNbvXp-sIm≠-­n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. Ct¸mÄ Aiz-ta[w ÌpUntbm apdn-I-fn \n¶p ]pd -¯n-d§nbncn-¡p-¶p. hbÂh-c-¼p-I-fnepw \m«p-]m-XI-fn-ep-sam-s¡-bmWv Ct¸mÄ Cu ]cn-]mSn Ac-t§dn-s¡m-≠ ­ n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. ae-bm-f-¯ntem tIc-f-¯ntem am{X-a-Ãn-XpÅXv. Xan-gnepw sXep-¦nepw sXt¡ C´y³ `mj-I-fn-sem-s¡-bmbn \mem-bncw F¸n-tkm-Up-IÄ ]n¶n-«p-I-gn-ªn-cn-¡p-¶p. Aiz-ta-[-¯nsâ c­≠mw-h-chv C§-s\-sbm-s¡-bmWv. _p²n-am³am-cmb BÄ¡m-scbà F\n¡p th≠­ -Xv. km[m-c-W-¡m-cmb BÄ¡mcpsS ]¡-te-¡mWv Rm³ t]mIp-¶Xv. Ah-cn \n¶v Adnhp kzoI-cn-¡p-I-bmWv sN¿p-¶-Xv. Adn-hnsâ ]¦ph-bv¡Â \S-¯p-I-bmWv sN¿p-¶-Xv. DZm-l-c-W-¯n\v F¶v Fhn-sSbmWv KmÔnPn P\n-¨-sX¶p tNmZn-¨m Fsâ D¯cw 1869-þ t]mÀ_-´-dn F¶-Ã. 1894-þ Z£n-Wm-{^n-¡-bn F¶m-bn-cn-¡pw. ImcWw t]mÀ_´-dn P\n-¨Xv taml³Zm-km-Wv. At±lw KmÔn-Pnbmbn amdp-¶Xv Z£n-Wm-{^n-¡-bn-em-Wv.

H-cm-fpsS kvamÀ«vs\kpw kvamÀ«vs\-kn-Ãm-bvabpw Fsâ ]cn-]m-Snsb Hcp Xc-¯nepw kzm[o-\n-¡p-¶n-Ã. BsI-¡q-Sn-bp-ÅXv Abm-fpsS a\-kn-epÅ Imcyhpw Rm³ tNmZn-¡p¶ Ccp-]-s¯m¶p tNmZyhpw am{X-am-Wv. B tNmZy-§Ä¡v sbkv AsÃ-¦n t\m F¶p am{X-amW-bmÄ D¯cw ]d-tb≠-­-Xv. AXn-\n-S-bn kvamÀ«vs\kn-s\´p Imcyw. kvamÀ«-Ãm¯ HcmÄ¡v tNmZyw a\-knem-bn-sÃ-¦n hymJym-\n¨p sImSp-¡m³ Pqdn-am-cp≠-­v, I¼yq-«-dp≠-­v. Rm³ am{X-amWv \ncm-bp-[-\mbn \n¡p¶-Xv. kvamÀ«m-b-hcpw AÃm-¯-h-cp-sa¶ thÀXn-cnhv F\n-¡n-Ã. BsI-¡qSn Htc-sbmcp hyXym-kta hyànkwkmcw XpS-§n-bXp t]mse Xs¶ Hcp Ihn-X-bpIÄ X½n-ep-Åq. bqkvUv ]o¸nÄ B³Uv A¬bqkvUv ambn Ah-km-\n-¸n-¨m-tem. ]o¸nÄ F¶p Rm\-Xns\ hnfn-¡pw. Fs¶ kw_-Ôn-B-Im-a-tÃm. HmF³hn-bpsS hoSp-IÄ F¶ Ihn-X¨n-S-t¯mfw Bscbpw hyàn-sb¶ \ne-bn ImtW-­ bm-Imw. ""Chn-sS-bp-sa-\n-s¡mcp hoSp≠-­v. Imb-tem-Sn-W≠Xn-Ã. I­-Ìâ v F¶ \ne-bn am{Xw I≠­m aXn. tNÀ¶v ssIt¯mSp ]mSpw ap\-¼nse sXmSn-bnÂ'' -saâ-enkw F¶ t]cn ssIcfn Snhn-bn Xs¶






h¶ ]cn-]m-Snbpw Aiz-ta-[hpw X½n kmayw I ]n-¡m-\m-hp-tam. AXp-ambn _Ô-s¸«v Xm¦fpw Snhnbn {]Xy-£-s¸-Sp-I-bp≠m-b-tÃm.



Interview- Dr. Vaisakhan Thampi


your career as a scientific communicator, you have seen so many audiences in your life. So would you like to compare the audiences in Kerala and those in Australia?

physics facts. Today when I communicate with people on astronomy what comes to my help is my physics lessons.

When a comparison is made, both the audience I found in my front was almost similar because whether it is in Kerala or here in Australia, when a programme like what I do is announced the people who come there are actually a people who have a genuine interest in the subject. Or at least they are curious to know what is being said. But here may be because of the difference in the schedule or the difference in life style there comes a difference. If a programme is announced in Cochin city at 5.30 people from thirty kilometres away might find it difficult to drive. Here we have a cross section of people, who have a varied interest in the subject. That spectrum varies. I haven’t felt any difference between the response I have received in Kerala and in Australia in this respect. They are all genuinely interested and after my monologue parties they participate in the discussion in a very creative and active way.

When you say that you got interest in astronomy by chance, did you have someone as your mentor when you identified that you have a genuine interest in the subject.

It is great to know the audience is same be it Australia or Kerala. Would you mind elaborating on a comparison between your students and the audience here. That’s an entirely different subject which has nothing to do with my passion as a scientific communicator. My profession is that of a teacher and I am confined to a curriculum

I cannot point out a specific mentor in astronomy or any other subject. I got these sparks from very large number of sources. When I got interest in this subject during my post graduation studies, one of my friends suggested why can’t we form a group of individuals in Kerala to popularize astronomy. I found it a good option. So we formed an organization called amateur astronomers organization in Kerala. Shortly we started calling it Astro Kerala and it is still running. The activities of this organization slowly added a lot of things into my knowledge base. That was actually rewarding. These things have a profound influence in my astronomical journey. Being a science communicator is a very difficult job because you would have to question the belief of a normal person. And when you are doing that did you get any antagonism from your colleagues or students or someone from your family. Actually it was not that response that I got. I may not be able to convince a person if I try to insult him in any way. Actually I am doing that in a different way. For example when I became an atheist, I started thinking the idea of god or the idea of religiousness as a foolish one. The reason was my training in science. I was born and brought up in a religious family believing in all things which I now call ridiculous. When my studies progressed it slowly started fading away. The transition was very gradual. I feel this should be the way everyone should have a transition. That’s why I usually try to educate people in what I believe and learn such as the theory of evolution and the big bang. If the transformation is slow, there will be no question of going back. Even if I get any antagonistic response I don’t engage them.

Space Science For The People Hema Krishnamoorthi

There would have been chances at some time in your life doing exactly the opposite of what you say. Have you ever come across such a situation? If you had how did you face that. The thing is that I have such an experience. Obviously it was not that easy. Sometimes we may have to do them. In some occasions I will have to address an audience and before that I may be needed to do something which are against my ideals. If they get a first impression that this person is not our person, I may lose an audience and a chance to influence their thought process. So I won’t take that risk. My approach is to deal with these things in an indirect way. Still I would look for a chance to stick to my beliefs. What is the favourite part of science or science communication that you enjoy My favourite part is the interaction, the questions I get and the challenges I face are the favourite part. The second part is the facial expressions of people who are listening to what I speak. What makes me uncomfortable is my inability to watch them. Sometimes such things also happen especially when organizers go for video documentation focusing all lights to my face. What was the subject of your PhD studies? and syllabus. That means I have limited time to finish what I am supposed to handle in the class. It is not a concern whether the students are interested in the subject and my own limitations as a teacher to complete the portions. So I will be out of options but to stick to the levels that is supposed to address the level of students. People come to colleges to get a degree at the end of the course. So they are not much interested in what is being shown in the class or what is being demonstrated there. Their interest level varies. And when it is combined with the factor of my own constraints the subject or the class rooms may not be as interesting as my popular sessions. That’s a fact. So as a teacher what strategies you adopt to make your sessions more appealing and interesting to your students. I don’t deliberately adopt to such strategies. But one thing I used to try as a teacher is stop teaching. I just ask students to think. I give them questions. Sometimes they may not get an answer at all. But it is not the answers that I am looking for. But just expecting them to think about the questions. Sometimes I feel it works. At least some of them will have a spark. I do not stick to the strict syllabus on what to say and what not to say. I may supplement the syllabus with some other knowledge especially about the areas where these theories are applied in daily situations. And also I make pop culture references such as movie dialogues. That’s my style. As a child were you interested in astronomy Contrary to what people usually think I was not that interested in astronomy during my childhood. May be even after my higher secondary school education, I was not exposed to astronomy because that time at least astronomy was not a part of curriculum at all. We were just given some rudimentary information on what solar system is and the number of planets. It was not sufficient to kindle a genuine interest in the subject at all. But after my higher secondary I came to Trivandrum city where there was a good university library. That’s where genuine interest and enthusiasm started. Another thing that played a great part in my astronomy interest was my physics background. Most of the astronomical information comes from analysis of astronomical facts with the help of

Usually people ask the title of my PhD studies. That’s a very technical title about a kind of material that could be used as a component in an energy device like fuel cell. I was concentrating on the electrolytes that are used in addition to electrodes in a fuel cell. I tried to develop new kind of material with new molecular formula of different atoms and the characterization part of them. What would be your future career goals. As of now I have no total idea. I am yet to have a clear picture of that. Definitely I will try to continue my science popularization activities because I enjoy that. I like people getting at least a fraction of my enthusiasm in this subject. I feel it a very fascinating area. They learn different things such as physics, chemistry and find it difficult to connect between them and people think these are entirely unrelated subjects. But when you learn some basic ideas about science you can see a common thread connecting these things. Once that is conveyed properly people develop a genuine interest in them. How would you advice young people to develop and interest in science today. I am person who is against the concept of advices. I just suggest others to pursue their own interests. As a physics teacher I find people driven more by fantasies while they learn about things such as black hole. They gradually lose their interest in the subject when they come to realize that the reality won’t stand with their fantasies. If you need to deal with a concept such as black hole you need to have a sound understanding of physics and that would take a long period of say fifteen years learning physics and mathematics. That message is not conveyed properly these days. It has to be brought to the attention of younger generation. Based on the current scenario in India where everything is claimed in terms of scientific advancements so many years ago what is your reaction. I feel very sad. And a little bit afraid too because it will ultimately lead to the deterioration of our society. Suppose you are diverting all the funds which are to go to medical education to promoting pseudo scientific practices it will have very serious and far reaching implications. It is very difficult to educate the common people on a need to differentiate between science and pseudo science.


Madhurikum Ormakal

a[p-cn¡pw HmÀ½-IÄ


Uv\n BÀ«v ethgvkv Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p¶ a[p-cn¡pw HmÀa-IÄ kok¬ 4 sabv 26 i\n-bmgvN sshIn«v shâ vhÀ¯vhn sdUvKw skâ-dn Ac-t§dn. ae-bmf Ne¨n{X Km\-im-J-bnse Fgp-]XpIfn-sebpw F¬]XpIfn-sebpw sXm®qdpIfn-sebpw Km\§Ä knUv\n-bnse {]apJ Kmb-IÀ Ah-X-cn-¸n-¨Xv kwKoX t{]an-IÄ¡v thdn« A\p-`-h-ambn-cp-¶p. {]ikvX Kmb-IÀs¡m¸w GXm\pw ]pXp-apJ Kmb-I-scbpw ]cn-N-b-s¸-Sp-¯p-hm³ km[n-¨p. Hmkvt{S-en-b-bn P\n¨p hfÀ¶ Ip«n-I-Ä Ah-X-cn-¸n¨ hnS-cp¶ sam«p-IÄ F¶ ]cn-]m-Snbpw Gsd lrZy-ambn. B Ip«n-IÄ¡v knUv\n BÀ«v eth-gvknsâ D]-lm-c-§Ä k½m\n¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. A´-cn¨ A`n-t\{Xn {iotZ-hn-¡v A\p-kva-c-W-ambn Ah-Xcn-¸n¨ hoUntbm t{]£-Isc BIÀjn-¡p-I-bp≠-­ m-bn. H¸w Xs¶ {iotZhn A`n-\-bn¨ Nn{X-¯nse ]m«p-IÄ {]tXy-I-ambn Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡p-Ibpw sNbvXp. sshhn-[y-amÀ¶ \r¯ cq]-§fpw Cu ]cn-]m-Sn-bpsS {]tXy-I-Xbm-bn-cp¶p. \ndª kZÊv ]cn-]m-Sn¡v km£yw hln-¨p. sI. ]n. tPmkv kzmK-Xhpw _o\m hniz³ IrX-Ú-Xbpw tcJ-s¸-Sp-¯n. Fantdmbn Ah-Xm-cn-I-bmbncp¶p.


Aanb C^vXm-À kwL-Sn-¸n-¨p.


kvt{S-en-b³ ae-bmfn CÉm-anIv Atkm-kn-tb-jsâ (AMIA) t\Xr-Xz-¯n H_¬ I½yq-Wnän skâ-dn C^vXmÀ kwLSn-¸n-¨p. NS-§n hnhn[ kmaq-lnI kmwkvIm-cnI cwK-§-fn \n¶pÅ {]ap-JcS¡w 350  ]cw Bfp-I-Ä ]s¦-Sp-¯p.- d-a-Zm³ kÔy-bn ssZhIr-]-bm FÃm-hcpw H¯p-Iq-Sp-Ibpw ]c-kv]c kl-I-c-Whpw kvt\lhpw ]¦n-Sp-Ibpw sNbvXXv Ahn-kva-c-Wo-b-am-bn. C´y³ tIm¬kp-emÀ P\-d h³emÂhmhv\ KÌv Hm^v tlmWÀ Bbncp-¶p. {]Xn-]£ t\Xmhv tlm¬ eq¡v t^mfn Fw. ]n. bpsS {]Xn-\n-[n, F³F-kvU»yp s]menkv C³kvs]-IvSÀ F½ hm-Svk¬ F¶n-hÀ apJym-Xn-Yn-I-fmbn-cp-¶p. _m_p hÀKokv (knUv\n ae-bmfn Atkm-kn-tb-j³), ZoPp inh-Zmkv (F-kv_n-Fkv tdUn-tbm), hnjv hniz-\mYv (FUn-äÀ C´y³ sSen-{Km^v), tP¡-_v (tIc-f-\mZw), _n\p hn. tPmÀPv (sat{Sm ae-bmfw), {]apJ Fgp-¯p-Im-c³ atljv {Xnth-Zn, Aºmkv Aehn KpP-dm¯n apÉow Atkm-kn-tb-j³ `mc-hm-ln-IÄ, Xangv\mSv apÉow Atkm-kn-tb-j³ `mc-hm-ln-IÄ Aen-KÀ bqWn-th-gvknän {]Xn-\n-[nIÄ, {io\n ]nf--f-amcn, {]kn-Uâ v bpssW-äUv C´y³ Atkm-kn-tb-j³ F¶n-hÀ aäp sa¼Àam-tcm-sSm¸w ]s¦-Sp-¯p. Aanb {]kn-Uâ v F³Pn-\o-bÀ apl-½Zv lmjnw AXn-Yn-Isf kzmKXw sNbvXp. {_ZÀ ^Àlm³ Jeo {][m\ {]mkw-Kn-I-\mbn da-Zm³ ktµiw F¯n-¨ÌÀ CJvd AIv_À kv{XoIÄ CÉm-an F¶ hnj-b-s¯-¡p-dn¨v kwkmcn-¨p. ^mZÀ tPmkv aªfn dwkm³ Biw-k-IÄ FÃm-hÀ¡pw t\À¶p. jndmkv hf-¸n NS-§p-IÄ¡v t\XrXzw hln-¨p. C´y³ tIm¬kp-emÀ P\-d anÌÀ h³emÂhmhv\, C³kvs]-IvSÀ F½m hmSvk¬, hnjv hniz-\mYv, atljv {XnthZn, ZoPp inh-Zmkv F¶n-hÀ kwkm-cn-¨p. tUm. Aen ]c-¸n ]s¦-Sp¯ FÃm-hÀ¡pw

\µn {]Im-in-¸n-¨p. C´y³ tIm¬kp-emÀ P\-d anÌÀ h³emÂhmhv\ hnhn[ AhmÀUp-IÄ hnX-cWw sNbvXp. ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS D¶-a-\-¯n-\mbn Ignª 40 hÀj-ambn {]hÀ ¯n¡p¶ Aºmkv tNem«pw `mcy k^nb tNem«pw sse^v ssSw I½yq-Wnän kÀhokv AhmÀUv 2018þ\Àl-cm-bn. X³knÀ D½Â¨menÂ, jndmkv hf-¸nÂ, A\nkv Aen, l_o_v dÒm³ ]ův, apl-½Zv ^mkn Ad-bv¡Â, ^nºoÀ A_vZpà ]pg-¡-c, jlo\ _m\p F¶n-hÀ Aanb I½yqWnän kÀhokv AhmÀ Un\pw, dm-Wnb ]c-¸n Aanb bq¯v AhmÀUn\pw AÀl-cmbn. C^v¯mÀ NS§n ]s¦-Sp-¡m³ F¯n-t¨À¶ FÃm-hÀ¡pw Aanb {]kn-Uâpw C^vXm-dn\p th­≠n- Hcp-¡-§fpw ]n´p-Wbpw \ÂInbhÀ¡v Aan-b -I-½-än-bpsS t]cn apl½Zv lmjnapw \µn Adn-bn-¨p. Aanb CuZv D ^nXvÀ ]cn-]m-Sn-IÄ Pq¬ 23 \v D¨¡v 12 aWn apX Hmt_¬ skâÀ t^mÀ I½yq-Wn-än-bn Bcw-`n-¡p-¶-XmsW¶v `mc-hm-ln-IÄ Adn-bn-¨p.


Venue: Centennary Square Parramatta, Sydney Photo Credit: Bijesh Surabhi (RBI Designs) Concept and Direction: Sherin Alex | Vidiya Ramachandran (Nachle Dance School), Special Thanks and Sponsors: Sathyaraj | Vipin Das Peter Choreographers: Geethu Roshan Verghese | Renjith Ravi | Sherin Alex | Smita Nair | Sreejith Jayadevan | Subita Philip | Swapna Sabharish Menon

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