Jurors Admit Trial Unjust! 9-13-1963

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Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and Equality for the so-called Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah

M u h a m m a d

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JURORS UNJUST! Vol. 2—No. 26

S E P T E M B E R 13, 1963

Were LA.

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15c—OUTSIDE I L L I N O I S 20c


Framed to Spore City Low Suit? By ELIJAH M U H A M M A D Six jurors of the original twelve who acted as judges for justice on the charges made against m y followers i n volving the attack upon them by the Los Angeles Police Department on A p r i l 27, 1962, thought the judge's decision to be unjust and against their wishes, as they had agreed that the M u s l i m s had already received enough punishment regardless to whatever the charges the Police Department had against t h e m : one killed outright, one paralyzed for life and the others wounded f r o m the vicious, savage, outrageous attack upon the Mosque and the Muslims i n i t on that fateful night of A p r i l 27, 1962. These officers, who were members of the Caucasian race, have never i n the past been able to see their w a y in accepting Allah and His religion of entire submission (Islam) to His w i l l . This is because of their nature i n not being made Divine m e m bers of the Divine family i n the first place. They are of the nature i n which they were made: opposed to the Divine Supreme Being and His representaMr. Muhammad tives, which is acting according to their very nature. I do not charge them w i t h being other than themselves i n their attack upon us. But I would like that m y people see the white race as they a r e ; 100 percent devils, haters of t r u t h (Divine t r u t h ) and of the original people of the earth (Black N a tion). Because without this knowledge of ourselves (the

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P E R M A N E N T L Y C R I P P L E D b y a p o l i c e m a n ' s b u l l e t . W i l l i a m R o g e r s s h o w s his brother, Robert, h o w he fell when he w a s shot d o w n b y a Los A n g e l e s c o p . The Rogers brothers w e r e a m o n g innocent Muslims c o n v i c t e d a n d sentenced i n t h e Los A n g e l e s " F r a m e - U p " t r i a l i n w h i c h s i x j u r o r s h o v e n o w a d m i t t e d t h e y d i d not think justice was done.




Loss? See

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