7-29-18 OLP Bulletin Marshfield WI

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Parish Bulletin 1410 W E S T 5 T H S T R E E T M A R S H F I E L D , WI 54449 715.384.9414 olpmarshfield.com

J ULY 29, 2018

Opening Hymn All Creatures of Our God and King


Today’s Readings 2 Kgs 4:42-44/Ps 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18/Eph 4:1-6/ Jn 6:1-15 In the first reading, Elisha takes twenty barley loves and through God’s grace and by his promise, feeds a hundred people. Saint Paul, writing from prison, calls for unity among the Church of Ephesus. In the Gospel, Jesus feeds thousands with one boy’s five barley loaves and two fish. Gloria Offertory Hymn How Great Thou Art

Monday Service 7:00 am Tuesday Mass 5:30 pm Wednesday Mass 7:00 am Thursday Mass 7:00 am Friday Mass 7:00 am Saturday Confessions 4:45 pm Mass 5:30 pm Sunday Mass 8:30 am Mass 10:00 am

Monday through Friday 8:00 am until 12:00 noon 715.207.0477

715.384.4989 715.384.5474 715.387.1177 columbuscatholicschools.org

bulletin@olpmarshfield.com Items must be submitted no later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday in order to appear in the Sunday bulletin.

#41 #492



Memorial Acclamation




Lamb of God


Communion Hymn You Satisfy the Hungry Heart


Closing Hymn Praise to the Lord


How can they believe in him of whom they have not heard?—Rom 10:14 Our parish is in need of CCD teachers for grades one, three, four, six, seven, eight, and nine. We have teachers for grades two, five, and ten. Thanks to those who have stepped forward and volunteered to teach grades two, five and ten. If you possess the skill and desire to evangelize the young people of our parish, please call Kara or Fr. Doug at the Parish Office. Our parish is looking for a replacement for Nancy Weis who has served as our contact person to Soup or Socks. If you would like to participate in this Social Justice ministry, please call Kara at the Parish Office. DRE Needed Our Lady of Peace is looking to hire a Director of Religious Education to coordinate our parish catechetical programs. This is a quarter-time paid

position. Applicants should possess a background in teaching, the skills necessary to lead and coordinate volunteers, and a knowledge of Catholic beliefs and practices. Please contact Fr. Doug if you are interested. Many Hands Make Light Work There are numerous opportunities for you to become more involved in our parish and enhance our celebration of the holy Mass together. Sign-up sheets are in the main entrance of the church for liturgical ministries for which we need volunteers. Please sign up if you could help as an usher, communion distributor, greeter, or help staff the Welcome Desk. Consider Volunteering with the Scrip Program. We need volunteers to sell Scrip after the Masses on Saturday and Sunday. If you are interested, please contact the Scrip Card Office at 715.387.1177. Getting Married? If you are planning on getting married in 2019 or 2020, you must contact the Pastoral Office at least six months prior to your intended wedding date to begin the marriage preparation process. All marriage preparation must be completed no later than six weeks prior to your intended wedding date. Marriage preparation consists of not only meeting with Fr. Robertson and filling out the necessary paper work, but also participating in the Diocesan Marriage Preparation Program, taking a premarital inventory called FOCCUS and reviewing the results with a trained FOCCUS couple, taking a short Natural Family Planning online course, and meeting with our director of sacred music, Elijah Schuh, to choose music for the wedding liturgy. Please know that there are fees associated with marriage preparation, just as there are fees associated with photographers, caterers, DJs, etc. Want a more joyful marriage? Take part in the Domestic Church evangelization retreat at the La Crosse Diocesan Center, August 16-19. Couples attending will experience a renewed love as spouses together in Christ. Take your marriage to the next level of happiness. Call 608.791.2673. Men of the Cross Conference The Fourth Annual Men of the Cross Conference is slated for Saturday, October 27, at Logan Middle School in La Crosse. Marshfield Deanery Catholic Men's Group: All men are invited to join together on Wednesday, August 1 at Our Lady of Peace at 6:30 a.m. to pray the Rosary and attend Mass at 7:00 a.m.. We are observing first Wednesdays this summer in honor of St. Joseph— seeking his example, intercession, and guidance. Please join us.

Women’s Conference The La Crosse Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring a day of learning, prayer and formation offered by the National Council of Catholic Women Leadership Training and Development on Saturday, August 4, from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Mary, Mother of the Church in La Crosse. For more information contact Lorraine Riedl at 608.463.7662. Diocesan History Book Feed My Lambs, a history book of the Diocese of La Crosse has been printed as part of our 150th Anniversary. There are books on display in the main entrance of the church. The cost for a book is $33. If you would like one for yourself or as a gift for someone, they are available at the Welcome Desk in the main entrance of the church. Encounter Christ in the Sacraments Do you want to help someone cultivate a desire for God? As a catechist or catechetical leader, do you want your students to experience the Sacraments as a lifechanging encounter with Christ rather than empty ritual? As a parent, do you want your children to participate in Mass beyond sit, stand, and kneel? Then please join us for The Witnesses for Christ Conference August 10-11 at Blessed Sacrament Parish in La Crosse. For more information or to register, visit You sit down at a restaurant and order drinks and an appetizer. Then you order an entrée with a salad. When all of that has been consumed, you order a dessert. You leave after having had a good time, but your pants don't fit so well now. You are so full you regret ordering all those courses. Your eyes were bigger than your stomach. You ordered what you wanted and not what you needed. In our daily lives, we find ourselves wanting many things. We desire outcomes and good fortunes that we think will make all the difference. However, oftentimes when we receive these things, we only find ourselves wanting more. Worse yet, if we do not get them, we can see our lives as incomplete. God always provides what we need. It may not be what we want. Our eyes can deceive us into believing that what we receive is not enough to fulfill us. If we trust in God and seek to only live with what sustains us rather than dive into excess, we will find that we are happier, healthier, and at peace. No one should ever make himself or herself feel overcome by too much of anything. God knows what we need even if we cannot see it for ourselves—Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS.

What is the difference between mortal and venial sin? Sin is a deliberate thought, word, action, or omission contrary to God's law. Since the beginnings of the Church, sin has been distinguished by its gravity. "Grave matter" is traditionally defined by the Ten Commandments. If a person commits a grave sin with full knowledge of the action's evil and with the complete consent of their will, this is a mortal sin. The effects of mortal sin are grave -- the loss of sanctifying grace, which can be restored by a fresh outpouring of God's mercy in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Venial sin does not fit one or more of these conditions (for example, a less serious matter still freely chosen or grave matter committed while under force or ignorance of God's law). The effects of venial sin --

while still damaging to the human heart and human society -- are less severe. Even so, smaller sins build habits, which can obstruct our growth in virtue. When we are serious about following Jesus, we should do our best to avoid all sin, whether large or small!

Living the Liturgy

Living the Gospel does not require much. In fact, less is sometimes more. Simple gestures or random acts of kindness can have unimaginable results and change lives. It is easy to believe that we do not have what it takes to make a difference, but we do! The key is to learn how to be grateful for the little gifts you possess and share them freely and abundantly. It does not take much to satisfy the hungers of the human heart or mend the wounds of sorrow and pain. All we need to know is that God is with us. All people need to know is that we are with them. God provides the rest. Truly be present to those you meet this week and offer them your most precious gift, the gift of yourself.

When Times Are Tough, Turn To Jesus, Pope Says

by Daniel Ibanez/CNA.

Vatican City, Jul 9, 2017 (CNA/EWTN News) When life gets hard, Jesus especially invites us to turn to him, Pope Francis said. "Jesus knows how hard life can be," Pope Francis said. “But at those moments, his invitation is: "Come." The Pope made his remarks to the audience gathered in St. Peter's Square for his Sunday Angelus address. He based his reflections on the day's Gospel passage in Matthew: "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." It can be easy to be tempted to turn in on ourselves when things are going badly, Pope Francis said. But Jesus wants to pull us out of this despairing "quicksand" through a loving relationship. We might be tempted to find our rest in other things of this world, the Pope said, but those things are like fireworks, which burn out quickly. We must learn to turn outside of ourselves during our times of need, but even this is not enough - we have to know where to go, he said, which must be to Jesus, who says "Come to me." However, if we go to Jesus expecting that he will instantly fix all of our problems, we are looking for the wrong thing, he said. "Jesus does not take the Cross away from us," the Pope said. "Rather, he carries it with us." He helps us bear our burdens and gives us peace of heart even in the most difficult moments of life, the Holy Father said. We know this because Jesus himself repeats it in the Gospel reading today: "Learn from me:and you will find rest for your life." He never says that the burden goes away, but that "my yoke is easy, and my burden light." "Let us learn to go to Jesus," Pope Francis said. "And while, in these summer months, we seek some respite from those things that weary the body, let us not forget to find true rest in the Lord."


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