3 y Elijah M u h a m m a d (The Messenger of Allah) THE BLACK preachers, according to the press, are spying some silly things for leaders of their people, in the critical time of the nations of the world in which we are now living. This is the time of a universal change — a time of universal war and destruction of nations—the time of a great separation of nations— the time of the Resurrection of their people (the Lost and Found Members of the Aboriginal Black Nation of the
Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and hc^uoltty for the s o - c a l l e d Negro The Earth Belongs to Allah
VOL. 6—No. 9
Earth) of whom the preachers also are members and are rejecting for the love of their enemies (the w h i t e slave masters). They look and feel proud of such mockery and rejection of Allah's (God's) salvation, light, life and approved universal recognition among the nations of earth—for the first time since our fathers were forced into chains by that devil, John Hawkins, and brought here against their will, 400 years ago.
taught me, but they could not swim 900 miles and were seen standing on the shore watching the ship, Jesus, as it vanished over the horizon —crying, saying, "You can have this world, but give me the ship, Jesus, back home (to Africa). Here the black preachers, whom the enemies (the white man has made and license) to preach their self made false religion (Christianity) are teaching our slave foreparents' children against a return to their people and THEY WANTED to go back native country and against home, as God, in the Person being separated on some of of Master Fard Muhammad, this land here (The United
States of America), where they can live in peace together, without being subjected to deadly beatings and murders, like wild animals and beasts, at the heartless hands of the children of the slavemasters of our fathers. WE HAVE become a great nation, in a race of devils, who were created to make mischief and cause bloodshed among the Black Original people of earth. The top Black preachers (Jackson and Martin Luther (Continued
on page 2)
Mr. M u h a m m a d
Itluhammad Si) eaK$ NOVEMBER 18,1966
Sfe, 111
See Above
Also Inside United Notions Report S e e P. 3
Block Teenoge Girls OS S.A. Guineo Pigs S e e P. 5
Chomp on Eve of 7th Title Defense S e e P. 9
Excerpts From The Holy Qur-cm S e e P. 10