Muhammad Speaks Newspaper September 11, 1964

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Dedicated to Freedom, Justice andfequalityfor the so-called Negro. The Earth Belongs to Allah



S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964

VOL. 3—No. 26

Messenger M u h a m m a d











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u r a e r e r s with their deeds. What the By Chas. P. Howard, Sr. UN & Foreign Correspondent people in the United States deserve to know is why does Tshombe knew his backing the United States now supwas powerful. Practically all port Tshombe? What caused the leaders of the other Afri- this about face? What African countries have opposed can cause is served by bringTshombe from the start and ing Tshombe back and forcwithout relenting. The rare ing him on the C o n g o l e s e exception seems to be Ni- people? geria. It is difficult to underThere is no truth to the stand why Mali permitted claim t h a t Tshombe was Tshombe to stop off there on brought back to head a Unihis way back to the Congo. ty Government or t h a t It is k n o w n that with Tshombe was going to, or Tshombe's connections he has set up a "Government of has billions of dollars at his N a t i o n a l Reconciliacommand. It is yet to be de- tion." There is no truth to the termined whether these bil- claim that a "Government of lions will be used to corrupt National Reconciliation was other African governments necessary to keep the shaky into recognizing him. young s t a t e from falling The last fellow who tried it apart." The bald cruel facts of the was Youlou, then President of Congo (Brazzaville). His matter are that the power people rose up and threw structure in the Congo con sisting of the thirteen corpohim out. The United Nations spent rations which own the minfour y e a r s trying to get eral wealth of Central and Tshombe out of the Congo. Southern Africa, seeing that They finally succeeded. The the masses of the people of United States was supposed the Congo, though saddled to be helping them. Britain with corrupt stooges of the was also supposed to be help- white power structure since the death of Lumumba, have ing them. It has long ago been dis- risen up to throw out these closed t h a t Britain's help stooges and assert their inwas not real. They talked dependence. They had already taken help, but killed their talk


over more than a fifth of the land of their country and were well on their way to success, at which point the United States and Belgium representing t h i s power structure moved in the coldest terms and set up a dictatorship under Tshombe. Now the United States is sending in United States planes and United States soldiers, the Marines to be specific. The soldiers are allegedly sent in to protect the planes. More soldiers will follow these. These planes will shuttle Congolese, Belgium, U n i t e d States and mercenary soldiers to go out and kill the people of the Congo. All this will be justified under the pretext of saving the Congo from "communism." A bigger lie was never told. Communism is no threat in the Congo, or nowhere else in Africa where the people of Africa have the right to speak for themselves. The Africans are not swapping one master for another. This has been proven over and over in Africa. This communist malarky fools nobody. What the United States is doing and what the power structure is doing is keeping

CONGO'S President Joseph Kosavubu who "welcomed" black puppet Moishe Tshombe back to rule the mineral-rich nation. Now Tshombe is pulling in white mercenaries to slaughter black Africans to snuff out the Congo's budding independence. the Congo wealth out of the together to suppress the Conhands of the Congolese and golese people. the world ought to know this Under Secretary of State, vicious operation for what it Averill Harriman is reported really is. to have sold this idea to Dean How else can the United Rusk and President Johnson. States justify bringing a trai- It is incredible that they tor l i k e Tshombe in to would lend their "great digslaughter Africans who only want the benefits of the in- nity" to this vicious operadependence t h a t their lead- tion. It is a crime against all ers like Lumumba, Gazenga, Africa and the martyred Okito, Sendwe and the other dead s c r e a m from their murdered martyrs fought graves that this policy be reand died for? How else can versed now. the United States now justify its s u p p o r t of Tshombe's bringing the hated merce- Top Occupations naries back to lead the Con- In the occupational careers golese Army against their of furnacemen, smeltermen and foundrymen in general, fellow Congolese? the 1960 U.S. Census indicatIt is reported that between ed that 52,447 were emthree and five hundred white ployed, of which 40,466 were mercenaries are now serving whites and 11,967 were Nein the Army that is being put groes.

egro Slavery: The Greatest Crime of Mankind MILWAUKEE — The awful magnitude of the crime of slavery and the scope of the oppression of the Negro still escapes the comprehension of the average white American, according to Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum, director of the American Jewish Committee's inter religious affairs department. Rabbi Tannenbaum described the enslavement of the American Negro before appear to be incapable of unan organization of Catholic derstanding what must hapMUHAMMAD SPEAKS nuns as a "crime which has pen to a thoughtful Negro of Published Bi-Weekly never been equaled in size today who reads of the piland intensity and is perhaps grimage of his ancestors Vol. 3—No. 26 Sept. 11,1964 comparable only with the through the American wilpersecution of our own times derness." under the Nazi." Published by T a n n e n b a u m mainMuhammad's Mosque No. 2 "Many Americans in their tained that "at the root of the 634 E. 7»Hi St.. Chicago, III.. 60619 utter illiteracy and ignorance racial problem was the "failABerdeen 4-8622-23 ~* r>iiorht nf the Negro" ure of the majority of the

nitude of the tragedy of the Negro in America . . . " He said that Negroes, like Jews, react to the "old world memories of their ancestors in slavery" with a "profound emotional identification" with their plight. Therefore, he added, "it does not seem too farfetched for them to press at long last for complete equal rights and opportunities." Rabbi Tannenbaum spoke before the International Faculty and Curriculum Workthe. Sister Formation

s p i r i t u a l and intellectual n e e d s of about 170,000 teaching Catholic nuns.

Negro Social Workers About 9.8 per cent of the people employed in the field of social work were Negroes. 50,597 whites were working in the same field as compared with 5,593 Negroes.

Negro's Average Age Most Negroes fell into the age category of 23.5 years, as it was recorded in the 1960


S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964

e Mess U p !

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A c c o m p l i s h A s

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By ELIJAH MUHAMMAD We have made great progress in the last two weeks with our "Three-Year Savings Plan, and at present, our highest donor is Sister Pearl X . Allen of Milwaukee, Mosque No. 3 who donated $400.00. She has also pledged her regular monthly donation of $1.00 throughout the "Three-Year Savings Plan." This first month has gotten off to a very good s t a r t , other in order to do some- we are receiving today. If Many are g i v i n g $10, $20, t h i n g constructive for the the wages were rightly dis$36, $50, and $60.00 and are original Black people of this tributed, they would prevent still giving their r e g u l a r country. our begging for food and monthly donation of $1.00 We would like to raise at shelter. which equals 5 cents per least $500,000,000 in the next work week. No nation will ever respect three years. If all would conThis p l a n has b e e n ac- tribute willingly and honest- us as long as we beg for that cepted by both Muslims and ly all that they could to this which we can do for ournon-MusMms. It should have economic plan, as S i s t e r selves. There has never been been set up at least fifty Pearl X . Allen has done, we a leader of our people who years ago. Let us continue would soon have billions, and went all-out to set up an ecothis m o s t essential work: enough money to do some- nomic plan for our people. I give all we can and stop thing for ourselves, o t h e r use the saying of Jesus; "All buying that which we can do than b e g g i n g at the gate, before me were thieves and without. door, and floor of the white robbers." I am asking that we (the man's business places for There are millions of your whole n a t i o n ) sacrifice that which we—if united — dollars lying in the white for the next three years, and could get for ourselves. man's banks, doing nothing when we get enough in our I am sure that the white for anyone. Put these milbank, we will put it to work people would have more re- lions of dollars to work buyto make more money. We do ^ ^ not mean to let it lie idly for a job and salary, if we would the basis of independence, three years, we could invest try saving some of that sal- Raise cotton, corn, w h e a t , in anything to help the Na- ary to help ourselves in that rye, rice, chicken, cattle, tion improve our economic which we could do for our- and sheep. The sheep would condition. selves. If they give us jobs clothe us with its wool and Heretofore our distrust in and pay us living wages, we feed us with its flesh. The each other has kept us down, should do more for ourselves cow would also serve as food We have to trust each other than we are doing with the for us, as well as his hide as other nations trust each high wages and salary that being used in making shoes, s p e c t

f o r

"UP YOU MIGHTY RACE, you con accomplish . . ." slogan has been inside University of Islam classrooms for years. It symbolizes the program of preparedness and training for independent inaugurated 33 years aqo

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by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Messenger's new 3-year savings program is designed not simply for Muslims, but for America's 20 million p e o p l e s of African descent.

Honorable Elijah Muhammad belts, jackets, c o a t s , and hats. The cotton could be weaved into cloth. Remember how America once had to spin their yarn to make their clothes by a spinning wheel? Today, if you have the money, you can buy machines which will weave and print thousands of yards of cotton goods per day. Do not say that you cannot do it. The white man is not preventing you from doing these things. He has many textile mills; he will help you, and even weave your c l o t h e s at his own mills for so much. We can c o b b l e our own shoes; the white man will sell us the machines. In fact, he will sell you almost anything to help you manufacture your own needs. However, you must first go to the farms, till the earth, and produce your own food. Build stores and warehouses to p r e s e r v e your f o o d throughout the seasons. We just, are not trying to do anything for self. As I have repeated until my throat is dry, one day America (the white man) will not be able to carry this entire nation of 22 million black people on her back.

Self preservation is the first law of n a t u r e . Everyone tries to provide a future for its own but the American socalled Negro. Turn your millions of dollars over to our National Three-Year Economic Savings Plan, and I will show you how you can do all of these things overnight and be a happy people right here in America. This will bring about peace between the two people because you will not have to fight, or beg the white man for that which you can get for yourself (if you were only united). You m o s t c e r t a i n l y should be tired of being beaten and killed.

I am appealing to you — each and every one of the 22 m i l l i o n black people of America — to send every penny, nickel, dime, dollar, hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars, and millions of dollars that you can spare to this "Three-Year Economic Plan;" MUHAMMAD'S MOSQUE NO. 2 — 5333 South Greenwood Ave. —Chicago, Illinois 60615. Russia did it and became independent, Pakistan did it a n d became independent; and you can also do it and b e c o m e independent. As Their world is getting very soon as your money is resmall, and if you are depend- ceived, it is banked in the ent upon this world, yours Continental Bank of America too, is, trpttinv vprv small

Cites 20-Year Association With Messenger of Allah By MINISTER ISAIAH K A R R I E M (Baltimore, Md.) The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the spiritual head of the fastest growing Muslim movement in the Western hemisphere, is truly indeed the Messenger of Allah of whom we, his followers, are very grateful. We pray to Allah: "Bless Muhammad, Thy message, the best of Thy creatures, the chosen one of Thy servants, the harbinger of mercy, the prosecutor of goodness, the key to blessings. He exerts himself for Thy purpose and exposes himself to pain for Thy sake, and faulted Thy enemy till his m i s s i o n was accomplished; and w h a t was planned for his friends was achieved. Thy commandments were established and Thy word was exalted.

JAMES PASHA, a senior member of the Notion of Islam.

Therefore, O' Allah, exalt him for his exertion to Thy cause to the highest rank in Thy paradise till his position may not be equalled by any angel or prophet.

Endow him with effective intersection for sacred members of his house and true believers." As a follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, a helper in this great cause of resurrecting this poor dead people of ours, and after hearing of the slander and lies of our Beloved Leader and Teacher by the Hypocrites and disbelievers, I would like to tell the world my experience with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad over the last 20 or more By JAMES PASHA years. Chicago, HI.) First of all, I can truthfulFor the past 31 years of my life, I have been a faithful ly say that after 20 years gofollower of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. In all of that time, my faith in Islam and Allah, the God of the jah Muhammad gave of the has only increased. Almighty God Allah and His I was born in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in 1897 among a eagerness to aid all people r family of ten children. My father was a lifetime wood- who turned to Him, deeply cutter who never was allowed by the redneck white power inspired me. structure to gain his manhood as a first-class citizen. No longer would I walk the Even as a child, I then streets of Chicago with a deeply resented the superior ing the Depression years, I chip on my shoulder. No manner in w h i c h whites hustled junk and waste to longer did I desire to engage treated Negroes. Had some- collect enough money for in fights to prove my manone asked me then to define booze and an occasional hood. I began to realize how what it was that I resented meal and a place to stay. I wonderful it feels to be a so fiercely, p e r h a p s I was dirty and going nowhere couldn't have told you how fast. I was fighting the future proud black man. I felt—hut it was there nev- and mad at the past. Messenger Elijah Muhamertheless. mad taught me that regardIn the spring of 1933, a less of what kind of employI remember that I once got friend of mine came by my ment I had, that there is digso fed up with this southern house and told me about a nity in it. Mr. Muhammad way of life, that I told my so-called messenger w h o taught me the importance of mother, "I'm leaving here as was speaking in Chicago's self preservation and the soon as I'm grown enough to black ghetto that night. He wastefulness of liquor and go. said t h a t his messenger smoking. I soon left Arkansas for could speak for six hours at It was, I sincerely believe, Chicago, where I was dealt a a time. our people's love of Allah more deplorable f a t e . In Thinking I might be enter- that once brought us before those days, I was nothing but a rowdy, whiskey-drinking tained for a while, I agreed a rather severe test in 1935. fool. I would finish one 90- to go to the meeting. Almost Messenger Muhammad conday sentence at the Chicago overnight, Islam captured stantly forewarned us of the City Jail or Bridewell Pris- my imagination and my loy- dangers ahead, so I was not on, get arrested for the same alty once I heard this great really surprised when our thing again and land myself man of God, the Most Hon- followers ended up in a Chicago courtroom. orable Elijah Muhammad. right back in there. I was tough. I would pick (In the next issue of MUHis topic for that speech a fight with somebody over was "God Rode the Mule." HAMMAD SPEAKS, r e a d nothing and I loved to fright- This eloquent speech by this B r o t h e r James Pasha's en people with my rowdi- great man bound me to Is- amazing account of a courtness. lam forever. The clear and room trial that exploded into In order to stay alive dur- recise account Apostle E l i - violence!)

Became Muslim After


1st Speech








MINISTER ISAIAH KARRIEM ing in and out of his home, sleeping in his home, riding with him in his car, dining with him at his table, I have never seen anything on or about the Honorable Elijah Muhammad but a righteous man. Some of these hypocrites accuse him of embezzlement, which is a lie and the one who told it doesn't believe it. On the contrary, Messenger Muhammad gives his followers far more than they give him, and this has been true ever since I have known him. And those two prostitutes who accused the Messenger of getting babies, should hang their heads in shame for the rest of their lives for putting out such lies on the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Here the Messenger has been ill for the last 2 or 3 years, sometimes too weak to get out of bed, and yet they accuse him. We all know that the hypocrites and the disbelievers are trying desperately to stop the progress of Messenger Muhammad. That no good Malcolm Little, who the Messenger of Allah took out of the garbage can and nursed as he would a baby until he didn't want for anything, was able to go any-

where he chose with expenses paid. After Messenger Muhammad took him and gave him wisdom, knowledge, understanding, a reputation in which everyone admired, the only thanks he gave the Messenger was lying, scandal, and trying to pull followers away from the Messenger to follow him to his own selfish end. We, the followers of Messenger Muhammad are with him and are very sick and tired of hearing hypocrites and disbelievers tell lies on our Beloved L e a d e r and Teacher when there is no cause for it. It should be ever so clear by now that after 33 years of the hypocrites and disbelievers trying to oppose the Messenger of Allah that their efforts have been to no avail. They should also know that Allah is with His Messenger, as it is written in the book of Isaiah, "that no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against thee in judgement thy shall condemn." So, again I thank Allah for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and I pray Allah that I will always be faithful to his cause.

S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964






In the Name of Almighty Allah, The Most Merciful Saviour; Our Deliverer. Master of the Day of Judgment. To Allah alone do I submit and seek refuge. MISUNDERSTANDING AND MISINTERPRETATION My dear, original Black people of North America and the world, there is much talk—both good and bad—going on these days about the ending of the world that we now live in (the world of the white man). The white race is losing their divine power to rule the world of the original man. It is very easy for us to see and Understand that throughout the world there is unrest among the original black people who are working at a boiling pitch trying to get to themselves and for themselves as never before; not even since the white race has been placed on the planet. Even more so than in the time of Muhammad of 1400 years ago (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). From the 7th century to ; the 11th century, we had a p r o p h e t coming after much smaller world than we Moses and like Moses to be have today; Islam had not the people of Muhammad of and did not c o n q u e r the 1400 years ago. This is very whole world — only Africa, wrong. It must be undertime Near East, and part of stood that these prophesies Europe as far as Vienna, are referring to God and a She did not conquer Italy, Messenger in the resurrecChina, Japan, and the Is- tion of the dead in. the last lands. But today, Islam, for years of this world ruled by the first time has nearly the Caucasian people, c 0 m p 1 e t*e d her march „, , throughout the world. ^ o s e s a n f Jesus w e r e K , . . , ^ both examples of what was She has not converted Eu^ his rope, Christian Americans, , or Christian Australians, , and never will But, as far . as the Original Black Peo! ke Pie in America the Pacific ^ . Islands, the Southern realm _ of America, Argentina and . South America, you will find so mucn by Jesus in a small population of Islam. elations w h e r e it is * f "Islam ? f _ was f.._l f_ -_fL Messenger that to reach. Not by the missionaries of becomes a lamb. In Revelations, the symAsia and Africa, but America was left for the divine Supreme Being, Who is referred to by the Name of Allah. In this country, Allah desired to make H i m s e l f known as He did (for example) in Egypt; only this time it is universal, coming first to the lost and found members of the Black Nation of America. That prophecy of the Bible from Moses to Jesus must be f u 1 f i 11 e d. T h e r e is much taught against the divine work that is going on here in America by Orthodox Muslims and Black Christians of America. Many of the O r t h o d o x Muslims do not want to believe t h a t Allah has appeared in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad or that He has made manifest t h e truth that has been hidden from t h e i r religious scientists — the truth of God and of the devil as revealed to me. Though .they do have the Holy Qur-an, many of them do not understand the meaning of it and some of them believe everything that is prophesied in the Bible and Holy Qur-an about a last Messenger or Prophet being or referring to Muhammad of 1400 years ago. They even take all of the p e o p l e prophesied from Moses to Jesus who a

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(We print here the text of a special memorandum issued by the H o nor able Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah to help clarify for all seekers of the truth, current misunderstandings and misinterpretations, both occasioned by ignorance or by hypocritical actions. We present it in the words of Mr. Muhammad: "In the Name of Almighty Allah, the Most Merciful Saviour; Our Deliverer. Master of the Day of Judgment. To Allah alone do I submit and seek refuge. bolic lamb is in the midst of four symbolic beasts. All of the scholars and scientists of the white race know this is not referring to Muhammad of 1400 years ago. The anger of the beast refers to a dragon against the Messenger who is referred to as a lamb or as a woman pregnant with child. This is one of the clearest prophecies of the. opposition against him in the last days and the type of people the revelator refused to give the credit of being h u m a n beings but beasts who desire to destroy the woman and her child. This only means the Messenger and his followers of Islam. All Messengers were attacked by disbelievers a n d governments of their time, according to the 19 Qur-an. As an example of what the last Messenger and his fol-

lowers would face, Pharoah openly confessed that he desired to slay Moses and did not believe that God (Allah) would be able to protect Moses from his evil plans. But the Holy Qur-an says that Allah made him an example, for in the last days, both Moses and the symbolic lamb are declared to be victorious. Revelations states that the lamb and his followers,' after escaping the evil plans of the beast, sang the song of Moses which was of the victory over Pharoah. Let us remember that the scholars and scientists have not understood the true interpretation of the Bible and Holy Qur-an concerning the last Messenger. They should meet and confer on this most important of all scriptures and come to the correct interpretation. Both of you Christians and

Orthodox Muslims are absolutely wrong to believe all of this prophecy refers to Jesus or Moses and a prophet like himself, ana to believe that the symbolic lamb in Revelations refers to Jesus or as the Orthodox Muslims believe that it refers to Muhammad of 1400 years ago. How gravely you must interpret your Bible and Holy Qur-an. This important understanding is causing a lot of divisions. Some of the w e l l - r e a d scholars among the Orthodox Muslims are grieved to hear from America that I call myself a Messenger of A l l a h , though not one of them has been able to do the work that I have done in resurrecting my people in Ameriea — they could not do it. It was not for them to do what I am doing (the resurrecting of the dead). Their own H o l y Qur-an teaches them that Allah teaches a Messenger from every people that he intends to warn or destroy. It tells them in plain words that an Arab and an Arabic Holy Qur-an could not be the instrument sent to the people who must be resurrected because they would have the excuse that they could not read Arabic and therefore exercise their 'disbelief by saying that this (Continued on page 14)

Whom Shall You Serve?

• I God's

F r e e d o m





S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964

IS :

identified himself as Karl R. Allen, a southerner by birth, a former member of Rockwell's own Nazi party. This W A S H I N G T O N , was the "boss" of the White D.C.—Just three short blocks Party and beside him stood arates the White House a taller, frozen-faced aide, irom the headquarters of the Seth D. Ryan. savagely anti-Negro White "arty of America and I went (Karl R. Allen is described i.i to see if geographic prox- in "The White Letter," ofimity had given them any- ficial publication of the thing in common. White Party as being 33 Only a week ago I had in- years old, a native of Tallavaded the camp of the man hassee, Fla., a graduate of who wants, to become Hitler, State University George Lincoln Rockwell. I Florida spent hours in the Nazi's lair •with a master's degree from up in Arlington, Virginia, on- the Harvard Graduat* ly a few miles from the School of Business AdminWhite House. istration. He is described as I had found "our" home- a veteran of the Korean grown "Hitler" dug in like a War, where he served as an rodent in the forest, obviousofficer. He later became an ly on the down-grade, almost drowning in his own dung- industrial specialist for the heap of anti-Jewish, anti-Ne- Florida State Development gro literature. Commission. He was "unanI had found Rockwell des- imously elected leader of the perately fighting to maintain group by a "five man Party his peculiar reputation as the most "extreme" of all the Council."} right wing "extremes," as Allen asked me to have a the high priest of all unholy seat while he and two party Negro haters. members strutted back and But right under the wings forth, looking contemptuousof the White House, another ly down. I got the message. "You may ask anything "extreme'? anti-Negro hate roup had s p r u n g up, suc- you want," the leader said cessfully challenging Rock- magnanimously. I had noticed the large parveil's title as the greatest defender of White Suprem- ty symbol spread across the wall. It bore an obvious reacy. This was the White Party semblance to the Devil's of America, down whose row pitchfork. "It is really a pronged of dirty steps I walked and waited while s o m e o n e "W," explained Allen. "We peeped out at me from be- chose it as the symbol of the hind a huge window covered white race. Sort of like Neptune's pitchfork^" and the over with a bedspread. When the door opened, a others grinned. Inasmuch as Allen said pallid, eerie-looking white man stood before me. He (Continued on page 7) By Lonnie 2x Smith (Special to Muhammad Speaks)

The White Frontlash

THE ONLY candidate the White Party of America is willing to trust is Alabama's Governor George C . Wallace whom they have

urged to "bolt" the democratic party and lead the white world in a racial struggle to insure the enslavement of non-whites.

Negro Scientists In the field of natural sciences in 1960, there were only 866 Negroes in comparison with nearly 58,382 whites.

SHABAZZ NOVELTY S H O P Imported African-Asian Objects of Art Jewelry • Leather • Gift Items SIS. EUNICE, PROP.

470 CONVENT AVE. (Nr. 151sl ST.1

SOUTHERN BORN Karl Allen, (at left) founder and chief Allen end aide Seth Ryan hold up sign for their bookstore, «* the White Party of America sits reflectively at type- ^filled with white supremacy literature.


Mon. thru Fri. 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Saturdays 9 A.M. to 11 P.M.

(ConttJiu^d from page 6) that the purpose of his White position to turn back the Party was to "preserve the black tide. No niggers are White Race," I asked inno- going to run this country!" cently why he thought his he screamed as though a black president was on the white race was in danger. "Because," he said em- verge of moving Lyndon B. phatically, "of your black Johnson out of the White mobs and your race mixers. House. This is a white country and In the midst of his panic we must preserve the white over t h i s invisible black race." spectre, I managed io politeI picked up the "White Let- ly inquire about the welfare ter," official organ of Allen's and character of bis former group. It d e s c r i b e d boss—Nasi Rockwell. "the launching of the first His face suddenly glowed White Party for White peo- with hot hatred and conple" as "the most historic tempt. step since the Declaration of "Rockwell is a hypocrite!" Independence.'' he pronounced. "Didn't you "Rise up, oh White Men interview R o c k w e l l youreverywhere," the newsletter self?" stated: "Let us claim what I admitted I had. is ours! Put the White Party "Well — couldn't you tell. in the Whits house and forever secure your future and Rockwell is in love with Malcolm X . He adores the man. that of your family! They're just like two love "Ours is not to argue hisbirds. Rockwell sent me over tory, but to make history. to carry a letter to Malcolm And we begin the march to X . He was trying to get Malbuild a better White world colm to take over from Munow. Join us!" hammad so that they could Asked about his member- work together. That is the ship, Allen boasted: "We're kind of hypocrite he is!" growing faster. Why we have 150 chapters all over Ameri"Rockwell probably shook ca and we are in the best your hand, didn't he? When

HEADLINES O P HATE bristle fro of the White Wctfd, ©ffisksi <-• gaa of the White Pertv. "Arm Whites Mo 5l" "Rose War T h i s Sucwner" blare fortfe rh'e perty'i antf-Negro prerrrent. la sue kv. e Lt. wen you walked in, didn't he?" he shouted at me. I said that I couldn't recall whether he had or had not. "Weil," the White World l e a d e r exclaimed triumphantly. " I didn't shake your hand because I'm no hypocrite." I asked Allen why he had such hatred for peoples of African descent. "Well," he expounded. " white man is superior. I am a racist—I admit it. I've been to college up north, but that didn't change mo. I think the white man must unite. America must become an all-white racist nation to lead the fight against the blacks of the world. We're outnumbered 7 to 1, you know." By now he was wound up, nothing could stop him. "We must arm ourselves," he cried. "We must form

Fedre Pel Vcttfe, imAG, ecHfsa wfcrffa Ittther Kin catd argfag 'Ami- THcc ::V-

SErfG s£-ff.

White groups and teach theirs bow to put down black rlatp. Every w h i l e man should have a gun. That is the way 'jack u?i the White Parlsr* and America v/ a r," he i's; got to poll on the United Nations. for this money going to the Poverty Bill— 7/2II, we should use it to light against niggers and nigger lovers." Asked about Rockwell's emphasis u p o n anti-senritism, Allen waved bio hand: "We're not against Jews — we see them as white too. But we see '.hem as having done more to.harm the white race than anyone else." In his tmick thumb-nai! sketch of other white leaders, Allen classified CoMwater as a "rlollai" conservative," and said the sissy man he re-

to the

I closed the dcor cefcuv me as they talked on and on oblivious to my exit. The Jar words I heard were "Nigger are fools . . . they don't kno\ all of us white people." I dozed it tight. i

ST 3-1113

ST 3-11 M

MATERAE BROS. PcEnt St Wallpaper Co,


H n H H H I THE WHITE PARTY boasts it was most inflential in Baltimore. Md., in aiding the recent primary campaign of "Wallace for President." From among such

as the above group whooping it up for Wallace, the White Party expects to get most of its dues-paying recruits for the "race war" crusade.

Why Muslims Will Never Be Fooled By the False By Minister Samuels (Gary, Ind.) This message is addressed to Muslim followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and to non-Muslims as well, i want you to stop and think for a moment before you choose to follow the hypocrite, rather the Messenger. I am speaking of Malcolm Little, who still calls himself Minister Malcolm X and wishes that you believe that he tias now become the leader and teacher for the 22,000,000 Negroes in America. I have been a loyal fol- dar chest he had handcrafted ower of t h e Honorable in the prison shop and asked Elijah Muhammad for the us to sell it for him so that past 15 years. I know that he would have a little money svhat he has t a u g h t me when he was finally released. monies directly from Allah, Since that time, Malcolm the God of the Universe. Little has been living off fiI was an early follower of nancial rewards of the Na-

cats foundation h e r e in America for the Nation of Islam? Was it Malcolm or Muhammad who has forced the white man to respect and fear us? Was it Malcolm or Muhammad who raised the socalled Negro from the living dead? You know the answer, my

brothers and sisters. Do not follow the foolish hypocrite, Malcolm Little. I say that those who h a v e chosen or who are about to choose to follow Malcolm are bigger fools than he is! I say to t h e 22,000,000 black brothers and sisters of mine: "The Honorable Elija Muhammad is teaching the

correct history and destiny, and we should not injure his greatnesses and make fools of ourselves by not following His teachings." There is no leader to equal Him in all the world."! will follow Him to the death. As a minister of His, I will do everything I can to make the world see Him as I see Him.

Minlster Samueis the Apostle when our mosque tion of Islam and the Honorwas located at 824 East 43rd able Elijah Muhammad. Street, in Chicago, Illinois. When I began following the Malcolm Little was t h e n Messenger I had nothing, serving out his sentence in a and now I have plenty. Let Michigan prison for some un- us face the facts: known crime he had comWho has taught you to love mitted. I knew he was worth- yourself and your b l a c k Jess then, but the warm and brothers and sisters? sincere personality of t h e Who taught you that the Honorable Elijah Muham- white was the Devil? mad said that all who would Who taught you to not fear obey Allah were welcome. the white man? In Little's first letter to Who opened your eyes to he Messenger, which was the real truth, according to .read aloud to us in the mos- the teachings of Islam? t :ie, he expressed a strong It was certainly not Maldesire to become one of His colm. Was it Muhammad or followers. He shipped a ce- Malcolm who laid the intri-

accomplish What You Will! (Continued from page 3 )

[ other federal banks until reach the mark of one m i l lion dollars. When our rk of one million dollars iccomplished, we are goto build a national reve hank for the black peopie of America. . '1'hank you again and again for your contributions. We

will prove to you that we are honest people and only want to see you out of the mud of dependency and on a rock of independence. We can help accomplish this task by asking the government to do her once slave a favor for the next ten years —by exempting us from tax.


S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964


Muhammad Invited To Afro-Asian Islamic Confab DJAKARTA, Indonesia—The Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad, lead' . of the largest Islamic movement in the Western H e isphere, has been invited to participate and bring his message and program to the first great AfricanAsian Islamic Conference to be convened in Bandung in December. Special invitation to Mr. forthcoming meeting, some Muhammad, the Messenger of which will be: of Allah, was extended as • To promote cooperation extensive preparations were underway to bring together and solidarity among t h e the greatest assemblage of Muslim communities in AfriIslamic leaders in the only ca and Asia on a more positive and constructive scale conference of its kind. in accordance with the BanThe new Islamic assembly dung spirit and based on the is an outgrowth of the fa- teachings of Islam. mous Afro - Asian Bandung • To foster and support conference in 1957. It is de- the struggle of Muslim peosigned to throw the mas- ples f o r self-determination sive weight of world Muslims wherever necessary and to behind the struggle to wipe help build a world free from out colonialism and to unify imperialism, colonialism and the peoples of Africa and neocolonialism in all forms Asia behind a program of and manifestations. social justice based on the • To direct the M u s l i m teachings of Islam. communities of the world toPreparations for the con- wards peace, progress and ference continue s t e a d i l y social justice according to here as a special preliminary the teachings of Islam, as committee met and passed a opposed to reaction and passeries of resolutions outlin- sivity. ©To p r o m o t e and ing the objectives of t h e

SETTING THE RECORD straight on the West Coast is Minister John Shabazz of Muhammad's Temples of Islam and the adroit Caprain Edward Sherrill of the same temple facing battery of microphones at a recent press strengthen among the Muslim States of Africa and Asia the true Islamic attitude of justice, toleration and protection towards national minorities adhering to o t h e r faiths. • To promote good relations with non-Muslim states which grant equal rights to their Muslim minorities both in theory and practice. Participants will consist of delegates and observers, de-

conference. The M u s l i m leaders charges that physical retaliation bad ordered against any news media, took place in Shabazz Restaurant in Los Amgeles.

"Observers will consist of fined by the following resothe following: lutions : "(a) Representatives of "Delegates will consist of Muslim Organizations outthe following: side Africa and Asia; "(b) Representatives of "Representatives of a l l Muslim communities f r o m M u s l i m Universities/Recountries which will be in- search institutions having vited to the second African- departments / sections in IsAsian Conference, as per the lamic studies, provided that decision of the meeting of the delegates and observers ministers in preparation of are in agreement with t h e the second African - Asian guiding principles and objectives of the A ATC. Conference in April, 1964.

Wilkins Planned Massive Vote Drive Year Ago NEW YORK—The impending all-out vote drive by Negro civil rights groups was forecast more than a year ago by Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the NAACP in an exclusive interview and photo-session with H e r b e r t Muhammad, son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This week's announcement by the NAACP and other izens in a belief in themcivil rights groups that the selves — as exemplified by defeat of S e n a t o r Barry the African nations. Goldwater was an import"This was a very imporant enough objective to call tant and necessary ingredia halt to demonstrations was ent to driving forward on the predicated on the belief that home front in civil rights: a In 1964 Negroes could hope belief in oneself, and one's to register their greatest vic- capabilities and p r i d e in oneself. Also, a belief that it tories with the ballot. Asked why he t h o u g h t could be accomplished — there would be substantial and this the African nations advances in the area of vot- have vindicated." ing in 1964, Wilkins said: IN VIEW OF the opinion "Mostly because of the that the Negro electorate great awakening in the 1960s played a pivotal role in the to the importance of the bal- election of J F K , Wilkins was lot. And the fact that gains asked if he thought Negro can be won through the bal- voters would play a similar lot, on the local level, if we role in the 1964 election. register and vote. "Of course at this stage it is hard to predict what a " T H E R E F O R E , I look for segment of voters will do," one of the principal gains of Wilkins replied, "but I be1964 to be increased politi- lieve that the Negro will cal activity at the ballot play an important part in box." the election of the President When he was queried on in 1964. what role the emerging Af"He is a very substantial rican nations will play in the developing struggle for Ne- segment of the voting popugro freedom in America, the lation in the big cities of the NAACP l e a d e r said he big pivotal states; that is, thought these nations had Boston, New York, Philadel"already made a very posi- phia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, tive contribution to winning Chicago, Indianapolis, Cinfreedom in America because cinnati, St. Louis, Kansas they have inspired Ameri- City and Los Angeles. can Negro citizens with their "And he can influence the own accomplishments, and way these states go in an t h e y have expanded the election. I feel that President

well on the civil rights issue. It remains to be seen just what will be delivered in the area of civil rights between now and election time in November. " I F IT SHOULD be a good delivery, I would say that the Negro vote could be important. If the Negro should still be uncertain and resentful, it is possible that his vote may play a part in the fate

of several candidates," he Senators to see that the heart is not taken out of this bin, said. i'The Civil Rights Bill will even though it m i g h t be come out of the Senate. As trimmed here and there." to whether it will be gutted, all I can say is that every White Patrol in Africa p i e c e of legislation loses S A L I S B U R Y , Southern something in passage. Rhodesia — W h i t e "special "We are doing everything constables" — volunteers — possible, and will continue to are now p a t r o l i n g Salisdo everything possible. And j bury's suburbs while armed the Negro people in t h i s troops and night police ring country who are alert on this {an African township on the matter, will keep on their i city's outskirts. THE H O N O R A B L E E L I J A H

MUHAMMAD SPEAKS A Message of Truth

. Mightier Than The



LISTEN to Mr. MUHAMMAD Every Week On the Radio Station In Your Area Listed




860 1270 1010 1570 93.9 1330 1580 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 93.5 990 1 140 1570 1570 1570 1380 1606 1570 1440 106 990 1570 1450 1360 1570 1570 1




SUN. 5.-00 PJM, SUN. 3:00 P . M . S U N . 12:30 P . M . SUN. 7:30 P.M. SUN. 6:30 A . M . 6:30 A J M L SUN. SUN. 8:30 PJM. SUN. 7:30 P . M . SUN. 7:30 P J M . SUN. 7:30 P.M. SUN. 7:30 P - M . SUN. 7:30 P.M. SUN. 8 OC P-M. SUN. 1:00 P . M . SUN. 6:30 A . M . SUN. 7:30 PJM. SUN. 7:30 PJM.' SUN. 7 J O P.M. SUN. 4:30 P - M . FRI. 9 3 0 p.M_ SUN. 7 J O PJM. S U N . 10:30 AJM, S U N . 10:30 P . M . 5:00 P-M. SUN. SUN. 7 J O PJM. SUN. 8HI0PJM. 7:00 A . M . SUN. 7:30 P.M. SUN. SUN. 8:30 P-M




S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964



B a d

N i g g e r

PANOLA COUNTY, Miss. — This is how one black resident describes this predominately Negro county: "We ain't afraid of Mister Charlie one bit. If a white man comes down here in the colored section at night, he'd better be nobody else but the sheriff or Western Union— else he'll get his pants full o' buckshot an' a headful o' lead!" This is what one black resident said of this predomi- lookin' for a colored police- the more they really begin nantly Negro county. Some man for this town? to think about doin' that. white men refer to Panola as " I hear that a lot of them " I asked him, if I'd a took "bad nigger territory. We the job, could I ever arrest lose their nerve and say to can't do nothin' with the nig- a w h i t e man what done the others that it's easier to gers up here. They's going broke the law. shoot a 'nigger' in the daydown to the courthouse ev"He says that I can't. So, time. But t h e y is really ery day an' we can't s t o p then I give that s.o.b. one scared to come down here. 'em." minute to get the hell off my So all they might do is to fire One Negro declared: a few shots on the edge land!" "You know this peckerof our territory so that we Panola County, located in wood had the nerve to come can hear 'em. down on my place yesterday the red rolling hills of north"If my neighbors hear just western Mississippi, h a s to tell me that the mayor is been the center of a success- one shot near my house, ful voter registration of Ne- Lawd, every man, woman groes campaign by the Stu- and child would come a-rundent Non-Violent Coordinat- nin' with a gun to see if I'm ing Committee ("SNICK") okay." and the Council of FederatOn July 31, three largeed Organization (COFO). - caliber shots were fired near SNCC workers proudly de- the house of Robert Miles, a clare that Panola has the Negro f a r m e r who has highest number of registered housed SNCC workers. " I Negro voters than any other don't believe that they incounty in the state. Few Ne- tended to even hit the house. groes t h a t I interviewed They were just trying to seemed to fear an onslaught scare us." M i l e s has of terrorism by local whites. received telephone threats M a n y of them, however, from whites, but has generhave a r m e d themselves ally ignored them. His son, Robert Miles, Jr., against the possibility of believes t h a t the county widespread terrorism b y nightriders because t h e y sheriff, Carl Hubbard does turn a deaf ear to the gospel not want bloodshed in t h e of p a s s i v e resistance as county. "If something happreached by the SNCC volun- pens here—like the t i m e some whites threw a teargas teers. grenade on our back yard— In Batesville, Miss., the Hubbard wastes no time in county s e a t , Negroes do getting down here. It's not speak of the possibility of vi(Continued on page 11) olence on Saturday night. "You see, Panola is a dry PROJECT DIRECTOR of Panola County is 20 • year • old county. But some of these noClaude Weaver of Atlanta, count peckerwoods will- get Georgia and a Harvard stu- themselves real h i g h on dent. The "camp kitten" plays moonshine and a white man nearby as Weaver prepares a might challenge one of them progress report on voter reg- to shoot at some of us. The more they gets to drinkin', istration in his region.

T e r r i t o r y '

THIS MISSISSIPPI beauty is not old enough to vote. But she and many other teenagers in Panola and Quitman County belong to the Junior Voters League, an organization that will continue the campaign for voter registration after many Northern volunteers return home.

Mississippians Wonder: 'Where are 'Good' Whites?' GREENVILLE, M i s s . — White Mississippians w h o were s h o c k e d when they read recently of a k i l l e r slashing a woman for half an hour on a New York street in full view of bystanders who refused to come to her aid—were told they were doing the same thing to the Negro. A Mississippi newspaper here, The Lexington Advertiser, pointed out that everyday in Dixie Negroes were being attacked, assaulted, set-upon and harrassed, but that t h o u s a n d s of socalled "good" whites stood idly by without lifting a finitop the c r i m e s .

white people disturbed?" the paper asked. "We white Mississippians talk righteously about t h e failure of citizens of the big cities of the East to offer aid as women are assaulted in broad daylight," the newspaper said, "but what of the million whites of our o w n state who will do nothing as native-born thugs carry out a reign of terror against our black fellow-Mississippians, with the house of God as their favorite target." Citing the burning of a Negro church, Mt. Pleasant Baptist at Gluckstadt, t h e THREE MISSISSIPPI Summer Project newspaper asked: "Where is teers in Batesville wait for potential Negro the conscience in this so- voter registrants in front of Thomas's Sundry

courthouse. From left to right are 24-year-old Clark Squire of New York City, 22-year-old James Kates, also of New York, and 18-yearrenaen of Marks. Miss.

S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964



H o w


W i l l




A f r i c a

V o t e ?

By Charles P. Howard, Sr. UN and Foreign Correspondent UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. —Though the question of Chinese representation in the United Nations has remained unresolved since it first was raised in 1943—and all moves to invite the representatives of the People's Republic of China "to participate in the work of the United Nations and all its organs" have been defeated—there now appears to be at least cautious speculation that a change in attitude might be spreading gradually, along with the tandem question of Africa's future position on the matter. The voting f r o m 1961 through 1963 has followed a pattern of 23 African countries voting against admission of the Chinese People's Republic, abstaining or being absent. Wits an Assembly voting .strength of .'13.075 favorable votes will be reget China in fwenquired to the 1963 added ty-thrci " (41- for, 57 ; abstentions) f r o m the " s t i l l will 3hort leave ChinHowever vote, Fran i z en is r<j<; the People's Republic of ChiAT THE next session, bow many African nations vHI above session, at a previous UN gathering, shows na—and the- speculation is on raise bands in favor of admitting, mauiioad China's 705 Jaja Wachuku of Nigeria raising hand to debate the the effect the French recogiitjiliofr people into she UM is one of tit* great worries Congo question. At lower right, is Mahamar Abounition of China will have on or those wfco h&ve successfully matls China ffse only baerine ef Mali. the African countries still unisafion in the world bcrred from UN membership. The der the influence of France. African r e p r e s e n t a tant question" and. there- ! planations of the vote, some tives here are reluctant to fore, requires a two-thirds of the delegates were influto commit themselves. The i enced by the border dispute three principal candidates majority. I between China and India. for the presidency of the GenSoviet proposals—defeated | I I a future v o t e goes (Continued from page 10) Miles, who in 1963 filed eral Assembly—Ambassador since 1961—have urged the j against the Formosa regime won a federal court injur;'; that he likes us. He just Barnes of Liberia, Ambassa- international body to "re- j and in favor of the Chines*: tion against county regkdor Quaison-Saekey of Ghan move from all United Na- | People's Republic, how big a doesn't want any violence." Ike Shankle that aboh. T h e dusty, mineral-enand Ambassador Adeel of tions organs the representaI roie wiU Africa piay in the riched pastoral c o u n t r y the long literacy tests. Sudan—talk at great length Miles said, "Why those tives of the Chiang Ksi-Shek i , within this county is said to about the weather when they ly tests would ask, 'How clique who are unlawfully be something of a relatively are asked for a prediction on many bubbles are ther - in occupying the place of China tranquil oasis of racial progthis matter. in the United Nations" and ress, absent of the night rid- bar of soap?" "How marry The upcoming elections in to "invite the government of ers and flaming crosses that stars can you see in the sky Britain and the United States are so tragically character- at night in Mississippi? " will have great impact on the the People's Republic of ChiThe life of this p i o n e e istic of this terror-ridden matter of Chinese represen- na to send its representatives w a s threatened a n d Rev. "Magnolia State." tation in the UN. If Mr. Wil- to participate in the work of Middleton's driver's lice There are 12,447 whites were c h a l l e n g e d by the son's Labor Party wins in the United Nations and all who are outnumbered by 16,- notorious Highway Patrol— Wf: MUST HAVE Britain, he has promised its organs." 225 non-whites, 85 per cent of but nothing happened. What OR ELSE help to the Chinese cause. In In 1961, the Assembly, with whom, are Negroes. At this effect their singular braver;.' the United States, if the Johnson regime remains in a membership of 104, reject- Would you like remaining a t writing there are only about had upon the local blaei: power, it is not beyond the | ed the Soviet proposal by a permanent slave or being <» I 575 registered Negro voters, community is immeas "realm of speculation" that ! vote of 36 in favor, 4b against; permanent membar of a s out this number is gradually able. the U. S. might face up to and 20 abstentions. On a sim- ioup line? Are you with us i rising. One story about Rev. Mi realism. If Senator Goldwa- ilar proposal in 1962, the vote to gfct (rs<s4om, Justice* and j There is one of several mil- dleton states that the minis was 42 in favor, 56 against, Equality For the So-Called i ter is in the White House, itant figures who is known ter once confronted a headU. S. resistance, observers with 12 abstentions. Accord- Negroes? and reopected throughout scratching Negro, whom heing to the statements and exhere feel, will be stiffened. Panola County and is some- had known since boyhood. PLEASE S E N D U S Y O U R what reminiscent of W.E.B. After he delivered a sermon Though Chinese represenDuBois. He preaches a no- on voter registration, the tation was raised in 1949, it \ 9 6 0 M a r r i a g e C o n s u s |NAME nonsense gospel about the man would not accept one did not become an agenda The national total of marI esnonsibility of every Ne- the study registration form item for discussion until 1961, ried Negro women in I960 ADDSE3S :*ro who can read and write beine passed out among the at which time the General census was 3,068,31!) from a CKy lone... SUin . . j io register and vote. congregation. Assembly adopted a draft sum total of 4,271,826, be"Brother," ihe ministers He is the Rev. W. G. Midresolution by which it decid- tween the ages of 15-44. The iVluhamma J'j Mosque No. 2 < ed "in accordance with Ar- total for white women in the 5335 S, (Sraenwood Avonus I dleton, a 67 year-old minister exclaimed, "if I was a young who has lived in Batesville man, I'd bust you right in Chicane, Illinois, 60615 ticle 18 of the charter of the same age bracket was 31,-

In Panola Count




S E P T E * *~~ER 11, 1964

History on Negro's Side In Struggle for Justice By James Bevel and Andrew Young History has long since proved that one group of p e o p l e could not govern another. Rome could not govern Asia Minor and E a r ope; England could not govern the American colonies or India, Ghana and Nigeria; France could not govern Algeria. No nation or group of individuals within a nation can d then crowded us into dren will vote, George Walsuccessfully govern persons shanties called schools. lace not withstanding. who have no v o i c e in the You have given us teachLyndon B a i n e s Johnson governmental process. Y e t ers who were controlled po- has b e e n entrusted with in nineteen h u n d r e d a n d litically by those who would power to enforce the Fifsixty four, White people are keep us enslaved, so Y o u teenth Amendment. The Su- SOME THIRTY members of the Chicago and Metropolitan s t i l l determined to try to have no right to demand that preme Court has the power chapters of the Congress of Racial Equality and the Chicago g o v e r n Negroes. This can we know how to read. The to curtail the representation Area Friends of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating paraded not be. It will not be. United States fought a war in Congress of those states in front of the Morrison Hotel, headquarters of the Cook Since the passage of the over the right of South Ko- which refuse to enfranchise County Democratic Party—one of the most powerful in the Fifteenth Amendment, there reans to vote, then they held some of their citizens. The midwest, to urge the Illinois delegates to the Narional Demohave been continuous South- free elections with the can- Chief Justice also has the cratic Convention to back seating of the Mississippi Freedom ern schemes to keep the Ne- didates pictures on the bal- power to transfer judges, Democratic Party. gro out of politics, that is to lots so that all Koreans could and it's about time we had keep him from having any- vote, some judges in the d e e p The only question is whether having to be called in to althing to say about his govWhy can't the same thing South who believe in the it will be through the c i v i l leviate the situation caused ernment. be done in Mississippi, Ala- Constitution. Why not send process with the President, by tens of thousands of NeThurgood Marshall to Mis- Congress and the c o u r t s groes across the South demThe experience of Reconsissippi? He'll know what to t e a m i n g up to fulfill the onstrating for the right to be struction was not a bad one, promise of our Constitution; represented Uj. government. do. in spite of what most history books say to our school chilThere is no choice in this or whether it will be by mil- And won't that look good at dren. Reconstruction was no matter. Negroes will vote. itary process, with troops the U.N.? worse than Germany would * have been after W o r l d * War I I had it riot been for the Marshall Plan. Economic impoverishment leads to corruption, and the enormity of the task confounded not only the zealous, though unleai i black men who made up jut h e rn i s s u e their ippet pleas By Raymond Guy Legislatures; iterally defrom their plus Irices. (Monroe, N.C.) stroyed two P j ments of the United States !lowed so America ha .1 produced Some of our so-called leaders are sweating hard these . s against >mmon dea third "lean our-people-won't-listen-to-us-any-longer days. T h e e a s y many unjust I in every bate" who nominator c living boys are knocking themselves out, trying to carry blacks to pre ind town, hamlet, viliag compromised ih U.S. Coiiout their masters' commands. Just as they began to pat Young (1.) Bevel (r.) have beuntil these Inntury of stitution into each other on the back for quieting down one spot, another .e for the come a way e Mon. turmoil and HI bama and Louisiana? Med- uprising pops up. refuse to whites and r The compi of Ruth gar Evers fought for the Ko- Their trembling v o i c e s fought with every available The Civil obey any o erford B . H p naved the reans' right to vote, yet he join with their masters' In !y passed, w a y for the andfathe* was slain in his own home the latest song, "These riots weapon. Maybe, it's unwise, Rights Act rei confusion, C l a u s e , pc" :, liters c; town for tr- n to t- care the will help Goldwater in No- but many believe, if blacks only adds t; onstitution test, Democrc; white pri very same r i g h t for his vember." are going to continue to be b e c a u s e >( to creatfwould be sui • mary, and a s m of edn friends and neighbors. Evidently t h e y haven't denied the American way of a democracy had been cation design • keep tlu The vote is our protection life then it must be denied enforced fro beginning. Negro politico' illiterate. against the kinds of unjust heard, there is a growing This in effect ' » been th laws and p o l i c e brutality feeling that the oppressed to all. source of our •ry. It has which reig^i throughout our and exploited masses aren't The racial uprisings over Islamic C e for N.Y too concerned with swapping kept us withe i voice in southland. the country today, stems dithe "devil for the witch." The Saudi NEW YOP. our own def in every rectly from two facts; genThe vote is our assurance Ministers state of this u , South of of education and job opporThe masses' aims are lib- erations of exploitation of Arabia Com ie $200,COO has voted to the Mason Di int.-. tunities for our children in eration, equality and justice, blacks by whites and black mittee asNow we cry dve us the an automated society which and they don't see their goal so-called leaders lying to the to a special h a mosque in either Pres. Johnson or power - that - be for a few signed to est Vote", "UncoJ mally." seeks to pass us by. nter here in and an Islam i Mr. Goldwater. You have : c r u m b s , concerning the e us pick Give us the vote. Give us New York. cotton six mon f the year representa'ive government. Those who for years have black masses' desires. The regarded The moscj The time has come when believed that we will be inte- black masses are not going as an indie n of Saudi to settle for anything less MEL'S DRY At liMG grated into the mainstream we must be Free. We must Arabia's into in "serving AND LAI >RY have some say in our own of American life, don't be- than their goals. the causes o , ith and in Alterations & Toi ing Service lieve that any longer. Others destiny. Men, however unThis is no time for deals. promoting thr ord of God," 12713 WOODS AVENUE lettered, have an amazing who see politics as the way The powers - that - be should according to CLEVELAND £ OHIO j.bian newssensitivity to the i s s u e s to freedom, are astonished realize that these so-called papers. For Pick Up &:- yD.Service at how high the deck is leaders have no control over PHONE 541-8751 f » O f . DORRIS X which determine their life or death. In the final analysis stacked against us. the people any longer. These a man's worth is not deterThose who have been on so-called leaders dare not go Mississippi Jegroes FOR SALE mined by the amount of for- their knees praying, are be- into the midst of a racial In Mississippi, where NeCOIN OPERATED LAUNDROMAT mal schooling which he has ginning to understand t h a t uprising anymore, calming groes o f t e i; outnumber FULLY AUTOMATIC achieved, but by the f a c t faith without works is no the people down. They too, whites in s 6 m e counties, VERY REASONABLE that he is a child of God. are a symbol of the oppres- there are 80,689 Negroes and good. U I O N IN HARLEM a n

Say Goldwater, Johnson Is Choice Between The "Devil And The Witd,"



S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964

Church fat was d; p a Hffh ; in Mi ip


Wungpfci TOUGALOO, ypfiGfoCC integrated ear* A at out- Canton was,*, a h e r e. white c;..

Ah .-rfwtte to A Nef hy.^w o teen s mite.

( u l y ; ^ ^ LAURE^rjuly *>re a$d wothers, |>art of a av s%e%\^eg|-o t;Jeena r test the aik%s provision fits law, sPre* wounded by whites? 4

CANTON rights wo |was *£trdek Iwhiteginan Ithe €i|mmu McC^MB, &$%m. \ worker/and Summer Volus..' teer were injured when^tliet " SNCC ^reedomjHouse s b o m | e d. iT^te House, «con> Jained} 10 J»rojec^ wbmers, / s i x oftheni SNCC staff/, ^ J A C K S O N , July 16 if F B I director J . Edgar\ jloover told newsmen*t|(e F B I would give "no protection" to civil riJBts workers. "~f


^gBURG, July i W fee stmftil^^Wolunteers fre assaulted|bynSrV» wJaite >uths with metal bars and leaten on theif way U(' SNCC Canvassing , headquarters. All three,/includhis a rabbi, were released after hospital treatment, V****^,

[KENWOOD, A u * * J ^ John Handy w&s beaten ii the^efldre County Jail. CARTHAGE, Aug?|t;— A Des Moines*? Iowa, miftister land a s u m m e r volunteer P^-e beaten in a doctor's ef^nioe near here. I

gents Find 3 Burieci Bodies In Mississippi

S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964


i h a m m a d fi l i : A

C h a m p i o n Ini i I Meet Mr. and Mrs. I Muhamad Ali W h e n Muhammad A l i , the first Muslim W o r l d Heavyweight champion, quietly announced his mar* riage to comely Sonji Roy, also a follower of the W: Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad, it marked another I;:;!;:; step in a remarkable chain of steps which have sur£S: rounded the Muslim athlete since he came into the *£• light of Islam, as taught by the Honorable E l i j a h Muhammad. It was this champion who became the first black athlete to take a truly extensive trip through Africa. He stayed for weeks in Ghana, meeting with that ij&j nation's courageous president Kwame Nkrumah, and capturing the admiration of all he encountered. He brought the American Negro's image to their SS African cousins in a fashion never even attempted by other prominent personalities. When he visited Egypt and accepted, in the name of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, numerous tokens from African Muslims, he brought to them a new consciousness of the worth, dignity, and status of the long-oppressed black men and women •jijSo/ America. Now, in Miami preparing for his second fight with former heavyweight champion Sonny Liston, ii-i-i!: African, Asians a n d fair-minded peoples throughout the world earnestly salute the young champion who has made a mark out of the ring far above that made by most champions. The photos on this page of champion Mui;S: hammad A l i (at right) reading Muhammad Speaks •i-:^ with his young bride Sonji, captures the quiet earnestness and thoughtfulness of this young Muslim, a facet of him not usually acknowledged by the daily white press which has too often sought to disW. miss or discredit the champion. "I *' " '° the Messenger of Allah, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad," the young fighter declares, looking back on the chain of events which have whirled around him since he met the Messenger. Muhammad Ali is a champion not only | | "lucky" in meeting the right people "inside" the S?: ring—but even luckier in meeting the most righteous outside—The Messenger of Allah. o




SPECIAL M E M O R A N D U M From t (Continued from page 5)

was an Arab and an Arab Qur-an. The Qur-an teaches that they must have the Qur-an in their own language and they must not have a foreigner, but someone from a m o n g themselves who could speak their language. He could not be one who could speak Arabic until Allah taught him A r a b i c . Therefore the Messenger is not an Arab or an Arabic speaker in the resurrection of the dead; not the people who must be resurrected, according to the Qur-an. But later, Allah taught him Arabic and then He said in His Qur-an that now I give to thee a Holy Qur-an in the language of the p e o p l e (whom he is among who did not speak Arabic) and now I give thee an Arabic H o l y

This means that he received two books. One in a foreign language to Arabic's and another in the original language. Both, called Holy Qur-an. T h e r e must be something that is w r o n g about the Mother city which all the scholars agree is Mecca. Those are the last days, not in the days of Moses — only his work of correcting the i l l s of the Arabs in Mecca w h e r e he was born. This was an example of what was to come or what will come. He, nor Jesus, referred to the old truth which was given to either one, through the Holy Qur-an is without a doubt, a true book, but it only takes us up to the resurrection of the dead and not beyond. It does not give you a real knowledge of the Devil because

lah as the Bible refers to the coming of Allah. The Holy Qur-an refers to the days of Allah, meaning, in the years of the resurrection and it often repeats that the people will meet w i t h Allah in person not in visions. He will return to them or give them a knowledge of what they have done of good or evil. This knowledge is actually spoken in words. It is spiritual k n o w l e d g e . For the Holy Qur-an says that on that day, their sight will be sharpened, for Allah will not destroy a people until they are brought face to face with what they are. He will not allow the good ones to enter into everlasting goodness without them knowing of their good. It says that on that day, Allah will give every man a book m read his own

of the dead — especially the so-called American Negro. They will actually receive these accounts literally because they are a people who must be separated and these books will verify their actual worth. Of course, they will have a knowledge of the chastisement of the wicked and disbelievers rejections of the truth and the righteous will have a knowledge of their right by being sepa r a t e d by Allah from the evil doers and hypocrites. The jealousy of the last Messenger is written of and mentioned throughout t h e Qur-an and Bible. All prophets had people among them who were hypocrites who were jealous of them a n d wanted their places. But they were not fit or chosen by Allah for that high l a c e , as they probably

punishment or persecution of the wicked. There are religious scientists in Islam who know these things to be true that I am saying a n d there are those who do not understand their Holy Quran and prophecy of a Muhammad being last among the dead for the B i b l e teaches that God will use him to make Himself known in the last days. The people will probably fall for everything evil. As the Messenger of Allah, there is a hypocrite who has appeared among my followers here — a man I used to call M a l c o l m Shabazz. I gave him the name Shabazz to keep from calling him a slave name—he being a minister. This man has m a d e one of the most open and c l e a r fulfillments of the prophecy. Examples of this type are

Kora the state build to shelt and ocritl Islar Th| thing lish Hotel visitif the 2| thg « chaT ganid pearq had a Mc Chap then I zatioi basis! nevef

S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964


Outside of Boxing Rin


N u j k


D e s k of T h e Messenger of A l l a h nent or hypocrite |h of the 9th Chapter of JHoly Qur-an where it |s that they go out and a Mosque in opposition luhammad to provide jr for other hypocrites lose who would be hypes, the real enemies of -the devil, is was the very first he did—to try to estabMosque in the Theresa in New York. A f t e r lg the city myself on 3th of June, 1964, he saw jwas unsuccessful. On ie weary night, he Wed the name of the orpation and after it apBd^n this paper that he fulfilled a desire to build sque as stated in the 9th Iter of the Qur-an, he tried to build an organiwithout a religious |. This man I know, had really believed in Is-

organizations t h a t he had previously criticized. T h e y refused to accept him on the merit of his attacking his teacher with everything that he could find that looked bad —true or false—then having fulfilled another form or way of hypocracy mentioned in the Qur-an. It says that they become the friend of the enemy after forsaking Allah and His Messenger. This man, Malcolm, then made a very shrewd hypocritical move. He made a pilgrimage to Mecca. On his return, he had on a long cloak and a new g r o w n beard making himself look religious to deceive the Muslims here in America. But his disbelief in Allah and Islam made him fail. He then went and bought arms to fight my followers, and myself, knowing that we did not c a r r y or use weap-

that he was going to fight the police brutality, and got his followers into trouble while he himself went back to Africa and Egypt leaving his followers w h o m he had caused to suffer because of his silly attack on the police department of New York and on the Muslim followers. He even sat on the Jerry Williams show in B o s t o n, Massachusetts a n d confessed that he did not believe in the teachings that the white man is the devil and that they could not enter the Holy City Mecca. He even told Jerry Williams that the next time he went for a pilgrimage, he hoped to take (Jerry Williams) with him to Mecca. That night, he told J e r r y Williams that he was doing everything he could and was trying to bring me into court

the father of Lucille and Evelyn's children. He went back to these girls who used to date him before he married his present wife, Betty. He had made several trips to Chicago and made many phone calls to Evelyn. He finally persuaded her to agree with him. He tried to get others on his side by calling them, but they refused to go into court for him —to disgrace me after I had worked for 33 years trying to bring the knowledge of Islam and of the God Allah to the 22 million black people here in America. I will not acknowledge the hypocrites charges against me by going and contending with them b e f o r e my enemies. I am not sent to accuse my people. I am sent to clear them of the charges of the accusers—the Devils.

ed to throw his followers into Mississippi to be killed, but, he got frightened because he knew he could not be the winner in such undertakings. He, then, flew b a c k to Egypt and Africa to go to the African conference w h e r e they were meeting independently, a m o n g themselves, from independent countries or governments. He was trying to destror my friendship with, not only the American People and my followers — some of whom had been following me for 25-30 years, but he tried to d e s t r o y my reputation in Asia and Africa by trying to get the leaders and rulers of countries in Africa to take the N e g r o e s case to the United Nations. He wanted them to fight it out for the American SO-Called Negro. Pnnr for»l

S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964



W o m e n

A SCIENTIST who knows the sex trials and tribulations of women (in a clinical fashion) is Dr. Marcus McBroom (r.) who works with his wife, Dr. F. Pearl McBroom in the field of the social sciences. McBroom's recently published report on promiscuity was hailed as a salient contribution in the field of female studies.

Sues Gov. Wallace MONTGOMERY, Ala. — A Zellner said In his suit he white Student Nonviolent Co- was visiting "old friends and o r d i n a t l n g Committee acquaintances" on the col(SNCC) field secretary has lege campus when Painter filed a suit in federal court and L i n g o pulled up and seeking $200,000 in damages placed him under arrest. against Alabama Governor He was c h a r g e d with George Wallace. "vagrancy" and sentenced Also named In the suit, to 30 days In jail. The charge filed July 23 by SNCC staff was dropped when he apmember Robert Zellner, are pealed his conviction to the Alabama Public Safety Di- Circuit Court. rector Al Lingo, C i r c u i t Thetford, then circuit soliJudge William Thetford, forcitor, and Smith then prosemer Deputy Solicitor Maury Smith, Montgomery City Re- cuted Zellner on charges of corder D. Eugene Loe, De- "false pretenses." He w a s tective Jack Snows and state charged with giving an $85 investigator Willie Painter. c h e c k to a Montgomery pawnshop t o p u r c h a s e a In his suit, Zellner charges camera when he didn't have them with false a r r e s t enough money In his Atlanta and malicious prosecution. bank to cover the check. He was arrested January 8, 1963, on " v a g r a n c y " He was bound over to a charges, while visiting the county court and Indicted by champus of Huntingdon Col- a grand jury. The case ended lege, his alma mater. in a mistrial.

Mechanical Figures

Negro Victims

White mechanical workers outnumber Negroes in t h a t field neariy 99 to 1, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In 1960, there were 157,660 whites employed in mechanical engineering, as jroes,

It is an unwritten rule that crimes involving Negroes murdered by white men are not recorded. The Federal B u r e a u of Investigation, however, has disclosed that the total number of Negro murder victims in 1963 was

w h o use

LOS ANGELES—Three basic reasons why some women cannot say "no" have been pinpointed by a Negro social scientist making a study of promiscuity in women and reported in a national medical journal. In his "A Clinical Appraisal of Some Sexually Promiscuous Females," w h i c h appeared in the Journal of the National Medical Association, Dr. Marcus W. McBroom, noted that research through half a century had learned that so-called "easy women" are driven by "insecurity, desperate loneliness, or the wish to dominate." Dr. McBroom pointed out that "by 'easy women' we need, Dr. Horney points out, prowess and charm," adddo not m e a n prostitutes. often takes the form of a ing: Many members of the 'oldest sexual infatuation or an in"Actually, there is nothing profession' are driven to it satiable hunger for sexual to brag about, because t by poverty, a large number gratification," Dr. McBroom is seldom anything personaL are feeble minded and al- related. in the 'easy' woman's choice. most all are f r i g i d , " he In citing cases studied by "What we think of s: an wrote. psychologists, he told t h e eager, passionate haf=. to 'We are talking about the story of a young and beauti- enjoy our unique charms is large number of women in ful "easy woman" who made with the great majoriij f the American communities an excellent salary, but used s u c h conquests the today who simply do not say "sexuality to deaden h e r compulsive behavior a "no." "This," he added, sense of economic insecur- woman driven by insecis ,/, includes the woman who falls ity" stemming from "an in- desperate loneliness, or the into a stranger's bed on the secure childhood, with a fa- wish to dominate," and that first date; the woman who ther who did not support the these women "are almost gets a terrific crush on every family and who never gave invariably frigid because of m a n s h e meets, a n d the her the love and protection their neuroses." woman who just isn't com- which every girl needs from The Los Angeles psycholofortable with a man until she her father." gist concluded that sexual sleeps with him (nymphobehavior of the women studmania)." Another type was a young ied established "patterns" Dr. McBroom said in his woman, t h e daughter "of which have been "shown to article that psychotherapists prudish and unusually hide- h a v e both sociological as discovered " t h e s e women bound parents," who "revolt- well as psychological roots.' have one thing in common: ed against Victorian restric"In this context, on a cliniThey use sex as a means of tions" and at the age of 16, cal level, sociologically sevescaping from their anxie- left home and began "a wild eral of these women used ties. and voracious q u e s t for sex to escape economic insecurities," he wrote. "PsyThey use it like a drug to sexual gratification." allay their economic insecurDespite "a series of hit- chologically, t h e s e women ity; to lull the fear that they and-run affairs," she never are the prototypes of many women in the United States are unwanted, despised and attained true gratification. unlovable; to hop them up Still another kind was the today suffering from feelings to the point where they can woman who was "so friend- of not being wanted, that trap and dominate men; to less and isolated" that she they are unlovable, despised free themselves from feel- had a "really desperate need and isolated." ings of loneliness and isola- for affection" and used "sextion. uality . . . to establish any "Sex is no longer a great human contact at all." Dr. McBroom made a sigpleasure and a deep satisfacRESTAURANT & B A K E R Y tion; for these women, it nificant point about "those of Cleveland's Newest and Semi-Ultrabecomes the panacea for all us who flatter outselves on Modern Asiatic Restaurant. We serve ills, what the famous psy- making an easy conquest." Asiatic style and American Cooked chiatrist, Dr. Karen Horney, He said this type of man Forids has called the 'neurotic need often tells himself that wom- i 2434 Superior Ave. Cleveland, Ohio OPEN 24 HOURS for affection.' This neurotic en cannot resist his "male MU 1-9841


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S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964

LOS A N G E L E S — A world where women ha* q babies without benefit of the male sperm, much less sexual contact . . . a world where women play the role of £ -.iser as well as mother . . . such is one disturbing no if fiction science prospect, according to one of the world's- great geneticists, Norwegian scientist Dr. Waldo H. T'urgason, science professor at the University of California at- Los Angeles. This is called "partheno- have-ya completet*ft| of genesis" — a process utterly chromosomes. "If^ljaey stay iaggfher, fantastic in h u m a n s, but rather an ordinary occur- they would form a. cqtuplete ence in certain insects- and individual. If we. Sj§§krate them at this point; e\ch one worms. would form a new individDr. Furgason, who has ual and you would hav's-idenbeen at UCLA since 1949 tical twins." and is one of the founders of Furgason would Tat prethe Life Science program dedict "any likelihood of fusigned for non-science colture b i o l o g i s t s Making lege majors, said that such a complete person identical an individual would only posto the one from whom a sess the inherited characterfragment of the body tissue istics from its mother. was taken. The Norwegian scientist "We can at this time take said that he saw no reason tissues, out of the bo«±y of a why such a person shouldn't humaff being and gftft? them be perfectly normal and "a in an^fcrtificial cuj^uje (encomplete human being with vironment) or medijim that only genes from the moth- is roughly equivalent to the er's side of the family," in- blood," he asserted. stead of the result of an egg "They h a v e been nourfertilized by the father's ished'-and supplied^W^ oxysperm that occurs in normal gen, however, these O'lls are human reproduction. not capable of goingyahead Dr. Furgason was asked , developing intg^eom by MUHAMMAD SPEAKS plete individual. They scientist explained to explain the experiment of switching the nucleus of the that such nourishment can only be accomplished, by the egg cells. female's egg and added that "There is a complete set scientists have not discovof chromosomes containing ered a method to develop the genes from every part of the artificially nourished cells human body. After the first into complete human beings. di- don, each cejl would Dr. Furgason rationalized






INTERVIEWED BY Muhammad Speaks, Or. Waldo H. Fiifgasori, noted science professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, makes a point as he talks with West that "it would be dangerous for any scientist to say that something can't be done. The moment we say this is impossible, along comes a

Coast Correspondent Harriett Muhammad about the different genetic changes science may be able to achieve in future man.

bright young man who does has been performed in the it—possibly because he has field of artificial inseminanot learned from textbooks ] cting that it can't be done." Much experimental work (Continued on pcj; 18) u


3&J . i d




WEBH-fm, 93.9 at 6:30 AM u/rAW l im _» A..•»#> * u


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S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964



Motherhood Minus T h e Male I from page 17)

i>perm in a labtube and injecting it into he uterus of the woman. Thi s process, which produces so--called "test tube babies," is used when the tin's hi is band does not ha- • fertile r;perm. \ Fur?,;«son said that there will be a possiDa y that ^ encticists will be ab to pre:serve live sperm fo evera' < >nths. Ve have t to learn how -•hinery of the to 'w the metabolism •if living cells, wivdi must kept alive. If ,r

U.S in Se v'Asr. ly folJ boslr e ra< te E •i


i Fee . .me. ig s; segr m* nth

we can learn to hold them in suspended animation, they can be preserved over long periods of time. "If we can do it for other mammals, why can't we do it for human beings? It's just a question of slowing down the machinery to the point where it almost stops, but doesn't die—and then maintaining it in that condition," he commented. Dr. Furgason said that it is entirely possible that future scientists will be able to remove the fertilized egg from the uterus of one wom-

o v e r n m e n t Finally


\ppea ranees Before ogated Audiences ON, D. C —The Fedevid government has the lead of a number of nationally-promiid professional leaders in refusing to speak gregated audiences :c South. cial Counmlated a and o, - vorn appearing g officials before ; Led audiences acies and in Missi.-:- i •aln from (Ulauta-based SNCC, jefore ra- anti-sc a jroup, had -therings. been sen .lul in getting e after a Nation.! i anautics a n d i& by the Space A. y head James it Coordi- Webb, h.: ball star S t a n : 3NCC) to (The M Musial, mush L officials cians ' raffman, Da-

The California scientist said that it is too early to "draw conclusions" about the harm mankind has sustained through atomic radiation and fallout particles.

"The cow nourished it. It develops in her uterus and she gives birth to it. This offspring," he pointed out, "would not have the charac-

Some researchers believe that fallout can cause harmful mutations which could manifest themselves in the form of abnormal babies

vid Bar Illan and Eleanor Steber; television stars of the "Bonanza" and "Beverly Hillbillies" shows; jazz trumpeter Al Hirt, Congressman Robert McClory (R.-

111.) a n d college teachers John Gassner (Yale), Stephen Spender (Northwestern) and Walter Allen (Vassar) to c a n c e l segregated appearances in Mississippi.

FBI in Mississippi Fails to Slow Racist Terror



/HERE Y O U€ "•.5 S T O F M E A T tND CANMEsi

teristics of the foster mother, but of the pure-bred mother cow and bull. It's like a duck sitting on chicken eggs. When hatched, the offspring will n a t u r a l l y be chicks, not ducklings."

an and place it in the uterus of another, who will carry and give birth to it after the gestation p e r i o d of nine months. Such an experiment has already been performed on cattle. "They take the egg from a pure-bred stock of cattle and fertilize it with sperm f r o m a pure-bred male and implant it in the uterus of an inferior breed.

UATKSVKLLE, Miss.—Undaunted by the widely-puolicissed recent augmentation of F B I forces in Mississippi, white supremacists continue their campaign of terror and vioiciit'c in an attempt to blunt the effectiveness ef fine voter registration projects in the state Nif-iit riders here hurled a tear-gs s grenade into t h e a s i e c p . Cathy Amatttick, isS; .-/Jute, home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mize, where three civil Badcliife C o l l e g e (Camrights workers—participants bridge, Mass.) student; Tim In the drive to get Negroes j LMoivison, 0, watte, of East registered to vote — w e r e ! Lansta p/iicb.; Claude Wea-

born without arms, eyes, fingers, etc. "Whatever effects nuclear fallout has had upon the; genes of humans will have to be seen in the next generation. To be sure of this, you would have to observe entire sets of family generations. "We already have witnessed the profound and horrible effects of the atomic bomb when it was dropped on the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan in 1945. All of these things are being studied, but it is a very longterm research project," he said. ver, Negro, and their hosts were forced to leave t h e dwelling, but no one was injured. In another incident, t h e Council of Federated Organizations (COFO), sponsor of the vote drive, reported that an auto sped by the home of Charles Bryant h i McComb and a package of dynamite was thrown. Because some of the sticks failed to explode, the damage was minor. The F B I is Investigating this report. r«ra? rtocnmnaSf times Coiuity in the Mississippi Delta, tbe F B I l parted that a car io another COFO worker •<* ,s; sloshed w i t h / gasoline v>nH set afire.




Rovt. Insp.



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:r mi m\m products AND DON'T FORGET YOUR CfZl Ok g a t

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S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964



M a r k e t of the Midwest

The dynamic economic program of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah, moved ahead here in the midwest with the completed expansion and remodeling of the popular Shabazz Grocery, 614 E . 71st Street — the region's most o u t s t a n d i n g independent market. As Shabazz Grocery presented its modernistic n e w front to shoppers, followers and non-followers, its management spurred the opening with Saturday awards of a basket of free groceries to a lucky patron. In line with the objectives of the Messenger to "build and improve the black community," t h e new supermarket is one of the m o s t attractive establishments in the area. Shabazz has not only redesigned its interior, it's M u s l i m management has also devised ways to bring to patrons a broad assortment of fresh foodstuffs of the highest quality and at the lowest cost of any markets in the community. The newly-opened grocery has installed a modern frozen food department with a larger walk-in refrigerator to maintain huge quantities of fresh meat and d a i r y products. T h e community acceptance and support of Shabazz has enabled the grocery to maintain its performance of charitable work in the Negro community. It was the Shabazz Grocery which mailed a truckload of canned foods and clothes to hard-pressed N e g r o families i n Mississippi during the 1963 ecoBUY AND SELL WITH SHABAZZ REALTY 400 West 145th Street New York 3 1 , N.Y. AU 1-2628

WINNER, Mrs. Virginia Crosby, appears speechless over her award, a basket of groceries from the management of the newly remodeled Shabazz Super Market. A mother of three teenage girls and a son, the lucky customer vowed to connomic boycott of Negroes by white o f f i c i a l s who had dropped them from relief rolls because of their attempts to register and vote. Although the new Shabazz Grocery is the largest a n d best-equipped, it marks a steady development and improvement of retail outlets under the direction of T h e Honorable Elijah Muhammad with even more far reaching plans under consideration. KOID-AIR REFRIGERATION SERVICE COMMERCIAL • DOMESTIC REPAIRS MADE ON THE SPOT' ALL MAKES ANT: MODELS 787 ST. NICHC.AS AVE. NEW YORK 31, N.Y. CALL AU 1-5968


LOW RATES to Careful Drivers SEE RALPH X

FRANK L. WILLIAMS 4302 S. Pkwy. Chicago, III. LI 8-5871


THE SPECIALTY PROMOTIONS CO., INC. Comes Another First and Exclusive in the Line of Islamic Literature, THE G O L D E N DEEDS O F I S L A M

This fabulous liffle book is designed specifically for children and teenagers. Instead of reading about The Knights of the Round Table or Little Black Sambo, now your family can read about the Golden Deeds of Islam. Such stories as "When A Muslims Word Was Bond, The Princess of Triploy," etc. will leave the right impression in the minds of our young ones. Order your copy today! ONLY $1.25 (Add 10c for Mailing and Handling Charges)

Also Available for Immediate Delivery: Holy Qurans with Arabic Text and English Translation and Commentary BY M. MUHAMMAD ALI $9.50 (cloth bound) HOLY QURANS same as above leather bound $13.50 (Add 25c for Mailing and Handling Charges)

Arabic Alphabet Books by Abdui Basit Naeem $1.50 Plus 84 Other Books on Islamic Civilization and Culture SEND FOR FREE BOOK LIST TODAY


tinue her support of Shabazz Market, with its high quality meats and economical prices. Presenting the basket is Milton Shabazz, manager.

ca. Shoppers from many surrounding communities have selected Shabazz market as their main food center.

BEHIND THESE doors is the temporary residence of some of the finest foods at the most reasonable prices in any city in Ameri-

Bridge to Bear Name of Frederick Douglas

20% DISCOUNT ON UPHOLSTERING AND REUPHOLSTERING Draperies...Slip-Co vers Plastic Covers .. . Rugs Furniture Finishing OLD FURNITURE MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW







Nathaniel Muhammad, proprietor

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A bridge here will be named after Frederick Douglas, the Negro born in slavery who rose to become one of the outstanding militant i n t e 1lectuals during the period of slavery and early reconstruction. The Capital Street bridge, one of the major trafficways of the city, will now become the Frederick Douglas Bridge.





3S8 E. 71st St., Chicajo

S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964



The Messenger'sFor A n d About Y o u Memorandum How Will Power Will Pull Weight Down (Continued from page 15)

the k n o w l e d g e of the prophecy of how the Negro w o u l d be liberated from America. He made a fool out of himself. This is a divine problem. God Himself will liberate the Negro. Africa is trying to liberate h e r s e l f from the same enemy. These prophecies concerning the Resurrection and f r e e d o m of the so-called American Negro cannot be cast aside as false. Especially today, for you can see the fulfillment. The so-called Negro must, be delivered by God and God only. He will use a Messenger who is symbolically referred to as the Lamb of God in the Resurrection who spiritually liberates the American Negro. They must be taught a thorough knowledge of their people and of the Devil. They must be Muslims to be liberated. They must have the Name of God which means one of tlje 99 n a m e s that comprises the Name of God. These names are now being given. This f o o l i s h hypocrite, Malcolm, does not know the scriptures or prophecies but he desires to be recognized by the people as a great leader without any follow-

ARTWORK BY MAIL ORDER Art Buyers, Advertisers Promoters: We Do the Job and Mall It to You! Send for FREE BROCHURE ond prices.

ers, or, like one white man put it—he is a general without an army. There are many Africans and Egyptians who are now giving me credit for what I have said. They are actually surprised when they come into the knowledge of Allah's work in America and of me, His chosen Messenger—sent to my p e o p l e here in America. I heard that a newspaper — The Egyptian Gazette — had a full page article about Malcolm and his charges against me. I warn the entire world that is not reluctant to oppose me and s p e a k evil against me—that they might be playing with fire and a very hot fire at that. If you don't like My God and Myself, here in America, just leave us alone. It is very easy not to bother that which you do not like. Malcolm will never be successful, nor, will any of those who follow or befriend him. Allah has said this. I will accomplish the mission Allah has given to me— to raise my people here in America, b o t h spiritually and physically above the nations of the earth — if it pleases Him. AS-SALAAM-ALAIKTJM FBI R e p o r t s The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported in 1963 that there w e r e 2,577,269 white persons arrested in the major U.S. cities and 1,125,505 Negroes arrested for similar crimes. The arrests of Negroes, whites, Indians, Chinese and Japanese totaled 3,815,994.

By HARRIETT MUHAMMAD DEAR H A R R I E T T : My problem is, I can't seem to control my eating habits. I have tried just about everything, but almost everything I see that I want goes into my mouth. I always seem to be hungry since I had my last baby, and I can't stop eating. I have been on fasts, but that doesn't seem to help. I weigh ten pounds more than I want to weigh. Will you please give me some advice that will help me? HUNGRY, Oakland, California DEAR HUNGRY: There is no royal road to the optimal weight. Nor are there any quick miracles— like pills, drugs, electric belts or other exercise machines—that can take off and keep off unwanted pounds. Even with the best of medical advice your PERSISTE N T cooperation is necessary. Since you have will-power enough to take fasts, you should try and d e v e l o p enough self-control to sustain by first having the proper mental attitude. You say you weigh ten pounds more than you WANT to weigh—have you considered your body frame? Consult with a physician as to whether or not your ten pounds is in excess. Your best weight may be as much as 10% under or 20% over the calculated standard for your height and age. In terms of your body frame, you may be the NORMAL you. The best way to keep from becoming overweight is to eat S E N S I B L Y , exercise reasonably and live happily. DEAR H A R R I E T T : I've b e e n married for about two months. My husband and I didn't know each other long, and while we were c o u r t i n g we were never intimate because it is against our religious convictions. I find now, that dur-

ing the usual course of the day, he repulses any affection that I display toward him. If I hug him or give him a kiss he tells me to get away and stop trying to trick him into doing something for me. Harriett, I love my husband and sincerely mean him no harm. Is it wrong for a wife to show affection during the course of a day? HURT DEAR HURT: No, it is your duty as a wife and w o m a n to be tender, warm and affectionate to your husband — all the time. However, since you may not know much about your husband's past, you should try and find out why he has this attitude. Bare in mind also, the condition of all black men in America — they have been and still are victims of deceit from all around them. You, as a black woman, are part of a system which underminds and dominates black manhood. Now that black men are standing up and taking back their place as head of the

house, they are overly sensitive to any "attacks" that come their way. Although you may be completely innocent of any deceit, be understanding enough to know the position he is in and the pressure he's been under since birth. In a few more months, when he gets to know your character better, he'll feel more relaxed and secure with you. Also, be sure that you are pleasing to be near, dear. Check y o u r s e l f and stay smelling sweet. You wouldn't want to find out later that your husband was only pretending to be wary of your motives, while he was weary of your odors. Something on your mind? Write and tell me about it. Harriett Muhammad 2405 West 18th Street Suite 102 Los Angeles, Calif. 90019 SISTER'S RESTAURANT HOME COOKED MEALS Specializing in Beef Sausage 5 W. KINNEY ST. NEWARK, N. J. Bro. Jonnie 4X ft Sis. Geneva X.

e n j o y e n j o y



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A new ulcer "treatment" product has been seized on the charge that it is a New Drug and was not approved for safety and effectiveness before marketing. The product is "Quell Modified Sippy Dietary," distributed by Mead Johnson Laboratories, a Division of Mead Johnson & Company, Evansville, Ind. U. S. Marshals seized over 29 cases of Quell May 26, 1964, in possession of a dealer in Cincinnati, Ohio. Labels on cans of the product read in part: "Use Quell liquid as directed by your physician. The nutritional qualities of Quell liquid make it especially suitable for use in the dietary management and control of peptic ulcer and related symptoms. Quell liquid contains generous quantities of all essential nutrients. It provides significant amounts of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and ample acid-buffering capacity . . . "

Recipe To Remember

Papers filed in the Federal District Court at Cincinnati charged that Quell is a New Drug marketed without an approved New Drug Application as required by the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; that its labeling fails to bear adequate directions for use, and it is not possible to write such directions for the diagnosis and treatment of ulcers by the layman.—June, 1964. *


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Drug ingredients, received in interstate commerce, are not changed into something new and different when combined into tablet form, and are still subject to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. This was the opinion of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld a 1961 decision of the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, condemning Korleen tablets, distributed by Detroit Vital Foods, Inc., as misbranded with false and misleading representations that the drugs were an adequate and effective treatment for hardening of the arteries, defatting of the liver, coronary attacks, cirrhosis of the liver, varicose veins, sore throat, arthritis and others. The court stated that Korleen labeling emphasized each ingredient and that the tableted ingredients were merely packaged together. The principal point of appeal had been that the tablets, promoted hi lectures by Leland Kordel, president of Detroit Vital Foods, had been distributed only in Michigan, not in interstate commerce, and were, therefore, not subject to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.—July, 1964.

Take a tip from the wife of Muhammad (Cassius Clay) Ali, and feed your husbands food high in energy content For her wedding meal, the young bride served her husband a Muslim style Roast Beef. "This recipe w i l l always First trim away all excess be my favorite," Sonji said, in the buying and preparafat from roast. Then wash as she described her hus- tion of all food. and clean well. Put roast in ROAST B E E F band's delight with their first roaster. Stick garlic in meat. meal cooked at home. 5 lb. Beef Roast Season meat. Sprinkle meat 1 Garlic Clove You can easily make your with flour. Sprinkle chopped 1 Tbsp. Black Pepper man happy to be at home by green pepper and onion over 1 Tbsp. Lawry Salt feeding meals with real gusand around meat. Add water. 1 Tbsp. Table Salt to. A man has to go out and Cook for 2 hours at 350 to 400 1 Medium Sized Green earn that living and women degrees. B a s t e once or Pepper should try to keep him with twice during baking time. 1 Medium Sized Onion enough energy to do a supe4 Tbsps. Brown Flour Recipe by cooking instrucrior job. 4 Cups of Water tor—Sister Earline X . Before her marriage to the World's Heavyweight Boxing Champion, Sonji was a modAN OPEN LETTER: el and much in demand for DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS: her h e a l t h y "outdoorsy" I am in the shoe and clothing business offering fine foot wear guaranteed look. "It takes planning to for quality, value, fit and comfort. Our store is named Hettie's Family S h o e Store and it is located at 249 Sumner Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, look and feel vibrant, you near Lexington Avenue. We carry shoes for the entire family ranging in prices from $2.98 to $37.50. We also sell ladies' dresses, purses, hosiery, must eat the right type of shirts, ties, belts, handkerchiefs, pants and general merchandise. For a strong Muslim Nation we must build and support Muslim owned and food and prepare it in the operated businesses from coast to coast. I am looking forward to your proper way," she says. Mainsupport, you can order your needs by mail or in person. Peace Be Unto You. taining her own regime as a Your Brother—Lawrence 13X model is invaluable expeSPECIAL rience to Sonji as she emat HETTIE'S SHOE STORE barks on a career that de249 SUMNER AVE. , n g t o n BROOKLYN, N.Y. mands the know how to care OUT OF TOWNERS:ORDER BY MAIL —MONEY ORDERS ONLY for the diet of her athlete LEAN, LOW AND POINTED Style 311 Classic and classy wing rips or moccasin husband. styling with an extra flair: sharply pointed toes—and "points" are in style! They Declaring that diet was imare for men who want that "going places" ook and feeling. They're in choice black portant no matter what type Ifskin that shines like new money. of work your husband is enExclusive Spring-Step Cushion. Air Cushion Arch Support. gaged in, Sonji suggests that Select Calfskin Upper Leather. all homemakers put more Long Wearing Orbuton Leather care into the preparation and Soles and Rubber Heels. selection of foods for the THE SARATOGA family. PRICE | Not just the budget should $16.95 MOCCASIN be considered, but quality Also Half Sizes Except 12'/, COME IN OR SEND YOUR ORDER TODAY! and vitamin content should also play an important part n


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S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964



Women Warriors

IN THE THICK cf the fight to carry out one of the objectives of the Notion?.! Association of Colored Women to promote the education of Negro v/omen and gids are these 5-wo active members Dawotha Mclntyra (I.) from Mississippi end Joyce Ford, of Denver, Miss Ford of the University o? Denver is also past president of the Kafionci Association of Girls' Clubs, an affiliate of the NACWC.

men By TYNNIETTA DEANAR Many of our people believe that Islam demands too stringent a way of life to be accommodating to what they conceive of as having a good time. As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us we have much to learn about oarselves and the proper way to worship and to glorify our Creator. As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us we accept Islam under the lead- been reared with murderers, have much to learn about ership of t h e Honorable thieves and all types of crimourselves and t h e proper Elijah Muhammad; but, in inals and sexual perverts; way to worship and to glorify reality, we are being dealt and until hearing the teachour Creator. The only way with leniently in the face of ings of Islam we are not we will ever make advance- the Quran's strong injunction responsible for having folment is through obedience to on the proper course of ac- lowed in the footsteps of our the Supreme Being. If we tion to be followed under a enemies. But upon our acwere subjected to the severe certain set of circumstances. ceptance of Islam, we a r e laws which the Holy Quran One of the reasons why we responsible for cur actions to lays down as punishment for are not as yet subjected to the final day of judgement disobedience to Allah and these laws is because of our when no soul or person can His Messenger, there would association with the white come to the aid of another be few remaining among us. race of America who is given nor can a father avail his to the relaxation of social son in aught nor a son his According to ihe Quran e t h i c s and frivolity has father. Chapter 5:33—"The o n l y taught us the same misconIn Islam we are taught the punishment of those w h o ception of the good life. highest respect for the exewage war against Allah and cution of justice and for the His Messenger and strive to The Honorable Elijah Mu- pursuit of righteousness. In make mischief in the land is hammad teaches us that be- this connection we must, not t h a t they should be mur- cause his image and way of be weakened by the adverse dered or crucified, or their life is strongly implanted in actions of those professing hands and their feet should our minds, we m u s t be with their lips what they fail be cut off on opposite sides, brought into the full knowl- to put into practice. or they s h o u l d be im- edge of the laws pertaining The Holy Quran explains prisoned. This shall be a dis- to Islam and. ourselves in grace for them in this world, slow degrees. As the Holy that "we make some of you and in the Hereafter t h e y Quran tells the Messenger, a trial for others." Islam shall have a grievous chas- "this is a Quran we h a v e manifests clearly w li a t is right and wrong. If we are tisement." revealed to thee that thou unable, with the guidance of Much has been said about mayest read it to the people a true Messenger of God in the s t r i c t enforcement of by degrees." our midst, to conduct our Furthermore, we h a v e lives according to the relalaws as applied to those who tively simple injunctions of Islam, we will most certainly be the losers in the Hereafter. Islam is truly the most potent remedy for the evils that for centuries have afflicted our people. It arrests us from temptation, it puriD E N V E R , Colo.—Newly elected President Dr. Mayme fies and cleanses our minds Reese of the powerful National Association and bodies. of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc., has been It is unequivocally our salcredited here with launching the most spirvation. Let us f i n a l l y reited drive in the history of the huge organimember that the laws of Iszation embodying nearly one million Negro lam are in accordance with women. The Negro Women's group, with its the laws of nature, fur as headquarters in Washington, D.C. under the everything in nature submits leadership of Dr. Reese, is said to be revertto the Will of Allah, so does ing to its original objective by stimulating the laws of Islam (THE D I the current struggle for the achievement of J VINE LAWS O F GOD) reequality and justice for b l a c k p e o p l e DR. R E E S E quire our obedience as acts throughout America. of submission to the Will of The objectives of the group, God (Allah). as stated in its constitution the federal government to include: give recognition to the great Dixie Incomes • the promotion of educa- Negro slave and abolitionlist The average individual intion for women and girls leader, Frederick Douglas, come for Negroes in the and the holding of a bian- has its own duly constituted South, 14 years of age and nual educational institute. Douglas Memorial and His- over was $1,647, as compared • the raising of the stand- torical Association, an af- with $3,050 for whites of the fialated part of the organi- same age, as reported by the ards of the home. U.S. Census Bureau. • working for the moral, zation. economic, social and religious welfare of N e g r o CLOTHING MADE in Our Own Factory women and children. C.O.D.—Cash or Budget • the protection of t h e O TO YOUR MEASURE 9 YOUR C H O I C E O F FABRICS rights of women and children who must work for a living. • securing and enforcing civil and political rights for Negro women. lot*" • the obtaining for a 11 women the opportunity for reaching the highest standards in all fields of human activity. • the promotion of under453 EAST 79TH STREET j standing, justice and peace among all people.

N A C Y V C s

NEW LEADERS of the National Association of Girl's Clubs, the largest group of young Negro women in America, pose with their president, Miss Sarah Howard (right), in Denver, Colorado at the recent 34th Biennial Session of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc. With Miss Howard, is (I. to r.) Miss Arthelda McNeil and Anita Robinson. The Girl's group is a branch of the Association of Colored Women whose objectives include the promotion of the general welfare of black Americans. SHABAZZ GENERAL TRUCKING & DELIVERY SERVICE 409 WEST 127th STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK MO 2 - 0 6 5 6 iIT AKirx n»y tCPVICE




The NACWC, which w a s instrumental in forcing

Phone TR 4-5224

S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964





T"©li s Wfiy White Al/norff]/ Rules 5


w ::::


T U S K E G E E , ALABAMA— This town of 35,000, where Negroes outnumber whites 10 to 1, is a town of glaring contradictions and inexplicable paradoxes. It is a town where Negroes own $50,000 homes spitting d i s t a n c e from shacks reminiscent of slavery.

OlQvK, u O U r

1 ar^CH > C b aflL^^aok H H^z

The Haves and the Have Nots

By Sylvester Leaks Special to Muhammad Speaks S: V >


S| igj :•:::•:; i*S :|$x

The Negroes here possess enough registered voters to assume total political power, but refuse to run candidates for Mayor and Sheriff, the two m o s t important positions. The town's renown educational institution, Tuske- :•:•:::: gee Institute, owes its exist- :•:•:•:: ence to a deal made between an ex-slave, Louis Adams, and an ex-slavemaster. The Si-:: ex-slaves of Macon County :>•$:; agreed -to throw their political support, during Reconstruction, behind the former slavemaster if he would support their bid for a school. :•:•:::: Thus Tuskegee Institute was born. At one time Negroes controlled all the businesses :•:•:•:: on the m a i n throughfare 0*8% SWANK RANCH style house, typical of the opulence of Tuskegee "s "black bourgeois" in contrast to the (inset) semislave type shacks occupied by impoverished black masses. Indifference of Negro bourgeois is towards plight of poorer here. Now all of them are owned by whites. Tuskegee is probably t h e only city in Alabama where the school board actually pleaded with Governor Wallace to refrain from interfering with its school integration plan. Ironically as it may s e e m , the Governor agreed not to interfere. Then another group got up a petition to close the school and presented it to the Governor. The schools w e r e closed. Each school board

Sylvester Leaks


member received a subpeona from Governor Wallace postponing the opening of the schools for one week. Subsequently the Governor placed 150 of Colonel Lingo's notorious S t a t e Troopers around the school to see to it that they closed. W h e n school opened one week later, 13 Negro students and 25 w h i t e s showed up for class. Less than one student per teacher. The s c h o o l closed and is still c l o s e d . Now white students go to

blacks is considered prime reason why many backed white candidates rather than trust their fate in the hands of Negro wealthy class. Macon Academy, a private school. Negroes still go to segregated schools. At one time Negroes held all of the more than 2,000 jobs at the huge Veterans Hospital in Tuskegee. Indeed, it was the economic backbone of the Negro community. Then the local white Congressman hit upon a diabolical scheme to bring more whites into the county and to embarrass the Kennedy Administration's effort to bring

about some form of integration. Congressman Andrews began campaigning for "integration" at the hospital. As a result, Negroes lost 40 per cent of the jobs at the hospital — jobs that paid as high as $10 and $12,000 per year. This has played economic havoc with the Negroes of Tuskegee. Families are being uprooted, some had lived (Continued on page 28)

Tuskegee's Street of Faded Dreams



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THE MAIN drag of Tuskegee—a street where once most business was Negro owned; now

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S E P T E M B E R 11, 1964

Sold 1600 Last Issue: Harlem Gets W o r d Of



FromTopSalesman By S Y L V E S T E R L E A K S NEW YORK—Meet the most successful salesman of Muhammad Speaks newspapers in America. This is 19-year-old Harrell X Chaney of Temple No. 7 in Harlem. He has been a member of the Nation of Islam for only a year and a half. He has, within this brief span of time, become the top salesman of MUHAMMAD SPEAKS newspapers. In less than two weeks, Brother Harrell sold 1,618 though it were a geiger coun- advice to brother salesmen copies. In May of 1964 he ter — always courteous, al- of Muhammad Speaks — it sold more than 1,000 copies a ways humble, always intelli- would be this: Always keep gent. Usually, there is some- your spirits. Always be courweek. thing in my voice and man- teous, humble, and intelliThis is how Brother Hargent in your approach to rell relates why he has been ners that touch their interest people. Never permit yourwith this method. My techso successful: nique varies with individ- self to get provoked. You "All praises due Allah for uals. catch more flies with sugar coming here and raising up than with v i n e g a r . All "During the racial crisis in this man named MuhamPraises Due Allah." mad. What he speaks is what Harlem, Rochester, and New Jersey I would say if the perbrought me into the nation of HARRELL (X) CHANEY holds up issue of Muhammad Speaks Islam. "If tie did not come, son is white, 'would you like which won him top salesman honor months ago including a there would be no Muham- to see the Negro obtain freetrip to Chicago. Now the young salesman has outstripped his mad Speaks Newspapers for dom, justice and equality? previous record, selling single-handed nearly 2,000 copies of me to sell. Allah is the root— Read Muhammad Speaks!' current issues. Or I might say to a Negro the author. in a low economic bracket, " I first heard of Islam "help solve critical racial thology which records the larly freed by the increasing metamorphosis the Amer- support being given the civil through Muhammad Speaks. problems in America with ican Negro artist is currently rights movement to devote I came to visit the temple. peace which is Islam." This The minister was preaching kind of technique has proven BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — undergoing. T h i s , it was their time and attention to Jesus was black, Abraham rather successful, I think, ( N P I ) — F a m o u s poet and pointed out, contrasts with more general themes. was black, and this supplied because everybody is eager author Langston Hughes has, the past approach of the Among the 37 poets whose the missing links for me as to find some sort of solution in effect, placed his stamp of Negro writer who was pre- works are featured in the occupied with protest litera result of my hearing Is- tothe race problem. approval on a new book spotbook are Lerone Bennett, lam. I was encouraged by lighting the works of 37 post- ature. Jr., senior editor of Ebony " I believe a man must rethe teachings of the Honorwar Negro poets, which he The new poets are said to M a g a z i n e , R o b e r t J . able Elijah Muhammad. I educate himself first. has edited for Indiana Uni- belong to a group which to- Abrams, Samuel Allen, Viv"Muhammad Speaks helps had a strong desire to do betversity Press, the publisher. day find themselves particu- ian Ayers and Julian Bond. to educate us and ourselves. ter in school. The book also received a The paper reaches persons " I had an ' E ' average In where the minister.can't go, boost from Pulitzer prizeUNITY BODY SHOP UNITED CAB ASSN. school prior to hearing the where the Messenger ban't winning poet G w e n d o l y n 7 7 2 4 Lexington A v e n u e teachings of Islam. When I reach through his radio pro- Brooks, who wrote the forCleveland, Ohio 1335 New Jersey Ave., N.W. BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS graduated I was an 'A' stu- grams. Muhammad Speaks ward. Automatic Transmission Guaranteed dent, president of the Honor can get the person upstairs, CALL 4 6 2 - 9 5 5 6 SCHOOL GRADUATE Titled "New Negro Poets: Bus. 361-8898 Res. SW 5-6785 Society, and vice president in the hospital, in the pool- U.S.A.," the book has been WASHINGTON, D.C, Ask for AL of G.O. (General Organiza- room, in the bar, etc., and described as a unique antion.) In the fall, I will enter I am interested in the MesVirginia State to major in senger's program reaching psychology in order to help everywhere. the Messenger and his pro"Were I asked to offer any gram. My greatest desire is to meet the Honorable Elijah FREELANCE Muhammad. My only hobby is s e l l i n g Muhammad Bookkeeping and Accounting Service MAIL C O U P O N TODAY Taxes, Contracts and Incorporations SAVE MONEY! SAVE TIME! Speaks. of Businesses. "In selling Muhammad LORENZO 21 - 470 MYRTLE AVENUE •Ifl BROOKLYN 5, NEW YORK Speaks I use the diplomatic CALL: S T 3-8944 approach. I use my voice as Check how you wish to Muhammad Speaks Newspaper receive Muhammad 6 3 4 EAST 79th ST. Speaks Newspaper If Your Hair Is Not Becoming to You . . . CHICAGO 1 9 , ILL. You Should Be Coming to Us Date HOME DELIVERY

Hughes Edits New Book on Negro Poets





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The Grand Dragon .



B i d

F o r

' R e s p e c t a b l e '•*\U/OI' By Carl ( X ) McGuire (Special to Muhammad Speaks) ATLANTA, Ga.—The only Negro State Senator in the

Deep South, Leroy Johnson, viewed the candidacy of his white "neighbor," C a l v i n Craig, as an open bid of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan to gain "respectable power" in Georgia. Johnson believes that the Klan membership has suffered a sharp decline in his state. In an exclusive interview with MUHAMMAD SPEAKS, Johnson gave his capsule opinion on the political, economic and civil rights struggle of the Negro in America: On the future of America, he said; " I believe that through our own efforts to obtain freedom for all Americans, we are saving America from herself." On the civil rights bill: "It has been my earnest hope that it would have been enforced much more vigorously in some areas of the Deep South than it is now . . . If, for any reason, each community steadfastly refused to enforce the new law . . . it would be the duty of the U.S. Justice Department and any other federal agency to enforce this bill."

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On recent so-called Negro r i o t s in Northern cities, Johnson commented: "Wherever you find hopelessness, wherever you find despair, you will also find an explosive situation w h i c h could and probably will develop into the type of rioting we saw in Harlem and other sections of the country. "Then you have the dilemma of the Negro in the North realizing, because of the struggle of the Negro in the South, that they are not really free, either." On *

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PO 9-5619

| i

election to the presidency of the United States; "Goldwater's e l e c t i o n would create an atmosphere in the White House, which would have a tendency to show less and less interest in the Negro's struggle for freedom. "My experience shows that when there exists an atmosphere that is bad at the top level, those persons in government at the lower levels tend to feel that they have a license to do wrong." On the K K K : " I suspect that their membership is getting smaller every year. I say this because southerners are more enlightened today. The John Birch Society is not the face of America, nor is the White Citizen's Councils." On Atlanta, Georgia, itself, he stated: "Generally, I would say that the economic picture is good throughout the state, and particularly in Atlanta. But I don't think that Negroes are adequately and actively participating in the economic mainstreams of our cities, and this worries me. "Researchers have found that little more than 50 per cent of the able-bodied work force in the state of Georgia, who are Negro, earn less than a dollar an hour." On racial conflicts throughout the country: "The power structure in each community that contains a sizable black population should look responsibility squarely in the eye and make earnest attempts to improve the housing situation. Labor unions should open their doors to Negroes for better job opportunities. Urban h e a l t h conditions should be improved and ghettoes gotten rid of." In the fall of 1963, the U.S. State Department sent Sen. Johnson to the newly-independent Republic of Zanzibar in the capacity of "spe-

C A L V I N F. ! C R A I G STATE SENATOR 1 35th DISTRICT . . . In Dragon Clothes


OPEN BID of the Ku Klux Klan in Georgia to win "respectable power" as evidenced by the campaign of Calvin Craig (above) to win State Senator seat is strongly opposed by Negroes in Georgia, led by Senator Leroy Johnson, only Negro state representative in a Deep South region. Grand Dragon Craig (below) appeared in this recent Klan demonstration and was photographed by Muhammad Speaks correspondent Jeremiah Shabazz. cial ambassador." F r o m people are crying for "UhuZanzibar, Johnson then trav- ru, Uhuru," meaning, "Freedom, Freedom!" Today that eled through Africa. cry is being heard from Tan"There is a tremendous ganyika to Texas, from Kendesire among the people for ya to Harlem. We can hear freedom and an end to colo- that cry today in our own nial rule. country—freedom on t h e "All over Africa, black part of the Negro."





Kl 2-1875


Medical Workers Negro medical and hospital aids earned only $2,912 per person compared with an average of $4,700 for

. Pakistan—Asian journalist are in the process of erecting an amazing monLAM < ir the African leader now regarded as one of the great revolutionaries and ument to . il times: The Congo's marytred Patrice Lumumba, patriots • will be known The eci: as the P rice Lumumba ciation in Djak Djakarta. first time in 1963 and had Foundation and it will con" P a t r i c e Lumumba is condemned the "foul murder sist of a lib iry and publish- dead," Ahmad stated. "But of Lumumba in the stronging house for publishing ma- his indomitable spirit is plac- est terms." terial concerning all aspects ing his country on the map "But the Journalists of Inof life of A. ian and African of Africa as an independent donesia deserve our highest nations in particular and of and sovereign State will con- admiration," Ahmad said, the new emerging forces in tinue to guide and inspire "for their initiative and nogeneral. It will be estab- the struggling countries of ble ideals in establishing at 1 i s h e d in Djakarta, Indo- Asia and Africa in achieving Djakarta the Patrice L u their own independence. nesia. mumba Foundation . . . Announcement of the Lu"His gruesome murder not "No better tribute can be m u m b a Foundation was only shocked the conscience paid to the memory of the made by Asrar A h m a d , of the civilized world, but Great Hero and Patriot of President of the Federal Un- convinced it beyond doubt the Congo than the setting up ion of Journalists in Paki- that unless imperialism and of t h e Patrice Lumumba stan and Secretary to the colonialism are b u r i e d a Foundation which will be a Afro-Asian Journalist Asso- hundred fathoms deep there f unity and will be no peace in the world. i y among the Afro"The happenings in the » Congo, Angola, South Africa, Palestine and Kashmir vivLumumba's idly illustrate the varied con- murder, white supremacy INSTRUCTIONS C O M P L E T E S E L F - DE- spiratorial forms the impe- forces succeeded in reJUDO-KARATE fense tactics $2.00. Also genuine hardwood Police nightstick. $5.95. Man Enter- rialists and colonialists can capturing control over huge prizes, Box 2372 Kansas City, Mo. assume and the extent to section of the Congo, particwhich they can go in achiev- ularly its rich mining areas BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY D R Y C L E A N E R S AND TAILORS FOR through the use of puppet Sale. $19,999 gross 1963. Corner store. ing their nefarious ends." 60 ft. x 25 ft. Pressing machine. Duffers regional and national leadThe Pakistan writer said & power sewing machine. No unit. Also shirt trade. Price $4,000. Good neighbor- that the journalists of Asia ers. hood. Good buy. Call 789-7244 from 7 to 9 The present entry of white and Africa had met for the D.m. Brooklyn, N.Y. European and South African SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS mercenaries at the behest of ANNIES GUEST HOME SPEED PRESS Board and care for aged adults. Reasonthe arch-traitor M o i s h e QUALITY PRINTING able. Mrs. Annie Ward, 1139 East 15th St. Long Beach, California. Call 432-5019. Tshombe is a direct result of NO JOB TOO SMALL the treacherous deposition 1363 H. STREET, N.E. IN REAR SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS G I V E Y O U R S E L F THAT LONG AWAITED and assassination of LuSTANLEY O. CARROLL, LI. 4-9380 for brake and write or phone vour marmumba and other militant riage Counseici Box 344, Wyandanch, L.I. WASHINGTON, D.C. New York. Ml 3-7280. black nationalists of t h e Congo. ;

f r e s h

s o




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o f

PATRICE LUMUMBA. Hie great hero of the Congo, photographed at a press conference he held at the United Nations upon his arrival to put the case for his country before the world body. Tunisia's Ambassador Mongi Slim confers briefly with the young leader whose death had already been planned and plotted by white-supremacy imperialists attempting to undermine Congo independence.







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Kindly Address Replies To — ATT'N! Classified Ad Dept. Chicago 19, III.

P T E M B E R 11, 1964




GOLDWATER OR NO Goldwater, the mounting pressure against racial injustice continues to grow with relentless determination particularly among youths who refuse to give into old status of Jim Crow. These youths, members of SNCC and CORE, were found in the quiet of a Chicago • midnight, conducting a 24-hour-per-day vigil on the steps of the U.S. Courthouse to highlight the lynch-murder of three civil right's workers in Mississippi. Despite the climate of brutality enveloping Mississippi, civil right's groups have an overflow number of youths such, as the above, Volunteering to go south to fight for change in the 300-year system of segregation and white supremacy.

uskegee (Continued

from page 23)

in the community most of their lives. " F o r Sale" signs are going

up all over the b l a c k burgeoisie community in front of luxurious homes. The community appears to Lbe heading into an economic storm. Neither of Tuskegee's poli-

tical organizations, The Tuskegee Civic Association nor the Non-Partisan V o t e r s League, command the loyalty of the black masses. Class distinction and class appeal are rather rigid. Because of this lack of foresight or the inability to reach the black masses, the N e g r o organizations were only able to win two out of five of the City Council seats in the recent Primary Election. The two are Rev. K. L . Bu-

ford and Dr. Stanley Hugh The primary reason for Smith, a professor sociology the Negroes supporting the at Tuskegee Institute. It is a white candidate is economic. foregone conclusion t h a t The b l a c k masses, having they will win the election in no collateral, find it v e r y November. difficult to borrow money There are two Negro Jus- from the bank. Hunter Slaytices of the Peace in Tuske- ton, who is a millionnaire— gee and one member on the | it is alleged, aids the black Board of Education. T h e i masses when they are in black masses here are back- | economic difficulties. Were ing a white man, twenty- it not for Mr. Slayton. it was eight year old Hunter Slay- said to me, the black masses ton—a former Justice of the of Tuskegee would really be P e a c e and candidate for in trouble. As a barometer of his strength among the Clerk to Circuit Court.

Negroes, he received more than two thousand N e g r o votes out of three thousand voting. It might be added that Mr. Slayton was the only person willing to be interviewed by Muhammad S p e a k s . The Negro political leaders refused to be interviewed when



V I S I T MUHAMMAD'S M O S Q U E S O F I S L A M Hear the Life Giving Teachings of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, M E S S E N G E R O F ALLAH MOSQUE NO. 2









3507 READING RD., 2nd fl. CINCINNATI, O, & F R I . 8 P.M. SUN

2 P.M


2204 N. BROAD ST., PHIL A., PA. PO 3-3534



FRI. 8





& F R I . 8 P.M



PO 1 -8373

SUN. 2 P M

2 P.M










8, F R I

8 P.M


7 P.M.




8 P.M


SUN. 2 P.M.

M O S Q U E N O . 14



R O X B U R Y , MASS. SUN. 2 P.M.









& F R I . 8 P.M. SUN. 2 I'M






1434 N. GRAND AVE. ST. LOUIS 6, MO. JE 3-2497 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.


. S. GREENWOOD AVE. CHICAGO 53, ILL. 2463 N. 3rd ST.


8. F R I . 8 P . M . S U N

2 P M .

MOSQUE NO 7 (HARLEM) N.Y. 102 W. 116th ST. WED.

Rl 9-7569

& F R I . 8 P . M . S U N . 2 P.M


«, F R I . 8 P . M


ST. (Cor. Bedford Ave.)

ST 3-863}

S U N . V v E D . i FRI. 8 P M


1138 S. BROADWAY CAMDEN, N.J. 963-9459 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.


SUN. 2 P.M.


257 S. ORANGE ST. 622-9021 WED.

MOSQUE NO. 7-B (LONG ISLAND) 105-03 N O R T H E R N B L V D . HA y-«vl5 C O R O N A , L O N G I S L A N D , N.Y. SUN.. WED 4 FRi., 8 P.M


Correspondent to be f r o m Muhammad Speaks. Maybe this explains why the white man has the allegiance of the black masses.



8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.


& F R I . 8 P.M. S U N . 2 P.M.


511-A EAST 4th ST., 2nd fl. WILMINGTON, DEL. WED.

8 P.M. SUN. 2 P.M.


1872 POST ST.

SAN FRANCISCO Fl 6-9966 WED. & FRI. 8 P.M. — SUN. 2 P.M.



S E P T E M B t K




of Allah

.1, i w *


The Muslim Program What the Muslims Want This is the question asked most frequently by both the whites and the blacks. The answers to this question I shall state as simply as possible. 1. We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom. 2. We want justice. Equal justice under the law. We want justice applied equally to all, regardless of creed or class or color. 3. We want equality of opportunity. We want equal membership in society with the best in civilized society. 4. We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own—either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years—until we are able to produce and supply our own needs. Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own. 5. We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South. We want every black man and woman to have the freedom to accept or reject being separated from the slave master's children and establish a land of their own. We know that the above plan for the solution of the black and white conflict is the best and only answer to the problem between two people. 6. We want an immediate end to the police brutality and mob attacks against the socalled Negro throughout the United States. We believe that the Federal government should intercede to see that black men and women tried in white courts receive justice in accordance with the laws of the land—or allow us to build a new nation for ourselves, dedicated to justice, freedom and liberty. 7. As long as we are not allowed to establish a state or territory of our own, we demand not only equal justice under the laws of the United States, but equal employment opportunities—NOW! We do not believe that after 400 years of free or nearly free labor, sweat and blood, which has helped America become rich and powerful, that so many thousands of black people should have to subsist on relief, charity or live in poor houses. 8. We want the government of the United States to exempt our people from ALL taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land. 9. We want equal education—but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities. We want all black children educated, taught and trained by their own teachers. Under such schooling system we believe we will make a better nation of people. The United States government should provide,

free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness, decency and self respect. 10. We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. We want the religion of Islam taught without hinderance or suppression. These are some of the things that we, the Muslims, want for our people in North America.


What the Muslims Believe


1. WE B E L I E V E in the One God Whose proper Name is Allah. 2. WE B E L I E V E in the Holy Quran and in the Scriptures of all the Prophets of God. 3. WE B E L I E V E in the truth of the Bible, but we believe that it has been tampered with and must be reinterpreted so that mankind will not be snared by the falsehoods that have been added to it. 4. WE B E L I E V E in Allah's Prophets and the Scriptures they brought to the people. 5. WE B E L I E V E in the resurrection of the dead—not in physical resurrection—but in mental resurrection. We believe that the socalled Negroes are most in need of mental resurrection; therefore, they will be resurrected first. Furthermore, we believe we are the people of God's choice, as it has been written, that God would choose the rejected and the despised. We can find no other persons fitting this description in these -last days more than the so-called Negroes in America. We believe in the resurrection of the righteous. 6. WE B E L I E V E in the judgement; we believe this first judgement will take place as God revealed, in America . . . 7. WE B E L I E V E this is the time in history for the separation of the so-called Negroes and the so-called white Americans. We believe the black man should be freed in name as well as in fact. By this we mean that he should be freed from the names imposed upon him by his former slave masters. Names which identified him as being the slave master's slave. We believe that if we are free indeed, we should go in our own people's names —the black peoples of the earth. 8. WE B E L I E V E in justice for all, whether in God or not; we believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in equality—as a nation—of equals. We do not believe that we are equal with our slave masters in the status of "freed slaves." We recognize and respect American citizens as independent peoples and we respect their laws which govern this nation. 9. WE B E L I E V E that the offer of integration is hypocritical and is made by those who are trying to deceive the black peoples into believing that their 400-year-old open enemies of freedom, justice and equality are, all of a sudden, their "friends." Furthermore, we believe that such deception is intended to prevent black people from realizing that the time in history has arrived for the separation from the whites of this nation. If the white people are truthful about their professed friendship toward the so-called Ne-

Honorable Elijah Muhammad gro, they can prove it by dividing up America with their slaves. We do not believe that America will ever be able to furnish enough jobs for her own millions of unemployed, in addition to jobs for the 20,000,000 black people as well. 10. WE B E L I E V E that we who declared ourselves to be righteous Muslims, should not participate in wars which take the lives of humans. We do not believe this nation should force us to take part in such wars, for we have nothing to gain from it unless America agrees to give us the necessary territory wherein we may have something to fight for. 11. WE B E L I E V E our women should be respected and protected as the women of other nationalities are respected and protected. 12. WE B E L I E V E that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited "Messiah" of the Christians and the "Mahdi" of the Muslims. We believe further and lastly that Allah is God and besides HIM there is no God and He will bring about a universal government of peace wherein we all can live in peace together.

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