Unite! Produce Own Needs! By
Messenger Muhammad
Do you say that we cannot unite and produce our own necessities? We are 20,000,000 or more people depending on the white American citizens to produce food, clothes, shelter, transportation, employment and our educational trainings.
Dedicated to Freedom, Juttice and Equality for the so-called Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah
And if they (white Americans) do not share equally with us, we charge them with discriminating; some of us will go to the extreme of disregarding ourselves in trying to force the white American citizens to give equal respect. The love of self and self respect along with the will to do something for self, if given a chance, will get you the respect
of all civilized nations. It is a shame and disgrace to intelligence of any people to lay at the feet and doorsteps of an| other nation, asking, praying to ! be cared for. Love and unity of self and kinJ is the key to our salvation. If you say we C A N N O T unite, Y O U A R E WRONG. We csn unite! Before your very eyes you see *hc Believers in
Allah (God) and His religion, Islam, uniting, and this Divine power from Allah working among us, uniting us into a nation of brotherly love, disapproves the lie of that "old saying" that the Negroes cannot unite. I agree with y o u w h o are in the Christian churches, lovers and followers of white (Continued On Page &>
ttluhammad £p eak$
V O L . 2 NO. 1
10c — O U T S I D E C H I C A G O 15c
C H I C A G O , I L L I N O I S — S E P T E M B E R 30. 1962
f r i e n d s , M i n i s t e r M a l c o l m X and Charles Stone i n H a r l e m a f t e r last U . N . session.
NKRUM KILLED? P a k i s t a n i
- - :
" U . S .M u s l i m s
See Page 11
S t a n d
it A l o n e ! See Page 3