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Dedicated To Freedom, Justice and Equality for the so-called Negro (African-American). The Earth Belongs to Allah.

Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Idea Drawn By E. Majied

Vol. 9, No. 7

October-November, 2011 Online Edition

Donation $ 2.00

Reprinted from the October 13, 1972 issue of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper

Elijah Muhammad Warned Us Of This Day!

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US loss of economic power an advantage for Black America The International Monetary Fund, based in Washington DC, predicts that in five years the world will see the end of the 'Age of America'! This is no news to Black People in America. We have been warned of this by Messenger Elijah Muhammad from the year 1931 until 1975. Now we can see with our own eyes that, even though his words seemed unbelievable at that time, that everything he told us would happen is happening! The great advantage that Black people in America have is that our Messenger, ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, also gave us a plan of action to take to survive the FALL OF AMERICA! The Messenger said: Since our being brought in chains to the shores of America, our brain power, labor, skills, talent and wealth have been taken, given and spent toward building and adding to the civilization of another people. It is time for you and me, the so-called Negroes, to start doing for ourselves. We must not let our children be as are we, beggars of another man for his home, facilities, clothing, food and the means of providing a living. Man depends on land for the necessities, food, clothing and shelter for survival. A prime requisite for freedom and independence is having one's own land. There can be no freedom without a people having their own land. The acquisition of land has been the factor for more wars than any other cause. Economists agree that in order for any type of nation or system, capitalism or communism, democracy or totalitarian or what Continued on page 10

State Runs out of Food Stamps GEORGIA--During the last week of September, 2011, hundreds of distraught,

angry and emotional Black women stormed the Clayton County Human Services office because food stamp help unexpectedly ended. State Officials, at the time, claimed they could give no explanation as to why the women in this area hadn’t received their food stamps. that it was some kind of glich, that they couldn’t figure out. In order to ward of an expected, The Georgia Dept. of Human Services issued the following statement, “We have both state and county staff working to understand the cause of the problem today. We are working to ensure people receive their food stamps as soon as possible.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad said, “We sit here like pampered babies. We cannot even stand on the floor, not to mention taking a chance of crawling out of the door. We are too careful of shedding blood for ourselves. We are willing to shed all of it for the benefit of others. I am not trying to get you to fight. That is not even necessary; our unity will win the battle! Not one of us will have to raise a sword. Not one gun would we need to fire. The great cannon that will be fired is our unity...” The Messenger went on to say, “The touch of Islam makes the lost-found have a sense of dignity and for the first time he feels that he should do something for self...He, therefore, now prays the following prayer: "O Allah! I seek The refuge from anxiety and grief and I seek Thy refuge from lack of strength and laziness and I seek Thy refuge from cowardice and niggardliness and I seek Thy refuge from being overpowered by debt an the oppression of men. O Allah! Suffice Thou me with what is lawful to keep me away from what is prohibited and with Thy grace make me free from want of what is besides Thee." We, the lost-founds, should repeat the above prayer seven (7) times a day. For it sums up our greatest hindrance to freedom and self-independence. We must get away from the idea of depending on others to do for us what we can do for self. Fear, cowardice and laziness are our greatest enemies. We are brave enough to fight to preserve the white race's independence, but not brave for self and kind. Shake such shackles off and face the consequences like men and we all will be free!”

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The Destruction of America’s Education WASHINGTON--States

and school districts across the country have fired thousands of teachers, raised college tuition, relaxed standards, cut academic programs, and even shortened the school week in order to afford to keep schools open. At least 22 states have scaled back K-12 funding and at least 24 have made cuts in higher education for 2012, according to estimates by the National Assn. of State Budget Officers. A whopping $5 billion more in budget cuts is expected this year. Experts say, school officials often reduce, or eliminate, personnel and programs lower-income and nonwhite students. In California, many school districts cut spending for adult education, libraries, textbooks, arts and music, gifted students, tutoring for low-performing high school students and other programs. In Florida, state funds for 15,000 children to attend a school-readiness program for low-income families have been cut, and college tuition was raised 15% for the fourth consecutive year. Texas eliminated funding for prekindergarten programs that serve about 100,000 at-risk children. Across the country many districts havegone to four-day school weeks and eliminated high school counselors. In Philadelphia, nearly half of the 103 bilingual counseling assistants and 16 of the 275 teachers of English as a second language were laid off. In all, the district laid off 1,228 teachers and 1,277 non-instructional staff members. There was about $851 million in funds cut for Pennsylvania public schools. In many parts of the country, parents and teachers have taken to the streets to protest, but to little effect. Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned us this day was coming! Every week in the Muhammad Speaks Newspaper, from 1960 to 1975 he wrote about the Fall of America. Those articles were compiled in a book titled “The Fall of America”. Printed below are excepts from chapter 21 of that book: The plague of Allah (God) against the educational system of America is something that the philosophers and scientists should look into, as

the destruction of America’s education is the destruction of their wisdom to educate the people. There are many who look on the destruction without taking a second thought of the destruction without taking a second thought of the destruction of America’s education. Education is a guide for the people to keep and maintain a civilized life. It is education that civilizes us. Now to see the citizens of America rebelling against the American educational system is something that the wise of the wise should take thought of. The American people actually have come to the point where they hate their own educational system. This means that they are now hating and destroying their civilization because it is education that civilizes people. The American people no longer want their education and they are destroying the very houses that house their text books of education. They are rebelling against their teachers and then they set their houses on fire - schools, colleges and universities. This means in words, as I have said above, that they are destroying their own civilization. The Black people of today who are blindly helping the white people to destroy this civilization are like Samson was in his day and time; he helped to pull the building down, but he was blind to the effect of the destruction of the building. All Samson wanted to do was to get even with his mockers who had put out his eyes and who laughed at him. Samson did not care whether there would be a civilization left behind him or not. He was willing to die, blind to the knowledge of the future of his people and those people he was destroying. Throughout America, her colleges, her universities and her teachers are in danger. The students no longer want old world guidance. It is a new world that they want. But in their mad destruction of the old world they do not know how to prepare for a new world civilization. They do not have guidance for a new civilization, and in their madness they refuse to hear a teacher teaching of an educational system of a better civilization...the civilization of the Black man.

The wisdom of the educational system of the aboriginal Black Man of the earth has never been known to this world because the Black man was put to sleep in order to let this world (white man) try itself at ruling. Now the rule of this world has been found to be dissatisfying and the dissatisfaction is 100 per cent. Allah (God) has come to take over and to guide another people into setting up a better educational system for the people of whom He Himself is the Head. And we all get guidance from Him, as Daniel said in his prophesy, "God will set up a kingdom and He will leave it into the hands of others, but He Himself will guide it." But first He must remove all the rubbish if this white man’s world educational system. He discards America’s educational system, as we discard rubbish to be burned up. The black man who hears the teachings of Islam feels proud that he has been taught something that he has wished for all of his life. But the average Black man that hears does not accept it as he should. He accepts it in such a way that he can be criticized and mocked: for he wants to take a piece of it, as he has done in the past and he runs away with it claiming that he knows this. He will try to set up something of his own from a few words of it. This throws the Black man behind. They do this through envy, jealousy, and proudness on the part Continued on Page 8

Muhammad Speaks Is Published By THE NATION OF ISLAM Muhammad Temple of Islam 12609-12619 E. McNichols Detroit, MI 48205 Muhammad Speaks Newspaper PO BOX 44261 Detroit, MI 48244

Telephone: (313) 371-7033 Vol 9, No. 7 October, 2011 Minister Levi Karim, Publisher Sister Zakiyah Karim, Editor

Email: publisher@muhammadspeaks.com editor@muhammadspeaks.com Visit us on the Internet: www.muhammadspeaks.com

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

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America still working to force the evil suggestion of homosexuality on Blacks WASHINGTON, DC-- The United States

Census Bureau was forced to do a “recount” on the number of homosexuals in America, after admiting that the 901,997 figure released in August, 2011 was “exagerated” After the recount, The Census Bureau claimed in September, 2011, that there are only 646,464 people in America that practice such filth. White America has used this “every one else is doing it” tactic to turn the world into evil, filth and indecency. According to Messenger Elijah Muhammad, “The people of Noah committed the same evil and the same unsightly filth that is going on here in America, today. But, the evil and filth of the present day America, is being committed on a larger scale than that committed in the day of Noah. The people of Noah were drowned and destroyed. So it was with the people of Lot. In Sodom and Gomorrah wickedness and filth had become the order of the day. Those wicked people were removed from our planet earth. Is America any better? No! America is worse than that ancient people.” America boasts that according to the 2000 census the number of same-sex couples nationwide rose 80 percent from an adjusted 2000 figure of 358,390. And that the highest share of households with reported same-sex couples — both married and unmarried — was in Washington, D.C., Messenger Elijah Muhammad taught in his book, The Fall of America, that “America seems to be the answer to many of the Bible’s and the Holy Qur’an’s prophecies. It is mentioned in Jeremiah (51:9) that ancient Babylon could have been healed but was not, for her wickedness was such that she was neither healed nor forgiven.” “We see this in the working of the fall of America today. I say fall, for most surely this is the divine fall of America, as it was of ancient Babylon for its evils done to the Jews. Even to this late date, America does not want to repent of her evil done to her Black slaves...She should free the slaves indeed. The ignorant ones who want to stay with her just because they are too lazy to accept their own responsibilities,

or too much in love with the unalike white people who have attracted them to such an extent that they have become a charm -- want to remain with this white master even if they are just given food and shelter -- this type of people is not wanted by any nation. No nation wants slaves on the basis of taking the responsibility to care for them when they can care for themselves. The American Black once slave for four hundred years had now become a free proud slave, and a lover of the children of the once slave-masters. The refusal of white America to do something about justice for her so-called free slaves is bringing her into the same type of judgment that God brought upon ancient Babylon.” According to Messenger Elijah Muhammad, Jeremiah (51:45) mentions a warning to the people of God to flee out of Babylon. Could this be referring to the captive Jews in ancient Babylon? If God called the ancient Jews His people, it was for a sign of a future people that He would choose to call His people (so-called African-Americans). The Black people of America today are called His chosen people by God Himself, chosen by Him to build a new government based upon truth, freedom, justice and equality. This type of government is to live forever and never to be removed from the people, according to Daniel’s prophecy of a kingdom of God set up in the last days -- the government of which will not be left to the people. God Himself will be the head and the ruler. In ancient Babylon’s history, the enslaved Jews were ordered to flee out of her midst and be delivered, every man his soul from the fierce anger of the Lord, Jeremiah (51:45.) The last book of the Bible, the Revelations of John (18:4) makes this a little clearer. Both prophecies are similar but the one in Revelations is warning a people to flee out of Babylon so that they..."Be not partakers of her sins," of Babylon and receive not of her plagues."

This showed that God was going to plague Babylon; and that His people should not suffer the divine plagues sent upon Babylon. They are ordered to flee out of her. (Jeremiah 51:45.) This is a future prophecy of a future Babylon similar to the ancient Babylon under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar. The history of these two kings of ancient Babylon teaches us that they held slaves who were trying to serve the right God. The coming of Allah in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praises are due forever, was for the deliverance of the lost-andfound people (Black) from a fourhundred year-old enemy who has never shown them anything but evil, murder and death. Being very

angry, as it was written of Him and as I know it to be the truth, He desires nothing more than freedom, justice, and equality for us, the once lost and now found Black members of our nation, the original Black nation of the earth. America now is at war with God through God’s people (the socalled African-American.) The confusion and the plagues of the country with disasters, one after another, is divine retaliation against white America’s evil doings and intentions, against her once-slaves and her false friendship, which has her opening her homes to integrate the people of God with them who by nature are different or foreign. The white man has poisoned our people’s minds

so thoroughly that they f ight against their own God and salvation to gain the favor of their own enemies. The call of Islam, the true religion of God to us, the once-slaves of America, is the same call telling us to flee out of the American way of life so that our lives may be saved from the divine destruction of a non-repentant enemy (Jeremiah 51:45.) Divine plagues and foreign wars are now destroying the American standards of life and money. Her deceitful, filthy temptations, now being displayed before her onceslaves in the world, are designed to make the once-slave an enemy of his God and of his own salvaContinued on Page 10

“That’s Funny, I don’t Feel Sick” Reprinted from the October 4, 1974 issue of Muhammad Speaks

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Keep Allah and the Messenger Out Front By

Minister Levi Karim In the Name of Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. I forever thank Him for raising up His Messenger, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him). As-Salaam-Alaikum

It’s a blessing to know that you have a Merciful God. And He has the power of all things. This is what we have to keep in mind. He has control over everything. Whether it’s right or wrong. He’s the God. He’s The Master! We should be grateful and thankful. We don’t realize how lucky we are. All of our short-comings! All of our Mis-haps! He has the power over it! It’s depends on whether or not your heart is right. If you have any goodness, Allah brings all of this out of you and I. The Messenger taught us that whatever is in you and I, Allah will bring it out. Good or bad. We will be brought face to face with it. A lot of times, you look at yourself and you don’t like what you see. But it’s a Mercy and a Blessing from almighty God (Allah) to bring it out for you to see. Sometimes it’s brought out for everyone to see. But most times, in His mercy, He will bring it out for YOU to see. Then, when you see it, you can work on it, deal with it. Fix it! We all have short-comings. And we might have some more. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. That’s why, the Messenger taught, we should always keep Allah and the Messenger out front. Don’t look at nobody else! Keep them two out front! And certainly don’t get hung up on me! I might fall tomorrow. And I’m not going to get hung up on you, because YOU might fall. You see? KEEP ALLAH AND THE MESSENGER OUT FRONT!

This Minister thing is just a post (position). Any one of you can be a Minister, Captain, Lieutenant, Secretary, and you can be a good strong Believer. And that’s the ONLY way you are going to be a good strong Believer, by Keeping Allah and the Messenger OUT FRONT. Remember this! ANY good strong Believer can do as good a job as ANY Minister, Captain, Lieutenant, Secretary or what not, if you just be a good strong believer first! Malcolm X is a good example. He was a star, as long as he kept Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad and Messenger Elijah Muhammad out front. But when he deviated from them, we gradually saw him change for the worse until death took him away. All stars burn out when the shoot out of orbit. When they don’t keep Allah and the Messenger out Front, we see them fall, because they start putting themselves out front. And those who had that one out front instead of Allah and the Messenger, fall with them. So we ALL are trying to be upright. No Big I’s and little you’s! Some of our duties and obligations may be a little more because of the post we have, but that’s just a post. I remember back in the 1960s, when the Captain gave me the post as Lieutenant. He asked me what does Lieutenant mean. I answered with the standard answer we are taught to give and he said, “Lieutenant means WORK!. He said, “You are not going to stand around here and tell these brothers to do something if you are not doing it.” And we did it. We worked! There were thirteen (13) Lieutants and each one of us sold at least 300 Muhammad Speaks Newspaper every week. The Captain wasn’t having it any other way! That’s the way it is in The Nation

‘There was a time when I would have argued any one down, saying it couldn’t happen to me, until it did.’ --Minister Levi Karim of Islam. It’s a WORKING RELIGION! Forget about just standing around TALKING! You have to WORK at being a GOOD STRONG BELIEVER. But don’t think you can’t get caught up on somebody else. Don’t think it can’t happen to you, because it can! It’s easy to get caught up. Messenger Elijah Muhammad said, during The Laborer’s Meeting in 1964 that they “will get the elect if we’re not careful” I caught up myself, WHILE I WAS LIEUTENANT! Not just me. All the Lieutenants did! There was a time when I would have argued any one down, saying it couldn’t happen to me, until it did. Back then, the Nation was flourishing. The Messenger was right here with us. His family members were in the Temple and we loved him and his family. But some of his family members took advantage of that love. What happened? One of the Messenger’s family members asked us to help him sell baked goods. We were happy to help him. We all took as many as we could. As time went on, before we knew it we were selling more and more pies and cakes and less and less Muhammad Speaks Newspapers. Before we knew it, we had fallen off our post as Lieutenants. One of the Captain’s son asked me what was going on and why. I told him and we spent the next few hours arguing. I stood there arguing trying to justify me and the other Lieutenants neglecting our post. That night I went over myself and

the situation that I had fallen into. The next day, I pulled out of the cake-selling thing and got back on my post. After speaking with the Captain, most of the Lieutenants got back on post. Some never recovered from that little fall. The followers of these “Big I’s”,do the same thing. They loose sight of the Messenger. It throws them into confusion and rebelliousness against the Messenger. When someone comes along and points out to them that they are following the wrong man, they argue you down. They agree that The Messenger taught us to keep Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad and Messenger Elijah Muhammad out Front, yet they continuously try to justify having someone other than Allah and the Messenger out front, who they have come to love and trust. It is easy to get hung up on, not just the Messenger’s family members, but anyone close to the Messenger. Some get caught up on His Ministers, Captains, and Secretaries. Some even get caught up on people who worked in the Messenger’s home as cooks, housekeepers and what-not. Remember! No Big I’s and little you’s. It’s just a post. That doesn’t make me any better than you, because I have a post. That post requires me to be that much more aware of practicing True Brotherhood,wanting for my brother and sister what I want for myself: Freedom, Justice and Equality, which is Islam. The Messenger stressed that we


are to have NO IMPORTANCE AMONG THE LABORERS! And I. sure can, understand why. Some of the officials and even some of The Messenger’s own family members used to stick out there little chest out some time. Not all of them, now. SOME of them. The Messenger had some STRONG Believers in his family and he had some weak ones. You had some that thought they were better than others, just because they were one of the Messeger’s family members. I remember one day, the Messenger’s nephew (his brother’s son) came to the Temple with his chest all poked out. He refused to sell papers and even refused to be checked. We let the Captain (who was also the Messenger’s nephew/The Messenger’s sister’s son) know about it. He knew just how to deal with him. He told him right in front of the Lieutenants that he refused to that he WAS going to be checked and get papers like every other brother in the Temple or leave until he felt like he was ready to do so. He left and returned two or three weeks later with a totally different attitude. And we didn’t have any more trouble out of him. So don’t get caught up and lose your salvation following the wrong guy. Keep Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad and His Last and Greatest Messenger out front and you won’t go wrong.

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Words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad - How To Eat To Live Book 2, Page 75

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The Threatened Day By Messenger Elijah Muhammad Reprinted from, Our Saviour Has Arrived, Chapter 42 As the Heavens are full of stars, it does not seem possible to the naked eye that we need add any more stars because the heavens are full of stars. As the Heavens are full of stars, so it is with the population of the earth today. The population of the earth is the greatest that it has been for the past 6,000 years under the rule of the white race. On our planet earth, every race in every country, city, and town is now so full of people that they have to look for room for expansion. It is an acute situation throughout the earth. Governments are taxed to the limit to try to house their population. This known, well-visited earth, in spite of its liberal habitations, is seemingly over populated, so much so that it is a problem of the governments to find houses for its citizens. Allah Himself threatens to reduce the seemingly over population of the earth by removing all of the people of the planet earth who are unwilling to submit in obedience of Allah (God), His Messenger, and the Message that he has sent. A great vacancy would be left, for there is only a small percentage of the population of the earth who want to do righteousness. Most of the population of the earth has its own god and religion. They will not let go of what they have for Allah (God) and His True Religion, Islam. My Black Brothers and Sisters, I am sorry for you if you think that the white man’s religion of Christianity will take you to heaven. I am sorry to tell you that it will not. The Holy Qur’an teaches us that if we bring any other religion, other than Islam, on that Day, it will not be accepted. Allah (God) forbids us to set up a god beside Him, making another His Equal. The Bible teaches you the same. You have disobeyed and added gods to the One God (Allah). The belief of the believer in Christianity is in three gods. This is

against the teachings of Allah (God), The One God. I am your God, warns Allah (God), I and I Alone. But you have set up some other I’s with Allah, The One God. Allah (God) warned all prophets of the past, "Tell the people, do not set up any other god with me as My Equal. I Am Your God." The true religion, Islam, is the Beginning of God Himself. That is the age of Islam. The age of Christianity is only 2,000 years. It’s impossible to reconcile Christianity as being the true religion of God with a few words of Christianity used as proof. You are the losers...those of you who hold on the religion of Christianity. This is the threatened day against you. You want to put aside Allah (God) and His true Religion, Islam, His Messenger and his Message, and accept that which you hope to put in its place, Christianity. This will not be accepted by Allah (God). The heavens are full of stars. Maulana Muhammad Ali’s translation of the Holy Qur’an, in his footnote in that Chapter, says this represents a prosperous people and behind this prosperous people is a threatened destruction. They are in high places and authority of the earth. The enemies of Allah (God) are working to reduce the population of the Planet Earth by means of poisoning the human beings and by setting up birth control laws under very wicked devices in order to rid the earth of people according to their idea of controlling the increase of the races and nations of the earth. This is a wicked thing. Few people recognize the fact that we are living in the Day of Judgment of the wicked. You would like to ignore it. Why? It is because they love this wicked world which the wicked have built. They do not want to depart from it. Allah (God) has given me the truth for the people. But in every city and town, and on every street,

You ‘little leaders’ you think that because a few ignorant people follow you, you think that you have advantage with the people. -Messenger Elijah Muhammad little would-be leaders snatch a few words of what Allah (God) has given to me for you, and they try to build an independent organization for self. Not for you...but for themselves.

REBELLIOUS LEADERSHIP This independent leadership is for self-exaltation. It is written in both the Bible and the Holy Qur’an that all want to be their own leader, all want to be shepherds of the people. They want honor for themselves regardless of Allah’s (God’s) warning to them to follow His Shepherd Whom He has Chosen...me. They depend upon themselves and they have nothing and they will never be successful. I do not worry about these little self-guides, self-leaders and self-organizations: I warn the public. You are headed to be burned if you follow these self-styled leaders. You may say to me, Muhammad, we think you are self-styled. I say to you, calculate on my work. Allah (God) is with me to enable me to do it. If you do not believe that He Is, I still say, you should follow a man who is doing what I am doing since you are not able to do it. Stop splitting up the Black people throughout America and setting up opposition to the work which Allah (God) has appointed for me to do which is the salvation of the Black People and your salvation. This sitting around waiting to see will get you hell like it did the people of Noah, Lot, and Pharaoh. The Holy Qur’an warns you against this, "Wait if want to. We too are waiting." It gives a very stern theological answer, "We know that you are on the wrong base." The Bible teaches you of the Muslims: "We know what we worship, you worship ye know not what." You are so far from understand-

ing the prophecies of Jesus...making him something coming back from the grave in the Judgment to Judge the people with God. The Bible plainly tells you that he died "I go away..." then he prophesied that "God will send you one." You do not want that to be the present Messenger of Allah (God) whom you are opposed to. But you keep trying to preach the dead prophet, Jesus, back to life. Jesus was nothing but a prophet and he did not deny it. I have contended with you on this. Let the Pope of Rome contend with me, for you are not able to attempt to do so. You are blind to the theology of Christianity. You do not have enough knoweldge of theology and scripture to contend with me. The white man would not teach you the right understanding of the scripture of the Bible. Many times, I have invited any one of them to prove the claim that the Jesus of 2,000 years ago is coming back.We know what happened to him 2,000 years ago. He cannot come back from the grave.

He is not in heaven. This is a lack of knowledge of the theology of the scriptures, but you can believe it any way that you want to. I would not give 2 cents for all your praying to a dead Jesus to hear you. He does not hear you. He is dead and buried as all others before him and since who have died.

WORLD-WIDE MISSION You ‘little leaders’ you think that because a few ignorant people follow you, you think that you have advantage with the people. Allah (God) Who Came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, To Whom Praises are due forever, is Independent and I, His Messenger, am an independent, Proud, Black Man. There are millions of people on this earth besides you. I can teach them in six (6) hours and they will believe more than you do in six (6) years of my teaching you. Allah (God) will whip you into submission. That is what He Will Do...The Heavens are Full of Stars...The Threatened Day.

Don’t Confuse “The Nation of Islam” with THE NATION OF ISLAM Letter to the webmaster@muhammadspeaks.com QUESTION: I'm beginning to believe the NOI has become too much Farrakhan and not enough Elijah. If it's not an imposition...asking you whether or not I'm alone in my thinking. From: Robert McIver ANSWER: Please don't confuse "The Nation of Islam" with THE NATION OF ISLAM. The REAL NATION OF ISLAM consists of FOLLOWERS OF MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD'S TEACHINGS. There are many groups such as followers of Minister Farrakhan, followers of Silis Muhammad, followers of Marvin Muhammad, followers of Royall Jenkins aka

Solomon, who use the name "Nation of Islam", "Lost-Found Nation of Islam", and including but not limited to "The New Nation of Islam". These groups all suffer from the same disease, which is none other than DEVIATION FROM THE TRUE TEACHINGS OF MESSENGER ELIJAH MUHAMMAD. The followers of this “rebellious leadership” have failed to keep Allah, WHO CAME IN THE PERSON OF MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD and His Messenger, The MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, out front. So to answer your question: NO YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN YOUR THINKING!

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Words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad

“ They are NOT responsible for The message. I AM THE ONLY ONE God will hold responsible for you not getting the Truth.” Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Words-Reprinted From Our Saviour Has Arrived, Acknowledgment

‘They were once dead... They did not bring about the rebelling against the Messenger until Allah and His Messenger had brought them in or taught them rather a lot of wisdom of truth. Then they raised up to take that place that they had not been chosen for by almighty God Allah. Going around lying. Telling the people that they are something that God has chosen, themselves. And that they are to take the place of the Messenger.’ Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Words Transcribed From The “Warning To The Hypocrites” Audio Tape

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

Vol. 9, No. 7

Destruction of America’s Education Continued from page 2 of the person. This is the way the Black man of America is divided. The devil knows that the Black man is proud and envious. The white man helps him to be this way so that the Black man will never get any place towards self, if the Black man takes such steps to divide himself up. Look how the devil is teaching our people division now. The devil goes and gets everyone whom he thinks of for the black people to idolize them. Look at how he names streets after Rev. Martin Luther King and Malcolm because he was the devil’s disciple. Rev. Martin Luther King was not the disciple of the Black man. He preached integration with white people and become white folk, and then the white man killed him. The white man does the same to you, although you follow what the white man tells you to follow and you worship the white man. Many times, I have reminded you that Rev. Martin Luther King was not trying to separate you from the enemy, but instead he was trying to unite you with the enemy. Rev. Martin Luther King was not seeking a home for you as Moses was seeking a home for Israel who was opposed in Egypt. In modern day America, I am seeking an independent home for you. Rev. Martin Luther King did not do this. Rev. Martin Luther King taught you to submit to the white man and to become one of them. All of your life you have known that this is destruction - after so-called freedom. It is the same as the dog returning to his vomit. The Black man was vomited out of the white man and now goes back to the white man... The white man is right when he says that you are free. You are free; but if you go back to him for him to put chains on you again, he will do. Malcolm fell out from us a hypocrite. He went and joined white people and worshiped them and he got what he preached for. Now the white man names colleges after Malcolm only to get you to join in the philosophy which he left behind; that white people are good. Malcolm went to Mecca and saw white people. And instead of joining in with the Black Man, he joined in with the white man, although he was taught the white

man’s birth and death. He preached it as long as he did not turn enemy against me. He turns enemy against me, for he wanted my place over the people and he thought that by going over the earth and making a mockery of me, he would do just that...get rid of me. But the very people of Mecca and Egypt and other places he went, they are with me today. Here, in the United States of America, today, I have more followers than I had before Malcolm said a word. You cannot disgrace one whom Allah (God) has taken for His friend, for He has the power to keep your disgrace to a naught. The white man teaches you to worship Malcolm in order to lead you astray against me. You come around trying to argue with us. I do not give two cents for you following Malcolm if you want to follow him. You will get divine death and destruction with no one to give you any honor and respect...only the devil whom you serve. The devil sets enemies and hypocrites for you to worship in order to pull you away from me. He knows that you would be a fool to follow enemies and hypocrites. But that is to turn you away from your salvation which I am preaching. You cannot prosper fighting against me, for Allah (God) is not with you; He is with Me. It does not matter how many devils you have with you, you could have a world full of devils, but that would not amount to anything. It shows how anxious you are to get what the devil offers you for following his guidance. Allah (God) came to put an end to the enemy devil and their power to rule. This you will learn. I am not without power from Allah (God) by any means, regardless to whether everyone of you rejects following me. I mean the whole thirty million of you. That will not stop me or condemn me as being not able to lead you. You Black people in America are no more than a small family. We have a world of Black people that I can continue to teach, and they are anxious for me to come and teach them. After I teach you the truth, it is immaterial to me whether or not you believe and follow me. If all the little Black organizations who are trying to do something for self would unite with me and make a complete body of one,

we will most certainly have salvation in our hands at once. If we all want to be like Christianity, with each one sitting and enjoying his little part...in one day they will lose their part. The destruction of America’s educational system is the best thing that Allah (God) could do to get rid of that which you depend on for guidance. America’s educational system has never benefited you and me, only to keep us slaves to the white man. We the Black people want an educational system that will bring us into unity as a man before Allah (God). We want an educational system that we can read in the light of ancient or modern history. We want an educational system that will guide us through tomorrow - not an educational system that is dying today. What hope can you have in a world that is crashing and burning asunder as America is? Do you think that we will be here, and that you will go back like you were before the war? I say you wait and see. This is the end of America. Allah (God) will destroy her for she is the most evil one of the white race. America is more evil than Europe.

America is worse than her father, England. Look what is going on at the present time, day and night. Black man, America has no respect for you, nor for your woman; yet you desire America’s civilization; and still you want to destroy it. Now what do you want my dear man? I think that you should first prepare to replace that which you are destroying. I advise you to unite with me and let us build a nation like a single house. A united force is always better than a divided one. I say unite with me, for I cannot unite with you; for you do not have anything for me to unite with you for. You have nothing but a chain carrying it around that any wise civilized man can take and bind you with continuously. You may be able to wreck the whole of America, but you have nothing to replace it with. "Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord, I will repay." Look how He is repaying America with rain, snow, hail, earthquakes...these can destroy America at once, but He brings her destruction upon her gradually. As the Holy Qur’an teaches, "Allah (God) brings them (wicked) to a

naught little by degrees from whence they (wicked)cannot perceive." Allah (God) came to give you better names that have a better meaning, an external meaning. These names of Allah (God) came to give you better names that have a better meaning, a greater meaning, an eternal meaning. These names of Allah (God) will live forever. But the names of the white man will not live forever. Allah (God) offers you and me heaven at once..not heaven after you are dead. If we do not accept heaven he can also put us in hell if we reject His help. Remember the destruction of America’s educational system means the doom of America. You are not left to wander aimlessly. The Holy Qur’an plainly teaches you and me that Allah (God) would not lead you to wander aimlessly. Allah (God) has that aim and purpose to you, in me...so come and follow me and learn the new education for the Black man is not designed for you, the Black man in America alone; it is for Black people all over the earth. Take it or leave it.

Nation of Islam Museum By Minister Jamal M. Shabazz PEMBROKE TOWNSHIP, IL On Saturday, July2,2011, the Shabazz family had our 11th annual outdoor unity for invited Believers and their families. We also had our inaugural opening of the Nation of Islam museum at this event. We took a well maintained cabin and converted it into this much needed institution. This is a modest start that we will improve on and expand with the support and participation of Believers who sincerely care about our history and future. In addition to covering Black history from antiquity, we will primarily focus on Nation of Islam history from the birth of Master Fard Muhammad to its full journey in the wilderness of North America. Like other aspects of Black History we cannot depend on others to truthfully cover and tell

our history. Even during Black history month in February the Nation of Islam and its heroic figures are rarely mentioned. If we are mentioned it is usually as an untruthful sidebar. Even many Black scholars and institutions know either none or little accurate facts about the Nation. White scholars and their formal institutions are usually a dead end. The people who have historically oppressed you and your ancestors will not knowingly give you the keys of true history that will lead you to becoming their equal and eventually dominate. Read the full Willie Lynch letter. We started with four exhibit categories with more planned. The first exhibit is titled “Temples and Universities”. We have assembled archival photographs and related documents dating from 1930 to 1975. Officials, students, rank and file Believers who attended some of the various Temples and

Minister Jamal Shabazz PEMBROKE T0WNSHIP, Illinois

Universities of Islam during this time period are featured. The second exhibit is titled “Your supermarket” and includes its various related programs circa 1960’s -1970’s. This Nation of Islam Supermarket either rivaled or surpassed any giant chain supermarket of its day. The one of a kind archival photographs and documents displayed clearly show that economically the Nation was Continued on page 23

Vol. 9, No. 7

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

On Rebirth and Progress They are looking to add more

By healthy hens to their production Brother Deron Muhammad as soon as they can be sourced. ATLANTA--It

is well known that the Nation of Islam suffered an extreme setback in its progress when The Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s son, Wallace D. Muhammad, took over the Nation of Islam in 1975. It is less known though that the Messenger of Allah, Elijah Muhammad, had foretold this eventual setback before it even happened. Though that gloomy prophecy was actually fulfilled with the fall of the Nation, there was also a second part concerning that fall. The second part referred to the Nation of Islam rising again to prominence, and that it would then stand forever, making continual progress. The Muslim followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in Atlanta, Georgia, under the direction of Minister Earl Muhammad, strongly believe that this is the time in which the Nation of Islam will begin its mighty comeback! Applying Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s teachings of truth, the believers in Atlanta are making much progress in the rebuilding effort of the Nation of Islam. From farming to education, these men and women are determined to help restore the Nation of Islam to its former glory. Elijah Muhammad taught Black people to work together and that the f irst step toward independence is farming. With those teachings, the Muslims in Atlanta have pooled their resources toward that aim, starting with poultry farming. Eggs and chickens are highly consumed commodities in Black communities all over America. So the Muslims have decided to become suppliers of these products by going into the chicken business. The first shipment of chickens included 44 white leghorn chickens, which are known to be very efficient egg producers. Each hen lays around 5 eggs per week, making over 11,000 eggs per year. And the Muslim poultry operation has still not reached the capacity limit for the three chicken houses they had, custom built, for this venture.

This is a good start. Very soon the Muslims will be offering these eggs for sale directly to the public. Also included in their farming efforts are fruit and vegetable produce, like tomatoes, squash, zucchini, okra, and watermelon. The Goal is to provide a complete meal with food supplied solely by the Muslim farming effort. Along with going into the field to produce our needs by farming, Messenger Elijah Muhammad also taught that the Black woman is the field in which the Black man produces his nation. So just as the believers are learning how to prevent predators from eating and destroying their crops and livestock, the men of the Fruit Of Islam are also learning to prevent enemies and would be predators from polluting and destroying the Black woman, who is much more valuable than any crop. Coupled with the proper teachings on how to morally and spiritually protect and elevate the Black woman, is the self-defense training that the Brothers and some Sisters are currently enrolled in, and attend up to 5 times per week. The Messenger of Allah, Elijah Muhammad, teaches that Black nation must have protection for our women, if we are ever to be a recognized and respected people. He also proclaims that no nation can rise higher than its woman. It is apparent that these brothers and sisters take those messages very seriously as they continuously work toward the security and elevation of Black women everywhere. Along with the farming and selfdefense training there is also a

Full view of chicken houses operated by the Believers in Atlanta

contagious effort among the believers to rebuild the Nation’s foundation through sound economics and entrepreneurship. Many of the believers are starting new businesses in accord with that

Brother Deangelo Muhammad, a successful Muslim businessman, who urges Black people to act on Elijah Muhammad’s teachings to, “Do something for self ”, every other Thursday in the

Page 9 academic year of the Muslim School came to an end and was concluded with an awards ceremony and reception to acknowledge the students hard work and their advancement to the following grade levels. The Muslim school in Atlanta is directed by a Sister who exhibits a deep dedication to the educational success of the Nation’s children. The accomplishments of the last year was celebrated in conjunction with the Nation of Islam’s Independence Holiday on July 4, which commemorates the appearance of Allah (God) Himself, Master Fard Muhammad, the long awaited Messiah of the Christians and the Mahdi of the Muslims, here in North America. The celebration was filled with clean fun that included home-cooked cuisine, barbeque, and music, all under banquet tenting. Also, there was horseback riding, 2 separate inflatable bouncing moon walks

Pictured here: Minister Earl Muhammad (in uniform) with some of the Believers in Atlanta effort. Among others, one brother has started an urban farm and landscape service, while another family plans the opening date for a new restaurant. These new business enterprises stem from a strong push spearheaded by

Some of the chickens cared for by the Believers in Atlanta

Muslim Business class he teaches. These classes are made available, for free, to any Muslims who want to learn the skills needed to run a profitable business. Much emphasis is placed on using the teachings of Islam and proper planning to secure benefits now, such as luxury, money, and fine homes. The aim is to empower individual believers to increase their personal income, which should correlate directly to an increase in their charitable donations, on which the Nation relies for its development. Not only are the men and women progressing and striving hard in the way of Allah, even the junior F.O.I and junior M.G.T. are preparing themselves to be great assets to the Nation of Islam. This past June, the first official

(one for the males and one for the females), horseshoes, board games, machines that made professional snow cones and cotton candy, and a finale display of fireworks just after sunset, all on 26 acres of farmland rented out for the full day of festivities. These Muslims believe that all they do is made possible by the grace of Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, and that all of their success can be attributed to their application of the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. They have invited all Muslim believers from around the country to visit them in Atlanta, and to witness the work that Allah is doing in their midst. Their goal is to improve on the modern day application of the teachings of Islam, to show and prove that the Nation is, in fact, on the rise again.

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

The greatest gift is prayer By Brother Mutakabbir Ali NEW JERSEY--In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praises is due to Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, and raising our beloved Messenger the most Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). I greet you with peace in the Arabic language of As Salaam Alaikum. One of the greatest gifts we have is the ability of making prayer, to the one and only God, whose proper name is Allah. Prayer is important as food and drink; no Muslim can survive without offering prayers. There’s no recorded history or events showing that Almighty God Allah, doesn’t answer every sincere prayer. All prayers are always answered on time and in time. Our beloved Messenger, the most Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) states: “Surely the best way to strive to be upright in a sinful world is to pray continuously to the One True God, whose proper name is Allah, for guidance. As we are generally sinful and easily yield to temptations, it is only fitting to keep up prayer.” This wonderful advice is quoted from his timely book; Message to the Blackman in America, the section entitled Prayer Service (recommended for reading).

All Muslims, especially the true believers in Allah, who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, and His Messenger are obligated to pray five times a day. For surely prayer brings one out darkness (mentally) into light (Truth). Our beloved Messenger stated in the same section: “This alone is salvation, just to be brought out of the darkness of ignorance into the light of the truth. Who is in more need of the truth than the American so-called Negros who do not have the knowledge of self nor anyone else, and who love those who hate them and spitefully use them?” Prayer is classified as the fastest route to success! When calling upon the Lord of all the worlds, and confessing sins with courage and the spirit (will) of realizing that prayer, sacrifice, life and death are all for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds; Allah will help and improve his/her conditions. As a matter of fact, Allah instructs the believers to say: “In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, and the Merciful,” before starting any task. Can you imagine the level of God consciousness that a believer expresses throughout a day? Before eating, In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful is stated. Before partaking of a drink of water, Allah’s name is invoked. With every righteous action, Allah’s name is invoked for the sole purpose of showing gratitude, respect and appreciation.

America force the evil suggestion of homosexuality on Blacks

Brother Mutakabbir Ali

Also it must be noted, when the five daily prayers (salats) are performed, the caller- the supplicant of prayers, is initiating the process of purifying the heart from sin. By confessing all throughout the day: “I have been unjust to myself.” seeking forgiveness and repenting from evil deeds is a true sign that prayer purif ies the heart. Our beloved Messenger, the most Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught in his soulstrengthening book: Message to the Blackman in America, how to prepare for prayer internally and externally. He states: “The five prayers of the day are spiritual refreshments and he who cleanses himself in and out leaves no filthiness. It Continued on page 22

United States Military Chaplains can officiate Same-Sex Weddings Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned us in the first chapter of his book, THE FALL OF AMERICA, “ The church has failed you. Christianity has failed you. The government of America has failed you.” The Messenger went on to say, “ By now it should be ever so clear that politics will no more solve our problem than it did the difficulties facing Israel during her bondage in Egypt. We have come to the brink of extinction. We must now and here make an agonizing reappraisal of our way of life if we care anything for ourselves, our lives, our people, our race, the future of our properties, wives and children. “


With that said, The U.S. Defense Department issued guidelines on September 30, 2011, that allow military chaplains to officiate at samesex weddings, on or off military installations, in states where such weddings are allowed. No chaplain is required to participate in a same-sex wedding if it violates personal or religious beliefs, the Pentagon said. The Messenger closed that chapter with the following words: The solution to all these problems lies in a clear cut understanding of the truth...so that even the children among you may know the nature of tomorrow. First of all you must know the truth about God and the devil. We, the Black men are of God.

Vol. 9, No. 7

Our oppressors whoever they may be are of the devil! Their nature is evil! They are incapable of doing good! Secondly, I must tell you the truth about the day of judgment. You have been taught that one day the dead In God shall rise again. You have taken that to mean that people will get up from the graveyard and walk about. That is so much nonsense! Properly read, the resurrection means that we, the Black men of North America, will rise from mental death. Realize who we are! Discover who God is! Name the devil for the beast that he is! Then, like Joseph, go on to become master in the land wherein once you were a slave!

Continued from page 3 tion; and are designed to make them take part with them against the aim and purpose of Allah, which is to set the so-called African-American in heaven while he lives. A prophecy relating to America is mentioned in Isaiah (47:1) as a "virgin daughter" of ancient Babylon’s history. As we all know, America is the last, the greatest and the richest remaining power of the white nations. But now she is falling and the prophet Isaiah says, "Come and sit down in the dust," humble yourself, for you are no more called delicate. The Messenger wrote, “The filthy display by white American Christians, walking around half nude, sitting before their pastors in their churches with dresses halfway up their thighs for the pastors to stare at their nude forms goes on. The pastor should actually be standing at the door telling such disgracefully dressed people that he preaches the word of God and that God warns us to be clean, both internally and externally, and that we should not tempt the nation to

do evil and filth. But he opens his church doors and is happy to have them in rows sitting before his eyes, knowing that this is against the teaching of God; turning his house of God into the worship of filth and evil. Can the church survive? Can Christianity survive these days of divine judgment against America? The Revelation reads, in a prophecy relating to America, that she had in her a "hole for every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird" (Revelation 18:2.) All hateful people have a haven to America. Though the scientists and scholars of the religion of Christianity know these words to be true, they desire yet to see the already-made blind, deaf and dumb so-called Negro go to his doom with them; and since they are by nature evil, they tempt them. The Holy Qur’an teaches that they only lead you to filth and evil.” This is perfectly manifested today in America among its people...The very conscience of an individual knows that these evils we see today are not accepted by God.”

US loss of economic power an advantage for Black America Continued from page 2 have you, to exist and have a degree of independence there must be ownership of land. The socalled Negroes are without a state they can call their own. We have nothing to show for our more than 310 years of forced slave labor and more then 100 years of our free servitude to our masters' children. We were brought here to work. We have worked! We are still the workers. Some of us say, "What will we do if we do not work for the White man? How will we live?" I say, when you are free and independent you have a job! You have a tremendous task of doing something for self. You have the job of building a civilization for yourself as other free and independent people are doing for themselves. As a people, we must become producers and not remain consumers and employees. We must be able to extract raw materials from the earth and manufacture them into something useful for ourselves. This would create jobs in

production. We must remember that without land there is no production. The surplus of what we produce we would sell. This would help develop a field of commerce and trade as other free and independent people whose population is less than that of the 20 million so-called Negroes who are dependent in America. We must begin at the cradle and teach our babies that they must do something for self. They must not be like we, their fathers, who look to the slave-makers' and the slavemasters' children for all. We must teach our children now with an enthusiasm exceeding that which our slave-masters used in having our forefathers embed the seed of dependency within us. We must stop the process of giving our brain power, labor and wealth to our slave-masters' children. We must eliminate the master-slave relationship. We must educate ourselves and our children into the rich power of knowledge which has elevated every people who have sought and Continued on page 11

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

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COME HEAR THE TR UTH TRUTH As Taught By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

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Page 11

US loss of economic power an advantage for Black America Continued from page 10 used it. We must give the benefit of our knowledge to the elevation of our own people. Presently, in this country, in almost all of the major universities and colleges, there are thousands of young students from Africa and Asia. Yet, as young, primitive and backward as we say these countries of Africa and Asia might be, their students here are returning to their shores. Their intent and purpose is to give their people the benefit of their learning. All civilized people give the benefit of their knowledge, skill and wealth to their own people. Those who do not are called traitors, defectors, spies, tools and Toms. Why should we spend 12 and 16 years seeking an education, only to give the benefit of our knowledge back to the one we sought it from? It is time for us to wake up! Why should we work to give the meager earnings of our labor back to our slave-masters' children? Why can't we have our

own? Why can't we do for our own? Why can't we learn to spend with and support our own? Why can't we strive toward keeping our brain power, labor and wealth within and among and elevating our own? We must have that which will make us want to do for ourselves, as other people want and do for themselves. You ask, "How can this be done?" The so-called Negroes must be taught and given Islam. Why Islam? Islam, because it teaches first the knowledge of self. It gives us the knowledge of our own. Then and only then are we able to understand that which surrounds us. "Know thyself" is the doctrine Socrates espoused, and this is the base of the educational system in America. The religion of Islam makes the so-called Negroes think in terms of self and their own kind. Thus, this kind of thinking produces an industrious people who are self-independent. Islam is actually our religion by nature. Allah is the proper name for God. Islam is not a European-organized White man's religion. It is the time for the so-called Negroes to help their own kind and be benefited by Islam.

Pluto a Sign of US By

Minister Kemani Wadud There is no God but Allah who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is his Last and Greatest Messenger. The lower heavens the scientists refer to as our heavens (the Sun family) contain 9 planets. The Red Sun rules the 9 planet. The 9 planets are God’s Kingdom, which also represents Godlike wisdom and power. Islam is like the Sun. The Sunlight brings out which is hidden in darkness. The truth brings out what is hidden by falsehood so it is made evident for us. Glory is to Allah Master Fard Muhammad for revealing to us what was hidden. The Sun strikes all 9 planets, The farthest being Pluto, 4,600,000 miles away. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Last Messenger of Allah taught that Pluto is a sign of us (Black People).


Minister Kemani Wadud Islam is Math and Mathematics is Islam. We are 4,000 years from Moses teaching Israel. The teachings of Moses did not touch Israel until it had been 2,000 years after the Devil was cast out of Arabia. \ That left 4,000 years to work with them. Since we worked with them 4,000 years, he kept us here 400 years. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught this sign set before You is for You to read and learn something from it. As-Salaam-Alaikum.

WARNS THE By Messenger Elijah Muhammad

Reprinted From Muhammad Speaks Newspaper 12-3-1971

I WARN YOU MY BLACK PEOPLE, that we are living in the time of change of worlds -one world is going out and another world is coming in. We have much to guard ourselves against being deceived by those who are going out, (white race). The white race is doing everything that they possibly can to deceive the Black Man and take him out with them. FOR FORTY YEARS I have been warning you of this day-now you see it with your eyes and you hear it with your ears - what is planned, and carried into practice, on you, to destroy the Black Man and the Black woman -the Black slave that the white slave - master - have reared up, themselves. THE GREATEST desire of the white race is to mock God with your having the opportunity to go an All - Powerful God, Who Is Able to Set you in heaven at once; while you are allowing the Arch- deceiver to deceive you concerning your God, Allah, and the Salvation that He Has Brought to you and to me. Allah Is so Strong and Powerful to Do His Will wherever it may be, or whatever He Wills - whether it is man, or whether it is material, of the heavens and the earth. Wherever or whatever He Wills, Allah (God) Is Able to Bring it to Pass. FOR a long time we, the Black people, have been lost from our own Black People, and we have been lost from the knowledge of ourselves. Today, Almighty God, in the Person of Master

you of the seed of your Black Nation? THERE is not a mouth that is born on this planet earth - whether it is of human life or some other life, of the earth - that the earth has not been made capable of producing enough food and clothing, for such life! THE whole entire earth - the whole 196,940,000 square miles of the earth - belongs to the Black Man. The white man, the devil, the open enemy of you and me, has no earth on which to try to decrease the population. God never gave the white race any earth. The Bible teachers you that the God did not give the white man any earth. The white race teaches it to you. THE BIBLE, according to the teachings put into the mouth of Jesus (Matt.) teaches us that the white race were placed as over- lords of the earth for the periods of 6,000 years. The white man’s time has been up, but for love of the white man, our open enemy, uou, Black Man, have not come in to take over, again, your earth. BLACK BROTHERS, you desire to get together,but you still have time to give ear, to listen, to what deceit the white man has to say to you. The white man knows that you are silly to even

Fard Muhammad, to Whom Praises are due forever, Has Come, Offering us heaven at once. And the Arch-deceiver, the devil, in person, is offering you hell at once, through his very nature, of deceiving you. I Do think that after 400 years of mistreatment and killing us all the day long - depriving us of justice, even at the Bar of Justice- you should be able to agree with me AT ONCE, and let us go and return to our own God and our own Black People, at once. BUT YOU ARE BEING TEMPTED, deceived and deprived by the arch- deceiver, of even a future to live, by trying to destroy the very life - germ. And the white man tells you boldly that this is what he is doing in stripping your Black woman of her production organs. And they do it to the man, making the Black man helpless to produce his Black kind, and some of you like it this way! I THINK the woman is the most foolish thing in the world, to allow her productive organs to be taken from her, to make her unable to bring forth. This kind of Black woman is pitiful. NO BLACK MAN, who The has sane knowledge, would Shyless want his wife to be nothing but a body, unable to plant human seed in it, to reproduce. I WARN you that you will regret all of these things, and very soon. What is the matter with you-being so silly as to allow the arch- deceiver to rob

The Filth That Pr

Holy Quran (7:27) O childre deceiver seduce you, as he ex garden, pulling off from them show them their shame. He s his hosts, from whence you se made the devils to be friends

This happened to the Black P from Arabia. He pulled off, f clothes of Righteousness and shame; and then made them cave sides of Europe, until th

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en of Adam, let not the arch xpelled your parents from the m their clothing that he might surely sees you, he as well as ee them not. Surely We have s of those who believe not.

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To Order By Phone Call (313) 371-7033 This happened to the Black P Or Send Money Order (No Checks Please) to: from Arabia. He pulled off, f clothes of Righteousness and Muhammad Speaks - PO Box 44261 - Detroit, MI 48244 shame; and then made them

cave sides of Europe, until th

E BLACKMAN listen to him mock your very salvation, which I am preaching to you. He knows that I am preaching to you your salvation. The white man is working as hard against me as he possibly can. All of the hypocrites and disbelievers that the white man thinks do not like me, he takes them and sets them up before you, and makes you worship them. IF the hypocrites and disbelievers are against my salvation- and I, and my followers, who are with me with their heart, have turned the hypocrites and disbelievers down - why do you want to accept worshipping the hypocrites of mime, and my followers, which are against you? THE white man took Malcolm, who was a hypocrite of mine and of my followers. The white man put up an institution in his honor, as though Malcolm was a great educator. Malcolm’s education was about like mine. Most of what Malcolm knew, he learned it in prison- houses. I did not get any schooling in the prison houses. I am a Divinely Schooled .I know what you have, and I know how to teach you in what you have,without making you a victim to the worst education that you can receve - which is,the education of the enemy.

roduces The Filth

en of Adam, let not the arch xpelled your parents from the m their clothing that he might surely sees you, he as well as ee them not. Surely We have s of those who believe not.

People who followed Yakub from their Original Self, the d the clothes to cover their to go nude in the hills and he birth of Moses.

BUT you will worship any man that the white man says that he would like for you to worship. AS I was told back in 1942, by the FBI - one said something like this to me, Elijah, is it not the truth that none of your Black People will believe in any leader among you, unless we Blue Eyed devils,as you Call us, put our stamp of approval on them? " I told him, "Yes, it had been like that. " But, he did not ask me futher, so I did not continue to say any more. It had been like that, but I know the truth that Has Been Given to me from God. One day you will believe, as I believe, that they are the open enemy. The Holy Qur’an teaches us that they are open enemy. IN OUR TEMPLES and in the street,everywhere that they can find a hypocrite, who is against me, they make a lot of false promises to him. Whenever they find a weak one, they get him to work against the salvation of the Black Man. SO, the devil, the white man, sets up all of the enemies of Islam, although he cares nothing about them - he sets them up for the weak disbelievers and hypocrites to bow to them. I KNOW Allah myself, and regardless of whom the white man sets up against me and my followers, it The is written that the opposers will Disgrace be the loser. SOME of you who will just look out of one eye, and who can hear in one ear, can see and hear, that I have God with me. If God Is For you, no men can be against you ; and if God is Against you, no one can win for you, against God.


SO I look at how the white man has you bowing down, worshipping Malcolm and worshipping Rev.Martin Luther King, Jr.; who told you and me,over the air- waves that he wanted to be like the devil. Rev. Martin Luther King; Jr. loved the devil, and what happenned ? They killed him. THE white man cares nothing about the Black Man loving him - death is what the white man seeks to give to the Black Man. If you love the white man he can get your confidence - and he will do just that - get your confidence. THE thing that the white man wants to do, he is doing. He is trying his best to destroy each one of us, through his poison set- up.

Page 18

Blacks/Latinos Tricked into buying Bottled Water A recent study in the Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine confirmed that non-whites consume bottled water more often than whites in the United States. What sets this study apart from previous ones, is that it pinpoints the reasons WHY Black and Latino people perceive bottled water to be superior, and thus a necessary expense. According to the study, Blacks and Latinos genuinely believe it to be cleaner, safer, healthier, and more convenient than faucet water. Health experts, tap water advocates and bottled-water sellers, argue about which is best. But whether you think one is better than the other or not, Messenger Elijah Muhammad warned us to “BOIL YOUR WATER AND STORE IT IN GLASS JARS!” He said, “Take, for instance, the use of fluoride, chloride, and sodium, which if not used correctly can destroy our entire life. Maybe it is best to find something else that will clear our water without killing both us and the poison in our food and water. The scientist should not advocate the use of such poisonous chemicals as fluoride, chloride, and sodium, which may have a bad effect on our brains and our human reproductive organs. The scientist that uses such poison on human beings wants to either minimize the birth rates or cause the extinction of a people.” An investigation by the National Resources Defense Council discovered 17% of bottled waters tested contained unsafe levels of bacterial loads, and 22% were contaminated with chemicals, including arsenic. The study also reavealed some tricks used to convince Black and Latino consumers to buy bottled water: 1. Latino-specific Bottled Water Brands, with Hispanic names, written in Spanish. 2. Celebrity Endorsements: For instance, Dasani used Chilli from the singing group TLC to sell it’s bottled water to Black People. 3. The Purity Game. Using slogans like: “Better Habits for a Better Life” Most people don’t realize that nearly 50% of bottled water is faucet water, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation’s annual report for 2009. The brand “Aquafina” is faucet water.

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

Vol. 9, No. 7

Vol. 9, No. 7

Page 19

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition


Sister Lucy 2X INDIANAPOLIS--Certainly we have all heard about America’s failing economy and how the so-called negro community is suffering the most from being out of work. Additionally, the white people who run the government are slowly but steadily reducing, cutting back or eliminating all the social programs that Blacks have historically depended on to survive. These programs, such as Food Stamps, Section-8 Housing, gas, electric and water bill stipends, emergency rent, childcare costs, free health clinics, drug rehab half-way houses, cell phones, etc. are coming to an end. Some have even come to an abrupt halt leaving many of our people desperate, naked and hungry and out of doors. The jobs have all dried up.

In response to this survival crisis going on, especially in America's urban areas in all the major cities, our negro "leaders" finally have unity and are all in agreement with the same plan to defeat this crisis. They have all decided to BEG-- to organize and BEG their white slave masters hoping they will give them some relief. The majority of our people believe that this is their only option. This government taught them to be dependent and our people are now used to receiving and getting things that they haven't earned. The slavemaster's great-grandchildren did this to distract our people from doing for self - and so they can use them for a tool and a slave. And mainly to get them to reject the life-saving teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, last Messenger of Allah, who warned us that this day was coming. Now that we are near an almost total economic collapse, Black people still don't know what to do. The fake unity that our so-called negro leaders finally have is a unity destined to fail today just like it has always failed in the past because there is no mercy in the devil for us or our children. They cannot be shamed into doing the right thing because they are liars, murderers, and weak and wicked, as they have always been. So no amount of begging, plead-

ing, crying, praying or marching will convince them to treat us differently. They no longer want their once slave and are ready to cut us off. They now have computers and automation so we have outlived our usefulness to them. We are now openly among the rejected and despised." Despite all of these actual facts, currently Jesse Jackson is traveling the country on an "Anti-Poverty Crusade," trying to bring more attention to the almost 50 million Americans living in poverty. That's 1 in every 6 people, according to him. The Rev. Jackson says he wants to pressure the White House and Congress to address poverty issues that are not being discussed. Good luck with that. At the same time cable talk show host Tavis Smiley along with college professor Cornell West are on a "Poverty Bus Tour" going around the country to let poor people or any other disgruntled citizen express their views and complain about their circumstances. We have no idea who's financing the bus or whose idea is driving it. Tavis and Cornell are both mad at President Obama because he refuses to listen to their nonsense because he is too busy spewing his own nonsense. The Reverend Al Sharpton, and his National Action Network recently arranged and participated in a march labeled something like "we demand jobs," meeting up in Washington, DC at the same time Mr. Obama and another group is celebrating the unveiling of the Martin Luther King Jr. statue carved by a Buddhist sculptor from China. All attendees say they went to the capital to demand that President Obama give them a job. Right now. Simultaneously, joining the fray, is Minister Farrakhan, who convened his group of the dissatisfied in Philadelphia to celebrate the 16th anniversary of another waste of time; The Million Man March. Of course while at that "celebration" the main topics were hunger, street violence and political accountabili, "“ which are all code words for: "where did the jobs go?" and "Are they coming back?" and "when can I get one?" This was a gathering of "all nationalities and faiths," according to their press

release. They all got together and applauded for each other, shook hands, prayed, discussed how bad things are and talked about organizing. Another do-nothing event ending with unemployment for all. It is amazing to me that not one of our alleged LEADERS mentions

or recognize the fact that all of the business activities (jobs) that the Messenger taught us to open and patronage are still needed in the Black communities. We still need grocery stores, dry cleaners, Laundromats, clothing factories, bakeries, restaurants, shoe shops, hospitals, schools, first-aid sta-

tions, farms, canning factories, fish imports, hotels, apartments, houses, janitorial services, etc. Under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad unemployment in the Nation of Islam was "Zero", "“ if you wanted to work, you had a job. Those jobs are still available. No begging allowe, “ or required.

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Page 20

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

Vol. 9, No. 7

The Believers in Detroit Have Purchased a Building (Actually Three Adjoining Buildings)

WE NEED YOUR HELP To Open The New Temple & School

WE DO NOT RECEIVE GRANTS NOR FUNDING FROM THE U.S. (Federal, State, nor Local) We depend solely upon Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to open the hearts of the Believers and Supporters of Messenger Elijah Muhammad’s Teachings To give Charity

Please Support Our Efforts With... Your Financial Support or Building Expertise

Please Mail Your Donation To:

Muhammad Temple of Islam

PO BOX 44261 Detroit, MI 48244 We will send you a receipt

For More Information, Please Call (313) 371-7033

Vol. 9, No. 7

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

Page 21

The Great Leadership of Muammar Qaddafi vs Lies of the ChristianWest By Bro. Khalil Shabazz While Obama-crazed Negroes defend President Obama’s spineless jellyfish policies towards Black America, they conveniently overlooked his pro-Israeli SUCK-BOY speech where he promised Jews and Israel everything in heaven. We’re told that Obama is NOT the President of Black America but that he is the President for all of America. His AIPAC SUCK-BOY speech to Jews however, shows that his political policies are indeed targeted for specific interests. If he can promise 30 billion dollars to Israel along with heaven on Earth for any person of the “Yarmulke-Wearing Race” why not also use that same political effort to help his own people? Answer: Because President Barry O. is a political sissy and a BIG LIAR as he goes out of his way to represent Jewish and Israeli interests, while he “defecates” on Black folk as he “tough love” talks like Bill Cosby, and hides behind the spineless jellyfish, Caucasiansucking excuse that he does not represent Blacks. Yes, Obama offers billions of dollars to Israel and bails out Caucasian blood-sucking, devil corporations with billions of dollars while all he gives Black folk are a bunch of “tough love” noise. That’s why I can’t see why Blacks went berserk supporting this traitorous white-sucking, Kenyan Negro in the first place. With his campaign rhetoric of disrespect towards Blacks, and SUCK-BOY love to whites, it should have been obvious that he would be goodfor-nothing. And people say that he is a great symbol of Black advancement but with the Obama “tough love” cracker-language, his “symbolism” equates to more white devil supremacy in Black face. Oh, and before some “know-it-all” fools try and correct me about using the term “Negro” with regard to Obama, allow me to say this. While as a Kenyan, he is technically not a “Negro”, his political behavior is that of a handkerchiefheaded, grinning, white boot-lick-

The lies being spread through the media by the Christian West about the Leadership of Col. Muammar Qaddafi has failed to give the actual facts of the standard of living of the citizens of Libya. The Christian West has failed to report to the American people that under the Leadership of Mummar Qaddafi each month every Libyan citizen has $550 dollars deposited into their bank accounts do to the "oilrevenue-sharing program." The Electricity and water is made free to the people of Libya and to improve their standard of living even more, by law banks are required to give loans at 0% interest. Muammar Qaddafi also loaned The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam in 1972 a interest free loan in the amount of $2,978,406 towards the purchase of Temple No. 2 in Chicago(http:/ /issuu.com/muhammadspeaks/ docs/6-9-1972plusprogress/1). These facts alone should be enough to defend Col Qaddafi and his true aims and purposes for his people and his qualities as a Leader in general. There should be no question that he has more good intentions for his people then the Christian West has for their citizens. Instead of the Christian West loaning it's citizens a interest free loan they do all that they can to destroy their citizens efforts to do for self. Compare the healthcare system of Libya to that of America where in Libya healthcare is made free to it's citizens and for any medical treatment that is not available in Libya the government provides accommodations to travel overseas for treatment. They also provide $2,300/mth and a car allowance(iNambia.co.na). Can we say the same about "Democracy" and the American Christian West. Can the Black man and woman here in America whose 379 years of free slave labor which made Christian America and European some of the richest and most powerful nations in the world say that in return for our blood sweat and tears we recieve from this government a deposit of money into our bank accounts from a "revenue sharing program?"

Can the American government boast of this countries health care system and show us how this government will go to the same extremes and make the same efforts as the Libyan government to gaurantee that all of it's American citizens are provided with the best health care and treatment? And if the West is justified in being so critical of the Leadership of Mummar Qaddafi then can this country be held to the same standards that they judge Libya? If we look at America's incarceration rate(4.3 million in prison/highest in the world) being higher than China(population of 1.5 billion people) and Russia (population of 141 million people) combined using the same yardstick to measure America as they use to judge Qaddafi, how would America mea-

sure up? How would America measure up if we use the same yardstick and judge the 13th Amendment which abolished slavery except for in Prison and now the prisons are disproportionatly f illed with Black men? Since slavery was never abolished in the prison system and America's incaceration rate is the highest in the world with a disproportionate amount of Black men, and with the privatization of the prisons(which is no different from the earlier form of chattel slavery) this should constitute as "Genocide." Would this be the reason why America opposed the United Nations esstablishment of the "Genocide Convinction" for nearly 40 years which declared genocide a crime. The

Genocide Convention was estblished in 1948 and was opposed by America for nearly 40 years and only after America was allowed to make provisions to the original "Genocide Convinction" Pres. Regan signed the "Proxmire Act" (Genocide Convention ImplemenContinued on page 23

Page 22

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

Vol. 9, No. 7

The greatest gift is prayer NAMES OF ALLAH Continued from page 10 would be an insult to invite His Lord’s holy spirit into a house the outside of which was filthy." He continues: ". the cleansing of the body before asking prayer to the most Honored and Wisest person in the universe, the Lord and King over all, none is His equal, shows respect for him. He desires to show (in words) in his prayer that his words are clean and coming from a clean heart. Should not that clean heart be a clean body? If one is offered clean water in an unclean outer surface of a glass, will he accept it? This is so with a Muslim; he believes in cleanness internally as well as externally." All praises is due to Allah. We are also reminded by Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) of 1400 years ago in a popular saying (Hadith) of how praying five times a day is compared to washing oneself in a river, its related: "Abu Hurairah says that he heard the Prophet say, If one of you has a river at his door in which he washes himself five times a day, what do you think? Would it leave any dirt on him? The Companions said, It would not leave any dirt on him (and he would be perfectly clean). The Prophet said, this is an example of the five prayers, with which Allah blots off all the evils of a\ man."(Quoted from Bukhari, 9:6). Evil is what the righteous are being freed from, and when man realizes the Divine presence of Allah within himself, he will not waste anymore time thinking, acting or living an unrighteous life .. He will desire and strive in accordance with his nature; which is peace, righteousness, and to be at one with Almighty God, whose proper name is Allah. Mualana Muhammad Ali an Islamic scholar points out in his book: The Muslim Prayer, in a section entitled: Nature and value of prayer, he gives a valuable point concerning how God is not a theory but, a Divine realization given in his own words: "A belief in God is the fundamental principle of every religion; nevertheless the object of religion is not simply to preach the doctrine of the existence of God as a theory; it goes far beyond that. Religion seeks to instill the conviction that God is a living force

in the life of man; and prayer is the means by which it is sought to achieve this great end. The real conviction that God is, comes to man, not by the belief that there is a God in the outer world, but by the realization of the Divine within himself; and this realization is attained through prayer. Though to most people nowadays, the existence of God amounts to little more than a theory, yet in every age and among every nation there have been men who, through prayer, have realized the great truth of the Divine existence within their hearts, and have laid down their lives for the good of humanity. In their case belief in the existence of God was a moral force which not only worked an entire change in their own lives, but also enabled them to transform the lives of entire nations for centuries and change the histories of peoples and of countries." I am thankful to Brother Maulana M.Ali for sharing that invaluable piece of wisdom. Prayer strengthens the heart with confidence, so that the will of Allah must be done; therefore, all evil and indecency is removed from the heart. In fact, there is no fear or grief, because the realization of Allah within -- awakens the reality that Allah is in control of all affairs. Surely Allah answers Him who praises Him. It's a Divine privilege to know that the spirit of God is within every one; and by obeying Allah's Messenger the most Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) we are directly connected to a source of unlimited power and potential. Remember, the Messenger said: " It was by prayer and the turning in the right direction (toward the Holy Temple Mecca) that delivered Jonah from the belly of the fish(Jonah chapter 2 verse 2 - 4) which is only a type of us here in America (the anti-typical fish) who has swallowed us. Our prayers will be speedily heard and Allah will fight our battles against our enemies and bring them to disgrace." Offering prayer is a mercy. It allows a person to develop mentally through concentration and focusing on righteousness... Living in a world of filth and evil, a person is now able to stop all tasks and

turn sincerely five times a day to petition The Lord, seeking refuge from the evil and darkness of the world they're surrounded by. Asking Allah to bestow forgiveness and mercy; which ultimately leads to the right path; the path in which Allah has bestow favors upon is a blessing worth praying for. This can only be achieved by submitting to do the will to Allah. Remember, everything the Messenger taught was for survival, he outright said: "A Muslim must say his prayers." "If we are believers in the Divine Supreme Being, we are always in need of His help, one way or another. Therefore, it is necessary that we give praises to Him and thanks, and ask forgiveness for any wrongdoing on our part." Quoted from Message to the Blackman in America column entitle: The Morning Prayer. So again, making prayer is obligatory for every believer; no member is above prayer, in fact, out of all the things that change in the world, the one thing that will remain the same is prayer. Praying to the Supreme Being, whose proper name is Allah, will always exist. The Messenger pointed out in his book Message to the Blackman in America in a section entitled: Time of prayer and its meaning; that we must take communion with Allah seriously. In His guidance he said: "That which leads man to infidelity is neglect of prayers." ".The five stated prayers erase the sins which have been committed during the intervals between them, if they have not been mortal sins." He instructed, "Order your children to say the stated prayers when they are seven years of age, and beat them if they do not do so when they are ten years old." This is salvation and I cannot thank Allah who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all praise is due enough for His mercy in raising and guiding the Hon. Mr. Elijah Muhammad (peace and blessing of Allah by upon him). It's from the Messenger's obedience to do the will of Allah, that we have right guidance in order to survive. Let us be mindful of our prayers and encourage one another to pray as instructed. Your brother Mutakabbir Ali

Reprinted from the November 21, 1969 edition of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper

The teaching of Islam teaches you and me that we must be willing to submit to the Will of Allah (God). This means, to become again accepted by your and my people of the planet earth you must accept one of the names of Allah (God). The Bible teaches you that you cannot see the Hearafter unless you have the Name of Allah (God).We are the only people on the Earth that is now that is now chosen to be called by the names of Allah (God) that have not been called by this name. I do not mean here to say that there is no people called by the Name of Allah (God). There are plenty of them that are being called by the Names of Allah (God), even many white people in this country and in Europe who have accepted Islam, the true religion of Allah (God). God is self independent. So has been the Devil for the past 6000 years.And all that believe in the Devil must be called by His name and that is the one you carry now. So when you became a servant of another master, that master compels you to go in his name if you are his servant. So it is with Allah (God). The difference in other master's names is that Allah's Names live forever while others vanish from the face of the earth. There is no people on the earth that will survive in the Hearafter without the Name of Allah (God). And the so-called American Black people must remember that they are warned in their Bible that they just cannot be accepted with the name of their slavemasters nor even the religion (Christiaanity). No such religion will be accepted, as it teaches us in the Holy Quran that, if you bring a religion in the Resurrection or Judgment, other than the religion of Islam, it won;t be accepted. This we have been taught all of our lives that we will have one God and one religion, as it was in the Beginning. There was no such thing as several different religions, only one that is the religion of entire submission to the Will of Allah (God). Since the rule of the Opponent (devils) for the past 6000 years people have formed and bowed to many religions and Gods other than Allah (God). Today, he demands us to go back to our own or suffer divine punishment. Choose between the two Gods: The God of Righteousness,or the God of Evil. You are not important to God. I want you to know this; Sleep with it. You are not important."

Vol. 9, No. 7

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

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What Has The Messenger of Allah, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Done for Black People By Brother Ahmad Muhammad CHICAGO--In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful, Who came in The Person of Master Fard Muhammad and raised from among us, our Leader, Teacher and Guide, The Most Honroable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him). As-Salaam-Alaikum. On page 62 of The Messenger’s

Qaddafi vs Lies of the ChristianWest Continued from page 21 tation Act of 1987). Why were provisions made? These are question that should be asked to the "World Police"(America) and they should also be held just as accountable for their actions against it's "citizens" as the leaders who they have condemned in the past. If we compare American Democracy and the standard of living in Libya we can clearly see that America has sold a dream to it's citizens that has yet to become a reality. When you consider the fact that in Libya if college and universtity graduates are unable to find jobs after graduation the government will pay the graduate the average salary of their particular profession until they are able to find work. Married couples are given $60,000 dollars after marriage to help the new couple start their family. The literacy rate was at 25% before Qaddafi now it is 83%. He has provided his citizens with houses and apartments after making a promise to all of his citizens that they would all have a home before he build one for his parents. His father died before he was able to build a home for him because he kept his promise to the people. So the question is why does the Christian West go to such extremes to continuously lie. If Col Mummar Qaddafi is a tyrant and a evil dictator and his country has this high of a standard of living then what does that say about America and the pitiful standard of living of her once slave. If the Christian West can condemn Qaddafi for his "crimes" then why isn't the same out cry and rage given to how America continues to misuse her slaves?

magazine, The Supreme Wisdom, Volume 2, published in 1957, under the title, “WHAT HAVE I DONE?”, The Messenger states, “This is a question often asked of me or of my followers by those who are not the Believers. I am doing that for thousands (of my people) which Christianity failed to do-that is, uniting the so-called Negroes and making them to leave off evil habits that the preachers of Christianity have not been able to do for a hundred years. We offer that in Islam what Christianity offers beyond the grave.” Let us now take a look at SOME of the guidance and benefits made available to us in the past and present by Allah (God) through His Messenger, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him). What has the Messenger of Allah done? STOPPED His followers and others from using foul language ---He was ridiculed! TAUGHT His followers and others civilized behavior ---He was ridiculed! TAUGHT His followers and other to pray at least (5) five times a day starting at 5:00 A.M. ---He was ridiculed! TAUGHT His followers and others to think (7) seven times before they speak or act. ---He was ridiculed! WARNED and TAUGHT His followers and others to ABSTAIN FROM EATING THE POISON HOG which both the Holy Qur’an and the Bible forbid consumption. This animal was NEVER meant for eating and is more

dangerous to the human body than any other perceived food. Millions of lives have been saved and the health benefits can NEVER be measured by this UNHEARD of feat of compassion, unselfishness and greatness. The Messenger showed what your own nickels and dimes can do by giving you back your donations (1) ten fold, in books, periodicals, tapes, records and live lectures on how to eat to live, and spending money constantly to inform and guide you into correct eating habits that translate into longer, healthier and more productive lives. All praise is due to Allah! ---He was ridiculed! WARNED His followers and others to END using ANY form of tobacco, e.g. cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and ALL related tobacco products, stating that THEY CAUSE CANCER! He was ridiculed! WARNED His followers and others to END using ANY form of alcoholic products, as it impairs the mind, heart, kidneys, liver and the whole body in general. He was ridiculed! WARNED His followers and others to END using ANY form of drugs (street or prescription), and was successful in the rehabilitation of thousands of drug addicted men, women and children! He was ridiculed! WARNED His followers about the dreadful results of gambling and saved a many household from foreclosure and grief. He was ridiculed.! TAUGHT The Muslim Men, Women, children and others to dress in a modest

Nation of Islam Museum Continued from page 8 putting the concept of do for self into practice. Sadly this information shows us how much economically we have lost. The third exhibit is titled “the Messenger”. In this category you will see the Honorable Elijah Muhammad alone and also with various historic figures through different ages of his life. The fourth exhibit is titled “The Nation of Islam In General”. This display will cover every aspect of the Nation of Islam that the other three exhibits do not mention. For those who want to do research we have full mint issues of the Muhammad speaks newspaper circa 1960’s-1970’s,

hundreds of declassif ied documents on Master Fard Muhammad, every book produced by the Messenger many audio and video items. We will, pay a reasonable price for any Nation of Islam memorabilia. Such as uniforms, university of Islam yearbooks, temple newsletters, any related papers and items, etc. Please contact us if you wish to sale or donate any item before mentioned. Museum admission is free to all practicing Muslims regardless of which Nation of Islam family you are a member of. Simply contact us at (815) 944-5815 for details and scheduling. As-Salaam-Alaikum

EDITOR’S NOTE: Brother Ahmad Muhammad (May Allah be pleased with him) passed away last year, but thanks to the kindness and thoughtfulness of his wife, Sister Patricia Muhammad, we will continue to print writings and information from files Brother Ahmad Muhammad left, some of which were marked “future Muhammad Speaks articles”. The information will be printed in Muhammad Speaks Newspaper and/or on Muhammad Speaks Website. manner, unlike the white, anything goes society teaches all to dress. The dress code prescribed by Allah is for the protection of women, children and men. A simplistic garb for women protects them. Have you noticed the respect Muslim women receive when they dress in the manner Allah designed for them? This way of dressing is not geared to “follow the crowd” in their fashions and their degenerate styles, but to brings about a unity of purpose. This dress is not a “look, I’ve got a cell phone!” mentality. It is not made to incite jealousy because one can afford ‘the style” and the other cannot. These beautiful wearings are not made to incite lust as the clothing of this rapidly falling society manufactureres. This dress is designed for a civilized woman. Until we are in the hereafter, the men dress in a way that the society respects them upon sight. just as the women and children. Any person, no matter what evil thoughts they may hold, thinks many times before attempting to harm a Muslim dressed in the proper manner as taught by Allah (God) through His Messenger, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him).-- He was ridiculed.! TAUGHT that boys and girls should be taught separately for better learning. ---He was ridiculed.! TAUGHT that EVERYONE should be searched for weapons before any meeting and then searched again if they leave the meeting and return. He was ridiculed.! TAUGHT that we should save our money for the bad times coming upon us and to pay off our homes, cars, etc. and free ourselves from debt. He was ridiculed.!

Brother Ahmad Muhammad TAUGHT that we should store up water in glass containers and food in a unique manner for that day of want we now see at our door steps.He was ridiculed.! TAUGHT about the dangers of pesticides in foods many years before the government told the general public.-He was ridiculed.! TAUGHT how to start independent businesses by example, providing jobs around the country for members of The Nation of Islam and non members, beginning in the 1930’s The following businesses were excellent examples and caused a multitude of businesses to spring up in the Black Communities throughout the United States creating even MORE THOUSANDS of additional jobs and income. The incomes were extended by way of manufacturers, loaders, shippers, salespersons, display persons, suppliers and all having employment related to the following businesses and those new businesses inspired by The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (peace be upon him). Bulk Buyers Program for Hospitals and Schools Capital Cleaners Chicago Lamb Packers Farms in Alabama Farms in Georgia Farms in Honduras Farms in Michigan Film Production Good Foods, Inc. Muhammad Fish Imports Muhammad Speaks Printing Press Guaranty Bank Salaam Restuarant Shabazz Bakery Clothing Factory Muhammad Imports And More...

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

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Vol. 9, No. 7

HOW TO EAT TO LIVE www.muhammadspeaks.com

Long Intervals Between Food is Best By Messenger Elijah Muhammad Compiled from How To Eat To Live, Book 2 The way we eat is one of the greatest problems that we have. It is the base of our illness. ALLAH (GOD), in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, to Whom praise is due forever, Says that what we eat keeps us here and what we eat takes us away. This is a very logical way of saying it. He also Said that nature has not set a certain time for anyone to die. We live as long as we are able to keep living, according to what we eat and drink. This is universally known by the wise. There are so many complaints about the poison that is now in our food and in our drink, which is placed there deliberately by the enemy, according to those who have the knowledge to detect the poison that is present in our food and drinks. The enemy has complete access to the food and drink (water).

A COUPLE OF years ago, in Phoenix, Arizona, after the burning and wreckage of our Mosque in New York, there were a few shots made at my house in Phoenix. One white man in Phoenix used these words: "Do not shoot him; get him in his water." People of that type cannot be trusted. They are very dangerous, especially when they have access to your food and water. There was nothing to have caused this act of evil against me and my property, but evil is already there in the very nature of the people. They only want an excuse to practice that which they are made to do, by evil nature (evil and murdering the poor black man). The slave master’s continuous desire to murder his loyal free slaves, is a proof that there is no love, mercy, and peace in the hearts of these people, as God Has Taught me.

Tainted Cantalopes and Recalls of Lettuce and Beef may be political Tyson Fresh Meats Inc. recalled 131,000 pounds of ground beef the last week in September , 2011 to check it for E.coli contamination, according to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. This came on the heels of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s assessment Wednesday that the outbreak of listeria from cantaloupe harvested at Colorado’s Jensen Farms was the deadliest in a decade. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed nearly 20 deaths and almost 100 illnesses (with more expected) had been connected to the listeria-tainted cantaloupes. Jensen Farm, reportedly, had shipped more than 300,000 cases across the U.S. between July 29 and Sept. 10. The farm recalled its cantaloupes on Sept. 14 in response to the multi-state outbreak of listeria. Then Produce seller True Leaf Farms recalled 90 cartons of

chopped and bagged romaine lettuce after a so-called “random sample”, reportedly collected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, tested positive for the bacteria. There is no telling to what ends white politicians will go when it comes to money. The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law by President Obama on January 4th, 2011, “to ensure the U.S. food supply is safe by shifting the focus of federal regulators from responding to contamination to preventing it”. Then Congress cut the FDA’s budget, and there was concern over how the agency would pay for a new, modernized food safety inspection process. The F.D.A. response to the listeria epidemic was, reportedly, “the latest outbreak is yet another reason to fully implement the Food Safety Modernization Act”.

Why keeping looking for that which by nature is not there? Separation is the only way out of it. STAND UP for self and let us do something for self and quit laying around yourselves down to be nursed by others. Eat to live; one meal a day and not three meals a day. The great trouble the people have trying to keep in good health is the enemy who is poisoning food and drinks. HOW CAN people enjoy good health while eating poison deliberately prepared and put into their food and drinks to shorten their lives? It is very hard to find anything like pure food and drinks which you can eat and drink without feeling that they are going to make you sick or kill you. TAKING long intervals between eating meals makes it better for you, because long intervals between meals and drinks give the poison in the body time to weaken before a new addition of

poisonous food and drinks. They do not mind hiding their intention to use poison, for they know that it will have an effect upon your body and your enjoyment of good health. YOU could not imagine a more wicked thing to do than for someone to take a good food for innocent people -- from the cradle to old age -- and poison it so that the eater and the drinker cannot enjoy good health and will be at the hospital doorstep where they will be denied immediate service (especially so-called Negroes). I have, for years, advised you on the South Side here in Chicago to let us unit and build a hospital large enough to take care of our sick, because they surely will be sick, as long as they live in a world that specializes on how to make one sick (sometimes just for commercial purposes, so doctors can make more money and so undertakers can make more money). MORE white and Black scientists agree that America is a very

Honorable Elijah Muhammad MESSENGER OF ALLAH poisonous place to live today. The poisoning of food and drinks is done deliberately and there s no help coming from the government to stop such demonic, evil freedom to maim and destroy life. Our only hope for survival is in Allah, Who has power over the evil plans of the devil.

What Black People Need To Know about the w or ld wor orld about the nation about themselv es themselves

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Vol. 9, No. 7

Messenger Warned us Not To Use Tobacco while Devil hid truth CALIFORNIA-- While

Messenger Elijah Muhammad was warning Black people weekly in Muhammad Speaks Newspaper: “Don’t use tobacco in any form”, tobacco companies knew that cigarettes contained a cancer-causing, radioactive substance called polonium-210, but hid that knowledge from the public for over forty (40) years. In September, 2011 scientists from the University of California, Los Angeles, who reviewed 27 previously unanalyzed documents and reported that tobacco companies knew about the radioactive content of cigarettes as early as 1959. On May 29, 1959, Messenger Elijah Muhammad gave a speech in Washington D.C. where he said, “We must distinguish between the truth and the false so-called truths that have been handed down to us from generation by our slave masters. “ The companies studied the polonium throughout the 1960s, knew that it caused "cancerous growths" in the lungs of smokers, and even calculated how much radiation a regular smoker would ingest over 20 years. Then, they kept that data secret. During that same time, The Messenger wrote: “Do not use any form of tobacco. Do not smoke it or chew it. According to medical scientists, the tobacco weed affects the whole body. The heart, lungs, liver, kidney and bladder can be affected by the use of tobacco. WOULD THE government like for you to stop using the tobacco weed -- yes or no? The government harvests a great revenue from the tax on tobacco, therefore, it would not like to stop its citizens from using tobacco. But, if the taxpayer is losing his life by producing and using the tobacco weed, the government, yet, will not win. The poor man who uses quite a bit of tobacco and is not able to pay the doctor’s bill for the harm that the tobacco will cause in his body, may have to go on charity. The taxpayers will have to pay the doctor’s bill to cure the illnesses that are caused by using tobacco. So, it does not make sense for the government to continue to allow the citizens of its country to use a poison that it knows is gradually

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Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

taking the lives of its citizens.” All tobacco products on the market today still contain the polonium. Just so you know, the Messenger also said: THE PIG IS another poison people are eating. The government takes no steps towards stopping the raising of swine to be marketed for the people to eat, because it is another thing that brings much money to the government. But all the medical scientists know the hog should not be eaten as food by anyone. It just shows how wicked the Christian race is. They preach "Thou shall not do this" and point it out in their religious book (Bible) and yet they are the ones who are breaking every forbidden thing of their law. But, since we now have been given the truth from the mouth of God of this race of people -- that they are not what we thought they were and that they are only a race of devils by nature -- why should we expect anything from the devils but evil? They cannot be devils and be good. WE HAVE been made so blind, deaf, and dumb knowing the people who have exercised rule and authority over us. We have wondered, time and again, why they treat us so wickedly. But now we have been taught from the mouth of God the true knowledge of this people and ourselves. Why should we be so foolish now to continue to follow them for right guidance? They could not guide us rightly, when by nature they were created to deceive and mislead. The Bible is full of the teachings of the true knowledge of the nature of the devil, from Genesis to the Revelations, but we did not understand the Bible. Now, the truth has come and the knowledge of the book (Bible) has been made known. SO, EAT THE good food that Allah (God) has given to us and stay away from the things that are no good and poison.

Natural Pain Killer Willow bark is the original source of aspirin, but when used as the entire herb it has been found to be much safer and quite effective. The active ingredient is salicin, and willow bark has been shown to be effective in both osteoarthritis and back pain

The Woman In Islam By Margary Hassain Reprinted by Poplular Request from the June 4, 1971 issue of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper In the Name of Allah, MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, to Whom Praises are due forever. The Woman in Islam Give All Holy Praises to Allah (God) and forever thanks Him for His Messenger who teaches us the Natural Religion of the Black Man -- which, when practiced, restores the Black Man and the Black Woman to our natural self. We Thank Allah (God) for the Divine Light that His MESSENGER Brings to us so that we see and bear witness to, the teachings of MESSENGER MUHAMMAD. UNDER Christianity, we the Black People, lived a life opposed to our own Black Nature. We lived under unnatural conditions even in something as important as our marriage. There was no healthy relationship between man and woman -- because we were reared by an enemy (white race). The enemy laid the pattern for our entire existence under his rule. We lived an unholy existance, for it was not according to the Law of the Holy God Allah. TRULY only the God of Truth, Allah, Can untangle us from the enslaving net of the devil. Only by following MESSENGER MUHAMMAD'S teachings can we build a new future. IT IS no wonder that the God of Righteousness and the People of Righteousness have so much anger against the devil. The devil thoroughly corrupted and poisoned the righteous people's very life. THE devil poisoned the minds of our Black Man so that his thoughts were evil toward the Black Woman and he did not know and appreciate the value of the righteous Black Woman. Many poor Black Women have suffered the indignity and the humiliation of the Black Man asking her to marry him for no reason except that he wanted her to go 50-50 in support of food, clothing and shelter. This cold, calculating idea is spawned by the devil. It is against our very nature. No matter what he claims, such a man has the mind of a slave. He does not offer her love, comfort, spiritual and moral support, nor does he offer her a future. NO Black Woman taught by MESSENGER MUHAMMAD would accept such a proposition. The teachings of MESSENGER MUHAMMAD has freed our minds. We must have a mate whose mind has been freed -- one who knows his own value and worth and

who knows the value and worth of the Black Woman. MESSENGER MUHAMMAD teaches us that the Black Man is the God, the Provider. The woman's part in the marriage is to adore her husband and to attend to his needs physically and spiritually. She is his loyal support and encourager in his doing something for self; "self" is the both of them, for they are one. Theirs is a tender relationship. By doing her job of being a Black Woman for her Black Man, she is happy and he is happy. She feels loved, needed and useful. WE must practice Islam and take on a new mind of Freedom, Justice, Equality and Independence in all areas of our life. In Allah (God) we are conquerers; no longer slaves. The Woman in Islam will not accept the unholy alliance of a cold, empty mar-

riage. She will not allow her spirit to be killed by a man who wants only what he can get out of her and who sees nothing of her as a desirable woman. Nor is she looking for a husband who can only provide material things for her though he may have the wealth of a king. Her mate must be a righteous mate. The Woman in Islam wants to love and be loved, for first she is a woman, Bible Mat. 6:31-33, "Therefore take not thought, saying. What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink; or Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." ALL PRAISES ARE DUE TO ALLAH, (God) MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD

Beautiful Muslim Girl Dedicated to Mutasha Muhammad

Mutasha Muhammad was one of the best muslim girls that I have met and though it has been 25 years I have not forgotten it yet. After reading How to Eat to Live I was taken to her house to see what being an M.G.T. was really all about. I was told she had 13 children. Four of them peeped out for a peek at the sister who was still in awe. Then she showed me her Nation of Islam scrapbook. Through the years, I came to know her as the sister who did not judge, as one who was very charitable and always full of love. She touched everyone righteously. She just knew what to say and do and if you stay around her long enough, she would bring out the god and godess in you. For those blessed to know Sister Mutasha, we know what it is to be one of the very best examples of a Muslim, a sister, an M.G.T. I will always love you Mutasha. That is what I wanted you to know. I will carry your love and your lessons with me everywhere I go. written by: Shakeelah Muhammad

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Vol. 9, No. 7

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What Islam Has Done For Me We’re not perfect, but the message is


Sister Ameena A. Beyah NEW YORK--Islam has taught me to love myself, honor myself and that charity begins at home. “Help Self Before Helping others”. Being of follower of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the member of the M.G.T. & G.C.C., Islam is training me in classes on How to Cook, Clean, Sew, Take care of the husband and not just to bring up, but REAR THE CHILDREN. Islam has taught me about THE WAR OF ARMAGEDDON- that THE WAR IS Mostly WITH SELF. In Islam there is a courtship process. NO DATING (without a chaperone), NO FORNICATION or ADULTERATION IN THE NATION OF ISLAM.

Making a man By Willie David Brown I think it more appropriate for me to say "What Islam Is Doing For Me!" Islam is making a man that I'm falling more in love with everyday. A Man that never knew what a man was, up and until, I knew Allah In the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. That knowledge of God freed me from the misunderstanding of self and the limitations that I allowed to be placed on me by the slave master's children and my own ignorant and cowardice practices. It allowed me to face my own fears, with a knowledge that supported my desire to be and become a better person. Submiting to the Will of God and dwell among men, as a righteous Muslim, that I may become a witness of that great God of all the worlds. All praise is due to Allah who appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad.


If after Courtship (A Brother or Sister spending time with one another to get to know each other to see if the would like to marry), the they decide NOT TO MARRY, THEY LEAVE EACH OTHER UNTAINTED, But even if they decide to Unite in marriage, there is to be no physical intimacy before marriage. When they are in each other’s presence they must be Chaperoned-IDEALLY A MARRIED COUPLE TO MAKE SURE THAT ‘’NOTHING HAPPENS” (Man is for woman and woman is for man). AFTER a SHORT COURTSHIP, THEY ARE MARRIED. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us Muslims to have patience and to to rush,

Bro. Chase Garrett CONNECTICUT--Reading

Sister Ameena A Beyah nor grasp at anything. Each should check out (investigate) the other’s background, before agreeing to marry. IT IS WISE FOR THE M.G.T. & F.O.I. TO MARRY THEMSELVES WITHIN THE CIRCLE of Islam, as taught by Messenger Elijah Muhammad. We Thank Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad for Blessing us with His Messenger, THE HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD, to teach and guide us.

is something I enjoyed more than anything as a kid. As I got into my teenage years, I started to love science and God. I would read books about the Black Panthers, Civil Rights etc. In 2001, I met a brother(more like a angel)....who was selling a Muslim newspaper in my City, Hartford. I bought the paper then attendend Muhammad's Mosque the following Sunday. I was impressed with what I heard, felt, and saw. I bought Message to the Blackman, Fall of America a few other books. I had never heard of anyone meeting GOD face to face, so I told myself ill learn everything I possibliy can about Elijah Muhammad and His teacher who he called Allah in Person. The more I studied TheMost Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the

more it hit me that this man, had to have met God. Then I had to figure out what made Master FARD Muhammad GOD.....As I studied the 24 scientist and understood the 12 major, I began to fully understand who Master Fard Muhammad is, And why and how this new islam to Black America; was life-changing and challenging. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad was the only and first to recognize who Master Fard Muhammad really was. This made me understand him more and accept the teachings. What was hard for me to understand was why did Malcom get shot? Why did Clarence X go astray? And why did, even Farrakahn deny them both at one point. Then, I realized., as a black nation coming into the knowledge of self we are babies...not perfect. but the message is.

Large Garden Lots


For Lease Highlights * 100 ft. X 100 ft. = 10,000 square ft lots * Six month renewable lease/ $25 monthly *We are located in Pembroke Township, IL near I-57, about 60 miles south of Chicago’s border

For those Practicing Muslims who wish to Do For Self and Grow Produce for their families and supplement their income (at farmer market, for example), we Offer An Opportunity FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:

Min. Jamal M. Shabazz

(815) 944-5815

Vol. 9, No. 7

Page 27

Muhammad Speaks Newspaper-October-November, 2011 Online Edition

Believer’s Unite in Detroit, Michigan For


Sunday, February 26th


2:00 PM

Doors open at 1:00 pm


13560 E. McNichols The Matrix Center

All are Welcome! Free Parking and Entrance in the rear of the Building Delicious Nutritious Dinner Served by the Muslim Girls Training and Civilization Class , Vendoring Booths Available

Guest Speakers

Min. Jamal Shabazz, Sis. Shahrazad Ali, Min. Kemani Wadud & More Hosted By Minister Levi Karim - For More Information Call (313) 371-7033

The Messenger of Allah Presents

The Muslim Program What the Muslims Want This is the question asked most frequently by both the whited and the blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. 1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom. 2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed, or class, or color. 3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society. 4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own...either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obliged to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years...until we are able to produce our own needs. Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood, and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own. 5. We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North, as well as the South. We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master's children and establish a land of their own. We know that the above plan for the solution of the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people. 6. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and mob attacks against the so-called Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that black men and women tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the land - or allow us to build a new nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty. 7. As long as we are not allowed to establish a state or territory of our own, we demand not only

equal justice under the laws of the United States, but equal employment opportunities - NOW. We do not believe that after 400 years of free or nearly free labor, sweat and blood, which has helped America become rich and powerful, that so many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief, charity, or live in poor homes. 8. We want the government of the United States to exempt our people from All Taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land. 9. We want equal education -but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities. We want all black children, educated, taught and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling systems we believe we will make a better nation of people. The United States government should provide, free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools, and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness, decency and self respect. 10. We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. We want the religion of Islam taught without hindrance or suppression. These are some of the things that we, the Muslims, want for our people in North America.

What the Muslims Believe 1. WE BELIEVE in the One God Whose proper Name is Allah. 2. WE BELIEVE in the Holy Qur'an and in the Scriptures of all the Prophets of God. 3. WE BELIEVE in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it. 4. WE BELIEVE in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to the people. 5. WE BELIEVE in the resurrection of the dead -- but not in the physical resurrection -- but in mental resurrection. We believe that the so-called Negro's are most in need of mental resurrection therefore they will be resurrected first. Furthermore, we believe we are the people of God's choice, as it has been written. That God would choose the rejected and the despised. We can find no other persons fitting this description in these last days more than the socalled Negro's in America. We believe in the resurrection of the righteous. 6. WE BELIEVE in the judgement; We believe this first judgement will take place in America. 7. WE BELIEVE this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negro's and so-called white Americans. We believe the black men should be freed in name as well as in fact. By this we mean that he should be freed

The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad THE LAST MESSENGER OF ALLAH from the names imposed upon him by his former slave masters. Names which identified him as being the slave master's slave. We believe that if we are free indeed, we should go in our own people's names - the black people of the earth. 8. WE BELIEVE in justice for all, whether in God or not; We believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in equality -- as a nation - of equals. We do not believe that we are equal with our slave master in the status of "freed slaves". We recognize and respect American citizens as independent people and we respect their laws which govern this nation. 9. WE BELIEVE that the offer of Integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black people into believing that their 400 year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends". Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing that the time in history has arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation. If the white people are truthful about their professed friendship toward the so-called Negro, they can prove it by dividing up America with their slaves. We do not believe that America will ever be able to furnish jobs for her own millions of unemployed, in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 black people as well. 10. WE BELIEVE that we who declared ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for. 11. WE BELIEVE our women should be respected and protected as the women of their nationalities are respected and protected. 12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the longawaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.

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