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Dedicated To Freedom, Justice and Equality for the so-called Negro (African-American). The Earth Belongs to Allah.

Blacks Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Idea Drawn By E. Majied

Vol. 9, No. 6

July-August, 2011 Online Edition

Donation $ 2.00

Forced to Kill their own


To Get Government help

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011Online Edition

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Federal Government tells State: Fund abortion or low income medical gets cut Indiana became the first state to cut off all government funds to Planned Parenthood to try to weaken organizations that offer abortions. As a result, Indiana could lose $3.4 million in Medicaid funding if they stick with their anti-abortion agenda. While the use of federal funds for abortion has been banned since the 1970s, Planned Parenthood, America’s largest single provider of abortions, is also the largest recipient of federal funding under Title X. Title X is the federal grant program set up to provide Birth Control, especially for “low income” families. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website: “By law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning. Indiana legislature had passed it's ban on Planned Parenthood this past spring, shortly afterwards the federal government demanded that Indiana drop its ban on Planned Parenthood. The Department of Health and Human Services said that a state cannot pick which federal-state agency provides healthcare to people. The warning letter cited a federal statute that says all Mediciad funding can be withheld from a state if it breaks federal law.

Reparations for Sterilizations NORTH CAROLINA--The

eugenics movement, which gained popularity in the early part of the 20th century, called for sterilizing Black and/ or mentally retarded people America, who were deemed socially or intellectually unfit by whites. The program in North Carolina continued through 1974, far later than other states, and North Carolina now estimates that 7,600, mostly Black people (men and women), were sterilized by its eugenics board. Some women were told they were having a different procedure, such as an appendectomy. Boys and men were often sterilized while at schools or on the recommendation of social workers. Eugenics board records show that in that era, no one from a school for the mentally retarded "should be released before being sterilized, except in the few instances where normal children had been committed by error." The state of North Carolina is now saying it will give each victim $20,000 apiece to compensate them for damages. State statisticians say nearly 3,000 of those sterilized may still be alive, with many people aged 70 or older.

Planned Parenthood’s Attack on Black People Backfires In 2009, fifty-five per cent (55%) of abortions in America were performed on Black and Hispanic women. And that is exactly what “KKKlanned Parenthood” was designed to do: Kill Black Babies, sterilize Black men and women, and Control the Birth of Black babies. The problem is that the “Plan” has backfired, and a growing number of white women are using abortion and “Birth Control”. According to the Guttmacher Institute: White women obtain 60% of all abortions Thirty-seven percent of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% as Catholic. Women who have never married account for 45% of all abortions. Other studies reveal that more American white women use Birth control pills and other Birth Control methods than all other nationalities in the United States. Also, that the more “educated” a woman is the more likely she is to use Birth Control methods to avoid “unwanted” pregnancies. The Nation of Islam asks: Unwanted by Whom? and What kind of education would make a woman not want to birth children?

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The World Bank: A Global Slavemaster WASHINGTON D.C.--An

investigation by Brian Woods and Kate Blewett (British News Reporters) revealed that slavery still exists all over the world and the World Bank, located right here in Washington DC. is behind it. Men, women and children are locked away, forced to work against their will for no money, and are controlled by violence; in Africa, Asia, South America, and in the Capitals of Britain and the United States of America. Slavery still exists! Thousands of Black people, in the Ivory Coast of Africa, have become real slaves because of cocoa (the plant used to make chocolate). The Ivory Coast produces nearly half of the world’s supply of the 100 million tons of cocoa grown on thousands of small plantations. There were rumors that young men were being kidnapped from Mali (a small country in West Africa) to work on these plantations as slaves.

Nobody had documented this before, yet the slaves were disturbingly easy to find. There is nothing to stop these young men from leaving the plantation, except that they have been taken 300 miles away from home. They have no money and no idea where they are. They have nothing. They are unable to leave and are totally controlled by the farmer. These men are not simply exploited. They are modern-day slaves! Cocoa is grown in dozens of countries around the world. But the Ivory Coast is the biggest producer. Last year, the UK directly imported nearly 50 million pounds of cocoa from the Ivory Coast, to satisfy consumer appetites for chocolate. The average person in Britain eats an average of 200 chocolate bars each year. When asked by one of the investigators, “What you say to the mil-

Black Farmers may have to share settlement with others Early last year President Obama announced a $1.25 billion settlement to resolve a lawsuit, filed by Black Farmers, in 1997 against the United States Agriculture Department, known as the Pigford case. Black farmers said that for decades the Agriculture Department discriminated against them in loan programs. Many of these farmers lost their property after local administrators slowpedaled loan applications, leaving them unable to plant key crops. Congressswoman Barbara Lee, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said "Over the past 20 years, the number of farms operated by black farmers has declined by nearly 50 percent," Lee said. "In part, this decrease was caused by a lack of access to loans and other assistance which were provided to other farmers." The government paid $1 billion to settle a related case with 16,000 black farmers in 1999, but so-called “notification and communication errors” led to some farmers being omitted from that settlement. In this settlement Black farmers could file claims for $50,000 or more.

John W. Boyd Jr., president of the National Black Farmers Association, which has been lobbying for an agreement, said: “...$50,000 will not put a farmer who has lost his farm back on his land, but it will help them have some comfort in their final years." The agreement announced by President Obama would provide cash payments and debt relief to farmers who applied too late to participate in the earlier settlement. The payout to each farmer would depend on how many people make claims. Authorities say they are not certain how many farmers might apply this time, but analysts following the dispute say the number could be higher than 70,000, because, now Hispanic farmers, women and Native American farmers are expected to lobby Congress to be included in the Pigford settlement. While many of the Black farmers have died, families of these farmers should see if your deceased relative's estate is entitled to part of the settlement.

lions of people who eat chocolate?” an ex-slave (one of the 19 men), who had rescued and set free by the government there, after 5 years and 6 months of slavery, said, “If I had to say something to them, it would not be nice words. They enjoy something I suffered to make; I worked hard for them, but saw no benefit. They are eating my flesh”. Investigators visited the farmer, a Black man, who they referred to as “the slavemaster” but who was really merely the “overseer” of the enslaved men. Three days walk from the nearest police station, the overseer welcomed them to his 500 acre plantation. He talked about how he and other farmers get their slaves. “Generally, someone goes to Mali for them, and sells them to farmers in the Korhogo.” Up until a year before the investigation, the price the farmers got for their crop was guaranteed. But the World Bank claimed the farmers were being cheated and arranged for the poor farmers to deal directly with the cocoa buyers. So the World Bank let the government scrap the price-guarantee system, for the Ivory Coast to qualify for partial debt relief. Since then, farmers get less than ever before for their crop, which according to But as Professor Kevin Bales, an expert on Modern Day Slavery, “puts the pressure on the farmers to use slavery”

Muhammad Speaks Is Published By THE NATION OF ISLAM Muhammad Temple of Islam 12609-12619 E. McNichols Detroit, MI 48205 Muhammad Speaks Newspaper PO BOX 44261 Detroit, MI 48244

Telephone: (313) 371-7033 Vol 9, No. 6 - July/August, 2011 Minister Levi Karim, Publisher Sister Zakiyah Karim, Editor

Email: publisher@muhammadspeaks.com editor@muhammadspeaks.com Visit us on the Internet: www.muhammadspeaks.com

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011 Online Edition

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We Must Be Told The Truth In These Last Days By Minister Shaheed A. Shabazz HARLEM, New York--In

the name of Allah, who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, and in the name of His Last and Greatest Messenger the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, I greet you with the Greatest greeting on the Earth, As-Salaam Alaikum. We the Original People, have been blessed beyond our greatest dreams here in this Wilderness of North America. Our Forefathers prayed from the time they were Stolen from our Homeland that the Almighty would hear their prayers! But the Slavemaster forbid them from speaking in their original language, and holding religious gatherings. Some had their tongues cut out as punishment for this. They were forbidden to teach the Children anything about who they were before being put into the Horrors of Slavery!

We today have been taught the Forbidden, Secret Knowledge of Almighty God Allah, in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all the Praises is Due Forever. Knowledge of ourselves, the Asiatic Blackman, Owner, Maker, Cream of the planet Earth, God of the Universe. And the Knowledge of the Devil, the Whiteman, the One who put us in the condition we’re in today- The Skunk of the planet Earth, who has Deceived all the Nations of the Earth. We receive this Knowledge through the Life-giving Teachings of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, God’s Last and Greatest Messenger. All praises is Due to Allah for him ! Jesus said, “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you Free .” But he didn’t tell us what that Truth was about. He said, “And when he, the Spirit of Truth has come, he will Guide you into all Truths,”

Jesus was referring to a man, who would have the Spirit of God in him, and the Knowledge of God in him ! He called him the ‘Comforter’. His message that came from God would be the Truth that would set us Free! We never heard this Truth, until Messenger Elijah Muhammad was raised up to teach us. We had been made Deaf, Dumb and Blind to this Knowledge. The Messenger says we were Dead, and we didn’t know it ! We are the only people on the planet who don’t know who we are! We emphatically can not expect the Devil to teach us of ourself, and his self ! We can not depend on these socalled Leaders and Politicians today, because they are being controlled by the Devil. They are Puppets, they can’t make a move without Master pulling the strings! He tells them What, When and How to act.

The Slavemaster does not want his Slave to leave him and his Black leaders Preachers, and Politicans don’t want us to leave either. For helping to keep us under the Master’s wing, they get Crumbs from the Master’s table! But God always comes to the aid of His Chosen People, and takes them out of Bondage, and sets them in a Land of their own. Then He destroys the Nation that held them ! In Genesis 15: 13-14, God promised Abraham He would come for us after our 400 years of Bondage and set us Free, on our own. And judge that Nation Himself ! God had to come and raise up One and give him the Wisdom of the Book (Bible). We don’t understand what’s in it; especially after King James had it translated from the ‘Original Tongues’! That’s why it says, “He whom

Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings Raises the Mentally Dead (Blind, Deaf, & Dumb) Blackman

Brother Minister Shaheed Abdul Shabazz hath Wisdom, let him Understand”. If we had Wisdom, we would have known Ourselves, we would have known our God, and our Enemy, the Devil ! Islam is the True way of Life for the Blackman. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad says there isn’t the smallest bit of hope for the Salvation of the Blackman in Christianity! He must accept the Truth that he is a Muslim at Birth and Islam is our True way of Life ! In the book of Deut, 18:18 God told Moses of the condition that the world would be, in the Last Days. That there would be a people in Bondage Worst than the people in Ancient Eygpt. He tells Moses, “I will raise them up a prophet from among their Brethren, like unto thee, and will put My Words in his mouth ; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him”. When God sends a Messenger to a people, He always raises one up from among that people. He doesn’t send one from another people, because that Message must be delivered Plain and Clear, with Proofs so that the people will have no Excuse when Judgement comes from God ! You can only be Resurrected from a Mental and Spiritual Death. When you have lost the Knowledge of Self, your Name, Nation, Religion, and your God! But some of our people are so proud and so deep in the Grave (of ignorance), that they think it’s inconceivable, and refuse to believe, that God would Love us so much, that He would send us our very own Messenger. A Black man from among our own people who experienced the same suffering as we did. A Leader, Teacher and Guide from God, Himself, raised up from among us to put us back on top of Civilization.

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The Fruit of Islam: Soldiers in the Nation of Peace ‘The Fruit By

Minister Levi Karim In the Name of Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. I forever thank Him for raising up His Messenger, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him). As-Salaam-Alaikum The Messenger of Allah taught his followers that the meaning of F.O.I is The Fruit Of Islam, the name given to the military Training of the men that belong to Islam in North America. The meaning of Military, according to Webster, means Members of Armed Forces. We serve as soldiers for our Nation of Islam. Islam means peace! Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught us that The Brotherhood is the Back bone of our Nation. We, as soldiers for Muhammad, are in The Army of The Lord. This Army is different from the devil’s army. The white man (the devil) arm themselves with destructive weapons, firearms, guns and bombs. Messenger Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him.) taught us, his followers, not to arm ourselves with these things. He said to us to put our trust and faith in, and to rely on, Allah the true and Living God, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad because. He has the power over all things and is well able to protect us. In this, the Army of the Lord, we are fighting a war, called Armageddon, which means Truth against falsehood as The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us. We Arm ourselves with the Truth taught to us by Messenger Elijah Muhammad that he received from Almighty God (Allah) in The Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praises is due. One of our best weapons of truth is the Muhammad Speaks Newspaper. We used to call this paper bullets.

We get on the battlefield (city streets) armed with our “bullets” and blow the brains out of any and all falsehood, whether it comes from the devil (white man) himself, or disbelievers and hypocrites. The Messenger said to us, his followers, “strive hard against the disbelievers and Hypocrites, and get this truth over to our people, The Black Man and Woman of America.” When we accepted Islam, and enlisted in the F.O.I. (Brotherhood Army of the Lord), we learned the General Order, “To quit my post only when properly relieved”. The only way to be properly relieved from your post as a Muslim follower of Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings and Programs is physical death. When we die, well, it is all over. But as long as we are physically alive we must soldier with all that Allah blesses us with. Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught us that the Muhammad Speaks is The Nation of Islam’s Number One Program. But some have left the ranks; walked away, or went AWOL (Absence Without Leave) leaving or remaining absent from ones place of duty, with intent to not return. Some have stop soldiering, stop praying, and have become lazy. There is no such thing as retiring from this work. When we accepted Islam, we enlisted in the (Brotherhood Army of the Lord). We said that we believe that The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was The Messenger of Allah. We said we believe Allah, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, is The true and Living God! The Lord of all The Worlds! We enlist in the Army of the Lord (The Brotherhood of Islam) because we want to be a SOLDIER (F.O.I.) for Muhammad in our Nation of peace! We are not forced to do this job. We don’t have to be forced. We take this paper out to

our mentally dead Brothers and Sisters to let them know that they had a Messenger from God raised up from among them and they are a better person than they have been led to believe they are. There is a good reason we are called The Fruit! The Fruit is the best that the tree has to offer! The Fruit contains the seeds necessary to produce more Fruit! That is us Brother! We have it! Now all we have to do is PLANT THOSE SEEDS! Not just with the Muhammad Speaks Newspaper but with our very lives. We have to LIVE A RIGHTEOUS LIFE so the people will see us and have hope! Everyone knows oranges grow from orange seeds and apples from apple seeds. So why do we think good things can grow from evil seeds? The devil (white man) drops his seeds day and night on our poor blind, deaf and dumb people. He is on his job 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Many of our people who are in most need of the truth don’t have computers, and don’t come to the Temple, so we have to, as Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught, “go to their settlement”. How will our people ever hear the truth of what Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught if we don’t take the truth to them. Soldiers get active! Pick UP YOUR PAPERS! Get an arm-full, Brother Ministers, that's what The Messenger said! We are the best salesmen! We have to take the lead. We have to get out and soldier with The SOLDIERS! Get out from behind that ROSTRUM. Go after the DEAD! That's what it's all about! Nothing else! The dead! As SOLDIERS (in the Army of The Lord Brotherhood of Islam) We Must stay active. Be energetic, lively, and be willing to give support and cooperation to our Nation and keep the promise we made to Allah and His Last and Greatest Messenger, The Most Honorable

is the best the tree has to offer!’ Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Messenger constantly reminded us that The Muhammad Speaks is our Nation’s Number One Program! The Messenger said, “It is not that the people don't want the Paper. The people want the Paper, but it's us. Won't get around there in our backyard and over our fence and in front of our door and let the man have it.” He said, “You need people to sell this paper that is very courteous. You don't go to the people acting independent. No seller is independent. He's dependent. That's why he's trying to sell his merchandise. The buyer is the one that is independent. Let him always be right. You're wrong because you want to sell your goods. Yes Sir, Go to him as nice as possible. With soft language. And with a good smile... .. Don't look like you've been eating sour pickles...With a good smile! Our people likes kindness, because they have been ruled by the roughest enemy on the Earth, who never was kind to them. Now, if we will reverse this and try and be kind to each other, we can build our unity overnight. But we must remember that we gets no where going around looking sour and talking big and independent...” “Messenger Elijah Muhammad gave us an example of just how to do. He said, “Say: "It's a very interesting Paper, my friend, if you would once read it, you would like to read it again." He said, if the reply is "Well, I don't want to even see it!", We should


just “say ‘Thank you, sir.’ ‘Thank you, madam.’ And keep going. Don't stand there to argue. If they say, ‘I don't like them old Muslims. I don't want to hear nothing they have to say.’ Keep going. Like the Holy Qur'an says, If you find the foolish, you know, breaking up into foolishness and the common word would be that but don't you break up with him. You just keep going. Say: ‘As-SalaamAlaikum’ and keep going...” Messenger Elijah Muhammad told his Captains and Ministers, “This is the thing that I would like to remind you of, that we want to put this in every one of our people's hands that will accept it, within the next six months because after this election, we are afraid...I'm telling you frankly...I'm afraid whatever beast gets up there, he might cut us off. They don't like this paper, now, because it's waking up our people. And this thing they can put a stop to it overnight. If they say it's not in the, you know, line of their government or it's opposed to their ways of government, "Stop". He will stop it. And then our people, then is suffering, then for the Truth. He might try and find some way to stop us. So Let's do the best we can while it's yet, late. Do the best we can to get it over.” Finally, the Messenger said, “If we plant plenty seeds before spring gets here, they're bound to sprout. Yes sir, when that warm Continued page 11

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Words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad - How To Eat To Live Book 2, Page 75

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We must adhere to the guidance By Brother Mutakabbir Ali NEW JERSEY--All praises is due to

Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, for saving us, the so-called Negroes, from the wicked ways of the devil. Certainly, had it not been for the Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad teaching what Allah taught him concerning the knowledge of God, the knowledge of self, and the knowledge of the devils, I swear I wouldn't be alive today. The Lifegiving teachings are what I'm talking about. The whole world is aware of the works of Allah's Messenger in some shape, form or fashion. Although, many don't accept or agree with the Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad; the mere fact they heard the teachings or was touched by the teachings or witnessed the manifestation of the teachings in some way is sufficient. Allah's Messenger did his job, and did it well. The Nation of Islam is neither an organization nor a cult. The Nation of Islam is not over- seen by some self appointed leader or leaders for that matter. The Nation of Islam is created by and from Almighty God Allah. No one can rebuild or lead the Nation of Islam because no, not one of us can lead, or guide Allah, who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. Those who make the mistake of starting their own movement that differs from the guidance of the Messenger; taking what the Messenger taught to divide Allah's servants will be dealt with accordingly. The Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad wrote in his book, Our Saviour has Arrived, the chapter entitled, The Threatened Day: "Stop splitting up the Black people throughout America and setting up opposition to the work which Allah (God) has appointed for me to do which is the salvation of the Black People and your salvation." Understand and accept that the Nation of Islam belongs to Allah, and that the citizens of the Nation of Islam are the servants of Allah and His Messenger. Recently I had the pleasure of reading Messenger Muhammad's, meets the press article (it can be found on Muhammadspeaks.com)

printed in the Muhammad Speaks Newspaper around January 28, 1972. This article is from the Messenger inviting 14 local and national journalists to interview him with no restrictions. During that interview, one journalist asked: "Have you designated a successor for yourself?" The Messenger answered: "I do not do that. I cannot do that. I did not choose myself. God chose me, and if He wants a successor, He will choose that one." Now before someone jumps up and say that Allah chose him/her, let's continue to read what the Messenger said. The next question after that was: "By what means would someone come up?" The Messenger answered: "I do not know that, because I do not believe there is one coming up. The work that I am doing, I don't think that God needs one, because when man and God have come face to face, as the old saying goes, then that is the end of it. When we are face to face with God, that is the end of it, so what would another one do? There is nothing for him to do." This is beautiful! The Messenger has guided us on the right path although it may not appear that way. But you must keep in mind that the process never looks like the product. The Messenger throughout his time told the world of believers how the Nation of Islam would exist; he also pointed out to the journalist when asked: "After you are gone, Mr. Muhammad the Nation of Islam will continue to exist, but how? Our beloved Messenger answered: "It will be a New Islam to what the old orthodox Islam is, today. It will be all together a new one." I must bear witness, what's referred to as orthodox Islam has served its usefulness. Deviation has appeared in what is called orthodox Islam. Some of them are straddling a fence (they want to serve other gods). Therefore, no one will see them as the civilized man that the Messenger directed the Blackman of America to become. Continuing with the Messenger's press meeting; one of the journalists tried asking again:

‘A Nation living by Divine guidance will form a Divine government, which will benefit all of its citizens. This is how the New World is achieved. This is how the transformation will be done’ - Words of Brother Mutakabbir Ali "You mean your successor will preside over a new Islam?" This is where the Messenger makes it clear without any doubt. Our beloved Messenger replied: "THERE WILL BE NO SUCCESSOR. THERE IS NO NEED FOR A SUCCESSOR, WHEN A MAN HAS GOT THE DIVINE TRUTH AND HAS BROUGHT YOU FACE TO FACE WITH GOD." Now that's making it plain, all praises are due to Allah for the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. The journalist did not realize by asking those questions they were being used to help explain how the Nation of Islam was to exist. Still not satisfied with the answers of the Messenger, one asked: "How will your resources be administered? Boy, it seems like they were more concerned about the Messenger leaving, than they were about the Messenger's teachings. Our beloved Messenger not missing one beat stated: "THAT WILL BE CARRIED ON BY THE NATION. AFTER SETTING UP THE NATION ON THE RIGHT WAY, OR RIGHT PATH TO TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES, THEY DO NOT NEED ANY MORE INSTRUCTIONS ON THAT. THEY WILL FOLLOW IT AS THE CONSTITUTION OF AMERICA HAS BEEN FOLLOWED." All praise is due to Allah! The Nation of Islam has a Constitution that must be adhered to by the citizens within the nation. Our adherence to the restrictive laws will bring not only success but our unity too. Had this guidance been adhere to on February 26, 1975; many souls would not have been aimlessly wandering in the wilderness for the past 36 years. Nevertheless, the scriptures, specifically the Bible, states that the

tail of the dragon knocked a third of the stars down (I'm paraphrasing for those who know). But my point is; in order to stay on the right path, adherence to the restrictive laws is a must. We can only unite under our national flag. Therefore, we can only receive the benefits of Freedom, Justice and Equality in the Nation of Islam by obeying Allah and His Messenger. It is the Blackman and woman that are to be the living example of righteousness. Allah states in the Holy Quran chapter 3 verses 110: "You are the best nation raised up for men; you enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah. And if the people of the book (Bible) had believed, it would have been better for them. Some of them are believers but most of them are transgressors." It's a known fact that black people are trend setters, and always have been, especially since our existence in America. Wait a minute! No matter what was offered from the slave masters; we somehow formed a style out of it. It's been said, and if you're truthful... You've heard: "Those folks can make nasty a style. Or those folks can make ugly look good." My point is that in the nature of the Blackman and woman there is creative genius, but if it's not used right it won't produce right, therefore the opposite is given. When we stand on the foundation of Allah, by following His guidance and forbid what is wrong, and do what is right, the results will transform our circumstances by the renewal of the mind. Our beloved Messenger, the Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad taught, by following the restrictive laws of Islam, it will outline within itself a nation under Divine guidance.

Brother Mutakabbir Ali A Nation living by Divine guidance will form a Divine government, which will benefit all of its citizens. This is how the New World is achieved. This is how the transformation will be done on earth as it is in heaven (state of mind). All of the prophets and messengers taught not to part-taker of the sins of the wicked. They instructed, to resist the devil's evil suggestions. They all taught, to serve one Continued on page 19

Separation is a Must By Messenger Elijah Muhammad Excerpt transcribed from an audio recording It is separation that we want. I’m telling you why. We are a Nation within a Nation. And we can no more depend on this Nation to continue to make jobs for us or to give us shelter or to give us food and plenty money to spend anymore than that child whose mother has been carry it for 9 months. That child just can’t remain there. Right? Because it’s growing to be something like it’s mother. It must have a chance to get out here in the open to go for itself, right? So it is with you. You have been here for 400 years and the white man has nursed you up for slave purposes and now your time of separation and removal has come and the execution of his unjust rule has come and war is growing every where. It is now getting to your doors. Guns are now being set around the shores of North America. The worst kinds of weapons are being placed in position to attack her ...

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Words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad

“ They are NOT responsible for The message. I AM THE ONLY ONE God will hold responsible for you not getting the Truth.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Words-Reprinted From Our Saviour Has Arrived, Acknowledgment

‘They were once dead... They did not bring about the rebelling against the Messenger until Allah and His Messenger had brought them in or taught them rather a lot of wisdom of truth. Then they raised up to take that place that they had not been chosen for by almighty God Allah. Going around lying. Telling the people that they are something that God has chosen, themselves. And that they are to take the place of the Messenger.’ Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Words Transcribed From The “Warning To The Hypocrites” Audio Tape

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Israeli-Palestinian borders: The Illegitimate State of Israel By Bro. Khalil Shabazz On May 20, 2011 at a meeting in the Oval Office, President Obama and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the Israeli-Palestinian borders and the bases for peace talks between the two feuding countries. To understand the present day conflicts between the Israelis and the Palestinians, we must first have knowledge of the White man’s creation of “The Middle East.” The masses of the people are deceived and lead to believe that the Jewish people are an ancient representation of “God’s Chosen People” and the state of Israel is the homeland that God supposedly promised to the Jews in the Bible. The Palestinian people, since the formation of Israel in 1948 to this day, have never recognized the Jewish state of Israel as a legitimate state and with good reason. What we now call the Middle East, which includes the modern state of Israel, is the creation of Great Britain and France after their victory over the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Iraq, Kuwait and many other countries that now make up the “Middle East” did not exist on any map before its creation by the British after WWI. (Time magazine “The Middle East” Special Edition) It is also important to understand that when the Christians and the Jews set these boundaries, they had no respect for and did not consider the cultures and religions of the people who occupied these territories when the White Infidels divided up the land. One example of the division down cultural and religious lines in the formation of the Middle East would be India and Pakistan which was one country and one people before the land was divided up by the British Empire. Fearing the Muslims of India who ruled for 300 years under the “Mughal Empire” prior to British control the British used “divide and conquer” techniques to control the Muslim and Hindu population putting one against the other.

Even to this day Pakistan and India are divided and don’t get along. In the case of the “Jewish state of Israel” their occupation has nothing at all to do with God and any land that was promised to them. Before the Jewish people chose Israel to be their “Homeland” they considered many occupied territories to be “temporary refuge” for Jews in “immediate danger” in hostile countries. They considered Uganda for a “temporary refuge” in what is called “The Uganda Proposal” of 1940; they also considered Guyana and Madagascar which all belonged to the Colonial powers of Britain. The Jews even tried to make Kenya a “Jewish Colony” while Kenya was under the Colonial control of Britain in the early 1900’s. Joseph Chamberlain, “The Secretary of State for Colonies” encouraged the Jews to “apply for land in East Africa”(“Mau Mau and Kenya” by Wunyabari O. Maloba p25) but Sir Charles Elliot declared that Kenya would be developed as “a white man’s country” and “they argued that Christian’s not Jews would be better suited at bringing the benefits of Western Civilization to the Africans” so Sir Charles refused to allow the Jews to make Kenya a Jewish colony. This did not alter the Jews ultimate goal for a “Homeland” to make themselves and their “Jewishness” legitimate. According to Time magazine “The Middle East”, Theodor Herzl who is known as the “father of Zionism” believed “Jews must organize and immigrate to a homeland where ‘the offensive cry of “Jew” may become an honorable appellation like German, Englishman, Frenchman.” The Jewish people struck pay dirt after the Holocaust because this single event gave them the opportunity to play victim and not be viewed by the world as a rich thieving slave making Devil who is no different from his White Devil Christian Brother. Now the Jews could claim to be the people who have suffered the most which makes it easy for them to claim to be the “chosen people” of the Bible.

Hitler and Nazi Germany are the first to classify the Jews as a race of people because of their hatred of the Jews. This also helps the Jews in their efforts to separate themselves from their White Christian Brothers in the attempt to make themselves a divine people. The Jewish people in reality are not a separate race of people like they try to lead people to believe. The Jews are in conflict with not only the Arabs but with ALL the Original people of the planet earth. Because they, like their White Christian Devil Brothers, are nothing but a race of Devils who are only on our planet to steal, kill and destroy. The Jews have found out one thing in their establishment of their illegitimate state of Israel, “conquest is easier than control.” The United States and Israel are only out to rule the Original people of the Planet Earth. The White race is incapable of having a “Peace talk” with ANY Original people. It is against the very Nature of the Caucasian race.

Former Detroit Mayor names Jews as source of injustice While admitting wrong-doing, former mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, a Black man, explains in his new book that the Jewish community was responsible for the extraharsh punishment he received for his infractions. Kilpatrick noted that the Jewish Vocational Services, became angered when his administration cut the $25 million the JVS was receiving from the city in workforce funds, Also, according to Kilpatrick, the February 2007 Saviors’ Day, event at Ford Field with Louis Farrakhan Continued on page 26

Vol. 9, No. 6

Plain Talk: PN Disease By Min. Jamal M. Shabazz Since our ancestors first came to the wilderness of North America as chattel slaves in 1555, their descendants have been plagued with a life-threatening mental disease. This mental disorder has been called by many different names over the hundreds of years since the lost tribe of Shabazz was forced in chains to the shores of North America. This malady has been present in every facet of Black life. It is present in the work place, social functions, religious and family endeavors. Many of our people want to run away and pretend that our unique problem either doesn’t exist or is not life-threatening. But, Joe Louis made it concise when he said, “he can run but he can’t hide’. Regardless of who you and I think we are, we all have at sometimes displayed signs and degrees of malfunction. Gossip is basically a manufactured lie, masquerading as a truth. The Messenger taught extensively against this act as being one of the major set-backs that follow us throughout society. We are no longer restricted to lying and character assignation in small groups. We can now, because of modern technology, spread our venom on the internet, twitter, and various media outlets. On this specific subject the Messenger taught us the following: “Stop needless criticisms of your brother. We must remember that jealously destroys from within. The law of Islam says that if one brother has a bowl of soup, the other brother has half of that bowl; his success is your success. Seek not to find fault in your brother. This does not mean to make unnecessary excuses for wrong doing. If you should see a brother in error, then correct him in the strictest privacy. There should be at least two witnesses in order to bring a charge against a brother. A true Muslim should act justly not only to other Muslims, but also non-Muslims and even those who are enemies of Islam”. On the street, this behavior has been aptly called the petty Negro disease. The most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that this condition is also known as being deaf, dumb, and blind or savage. Regardless of our economic, edu-

Minister Jamal Shabazz PEMBROKE T0WNSHIP, Illinois

cation or social status many of our people are savage. The Messenger taught us that savage means a person that has lost the knowledge of himself and who is living a beast life. Those who display this illness are called the 85%. Our lessons tells us who the 85% is: “The uncivilized people, poison animal eaters, slave from mental death and power. People who do not know the living God, or their origin in this world and they worship that they know not what. Who are easily led in the wrong direction but hard to lead into the right direction”. The word uncivilized was mentioned. So, what does our lessons tell us about the meaning of civilization? “One having knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture, refinement and is not savage. Pursuit of happiness”. The opposite of an uncivilized person is one who is civilized. So, what is the duty of a civilized person? “To teach the uncivilized people who are savage, civilization, righteousness, the knowledge of himself, the science of everything in life, love, peace, and happiness’. So taught the Messenger. The road to civilization and Brotherhood for the Black family of North America lies in a righteous cure. That cure and way of life has been proven to work since July 4th 1930. An eighty-one year time span, a time when no one else was truly trying to help the descendants of former North American slavery. This life-giving way of life known as the Nation of Islam and its teachings, as it was taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, is our salvation. It is the cure to all of our problems, wants and needs. As-Salaam-Alaikum!

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011 Online Edition

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Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (peace be upon him), the last and greatest Messenger of Allah, who came in the Person of Master W.D. Fard Muhammad, to whom All praise is due forever have both truly blessed us, the blind, deaf and dumb so-called Negroes in America. Without the Messenger's divine teachings there is no telling how long we would have remained in the muck and the mire of this savage society. Even with the knowledge it is extremely difficult to stay on the right path and love self and kind. We can look around us and see that the mentally dead seem to be in unity and agreement with their ideas, regardless to how ignorant or self-destructive their ideas are. They are in agreement and all pretty much do the same things. On the other hand, the Muslims,

(of which there are now several sects), do not agree or get along. The Holy Quran says "O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you; then if you quarrel about anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is best and more suitable to (achieve) the end." All the people who have ever lived on the earth and who got destroyed, ultimately met their final demise because of disobedience. Otherwise known as lip service. Talking a good game and wearing a neat costume, but not practicing what they preach. Every time a Muslim who claims to be a follower of Messenger Muhammad displays uncivilized behavior, envy and jealousy or propagates petty disagreements, we do the Messenger a disservice and disrespect Him and all he stood for.

‘Everytime a Muslim who claims to be a follower of Messenger Muhammad displays uncivilized behavior, envy and jealousy or propagates petty disagreements, we do the Messenger a disservice and disrespect Him and all he stood for.’ Throughout the history, other spokespeople have stolen ideas from the Messenger, rearranged or restated his words and claimed it for themselves. Currently Cathy Hughes, Owner of Radio One, a popular radio and television media mogul; has decided to announce that she and her reality radio series have started a new program wherein she is advising her listeners to pray five times a day. The commercial of this prayer suggestion ends with someone in the background singing "Jesus, I Love You!." This is the latest attempt to steal

another idea (praying 5 times a day), introduced by the Hon. Elijah Muhammad that is now stolen by disbelievers who have molded his teachings to suit their Christian idea. We have other radio talk show hosts or pastors using the Messenger's economic blueprint and changing it for their programs. Of course we don't get along with these people, but then again, we don't get along with each other either. All of our conditions remain the same. We contribute the least and demand the most. We are not pre-

July 4th: A Beautiful Tribute to Our Saviour! By Warsaw W. Shabazz Allah RICHMOND, Virginia--Peace & As-Salaam Alaikum. I am most pleased to see several Believers posting online to recognize and celebrate OUR Independence Day. I had to contribute to the posts and dialogue I am reading from Wise Brother and Sister Believers...What a beautiful and necessary tribute to Our Saviour on this Glorious day of July 4, 1930-July 4, 2011! The same day which the Planet Pluto was discovered...The Planet Pluto which the Devils (white scientists) now say is no longer worthy to be called a Planet. In the The Flag of Islam (book), the Messenger said that Pluto is a sign of/for the Black Nation, the so-called American Negro. At first, I was angered by the Devil, for once again deceiving the masses and using their High Tech Masonry to undermine and deny Blacks their place in the Universe. However, I began to wonder if the waning of Planet Pluto is indeed significant and indicative to the current position, state, and future of the Black Nation in North America.

We are no longer a distinct people after willingly mixing with other races, cultures, nationalities, ideologies, styles, and trends. We have willingly integrated ourselves into everything and everybody outside of our Righteous and Original Bloodline and Birthright. We are 456 years up from bondage slavery, fast approaching 600 years which is the amount of time it took Yakub to graft Righteous (Black) in into Caucasian (Devil). Many of us are being grafted into a another people by modern day Yakubs , while Allah is changing some us into a New People. WHICH, SIDE WILL YOU CHOOSE? It is Muhammad's Side or SUICIDE! In the Quran, it says that if Allah's [chosen] people do not heed and follow His call, He will bestow His favor upon another people. And it seems to me that even within the ranks and congregation of the Temples and Mosques who CLAIM to love and follow The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, they are actually blindly wandering on in their own inordinancy and/or misleading the people by grafting the Teach-

ings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Even amongst the so-called 5% and Believers, many are ashamed of Master Fard Muhammad and deny their Saviour. The Messenger said that 98% are in doubt about Islam...!!!!! In my opinion, that includes the 85%, 10%, and even within the 5%, Allah's chosen people are denying Him and failing to heed and follow His MESSENGER’S CALL TO ISLAM. Job was blessed after God allowed him to be Tested and Tried by the Devil. Job never denounced or denied his God and was even ready to strike his wife for suggesting that he curse his God. The Black Nation is Job but it seems that we are denouncing, denying, and cursing our God (Allah) Who appeared in the Divine Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom All Praises are Due Forever.. We are substituting our Saviour and Messenger with Farrakhan, Silas, Royall, Warrith, Prophet Muhammad, Jesus, Clarence 13X, Malcom, John, Yahweh, and a host of other self-styled leaders and religions.

We run around behind and with Christians, Jews, Africans, Jamaicans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Haitians, Latinos, Hispanics, Cubans, Arabs, Asians, Indians, and we still DENY AND HATE AND KILL OURSELVES. We’d rather big up Jay-Z, Lil' Wayne, Drake, Nicki Minaj, Rick Ross, Chris Brown, Trey Songs, Beyonce, and all these tattooed and pierced "artists", sports figures and entertainers who do not and will not recognize or submit to our Saviour and Messenger. They’d rather accept Eminem and Lady GaGa into their hearts, minds, and homes than our and their Saviour and Messenger. ACCEPT YOUR OWN AND BE YOURSELF is still THE TEACHINGS! The Messenger wrote the book Message to the BLACKMAN In America. He was our Messenger, who cleaned us up to deal with and to buy, sell, and trade with all the other nations and people of the Earth. He had the job and duty of raising the Blackman in America so that we may be respected and acContinued on page 25

pared for any crisis and have no plan for a food emergency. The whites have a plan, the Asians have plans, the Latinos have plans. All of these nationalities have set up food importation and distribution in their own communities, most of them have ties with their homeland and often dual citizenship, all of these groups have their own God, language, celebrations and holidays. We only have what our former slavemasters give us and whatever we can beg for. Globally there is a rising unease about the oncoming shortage of food, especially corn, America's single most valuable crop which is the basis for it's processed foods, meat production and the biofuel industry. Even other countries are studying the food situation and the potential of government controlled water. This is what is going on in the world while we the Muslims are squabbling over who should be the head of the temple in a certain area of the country or who is a hypocrite or other gossip. In short, we are practically in no better condition than the lostfounds around us who we consider mentally dead. Additionally, we are selfish and continue to worship material things during this fall of America; instead of contributing our few pennies to the Muslims who are forging ahead trying to set a good example in deed and not just words. The Messenger said "WE NEED MONEY for the job of self-help. Black brothers and Black Sisters do all that you can to help me to put you on top of civilization." Of course I agree. We need money. We need to support our own Muslim efforts before the dollar dies and we are left with nothing, naked, hungry and out of doors. It’s Time for self-examination. Let's ask ourselves what exactly are we doing to propagate the Messenger's plans. Who do you support? Who do you donate to? Who are you in unity with? Your answers will tell you who you are.

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011Online Edition

Vol. 9, No. 6

Lance Shabazz Turned Hypocrite NEW YORK--Lance Shabazz, of the award-winning, “Lance Shabazz Show” used a 19 part show, posted on YouTube the week to denounce Master Fard Muhammad as being Allah, (God) in Person. Like Malcolm, Lance “was a star, as long as he was with The Messenger”, He was once loved, honored and respected by All of the followers of Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s teachings, but is now looked upon as an enemy to The Nation of Islam. We don’t sympathize with hypocrites. We don’t try to make excuses for a hypocrites. Some weak believers attempted to sympathize with Lance, saying that he was “merely questioning the Teachings”. That is not what this show was about at all. We have all questioned the Teachings! That is a good thing! Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught us to “Ask Questions and Learn all about yourself ” Of course some questions we don’t have the answer for; such as Why Allah does certain things? Many of us have questioned Why some things happen, such as the death of a loved one, or some incidents that happen. But that does not waver the belief of a Believer, because we don’t understand why certain things happen. Believers understand and know that is what makes Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, The Supreme GOD! HE KNOWS WHAT WE KNOW NOT!!! So when we come to a point that we have trouble getting the answer to a particular question We continue to search for the answer and be patient with ourselves until we can locate the answer. Many of the Believers are now questioning, “Why did his happen to Brother Lance?” We can find A Very Good example of this in Scripture. The parable of ”Moses travels in Search of Knowledge” is a very good example. Holy Qur’an: Chapter 18, Section 9. The footnote 1515 of the Maulana Muhammad Ali, translation of the Holy Qur’an explains this beautifully: “The interpretation of the three incidents shows a manifestation of

“...I’m seeing Master Fard Muhammad as a Mystery God. He has certainly been a mystery to me for 53 years. I don’t know who He is! He had many aliases. He came in many names, but God. Oh if He’s God in Person Brothers and Sisters we’ve got to examine this...I know saying this is hurtful...but Brothers and Sisters, I’m just moving on. I’ve got too much in my brains. I got too many things that I rolled over that it’ll make you damn crazy and I have to exhale and let it out..If He was God in Person, Brothers and Sisters...He certainly was someone special, there’s no denying that...but we have put our faith in a Mystery God...Where the hell is He? What is He doing? He is a Mystery God...So I’m moving on. If I am wrong, then I’ll face the consequences with my God, but I’m going to my grave believing that there’s no but Allah, and I’m moving on.” --Words of Brother Lance Shabazz Divine Wisdom in what takes place in the everyday life of man. Divine laws, as manifested in nature, are really the working towards ultimate good, though sometimes they may appear to the outward eye to be working to the detriment of somebody. The beneficent hand of Allah that works in nature is always directing humanity to the goal of great good, though that goal must necessarily be reached with apparent loss. Sometimes the loss is only apparent...but the apparent loss served a great purpose...” Lance, in his rage against Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad and His Messenger, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, said the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was not a good husband to Sister Clara Muhammad because she “went to live in Egypt...for a more than a year with Akbar Muhammad, she was upset with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad”, and that “She moved out of his bedroom, down the hall into a different bedroom down the hall...” Lance went on to say, The Messenger was not a good father either, because “just look at the children, Wallce D. Mohammed opposed his father publicly, Akbar Muhammad opposed his father publicly..” Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught us how to respond to these enemies of Allah, the Messenger and the Believers. According to The Messenger, “A hypocrite is hated by everyone because he is a double-crosser”. The Messenger said, “Strive hard against the hypocrites”. He said, “Hypocrites are liars...we don’t trust them” and to “Fight them with Truth to prove my position.”

So, believers from around the country have united and joined forces to stand up in defense of Messenger Elijah Muhammad teachings by way of the internet. Zakiyahk responded beneath the YouTube Video of Part 3 of Lance’s Slanderous video in the following words: “The actions of Messenger

Elijah Muhammad's family before and after his death is no reflection, whatsoever, of the kind of husband, father or grandfather Messenger Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him) was! All the prophets and messengers of the past were slandered by family members. Lots wife turned hypocrite! Noah's wife and son turned

hypocrite! David's son (Absolom) turned against his father. Were these? signs that those men were not good husbands and fathers? Lance,? You have turned hypocrite!!! WE (BLACK PEOPLE) ARE GOD! THE ONLY MYSTERY IS THAT WE DON'T KNOW THAT Continued on page 11

Sayings of the Messenger “Allah is all of us. But we have a Supreme One that we can throw this name 'Holy' upon. He is Allah, The One over all of us; The Most Supreme One, the Wisest One, the Mightiest One; The One that Sees and Hears that which we can't see and hear. That Is He. He Is rooted in all of us. Every righteous person is a god. We are all God. When we say 'Allah' we mean every righteous person. Allah teaches me that He is a man -- not something that is other than man. The Holy Qur'an refers to Him in such pronouns as 'He' and as 'We' and as 'Us’.” Our Saviour Has Arrived Chapter 10 “There will be no other Messenger. I am the last and after me will come God Himself. I do not say I will live so long as that, but when God comes, if it pleases Him, I may be with Him. However, if I am not with Him, this is the final. The truth I bring will give you the knowledge of yourself and of God.” Message To Th e Blackman Chapter 133

“Jesus' prophesy of the coming of the Son of Man is very clear, if you rightly understand. First, this removes all doubt about who we should expect to execute judgment, for if man is to be judged and rewarded according to his actions, who could be justified in sitting as judge of man's doings but another man?” Message To Th e Blackman Chapter 6

“I say, love your God. He is a Black God and He is forever and forever. There is no such thing as trying to destroy the Black man. You can’t do that. It is impossible!... They’re so glad that the day has come now that they can show you now that the Black man is God!' This is the day and the time that you should know God.... When we say 'Allah' that Name means God and covers all Muslims. All Muslims are Allahs, but we call the Supreme Allah the Supreme Being. And He has a Name of His Own. This Name is 'Fard Muhammad.'” Our Saviour Has Arrived Chapter 11

The prediction of the prophets, who wrote our future before we lived is now coming to pass. The slaves (or a foolish people, as they are referred to by Moses) are vexing the slave master....We must have unity with the Black Nation of the earth,..Our unity with God, Who has already appeared among us in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praise is due forever, will set us in heaven while we live and on this earth, our national home. Fall of America Chapter24 “I want to teach you who you are. So many people have been made blind, deaf and dumb to the knowledge of God. Why are they made deaf and dumb to the knowledge of God? Because they are blind, deaf and dumb to the knowledge of self. How can they know God? But Allah Is here and has Risen up in your midst by the Power and Wisdom of the Supreme who is a Man to teach you the knowledge of self and the knowledge of God and the Devil.” Our Saviour Has Arrived Chapter 10

Vol. 9, No. 6

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011 Online Edition

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Page 11

COME HEAR THE TR UTH Lance Shabazz Has TRUTH As Taught By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

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Turned Hypocrite Continued from Page 10 WE ARE GOD! WHEN WE LEARN WHO WE ARE, BELIEVE WHO WE ARE, AND PRACTICE BEING THE GOD WE ARE, THEN ALL THE WORLD WILL KNOW WHO WE ARE! Allah (THE BLACK NATION) came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad for ONE REASON! To raise up? a Messenger from the Black Man and woman in America to teach us who we are (God)! As Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught, "HE COULD NOT COME IN HIS SPIRIT FORM OF THE NATION'S MIND. HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHY ALLAH IS REFERRED TO AS ‘WE’, ‘US’, ‘OUR’, ‘OURSELVES’ IN THE HOLY QUR'AN, WHILE THE SAME BOOK SAYS, ‘ALLAH IS ONE GOD’. THE BLACK NATION, JUST AS MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD TAUGHT, IS ALLAH (GOD) WHO CAME IN? THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD. WHEN WE ARE IN UNITY, WE ARE ONE GOD!” But one of the best responses on this subject came from one with the screen name “amadz” on the Freedom Forum website (farrakhanfactor.com.) the thread, titled, Lance Shabazz turns hypocrite? Amadz wrote: “To give you some perspective on this, let me quote from the Messenger himself, it's in regards to hypocrisy. "There is nothing unforgivable, the Holy Qur-an teaches you. The only thing that is unforgivable is this: that you will not accept Allah as God and not accept His Messenger as His Messenger. These two things are one, we say, the belief in Allah is the belief in the Messenger or the Prophet of Allah.” ‘The belief in the Messenger or the Prophet of Allah is a belief in Allah, if you disbelieve in one you disbelieve in both. You cannot believe in one and disbelieve in the other.’ [Message To The Blackman In America, page 306] “Do you see where Lance Shabazz is now? Let me emphasize to you again. He no longer

believes that Allah came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, which according to the Messenger, is the only things that's unforgivable. Lance Shabazz believed and then disbelieved. Because of that fact, he has manifested himself as a hypocrite because that is what its means to be a hypocrite.” “He basically threw Master Fard Muhammad under the bus which so typical of what hypocrites do. He also tried to encourage others to start questioning their belief in Master Fard Muhammad. In other words, he wants to lead others into hypocrisy with him.” “Let us not forget, this is not first time he has manifested his hypocrisy. He did follow Wallace and later followed Farrakhan before departing from them. Now after 5 years of socalled unmitigated love for the Messenger he has returned to hypocrisy. I expect the brother to be wearing a beard and a kufi at some point.” All praise is due to Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad!

Eat Strawberries! CALIFORNIA--An article posted, in June, 2011 on an online research news site, Science Daily, explains that when it comes to diabetes, strawberries, not only lessens complications of the disease but also protects against cancer and Alzheimer's. But strawberries sold in grocery stores are usually coated with pesticide residue, and their thin skin makes them one of the dirtiest fruits, according to the U.S. based Environmental Working Group. Make sure you soak berries for two minutes in fresh water before eating. To remove pesticides from other produce, combine 1 cup water, 1 cup distilled white vinegar, 1 tablespoon baking soda and the juice of half a lemon. and spray fresh produce. Let sit five minutes, then rinse.

The Fruit of Islam Continue from page 4 spring shower come, good old sunshine, you'll see them spliting the Earth, coming up. So if we can get the Truth in our people's hands, its bound to spread. They will become paperboys whispering it to each other. This is something they can't stop. Because God is behind it, Whose Proper name is Allah.”

Do Not Take Birt 12

By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Reprinted By Popular Request From How To Eat To Live

It is Allah’s (God’s) love and my love, as His Messenger, to teach you and keep you aware of the tricks the devil devises to trap you into accepting death and not life. As it is written, Allah (God) has come to you to save you from death and not life. As it is written, Allah (God) has come to you to save you from death and destruction by the wicked and to register you in the book of the living (the Black Nation) with unlimited future. He has declared that we are the true members of the Nation of Islam, the righteous, who shall never be removed from the earth by any foe. He even laughs at plans to destroy the nation of righteous. The birth control law the enemy is preparing for you, with the aid of their angels, the blind, deaf and dumb black preachers and ignorant black politicians, is not concerned about your future. The white priest knows what these plans will do for you. They know that Christianity has been exposed to the civilized world as nothing less than bait to enslave the black people of earth, the original people who serve the white race as slaves. He offers you death in a pill for your future generations of children. He tells you what it is going to do to you. But it is like telling a world-be suicide: "Here is the loaded gun. Put it to your silly head, and blow your brains out." Then he stands aside, throws up his arms and says to the world that he

You are aware of this, but yet you are a fool. You do not understand that they are after your life -- and you are seeking death by following and agreeing with them to destroy you and your Nation. The earth belongs to the black nation, and its people will rule it in the near future. God never gave the whites any of the earth. He only gave them time to live on it; time to make fools of you and me. However, that time was limited, and I now can say in truth, that "time is up." I will defend the interest and life of my people, even at the destruction of my own life, and the lives of those who follow me -- for that is why I have been raised among you. It is a disgrace upon us black people of America to permit ourselves and our future generations to be cut off and destroyed by ignorant, foolish, pleasure-seeking girls and women of our own, who do not know what they are doing when they swallow the birth control pill. I repeat: If you accept Allah (God) and follow me and if you give birth to 100 children, each of you girls and

is not responsible for your suicide. This is what you do when you swallow the pills. He knows you are blind, deaf, and dumb. I know you do not know the plans and secrets of your enemies, but Allah and His Messenger have known for a long time -- for this was ascertained when we first learned to read the history of Pharaoh, who sought to destroy the future of Israel through the midwives. We know that this, too,is aimed at you in these last days. We know by the words of the Holy Quran on this attempt to destroy your newborn babies; to destroy the very seed of you. You also are warned against birth control law. They say you are not able to provide for the many children with which Allah (God) is blessing you. They say you should be willing to stop giving birth to children they will have to feed. Who is responsible? Is it not the slave master’s and his children’s fault that you are not able to care for your family? It is theirs not yours. Why don’t they divide the counThe try with you, give you a few of these United States and let you Shyless raise all the children you want so you can provide a proper living for them. But, no! He would rather you were dead than to see you living free of his authority and power to enslave and murder you at will.

The Filth That Pr

Holy Quran (7:27) O childre deceiver seduce you, as he ex garden, pulling off from them show them their shame. He s his hosts, from whence you se made the devils to be friends

This happened to the Black P from Arabia. He pulled off, f clothes of Righteousness and shame; and then made them cave sides of Europe, until th

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MESSENGER Do Not Take Birt MUHAMMAD By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Reprinted By Popular Request From How To Eat To Live www.muhammadspeaks.com

You are aware of this, but yet you are a fool. You do not understand that they are after your life -- and you are seeking death by following and agreeing with them to destroy you and your Nation. The earth belongs to the black nation, and its people will rule it in the near future. God never gave the whites any of the earth. He only gave them time to live on it; time to make fools of you and me. However, that time was limited, and I now can say in truth, that "time is up." I will defend the interest and life of my people, even at the destruction of my own life, and the lives of those who follow me -- for that is why I have been raised among you. It is a disgrace upon us black people of America to permit ourselves and our future generations to be cut off and destroyed by ignorant, foolish, pleasure-seeking girls and women of our own, who do not know what they are doing when they swallow the birth control pill. I repeat: If you accept Allah (God) and follow me and if you give birth to 100 children, each of you girls and

It is Allah’s (God’s) love and my love, is not responsible for your suicide. This as His Messenger, to teach you and keep is what you do when you swallow the you aware of Available! the tricks the devil de- pills. He knows you are blind, deaf, and Now vises to trap you into accepting death dumb. 5 Audio CD Set and not life. As it is written, Allah I know you do not know the plans and 1964 Meeting (God) hasLaborer’s come to you to save you secrets of your enemies, but Allah and ‘Messenger Elijah Muhammad from death and not life. As it is writ- His Messenger have known for a long Speaks To His Ministers & Captains’ ten, Allah (God) has come to you to time -- for this was ascertained when $ death and 00 destruction by we first learned to read the history of save you from the wicked and to register you in the Pharaoh, who sought to destroy the fuOnly book of the living (the Black Nation) ture of Israel through the midwives. We with unlimited future. know that this, too,is aimed at you in He has declared that we are the true these last days. members of the Nation Audio CD $4.00 each of Islam, the We know by the words of the Holy Qurrighteous, who shallIs Divine never be removed an on this attempt to destroy your newSolution To Our Problem Rightsthe Movement from earthWrong by Way any foe. He even born babies; to destroy the very seed Warning To The Hypocrites laughs at plans todisc destroy the nation of of you. You also are warned against 1958 Saviour’s Day (5 set) each The Tribe of Shabazz righteous. birth control law. They say you are not Theology of Time (40 disc set) The birth Day control law the enemy is able to The provide the many children 1971 Saviour’s Choose From ListforBelow Self Preservation preparing for you, with the aid of their with which Allah (God) is blessing you. Give Up That Old Slavery Idea angels, Lost 400the Yearsblind, - God is deaf Man and dumb black They say you should be willing to stop The Sins of America preachers and ignorant black politi- giving birth to children they will have The Sudden Change cians, is and nottheconcerned about your fu- to feed. The Pope Catholic Church The The White white Man Losing Powerknows what these ture. priest Who is responsible? Is it not the slave The Shame of Races Intermixing plans willLeadership do for you. They know that master’s and his children’s fault that The Blind Wicked Intellectuals Christianity has been exposed to the you are not able to care for your We Must Build a Name for Ourselves $5.00 $5.00 civilized nothing less than bait family? It is theirs not yours. Who is thatworld Mysteryas God Shipping For Madness of Dr. King toThe enslave the black people of earth, Why don’t they divide the counThe The Prodigal Son First Item theMake original America people Know Her who Sins serve the white try with you, give you a few of add $1.00 for each race as slaves. He offers you death in a these United States and let you Shyless additional item Holy Quran (7:27) O childre pill for your future generations of chil- raise all the children you want deceiver seduce you, as he ex dren. garden, pulling off from them so you can provide a proper livshow them their shame. He s He tells you what it is going to do to ing for them. his hosts, from whence you s you. But it is like telling a world-be made the devils to be friends But, no! He wouldCall rather(313) you To Order By Phone 371-7033 suicide: "Here is the loaded gun. Put it were dead than to see you living This happened to the Black P Or Send Money Order (No Checks Please) to: to your silly head, and blow your brains from Arabia. He pulled off, f free of his authority and power clothes of Righteousness and out." Then he Muhammad stands aside, throwsSpeaks up to enslave andBox murder44261 you at - Detroit, MI 48244 shame; and then made them - PO his arms and says to the world that he will. cave sides of Europe, until th


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th Control Pills women is considered more blessed and right in the eyes of Allah (God) than those who try to kill the birth seed. Because of the advice of those who hate you and hope that you destroy yourselves, the clergy -- the priests and elders -- is united to help deceive you. The Catholic religion is our greatest enemy today. It seeks to woo you into its net where your future will be hopeless in the Hereafter. This old scheme of attempting to destroy the so-called Negro when the day of his salvation comes to him from God, has long been known by us and Allah (God). The nation of righteous is fully prepared to meet it. Jehovah thwarted Pharaoh’s wicked plan to prosper through destroying the future of Israel. Pharaoh was afraid of Israel’s population, who was populating Egypt faster than the Egyptians. However, he did not want the Israelites to leave Israel. He decided to kill off the male children, which would have stopped Israel from increasing her nation. The birth control laws employed by the white race were used by his father, Yacub. It is no new thing today.

roduces The Filth

en of Adam, let not the arch xpelled your parents from the m their clothing that he might surely sees you, he as well as ee them not. Surely We have s of those who believe not.

People who followed Yakub from their Original Self, the d the clothes to cover their to go nude in the hills and he birth of Moses.

He does not teach you this, nor does he teach you the sciences of modern warfare or chemistry. Of course, we do not care to learn any more about warfare, for it is the purpose of God to erase war from the human family. He now plans to destroy those who delight in making war against humanity. Who said the white man had to carry us forever? Who gave him the right to cut our birth rate so that he could take care of a small number of us? Who is willing swallow the pill? The 2,000,000 so-called Negroes can be placed in Africa or Asia. The country is so large, they would not know they were there. Or they could be put on island in the Pacific. But he wants to exterminate all of them with the pills so that he and his people can have free reign of the earth. But he should have reckoned with Allah (God), Who has come for the purpose of saving the poor, black man from their wicked plans. The Negro has been a group of people, held in the hands of the white man, for 400 years and yet, today, he is like a lazy horse or dog who does not want to leave his master because of fear -- and has taken all kinds of abuse in orto get a little food or whatThe der ever the master has to give. It is a Disgrace shame. It is not because of lack of education, but because he holds the offer of Allah (God) in mockery. But this pill is a bold offer of death, openly made, inviting the Indians and so-called Negroes to accept death -- and also the people they have under their power in the


Pacific islands. It is accepting extermination through a harmless looking pill designed to take away the future birth of our Nation. Think well, you "white Christian lovers." You sign up to be swallowed up. Israel was taken into a country where she could do all of the populating she wanted to without the interference of Pharaoh. Allah (God) had Pharaoh drown in the Red Sea, and the white race is going to be thrown into a lake of fire for its plans against the socalled Negro. I shall always rise to your defense against such an artful, wicked race of people, who has nothing in mind but death for the black man -- its scheme covered with a semi-bait of good. Once you have swallowed the birth control pill, it is death.

Page 18

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011Online Edition

Vol. 9, No. 6

Shabazz Family 11th Annual Outdoor Unity CHICAGO-- On

Saturday July 2, 2011 Believers in Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings met on the beautiful homestead of the Shabazz family in Pembroke Township Illinois, located about 60 miles south of Chicago, to Share Islamic Brotherhood and Sisterhood in a peaceful simple country environment with other Believers of like minds, at the 11th Annual Shabazz Family Unity. We enjoyed delicious free Halal Food and Beverages, provided by the Shabazz Family, We hiked on the beautiful acres of country space, walking trails. The men, women and children played games including basketball, volleyball, horseshoes, jump rope, etc. We learned about and petted domestic farm animals. We found that three more goats had been born since we visited the Shabazz family last year. We toured this year’s brand new attraction: THE NATION OF ISLAM MUSEUM. Muslim vendors offered Islamic items, many of them handmade by the Believers. It was heaven on earth! No weapons! No Smoking! No alcoholic beverages! No gambling! No recreational drugs or paraphernalia! No loud obscene music! And everyone was dressed in Muslim attire. It was a beautiful sight to behold!

Minister Kemani Wadud, one of Muhammad Speaks Top Salesman; of Oklahoma Vendored at this progressive event.

A few of the young Muslims Sisters who attended the Shabazz Family Unity, whose beautiful smiles shined brighter than the high noon sun

Sister Michelle Muhammad and her family, of Illinois enjoyed the festivities and took advantage of the economic opportunities as well. Sister Levia Karim completes her first time one on one interaction with a farm animal. Sister Miriam Shabazz in the background. Inset: Sister Badia Muhammad kneels and poses with one of the new goats.

The Nation of Islam Museum, one of the newest Brother Muhammad Karim poses inside the Nation of Islam Museum, while viewing Vintage U of I photos attractions at the Shabazz family homestead

Sister Janine Ali, travelled from Philadelphia to support and enjoy this fun-filled event, and offered items from Sister Shahrazad Ali

Vol. 9, No. 6

Adhere to the guidance

THE BLACKMAN AND BLACKWOMAN By Minister Kemani Wadud OKLAHOMA--AsSalaamAlaikum.

There is no God but Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is his last and greatest messenger. The Blackman came first. After the Blackman came the Blackwoman.

Page 19

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011 Online Edition

The Blackman is first, therefore the Blackman is God. We are taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad that the Blackman is the natural ruler. A Black God, Allah, the creator started it all. The Blackwoman is very important, for example she is the sign of the creation of it all. The Blackwoman, like the cre-

ator started out in triple darkness of the universe. All others started out in the darkness of the Blackwoman's womb. The creator first had to develop a brain, a head, arms, body and legs in the darkness of the universe. We, like the creator, developed a brain, head, arms, body and legs in the darkness of our mother's womb. The woman carries the developing life. Prophet Muhammad (of 1400 years ago) said the woman is three times more valuable than the man and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said seventy-five percent of our work is with the woman. She is our first teacher. Our first

Minister Kemani Wadud lesson comes from our Blackwoman. The Messenger taught Black men in the Nation of Islam to “Respect and protect Your Blackwoman and others will respect You.” We are also taught by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad that a nation can rise, no higher, than the status of it's woman. AsSalaamAlaikum.

Continued from page 7 God, and how to eat right, how to think right and most of all, how to please the Lord. Did not the Messenger teach the Blackman and woman the same? The Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad taught in his book, How to eat to live book one, chapter entitled: Proper food for body and mind equals good health, he states: "Obey and do all that Allah bids us. Think the way he thinks; the thoughts of good. Seek to be like Him, both physically and mentally. As the Holy Quran teaches us, when we have submitted ourselves entirely to the will of God. He then guides us into His path, His way of life. And then we come to enjoy the paradise of life in these words of the Holy Quran: O soul that is at rest, enter into my garContinued on Page 27


Together as One in Islam! Some of the beautiful hand-crafted items offered at the vendoring booth of the Shabazz Farmily

‘A man and woman are like twins before marriage and after marriage are one’ --Messenger Elijah Muhammad (The Relationship Between Men and Women

Above: A few more of the Sisters pose for pictures at the 11th annual Shabazz Family Outdoor Unity. Below: Vendors pause for delightful conversation with other visitors.

Brother Minister Kemani Wadud and Sister Janine Ali met in Detroit, Michigan at Saviour’s Day 2011. They were married in June, 2011!

May Allah, who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad continue to Bless you!

Page 20

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011Online Edition

Vol. 9, No. 6

The Believers in Detroit Have Purchased a Building (Actually Three Adjoining Buildings)

WE NEED YOUR HELP To Open The New Temple & School

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Vol. 9, No. 6

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011 Online Edition

Page 21

Ask Questions and Learn All About Yourself By

Brother Rauh Karim DETROIT, Mich.--I

ask questions all the time to brothers and sisters in Christianity who don’t know the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (lost-found). Recently, I had a conversation with a group of Christian people I used to work with. I asked them to explain “the father, son, and holy ghost” part of Christianity. I asked (and you should ask yourself too) “what is the holy ghost?” and “When it comes to the father and son, who do you worship?” One sister replied “The holy ghost is a spirit that makes you feel good at least that’s what I was told’’. Then the “Christian” brother said “They all pretty much the same”. Then the other sister said, “God is a spirit you can’t see until you die”. So, I asked, “I thought (according to Christianity) that God was Jesus’ father?” They all agreed that this was true. Then I asked, “Jesus, the Son, is God too?” “Yes”, they said. Finally, I asked, “and the Holy Ghost that got Mary pregnant is God too?” They all agreed this to be true. So, I asked, “If that’s the case your saying Jesus impregnated his mother?! They all laughed and said “NO, he wasn’t even born yet’’. So I asked, “Were the Holy Ghost and the Father a complete God before the Birth of Jesus?” No one could answer. We went on to talk about the Christian belief that all the people who have died for at least the past six thousand years will one day rise up from their physical graves and be judged by this three-part God who is sitting in the sky, beyond the sun, moon and stars, in a place called heaven. And that The God that “you can not see until you die” would , then decide whether or not each person had been good enough, when they were alive on earth, to be allowed to stay in the sky with Him in heaven or been so bad that they deserved to go to a place called Hell where God’s enemy (The Devil) was in charge, that was way under the earth and burn forever in a fire. During this discussion, there was some disagreement among this

group of Christians as to whether or not some of these people physically dead people had already gone to one of these places. It seemed that those who had close family members who had died, they believed that that particular family member was already in heaven. I asked them, “How hot could the fire be, if you can burn in it forever?” Then, I asked, “And what about the people (good and bad) who were cremated after they died? Cremation burns your bones to dust!” Finally, one of the sisters said“… I don’t know, you right, it don’t make sense but that’s what we believe”. The brother said, “Yeah, I don’t know man, we taught just have faith in God ’’. It wasn’t so bad that they couldn’t answer my questions. There are a lot of things that I don’t understand either. The bad thing is that they had never questioned any of it. The Bible says that Jesus said, “Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make you Free”. How are we KNOW if we don’t question, investigate and research. This is what I love about Islam. The most honorable Elijah Muhammad (God’s Messenger to Black people) taught us to “ask questions and you will learn all about yourself ” and not to just take his word for it but to check behind him. And that is what I do. By researching history, studying the sciences and math, I have found out, that, not only is this the religion for me, but that it is, in fact, the natural religion and life of all black people. These are just some of the questions you should ask yourself: Who is god? Where is heaven and hell? Who is the devil? The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that heaven and hell are condition of life that we experience while we are alive, right here on earth. When you have money, good homes, peace of mind and contentment, and friendships in all walks of life, good health, that’s heaven. Hell is when you broke, you hungry, you don’t have a home to go to, suffering, etc.. And you here people say all the time. Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught that The WHITE MAN is the devil. NO it’s not racist! It is the truth!

One of the definitions of devil is: “A wicked or malevolent person.” Look at the history of white people for as far back as you can go. The public school history books like to start with “Alexander the Great”. Always starting wars, always coming up with some kind of way to trick people, always enslaving people whether it be physical, mental, spiritual or economical. What kind of man other than a wicked man could do to Black people what white people have done to us throughout history. What I love most about what Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught is that The BLACK MAN IS GOD! History teaches us that we have been the leaders in the field of medicine, science, art, writing, farming and everything else. We f ind that Black (darkness) is the beginning of everything else. Every other color comes from black. We learned that in first grade. What is better than

‘Jesus said, “Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make you Free”. How are we to KNOW if we don’t question, investigate and research.’ man! Regardless to the devil’s rule for the past 6,000 years, the black man stills rises to the top no matter what he’s in. The Black Man is The Most Loving, The Most Forgiving, and the Most Humble man on earth. These are characteristics of God, Himself! Our time here in America has proven this to be true about us.

Brother Rauh Karim Yes, both, Islam and Christianity, sounds crazy, to some people. But there is a firm base of common sense, fact and reasoning to our belief in what Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught, not just “faith”. Deep down inside you know Christianity isn’t for you and goes against all common sense. Come on Black Man! Ask questions and learn all about yourself!

Page 22

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011Online Edition

Poetry Corner

The Call Moral Conscience of an Imprisoned Mind Written by

Brother Marlowe Arnett Toledo, Ohio

Did you hear the call of the Prophet Abraham? Did you hear the call of the Prophet Noah? Did you hear the call of the Prophet Jesus? Did you hear the call of the Prophet Muhammad? “Two thousand years later you still ignore the Call.” Did you not hear the call of millions of African Slaves? Did you not hear the call of the Red Man in the western hemisphere? did you not hear the call of hunger coming out of the starving children of the world? Did you not hear the call of the Deprived? “Five hundred years later you still ignored The Call.” The call was in the angry voice of Nat Turner. The call was in the clam voice of Noble Drew Ali. The Call was in the thunderous voice of Marcus Garvey The Call was in the uplifting voices of many Black leaders. THE SOLUTIONS WERE IN THE CALLING VOICE OF OUR MESSENGER: THE HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, IN THE BUILDING AND RETURNING OF A NATION. “One hundred years later you still ignored The Call.” (Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.) (Forgive them not Father for they know what they do.)


Vol. 9, No. 6

A Woman turned into a Rose By Sister Ameenah Beyah

Elijah Muhammad is the man He showed us how to build a nation With our hands H e left us all legacy To understand just how to be For us to take a righteous stand In his book The Message to the Black Man He left us lots books and a powerful economic plan

Brooklyn, New York


Amina Hassan

Elijah Muhammad is the man He showed us how to build a nation with our hands Its very important to regain the knowledge yourself To be position back on the top shelf Elijah Muhammad is the man He showed us how to build a nation with our hands When we think and do what’s right So awaken the Collective consciousness in plain sight Then we can have our nation overnights When we Obtain Schools, hospitals banks and factories We can gain freedom , justice and equality That itself will destroy the chains of mental sla-ve-ry Elijah Muhammad is the man He showed us how to build a nation with our hands Leave the drugs , guns knives , Thoughts of thugs and the devil's poison foods alone so you can make Islam your home And help build a nation of your own Elijah Muhammad is the man He showed us how to build a nation with our hands We have to learn our true history So we can realize that Allah is no mystery The black man is a god you see Now that's our true history We can achieve any goal in mine Its takes focus and some time Elijah Muhammad is the man He showed us how to build a nation with our hands keep your eyes on the prize together we will help the Nation rise its time to redirect our energies with the black folks 800 billion dollar economy the money is the easy part cause all we have to do to start is put his true teaching in our minds and Hearts The Honorable Elijah is the Man He


Vol. 9, No. 6

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011 Online Edition

Page 23

The Common Error By Mahdi K. Muhammad

‘Even when Gog and Magog are let loose and they sally forth from every elevated place.’ -Holy Quran 21 v9 Baltimore, Maryland--The pictures of wholeness provided in scripture are true stories of pure happiness. Something that was once a part of self is separated and then re-united. Something that was once lost has become found. A woman loses a coin, and instead of being satisfied with the nine which she has, she sweeps diligently until she finds the coin. A prodigal son returns home to his father’s waiting arms and a celebration ensues. A shepherd boy finds a wayward sheep and brings him back to the flock carrying him on his shoulders and runs to his neighbors to ask them to join in his rejoicing. This picture is to inform the righteous that though they fill unloved, unwanted, despised and rejected, that they are indeed on the mind of God. He is not only concerned but He heard our cries that went out by reason of our taskmasters. The woman doesn’t blame the coin for being lost nor does the shepherd blame the sheep. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us we are the only nation on Earth without a divine charge against us. Our state or condition was not chosen. This lost sheep was stolen from the shepherd. But when the shepherd begins to search for the lost sheep he must first leave the others to find the lost one. Master Fard Muhammad told the Messenger, He was willing to destroy every nation on Earth and even give His own life to save us. So when we see the earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods striking the whole world, dark and white, Moslems or disbelievers, we know no nation is safe but the Nation of Islam. There was a cold war fought between the USSR and the USA, the

Gog and Magog of scripture. They called it a cold war because there were no hot bullets flying. The war took place on paper or rather in the minds of men. A macho paper war of “how many bombs do you have? Well I have more”. When President Reagan came to off ice, he increased military spending so dramatically that the USSR was forced to keep pace However, there was also a propaganda war that was waged. Remember all the popular culture movies that pitted the USA against the USSR (i.e. Rocky 4 or Firefox)? Recall the excess of American culture that arose in the eighties with the advent of Miami Vice optics, Donald Trump Casinos, etc. These images were pumped into Satellite television in the USSR and all over the world and served a dual purpose of promoting the American lifestyle while denigrating the lifestyle of the USSR or communist regimes. A war between capitalism and communism, but a war without direct bloodshed. Gog and Magog were battling for the minds of men to determine who had the best concept to compete with the New World order of the New World Ruler, Master Fard Muhammad. Communism protects the poor and prevents homelessness but also chokes the human spirit of creativity and prevents the freedom of discourse and religion. While Capitalism promotes low desires and turns everything into a business model, even taking care of sick people becomes in exercise in greed. The major dirty secret of capitalism is that it doesn’t work without imbalance: You have to have poor people in order to have rich people. You have to have at least 4 to 5 percent unemployment or inflation will drown your economy. What kind of system needs unemployment built-in to function normally? The system you live in right now! The Messenger gave us a picture of the “war of Armageddon” on the actual facts board, as a war that pitted America and Christianity against the Nation of Islam.

‘As we near the exhaustion of the Wisdom of this world which has not been able to shed enough light on our path in search for that Supreme Wisdom to keep us from stumbling and falling, we now seek the wisdom of Allah’ - The Hon. Elijah Muhammad In our Lessons the Messenger doesn’t define communism or democracy but provides a definition for socialism. “Socialist means to advocate a society of men or groups of men for one common cause.” These images of an American-led world made those actors and movies, agents of their world. Representatives and ambassadors promoting the interest of their world view. Where are the agents of the Nation of Islam? Where are we promoting the benefits of belief spiritually, physically and financially to the world? We have to show the world the power of this teaching through its success in our individual lives. If we do this well the walls will come tumbling down. The Common Era is referred to as the time in which we now live

i.e. 2011. However they admit now that they are off by several years and this has become the common error. But there is an even greater more common error among our people. We know scripturally that the wise, of years past, would have taken the wage of wayfarers to be alive today. Therefore this must be the best time to be alive. We know that America is the greatest Nation on Earth and the fiercest opponent that Allah God has ever destroyed. We know that the Quran is the greatest book that we have ever had in the sense that it’s the only one we know of that would be protected and not be allowed to be tampered with because it is the last. Our Quran is the best. We know that the Angels we have today can stop the planets rotation, reverse it so that the sun

Minister Mahdi Muhammad Muhammad Temple No. 6 rises in the west and we would never feel the planet move. We have the best Angels. We know that our Messenger is the greatest of all the Messengers because he is the only one that was taught face to face by God in person. We have the best Messenger. We know that Master Fard Muhammad is so wise that His system will have no end and His power has no limit. He will correct the flaw in the first creation that allowed us to make devil and remove it from us for all time. We have the best God. If we live in the best time, living in the greatest country, taught by the best Messenger, accompanied by the best Angels, and loved by the best God, wouldn’t we have to be the best people? The common error is that our people don’t know it. Tell them! Get to your local Temple at once!

Beware of False Prophets Today By Muhammad Saleeem Bey Since being brought to North America in chains, the Blackman has had to deal with falsehood concerning God’s prophets. The American, white, so-called Christians has spent more than 400 years making us believe that all the prophets mentioned in the Bible were white. All of our lives the only pictures and movies we saw of Jesus, Moses, Jonah, Job, Abraham and the rest were white men. Including Solomon! Even though the opening line of the “Songs of Solomon” in the King James Version of the Bible that the white man gave us to read, says: “I am black...” The white man beat us, and tricked us into believing that we should fear, love and worship him instead of the True and Living God, OAKLAND, California--

Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. Almighty God (Allah) who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (the last Messenger of Allah) he will judge America for what she has done to the so-called Negro, with calamities in the form of rain, hail, snow, and earthquakes. This is why America is in trouble today( 2011). The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us Earthquakes are caused by Son of man by experimenting on high explosion in fact that all the above is caused by the Son on man. But we still must Beware of false prophets today. We have false prophets using the teachings of Islam and saying I am the “one”. No sir, you are not the one! There is ONE Supreme God, who is Allah in the Person of Master Fard

Muhammad Saleem Bey Muhammd, and ONE last Messenger of Allah, The Honorable Elijah Muhamad. It is not only the devil (whiteman) that will suffer the Judgements of Allah. All of those who teach the people of False Prophets will suffer the same Judgement.

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011Online Edition

Page 24

Vol. 9, No. 6

HOW TO EAT TO LIVE www.muhammadspeaks.com

Why They Urge You to Eat The Swine By Messenger Elijah Muhammad Reprinted from How To Eat To Live, Book 2 The taking of the prohibited flesh of the swine as a food is beyond righteous imagination. It is difficult to understand why Christians eat such divinely prohibited flesh, while having a Bible and the law given to Moses against the swine flesh. Other prophets, down to Muhammad, preached against the eating of the swine. Christians are among the largest consumers of pork in America, and they deliver this rat throughout the world to other people. They are so fond of swine flesh that they sacrifice it in the church, and then ask divine blessing upon it. They barbecue and cook it, and hold a feast in their places of worship and eat this slow death poisonous animal which God has forbidden as though they had an option with God. No wonder Isaiah says that they stand behind one tree in the garden, eating swine flesh, the abomination, the mouse and the broth of the swine in their vessels. And yet, they will tell all the Muslims and Orthodox Jews that they are holier than we who don't dare even to touch the swine's carcass. Preachers and priests are working along with the enemy, or adversary of God, teaching the people that it is all right to eat swine, their bellies stretched with the hog in them and saturated with the whiskey and wine. This is the type of religion under which you have been brought, Christianity and its preachers and priests. None of them have tried to prevent you from breaking this divine law by teaching you the consequences of such an act. Allah taught me that this grafted animal was made for medical purposes, not for a food for the people. That this animal destroys the beautiful appearance of its eaters. It takes away the shyness of those who eat this brazen flesh. Nature did not give the hog anything like shyness. Take a look at their immoral dress and actions; their worship of filthy songs and dances that an uncivi-

lized animal or savage human being of the jungle cannot even imitate. Yet, average black people who want to be loved by their enemies, regardless of what God thinks of them, have gone to the extreme in trying to imitate the children of their slave masters in all of their wickedness, filthiness and evil. The Arabic meaning of hog, or swine, according to one Arab Muslim, is Khanzier. Khan, he says, means "I see." Zier means "foul." This is the meaning of the English word swine. Khanzier, or "I see the animal foul". And very foul is the best explanation that I have heard to cover the very nature and characteristics of this animal. He is the foulest animal. He lives off nothing but filth. The only way you can get him to live and eat better food is to keep him from getting to filth. He is so poisonous (99.9 per cent) that you can hardly poison him with other poison. You can even give him lye. Something you'd think would cut up the intestines when eaten. Snakes can't poison hogs, they eat them and fatten. The bite of snakes doesn't harm them, because they eat the biter. He is so poisonous and filthy, that nature had to prepare him a sewer line and you may find the opening on his forelegs. It is a little hole out of which oozes pus. This is the filth of his body that cannot be passed fast enough. His poison is that of a live nature, in the form of a parasitic worm that is called trichina (commonly known as pork worm), which is found in the stomach and intestinal walls -- until it finally breeds and works itself into the muscles of the body of the eater. From there, the trichinae work themselves into the spinal cord and travel the spinal cord toward the brain, at which time there is no possible cure. They then cause the victim to suffer with rheumatism, backaches, stomach aches, headaches, fever -- and even change the color

of the eyes of some eaters to a dull brown or dull red. They fill the eater with a drowsiness, laziness, slow thinking, slow moving and the tendency to be easily irritated. The swine eaters are always ready to rise up for a dispute and fight other people and among themselves. He is the greediest animal. He never knows or cares to stop eating, as long as he sees something to eat. He is the dumbest animal. He keeps his nose smelling and eyes looking for something in the earth. You could feed him all day long, and he will never look up to see his feeder. In the case of bad weather arising, he is never intelligent enough to go in before it actually starts raining or hailing on

his back. He takes no warning. He will keep his head in the earth, rooting until the storm is lashing his back with rain and the lightning is blinding his eyes. You eat this animal from his snout to his tail, and all of the poisonous wormy intestines. Yet you say you are holier than any religious people. Please learn to eat one meal a day and let it be without swine flesh. And many of the ailments that you are now suffering and getting medicine from the doctor for will disappear. To you diabetics... Eat one meal a day and lay off that starch and sugar. They are only making you sick. Write and let me know that you have tried eating once a day, shunning sugar and starches, and before a week's time, your urine

Honorable Elijah Muhammad MESSENGER OF ALLAH will be negative of sugar and acid negative. It is ignorant for you to suffer with this disease, when it can easily be cured. Just stop eating that which is causing your trouble. Eat one meal a day. You will not starve and die.

W hat Black People Need To Know a bout the w or ld wor orld about the nation a bout themselv es themselves

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Vol. 9, No. 6

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011 Online Edition

July 4th: A Beautiful Tribute to Our Saviour! Continued from page 9 cepted by all the other "civilized" nations of the Earth. But the Messenger taught KNOWLEDGE OF SELF! SELF FIRST! DO FOR SELF! We were and are forbidden to wear African print, Kente cloths, and such garbs that identify us with other cultures. WE ARE THE GOD TRIBE SHABAZZ! God's Chosen and Elect! ORIGINAL MEANS FIRST and we were here before all these other tribes, races, and nationalities. (Remember that Master Fard Muhammad left the other ones, to come find His Father's Brother. Us! The Lost-Found! The Messenger said to get to THE ROOT of all things and SHABAZZ is the ROOT and from the ROOT to THE FRUIT: SHABAZZ PRODUCED MUHAMMAD! So is Pluto still a Planet? Are we still God's/Allah's Chosen and Elect? Are we grafted beyond the

Scientists Now Agree with Messenger on Keys to Long Life Messenger Elijah Muhammad urged Black people from 1931 until his death in 1975 to: “Eat to live to bring about a return to perfection and long life; like Noah and Methuselah, who lived nearly 1000 years of our calendar year (containing 365 1/4 days).” A few years ago U.S. scientist Dr. Patrick Flanagan reported that cells taken from the human body had lived in a nutrient solution NINE TIMES THEIR NORMAL LIFE SPAN. Experiments on human cells conducted by Dr. Leonard Hayflick showed that nutrition has an effect on cells, that long life could be achived under the right conditions, but that we all must die eventually. Dr, Hayflick is author of the book “How and Why We Age”, published in August 1994. Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught for 44 years that “Before the white man was made, the Black man was known to live approximately a thousand years. He ate the right food and ate it at the right time.”

chance of regaining our place and position in the Universe, our Bloodline and Birthright? Are we denying our Saviour as the ROOSTER CROWS? Are we as dedicated and as diligent as Job or will we curse our God? Will we allow Allah to fulfill His promise and prophecy to and for us? Surah (Chapter) 55 in the Quran repeatedly asks, "Which of your Lord's bounty will you deny?" This July 4, 2011 marked 81 years since Our Saviour Has Arrived and the spotting of Planet Pluto. Will we build or destroy the knowledge (foundation and Found Nation) which supports our Department of Supreme Wisdom and produces our clear understanding? THINK ABOUT IT!

WOMAN IN ISLAM Breast is blessed By Sister Samirah Muhsin DETROIT, Mich..--How

can a culture that applauds a performer in a barely-there leotard, or allows a national burger hut ad to ooze skin and sex object and self righteously harass a mother for feeding her child!

it’s her right but still" heres something to "nibble" on. Think of the intentions of this mother: "feed baby" and the intentions of your average woman: "feed ego" or "feed lonely desires for a mate". So sad that the devil’s (white man’s) society has sold sex so

Sister Samirah Muhsin (child bearing age), prostitution is legal in certain states, drunk and disorderly men go to football games and remove there shirts with bellies painted in team colors, and most women go to the grocery store with belly, back and boobs barely contained. Find another wagon to jump on people because this one makes you seem like your stupidly biting the hand that feeds you. And guess what! Michigan law says, “a mother's breast-feeding of her baby does not under any circumstances constitute nudity.”

People dying by the thousands from Contaminated Meat According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 11,000 people die in the United States every year from antibiotic-resistant infections. And a study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, says the major cause is the contaminated meat sold in U.S. grocery stores. Researches say antibiotic drugs are routinely are fed to farm animals (including cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys) mainly to make them grow faster and prevent disease in over-crowded pens on large farms, and that these drugs are passed to people when they eat the beef, chicken, pork and turkey meat of these animals. In 2009, the Food and Drug Administration urged the meat industry to cut back on antibiotic use because drug-resistant bacteria in stockyards and makes antibiotics less effective in humans. Meaning, when people, who eat this meat, get an infection (for example: a sore throat, ear infection, or pneumonia), the medicine that a doctor would normally give them for the infection won’t work. Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned Black people in his book, How To Eat to Live, written back in the 1960’s that: “NO MEAT IS GOOD FOR US”.

Page 25

Afrykayn Moon and her two week old baby in a YouTube Video she uploaded to tell the world how she was harassed on the bus for nursing

The Benefits of Breast-feeding

On June 24, 2011, Sister Afrykayn Moon, a 32-year-old Black woman was harassed by the bus driver when she was told to stop breast-feeding her 2-weekold baby, who was being discreetly held in a football hold for minimum nipple exposure, or get off the bus. To nurse meaning nourish from the breast is a natural God given blessing that heals new mothers and protects and sustains infants. How backwards to publicly condemn this woman while they condone the state of undress most women consider fashionable. No one is putting a ban on actors models and sports professionals posing "tastefully" nude on the covers of magazines that visually assault young and old at the grocery store pharmacy or local supercenter. This woman was feeding a hungry baby! No matter how much skin was showing it does not top the skin ratio of the average weekend outfit. Or for that matter the cleavage display in business attire. And if your thinking "ok, sure

The experience of breast-feeding is special for so many reasons – the permanent bonding between mother and baby, the cost savings, and the health benefits for both mother and baby. Breast-feeding requires a mother to take some quiet relaxed time to bond with her new baby. Early breast milk is known as liquid gold, colostrum (coh-LOSStrum), the thick yellow first breast milk that you make during pregnancy and just after birth. This milk is very rich in nutrients and that protect your baby from all kinds of diseases and infections. Breast-feeding saves time and money. No sterilizing bottles and warming formula. Formula, bottles, cleaning supplies can cost well over $1,500 each year, depending on how much your baby eats. Breast-fed babies are also sick less often, which can lower health care costs. Breast-feeding can be good for the mother’s health, too . It helps pull the mother’s uterus back in shape and lowers the risk of health problems; including, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, diabetes and depression.

much that people think breasts are only for that reason. Breasts are for mothers to feed and care for infants. If this mother had a bandage-ofa-dress on with cutouts all over showing everything but nipple, the bus driver would have gladly accepted her fair. It’s shameful that preteen middrift is ok with most people but these same people find a mother feeding her child uncomfortable. Isn’t it crazy that halter tops are massed produced for little girls who haven't even hit puberty, but a grown woman - a mother- shows a little skin to fed her child and it creates an uproar. Shame on you world for condemning the first act of love and mercy of a mother. Instead of being applauded and encouraged, this woman was publicly embarrassed and discouraged. No wonder more women don't chose this natural and healthy god given option to fed there children. They may be afraid of actions like this. All the while stripping is glorified especially for college age

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011Online Edition


Vol. 9, No. 6

Finding a Way Out! By

Brother John 9X RHODE ISLAND--In the name of Allah,

who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, the One true and Living God, for the Black Man and Woman. We can never thank Him enough for raising up from among us, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Last and Greatest Messenger of Allah. As-Salaam-Alaikum, Brothers and Sisters. I hope you are still on Allah’s straight path. With all of this wondrous world out there, it is easy to be diverted. Sport and play, gambling, smothered pork chops, lotteries, Arnold Shwartzenegger’s bad behavior all can weigh us down.

Former Detroit Mayor names Jews as source of injustice Continued from page 8 was an offense to the Jewish community. And finally, the transfer of $90 million from Comerica Bank, to First Independence, the only Black-owned bank in Detroit. In his book, titled, “Surrender”, former Mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, writes: "I stood before Judge David Groner, who requested my plea. `I lied under oath,' I said, `with the intent to mislead the court and jury and to impede and obstruct the fair administration of justice,'" Kilpatrick writes. "For the record, I lied when I made that statement. The real reason I lied under oath was because I didn't want my wife to know I cheated. But be clear. There was absolutely no justice to obstruct in the whistle-blowers' suit. The case was manufactured. I was just cornered." "When I perjured myself, I gave my enemies a lane. And they turned that lane into a highway," "My intent entering office was to empower Detroiters, and my actions heading into my second term suggested that we had the ability to do it. And that threatened too many people's bottom line. Their bottom lines for me, then, became simple. Get rid of me. And they're not finished."

We’ve all got bills to pay…..yesterday! Our children have problems……….Our older parents can give us problems……….We’re trapped in the middle with no way out. What can help us? Where can we turn? Are we just going to get swallowed up? What is the way out of our problems? Society’s answers are typically only temporary. Some tell us that “the bottle” provides a way out. Whether it’s beer or another form of booze……It might go down smooth and it might taste good but after a while we f igure out that liquor only clouds our thinking. The same is true of dope. While you’re under its influence you’re f ine…………everything is well………….But what happens when it wears off…………..and then you are left with the pain?………………….is the gas being shut off?…………Is the car about to be repossessed?………………am I about to lose my job? This can lead a Brother or a Sis-

ter to look at another way out. It can lead to politics, for example. It led to a movement in this country in the 1950s and 60s where Brothers and Sisters felt that their lives needed to be improved. Some said, “We all need the right to vote.” or “We ALL deserve Civil Rights!!” By embracing the words of Dr Martin Luther King, the Black man might be finally achieving something. Today we have more Black Mayors than we have ever had in the past. We have more Black congress people than ever. With all of these advocates it seems we would have legislated away all of our problems. But instead we have more Homelessness, teenage pregnancy, and Black unemployment than we ever had! What a simple way to solve things. Just legislate it away. Too bad it doesn’t work! Too bad it leaves us with a Black President who has empty words to placate us and empty promises for us to choke on. He can’t be concerned with Black people. He is president for

“all the people”. Too bad because we’re left with nothing AGAIN! Most of our people turned to Christianity!. They thought, “That must be the way out. That must be the solution to our problems. Jesus must be the way.” The pope tells us what we can do to get God’s favor. He can tell us what we can do to get everlasting life Those same people told us we were only 3/5’s a man. Believing those same people only leads to slavery, suffering and death! The pope is just another devil and the devil wants us to believe in a mystery God. He wants us to believe in a spook. That Heaven is a pie in the sky. Something we can never see unless we physically die first. Something not even an insane fool would believe in. But there is a way out Black Man!. I know you have been brought to this point kicking, screaming and crying. You are desperate! You are hopeless! But you got to listen carefully to what I say. You have to stop being so hardheaded, stiff-necked and rebellious. The solution to our problems

Brother John 9X is Divine! I’ll say that again. The solution to our problems Black Man and Black Woman is GOD. God, Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, is the answer. Islam, which means entire submission to the will of God, is the answer. God {Allah} taught the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for 3 and ½ years. That is why His teachings are LIFE-GIVING teachings. Islam is strong enough to reform the Dope peddler, strong enough to reform the prostitute. Strong enough to make the wino give it up! The Honorable Elijah Muhammad knew the answer to what is troubling us Brothers and Sisters. His teaching is the only way out! As-Salaam-Alaikum

Large Garden Lots For Lease Highlights * 100 ft. X 100 ft. = 10,000 square ft lots * Six month renewable lease/ $25 monthly *We are located in Pembroke Township, IL near I-57, about 60 miles south of Chicago’s border

For those Practicing Muslims who wish to Do For Self and Grow Produce for their families and supplement their income (at farmer market, for example), we Offer An Opportunity FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:

Min. Jamal M. Shabazz

(815) 944-5815

Vol. 9, No. 6

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-July-August, 2011 Online Edition

Page 27

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What Islam Has Done For Me

Taught Me How To Think By Sister Muslimah Z. Pasha OAKLAND, Cali.--One

of my favorite quotes from The Messenger is, “We cannot change ourselves unless we change our way of thinking, it is actually thought that changes us.” Islam has definitely taught me how to think. I didn’t realize my way of thinking needed to change until it actually began to change. Growing up stubborn and rebellious, not wanting to follow any rules , I found myself in a lot of trouble. As a Muslimah (a Muslim woman) who follows the teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I now understand the importance of structure, rules and laws. The Messenger taught that Islam dignifies us. It gives us the desire to be clean internally and externally. Islam removes fear makes us fearless. Islam makes us to know and love one another as never before. The love that I have for my sisters and brothers in Islam I didn’t know I could feel for people who weren’t blood relatives. I know that its because of my love for my God and His Messenger. The Messenger said that Islam will put the Blackman of America on top of civilization and I can’t wait! We have been made blind deaf and dumb by this caucasian devil, so how can we be redirected to be civilized without rules and laws? The Law, meaning a binding custom or practice of a community. The action of laws considered as a means of redressing wrongs. The restrictive law is our success! As taught to us by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I follow the laws as best I can. It’s not always easy because I’m not perfect. In my everyday life, the laws are necessary and I understand the purpose clearly. Everything given to us by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is to make us better, beautiful and civilized. Islam has given my life purpose. Islam has given me the knowledge of self and others, the knowledge of God and the devil. I no longer believe in a mystery God and I respect the blackman for

Hip Hop dropped the seed Islam IS THE SEED! By Warsaw W. Shabazz Allah

Sister Muslimah Ziyadah Pasha Your Black Muslim Temple #1 who he is, a God. Islam has given me the desire to know, and has made me a studious person. Islam is the best thing to happen to me and I am forever grateful.

Adhere to the guidance Continued from page 19 den, into my paradise among servants well pleased and well pleasing. This is what man has sought; the heaven within and the heaven without. If heaven does not begin within, we will never enjoy it on the outside. We do not go to a certain place for heaven. Nearly all of my followers and I are already in heaven (a peace of mind and contentment for the necessities of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, and without the enemy of fear and grief). And, with the protection of Almighty God, Allah, what more do we want? If we went into another place, we still would not enjoy it more. Oh certainly, we would be happy to live in a place where there was nothing but people like ourselves, thinking as we think and trying to obey the law of God. But still, within ourselves, we are happy because this evil world does not attract us anymore. We do not desire this kind of life that the wicked live. Our thoughts or minds feast upon the spirit of goodness. Therefore, the spirit of evil cannot find a place among us to dwell." All praises is due to Allah for the Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad. The only thing to do is to make it our business to live by the lifegiving teachings that needs no interpretations. For Allah spoke, directly to Messenger Elijah Muhammad, and THE MESSENGER meant exactly what he said..

In 1994, after years of searching for the Truth and Reality of God, I accepted My Own as a member of the Lost-Found Tribe of Shabazz. In the mid to late 80's and early to mid 90's, I was heavily influenced by rap artists such as Public Enemy, KRS One, Rakim, Kane, Poor Righteous Teachers, Native Tongues, Brand Nubian, King Sun, Lakim Shabazz, Shabazz the Disciple, Wu Tang, and other Five Percenters, Islamic, and Pro Black artists. Through the Hip Hop culture and movement, I began to become educated on true Black history and began to hunger for more knowledge. I began to identify with my Blackness beyond complexion, beyond racial stereotypes and stigmas, and beyond the limited history of us in America as slaves. It was not the rappers who reached me, stimulated my mind, and stirred my soul, it was Islam spoken and taught through these rappers. However, there was a void or incomplete aspect of the knowledge that left me unfulfilled. Rap was not enough and furthermore, it was becoming something other than righteous and informative music. The seed had been planted! Yet all the studying with Five Percenters and listening to Sunni and "Orthodox" Muslims, failed to bring the Cream to the top; nor did the Moors or any other religious or cultural groups. Finally, I ran into a Brother who was in earshot of a conversation between me and another young striving Brother. The Brother listening to us took it upon himself to "intrude", answering many questions we had. Later, he invited us to a Nation of Islam meeting. At this meeting, the Brother began teaching from both the Bible and the Quran, verifying scripture with each book. I was blown away. I was well VIRGINIA--

versed in the Bible already, so adding the Quran was a plus positive that fed my hunger. I wanted more and more and I got it... One day, the Brother teaching me handed me his “Message to the Blackman in America” book by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He had a cut-outphoto taped on the inside cover that intrigued me instantly. In the photo was The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad sitting in a chair with one of his sons (Wallace/Warrith) standing above him. However, it was the huge portrait that was behind and above them both that ignited a new fire inside me. I asked who the Man in the portrait was and the Brother chuckled and told me it would take time to explain Who He was and is. He did tell me His name and Title. but strongly suggested that I read “Message to the Blackman in America” to develop a better understanding. The Man in the portrait was Master Fard Muhammad, Allah, (God) in Person! Once I saw The Saviour, I took a long shower and then prayed to God saying that I wasn't sure who he was, who Jesus was, or what the Truth is, and I asked God to guide me in the Right Direction that I may do His Will and Work for the rest of my life. I almost finished “Message To The Blackman in America” in one night. I soon added all Five Books by The Messenger, and the Maulana Muhammad Ali Holy Quran to my personal archives. Through all my trials, tribulations, tests, questions, and doubts, I have never stopped believing that Allah appeared in the Divine Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom All Praises are Due Forever and Raised from amongst us a Divine leader, teacher, and guide The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, His Supreme Minister and Messenger to the Black man and woman in America. I have to recognize my First min-

Warsaw Wahid Shabazz Allah ister Brother Samuel X Curtis and my Last minister Granddaddy Tarif MusLamb Shabazz Allah; both dedicated to Freedom, Justice, Equality, and Islam under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This is a rushed, and almost insufficient testimony bearing witness to my conviction and devotion to Islam as taught by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I wrote about what first came to my heart. For me, it is all about the Great Mahdi, Our Saviour, Master Fard Muhammad, Who has been subjected to so much disrespect, ridicule, lies, BLASPHEMY, and I just want it to be recorded that because of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Words and Works, I have a Knowledge of Allah as a Man and not a Spook or Spirit. Regardless of those who doubt and disbelieve, and despite those who only lip profess, I bear witness that there is no God but Allah Who Appeared in the Divine Person of Master Fard Muhammad to Whom All Praises are Due Forever. Before even having it explained to me Who He was/is, it was the Saviour who spoke to me without saying anything; for A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS. "What Islam Has Done For Me" is another Great Story to be continued...

The Messenger of Allah Presents

The Muslim Program What the Muslims Want This is the question asked most frequently by both the whited and the blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. 1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom. 2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed, or class, or color. 3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society. 4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own...either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obliged to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years...until we are able to produce our own needs. Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood, and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own. 5. We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North, as well as the South. We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master's children and establish a land of their own. We know that the above plan for the solution of the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people. 6. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and mob attacks against the so-called Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that black men and women tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the land - or allow us to build a new nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty. 7. As long as we are not allowed to establish a state or territory of our own, we demand not only

equal justice under the laws of the United States, but equal employment opportunities - NOW. We do not believe that after 400 years of free or nearly free labor, sweat and blood, which has helped America become rich and powerful, that so many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief, charity, or live in poor homes. 8. We want the government of the United States to exempt our people from All Taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land. 9. We want equal education -but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities. We want all black children, educated, taught and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling systems we believe we will make a better nation of people. The United States government should provide, free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools, and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness, decency and self respect. 10. We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. We want the religion of Islam taught without hindrance or suppression. These are some of the things that we, the Muslims, want for our people in North America.

What the Muslims Believe 1. WE BELIEVE in the One God Whose proper Name is Allah. 2. WE BELIEVE in the Holy Qur'an and in the Scriptures of all the Prophets of God. 3. WE BELIEVE in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it. 4. WE BELIEVE in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to the people. 5. WE BELIEVE in the resurrection of the dead -- but not in the physical resurrection -- but in mental resurrection. We believe that the so-called Negro's are most in need of mental resurrection therefore they will be resurrected first. Furthermore, we believe we are the people of God's choice, as it has been written. That God would choose the rejected and the despised. We can find no other persons fitting this description in these last days more than the socalled Negro's in America. We believe in the resurrection of the righteous. 6. WE BELIEVE in the judgement; We believe this first judgement will take place in America. 7. WE BELIEVE this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negro's and so-called white Americans. We believe the black men should be freed in name as well as in fact. By this we mean that he should be freed

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad THE LAST MESSENGER OF ALLAH from the names imposed upon him by his former slave masters. Names which identified him as being the slave master's slave. We believe that if we are free indeed, we should go in our own people's names - the black people of the earth. 8. WE BELIEVE in justice for all, whether in God or not; We believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in equality -- as a nation - of equals. We do not believe that we are equal with our slave master in the status of "freed slaves". We recognize and respect American citizens as independent people and we respect their laws which govern this nation. 9. WE BELIEVE that the offer of Integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black people into believing that their 400 year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends". Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing that the time in history has arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation. If the white people are truthful about their professed friendship toward the so-called Negro, they can prove it by dividing up America with their slaves. We do not believe that America will ever be able to furnish jobs for her own millions of unemployed, in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 black people as well. 10. WE BELIEVE that we who declared ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for. 11. WE BELIEVE our women should be respected and protected as the women of their nationalities are respected and protected. 12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the longawaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.

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