Parish Bulletin 1410 W E S T 5 T H S T R E E T M A R S H F I E L D , WI 54449 715.384.9414 olpmarshfield.com
J ULY 22, 2018
Opening Hymn Sing with All the Saints in Glory
Today’s Readings Am 7:12-15; Eph 1:3-14; Mk 6:7-13 Amos was chosen, taken away from his work as a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores, to prophesy to the people of Israel. In writing to the Ephesians, Paul praises God and reminds his listeners that God chose us in him, before the foundation of the world. In the Gospel, the now-chosen Twelve are sent out to preach repentance and to bring healing. Gloria
Offertory Hymn Nearer My God to Thee
Monday Service 7:00 am Tuesday Mass 5:30 pm Wednesday Mass 7:00 am Thursday Mass 7:00 am Friday Mass 7:00 am Saturday Confessions 4:45 pm Mass 5:30 pm Sunday Mass 8:30 am Mass 10:00 am
Monday through Friday 8:00 am until 12:00 noon 715.207.0477
715.384.4989 715.384.5474 715.387.1177 columbuscatholicschools.org
bulletin@olpmarshfield.com Items must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday in order to appear in the Sunday bulletin.
Memorial Acclamation
Lamb of God
Communion Hymn Eucharistic Litany
Closing Hymn Now Thank We All Our God
How can they believe in him of whom they have not heard?—Rom 10:14 Our parish is in need of CCD teachers for grades one, three, four, six, seven, eight, and nine. We have teachers for grades two, five, and ten. Thanks to those who have stepped forward and volunteered to teach grades two, five and ten. If you possess the skill and desire to evangelize the young people of our parish, please call Kara or Fr. Doug at the Parish Office. Our parish is looking for a replacement for Nancy Weis who has served as our contact person to Soup or Socks. If you would like to participate in this Social Justice ministry, please call Kara at the Parish Office.
Eucharistic Adoration Spend time in prayer with our Lord. Opportunities are available on Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 11:00 a.m. until noon at the St. John Paul II Chapel. Call Dale at 715.383.2262 if you feel called to prayer centered on the Blessed Sacrament.
July 23, 2018 Communion Service
TUESDAY 5:30 pm
July 24, 2018 † Lawrence Eberhardy
Is Mi 6:1-4, 6-8/Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16-17, 21, 23/Mt 12:38-42
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 85:2-8/Mt 12:46-50
July 25, 2018 † Jacqueline Schlagenhaft
THURSDAY 7:00 am
July 26, 2018 † Dorothy Draxler
FRIDAY 7:00 am
July 27, 2018 † Ron and Dan Ortner
Consider Volunteering with the Scrip Program. We need volunteers to sell Scrip after the Masses on Saturday and Sunday. If you are interested, please contact the Scrip Card Office at 715.387.1177.
2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 126:1-6/Mt 20:20-28
Opportunities for You There are numerous opportunities for you to become more involved in our parish and enhance our celebration of the holy Mass together. Sign-up sheets are in the main entrance of the church for liturgical ministries for which we need volunteers. Please sign up if you could help as an usher, communion distributor, greeter or help staff the Welcome Desk.
Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13/Ps 36:6-11/Mt 13:10-17
Jer 3:14-17/Jer 31:10-13/Mt 13:18-23
SATURDAY 5:30 pm
July 28, 2018 † Our Lady of Peace Parish Family
SUNDAYJuly 29, 2018 8:30 am † Martha Konopa 10:00 am † Sharon Mixdorf and Karen Gates
2 Kgs 4:42-44/Ps 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18/Eph 4:1-6/Jn 6:1-15
WEEKLY FINANCE REPORT July 9 through July 15
Income 1401.00 Adult Envelope Receipts
1403.00 Offertory Plate Collections
2411.00 Monies Collected for Building /Ren
Total Income
$ 13,127.26
Total Expense
$ 10,307.96
Net Income
Amount Pledged
Amount Short of Goal
Number of Parish Households
Number Pledging
Number Not Pledging
Average Pledge
If you have not yet made your pledge to the Capital Campaign, please do so as soon as possible so we can make our goal.
Diocesan History Book Feed My Lambs, a history book of the Diocese of La Crosse has been printed as part of our 150th Anniversary. There are books on display in the main entrance of the church. The cost for a book is $33. If you would like one for yourself or as a gift for someone, they are available at the Welcome Desk in the main entrance of the church. My daughter can easily become overwhelmed by having so much to do. She recently graduated from high school, and many times during those four years, she found herself going crazy from being involved in so many things. Sports, drama, youth group, homework, friends, and more all demanded a slice of her attention. Sometimes the slice of time that remained wasn't much and one does have to sleep! A good everyday steward can get caught up in doing so much and giving so much that he or she loses sight of the fact that you cannot give what you do not have. If you have no time left, you cannot give that. If you have no energy left, you cannot give that. Finally, if you find yourself agitated and overwhelmed, you cannot give that which others benefit from the most: you! Even when we plant seeds in a garden after tilling and watering the soil, we must rest and wait for there to be growth. If we do not take time to rest and recharge, we are not allowing time for God's grace to bring forth new life in us. We fear that things will suffer without us, but the truth is that no one is benefiting from our fatigue. We can think we are giving but really we are empty.
Take some time and rest in your God. Retreat and recharge. Then you will be able to share once again— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS. Tracy Earl Welliver is a Catholic author, speaker, and consultant, with over 25 years experience in parish stewardship ministry. He is currently the Director of Parish Community and Engagement for LPI, the company that provides resources and prints our bulletin.
MINISTRY SCHEDULE 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Check Ministry Scheduler Pro for most up-to-date info)
Saturday Lectors Euch. Min.
July 26 is the feast of Joachim and Anna. Who are they and what do we know about them? Joachim and Anna are the parents of Mary, the mother of Jesus, yet there is absolutely no biblical reference to them whatsoever. So where do we get their names, and what is their story?
Servers Ushers Greeters
Their names are found in an apocryphal (hidden) gospel known as "The Infancy Gospel of James." Apocryphal, or hidden gospels, consist of accounts of Jesus' life that were ultimately not accepted as inspired works, and thus were not included in the Bible. However, they sometimes captured the Christian imagination, spilling into the devotional dimension of the community.
James' infancy gospel begins with the parents of Mary and their desire for a child. In their prayer and petitions to God, they are heard and given the blessings of a child, whom they named Mary. While we have no idea who Mary's parents really were, the fact that we celebrate the feast of Joachim and Anna indicates that the bond of family love is important in the Christian life. Long before Grandparents' Day was established, the church had a feast that honored the presumed grandparents of Jesus. While their names are part of non-inspired apocryphal legends, the fact of the Savior's human ancestry is not. Christ, the incarnate Word, dwelt among us in the flesh in a human family. In honoring the grandparents of Jesus, we really proclaim our faith in the Incarnation -- God becoming human! The many images we have of God help frame our relationship with Him. Have we ever imagined Jesus so deeply moved with emotion and engulfed with pity for us? We often are sheep without a shepherd who are lured by the emptiness of worldly attractions and superficial desires. We become lost. God, in the depth of His being, is deeply moved by our pain, loneliness, and heartache. God does not judge or condemn. He loves and is mercy itself. He knows firsthand the pain that comes with being lost and alone and desires to teach us about His merciful love. Do we want to be taught? Listen to God's word and be open to God's presence in the Eucharist.
Live the Liturgy
Music Min. Sunday Lectors Euch. Min.
Ushers Greeters Music Min. Sunday Lectors Euch. Servers Ushers Greeters Music Min.
July 28 5:30 pm Joe Baierl (1), Chuck Kahl (2) Nancy Baierl, Mark Fonferek, Chuck Kahl, Paula Nesbitt Jade and Maya Kuhn, Margaret Schultz Bill Draxler, Andy Martin Tom Fleisner, Jim Kress, Scott Maurina, Rich Nesbitt, Kay Viergutz Joan Frericks July 29, 8:30 am John Bujalski(1), Pat Herman (2) Katie Boyance, Janet Bujalski, Debbie Hebert, Dennis Hebert, Mary Jo Zschernitz Mark Fieweger, Paige Preston, Grace Wilczek Tim Hughes, Jeff Timmler Larry Steinwagner, Joe Orella Elijah Schuh July 29, 10:00 am Michelle Keffer (1), Kathleen Anderson (2) Min. Lynn Kelnhofer, Andrew Spencer, Sheila Spencer, Lori Zimmerman Madelyn Andreae, Jonah Keffer, Riley Scheler Scott Schmidt, Nate Mueller, Patrick Andreae Eric Fehrenbach, James Banks Elijah Schuh
Communion Ministers to the Homebound July 22-28 Sylvia Mews/Lucy Cannon July 29-Aug 5 Dan Aumann/Jerry Hagman Funeral Servers July 22-28 Clarence Hartl/Tim Hughes July 29-Aug 5 John Bujalski/Al Kroll
19th Century Italian Youth To Be Canonized During Youth Synod By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Jul 19, 2018 (CNA/EWTN News)—Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio, who died at the age of 19 from bone cancer, will be declared a saint Oct. 14 during the Synod of Bishops on young people, faith, and vocational discernment, Pope Francis announced Thursday. The pope announced the date of the young Italian’s canonization during an ordinary public consistory at the Vatican July 19. The canonization will take place alongside six others, including that of Bl. Oscar Romero and Bl. Pope Paul VI, who presided over Sulprizio’s beatification. At the beatification Dec. 1, 1963, Paul VI said that Bl. Nunzio Sulprizio teaches us that “the period of youth should not be considered the age of free passions, of inevitable falls, of invincible crises, of decadent pessimism, of harmful selfishness. Rather, he will tell you how being young is a grace:” “He will tell you that no other age than yours, young people, is as suitable for great ideals, for generous heroism, for the coherent demands of thought and action,” the pope continued. “He will teach you how you, young people, can regenerate the world in which Providence has called you to live, and how it is up to you first to consecrate yourselves for the salvation of a society that needs strong and fearless souls.” Sulprizio said it was “God’s Providence” that cared for him during his short life, and would say, “Jesus endured so much for us and by his merits eternal life awaits us. If we suffer a little bit, we will taste the joy of paradise” and “Jesus suffered a lot for me. Why should I not suffer for him?” Born in the Italian region of Abruzzo in 1817, Sulprizio learned the faith from a priest at the local school he attended and from his maternal grandmother. He was orphaned before the age of six, and after the death of his grandmother three years later, went to live with an uncle, who took him on as an apprentice blacksmith, not permitting him to attend school anymore. His uncle also mistreated him, sending him on long errands, beating him, and withholding meals if he thought things were not done correctly or the boy needed discipline. The young Sulprizio would take consolation in Eucharistic adoration and in praying the rosary. While still very young, he contracted an infection in one of his legs, causing intense and constant pain, with a puss-oozing sore. Due to a lack of proper medical care, the boy developed gangrene, and was sent to a hospital in Naples. There he would unite his pain with Christ’s suffering on the cross, also helping his fellow patients. During this time, Sulprizio was introduced to a colonel who treated him like a son and helped pay for his medical treatments. While in the hospital, the young man was
visited by a priest who prepared him for his first confession and Holy Communion. He also met St. Gaetano Errico, an Italian priest and founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, who promised him he could enter the religious order when he was old enough. Though he experienced periods of increasing health, Sulprizio contracted bone cancer. His leg was amputated, but it did not help, and he died from the illness shortly after his 19th birthday in 1836. One of the last things he told his friend, the colonel, was, “be cheerful. From heaven I will always be helping you.” Besides Bl. Pope Paul VI and Bl. Oscar Romero, the other canonizations to take place Oct. 14 are Bl. Francesco Spinelli, a diocesan priest and founder of the Institute of the Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament; Bl. Vincenzo Romano, a diocesan priest from Torre de Greco in Italy; Bl. Maria Caterina Kasper, a German nun and founder of the Institute of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ; and Nazaria Ignazia of Saint Teresa of Jesus, founder of the Congregation of the Misioneras Cruzadas de la Iglesia Sisters. The 2018 Synod of Bishops, a gathering of bishops from around the world, will take place Oct. 3-28 in Rome on the topic of young people, the faith and vocational discernment.
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