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v / Elijah Muhammad

of the people, mentioned by themselves. We find i t as Jesus, Allah and the H o l y hard to separate from them According to the changes Qur-an as being a people as it was 600 years after they of civilizations by Allah and who were created (grafted) were grafted from us. His M e s s e n g e r s — f r o m so that they might be tried Moses to this day and the at ruling the righteous for I N THAT WAR, Allah was last Messenger — the resur- the past 6,000 years. successful, d r i v i n g them rection and return of the Their first 2,000 years were (most of them) out Into what lost-and-f o u n d, mentally- spent in the caves and hillis known today as Europe: dead members of the ab- sides of Europe (the only apE U — stands for hills and original people of earth (the pointed continent of Allah cavesides of that continent, Black Nation) is now. Yakub. for that people). and ROPE means a place Today, they have filled the where that p e o p l e were TODAY, WE live at the THEY SUFFERED divine earth with their wickedness, bound in. end of the world of people chastisement for the f i r s t and dissatisfaction reaches who have ruled the black 2,000 years on this continent the point of 100 per cent Since 1492, the people of man and his various colors for their trouble-making and against their continued rule the white race have been albetween black and white for for causing war and blood- over the nations of b l a c k lowed to spread over the the last 6,000 years. face of the earth (to have the shed a m o n g the original people. Allah now has put i t i n the freedom of deceiving all that The world of disbelievers black people, who had not and hypocrites know these suffered from wars, exploita- hearts of our people to for- they could). To learn more are the days and the end of tion and enslavement before sake them, and to separate about them, let us read and the creation (grafting) of from them, living to our- study their history. Read i n the rule of the white man. I am referring to the rule this people by their father. selves as they used to live to the Bible the Revelations of

Mr. Muhammad (Continued

on Page 2)

Muhammad's Record Album Out Soon

Dedicoted lo Freedom, Juslice andfcquolityfor Ihe so-coMed Negro. The Earlh Belongs to Allah FEBRUARY 18, 1966

VoL 5—No. 22




Why Art of Selt-Defer^se Is Booming Among Negroes See Page 16

Mississippi's Methodical Starvation of Negroes See Page 2

Afro-Asian Populations Greatest Expansion See Page 21

H o w toG e t a n dK e e p E m p l o y m e n t See Page 10

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