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Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and (-.quality for the so-called Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah

tttukmmad Sp eaKs JANUARY 6, 1967

VOL. 6—No. 16

The Messenger




of Allah:

Mr. Muhammad

( 77?,? y<w 1966

save an unprecedented number of requests come into the offices of MUHAMMAD SPEAKS Newspaper asking for reprints of the outstanding articles written by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Last Messenger of Allah. By popular demand, we in this issue, reprint some of those for which the most requests were received.)

Time and Knowledge By Elijah Muhammad

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& Messenger of Allah Time brings about changes. It brings us into new fields of knowledge. Today, we have li ved under an adverse condition or world. A world which is foreign to the very nature in which we were created. j TIME NOW takes away the old adverse world and is bringing in a new world. A new idea is being born into Right and page 2, 3, 4 | the people whom God intends to build the new world i out of. Time, a limited time was set upon the adverse world. i That time has now come to pass so that the Nations of the righteous can unite and build a government of truth, peace, justice and righteousvf\rc\\\ w ness. The 400 years in which we have been obedient servants i SLAM <' "' / i to the white race of America (the enemies of God and the righteous)—the time of ON SOME OF THIS EARTH WE 400 years that we have been CAN CAU. OUR OWN serving them has given us ; knowledge and experience of s i I a life which has been devoid | of good for us. K N O W L E D G E is 'to know!' We now know that this people whom God has s i made manifest today, and is still making manifest to the whole world of humanity are ithe enemies of us and God. 1 Their works testify to the s i


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