H E welcome publication this month of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's "Message to the Blackman in T America" marks a blazing new day in the history of lifegiving literature available for black people the world over. Muhammad, who for decades—whether in good health or ill health, whether in danger or security—never failed to deliver Allah's own message to the black man in America —directly to his ears or directly to his doorstep. He has collected some of the most potent of these deliverances and the sum total of their revelations is astounding. IT IS T H E message which has enabled hundreds of thousands of black men, women and children to climb out of the mud, to wrest themselves out of the grip of their enslavers by responding and recognizing the Last Messenger of Allah—and that truth has spread so today until the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is rightfully regarded as the most powerful black man on earth; truly the leader with the only divine solution to the problems of the black man in this corrupt and doomed civilization. Muhammad's book is one of historic importance, for it puts into the hands of the literate, or soon-to-be literate, a map for their guidance; a tool with which to build, medicine with which to heal and food for nourishment. And above all, it gives them truth, the greatest weapon of all; truth to withstand those who would mislead and bring about the destruction of our people.
indeed the bread and light of life. Each chapter is a candle that reveals hitherto hidden crevices in the caves of our existence — and lights the way to liberation and freedom. In its dedication, this humble but gifted man — whose love for his people goes deeper than any yet known—says simply: "to my people . . . the so-called American Negro. Freedom, Justice, Equality, Happiness, Peace of Mind, Contentment, Money, Good Jobs, Decent Homes—all these can be yours if you accept your God, Allah, now and return to his and your original religion, Islam."
MUHAMMAD'S "Message to the Blackman" is a book that strikes the oppressors of black America a mighty blow. Its sales and wide-spread circulation are a barometer which the most avid enemies of black people will be watching. That it is destined to become history's highest-selling book in black communities will astound some and satisfy others—for it is a book that must be in the home of every family among the 22 million of our people here in this land. It will be read by every official, judge, politician and Congressman in this country. It also must be read by you and IT IS T R U E that some who read few books of any sort read today. are accustomed to saying, "bread before books." But here is a book so unlike any yet published in America that it is IN THE W E E K S to come, there will be crescendos of
Dedicated to Freedom, Justice and Equality for the s o - c a l l e d Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah
TOuhammad NOVEMBER 5, 1965
VOL. 5—No. 7
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Mr. Muhammad comment written about Muhammad "Message to the Blackman" but, regardless of what is said, satisfy yourself; read it for yourself; study it for yourself and send your response directly to the man who wrote it—the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Muhammad's Record Album Out Nov. 10th
(See Above)
W a n t s to Assassinate Nasser? (See Page 2 )