^^^^ —
By Messenger Elijah Muhammad
For the first time since the j the responsibility of producing] of them, and the judgment of jfeft'-'O years ago to Israel. A l white Americans brought our j his own necessities ot life. So the Caucasian world. The lah ^ sffer not only includes a Pharoah; sending of an army to Missis- beaut. fathers into this strange land i was Israel under country, rich i n and people to be their slaves j they,' too, doubted, their abili- j sippi to face their brothers i n everyth. _ but promises a have they experienced so ty to go for self regardless to the South to bow to hypocracy new life v herein there is no much w o r r y over them as they j Jehovah's (God's) and Moses' in admitting one blind, deaf decay. now are. The time of separa- promise of a land for them and dumb black man into their The people tion of the t w o (the slave and \ flowing w i t h m i l k and honey. all-white university and so- like teen-agers of sixteen i f forced they live a the..-and yeafsv his master) has arrived, b u t Therefore, to keep his slaves ciety — who wants neither wants t o leave the w i t h him, he does that which friendship? They yet w i l l look and feel America w i l l soon experi- like sixteen. Such life, the other. he does not want to do—just The slave has been depend- for the sake of keeping his ence the worst war of all the Holy Qur-an says, is . . ; r : h people of the earth! . ing on his master for every- slave. praying for. Today, Allah's offer to the thing for so long that n o w , ; The Bible also prophe;. The poor Clergy and edu- Lost-found members of the w i t h his master's education he j of a new life coming to the cated so-called Negro doesn't great Asiatic Black Nation is ; still doubts himself when i t i (Continued On Page 12) ( comes to going for self, taking realize this is the resurrection far greater than that offered
Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and Equality for the so-called Negro. j The Earth Belongs to Allah
V O L . 2 — NO. 3
10c — O U T S I D E C H I C A G O 15c
C H I C A G O , I L L I N O I S — OCTOBER 31, 1962
Exclusive! -Interview With Algeria's Ben Bella
See Page 2
Mr. Muhammad Speaks In Philadelphia See Page 3
Wants Negroes To Sue U.S.See President AHMED BEN BELLA
African Troops In Cuba? .sjtHS CA