Dedicated To Freedom, Justice and Equality for the so-called Negro The Earth Belongs to Allah.
Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Idea Drawn By E. Majied
The Devils and FOOL
Vol. 10, No. 1
September, 2012 Online Edition
Donation $ 2.00
DISGRACE ‘They are pulling off your clothes and showing the world your shame, and you think it is right...’
~Messenger Elijah Muhammad
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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, MST120816C 2012 Online Edition
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Abortion Doctor Admits He Doesn’t Want “Ugly Black Babies” To Be Born N. CAROLINA--Black women
make up less than 13% of the female population in America. So why is it that we have about 37% of the abortions? A recent survey, by Life Dynamics, found that Planned Parenthood, as well as other independent abortion facilities in America, Shown in this picture, the founder of Planned target both Black and Parenthood, Maraget Sanger, at a KKK rally. Hispanic communities She coined the phrase “Birth Control”. by making sure their clinics are located in our neighborhoods. Day Gardner (a Black woman), President of the National Black ProLife Union, is alerting people to a Youtube video that shows abortion doctor, Ashutosh Ron Virmani, referring to the black children that he kills as “ugly black babies.” In the video, Virmani yells, “Let me see you adopt one of those ugly black babies!” Gardner says, “The black community should be outraged because Ashutosh Virmani is a brazen racist and his statement supports what we already know of the billion dollar abortion industry–black babies are targeted because they are seen as poor, worthless and maybe even ‘ugly.’” Life Dynamics cross-examined zip codes of non-white neighborhoods and abortion facilities and found that 83% of abortion or abortion-referring clinics are located in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Magaret Sanger wrote in her, “Birth Control Review”, “The Negro problem is one of those most complicated and inportant confronting America...It’s solution...must promote the general welfare of the nation as a whole...such an attitude brings to light he function of birth control as a necessary agency in its solution.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned us for 44 years and wrote in his book MESSAGE TO THE BLACKMAN IN AMERICA, “The Birth Control Law or Act of today is directed directly at the so-called Negroes and not at the American whites. The story of Moses and the Pharaoh is a warning to you today. They are seeking to destroy our race by the birth control law, just as Pharaoh sought to stop Moses’ race by killing off all the male babies at birth. They are seeking to destroy our race through our women. DO NOT LET THEM TRICK YOU. Follow me and we will, with the help of Allah, stop this most wicked sin against our people.
Bureau of Labor report misleading The U.S. economy lost 1.2 million jobs between June and July. But that’s not how it got reported. When the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its jobs figures for July, it said the economy gained 163,000 jobs. The U.S. economy follows certain predictable patterns in hiring and layoffs. School districts always let workers go for the summer and hire in the fall. Retailers always staff up for the Christmas holidays and lay people off afterwards. Students always flood the labor market in June. According to the bureau, the economy lost 163,000 fewer jobs than they expected, considering seasonal trends. They say it’s sign of a slowly recovering labor market. So BLS reported it as a 163,000 gain in jobs.In a larger sense, this doesn’t matter much. Poor seasonal adjustments might make one jobs report look worse than it actually is and others look better than they actually are. But they can’t mask the overall health of the economy.
Vol. 10, No. 1
Things Your Parents Should Have Told You
How To Work on the White Folks Job By
Sister Shahrazad Ali CINCINNATI-- If you get a job with them, do not expect any special consideration just becuase you are Black. Your problems are your own and if you don’t like how you are treated then find other employment with an atmosphere you can bear. This does not mean that if your white boss tells you to do something and you don’t want to do it, that he is being racist. No matter what job you have you will have to take instructions and follow the company rules. No boss has to kiss your behind just to have you work for him, or for you to come to work on time and be cordial. We should have told you how to work on a job with white people. First of all, if you do decide to work for them, and many of you will; then do your job energetically and properly without brown-nosing or loving up to your white boss just to try to get ahead. If you agree to work for someone then work and do not insist that they listen to your Rap music all day. Do not be on the job discussing race relations unless that is your position, and do not try to date all the white women or white men you meet on the job. Do not try to be the joke-teller. Do not use foul language or curse out your co-workers. Do not wear outrageous fashions to work. Do not sleep on the job. Do not tell them all your personal business. Just take care of your work and keep your mouth closed and do your job. That is what you are hired for. If you make suggestions and they are not accepted, do not be offended. It is not YOUR company. It belongs to them and they do not have to accept your point of view about THEIR buisness. If the company has a Christmas party or other holiday celebrations, DO NOT try to be the life of the party unless you are hired as an entertainer. Go and enjoy yourself, take your own date and do not try to get drunk and use the excuse of alcohol to flirt with white men and women who are your co-workers. Also, go easy on the drinking so that you do not get charged with doing something wrong that you cannot remember. Do not laugh at jokes about your-
self just to get along with them. Don’t be grinning all the time. If by any stretch of the immagination a while person slips up and calls you a “nigger”, do not lose control and go berserk. You have heard the word plenty of times before and you already know that the potential exists. So you can etiher report the indident to your supervisor as a racial slur and ask to fill out an infraction sheet, report the incident to the owners or board of directors and ask that corrective action be taken against the person who made the remark, report the indident to the local Civil Rights Commission (look in the phone book) , or you are justified in telling them off, but do not let the word “nigger” make you get hysterical or commit a violent act. Do not let them use this trigger point against you. If all else fails you can always quit the job and find another group of whites who are more civilized to work for. But there is nothing you can do to make whites think differently about you. No amount of education, manners orlove will convince them to unequivocally accept you as their equal. So do not waste your time trying to do this. We should not have made you think that it is important to get them to like you. Do not let the white men on your job disrespect the other Blacks (male or female) who work there. If you do not respect each other, no one else will. We know we taught you that we (Blacks) are all different (not monolithic), but when we are all in the same place, they do not differentiate between us - we are all the same to them. It sounds good to say that each person should be judged on their own merit, but that is not the way the white world operates under certain circumstances. Do not laugh with white people about other Blacks behind their back. This is not to instuct you to be hostile to whites on the job where you work. If you dislike them that much then don’t work for them. It is entirely possible to work for them and retain you dignity if you follow these instructions. It is just time that you stop acting like you love them more than
Sister Shahrazad Ali you love your own kind. You can pretend that color doesn’t matter if you want to, but you will be shocked and disappointed in the end. It may not matter among your small circle of white friends whom you have gone to school with or know from the neighborhood, but once out of those boundaries all bets are off. And you need to be aware of this. We should have told you how to get along with white people in the workplace without giving up your identity or your respect.. We should have taught you about other employment choices other than working for them. We didn’t. You are the natural original leaders. You do not copy others, others copy you and everything you do, everything you wear and everything you say. You are the best and you have the ability down deep inside of you to lead and innovate. Just stop letting whites use you as a tool and a slave to get what they want - which is usually power to control your destiny - and money.
Muhammad Speaks Is Published By
THE NATION OF ISLAM Muhammad Temple of Islam 12609-12619 E. McNichols Detroit, MI 48205 Muhammad Speaks Newspaper PO BOX 44261 Detroit, MI 48244
Telephone: (313) 371-7033 Vol 10, No. 1, September, 2012 Minister Levi Karim, Publisher Sister Zakiyah Karim, Editor
Email: Visit us on the Internet:
Vol. 10, No. 1
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
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Decisions and Conclusions By Sister Lucy 2X DALLAS, Texas--As-Salaam-Alaikum
family, I have always thought that I am informed on so many issues that it's never a problem for me to decide what to write about, but this month I wasn't so sure about what I wanted to say. Case in point; at first I was going to talk about the November Presidential election and how the white people with political power are trying to repeal the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which supposedly was designed to outlaw discriminatory voting practices that prevented the so-called Negroes from voting. It never was a real law so it has to be renewed and amended every several years. They re-looked at it in 1970, 1975, 1982 and 2006. The politicians of some states are trying to make it more difficult for Blacks, Hispanics and ex-prisoners to vote. This is being done to discourage them and to make sure that the new voting qualifications and prerequisites keep them from going to the polls. Then I was going to mention how jobs have become scarce and now over 50 million Americans are out of work, and at least one in every six now survive on food stamps. Also over 100 million Americans get some kind of monthly government sponsored check (welfare, disability, un-employment compensation, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid health insurance). The white people want to cut back on all of these services, which they call entitlements, and they say they are tired of supporting all these dependents who should be doing for self. Included in their new attitude are more laws to make being poor a crime. Some cities are outlawing areas where the homeless gather, shutting down emergency shelters and cutting back on food kitchens for the hungry. They say public safety is at stake and are increasing the stipulations to get services if you"'re homeless. But I also wanted to mention that C-Span recently aired a two-hour show sponsored by Ralph Nader
about " Discrimination Against Arab and Jewish Americans"• (two of the richest groups in America), during which time they never mentioned how badly Blacks have been treated for over 400 years. The entire discussion was mostly about how the Gentile (the Jew's brother) talks about them and treats them disrespectfully in the media. Big deal. Next I wanted to announce how the homosexual agenda is gaining ground in America’s public and private schools. This directive is coming straight from the top since the "Brother"• President himself in 2011 is said to have instructed his State Deparment to use American foreign aid policies to support homosexual organizations in other countries and offer foreign homos asylum here in America (“the haven for every foul bird”). This country despises the words of all the Gods they know about. Just savages. And certainly I couldn't leave out that the Caucasian weather reporters say that this is the hottest longest summer heat spell that America has ever had . Allah has set the worst part of the planet earth on fire with the sun and with actual flames. There have been constant forest fires in the West and mid-west, destroying hundreds of thousands of acres of forest land and thousands of homes. Rich and poor people are homeless; others are without electricity and water. Crops are scorched and there are droughts. Everyone is being touched by the judgment of America. Allah, who came in the Person of Master W.D. Fard Muhammad, to whom all praise is due forever, keeps His promises. I finally decided that I know about one subject that spiritually trumps all of the above, and that subject is about how Minister Farrakhan, National Spokesmanturned-“leader” of the Nation of Islam, has now directed his few remaining followers to the teachings of the Christian church of Scientology. Most Muslims and Christians in America already know that for about the past 25 years or so, that
Minister Farrakhan has NOT been promoting the teachings of the Last and Greatest Messenger of Allah The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (peace be upon him). There is no doubt in my mind that he is a disbeliever in what the Messenger taught. In fact most of his followers know little or nothing about the Messenger and what he taught. We, who still believe, knew that his hypocrisy would come to a peak but we didn’t know how it would finally manifest. Well, now we know. It seems that his plan is to sell the so-called Negroes back to the devil in the christian church under the disguise that it is a new "science."• He is overlooking that he was given the Supreme Wisdom by the Messenger. His premise is that the Church of Scientology teachings will "make the Muslims better Muslims"•. I feel so sorry for his poor flock who are following him on his new road to hell. A shrewd devil, named L. Ron Hubbard, is the author of this religion. He started out as a sciencefiction writer and in the 1950's got the idea to turn his Science fiction ideas into a religious organization and make money from his members. At last count they claim to have 7,300 groups (missions) in 163 countries along with 87,000 Scientology Volunteer Ministers . Now this is one thing we know, Minister Farrakhan is not going to be no "Volunteer Minister"• because he likes money to support his lavish lifestyle. The principles of the church of Scientology are that they believe that man is a spirit and that mankind (the devil) is good “not evil”. He says our people are just in spiritual distress (Mentally Dead) which they have the solutions to. Scientology claims to teach their followers to deal with life situations and give them techniques to handle illiteracy, drugs and crime. (We already have the Restricted Laws of Islam). They say they stand for the salvation and rehabilitation of the human spirit and they use an 8point cross as their symbol. They say they help the people sort out "Who am I?"• and "Where do I come from?"• (We already have the
Student Enrollment) . They say it’s "not something you believe, it is something you do"• (ISLAM IS A WAY OF LIFE). Minister Farrakhan has threatened that unless his followers take this course that they cannot serve as Laborers in his NOI. They have to pay several hundred dollars for the course to get certified as an
Auditor which qualifies them to be a Personal Counselor to use this tricknology on the rest of his followers. Wallace turned his followers to the spooky orthodox Islam; Farrakhan is turning his followers back to the church. I can"'t decide which is worst. Our Allah will win.
30% Black poplulation lost to abortion In 2004, the black population in the U.S. stood at 36 million. Between 1973 and 2004, roughly 15 million blacks were aborted, which means that, as of 2004, nearly 30% of the black population has been lost to abortion! And that doesn’t even factor in all the children that would have been born to those aborted a generation ago. Today you read and hear that white America is agreeing to kill unborn babies. Messenger Elijah Muhammad wrote in his book, The Fall of America, “This is the worse sin that you could agree on to have your baby killed before its birth.” The Messenger put away the idea of the devil (white people) “that you are getting to be too many people and ‘We have to cut the birth-rate.’ The Messenger said, “Who needs to cut the birth rate? The Black people have no need to cut down; they need to increase the birth rate. The earth and the heavens around the earth are ours. Who is going to go hungry? Do you not read the past histories of how the righteous were always the winners and the victorious people? So will we be, the winners and the victorious people. We are not thinking of anyone making us hungry unless it is Allah (God), and He came to feed us as it is written, ‘My righteous servant shall eat, but ye shall go hungry.’ And, America, hunger is staring at you now. You cannot buy the food that you used to buy, for you have nothing to buy it with. This is why I plead with you to come join up with me and let us
go to the earth and grow our food not go walking around the city with a basket for the devil to drop food into--he will not help you for he will not have any food to drop into his own basket. He has not only food stored up, but he has clothes stored up. He has plenty of this, but that does not mean that he cannot come to hunger and nakedness if Allah (God) strikes at him. Allah (God) brings the wicked into desolation before they can get started to strike back. Murder the Black babies? --The only ones he should be thinning out is himself. The earth belongs to the Black People. What do we look like cutting down on our birth rate. Is there any narrowing of the earth for Us? The earth is being expanded for us. There is plenty of earth for us, for Allah (God) will clear the earth of its wicked population. All of those places will be taken by the Muslims. My God! To pay attention to the white man and let him slaughter the babies before, and after their birth--this would be like what the fire-worshippers did, who worshipped the f ire-god Moloch. They took their babies and threw them into the fire to be burned up, to show their sincerity to the god of fire. And, are you going to the enemy of the Black Man to have him deprive you of giving birth to a Black baby, to let him kill it in your worship of him? Do not you think that you are acting like a mighty big fool? I think that you are...”
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
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Vol. 10, No. 1
We must keep our focus in this work By
Minister Levi Karim DETROIT--I’m
thankful and grateful to Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, for blessing me to be a follower of Messenger Elijah Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah forever be upon him). It is indeed an honor and a priviledge. We all should be thankful for that, especially in this day and time, with all the lack of understanding among our (Black) people, who are, yet, spiritually blind, deaf and dumb. to the knowledge of themselves, God, the devil, their religion , their culture, and everything else. There mentally and spiritually dead! But we are the fortunate ones to have come up out of that wickedness, indecency and filth. We know, from the Messenger, that the devil (white man) was given authority to do this. To use and abuse you and I. And that’s exactly what he did. And he’s still doing it. He’s not going to change. Because he’s wicked and evil by nature. So he’s doing exactly what he’s supposed to do. But we were fortunate come out of the mud and turn to our God, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad (the true and living God), Who is protecting us, and guiding us, and strengthing us from the pitfalls of the devil (white man). We are very fortunate! We have to remeber that and stay focused, Brothers and Sisters! Stay focused! This is a slow process; raising the dead, building a Nation. It’s a slow process. Allah is gradually removing the power for the devil (white man). He’s not doing it real fast like some of us think He should. If He had gotten rid of the devil the way some of us think He should,, He would have had to get us too. So He’s doing it the right way, because He’s the Best Knower. And we have to accept that. And realize that this is a long drawn out process. There are stages and steps we have to go through. So we have to be very patient.
Just as parents have to be patient waiting for their unborn child to be born. The baby has to have time to develope arms, legs, etc. Likewise, you and I have to develope (spiritually, mentally, morally). It takes time. We don’t just get all at one time. It might take 20 years to get an understanding on certain things. That’s how Islam is. Your understanding developes as you continue practicing trying to be right. It takes time to develop into a good strong Muslim. Sometimes it takes Tragedies. You might lose loved-ones sometimes in this process. We go though trials in building a Nation. We have to remember: We must stay focused. The duty of a civilized man is to teach civilization to the uncivilized. That’s what it’s about! It’s about waking the dead! That’s the order of the day! It’s nothing else. It’s about getting the dead! It’s about delivering the “17 million”, blind, deaf and dumb Black people to the Lamb of God. That Lamb of God is NONE OTHER, than MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him). Now, Messenger Elijah Muhammad passed away (DIED) February 25, 1975. But his Teachings did not die with him. He left what he taught us here for His followers to use to continue “pullilng the cover of the devil”. When tell our poor lost/found Brothers and Sisters (black people who have never heard what Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught) what The Messenger taught and say it exactly like he said it and tell the people where we got it from, then we ARE delivering them to the Lamb of God. We don’t go out and get them to be no kind of ruler over them. We give them ALL that Messenger Elijah Muhammad left us, without adding nothing to and without taking nothing out. The Messenger warned us on October 15, 1972: “Some of you are going wild, telling everything YOU think. We don't want what you think, we want what God has taught us. We want His thinking and not yours.
This is what gives the people a wrong understanding of us. Here stands a liar on this corner and there stands a truth bearer on that corner. The people don't know which one to believe. The liar just says whatever comes up. All you know is how to tell something different from what you've learned. I don't want that kind of man or woman following me. Don't add to what you hear me saying, nor take from what you hear me saying. It is the truth that I have received. When you go adding and taking from it, you make it other than the truth.” The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was given that Mission. Allah came seeking to save that which was lost and He found One from among you and I. That was the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Never did he deviate from what Allah taught him. He had a purpose: TO DELIVER THE MESSAGE. That’s what he was charged with. Just to get it to us. Not to force us to accept it. Just to get it to us, so we wouldn’t have an excuse. He did His job! He got it to us! And I’m thankful to Allah and His Messenger! Now it’s up to you and I to accept it or reject it. So this is where we are. We don’t want to lose focus. It’s so easy, brothers and sisters, to lose focus because it’s time consuming. Building a Nation and getting the dead is time comsuming! It takes a lot of time. Your time and my time! It takes a lot of money. Your money and my money! Look what the Messenger did. He said if he had to feed a Million people, and food costs one dollar a day to feed each person, that’s a Million dollars a day! So this is where we are! We are making great progress with our Temple. We are planning to enjoy our next Saviour’s Day at our Temple! We will get it done with the help of Allah! We take that first step, He takes the next one. We learned from the Messenger, “When you help yourself, that’s God helping you.” All Praise is due to Allah! People want to tell us that we should be moving faster in getting
out Temple open. That it should have been open by now. The first thing I ask that kind of person is, “What did YOU do to help get it open?” You see, we are NOT LIKE THE CHURCH! We don’t do the 501c3! We totally rely on Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad to open the hearts of the Believers, followers and sympathizers of Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings to help us. We depend on our ownselves! WE SACRIFICE the little that we have: TIME AND MONEY, to get the Temple open. We don’t have much, but we sacrifice what we have. We have experienced a lot of setbacks in this work we are doing, but thanks and praises to Allah we have kept our focus. Our mentally dead people in the area (the very ones we are trying to get the truth to) break into the building every chance they get. Some of the people we paid to do some of the work we couldn’t do ourselves did a half job. Then, we had to pay someone else to fix or finish the first job. When we purchased the building, it came with a lot of back taxes owing. So we have to pay that. But we haven’t lost focus.It takes a lot of sacrifice and a lot of patience and sincerity. Our people are savages! At one time, we were savages. We were lost, before accepting the Teachings of The Messenger. But the Messenger didn’t quit. If he had quit before he got it to us, where would we be?. But it was his willingness, his desire and his love for his people, and the love of Allah, that he worked toward and showed forth what he believed. He’s gone now. But look at the legacy he left behind as a warrior as THE MESSENGER! The Greatest of them all! That was our Brother! He was one, like you and I, who suffered the same suffering that we suffered. He went through the same things that we went through, before the coming of Allah and raising him up. Then after Allah raised him up. And he showed the world by the work he did in raising us up that
we WAS INDEED THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH, They talked about him. They Lied on himcharged him with aldutery. And he was sick! He had Bronchial Asthma. But he didn’t squak! He strove hard! He stood up and he fought for you and I. For over 44 years! That’s dedication! A prime example! Brothers, that’s what we have to have, DEDICATION! It takes hard work. It’s not going to be easy. The Messenger said, “I don’t promise you no smooth going”. “But”, he said, “You’ll be the winner”. That’s it! You see? So we don’t want to lose focus. It’s easy to get caught up. The devil (white man) has all kinds of distractions set up out there to lure you away from this kind of work. It used to be that you had to go out of your home to get into something. But you can get into plenty, now, right at home. That computer! The internet is full of distractions: Youtube videos, pornography, gambling. Every vice in the world you can sit right at home and get captured by the devil. You can sit right there at home and spend all of your money on that computer. Don’t get me wrong now, It’s not the computer that’s the problem. It’s what you do with the computer. The Messenger urged us to keep up with the modern times. The internet is an information gold mine! Use it for the tool it is. We know a saw is used for cutting things, right? Well, don’t take the saw and cut your own arm or leg off! Keep your focus!
Vol. 10, No. 1
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad - How To Eat To Live Book 2, Page 75
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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
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Messenger Elijah Muhammad Reprinted from the May 10, 1968 Edition of Muhammad Speaks VERSE 65: “And if thou ask, they would certainly say: We were only talking idly and sporting. Say: Was it Allah and His messages and His Messenger that you mocked?” VERSE 66: “Make no excuse, you disbelieved after your believing. If we pardon a party of you, We shall chastise a party, because they are guilty. VERSE 67: “The hypocrites, men and woman, are all alike. They enjoin evil and fordid good and withhold their hands. They have forsaken Allah, so He has forsaken them. Surely the hypocrites are the transgressors.” VERSE 68: “Allah promises the hypocrites, men and woman and the disbelievers the Fire of hell to abide therein. It is enough for them. And Allah curses them, and for them is a lasting chastisement.” All of the above verses are in Chapter 9 of the Holy Qu-ran THE HYPOCRITES are very much hated ones by Allah, the Messenger, and those who follow him. They come saying “I believe” and go out saying “I do not believe” (Holy Qur-an 2nd Chapter). They are not satisfied with giving up the Truth themselves; they seek to pull others away from the Truth. And, one of their greatest desires is to make people to believe what they are rejecting (Allah, His messages and His Messenger) are liars. This is what angers Allah - for the hypocrites to call Him and His messages and Messenger liars and seek to kill the Messenger, so that their (the hypocrites) lies will not be made manifest. But, this is like playing with fire and knowing not the burn of fire. SOME HYPOCRITES will say “Oh I believe in Allah, but I do not believe in the Messenger - that he is really Allah’s Messenger. Here, again they err, because it is impossible for one to believe in either One-God or the Messenger-and not believe in Both, for the Messenger is the only source of communication and guidance for the people. So, rejecting the Messenger is rejecting God, The Sender of the Messenger. Malcolm’s fall should serve as an example to all hypocrites who wish to scandalize and make mockery at Allah, His messages, and His Messenger. Also, my brother, Karlot’s fall served as a warning to the wistful and proud leaders who want to take upon themselves the honor of the Messenger of Allah, without being chosen by Allah. HOLY QUR-AN Chapter 4 - Verses 142-146: The hypocrites are said - in Verse 143 - to be those who are wavering between this and that, belonging neither to these nor those. THIS IS TRUE. The hypocrite goes out claiming that he is with both parties. He shows a false belief and friendship to both sides. And, this makes him to be an insincere believer or friend to either side. When a believer comes in saying that he believes; and then goes out saying he disbelieves, then he lied at first and he lies going out. This is why a hypocrite cannot be accepted by anyone as being sincere. After you have accepted the truth and declared it to be the truth, if you who come over to follow me to Allah turn your backs on the Truth, we have it in black and white that you declare yourself to be a believer in Allah and in His Messages, and His Messenger. In fact, you are declaring that you believe as the Messenger believes. Then, he turns his back and calls Allah, His religion, and the Messenger
(who preaches that religion) a lie. So, he becomes the most hated person by Allah. This is why Allah says that He will not guide such a one but to the path of hell to abide in it (Find this chapter in the Holy Qur-an). CHAPTER 4 — Verse 145 says “The hypocrites are surely in the lowest depths of the Fire, and thou wilt find no helper for them.” BEFORE the coming of Allah, hypocrites of Islam could get away with saying they believed and did not believe. But today, it is a mistake. A disbeliever suffers the consequences of his disbelief almost at once. It is due to the Presence of God , Himself; the hypocrites rejected prophets previous to His Coming,by using false claims. In the Presence of God, you cannot get away with trying to hide falsehood. This is what He came for, to make manifest the falsehood so that truth may triumph. My followers who turn back suffer such anger and dislike of Allah almost immediately due to the fact that God is present with me as never before to any human being, for I am His first choice and the hypocrite does not know and does not believe that he is really God Who was to come and has come. And, if they believe He is the God, they yet do not believe that I am His Messenger. This makes a disbeliever in both, as the Holy Qur-an teaches, belief in One is belief in Both and disbelief in One is disbelief in Both. LIP PROFESSION --Holy Qur’an Chapter Two: Verse13--And when it is said to them, Believe as the people believe, they say: shall we believe as the fools believe?” No surely they are the fools, but they know not. Verse14--And when they meet those who believe, they say, We believe; and when they are alone with their devils, they say: Surely we are wtih you, we were only mocking. Verse 15--Allah will pay them back their mockery, and He leaves them alone in their inordinacy, blindly wardering on. IN VERSE 13 where the Hypocrite and disbeliever is said to be making fun of the Muslims (the Believers), calling them fools that believe in the truth, they are really the fools themselves for not believing as the Muslims believe. But, they do not know that they are really the fools. This really mockery of self, when one is trying to mock another one and the other one is more honored than the mocker. The mocker does not know that which he mocks is more in honor than himself. But, yet he lies when he meets those who believe (The Muslims) and says (We believe) and when they are alone with the devils (Verse 14) they say, “surely we are with you. We were only mocking.” THEY GO and tell the devils they were only mocking us, but really they are with them, when they are not really with either one; the devils or the Muslims. In the 15th Verse, Allah says He will pay them back their mockery and this pay-back is followed in these words: “He leaves them alone in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on.” This is the consequence of their lying to both sides; the Muslims and the devils. . Allah leaves them blind, wandering, thinking they are going rightly. THE 18TH Verse of Chapter Two refers to them as “deaf, dumb and blind, so they return”. They do not return to light of truth that it may guide them in the way of truth. But, rather, call the truth a lie, and falsehood the truth. The worst of all is to say you believe in Islam and then later say you disbelieve. We must remember again and again, that Malcolm was an answer for all hypocrites for he came in believing and then went out saying he disbelieved
The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad MESSENGER OF ALLAH and made mock of God, Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is due forever, and His Messenger, Elijah Muhammad. I WARN you, do not play with this truth that I am teaching that came from God, lest you suffer the fire of hell in this life and not after you are dead. Even the Bible teaches you in Revelation (19:20) that the Hypocrites and disbelievers were cast alive in a lake of fire with the devil. The average of our people think that this means spirits. You cannot burn up spirits until you burn up what the spirit is in and the spirit of disbelief is in a person; to destroy it, burn the person up, for there is no spirit (that) has any power to do anything unless it has something of life from which to emit.
Munir’s hypocrisy exposed!
Munir is questioned by the devil (whiteman) about his beliefs CHICAGO--Earlier
this year, Munir Muhammad denounced Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings just like Judas did Jesus, “for 30 pieces of Silver” (Money) from the white man. Munir served the white man as a “house niggaro” (a tool and a slave) on the Human Rights Commission since 2003. He earned
more than $49,000 each year in this position and received thousands of dollars more from black and white politicians, which he has used to “build a mosque in opposition” to the true followers and believers in Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s teachings. Munir is the co-founder Continued on page 8
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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
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Words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad
“ They are NOT responsible for The message. I AM THE ONLY ONE God will hold responsible for you not getting the Truth.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Words-Reprinted From Our Saviour Has Arrived, Acknowledgment
‘They were once dead... They did not bring about the rebelling against the Messenger until Allah and His Messenger had brought them in or taught them rather a lot of wisdom of truth. Then they raised up to take that place that they had not been chosen for by almighty God Allah. Going around lying. Telling the people that they are something that God has chosen, themselves. And that they are to take the place of the Messenger.’ Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Words Transcribed From The “Warning To The Hypocrites” Audio Tape
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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Black Marketing Experts are used to “Capture” Black People For Financial Slave-Masters CHICAGO-- Big
corporations hire black intellectual “stool pigeons” to find out how to trick us into buying any and everything. Black people, as a result, have become financial slaves to anything put in the media ads . Two Black marketing experts, Pepper Miller and Herb Kemp wrote a whole book on the subject of how to develop “communications that would effectively bond Black consumers to a brand, product, service or idea.”. Pepper Miller and Herb Kemp are passionate advocates of helping 21st century marketers understand the absolute and relative value of the African-American consumer market as a major growth opportunity. Pepper Miller is the founder of The Hunter-Miller Group, a Chicago-based consumer research, trend analysis, and marketing strategy company. She has been researching African-American consumers for more than 25 years and has helped many Fortune 500 companies get it right in their ap-
peals to this important consumer group. Her clients include American Airlines, Allstate, General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Hallmark, Neutrogena, State Farms, Wells Fargo, Denny's, and Texaco Herb Kemp has more than 20 years of experience targeting African-American consumers for some of America's best-known companies including Burger King, General Motors, Kodak, Denny's, Texaco, Anheuser-Busch, Seagram's, Toys 'R' Us, and AT&T, Pfizer, General Foods, and even the U.S. Army. Miller and Kemp make it perfectly clear, from the start, that it is “all about the Benjamins”! In the Introduction of their book is written, “Make no mistake about it; we are not talking about being a “good corporate citizen.” This is about maximizing return on investment and increasing market share. It is about “staying in the Black” through a better understanding of the advantages of marketing to African Americans”
While most Black people in America are completly unaware that they have any power and or influence at all, Miller and Kemp are making millions of dollars schooling white people on “the economic value of marketing to Black people in America”. In their book, Miller and Kemp PROVE, “The fact that African Americans have more influence on today’s culture and taste than any other ethnic group in the world.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned us in his book, The Fall of America that:“They offer high positions and money to the socalled Negro intellectual politicians who will work against the good of the Black American people....” “....What do they care about the millions who are sprawled in the mud of civilization?” The Messenger said, “You would not think that they would hire themselves out to be stool pigeons, white man’s bootlickers, and Uncle Toms in these modern times of ad-
Munir’s Hypocrisy Exposed Continued from page 6 of CROE, the Coalition for the Remembrance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. His bio on the CROE website describes Munir’s responsibilities, as the Business Manager of C.R.O.E.. It reads, in part: “His faith and belief in the program, motivates him to work 365 days per year in defense of the Messenger...” But in April, 2012, when the devil (white man) asked him, during a committe meeting, if he believed in Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s teachings on integration, Munir answered “No”. Senator Dale Righter, read Point 10 of the Muslim Program written by Messenger Elijah Muhammad, titled “What the Muslims Want” which reads “We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited.” Senator Righter made it clear to Munir that, “If you have any notion to believe that that’s true, you are not qualified to serve on the Human Rights Commission”. Then the devil asked Munir, “DO YOU ASCRIBE TO THAT BELIEF?”
Munir Muhammad answered, “No!” The Senator asked, “You don’t?!” and AGAIN, Munir reply, “NO!” Senator Righter then read, from the f irst page of Munir Muhammad’s website, the following words: “The Coalition for the Remembrance of Elijah Muhammad’s website is prepared with sacred reverence to the truth of the teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad...This Supreme Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding of the words of Allah as taught to us by our Messenger (no one else) will keep us from stumbling and falling.” The Senator finally voiced his conclusion that, “This is a very strong statement of Belief.” And asked Munir, “Is that an accurate statement of what this is?” And here’s Munir’s response: “You know, that’s what I’m so embarrased by. To be honest with you, I have not read that in so long, I didn’t know everything that you’re saying to me...” Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned us real good about hypocrites in his book The Message To
The Blackman in America, how to deal with them, and their fate. First, he said, “A hypocrite is one who first says he believes in Islam and then disbelieves...” and that “A true follower of the Messenger believes as the Messenger believes, but a hypocrite pretends he believes but is not at all a believer.” According to Messenger Elijah Muhammad, “There is no excuse for their deviation, only that they were actually hypocrites, eating and feasting with us (as the Bible says), and we did not know they were such people. Allah makes them known whenever he pleases...” Finally, the Messenger said, “ Let the hypocrites be aware that there is a great chastisement in store for them... and that which they feared will come to pass. What they actually feared is: Exposure as the losers who had lied... They go to the devil for friendship, and he turns them down ...” And that is exactly what happened to Munir Muhammad. His nomination to serve again failed 20 to 30 in the Senate.
vanced education - but they are doing just that. They do not want the praise and exaltation of God and their own Black people. They want it from the slavemasters’ children. The slavemasters’ children will give it to them as long as they reject themselves and kind and worship and exalt the white people. The white man is very clever in making a public fool of the Black man. They show the brown, yellow and red man what a good job they have done on the Black man in America and throughout the earth. He is doing what nature bids him to do. It has always been the policy of the white man to use a Black man against a Black man-especially leaders. Look at history. See how he has deceived and killed off the Black leaders of foreign lands and then they took over themselves. This should be a lesson for you and me. We, the Muslims, have watched our people who have come among us as eyes and ears (stool pigeons) for white folks. When they have become converted to the truth and join us, they confess that they are ashamed that have worked against us, for the sake of a few perishable dollars. We know that the white man is our enemy and wherever we are, he offers some silly so-called Negro a higher office and higher pay to work against us Muslims, the righteous, or any so-called Negro. Whether he be a Baptist, Methodist, Holy Roller or Sanctified, some lazy so-called Negro will work against him for the white man. It is a shame in such modern times to see Black politicians and preachers accepting positions to work against their own Black people for a few dollars from a race whose time has come to an end. We are justified in taking it if the white man gave us a billion or a hundred billion dollars. We deserve it. But we are not justified to sell our lives for such a gift in this day and time. Declare yourself a Muslim and see how much the devil will give you. He would say , "We will give it to you if you preach that we are not the devil." We would answer, "that is just the same as saying, ‘If you do not teach the truth of me, so that I can continue to deceive the world of your kind, I will help you.’"
Vol. 10, No. 1
Scientists Find A DNA Change That Accounts For White Skin By Sister Zakiyah Karim Scientists say they have discovered a genetic mutation that largely explains the f irst appearance of white skin in humans, a finding that may prove Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s teaching, since 1931, that whites were deliberately grafted from black people. Mutation means a relatively permanent physical change in genes. The work suggests that the skinwhitening mutation occurred “after the first human exodus from Africa,when all people were brown-skinned”. And that the group of people that made the made the exodus from Africa, “moved northward into what is now Europe, helping to give rise to the lightest of the world’s races.” The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome. The work also reveals, for the first time that Asians owe their relatively light skin to different mutations, which is also a part of Messenger Elijah Muhammad teaching on Yacub’s grating process. The Messenger taught that white people were the result of a scientific experiment headed by a scientist 6000 years ago, named Yacub, who discovered that Black people contained two genes for color (Black & Brown) that allows us to produce lighter shades of Black people. Yacub left Africa, with 59,999 other Black people to this Master Grafting on the Island of Pelan, also called Patms. The Messenger said, every 200 years there was a prominent change in skin color; including Red and Yellow (Asians). And that in 600 years, the first white people were produced. At the request of Muhammad Speaks, the head scientist of these findings, Dr. Keith Cheng, is now studying Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s teachings on Yacub’s grafting to see if whether or not, based on his scientific findings, he can agree that such a grafting process may have actually taken place.
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Divide & Rule The Devil’s #1 Trick
The Use of Stool Pigeons, Distractions and Imprisonment are other things the Devil uses to Keep Black People from Truth! ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
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Muhammad Speaks Jan. 1962...
and it’s still true today
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Islam is Salvation
COME HEAR THE TR UTH TRUTH As Taught By Messenger Elijah Muhammad
By Brother Mutakabbir Ali
Visit The Temple in Your Area or Attend Temple Meetings Right Through Your Computer By Visiting 2 pm Every Sunday
the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. I thank Him for raising His Messenger the Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). I share with you the greetings of peace in the Arabic language of: As Salaam Alaikum.
Brother Mutakabbir Ali Conflicts and confusion have become the order of the day; especially in the inner cities of America where joblessness, hopelessness prevails in every direction. Crime is on the rise, babies are being murdered; every social organization has tried to rally, march and in some cases pray for a change to come. Nevertheless, with all the attention and media coverage each day is worse than the one proceeded. Local and national authorities have lost the ability to assist urban America, that now the Black communities resemble actual war zones. There are signs and symbols of hate and murder written in coded languages on walls, sidewalks and even streets (R.I.P.). The elders can't relate to the youth, and the youth has no regard for the elders. In fact, communication lines between them have been cut off. What has caused this condition? Seventy-nine years ago this question was answered in Detroit Michigan. Where the need and longing for relief of depression and hopelessness was given by God Himself, whose proper name is Allah, appearing in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. It was in Detroit that our beloved Messenger was raised and given the keys of salvation. Fulfilling the scriptures wherein it states: "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brothers. And I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him." The Hon. Elijah Muhammad (Peace be upon him) never missed an opportunity to teach the seriousness of the time and what must be done. Although, the devil with armies of hypocrites and disbe-
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lievers tried to delete, destroy and cancel the great works of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, they (devils & hypocrites) were unsuccessful then, and they are unsuccessful now, because the work of the Messenger was the will of Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. Surely, Allah knows best where to place His message. Islam means salvation to those seeking a righteous life. A life that's free of the social ills, i.e. Drug abuse, prostitution, rape, murder, lying, stealing, cheating, adultery and fornication, just to name a few. Under the guidance of Messenger Elijah Muhammad one is able to repent and reform properly, without the taunting of ill-wishers and haters. A person sincerely embracing Islam will see improvement in their life immediately, in fact the Messenger stated, "It is so essential that you follow the Messenger, because if you do as I say, you will become a different person." Salvation is: a deliverance from the power and effects of sin. Many great speakers, teachers, and spiritualists have appeared offering their ideas and solutions to some of the above mentioned social sicknesses as the pathway leading to success and prosperity (wealth) with no effects at all. Allah's Prophets and Messengers, did not rely upon their own ideas. They relied upon Allah; which answers why they were successful in reforming fallen humanity. When Allah instilled His inspiration into the heart of our beloved Messenger, he broke the devil's grip of influence over the mind, heart and souls of the lost sheep/lost-found. Messenger Muhammad taught that a Muslim is obedient to Allah, always seeking to obey His Law by Continued on page 12
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Page 12
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Vol. 10, No. 1
FROM THE INTERNET Veterinary scientists say Pets The 3 things you will always need in an Urban Survival situation Reprinted from Maybe you are prepared for an extended survival scenario away from civilization, but you have to get out of the city first (maybe). In a disaster situation that might not be so easy. If you have these three things in place you will greatly increase your chances.
1. Get Home Bag (GHB) A Get Home Bag contains a special set of tools and serves one purpose: To get you from wherever you are to your Home. Imagine for a minute that you work downtown in a large city, maybe you ride the subway or take a bus to work everyday. You are in a large office building with many floors, thousands of people, and you are on the fifteen or twentieth story. If a disaster strikes how are you going to get out? I mean literally. If there is an earthquake, or a catastrophic man made event how are you going to get out of your building? Your GBH should contain things that are going to get you out of the building like a prybar. Things to help you make it through the aftermath like water and breathing masks. Things you might use to help rescue others like flashlights or radios. Things that will help you on what could be a very long walk home such as food and maybe shoes. Sunglasses, Collapsible Water Bottle, Dust Mask for Toxic Dust and Debris Window Punch: Why Ear Plugs could make your Urban Survival more Bearable
2. A Bug Out Plan It is assumed here, that you have already packed a “Bug Out Bag”, packed with necessities to be able to survive outdoors for an extended period of time. So you made it home, now what? You have surveyed the situation and determined that the city is in mass chaos and you need to get out now. What do you do ? There’s no way I can go through all of the various problems you might encounter while trying to bug out of your city so you will have to plan for yourself. What I
will give you are some questions to consider and one rule: Contingency. Is your way out double, triple, and quadruple backed up? If the highways are shutdown do you have a surface street route? If no roads are passable do you have an off road route? If driving is out of the question do you have a planned walking or riding route? Maps of your area would be helpful. Do you have a rendezvous point with other family members?
3. A Bug In Plan Lets back up a minute. Pretend you just got home again, but this time you surveyed the situation and decided that you are not in immediate danger but are still not at normal situation . Now what do you do? A Bug In Plan is for emergency situations where you can stay in your own home but have to rely on your own preparations to survive. This might just mean that you will be without power or water for an extended period. Maybe it means you actually can’t leave your home at all for whatever reason. What plans do you have in place to live like this? A Bug in Plan should include food and water preparations first and foremost. What will you eat since all of the food in your refrigerator is going to be bad soon? Do you really want to live on the backpack meals out of your Bug Out Bag when you don’t have to? (Be sure to stock the Top 100 Items that will Disappear First). How much water do you have stored? Do you have a sewage system set up. (No water=no sewage: its always the little things….) Do you have unprepared neighbors to worry about? (To help or guard against?) Starting out a survival situation in an urban environment is almost an immediate set-back compared to those bugging out from more rural areas, but with a Get Home Bag, a Bug Out Plan, and a Bug In Plan you are better off than most people.
Don’t Belong in Your Bed
Veterinary scientists say sleeping with and “kissing” your pet lips puts you at risk for some serious medical problems. The study published in the February, 2012 issue of the CDC journal Emerging Infectious Diseases. “Bruno Chomel, an expert in the transmission of disease from animal to human (zoonosis,). said “I know this will make me unpopular, but pets really don’t belong in your bed.” Chomel and co-author Ben Sun, chief veterinarian with the California Department of Public Health, combed through medical journals to find examples of pets making people ill after sharing a bed. Among them: a 9-year-old Arizona boy developed plague after sleeping with his flea-infested cat. (Fleas are notorious plague carriers, especially in western states.) And then there’s the 60year-old British woman who contracted meningitis after repeatedly kissing the family dog.
What’s wrong with wearing tampons? Tampons absorb vaginal fluids causing drying, ulceration and infection in the vaginal walls. They keep flow in contact with your vagina giving bacteria the perfect place to multiply, and prevent your vagina from cleaning itself. Young girls are at higher risk from tampon use. This is because your immune system isn't as strong as in adults and your vaginal tissues are more delicate so more prone to damage and irritation, Doctors say women who wear tampons usually have scaring and fibers from the tampon left within the vagina, this is because tampons dry-out the vagina causing splitting like what you get if your lips are chapped. Tampon companies are self-regulated and they keep ingredients secret, in the past they used chlorine-bleaching so tampons contained dioxin - linked to endometriosis, infertility, birth defects, and cancer.)
Approximately 60 percent of all human pathogens could have been transmitted by an animal, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And more than 100 of the 250 zoonotic diseases identified come from domesticated pets, says Chomel. One CDC study even shows that about 14 percent of the U.S. population is infected with roundworms, leading to a zoonotic infection called toxocariasis. The mode of transmission occurs when humans come into contact with sand or soil that is contaminated with infected roundworm eggs and larvae found in dog or cat waste. Human roundworm infections, can cause blindness, among other problems. Women who are infected with a common parasite may be more likely to hurt themselves or attempt suicide, a new study of over 45,000 new moms in Denmark suggests. Another infection, known as toxoplasmosis, is known to multiply in the gut of infected cats. Humans can become chronically infected by handling cat litter. In humans, the parasite attacks the brain. Toxoplasmosis is often symptom-free, but can be dangerous in people with weak immune systems or dur-
ing pregnancy, since the parasite may be passed to babies. Some studies have linked the parasite to a higher chance of developing schizophrenia. One study, from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, tracked 45,788 women who were originally included in a study that screened newborn babies for toxoplasmosis. More thanone-quarter of the babies were positive for T. gondii antibodies, meaning their mothers likely had a chronic, underlying toxoplasmosis infection. And over the next 11 to 14 years, infected women were about 50 percent more likely to cut, burn or otherwise hurt themselves, according to their medical records, and 80 percent more likely to attempt suicide. In total, 488 women hurt themselves for the first time during the study, 78 tried to kill themselves and 18 women in the study actually committed suicide. The most recent survey by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). found that between 2006 and 2011, the number of American households with pets decreased by 2.8 million.
Islam is Salvation Continued from page 11 submitting to do the will of Allah. He (Allah) instructed Messenger Muhammad to teach (the lost sheep) how to stop practicing the customs' and traditions of the devil. To stop seeking the status of the rich and famous, but to recognize and accept the rights, as any civilized person to reap and enjoy the fruits of labor. Our beloved Messenger began freeing and delivering the righteous from the hands of Satan (devil), turning the hearts of the believers toward a righteous way of life. He, Elijah Muhammad, as the Bible says, “came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them he gave the power to become the sons (servants) of God, even to
them that believe on his name”. Only Islam can save the souls from the flames of hell that black America is experiencing. "Islam is the natural religion of the Black Nation. It is the nature in which we are made. We are called to return to Islam in these words from the Holy Quran: Set your face upright for religion in the right state. The nature made by Allah in which He has made men: there is no altering of Allah's creation. That is the right religion, but most people do not know." (H.Q. 30:30) Please re- read the books of Messenger Elijah Muhammad and seek after truth and righteousness and our conditions will change overnight. As Salaam Alaikum.
Vol. 10, No. 1
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
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The Devils Fool By Messenger Elijah Muhammad The information in this article is Reprinted by popular request from the February 11, 1972 Edition of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper
‘Your common sense teaches you that God does not approve of such filth.’ ~Words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad
Almighty Allah (God) and the Nation of Islam elsewhere (Asia and Africa, the Islands) are grieved and hurt to the heart to see you walking into the trap your enemies (the devils) have and still are setting for you. I am your sincere brother with the truth from your God and mine, which means your very life and the future of your children and nations of black men and women. The truth being that you should know your enemies and their tricks being played on the world of our kind. Will you listen or read the truth? Do no take what I am teaching and writing lightly. It is the truth from your God and you shall soon bear me witness that it is the truth. Allah has said to me that we are living in the end of the world of white rule, a race whom Allah has made manifest to you and me as being real devils. They were created to rule us for 6,000 years, and then Allah
(God) will destroy them from the earth and give the earth back to its original owners -- the Black Nation. The time has arrived, and you must know the truth of this race and yourself and nation. You must be reunited to your own Nation. The time is ripe for your return. You will never again be slaves to any other nation. Allah will make you the head and not the tail. Accept your own! Stop destroying yourself trying to be other than your own kind and patterning after a doomed race of devils. You may say, How am I to live without going along with my enemies desires? They did not create themselves -- we are their creators - our father,
The Shyless
the Black man, feeds them. Is it not our God who created food for all? He raises the clouds from the earth and causes them to pour their water on the thirsty parts and causes the seeds to germinate and grow for your food. Can this devil whom you trust do these things? And is it not Allah (God) who has made the earth to rotate on her axis in such a way that she causes changes in seasons four times a year to satisfy life and vegetation in all parts of the earth. You are letting the devils fool and disgrace you and are taking you to hell with them! Your God, Allah, will be happy and will rejoice in feeding, clothing and sheltering you if you believe. The Bible teaches you that He fed and sheltered Israel in the desert (Exod. 16:12-15). Fear
The Filth That Pr
Holy Quran (7:27) O children of Adam expelled your parents from the garden might show them their shame. He sure you see them not. Surely We have mad
This happened to the Black People wh their Original Self, the clothes of Right and then made them to go nude in the h Moses.
& Disgrace You not, Allah (God) is with us. The enemies of Allah and the righteous are leading you only to evil and indecency, as the Holy Quran teaches you and me. They are pulling off your clothes and showing the world your shame, and you think it is right. They are used to going nude. They have nudist colonies here in America to prove it. Four thousand years ago all of Europe was a nudist colony. And your little daughters are being brought up to not be shy of indecency. You have them stripped to their trunks, all because the devils invited you to wear such styles of theirs, and you are obeying. This is to tempt the black people in becoming sharers in their doom. Your common sense teaches you that God does not approve of such filth. This should also
roduces The Filth
m, let not the arch deceiver seduce you, as he n, pulling off from them their clothing that he ely sees you, he as well as his hosts, from whence e the devils to be friends of those who believe not.
o followed Yakub from Arabia. He pulled off, from teousness and the clothes to cover their shame; hills and cave-sides of Europe, until the birth of
bring you into the knowledge that the religion (Christianity) so talked and preached of by the white race is only a bit for you to swallow to become the followers of them (the enemies of God). Your loving and sweethearting them only means that you are in love the devils in person, and you are courting death and hell fire. Believe this or leave it. Read Holy Qur-an 7:27, O children of Adam, let not the devil seduce you, as he expelled your parents from the garden (this was done by the father of this race, Yakub, 6,000 years ago) pulling off from their clothing that he might show them their shame, he surely sees you as his host. They make fools of you and then laugh at you for being dumb enough for them to trick. (The devil scientists and rulers prepare the trap for you and the The Disgrace others spring it on you.) The above verse you are now fulfilling by going partly nude. You have confidence in the devils because you do
not know them to be devils. You are now being taught, and there will be no excuse for your taking them for friends instead of Allah. The clothing that guards against evil is the knowledge of good and evil, the reward of good and the consequences of doing evil and the good of both. Again, the above verses (26,27) answer the lie (that you are not able to feed and clothe your children and that you should not have many children) that the devils are tricking you into birth control in order to sterilize the so-called Negroes of America. Beware, my dear sister, the tricks of your enemies and mine, the devils.
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Page 18
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Vol. 10, No. 1
What Islam Has Done For Me Things You Should Not Carry in Your Wallet SOCIAL SECURITY CARD
Everything We Need By Brother John 9X
If your Social Security card gets in the wrong hands, someone could open a credit card, apply for a loan, or even buy a car with the information. It's nine digits, just memorize it. Once you’ve removed your card, look for anything else that may contain your SSN. Including Retirees, Medicare cards, because it has your SSN on it. Instead: Photocopy your Medicare card (front and back) and carry it with you instead of your real card. Experts are torn when it comes to blacking out a portion of your Social Security number on the copy, so to be safe, black out all nine digits. If an appointment requires the full SSN, you can then provide it as needed.
SPARE KEYS Because you must carry Identification (Driver Liscense or State Identification) that has the address where you live on it, Let’s not make it too easy for someone who has your wallet to just enter your home.
Brother John 9X RHODE ISLAND--In the name of Allah,
PASSWORDS/PASS CODES Although most PIN numbers are only four digits long, some people still write them down so they don't forget. If you absolutely can't remember important pass codes, store them digitally on a password-protected phone, but never write them down and leave them in your wallet or purse.
PASSPORT Thieves could use it for anything”—including traveling in your name, opening bank accounts or even getting a new copy of your Social Security card. Instead: Carry only your driver’s license or other personal ID while traveling inside the United States. When you’re overseas, photocopy your passport and leave the original in a hotel lockbox.
Receipts Sometimes receipts can have your credit card information on them, as well as your signature, which thieves could do a lot of damage with.
Too Many Credit Cards If your wallet gets lost or stolen, that means you're going to have to sit and cancel every single one, and wait a week without any credit cards before you receive a replacement. Only carry the one or two cards you use on a daily basis and a backup, and leave others at home. Also make sure you keep photocopies of the front and back of each card at home, Lin advises. The 1-800 number to call and report a lost or stolen card is very often on the back of your card -- which doesn't do you a lot of good once the card is no longer in your possession.
Your Checkbook Your checkbook has your bank account number and routing number on it, your address, and possibly imprints of your signature. Peel off one check out of your book and take it with you. If you know you're going to need to write multiple checks in one day, go ahead and take your checkbook, but don't get into the habit of carrying it around with you all the time,
the Benef icent, the Merciful. Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. The one true and living God for the Black man and Woman. We can never thank Him enough for raising up from among us the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Last and Greatest messenger of Allah. As-Salaam-Alaikum. We all have problems, Brothers and Sisters. None of us has such an ideal life that we never go through difficulty. The problem becomes what do you do with your diff icult situations. I always bring them into Islam. By reading the word of the Messenger and by reading the Holy Qur’an and even the Bible I can find answers to my problems. For instance I recently lost a loved one. This is a very difficult situation. But through prayer and reading the Holy Qur’an especially Surah 64 The Manifestation of Losses I was able to begin to conquer my grief. It is not easyBrothers and Sisters. What helps us is knowing that after difficulty comes ease. Our beliefs become our strength. They are the way forward so that we can continue onAllah’s straight way. Every day, we are caught in this devil’s world. Although we just want to be happy, all we want is to
be left to ourselves, we know that is not going to happen. . We can’t even go to a movie without getting shot up. We can’t come back from buying skittles and ice tea from a convenience store without getting murdered….We can’t play under a open f ire hydrant without getting clipped. The devil rejoices at this. After all, this is his world. He has been given 6000 years to rule and whenever anything bad happens to us, he is happy. No, the devil is not a sprit creature as the Christian brothers and sisters would have you believe. He doesn’t have any horns or pitchforks……..or have red skin. He is the white man! We know him to be the devil. The devil is constantly going to bug us. Trying to turn us from our God, Master Fard Muhammad, having us believe in his sport and play like the lotteries.
He wants us to worship institutions he sets up like the military. How many holidays are disguised celebrations of the military: there is Memorial day, Veteran’s day, Armed Forces day, Flag day. Even mother’s day and father’s day become military holidays when we can only acknowledge all the Military moms and dads that are away from their families f ighting for our freedom. But why should we worship this killing machine? The only thing that it does is to cause misery by using our brothers to kill our brothers and sisters. So how should we react to the Fourth of July? We could just accept it and enjoy the madness with the parades, the fireworks, the drunk behavior. Or we could get militant about it like Chris Rock who said that this holiday was only for white people. He’s partially right. Continued on page 21
Buy Heirloom Non-Hybrid Seed For Planting Vegetables By Sister Cynthia Shabazz ILLINOIS--A
hybrid seed is basically a genetically altered seed designed to resist diseases and create more crop yield. The seeds harvested from plants and crops grown with hybrid seeds are useless and cannot be planted the following season. Therefore you would need new seeds for each year. A non hybrid seed is a seed that has not been genetically altered. There is some debate on if crops grown with non-hybrid seeds produce more of a nutrient rich or flavorful crop, but the fact is that seeds collected from mature nonhybrid crops can be re-planted for the next planting seasoning.
Sister Cynthia Shabazz Right now, we should be storing a large supply of non-hybrid seeds for future farming and harvest. Maintaining a stock of these non-hybrid vegetable seeds at your location. While you can purchase non-hybrid seeds at retail locations, purchasing sets of seeds in robust, vacuum packed containers is the best way to ensure you’ll have viable seeds when the time comes to plant, nourish and harvest.
Vol. 10, No. 1
Page 19
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
SURVIVAL IN THE HOOD The Top 100 Items to Disappear First Reprinted from the Survival Cache Website You could also call this “The Top 100 Things You should start stocking up on.” Even if you don’t need more than 2 (you should always have 2 of everything) each item on this list will be great for bartering. This list was discussed and chosen by the members of No Particular Order. 1. Generators 2. Water Filters/Purifiers 3. Portable Toilets 4. Seasoned Firewood. 5. Lamp Oil, Wicks, Lamps, Lanterns 6. Camp Stove Fuel – Impossible to stockpile too much. 7. Guns, Ammunition, Pepper Spray, Knives, Clubs, Bats & Slingshots. 8. Hand-can openers, & hand egg beaters, whisks. 9. Honey/Syrups/white, brown sugar 10. Rice – Beans – Wheat 11. Vegetable Oil (for cooking) Without it food burns/must be boiled) 12. Charcoal, Lighter Fluid 13. Water Containers 14. Mini Heater head (Without this item, propane won’t heat a room.) 15. Grain Grinder (Non-electric) 16. Propane Cylinders (Urgent: Definite shortages will occur. 17. Survival Guide Book. 18. Lantern Mantles 19. Baby Supplies: Diapers/formula. ointments/ aspirin, etc. 20. Washboards, Mop Bucket w/wringer (for Laundry) 21. Propane Cookstoves 22. Vitamins 23. Propane Cylinder Handle-Holder 24. Feminine Hygiene/Haircare/Skin products. 25. Thermal underwear / Polypropylene 26. Bow saws, axes and hatchets, Wedges (also, honing oil) 27. Aluminum Foil Reg. & Heavy Duty 28. Gasoline Containers (Plastic & Metal) 29. Garbage Bags 30. Toilet Paper, Kleenex, Paper Towels 31. Milk – Powdered & Condensed 32. Garden Seeds (Non-Hybrid) 33. Clothes pins/line/hangers 34. Coleman’s Pump Repair Kit 35. Tuna Fish (in oil) 36. Fire Extinguishers (or..large box of Baking Soda in every room) 37. First aid kits 38. Batteries 39. Garlic, spices & vinegar, baking supplies 40. Big Dogs (and plenty of dog food) 41. Flour, yeast & salt 42. Matches 43. Writing paper/pads/pencils, solar calculators 44. Insulated ice chests 45. Workboots, belts, jeans & durable shirts 46. Flashlights, Lightsticks, torches, Lanterns 47. Journals, Diaries & Scrapbooks
48. Garbage cans Plastic 49. Hygiene: Shampoo, Toothbrush/paste, Mouthwash, floss 50. Cast iron cookware 51. Fishing supplies/tools 52. Mosquito coils/repellent, sprays/creams 53. Duct Tape 54. Tarps/stakes/twine/nails/rope/spikes 55. Candles 56. Laundry Detergent (liquid) 57. Backpacks, Duffel Bags 58. Garden tools & supplies 59. Scissors, fabrics & sewing supplies 60. Canned Fruits, Veggies, Soups, stews, etc. 61. Bleach 62. Canning supplies, (Jars/lids/wax) 63. Knives & Sharpening tools: files, stones, steel 64. Bicycles…Tires/tubes/pumps/chains, etc 65. Sleeping Bags & blankets/pillows/mats 66. Carbon Monoxide Alarm (battery powered) 67. Board Games, Cards, Dice 68. d-con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, Roach Killer 69. Mousetraps, Ant traps & cockroach magnets 70. Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks) 71. Baby wipes, oils, waterless & Antibacterial soap 72. Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc. 73. Shaving supplies 74. Hand pumps & siphons (for water and for fuels) 75. Soysauce, vinegar, bullions/gravy/soupbase 76. Boy Scout Handbook 77. Chocolate/Cocoa/Tang/Punch (water enhancers) 78. “Survival-in-a-Can” 79. Woolen clothing, scarves/ear-muffs/mittens 80. Reading glasses 81. Window Insulation Kit 82. Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, Trail mix/ Jerky 83. Popcorn, Peanut Butter, Nuts 84. Socks, Underwear, T-shirts, etc. (extras) 85. Lumber (all types) 86. Wagons & carts (for transport to and from) 87. Cots & Inflatable mattress’s 88. Gloves: Work/warming/gardening, etc. 89. Lantern Hangers 90. Screen Patches, glue, nails, screws,, nuts & bolts 91. Teas 92. Coffee 93. Cigarettes 94. Wine/Liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc,) 95. Paraffin wax 96. Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc. 97. Chewing gum/candies 98. Atomizers (for cooling/bathing) 99. Hats & cotton neckerchiefs 100. Goats/chickens
Man’s Role By Brother Alif Muhsin
‘The Highest rank that you will ever hold in the Nation of Islam is Brother’ ~Alif Muhsin DETROIT--The
Blackman is the god, and as gods we have many faces and many roles to play. Being in the hands of the Devil (Whiteman) we have been made other then righteous, and ignorant to the true essence of our roles as men.. Most of our lost and found brothers think that a boy becomes a man when he reaches the age of 18 years old. This is False. A boy starts to become a man soon after he enters the world from his mothers’ womb, when he assumes his role as a Son; which he maintains throughout his life. As Sons we must protect and care for our mother and father. Chapter 17 verses 23 and 24 of the Holy Quran reads: “ and Thy Lord has decreed that you serve none but him, and do good to parents. If either or both of them reach old age with thee, say not “fie” to them, nor chide them and speak to them a generous word.” “And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy, and say: My lord, have mercy on them, as they brought me up ( when I was) little.” As Sons, through stern discipline we learn submission. This is a blessing from Allah. Learning to submit to Mother and Father, teaches us how to submit to All Mighty God Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. Our next roles are vital to raising a nation, and these are Husband and Father. I am briefly combining these two roles because there is a lot that I would like to say about both and I do not have enough space here. However, as Husbands and Fathers it is our responsibility to provide, protect, and love our fam-
Brother Alif Muhsin ily. We must assure them that they are safe, and give to them whatever it is they may need. We are the closest thing to Allah that they will ever see. So we must live the life of a Muslim everyday, and set an example for our children. At a young age a boy realizes that he is destined to become a man, so he copies his father. What kind of example will you set for him? The Highest rank that you will ever hold in the Nation of Islam is Brother. To be a Brother it takes patience, understanding, hard work, honesty, and integrity. In the Restrictive laws of Islam, we are told to “Love brother believer as yourself. This is a divine law. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that the restrictive laws are our success. And Finally our role… friend must be mentioned. Friend Means a person who gives assistance; Patrons; supporter. A friend is dependable and honest, trustworthy and Giving. The Black man by nature has all of these attributes. All Praises Due To Allah Who Came In The Person Of Master Fard Muhammad. Eighteen years old does not make you a man. We are men when we can wear all of these different hats at the same time. None of us are perfect, we are all striving to be better men. But it will all fall in line, if we just be ourselves, which is are righteous Muslims. As-Salaam-Alaikum
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
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Vol. 10, No. 1
The Meaning of As-Salaam-Alaikum By Messenger Elijah Muhammad Transcribed from an audio-taped radio broadcast
LAST MESSENGER OF ALLAH To the radio audience, I am Elijah Muhammad, the preacher of Freedom, Justice and Equality, to the American so-called Negro. Not Negroes but are really lost and found members of the great Black Asiatic Nation from the Tribe of Shabazz, as almighty God Allah has taught me, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, for coming in this part of the world, giving to us the knowledge of self, and the knowlege of others. The knowledge of God and the knowledge of the devil and making clear and understandable that which we had never before been able to understand of the truth. Today we are thankful, who have heard this truth coming from the mouth of almighty God, Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. Islam! The Muslims greeting.... This is always greeted in the language of Arabic. Arabic language is that..... The greetings, As-SalaamAlaikum, which means peace peace be to you- or unto you. This is a very very good greeting words to use.
The Western world of mankind can not use the greetings of peace to one another because they are not at peace with each other. Therefore, there would be absolutely false greeting if the world would try greeting each other with peace. Especially the Western world. Therefore the greeting of peace is the greeting of those whom we call the righteous, who are always at peace with God, and at peace with man, and peace with himself. Therefore they are justified in using this greeting of peace which is the greatest greeting words that we know of. Long before the creation of this world, it was the word or greeting of the righteous, peace. In whatever language was used, it meant peace. WE, today desire, most of all, to have peace with God and with ourselves. WE desire to have it but most of us are not trying to give peace or to enjoy peace between man and man, due to the fact that the greed of the riches and luxury of this
world takes all of our love, all of our peace, from our hearts towards one another. Because the love of the riches of this world and its luxuries, it makes one desire to take advantage of the other one. And, in this race for wealth, we destroy the peace of the neighborhood. We destroy the peace of the world of mankind, seeking to enjoy wealth and luxury of this life at the expense of others. I say to you my beloved people, the so-called American Negro. You are "so-called" because you are not a Negro. You are an Asiatic man from the Tribe of Shabazz, so God almighty Allah has taught me To whom be praise forever. I want you to know that it is the great desire of almighty God, Allah to give to you, my people, who has been trodden under the feet of civilization for hundreds of years, peace. He wants to give to you. He has spread forth his hands in your midsts and over you and has given to you this word, PEACE. He brings to you, peace. He removes grief, sorrow and fear from the hearts of you who believe. That I mean in His Religion. There are many of us thinks that we believe in God, but when we are tested to that belief, we are not believers. We are believers in fear. And fear takes away obedience to the Divine Supreme Being. It removes fear of almighty God, Whom we should fear because He has power over all things. And He is the Greatest of them all. He is
the Wisest. He is the Most Merciful and He has the power to bring the living from the dead and the dead from the living. He's All-Powerful and is able to bring light out of darkness. And He's able to make darkness over this light. This is Allah! According to the Holy Quran and Bible. I am so sorry for you, my people. I grieve over you. I am really overanxious to see you enjoy peace. I am over-anxious to see you united with each other. Showing the love of a sincere brotherhood among you, yourselves. You have been destroyed. You have been robbed. You have grieved and moaned and suffered every kind of evil that man could think of. There is no evil that you
have not had experience of. Today I am your brother. And I am also a sufferer of these things that you suffered with and therefore I love you and desire for you what I desire for myself. I desire peace. I desire love for my brother. I desire unity with my brother. And I can not have unity with my brother unless I love my brother. And it is all possible, and not impossible for me to love my brother. He's flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone; blood of my blood and if I don't love my brother, who is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, and blood of my blood, then alright, I don't love myself. This is the condition that the poor so-called American Negroes are in, Continued on page 20
Ku Klux Klan Forced Ban on Blacks in 2012 NORTH CAROLINA--Many people be-
lieved that after the United States elected its first so-called “AfricanAmerican” president, that racism was on the decline, but they were wrong. Earlier this year, the American Nazi party and the "pro white, Christian identity" group, Crusaders For Yahweh-Aryan Nations LLC, registered to become lobbyists in Washington. Whether it's in a small North Carolina town or nationally in Washington, racism and prejudice is alive and well in all 50 states. In the small town of Denton, North Carolina, a small independent
wrestling show was held at a local elementary school. A few days before the show was to go on, the promoter received a threatening text message from a local KKK affiliate. The message was: “Do not bring no blacks into Denton. You have been warned. The White Knights.” The Black wrestlers scheduled for the show were told that their services were no longer needed. According to the 2010 census, Denton, North Carolina has a population of 1,636, with only two African-Americans living in the town.
Vol. 10, No. 1
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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Every Thing We Need Continued from page 18 When they started celebrating the fourth of July we were slaves. We were only 3/5ths of a man. Frederick Douglass, the abolitionist Brother, said something similar to Chris Rock a 100 years earlier. But as I said before, the way forward is to bring the situation into Islam. There you will find an answer. For us, believers, we know that the fourth of July is a very special day. It is the day that Master Fard Muhammad first appeared to us, July 4th 1930. Therefore, it represents Black Independence Day. It is really a day for US! This is the beauty of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He taught us who God is and who the devil is. He taught us what we should eat and when we should eat it. Yes we will still have difficulties and sorrows. But with the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, we have everything we need.
The Meaning of As-Salaam-Alaikum Continued from page 20 in North America. Because of the robbery of the slave-master of you when you were in servitude slavery. You were robbed of the love for self. You were robbed actually of unity, which you should be enjoying. All of this was taken from you by the slave-master and his children. Now, today, they are in unity when it comes to you and I. They love each other when it comes to you and I. They have proven beyond a shawdow-of-a-doubt that they do not desire that you and I love each other as brothers and do unto each other as we would have done unto us. And again, they, not only, don't desire that we be united, but they have and still are doing everything they possibly can to keep us from being united. Unity means Strength. Unity means power.Unity means love. Unity means peace. I say, my beloved people, remember that we are a people beloved of almighty God and has been lost for 400 years in a people that are not our people.
The Blackman and the white man are two distinct people. They are not brothers of each other. No sir! They are not the same race. No sir! These are two distinct peopleraces or nations- as you would call them. And by no means could you ever expect true brotherly love and absolute unity between the two. It is impossible unless that you make them all one nation. And since almighty God, Allah, did not make us one nation or one race of people but made us different, and this difference is not in color alone. But the difference is actually in the very nature of us. I am so sorry for you today who are so spiritually blind, that you can not see and recognize even your own friend. Your own friend is almighty God, Allah. And the friend of you, of your own self, is those who believe in Allah and believe in His religion of entire submission and peace, called Islam. Now, I said that almighty God is your only friend, He's your only true friend and you do not even know Him....This is the Muslims. Muslim, that word means a righteous person. One who has sub-
mitted to do the will of Almighty God, Allah. One who, the Holy Qur'an says, "walks the earth in humbleness." One who is not proud. One who is not aggressive. One who seeks not to take advantage of no one. One who greets, not only, another righteous in peace, but even he will greet the weak and foolish in that language of peace because he's at peace with the author of peace, Whose proper name is Allah. He's at peace with himself. He's at peace with the world of man. Therefore he can say, "As-SalaamAlaikum (Peace be to you)" regardless to where he may be, or to whom he may be speaking with. This is true. We are that people. Though the Holy Qur'an teaches a Muslim that he must never be the aggressor, seek not to use physical force against no one unless it is by the order of almighty God, Allah. Kill no one, the Holy Quran says, unless it is by the order of almighty God, Allah. Now, today, the whole world, every hour, every minute of the hour, are killing and destroying each other, through their hatred and dis-
like of each other, through their divisions and confusion of each other. Their lack of understanding causes them to destroy each other and finally themselves. I say that we should have peace but we should be prepared to fight for peace. We must lay aside that which is causing other than peace and unite in love and your fellowman, your brother. Your own black blood and flesh. Love that black blood and flesh. Love that brother of that same flesh and blood. And hate not your own flesh and blood as the Bible teaches you. But the so-called American Negro, as I repeat, he has been made to hate himself. And this hatred of himself is from his slave-master and his slave-master’s children. He was divided in the cradle against each other. He was taken from his mother’s breast while he was yet unconscious to the knowledge of a mother. Reared by an enemy. Reared by those that hate him and had no love in their heart for that black baby and its black mother and father. But was taken and sold
between each other from one to another of their kind for the purpose of enslaving the child-robbing the child of it’s labor. Free labor. America used these hundreds and thousands and millions of us for three hundred long years, our labor, for nothing. They did not give our fathers anything like money for that three hundred years of servitude slavery. And it grieves me to see the leadership of the so-called American Negro, today, willing to forget all about those cruel three centuries that our parents suffered under the lash and gun-fire of their slave-master. You are willing to forget the killing for a naught. You don’t want anything but the love of their children. You are not asking America to separate you and put you to yourself or in the midst of your own people. But is asking America to allow you to be planted in the gate white race and become one of them, members. There is not any future, whatsoever, in your own children but total destruction, the loss of the identity of self. This is all the ignorant, blind, deaf, and dumb leadership of my poor Continued on page 26
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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Vol. 10, No. 1
Hillary Clinton in South Africa and America’s support of Apartheid By Brother Khalil Shabazz during the later years of Apartheid was F. W. DeKlerk. He is the President who is seen holding hands high in the air with Nelson Mandela in "celebration of the end of Apartheid." I can remember seeing images on TV as a little kid of the "Security Police" beating our Black South African Brothers and Sisters with, what to me looked like, long black batons. It looked no different from the images of the history that we as Black people have suffered under these Merciless White Christian Devils of the West. Ronald Reagan said that he supported South Africa during it's Apartheid regime because it was "a country that has stood by us in every war we’ve ever fought, a country that, strategically, is essential to the free world in its production of minerals."( Hillary Clinton in her speech at the University of Western Cape is well aware of Americas involvement with South Africa during the years of Apartheid. Her job now is to get this generation of young South Africans to trust America and to help them to remain nieve to American hypocrisy! The hypocrisy of America was understood and known throughout South Africa and the distrust in America was shown by the demonstraters outside of the University where Hillary Clinton spoke. The protestors carried signs reading “End Israeli and US Murder,” and “U.S. Stop Killing People In Middle East.” Hillary Clinton and the entire white race who live at this present time are nothing but and extention of their merciless ancestors and they apologize and make excuses for the murder and mistreatment of the Black Nation around the globe. Hillary Clinton and the entire white race living at this time are now the inheritors of all that their No Good merciless ancestors have stolen from the Original Nations of the earth and they wish to keep it all. In their efforts to keep everything that their merciless ancestors stole for themselves they have become Political Apologetics going around
many of the leaders of South Africa. She was greeted at a party by South African Jazz singer Judith Sephuma and others where they are show dancing together having a "ball." All Praise is due to Allah for His mercy in raising up a Messenger for us in the "Hells of North America" to teach and guide us on the right path so that if we submit to Allah and His Messenger the lying White Race can never make fools our of us again UNLESS we want to be a fool!
Brother Khalil Shabazz World News Correspondent
Allah is God Puzzle - Sep., 2012
ACROSS 1. Process for temporary solutions 6. Time yet to come 7. Join together 9. The eventual working out of the Will of God 10. At this moment 13. Personal Pronoun for more than one 14. In the Name of God (Arabic) 15. Right’s opposite 16. First Slave Trader
19. Exist 20. Truth hurts the _________ 21. First on God’s list of destruction 22. Submission to God DOWN 1. Symbolic Dragon of Bible 2. Slavery Teaching 3. It will make you free 4. Very wicked 5. Jesus’ Father 6. Mo. of Sav. Day 8. Measured period
11. East’s oppsite 12. Mentally Dead Person 14. Enslavement 17. Peace (Arabic) 18. Being afraid ANSWERS FROM LAST ISSUE
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on an 8 nation African tour this month (August) stopped in South Africa where she gave a lecture at the University of Western Cape. The young students in the audience, too young to remember the horrible history of Apartheid and too nieve to understand America’s involvement in Apartheid, made them an easy audience for Hillary Clinton to deliver her message of "forgiveness and redemption." The United States was in support of South Africa during Apartheid and had a strong business relationship with the country. The United State President during the latter years of Apartheid was a known hater of Black people, Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan made his hate for Black people plain when he chose Philidelphia, Mississippi to make his first major campaign speech. This was a very cunning way to express his hate for us without being charged as being a hater. Philidelphia, Mississippi was made famous for the 1964 murder of the three Civil Right workers(Jame Chaney, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner) and was also the headquaters for the Klu Klux Klan. In Ronald Reagan’s address, he even went so far as to talk about "States Rights," one of the Slavery issues that caused the Southern Confederates to want a split with the Northern Union. His campaign had many racial under-tones where if you had enough sense to read between the lines you knew and understood exactly what he was saying and who he was talking too. Ronald Reagan is also the President who coined the term "welfare queens" refering to Black mothers on assistance who he says “drove Cadillacs and ate sirloin steaks. There is much more that we could say about Ronald Reagan’s open hate for Black people that goes all the way back to when he was Governer of California, helping to destroy the Black Power movement there, but we don't have the time nor space now. The President of South Africa
the world apologizing for their merciless ancestors trying to convence the people that they are no longer merciless, lying Devils but they have turned over a new leaf and they now want to "let bigons be bigons." But we had a Messenger, Mr. Elijah Muhammad who warned us about this lying White Race of people and that none of them are any good and should never be trusted by the righteous! Hillary Clinton was accepted by Nelson Mandela and
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123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 1971 Saviour’s Day 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 Self Preservation 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 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123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 The Negro Preacher 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 additional item 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 Christianity vs Islam (3 CD set) 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 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MESSENGER MUHAMMAD By Messenger Elijah Muhammad
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5 Audio CD Set
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Saviour’s Day 1971, Saviour’s Day 1972, Saviour’s Day 1973, $5.00 $5.00 Saviour’s Day 1974 Shipping For The First Item Interview with Irv Kupsinet Shyless Interview with Buzz Anderson 369th Armory Excerpt/1965 Saviour’s Excerpt To Order By Phone Call (313) 371-7033 Or Send Money Order (No Checks Please) to: Muhammad Speaks - PO Box 44261 - Detroit, MI 48244
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Page 24
Vol. 10, No. 1
HOW TO EAT TO LIVE Eat to Live, Not to Die
By Elijah Muhammad Messenger of Allah Reprinted from How To Eat To Live, Book 2, Ch. 37
Of all the thousands and tens of thousands of instruction items on health issued by doctors and scientists regarding the type of food that we should eat, none of them is equal to the way that Allah -- in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praise is due forever -- has taught us. Eating one meal a day, one meal every other day or one meal every three days is a better way to obtain good health and long life than all of the tens of thousands of pamphlets and books authored by doctors, quack doctors and would-be
doctors. The divine points out the best way that will produce good health. We should not stuff our stomachs with food just because we have the food to put in our stomachs three times a day. Some people are foolish enough to think eating three or four times a day is really the way to obtain good health -- but take a second thought of what you are doing. You keep your stomach working all the time trying to digest the surplus food for which your stomach has not even asked.
US Government uses scare tactics to get Black people to take deadly new drug The majority of Black people in America didn’t fall for “the swine flu epedemic” game that the government tried to run on us last year to get us to line up by the thousands and let them pump us up with their poisonous “vaccine”. So now the so-called Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has come up with a new plan to try to scare Black people into a pill called Truvada, that they say will “prevent” us from contracting HIV. Here’s what they are saying: • Black Americans have been disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS since the epidemic’s beginning, and that disparity has deepened over time. • Blacks account for more new HIV infections, AIDS diagnoses, people estimated to be living with HIV disease, and HIVrelated deaths than any other racial/ethnic group in the U.S.1,3,4,5,6 • The epidemic has also had a disproportionate impact on Black women, youth, and gay and bisexual men, and its impact varies across the country. • Blacks with HIV/AIDS may face greater barriers to accessing care than their white counterparts.
• Today, there are more than 1.1 million people living with HIV/ AIDS in the U.S., including approximately 510,000 who are Black. • Analysis of national household survey data found that 2% of Blacks in the U.S. were HIV positive, higher than any other group. • Although Black Americans represent only 12% of the U.S. population, they accounted for 44% of new HIV infections in 2009 and 44% of people living with HIV disease. • Blacks also accounted for almost half of new AIDS diagnoses (48%) in 2010. • The rate of new AIDS diagnoses per 100,000 among Black adults/ adolescents was about 10 times that of whites in 2010. • The rate for Black men (75.6) was the highest of any group, followed by Black women (33.7). By comparison, the rate among white men was 9.1.1,13 The rate of new HIV infections is also highest among Blacks and was nearly 8 times greater than the rate among whites in 2009. DON’T BELIEVE IT! Here’s why: Continued on page27
He, Master Fard Muhammad (God in Person), taught me never to eat when I am not hungry. He taught me to wait until I am fully hungry -- then to eat until I am full and not to eat again until I am really hungry. This is common sense. This pig eats all the time; the chicken eats all the time -- as long as you give them food to eat -and their span of life is significantly short. The dog is greedy, but the hog is greedier. The dog will stop eating when it has eaten enough. If you continue to feed it, it will try to store the food until such time it is hungry. Often, you hear people say, "Come on and eat" and one will say, "I am not hungry." The reply is: "Eat before you get hungry."
This is most unwise. It is inviting sickness and death. The mucous-forming foods eaten by the people should be replaced with such less mucous-forming foods as plenty of vegetables and fruits. Whole wheat bread should be eaten instead of white bread, which is mucous-forming. Let us try not to eat so much meat -- especially animal flesh. No meat is good for good health and longevity. We must stop eating meat gradually, because actually, meat is not by nature a food for human consumptions. Eating one meal once a day or once every two days, with no meals between, gives the body time to rest the digestive machinery after the previous meal -- and this gives the blood time to purify itself of
Honorable Elijah Muhammad MESSENGER OF ALLAH the poison from the last meal. After three days without taking food into the body, the blood is found to be in much better condition. Let us see if we can gradually stop eating animal flesh and chickens or fowls of any kind.
What Black People Need To Know about the w or ld wor orld about the nation about themselv es themselves
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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Known Aliases: Pork, Swine, Hog, Pig, Lard, Animal fat, Animal shortening, Gelatin, Hydrolyzed animal protein/protein, Collagen, Enzymes, Tallow, Emulsifiers, Stabilizers (Mono and Di-glycerides), Tween, Swine pepsin, Calcium stearate, Polysorbates, Monostearates, Fatty acids.
Page 26
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Vol. 10, No. 1
Handcuffed Black man accused of suicide Police allege 21-year-old Chavis Carter shot himself in the head while handcuffed in a squad car ARKANSAS-- What
happened to Chavis Carter in the back seat of a Jonesboro police car? You and I both know! The police killed him! But the police want us to believe the fairy tale that Carter, a 21 year
old; left-handed black man shot his ownself in the right side of his head, after they had searched him twice, found no gun, handcuffed him and put him in the back seat of the police car. During an interview with na-
tional television network, HLN, Jonesboro police chief Michael Yates said what happened to Carter was “definitely bizarre and it defies logic at first glance, so we’re actively trying to determine how that happened.”
Black couple not allowed to wed at Mississippi church There has never been a black wedding at the First Baptist Church in Crystal Springs, Miss., since its founding in 1883. And the church’s white members aim to keep it that way. According to Pastor Stan Weatherford, some church members objected so strongly, to him marrying a Black couple, who has been attending services there for over a year, they threatened to oust him from his pastorship. So Pastor Weatherford, who is white, presided over the wedding at a Black church down the road. They had booked their w edding far in advance. The invitations had been sent, the programs printed. But one day before Charles and Te'Andrea Wilson were to be married at the Mississippi church, they said a pastor told them they would have to find
another place -- because they were black. Charles told CNN. "All we wanted to do in the eyes of God was to be man and wife in a church that we thought we felt loved..." “Thought” is the right word! Charles said that when he goes to service there he has never felt unwelcome, but this was a sobering shock. His new wife still can't believe what happened. Te'Andrea "I was very devastated...” “I’M RETURNING THIS OLD RUGGED CROSS, MY EYE IS ON A STARRY CROWN.”
“Now As Soon As He Dies, Turn on the Siren and Rush Him To The Hospital.”
But then, when he was asked why cops listed Carter’s death as a suicide, Yates said: “It appears that’s what it is. ... We’ve reviewed the dash-cam video and as late as today ... had some witnesses come forward who observed the incident from start to finish, and their statements tend to support”. The cops’ say that they had nothing to do with Carter’s death. So why hasn’t the police department released the videotapes from the two police cars involved in the incident? You guessed it! Because there is absolutely noting on the tapes that to back up stupid lie the Jonesboro Police Department told. w\
Chavis Carter
The Meaning of As-Salaam-Alaikum Continued from page 21 people is asking for. They criticize you of asking for a future. I don’t ask to be planted in a place of people that is not my flesh and blood. I’m asking separation. I’m asking a place to myself and my own kind here. It has been proven and is still proven to be actually the truth and not other-than-thetruth that the so-called Negro, the Blackman, can not live in peace with the white man. It is proven that the Blackman wants for himself what the white man wants for himself. So why keep troubling each other until we arrive at the boiling point. There is an end to these things. There is an end. And that end is now approaching. It is at our door what that we must lay aside even the thought and desire to try to make Blackman and white man two brothers. You can’t do that. It is against the Creator’s own will. He didn’t create you like that. There has been, ever since you have been on this earth, separation of nations. When the white man came to North America, he found Red Indians here. He didn’t find white people here, he found Red Indians here, whom he has annilated, killed off to take their home. Their home was taken by the price of blood. Blood was the price paid for their home. “Woe unto thee that builds a city of blood and establish it upon
sin”. This America has done. She has gotten her country by the price of blood. She has established it in sin and evil, and has acted with evil... I warn you that you are absolutely making a grave mistake by trying to force the white man to accept you as his own brother his own sister. Even if he would do so, he still would be the loser. He would not be able to live in peace with you in his home, while trying to intermix with you in hopes that you will separate. And that you and I know and have known for a long time. We just cannot defeat God’s own plan, His own hopes. We cannot destroy that. If God has declared that He will separate us in the Last Days, then He will separate us. He separated us in the beginning. You have found it so beautifully situated ...on this planet earth, the nations of this earth. The brown man living to himself. The black man living in a country to himself. The red man living to himself. The yellow man living to himself. The white man living in Europe to himself. But he came out of Europe and spread all over the earth upsetting the unity of the Black, brown red and yellow man, dividing them, one against the other...
Vol. 10, No. 1
Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-September, 2012 Online Edition
Page 27
US Government uses scare tactics to get Black people to take deadly new drug Continued from page 24 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on one hand, claims that Black people in America “accounted for 48% of new HIV infections in 2010”, but at the same time they tell us that only 15% of the white people in America have even been tested for HIV compared to 43% of Blacks. The government previously advised doctors to give the pill, Truvada, to high-risk gay and bisexual men only. Up until now United States health officials claimed that using a condom was adequate protection, even among couples where one person is infected with HIV. But the government health officials say now that the “the pill might be used, for example, by couples trying to have a baby.” In spite of the fact that the Website of the company that makes the drug ( warns: “TELL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IFYOU ARE PREGNANT OR PLAN TO BECOME PREGNANT: IT IS NOT KNOWN IF TRUVADA CAN HARMYOUR UNBORN BABY.” Now read what Elijah Muhammad, God’s Messenger to Black People in America, warned: My poor people are mentally blind, deaf and dumb and full of fear. Blind because they do not see the light of truth after being shown it for over thirty years. Deaf because they will not hear the truth, Islam that has come to them from Allah through the Messenger (myself). They are dumb because they will not see or open their ears and hearts after the light has shown clear for many years. You are full of the fear that was instilled in you when you were babies, so Allah told me. This fear was put in you by the white slavemasters through tortures, lynchings, burnings, rapings and killings and has caused you to be blind, deaf and dumb. This fear of the white slave-master has caused you to love them in a crazy kind of way. You, my dear people, are like a woman desperately in love with a man who does not love her. Therefore, this love is blind. This man can beat, torture, ravage, humiliate, shame and mock, but she will yet love him. And even when someone tries to tell her that this man is no good for her and certainly does not love her, she will yet love him,
‘It is the aim of Allah (God) in giving Islam to you and me; to unite us; to remove fear, sorrow, sickness..’ Messenger Elijah Muhammad Message To The Blackman Chapter 43
and will become angered and defend such a man. This is a very sad thing, but a very true picture of the so-called Negroes. They love their tormentors. Beware, they do not love you, they are like dogs with a bone. They do not want you to be taken by Allah’s messenger to your salvation. They want to carry you with them to their doom. “...So-called Negroes are as dumb to the time as the people were in the days when Moses was sent to Pharaoh to bring his people out of bondage into a land wherein they could enjoy independence.... ...The government of Pharaoh had no love for Israel, just as America has no love for the socalled Negroes, ... Pharaoh began to plan the death of Moses and the future of Israel by killing off the babies. Pharaoh wanted Moses put to death because he was teaching his people the truth of Pharaoh and his government of wickedness. Today, America is afraid of the power our great number presents. She fears that if we ever unite we would, overnight become, dependent. America desires to keep us a subjected people. So she, therefore, wants to stop our birth (as Pharaoh did). The Birth Control Law or Act of today, is directed directly at the so-called Negroes and not at the American whites. The story of Moses and the Pharaoh is a warning to you today. They are seeking to destroy our race by the birth control law, just as Pharaoh sought to stop Moses’ race by killing off all the male babies at birth. They are seeking to destroy our race through our women. DO NOT LET THEM DO NOT LET THEM TRICK YOU. Follow me and we will, with the help of Allah, stop this most wicked sin against our people.
The Messenger of Allah Presents
The Muslim Program What the Muslims Want This is the question asked most frequently by both the whited and the blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. 1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom. 2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed, or class, or color. 3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society. 4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own...either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obliged to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years...until we are able to produce our own needs. Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood, and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own. 5. We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North, as well as the South. We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master's children and establish a land of their own. We know that the above plan for the solution of the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people. 6. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and mob attacks against the so-called Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that black men and women tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the land - or allow us to build a new nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty. 7. As long as we are not allowed to establish a state or territory of our own, we demand not only
equal justice under the laws of the United States, but equal employment opportunities - NOW. We do not believe that after 400 years of free or nearly free labor, sweat and blood, which has helped America become rich and powerful, that so many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief, charity, or live in poor homes. 8. We want the government of the United States to exempt our people from All Taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land. 9. We want equal education -but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities. We want all black children, educated, taught and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling systems we believe we will make a better nation of people. The United States government should provide, free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools, and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness, decency and self respect. 10. We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. We want the religion of Islam taught without hindrance or suppression. These are some of the things that we, the Muslims, want for our people in North America.
What the Muslims Believe 1. WE BELIEVE in the One God Whose proper Name is Allah. 2. WE BELIEVE in the Holy Qur'an and in the Scriptures of all the Prophets of God. 3. WE BELIEVE in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it. 4. WE BELIEVE in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to the people. 5. WE BELIEVE in the resurrection of the dead -- but not in the physical resurrection -- but in mental resurrection. We believe that the so-called Negro's are most in need of mental resurrection therefore they will be resurrected first. Furthermore, we believe we are the people of God's choice, as it has been written. That God would choose the rejected and the despised. We can find no other persons fitting this description in these last days more than the socalled Negro's in America. We believe in the resurrection of the righteous. 6. WE BELIEVE in the judgement; We believe this first judgement will take place in America. 7. WE BELIEVE this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negro's and so-called white Americans. We believe the black men should be freed in name as well as in fact. By this we mean that he should be freed
The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad THE LAST MESSENGER OF ALLAH from the names imposed upon him by his former slave masters. Names which identified him as being the slave master's slave. We believe that if we are free indeed, we should go in our own people's names - the black people of the earth. 8. WE BELIEVE in justice for all, whether in God or not; We believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in equality -- as a nation - of equals. We do not believe that we are equal with our slave master in the status of "freed slaves". We recognize and respect American citizens as independent people and we respect their laws which govern this nation. 9. WE BELIEVE that the offer of Integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black people into believing that their 400 year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends". Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing that the time in history has arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation. If the white people are truthful about their professed friendship toward the so-called Negro, they can prove it by dividing up America with their slaves. We do not believe that America will ever be able to furnish jobs for her own millions of unemployed, in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 black people as well. 10. WE BELIEVE that we who declared ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for. 11. WE BELIEVE our women should be respected and protected as the women of their nationalities are respected and protected. 12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the longawaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.