False Peacemakers Muhammad Speaks Newspaper 11-18-66

Page 1

3 y Elijah M u h a m m a d (The Messenger of Allah) THE BLACK preachers, according to the press, are spying some silly things for leaders of their people, in the critical time of the nations of the world in which we are now living. This is the time of a universal change — a time of universal war and destruction of nations—the time of a great separation of nations— the time of the Resurrection of their people (the Lost and Found Members of the Aboriginal Black Nation of the

Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and hc^uoltty for the s o - c a l l e d Negro The Earth Belongs to Allah

VOL. 6—No. 9

Earth) of whom the preachers also are members and are rejecting for the love of their enemies (the w h i t e slave masters). They look and feel proud of such mockery and rejection of Allah's (God's) salvation, light, life and approved universal recognition among the nations of earth—for the first time since our fathers were forced into chains by that devil, John Hawkins, and brought here against their will, 400 years ago.

taught me, but they could not swim 900 miles and were seen standing on the shore watching the ship, Jesus, as it vanished over the horizon —crying, saying, "You can have this world, but give me the ship, Jesus, back home (to Africa). Here the black preachers, whom the enemies (the white man has made and license) to preach their self made false religion (Christianity) are teaching our slave foreparents' children against a return to their people and THEY WANTED to go back native country and against home, as God, in the Person being separated on some of of Master Fard Muhammad, this land here (The United

States of America), where they can live in peace together, without being subjected to deadly beatings and murders, like wild animals and beasts, at the heartless hands of the children of the slavemasters of our fathers. WE HAVE become a great nation, in a race of devils, who were created to make mischief and cause bloodshed among the Black Original people of earth. The top Black preachers (Jackson and Martin Luther (Continued

on page 2)

Mr. M u h a m m a d

Itluhammad Si) eaK$ NOVEMBER 18,1966


Sfe, 111



See Above

Also Inside United Notions Report S e e P. 3

Block Teenoge Girls OS S.A. Guineo Pigs S e e P. 5

Chomp on Eve of 7th Title Defense S e e P. 9

Excerpts From The Holy Qur-cm S e e P. 10



on; False


white or black". What a fooii ish people. I t is hard to see King), along with their as- i how any sane person would sociate Black preachers say follow Ignorant teachers, they do not want their own ! without even attacking them Black nation in ruling pow- i with evil. The ignorant leader. They so foolishly add ! ers are causing the poor, that "Black ruling power is I blind, deaf, and dumb teen-! just as bad as white power." ' agers to try attacking the They say that they do not I well trained enemies with like to live under either bottles and brick bats against i black power or white power, beatings and killings, be-! although for the last 400 cause of the lack of knowlyears they have been living edge and time, and what under white power. I must be done, before the i The Rev. Martin Luther poor young and promising King has made his choice youth of our nation can; clear to the world that he reach the victory over the i enemy of God and their peowants to be the brother of 'ple. our murderers, the s l a v e making white people (the : Black leaders openly declaring their love for our devils). enemies is something we call THEY SAY "Power is not Insanity in this time. (Continued

from page 1)

Saviors' Day

Non-Muslim Praises and Donates to Muslim Plan (Special to Muhammad Speaks) The impact of the dynamic and divinelymissioned program of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, continues to be felt with increasing urgency throughout a cross section of America. Harry E . Brooks, Sr., of Los Angeles, Calif., a non-Muslim, wrote the Messenger that "your program . . . is greatly benefiting black people" and enclosed a hefty donation "towards my Savior's Day gift." The text of Mr. Brooks' letter: "I am not a follower of yours but I would like to aid you in your program, which I feel is greatly benefiting black people. "I know you need finance, so enclosed is a money order for one hundred fifty dollars which I would like to designate as my donation towards by Savior's Day gift."

Meredith Plans Return to Mississippi Rights Front (Pan African Press) i DETROIT — J a m e s H. Meredith, who was s h o t down on a h i g h w a y in n o r t h e r n Mississippi last June 6 during a voter registration drive, said he w i 11 return » r ( to Mississippi to demons t r a t e for the rights of black people. HE TOLD a recent news conferMeredith e n c e that Mississippi was his "unfin-

ished business." " M y purpose is yet to be accomplished and I couldn't live in good conscience with my purpose left undone," he said. Meredith was the f i r s t known Negro to have been enrolled at the University of Mississippi — amid a storm of protests and rioting by racist whites. He later was graduated f r o m the previously all-white institution, and has been in the forefront of the rights struggle in both South and North for the past two years.


AFTER BEING wounded at the start of a 220-mile trek Vol. 6—No. 9 Nov. 18, 1966 t h r o u g h Mississippi last summer, Mr. Meredith reFublithaa by turned to the state and comMuhamniad's Mosque No. 2 pleted the march. 4 3 4 E . 7 f t h S t . . C h i c a g o . III.. 4041 f He declined to say where AOordocn 4 - ( 4 2 2 - 2 3 or when he would resurne * Month, |U iftuol) t S.M his work in Mississippi. I Yoor iSJ itiuo,! $!«.»» Published W e e k l y

NEW NEGRO SENATOR-elect from Massachusettes Edward W. Brooke chats with his predecessor. Senator Leverett Saltonstall, before the election which swept him to victory

over his liberal Democrat opponent, Endicott Peabody Brooke, a Republican, will be the first black man in the Senate since reconstruction.

Burden of Fighting Against Angola's Blacks Breaking Back of Portuguese LISBON, Portugal—After five years of frantically trying to put the lid on demands for freedom in its African possessions — Angola, Portuguese Guinea and Mozambique — the government of Premier Antonio de Oliveira Salazar has been forced to saddle the Portuguese citizens w i t h new taxes, keep young men in military service longer than ever — and inflation is rising. OFFICI.4LS here a d m i t that there seems to be no end to t h e determination of A f r i c a n g u e r r i l l a s to gain their freedom from imperialist w h i t e s who have invaded their land and set up tyra nnical Salazar wh i t e - s upremist governments.

even welcome — Portuguese Ministry listed 835 as killed rule in Angola, Portuguese with the armed forces fightGuinea and Mozambique. ing guerrillas in Africa during the five years. This figA D M I T T E D L Y , Portuguese citizens are chafing ure was broken down to: 526 under the yoke of new taxes, in Angola, 224 in Portuguese inflation and longer - than - G u i n e a (just since early ever military service for 1963) and 85 in Mozambique their young men. The few (since the summer of 1964). who publicly advocated selfdetermination for the black GOVERNMENT censors majorities and protested the [' keep a tight control of news military efforts in Angola, I from the African fronts on Portuguese Guinea and Mo- !the fighting there. Stories zambique, were drowned out written by foreign correby an avalanche of govern- spondents for foreign publiment-sponsored "patriotic" I cations and news media are rallies. closely scrutinized by the The Portuguese Defense censors.

ews in Brief

THE METHODIST Church's national missions magazine, World Outlook, says that the billions of dollars being spent by America in the Viet Nam war while developing nations are struggling against poverty is building up resentment toward the United States around the world. "But Viet Nam is only a symptom of what developing Following the W e s t e r n nations consider the tendency of the rich nations to do line, Portuguese authorities things for strictly selfish reasons and to keep the poor in referred to African freedom their place," the editorial adds. fighters as "rebels," "Ter* * * rorists" and "communist inA RECORD NUMBER of 36,920 immigrants entered spired." Portuguese action South Africa in the first nine months of this year, a 50 per against the elusive guerril- cent increase over the same period last year, according to las was described; as pursu- official statistics released. About a quarter of the influx ing a "policy of progress came from Britain. and pacification." •* -SUPON HOUSING projects perpetuate slum dwelling After commemorative ceremonies to the Portu- behavior because no one bothers to teach new arrivals any guese "heroes" in the armed better way of living, a noted anthropologist told science forces fighting to crush the writers. * * * spirit of freedom in b 1 a c k THE GOVERNMENT of Tanzania, in southwest Africa breasts, authorities here repeatedly tell the Portuguese reported that in June approximately 79 vessels called at that there will come a time Dar es Salaam port. Figured in the total were 63 deep sea when international opinion ships, 15 coasters, and 1 tanker. At Tanga 41 vessels were worked during Jime comand a majority of Afri.; • • • cans" will accept—perhaps, pared with 39 in Jime of last year.

NOVEMBER 18, 1966




I'Excuse M e ifor Murder'

Inside Story on Ghanaian Kidnap of Guinea Group By Charles P. Howard I ages." However, an OAU investi(UN and Foreign gation, w h i c h interviewed Correspondent) the people to whom Ankrah CONAKRY, G u i n e a — referred, determined that Guinea, one of the first coxrn- the group was "loyal to Prestries to escape the clutches ident Nkrumah and wanted of colonialism by voting to to r e m a i n with him in get out of the French commonwealth has moved to Guinea." Observers pointed out sevfree itself from U.S. domination by kicking the P e a c e eral sensitive areas which Corps out of the country and helped to create the inspiraclosing down some Amer- tion for arresting and holdican big business concerns. ing the Guinean officials. PRESIDENT Sekou Toure, • General Ankrah w a s regarded as the toughest and furious because the miliablest of the tary-backed "National Libr e m a i n i n g eration Council" governblack African ment in Ghana is getting militants, or- only a fraction of the supdered these port from the people that latest moves Dr. Nkrumah's progresafter Ghana- sive administration reian officials ceived. moved to take • Further, Nkrumah is a revenge of continuing s o u r c e of Guinea where harassment to the n e w deposed Ghana government — beGhana Presi- cause he is alive and Howard dent Kwame makes regular broadcasts Nkrumah and his followers from Guinea to Ghanaians, are currently in refuge. telling them he will return President Toure decided on and exposing the Western the course of action when it influence hiding in the coatwas obvious that American tails of the "National Libmaneuvering had g i v e n eration Council." Ghana the opportunity to • Particularly irritating is kidnap a group of Guinean the situation of the Ghanad i p l o m a t s , including the ians who prefer to stay Foreign Minister, on t h e i r with Nkrumah, the m a n way to an Organization of they still consider to be African Unity conference In their leader. "EXCUSE US . . . for killing your husband," Cong, though unarmed and ununiformed. The Ethiopia. I t was felt that seems to be written on countenances of U.S. bereaved mother stares unbelievingly at body American engineering w a s • Another image-damag- troops after one of them shot to death this of murdered husband as white Americans also behind the ouster of ing incident was. the i l l - Vietnamese woman's spouse. The Sis claim stand around sheepishly. fated press conference in Nkrumah. the innocent man appeared to be a Viet New York, featuring Maj. Gen. Emmanuel Kotoka, GHANAIAN L t . Gen. J. A. head of Ghana's army and Ankrah agreed to free the one of the chief architects Guineans on the condition that the delegation also seek of Nkrumah's overthrow. The consensus was that the release of Ghanaians the general fared b a d l y whom the general alleged were held in Guinea as "host(Continued on page 11) (Trans Continental News) ference of heads of state for with trying to create another South Africa in Rhodesia ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia final approval. — I f British officials are Meanwhile, with the con- and called on the OAU sumsincere in their assertions ference's Ghana-Guinea dis- mit for a "meaningful stateadvocating free determina- pute now settled, an Egyp- ment." tion for black Rhodesians, tian spokesman said a plane they should cease spouting has been sent from Cairo to P a k i s t a n a n d N. K o r e a empty platitudes and use pick up Guinea's President Ink T r a d e P a c t force to b r i n g down Ian Sekou Toure in Conakry and Smith's illegal white suprem- bring him here to the sum- KARACHI, Pakistan — A acy regime. mit meeting he has been boy- trade agreement was signed cotting. between Pakistan and North THIS IS the gist of a resK o r e a , recently, although olution by 38 African na- • ETHIOPIAN E m p e r o r Pakistan does not formally Haile S e l a s s i e announced tions, adopted unanimously at a meeting recently that 19 Guinean de- recognize North Korea. of the coimcil tained in Accra a week ago PAKISTAN EXPORTS to of ministers en route to the OAU meetNorth Korea will include jute of the Organ- ing had been released. ization of Af- In another development, which is used for making rican Unity. Tanzania's President Julius burlap, sacks, and mats; cotOther details Nerere said there was no ton and cotton textiles; wool were not re- v a l i d -excuse for African and woolen textiles and ores leased. countries to fail to break dipand minerals. lomatic relations with BritThe resoluain over the Rhodesia issue. Imports from North Korea t i o n n o w APPROXIMATE GEOGRAPHICAL relationship of Ghana and goes before In a memorandum to the are pig i r o n , nonferrous Guinea in Africa-—once united when President Nkrumah was t h e African other African leaders here, metals, chemical fertilizers, heading Ghana, now the focus of a bitter international struggle Selassie dyes and chemicals. summit con-. Nyerere p^l^2^ x. g, e,d jBici^aln, which may determine the destiny of West Africa..

Africans Tell Britain: Use Arms on Rhodesia Whites or We'll Do the Job

((Continued irom page 12)

NOVEMBER 18, 1966


C O R E Solvent Despite Talk

What Happened in the Elections

of Bankruptcy: McKissick NEW YORK—"Rumors of, $300,000 in bail bonds in the our death have been greatly | South, the noted civil rights e X a g g e r-!leader pointed out. "Our curated," s a 1 d {rent income of some $26,000 Floyd B. Mc-j a month about equals our Kissick, exec-i expenses." utive direct o r o f t h e A i d Developing Nations Congress of Racial Equal- N e a r Food S h o r t a g e ity (CORE), ROME, Italy — The curas he m e t rent crisis in foreign aid is with the or- compounding the problem of g a n i z a- the debt - laden developing tion's credit- countries at a time when ors to settle they are faced with current McKissick debts. or looming food shortages, the Inter - Governmental HE DENIED the group Committee of the W o r l d faces bankruptcy, although Food Program was told. it seeks to pay off its hills at 25 cents on the dollar. | THE 24-NATION body said "We can operate on our in-; that resources pledged thus come, but we can't manage; far total $155 million in food, to pay off our creditors as | cash and services to the profast as we would want t o , " | gram which is a joint underMcKissick added. ; taking of the United Nations The high cost of demon- and the Food and Agriculstrations has tied up close to ture Organization (FAQ).

No 'Backlash' NEW YORK — Strong efforts by the "white backlash" to cripple Harlem congressional Representative, A. Clayton Powell with court harassment and a warrant for his arrest for "criminal

Baltimore Group Forms G u n Club BALTIMORE—Philip Jenkins, director of Freedom International, has announced the formation of the P'reedom International Gun Club composed of boys between the ages of 14 and 18 who are charter members of the parent group. J E N K I N S , a one-time Marine Corps drill group instructor, has been teaching the youths the manual of arms, gun safety and the four basic firing positions. The first field activity of the gun club has already been held. I n it, each of the 10 boys fired one round of No. 6 shot from a 12-gauge shotgun and 10 rounds of .22 calibre slow fire prone at competition targets. H I G H SCORER in the competition was awarded a certificate and personal responsibility for caring for one of the club's rifles.

on Powell contempt," were squashed by black residents here. ALTHOUGH POWELL was absent from his district on election night Negroes went to the polls in the 18th District here and gave him a resounding v o t e of confidence. The reelection of Powell, although played down by the general white press is a significant development and answer from black voters who have refused to go along with ostracization of their militant black representatives.

Aid Portuguese Troops

would be but a figurehead tor the white supremacy southerner. She won easily. Now Wallace threatens to campaign tor the Presidency in 1968.

LISBON—A campaign has of the Savanna regions of been launched by Portugal's Begin African Africa. National Feminine MoveLand Study THE SEMINAR is being ment (MNF) to persuade KHARTOUM, Sudan — A sponsored by the United Naevery Portuguese to contribute one hour of his salary for two-week session was opened tions Development Program, the support of fighting in recently on the development j and is being attended by African territories. A SEMI-OFFICIAL group of 80,000 women volunteers, the M N F organized to support Portugal's 100,000 terrorists troops fighting African nationals in the territories in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea.

FACTORY HELP WANTED Seamstresses-Power Machine Operators, Cutters, Etc. APPLY I N PERSON, OR WRITE TO:


ELECTED through his wife, George C. Wallace successfully flouted both spirit and intent of Alabama law which denies successive terms by governors by running his wife, Lurleen, though it is unanimously known she


P h o n e TR 4 - 5 2 2 4

UNDP project managers in Chad, Ghana, Kensra, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan and Upper Volta, as well as experts of the Sudan Government.




F o r the D e s i g n i n g a n d B u i l d i n g o f M o d e r n Resta u r a n t a n d 3-story Office B u i l d i n g to be located at 634 East 7 9 t h Street. C H I C A G O , ILLINOIS

Call M U H A M M A D SPEAKS Editorial Office ABerdeen 4-8622-23



*N©VeMBfai 18^ 1966


A f r i c a n


S d e n f

^ R h c k Girls to b e Whites Seek Methods to Reduce Black Population By LEROY 23X (Shabazz Information Service) NEW YORK — Nazi-white medical "researchers" in South A f r i c a are forcing teenage Bantu girls to serve as human guinea pigs for testing unproven oral contraceptives inevitably resulting in many horribly malformed infants and sometimes the death of both mother and child, said South African papatriot Frantz J. T. Lee, who is continuing his tour of America to inform Negroes of the inhumanities perpetrated against blacks in Southern Africa. "THE PURPOSE is to accelerate South Africa's genocidal plan to diminish the black birth rate and a South African newspaper states that the U.S. Public Health Service is granting funds to the murderous regime to f u r t h e r this treacherous plot," Lee added during an address before a packed audience at Rep. Adam Clayton Powell's Abyssinia Baptist Church. Lee said these e x p e r i ments are being performed in a concentration-c a m p "school" 30 miles from a m a i n road. He further quoted the South African newspaper as stating: " . . . reduction i n family size (of the blacks) may now occur far more rapidly than previously expected." The main target of the soft-spoken black South African was western imperialism. "Victims of Americanism," he told his nearly allNegro audience, " I come to tell you of your young black brothers in South Africa and of their struggle to dispose of the white vultures who are picking the flesh off their living bodies. •P

Freedom Forces Claim Lives of 40 Smith Troops DAR-ES-SALAAM — Zimbawe (Rhodesia) freedom fighters reportedly wiped out 40 members of the colonial forces of pirate Premier Ian Smith in a rec e n t s k i rmlsh. Freedom fighters also claimed credit for the downing o f seven Smith forces heliIan Smith copters. ZIMBABWE African

tional Union officials,' in a war communique, said the freedom forces f o u g h t a fierce battle with the fascist troops in the Rucombeshi area, 20 miles south of Chirundu near Norma Pool. They said they completely destroyed an entire military camp, including a number of trucks, and shot down the seven helicopters. Twentyfive Smith regime soldiers were reportedly killed.

I N ANOTHER encoimter, the communique continued, freedom forces laid mines which killed 15 e n e m y Na- troops, A man i n charge of

the enemy troops, i t was reported, later committed suicide. Examine Asian S y n t h e t i c Industry TOKYO, Japan — A seminar on the examination and development of man-made fibre industry opened here recently. THE CONFERENCE will seek practical solutions to common problems, assist in planning new plants and expansions of existing ones, explore possibilities of developing industries on a regional and sub-regional basis and examine the latest manufacturing techniques. .

"OURS IS a struggle of self-defense," he continued. "Black people by nature are very peaceful. But In South Africa we have paid a high price for this peacefulness. We have tried to negotiate, and we have presented our case before the old League of Nations and the United Nations. Needless to say, we have also exhausted Ghandian methods and the answer we have received has been the answer of the gun." EMPHASIZING the bitter frustration resulting from the

"Added to this is an education policy in which whites are trained to rule blacks and blacks are taught—by the State—to serve iphites."

"I come to tell you of your young black brothers in South Africa and of their struggle to dispose of the white vultures who are picking the flesh off their bodies." sincere and peaceful approach of black people to change their plight, Lee said South Africa was now "the biggest prison camp in the world. "The black man no longer has any rights to own land, no political rights and is forced to work and live under conditions which limit his life span to 37 years while whites live an average of 67 years. Out of every three black babies born, one dies of starvation before one year of age. Out of every 100 black babies who live past one year, 57 die before they are five years old." LEE pointed out that the system of exploitation developed by the white minority to strip the coimtry's mineral wealth can be likened to a colony of leeches endlessly sucking the life fluid from a crippled victim. Torture, mass starvation, d e a d l y work conditions,' house arrest, solitary confinement and banishment are but a few of the daily torments in the lives of South African blacks. "Added to this is an education policy in which whites are trained to rule black and blacks are taught—by the State—to serve whites," the militant freedom fighter said. "Moreover, South Africa's whites are armed to the teeth, with the help of America and West Germany, for t h e professed purpose of 'fighting the spread of commimism.' " BUT the presence of heavy investments by such companies as General Motors, Anglo - American Corporation, Kennecott Copper, American Metal Climaz, Ford and Chase Manhattan point to a more urgent need for heavy armament—that of keeping 15 million black people " i n their place" and maintaining an endless supply of "dirt cheap labor. "But what are the South African black people doing about the situation?" Lee asked rhetorically. "These conditions have led to a revolutionary feeling that will topple the whites for good. We call our new way of thinking, 'African Nationalism.' " He said this is an ideology which demands—other than (Continued

from page 12)




A Black Sheriff in Alabama

Ui/News Dr. Margaret Mead, curator of ethnology at the American Museum of Natural History, said the new arrivals quickly adopt the slum dwelling habits of their immediate neighbors and continue, in their turn, to pass them on.

(Pan African Press) TUSKEGEE, Ala. — The election of Lucius D. Amerson as sheriff of M a c o n County, Ala.—possibly the only Negro sheriff in the United States—is a signal light outshining all the glamor candidates who glittered in front of national television cameras. He represents the first signs of the new awakening of an area more than 50 per cent black to the meaning of true black power.

COMMUNITIES WERE called on to develop special health services for victims of sexual assault. "Women and female children are being raped and sexually assaulted in large numbers and with increasing frequency, especially in our large cities," a team from Washington's city public health department told fellow health workers. "AS FAR AS we can determine, no community has a program to provide the needed service," they said in a report to the annual meeting of the American Public Health association. SOVIET DEFENSE Minister Rodion Y . Malinovsky said "the threat of a new world war has increased thru the fault of the aggressive monopoly circles of the United States." Another soviet leader restated Kremlin support for Viet Cong and North Vietnamese peace terms. *



POINTING TO a 30 - cent - a-bushel d r o p in wheat prices in recent weeks. Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.) said that retail bread prices should come down. But he expressed doubt, based on past experience, that they will. *



POLICE INSPECTOR General John Attygalla told law enforcement officers of the multi-racial island of Ceylon to arrest persons who incite communal violence and racial disharmony. Attygalla said in Colombo that hatred of Tamils. Ceylon's biggest minority ethnic group, is being built up among the majority Sinhalese as an organized movement. A police source said the campaign is being run by opposition politicians.

Cabbages Replace Flowers LUTTON, England — Cab- such as ours we wanted bages have now replaced something colorful, g r e e n flowers and are now sprout- and beautiful in the streets," E x p e c t I n d i a n F a m i n e ing in the main streets of this | English said. "We first tried NEW D E L H I — Indian manufacturing city. Robert! geraniums, they were quite English, P a r k s Director! pretty and brightened up the senior officials have reported planted the plants two years | streets no end," however that disastrous and toll-takago because other plants after being exposed to autocould not take the sooty in- mobile and other f u m e s , ing is highly imminent in "they looked black and nas- Bihar and some adjoining dustrial atmosphere. areas of northern India. " I N A BIG industrial town ty," he said.

llieiljMllilMthlki^Wi about the great message of truth in lPiih,imm.ut 'jipMhs ~= .Mi'.'i.'n'ilgn' Mnliuiriuuui:


lUuhammad^peaKs . . . so should y o u . Read it every week. Subscribe to it

Plant in Tanzania

DAR ES SALAAM, TanAMERSON, a powerfullyzania — Tanzania will build built war veteran (Korean the world's first m e a t paratrooper), defeated two processing plant using gar' white opponents by a 2-to-l ma radiation instead of re- margin. frigeration as a preservative with American aid. W o r s t P a n a m a Flood PANAMA C I T Y — The A 3.64 MILLION d o l l a r plant will be built on the worst flood in P a n a m a ' s eastern shore of Lake Vic- history has violently struck toria by Taw Development leaving 40 persons dead and at l e a s t as many more corporation of New York. The cost for the proposed missing. project calls for American THE DESTRUCTIVE flood investors to contribute two- hit the small villages along thirds of the cost and Tan- the Pacora, Mamoni and zania the remaining third. Bayano rivers, all at the end of the Pan A m e r i c a n Highway. INSURANCE A U T O - FIRE - LIFE ST 3-1113 ST 3-1114 BUDGET TERMS MATERRE BROS. F R A N K L. W I L L I A M S 4 3 0 2 S. P k w y . C h i c a g o , III.

this convenient w a y . . .

December: Month for Fasting

Radiation M e a t



THERE ARE 122 counties in nine Southern states — Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee—with 50 per cent or more black American citizens. This is a mighty arsenal in the black man's struggle. Macon County — with the largest black population of any of the 122 counties—in electing Amerson sheriff points the way for other areas of the nation predominantly black. Most civil rights workers know the real power in local areas of the South, especially rural sections, is the sheriff. Rights organizations, even those frightened by the slogan, "black power," know that the struggle must turn to politics throughout the nation as one of several key situations where black togetherness can give the Negro a big voice in his determination.


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NOVEMBER 18, 1966


4- -

mental standard—and 33 per cent of these will be Negroes. Here two soldiers of the U.S. Marine Corps clean their automatic guns in demilitarized zone in Viet Nam.

THOUGH BLACK Americans are only I I per cent of the population of the United States, they are at least 40 per cent of fhe military in Viet Nam, giving ominous significance to the recent announcement that 400,000 of the men rejected for service will be inducted under a lowered

t a r i n g

Nor? (Special to Muhammad Speaks) (Trans Continental News) UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. —International military authorities here declare that only the presence of 40 to 70 per cent black troops in Viet Nam prevent the American white population from really feeling the full weight of the bloody carnage in S o u t h East Asia.

to rise," he continued, "the war hawks in America would demand the fighting be ended within a week." Stokely Carmichael, militant national director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, is considered by Pentagon and other Washington officials as by far the "most dangerous" black man in America in terms of the war because of his pronouncements to the 'THE BLACK TROOPS effect that he would go to act as a buffer," a n o t e d Leavenworth Prison before Asian diplomat recently said. he goes to Viet Nam. Their deaths are not felt by the white population — WASHINGTON fears his and inasmuch as mostly refusal to enter the armed blacks are killed or maimed, forces will set a far-reaching precedent and wreck their nobody cares. "But if for a few days the designs to continue feeding white casualties would start Negro cannon-fodder i n t o

America's genocidal aggression against the Vietnamese people. I t is commonly felt that if black youths in America refused to fight in Viet Nam, the number of U.S. t r o o p s over there would have to rise from the present near-500,000 to some 1,000,000, assuming American war mongers still wanted to fight. One American journalist wrote recently that t h e mounting number of U . S. troops required in Viet Nam is brought about by the skyrocketing number of desertions by regular Vietnamese troops of puppet Premier Ky and other evidence of their reluctance to fight side-byI Continued

NOT ONLY MANY NEGROES, but growing numbers of whites, are opposed to the U.S. government's systematic annihilation of the practically defenseless Vietnamese people. Here, outside the WInthrop, Massachusetts Federal Building, 19-yearold Robert A. Talmanson burns his draft card in protest to the conviction of a 21-year-old youth who failed to report for induction into the armed services.

on page 8)

U.S. Forces Negroes to Army By Denying Jobs at Home NEW YORK—Btokely Carmichael's assertion that black troops fighting in Viet Nam are "mercenaries," is declared "an apt observation" by Sol Sterm, writing in the latest edition of Ramparts magazine. The writer points out that America keeps black men unemployed at a rate twice as high as among whites, thereby "seducing the Negro into the ranks of the white army by the same society which refuses him any other option for finding dignified work.

BLACK MARINE ripped by Viet Cong fire mains highly disproportionate to the black from village near Da Nang is helped to rear population of the United States. Some comby buddies—one of whom (I.) holds plasma panies contain 60 to 70 per cent Negro memboftle. Percentage of Negro troops fighting bers, while population of U.S. is only I I per America's • genocidal war m Vret- 'Narn • rei^'-^J'-'^tetrt black.

"BUT THE Negro soldier is also paying a very high price," Stern adds. " I n Viet Nam black G.I.'s are contributing at least 22 per cent of the total casualties." He says the typical Negro high school graduate outside the service faces the prospect of either unemployment or an unskilled, low paying job and a segregated life in a bleak ghetto. After serving in the army, he finds that if

he reenlists there is relative security, increasing financial remuneration and greater statLis. There will be a reenlistment b o n u s and i>eriodic pay increases. "NOT SURPRISINGLY," he concludes, "the reenlistment rate among Negro first term volunteers is a staggering 49 per cent — almost three times as high as the rate among whites."

New Beirut Art School BEIRUT, Lebanon — The Lebanese University has recently inaugurated a new School of Fine Arts in Beirut, enrolling about 100 students. THE NEW school's director, Antoine Nahas said that the subjects to be taught are architecture, painting, decorative arts and dramatic art and subjects will be taught on a level comparable to European faculties.



Black Troops Bear Brunt Of Viet War (Continued

NOVEMBER 18, 1966

> Lash

from page 7)

side with Americans against their own people. FOREIGN Correspondent Raymond R. Coffey, of the Chicago Daily News, wrote that American forces consider the South Vietnamese regulars "imdependable" in battle and are relegating them mainly to "police" activities. " . . . the American troops plainly are growing disgusted with the antics of t h e i r Vietnamese 'allies,' particularly of Vietnamese troops who, the GIs feel, have been lying down on the job," Coffey states. He said disenchantment was particularly evident here among troops of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division's 3d Brigade, whom Vietnmaese forces twice refused to help during a battle which cost three American platoons severe casualties. "A VIETNAMESE C i v i l Irregular Defense (CIDG) platoon was accompanying one U.S. company on a sweep t h r o u g h a rubber plantation," the foreign correspondent continues, "when they came under heavy fire from a Viet Cong unit dug in a hill. "As the A m e r i c a n s returned the fire and prepared to assault the hill, the CIDG platoon suddenly decided it was time to go home." Coffey quoted 1st Sgt. Ralph Lindquist of Kennebunk. Me., "who said with scornful politeness: ' T h e y came up and presented us with the fact that they were leaving.' And leave they did." Later during the same battle, a CIDG company was asked to "close a gap" between U.S. units to prevent the Viet Cong from slipping away. The CIDG declined. One disgusted U.S. lieuten(Continued on Page 21)

m Kids wo ifouKiu





DISGUST WITH fhe barbaric war in Viet Nam is registered not only by Americans but by this "Yanlclcy Go Home" demonstation which met him, President Johnson, recently in Manila. Sign said to have disturbed the President most

N.J. Mosque

attack at the mosque some half-block away and was on his way to investigate when the phone call came. THE RAIDERS broke into the mosque's front door and had climbed to the roof of the mosque where they stole the national symbol, the Muslim Crescent. MINISTER JAMES Sha- Two Negro policemen sent bazz, veteran follower of the to investigate the attacked Honorable Elijah Muham- were amazed at the extent mad, reported that hoodlums hurled bricks through the mosque window, then called the Newark Shabazz Restaurant and informed the n i g h t man gleefully that, "We've got your nation." The night man. Brother Gilbert, said he heard the noise of the






was the one saying, "Hey, Johnson how many kids did you kill today?" Above (right) Johnson appears to be pondering the perplexing problem.

Attacked Night of "Backlash"

NEWARK, N.J. — Aftermath of the so-called "white backlash" election victory at the polls appeared here in the form of a barbaric hatefilled attack against Muhammad's Mo§que of Islam No. 25 as " w h i t e backlash" g r o u p s were celebrating throughout the night.



to which the marauders had gone to steal the national symbol and described i t as "quite an operation." MINISTER JAMES, w h o was away teaching the word of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in Patterson, N.J. at the time of the attack, pointed out that a mysterious fire had broken out in the basemen^^ushom^^i^



a week earlier. The Minister said that the Mosque had received c r a n k calls and threats before, but usually these were dismissed. Meanwhile in Peoria, I l l i nois and in East Lansing, Mich., observers reported that celebrating whites had attacked a group of Negroes following the election results declaring "now n m the rujygersjout^^iejgj^^^^


T H E UNIVERSITY OF ISLAM No. l , Detroit, M i c h .

N o . 2, Chicago, 111.

Opportunities Unlimited, Leadership, Advancement, Modern Techniques. Must hove University degree. Preference: Spanish, French and Mathematics Teachers.


4:30 p.m.

Only those with foresPght, ambition and capacity for intellectual growth need opply.



W O O K - T V


1 4

NOVEMBER 18, 1966



The Champ Is Ready

Champion and New Manager Take Time Out to Offer Thanks to Worldwide


vorite of the community — liams has won 65 of his pro(Pan African Press) HOUSTON, Tex. — On the ; the world champion has re- fessional fights, 51 by knockeve of the seventh defense of I ceived the kind of enthusias- outs. The bout will be on closedhis world heavyweight title, i tic w e l c o m e usually recircuit TV and will be teleMuhammad A l i , together ! served for Presidents and vised to Europe via Early with his manager, Herbert Premiers. Bird Satellite. I t is scheduled Muhammad, paused in the EVERY P H A S E of the to begin at 9:30 Houston tapering-off period of traintime. ing to extend to their wide champion's activities h a s touched directly on the welv/orld of fans sincere thanks for the avalanche of good fare of the black community. wishes and support which This not only includes his SudaneseAcclaim have poured in on the young now well-known donation of closed-circuit TV showings Chinese Success Muslim athlete. of the November 14 fight to KHARTOUM—China's suc"WE ARE indeed gratified Negro colleges but also his cess in conducting a nuclear for the spiritual and moral contributions of all receipts guided missile weapons test support from so many peo- from his training audience was widely acclaimed by ple of all races, creeds and to a boys' orphanage here. people outside of Western inprofessions. They have let it Prairie View College was fluence where o f f i c i a l s be known that they are with imable to take advantage of termed the Chinese nuclear us through thick and thin the closed-circuit TV offer test a "menace to health" and that they are praying for because of their proximity and "hazard to genetics." the champion's victory," to the fight site. Therefore, TYPICAL of the Sudanese Herbert Muhammad said. Muhammad A l i and ManagThe world boxing cham- er Herbert made a special people, who viewed the hyjx)pion declared that he wanted trip to the all-Negro campus critical U.S. condemnations to t h a n k particularly the and entertained a cheering of the Chinese experiment Honorable Elijah Muham- crowd of students for hours. with amusement, were the remarks of a motorist who mad, Messenger of Allah, Most sports writers con- stated: for giving him the guidance sider Williams the most for' 'The successful nuclear and direction which enabled midable opponent Muhamthe Louisville-bom athlete to mad A l i has met to date. missile test in China is a become the world's b e s t - However, nearly all favor great victory. We Sudanese known athlete—and the most the champion to win in fine workers rejoice over this victory." successful. style. T h e motorist explained; Manager Herbert reported THE 24-YEAR-old Muslim, that the success of the Chithat a l t h o u g h challenger Cleveland "Big Cat" Wil- world champion is undefeat-; nese people actually was a liams is a local "home boy" ed in 26 professional fights, I victory for all the people of here—a fact which ordinari- a record including 21 knock-i the world struggling against ly would make him the fa- outs. The 33-year-old Wil-I U.S. imperialism "because their fate and their minds are closely linked with the Chinese people." HE STRESSED that the success of the test demonstrated the tremendous development of China's science, and said the country had set a shining example for all Afro-Asian nations. L e b a n e s e Study Industry A i d to D e v e l o p i n g A r e a s BEIRUT, Lebanon — The role of different forms of industrial clustering, especially industrial estates used to promote small-scale industries in developing coimtries, was discussed by the United Nations Consultative Group on Industrial Estates and Areas, recently. THE SESSION is the fourth in a series of regional meetings. The three earlier sessions were held in Madras, Addis Ababa and Geneva.

MUHAMMAD ALI, world heavyweight champion, as he appeared in readiness for his Nov. 14th title defense in Houston against Cleveland "Big Cat" Williams.

Cites Muhammad

Ali as



of 'Black

LINCOLN, Nebr. — The finest example of black power aroimd today is World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Muhammad A l i , declared Ernest Chambers, an Omaha barber, and one of several persons to speak at the teach-in sponsored here by the University of Nebraska chapter of Students N i g e r i a n N a m e C h a n g e for a Democratic Society LONDON — Reflecting in- (SDS). dividual awareness of the THE BARBER, was easily importance of emerging African n a t i o n s into world the most dynamic speaker prominence and retention of to appear during the fourTHE cultural heritage an adver- hour, two-panel discussion tisement was placed in the of "Civil Rights and Black weight Power." up_cpming»Houston -Astrodome Heavy- London Times reading: Everybody has his own " I , FORMERLY known as land "Big Cat" Williams tapes hand P a u l Nmaduaburochukwu idea of what black power t Al vc:-v,a"r ^tianiohy"^^ sparring partners who are puted -y^."-' Okade of Ibusa, Nigeria, now means, Mr. C h a m b e r s ^ed/yV r.Jx one o? EitJ^.r l,uT^^^Apr maich aqaihif Muhammad • '^'''^^^'•^^•\e Worfdl Williams is re- wish to be known as Nmadu noted, adding, however, that to many persons, MuhamOoiomaka." \ a today.

mad Ali is the very, personification of black power. Among o t h e r speakers were Clarence Major, a writer; Hughes Shanks, of Lincoln; Rev. Rudolph McNair, of O m a h a ; Mike James, Chicago, a n d Greg Calvert, of national SDS. " I think a revolutionary consciousness and a sense of nationalism are the quickest answers to the black man's plight in America," said M r . Major. "NO government can give us these qualities — they must be born out of our hearts . . . I t will be necessary for Afro-Americans to draw closer together, work as a group and think as brothers and sisters in areaus of social and political concern . . . " he asserted.






NOVEMBER 18, 1966

Points Out Messenger Muhammad's Warning on Tobaeeo Came from Allah

(Excerpts selected by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah)

By Abdul Basil Naeem In one of my articles SURAH 61:10 O YOU WHO BELIEVE, shall I lead i printed in this space a few you to a merchandise which will deliver you from a pain- I months ago, I stated that " I ful chastisement? I am no less grateful to the 11 YOU SHOULD BELIEVE in Allah ; Honorable Elijah Muhamand His Messenger, and strive hard in Allah's way with i mad than others . . . whom your wealth and your lives. That is better for you, did you he has helped in so many I different ways." but know!

Indeed, who but the "Little | products are steadily on the L a m b without Spots and! rise in many Muslim lands— Blemishes" c o u l d have i my own native Pakistan not taught me of the real nature i excluded. of the "beasts" — the "leopards who can change their i Huge parcels of fertile spots but not their inborn land normally given to food carnivorousness?" * crops (staples and vegetaWho but the Honorable Eli- bles), I am further advised, jah Muhammad could have are now utilized in growing pointed out to me exactly the "valuable and precious" how and why the Muslims in cash crop — tobacco. Likeolden times committed so wise, everywhere more and many blunders and eventual- more cigaret factories are ly lost their civilization, cul- going up "because it is more ture and political power to economical to manufacture the Europeans — all because our own supplies . . . than obour righteous forefathers in tain them from abroad." A Asia and Africa failed to rec- few of our countries, as a ognize the devil in our ene- matter of fact, already produce enough cigarets to meet mies? every domestic "need" and THE MUSLIM world at tjjien some! large, I am sad to say, still i does not pay proper attention ! TO STIMULATE new inand due heed to the manyi terest in smoking and generteachings — from which i t ' ate larger cigaret sales, could vastly benefit—On the manufacturers in the "Eastother hand, it seems to con-, ern" Muslim world evidently tinue doing — in the name buy choice space in the verof "modernism" and "prog- nacular news media to put ress" at t)iat! — what I now across their message. Their KNOW to be d e c i d e d l y Madison Avenue - type ads wrong and definitely detri- must be effective, for I see mental to our collective well- them repeated in issue after issue of certain newspapers being and welfare. and periodicals. On the other Let me cite a specific ex- hand, I have yet to come ample: I am told by reliable across a single essay revealsources that both smoking ing the potential hazards and and the manufacture of cigarets and other t o b a c c o i (Continued on page 11)

12 HE WILL FORGIVE YOU your sins THE FACT IS that I , for and cause you to enter Gardens wherein rivers flow, and :one, cannot and shall never goodly dwellings in Gardens of perpetuity — that is the be a b l e to mighty achievement— thank him enough for all 13 AND YET ANOTHER (BLESSING) the great U.S that you love: help from Allah and a victory near at hand; Muslim leadand give good news to the believers. er has done 14 O YOU WHO BELIEVE, be helpers for me and (in the cause) of Allah, as Jesus, son of Mary, said to the my family — disciples: Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah? The much less redisciples said: We are helpers (in the cause) of Allah. So pay his many a party of the Children of Israel believed and another kindnesses. party disbelieved; then We aided those who believed This, I add against their enemy, and they became predominant. without hesitation, is parI ticularly true ol what the n o b l e and magnanimous Messenger has given me of his unique (supreme) wisdom and knowledge. I do not exaggerate when I say that JAMAICA, N . Y. — More out that the new world of Is- I have learned much more than 250 persons were pres- lam, now growing a n d from him in the short span ent recently at the famous maturing in the hells of of time that I have been Polish Hall, in Jamaica, North America (the domain privilep-; d to know him than ;,ied from the many Queens, to hear the "Pro- of evil), has as its base the what I long years spent at four leadgram of Messenger Elijah principles of truth and right- ing "institutions of higher Muhammad for the Free- eousness, which would over- learning" in America (in the dom, Justice and Equality of come the old world and es- late 40's and early 50's). the Negro," and "The Role tablish on Earth the kingof the Negro in this Changing dom of Allah (God). N EW Y O R K T I M E S M A G A Z I N E World Society." Holding up copies of the FEATURED speaker was voice of the Black Man, MUMinister Henry X, of Muhammad's Mosque No. 7B, HAMMAD SPEAKS newsin Corona, Long Island. This paper and the Great book, TO THE was the first mass meeting " M E S S A G E sponsored by the followers of BLACK M A N , " Minister the Messenger of Allah, the Henry told the members of Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Many of those who the audience: "What you heard today, came expressed their feelyou can read in these two ings that they "wanted to see and hear the program of the great publications f r o m Messenger" for themselves. God's Messenger. They are my source of inspiration, Minister Henry's presenta- facts, wisdom and underBuy i t a t tion of the Messenger's pro- standing. These divine publiYour Bookstore, gram and the role of the Nealong with the Mesgro was well received by the cations, senger's r e c o r d albums, Or S e n d $ 5 . 0 0 enthusiastic members of the should be bought by all of M . O . O r Check To: audience. us." USING A dynamically MUHAMMAD'S modulated speaking patMOSQUE N O . 2, tern, the Minister outlined the origin of the "old world B O O K DEPT. society" (white race) which started 6,000 years ago to 5 3 3 5 5. G r e e n w o o d A v e . their domination of nineChicogo, i l l . 6 0 6 1 5 tenths of the planet Earth; W E MUST H A V t from their beginnings in the OR E L S E caves and hillsides of Europe to the end of their 6,000 years Would you like remaining a period of rulership and au- permanent slave or being a thority over the dark nations permanent m e m b e r of a of Earth. soup line? Are you with us In his conclusive remarks, to get Freedom, Justice and the young minister, proved Equality for the So-Called to the audience with detailed Negroes? accuracy, citing the prophPLEASE SEND US YOUR ecies of Jesus a n d the other prophets of the Bible MUHAMMAD'S MOSQUE NO. 2, BOfKOEPL and Holy Qur-an, that the NAME 5 3 3 5 S. G r e e n w o o d A v e . Ch409»' "".^.60615 Honorable Elijah MuhamP L E A S E S E N D ME ADDRESS mad was the last Messenger "MESSAGE TO THE BLACKMAN" BtIhE HONORABLE S , 1 H' from Almighty God, Allah, City ELIJAH MUHAMMAD COPMS @ $5.00 EACH. Zone . . . St.te to be sent to a people ; and it Combinotion Offer —Buy Book and LP Record The-Ji"'* to was Messenger Muhammad ment" Porf 1 & 2 ($3.50 Value) both amy $7.00_ Muhammad's Mosque No. 2 Enclosed is money order for C3 Book _ Record -c oook $ who was seen as the one to 5335 S. Greenwood Avenue usher in the new world of IsChicago. Illinois. &0&I5 NAME. . . lam. or ADDRESS. STATE W 4847 S. Woodlawn A v e i m e I CITY MINISTER Henry pointed

Muslim Mass Meeting

Success in Jamaica (N.Y.)

Alone of all the Ne^ro leaders Elijah Muhammad has a vivid awareness of the vital need of a new birth.






NOVEMBER 18, 1966



to Eat

Allah Warns On Tobacco (Continued

on page 10)

serious consequences of habitual smoking. Imagine, all this in spite of the now-well-established fact that sustained tobacco consumption constitutes an "What Allah, in the Person of Fard Muhammad^, immeasurable menace to our Has Revealed to M e " health and hence to mankind as a whole. By E L I J A H M U H A M M A D As for the U.S. Muslim Messenger of Allah leader's edict on this subject, he has been saying not for Allah, in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to one, two or three but a full Whom Praise is due forever, came to give us a spiritual 35 years that tobacco is inlife which would automatically give us a physical life of estimably harmful to our Himself (the life of the righteous), which we lost, follow- bodies and there is absoluteing other than righteous guides. ly no good in it. We cannot be successful in making the progress of a SINCE the Honorable Elispiritual life, unless we have the guidance for the physical life. This guidance comes to us through laws, rules and jah M u h a m m a d is not a trained chemist, a medical regulations of our physical life. practitioner nor a cancer reWe must make this teaching of eating once a day search specialist, it stands binding upon us, as a law, in order for us to get any good as irrefutable testimony that ^ out of it, as Allah (God) desires. The purpose of these he received his information dietary laws and the time that we should partake of food, on tobacco from Allah, Alis to lengthen our lives, by ridding us -of the greedy desire mighty God, Himself. 'GOIN6 DOWN... to eat three times a day and between meals, if we are offered food. The main importance of this teaching, "How to Eat to Live," is for the purpose of prolonging our lives. Beauty appearance is destroyed in us—not just our facial appearance, but the most beautiful appearance about us, the characteristics of us (the way we act and NEW YORK—A New York ington "home rule" is often practice our way of life). We achieve one of the greatest Congress of Racial Equality put aside for more "urgent" beauties, when we achieve the spiritual beauty and characofficial has launched an atconsiderations. teristics through practicing them. We achieve the spiritual beauty through practicing or carrying into practice the tack on the racist nature of "THE U.S. will spend an the government's refusal to spiritual laws. grant "Home Rule" to the estimated $2,000,000,000 a We know that we have been made ugly by our enemies' predominantly Negro Dis- month during the next year, fighting a war to insure free rearing of our parents. We know that many of our people trict of Columbia. elections for Viet Nam citithroughout the earth have been made ugly, by not practicing culture that would beautify them. But we are COMMENTING on t h e zens. I t seems rather ridicublessed that God, Himself, has visited us to guide us in Senate's failure to pass a lous that they cannot agree His way. What people on the earth has God visited in per- Home Rule Bill in the latest to have these same elections son today, other than you and me here in America? session of the Congress of in Washington, D . C , " Herthe United States, chairman bert stated. The Wisdom that He teaches us is the Wisdom of God of the Bronx CORE chapter, "With over 200,000 Ameriand of the Gods. I t is Supreme Wisdom, because it is Solomon Herbert stated: can troops now in Viet Nam, above and far ahead of what we ever heard and what we "Apparently black people and rumors of beefing this see practiced by others today. Should not we obey that which is good for us, when we are members of the nation in Washington, D . C , do not force up to 500,000 In the of good? Why should not we practice that which is good deserve the same rights of near future (a disproportionself-determination that our ate number of whom will be for us? Federal government seems I t has come to us and Allah (God) has said that it is so determined to insure for our self that He is giving to us. Should not we accept the our friends in Viet Nam." good for ourselves, instead of accepting evil and disobeWashington has had a Nedience to the law of goodness, when the Bible verifies this gro majority for more than truth? five years. Through CongresWhy should not you and I accept such good teaching sional agreement, the city is (Cfontinued from page 3i and practice it? I t will do away with sickness and keep run by an appointed threedeath standing outside our doors for a long time—for many man commission. Many feel years. Think over Methuselah and Noah who kept death this procedure was set up under questioning by newsstanding outside of the door for nearly one thousand years. simply to avoid having the men. THE ARREST of the GuinNow, we cannot stay here one century, which is one tenth nation's c a p i t a l n m by ean e n v o y s for a time of that time. We invite death inside the door, instead of blacks. threatened to disrupt the obeying a law of God that will keep it outside for a long CITIZENS of Washington OAU meeting. Two delegatime. are allowed to vote only in tions were sent out from the Eat one meal a day. Stay away from the hog, of which Presidential elections. They OAU: one went to Ghana to 10 ounces takes away from you, God has said, three one- have little or no voice in the secure the release of the hundredths per cent of the beauty appearance. running of the city or their Guineans and the other was This civilization has a thoLisand and one things for own w e l f a r e . Many have sent to Conakry to interview you to eat. I t is not necessary for you to go around trying pointed out that the city is the Ghanians who sought to eat everything people say to eat to have good health. becoming a huge slum. Meanwhile, back at the But, what you eat, let it be good and do not eat yourself Emperor Haile Whites who work in Wash- OAU, to death at that one meal a day. This article has described ington generally live in the Selassie of Ethiopia, Presito you good, common food. You do not have to be rich to s u b u r b s surrounding the dent Gamal Abdel Nasser of purchase it. city. The vast majority of the United Arab Republic the city's jobs., government and President William V. S. And, I would not like for you to follow the Bible in G e n ^ s , where it says to Adam go and eat^of all the herbs and private, are held by Tubman of Liberia sat down of me earth. There are some poison herbs that would w h i t e s . Negro vmemploy- for a three-hour session ®Kft have killed Adam. This is a mistake that the theologians ment is very high. Still, a General Ankrah, who up to put in the Bible. You cannot eat all herbs; some of them steady stream of migrant this point adamantly refused to release his hostages imtil will kill you. But, eat the best of herbs that God approves blacks pours into the c i t y the Ghanaians in Guinea daily. for you and me and do not think He approved of Adam were released. eating all the herbs of the earth. Educational and welfare provisions for blacks, leadHOWEVER, when the conJAPAN WILL continue to shun the development of nu- ers complain, are woefully ference b r 0 k e up, Geninadequate. Allotments for eral Ankrah agreed to reclear weapons and will push for action to prevent the such programs are slow lease the Guinean diplomats spread of such weapons despite Red China's actions. coming from the Congress. and only received in return The touchy subject of Wash- the agreement of the African Prime Minister Eisaku Sato said.



Bronx C O R E Rips Senate for Refusal to Grant 'Home Rule' to Nation's Capital black), and with black soldiers dying at a rate totally out of proportion to their percentage of the population, it appears as though w h i t e Americans are willing to help the Vietnamese, but not black Americans. "WHEN WILL our government c o m e to grips with t h i s unconscionable situation, and when will President Johnson—who has been strangely silent on this most serious issue—speak out on behalf of the voteless and voiceless black p e o p l e of Washington, D . C ? " Herbert asked in conclusion.

Guinea Moves to Free Self From Foreign Interference heads of state that t h e y would use their best offices to secure the return of all Ghanaians in Guinea who wished to come back to Ghana. According to a Guinean spokesman, after the OAU committee had interviewed all the Ghanaians, more than 200,000 Guineans, with President Toure and President Nkrumah leading the procession, marched to the September 28th S t a d i u m where President Toure eulogized President Nkrumah as one of "Africa's greatest liberation leaders." Marchers carrying placardi^and signs hailed Presidenr Toure and President Nkrumah, and other marchers carried placards saying, "Down with Ankrah, the I m perialist Stooge." The 28th of September S t a d i u m was named in honor of the day— September 28, 1958 when the Guinean nation voted, as urged by President Toure, to "free themselves of French domination".



French Writer's W e a k Argument Fails to Clear Tshombe in Lumumba Death (Pan African Press) The enigmatic slaying of m i l i t a n t , anti-imperialist Congolese leader, Patrice Lumumba — who sought to seize the vast wealth of Katanga Province and distribute it among his people and therefore, was killed by proEuropean black puppets — is the subject of an article a p p e a r i n g in Atlas, by French conservative writer, Jacques de Launay, translated from Le Figaro, Paris.

der at the feet of both Bel-! "By order of M . Wigny, gian mercenaries and black Belgian Minister of Foreign Congolese Baluba warriors Affairs, three million Belfrom South Kasai, who a few gian francs had been paid weeks earlier were reported I out by the Belgian Technical fighting against the Lumum-1 M i s s i o n (Mistebel) to Lubists, laying waste to their mumba's political enemies," goods and harvests. Launay states. THE FRENCH writer as-1 "These fimds had been

P A T R I C E Lumumba, s y m b o l of black African unity whose philosophy was strictly "Africa for the Africans," was killed under mysterious circumstances in January, 1961. Belgian puppet. Moise Tshombe, announced that the black Congolese patriot, w i t h two companions, was murdered by " v i l lagers" after the three had escaped from a farm where they had been held prisoners. The announcement was issued on Feb. 12, 1961. Writer Jacques de Launay agrees with the United Nations Inquiry Commission on Lumumba's death that this version of the events is false. The U.N. commission states that "without a doubt. Lumumba was killed on Jan-1 uary 17 under the eyes of some members of the Katangese government, namely T s h o m b e , Mumomgo and Kibwe."


Teen-Aged Black Girls A s (Continued

from page 5)

self-defense and revolutionary methods—love and respect for their black women, because "they are the moth-| ers of civilization and are beautiful." I t also calls for an appreciation of African culture and history because "they are glorious and embody the roots of civilization." I He said black awakening i to what is good for them de- i mands that they assert their nationhood a n d p u t t h e whites permanently in their Frantz J. T. Lee place. to the freedom struggle of Southern Africa. MY MESSAGE to all oppressed black people is that; LEE concluded his speech before they can have a sue-1 py stressing the need of morcessful movement, they must | al and financial support from first be willing to sacrifice; | black people in America who ' sympathize with the freedom ' struggle in Africa.

O u f of every three black babies born, one Christian Schools dies of starvation before Beating Integration one year of age. Out of Chances every 100 black babies New School PHILADELPHIA—Former who live past one year, m a y o r and new school 57 die before they are board president Richardson five years old." Dilworth has charged white

students are hiding from inPATRICE LUMUMBA, the Congo's first and only elected tegration in the Christian Premier, is seen bound and surrounded by•• J soldiers shortly I J j *° unhesitatingly share even school system. He noted that before being sent to Katanga where he was hideously murdered their last crust of bread; under the direction of the Belgian-puppet black leader Moishe and must have a leadership there are more white chilTshombe. reflecting the feelings of the dren in the city's private and people. This is what is mak- parochial schools than its serts that "the elimination earmarked for propaganda public schools. "The result is of Lumumba was decided (installation of two 'anti-Lu- ing the 'Black Power' strug- that while only 30 per cent of gle in Africa succeed." mumba radio transmitters upon in Leopoldville in Aug- in Brazzaville — one on the At the end of November, our city's population is nonANOTHER w i d e l y acust, 1960," intelligence he atLee plans to return to white, 57 per cent of our pubpremises of the Belgian Concepted version of the assassin a S ^ o^ ! ^ h l r Ben ^^^^^^^ to T s h o m b e. H e | 3 ^ t e r ; n d to corrupt offi- Frankfort, Germany where lic schools are non-white." vT^lf ^ d U tie I ^^Tj^V:'^^.^^!£^f:^ i cials and officers of t L Con- he is studying for a doctor- Some city school boards are weekly Jeune Afrique, w h o ^^f'^' ^° ^"'^ ' golese National Army, he ate degree. After this, he now voting aid to parochial plans to devote his full time school education. states that Tshombe ordered ; declares. ' I t is accepted unanimously j Lumumba's assassination. though To back up this accusa-.I that ^.the Belgians, ^ ,,. . | THE HONORABLE ELIJAH tion, he published the text of granting the C o n g o indeTshombe's official instruc- dependence ' in J u n e, 1960, tions to two Belgian military wished to retain their conpersonnel, ordering them "to trol of the resources of KaA Messoge of Truth . . . Mightier Than The Sword! take over the three prisoners, tanga Province, the wealthiest area of its size in the Lumumba, Mpolo and Okito, and execute them immedi- world, containing gold, dia(TIMES LISTED ARE L O C A L ) monds, uranium and many ately because it is in the in- I other highly valuable minerAREA STATION DIAL, KG DAY TIME LISTEN to ATLANTA—GRIFFIN, GA WERD 860 SUN. 5:00 P.M. terest of the state." als and resources. Naturally, A T L A N T I C C I T Y — V I N E L A N D . N. J WDVL 1270 SUN. 3:00 P.M. The French author, how- Belgium feared Lumumba. B A L T I M O R E , MD WSID 1010 SUN. 12:30 P.M. ever, chooses to challenge BIRMINGHAM, ALA XERF 1570 SUN. 7:30 P.M. this documentation on the B O S T O N . MASS WILD 1090 SUN 6:45 A . M . Mr. 10:30 A.M. B U F F A L O , N.Y WUFO lOBO SUN. flimsy pretext that the text C H I C A G O — E V A N S T O N , ILL WEBH-FM 93.9 SUN. 6:30 A . M . is a forgery, a pretext he D A L L A S , TEXAS XERF 1570 SUN. 6:30 P.M. $ 6 0 0 M O . fails to document in any DETROIT, M I C H WGPR-FM 107.5 S U N . 12:00 N O O N MUHAMAAAD D U R H A M , N.C WSRC 1410 SUN. 10:15 A . M . fashion. S A L A R Y G A R Y . IND WJOB 1230 SUN. 5:30 P.M. Launay, in a d d i t i o n , H A M M O N D , IND WJOB 1 230 SUN. 5:30 P.M. chooses to d e f e n d puppet H A R V E Y , ILL WJOB 1230 SUN. 5:30 P.M. Trainee Ta Wark In Lacal Office In Tshombe and lay the murH O U S T O N , TEXAS X E R F 1570 S U N . 6:30 P.M. The Programed Instruction DepartEvery Week J A C K S O N , MISS XERF 1570 S U N . 6:30 P.M. ment O f A Multi-million Dollar


Company. Must Enjoy Meeting People With Hopes Of Eventually Developing Into Sales. Only Those Interested In A Permanent Career Need Apply. Call Mr. Edwards 4 2 7 - 3 2 6 3 . Chicago, III.




O n the Radio

C H I C A G O , IlLINOIS 1 1 : 0 0 A . M . T O 5 : 0 0 P.M.

Stati on


ANNOUNCES THE GRAND OPENING OF In Your Area S H A B A Z Z CLEANERS Under the Leadership of The Honorable Elijoh Muhommod November 1 8 1 7 NORTH

17th, 18th GRAND



19th; Thurs., PHONE:

FrI. & Sot.









1570 1570 103.9 103.9



103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 990 1140 1570 1570 1570 1380 1570 1440 106 1090 990 1570 106.9 1360 1570 1570 1570 1340


6:30 P.M.6:30 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M 7:30 A . M . 1:00 P.M. 6:30 A . M . 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 10:30 A . M . 7:00 P.M. 6:45 A . M . 5:00 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. 6:30 A . M . 6:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 4:45 P.M.


NOVEMBER 18, 1966





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Scenes, Events Around *v ~ :RX-:%-?Sf:¥:¥S:i

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LOS ANGELES MEDIC. Dr. James Whitmore, listens closely in effort to discern what causes ticking sound emanating from Mrs. Melvina Taylor's head. Sound can be heard from distance ACCUSING RUSSIANS of "murdering Christof two feet, and so far has evaded all efforts to determine tians," members of a white right wing organits origin. ization broke into the Detroit Institute of Arts

DON'T RUN UP on a porcupine, you may get stuck as Moonshine I left) and Smokey found out. They learned the hard way. Their quilled quarry left Moonshine with 2,500 spiny re-




•Auditorium and forced members of a touring group of Russian musicians to halt the concert. The super-Christians were later arrested.

U.S. CAVALRYMAN walks past burning hut in village in the Phu Cat Mountains in South Viet Nam. Troops of the 1st Air minders to be more careful about who they Cavalry Division, moving along the central coast during Operpick on when out in the woods. The porcu- ation Irving, burned villages so they could not be occupied by pine made a very similar point with Smokey. opposition forces. Chemical-Biological weapons are used to destroy crops and keep the people moving.

SEARCH AND DESTROY mission evidently backfired against this American soldier whose company was almost totally wiped out near Phu Cat, South Viet Nam. Despite mighty land and air forces of U.S. courageous Viet Cong troops continue to battle relentlessly against American aggressors, in war U Thant called "most barbaric" in history.

i| MRS. NGINA KENYATTA I right), wife of Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta, presents Britain's Princess Marina of Kent a basket containing a leopard skin handbag, shawl and

purse. Kenyatta was the leader of the Mau Mau freedom fighters who eventually brought independence to Kenya.



THE Whole WoRU> See




NOVEMBER 18, 1966

Plan Boycott of Retail Grocers W h o


Refuse to Buy from Block Wholesalers (Pan African Press) Chicago members of three top civil rights groups are forming a coalition to back Negro produce distributors By Dr. Leo P. X McCallum in a struggle to acquire exToday endodontic treatment (root canal therapy) can clusive sales in predominantsave teeth formerly considered beyond salvation. Now the ly black communities. questions arise: "What are the circumstances under which this valuable treatment may be performed? What are the "WE'RE prepared to lead percentages of success and failure? What about the cost?" stringent boycotts of any reFirst let's discuss again the indications for root canal: tail grocery outlet in Negro therapy: communities which refuses 1. When a. tooth is fractured. When this misfortune to purchase from black disoccurs and the nerve of the tooth is exposed or dies, tributors," said M o n r o e the nerve can be successfully removed Sharp, Chicago chairman of most of the time and the remainder of the Student Nonviolent Cothe tooth restored to normal function ordinating Committee! through a number of methods. In cases (SNCC). " I n the case of where a great deal of the tooth has been chain stores which distribute lost, some type of full coverage of the their own produce, we'll detooth is indicated—such as a porcelain mand that they hire black jacket or a crown. truck drivers." 2. When the nerve of a tooth becomes Chicago SNCC is working infected. This is usually the case when I in conjunction with l o c a l a toothache occurs. When the inner por- ' branches of the Congress of tions of the tooth (the pulp) is removed, Racial Equality (CORE) and the source of the infection is removed. Dr. Leo ACT, a militant, third-line 3. W h e n a t o o t h is accidentally national organization headed | knocked out of the jaw. This is a frequent occurance ] by Lawrence Landry. in children. A tooth that has been knocked out (a whole "It's time black people tooth that is, not one with part of the root still left be- ; start reaping the benefits of hind) should be washed and kept in water. The child the black-created economy," i | should be taken to the dentist AT ONCE! The sooner Sharp continued during an the tooth is replaced in the jaw, the longer it is likely interview in his office with a

'Root Canal Therapy^


" ^ S u L T y ' t t T e n L performs root canal therapy on the i "'^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f - ^ ^ ^ .^0^^'^ ^^'T''' ''"u^^^"* '^".5^tooth and then immediately places it right back in the , , , ^^'"•.r'i^,j i - ^ heading out into the streets to |om socket and wires it in place by using the teeth next to it. , ^ e not only plan to move a picket line around a discriminatory grocery store Mrs RedThis procedure is usually undertaken in the anterior ^'^ ^,H^ °^ produce, but mond .s the Chicago secretary of the Student Non-Violent (front) teeth which all have single roots. eventually in i n s u r a n c e, | Coordinating Committee. Monroe Sharp (mset) ,s director People often ask if a tooth will turn black after root ^^^^^^^ P.^ducts, laundries, of the organization, canal treatment. A tooth rarely turns absolutely black but !l5."°Jj,^°'„^"„;^^„^;,,^„ „^ ity and every other area mainly to white retailers. that they patronize black it might become darker. Generally speaking, if the dentist where ' " whites ' are sucking But it's even worse when the s a l e s m e n , " he a d d e d . can get to the tooth before it has started to turn dark, it money out of black neighbor- growers, wholesalers and "Those who refuse to do this, usually remains the same color. hoods. Businesses without distributers also are white. actually are pegging themMany times, however, the patient has a discolored Negro competitors will be The black community consti- selves as enemies of Negroes tooth already in the mouth. When root canal therapy is per- u r g e d to hire black sales- tutes the market; black peo- — in the community only to formed on a tooth such as this, it can only be lightened by men, truck drivers, collec- ple should reap at least some suck out the money." of the benefits." special techniques such as bleaching. I f this is unsuccess- tors, office personnel, etc. He said when co-op disful, a crown or jacket should be placed over the discolored HE SAID the combined tributors start functioning, tooth. "WE'RE SICK and tired of civil rights groups will first other advantages will accrue Naturally you would like to know how long will the white men coming into our concentrate in o n l y one to the black communities. tooth last after endodontic (root canal) treatment. This de"We are determined to and t a k i n g the i small district, recruiting Nepends somewhat on whether the root canal alone is in- districts money out to pour into, and groes from across the city to price the produce lower than volved or whether the bone is destroyed as well, such-as improve their districts, eshelp picket if boycotts are chain stores or other competwhen an abscess has formed. I f only the root canal is the peciaiiy when black 'men i called for. They also plan to itors, thereby allowing reproblem, the chances of removmg the infection are quite ^^^^^ ^^^^.^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^ teenagers to h^lp en- tailers to lower their prices which will benefit the entire ^°°J', , . J . 4. .c in the commimity." I courage Negroes not to shop community. As we expand, If there is bone destruction or abscess formation, the gj^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^3, 3^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^.jj we plan to establish co-op procedure becomes a little more complicated and in such j ^^^^ ^^.j^g successful not patronize black produce retail outlets." cases success may well depend on the health of the patient \ ^ j . ^ ^ produce, Ne- distributors SEVERAL surveys by varand the ability to repair the destroyed bone after the m- g^oes automatically will be! "These merchants get rich fection has been removed. encouraged to buy trucks off black people; it seems al- ious agencies have proved dose to 90 per cent of teeth properly treated endodon- ^nd enter the business. He together fair and reasonable (Continued on page 18) tically last just as long as other teeth which do not require ' g^j^j ^j^gy ^jgg pjg^j^ estabthis treatment. lish small trucking companies on a co-op basis, enlistMark Independence pendence was held here. ing investments from the LUSAKA, Zambia - A pa- Participants included t h e black community. rade to mark the second an- Zambian Army and people "We'll put ail our efforts niversary of Zambia's inde-j ^^om " a l l walks of life." ' into the area of produce at President Kenneth Kuanda , first," Sharp continued. "It's FOR ISLAMIC LITERATURE made a national address in | bad enough that the money Write to the Specialty Promotions Co.. Inc. the capital city's Independ- b I a c k people s p e n d tor P 0. Box 3034, Newark. N J . 07103 ence Stadium following the' greens, okra, carrots, turLargest retail end wholesole distribunips, potatoes, etc., is going parade. tors of Islomic literature in America. Send for free book list today. Arabic Alphabet Books, Cloth Qurons, Pfoyer Books, Etc. ^





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(ot lOSth St.) CORONA, L.I., N.Y. "HONE TW 9-9635


NOVEMBER 18, 1966


Muhammad Brings Film on Life of 1st Black Islamic Convert to Chicago As part of his unrelenting drive to bring knowledge of self, culture and history to the American black man, the Honorable Elijah Muhammade. Messenger of Allah, has annoimced the showing of a film imported from Cairo, Egypt, which depicts the epic life of the first black man to embrace the truth of Islam. CHRONICLING the life of "Belal Moozen el Rassoul," the film will be shown in the Chicago's Rhodes Theatre, 79th Street and Rhodes Avenue, on November 21 and 22. A companion feature showing the land of Egypt in ancient and modern times will also be seen. Belal Moozen E l Rassoul, p e r s o n a l friend of the Prophet Mohammad (Rassaul Allah) was once a servant and slave toOmayi Eban Kalif, who was very fond of Belal. Because of the close relationship and friendly feeling between the two, Omayi entrusted Belal with all of his personal belongings and things which were of great value and importance to him. ONE DAY, Belal was sent to Damascus, Syria, to transact business for his friend and employer. While there, he became acquainted with

a man named El-Fadel who with Mohammad leading the said he was waiting for the caravan. prophet Mohammad to apMany years later, the Muspear. After much discussion lim religion became so popuwith El-Fadel a b o u t the lar it was embraced by milProphet Mohammad, Belal lions. The prophet Mohamdecided to go on to Mecca med then decided to lead his with his new friend. followers back to their homeAt that time, the Muslim land, Mecca. I n order for religion was in its infancy. this dream to come true, he Belal was so impressed by and his faithful followers deit, he embraced it, then re- clared war on all non-Muj?turned to work for his em- lims for the return of their ployer Omayi, who so hated homes, personal property, the Muslim religion that upon etc. They won. learning his friend h a d Belal stayed on until the adopted the faith, became so death of Mohammed. T h e enraged that he set out to do former slave's bereavement bodily harm to Belal by hav- was so great that he found ing him whipped many times life in Yasreb without Moand tortured. hammed unbearable. He reOne of the great followers turned to Damascus to carry of the Muslim religion, Abon on the work of the late Bakker, upon hearing of the prophet. mistreatment of this p o o r slave, immediately bought ! AFTER MANY years of Belal from Omayi and gave I teaching the Islamic religion, him freedom to follow his I Belal once again returned to own religion. At that time, i Yasreb to be near the tomb the religion was looked down of his friend, prophet MoThere he reupon and Muslims were con- hammed. sidered outcasts and driven mained through the rest of out of Mecca. his life. EXEMPLIFYING BEAUTY and strength of spreading Islam is the serenely beautiful Shah Jehan Mosque of Working-Surrey, LEAVING all behind, they Find Fallout in J a p a n England. Islam, and its culture, is enveloping fhe world. Besides TOKYO—Traces of strong making its mark on Europe, Asia and America, Islam is the took haven and settled in the small village of Yasreb. radioactive dust, believed to fastest growing religion in Africa. Belal went along because he be results of China's recent wanted to be with the prophet guided missile nuclear test, a federal tax increase in 1967 New Tax Cause Mohammeed who by now were located by the Japa" w i l l trigger a recession that 1 0 Y r . Loss had chosen him to call all nese government's anti-radiwill wipe out all the ecoKALAMAZOO, Michigan— Muslims to the Mosque to ation center in Kyushu. nomic gains of the past 10 KYUSHU is the southern F o r m e r Vice - President pray with him. The trip to years." Richard Nixon warned that i and main island of Japan. Yasreb was made on camel

^ w w ^'

The Honorable Elijah Mnhammad annonnces the first American showing MONDAY,

NOV. 21 and TUESDAY,

NOV. 22

a Movie, direct from Cairo, Egypt


"Belal Moozen El Rassoul ( " T h e M a n W h o Calls t h e P r a y e r f o r t h e



Sponsored By The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah SUBSCRIPTiaN: $2.00 PER PERSON


Two Showings Time: 6:30 p.m.





NOVEMBER 18, 1966

UN Seeks Answer to World Food Crisis (Indo News Service) against hunger and malnutri- must rest their hopes with UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. tion took place here recently. the World Food Program, — Unless world food produc- Characteristically, the Eco- sponsored j o i n t l y by the tion increases significantly, nomic and Financial Com- United Nations and the Food all the combined output of mittee of the General Assem- and Agricultural Organizaagriculturally productive na- bly began by approving a tion, which is one of the tions will not meet the food resolution calling for a study United Nations' specialized needs of the developing na- of the means and policies re- agencies. tions by 1985, said President quired for large-scale inter-1 THIS IS I N ANSWER TO A LETTER I RECEIVED FROM Lyndon Johnson of what may national act on a multilateral | TODAY half of the people MR. J. C. OF WASHINGTON. well become man's greatest basis for combating hunger in the world are ill-fed. Half effectively. crisis in history. the world's children of presents a definite theological You asked in your letter if Until the study is trans- school age are so undernourI had any knowledge of barrier to the teachings of THE FIRST skirmish of formed into a program, how- ished that their physical and Egypt's aim of establishing Christianity?". I am not a Muslim and Arab domina- student of religions and don't an international offensive ever, the world's hungry mental growth is retarded and mortality among these tion over the African conti- want to discuss the theologies children in the underdevelnent, and as to whether or of any religion in this coloped countries is 60 times as not there is a movement in unrm, because justice could great as in more advanced existence to destroy Chris- not be given such a subject. societies. tianity in order to have po- Next you asked, " D o you belitical freedom. As far as I lieve Islam gives to the soam able to ascertain from the called Negro a higher social P l e d g e $ 8 6 Million (Continued from page 16) "What's the sense in havinformation available to me, prestige than does Christianity?" I assume you mean ing open occupancy if we to U N Egypt is not, and indeed, is that Negroes invariably pay not in a position to establish here in America, since it cer- higher prices for groceries don't have the money to buy UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. dominance over the African tainly does in the Islamic than whites. This is one of or rent better houses or — I n the first pledging conworld. Yes, to certain think the stated reasons for the up- apartments? What's t h e ference this year, 101 world continent. ing segments of the nation coming move by the rights sense in having political rep- states have p l e d g e d the and for certain logical rea- groups. resentation if you're jobless equivalent of $86.9 million to SHE DOES, however en- sons. Sharp said he had informa^alf-starving to death?" the United Nations Developjoy and relish basking in the All persons with sociologi- tion that certain elements of i He pointed out that the ment Program (UNDP). sun of influence and prestige, but no more so than | cal, political and psychologl- the Chicago crime syndicate success of this venture will DAVID OWEN, co-admindoes or would any nation if cal backgroimds are able to have interests in the produce demolish the myth that black istrator of the program, estigiven the opportunity. Be-; understand the need for the distributing businesses. He people cannot act together cause of Egypt's past glory | so-called Negro to imdergo a added that this would not de- toward constructive e n d s . mated that account pledges Once this is done, he added, \ would reach as high as $169.4 and because of her strategic complete and thorough trans- ter the civil rights people. formation if he is to be made geographical location (being "We may establish our 'we'll start m o v i n g into million, owing to donations from other states that have at the hub of world activi- an equal in the eyesight of own black mafia," he added other fields. not responded. civilized mankind. Islam has with a wry smile. "We're ties), Egypt has always held a certain spot in Africa's been successful in bringing certainly not going to let "THIS could well be the Approximately $60 million heart. Contemporary Egypt about such transformations. anyone pressure us i n any: turning point of the black will be used for the technical is one of, if not the strongest To the majority who like the manner. 'revolution, and we're deter- assistance branch of the pro^"This can be one of the : mined to put everything we gram and $105 million for the independent African nation. status quo, Muslims appear But even so, there is so much as a threat, because the ma- most constructive m o v e s : h a v e into i t . " Special Fund component. work being done and to be jority doesn't want the so- black people ever made. I f ] done that Egypt could not called Negroes to become: we're successful — and we possibly be putting too much other than their carbon cop- \ shall be — a precedent will be established which can and money and effort into contl- ies. nental domination. As their carbon copies, we p r o b a b l y will s p r e a d IN GAR Y & flAMMOND, IND. remain easy to control be- throughout the country. EvAL-AZHAR University has cause they know of what we eryone should realize that! & HARVEY. ILL. ON. . . the main problem of the Nealways sent out missionaries are composed, gro community is economic, for the past thousand years. HOWEVER, they perceive and not so much political or I t holds a unique position in Si .\DA YS the Muslim world, as it does our transformation in masse social. 5:30 P.M. not belong to Egypt alone, as a threat, because we "WHEN WE start channelbut to all Muslims. I t is the would then, in more ways, f o u n t a i n of traditional become equal. So to those ing our resources back into Islamic knowledge — it is the who have u n d e r g o n e a the black economy, money, life source of the science of | change and are more equal. j o b s and ultimately real " F i q " (the science behind more respect is given. We black power will f o l l o w . Kc the origins of Arabic words have a position of respxect From this will come political and their intricate meanings) founded not as much on our ] and social gains, which draws many Arabic collective material acquisscholars. You also asked my opinM U H A M M A D ' S M O S Q U E N O . 7 ion concerning mixed marNo one has to d e s t r o y PRESENTS A G I G A N T I C Christianity in Africa — its riages. Since this ties in with dying a natural death all another letter I received, i t ! over, because the time Is will be taken up in the next| ripe for such. Its period of issue. Something on your mind? : use had ended. Its tentaments conflict too much with Write and tell me about it. the laws of nature and have Harriett Muhammad usually, for the most part, 4847 S. Woodlawn Avenue never gotten beyond lip serv- Chicago, 111. 60615 ic. Not so with Islam, as it F R O M 1 2 N O O N 'TIL 1 0 P . M . takes into consideration the W o r l d L o a n to U g a n d a strengths, the weaknesses, AT THE BEAUTIFUL KAMPALA, Uganda—The and the nature of man, and world bank will assist Uganthusly is not really a "reli- da with a loan of 9 million gion" as we are used to dollars to expand secondary thinking, but a way of life. schools, it was announced. A way of life with certain ISStfc S T R E E T A 8 t h A V E N U E , N E W Y O R K basic tentaments that help EDUCATION Minister Dr. man to produce the best that Joshua Zake said that Ugan-^j Outstanding-Display of Business Talent is in him. da will contribute another! Live Music • Bargains '^ Displays 4.48 million dollars to the YOU ASKED, "Is Islam program which will provide the only religion which pre- 13,900 school places. Donation $ 2 . 0 0 in A d v a n c e At Door $2.50

About Y o u

Plan Boycott of Retailers, Refuse B/ock Wfiolesalers








11^ T H E 8 R O N X

ADAM'S BARBERSHOP FOR NEAT A N D QUICK HAIRCUTS BY E X P E R T S PROP. G E O R G E ADAMS 1 1 9 4 G r a n t A v e . Calf 5 8 8 - 9 7 2 3










NOVEMBER 18, 1966


In Islam By TYNETTA DEANAR Every nation and more specifically every people has produced its monuments of glory, its replicas of artistic quality and has, thus, contributed eternal life to man's historical existence through the ages. THOUGH MAN'S origin cannot be precisely documented and deciphered from stone monuments or tabloids, yet, through the erection of this technical and scientific skill we have managed to gleam some perspective and reflection upon a part of the development of civilizations in antiquity. Why should the past be our concern in the present? Why should we swing the pendulum back in time to focus upon the past sealed up in stone? I t is because today we are living in an age of enlightenment. An age of the reaccessment of history. An age when secrets are uncovered from the vaults of the earth and hidden knowledge has become manifest. More importantly, God's Supreme Wisdom teaches us, through His Divine Oracle Muhammad, that when there is to come a great change in the form of the civilizations a n d in the earth's structure, the peoples must be informed and given this knowledge from all the signs and wonders of the earth and universe which bear witness to that which was before the destruction of the old world and the birth of the new order. Thus, it is, today, that the true origin of all races and civilizations are being uncovered to its grass roots, and each nation and civilization is offering their final testimony to that which welded and nurtured them into their present forms. We go forward in the hopes of constructing a better future, but if the foundation of our world is without roots of the knowledge and science of our ancestors, then we are doomed to gradual extinction.

tion, for what God, Almighty, intends to bring about in the future with the people and nations of His choice shall eclipse all signs and glories of the old world. May we now turn our attention to some of the structural contributions of the Mayan Culture and Civilization. Many of these structures have been compared to the great pyramids of Egypt, even though the two civilizations have developed in separate geographical areas of our earth. However, the peoples responsible for the both divergent trees of our common inheritance have sprung from the black Asiatic soil with its fountainhead in Saudi Arabia, the first nucleus of humanity to populate the Planet Earth began or started civilization according to the Supreme Wisdom Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in Arabia at the Holy City of Mecca.


Back Stand

CONAKRY, Guinea — Chinese Ambassador to Guinea Chai Tse-Min in a meeting with Guinean President Sekou Toure expressed strong indignation on behalf of the Chinese people against "the kidnapping by U.S. imperialism in collusion with the reactionary Ghanaian authorities of the Guinean delegation" to the Organization of African Unity conference. AMBASSADOR Chair TseMin strongly condemned "this piratic act of U.S. imperialism and expressed full support for the Guinean government's "resolute struggle" against Western "skullduggery." He said that in this struggle, "the Chinese people and government have always stood firmly by the Guinean government and its people."

ern part of our earth. Generally, the edifices were erected on elevated parts of the earth. I n eviIf we analyze the process dence is the construction of of civilization from its "cul tunes" or depositories source of origin without the for containing their water complications of many an- supply; in addition, they thropological and sociologi- built canals and aqueducts. cal classifications c .aces All of this indicates a strong organization and and sub-races, we discover social that all ancient civilizations an extraordinarily advanced regardless to their present knowledge in the execution locations and trends of de- of land for architectural and velopment are indebted to I engineering skills. their fathers, the Original From an arqueological Black Asiatic Man, as the point of view, each of the father of civilization. The zones presents a different black man's birthright and claim is authenticated in ev- style in the structure of the ery ancient stone, temple, cities such as Chichen, Itza, pyramid and artifac, reliefs Uxmal, Kabah, Labna, Tuand statues of the ancient lum, Coba Edzna, etc. in the world whose actual begin- northern zone and Uaxactun, Tikal Uaxchilan, Bonampak, ing is unknown. Palenque, Tonina, Piedras Negras etc. in the southern THE MAYAN Civilization zone. before the Spanish Conquest settled in a great part of ONE OF THE principal Guatemala, E l Salvador, Honduras and British Hon- centers of Mayan Culture is duras and almost all of the that of Chichen Itza in the states of Tobasco, Chiapas, state of Yucatan. Among the Campeche, Yucatan and the most important structures of Territory of Quintana Roo the zone includes E l Caracol. E l Castillo, The Ball in the Republic of Mexico. Field, the Temple of the The architectural genius Jaguar, the Temple of the uncovering the ceremonial Warriors, the Zompantli, the and religious life of the an- Platform of Venus, the Marcient Mayan peoples has re- ket and the Cenote of the leased an intriguing and Sacrifices etc. highly technical concept of PRESENTLY, MAY we life attributed to these AsiatNext Week: Photos and pause to commemorate the ic descendants in this west- ^explanation of structures, i illustrious contributions of our people to-worid civulza^ E. J . STATON C O . K O O L T R O N

BUY AND SELL WITH SHABAZZilEALTY 7 3 W e s t 1 1 6 t h Streets N e w Y o r k , N.Y. 876-5882

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REPAIRS — STORAOE TRUCKS CARS WELDING & CHASSIS 41 - 16th Street, Brooklyn, New York

NOW: 10 A.M. T O 8 P.M. (MON.-FKI.) 10 A . M . T O 10 P.M. (SAT.)

Seek African-Asian Funds BRUSSELS—A three-week nation-wide campaign to aid refugees in Africa and Asia was launched on United Nations day — October 24, annoimced Belgian Foreign Miinister Paul-Hern Spaak. THE PRESmENT of the National Development Cooperation C o m m i t t e e , Mr. S p a a k , said that school children would be asked to contribute 5 francs (10 cents) from their pockets and another 5 francs earned by S H A B A Z Z F O O D M A R T

131 MORNINGSIDE AVENUE BET. 124th & 125th STS. TEL. 8 6 4 - 9 6 4 8 — N E W Y O R K

WHERE THE ACTION IS 23 lbs. Long Grain Rice. . . $ 4 . 4 0 25 lbs. Whole W h e a t Floor $3.6S 2S lbs. N a v y Beans $4.25 All Beef S a u s a g e 89c lb. Whole W h e a t Pound Coke . $ 1 . 0 5 Bean Pie 40c A k b o r Coffee 89c ( W E DELIVER T O O )



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M a d e f r o m l e a n red b e e f — t h e kind y o u look for w h e n s h o p p i n g for the f a m i l y — w i t h spices d e l i c a t e l y a p p l i e d to produce m e a l s that ore uniquely delicious, a n d each pound p a c k a g e is p a c k e d with hefty lengths that won't d i s a p p e a r in the p a n . Truly a n economical a n d f a m i l y pleasing treat. Hove your favorite grocer coil 7 7 1 - 5 3 0 6 for immediate deliver. (He'll be glad he did.)


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M U S I C A L P R O D I G Y , four-year-old Randy Scott appears dwarfed by array of pipes, keys and pedals as he waits for downbeat. The St. Petersburg, F l a . youngster has been playing piano since three years old without taking a music lesson, and is now learning from beginner's music book geared for a seven or eight year old.

7 8 7 ST. N I C H O L A S A V E .






• I

Every SIWRAIT 6:30 P.M. on Radio Station



1 3 8 0 on your radio dial In N e w Y o r k CityN e w Jersey

doing odd jobs. The reigning monarch of Belgium, King Baudoln, will open the campaign with a radio and television speech. On November 11, a national holiday, more than 2,000 municipalities will hold concerts, sporting events, dances and exhibition to climax the humanitarian drive. THROUGHOUT that d a y , the national radio w i l l tabulate and broadcast the total of funds collected'.

A. 0. SERVICE STATION A n n o u n c e s t h e o p e n i n g ot o Muslim o w n e d a n d operated custom cor w a s h o p e r a t e d by Bro. Henry 24X.

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NOVEMBER 18, 1966

United Nations •W^i^^w»^X^^^^^&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^®^^^^^^^i^;>:::


Wishes More Black People Would Ask About the Opportunities in Liberia By JOCELYN OSBORNE and professionals, such as ance were Liberia's PresiI contractors, teachers anddent Tubman,Guinea's Pres(UN Correspondent) shop owners." ident S e k o u Toure, and UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. i Discussing the question of G h a n a ' s then President — Diplomacy is an art re- j African unity, Mrs. Ander- Nkrumah. The second meetquiring a fine sense of bal- son said: ing of African Heads of State ance, a prudent nature and "The first summit meeting and Government also took delicacy of a h i g h order. of African leaders took place Mrs. Eugenia Stevenson of ; in Liberia in 1957. In attend(Continued on Page 21) Liberia, her country's representative on the Third Com-! :::::::::::::::::::::%^^^^^ mittee of the United Nations,; ^'^'--^^'^'kkww: possesses all three qualities. The Third Committee deals with the economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights of all nations. REFERRING to her coun-, try's foreign policies, Mrs.; I Stevenson said: IT A P P E A R S obvious that the father of fhe above "President Tubman, early 12 children should be at home—he is Sgt. 1st Class Benny D. G r u n d y — n o w fighting in Viet Nam. Here Sgt. Grundy's wife in his administration, an-_ and children await cue from Red Cross worker (center) to ; nounced an open-door policy: begin taping message to the black soldier somewhere in Viet I to encourage trade and inI vestments in Liberia by for-' Nam, 10,000 miles from home. eign countries. Unfortunately, not enough black people' ' inquire about the opportuniI ties in Liberia, and I would : like to see a balance of rep- ^ ] resentation from the United ; States. Whenever we do have 1 Publication of the seventh Report on the Cape Verde ! an opportunity to make this i : point, we do so." annual directory of U.S. Ne- Islands." gro Newspapers, Magazines Mrs. Stevenson is pleased; l ^ ^ s Y and Periodicals has been aniWith the response to Presi- I S ^ ^ ^ I j ) Algerians Celebrate nounced by U.S. N e g r o dent Tubman's open-door ALGIERS — Algeria cele- policy. She noted that: World, publishers. brated the 12th Anniversary The directory lists 180 pub- of the Algerian Armed Up"While investments by the lications in 36 states, Cana- rising with a parade of the American Negro have not da and Panama, with numer- armed forces and mass or- been numerous, those who ous descriptive annotated se- ganizations. have come to Liberia — with lections. The 32-page direc-j a few exceptions — have all tory is available from U.S. I H O U A R I Boumedienne, gone forward with their projNegro World, Box 595 — j chairman of the Algerian Na- ects. Manhattanville. New Y o r k , tional Council of Revolution, delivered a speech before N.Y. 10027. "SOME HAVE come as Scheduled for publication j the parade ceremonies and missionaries and have relater hosted a grand celebrain December is the U.S. Ne-j mained there permanently. A T H E R desk during a meeting of the United Nations' Third gro World annual edition i tion reception. Others have come as immi- Committee is Mrs. Eugenia Stevenson (right, second r o w ) , Among those present was grants, and a small group who represents Liberia. The attractive widow and mother of featuring a special "Harlem Research Report," the full Tseng Tao, Chinese ambas- have come as businessmen two girls also is Liberian Consul to New York. t e x t of documentary re- sador to Algeria, who atsearch on "The Negro Press; tended the celebration with Past, Present and Future" m e m b e r s of the Chinese by Thelma T. Gorham; a Trade Union delegation led special report on the Negro by Wang Seng-Yao. market in Bergen County, OTHER CITIES of Algeria New Jersey and the "Africa! also held various celebraTrade, Travel and Industry tions.

1966 Directory of Negro







O r W E A O


79th ST.

We Also


in Dressed


Phone 483-1668 Turkeys





18, 1966



Detroit Artist Tells Effect on His

Urges More Negroes to Seek

Life of the Messenger of Allah

Opportunities in Liberia

By Gerald 2X Cunningham derella." I t will bring you I n all truth, I can bear wit- from rags to riches, put you ness that Allah, who came in heaven at once if you will in the person of Master Fard only submit. This i t will do Muhammad, is the one God for you, as i t has done for and that the Honorable Eli- me. The knowledge, wisdom jah Muhammad is His Divine and understanding I have reMessenger. ceived cannot be paid for at L I K E A L L of the true be- any price. My very life itself lievers, I have been blessed would not be enough to pay. b e y o n d all expectation. When I was a believer in When I heard the teaching C h r i s t i a n i t y , I caught of Islam, as taught by the nothing but hell. Now that Honorable Elijah Muham- I've united behind Messenmad, I knew this was the ger Elijah Muhammad, that true religion. has all changed. Money, a This truth is like the magic good home and friendship in wand in the fairy tale "Cin- all walks of life I now have.

G e r a l d 2 X Cunningham, a member of Muhammad's Mosque of Islam No. 1 in Detroit, is the bitingly satirical artist whose work each week reminds us on the pages of M U H A M M A D S P E A K S newspaper that our lost brothers are still every day the victims of their oppressors' tricks. Brother G e r a l d makes it graphically clear that the white m a n daily uses the integration-minded Negro to lead his black brothers to slaughter, often with the so-named leader begging to become part of the sacrifice. Brother Gerald's work h a s been acclaimed around the world.

I receive t h e s e daily.



ALL PRAISE is due to Allah for raising up one in our midst to change our conditions. May Allah continue to bless the Honorable Elijah Muhammad with the good health and strength necessary to complete his mission.

from page 20)

now to facilitate this unity.

place in Liberia In May, 1961." According to Mrs. Stevenson many of the divergencies that exist between the African Nations must be reconciled before there can be a United States of Africa. However, she does feel there are steps that can be taken right

Presence of B/ack Troops Keeps Pressure Off Viet Nam

"WE CAN move in the direction of African unity by promoting trade among ourselves, and by letting down barriers of travel," she said. She mentioned the language barriers that have to be eliminated. " I n Liberia today," Mrs. Stevenson said, "every child is taught to speak French starting from the first grade up. This is an attempt to break down the language barrier between Liberia and her French - speaking neighbor countries." Mrs. Stevenson is a widow and the mother of two girls, ages 12 and 17. She received her elementary training i n Liberia, and continued her education at the American University in Washington, D.C. RetULrning to Liberia, she studied law for one year. Expressing her great respect and enthusiasm for the work of the United Nations, Mrs. Stevenson said:

even let himself think about the r e g u l a r Vietnamese troops. " I f I start thinking about them, then I ' d start wondering what we're doing over here helping people who don't want to help themselves." "During the bloody civil war at Da Nang, a U.S. Marine captain said he was glad his tour of duty was almost up," the article continues. ' 'The first eight m o n t h s were okay," the sergeant "THE MAIN objective of COFFEY POINTED o u t said. 'We were all fighting that there is statistical evi- the Viet Cong. But now the the United Nations as a a r e peace-keeping organization dence to support the bitter- Vietnamese regulars is very important and w e l l fighting each other.' " ness. known. However, I am par"With thousands of their AT HUE, when a Vietna- ticularly interested in the best troops tied up on politimese company turned tail great pain that is taken at cal and police duty," the the United Nations to formun o t e d correspondent con- and let student demonstra- late ideas that not only serve tors bum down the U.S. Continued, "Vietnamese military the present generation, but casualties have been dimin- sulate, American troops in sets standards for future ishing while American cas- the city openly were hoping generations." ualties have been mounting." that the students w o u l d Mrs. Stevenson has been in One U.S. infantry lieuten- attack their compound so ant told a reporter that he they'd have the opportunity the United S t a t e s for 10 keeps reading about all the to get a crack at the un- years, and i n addition to her duties at the United Nations, respect the American soldier armed youths, Coffey said. she is also the present Conhas for the Vietnamese sul of Liberia to New York. troops. S. Africa Beach Bias As Consul, her duties in"Where do you guys get PORT ELIZABETH, South that stuff?" the G I asked. " I Africa — The South African clude looking after the interests of Liberian nationalists never ran into an American over here yet who had any government has decreed that in the United States, grantIndian Ocean-side beaches ing visas, authenticating docrespect for them. "Maybe their individual shall be segregated—apart- uments and granting interviews to people interested in soldier would be all right if heid style. he had leadership, but their officers — most of t h e m aren't worth a damn." Coffeey reported that a Negro sergeant said he doesn't (Continued

from page 8)

ant said the Vietnamese have all quit fighting, Coffey reported. " 'We keep talking about the big U.S. troop buildup over here,' another American said, 'but somebody should start figuring out the net gain. I t seems like every time we send another 100 men over here, another 250 of them (Vietnamese) q u i t fighting.' "


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NOVEMBER 18, 1966

Chinese Aid Brings First Textile Factory to Yemen credited this new milestone in Sino-Yemeni friendship to China's foreign aid policy which is based on the spirit of proletarian internationalism enunciated by Chinese Chairman Mao Tse-tung. Expressing the common feelings of his countrymen, Abdullah, the factory director, commented: "Chairman Mao who has led the 700 million Chinese poeple in working wonders is now leading the people of the world to achieve victories." Chairman Mao said ten years ago: "We must give active support to the national independence and liberation movement in countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as to the peace movement and to just struggles in all the countries of the world." To meet the shortage of skilled workers and language difficulties in Yemen, AFTER THE completion the Chinese technicians first in 1961 of Yemen's first mod- taught a few workers how to ern motor road, the 230-ki- handle the m a c h i n e s by the operalometre highway linking this demonstrating Arab country's Red Sea port tions until they mastered Hodeidah and the c a p i t a l them. With these workers to Sanaa, this textile complex help, they later organized is another important project classes to train the technical built with Chinese aid under: and administrative personan economic and technical: nel needed by the factory— cooperation a g r e e m e n t from construction to installsigned in 1964. ing machinery, business acThe factory consists of a I counting and factory mancotton ginning mill, a textile | agement. mill, a printing and dyeing IN ALL, 800 skilled workmill and all the facilities for ers in civil engineering and water supply and power gen- i the textile industry w e r e eratlon for these mills. All trained. the machinery and equip- j In memory of their friendment was made by Chinese i ship, the Yemeni workers factories. The factory is lo- call the factory "Yemeni cated in Sanaa, the Sanaa Chinese Friendship Buildplateau being the country's i ing." important cotton growing. area. Z a m b i a Joins Bank Two days after trial proGroup duction. President Abdullah al Sallal and Vice Premier LUSAKA, Zambia — NegoAbdalla Gazilan visited the tiations have been concluded mill. After carefully examin- j for Zambia to join the Afriing its machinery and newly | can Development Bank and woven cloth, the President | the first part of the country's remarked, "Excellent! We' subscription is to be paid thank China very much for shortly. its assistance to Yemen." THE GOVERNMENT is also now considering a study M A N Y YEMENIS who on the possibility of the forworked with the C h i n e s e mation of a stock exchange technicians on the project in Zambia. By KUNG Y E L YEMEN—While the Western press has been busy with the conflicts arising out of the struggle between the UAR supported liberation forces and the Saudi Arabia backed loyalist contingents in Yemen, Chinese technic i a n s have been quietly working to build an independent economy and industry in this near - Eastern land. This year Yemen's first modern cotton textile factory was completed and went into trial production with Chinese help. As the first snowy white cloth was produced, one of the workers taking part in the construction exclaimed, "Now we will not have to buy cotton cloth from the West any more." A staff m e m b e r added: "This is a serious blow to the imperialists."

W E A V I N G S K I L L S are taught Yemini youths by Chinese worker. Chinese technicians aided Yemini people in construction of textile mill,

and taught them skills needed to develop stable and independent industry and economy.

F U N A N D FRIENDSHIP is shared by Chinese and Yemeni workers at site of first Yemini Textile factory. Chinese technicians, who

taught Yemini's modern cotton textile methods, are being taught folk music and dances by Yemini workers.





C H I N E S E T E C H N I C I A N affixes symbol of friendship on shirt of Yemeni cotton textile factory worker. The friendship token was a badge with a bust of Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung embossed on its •* : • •!. 'i .» -

6 1 4 E. 7 1 s t S T . , C H I C A G O , ILL.

PHONE 4 8 7 - 3 0 1 0

NOVEMBER 18, 1966



Say 'A' Testing May Breed " 'Generation of Imbeeiles' NEW YORK—Future generations of imbeciles on an increasingly wide scale may well be one of the tragic legacies of man-made radiation, United Nations Scientists h a v e recently discovered.

Effects of Atomic Radiation. THE REPORT affirms earlier findings of the committee that any dosage of radiation poses g e n e t i c hazards. The report contains more precise findings as to the genetic hazards of all forms of radiation, including an analysis of the comparative risks of radiation treatments and new evidence on the relationship of the prime factor to exposure. The hereditary study also includes new material on the mutation of genes and chromosome anomalies, both of which can be triggered by radiation.

ONLY NOW are researchers discovering many of the deadly effects of radiation resulting from American, British, French and Russian atomic-weapons testing. Recent reports show radiation may well adversely affect the intelligence and height of persons in future generations whose parents have been exposed to the fallout of nuclear testing. "There is evidence that complexly-inherited characteristics, such as stature and intelligence, may be affected by induced gene mutations and that the effects would probably be adverse," according to the report. The finding is among the conclusions of the l a t e s t study of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the

"GENE mutations result in an alteration of the elementary units of information that make up the genetic message received by the progeny from their parents, whereas chromosome anomalies involve the loss, duplication or r e a r r a n g e ment of minor or major parts of the same message," the report explained.

Experts Say Play Vital to Child's Learning Process (Pan African Press) All work and no play may not only make Jack a dull boy, but a stupid one as well, said childhood development authorities at a recent symposium in Chicago's Conrad Hilton hotel.

"PLAY IS early psychic work which does more than' help the child socialize," he said. "Play as psychic work! is a serious form of learn-1 ^'


.V. .

paign to wipe out the dread disease. Some 100,000 blood smears taken by field teams are examined each year by laoorafory specialists such as those above,

thinks as one who also plays. Miss Omwake said that children in first grade who have trouble learning have had too little play and too; much adult-directed educa- j WASHINGTON — A two-1 was made to establish wheth-1 ment conducted the investitional activity. iyear study conducted in Se- er there is a correlation be- gation. She called upon parents to attle has strongly suggested tween smoking during preg- The study included 57 chilselect toys that invite chil- that heavy cigaret smoking nancy and the incidence of dren who have developed dren to use their imagina- by a mother during preg- mental retardation or mon- leukemia, 38 with Down's tion. nancy may contribute to the golism, in the same study. Syndrome — c o m m o n l y About 200 persons attended development of leukemia in Dr. R. T. Ravenholt, for- known as mongolism — and the one - day symposium, her child. merly of the University of 126 suffering other forms of which coincided w i t h the Washington Medical School, mental retardation. opening of a three-day con- WHILE INVESTIGATING now chief of the population DR. RAVENHOLT s a i d ference of the National As- the number of possible ef- branch of the U.S. Agency sociation for Education of^f^^^^ smoking may have on for International Develop(Continued on page 2 4 ) v , . , „ „ „ nhiiH.-Pr, x/Ticp r w n h u m a n reproduction, re-

Link Smoking in Pregnancy to Leukemia

WITH Christmas looming, parents were urged to "realize the importance of play as a learning experience." Young children who do not learn to play may well have trouble learning in school, the experts asserted. The symposium, co - sponsored by the Chicago Institute for Early Childhood of the Education of Y o u n g Education and the Chicago I N REMARKS at the conInstitute for Psychoanalysis, featured Miss Eveline Om- ference keynote address. Dr. wake, chairman of the de- Warner Bloomberg Jr., of partment of child develop- the University of Wisconsin ment, Connecticut College at Milwaukee, said teachers for Women; Dr. Rudolf Ek- should "change with the culstein, of the Reiss - D a v i s ture." Child Study Center, Los Angeles, and Dr. E. James Anthony, professor of child psychiatry, Washington University. Deprived children who have not learned how to play constitute one of the major pressures on American education today, Dr. E k s't e i n said. Contrary to the popular notion, he said, play and work are not two different concepts for a child in terms | of his early education.

He described the child who | plays as one who learns to! think, and the child who:

M A L A R I A E R A D I C A T I O N drive in Burma, where about 50 per cent of total population of 20 million people live in malarial areas, has moved into high gear since the government launched a renewed country-wide c a m -

j ^ ^ ^ . ^ i ^ ^^^^^^3 ^^^^^^ ^

Hausehald Tea M a y Cause Cancer, Scientists Worn

P ^ ^ ^day / ^ ^ during ^ f P i 5 ^pregnancy. '!!L°l!?!.°'' per This figure almost doubled t h e percentage of heavy TOKYO — T e a drinkers cer in mice, and therefore smokers that was observed j ^g^e advised here that the constitute a similar threat to among mothers of normal, j beverage contains chemi- humans. healthy children. An attempt j cals proved to promote can- DR. HANS Elmar Kaiser and Dr. John C. Bartone of George Washington University School of M e d i c i n e, Washington, D . C , described t h e i r tea experiments at closing scientific sessions of the ninth International Cancer Congress meeting here. They said household tea contains phenols, which other scientists have said can promote cancers. The scientists painted 30 mice once with benzpryene, a cancer-starting agent, in their neck areas. None got cancer. Sixty mice were painted once with benzpyrene, then 55 times with household tea. J ^ Q ^ ^ , ^ ^ M E D I C A L advances are being in- World Health Organization ( W H O ) is asALL developed various stituted throughout Iran, as the government sisting the Government in expansion of midstages of cancer growths, ^^^p^ ^p ^,^i„i„g h „ | t h teams such as wifery program by providing tutors and other the researchers said. One these visiting nurse-midwives administering supervisory staff to train nurses in 15-month third had highly developed cancers of the skin. to a new mother and infant in Tehran. The midwifery course.



Worse to Come

^ V E ^ f f i E R v I 8 , 19i6

Colorado Test Shows Fair Housing Lows Greatly Lessen Racial Tensions, Unrest

ican Conference on Equal stallations in Colorado. (Pan African Press) He said Colorado was imKANSAS C I T Y , Mo. —Opportunity in Housing at the University of Missouri, der consideration for a large Meaningful fair housing laws bring about a lessening of ra- Hasselblad said the Colorado federal installation because cial demonstrations, tensions law has not caused a de- of its record on fair housing and riots, despite backlash crease in housing values, an- and that many large compapropaganda to the contrary, other traditional fear of the nies were now taking into consideration the question of according to John I . Hassel- real estate industry. whether all their employees blad, prominent member of REAL ESTATE officials the National Association of challenged Missouri real es- would obtain housing when Real Estate Boards. tate men to have " o p e n the decision to locate a new minds" and to re-examine plant is made. "THE PATHS which ColoHASSELBLAD, a p a s t their opposition to fair housrado realtors have walked p r e s i d e n t of the Denver ing legislation. Colorado's f a i r housing are paths which all realtors Board of Realtors, noted that Colorado realtors had feared practices, Hasselblad added, throughout the country must business eventually walk before we housing legislation would had encouraged encourage demonstrations, and government to locate in- can solve this problem." riots and unrest. "They now admit that the law had just the opposite effect," he said. "Contrary to predictions, the law brought no increase in racial demonstrations, but a decrease. I t (Trans-World News Service) lished in Cuba. He also indiS N O W S T O R M topples tree onto man's car in Louisville, Ky., has created an atmosphere cated that he thought Cuba M I A M I - Although the did not need more books on where up to 13 inches shocked citizens Nov. 2. Several roads in which organizations and were closed and all local schools declared closed. Unprece- individuals can work togeth- standard of living in Cuba Marxism. h a s reached dented severe weather throughout nation during 1966 bore er effectively." Mr. Castro's views apan a l l - t i m e peared in a series of articles out warning of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that the hand high. Premier in the official Havana daily, Speaking at the Mid-Amerof Allah was turning the forces of nature against A m e r i c a . Fidel Castro Granma, which described is s t i l l em- his recent inspection tour of p h a s i z i n g the provinces. m o r e conGRANMA quoted Castro s u m e r p r o - as having said that on the duction. : s h e I V e s of country stores N o t i n g there were many volumes of WASHINGTON — " T h e. ure to buying habits and the homes which have higher that his gov-the Iliad and the Odyssey but poor get less for their food I scarcity of supermarkets in p r i c e s and because of v e r n m e n t ' s n o n e on agriculture. On and rent dollars than do the city slums than entirely to pinched purses, they buy Castro emphasis on Marxist theory, the Premier upper and middle class," ac- deliberate pricing ixjlicies of smaller size items rather education has said that " i n view of the dethan the "economy" sizes. cording to a comprehensive merchants. produced an unusual de- deree of schooling in rural report prepared by the Bu- The report said the city mand for classical literature, areas, works of history, gereau of Labor Statistics aft- poor spend 60 per cent of Syrian News Agency Castro has advocated that ography a n d agricultural er a s t u d y in six major their income on food and more books on agriculture technology should be read Prints 1st Edition cities. housing. and fewer classics be pub- there first. ' DAMASCUS, Syria — The THE U.S. Labor DepartALTHOUGH the bureau official Syrian Arab News ment report says housing appears the chief v i 11 a i n I ^^^^ it found virtually no i Agency has published its rather than f o o d prices difference in food prices in: first Arab daily bulletin. The (Continued from page 2 3 ) which have been the target the same types of stores in Bulletin covered both interwhich is shown by a large of many recent complaints. p o o r neighborhoods and nal and international news. increase in the number of the findings are not surpris„ leucocytes (small colorless "For equivalent r e n t s , more prosperous residential ing since cigaret smoke is p o o r families get poorer areas, i t adds, "this is a ™ E DIRECTOR of the known to contain minute blood cells which destroy housing than families w i t h rather empty conclusion he-^ agency Hasum Adat, said amounts of polonium-210, a organisms that cause dishigher incomes," states the cause p r i c e investigators! ^-A-N.A. has correspondents metallic element w h i c h ease). The amount of bone found few chain stores ^ : various provinces and will report. off ionizine radiation is also persistently send others to Arab and for- elves The poor also pay more low-income areas." f I . H i°!!i. increased in leukemia. OthAnd radiation is known to i for food, the study foimd, but The poor, thus, shop in in- eign countries in future. He added that i n the near contribute to the develop-1 characteristics of the dlsthis was due in some meas- dependent stores near their ease are the enlargements future the bulletin will be ment of leukemia. published in English and Leukemia is a disease of of the spleen and lymph IN CHICAGO French as well as Arabic. the blood - forming tissues glands.

Castro to Cuba: Study More Agriculture, Less Classics

Paar Man's Money Buys Less in Housing, Food Than Rich Man's, Says Labor Dept.

Link Smoking


to Leukemia


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I know t h a f a l l of us like t o h e l p the N a t i o n a l C e n t e r , this is o n e w a y to help a n d to be r e c o g n i z e d a t t h e s a m e t i m e . F r o m e a c h N a t i o n a l t h a t I sell I w i l l give o n e d o l l a r to the N a t i o n a l C e n t e r F u n d . W i t h 2 2 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e , it will not t a k e long f o r t h e H o l y A p o s t l e to g e t the C e n t e r a n d n o b o d y will be hurt. The l a p e l pin sells f o r only $ 3 . 5 0 a n d t h e M . G . T . a n d G . C . C . b a r p i n sells f o r $ 6 . 5 0 , t h a t w i l l n o t hurt a n y b o d y , a n d w e will h a v e t h e center. '




If y o u h a v e one pin, you should buy a n o t h e r one, t o help t h e H o l y A p o s t l e g e t t h e C e n t e r . r e c e i p t o f your order, it w i l l u s u a l l y t a k e a b o u t o n e w e e k b e f o r e it is f i l l e d a n d

r e t u r n e d to y o u ( u n l e s s t h e order is s p e c i a l , or our v o l u m e of orders is h e a v y ) . certifie-' checks o r money orders.

Please send

. , . , ., A Salaam Alaikum Y o u r Brother, Y u s u f A X






Has Done

Minister Isaiah: M^ith Muhammad's Teachings I Win Over My Foes By Minister Isaiah Karriem from prison, I went immedi- black man and woman on the hospital for the criminal(Baltimore, Md.) ately to the mosque and the continent of North Amer- ly insane. When I began to teach I would like to express my sincere thanks and apppre- shortly thereafter got a job ica. them the teachings of Mesciation to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for his out- on the railroad. I went in Now, today in 1966, Allah standing leadership and wisdom and the knowledge and debt and borrowed $1,200 to has blessed me to c a r r y senger Muhammad, t h e i r understanding he has given me over the past 20 some years. buy a car so I could spread M e s s e n g e r Muhammad's faces brightened. They realthe teachings of the Honorized at last they have new teachings into just about all hope. They began to face THERE ARE not enough UPON leaving home in able Elijah Muhammad. of the penal institutions in the words the English Ian- 1940, I made my first long I was Indeed successful in state of Maryland, even in I (Continued on page 27) guage to ade- t " p to the big city, Washinggetting the car and for the quately enum- ton, D.C. Being a stranger in next seven years spreading erate a n d the city, I went to the C. C. the teachings of the Honord e s c r i b e Camp. After a period of six able E l i j a h Muhammad the blessings months in the camp, I re- throughout the s t a t e s of I h a V e re- ceived my discharge and North Carolina, South Caroceived since went to work at Walter Reed lina and Georgia; setting up becoming a Hospital. mosques, selling newspapers follower o f After being there for two and talking about this great years, I met one of Messenthe Honoraman from God. Allah always Minister ble E l i j a h ger Muhammad's followers. blessed me with converts Isaiah M u h a m m a d . The brother's name w a s from every city I entered. James 4X. He began to tell I n e v e r me about a man who was I t was a g r e a t job to dreamed that I would live to teaching the history of the spread the teachings of truth witness and know a man di- black man. to so many dead brothers and rectly from God Almighty. I was so impressd by his sisters who had suffered the When I was a little boy in teachings that I visited the same things I had suffered the hills of North Carolina, mosque at 1527 9th Street, — slavery, suffering, and I used to wonder and pray N.W., D.C. after a couple of death. I met opposition, but to the God my father taught meetings l a c c e p t e d t h e with the teachings of Mesme about, but never seemed teachings of Messenger Mu- senger Muhammad, I alto get any results from such hammad. Afterwards it took ways won over my opponent. a one. I always wanted to be me six months to get a good close to God. I felt that if I night's sleep. INSTITUTIONS very strict could get in touch with Him on the followers of MessenAfter two weeks I was in He would understand my j a i l and I spent three years ger Muhammad during the problems. feeling real happy and proud 40's and 50's, are now beginMany times in the corn that I had found the truth. I ning to open their doors to field, lying flat on my back began teaching in the prison the same ones who were conpraying to God, I would put and after being transferred fined in their jail cells. spit into my eyes trying to from one prison to another, All praise is due to Allah impress God that I was cry- the warden finally told me for our g r e a t leader and: ing and sincere and that I that I was more of a nui- i teacher, the Most Honorable I MINISTER K A R R I E M and two brothers are shown vigorously needed His attention. I al- sance than a Muslim and Elijah Muhammad. I never renovating the Baltimore Mosque and the area around it. The ways promised H i m that i f that he was discharging me felt as though I have done enterprising follower of Messenger Muhammad has consistI ever got in touch with Him from the institution. enough to help in the strug- antly worked to improve the surroundings of members of the I would serve H i m for the gle for the uplifting of this mosque. rest of my life. UPON BEING r e l e a s e d

Islam Changes Woman's 'Existence' to Fulfillment By Sister Mary 2X Tuggle (Detroit, Michigan) Now that I have found the true knowledge of myself and kind, I give praises to Allah, the Lord of all the world, for giving the black man and woman here in the wilderness of North America one so great and trustworthy as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. FROM HIS teachings, I have learned that the world I used to live in was full of t r i c k s and lies. I have learned that one must love himself and kind before he is able to love others. Therefore, I was really taking a chance in bestowing my affections, because one cannot really love rmless he has a full understanding of love. We, the so - called American Negroes, n e v e r really understood what this meant vmtil we were blessed with the Messenger of Allah. Before my awakening, I could see life coming and going for my people, but still there was nothing being left here on earth to show for our lives. There was no great history or anything of this kind to pass on to our chil-

'Messenger Teaehes True Brotherhood'

By Eddie X Gates (Brooklyn, N.Y.) I believe in and love brotherhood, as taught by our bedren after us. loved teacher, the HonorWE HAVE always b e e n able Elijah Muhammad. able to forgive and try to forI WANT TO p r a c t i c e get the great wrongs the devil has d o n e us, never brotherhood and live it to its really p u t t i n g the blame where it should have been. Yes, I was in the dark then. But thanks to Almighty God, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad — to Whom praise be forever — I forever g i v e thanks for the Last Messenger, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Now I know what makes this world tick, and if we want to be here to see the next world, all black men and women and their children must go to their nearest Mosque of Islam and put their names on the Book of Life.

I T IS I N the Messenger's Mosques that we learn to put into action what has been proven to be true. We are black people and must show the world that we are proud to be black people. We must stand up and do for self and kind. Unity and togetherness, following the Messenger of Allah, will awaken and dignify us.

fullest, although I am constantly reminded that most people are not brotherly to one another. I t takes two people for real brotherhood and some people feel that making an effort to be friendly with others does not show enough importance of

?mt m m mzm\


O U T S T A N D I N G S A L E S M A N of M U H A M M A D S P E A K S newspapers, Brother Ronald X Powell, of Muhammad's Mosque of Islam No. I, in Detroit, Mich., proudly displays trophy he won in circulation competition. Brother Ronald sold more than 200 papers a week since begiryiipg of contetfh '

themselves,, but this is not true. Some people wait for others to bring friendship to them. Still others, like some of our lost brothers and sisters, have friends that indulge in whiskey - drinking parties, gambling and other disgraces that the Messenger teaches us is part of the scheme to destroy us. I f you have nothing in c o m m o n with these things, then the people who do, do not want any part of your company. But, of course, this is not brotherhood. I t is commonly known as "hanging out." People who are successful in business and professional careers visit each other socially because they h a v e s o m e t h i n g in common. There is nothing wrong with the sociality of these groups. It's absolutely good. But is this brotherhood? I don't think so. I HAVE heard of business people going broke and some of their closest associates turn their backs on them as if they . never knew them. Such acts are not brotherly. Their love was only for the wsfiue of the person's wealth.



NOVEMBER 18, 1966

Unit Opens Foundation in Memory ot Slain Postman BALTIMORE — The Wil- journals, pamphlets, articles liam L . Moore Foundation, and clippings by and about Incorporated has been es- the Negro and the civil rights tablished as a cultural and movement. educational memorial to the This collection is being Baltimore postman who was made available to scholars murdered in Gadsden, Ala- and researchers; to persons bama in April, 1963 while en- who wish to obtain a fuller gaged in a self-conceived and general understanding of the i n d i v i d u a l l y executed Negro and the civil rights "walk for civil rights." movement; and to the culturally deprived in an atTHE central focus of the tempt to help this group to Foundation is a special l i - achieve a sense of identity, brary containing a compre- a feeling of self acceptance hensive collection of books, and a sense of g r o u p achievement. The site of the William L . Moore Center is the t h r e e story row house In which this early martyr of the nonINSTRUCTIONS violent civil rights movement LEARN TO R E A D T H E HOLY QUR AN IN last lived. This property is Arabic on tapes. Write; Languages Ltd. P.O. Box 52792 Houston, Texas 77052. being purchased by the FounN E W L Y - E L E C T E D C h i c a g o Bureau of S a n i t a was a recent buffet dinner honoring the H o n LEARN AFRICAN LANGUAGES, KNOW dation and is currently being tion Board Trustee, Eugene H. Dibble (far orable Elijah Muhammad. Mr. Dibble a c h i e v e d family life, cusfomi, what fo see and i renovated. I t is located near left) a p p e a r s to be r e c e i v i n g pre-election pay. Date's Linguistic Guide. S2.95. recognition several y e a r s ago as the first 437 5th Ave., N.Y.C. MU 5-8725 enough to the center of Balticongratulations from Minister J a m e s of C h i Negro Investment broker to establish offices TRIPS more to make it easily acces- c a g o , Mr. C . Sorfsian and Djamal A s i a n , in the C h i c a g o a r e a . sible to s c h o l a r s , pro- guests from the Middle E a s t . The o c c a s i o n CHARTER TRIPS Planes, Trains, Buses. Group Arrangements fessionals, civil rights advoetc. (Prices quoted). Vista Travel Service MU 5 8725. 4375 5th Ave , N.Y.C. cates and the general pubwill serve as corrolaries to ! tion activities designed to mainstream of our literature. lic. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS the central purpose of the encourage use of Center The Center will serve as a PRY'S S L I P P E R S . OWNED & O P E R A T E D Foundation as described facilities by ghetto resi- clearinghouse for all kinds by Negro. Shoes tor the family. Gd. servAT THE SAME time it is above. ice Ruby Porker, 2325 W. Madison St , dents of published materials in Chicago, III. Phone 226-6077. on the fringes of the ghetto The role of the Negro in this growing and specialized These programs will inE X O T I C N O V E L PLANTS AND FLOWERS and the impoverished resithe development of t h e field i n the hope that all clude : tor your home. Guaranteed to grow. Fast delivery from nursery. $1.98 ea — 3 torj dents of this area find its loAmerican culture has been kinds of people — from illi• A lecture series $5.49. Money Orders Only. Jay-Bee ImportExport 382 Lexington Aye. Brooklyn 16, cation very convenient. The • A collection of Negro (largely imrecorded or inac- terates to scholars — c a n N.Y. l i b r a r y collection h a s art I curately presented i n stand- gain perspective and insight INSURANCE reached several thousand • A collection or record- lard texts and documents. into the role that the Negro BUYING A HOUSE? N E E D INSURANCE? j volumes and is currently beings and tapes of Negro I The story of how he became has played and is playing as Come to Frye's Really, 190-03 109th Road, St. Albans, Queens, cor. Farmers Blvd., jing catalogued by volimteer music and civil rights ac- iwhat he is today has been black and white together N.Y. Ask for Mr. Haughton or coll professional l i b r a r i a n s . untold or distorted i n the pursue the American dream. HO 4-8448. tivities I Other volunteers are plan- • A film collection F U R N I S H E D ROOMS nng specific programs, servMEL'S CLEANING "DRUMSTICKHOLLIS, Q U E E N S , NEW Y O R K . L A R G E and activities, which • Adult and yoimg peoturn, room for workmg brother. Home ices ples's discussion groups LAUNDRY SERVICE Drive-In • Carry Out privileges. Phone 776 0108 or 464*148. • Art, drama and music Alteration & Tailoring 1540 CRAWFORD RD. IN I N D I A N A P O L I S , IND. classes for children 12713 WOODSIDE AVE. ClfVELAND, OHIO SHABAZZ CARRYOUT VISIT CLEVELAND, OHIO • Informal musical proMILK SHAKES AND SUPERMARKET PHONE: 681-9821 C H I C K E N A T I T S BEST ' grams and art exhibitions I S 4 S NEW JEISET k V I . , N.W.. Pickup and Deliyery S e r v i c e ^ ^ ^ ^ H M I H C H A R L E S B X H ^ ^ ^ B • Community organiza387-3066 at 2905 N. CLIFTON


Ml HAMMAll s MOSQl i:


W E D N E S D A Y 8:00 P.M.


THE K A A B A " H o m e o f the. O r i g i n a l s "


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RESTAURANT A BAKERY 'Cleyeiond's N e w e s t a n d Semi-UltroModern Asiatic Restaurant. W e serve (Asiatic style a n d A m e r i c a n CookecF foods j 2 4 3 4 Superior A v e . , C l e v e l a n d , O h i o "MU 1-9841 JOPEN 2 4 HOURS — — p r o m p t DeTivery Service^—eane



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Bro. William X (Douglas), Pres. Bro. Clyde X (Douglos), Vice Pres. Sis. Ado X (Douglas), Treos.

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E V E R Y S U N D A Y 2:00 P . M .


O N L Y 50^




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Pleose Send C h e c k or Money Order

8 4 6 - 6 8 9 8 — C a l l After 5 P.M.




MUHAMMAD SPEAKS NEWSPAPER K l h d ' y ' A d d r e s s B-eplies To — ATT'N! Classified A d Dept-. 634

E. 79th St.

Chicogo 19,




m u h X M m a d

Overflow Audience Minister's



Buffalo Speech

By Brother Clark X Buffalo^—An overflow crowd of enthusiastic visitors and followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad heard an electrifying presentation of the Messenger's teachings by Minister John B. X of Muhammad's Mosque No. 13 in Springfield, Mass.

Allah's last Messenger trying to save an ignorant and belligerent people. He particularly made a point of drawing a clear picture of the times in which we are living and explained, according to the Messen-' ger's example, what must be i done. He Impressed upon the tense audience that unity is the key.

MINISTER JOHN, on a visit to Muhammad's Buffalo Mosque No. 23, told his spellbound audience how Almighty God Allah came in search of the so-called Negro, and resurrected the first Fruit, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Continuing his enlightening dissertation, M i n i s t e r John told of the long hours of endless labor spent by

MINISTER J O H N emphasized the need of the socalled Negro to accept his own and to return to the only true religion—the one authored by God h i m s e l f , Allah. Minister John praised the work carried out at Muhammad's Mosque No. 23 under the leadership of Minister John B. X of Buffalo, N.Y.

'With Muhammads Guide I Win Out Over My Foes' (Continued from Page 25) me. His beloved wife has not East In the old dirty jails changed since the first day I and cry "Allah is the great- met her. They are two wonderful people and so is Mesest." senger Muhammad's whole THAT IS why I thank Al- family. mighty God, A l l a h , Who Allah has blessed me with came In the person of Mas- four boys and It Is a wonderter F a r d Muhammad, to ful thing to see them facing Whom praises are due for- East praying to Almighty ever for raising up In our Allah. They talk so much midst the Most Honorable about the Honorable Elijah Elijah Muhammad, the little Muhammad that it sounds lamb without spot or blem- like a song. My life has been ish—a man I have known for w o n d e r f u l and I feel as many years and practically though I own the e n t i r e grew up with his family. world. I have foimd him to be a MY PRAYERS are to Alrighteous man. I t Is hard for lah for his Messenger, the me to be around him and not call him father. For surely Honorable Elijah Muhamhe has truly been a father to mad, our beloved leader and

*) *) *) *) *> *) 5

naissance art. This square in front ot the Basilica ot Santa C r o c e is tilled with mud and stalled automobiles after river Arno flooded.

African - American history., conducted by a specially trained staff. Because of the many rejections of lies and myths about Africans and b l a c k Americans, the museum has conducted classes for teachers and is presently offering classes to women's and youth organizations, M r s . Burroughs said. Organizations d e s i r i n g such classes were urged to contact the museum.

Offer Negro History Class Chicago's Museum of Ne- gro history will be offered gro History and Art, 3806 S. to clubs, fraternities and soM l c h l g a n Ave., has an-1rorities, women's organizanounced that classes in Ne- i tions and religious groups. teacher. May Allah grant him his heart's desire and bless me to be a helper in his cause as long as I live and my offspring righteous people and that when I die I will die a righteous Muslim.

MRS. MARGARET Burroughs, executive director of the museum, said that the classes were being Initiated because of many organizational requests. The museum offers a 10-week course In

*> *) *) *> *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *)



^ *^ ^




Hear the Life-Giving Teaching? of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad




DETROIT 6, M i C H .

8 PM. SUN, 2 P M

^ 5 3 3 5 5. G R E E N W O O D A V E

C H f C A G O 53, ill

WED, & FPI, i; P M, SUN, 2 P,M,

' *

M I L W A U K E E , WIS. FR 2-5733

WED, & FRi H P M S U N , 2 P M


& _PRT 8 P.M. — S U N . 2 P.M


& FRi 8 P M





Rl 9-7569

a FRI, 8 PM. SUN

M O S Q U E N O . 22

1027 N . L A N G A V E .

2 P M,,

M O S Q U E N O . 23

192 B R O A D W A Y



1 225 B A N K H E A D H W Y .


2 P M



WED. & FRI. 8 P _ M . - S U N . 2 P.M

105-03 N O R T H E R N B L V D . H A 9-8915 C O R O N A , L O N G I S L A N D , N.Y. SUN,, 2 F M - W E D

& FR.


/7s*) *) *) *) *)

8F M




*) *)

12416 SUPERIOR A V E . PO C L E V E L A N D 6, O H I O a FRI. 8 P M



a FRI 8 P M

25 N E W A R K , N.J.

SUN, 2 P M




SUN, 2 PM,



5 6 0 6 S. B r o a d w a y St., Los Angeles 37, Col. WED

2 P M,



1872 P O S T ST. SAN FRANCISCO Fl 6-9966

M O S Q U E N O . 18 WED

SUN, 2 P M

2 5 7 S. O R A N G E ST 622-9021

WED. & FRI. 8 P . M . - S U N . 2 P.M:


1434 N . G R A N D A V E . ST. LOUIS 6, M O . JE 3-2497



8, FRI, 8 P M



2 P.M,

M O S Q U E N O . 30 •3801 E. 27»h ST. K A N S A S CITY, M O . W A 4-8459 W E D . & FRI. 8 P.M.—SUN. 2 P.M.



2 P M,


L ^ J x

M O S Q U E N O . 33 1221 W A S H I N G T O N ST. 883-7025 WED & FRI , 8 P.M.

G A R Y . IND. . yL- .


2 PM




236 N . M O N R O E ST. W I L M I N G T O N . DEL. WED

): P M



MOSQUE NO. 3 5 9 W . B A R T G E S ST. 8L 3-4711 THURS, & SUN


2 1 0 S. C H I C A G O A V E . 726-3409

M O S Q U E N O . 7-B ( L O N G ISLAND)

B U F F A L O 8, N.Y.

& FRI 8 P M




W E D , 8 P,M, — S U N , 2 P,M,


M O S Q U E N O . 15


102 W . 11 6th ST.

40 A L B A N Y A V E . WED, & FRr 8 P M


M O S Q U E N O . 7 (HARLEM)

•D. & FRI 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.

2 PM,



SUN. 2 P.M.

M O S Q U E tQO. 21



WED & FRI 8 P M SUN 2 P.M.,

aFRI, 8P_M


MOSQUE NO. W E D , 8, FR. 8 P M

89 K E A R N E Y A V E . JERSEY CITY, N.J. 435-6845


C A M D E N , N.J.

WED & FPI. 8 P.M.

WED & FRI. 8 P.M. — S U N . 2 P.M.




1400 H A D D O N A V E . 966-283'



3 5 0 7 R E A D I N G RD., 2nd fl. C I N C I N N A T I , C .

514 W I L S O N ST.

.MOSQUE N O . 20


878 P R O S P E C T A V E . ( N E A R 161st ST.) P H O N E 323-9490

1519 F O U R T H ST., N . W . W A S H I N G T O N I, D.C. 111 O A K ST. WED


— W E D . & FRI , 8 P M

M O S Q U E N O . 7-D ( B R O N X )




120 Madison St. (Cor. Bedford Ave.) ST 3-8635


MOSQUE NO. 3 2 4 6 3 N . 3rd ST.

M O S Q U E N O . 7-C (Brooklyn) SUN , 2 P M .


A L L A H ' S W R A T H continues to wrealt unprecedented devastation upon Italy, the seat of Christianity, as 10 rivers rage out of control to inundate cities such as Florence, where heavy damage was done treasures ot Re-


8 P.M.


142'/j D I X W E L L A V E .


Ck . J*

Si/' Si/ Si/ .

VED. 8, FRI, 8 P M, - S U N . 2 P.M,


4 4 - 6 f h ST.



FRI 8 P.M. - S U N . 7 P.M.


*) *) *) *) *) *) *) *) *)*>*) *) *) F) *) *) *) *) *) *)


*) si/





of Allah

iim What Muslims

the Want

This is the question asked most frequently by both the whites and the blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. 1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom. 2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed or class or color. 3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society. 4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to he allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own—either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must he fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years—-until we are able to produce and supply our own needs. Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or t e r r i t o r y of our own. 5. We want freedom for a l l Believers of I s l a m now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South. We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master's children and establish a land of their own. We know that the above plan for the solution of the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people. 6. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and-mob attacks against the socalled Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that black men and women tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the land—or allow us to build a new nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty. 7. As long as we are not allowed to establish a state or territory of our own. we demand not only equal justice under the laws of the United States, but equal employment opportunities—NOW! We do not believe that after 400 years of free or nearly free labor, sweat and blood, which has helped America become rich and powerful, that so many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief, charity or live in poor houses. 8. We want the government of the United States to exempt our people from A L L taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land. 9. We want equal education—but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities. We want all black children educated, taught and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling system we believe we w i l l make a better nation of people. The United States government should provide,

NOVEMBER 18, 1966


I free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness, decency and self respect. 10. We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. We want the religion of I s l a m taught without hinderance or suppression. These are some of the things that we, the Muslims, want for our people in North A m e r i ca.

What Muslims

the Believe

1. W E B E L I E V E in the One God Whose proper Name is Allah. 2. W E B E L I E V E in the Holy Qur-an and in the Scriptii*es of all the Prophets of God. 3. W E B E L I E V E in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it. 4. WE B E L I E V E in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to the people. 5. WE B E L I E V E in the resurrection of dead—not in physical resurrection—but in mental resurrection. We believe that the socalled Negroes are most in need of mental resurrection; therefore, they w i l l be resurrected first. Furthermore, we believe we are the people of God's choice, as it has been written, that God would choose the rejected and the despised. We can find no other persons fitting this description in these last days more than the so-called Negroes in America. We believe in the resurrection of the righteous. 6. WE B E L I E V E in the judgement; we believe this first judgement w i l l take place as God revealed, in America . . . 7. WE B E L I E V E this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negroes and the so-called white Americans. We believe the black man should be freed in name as well as in fact. By this we mean that he should be freed from the names imposed upon him by his former slave masters. Names which identified h i m as being the slave master's slave. We believe that if we are free indeed, we should go in our own people's names —the black peoples of the earth. 8. WE B E L I E V E in justice for a l l . whether in God or not; we believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in equaiity—as a nation—of equals. We do not believe that we are equal with our slave masters in the status of "freed slaves." We recognize and respect American citizens as independent peoples and we respect their laws which govern this nation. 9. W E B E L I E V E that the offer of integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the blaTk peoples into believing that their 400-.vear-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends." Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing that the time in history has arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation. If the white people are truthful about their professed friendship toward the so-called Ne-

Honorable Elijah Muhammad

gro, they can prove i t by dividing up America with their slaves. We do not believe that America w i l l ever be able to furnish enough jobs for her own millions of unemployed, i n addition to jobs for the 20.000.000 black people as well. 10. WE B E L I E V E that we who declared ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate i n wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary t e r r i t o r y wherein we may have something to fight for. 11. W E B E L I E V E our women should be respected and protected as the women of other nationalities are respected and protected. 12. W E B E L I E V E that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. F a r d Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.

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