6-7-1963 Rips 'KKK in Cop Clothes!'

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\ Dedicated to Freedom, ' Justice and Equality for i the so-colled Negro, he Earth Belongs to Allah Vol. 2—No. 19

n Los

June 7, 1963




RIPS KKK COP CLOTHES! Minister Blasts Mayor

"LOS ANGELES — Minister Malcolm X has charged the City of Los Angeles with operating a "Ku Klux Klan police force" which uses gestapo tactics against Negroes after a car in which he and a Muslim Brother were riding was forced to the curb by white cops who menaced them with a pistol and a sawed-off shot gun. They were ordered from their car at gun-point in a poorlylighted section of the city after the men had trailed them from the airport. THE INCIDENT occurred just 45 minutes after Minister Malcolm had arrived here by plane from New York to attend summations of the trial of 14 innocent Muslims who, though victims of he most wanton police brutality, are being tried on charges of assault. FOLLOWING their release by the policemen, Minister Malcolm immediately wired a stinging protest to Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty. The text of his message fol- T W O OF THE WORLD'S t o p a t h l e t e s , Floyd Patterson a n d Jackie lows. Robinson, a s t h e y w e r e interviewed by M u h a m m a d S p e a k s in BirDEAR MR. MAYOR: The "hate campaign" waged m i n g h a m , A l a b a m a , after t h e vicious fire h o s e a n d d o g attacks a g a i n s t by your office against the gen- N e g r o demonstrators. Their candid reactions a r e told in t h e exclueral Negro community and Muslim ViJSious gtoups specifically sive INSIDE BIRMINGHAM feature which b e g i n s on p a g e 1 1 . has made Los Angeles a city yum itiliiniimimi mitwMMWHWWW I WWHIHMWI liitimutuMiitHiMir mm MiM il llllilUIIIIIIIIUIiiltllilil'IMIIil 'rititiritiimtlfltnnnDmniliniMlltlllinil^ wherein white Klansmen disguised as police officers feel free to trample upon the human rights I H o w Many Negroes "Legally Lynched?" \ of any Negro in this city. YOUR OWN open contempt for (See Page 5) •imiMimimimmiimimmimimiMUMiiHimi mtHimimimi (Continued on page 3)

Mr. M u h a m m a d

T h e O f

Right Self

Defense By Elijah M u h a m m a d THE SO-CALLED Negroes in Birmingham, Alabama, would be justified by the law of justice if they had killed every dog siced upon them by the hired, tax-paid policemen, for the taxpayers did not hire dogs to police their lives and property. And if the policemen had fired upon those who defended themselves against t h e bites of savage dogs that the Police Department trained expressly for the purpose of attacking so-called Negroes, they would have been justified by God and the divine law of self-defense to fight (Continued on page 9)

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