O Wheel, August 31, 1973

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:ated t o Freedom,


635h S . S T . L A W R E N C E C H I C A G O , I L L . 60637

:e and Equality for o - called N e g r o . Earth Belongs t o


Part II of Messenger Muhammad's Analysis of Ezekiel's Wheel See pages 12 & 13 I N D E X —

Rotgut... Shotgun.

...justice leaves t w o n o n - v i o l e n t United F a r m W o r k e r s U n i o n members d e a d in t h e fields o f r u r a l C a l i f o r n i a , in a violence charged growers' conspiracy to break the Cesar Chavez union drive. See p a g e 3.

..and other forms o f whiskey leave t h e U.S. military full of incompetent alcoholics. Story o n p a g e 2 1 .

...challenged in N e w O r l e a n s b y Black community, Black Catholic l a y leaders, a n d even priests a n d nuns, a t the Conference o f Black Catholics. Story, pictures, p a g e 4.

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